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VOL. CI NO. 33 AUGUST 16, 2021 $5.00

The aerospace giant
has a big repair
job ahead. But if
CEO Dave Calhoun
succeeds, the stock
could take off.

C O N T ENTS 08.16.21 VOL.CI NO.33

P. 5 P. 18 P. 31

Income: A Gambling
Up & Down Wall Street:
Greenback Glory Days Boeing Needs a Bold Strategy REIT That Yields 4.8%
The U.S. dollar remains globally CEO Dave Calhoun has done an admirable job of restoring profitability to the world’s By LAWRENCE C. STRAUSS
dominant 50 years since its ties to largest aerospace company. But he’ll need to embrace a more ambitious vision if Boeing
gold were severed. But how long is to reclaim its aviation supremacy over the long haul. By AL ROOT P. M1
can it stay that way?
Trader: Signs of a
By RANDALL W. FORSYTH Flight Patterns
Healthy Stock Rotation
Boeing’s stock has been trailing Airbus’ since the grounding of the 737 MAX in 2019
and all through the pandemic.
Moderna’s Run-Up Boeing Airbus P. M4
Sparks Fear of Heights
Moderna’s recent selloff reflects
25% Euro Trader: Sixt’s
ambivalence among investors During Covid Car Rentals Get a Lift
about the vaccine maker’s By RUPERT STEINER
spectacular surge this year.

P. 13
-25 Emerging Markets:
China Tech’s Challenge
Politicians Disregard By CRAIG MELLOW
the Inflation Threat -50
Rising prices could become an P. M5
even bigger problem under the
$3.5 trillion budget plan passed -75
Striking Price: Getting
by the Senate this past week. Ready for a Fed Move
P. 14 March 2019 2020 2021 P. M6

10 Standout Stocks Source: FactSet

Commodities: Lumber
for Reliable Growth Finds Its Footing
These under-the-radar companies By SIMON CONSTABLE
could generate double-digit
compound growth in revenue and P. 25 P. 7
earnings for years to come.
A Bond Portfolio for Streetwise: Carvana Is Barron’s Roundtable
an Inflationary World on the Road to Riches on Fox Business
P. 17 Profile: Determined not to forego By JACK HOUGH Watch our TV show Fridays at 10
quality in pursuit of yield, the p.m. or 11:30 p.m. ET; Saturdays at
Bernie Madoff’s managers of American Funds’ P. 26 10 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. ET; or
Dismal Final Days Bond Fund of America look for Sundays at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., or 11:30
Prison documents describe the mispriced assets that are well
Funds: A New ETF for a.m. ET. This week, how to hedge
Ponzi schemer’s physical and shielded against rising inflation. Climate-Change Rules against inflation, the impact on
mental decline as he served out By DEBBIE CARLSON By EVIE LIU travel from the Delta variant, and
his sentence for financial fraud. the market’s shift to value stocks.

P. 23
Why Stock Prices Are Tech Trader: How to Index P. 8 Charting the Market P. M9

Poised to Keep Rising Play the Metaverse Review & Preview P. 10 Winners and Losers P. M10
Scouring for Stocks Q&A: Ed Yardeni, a stalwart By MAX A. CHERNEY
Mailbag P. 31 Research Reports P. M11

Doomed to Sell Off

Inside Scoop P. M7 Market View P. M12
market bull since 2009, says the
For activist investor Fraser Perring, rising productivity and profits of P. 30 © 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

known for his unique approach to the Roaring 2020s can offset
short selling, the pandemic has inflation and propel stocks further
Other Voices: Getting Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainable certified mills.

BARRON’S (USPS 044-700) (ISSN 1077-8039) Published every

presented plenty of opportunity.

Cover Illustration by
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By ANITA RAGHAVAN Livia Cives By LESLIE P. NORTON By SHEILA BAIR changes to Barron’s, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 3


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4 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

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August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 5


The worldwide demand for greenbacks allows
America to easily finance its international trade
deficit and Washington’s budget gap.

Dollar’s Dominance
inflation, he imposed wage and price known that it would rather let the
controls. buck fall than have rates rise further.
By March 1973, what had been sup- And throughout much of the early
posed to be a relatively limited re- 1990s, the dollar reverted to its levels

Faces Threat From

alignment of exchange rates gave way of the 1970s.
to freely floating currencies, the sys- But by 1995, Robert Rubin, Presi-
tem under which the world has oper- dent Bill Clinton’s then-Treasury sec-
ated ever since. Since then, the dollar retary, declared that a strong dollar

Debt, Money Printing

has gone through various phases, be- was in the national interest, and the
ginning with pronounced weakness currency soared during the dot-com
during the 1970s. The inflation of that boom. Maintaining that strength re-
decade was largely a result of the ex- mained the goal of the heads of the
plosion in energy prices that, to a ma- Treasury, which is in charge of cur-
jor extent, reflected oil-producing rency policy, although the greenback

countries’ refusal to be paid with ever- dropped through most of the first
ifty years ago this especially as he looked ahead to the depreciating paper dollars. Later, un- decade of the new century, bottoming
Sunday, President 1972 elections. “What mattered most to der President Jimmy Carter, who was in 2008 as the global financial crisis
Richard Nixon an- his reelection prospects was national elected in 1976, the Treasury initially deepened.
nounced a bold eco- economic growth and especially lower favored a cheaper dollar to reduce the After the sluggish recovery from
nomic plan, including rates of unemployment,” says Yale U.S. trade gap. that deep recession, the dollar re-
the severing of the School of Management dean emeritus In the 1980s, the dollar turned su- bounded in 2015 and 2016, before the
U.S. dollar’s ties to Jeffrey E. Garten in Three Days at Camp perstrong, a result of the huge rise in Treasury, under President Donald
gold. Since then, the world’s mone- David, his new book on the momen- U.S. interest rates by the Federal Re- Trump, broke tradition by publicly
tary system has consisted of (mostly) tous events of a half-century ago. serve, led by Paul Volcker, to quash favoring a weaker dollar as part of the
freely floating currencies. The dollar By Randall W. The dollar had come under a series inflation, combined with the pro- administration’s protectionist policies
nonetheless remains the primary Forsyth of attacks that would have required growth policies of President Ronald aimed at reducing the U.S. trade deficit.
legal tender used internationally for tight fiscal and monetary policies, the Reagan, which made America a mag- But this year, the current Treasury
trade, finance, and as a store of value, sort Nixon thought had cost him the net for global investment. That gave chief, Janet Yellen, voiced opposition
which has conferred upon the U.S. 1960 election against John F. Ken- way to the Plaza Accord in 1985 to to weakening the dollar to gain com-
enormous advantages. Whether that nedy. Instead, Garten notes, ahead of lower the dollar’s value and permit petitiveness. (She is also against other
will continue for the next half-cen- the 1972 presidential vote, Nixon ran expansionary policies around the countries’ cheapening their currencies
tury is far from certain. ever-bigger budget deficits while re- globe. A subsequent agreement to to do the same.)
The Bretton Woods system, in ef- lentlessly pressuring Arthur Burns, stabilize exchange rates unraveled in In the half-century since the dis-
fect back then, reflected America’s then the Federal Reserve chairman, October 1987, when the stock market mantling of the Bretton Woods sys-
economic pre-eminence after World to lower interest rates. To suppress crashed as Washington let it be tem, the dollar remains dominant in
War II. Currency exchange rates were the global financial system. Just as
fixed, relative to the dollar, which, in English is used throughout the world
turn, was exchangeable for gold at a for business, the U.S. currency is over-
fixed $35 an ounce. The idea was to whelmingly used for trade and fi-
avoid the currency instability and nance. Indeed, the dollar-based global
competitive devaluations of the 1930s, financial system is a major compara-
but with greater flexibility than al- tive advantage for the U.S. Unlike the
lowed under the classical gold stan- classical example of England trading
dard, which most economists agreed wool with Portugal for wine, the dol-
had helped trigger and spread the lar itself is a major product sought
Great Depression. around the globe, like Coca-Cola or
But the Bretton Woods regime led Marlboros.
to a trilemma: Countries couldn’t This has provided the U.S. with
simultaneously have fixed exchange what critics call an exorbitant privi-
rates, free capital flows, and indepen- lege. The demand for greenbacks to
dent fiscal and monetary policies. use for trade, finance, and reserves
They could choose only two of the allows America to easily finance both
three. A fixed exchange rate essen- President Richard its deficit in international trade and

Nixon announcing on
tially meant adjusting economies to a television the sever-
the government’s budget gap.
nation’s currency, requiring restric- ing of links between Indeed, the absence of constraints
tive policies when inflation rose or the dollar and gold on the dollar and other currencies has
as part of a broad
trade accounts went into deficit. economic plan on resulted in an explosion of debt world-
Nixon chafed at those constraints, Aug. 15, 1971. wide, says Jim Reid, head of thematic
6 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Up & Down Wall Street (continued)

research at Deutsche Bank. remain apparent, even though the com-

That reality has pluses and minuses. It mon currency held together through the
allowed the U.S. and other governments to Greek financial crisis of the past decade.
respond with unprecedented speed to the The Japanese yen has been a minor player,
Covid-19 pandemic. “There is no way we while the British pound lost its reserve-
could have locked down economies, and currency stature long ago.
furloughed employees in the pandemic The yuan has gained prominence as
under a gold-based system. Lockdowns China’s economy has ascended to No. 2
would have been highly deflationary and behind the U.S., but it is not fully convert-
depressionary,” he says in a client note. ible. The Chinese financial system is subject
Yet, as economist Robert Triffin pointed to systemic risk, especially from its shadow
out in the 1960s, Washington must have a banking sector. But mainly Beijing isn’t
balance-of-payments deficit to emit the prepared to relinquish full control over its
dollars the rest of the world needs for currency and financial system, as its recent
trade and finance. Paradoxically, if the curbs on its technology companies indicate.
dollar supply becomes so excessive that the So, what, if anything, could displace the
world loses confidence in the dollar, it will dollar? One response to the proliferation of
cease to be the world’s reserve currency. paper money has been the creation of
cryptocurrencies, a free-market response

hat could happen as a result of to currencies issued by central banks with-
running huge deficits and print- out the limits imposed by a gold standard.
ing money to cover them, which And while Bitcoin is up by more than 50%
Reid posits could be necessary to this year, it also is down nearly 30% from
pay for government actions to fight climate its peak in mid-April. Such volatility
change short of extreme taxation. makes it a speculative risk asset, rather
“It might help save the planet, but than a useful medium of exchange.
maybe at the end of it, fiat money might “Stablecoins,” such as Tether, which
find it more difficult to survive, given the have grown tremendously for transaction
compound effect of the extreme waves of purposes, claim to be fully backed by dol-
deficits and money printing seen over the lar assets, such as commercial paper, al-
last few decades,” he says. “Inflation is though there is a lack of transparency. In
very easy to create if you spend and print response, CBDCs (central bank digital
enough money. What we don’t know is currencies) are beginning to be experi-
what that tipping point amount is.” mented with, notably by the People’s
To MacroMavens’ Stephanie Pomboy, Bank of China.
that tipping point feels close. The Fed’s The Federal Reserve is studying digital
money printing that has helped pay for currencies. And Lael Brainard, a Fed gover-
enormous U.S. budget deficits has resulted nor seen as a possible successor to central
in inflation that appears to be more than bank boss Jerome Powell if he doesn’t get a
transitory. She sees that putting pressure second term next year, recently indicated
on distressed corporate debt, as well as on that it is urgent to do more.
consumers who have to boost their bor- Speaking to the Aspen Institute Eco-
rowing to keep up with rising prices, she nomic Strategy Group, she was quoted by
writes in her latest missive. Reuters as saying: “The dollar is very
There’s another problem. If the bubble dominant in international payments, and
in stock valuations pops, the $6 trillion if you have the other major jurisdictions
Fox Business shortfall that Pomboy calculates in public in the world with a digital currency, a
and private pensions would worsen. After CBDC offering, and the U.S. doesn’t have
Fridays at bailing out Wall Street via huge monthly one, I just, I can’t wrap my head around
bond purchases, can the government re- that. That just doesn’t sound like a sus-
10 PM ET fuse to bail out Main Street by having the tainable future to me.”
Fed print still more money? “How will the For better or worse, a half-century ago,
rest of the world respond to seeing the the world moved away from money with
reserve currency debased in such a swift any link to a physical metal. To revise
and egregious manner?” she asks. Already Dostoevsky’s famous quote about God,
the dollar’s share of global currency re- once gold was dead, everything was per-
serves has dropped, from around 72% at mitted—for better or worse. Will the dol-
the turn of the century to under 60%. lar remain dominant and let debt expand
Even so, the alternatives that might sup- infinitely? We won’t know what the limits
plant the greenback for the world’s trade are until they are breached. B
and finance aren’t obvious. While the euro
has gained market share, its shortcomings email:
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 7

Three years ago, Carvana’s gross profit per
vehicle was about $2,000. Last quarter, the online
dealership company blew past $5,000.

Carvana Finds Itself

Cleveland in the last quarter, and says more than double its revenue, to $11.7
its capacity for turning around cars billion. That puts it in a distant second
for resale held back sales. It has plans place—for now—to CarMax (KMX),
for eight more centers by the end of which has more than 220 stores, and

In the Fast Lane. Why

next year, which will bring its yearly whose revenue for its fiscal year end-
production capacity to 1.25 million ing February is estimated at $25.9 bil-
vehicles. lion. But beyond this year’s wild ride,
Last quarter, the company sold Wall Street expects Carvana to con-

It Can Keep the Pace.

nearly 108,000 cars at retail, a 96% tinue to grow revenue at rates north of
increase from a year ago. The percent- 30%, versus mid-single-digit rates for
age of cars that it sources from cus- CarMax. Some analysts see Carvana
tomers has been rising, and these taking the lead on revenue within
come with higher profit margins than several years.
cars sourced from auctions. Garcia helped create Carvana in

Customers can get quotes on their 2012 while working at DriveTime
rices for used vehicles efficiency, which stems from struc- cars online with their plate numbers. Automotive, formerly Ugly Duckling,
have shot 42% higher tural advantages. Chief among those Carvana picks up trade-ins and deliv- which specialized in subprime buy-
in a year, according to are its 50- to 100-acre inspection and ers customer purchases, or buyers can ers, and was founded by Garcia’s
a new U.S. inflation reconditioning centers, or IRCs. collect their cars at one of its “vending father, Ernest Garcia II. There is a
report. Some drivers There, nine-car haulers pull in from machines.” checkered history; as an Arizona land
are rolling in unreal- the freeway, sometimes 10 to 15 of them Those are robotic, multistory glass developer, the father pleaded guilty to
ized gains. The Honda at a time, to deliver the vehicles that facilities that make a show out of fetch- a count of bank fraud in 1990 for a
Odyssey, Kia Telluride, and Dodge Carvana has bought. Features and op- ing cars, complete with an oversize small role in the savings-and-loan
Challenger are among more than a tions are noted, and diagnostics per- coin that customers can place in a slot. crisis of the 1980s. And DriveTime
dozen models that recently fetched By Jack Hough formed. The vehicles are taken through “It has generated fun, memorable was fined by regulators in 2014 for
more used than new, thanks to manu- a series of timed stations for routine experiences for our customers and collection practices.
facturing shortages. work, or are pulled aside for more com- become part of our brand,” Garcia

Used-car dealers are delighted. plex fixes. After a final spiffing up, says. oday, DriveTime and Car-
They buy cars and mark them up for cameras take 360-degree pictures for Shareholders are enjoying the ride. vana, both based in Tempe,
resale, which means they typically sales listings. Carvana went public in 2017 at $15 a Ariz., are run separately by
make money whether prices are high At a typical dealership, a highly share, and traded below that price at the two men, but maintain
or low. But when prices rise this skilled mechanic performs both sim- first. It has rocketed higher since then, business relationships that, as Car-
quickly, bumper profits are inevitable. ple and complex jobs on cars before including roughly quadrupling in vana’s annual report puts it, were “not
Take fast-growing Carvana (ticker: resale. Carvana, with its assembly- price since just before the pandemic, negotiated at arm’s length.”
CVNA), which has a largely online line process, can bring on workers to a recent $360. The younger Garcia’s challenge will
model. Three years ago, its gross profit for simple tasks and gradually train Just over 60% of analysts who be to continue building Carvana’s im-
per vehicle was about $2,000. The them for more-skilled work. That cover the stock say to buy it. Nearly all age as the of the used
long-term goal is over $4,000. Last keeps labor costs relatively low, Gar- of the rest rate it at Hold, with many of car trade, while steering clear of the
quarter, the company blew past cia says. them citing valuation as a concern. industry’s less-pleasant practices.
$5,000. And whereas dealerships operate Carvana turned profitable on a net Carvana provides its own financing,
“Trying to figure out exactly how in choice retail locations, Carvana’s basis last quarter, but it isn’t expected and says credit performance has been
much of that $5,000 is attributable to IRCs are set up in remote areas, sav- to turn a full-year profit this year or strong, but also that it sells loans off
this unique environment is not a sim- ing on real estate. next. after making them.
ple thing to do,” says CEO Ernie Gar- Carvana added its 13th IRC near This year, Carvana is expected to How big can Carvana become?
cia III. CEO Garcia says “two million plus”
For now, the company is predicting vehicles a year. The two million, he
gross profit of over $4,000 per vehicle says, comes from extrapolating cur-
for the year, suggesting that condi- BARRONS.COM/PODCASTS rent trends. The plus comes from the
tions will cool from here. They might, fact that the U.S. used-car industry is
Car production has been held up by
a semiconductor shortage. The worst
Barron’s Streetwise fragmented and huge, with 40 million
vehicles sold a year.
“When you’re building a business,
effects will hit this quarter, and the In a weekly podcast by Barron’s, columnist Jack Hough looks and especially early on,” he says, “it’s
chip shortage could ease by late next at the companies, people, and trends you should be watching. hard to project what the dream might
year, Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger recently This is Wall Street like you’ve never heard before. Subscribe finally end up being.” B
told me. to Barron’s Streetwise on Spotify, Apple Podcasts,
Garcia says investors should watch or your favorite listening app. email:
Carvana’s long-term trend of rising
8 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

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A Adidas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Kohl's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MGM Growth Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Ping An Healthcare and Technology . . . . . . . 11

Agilent Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Krispy Kreme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Microsoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M7 Prologis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Airbnb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9 MiMedx Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Airbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 L Las Vegas Sands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Moderna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,M9 R Raytheon Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Albertsons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M11 La-Z-Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Roblox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Alibaba Group Holding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,M4 Lightning eMotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M11 N Nvidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Ross Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15,27,29 Lordstown Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,27,29 Lowe's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 O Occidental Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M7 S Safran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
AMC Entertainment Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . M1 Lumentum Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sanderson Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9
Amedisys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15 P Pandora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SiteOne Landscape Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
America's Car-Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 M Macy's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Performance Food Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sixt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4
Amyris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15 Marriott Vacations Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Petco Health & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M11 Southwest Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9
Analog Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Meituan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4 Pfizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,M9 Splunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M11
Aon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Staar Surgical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,27 Steinhoff International Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Applied Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Stitch Fix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Arthur J. Gallagher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SVB Financial Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M11
Authentic Brands Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Synopsys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
AutoNation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M7
T Take-Two Interactive Software . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
B BHP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
BJ's Wholesale Club Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rupert Murdoch Executive Chairman, News Corp Teladoc Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Boeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Robert Thomson CEO, News Corp Almar Latour CEO, Dow Jones
Tencent Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,27,M4
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, BARRON’S GROUP Mae M. Cheng Tencent Music Entertainment Group . . . . . . . 11
Bright Health Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M7 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, BARRON’S GROUP Dan Shar Tesla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5
Brinker International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MANAGING EDITOR, BARRON’S GROUP Dave Pettit TJX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Bristol Myers Squibb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tokyo Electron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
EDITOR IN CHIEF David Cho Toyota Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
C Canadian National Railway . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,M7 Turtle Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M7
Canadian Pacific Railway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tyson Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9
CarMax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DEPUTY EDITOR Alex Eule DEPUTY EDITOR Ben Levisohn
Carvana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, INVESTING & ASSET MANAGEMENT Beverly Goodman U UnitedHealth Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15
Chesapeake Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, MAGAZINE Phil Roosevelt Universal Music Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cisco Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MANAGING EDITOR, DIGITAL Matt Bemer MANAGING EDITOR, FEATURES Jeffrey Cane Upwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Clear Secure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MANAGING EDITOR, ENTERPRISE Brian Hershberg
V VICI Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
D Deere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,M7 Vine Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Andrew Bary, Randall W. Forsyth, Jack Hough, Reshma Kapadia, Eric J. Savitz Vivendi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
E EBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1 SENIOR WRITERS Bill Alpert, Daren Fonda, Leslie P. Norton, Al Root,
Estee Lauder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Avi Salzman, Alexandra Scaggs, Lawrence C. Strauss W Walmart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Walt Disney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,M1,M9
F Facebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 REPORTERS Lisa Beilfuss, Luisa Beltran, Max A. Cherney, Carleton English, Nicholas Jasinski, Evie Liu,
Shaina Mishkin, Josh Nathan-Kazis, Teresa Rivas, Connor Smith, Jacob Sonenshine
Willis Towers Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Farfetch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Wirecard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
First Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 STORY EDITORS Henry Cutter, Mel Gray, Ed Lin, Erin McCarthy, Stacy Ozol WW International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9
Fiserv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M7 COPY DESK Michael J. Burlingham, Richard Rescigno, Robert Teitelman
Foot Locker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
IDEAS EDITOR Matt Peterson
FuboTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M9
G General Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,M7
SENIOR AUDIO MANAGER Mette Lützhøft DIGITAL PRODUCERS Robert Cushing, Clare McKeen
Goldman Sachs Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1
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Grenke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
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August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 9

The vaccine maker’s stock soared 300% this year
through early August; now some analysts are
struggling to justify the high price.

A healthcare worker prepares a dose of the declined to comment for this article.
Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.
The Covid-19 vaccine news has,
nevertheless, boosted the case for
Moderna in recent days. Doctors at
roughly another $100 billion in value the Mayo Clinic on Sunday posted a
to the stock. That means investors preprint of a real-world efficacy study
think Moderna is worth more than that found that the Moderna Covid-19
Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY), which vaccine appeared superior to the
has a market value of around $150 Pfizer (PFE) vaccine while the Delta
billion, not to mention every other variant was dominant. The Food and
biotechnology firm in the world. Drug Administration, meanwhile,
But as Moderna unveiled its quar- authorized third doses Thursday for
terly earnings on Aug. 5, analysts and immunocompromised patients.
investors seemed to look around and Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel has
develop a sudden case of vertigo. told Morgan Stanley analysts that he
Two longtime Moderna bulls, Op- expects boosters will be needed this
penheimer analyst Hartaj Singh and winter for older adults and others at
Piper Sandler analyst Edward high risk, and that he doesn’t think his
Tenthoff, cut their ratings on the company’s Covid-19 vaccine revenues
stock. Singh dropped his rating to will drop in 2022 or 2023.

Moderna’s Investors
on Wednesday, before climbing again Perform from Outperform, while Still, the shares refuse to settle
on Thursday—all amid Covid-19 vac- Tenthoff cut his to Neutral from Over- down. In a note on Wednesday, Bay-
cine developments that appeared to be weight. “[Moderna] shares are fairly Crest Partners managing director Jon-
positive for the stock. pricing a tremendous amount of fu- athan Krinsky pointed out that trad-

Experience Vertigo Moderna had an unbelievable run

from the beginning of the year
through early August. The stock was
ture recurring revenues and pipeline
progress,” Singh wrote.
In the days since, the market has
ing volume has been high. “If it looks
like a blowoff, and feels like a blowoff,
it’s probably a blowoff,” he wrote.
up more than 300% by the market’s been struggling to find a stable price “There is likely further downside in
close on Aug. 4, beating the S&P 500, for Moderna shares. the weeks ahead here.” B
Camilo Freedman/APHOTOGRAFIA/Getty Images

After the stock ran up so high, so quickly, questions which climbed 18%, and the SPDR Bank of America analyst Geoff
about the vaccine maker’s valuation have emerged S&P Biotech exchange-traded fund Meacham wrote in a note published
(XBI), which fell 11%. Tuesday that the current valuation Moderna / MRNA $500
No other stock in the S&P 500, remains “unrealistic.” To justify the 400
By JOSH NATHAN-KAZIS which Moderna joined in late July, has market capitalization, he wrote, inves-
performed nearly as well. tors would need to assume that Mod-

hares of the Covid-19 vaccine maker Moderna gy- In April, Barron’s recommended erna will sell up to 1.5 billion doses of 200
rated this past week, as investors seemed to struggle buying Moderna shares, saying that its Covid-19 vaccine every year 100
to value a stock that has nearly tripled in price this worries that its market value was too through 2038, and that everything
year. high were overblown. At the time, its else in the company’s pipeline will
Moderna’s (ticker: MRNA) stock climbed 17.1% on Mon- market value was $67 billion. make it to the market, and hit peak ’21
day, fell 5.7% on Tuesday, and then dropped another 15.6% Since then, investors have ascribed annual sales of $30 billion. Moderna Source: FactSet


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10 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

R E VIEW 35,515.38
Dow Industrials: +306.87
Dow Global Index: +3.78
10-year Treasury note: +0.01

Hot and Hotter Inflation HE SAID

Stock indexes edged higher, with the
S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial “If you’re going
Average notching records. Inflation
data were the main talking point: July to find an area
consumer prices rose at a slower pace,
bolstering the Federal Reserve’s case of potential
for “transitory” increases. The July
producer price index, however, blew agreement, I can’t
past estimates, with a whopping 7.8%
year-over-year rise. Price increases
think of a better one
were especially acute in reopening-
sensitive areas, but were widespread
than infrastructure,
across the index. That will keep the
temporary-versus-lasting inflation
which is desperately
arguments going. The Dow closed the
week up 0.9%, at 35,515.18; the S&P
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
500 added 0.7%, to 4468.00; and the
AFTER THE DELTA SURGE Nasdaq Composite fell 0.1%, to

What’s Next THE NUMBERS Disney Threads the Needle

Walt Disney’s latest quarterly results

For Covid-19 87%

Percentage of S&P 500 compa-
checked the major boxes investors had
been hoping for: A postpandemic re-
bound is under way at legacy busi-
nesses, while streaming continues to
nies that beat second-quarter grow despite competition from a re-
New cases of Covid-19 are climbing fast in the U.S., yet earnings projections. opening economy. Disney’s theme
in the U.K., where the highly contagious Delta variant parks and consumer-merchandise
struck first, the numbers have dropped sharply from
their late-July peak.
The U.K. was averaging 47,000 cases a day on July
21, according to data kept by the New York Times, but is
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses
segment broke even for the first time
since the start of the pandemic. Ad-
vertisers and the return of sports
events boosted TV revenue. And Dis- Annals of Deal Making
now down to 28,000 a day, after cases began ticking shipped as of late July. ney+—the cornerstone of Disney’s Canadian Pacific Railway made a sec-
back up slightly as of the beginning of August. The U.S., streaming push—added more than 12 ond bid for Kansas City Southern,
meanwhile, is now averaging 124,000 new cases a day, million subscribers in the quarter, worth around $300 a share in cash and
up 86% over the past 14 days. Deaths are up 75% over
the same period.
What’s next? RBC Capital Markets analyst Brian
Abrahams expects cases in the U.S. to continue to climb,
$28 B
Estimated tax revenue from
well ahead of forecasts.

