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University Associate Professor Vera Simovska, born Jarevska,

Medical Doctor and a Doctor of Philosophy (MD., PhD.)



Dr. Simovska was a Distinguished University, Associate Professor in the field of Nutrition, Dietetics and
Food Quality and Safety, Founder-Director of graduated and post-graduated study for Nutrition (BS.
MSc., and Ph.D.) at the State University “St. Clement of Ohrid” in Bitola, Faculty of Technology and
Technical Sciences, Veles designing the first academic study program for Nutrition in the Republic of
Macedonia (2010-2016).
She was also the University, Associate Professor in the field of Hygiene, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Food
Safety at the University MIT-Skopje, Faculty for Environmental Resource Management, Study for Food
Safety (BS. MSc., 2016-2019).
Dr. Simovska was nominated for the University, Assistant Professor of Health Management at the
University MIT-Skopje, Faculty for Management, Master study for Health Management during the period
2011 to 2013.
Dr. Simovska received her title: A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in the field of Nutrition, Medical Dietetics
and Sports Medicine, focused on Obesity Management from the Faculty of Medicine, State University Ss.
Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (2001). Her doctor’s dissertation (PhD.) represents a
significant scientific and professional contribution to the modern concept of noncommunicable diseases
preventive and therapeutic treatment: diet therapy and method of programming individually dosed physical
activity focused on abdominal obesity associated with certain risk factors for atherosclerosis and cardio-
metabolic complications. Research results have wider international importance.
She completed her sub specialization for Hygiene of Nutrition for Healthy and Sick People at the Faculty
of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (1993,) and a specialization in Sports Medicine at
the Faculty of Medicine, State University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje (1989).
She finished post-doctoral training in the field of public health policy/strategy, chronic diseases prevention
and control, and health promotion in Finland with a Fellowship of the World Health Organization 2003.
She is the first sub-specialist for Human Nutrition and Medical Dietetics in the Republic of North
Macedonia with overall working and university teaching experience of 40 years.
She started her career as a young and prosperous medical doctor, sub specialist for hygiene of nutrition for
healthy and sick people and specialist of sports medicine in the Department for Nutrition Research,
developed and established by Dr. Simovska (1993) at the Public Health Institutions - Skopje, Republic of
A. Impact of Dr Simovska’s contributions to the field of nutrition science and clinical
nutrition research/practice/education community

1. Impact of Dr. Simovska’s contributions to the field of nutrition science as a


The key areas of Dr. Vera Simovska`s research and her contribution as a researcher are primary in
the field of nutrition science and clinical nutrition identifying and monitoring behavioral risk factors for
nutrient-related chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), assessment of dietary habits, food
consumption surveys, examination of physical activity patterns on community and individual level,
application of monitoring system, clinical nutrition research focused on effectiveness of diet prevention
and diet therapy in conjunction with programed physical activity on obesity and co-morbidities, diabetes
mellitus type 2, lipid disorders and cardio-metabolic risk reduction, aging and chronic disease, energy and
macronutrient metabolism.

