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Roisin Heuston (Housing)

From: Jean Hoey

Sent: Tuesday 25 May 2021 18:29
To: Housing Minister
Cc: Kevin.Dillon
Subject: Economic Value and STL Reform

Dear Minister O’Brien

Firstly can I acknowledge all the work you do as a TD and member of Government. These are challenging times for
many and the efforts you make on behalf of the people you represent are hugely important.

Airbnb is a pillar of the Irish tourism sector and we want to be a positive force in our collective economic, social, and
regional recovery. Given ongoing international restrictions on travel, most holiday breaks this year will involve
staycations, and this is good news, not only for Dublin, but for every county and community in Ireland. Tourism is going
to be a key driver of wider economic recovery and the social and economic benefits to local communities of a vibrant
tourist industry will be significant.

Recently published research carried out by Oxford Economics to assess the economic impact of the Airbnb community
in Dublin in 2019 is compelling and offers significant hope for what recovery might look like in late 2021 and into 2022
in the city and beyond.

The research found that in 2019, Airbnb contributed a total of €321.9 million GVA to Dublin’s overall economy, directly
supporting over 3,400 jobs, amounting to 9% of all tourism spend in the city. To further illustrate the industry impact, it
is estimated that Airbnb guests supported 1,100 restaurant jobs, 525 transportation jobs, over 900 retail jobs and more
than 500 entertainment jobs.

Of the €321.9 million in economic activity generated, €134 million was spent with local restaurants, €104 million on local
retail and €61 million on local entertainment.

This is hugely encouraging for our capital city, a re-energised tourism sector will provide a much-needed economic
injection for businesses such as pubs and restaurants, craft shops and bike and boat hire companies in your

In terms of positive trends, people are already taking action. In the 24 hours following the government’s reopening
timetable announcement on 29th April, Airbnb saw more than a 100% rise in searches for domestic travel on our platform.
There is a recovery in waiting and we all have a role to ensure it happens safely and sustainably.

As your colleague, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD has outlined last week, any post-
pandemic rebuilding of the Irish economy will in part be achieved by rebuilding our tourism sector and as such, having
an adequate supply of short-term accommodation available for tourism is vitally important. As a key stakeholder, we
are keen to work with you in relation to the introduction of fair and proportionate short-term letting regulations and have
had positive engagement with your Department officials in this regard.

Through our community-based hosts, Airbnb is greatly looking forward to playing our part in helping re-establish
Ireland's national and regional tourism sector and we look forward to continuing to engage with your officials in the
coming weeks and months on all the relevant issues.

Again, can I thank you for your efforts as a public representative and we look forward to working with your officials and
the industry on balanced rules that benefit all.

Best regards

Jean Hoey

Jean Hoey
Co-Site Lead and Public Policy Lead
Dublin, Ireland
+353 (

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