Shovels to the Ready

The U.S. Senate passed a roughly $1
stock. That’s below a $325-a-share offer
from rival Canadian National Railway,
but it could stand a better chance with
antitrust regulators...Bill Ackman’s Per-
peaking at up to 300,000 new cases a day. They will new cryptocurrency reporting trillion infrastructure package in a shing Square Holdings acquired a 7.1%

Illustration by Elias Stein; Photograph by Al Drago/Bloomberg

begin to fall just before Labor Day, which is in about requirements in the Senate 69-30 vote. The bipartisan bill in- stake in Universal Music Group from
four weeks, he predicts. Raymond James analyst Chris infrastructure bill. cludes funding for such traditional Vivendi for about $2.8 billion in cash,
Meekins is somewhat more upbeat: “I may regret these infrastructure projects as roads and with an option to buy another 2.9% by
words, but based on our analysis, I believe cases in the bridges, public transit, water, and next month…Chesapeake Energy is
U.S. of the Delta variant are peaking,” Meekins writes.
Former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commis-
sioner and current Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb
told CNBC that he thinks this wave could be the last, at
U.S. population growth from
power. The bill now heads to the
House of Representatives. Senate
Democrats separately approved a $3.5
trillion budget proposal focused on
buying gas producer Vine Energy in a
zero-premium deal valued at $2.2 billion,
using mostly stock…German sportswear
giant Adidas agreed to sell its Reebok
least for now. “I don’t think Covid is going to be epidemic 2010 to 2020, the second-slow- “human infrastructure,” including brand to Authentic Brands Group for
all through the fall and winter,” Gottlieb said. “We’re go- est on record for a decade. many of President Joe Biden’s priori- $2.5 billion…Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
ing to reach some level of populationwide exposure to this ties: Medicare expansion, child-care will buy Willis Re, the reinsurance busi-
virus, either through vaccination or through prior infec- To get Numbers by Barron’s funding, free community college, pub- ness of Willis Towers Watson, for $3.3
tion, that it’s going to stop circulating at this level.” daily, sign up wherever lic-housing projects, and climate-re- billion upfront and another $750 million
Whether or not that is the case, the immediate future you listen to podcasts or at lated measures. It would also lift taxes by 2025. Willis Towers and rival Aon
looks challenging. “Hospitalizations and deaths are climb- on corporations and high-earning scuttled plans to merge last month amid
ing nationwide,” Meekins writes. — Josh Nathan-Kazis individuals. opposition from the Justice Department.
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 11

P R EV IEW Wednesday 8/18 The Federal Open Market Com- Sign up for the Review &
mittee releases the minutes from Preview daily newsletter at
its late-July monetary-policy meeting.

Monday 8/16 Wednesday 8/18

Tencent Music Entertainment Cisco Systems, Lowe’s, Target, TJX,
Group, Tokyo Electron, and Clear Tencent Holdings, Brinker Interna-
Secure are among the companies tional, Analog Devices, Synopsys,
holding earnings conference calls. Lumentum Holdings, and Nvidia
host earnings calls.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New
York releases its Empire State Manu- The Census Bureau’s new residen-
facturing Survey for August. The con- tial construction report for July is ex-
sensus estimate is for a 26.5 reading. pected to show the seasonally ad-
That compares with a record-high justed annual rate of housing starts at
43.0 in July, when the general busi- 1.610 million, down from June’s 1.643
ness conditions index rose 26 points. million. Housing starts hit a postpan-
demic peak of 1.73 million in March.

Tuesday 8/17
Thursday 8/19
THE DOCTOR IS ONLINE BHP, Walmart, Home Depot, Agi-
lent Technologies, Pandora, and BJ’s Wholesale, L Brands, Applied

China Pushes Instant M.D.

Online doctor appointments in China
are expected to climb sharply over
Krispy Kreme are among the com-
panies hosting earnings conference
Materials, Ross Stores, Estée Lau-
der, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Performance
Food Group, Petco Health and
Wellness, and Farfetch host earnings

the next few years.
Percent of total outpatient visits America’s Car-Mart, Jack Henry & conference calls.
60% Associates, and La-Z-Boy report
financial results after the market The Conference Board releases its
closes and will hold earnings calls the Leading Economic Index for July. The
Cathie Wood’s ARK Invest recently dumped most of the following morning, Aug. 18. LEI is expected to be up 0.7%, month
Chinese holdings from its actively managed exchange- over month, after gaining 0.7% in June.
traded funds, as Beijing cracked down on tech companies. The Federal Reserve reports on in-
But the firm hasn’t completely given up on China. dustrial capacity utilization for July.
ARK still sees tremendous opportunity in the digitiza-
Consensus calls for a 75.7% reading, Friday 8/20
tion of Chinese healthcare. China’s healthcare system has little changed from June’s 75.4%. In-
long been overburdened, and high-quality medical re- dustrial production is seen rising by Deere and Foot Locker host confer-
sources are scarce, writes ARK analyst Yulong Cui. The 0 0.5%, compared with June’s 0.4% sea- ence calls to discuss financial results.
biggest and best-quality facilities account for less than 10% 2015 ’20 ’25 sonally adjusted advance.
of China’s 30,000 hospitals, but handle more than half its Source: ARK Investment Management
total visits. Patients can wait for days before receiving care
Potential Winner The National Association of Home Coming Earnings
from the most seasoned and reputable physicians. Builders releases its NAHB/Wells Consensus Estimate Year Ago

So far, the digitization of healthcare in China has lagged Shares of Ping An Healthcare and Fargo Housing Market Index for Au- T
Agilent Technologies (Q3) $0.99 $0.78
far behind the nation’s advances in mobile payments, food Technology, an ARK holding, could gust. Economists forecast an 80 read- Home Depot (Q2) 4.41 4.02
delivery, and other forms of e-commerce. But China wants to revive as healthcare digitization ing, the same as in July. The index is Krispy Kreme (Q2) 0.13 ....
change that: Since 2015, the government has shifted policies speeds up. down from its all-time high of 90, set La-Z-Boy (Q1) 0.57 0.18
to steer more healthcare solutions online, according to Cui. Ping An Healthcare and Technology (1833-HK) in November. Walmart (Q2) 1.54 1.56

Result: Online consultations in China are likely to increase HK$150

More Earnings on Page M36.

from 6% of all outpatient visits in 2019 to 50% by 2025, Federal Reserve Board Chairman
ARK estimates. That could mean a $50 billion market. Jay Powell will host a virtual town hall Consensus Estimate
Ping An Healthcare and Technology, Alibaba with educators and students. Day Consensus Est Last Period

Group Holding, and all have digital health plat- T July Retail Sales -0.30% 0.60%
July Capacity Utilization 75.7% 75.4%
forms. Private firms in the space are also growing fast. 100 The Census Bureau reports retail
July Industrial Production 0.50% 0.40%
Tencent-backed WeDoctor, for example, plans to go public sales data for July. Expectations are
Illustration by Elias Stein

June Business Inventories 0.70% 0.50%

on the Hong Kong stock exchange this year. The ARK 75 for a 0.3% seasonally adjusted month- W July Housing Starts 1,610,000 1,643,000
Autonomous Technology & Robotics exchange-traded over-month decrease, following a TH July Leading Indicators 0.70% 0.70%

fund and ARK Fintech Innovation ETF have some expo- 0.6% rise in June. Excluding autos, Unless otherwise indicated, times are Eastern. a-Advanced;
50 f-Final; p-Preliminary; r-Revised Source: FactSet
sure to those stocks. ARK has also been a big investor in spending is seen rising 0.2%, com- For more information about coming economic reports
U.S. telemedicine stocks such as Teladoc Health. Aug. 2020 ’21 pared with a 1.3% gain in the previous - and what they mean - go to Barron’s free Economic
Calendar at
— Evie Liu Source: FactSet month.
12 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

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August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 13

This Budget
gains tax for millionaires, down from
a proposed 39.6%.
That’s the optimistic view. Joe
LaVorgna, chief economist of the

Is Making Americas at Natixis, falls in the tem-

porary-inflation camp but says more
substantial fiscal spending is the one

Inflation a risk to his forecast. He points to the

so-called output gap—the difference
between actual and potential GDP,

Real Threat
and a metric economists use to predict
the paths of inflation and Fed policy.
The idea is that when the economy
operates above its potential, prices
have nowhere to go but up.
The Congressional Budget Office
The $3.5 trillion blueprint passed estimates that the output gap will be
by the Senate this past week could minus 0.5% this year, before balloon-
elevate inflation from a temporary ing to 2.4% in 2022. That would re-
flect the highest gap since 1973, when
annoyance to a perpetual problem inflation was running well above 4%.
That’s before taking Biden’s budget
proposal into account.
President Joe Biden’s corporate-tax plan could result in a stock market correction. “We’re already seeing it,” LaVorgna
By LISA BEILFUSS says, nodding to widespread labor and

material shortages as companies
ust as the breakneck pace of all impact will be limited. says. Knapp, for his part, says a pas- struggle to meet customer demand.
inflation seemed to be slowing, The infrastructure bill, however, sage of President Joe Biden’s corporate “All of this spending could make a
U.S. lawmakers took steps that has paved the way for a second tax plan—meant to pay for the new transitory problem permanent.” He
could ensure it’s the reprieve spending package that would be any- spending—would result in a 10% puts the probability of Biden’s budget
itself that is transitory. thing but inconsequential. stock market correction. going through as currently structured
It was almost easy to miss Democrats have split the Biden The good news, depending on how at a little better than a coin flip.
the $3.5 trillion budget resolu- administration’s spending priorities, “We have this you look at it: The reconciliation bill,

tion passed by the Senate at with the second batch—including setup now and the taxes proposed to pay for it, ut it all together, and some in-
around 4 a.m. Wednesday, sand- funding for pre-K, free community are likely to get whittled down. Cen- vestors are starting to get
wiched, as it was, between the Sen- college, and public-housing invest- that is very trist Democrats in the Senate— jumpy. “Politicians are entitled
ate’s passage of a $1 trillion bipartisan ments—coming in the form of a rec- similar to Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe to their agendas,” says Michael
infrastructure package a day earlier onciliation bill that strategists say is Manchin of West Virginia—have sug- Shaoul, CEO of Marketfield Asset
and July’s cooler consumer-price in- likely to pass later this year. In the the 1960s, gested they won’t support a $3.5 tril- Management. “But from an economic
dex, which was released hours later. wonky world of legislating, reconcili- which led to lion package. perspective, it’s taking a risk of exac-
The budget blueprint, however, has ation is a way to fast-track bills relat- Andy Laperriere, head of U.S. pol- erbating what are already clear infla-
larger economic implications than ing to spending and taxes; it starts the Great icy research at Cornerstone Macro, tionary pressures.”
either—and could elevate inflation with a budget resolution and needs Inflation of sees something closer to $1.5 trillion, Shaoul expects inflation to find a
from a temporary annoyance to a per- only a simple majority to pass the mostly paid for by increases in taxes, floor well above 3%, higher than the
petual problem. Senate. the 1970s.” including a 25% corporate rate versus Fed’s 2% target, and he is buying
The new infrastructure spending The debate over the merits of the Barry Knapp a proposed 28%, and a 28% capital- “price makers” like home builders,
bill, despite the dramatics of its pas- spending initiatives is one matter. An commodity extractors, and industrial
sage, won’t impact the economy all examination of the potential economic companies versus “price takers” that
that much. The Penn Wharton Budget impacts of the spending is another. Minding the Output Gap have no choice but to pay higher
Model projects the package—which You have to go back to the 1960s to see The gap between actual and potential GDP in 2022 is prices that they can’t easily pass on to
would represent one of the biggest such massive fiscal spending during expected to be the largest since 1973. customers. That’s under the assump-
federal investments in roads, rails, an economic boom, says Barry Knapp, tion inflation remains hot—especially
Output gap as a share of potential GDP, in basis points
and bridges in decades—will have no director of research at Ironsides Mac- 750 as more fiscal spending enters the
significant effect on gross domestic roeconomics. Back then, the Federal economy.
product over the next decade or in the Reserve moved away from its inflation 500 Looming large is whether—and
long run, by which economists mean mandate to emphasize full employ- 250
when—inflation affects the Fed’s ta-
the year 2050. ment, and fiscal and monetary policies pering and tightening timelines.
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

That doesn’t mean the country were simultaneously providing a 0 More spending means more debt that
doesn’t need it, and it doesn’t mean boost to the economy. the central bank may have to buy,
certain stocks won’t benefit. Caterpil- “We have this setup now that is further complicating monetary policy
lar (ticker: CAT) and First Solar very similar to the 1960s, which led to -500 for central bankers eager to avoid
(FSLR) gained 6% and 4%, respec- the Great Inflation of the 1970s,” upsetting markets.
tively, this past week, as industrials Knapp says. A repeat of the latter de- -750 The more Treasury prints and lon-
and green-energy companies look cade isn’t guaranteed, but it’s an ana- 1950 ’60 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 ’20 ’30 ger the Fed deflects, the harder that is
poised to profit. It’s just that the over- log that shouldn’t be dismissed, he Source: Natixis, CBO going to be. B
14 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Here Are Stocks That

Could Really Add Up
Investors want “compounders”—companies like Amazon or Visa
that can generate double-digit compound growth in revenue
and earnings, year after year. Here are 10 smaller candidates.

By ANDREW BARY a national footprint in a still-frag- duces such things as squalane, a high-

mented business. end moisturizer formerly made from
ne of the most popular buzzwords in investing today is “com- “There is going to be massive con- shark livers; vanillin, the flavoring for
pounders.” Growth-oriented investors looking for the next Ama- solidation of the industry” predicts vanilla; and a no-calorie sweetener, Costco Wholesale, Nike, or Visa seek to identify com- Dan Cole, a manager of the Columbia normally derived from plants. The
panies capable of generating double-digit compound growth in Small-Cap Growth fund. “Healthcare stock trades around $13.
revenue and earnings—preferably both—for years to come. is moving to the home.” Barron’s wrote favorably on the
The idea is that stock prices should compound in line with reve- Amedisys stock is up more than company in July. Amyris sees sales
nue and profits, enabling investors to generate high returns over a
The Hunt tenfold in the past decade. But the reaching $2 billion by 2025, up from
holding period of five to 10 years. The ultimate goal is to find the elusive “10 For the Elusive shares, around $185, are off nearly an estimated $400 million this year,
bagger”—a stock that returns 10 times what you paid for it. Compounder 30% after the company recently cut driven by its consumer brands.
Wall Street analyst notes and client letters from investment pros are replete 2021 financial guidance, citing Covid- “The world needs clean chemistry,
with compounder references. Many of the next generation of value managers,
identified in a Barron’s cover story in May, are seeking such shares, rather than
the traditional value fare of cheap stocks.
35 related staffing and cost issues, mostly
in acquired hospice operations. The
2021 earnings estimate is now $6.13 a
and Amyris is the point on the spear
to create it,” says Randy Baron, a port-
folio manager at Pinnacle Associates,
Their search has become more challenging, because buyers are paying lofty The number share, down from nearly $7. The stock which owns Amyris shares. He thinks
prices for high-growth stories. Really big winners are scarce. Only about 35 of companies that trades for 30 times projected 2021 they could hit $75 by the end of 2022.
companies in each of a long series of 10-year periods have compounded their over a long series profits. Cole says that the company Booz Allen Hamilton Holding
stock prices at 20% or more annually, resulting in at least a sixfold increase, of 10-year periods remains capable of generating 10% (BAH) is an important consultant to
according to Durable Capital Partners. have compounded annual gains in earnings per share. the Defense Department and other

Illustration by Goran Factory

Many investors are happy to stick with large, well-known compounders, their stock prices Amyris (AMRS) is a leader in syn- agencies. The U.S. government ac-
such as Alphabet (ticker: GOOGL), Mastercard (MA), UnitedHealth Group at 20% or more thetic biology. It fans say its opportunity counted for 97% of its revenue in its
(UNH), and Eli Lilly (LLY). annually, resulting is to supplant, in an eco-friendly way, a latest fiscal year. Booz Allen has built
Barron’s sought to identify smaller candidates. We talked to investment man- in at least a sixfold range of products now made from pet- robust ties to the government over the
agers and came up with an eclectic list of 10 stocks, most with market values increase, accord- rochemicals, animals, and plants. years by providing an array of ser-
under $10 billion. Here are the selections, in alphabetical order: ing to Durable Using genetically re-engineered vices, like cybersecurity. Its stock
Amedisys (AMED), a provider of home healthcare and hospice services, has Capital Partners. yeast and sugar cane, Amyris pro- trades around $81, for a 1.8% yield.
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 15

“It has built a strong, partnership- the timeshare industry. It has five years, to be on the U.S. market in outside its current U.S. and U.K. mar-
like culture and has a long record of 700,000 owners, a resilient business
Stitch Fix the fourth quarter, pending Food and kets, and a potentially very profitable
steady growth,” says Josh Spencer, model with significant revenue from “could be the Drug Administration approval. business in two to three years.
manager of the T. Rowe Price New fees, and more exposure than its peers “It could do substantial volumes,’’ Trex (TREX) is the top producer of
Horizons fund. He sees Booz Allen as to luxury properties in places includ- Nordstrom says Doug Brodie, a global manager at a high-end wood alternative for decks
capable of generating 9% to 10% an- ing Hawaii and Orlando, Fla. Baillie Gifford. “It’s early in a journey that comes from 95% recycled mate-
nual growth in revenue and yearly “It has the best customer base, with of the and is largely devoid of competition.” rial, making it an eco-friendly housing
gains of 15% to 16% in earnings, in
line with its historical performance.
the highest spending and an impecca-
ble balance sheet,” says David Baron,
future.” Lenses for both eyes can be im-
planted in less than an hour, and they
play. The shares, at $105, trade for 43
times projected 2022 earnings.
Mario Cibelli,
The stock is off 20% from its peak of a manager of the Baron Focused chief investment don’t involve the removal of the natural T. Rowe Price’s Spencer views Trex
$100, amid concerns about more re- Growth fund. Marriott Vacations, officer at lenses. The wholesale cost in the U.S. as worth the price, based on his view
strained military spending. Spencer whose shares recently were trading Marathon Partners could be around $1,000 per lens. that it can generate sustainable annual
sees the pullback as a buying opportu- around $145, should reinstate its divi- At a recent $138, Staar shares are revenue growth of 15% to 20%. Earn-
nity, with the stock valued at less than dend later this year, he adds. richly valued at more than 20 times ings are expected to climb by about
20 times earnings. The shares, Baron argues, are projected 2022 sales and 140 times 20% in 2022 and at a similar pace in
J.B. Hunt Transport Services cheap at a 11% free-cash-flow yield, estimated 2022 earnings. But the mar- the following years. “If you roll the
(JBHT) is a leader in intermodal based on 2022 estimates. He says that ket opportunity is enormous: Some clock forward three years, it doesn’t
freight, which involves the fuel-effi- the stock, little changed since 2018, five billion people worldwide could look as expensive,” he says.
cient movement of trucks over rail could produce 20% annual returns for have myopia by 2050. Upwork (UPWK), an online mar-
lines. It has been one of the most suc- shareholders in the coming years. Stitch Fix (SFIX) has developed a ketplace for freelance workers, is fa-
cessful trucking companies. Its stock SiteOne Landscape Supply subscription service for clothing, vored by Baillie Gifford’s Brodie, who
has risen 30-fold over the past 20 (SITE) is the country’s top supplier of shoes, and other accessories and says it offers a play on the greater ac-
years, to a recent $173. “It has an in- landscaping products, with ample boasts over four million customers. ceptance of freelancers by businesses.
credible franchise,” says Henry Ellen- opportunity to expand, given that it “This could be the Nordstrom of The shares, recently around $44,
bogen, chief investment officer at Du- has just a 13% market share in a the future,” says Mario Cibelli, chief aren’t cheap. Upwork is valued at $5.7
rable Capital Partners and a member highly fragmented industry. investment officer at Marathon Part- billion, or more than 10 times this
of the Barron’s Roundtable. “It’s growing organically and has ners Equity Management, a Stitch Fix year’s projected sales of nearly $500
J.B. Hunt’s relationship with the lots of acquisition opportunities,” says holder. “This a potentially huge mar- million. It operates at a slight loss.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad Columbia’s Cole, who considers the ket and nobody is addressing it in the The investment case is about rapid
gives it a strong position in intermodal company to be capable of 10% to 15% same way.” Using a staff of 6,000 per- sales growth leading to ample earn-
freight, he notes. J.B. Hunt also has a annual revenue growth. sonal stylists and lots of data, Stitch ings. Sales are expected to rise by
growing business taking over the The stock, around $197, has a rich Fix seeks to identify subscriber tastes 30%-plus this year and 25% for 2022.
trucking operations of smaller compa- valuation, trading for 43 times pro- to generate high satisfaction and limit “Freelancers are more accepted by
nies. And it is involved in digital jected 2022 earnings of $4.54 a share. returns on packages sent at intervals small to midsize business, but they’ve
freight brokerage—matching truckers Staar Surgical (STAA) has devel- and determined by subscribers. been frowned on by the HR depart-
with shipping customers. oped an implantable lens to correct Its shares, around $44, are down ments at large businesses,” Brodie
Ellenbogen says the stock is rea- myopia (nearsightedness). That ad- 60% from their level earlier in the says. Upwork aims to change that per-
sonable at 22 times estimated 2022 dresses a potentially huge market, year, on investors’ worries about po- ception by vetting its freelancers and
profits, given a mid-teens annual given the rising global incidence of tential churn and the business’s ulti- by offering thousands of skill sets.
growth outlook for earnings. that vision problem. The company mate profitability. “Upwork could become a trusted part-
Marriott Vacations Worldwide expects the lens, which has been avail- Yet Cibelli sees revenue growth of ner for an increasing number of enter-
(VAC) is one of the top companies in able in Europe and Asia for at least 20%-plus annually, opportunities prise-grade partners,” he says. B


Here are 10 stocks that growth investors have identified as being able to generate consistently high growth in revenue or profits for many years.
Recent YTD 2021E 2021E 2022E 2022E Long-Term Market
Company / Ticker Price Change Price/E Price/Sales P/E Price/Sales Growth Rate* Value (bil) Comment

Amedisys / AMED $185.15 -37% 30.2 2.7 27.7 2.4 10.5 % $6.3 Leader in home healthcare
Amyris / AMRS 13.64 121 NM 10.4 NM 9.7 NA 4.1 Leading company in synthetic biology
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding / BAH 81.73 -6 19.4 1.3 17.7 1.2 8.6 11.0 Defense-department consultant
J.B. Hunt Transport Services / JBHT 172.76 26 25.8 1.5 22.2 1.4 18.4 18.2 Strong in intermodal freight
Marriott Vacations Worldwide / VAC 147.15 7 40.9 1.6 15.7 1.4 NA 6.3 Top company in vacation timeshares
SiteOne Landscape Supply / SITE 197.10 24 45.7 2.6 43.5 2.5 19.3 8.8 Big supplier of landscaping supplies
Staar Surgical / STAA 138.19 74 192.3 28.6 140.8 22.5 30.0 6.6 Maker of implantable lens for myopia
Stitch Fix / SFIX 44.38 -24 NM 1.9 1890.3 1.7 30.0 4.8 Data-driven subscription clothing firm
Trex / TREX 105.94 27 51.9 10.5 43.6 9.3 18.8 12.2 Top maker of synthetic-wood decking
Upwork / UPWK 44.31 28 NM 11.4 556.8 9.2 NA 5.7 Online clearinghouse for freelancers
E=estimate. *The annual EPS growth the company can sustain over the next three-to-five years. BAH estimates are for fiscal years ending March 2022 and March 23. SFIX estimates are for fiscal years ending July 2022 and July 2023.
NM=not meaningful. NA=not available. Source: FactSet
16 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

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August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 17

The Last Days

release from his 150-year sentence,
given that he was terminally ill. Ma-
doff told prison officials that he would
move to Baltimore to live with some-
one whose name was redacted in the

Of Fraudster file, and undergo treatment at Johns

Hopkins Hospital, the records showed.
He told a prison social worker that
the cost to hire help for his care

Bernie Madoff
wouldn’t be an issue, as “he has sev-
eral people [redacted] that can assist
and some who are ‘indebted’ to him,”
according to the files.
In June 2020, Judge Denny Chin,
who had been the original trial judge
in the federal case, denied Madoff’s
After more than a decade in prison, the Ponzi request. The judge stated that he be-
schemer was confused, angry, and increasingly ill lieved “Mr. Madoff was never truly
remorseful, and that he was only
sorry that his life as he knew it was
collapsing around him.”
By LUKAS ALPERT “It was well documented that Mr.