 Designing an University research study in the field of nutrition science: Research of behavioral risk
factors for development of NCDs was focused on correlation between nutritional status and health behavior
including dietary habits, physical activity and sedentary behavior on national level; disparities in food habits,
patterns of physical activity, food consumer patterns of different age groups with special emphasis on
understanding how dietary and other behavior factors, and their interactions affect health outcomes in
different populations defined by sex, ethnicities, socioeconomic status and lifespan. (Project Coordinator,
and Founder-Director for Nutrition Study: Simovska V, University St. “Clement of Ohrid” Bitola, Faculty
of Technology and Technical Sciences, Veles 2012-2013);
 Designing and conducting the World Health Organization (WHO) “CINDI Health Monitor” survey for
NCDs behavior risk factors on demonstration area in the Republic of Macedonia (Experimental study, Skopje,
2002) within the “WHO CINDI program”- Countrywide Integrated Noncomunicable Diseases Interventions,
(Macedonian Ministry of Health and WHO Office-Skopje, National Coordinator, Dr. Simovska, 2001 – 2005).
 The International project for research of atherosclerotic risk factors conducted in three former
Yugoslav republics: Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia (Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of
Macedonia, National Coordinator, Dr. Simovska, 1989-1991).
 The first national implementation of the surveillance system: WHO “CINDI Health Monitor” within
national NCDs monitoring system in the Republic of Macedonia (Author: Simovska V.: Macedonian
“CINDI” vision for a chronic disease strategy – political and practical achievements, Helsinki 2005):
 Research of efficacy of physical activity on reduction of diet-related risk factors for chronic diseases:
assessment and estimation of cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max ml-1/min-1/kg-1), nutritional status and
dietary habits using complex methodology of stress test within specialty of sports medicine and subspecialty
for public health nutrition. Low cardiorespiratory fitness level is a strong predictor of metabolic syndrome,
diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease. From that reason, Dr. Simovska recommended:
cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max ml-1/min-1/kg-1) as an important health marker in adults and children to
be included in the European health monitoring system (2017).
public-health-nutrition-2161-0509-1000e131.pdf; < );
National coordination of the European Union research project: “EUPASMOS Plus” focused on
development of a new harmonized and standardized monitoring system for physical activity prevalence
including nutritional status (BMI kg/m2) of the European citizen. (European Commission/ERASMUS+
Sport, “EUPASMOS+”, Republic of North Macedonia, National Coordinator, Simovska V.: 2019-2021).
- Development strategies of community programs for chronic disease prevention and health promotion, with
Plan of Action for implementation of community and primary care-based health promotion on NCD’s
prevention through nutrition and physical activity (Research study, 2002-2007; National Coordinator of the
WHO CINDI Program in the Republic of Macedonia, 2001-2005, Simovska V.).
- Research and development of health promotion model for effective behavioral modification: Projected
future ratio of economic and education status of food groups and physical activity estimated using
Buhlmann-Straub statistical method are useful data in developing a health promotion model.
Her conclusion is that changes in food content and reformulation, nutritional guidelines and policy on food
labeling and health claims, marketing, city planning that facilitates active transport would be among the
measures that can help get the NCD’s epidemic under control (University project, Simovska V., 2016).

- Healthy Food Production: Designing collaborative large-scale research international project proposal:
“Synergistic effects of traditional food-based diet and physical activity on prevention of functional decline
of the obese ageing adults: Evaluation and recommendations” (European Commission, RTD/FP–KBBE–
2010.2.2-0.2.: DietFactLongevity, Coordination: HEPA Macedonia, Simovska V., 2010),
”Improving Academia – Industry Links in Food Safety and Quality – FoodLinks” (European Commission,
EC/EACEA-TEMPUS-2010-2014, Coordination: University of Bitola, St. Clement of Ohrid, Dr. Simovska,
participant) and European regional project: "Promotion of food production in natural way" (Coordination,
Regional Ecology Centre for Central-Eastern Europe, 1994-1995, Dr. Simovska, participant).
- Healthy ageing through nutrition and physical activity: European Commission/Research and Technical
Development program/FP7: “Why We Age - A Road Map for Molecular Bio-gerontology” (2009-2010) and
European Commission/Public Health: “EUNAAPA project - Action on Ageing and Physical Activity” in the
European Union (2006-2008);

- Examination of physical activity levels (PALs), physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max ml-
/min-1/kg-1) and prevalence of physical inactivity (sedentary behavior) as a base for creating the first
Macedonian physical activity country card. In response to the urgent call for action to prevent physical
inactivity pandemic in the Republic of Macedonia as well as worldwide related to increased
noncommunicable diseases morbidity and mortality, Dr. Simovska has developed the first and second
Macedonian physical activity country card (Simovska V.: Global Observatory for Physical Activity –
GoPA: the first physical activity country card, 2013-2014 and the second physical activity country card,
2020-2021). <;

- Expert, consultant and reporter for nutrition, physical activity and public health at the European
Commission evaluating the European research framework projects: “RTD/FP7-KBBE: Food, health and
wellbeing”, “COST”, ERA NET Rus+, “HORIZON2020”, EACEA/“Erasmus+ Sport”, Europe Aids, (2008-

- National Expert preparing the Report of Revision of a Draft-National Nutrition Action Plan with aim to
include the promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (Ministry of Health, Republic of Macedonia,
Simovska V., 2003).
- National Expert of the Standing Committee for the Advancement of the Healthcare System at the Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Macedonia writing the contributions, summarized and published in the book:

- “Impact of civil society in the process of creation of policies in the Republic of Macedonia - Implementing
the concept of an open government in the advancement of the healthcare system”,
(Ed. Author, Simovska V., Menora:Skopje, 2019. ISBN: 978-608-200-373-3).
- Main contribution as the national expert of the Standing Committee for the advancement of the Macedonian
Healthcare system included: 1. The national healthcare reform planning and identifying priority concerns,
needs and areas for strategic action; 2. Improving a strategy and a programme for NCDs prevention, a
consumer policy, physical activity promotion strategy, and designing and delivery of the vocational education
in the field of nutrition and dietetics, sport medicine, education of consumers through adult education reforms,
and trainings on medical professionals (2009-2011).

- Contribution to the Annual Work Programmes of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in
2018 and 2019 years included applying national research project’s results on nutrition and preparing an
Action Plan for the implementation of Physical Activity Promotion Programme (HEPA Macedonia,
Coordinator: Simovska V.)

- Creation of an electronic health tool (e-Health, 2020): The digital transformation of health and
community-based care model contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, creation
of Artificial Intelligence for data integration, analyzing and health risk prediction, the development of a
software tool for objectively estimated cardiorespiratory capacity and morphological status of individuals
during and after the COVID-19 pandemic (Global Design Challenge, Winner, Dr. Simovska, 2020).
- National coordinator of the European Commission`s project, EACEA-ERASMUS+ SPORT: WoW
Europe, 2020-2021. HEPA Macedonia, Skopje.

2. Impact of Dr. Simovska’s contributions to the field of clinical nutrition research

and practice

Dr. Simovska was employment as medical scientist (MD., Ph.D.) and licensed subspecialist for hygiene of
nutrition for healthy and sick people, as well as a specialist of sports medicine with working Licensure for
Nutrition No. 0002949, IVth issued by Doctor Chamber of Macedonia (15.03.2019 - 15.03.2025).
- She has, for most of her career worked at the Public Health Institutions-Skopje, from 15.09.1980 to
07.10.2014 (34 years) in the Department for Sport Medicine. Dr. Simovska has established the first
Nutrition Research Unit within Public Health Institutions - Skopje and broader contributing the science-
based nutrition interventions (1994 – 2014).
- She has developed the Specification for Nutrition and Dietetics services in the healthcare system,
on the request of the Macedonian Health Insurance Fund as only one subspecialist of Nutrition and Medical
Dietetics in the Republic of North Macedonia.
- Her field of work and research was focused on public health nutrition, health management, health
promotion and chronic diseases prevention through diet therapy and diet prevention and physical/sports
activity. Her main professional activities were: 1. Medical examination of physical active people, athletes and
recreational population of all ages, 2. Diet therapy for individuals with nutrition-related chronic diseases risk
factors, 3. Diet prevention for high – risk individuals and athletes, and 4. Research, project management and
consulting in the field of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Quality and Safety.
- Dr. Simovska has created two research projects funded by the Ministry of science and education of
the Republic of Macedonia. The first one was implemented in 1990-1991 and the second was realized in the
Nutrition Research Unit, 1997-1998.
- During her career in clinical nutrition, she has examined school-aged children interaction between
genetic factors and exposures of chronic diseases behavioral risk factors associated with family aggregation
of NCD`s lifestyle risk factors. The study results have been presented in a subspecialist thesis in the area of
nutrition and cardiovascular diseases risk factors: Simovska V: THE PRESENCE OF RISK FACTORS
CHILDREN. University of Belgrade, Medical Faculty, Belgrade 1993. pp. 1-163. (Post-graduate
subspecialist thesis).
- The second area of her clinical nutrition research was preventive-therapeutic effects of dietary and
exercise interventions among high-risk individuals, especially on obesity and it`s complications. The study
results have been presented in her doctoral dissertation gained a Diploma of a Doctor of Philosophy
ATHEROGENIC RISK FACTORS IN OBESE SUBJECTS”, University Ss. ”Cyril and Methodius”,
Medical Faculty, Skopje 2001. pp. 1-221. Doctoral dissertation (Bulletin 2001; 777:56-66). Dr.
Simovska`s doctoral dissertation represents a significant scientific and professional contribution to the
modern concept of noncommunicable disease’s preventive
and therapeutic management: diet therapy and method of programming individually dosed physical activity
focused on abdominal obesity, and associated risk factors for atherosclerosis and cardio-metabolic
complications. (<
- Research results has demonstrate the potential of the use multi-disciplinary Real World Data to
advance clinical research on complex chronic conditions. The results also has confirmed a significant
therapeutic efficiency of the recommended program of physical activity in combination with a suitable diet
therapy in obesity connected with increased risk for CVD and T2DM at people with abdominal fat
distribution. Creation and application of a mathematical model in the form of an equation for prediction the
therapeutic effects of combined programmes in abdominal obese patients has confirmed a high impact of
her contribution (<
- Dr. Simovska was nominated as a National Coordinator of several projects as a part of the WHO
Programmes realized in the Nutrition Research Unit, Department for Sports Medicine at the Public Health
Institutions-Skopje. The research projects are focused on nutritional assessment of her patients, monitoring
of disparities of eating habits and physical activity levels (PALs) developing a new health promotion model,
research of socioeconomic inequalities in diet, PALs and physical fitness among the Macedonian youth
population, nutritional counseling on dietary changes, as well as sports nutrition among athletes.
- She has knowledge and experience for a successful work in the field of nutrition and clinical
dietetics, but also in the field of sports and physical medicine, and rehabilitation, hard working as doctor-
practitioner with high professional and ethical norms, a researcher and a national expert at the Ministry of
Health of Republic of Macedonia as well as an international, independent expert, consultant and evaluator
in the European Commission (2008-2020).
- Dr. Simovska was an author, co-author and an editor of published over hundred peer-reviewed,
professional-scientific publications and a reviewer of articles in various medical journals (domestic and
international) and over ten books and book chapters in key areas of public health nutrition and clinical

