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Subject: Management Information systems

Sub Code: IS63

1. Explain the various components of an information system.

2. Explain with a block diagram system development life cycle.
3. Explain the term prototyping and computer aided system engineering.
4. Explain roles of an information system and its activities.
5. Discuss various types of information system.
6. Expalin Internet, Intranet and extranet and their uses.
7. Define E-commerce and explain its categories.
8. What do you mean by transaction process in systems?
9. Explain the terms group ware and discuss various e-conferencing tools.
10. Describe the salient features of accounting information system.
11. Discuss, DSS and executive information system.
12. Explain various cognitive science application of AI.
13. Describe various competitive strategies.
14. Discuss about knowledge management system.
15. Define the terms BPR and TQM.
16. Explain various IS planning methodologies.
17. Explain the components of an organization managing process
18. Explain the steps involved in implementing a new IS.
19. Explain various control measures in the IS.
20. With block diagram explain different phases of building and maintaining IT based
21. Explain six basic data processing functions
22. What are the key issues of five perspectives in viewing a work system?Explain.
23. Explain architectural characteristics of a business process.
24. What are the several ways that companies can use the internet as more than a
communication network or marketing channel?explain.
25. Which do you think ‘PUSH’ or ‘PULL’ online information delivery methods are better
for business and consumer?Justify your answer.
26. How well do you think email or internet chat helps a business professional
communication and collaboration with others?explain.
27. What is AI? How are AI technologies useful in business?Explain.
28. Write short notes on how following technology is useful in business:
a) Fuzzy logic system
b) Virtual reality.
29. Explain how to apply competitive strategy concepts to the strategic role of
information systems.
30. Explain how to become an agile competitor.
31. What are the challenges in IS planning? Explain.
32. Write short notes on:
a)Business-driven IT information
b) Outsourcing
33. What are prototypes? Explain system life cycle based on prototypes.
34. Explain “Threat of Computing Crime”.
35. What are some of the areas in which information system based innovation have
affected major functional areas of business?
36. Define the terms: information systems, data processing system
37. Why is it important to have frame work for analyzing systems? What six elements
can be used for summarizing any work system?
38. Discuss how IT enables systems are useful for solving real world business problems
39. What is a virtual company? What are the six basic characteristics of a successful
virtual company?
40. Explain the advantages of using expert system in solving business application.
41. List four major reporting alternatives provided by management information systems.
42. With diagram show how data mining extracts knowledge from data warehouse.
43. Describe traditional system life cycle approach for building information systems.
44. What are the different ways to control access to data, computer and networks?



(Regulation 2005)

PART A— (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Define data item.

2. What do you mean by operational control subsystems?
3. Define Formalization.
4. What is matrix organization?
5. Define online processing.
6. What do you mean by conceptual structure?
7. What is physical storage device?
8. Explain data model. s.
9. Mention the four types of tools used in Project Management.
10. Explain feasibility assessment..

PART B — (5 x 16 : 80 marks)

1 1. (a) Describe the basic model of organizational structure. What are the Principles
underlying this model.
(b) Discuss the three strategies for identifying data for a database.

12. (i) Explain integrated system in detail.

(b) Explain organizational growth cycle in detail.

13. (i) Discuss the Applications of Physical components required for

organizational information system.
b Describe the Role of Management information system in
decision making.

14. (a) Explain Logical data model in detail.

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(b) Discuss sequential and bashed File organization in detail.

15. (a) Explain Physical system design activity in detail.

b Discuss the program development activity in detail.
ii) Discuss WTA? [Mark 8]

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