Madoff was aged and sick,” said attor-
t was just before midnight on ney Brandon Sample, who handled
April 6 when the nurse’s station Madoff’s early-release petition. “None-
at the federal prison hospital in theless, his declining health was in-
Butner, N.C., received a call about sufficient for the judge to show Madoff
an inmate screaming for help. a bit of mercy.”
When a nurse arrived at cell When Madoff was first arrested, it
5420D, she looked in and saw was estimated that the losses related
Bernie Madoff sitting on the side of his to his scam were as high as $65 bil-
bed staring down at the floor and wig- lion. That figure was later substan-
gling his left foot. He then screamed: tially lowered to around $18 billion
“Help! I hate this f—ing place!” when phony paper profits were de-
The nurse told him to stop yelling as ducted from the total. At the time of
he was disturbing other inmates, to Madoff’s death, investigators said they
which the man behind the biggest Ponzi had managed to recover $14.4 billion.
scheme in history replied: “F— them!” In May 2001, a Barron’s article raised
The nurse told him to stop cursing early questions about Madoff’s method-
and asked what was going on. The ology, yet he managed to continue with
confused and agitated Madoff apolo- his fraud for eight more years.
gized and said: “I gave them a pass In his final weeks, Madoff began
and no one is respecting me or doing experiencing hallucinations, the re-
anything! I can’t believe they are doing cords stated. Just before he was sent to
this to me!” Duke University Hospital on March 23
He couldn’t explain who he was he spent the last 17 months of his life in doses of methadone for pain, as other to have his toes removed, he reported
talking about. Then he stopped an- hospice care at the prison hospital, prescription painkillers were deemed seeing people in his room at night.
swering questions altogether. He re- waiting to die of kidney failure. unsuitable given his kidney issues, the He later told a corrections officer
fused to lie down or turn off the light Madoff also suffered from severe records showed. Madoff was consid- that he saw a bird in the officer’s
and resumed sitting silently on the coronary artery disease, which left him ered a “high fall risk” and had lost jacket pocket. Madoff admitted “feel-
edge of the bed with his face buried in gasping for air just walking across a eight of his teeth. ing crazy,” the records showed.
his hands. room, the records showed. In 2020, he Because of his perilous health situ- On the morning of April 12, Madoff
Eight days later, he would be dead The High Cost developed gangrene in the fourth toe ation, Madoff was among the first was found on the floor of his cell, ac-
at the age of 82. of his left foot—something not uncom- people in the country to be inoculated cording to the medical file. He was
The story of Madoff’s erratic behav-
Of a Big Con mon for people with end-stage renal against Covid-19, getting his first shot able to respond to his name but noth-

$18 B
ior, and details of his long-failing failure. He would eventually have that of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on ing else. Doctors noted in the records
health inside the federal prison where toe and the one next to it amputated to Dec. 18, 2020, just a week after it had that Madoff appeared to have reached
he lived for nearly the last 11 years of prevent the gangrene from spreading. been approved for emergency use by the “terminal cliff.” Later that day, the
his life, are based on more than 4,000 The estimated For much of his last year, Madoff the Food and Drug Administration. prison rabbi was called to see Madoff.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

pages of medical records released to losses from the relied on a wheelchair and oxygen Madoff received his second shot on At 3:10 a.m. on April 14, Madoff
MarketWatch by the Bureau of Pris- Ponzi scheme. tanks to get around. He underwent Jan. 9, the records showed. was found dead, according to the doc-
ons in response to a Freedom of Infor- Investigators say dialysis three times a week, although A spokesman for the Bureau of Pris- tor’s notes. The cause of death: end-
mation Act request. they recovered he often cut treatment short or re- ons declined to comment on any aspect stage renal failure. B
They describe a grim decline in Ma- $14.4 billion by the fused it outright because he found it of Madoff’s treatment behind bars. A version of this article originally
doff’s physical and cognitive abilities as time Madoff died. too debilitating. He was placed on low In 2019, Madoff applied for early appeared on
18 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

The aerospace giant needs a
lot of work. Producing a new
plane model and cutting debt
could be good first steps. How
the stock could climb 35%.


Illustration by LIVIA CIVES

August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 19

f Boeing expected investors to celebrate the
surprising news that it had turned a profit in this
year’s second quarter, it had another thing
coming. Yes, the stock bounced up a bit after the
company said it earned 40 cents a share in the
period, its first quarterly profit since 2019—
before the impact of two 737 MAX crashes and
Covid-19 decimated its business. And there was
more good news: Boeing reported that 175
countries have approved the resumption of the
MAX for commercial flight, and that it has shipped
more than 130 MAX jets since November.
On a call with analysts and investors following the
release of earnings, the conversation then turned to
other topics. Analysts asked whether profit margins
would ever return to previous levels. Did profits owe
to cutting costs to a level the company might later
regret? How real was the demand for planes? They
queried management about the problems that
continue to sideline the 787, Boeing’s Dreamliner jet;
the company’s spending on research; and its ability to
attract new engineers.
In other words, they wanted to know when Boeing
CEO Dave Calhoun would be able to move beyond
damage control and start retooling the world’s largest
aerospace company for the future.
It’s a fair question, not least because Boeing’s
shares (ticker: BA) trade nearly 50% below their
March 2019 high of $440.62. Few if any Boeing
watchers expect the stock, now around $238, to
revisit that record in the next few years. But Boeing
could rally more than 35% if Calhoun takes bold
steps to restore the company’s engineering
supremacy and repair its balance sheet. Those steps
should include building a brand new plane.
Boeing’s commercial airplane business lost $10.3
billion in the past 12 months, on sales of $18.7 billion.
That compares with an operating profit of $7.9 billion,
on sales of $60.7 billion, in 2018. The company’s
defense and services businesses partially
compensated for this weak performance; defense
generated $27.7 billion of sales in the past year, or
45% of the total, and earned about $2.5 billion in
operating income. Services contributed $15.2 billion
of sales, and $1.4 billion in operating income.
The Covid pandemic took a big toll on Boeing,
causing air traffic to tumble about 40% from 2019’s
prepandemic level. Deliveries of Boeing planes totaled
just 267 in the past 12 months, compared with 806 in
2018. Boeing was forced to use its balance sheet to
keep itself and suppliers stable, draining $30 billion of
cash in the process—almost as much as it spent on
20 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

share repurchases between 2015 and aircraft, for several years, with 30%, including dividends. Boeing company delivered its revolutionary
2019. Muilenburg having cited “teams” that bested the S&P 500’s 10% average carbon-composite-hulled 787 and the
Yet, Boeing’s problems began long were working on the business case for annual return, and outperformed even 737 MAX.
before the pandemic—and even before the jet prior to the MAX grounding Apple (AAPL), which returned 20% Not everyone was happy with his
two 737 MAX crashes, in October 2018 and the pandemic. But the size, a year, on average. selection as CEO, or with the board’s
and March 2019, that took hundreds of capability, and timing of the NMA In roughly those same five years, vote to extend his contract past Boeing’s
lives and led to the model’s grounding haven’t been revealed. Boeing spent nearly $35 billion to mandatory retirement age of 65. Many
for 20 months. The crashes were When asked about an all-new repurchase shares, up from $8.8 people believed that as a longtime board
blamed, in part, on malfunctioning aircraft, Boeing referred Barron’s to billion during the previous five years. member, he deserved some blame for
sensors and new software on the Calhoun’s comments about product But spending on research and the MAX. And Calhoun has a
aircraft. development on the company’s development stagnated. The impact reputation for being gruff. In early
The MAX, however, was just the second-quarter conference call: “It’s was apparent in the design of the 737 2020, he rebuffed as silly suggestions
most obvious problem. Most of the not going to be dramatically different MAX, which was less of a new plane that Boeing rebrand the MAX. And in
company’s newest planes have had [technology]—with one exception, and than an updated version of an older an interview in March of last year with
troubles, including the 787 Dreamliner, that is everything sustainability. That model, with new engines. the New York Times, he criticized the
which has had quality issues. Boeing’s next airplane will have to meet some Muilenburg didn’t return Barron’s motivations and skill of prior
missteps will have a long-term cost. serious sustainability tests.” calls for comment. management and hinted that foreign
Airplane cycles run in decades, and The company declined to make Before arriving at Boeing, Calhoun, pilots might have been to blame in the
Boeing has already ceded the 2020s to Calhoun available for an interview. 64, had spent more than a quarter- plane’s two crashes.
European archrival Airbus (EADSY). century at General Electric (GE), Yet, analysts and investors value

Calhoun, who succeeded Dennis Boeing and France’s t is hard to remember now, after all eventually running GE’s aircraft- his candor. “During his [tenure] as
Muilenburg as CEO in January 2020, Airbus are the only the tragedies and missteps, that engine business in the early 2000s. He head of GE Aviation, Dave Calhoun
two makers of large
was forced to deal with the Covid commercial planes,
investors once thought Boeing could left GE to run ratings firm Nielsen, was always highly regarded by
crisis instead of focusing on Boeing’s which can take a do no wrong. In the five years ended then owned by a private-equity analysts for his no-nonsense, no-spin
engineering prowess, which had once decade to design March 8, 2019—the last trading day consortium, which took it public in manner and deep domain expertise,”
and build. They can
enjoyed pride of place. “So far, sell for more than before the second 737 MAX crash— 2011. Calhoun joined the board of says Deane Dray, an RBC Capital
Calhoun has been superb at keeping $100 million apiece. the stock returned an annualized Boeing in 2009. In the next decade, the Markets analyst who covered GE but
the company on a financial even keel,”
says Teal Group aerospace consultant
Richard Aboulafia. “But the real long-
term challenge for Boeing is to restore
its culture of engineering excellence.”
Calhoun appears to recognize that.
On last month’s earnings call, he
offered a few statements about Covid-19
before turning to the progress that the
company is making on its
“transformation.” Calhoun pointed to
five pillars that he said have been
guiding the process: infrastructure,
overhead and organization, supply-
chain health, portfolio and investment,
and operational excellence.
All are necessary to keep the
company—any company—from going
off the rails. But to truly fix Boeing,
and give it a chance to own the 2030s,
Calhoun needs to think bigger. He
needs to announce a new plane, one
that will get everyone from engineers
to customers to suppliers excited, even
if it means selling stock to finance the
project. Only then, analysts say, will
Boeing be able to compete head-on
with Airbus, and see its stock return
to its formerly lofty heights.
“I’ve said this repeatedly, that they
need to start developing new aircraft,”
says Robert Spingarn, an analyst at
Credit Suisse.

David Ryder/Getty Im
Adds Ron Epstein of BofA
Securities, “The 737 MAX can’t fit
every role.”
Boeing has talked about its so-
called NMA, or new midmarket
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 21

doesn’t cover Boeing. Boeing Airbus Low Altitude

Calhoun has managed Boeing well (BA / NYSE) (EADSY / OTC) Boeing stock has lagged behind Airbus and the stock market since the start of the pandemic.
through the Covid crisis, a point
Recent Price 75%
driven home by the company’s
$239.49 $33.99
second-quarter profit, which analysts
Market Value (bil) S&P 500
hadn’t predicted. He has kept a tight
grip on costs, while Boeing’s defense $140 $107 Boeing
business has been more profitable YTD Change
than expected. But one quarter doesn’t
12% 24%
mean much when it comes to long-
term success. Boeing’s net debt has 2022E Revenue (bil)
ballooned from roughly $5 billion at $91.2 $70.7
the end of 2018 to more than $42 2022E Net Income (bil)
billion at the end of the latest quarter. 0
$4.6 $4.5
Airbus has more cash than debt.
2022E P/E
Boeing has hundreds of planes in
inventory, which means cash flow will 41.1 23.4 -25
grow when deliveries pick up, and Net Debt (bil)
some of that cash will be used to pay $42.2 $7.6*
down debt. Wall Street projects that -50
Boeing will generate $10 billion to $11
billion in free cash flow annually in 267 665
2022 and beyond. Unfilled Orders***
Boeing could accelerate the repair of -75
5070 6873
its balance sheet by issuing more stock, March 2020 2021
*Net Cash **Past 12 months through July ***As of July
perhaps as much as $10 billion to $15 E=estimate Sources: FactSet; company reports Source: FactSet
billion. That would dilute existing
shareholders by about 10%, but a bit
less debt could bring investors back to coveted “narrowbody,” or single-aisle engine makers to develop an all-new Boeing Needs earnings call, in response to a
Boeing, says Credit Suisse’s Spingarn. aircraft market, with Airbus’ A320 jets engine with next-generation question about talent loss. “We are
Investors “might buy the stock if dominating, Spingarn says. Boeing has technology, like open rotor design,
Bold Action now in a ruthless competition with
Creating a larger
there’s less pressure on the balance about 4,100 unfilled orders for 737- would be a real coup. everybody, not just our aerospace
sheet,” he says, adding that a new model jets, while Airbus has about An open rotor engine looks like a industry, which is getting bigger, but
plane with the
stock issue “basically creates the cash 6,100 A220- and A320-model jets in propeller put on the front of a turbine, also all of the folks in the cyber and
potential to sell
needed to develop the next airplane.” its backlog. Basic models of both planes but the propeller has many more fan Silicon Valley world. But I like our
Calhoun hasn’t spoken about a retail for roughly $100 million each. blades. The design has 10% to 20% chances.”
capital raise, but has said that
maintaining an investment-grade credit
Boeing might be best off designing
a larger narrowbody plane that seats
better fuel efficiency than today’s
2K-3K Engineers want to work on leading-
edge technologies, and it is Calhoun’s
rating is important. “We remain 200 to 300 people, analysts say. A Calhoun hasn’t said much about a units a year could job to reestablish Boeing as a premier
focused on reducing our debt levels and 757-size plane is “exactly what Boeing new plane beyond emphasizing its restore Boeing’s engineering company. He has made
actively managing our balance sheet,” needs to do,” says Teal Group’s sustainability. competitive bal- positive changes: The 50,000-strong
he told listeners on the latest earnings Abulafia. In the best-case scenario, a new 757 ance with Airbus. engineering department is now part of
call. “Our investment-grade credit Airbus’ offering in that range, the could do for Boeing what the two-aisle a single, integrated global
rating is important to us, and we will A321 NEO, is a stretch version of the widebody 787 did a decade ago. Boeing organization. Previously, engineers
continue to consider all aspects of our A320 and carries 240 people. Airbus adopted carbon-composite technology reported to managers inside of
capital structure to strengthen our has almost 3,000 A321-model jets in and essentially created a new segment individual business units. Calhoun
balance sheet.” its backlog, which list for about $130 of the aerospace market, one that changed the organizational structure
million each. A new 757-model jet, obsoleted giant jumbo jets like the 747 to help spur transparency and

ommercial aerospace is a unique with capacity for 200 to 250 and Airbus A380. Airbus eventually innovation.
business. Boeing and Airbus are the passengers, would give Boeing a responded with the A350 family of Still, R&D spending has fallen
only two makers of large chance to leapfrog existing technology jets. about 30% under his tenure, partly
commercial planes. The industry is and establish leadership in a key The 787, which can cost $340 due to the pandemic. Building a new
characterized by low volume—fewer segment of the narrowbody market. million, garnered about 1,500 orders plane would be one way to entice
than 2,000 planes are sold in an “Here is the problem they have for 787-model jets, far more than the engineers to join Boeing and improve
average year—and highly engineered with not doing a new plane,” says 915 orders Airbus received for the company morale.
parts are made by a handful of Spingarn. “In the middle market, they A350. Creating a plane with the Even without a new plane, Boeing
suppliers. Nothing happens quickly; have no plane.” potential to sell 2,000 to 3,000 units has room to grow—and its stock has
new planes take a decade to design and Boeing could stick a new geared in an unclaimed segment of the room to rise. Airbus is expected to
build, and require coordination turbofan from Raytheon market could restore the competitive generate about $6.4 billion of free cash
between manufacturers and suppliers. Technologies’ (RTX) Pratt & Whitney balance between the two arch rivals. flow in 2024, implying a price-to-
When there’s a problem with a new division or a traditional turbofan from Designing a new plane could also cash-flow multiple of 17 times. If
plane, undoing the damage can also the General Electric and Safran help Boeing attract engineering talent Boeing, with $10 billion to $11 billion
take years. (SAF.France) joint venture, CFM in a market with many competitors. in estimated cash flow, were to fetch
Boeing’s 737 MAX likely will end up International, under the wings of “I’ve been in the engineering business the same multiple, it would sport a
with a 40% market share in the existing 757 technology. But convincing most of my life,” Calhoun said on the market cap of about $170 billion, up
22 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

from about $140 billion today, for a pandemic. Based on consensus

gain of more than 20%. Presumably, estimates for free cash flow in 2023,
the stock could gain from there as the the stock could be worth $325 by the
company pays down debt. Boeing has middle of 2022, a gain of more than
an enterprise value of about $182 35% from recent levels.
billion, including net debt. Equity That may be a best-case scenario.
would account for a bigger chunk of Baird analyst Peter Arment is bullish
the value as debt comes down. on Boeing and has a $306 price target
Airbus stock is down about 15% for the stock. He projects more than
from its all-time high, partly reflecting $18 in free cash flow per share by 2023,
the impact of Covid. The difference up from negative free cash flow in 2021
between its decline and Boeing’s much and a consensus estimate of $16 in
larger drop can be attributed to 2022.
Boeing’s 787 quality problems, Covid-19 remains a big risk for
management turmoil, and the 737 Boeing, as for other travel-related
MAX’s protracted grounding. Boeing companies. About 33% fewer
could close much of the gap between passengers took U.S. commercial
the two stocks by delivering its 737 flights in the second quarter of this
MAX backlog, fixing quality issues year relative to the same stretch of
with the 787 Dreamliner, and avoiding 2019. While that was a big
operating mishaps. That would be a improvement over the first quarter of
decent legacy for any CEO. 2021, which was down 55% from the

Andrew Harnik/AP/Shutterstock
But the risks of doing nothing more same period two years ago,
than that are high. Boeing would commercial air travel likely won’t
remain at a competitive disadvantage Former Boeing CEO the years ahead. “The downside to not say. With a better balance sheet, a eclipse 2019 levels until 2023 or 2024.
productwise, relative to Airbus. And it Dennis Muilenburg, making this future stronger product lineup, and a A full recovery isn’t needed for
center front, as
wants to go into the 2030s in a better mourners hold up there, but it’s delayed,” says Spingarn. sharper focus on engineering, the Boeing stock to work, but the industry
position with newer products, photographs of If Boeing were to take the bold step stock could command at least the 18 needs to grow. If Calhoun takes control
people killed in the
especially since China plans to start 737 MAX crashes.
of building a new plane, the upside times free cash flow at which it traded of what he can—and thinks big—
selling its own commercial airliners in could be considerably higher, analysts before the MAX crashes and the Boeing will be ready for the future. B



See what others don’t.

August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 23

Activist Short
nancing Needs.” The report alleged
“blatant accounting fraud” and sin-
gled out the company’s banking divi-
sion as a “conduit for proceeds of

Takes Aim
crime and money laundering.”
Viceroy Research, in a series of
allegations, pointed to Grenke’s habit-
ual practice of buying underperform-
ing franchisee businesses and failing

At Big Targets
to disclose these transactions were
conducted with related parties as a
sign of a “fraudulent scheme” de-
signed “to either hide fake cash or
siphon off millions of euros to undis-
closed related parties, or both.”
Among the red flags Viceroy spot-
Fraser Perring rode to fame on bets against Steinhoff ted was “the hoarding of excessive
and Wirecard. Now he says he’s out for bigger game. amounts of cash on Grenke’s balance
sheet” even as the company frequently
tapped capital markets, the September
2020 report said.
By ANITA RAGHAVAN Buttressing its claim that Grenke

Bank was a funnel for money launder-
ctivist investor Fraser Per- ing, it faulted the company’s banking
ring can appear as opaque division for receiving money from
as the companies he takes unregulated trading platforms, for
aim at. instance, which Viceroy said repre-
He says that 2020 was sented the kind of breach that could
an excellent year for his result in the suspension or loss of the
firm, Viceroy Research— bank’s license.
“it has been better than every single Grenke fired back, saying soon
year combined”—but he won’t offer a after the Viceroy report was published
ballpark amount of the money the that the report “contains allegations
hedge fund made. which Grenke strongly rejects.”
He eschews inviting reporters to Earlier this year, an interim report
his home office; Barron’s interviewed on a special audit of Grenke by the
him on a bench in a square in Peter- accounting firm Mazars, which was
borough, a town about an hour and a Fraser Perring, a former social worker, has made a name as a prominent short seller. commissioned by German regulators,
half from Perring’s home office in cen- supported Perring’s findings of
tral England. shoddy accounting involving the un-
Perring’s wariness comes amid luster, the job of betting against com- He says he also stays clear of stocks disclosed related-party transactions,
concerns that he has had for his own panies is arduous work, sparking that have high levels of short interest, saying that the franchise companies
safety after his biggest victory as an slugfests between investors and the which reflects the numbers of shares should have been consolidated in the
activist investor unspooling one of companies they target. that have been sold short. Short sellers company’s accounts as soon as they
modern Europe’s largest corporate But the relentless bull market in are always at risk of getting whip- were set up, and found “several defi-
blowups—last summer’s spectacular stocks has turned short selling into a sawed when investors cover their ciencies” at Grenke’s banking divi-
collapse of German payments process- Mount Everest-like challenge that is short positions by buying stocks. sion.
ing company Wirecard (ticker: even harder to scale in Europe. “With low short interest, you don’t While the audit didn’t support Per-
WCAGY). Yet short selling is drawing re- have a herd wanting to cover,” Perring ring’s claims of money laundering or
The company’s demise came after newed attention. A Goldman Sachs explains. find evidence of fraud, it sharply criti-
Perring and other short sellers, who index of the most-shorted stocks has He scours the globe for telltale cized Grenke Bank’s money-launder-
take bearish bets on stock prices in risen roughly 140% since the Wire- signs of fraud—“there always has to ing prevention protocols. The bank’s
anticipation they will fall, faced con- card announcement. be an element of too good to be true”— anti-money-laundering procedures
siderable blowback for years from Perring says he is now working on and a widespread perception in the were “not fully compliant with legal
Wirecard and from German regula- an alleged fraud in Germany that is market that the company is a highflier. rules,” Mazars found, according to a
tors who began an investigation into “There 3½ times as large as Wirecard, which Germany remains a favorite hunt- summary of the audit results on
the doubting investors at the prodding at its peak was a $28 billion company, ing ground for Perring. “They are the Grenke’s website.
Christopher Goodney/Bloomberg

of the company, according to news always has but refuses to divulge details. He says only place in the world where they At its annual general meeting last
reports. to be an he hopes to unveil the target this fall. keep very good records even if they month, Grenke’s supervisory board
He was ultimately vindicated on His playbook is similar to other are a fraud,” he says. chairman noted that the accounting
Wirecard after it filed for insolvency element of short sellers, but differs in some im- Three months after Wirecard’s col- firm KPMG had signed off on 2020
in June 2020, making a name for Per- too good to portant ways. lapse, Perring’s Viceroy Research pub- annual accounts; he pointed to the
ring that he feeds off today. Perring likes to focus on target lished a report on German asset leas- addition to the board of a chief risk
Even in the best of times for short be true.” companies whose practices or ac- ing company Grenke (GLJ. Germany) officer as part of measures that will
sellers, when stock returns are lack- Fraser Perring counting have not been questioned. entitled “Grenke—for Your Fraud Fi- enable the “company to better meet
24 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

odd ideas a week,” which his firm may

the increased regulatory requirements
for internal control systems.”
3 BIG SHORT PLAYS develop, he says. Of course, “some of
The activist investor Fraser Perring has played a major role in raising questions about the business them aren’t within our wheelhouse,

erring likes to describe his practices of a number of companies, including Wirecard of Germany, Steinhoff International of South too technical…. And, yeah, we do
brand of short selling as “com- Africa, and MiMedx Group of the U.S. cherry-pick, in a way. But who doesn’t
mon sense short selling,” Wirecard Steinhoff International MiMedx Group in terms of their work?”
meaning that if there isn’t a AG ADR Holdings N.V. In Europe, funds are required to
$125 10,000c $20
logical reason for a stock to go up, he disclose a short position to the regula-
thinks it is an attractive target. 100 8,000 16 tor when it exceeds 0.2% of a com-
The pandemic has revealed a welter pany’s market capitalization and then
of opportunities for Perring—compa- 75 6,000 12 publicly when it is greater than 0.5%,
nies whose businesses have been says Matthew Earl, managing partner
felled by lockdowns and Covid restric- 50 4,000 8 at ShadowFall Capital & Research, a
tions yet continue to prosper on paper. London-based hedge fund. Viceroy
A hurricane a few years ago served 25 2,000 4 typically stays below these thresholds.
a similar purpose, he says. 0 “If you cover your position immedi-
0 0
Acting on a tip from a friend, Per- ately after the publication of your re-
ring noticed that the business of 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 search, the regulator is likely to take a
MiMedx Group (MDXG), a Marietta, Source: FactSet dim view,” Earl explains.
Ga.-based biomedical company, con- Earl says he first met Perring, a
tinued to chug along even during a developing meaningful medicines.” The report said that Perring may former social worker, in 2016, when
hurricane, which had led to a string of Sometimes an eye-popping transac- just be a public megaphone for more- he was introduced to him by a mutual
nonessential surgeries being canceled. tion can put a company squarely in powerful hedge funds that don’t want acquaintance. The two teamed up on
“It was another archetype or red Perring’s eyeshot. A few years ago, to be directly linked to negative re- Wirecard through an entity called
flag,” he says. South African retailer Steinhoff In- search for a variety of reasons, includ- Zatarra Research & Investigations, but
Perring accused MiMedx of inflat- ternational Holdings (SNH.South ing legal and regulatory risks, yet are no longer partners.
ing sales by channel stuffing, or delib- Africa) caught Perring’s attention after profit from the market reaction that

erately sending more products it decided to acquire Mattress Firm for ensues after research is published. erring rejects the idea that he or
through the distribution pipeline than more than double its closing stock “We find that Viceroy is a relative the hedge funds and family
can be used. Viceroy Research, draw- price the day before the acquisition. newcomer in an ecosystem of several offices he collaborates with
ing on a 2016 whistleblower lawsuit “The only reason you would do that other short sellers and hedge funds have short-term goals. The pay
and documents that it received from is that you are an idiot or you are try- which are more established and have formula in place with funds under-
other former employees, found that ing to float something on your books,” tighter regulatory constraints,” the scores this idea, he says.
MiMedx facilitated the channel stuff- Perring says. Intellidex report said. “In our view, the “Say we published on the first of a
ing by exhorting its sales managers, In 2019, Steinhoff said an internal value Viceroy adds to this ecosystem is month and that month had 30 days in
typically in the final days of the quar- inquiry had found that a small group to generate publicity on companies, it—if they covered, we would be paid
ter, to book large orders for products of former executives had engaged in and to effectively in-source legal risk on the first of the next month, yeah,
that weren’t requested by customers. transactions over several years that from others cautious of being seen to and not once have we been paid that,”
He likens MiMedx’s sales growth resulted in “substantially inflating” publicly disparage companies.” Intelli- he says. Viceroy is allowed to audit the
during the hurricane to Wirecard’s the company’s profits and asset val- dex said it could not “definitely deter- collaborating hedge fund’s results on a
performance during the pandemic last ues. Describing the past 17 months as mine how Viceroy monetizes its work.” trade, he says. “We don’t do short-ter-
year. “Even if you were in payments, “by far the most challenging in the Perring says that for a very large mism.”
you had a down dip” in 2020, he history” of the company, Steinhoff’s project, Viceroy may approach other Still, skepticism of Perring’s prolific
notes. “The same happens with hurri- chief executive told shareholders in hedge funds to see if they are inter- output of in-depth research persists.
canes. When there is a big hurricane, May 2019 that management had devel- ested in its research. “I have been in financial markets
all surgeries are canceled unless really oped a plan to address all shortcom- The hedge funds could review the for 20 years,” says Earl, who started
essential like heart or whatever.” ings and ensure improved standards research and Viceroy would be paid as an economist at Royal Bank of Scot-
A flurry of lawsuits ensued be- of corporate governance. based on the profit—or the loss—of land. “In terms of my knowing what it
tween MiMedx and Perring, with each The accounting missteps at the the trade. takes to produce high-quality short
side claiming defamation. The two South African company affected in- “We don’t want to know how they research, it is inconceivable that some-
sides settled earlier this year. Terms vestors across the globe, from pension trade,” Perring says, because Viceroy one with a background in social work
weren’t disclosed. Germany is funds in its home country to some of does not want to be viewed as acting with a couple of mid-20-something
In 2019, the company agreed to pay “the only Wall Street’s biggest banks. jointly with the hedge funds. Alterna- colleagues can produce that kind of
$1.5 million to settle a Securities and Perring’s December 2017 report on tively, the hedge funds could buy the research on a regular basis.”
Exchange Commission lawsuit that place in the Steinhoff also set off a critical ap- research for a fixed fee, he says. Perring says he is well aware of
accused it of defrauding investors world where praisal of short sellers and of Perring Europe has regulatory hurdles for such accusations. The idea that his
from 2013 to 2017. MiMedx didn’t ad- in particular. short sellers that are more burden- firm doesn’t produce the research it
mit or deny wrongdoing. they keep Written by research firm Intellidex, some than in the U.S., and that may publishes and promotes is “patently
A spokesman for MiMedx said the very good the review on Perring was commis- play into Perring’s favor. His public untrue,” he says.
company doesn’t comment on closed sioned by Business Leadership South persona can give hedge funds the The kind of research he is engaged
legal matters, adding that the com- records even Africa, an independent association cover they need to operate below the in is expensive. The Wirecard project
pany’s “senior leadership team and if they are whose members include the leaders of radar, some say. alone totaled 2.3 million euros, includ-
board of directors are entirely new some of South Africa’s biggest compa- Perring freely acknowledges that ing legal costs, he says. “Every single
since 2019, and we remain focused on a fraud.” nies, some of which have been targets Viceroy Research works with other company we come to we have to build
improving patient health outcomes and Fraser Perring of Perring and others. hedge funds. Viceroy gets sent “10, 20 up a new network,” he says. B
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 25