a. Handbook “Obesity and Undernutrition-Medical Nutrition Therapy and Nutrition Care Process”,
Menora: Skopje. ISBN: 978-608-200-314-6 (2015),

b. Monograph: “Effects of diet therapy and programmed physical activity on obesity and it`s
complications”, Menora: Skopje. ISBN: 978-608-200-025-1 (2/2009);
c. Proceedings of Scientific Satellite Symposium: “Advanced perspectives of improved fitness in public
health nutrition to reduce obesity and related chronic diseases - Research in nutrition science, food
technology and physical activity”, Menora: Skopje. ISBN: 978-608-200-298-9 (2015).

With extensive knowledge of the current state of the government services for food, nutrition and health
in North Macedonia, Dr. Simovska was nominated as a member of the Committee for the development of
“Food and nutrition guidelines and school meal standards for primary and secondary schools”,
Ministry of Education and Science. Lately, the document was integrated in the “Dietary guidelines of the
population of the Republic of Macedonia” (Macedonian Ministry of Health, 2014).

3. Impact of Dr. Simovska’s contributions to the field of nutrition education as

an academic professor and public health educator

a. Nutrition education as an academic professor

Her academic title is Associate Professor for Nutrition, Medical Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition,
Food Safety and Quality, and Senior Lecturer of Sports Medicine.
She is an accredited/registered Dietitian by the Doctor’s Chamber of Macedonia and Faculty of
Medicine, State University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje in the Republic of North Macedonia.
- Dr. Simovska has academic skills such as designing and implementing higher education Master
(second cycle) and Doctoral (third cycle) study programmes for Human Nutrition and Dietetics
establishing the competencies and descriptors at the university level in the Republic of North Macedonia.
- At International level, she has created the European Dietetic Advanced Competences (EDAC)
for Nutritionists at the European Master and Doctoral levels (MSc, PhD.) as a team member (WP2) of the
European Commission`s project: “Dietitians ensuring education, teaching and professional quality -
DIETS2” Erasmus thematic network for dietetics (2011-2013). <
- Dr. Simovska was the Founder-Director at the State University “St. Clement of Ohrid” in Bitola,
Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences, Veles developing and implementing the first academic
study program for Nutrition (BS, MSc, PhD.) in the Republic of North Macedonia (2010-2016).

- In 2013/2014, she has developed Master Study for Gastronomy, Nutrition and Dietetics at
the Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality in Ohrid, the State University “St. Clement of Ohrid” in
Bitola creating competences and descriptors of the professionals in Nutrition, Gastronomy and Food
- Enhancing the credibility of medical nutrition research in scientific community, she was developing
and leading two “Specialist Training Courses for Food, Sports Nutrition, and Dietetics” as a Senior
Lecturer of Department for Sports Medicine Specialization at the Faculty of Medicine, University
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje (2002-2014).
- Dr. Simovska was organizing and leading twelve Continuing Medical Education (CME) trainings
in the field of nutrition, medical dietetics and clinical nutrition for physicians as Senior Lecturer at the
Faculty of Medicine, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje (2006-2016) and President of NGO
“HEPA Macedonia”. Over one thousand five hundred physicians from different branches of medicine
participated in the CMEs.

The list of research publications, reviews and educational material are submitted as addition material and
attached files to the CV.
b. Nutrition education as public health educator

Dr. Simovska is a President of the HEPA Macedonian National organization for the promotion of
Health-Enhancing Physical Activity, non-governmental, non-profit organization which is a public
benefit organization. HEPA Macedonia is acting in area of public health - a member of the World
Health Organization “HEPA European network” which works for better health and wellbeing in the
WHO European Region. Websites: and

HEPA Macedonia is consistent with the goals of its programs on “Nutrition, Physical Activity and
Obesity” which include the promotion of healthy lifestyles through balanced nutrition, increasing
physical activity and other healthier lifestyle among all people in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The aim is the contributions to the public health system with efforts to integrate health-related content
in policymaking across all government.

HEPA Macedonia National organization for the promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity is a
member of several European and worlds’ networks realizing national educational mass-media campaigns
focused on healthy nutrition and regular exercise within the European projects and the World Health
Organization programmes: CINDI, Move for Health, Quit and Win, and HEPA Europe as well as the
World Heart Federation: “World Heart Days”, European Commission: “European Week of Sport” -
#BeActive etc.
- World Heart Days: "I work with heart" (2010), "One World, One Home, One Heart” (2011),
“Take the road to a healthy heart” (2013) and “My Heart, Your Heart, Our Heart” (2018);
- Designing and leading practice-based training course focusing on life skills including sport,
nutrition and recreation of youth and adult population. The aim was to celebrate the WHO
“Move for Health” programme (2003-2004, 2016);
- European Commission, Tartu Call for Healthy Lifestyle: “European Week of Sport” #Be Active,
Skopje, Educational Conference: Developing FIT Nation through physical activity and balanced
nutrition”, Skopje (19.09.2018);
- Training, seminars, workshops, courses, and professional-scientific conferences; education
meetings, TV series (, articles in daily newspapers related to
health promotion and healthy lifestyle including public health nutrition on the population level
- The World Health Organization`s smoking cessation programme for youth “QUIT & WIN”,
designing and implementing the mass media campaigns, creating a website with the title:
“Tobacco Free Sports/Physical Activities” ( (2006
and 2009);
- President of the Organizational and Scientific Committee of the Scientific Satellite Symposium,
2015, Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia within International Euro Global Summit & Medicare
Expo on Weight Loss, Frankfurt, Germany (2015);
- Educational Conference: “Healthy Nutrition – Healthy Live”, Municipality of Kicevo (2012);
- Designing and leading workshops, meetings, annual conferences and vocational training for clinical
nutrition within Continuing Medical Education (CME) as an organizer, lecturer and president of a
NGO for public health “HEPA Macedonia” accredited by the Macedonian Medical Society, and
Doctor Chamber of Macedonia (2006 - 2016).
B. Demonstrated excellence and/or commitment