FUND PROFILE Talking With Pramod Atluri, Principal Investment Officer,

American Funds Bond Fund of America

Ready for

any core bond fund managers are experi-
encing the challenge of their careers, as
inflation is starting to heat up during an era
of historically low interest rates.
To satisfy some clients’ income needs,
bond-fund managers may reach for yield,
potentially sacrificing fixed income’s pur-
pose as a diversifier against equity volatility.
Pramod Atluri, however, isn’t forgetting the reasons
people still want bonds in their portfolios. The portfolio
manager of the $75 billion American Funds Bond Fund
of America (ticker: ABNDX) and his team maintain a
philosophy that fixed income has four roles: income, capi-
tal preservation, inflation protection, and diversification.
As an intermediate-term core bond-fund manager,
Atluri aims to meet all four goals. “In my view, our ap-
proach was really built for this [current environment]
and the challenges this entails,” he says.
Bond Fund of America has a four-star, bronze medal
rating from Morningstar and ranks in the top 18% of its
category peers on a five-year basis, with a 3.6% annual-
ized return. The fund has beaten its category and the
Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond index on an
annualized basis for the past three and five years. It also
boasts a low annual expense ratio of 0.57%.
Atluri joined the fund as a portfolio manager in 2017,
after working at Fidelity Investments as a fixed-income
strategist and corporate bond analyst. He became the
fund’s principal investment officer in January 2020, and
helms it with co-managers David Betanzos, David Hoag,
and Fergus MacDonald.
Atluri, who is based in West Los Angeles, received
an M.B.A. in 2003 from Harvard Business School and a
Bachelor of Science in biological chemistry from the
University of Chicago in 1998. That math and science
background helps him form hypotheses for the big in-

Photograph by MATHEW SCOTT

26 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

vesting questions now facing managers— bought a few names when values “fell to
such as whether past strategies will still fire-sale prices,” he says. As the managers
work given the massive changes in the grew confident in an economic rebound,
global economy. “we pivoted from risk-off to risk-on and
That background “helps you approach added a lot more of these bonds,” he adds,
things differently,” he says. “Sometimes it which helped boost returns last year.
works in your favor, sometimes it doesn’t. Their purchases included several issues
That’s the beauty of the market.”
The firm as a whole believes a diversi-
fied approach produces better results, as
from Energy Transfer Partners, maturing
between 2047 and 2050, with yields
around 5%, and from Enbridge Energy
How to Make a Buck From
seen in the fund’s multimanager approach
to picking investments. Its large number of
holdings—more than 2,900—helps on that
Partners, maturing in 2045 with yields
just over 7%. Since then, they have started
to take profits, Atluri says.
Climate Change Rules
front, as well. Bond Fund owns dozens of Illinois gen-
Bond Fund on average also offers lower eral obligation municipal bonds that were
risk and higher returns than its category, first issued during the 2008-09 financial sulting firm Energy Aspects: “It goes far
according to Morningstar. It holds a signifi- crisis, many yielding between 5% and 6%, By Evie Liu beyond just some long-term goals—it’s now
cantly higher number of AAA-rated bonds with 10 years or less to maturity. Many a very concrete set of proposals that would

versus the category, at 61% of the portfolio bond-fund managers have shied away from limate change is real, it is the make the caps a lot harder to meet.”
versus 43% for its peers. “You take risk the Land of Lincoln because of its pension- result of human activity, and Still, current prices are far below the
where you’re getting paid to take it and fund hole, earning it one of the worst credit much of the damage may be irre- level needed to accelerate a low-carbon
don’t take it where you’re not,” Atluri says. ratings in the nation. Illinois pensions are versible, according to the latest transition fast enough. The Organization
Bond Fund acquires holdings in three among the worst-funded in the nation, scientific assessment from the United Na- for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
different ways, he explains. One, the team with pension-fund debt across its five re- tions Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ment estimates that $147 per ton is needed
looks for an idiosyncratic reason that a bond tirement systems of $144 billion. During Change, released this past week. by 2030 if the world hopes to reach net-
is underpriced. A second approach is taking the pandemic, fears grew that Illinois This isn’t news to many investors. Reg- zero carbon emissions by 2050. That means
a top-down view of the economy and mar- would enter junk-bond status, giving the ulators and American corporations have more-aggressive policies are likely coming.
kets, and third is a combination of top-down team an opportunity to scoop up the state’s been calling to put a dollar figure on the “These markets are designed to increase
and bottom-up factors. high-yielding muni bonds cheaply on the price of carbon-dioxide emissions, the big- over time,” says Eron Bloomgardenn of
All three reasons don’t always converge, secondary market. gest contributor to climate change. A new Climate Finance Partners, subadviser of the
but they did in 2020 when energy prices At the time, Atluri and his team be- exchange-traded fund is poised to let in- KraneShares ETF.
plummeted because of Covid-19, hitting lieved that federal stimulus would pass vestors participate in the increasingly ro- Policy tailwinds won’t eliminate volatil-
bond prices across the sector. The firm’s with money dedicated to helping states, bust market. ity, though. Economic cycles, the weather,
research analysts looked for companies with making low-credit-quality muni bonds a As countries vow to reach net-zero car- and fluctuating prices in other energy com-
the most resilient balance sheets to with- better value—and actually less risky—than bon emissions in the next few decades, modities could all affect the carbon market’s
stand an extended downturn. Then the team some investment-grade companies rated “cap and trade” programs are getting more short-term price movements, says Ariel
narrowed down a basket of bonds from BBB. Buying Illinois bonds “was a way to traction. These programs limit, or cap, Perez, head of environmental products at
high-quality midstream pipelines and other express that in the portfolio,” he says. how much carbon dioxide each company commodities-trading firm Hartree Partners.
energy corporate names to select those that Since then, Illinois’ ratings have im- can emit. Those that exceed the threshold Wider adoption of carbon-reducing tech-
would offer the best return for the risk they proved slightly because of stimulus money, will have to purchase extra permits from nology could also drive down demand sig-
were taking if the economy rebounded. They but the state’s pension problems over- those that pollute less. The caps are ex- nificantly, but that likely won’t happen until
shadow an OK near-term credit quality, he pected to drop over years, which will re- prices reach a much higher level.
says. These bonds have a shorter effective duce the supply of carbon permits and Institutional investors and hedge funds
American Funds Bond Fund of America duration—which means they are less sensi- drive up prices. As it becomes more expen- have used carbon futures as a diversifier
Total Return tive to changes in interest rates. That limits sive to emit greenhouse gases, polluting due to their low correlation with tradi-
1-Yr 3-Yr* 5-Yr* worries about long-term risks, allowing the companies should be motivated to cut tional asset classes like stocks and bonds,
ABNDX -0.5% 6.3% 3.6% fund to buy in large amounts, boost yield, emissions by transforming their business says Luke Oliver, KraneShares’ head of
Bloomberg Barclays -1.4 5.5 3.1
and diversify its holdings. or developing new technologies. strategy.
US Aggregate Bond Index Looking ahead, Atluri and his co-man- Carbon cap-and-trade programs have Carbon futures can also be an efficient
agers believe inflation will be higher and been around for more than a decade but hedge against energy transition risk, says
Quality Summary of Holdings % Assets
persist longer than the Federal Reserve has have languished due to low demand, whip- Perez: “If carbon prices go up, it will drag
U.S. Treasuries/Agencies 43.9% signaled. They, in turn, are being defensive, saw volatility, and poor liquidity. All that on the energy-intensive companies and
AAA/Aaa 13.9 selling last year’s winners and reducing has improved recently, and will continue as increase the cost of living for all of us.”
AA/Aa 4.8 risk. They have boosted the fund’s cash these programs become more established. More carbon markets could be added to
A 10.8
position to 3.1% so they can take advantage The $579 million KraneShares Global the KraneShares ETF if they reach size and
of any market mispricing, and have in- Carbon ETF (ticker: KRBN), which liquidity requirements, creating a more-di-
BBB/Baa 18.3
creased their holdings of shorter-duration launched a year ago, holds the most-traded versified portfolio. The U.K. market is ex-
BB/Ba 3.9 Treasury inflation-protected securities and carbon-credits futures contracts on major pected to be added in November, Oliver told
B 0.1 other U.S. government bonds as part of markets in Europe and the U.S. The fund Barron’s, and markets in South Korea and
CCC & Below 0.0 their cautious positioning. has soared 84% since it started trading, New Zealand are also under close watch.
Unrated 0.9 The fund’s total cash and Treasury posi- currently reflecting a weighted carbon price China just launched its own carbon-trad-
tion, at 46.8% of the portfolio, is 9.1 per- of $37 per ton of carbon dioxide. ing plan last month, which could eventually
Cash & equivalents 3.1
centage points higher than the benchmark, The run-up was largely due to the pas- become the largest carbon market in the
*Annualized. Returns as of 8/10/21, quality summary of
holdings as of 6/30/21 Atluri says. That way, he explains, they are sage of European Green Deal, says Trevor world: There is a lot more carbon to cap-
Sources: Morningstar, American Funds
ready for any “inflation surprises.” B Sikorski, head of carbon research at con- ture, and a lot more upside to be realized. B
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 27

Corporate mentions of the metaverse are up five
times this year. Game maker Roblox mentioned
the term 15 times in its recent IPO filing.

The Metaverse Is
allowed people to inhabit characters, web and other parts of the internet.
express themselves, and be entertained. Apple (AAPL) hasn’t directly ad-
“Whether those worlds become places dressed the metaverse in its corporate
where you buy real estate, or transact earnings calls and events, but CEO Tim

Here—Like It or Not
business, remains to be seen,” he says, Cook has been raving about augmented
noting the term metaverse “means dif- reality—a likely metaverse compo-
ferent things to different people.” nent—since 2016. Ultimately, its
Whatever the metaverse turns out to strengths in consumer hardware and
be, Big Tech is already positioning itself software are likely to be its competitive
to participate. Here’s how the compa- advantage in the metaverse, too—as
nies stack up: long as you’re willing to stay within

acebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself has staked big Alphabet (GOOGL) is arguably in Apple’s universe.
Zuckerberg isn’t money on the metaverse, dating back the best position to win in the meta- Facebook may have reawakened
known for his cha- to the company’s 2014 acquisition of verse. The company owns the most interest in the metaverse, but the com-
risma or sense of hu- virtual-reality headset maker Oculus popular smartphone operating system pany actually has more ground to
mor. But he has forged Rift for $2 billion. in the world, Android, important for make up than its rivals. Its dominant
a reputation as a re- He’s no longer alone in his interest. future hardware. Its self-appointed role networks rely on other operating sys-
lentless tactician, with Mentions of the metaverse in earnings of organizing the world’s information— tems—a vulnerability that’s become
a record of making big bets well be- transcripts and other corporate docu- largely through search, for now—is clear during its recent privacy battle
fore others see the opportunity. ments are up five times this year com- essential for the next iteration of the with Apple. The company’s best asset
So when Zuckerberg says Facebook pared with 2020, according to data internet. It also has a batch of hard- in the metaverse is its Reality Labs
(ticker: FB) is essentially shedding its By Max A. Cherney from Sentieo. Roblox, the recently pub- ware businesses that connect people to business, which houses its virtual- and
social-media roots, investors should lic videogame company, mentioned the the internet, from recently acquired augmented-reality efforts. Its Quest
pay attention. Last month, during term 15 times in its IPO filing. Fitbit to smart-home unit Nest. Its virtual-reality headsets are gaining
Facebook’s earnings call, Zuckerberg On an earnings call earlier this year, long-shot bets, including its Waymo traction, and the company has prom-
said that Facebook’s future is in the Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talked self-driving unit and its healthcare ised to launch smart glasses soon.
metaverse. Don’t laugh. Like it or not, about a big opportunity in the conver- efforts, are bringing the software com- Facebook, to be sure, has the resources
the metaverse is here, and you might gence of virtual and physical worlds. pany closer to the physical world. to catch up. According to Evercore
even already be in it. He said Airbus (AIR.France), Toyota’s (AMZN) Echo analyst Mark Mahaney, it will spend
The metaverse, to Zuckerberg and Motor (TM), L’Oréal (OR.France), hardware and Alexa virtual assistant about $5 billion this year on metaverse
other enthusiasts, is the next major Intel (INTC), and the U.S. Army were have become popular in homes across research and development.
realm of computing and the next vi- among its customers that are “tran- the U.S. The hardware, but especially Microsoft, more than any other
sion for the internet. The buzzword scending space and addressing com- the virtual assistant, could play an im- company, is already living in the meta-
refers to a virtual environment in plex challenges using mixed reality.” portant role in helping people navigate verse. As Nadella’s recent comments
which users can interact with each Not everyone is taken with the metaverse, as well. Amazon Web show, the company is pitching current
other and their world, letting people the metaverse hype. Services, the company’s wildly clients on the benefits of mixed reality.
play games, work, socialize, or Strauss Zelnick, CEO of profitable cloud-computing The company also has the gaming
consume content, to name a Grand Theft Auto pub- arm, will likely play a bona fides that could be a key factor in
few potential uses. It’s like lisher Take-Two In- big role in powering a future metaverse. It owns Xbox and
being inside the internet, teractive Software experiences in the Minecraft, a virtual world loved by
versus just connecting to it. (TTWO), says the com- metaverse, much as it gamers. Its slogan? “The World Is
Even boosters admit the pany’s games have long does today with the Yours for the Making.” B
metaverse is in the early
stages. Venture-capital inves-
tor Matthew Ball has grappled
with the concept and arrived at a
few key attributes that include contin-
uous and live operation, spanning dig-
Facebook is betting the
ital and physical worlds, and contain-
ing a functioning economy.
future on the metaverse,
Ball is already betting big on the the intersection of physi-
Roman Chazov/Dreamstime

metaverse. He recently helped launch

the Roundhill Ball Metaverse ex-
change-traded fund (META), whose
cal and virtual worlds. But
top holdings include Nvidia (NVDA),
Tencent Holdings (700.Hong Kong), success will take more than
Roblox (RBLX), Microsoft (MSFT),
and Unity Software (U). just virtual-reality goggles.
28 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Q& A An Interview With Ed Yardeni

President, Yardeni Research

A Bull

d Yardeni has been resolutely bullish since
2009, and his virtually unbroken forecast has
been rewarded by enormous gains in stocks.
In fact, the market’s surge since its March 23,
2020 bottom has “stampeded” over even
Yardeni’s optimistic predictions: “I’m going to
get hoof marks on my back,” the longtime
strategist says. We spoke with Yardeni recently about his
new forecast for the S&P 500 index, the productivity
boom that is driving what he calls “the Roaring 2020s,”
and why he isn’t concerned (much) about inflation or the
virus. Read on for an edited version of our conversation.

Barron’s: The market is up 10% since May 1, despite

rising inflation and breakthrough cases of Covid-19.
What happened to “Sell in May and go away”?
Ed Yardeni: It’s been a remarkable recovery. Earnings
have rebounded dramatically. We could have a 70% in-
crease in earnings during the second quarter. Compa-
nies responded so quickly to the pandemic by cutting
costs on inventories, and profit margins recovered dra-
matically along with sales. Inventories are extremely
lean. There’s lots of backlog orders, meaning lots of po-
tential for the economy to continue to grow and generate
more earnings for companies.
When the market hit its low, the forward P/E [price/
earnings] multiple of the S&P 500 dropped to 12.7. P/Es
usually go a lot lower during recessions. But the Fed came
in so quickly with “QE [quantitative easing] forever” that
the forward P/E surged to 22 by May 2020. The market
anticipated that [QE] would revive the economy quickly.
Since last spring the forward P/E has held its own
around 22, which is extremely high historically, but now
is warranted given Fed policy. What’s really driven the
market is that earnings have been absolutely on fire.

Photograph by BENEDICT EVANS

August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 29

Earnings will be rising to record-high “I’m in the Roaring 2020s camp. We’re in the early The greatest periods of prosperity
levels, and that will drive the stock are the ones with the most income
market higher. phase of a dramatic productivity boom.” ED YARDENI and wealth inequality.

Now you’re forecasting 5000 for ket was so tight. You can make a list of in response to a lot of misinformed Nothing is particularly cheap. You
the S&P 500. Why? pandemic-related reasons, but the analysis of corporate profits. One of really have to focus on where you
I’m assuming that forward P/E will underlying demographic profile is that the points I make is that the S&P 500 think you’re going to get earnings
remain historically high at around 22, we just don’t have workers. accounts for only about half of national growth, or unit sales or productivity.
and that at the end of next year, ana- Overnight, workers have become corporate profits. Another significant Clearly you want to continue to have
lysts will anticipate 2023 earnings extremely valuable. You want to hug portion is attributable to S corpora- technology stocks, and putting labels
could be $230 per share. [Analysts on them. And you want to keep them, tions, which aren’t publicly traded and on [companies] is getting harder, be-
average expect the S&P 500 to post because it’s hard to get new ones. That don’t pay corporate taxes. Their prof- cause Alphabet [ticker: GOOGL] and
$200.51 a share in operating earnings means you’re going to have to pay its are distributed to shareholders, Facebook [FB] are communications
this year and $218.92 a share in 2022.] them more. That’s only going to make who then pay personal income taxes services, [AMZN] is
Again, the market looks ahead. And sense if you can increase their produc- on the dividends and income. There consumer discretionary. Financials
when you multiply $230 a share by 22, tivity. If you do, that’s a win-win situa- are other so-called pass-through busi- are spending a tremendous amount on
you get 5060. I’ve been bullish since tion, because it allows wages to rise nesses; I started doing more home- fintech, and I think the yield curve is
the bottom of 2009, and generally faster than prices, which is what hap- work on sole proprietorships and going to be beneficial to the financials.
speaking, the markets kept pace. pens when productivity is rising. Ris- partnerships. Add them all up and For industrials, the Cold War with
We’re probably seeing peak earnings ing productivity is one of the reasons you get 36 million business entities China will continue to heat up. Supply
growth in the second quarter. In the that profit margins soared to an all- basically owned by one or a few share- chains are going to have to be moved
second half we’ll probably see 20% to time high in the first quarter and con- holders, and that also employ these out of China and closer to home. In-
30% growth, and then slow down. tinued in the second quarter. folks. Like Yardeni Research. dustrial companies are particularly
This still means earnings will be ris- There’s a tremendous amount of good at doing that. And with technol-
ing to record-high levels, and that will So if increased productivity causes entrepreneurship in our country that is ogy, they can be cost-effective and effi-
drive the stock market higher. wages to rise faster than prices, not appreciated, particularly by the cient in moving them. I’d hold on to
inflation won’t be an issue? progressives. My book is a capitalist industrials in the portfolio. Medtech—
Why is a 22 P/E the new normal? Inflation will be transitory. It won’t manifesto written for progressives that telemedicine has clearly gotten a big
Because there’s a tremendous amount cause the kind of wage/price spiral acknowledges their work to redistrib- boost from the pandemic. The technol-
of liquidity in the system. All the li- that we had in the ’70s. A lot of things ute income, but says they’ve got to have ogy revolution isn’t just digital, it’s also
quidity provided since the start of the that went wrong in the ’70s were attri- a better understanding of the extent to genetic with mRNA technology.
pandemic hasn’t been spent. The buted to inflation, but the biggest which entrepreneurial capitalism There’s a wealth of opportunities, but
money supply is roughly $5 trillion problem was that productivity col- driven by small-business owners has it’s not overweighting this or over-
higher today than it was right before lapsed. This story is the exact oppo- created a tremendous amount of pros- weighting that, it’s more of a stock-
the pandemic. It’s equivalent to almost site. I’m relatively optimistic that this perity. The greatest periods of prosper- picker’s market. Another possibility:
a year’s worth of nominal GDP. That’s Roaring 2020s scenario can lead to a ity are the ones with the most income companies with a lot of employees that
unprecedented. A lot of liquid assets continuation of the bull market into and wealth inequality. I think that will recognize there are labor shortages
are just sitting there earning nothing record-high territories. beats the alternative of a lot less pros- and that they need to increase produc-
and are available to keep bond yields perity and more equality, or extreme tivity. The auto industry fits that bill.
relatively low and boost growth, earn- What additional economic risks examples like Cuba and Venezuela Every Thursday our contributing edi-
ings, and stock prices. are posed by Covid? where just about everybody’s equally tor, Jackie Doherty, writes a very good
There are a lot of concerns about the poor. I distinguish between entrepre- piece on disruptive technologies.
Let’s talk about inflation. Delta variant. The big difference be- neurial and crony capitalism. Profits
I’m in the Roaring 2020s camp. We’re tween now and when the pandemic generated by entrepreneurs are what Anything you’d avoid?
in the early phase of a dramatic pro- first broke out is we actually have vac- create jobs and increase prosperity. Don’t ask me about Bitcoin. I need
ductivity boom where productivity cines. The Delta variant is leading more earnings, dividends, rent, some in-
growth, currently around 2%, could people to get vaccinated. The mRNA What are you advising investors? come to discount. Governments are
double to 4% by the middle of the de- technology that has saved the day so Own companies that are either pro- waking up to the [risks] cryptocurren-
cade and stay there awhile. We’ve “A lot of things far will continue to do so. We may just viding technology or using technology cies pose to their monopoly control of
been in a technology revolution since have to learn to live with this virus. heavily—to run their businesses, to the money supply. I don’t see much in
the early ’90s. That’s created tremen-
that went We’ve done a pretty good job so far. offset labor shortages, to increase the the way of opportunities in the bond
dous productivity. wrong in the A lot of people got cabin fever from productivity of their workforce. Look market, with yields [on 10-year Trea-
’70s were the lockdown: The service economy is at the profit margins of railroads: suries] at 1.2%. For now, I’d overweight
But the labor market is still tight. attributed to making a huge comeback because They have increased dramatically, U.S. stocks. The valuation on small-
We’ve run out of labor. Labor force people just want to get out. The recent partly because of consolidation, but and mid-cap stocks is historically low
growth, boosted in the ’70s and ’80s inflation, but employment report was a blockbuster also because of logistics programs that relative to the larger caps, and that
by the influx of the baby boomers, is the biggest number, led by the services economy are dramatically increasing efficiency. story doesn’t make sense if there’s no
behind us. Labor force growth is now problem coming back from the dead. Trucks are still viewed as low-tech, recession. Many are great companies
less than 1%. Before the pandemic, but they’re run by logistics programs that probably won’t have an opportu-
unemployment dropped to 3.5%.
was that Your latest book is titled In Praise on the cloud somewhere. nity to grow before they’re taken over.
Coming out of the pandemic, every- productivity of Profits. What’s it about? Usually, I focus on a few sectors,
body was shocked that the labor mar- collapsed.” I started writing it over the past year, but everything has been picked over. Thanks, Ed. B
30 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Government is a model of efficiency when it
comes to bailing out Wall Street. Renters,
on the other hand, get buried in red tape.

Good Intentions
housing agencies to distribute the minister the program, known as
funds. A block-grant approach might HAMP. Like housing agencies today,
have been a reasonable choice were the they feared a political backlash if
program permanent. But success de- homeowner help was viewed as too

Won’t Stop the

pended on getting the money out generous or audits uncovered any hint
quickly. We have ended up with about of fraud. As a result, the program fell
450 programs with varying eligibility far short of its promise. Millions con-
and documentation requirements. tinued to lose their homes.