1. Dr. Simovska`s demonstrated excellence in teaching and education at Universities:

Academic Positions: Ph.D., MSc. and BSc. Study Programs for Nutrition

2016 - 2018: Associate Professor for Nutrition, Food Hygiene and Dietetics, University MIT
Skopje, Faculty for Environmental Resource Management, Study for Food Quality and Safety, (BS.
MSc.), Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. <
2010 - 2016: Associate Professor for Nutrition and Dietetics, University “St. Clement of Ohrid” Bitola,
Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles, Study Program for Nutrition and the second study
programme for Food Technology in Veles, Kicevo, Bitola and Ohrid (BS., MSc., PhD).
2012 - 2016: Founder-Director of Postgraduate study programme for Nutrition, and Food Safety and
Quality (MSc. PhD.), Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles at the University of Bitola
“St. Clement of Ohrid”, Republic of Macedonia.
2014-2015: Associate Professor for Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality,
Ohrid, Master Study Programme for Gastronomy, Nutrition and Dietetics (MSc.) at the University of
Bitola “St. Clement of Ohrid”, Republic of Macedonia. <
2011 – 2013: Visiting Assistant Professor, University MIT Skopje, Faculty for Management, Master
study for Health Management, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
She was developing and leading key topics of the Master study for Health Management:
a - Public Health Policy including Nutrition Policy; b - Noncommunicable disease prevention strategy;
c - Public Health Nutrition, and d - Health Promotion in Primary Health Care.
2002 - 2014: Senior Lecturer for Sports Medicine, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of
Medicine, Department for Specialization of Sports Medicine, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia:
Specialization of Sports Medicine: Creating and leading two specialist trainings:
1. Food, Sports Nutrition, Medical Dietetics;
2. Methodology of sports medicine examination.
1998-2016: Lecturer, Continuing Medical Education (CME) on field of Nutrition, Medical Dietetics,
Sports Medicine and Public Health, University “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Medicine, Skopje,
Macedonian Medical Society and Doctor’s Chamber of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia;
1997-1998: Lecturer and Member of the Counsil of the First International Postgraduete School for Sport
Medicine at European Centre for Peace and Development, University of Unated Nation, Belgrade,
SR Yugoslavia.
2012-2019: Vera Simovska, MD., PhD. as a member of the Association of Doctors-Specialists of Sports
Medicine at the Macedonian Medical Society has elected for a Member of the Presidency of the
Association of Doctors-Specialists in Sports Medicine and a President of the Commission for Scientific
Research in Sports Medicine and Nutrition.
Her research and teaching philosophy in nutrition education is to lead students to use their talents and
experiences to achieve towards the best of their ability.
2. Dr. Simovska`s demonstrated excellence and commitment in graduated and master thesis (BS.
and MSc.) supervision and mentorship contributing to the professional human capacity building in
nutrition, food technology, and health management:

 Graduate (BS.) Students Advisor and Supervisor (2010-2016):

Mentoring successful 12 graduate students (first cycle, BSc.), Bachelor’s in Nutrition and Food
Technology, Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles, Bitola Kicevo and Ohrid, University of
Bitola “St. Clement of Ohrid”, Republic of Macedonia.
 Postgraduate (MSc.) Students Advisor and Supervisor (2015-20160:
Mentoring successful 5 masters students (second cycle, MSc.), Master’s in nutrition, and Food
Technology, Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles, Bitola Kicevo and Ohrid,
University of Bitola “St. Clement of Ohrid”, Republic of Macedonia.
 Postgraduate (MSc.) Students Advisor and Supervisor (2011-2013):
Mentoring successful 2 masters students (second cycle, MSc.), Master’s in Health Management
and/or Public Health, Faculty of Management, Master study of Health Management, MIT University
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