Eviction Crisis
Compounding the problem: Most of During the subprime crisis, the
the agencies involved lacked standing bureaucratic failure of HAMP stood in
infrastructure to deliver emergency aid stark contrast to the lightning speed
and had to build it from scratch. with which the government dispersed
Too many agencies have required $350 billion in capital to big Wall
reams of paperwork to document in- Street banks, plus trillions in loans
come, work history, past rental pay- and debt guarantees. During the pan-
By Sheila Bair ments, and lease contracts. Housing demic, the response has been better,

agencies are no doubt worried about with no-strings-attached payments
y grandmother political scrutiny and negative media if distributed quickly to working fami-
used to say the money slips through to ineligible recipi- lies. But that pales in comparison to
road to hell is ents. But they have cover from Trea- the efficiency with which the Federal
paved with sury, which anticipated extensive docu- Reserve pumped trillions into finan-
good inten- mentation requirements would slow cial markets and backstopped corpo-
tions. Case in down programs. The department has rate borrowing, or the quick distribu-
point is the $47 specifically encouraged self-attestation, tion of funds to small businesses
billion Emergency Rental Assistance even putting sample forms on its web- under the Paycheck Protection Pro-
Program. It was created by Congress site agencies can use. And given the gram. Those programs were also con-
with the noble aim of helping low-in- small amounts of relief—payments av- troversial, but our government leaders
come households hit by the pandemic erage between $2,500 to $5,000 per seem more willing to take political
pay missed rent and utility bills. But it household—this program hardly seems heat to help those with deep pockets
has turned into a devil of a mess. a ripe target for widespread fraud. than the politically impotent poor.
By the end of June, barely $3 billion Congress initially required tenants Treasury has broken that mold, cou-
had been distributed to some 630,000 to seek participation from landlords, as rageously stepping up to encourage
households. The Census Bureau esti- did some housing agencies. At first simplification and streamlining. Too
mates that over seven million house- blush, it seems reasonable that land- few local leaders are following its lead.
holds are behind in their rent, with 3.6 lords would be motivated to receive The ERAP can still be salvaged
million saying they were “somewhat” back rent. But with rents rising nation- with state and local leadership. We
or “very” likely to soon face eviction. ally, some may find it in their interest must be better prepared for the next,
The Biden administration has boldly to terminate leases to bring in wealth- inevitable economic crisis. It’s time
extended a national moratorium on ier, higher-paying tenants. Landlords that government match its good inten-
evictions in place in one form or an- have complained about strings at- tions with programs that can actually
other since March 2020. While that tached to the money in many jurisdic- achieve its goals. Instead of putting
provides temporary relief to tenants, tions, such as extended bans on evic- distressed households through bur-
the moratorium has hurt cash- tions or requirements that they share densome and frequently degrading
strapped landlords working in good sensitive financial information. In May, application processes during economic
faith as rent arrearages pile up. Treasury made it clear that tenants emergencies, we need standing infra-
Thanks to heroic efforts by the U.S. could receive the money directly, re- structure ready to get the help out.
Treasury Department and a few gardless of landlord support. And we need to accept that getting
states—Virginia and Alaska have This exasperating dysfunction is emergency money to the vast majority
model programs—the pace of distribu- reminiscent of the hypercomplexity of truly needy may necessitate that a
tions is picking up. But ERAP still and bureaucratic inertia that defeated few fraudsters fall through the cracks.
struggles with the usual flaws that early efforts to help homeowners in the In crisis situations, the most vul-

Illustration by Álvaro Bernis

thwart programs designed to help wake of the subprime-mortgage crisis. nerable people who should receive
people in financial need: bureaucratic Then, the Obama administration lay- priority help are too often the last in
complexity, excessive documentation, ered documentation requirements on line. We failed homeowners in 2008.
and reliance on intermediaries who homeowners to receive subsidized Let’s not fail tenants now. B
have conflicting incentives. loan-payment reductions, while rely-
Instead of federal administration, ing on conflicted and underresourced Sheila Bair is the former chair of the Federal
Congress authorized state and local mortgage-servicing companies to ad- Deposit Insurance Corp.
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S 31

Good Bet: Gambling REIT Don’t Expect Business
VICI Properties’ 4.8% Yield As Usual After Pandemic
By Lawrence C. Strauss first half of 2022 and be accretive to earn- To the Editor: and the fanboy meme stocks like
ings right away, will broaden VICI’s tenant Regarding “8 Stocks to Play a Return to GameStop, AMC, and now Robinhood is an

ICI Properties is making a big base and give it more scale. Spenser Alla- the Office—When It Comes” (Cover Story, age gap: Infrastructure-theme traders are
bet on the Las Vegas Strip, confi- way, a senior analyst at Green Street, calls it Aug. 6), people who stayed home and 20 years older and ought to know better.
dent that the world-famous desti- “extremely attractively priced real estate.” made their own coffee for 12 cents a cup Girard Miller
nation will continue to help pay It includes nearly 33,000 hotel rooms are going to start wondering why they On
and boost the dividends it has been paying and about 3.6 million square feet of conven- were paying $5 at Starbucks and waiting in
since 2018—the year after it went public. tion space, most of it in Las Vegas. But a line to get it. I would be careful with of-
VICI (ticker: VICI) is a real estate invest- while leisure traffic there has been strong fice buildings, too, because a lot of them Distorted Debt Math
ment trust, meaning that it is required to this year, business travel has lagged behind, are still empty.
distribute at least 90% of its taxable income hurting conventions and conferences. There’s one thing I’m buying a huge To the Editor:
to shareholders. The stock was recently Ptoniak says he’s confident that the seg- amount of now: gas. You can get Exxon Somehow, the argument is that because
yielding 4.8%, versus about 2.8% for the ment will come back strongly. And he Mobil stock and it pays a dividend, and it’s money is cheap, there is no reason not to
FTSE Nareit All Equity REITs Index. notes: “Conferences, conventions, and trade a guarantee they are selling way more gas. borrow (“Companies and Families Load
The REIT sector’s enticing yields make it shows are vital in terms of sustaining and Just look at the California freeways. Up on Debt. It Could Be a Dangerous
a popular destination for income investors. growing market share” for companies. Dan Laramie Trend,” Up & Down Wall Street, Aug. 6).
In this column last week, Barron’s high- This is the second big Las Vegas deal On This is from the Fed level all the way to the
lighted Prologis (PLD), which owns and that VICI has announced this year. In individual. An example: You go out and get
invests in warehouses around the world. March, the company said it planned to To the Editor: a million-dollar mortgage at less than 2%.
On Aug. 4, VICI made a splash when it buy the Strip assets owned by Las Vegas The so-called American worker is in It’s cheap money? Well, you still need to
announced that it planned to acquire an- Sands (LVS), including the Venetian Re- transition to the independent American pay back the million, plus interest, each
other gambling REIT, MGM Growth sort, for $4 billion. worker/entrepreneur. In the new model, month. All that debt is really expensive.
Properties (MGP), in a deal valued at One thing investors need to keep in mind the employee becomes more of a seller of We’re in for a repeat of 2009, except now
$17.2 billion. MGP’s real estate portfolio is that VICI’s leverage will increase as part services, reversing the traditional imbal- the question is: How much massive borrow-
includes well-known Las Vegas Strip of the deal. That includes the $5.7 billion of ance in the employer/employee relation- ing room does the government have to bail
properties such as New York-New York MGP’s debt that VICI will assume. ship. out banks, states, and consumers? We might
and Mandalay Bay and a string of re- S&P Global Ratings has VICI’s bond The first human-resource entities to have emptied the clip on the fake recession
gional properties in other markets such as issuer rating at BB, which is considered embrace this will be the benefactors of the that we are still apparently having.
Atlantic City, N.J. junk, but it has put the company on credit- revolutionary change in workforce utiliza- Terrence Milan
“I cannot think of a more economically watch positive. The firm said it could up- tion. A good place to start would be em- On
productive street in America than the Las grade its rating to investment grade, if debt ployment applications. No wonder there is
Vegas Strip,” VICI CEO Ed Pitoniak told to earnings before interest, taxes, deprecia- a worker shortage—filing for a mortgage To the Editor:
Barron’s this past week. tion, and amortization, or Ebitda, is about application or applying to Harvard is eas- Everyone loves debt and easy money. En-
VICI is a triple-net lease REIT. That six times or below in roughly one year fol- ier and less intrusive. joy your party. But even debt can have a
means that the costs of maintaining and lowing the closing of the acquisition. That Scott Norvell hangover. Maybe it’s time to be a contrar-
operating the properties are the responsibil- ratio was about five times as of June 30. On ian?
ity of the tenant. Another, longer-term issue for VICI is Edward Winslow
The triple-net lease structure is an at- that as it gets bigger, it’s harder to move the On
tractive business model, as long as the ten- needle in terms of growth, partly owing to Want to Buy a Bridge?
ants are making their rent payments and the limited number of casino assets it could
keeping the properties in good shape. As is acquire. To the Editor: Send letters to To be
typical for the sector, VICI gets 2% annual “They are going to have to look outside Infrastructure has been touted as an in- considered for publication, correspondence
rent increases or, in some instances, an even of gaming,” says Allaway. vestment theme for a year (“5 Infrastruc- must bear the writer’s name, address, and
higher bump that’s tied to the consumer- VICI is starting to do that. ture Stocks That Look Like Bargains,” Aug. phone number. Letters are subject to
price index. In June, the company said it would fund 6). The rumor was already bought; time to editing.
Pitoniak says that, during the pandemic, a portion of the construction and develop- sell the fact. Most of these stocks have
all of VICI’s tenants have paid their rent ment of Great Wolf Lodge Maryland, part marked up the possible incremental profits The Readback, a podcast taking you inside
“100% cash, 100% on time.” of a network of indoor water parks oper- by a factor of 40 times earnings. It’s crazy. the latest stories, is available wherever you
The MGP deal, expected to close in the ated by Great Wolf Resorts. B The only difference between these stocks listen to podcasts.
32 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2021
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Delta Distress Shovels Ready

Oil prices plunged on The U.S. Senate passed a roughly
Monday over concerns $1 trillion infrastructure bill in a
about the Delta Covid-19 bipartisan 69-30 vote Tuesday. Cyclical
variant’s impact on demand. stocks gained, with the Dow Jones
The virus continues to Industrial Average up 0.5%.
hinder a global travel
recovery. 0.5

Spreading the Gains

The Dow and S&P 500 -0.5
ended the week at record
Hot and Hotter highs, with the Nasdaq
July consumer-price inflation slowed from June, Composite just a hair below.
but the July producer-price index blew past The equal-weighted S&P 500
estimates on Thursday. Temporary-versus- beat the regular index, as
lasting inflation arguments continue. Big Tech lagged.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Close
Source: Barron’s Statistics

dventure. Excitement. or 0.9%, to 35,515.38. The Nasdaq Com- Still, there was some action under-

THE TRADER The stock market

doesn’t seem to crave
these things lately.
posite dipped 0.1%. to 14,822.90.
Trading was equally lackluster. Fri-
day had the lowest volume of any day
neath the surface. Tech, particularly
chip stocks like Micron Technology
(MU), Lam Research (LRCX), and
Investors should hope in 2021. The Tick Index, a sentiment Applied Materials (AMAT), took it on
it stays that way. gauge that calculates the number of the chin, while banks, including Gold-
It wasn’t quite like stocks trading at upticks minus the man Sachs Group (GS), and industri-

Tech Stocks watching paint dry this past week, but

it wasn’t that far off, either. Earnings
number of downticks, hasn’t hit 1,000
or -1,000 in over a week, a sign that the
als such as Caterpillar (CAT), soared.
And the Invesco S&P 500 Equal

Lose Favor. reports were few and far between, the

most prominent coming from Walt
Disney (ticker: DIS) and eBay (EBAY).
By Ben Levisohn market hasn’t become overbought or
oversold. Even the Cboe Volatility In-
dex, or VIX—the market’s fear gauge—
Weight exchange-traded fund (RSP)
gained 0.8% on the week, outpacing
the market-cap-weighted version.
Small-Caps The economic news, including July’s
consumer-price data, didn’t contain
is back under 16, a sign of calm. It was
such a boring week that not even the
That suggests that the stock market
is rotating once again, out of tech and
Are Ready any shockers. And while the S&P 500
closed the week on a streak of four new
meme stocks did all that much, with
AMC Entertainment Holdings
other growth stocks, which had been
outperforming since May, and back
To Pounce. highs, one of them was by less than a
quarter of a point. The index rose 0.7%,
(AMC) rising 5% and GameStop
(GME) gaining 7.5%, but staying com-
into stocks that benefit from the
strength of the U.S. economy, says Ka-
to 4468.00, while the Dow Jones In- pletely rangebound. tie Stockton, founder of Fairlead Strate-
dustrial Average gained 306.87 points, Exuberance this ain’t. gies. “A lot of rotation in constituents
M2 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

can fuel a bull market,” she says, noting that Utilities are usually thought of as bond
if more stocks start winning, it’s only a mat- proxies, bought by investors seeking consis-
ter of time before the small-cap Russell tent cash flows and dependable dividends
2000 index does, too. that provide a little more yield for a little
That cyclicals have started breaking out more risk. When yields rise, utilities are
again is impressive, particularly given the supposed to fall. That isn’t what’s been hap-
nonstop focus on the Covid-19 Delta variant. pening. The utilities sector has gained 3.8%
Whether it’s about states like Mississippi this month and hit a 52-week high this past
and Florida, or the Food and Drug Adminis- week. The iShares 20+ Year Treasury
tration’s approval of a vaccine booster shot Bond ETF (TLT), however, has dropped by
for people with compromised immune sys- 0.7%. (Bond prices fall when yields rise.)
tems, renewed pandemic fears should have That has been the new normal for utilities
hit those stocks hard. That they didn’t says a during the pandemic. The Utilities Select
lot about what investors are thinking. Sector SPDR ETF (XLU) had a correlation
“If you just look at the market action of -0.39% with the Treasury ETF in the five
this week, it’s saying the Delta variant is a years before the stock market hit its prepan-
public-health crisis, but not an economic demic peak on Feb. 18, 2020. Since then, its
crisis,” says Dave Donabedian, chief invest- correlation is 0.24%. (A positive correlation
ment officer at CIBC Private Wealth US. means that two assets tend to move in the
At some point, the boredom will end, and same direction; a negative one means they
the market will get more volatile. And the tend to move in opposite directions.)
biggest risk might be that investors use the Utilities aren’t the only asset class acting
volatility to push the entire stock market strangely. Warren Pies, founder of 3Fourteen
higher, notes BTIG’s Julian Emanuel, treat- Research, notes that the S&P 500 and the

The Professional’s ing it like one big meme stock.

“[The] dramatic price action in ‘meme
stocks’ both old and new raises the probabil-
iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF have
gained 17% and 11%, respectively, over the
past 90 days. In just three other times since
ity that higher volatility could result in an 1998 have stocks and bonds posted such
Gateway to the ‘altered reality’ exception,” he writes. “And
there is only one previous exception where
strong gains simultaneously: in 2003, 2011,
and 2020. “If you have an aching sense that
volatility went up and stocks continued to go the last few months have been abnormal, you

World’s Markets up, and up, and up. At least for a while.”
That, of course, was in 1999. Let’s hope we
avoid the kind of excitement that followed.
are not crazy,” Pies writes.
Talk about mixed messages. Bond prices
tend to rise when tough economic times are
looming, while stocks generally gain ahead
Starting at $0 Commissions Powering Off of economic growth. The good news is that
Utilities have been among the market’s the stock market has usually been right. In
on US listed stocks and ETFs1 strongest sectors recently. Don’t expect that
to continue.
fact, stocks were up by more than double
digits 12 months after the three previous
with no added spreads, ticket charges, or account minimums The 10-year Treasury yield has risen by periods in which both they and bonds
0.058 of a percentage point, to 1.297%, in climbed, according to Pies.
August. That’s one reason the S&P 500 Fi- Which brings us back to utilities. It might
nancials Sector Index, which usually rises be tempting to buy the sector now that it is
with rates, has been the best-performing trading at a 52-week high, counting on mo-
sector this month. The second-best is the mentum to carry it still higher. But if Pies is
S&P 500 Utilities Sector Index, which isn’t right, risk appetite is likely to pick up, and
supposed to climb with bond yields. investors might prefer exposure to more Vital Signs

Friday's Week's Week's Friday's Week's Week's
Close Change % Chg. Close Change % Chg.
DJ Industrials 35515.38 +306.87 +0.87 Barron's Future Focus 1068.73 +2.38 +0.22
DJ Transportation 14927.58 +425.26 +2.93 Barron's Next 50 3554.98 -28.46 -0.79
DJ Utilities 938.29 +11.55 +1.25 Barron's 400 1035.36 +2.03 +0.20
DJ 65 Stocks 11710.64 +168.52 +1.46 Last Week Week Earlier
Interactive Brokers Rated #1 ... Again DJ US Market 1122.10 +6.70 +0.60 NYSE Advances 1,678 1,929
NYSE Comp. 16868.11 +120.03 +0.72 Declines 1,814 1,560
Best Online Broker 2021 by Barron’s* NYSE Amer Comp. 3034.83 +35.79 +1.19 Unchanged 83 84
S&P 500 4468.00 +31.48 +0.71 New Highs 376 446
S&P MidCap 2731.46 +14.10 +0.52 New Lows 128 119
Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC - *Interactive Brokers rated #1, Best Online Broker S&P SmallCap 1349.91 -6.36 -0.47 Av Daily Vol (mil) 3,469.2 3,865.8
according to Barron’s Best Online Brokers Survey of 2021: February 26, 2021. For more
Nasdaq 14822.90 -12.86 -0.09 Dollar (Finex spot index) 92.52 92.80
information see, - Barron’s is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Co.
Inc. [1] IBKR Lite provides commission-free trades in US exchange-listed stocks and ETFs Value Line (arith.) 9633.27 +8.11 +0.08 T-Bond (CBT nearby futures) 164-130 164-060
routed to select market makers. IBKR may charge non-commission related fees. For Russell 2000 2223.11 -24.65 -1.10 Crude Oil (NYM light sweet crude) 68.44 68.28
more information, see 07-IB21-1433 DJ US TSM Float 46280.65 +226.72 +0.49 Inflation KR-CRB (Futures Price Index) 216.96 214.49
Gold (CMX nearby futures) 1775.20 1760.00
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M3

Industry Action
Performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Industrials, ranked by weekly percent change.*

Basic Materials 2.66%

Consumer Goods 1.59
Utilities 1.41
Telecommunications 1.16
Industrials 1.08
Financials 0.83
Health Care 0.36
Technology 0.30


–0.06 Consumer Services
–0.66 Oil & Gas


* For breakdown see page M36. Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices

cyclical sectors than stodgy power providers. O’Cull, who has a Hold rating on Wendy’s,
Indeed, utilities are already showing was “encouraged” by increased customer
signs of exhaustion after their recent rally, visits at a time when competitors are seeing Visit or call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF
says Frank Cappelleri, a desk strategist at fewer. Cowen analyst Andrew Charles, who
Instinet. For starters, the new 52-week high also rates Wendy’s Hold, said he was opti- An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a
isn’t that far above where the index hit its mistic about the company’s sales, due to its prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF or visit Read the
last 52-week high, in April. On Wednesday, innovations and value offerings. But because prospectus carefully before investing.
the Utilities Select Sector SPDR ETF he saw no “specific catalyst for what drives All ETFs are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Sector ETF products are also subject to sector risks and non-diversification risks, which generally
(XLU) also triggered a DeMark sell signal—a enduring same-store sales beats,” he left his results in greater price fluctuations than the overall stock market. Ordinary brokerage commissions apply.
technical indicator used to predict short- rating right where it was. The S&P 500 is an index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market. You cannot invest directly in an index.
term moves—just as it did near its April Wendy’s stock appears to be waiting for a ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust.
high. For Cappelleri, the message is obvious: catalyst, too. It had a big gain, but not big
“XLU has rallied for weeks at a time, but enough to knock it out of the range it has
hasn’t made the move to make a sustainable been stuck in since June 2020. That’s when it
breakout,” he writes. “It has more to prove.” rallied back to where it had been before the
market’s pandemic tumble—and then
From Meme Stock to Real Stock stopped in its tracks. There were worries
Wendy’s meme-stock status—and the about whether Wendy’s could grow through
gains it brought—didn’t last very long. Per- the lockdowns, whether it could grow
haps strong earnings can do the trick. through the reopenings, and how its break-
It wasn’t that long ago that Wendy’s fast offerings would do, among other con-
(WEN) briefly became a meme stock. The
shares traded as high as $29.46 on June 8
cerns. The shares are up just 3% over the
past 12 months. Manage Your Barron’s
and finished the day up 26%, as traders in
chat rooms talked it up. The stock started
There’s one problem with waiting for a
catalyst, however: By the time it arrives, it Account Online
falling the next day, and 10 days later it was might already be priced in. And a lot of
pretty much right back where it started. For things—if they go right—could become the
every GameStop or AMC Entertainment good news that boosts the stock. The break- Update your account details any time.
that finds its shares sustainably higher, fast business—up 10% from the previous It’s quick and easy.
there are a dozen other meme stocks that quarter—is growing, as is the chain’s digital
enjoy 15 minutes of fame before fading away. offering, also up 10%. Wendy’s even in- • Place delivery holds
Still, we’ve long argued that fundamen- creased its expansion target, so it would • Change an address
tals will eventually win out. And with have 8,500 to 9,000 restaurants by 2025.
Wendy’s, that looks to be the case. On “We believe the company’s initiatives and
• Report an issue
Wednesday, the company reported an ad- execution are showing through in its funda- • Update your payment information
justed profit of 27 cents a share, beating fore- mentals, even if it has yet to be fully appreci- • Reset your password and more
casts for 18 cents, on sales of $493.3 million, ated by the investment community,” writes
topping estimates for $461.63 million. It also MKM analyst Brett Levy, who has a Buy
raised its full-year guidance to a range of 79 rating and a $28 price target on the stock, Explore now at
cents to 81 cents, above expectations of 74 which closed Friday at $23.70.
cents. Its stock finished the day up 3.7%, at Ultimately, being appreciated by the in-
$22.85, its biggest gain since May 14—ex- vestment community—and not just the
cepting June 8’s rise, of course. meme traders—will be the recipe for further
Even analysts who were lukewarm on the gains. Don’t be surprised if they come for
© 2021 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 2E7838
stock were impressed. Stifel analyst Chris Wendy’s sooner, rather than later. B
M4 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Germany’s Sixt Is on the China’s Tech Giants Deal
Road to Growth in U.S. With #MeToo Issues
By Rupert Steiner It posted a consolidated profit of €2 By Craig Mellow but has also thrown feminists in jail, has
million in 2020, down from €247 million leaned toward harassment glasnost

erman car-rental company the year before, on annual revenues of s China having its Harvey Weinstein lately. The internet was glued in April to
Sixt was hit by the slump in €1.5 billion for 2020. moment? a 14-minute video of a female state em-
global travel during the pan- Erich Sixt, who took over the company Details of the Hollywood mogul’s ployee beating her male boss with a
demic. from his father in 1969, stepped down as sexual bullying ignited the Western mop, and other available weapons, to
But the shares (ticker: Six2: Germany), CEO in June to become chairman of the world’s #MeToo movement nearly four retaliate for alleged lewd texts. Viewer
still managed to increase 17% over the supervisory board. He was succeeded by years ago. Similar resonance may attach sentiment backed the woman. The su-
past six months to €117.60 ($137.83). Sixt, his sons Alexander and Konstantin, who to a recent incident at e-commerce giant pervisor was fired.
which operates in more than 100 coun- are now the company’s co-CEOs. The Alibaba Group Holding (ticker: The Communist Party was quick to
tries, including through franchisees, family control 58.3% of the shares. BABA). pile on the Alibaba scandal, with its Cen-
avoided posting a loss in 2020 largely Erich Sixt has said that the company is A female employee reported that she tral Commission for Discipline Inspec-
due to cost cutting and a one-off financial using technology to offer customers op- was assaulted in her hotel room by a tion commenting that excessive work-
gain from the sale of a leasing business. tions. The company has its traditional car male superior after a night of heavy place drinking should be curbed by
But car rentals are picking up in the rental business—car rentals for a fixed drinking with a client. “correct values.”
U.S. and also Europe, which is about six period of time. Sixt Share is a service for Company higher-ups ignored her. The A new civil code in effect since Janu-
to eight weeks behind, because of the short-term rentals that is flexible on trip woman took her case to Alibaba’s inter- ary defines sexual harassment, and em-
success of vaccine programs, and people duration and return location, much like nal website, drawing support within the ployers’ obligations to prevent it, for the
are traveling again. Sixt is the fourth- car-sharing alternative Zipcar in the U.S. company and 500 million or so internet first time.
largest player in the U.S. with a market Sixt Ride, another service, embraces views beyond it. CEO Daniel Zhang “This is one of those topics, like car-
share of 2%, while in Europe it has 17%, the gig economy, acting as a platform for sacked a whole chain of command in re- bon neutrality, that President Xi [Jinping]
including franchisees. Last year, Sixt ac- third-party partners to offer ride-hailing sponse and declared the situation “a hu- seems to think a global economic super-
quired concessions at 10 U.S. airports worldwide. It claims to already have ac- miliation for all Ali People.” power should care about,” says Jason
from the parent company of Advantage cess to a network of more than one mil- The furor represents both long-term Hsu, chief investment officer at Rayliant
Rent a Car. lion drivers worldwide, and has a part- opportunity and one more short-term Global Advisors.
The global shortage in semiconduc- nership with Lyft. peril for China’s tech sector—opportunity Alibaba, whose shares have sunk
tors—the brains that operate new vehi- These services are provided through to lead as pervasive sexual harassment nearly 40% since its government troubles
cles—could be key to pushing Sixt’s stock one application on smartphones, with the slips out from under China’s carpet; peril started last November, would seem to
higher. The impact means car rental company now describing itself as a “pre- because it lends an additional stick to need this fresh maelstrom like a hole in
prices have soared everywhere. mium provider of mobility” because most authorities already bent on beating up the head. Activists give the company’s
Hela Zarrouk, an analyst at broker of its cars are just three months old and powerful online platforms like Alibaba, delayed reaction to its employee victim a
Oddo BHF, has an Outperform rating on high end—BMWs and Mercedes. Tencent Holdings (700.Hong Kong), C grade at best.
the stock, and forecasts a 25% rise to 146 “We want to inspire our customers and Meituan (3690.Hong Kong). “Alibaba’s response was more like a
euros ($171). She also raised her 2021 with digital premium mobility and sim- The tech titans have long talked a good PR stunt,” says Yaqiu Wang, a China re-
pretax profit estimate by 15% to €180 plify and enrich their lives without hav- game on gender equality. Alibaba founder searcher at Human Rights Watch.
million, which takes into account higher ing to own their own vehicle,” Alexander Jack Ma called women his creation’s “se- Still, China Big Tech does have re-
rental prices over the next few quarters. Sixt told Barron’s. cret sauce” back in 2017, and said he sources to lead as women’s frustration
“In the U.S., vehicle rental prices rose In an update on Thursday, the company would like to spend his next life as a confronts entrenched patriarchy in the
30% in May 2021 vs. May 2019 with noted a significant pick-up in demand in woman. world’s No. 2 economy.
growth as strong as 50% in Hawaii or the second quarter, particularly in the U.S. Yet, allegations than an Alibaba Female employee counts run as high
Florida,” she wrote in a report. “Sixt is It posted consolidated earnings before woman was raped on the job may mean as 40% at some top names, at least a
currently the player best positioned to ben- taxes of €77.9 million in the second quar- that not enough progress has been made. match for Silicon Valley, and the Alibaba
efit from an upturn in demand. The devel- ter, up 6.3% from €73.3 million in the “Gender ratios may have improved, but it case shows they are no longer afraid to
opment in the U.S. is set to drive growth.” same period in 2019, although quarterly hasn’t changed the culture yet,” says Dar- speak up.
The Bavaria-based company has 6,900 operating revenue of €498.1 million was ius Longarino, a research scholar at Yale Companies that get sexual harassment
workers and a market value of €4.7 bil- still about 20% below 2019’s level. Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center. right may be rewarded with a flood of
lion. It fetches a multiple of 27.5 times Sixt could give investors on a ride to It’s getting harder to keep these cases new talent. “A lot of women decide not to
this year’s expected earnings and is val- more growth as it sets itself apart from under wraps, though. The Chinese state, return to China because they can’t stand
ued at a 20% premium to its peers. rivals with its use of technology. B which formally supports women’s rights the sexist culture,” Wang says. B
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M5

Investors should look into the rate-sensitive
financial sector in anticipation that something
significant could happen at Jackson Hole.