3. Dr. Simovska`s demonstrated commitment to the translation and dissemination of science-

based nutrition information

A. Editor and Selected Membership in Editorial Boards:

1. Editor of the Scientific Symposium Proceedings “Advanced perspectives of improved fitness in public
health nutrition to reduce obesity and related chronic diseases” - Research in nutrition science, food
technology and physical activity. 26-27 June 2015, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia;
2. Editor of the Special Issue: Diet and Metabolic Disorders, Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy,
2013-; <;
3. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal “Health Problem of Civilization”,
Poland (2017- );
4. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Research in Kinesiology” (RIK) (2017-2019);
5. Member of Editorial Board, 13th International Congress on “Advances in Natural Medicines”, Rome,
Italy, July 27-28, 2017. Theme: Nutraceuticals & Neurocognition;
6. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Activities in Physical Education and Sport” (APES)
(2016- );
7. Member of the Editorial Board: 8th International Conference on Clinical Nutrition 2016, Dubai, UAE,
December 08-10, 2016. Theme: Clinical Nutrition: Empowering Health and Wellbeing;
8. Member of Editorial Board of the “International Conference on Sports Nutrition and Supplements”,
USA, Philadelphia, December 08-09, 2016. Theme: Understanding the critical role of nutrition and
supplements in enhancing metabolism for optimal sporting activity;
9. Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy”, 2013-;
10. Member of the Editorial Board of the “International Journal of Basic Medical Sciences and
Pharmacy” (IJBMSP) (2011- ); <;
11. MEDPEDIA Editor - trusted medical professional (2008-2010);
12. Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Journal of Sports Medicine”, Belgrade 2003:
Suppl.1/03. ISSN 1451-2033. Society of Sports Medicine of Serbia (2003- );
13. Member of the Editorial Board for the Book of Proceedings and Abstracts: “IX Balkan Congress of
Sports Medicine”, Belgrade, 1995.

B. Selected membership in professional bodies:

1. Member, Macedonian Medical Society: President of Scientific Committee of the Macedonian Medical
Board of Sports Medicine (1985 – present);
2. Member, Macedonian Chamber of Physicians: Licensure for Hygiene of Nutrition for Healthy and
Sick People – Human Nutrition and Medical Dietetics, 2018-2025 (Licensure No. 0002949);
3. Member, “World Health Organization HEPA Europe” (2006- );
4. Member, Organizing Committee: “International Euro Global Summit & Medicare Expo on Weight
Loss”, August 18-20, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany (2015);
5. Member, “The thematic network of dietetics - DIETS2”, European Federation of Associations for
Dietetics - EFAD network (WP2 member, 2011-2013);
6. Member, “American Society for Nutrition” (ASN), (2017- );
7. Member of the National Committee for Health Promotion at Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Macedonia (2001-2004);
8. Member, Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (CONEM), (2013- );
9. Member, Organizing Committee: 10th Edition of International Conference on “Preventive Medicine &
Public Health” Theme: Innovations & Current Trends in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Vienna,
Austria, July 11-12, 2019;
11. Member, Scientific Committee and Reviewer, the International Conference “Food Tech-2019”,
October 24-25, 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand;

12. Member, Scientific Committee and Reviewer: 4th Virtual International Conference on Advanced
Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2015), Slovakia, November 9 - 13, 2015;

13. Member, Scientific Committee, the Book of Abstracts: “1st Serbian Congress of Sports Sciences and
Sports Medicine”, Belgrade, 2-4 October 2003;
14. Moderator, Plenary Session: “VI Congress of Sports Medicine and Science of Serbia with
International participations”, Belgrade 2018;

15. Moderator, Plenary Session: “Vth Congress of Sports Medicine and Science of Serbia with
International participations”, Belgrade 2012;
16. Member, “European College of Sports Medicine” (2005-2010);
17. Member, “EUNAAPA research network” (2006-2008); <
18. Coordinator: World Heart Federation, “World Heart Day” programmes, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2018.
NGO HEPA Macedonia;
19. National coordinator: World "Move for Health Day” programmes, 2003-2004, Ministry of Health,
Republic of Macedonia;
20. Member, “National Committee for Health Promotion” at Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Macedonia (2001-2004);
21. Reviewer of the “Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior” (JNEB), 2020-2021

22. Reviewer of the International Conference: “Excellence in Nutrition Research and Practice -
NUTRITION 2018”, Boston, MA, USA, June 9-12, 2018;

23. Reviewer, “Journal of Physical Activity and Health” (JPAH), (2014-2016);

24. Reviewer, Bulletin of the World Health Organization “The International Journal of Public
Health” (article category: chronic diseases, health promotion, health policy, nutrition, systematic
review/meta-analysis (2009-2010).