Moves to Make Before the Equity Options

Fed’s Big Policy Meeting CBOE VOLATILITY INDEX

VIX Close VIX Futures

Put-Call Ratio S&P 500 Index


35 80
By Steven M. Sears tors might decide that the ETF’s past year’s
gains are reason for profit-taking, but that

y the end of August, we may learn lacks economic sense in a higher-rate envi- 25 60
if the golden era of investing will ronment. Banks make more money when
turn into a bronze age. rates are higher.
Federal Reserve Chairman Je- Even if nothing happens at Jackson Hole, S O N D J F M A M J J A 15 S O N D J F M A M J J A 40
rome Powell could more definitively signal the financial sector is likely to become even Daily Values Source: CBOE Source: McMillan Analysis Corp.
an end to the easy-money policies that have more important in anticipation that some-
propelled the equity market ever higher over thing meaningful may happen at the year’s SPX SKEW NDX SKEW
the past 21 years, at the Fed’s annual sum- final three meetings of the Fed’s rate-setting Implied volatility % Implied volatility %

mer gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyo., on Federal Open Market Committee. 16% 12%
Aug. 26-28. Such a shift could make it harder The Financial Sector ETF position can be
to thrive in the stock and options market. enhanced with options. Investors who are 11
Powell and other central bank leaders bullish on the ETF can simply sell cash-se- 14
have already indicated that monetary-policy cured put options to position to buy shares 13 10
changes are forthcoming, but investor ex- at lower prices. The October $37 put, for 12 9
pectations have intensified before the policy example, enables investors to buy the ETF at
symposium. The Jackson Hole meeting is $37 or to pocket the 72-cent premium if the
always a major event, but this year might top ETF is higher than the strike at expiration. 10
them all as the S&P 500 index is at record Investors looking to increase their re- 9 7
levels and the Covid-19 pandemic remains a turns can buy call options with strike prices Source: Credit Suisse Equity Derivatives Strategy Source: Credit Suisse Equity Derivatives Strategy
menace to the world’s well-being. that are slightly above the stock price. The Skew indicates whether the options market expects a stock-market advance or decline. It measures the difference
Everyone knows the headline facts, of September $40 call, recently trading around between the implied volatility of puts and calls that are 10% out of the money and expire in three months. Higher
readings are bearish.
course, but it’s likely that many investors 29 cents, would be worth $2 if the ETF is at
aren’t positioning around the meeting. $42 at expiration. Week's Most Active
Instead, the market mob remains broadly During the past 52 weeks, the ETF has Company Symbol Tot Vol Calls Puts Avg Tot Vol IV %ile Ratio
focused on short-term, event-driven trading ranged from $22.94 to $38.95. Ecovyst ECVT 38759 29710 9049 484 74 80.1
like earnings reports and economic data. Investors should be mindful of the FOMC IEC Electronics IEC 11797 2935 8862 188 12 62.8
Then there is the constant palaver over meetings scheduled for September, Novem- Lifestance Health LFST 10546 8119 2427 244 100 43.2
Lightning eMotors ZEV 252066 208043 44023 6936 63 36.3
meme stocks, and the triumphs and per- ber, and December. Take extra care to iden- UTZ Brands UTZ 32144 23084 9060 1296 21 24.8
ceived tribulations of Cathie Wood’s ARK tify the events that are packed into each op- Liminal Biosciences LMNL 7273 6116 1157 312 64 23.3
Invest and Elon Musk’s Tesla (ticker: tions expiration. Such tradecraft always GoHealth GOCO 24116 18381 5735 1384 100 17.4

TSLA). Substantive matters that can’t be matters, especially if a policy shift is near. Sphere 3D ANY 5857 4677 1180 352 93 16.6
GMS GMS 20424 20192 232 1264 22 16.2
discussed with emojis tend to be sidelined— For the past two decades, the Fed’s liberal ExOne XONE 34764 20148 14616 2776 0 12.5
until they aren’t. policies have protected the stock market. Golden Nugget GNOG 107446 71738 35708 8704 16 12.3
Proactive investors should consider mak- Terrorist attacks, the worst financial crisis Doximity DOCS 46711 32768 13943 3984 100 11.7
Godd Times Restaurants GTIM 4153 3685 468 412 10 10.1
ing moves in the rate-sensitive financial sec- since the 1929 crash, a viral pandemic, end-
Rio Tinto RIO 277642 267511 10131 27584 62 10.1
tor in anticipation that something significant less wars, and political intrigue all failed to PixelWorks PXLW 3280 3026 254 336 89 9.8
could happen at Jackson Hole. impede the stock market’s rise. The amount Cortexyme CRTX 11909 9260 2649 1296 93 9.2
Investors who agree with this thesis can of wealth that has been created has been Orphazyme ORPH 109168 92120 17048 12172 60 9.0
Sonos SONO 192366 140654 51712 22588 54 8.5
buy the primary proxy for the financial sec- staggering—so stay agile. You want to be WIX 44537 25361 19176 5388 45 8.3
tor, the Financial Select Sector SPDR ready to alter course when the Fed changes BIT Mining BTCM 120034 115425 4609 15792 67 7.6
exchange-traded fund (XLF). The ETF hit a the rules of the game. B This table of the most active options this week, as compared to average weekly activity – not just raw volume. The idea is that the
high in early June and has done so again this unusually heavy trading in these options might be a predictor of corporate activity – takeovers, earnings surprises, earnings pre-
announcements, biotech FDA hearings or drug trial result announcements, and so forth. Dividend arbitrage has been eliminated. In
past week. Now, at $38.58, it seems poised to Steven M. Sears is the president and chief oper- short, this list attempts to identify where heavy speculation is taking place. These options are likely to be expensive in comparison to
their usual pricing levels. Furthermore, many of these situations may be rumor-driven. Most rumors do not prove to be true, so one
move into a higher trading range. ating officer of Options Solutions, a specialized should be aware of these increased risks if trading in these names
The ETF is up about 57% over the past asset-management firm. Neither he nor the firm Ratio is the Tot Vol divided by Avg Tot Vol. IV %ile is how expensive the options are on a scale from 0 to 100.
year, and it could go higher if interest rates has a position in the options or underlying securi- Source: McMillan Analysis

spike. Yes, there is the risk that some inves- ties mentioned in this column.
M6 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Expect Stable Lumber
Prices in Robust Market

By Simon Constable remained below $400.

“The lumber mills are still making re-

“This is when we T
he lumber bubble is over. Prices ally good money, so they won’t shut down
likely will stay rangebound for supply,” Hackett says. It’s likely that saw-
the foreseeable future as supply mill operators will increase supply and
increases and demand from take advantage of falling unemployment

really get to excel.”

home builders remains robust. benefits to hire more workers.
“We expect prices to hover between Separately, demand for housing re-
$500 and $600 per 1,000 board feet,” mains high relative to available homes. The
says Samuel Burman, a commodities econ- past decade of low housing construction
omist at independent research firm Capi- has led to a housing shortage. Single-fam-
tal Economics. ily housing starts should average around
Lumber futures have been on a roller- 1.2 million next year, up from one million
coaster ride because restricted wood sup- this year, according to forecasts from Capi-
plies from sawmills met with increased tal Economics. That compares favorably to
The average Barron’s-ranked advisor demand for the material to construct the annual rate of less than a million
homes. That combination sent prices for throughout the period from August 2007
has almost three decades of experience random-length lumber futures contracts to November 2019, according to govern-
on the CME to all-time highs around ment data. “We expect demand for new
and has thrived through adversity. Find $1,671 in May, up from $495 in late Octo- homes to remain strong,” Burman says.
an advisor who has the experience to ber. They were fetching $530 recently. There are risks with this trade. A poten-
Now that the bubble has popped, the tial supply disruption is coming from Can-
navigate uncertainty. market will likely stabilize, neither rallying ada after a U.S. government report recom-
nor falling substantially. “We think the mended raising tariffs on Canadian lumber
market is at the right level now,” says to 18% from 9%, alleging the Canadian
Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Fi- forestry industry benefits from govern-
nancial Advisors. Investors might want to ment subsidies.
step aside from taking a directional bet on The likelihood of such a move is proba-
Visit the Guide to Wealth at prices over the next few months. bly dependent on prices falling signifi- Alternatively, risk-tolerant traders cantly from current levels down to less
might consider an options straddle strat- than $250, which would be below the past
egy that would take advantage of a static decade’s average price, Burman says. “If
market. For instance, try selling a Novem- prices are relatively high, there is no need
ber-dated call option that would pay out if to prop up the southern states,” he says.
the November-dated futures contract price Poor weather could also cause home-
rises above $605, and a put option that construction delays. “It is easier to build
pays out if the price falls below $405. If when it is sunny and dry; when it’s wet,
the price remains within the $405-to- there are delays,” Burman says.
NEW + IMPROVED! $650 range until the option expires, then However, the largest risk is in selling
New interface. investors keep the option sale price, re- options. If prices of lumber futures fail to
More insights. cently around $7,601. remain within the $405-to-$650 range,
New finder tool. It’s the interaction of increased sup- traders could lose more money than the
plies and continued solid demand that sale price of the options. For that reason,
will help keep prices in a range. Last year be prepared to exit the trade quickly if the
lumber supplies were tight due to the economic outlook changes.
pandemic restrictions. That’s quickly re- Still, given the likely prevailing eco-
versing because even after the recent nomic scenario over the next few weeks,
“How Top Advisors are Navigating the Crisis,” Barron’s. 3/19/20
crash, wood prices are high compared the probable rewards seem worth the
©2020 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. 2E210 with the past decade, when they mostly risks. B
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M7

1,200,000 Occidental shares on POWER PLAY
June 9 at $28.62 apiece. Icahn then

Deal Making
sold a total of 2,274,287 Occidental
shares over Aug. 5 and 6 at $26.50
per share. After those sales, Icahn

Keeps On
now holds a 6.9% interest in Occi-
dental’s tradable stock.

Jeff Immelt Bought Up Fiserv (FISV)

KKR (KKR) revealed that its wholly
owned affiliate, Omaha Holdings Rollin’
This Healthcare Stock
LP, adopted a 10b5-1 trading plan
on Aug. 4 to sell up to a maximum
30,000,000 shares of the fintech By CARLETON ENGLISH
stock. The plan is in effect until all

of the Fiserv shares are sold or until here have been questions
May 31, 2022, whichever occurs about how long the recent
By ED LIN market purchase of Bright Health first. If Omaha Holdings/KKR sells pace of deal-making activity

stock. Immelt received his other the maximum allotment, KKR can continue, and to talk to
right Health Group stock Bright Health shares from the conver- would nearly halve its current stake anyone on Wall Street, the answer
has plunged since its mar- sion of pre-IPO preferred stock. of 62,300,667 Fiserv shares, equal is, quite a bit longer.
ket debut, but director Jeff Immelt has been a Bright Health The former to 9.4% of the outstanding stock. While refinancing and repricing
Immelt just bought up director since April 2020. He is also a General Electric activity accounted for 62% of lever-
shares of the provider of venture partner of venture-capital CEO paid $1 million Deere (DE), Canadian Na- aged loan issuance and 70% of
healthcare services. firm New Enterprise Associates, for 114,000 shares tional Railway (CNI), and high-yield activity in the first half
Bright Health (ticker: which is the largest shareholder of of Bright Health AutoNation (AN) of the year, the second half of the
BHG) is trading below the $18 it was Bright Health with a 34% stake. Group, marking his Cascade Investment, the invest- year is expected to be dominated by
priced at for its initial public offering Bright Health didn’t make Immelt first open market ment vehicle of Microsoft (MSFT) mergers and acquisitions, and lev-
in late June. Shares slid on their first available for comment. NEA didn’t purchase of the co-founder Bill Gates, disclosed a eraged buyouts, according to New
day of trading and have continued to respond to a request to make Immelt stock. reduced position in all three hold- York–based law firm White & Case.
slide. The second-quarter report earlier available. ings, as Bill Gates transferred secu- “There is often some lag time
this month hasn’t revived the shares. RBC Capital Markets analyst Frank rities to Melinda French Gates. A between M&A signings and the
Immelt paid $1 million on Aug. 4, G. Morgan maintained an Outperform divorce between the two was final- financing for these deals,” Joseph
the day after the quarterly report, for rating and a $22 price target on Bright ized earlier this month. Brazil, debt finance partner at
114,000 Bright Health shares, a per- Health after the company’s earnings On Aug. 5, Cascade transferred White & Case, tells Barron’s. “We
share average price of $8.80. Accord- report. “We believe weakness through shares of the three companies di- would expect to see corresponding
ing to a form the former General Tuesday’s session is overdone, stem- rectly to Melinda French Gates for increases in the volume of acquisi-
Electric (GE) CEO filed with the Se- ming from explainable factors,” Mor- no consideration. The transfers tion financing given M&A volume
curities and Exchange Commission, gan wrote. He added, “[W]e found consisted of 2,813,500 shares of in the first half of 2021.”
Immelt now owns 198,012 Bright nothing in the second quarter that heavy-machinery maker Deere, And so far, it doesn’t appear that
Health shares. This is his first open- would derail our investment thesis.” B 9,527,000 shares of railway opera- a tougher regulatory climate under
tor Canadian National, and the Biden Administration will put
3,332,063 shares of auto retailer too much of a damper on deals be-
AutoNation. ing completed. In fact, in recent
As a result, Cascade now owns earnings calls, banks touted their

Activist Holdings revealed that the all-cash offer was at

a “significant premium” to both Turtle
Beach’s July 8 closing price, and “any
26,446,073 Deere shares, an 8.5%
stake; 91,694,714 Canadian Na-
tional, a 12.9% interest; and
strong deal backlogs as businesses
look to reorganize themselves in a
postpandemic world.
Turtle Beach (HEAR) 30-day volume-weighted average price 12,158,211 AutoNation shares, 17% We’ve noted that even mega-
Donerail Group holds 1,025,000 in the past seven years.” of the outstanding stock. deals—M&A valued at more than
shares of the maker of gaming These disclosures are
These are the latest stock trans- $10 billion—are roaring back.
headsets, including 525,000 shares from 13Ds filed with fers from Cascade Investment to “While [regulatory scrutiny]

Decreases in
that underlie exercisable options. the Securities and Melinda Gates. The couple publicly looks like a headwind, the outlook
Exchange Commission.
On April 27, Donerail made an un- 13Ds are filed within disclosed in early May that they is positive because of deals that
solicited offer—at an undisclosed
price—to acquire Turtle Beach. A
meeting was then held on July 9,
Holdings 10 days of an entity’s
attaining more than
5% in any class of a
were divorcing. Shortly after, Bill
Gates transferred stakes in a Coca-
Cola bottler, Mexican broadcaster,
have gone through in light of scru-
tiny. It may extend closing times
but there haven’t been wide-scale
company’s securities.
where Turtle Beach’s board re- Occidental Petroleum (OXY) Subsequent changes and other companies worth nearly impediments to transactions,” said
in holdings or inten-
buffed the proposal. According to Icahn Capital reported a lower posi- tions must be re-
$2.4 billion to Melinda Gates. Later Michael Deyong, M&A partner at
Donerail, Turtle Beach thought the tion in the oil-and-gas explorer of ported in amended that month, Bill Gates’ Cascade White & Case.
offer “was not deemed sufficiently 66,155,972 shares, which include filings. This material is Investment transferred more than If anything, low interest rates
from Aug. 5 through
high enough to warrant further 19,304,913 shares underlying exercis- Aug. 11, 2021. Source: $850 million in shares of Deere to and uncertain times are driving
engagement.” Donerail has only able warrants. Icahn Capital first sold Melinda Gates. more corporate marriages. B
M8 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

© 2021 Barron’s Group & Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 4E248
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M9

Charting the Market

A graphic look at selected stock activity for the week ended August 13, 2021 n Edited by Bill Alpert
DIS (NYSE) • 181.08 • 3.95 194 PFE (NYSE) • 48.48 • 3.41 49 MRNA (NASD) • 389.78 • -23.94 505 ABNB (NASD) • 152.76 • 2.77 156
 Quarterly revenue at the 189  The pharma giant’s stock 48  The shares surged after 470  Second-quarter revenue 152
company’s theme-park unit 184 hit a record high, its first in 47 the biotech firm said that 435 quadrupled, as travel picked 148
were four times the year- 179 more than 20 years, as ris- 46 its Covid-19 vaccine had 400 up. The home-sharing firm 144
earlier level. Streaming kept 174 ing cases of Covid-19 put a 45 won provisional registration 365 forecast record revenue in 140
growing, even as the econ- M T W T F spotlight on vaccines. Pfizer M T W T F in Australia. Then analysts M T W T F the current quarter, but M T W T F

omy reopened. raised its prices in Europe. questioned the lofty level. Covid fears hurt the stock.
Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $
210 50 505 230
190 46 410 184
170 42 315 138
150 38 220 92
130 34 125 46
110 30 30 0

Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions

122 434 318 98
61 217 159 49
0 0 0 0


TSN (NYSE) • 81.91 • 10.79 84 LUV (NYSE) • 50.41 • -0.31 53.0 KSU (NYSE) • 292.66 • 20.89 297 SAFM (NASD) • 196.14 • 13.77 199

 The food giant easily beat 81  The carrier warned that 51.5  The bidding war for the 289  Cargill and agricultural 197
fiscal third-quarter earnings 78 it’s seeing more cancellations 50.0 railroad heated up, with a 281 investment firm Continental 195
expectations, fueled by res- 75 this month, along with slow- 48.5 new offer from Canadian 273 Grain reached a deal to take 193
taurant reopenings. Beef 72 ing bookings. It blamed con- 47.0 Pacific Railway, which is 265 the poultry processor pri- 191
sales climbed 24%, followed sumers’ concerns about the trying to dislodge rival Ca- vate amid surging demand
by pork and chicken. Delta variant of Covid-19. nadian National Railway. for chicken.
Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $
84.5 66 322 200
78.0 59 286 182
71.5 52 250 164
65.0 45 214 146
58.5 38 178 128
52.0 31 142 110

Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions

20 78 22 8
10 39 11 4
0 0 0 0


HNST (NASD) • 10.07 • -3.50 17 FUBO (NYSE) • 28.83 • 2.62 34 WW (NASD) • 23.04 • -8.27 33 RIDE (NASD) • 5.37 • -0.56 6.5
 The stock plunged on 15  The streaming-video ser- 32  The former Weight Watch- 30  The electric-vehicle maker 6.0
Friday to a record low after 13 vice posted better-than-ex- 30 ers missed earnings fore- 27 logged a bigger loss than ex- 5.5
the Jessica Alba–founded 11 pected second-quarter re- 28 casts and offered weaker- 24 pected but a solid cash out- 5.0
consumer-goods firm deliv- 9
sults. It reported having 26
than-expected guidance. The 21
look, key for the company. It 4.5
ered disappointing second- M T W T F 681,721 subscribers, 138% M T W T F stock was downgraded to M T W T F reported having $366 million M T W T F
quarter numbers. above the year-earlier total. Hold from Buy at Jefferies. on hand.
Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $
27.5 66 43.5 35
22.0 54 38.0 28
16.5 42 32.5 21
11.0 30 27.0 14
5.5 18 21.5 7
0.0 6 16.0 0

Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions

22 222 22 140
11 111 11 70
0 0 0 0

The charts record the net change in share price, the high, low and closing trades, and share volume for companies with noteworthy stock activity last week. In addition, the graphs depict last week’s daily price activity in detail. The
dotted line on some graphs denotes the stock’s 200-day moving average; lack of a moving average means the shares have traded for less than that time period.
M10 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Winners and Losers

Winners Volume Percentage Leaders Volume Percentage Leaders Volume Percentage Leaders
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. Name (Sym) Volume %Chg. Close Change Name (Sym) Volume %Chg. Close Change Name (Sym) Volume %Chg. Close Change
Doximity(DOCS) 17353 76.01 +23.65 +45.2 Lightng eMotors(ZEV) 184841 6724.0 9.01 +2.73 AeroCentury(ACY) 22255 1099.2 33.81 +10.81 FulcrumTherap(FULC) 18215021555.4 22.93 +14.83
Lightng eMotors(ZEV) 184841 9.01 +2.73 +43.5 SandbridgeX2 A(SBII) 2029 2051.7 9.65 –0.06 Myomo(MYO) 1617 458.1 9.69 +1.78 AchillesTherap(ACHL) 4856 2652.6 6.45 +0.23
RockleyPhotonics(RKLY) 3469 13.14 +3.26 +33.0 RiceAcqnII A(RONI) 585 1986.0 9.71 –0.14 StandardLithium(SLI) 10948 273.5 7.63 +0.30 Katapult(KPLT) 56217 1520.4 3.35 –6.05
SandRidgeEnergy(SD) 6884 8.76 +2.08 +31.1 InterPrivateII A(IPVF) 362 1071.6 9.81 +0.07 Parts Id(ID) 952 228.1 5.41 –2.10 IEC Elec(IEC) 3352 1283.1 15.25 +4.80
Victoria'sSecret(VSCO) 18527 74.77 +17.10 +29.7 LeoHldgsII A(LHC) 1009 898.0 9.63 –0.05 InfuSystems(INFU) 1134 153.4 15.25 –4.92 AxsomeTherap(AXSM) 23840 1241.5 22.86 –28.30
Veritiv(VRTV) 1176 83.91 +19.12 +29.5 KingswoodA(KWAC) 954 850.9 9.99 –0.04 LairdSuperfood(LSF) 719 127.9 21.50 –2.41 GoldenNugget(GNOG) 54102 966.2 19.44 +7.17
CS Disco(LAW) 1261 51.99 +10.42 +25.1 TrepontAcqnI A(TACA) 693 848.3 9.87 –0.02 Stereotaxis(STXS) 3913 79.2 6.75 –2.25 GoHealth(GOCO) 48555 714.1 4.07 –5.05
RushStreetInt(RSI) 13170 13.82 +2.74 +24.7 GatesIndustrial(GTES) 22402 743.1 16.70 –1.92 SifcoInd(SIF) 77 30.2 9.70 –1.05 MaxCyte(MXCT) 2763 674.8 15.38 –0.49
JanusInternational(JBI) 16575 733.3 14.66 +1.27 inTEST(INTT) 1023 30.0 12.28 –0.02 SandersonFarms(SAFM) 7965 662.0 196.14 +13.77
Losers BitMining(BTCM) 34548 590.0 7.43 +1.06 IssuerDirect(ISDR) 112 16.6 27.98 +0.33 ColonyBankcorp(CBAN) 1539 608.2 18.05 +0.26
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. RotorAcqnA(ROT) 3120 544.3 9.97 +0.04 BM Tech(BMTX) 384 11.7 10.81 –0.27 ExOne(XONE) 16431 575.9 24.24 +7.30
ON24(ONTF) 11013 21.98 –10.69 –32.7 ON24(ONTF) 11013 512.7 21.98 –10.69 PTK Acqn(PTK) 128 10.7 9.89 +0.01 RaniTherap(RANI) 8907 501.2 18.61 +6.81
Hippo(HIPO) 5191 5.27 –2.09 –28.4 DelwindsInsA(DWIN) 1071 472.4 9.82 +0.01 UnvlSecInstr(UUU) 895 9.3 5.55 –0.66 Bitfarms(BITF) 63464 466.1 6.78 +0.83
SelectQuote(SLQT) 8458 13.70 –4.59 –25.1 RossAcqnIIA(ROSS) 1168 442.7 9.70 –0.04 WidePoint(WYY) 392 5.0 6.75 –0.07 AmericanNatl(ANAT) 2240 451.4 191.69 +18.89
XFinancial(XYF) 1080 5.74 –1.90 –24.9 SignifyHealth(SGFY) 11853 427.8 26.00 –1.53 LGL Group(LGL) 99 4.3 10.51 +0.10 Enovix(ENVX) 7900 446.8 14.59 –0.21
VirginGalactic(SPCE) 128530 25.37 –8.00 –24.0 MasonIndlTechA(MIT) 379 419.1 9.70 –0.01 CheniereEnergy(LNG) 5818 -0.9 87.13 +2.49 Microvast(MVST) 44463 446.5 11.48 –0.17
FreyrBattery(FREY) 14710 9.35 –2.59 –21.7 ClassAccelA(CLAS) 729 407.9 9.63 –0.04 Kaleyra(KLR) 1523 -1.1 10.92 +0.98 KnowBe4(KNBE) 12760 444.7 25.62 +5.56
Ampco-Pitt(AP) 383 4.83 –1.33 –21.6 IntercorpFinSvcs(IFS) 1842 393.5 19.12 +0.39 DeltaApparel(DLA) 102 -1.4 32.09 –1.15 HMN Fin(HMNF) 143 440.1 23.02 +0.52
CasperSleep(CSPR) 7102 5.50 –1.41 –20.4 PeridotAcqnIIA(PDOT) 282 391.9 9.65 –0.06 AlphaProTech(APT) 8161 -3.1 8.68 –0.12 Oncocyte(OCX) 12084 438.7 4.48 –0.70
FreyrBattery(FREY) 14710 370.2 9.35 –2.59 RetractableTechs(RVP) 2341 -4.7 12.47 –0.26 TreanInsurance(TIG) 3606 397.0 9.03 –4.95
By Share Volume By Share Volume By Share Volume
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change%Chg. Name (Sym) Volume Close Change%Chg. Name (Sym) Volume Close Change%Chg.
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg.
AMC Ent(AMC) 395911 33.47 +0.77 +2.4 Zomedica(ZOM) 120449 0.48 –0.11 –19.3 AdvMicroDevices(AMD) 481194 110.55 +0.44 +0.4
AeroCentury(ACY) 22255 33.81 +10.81 +47.0
PalantirTech(PLTR) 337954 24.90 +3.08 +14.1 Senseonics(SENS) 83021 3.03 –0.19 –5.9 ContextLogic(WISH) 379234 7.55 –2.28 –23.2
Myomo(MYO) 1617 9.69 +1.78 +22.5
BankofAmerica(BAC) 238482 41.63 +1.48 +3.7 CamberEnergy(CEI) 60161 0.43 –0.03 –5.6 Apple(AAPL) 299448 149.10 +2.96 +2.0
SparkNetworks(LOV) 385 3.99 +0.50 +14.3
Pfizer(PFE) 229340 48.48 +3.41 +7.6 NewGold(NGD) 51168 1.21 –0.35 –22.4 CloverHealth(CLOV) 275772 8.22 +0.15 +1.9
22ndCentury(XXII) 8607 4.03 +0.50 +14.2
NewOrientalEduc(EDU) 217546 1.97 –0.13 –6.2 BlonderTongueLab(BDR) 31782 1.15 –0.39 –25.3 SesenBio(SESN) 185767 2.11 –2.08 –49.6
AdamsRes(AE) 47 29.01 +3.00 +11.5
FordMotor(F) 197037 13.59 –0.21 –1.5 B2Gold(BTG) 29737 3.92 +0.05 +1.3 Moderna(MRNA) 183473 389.78 –23.94 –5.8
KulrTech(KULR) 2663 2.25 +0.21 +10.3
Lightng eMotors(ZEV) 184841 9.01 +2.73 +43.5 Globalstar(GSAT) 29129 1.41 +0.03 +2.2 MicronTech(MU) 183403 70.92 –11.08 –13.5
Servotronics(SVT) 28 10.30 +0.96 +10.2
NIO(NIO) 183634 41.03 –2.81 –6.4 1847Goedeker(GOED) 25099 2.61 –0.31 –10.6 FulcrumTherap(FULC) 182150 22.93 +14.83+183.1
Kaleyra(KLR) 1523 10.92 +0.98 +9.9
ItauUnibanco(ITUB) 145192 5.84 +0.00 +0.0 DenisonMines(DNN) 23560 1.07 –0.03 –2.7 Zynga(ZNGA) 181026 8.27 +0.28 +3.5
Losers Carnival(CCL) 144431 22.86 –0.22 –1.0 AeroCentury(ACY) 22255 33.81 +10.81 +47.0 FuelCell(FCEL) 175158 6.14 –0.19 –3.0
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. PG&E(PCG) 141386 9.12 +0.59 +6.9 US Antimony(UAMY) 21955 0.94 –0.02 –1.6 AmerAirlines(AAL) 164427 19.84 –1.18 –5.6
Fisker(FSR) 136610 14.40 –0.06 –0.4 ITTechPkg(ITP) 20916 0.43 +0.01 +1.9 SoFiTech(SOFI) 141989 14.99 –1.72 –10.3
Parts Id(ID) 952 5.41 –2.10 –28.0
Cleveland-Cliffs(CLF) 131249 25.84 +1.82 +7.6 AsensusSurg(ASXC) 17610 2.19 –0.23 –9.5 Orphazyme(ORPH) 141319 5.15 +1.02 +24.7
Stereotaxis(STXS) 3913 6.75 –2.25 –25.0
VirginGalactic(SPCE) 128530 25.37 –8.00 –24.0 AultGlobal(DPW) 16083 2.72 +0.23 +9.2 SiriusXM(SIRI) 128175 6.03 –0.47 –7.2
InfuSystems(INFU) 1134 15.25 –4.92 –24.4
WellsFargo(WFC) 125278 50.37 +1.60 +3.3 GranTierraEner(GTE) 14969 0.52 –0.05 –8.5 OpendoorTech(OPEN) 108120 17.55 +3.12 +21.6
Cybin(CYBN) 6943 2.12 –0.62 –22.6
PetroleoBrasil(PBR) 120289 11.34 +0.16 +1.4 Oragenics(OGEN) 13634 0.66 –0.05 –7.4 Robinhood(HOOD) 99417 50.63 –4.38 –8.0
SierraMetals(SMTS) 1960 2.51 –0.61 –19.6
US Steel(X) 110836 28.98 +3.07 +11.8 NorthernDynasty(NAK) 13118 0.40 –0.01 –2.9 DraftKings(DKNG) 86883 53.50 +1.91 +3.7
SunlinkHealth(SSY) 589 2.33 –0.44 –15.9
AT&T(T) 108902 28.19 +0.23 +0.8 iBio(IBIO) 12549 1.20 –0.08 –6.3 Nikola(NKLA) 86221 9.53 –0.75 –7.3
eMagin(EMAN) 2954 2.44 –0.41 –14.4
Ambev(ABEV) 105227 3.12 –0.10 –3.1 UraniumEner(UEC) 12190 2.11 –0.09 –4.1 NVIDIA(NVDA) 84564 201.88 –1.78 –0.9
Flanigans(BDL) 54 25.37 –4.14 –14.0
KE Holdings(BEKE) 99084 17.80 –0.74 –4.0 GreatPanther(GPL) 11880 0.49 –0.04 –8.3 SmileDirectClub(SDC) 84107 5.03 –1.80 –26.4
By Dollar Volume By Dollar Volume By Dollar Volume
Winners Name (Sym) $ Volume Close Change%Chg. Name (Sym) $ Volume Close Change%Chg. Name (Sym) $ Volume Close Change%Chg.
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. AMC Ent(AMC) 12892193 33.47 +0.77 +2.4 AeroCentury(ACY) 677635 33.81 +10.81 +47.0 Moderna(MRNA) 77954161 389.78 –23.94 –5.8
FulcrumTherap(FULC) 182150 22.93 +14.83 +183.1 Alibaba(BABA) 11887107 188.62 –7.77 –4.0 CheniereEnergy(LNG) 501457 87.13 +2.49 +2.9 AdvMicroDevices(AMD) 52064889 110.55 +0.44 +0.4
GoldenNugget(GNOG) 54102 19.44 +7.17 +58.4 Pfizer(PFE) 10757475 48.48 +3.41 +7.6 Senseonics(SENS) 256541 3.03 –0.19 –5.9 Tesla(TSLA) 51279686 717.17 +18.07 +2.6
RaniTherap(RANI) 8907 18.61 +6.81 +57.7 Disney(DIS) 10681096 181.08 +3.95 +2.2 B2Gold(BTG) 113692 3.92 +0.05 +1.3 Apple(AAPL) 43767482 149.10 +2.96 +2.0
Upstart(UPST) 55247 203.29 +71.16 +53.9 BankofAmerica(BAC) 9865240 41.63 +1.48 +3.7 AnnovisBio(ANVS) 110669 39.81 +0.22 +0.6 391090673293.97 –50.97 –1.5
Cortexyme(CRTX) 4670 100.07 +32.93 +49.0 Boeing(BA) 9581495 234.46 +3.13 +1.4 StandardLithium(SLI) 87051 7.63 +0.30 +4.1 Microsoft(MSFT) 23411693 292.85 +3.39 +1.2
IEC Elec(IEC) 3352 15.25 +4.80 +45.9 Square(SQ) 9521381 267.88 –7.22 –2.6 AlphaProTech(APT) 74530 8.68 –0.12 –1.4 BioNTech(BNTX) 18167097 377.32 –11.69 –3.0
ExOne(XONE) 16431 24.24 +7.30 +43.1 Visa(V) 8245184 232.65 –8.75 –3.6 1847Goedeker(GOED) 71102 2.61 –0.31 –10.6 NVIDIA(NVDA) 16842662 201.88 –1.78 –0.9
Novavax(NVAX) 48445 257.27 +67.38 +35.5 PalantirTech(PLTR) 8160842 24.90 +3.08 +14.1 NewGold(NGD) 68298 1.21 –0.35 –22.4 Facebook(FB) 13447785 363.18 –0.33 –0.1
NIO(NIO) 7876770 41.03 –2.81 –6.4 Zomedica(ZOM) 61297 0.48 –0.11 –19.3 MicronTech(MU) 13367037 70.92 –11.08 –13.5
Losers Shopify(SHOP) 74556931498.00 –27.06 –1.8 BlonderTongueLab(BDR) 51983 1.15 –0.39 –25.3 CoinbaseGlbl(COIN) 11710722 261.25 +2.99 +1.2
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. JPMorganChase(JPM) 7183401 159.98 +2.48 +1.6 NorthernOil&Gas(NOG) 51368 16.44 –0.75 –4.4 Alphabet A(GOOGL) 116093132754.55 +39.78 +1.5
Katapult(KPLT) 56217 3.35 –6.05 –64.4 Walmart(WMT) 6402887 149.53 +4.30 +3.0 EquinoxGold(EQX) 50223 6.41 +0.08 +1.3 Novavax(NVAX) 11235254 257.27 +67.38 +35.5
GoHealth(GOCO) 48555 4.07 –5.05 –55.4 WellsFargo(WFC) 6237294 50.37 +1.60 +3.3 Globalstar(GSAT) 42616 1.41 +0.03 +2.2 Alphabet C(GOOG) 97308282768.12 +27.40 +1.0
AxsomeTherap(AXSM) 23840 22.86 –28.30 –55.3 Citigroup(C) 5817388 73.11 +2.04 +2.9 TakungArt(TKAT) 42492 6.17 –0.13 –2.1 Upstart(UPST) 9508076 203.29 +71.16 +53.9
SesenBio(SESN) 185767 2.11 –2.08 –49.6 GoldmanSachs(GS) 5587270 410.78 +12.89 +3.2 MAG Silver(MAG) 42472 19.13 –0.21 –1.1 Roku(ROKU) 7032734 357.59 –33.88 –8.7
LifeStanceHealth(LFST) 26474 13.45 –10.93 –44.8 Mastercard(MA) 5458928 362.75 –11.78 –3.1 AultGlobal(DPW) 42423 2.72 +0.23 +9.2 PayPal(PYPL) 6739839 274.91 –4.63 –1.7
ImpelNeuro(IMPL) 592 14.25 –8.15 –36.4 5444885 251.56 +0.97 +0.4 AsensusSurg(ASXC) 41374 2.19 –0.23 –9.5 Airbnb(ABNB) 6361360 152.76 +2.77 +1.8
AppHarvest(APPH) 30602 7.60 –4.31 –36.2 ExxonMobil(XOM) 5257596 56.77 –1.09 –1.9 EnergyFuels(UUUU) 40377 5.10 –0.17 –3.2 ApplMaterials(AMAT) 5591176 129.90 –12.75 –8.9
SocTelemed(TLMD) 6392 2.75 –1.51 –35.4 BerkHathwy B(BRK.B) 4769471 287.89 +2.26 +0.8 BrooklynImmuno(BTX) 38863 11.12 –0.28 –2.5 Robinhood(HOOD) 5269149 50.63 –4.38 –8.0

Includes Common shares only. All figures reflect activity for the most-recent five-day trading week. Share volume figures are expressed in thousands. Volume percentage leaders exclude stocks with average daily volume of fewer
than 5,000 shares or priced under $5. Average volume is based on 65 trading days. Volume figures do not reflect extended trading hours. a-Stock has not been in existence or not been traded for 65 consecutive sessions. S-Stock
split or stock dividend amounting to 10% or more. X-Ex-dividend
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M11

Research Reports
How Analysts Size Up Companies
These reports, excerpted and edited by Barron’s, were issued recently by investment and run-up in price now fully reflects our 12- by Benchmark
month target price performance and value
research firms. The reports are a sampling of analysts’ thinking; they should not be considered expectations. ACI’s shares gained over 17% Lightning eMotors and Forest River (a
the views or recommendations of Barron’s. Some of the reports’ issuers have provided, or hope yesterday on the news that it had hired Berkshire Hathaway company) announced
to provide, investment-banking or other services to the companies being analyzed. highly regarded retail industry executive a strategic agreement for up to 7,500 zero-
Sharon McCollam as its new president and emission shuttle buses. The agreement is
chief financial officer, beginning in Septem- for ZEV to supply fully electric powertrains
ber. While we remain positive on ACI’s and provide charging products and services
Splunk • SPLK-Nasdaq (Leerink) and expanding its personal-bank- business initiatives, including increasing to Forest River over the next 4 to 5 years
Buy • Price $141.31 on Aug. 11 ing offerings (through BPFH), with a pend- digital sales and store upgrades, the stock with a value up to $850 million. The power-
by UBS ing technology investment-banking an- is now trading in line with our 12-month trains will be manufactured at ZEV’s Love-
nouncement (disclosed on the second-quarter target price of $27 and fully reflects our land, Colo., facility and shipped to Forest
After upgrading Splunk shares from Sell to call) imminent. We see a growing network value expectations. We would become more River’s Indiana plant for final assembly. The
Neutral in May 2021, we are going one effect as driving increased market share positive on any significant pullbacks in strategic partnership, in our view, is another
step further and upgrading Splunk to a gains over time (and beyond the current share price. step in confirming the expansion of EV
Buy. Key catalysts include a more stable 50% of venture capital-backed start-ups). We powertrains in the commercial side of the
tone from our checks (namely about com- see several lanes potentially converging to- Lightning eMotors • ZEV-NYSE global vehicle market, and doubles the size
petition, the potential for upside in secu- ward a $1,500 to $3,000 stock over the next Buy • Price $6.41 on Aug. 10 of ZEV’s current backlog. Price target: $17.
rity-related demand, and good Splunk decade.
Cloud traction), the prospect that Splunk
returns to out-period guidance on this Petco Health & Wellness • WOOF-Nasdaq INSIDER TRANSACTIONS: Recent Filings
pending second-quarter/July call and the Overweight • Price $19.67 on Aug. 11 Purchases Sales
$ Val $ Val
comfort we derive from the recent $1 bil- by Wells Fargo Company /Symbol Insiders Shares (000's) Company /Symbol Insiders Shares (000's)
lion Silver Lake investment and AWS Energy Transfer ET 2 954,542 8,924 TraegerCOOK 2 1,970,846 47,694
hires. Importantly, this is against a back- WOOF is now seven months removed from Rallybio RLYB 2 384,615 6,923 Palantir Technologies PLTR 3 1,971,887 43,562
Immuneering IMRX 1 325,000 6,230 Stryker SYK 2 151,120 39,632
drop of continued mixed/cautious Street its successful initial public offering process, RxsightRXST 7 331,935 5,299 SnowflakeSNOW 2 110,767 30,340
sentiment, making the stock setup attrac- yet shares sit firmly among the most de- Traeger COOK 5 200,350 4,847 Entegris ENTG 3 246,456 30,216
tive in our view. At 6.5 times annual recur- bated in our coverage, considering its re- Erasca ERAS 1 200,000 4,420 Beigene BGNE 1 84,068 28,583
Martin Midstream Partners MMLP 4 1,182,446 3,424 Carlisle Companies CSL 3 138,305 28,304
ring revenue and 8.5 times estimated cal- cent underperformance (down 22.8% versus Aon AON 1 10,000 2,640 Revolve RVLV 3 375,520 27,004
endar 2022 revenue, Splunk shares seem a gain of 6.7% for the S&P 500 index since American Assets Trust AAT 1 65,790 2,451 Dynavax Technologies DVAX 2 2,330,000 25,160
Dun & Bradstreet DNB 2 120,589 2,200 Ansys ANSS 1 63,726 23,201
reasonably priced, given the prospect of May 2020) in spite of relatively strong
Kennedy-Wilson KW 1 100,000 2,110 Datadog DDOG 3 181,086 22,178
greater stability and a growth outlook of trends. In our view, certain technical fac- Activision Blizzard ATVI 1 24,715 2,001 Coursera COUR 6 515,253 20,661
15% to 20%. We’re raising our price target tors are clearly at play, with rising short Kemper KMPR 2 25,250 1,557 Camden Property TrustCPT 3 136,625 20,289
Bright Health BHG 2 164,000 1,436 Okta OKTA 1 80,400 19,731
from $137 to $165. interest, secondary-offering volatility, and
ConocophillipsCOP 1 22,500 1,249 Abiomed ABMD 1 56,508 19,557
a Reddit-driven day in the sun. But when Cornerstone Building Brands CNR 2 75,000 1,154 L3Harris Technologies LHX 2 75,771 17,526
SVB Financial Group • SIVB Nasdaq it comes to fundamentals, we see upside to B Riley FinancialRILY 1 16,803 1,140 Service Corporation InternationalSCI 2 261,938 16,790
1 47,984 1,024 Mongodb MDB 2 45,000 16,673
Overweight • Price $587.02 on Aug. 9 fiscal second-quarter estimates and we be- IheartmediaIHRT
Sage Therapeutics SAGE 1 23,640 1,020 Salesforce.Com CRM 2 65,000 16,148
by J.P. Morgan lieve the long-term opportunities via Om- Omega Therapeutics OMGA 2 56,023 952 Sba Communications SBAC 1 44,800 15,507
nichannel, Vet/Health, and Services offer- An insider is any officer, director or owner of 10% or more of a class of a company's securities. In most cases, an insider must report any trade to the
We recently held investor meetings with ings are underappreciated at sub-12 times SEC within two business days. The tables highlight companies that filed with the SEC through last Wednesday. The tables do not include pension-
plan or employee stock-option activity, trades by beneficial owners of 10% or more, trades under $2 per share or trades under 100 shares. The
Silicon Valley Bank’s CFO, Dan Beck. With fiscal ’22 enterprise value to Ebitda [earn- "Purchases" column includes only open-market and private purchases; the "Sales" column includes only open-market and private sales, and
the company recently reporting yet another ings before interest, taxes, amortization, excludes trades preceded by option exercise in the 12 months prior to the reported event. Source: Thomson Reuters

off-the-charts growth quarter, one of the and depreciation]. In our view, valuation at
recurring questions from our meetings re- these levels more so reflects the WOOF of INSIDER TRANSACTIONS RATIO
garded the sustainability of these elevated old (circa fiscal 2016-17) versus the new-
growth metrics (particularly with total cli- and-improved fiscal ’21 WOOF. We see re-
ent funds at $300 billion-plus). With the rating potential with added post-IPO credi-
company aggressively investing over the bility, further margin progress, and 114
past several years, SIVB is now quickly continued evidence that near-term strength 95
moving from being the bank of the innova- is sustainable. 76
tion economy to becoming the one-stop Ratio = 8
shop of the innovation economy. In fact, Albertsons Companies • ACI 38
with SIVB smartly remaining on offense, Neutral • Price on August 11
expansion of its capabilities have included by Tigress Financial Partners Bullish 0
adding a healthcare investment bank A S O N D J F M A M J J A
We are downgrading our rating on ACI
To be considered for this section, material from Buy to Neutral and maintain our 12- Ratio of Insiders Sales to Buys. Readings under 12:1 are Bullish. Those over 20:1 are Bearish.
should be sent to month target price of $27, as the recent The total top 20 sales and buys are 508,755,340 and 61,000,533 respectively; Source: Thomson Reuters
M12 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Market View
This commentary was issued recently by money managers, research firms,
and market newsletter writers and has been edited by Barron’s.
”Managements expect cost inflation to accelerate in 2H. Almost all companies and industries are
implementing price increases to mitigate rising costs.” —ANDREW OBIN, DAVID RIDLEY-LANE, AND EMILY SHU, BofA Securities

U.S. Manufacturing Resurgence? been a key constraint for multi-industrials. since 2008. flation] reports won’t get even hotter. Late
According to Dover CEO Rich Tobin, • Technology’s price trends relative to Q2 or early Q3 may be peak inflation for
Paulsen’s Perspective “What we underestimated was the total the S&P 500 are weakening after hitting the 2021. While inflation could stay high, the
The Leuthold Group cost impacts of a strained logistics system top end of its channel. markets are saying the worst case has and tight labor market that show no signs • Weakening relative price trends are been seen for 2021. The best case is that
of abating.” Some companies touched on also apparent when reviewing the perfor- inflation acceleration peaked and will trend
Aug. 13: Throughout the postwar era, the the need for more automation as labor mance of the average technology stock as lower.
U.S. economy has been transforming from scarcity is becoming a structural issue. well as semiconductors, often a leading indi- The most important takeaway and per-
goods-based to a service-driven economy. Companies are also bearing higher freight cator for the sector. haps the most misunderstood feature of in-
However, during the last 30 years, goods and expedited shipping costs to deliver • Conversely, after pulling back, we are flation is that prices must continue to rise
have been subtly making a comeback, and product on time. seeing improved comparative price trends for inflation to remain high. For example,
they have recently been additionally fueled Price-cost: Price-cost was a main focus in for some of the cyclical sectors, most nota- gas goes from $2 a gallon to $4 a gallon. In
by the pandemic. 2Q and will continue to be in 2H21. Most bly financials, which we remain over- order for inflation to continue, gas prices
Between 1950-1990, services as a per- companies highlighted price-cost as a head- weight; this is the largest sector in the must go even higher and higher. If gas
cent of total consumption steadily rose, but wind in the quarter. Managements expect value style. stays high at $4 over the coming quarter or
that trend has slowed markedly over the cost inflation to accelerate in 2H. Almost — KEITH LERNER year, that shows there is no inflation be-
past three decades. Indeed, services spend- all companies and industries are imple- cause prices did not continue higher. Many
ing as a share of total consumption is cur- menting price increases to mitigate rising Is Everyone Quitting Work? people think that inflation equals high
rently unchanged measured back to the costs. Distributors and end customers are prices. That’s not correct.
start of 2005, and it has risen only slightly willing to absorb price increases in order DataTrek Morning Briefing —PAUL SCHATZ
since 1991. This ratio will undoubtedly to meet high demand. DataTrek
strengthen somewhat as pandemic restric- —ANDREW OBIN, DAVID RIDLEY-LANE, EMILY Red-Hot Summer for M&A
tions ease and more service businesses re- SHU
open. Nonetheless, a transformation began Aug. 10: Our “Take this job and shove it” Top of the Market’s Mind
long before the pandemic and will likely Tech Stocks Look Toppy indicator—or quits to total separations— BTIG
persist. Thus, although it’s a much smaller rose to a record high of 69.3% in June ac-
portion of the economy than in earlier Market Perspective cording to the latest data from Jolts [Job
times, is U.S. manufacturing undergoing a Truist Advisory Services Openings and Labor Turnover Survey] out Aug. 8: M&A [mergers and acquisitions]
modest resurgence? today. Americans tend to quit their jobs af- hasn’t taken the summer off. Momentum
—JAMES W. PAULSEN ter they line up better opportunities, so from a record first half of the year has car-
Aug. 11: From mid-May until early August, these moves partly reflect the suburbaniza- ried into the second half, with a strong July
Supply-Chain and Freight Woes the technology sector outperformed the tion trend throughout this pandemic. Other and August off to a fast start, fueled by re-
S&P 500 by about 18% to 9%. Tech’s strong factors: limited child-care access, fears of cord profitability and the prospect of above-
Industrials/Multi-Industry Research performance also bolstered the growth infection, and retirement. The upshot: trend growth through at least 2022, low in-
BofA Securities style, given tech is by far the largest sector Quits is an underappreciated measure cap- terest rates, and ample liquidity—all con- weighting. turing current economic and societal trends tributors to a stock market near record
This outperformance was largely senti- that directly impact labor-force participa- highs. At the same time, we are cognizant of
Aug. 13: This week, we performed key- ment-based and not fundamentally driven. tion rates. M&A’s record, when it reaches exuberant
word searches in second-quarter earnings We have been watching for signs of im- —JESSICA RABE levels, of “ringing the bell” on bull markets,
transcripts to gauge what company man- proved earnings trends for technology rela- as seen in 2000, 2007, and, to a lesser extent,
agements said about these themes: supply tive to the broader market to become more Peak Inflation Is Here 2015. We are likely not at that point, with
chain, labor, freight, and price-cost. constructive on the sector and the growth deal activity below the prior monthly high-
Supply chain: 2Q was a game of managing style. That has not occurred. 2nd Quarter Update water mark set in November 2015. Could a
supply chains. Companies struggled to Accordingly, the weight of the evidence Heritage Capital flurry of deals in the second half of 2021 get
meet strong demand due to component in our work suggests tech’s outperformance stocks to “that point”?
shortages, cost inflation, and labor con- is unlikely to continue, and it remains pre- —JULIAN EMANUEL, MICHAEL CHU
straints. Mentions of “supply chain” on mature to tilt toward the growth style. Our Aug. 10: While the media and pundits con- —
2Q21 earnings calls accelerated from 1Q21 view is informed by: tinued to spread fear about a 1970s-style —
and more than doubled from the prior year. • Technology earnings trends relative to return of systemic inflation, the markets
Shortages are widespread across a variety the broader market are lagging. were pricing in something very different. To be considered for this section, material, with
of components, not just semiconductors. • Technology’s valuations relative to To me, it looked and still looks like the the author’s name and address, should be sent
Labor and freight: Labor shortages have the S&P 500 recently hit the highest level markets are saying that the white-hot [in- to
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M13