C. Reputation in the nutrition science/practice/education community

1. Dr. Simovska was nominated for a National Coordinator of the World Health Organization
“CINDI program for noncommunicable diseases prevention and control” by the Macedonian
Ministry of Health within the regional office for Europe of the World Health Organization,
Copenhagen, Denmark. The CINDI program was focused on behavioral NCDs risk factors:
nutrition and physical activity and main NCDs, CVD and cancer implementing the WHO “Global
Strategy for Diet, Physical Activity and Health” (2004), Action Plan for CVD and cancer prevention,
and CINDI health monitor system in the country (, 2001-2005).
2. She has coordinated several projects and programs covered by the World Health Organization
from 2001 up today: WHO CINDI Program for health promotion and chronic disease prevention
(2001-2005), WHO “Move for Health” (2003-2004, 2016), WHO “Quit and WIN” (2006-2009),
WHO “HEPA Europe” (2005-), and also the European Commission scientific and professional
projects and programs on field of nutrition and dietetics, public health, health promotion, chronic
diseases prevention, and physical/sports activity in public health nutrition.
3. Her important contribution and reputation were at the European level through the establishment of
second cycle (Master level) and third cycle (Doctoral level) specific dietetics competences as a
member of the European Commission project/EACEA: “Dietitians ensuring education, teaching, and
professional quality - DIETS2” (WP2, 2011-2013).
4. Dr. Vera Simovska was a Distinguished University, Associate Professor in the field of Nutrition,
Dietetics and Food Quality and Safety, Founder-Director of graduated and post-graduated
study for Nutrition (BS., MSc., and Ph.D.) at the State University “St. Clement of Ohrid” in Bitola,
Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles designing the first academic study program for
Nutrition in the Republic of North Macedonia (2010-2016).
5. In 2010, she was prepared as Principal Investigator and Coordinator a collaborative-large-scale
research project in the European Commission/FP7-KBBE: Nutrition and Ageing with title:
“Synergistic effects of traditional food and physical activity on prevention of functional decline of
the obese ageing adults: Evaluation and Recommendation”.

6. In 2015, she was a President of the Scientific and Organizational Committee of the first Scientific
Satellite Symposium for Euro Global Summit & Medicare Expo on Weight Loss: "Advanced
perspectives for better fitness in public health nutrition to reduce obesity and related chronic
diseases", Bitola, 26-27 June 2015 and an Editor of the Symposium Proceedings 2015, Bitola,
Republic of Macedonia. Skopje: Menora, 2015:4753. ISBN: 9786082002989.
7. She is a President of the HEPA Macedonia National Organization for the Promotion of Health-
Enhancing Physical Activity, a member of the WHO HEPA Europe focused on healthy lifestyle,
physical activity, nutrition and health, (2005-2020) (

8. European Expert – consultant, evaluator and reporter: Dr. Simovska is nominated as

independent expert at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium from 2008 - 2020:
RTD/FP7-KBBE: Food-Health-Wellbeing, FP7/Health, HORIZON2020, COST, EuropeAids, Era-
Net Rus+, Erasmus+ Sport.

9. National Expert: Dr. Simovska was nominated for the national expert for nutrition and public
health of the Standing Committee for the Advancement of Healthcare System, Ministry of Health
of the Republic of Macedonia writing the book with title: “Impact of civil society in the process
of creation of policies in the Republic of Macedonia - Implementing the concept of an open
government in the advancement of the healthcare system” (Ed. Author, Simovska V.,
Menora:Skopje, 2019. ISBN: 978-608-200-373-3).

10. She was a National Coordinator of the projects for research of behavioral risk factors for NCD
and application of surveillance system for nutrition and other lifestyle risk factor, WHO CINDI
Health Monitor (, 2001-2005).

11. National Coordinator of the projects for research of behavioral risk factors for NCD and
application of surveillance system for physical activity levels, European Commission/EACEA-
Erasmus+ Sport: EUPASMOS ( , 2019-2021).

12. President of the Scientific Committee of the Macedonian Medical Board of Sports Medicine
at the Macedonian Medical Society.

13. Reviewer of the International Conference: “Excellence in Nutrition Research and

Practice - NUTRITION 2018”, Boston, MA, USA, June 9-12, 2018.

14. In 1998, she was a member of the Council of the First International Postgraduate study “School
for Sport Medicine” at the European Center for Peace and Development, University of United
Nations, Belgrade, Serbia.

Skopje Associate Professor

Republic of North Macedonia Vesna Knights PhD.
15.01.2021 University of Bitola, “St. Clement of Ohrid”
E-mail: Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences Veles

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