New York Stock Exchange Composite List

Sign up for the Weekly Market Lab Newsletter: Rotation Time: The Dow rose 0.9% to end the week at a new high as investors pivoted
toward cyclical stocks once again. Caterpillar rose 4.9% on infrastructure optimism, while
Please visit the Market Lab home page on under Data. Visa slumped 3.6%. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
- Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
45.79 35435
10.98 Alcoa AA ... 20 45.25 +4.54 –.91 4.94 4.78 ...
76.53 54.51 Alcon ALC .1 dd 70.11 –2.53 –1.09 1.94 ... .1099
10.50 9.92 AldelFin ADF.UT ... ... 10.00 –0.17 ... ... ... ...
45.49 16.90 AAR AIR ... 34 34.07 –0.38 1.00 2.42 3.02 ... 9.95 9.61 AldelFinancialA ADF ... ... 9.69 –0.15 ... ... ... ...
37.88 24.07 ABB ABB 1.8 14 37.82 +0.84 2.45 ... 1.69 .6957 1.04 0.54 AldelFinWt ADF.WT ... ... .70 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 35290
55.48 33.51 ABMIndustries ABM 1.6 15 47.53 +0.53 ... 3.40 ... .19 20.65 10.04 Alexander&Baldwin ALEX 3.1 56 20.54 +0.01 .08 .54 .71 .18
9.77 5.20 ACCO Brands ACCO 2.7 12 9.52 +0.59 .65 ... 1.49 .065 308.39 233.70 Alexanders ALX 6.6 20 270.99 –2.18 8.19 9.38 13.01 4.50 (Prev Fri's
18.43 5.28 AcresCmclRlty ACR ... 4 16.80 –0.66 –19.33 .81 1.38 ... 209.44 150.08 AlexandriaRlEst ARE 2.2 31 205.50 –2.56 6.01 3.60 3.09 1.12 Close)
47.00 20.01 ADC Therap ADCT ... dd 26.78 +1.00 –3.77 –3.38 –2.88 ... 53.01 47.00 AlgonquinPwrUn AQNU .0 ... 51.61 –0.57 ... ... ... .9688
12.09 6.48 ADT ADT 1.6 dd 8.78 –0.50 –.82 ... ... .035 17.86 13.19 AlgonquinPwr AQN 4.4 11 15.63 –0.29 1.38 .70 .80 .1706 35145
12.41 9.90 AEA-Bridges IMPX.UT ... ... 10.17 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 319.32 179.67 Alibaba BABA ... 23 188.62 –7.77 8.20 61.66 75.93 ...
11.42 9.58 AEA-BridgesA IMPX ... 29 9.71 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 14.51 8.46 Alight ALIT ... dd 11.15 +0.80 ... .43 .60 ...
2.33 0.65 AEA-BridgesWt IMPX.WT ... ... .89 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 4.33 1.20 AlightWt ALIT.WT ... ... 2.61 +0.34 ... ... ... ...
70.04 37.15 AECOM ACM ... dd 63.71 +1.06 –1.16 2.81 3.24 ... 737.89 486.49 Alleghany Y ... 10 685.61 +6.03 7.04 51.38 61.35 ... -106.66 +162.82 +220.30 +14.88 +15.53
29.07 17.13 AES AES 2.4 dd 24.79 +0.19 .07 1.55 1.67 .1505 25.04 8.04 AlleghenyTechs ATI ... dd 19.48 –0.01 –12.43 –.18 .74 ... 35000
57.63 33.37 Aflac AFL 2.3 7 57.26 +1.02 6.67 ... 5.19 .33 144.76 94.01 Allegion ALLE 1.0 27 138.01 +0.47 3.41 ... ... .36 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm
158.62 69.68 AGCO AGCO .6 15 140.85 +5.50 5.65 ... ... .20 73.10 49.91 Allete ALE 3.5 22 71.10 –1.45 3.35 3.16 3.86 .63
14.88 7.54 AG Mortgage MITT 6.1 1 10.46 –0.38 –36.72 ... ... .21 128.16 39.77 AllianceData ADS .9 6 92.04 –2.18 4.46 17.26 13.49 .21
72.62 1.91 AMC Ent AMC ... dd 33.47 +0.77 ... –2.89 –.86 ... 51.21 26.33 AllianceBernstein AB 6.7 15 50.66 +0.68 ... 3.56 ... .91
110.25 49.87 AMN Healthcare AMN ... 29 105.66 –0.94 1.48 5.51 3.86 ... 46.40 31.69 AllisonTransm ALSN 2.0 12 38.52 +0.07 2.62 4.10 5.11 .19
16.53 4.26 AMTD Intl HKIB ... ... 5.70 –0.50 .56 1.48 .51 ... 140.00 86.51 Allstate ALL 2.4 5 135.06 +4.24 17.31 15.79 12.89 .81 - Earnings - - Earnings -
3.15 0.86 ARC Document ARC 3.0 15 2.64 –0.01 .14 ... .10 .02 56.61 21.36 AllyFinancial ALLY 1.8 7 54.49 +2.42 2.88 8.20 6.96 .25 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
9.62 3.88 ASETech ASX 1.0 16 8.87 –0.56 .44 .73 .81 .1363 36.70 3.83 AlphaMetal AMR ... dd 36.53 +6.15 –24.42 –1.56 3.84 ... High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
110.52 61.70 ASGN ASGN ... 26 106.31 +2.07 3.76 ... ... ... 20.75 13.30 AlpineIncmProp PINE 5.2 cc 19.20 –0.37 .11 ... ... .25
33.88 26.35 AT&T T 7.4 dd 28.19 +0.23 –.75 ... ... .52 15.33 7.26 AltaEquipment ALTG ... dd 12.88 +0.70 –.90 ... ... ... 53.97 35.99 AptIncmREIT AIRC 3.5 ... 50.41 –1.26 –.85 .92 .41 .44 10.51 9.73 AthenaTech ATHN.UT ... ... 10.30 ... ... ... ... ...
13.05 2.81 ATI PhysTherapy ATIP ... 29 4.15 –0.23 ... ... ... ... 10.05 9.80 AltC Acqn ALCC ... ... 9.87 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 7.74 3.28 ApartmtInv AIV 24.1 85 6.81 –0.07 –.03 –.01 .02 .9831 1.65 0.59 AthenaTechWt ATHN.WT ... ... 1.45 +0.04 ... ... ... ...
4.00 0.62 ATIPhysTherapyWt ATIP.WT ... ... .85 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 154.83 66.66 Alteryx AYX ... dd 69.39 –5.08 ... –.17 .10 ... 23.67 13.00 APi Group APG ... dd 22.26 –0.21 ... 1.09 1.29 ... 70.37 30.05 Athene ATH ... 4 65.48 –2.27 8.34 12.59 9.12 ...
13.62 6.13 A10Networks ATEN ... 45 13.48 +0.25 .22 .55 .66 ... 38.30 25.08 AlticeUSA ATUS ... 18 28.24 –1.58 ... 2.10 ... ... 16.94 8.32 ApolloComRlEst ARI 9.2 11 15.25 –0.14 .01 ... ... .35 98.00 20.42 Atkore ATKR ... 10 94.23 +8.20 3.10 12.44 7.12 ...
58.61 42.17 AXIS Capital AXS 3.2 17 53.25 +1.17 –1.79 5.05 5.45 .42 10.45 9.62 AltimarAcqnIIA ATMR ... ... 9.90 +0.09 ... ... ... ... 64.45 36.35 ApolloGlbMgmt APO 3.4 7 59.37 –2.27 .44 3.62 4.26 .50 10.65 9.55 AtlStreetAcqn ASAQ ... ... 9.67 –0.09 ... ... ... ...
51.32 30.88 AZEK AZEK ... dd 41.16 +3.47 ... .95 .85 ... 2.05 0.77 AltimarAcqnIIWt ATMR.WT ... ... 1.13 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 12.31 9.90 ApolloStratGr APSG.UT ... ... 10.06 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 11.24 9.82 AtlStreetAcqn ASAQ.UT ... ... 10.08 –0.09 ... ... ... ...
57.85 32.51 AZZ AZZ 1.3 24 53.63 +0.73 1.52 2.91 3.23 .17 10.28 9.83 AltimarAcqnIII ATAQ.UT ... ... 10.01 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 11.40 9.64 ApolloStratGrA APSG ... 50 9.71 +0.01 ... ... ... ... ... ... AtlStreetAcqnWt ASAQ.WT ... ... .84 ... ... ... ... ...
37.49 16.20 Aaron's AAN 1.4 11 29.24 +1.59 –7.85 3.30 2.97 .10 9.98 9.67 AltimarAcqnIIIA ATAQ ... ... 9.76 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 2.93 0.89 ApolloStratGrWt APSG.WT ... ... 1.05 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 14.87 8.09 Atlas ATCO 3.5 22 14.23 +0.76 .52 1.34 1.48 .125
128.54 99.58 AbbottLabs ABT 1.5 35 123.06 +0.89 2.50 4.43 4.66 .45 1.51 0.66 AltimarIIIWt ATAQ.WT ... ... 1.11 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 10.96 9.73 ApolloStratGrII APGB.UT ... ... 9.95 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 20.91 9.93 AtlasCrestInvt ACIC.UT ... ... 10.40 +0.10 ... ... ... ...
119.15 79.11 AbbVie ABBV 4.5 31 116.48 +2.03 2.72 12.63 13.96 1.30 10.94 9.73 AltimarAcqnII ATMR.UT ... ... 10.15 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 10.05 9.64 ApolloStratII A APGB ... ... 9.72 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 18.60 9.73 AtlasCrestInvt ACIC ... ... 9.99 +0.09 ... ... ... ...
47.29 9.98 Abercrombie&Fitch ANF ... 14 37.54 +1.11 –1.82 ... 3.03 ... 15.21 9.84 AltimeterGrw2 AGCB ... ... 9.87 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 1.68 0.81 ApolloStratII Wt APGB.WT ... ... 1.10 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 6.44 1.08 AtlasCrestWt ACIC.WT ... ... 1.35 +0.09 ... ... ... ...
22.97 9.10 AcadiaRealty AKR 2.8 dd 21.42 –0.43 –.10 .11 .19 .15 52.59 35.83 Altria MO 7.1 20 48.60 +1.25 2.40 4.62 4.85 .86 16.57 8.90 AppleHospREIT APLE .3 dd 14.80 –0.14 –.77 –.10 ... .01 11.25 9.82 AtlasCrestII ACII.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
15.11 8.82 AccelEnt ACEL ... 42 11.09 –0.61 –.16 .71 .80 ... 16.93 5.00 AlumofChina ACH ... 43 16.04 +1.12 ... ... ... ... 107.07 52.25 AppliedIndlTechs AIT 1.5 31 90.32 +2.93 .62 ... 5.02 .33 10.37 9.46 AtlasCrestII A ACII ... ... 9.70 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
10.15 9.73 AccelerateAcqn AAQC.UT ... ... 9.98 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 18.63 11.14 AmbacFin AMBC ... dd 14.31 +0.34 –9.47 –.57 –2.25 ... 158.97 110.34 Aptargroup ATR 1.1 35 133.05 +4.62 3.21 3.96 4.39 .38 1.96 0.78 AtlasCrestII Wt ACII.WT ... ... 1.11 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
9.96 9.60 AccelerateA AAQC ... ... 9.65 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 6.77 2.70 AmbacFinWt AMBC.WT ... ... 3.20 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 170.47 82.12 Aptiv APTV ... 45 164.93 +1.78 6.66 ... 5.39 ... 105.22 84.59 AtmosEnergy ATO 2.5 19 101.47 +0.58 4.89 5.10 5.42 .625
1.31 0.69 AccelerateWt AAQC.WT ... ... 1.13 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 3.95 2.13 Ambev ABEV ... 18 3.12 –0.10 .14 .14 .15 ... 43.12 22.94 Aramark ARMK 1.2 dd 35.40 +0.30 –1.83 –.31 ... .11 26.67 17.00 Atotech ATC ... dd 23.40 –0.49 ... .93 .96 ...
324.04 210.42 Accenture ACN 1.1 36 323.45 +1.62 7.89 ... ... .88 22.87 14.94 AmbrxBio AMAM ... ... 16.80 –1.95 ... –.41 –.49 ... 19.49 10.68 ArborRealty ABR 7.3 7 18.43 +0.07 1.41 1.92 1.88 .35 6.35 1.32 Audacy AUD ... dd 3.26 –0.14 ... .16 .87 ...
10.10 9.90 AcropolisInfr ACRO.UT ... ... 9.95 ... ... ... ... ... 12.76 10.26 Amcor AMCR 3.9 22 12.15 +0.42 .38 ... .79 .1175 36.58 11.29 ArcelorMittal MT .7 6 36.19 +1.69 –.64 3.27 6.77 .255 1.87 0.87 AusterlitzI Wt AUS.WT ... ... 1.45 +0.04 ... ... ... ...
194.59 87.90 AcuityBrands AYI .3 24 182.03 +3.05 6.27 9.81 10.59 .13 88.96 69.79 Ameren AEE 2.5 24 88.84 +1.98 3.50 3.77 4.04 .55 69.49 27.86 ArchResources ARCH ... dd 67.80 +1.53 –22.74 9.99 10.66 ... 10.66 9.81 AusterlitzAcqnI AUS.UT ... ... 10.25 ... ... ... ... ...
56.85 32.42 Acushnet GOLF 1.2 16 53.34 –1.24 1.28 2.23 2.26 .165 70.26 28.50 Ameresco AMRC ... 50 67.80 +3.21 ... 1.30 1.55 ... 69.30 43.21 ArcherDaniels ADM 2.4 15 62.40 +2.11 3.15 ... 4.60 .37 10.10 9.85 AusterlitzI A AUS ... ... 9.89 ... ... ... ... ...
11.77 4.55 Adecoagro AGRO ... 14 9.05 –0.63 ... 1.21 ... ... 17.35 11.59 AmericaMovil AMX 2.0 25 17.26 +0.49 ... ... ... .20 10.80 5.15 Archrock AROC 7.3 35 7.97 –0.19 –.46 .50 .58 .145 10.14 9.63 AusterlitzII A ASZ ... ... 9.68 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
53.17 15.90 Adient ADNT ... 36 41.66 +3.06 –5.83 2.46 5.22 ... 17.29 11.42 AmericaMovil A AMOV 2.2 25 17.24 +0.46 ... 1.43 1.43 .20 38.49 18.15 Arconic ARNC ... dd 35.53 +1.60 –1.00 –2.32 3.04 ... 1.50 0.90 AusterlitzII Wt ASZ.WT ... ... 1.13 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
10.60 9.79 AditEdTech ADEX.UT ... ... 9.96 ... ... ... ... ... 38.98 20.73 AmericanAssets AAT 3.1 cc 38.24 +0.31 .46 .54 .88 .30 6.72 3.81 ArcosDorados ARCO .0 dd 5.79 –0.34 ... .02 .26 .03 10.70 9.88 AusterlitzAcqnII ASZ.UT ... ... 9.99 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
9.92 9.44 AditEdTechA ADEX ... ... 9.69 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 13.06 4.82 AmericanAxle AXL ... 5 9.36 +0.07 –4.96 1.51 2.30 ... 68.46 41.73 Arcosa ACA .4 32 50.88 –0.48 2.18 1.79 2.44 .05 147.67 38.42 Autohome ATHM 4.1 10 38.91 –3.17 ... 26.59 28.70 .87
0.96 0.42 AditEdTechWt ADEX.WT ... ... .62 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 51.69 31.07 AmCampus ACC 3.9 cc 48.74 –0.96 .51 .10 .64 .47 10.56 9.82 ArctosNthStar ANAC.UT ... ... 9.85 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 108.76 68.49 Autoliv ALV 2.5 16 97.91 –1.30 2.14 ... 8.21 .62
43.85 23.22 AdtalemGlbEduc ATGE ... 20 37.74 +1.05 –1.58 2.97 ... ... 38.99 10.71 AmerEagle AEO 2.2 47 33.25 –1.26 –1.26 2.14 2.33 .18 10.20 9.44 ArctosNorthA ANAC ... ... 9.70 –0.01 ... –.94 1.44 ... 125.21 50.52 AutoNation AN ... 10 115.81 –1.42 4.30 14.77 13.12 ...
217.69 142.46 AdvanceAuto AAP 1.9 22 206.43 +0.71 7.14 11.04 12.29 1.00 34.25 19.06 AmEqtyLf AEL 1.0 4 33.19 +0.40 6.90 2.97 4.72 .32 1.40 0.66 ArctosNorthWt ANAC.WT ... ... .87 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 1666.63 1085.85 AutoZone AZO ... 18 1612.61 –17.24 71.93 89.26 92.42 ...
124.98 53.63 AdvDrainageSys WMS .4 44 115.96 +0.24 2.59 3.90 4.45 .11 179.67 89.11 AmerExpress AXP 1.0 19 166.08 –5.28 3.77 8.86 9.39 .43 42.36 16.69 ArcusBiosci RCUS ... dd 27.37 +0.11 –2.24 ... ... ... 185.37 115.00 Avalara AVLR ... dd 165.17 –4.43 –.61 ... ... ...
10.20 9.85 AdvancedMerg AMPI.UT ... ... 9.88 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 141.25 62.30 AmericanFin AFG 1.5 5 134.39 +2.47 8.20 ... ... 2.00 28.33 13.37 Ardagh ARD 2.2 dd 27.05 +2.95 ... ... 1.97 .15 232.72 131.38 Avalonbay AVB 2.8 29 224.55 –4.37 5.89 3.16 ... 1.59
10.07 9.63 AdvMergerPtrsA AMPI ... ... 9.71 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 42.61 26.96 AmHomes4Rent AMH 1.0 cc 40.96 –1.05 ... .33 ... .10 21.74 9.66 ArdaghMetalPkg AMBP ... dd 12.15 +0.66 –.01 ... ... ... 56.20 44.02 Avangrid AGR 3.2 25 54.44 +1.45 1.88 ... ... .44
1.80 0.80 AdvMergerPtrsWt AMPI.WT ... ... 1.07 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 54.93 25.57 AIG AIG 2.3 11 54.61 +3.66 –6.88 4.81 5.32 .32 3.00 1.07 ArdaghMetalWt AMBP.WT ... ... 2.31 –0.32 ... ... ... ... 53.61 30.92 AvanosMedical AVNS ... cc 34.24 –0.49 –.57 1.17 1.60 ...
38.12 11.62 AdvanSix ASIX ... 11 36.75 +1.17 1.64 4.27 3.84 ... 20.38 7.69 AmRltyInv ARL ... 9 12.89 –0.66 .56 –4.46 –4.43 ... 5.43 2.61 ArdmoreShipping ASC ... dd 3.22 –0.12 –.18 –.80 .32 ... 12.60 9.85 AvantiAcqn AVAN.UT ... ... 10.14 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
5.11 2.31 Aegon AEG 2.5 dd 4.95 +0.56 –.10 .72 ... .0727 92.07 69.25 AmerStWater AWR 1.6 36 89.49 –1.22 2.33 2.44 2.60 .365 10.80 9.74 AresAcqn AAC.UT ... ... 9.97 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 11.40 9.54 AvantiAcqnA AVAN ... ... 9.73 ... ... ... ... ...
2.97 1.30 Aenza AENZ ... dd 1.30 –0.41 –.20 –.10 .13 ... 289.51 197.50 AmerTowerREIT AMT 1.7 57 282.92 +0.80 3.79 5.41 5.55 1.27 10.00 9.50 AresAcqnA AAC ... ... 9.71 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 2.97 0.61 AvantiAcqnWt AVAN.WT ... ... .92 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
63.49 21.99 AerCap AER ... dd 55.66 +1.56 –2.34 6.54 6.85 ... 22.49 12.68 AmerVanguard AVD .5 24 15.09 –1.07 .51 .71 1.02 .02 1.39 0.75 AresAcqnWt AAC.WT ... ... 1.24 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 38.85 20.28 Avantor AVTR ... 86 38.62 +0.60 .09 ... 1.49 ...
53.53 32.15 AerojetRocket AJRD .0 27 42.82 –3.58 1.66 1.89 ... 5.00 180.42 131.01 AmerWaterWorks AWK 1.3 43 178.92 +1.47 3.91 4.24 4.61 .6025 16.98 8.86 AresCommRealEst ACRE 8.9 8 14.81 +0.18 .66 1.46 1.44 .33 34.06 13.27 Avaya AVYA ... cc 20.36 –2.38 –7.45 3.11 3.29 ...
21.83 7.05 AevaTech AEVA ... dd 8.47 –0.64 –.53 –.40 –.40 ... 43.75 9.69 AmericanWell AMWL ... dd 11.16 –0.08 ... –.80 –.69 ... 74.69 38.25 AresMgmt ARES 2.5 42 74.49 +0.68 .87 ... 3.08 .47 226.19 112.21 AveryDennison AVY 1.3 25 215.53 +2.31 6.61 8.91 9.63 .68
7.96 0.46 AevaTechWt AEVA.WT ... ... 2.14 –0.43 ... ... ... ... 10.30 9.82 AmericasTechA ATA ... ... 9.99 ... ... ... ... ... 55.99 40.03 Argan AGX 2.2 20 45.39 +0.62 1.51 ... ... .25 54.21 24.26 Avient AVNT 1.7 21 49.90 +2.00 1.45 3.03 3.44 .2125
180.97 62.19 AffiliatedMgrs AMG .0 17 169.20 +4.59 4.33 17.13 19.94 .01 1.78 0.42 AmericasTechWt ATA.WT ... ... .70 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 58.61 32.59 ArgoGroup ARGO 2.2 46 56.08 +0.07 –1.70 3.39 4.47 .31 49.14 32.26 Avista AVA 4.0 20 41.75 –0.92 1.90 ... 2.19 .4225
10.30 9.85 AfricanGoldAcqn AGAC.UT ... ... 10.15 +0.09 ... ... ... ... 40.85 32.94 AmericoldRealty COLD 2.4 dd 37.03 –0.18 .11 .20 .42 .22 384.00 192.96 AristaNetworks ANET ... 40 364.07 –13.53 7.99 ... ... ... 34.20 21.43 AxaltaCoating AXTA ... 25 31.89 +1.72 .52 1.94 ... ...
9.75 9.40 AfricanGoldA AGAC ... ... 9.66 ... ... ... ... ... 273.59 141.82 Ameriprise AMP 1.7 31 272.17 +6.58 12.20 ... ... 1.13 4.42 2.38 ArlingtonAsset AAIC ... ... 3.84 –0.02 –2.00 .18 .27 ... 54.36 21.27 AxosFinancial AX ... 14 49.98 +0.38 3.56 ... ... ...
0.97 0.38 AfricanGoldWt AGAC.WT ... ... .54 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 128.87 92.00 AmerisourceBrgn ABC 1.5 dd 119.57 –1.07 –16.65 9.16 9.19 .44 10.49 4.33 ArloTech ARLO ... dd 5.97 –0.01 –1.30 –.24 –.04 ... 29.45 10.97 Azul AZUL ... dd 20.89 –0.84 –18.42 ... ... ...
10.01 9.86 AfterNextHealth AFTR.UT ... ... 9.87 ... ... ... ... ... 140.10 94.90 Ametek AME .6 36 137.24 +0.42 3.77 4.68 ... .20 14.38 8.20 ArmadaHoffler AHH 4.7 56 13.50 +0.30 .38 .20 .14 .16 53.60 18.52 AzurePowerGlbl AZRE ... dd 24.20 –1.19 –1.18 –.10 .43 ...
159.27 94.53 AgilentTechs A .5 53 159.23 +3.53 2.30 4.14 4.63 .194 7.45 3.45 AmnealPharm AMRX ... 87 5.11 +0.24 .61 .83 .90 ... 12.56 8.90 ArmourRes ARR 11.3 5 10.58 +0.08 –3.57 ... ... .10
26.36 1.40 Agiliti AGTI ... dd 18.34 –0.95 ... .61 .74 ... 8.81 2.91 Ampco-Pitt AP ... 20 4.83 –1.33 .54 ... .46 ... 6.96 2.62 ArmstrongFlooring AFI ... dd 3.83 –0.15 –2.90 –.79 –.70 ...
44.83 26.50 agilon health AGL ... ... 35.03 –0.57 ... –.76 –.08 ... 74.11 50.85 Amphenol APH .8 33 73.99 +0.36 1.96 2.39 2.64 .145 113.83 57.96 ArmstrongWorld AWI .8 29 110.12 +0.76 –2.07 4.28 4.97 .21
89.23 54.66 AgnicoEagle AEM 2.4 19 59.14 –1.39 2.12 ... ... .35 4.67 0.62 AmplifyEnergy AMPY ... dd 3.80 +0.10 –12.34 .19 1.75 ... 124.76 74.35 ArrowElec ARW ... 10 116.48 –2.04 7.43 13.65 14.60 ...
75.95 61.27 AgreeRealty ADC 3.5 46 74.39 –0.11 1.74 1.78 1.92 .217 15.18 4.44 Amrep AXR ... 13 12.88 –1.03 .95 .40 .76 ... 57.65 34.72 ArtisanPtrsAsset APAM 7.0 12 52.21 +0.93 3.40 5.11 5.51 1.00 47.84 25.26 B&G Foods BGS 6.3 18 30.06 +0.97 2.04 2.00 2.15 .475
18.49 10.37 AiHuiShou RERE ... ... 13.13 +0.53 ... –1.83 .47 ... 86.17 45.97 Anaplan PLAN ... dd 58.78 +1.43 –1.10 –.36 –.19 ... 80.74 20.57 Asana ASAN ... dd 76.43 +0.73 ... –1.03 –.99 ... 51.18 39.91 BCE BCE 5.5 22 51.12 +0.37 2.06 ... ... .7011
52.96 26.65 AirLease AL 1.5 13 43.50 +0.95 4.39 3.25 4.92 .16 19.00 16.10 AngelOakMtg AOMR ... ... 18.36 –0.35 ... 1.42 2.30 ... 216.88 91.52 AsburyAutomotive ABG ... 9 195.11 +0.15 13.18 23.95 20.75 ... 4.64 0.95 BEST BEST ... dd 1.06 –0.10 ... –3.48 –1.69 ...
327.89 245.75 AirProducts APD 2.1 32 279.74 –11.08 8.49 9.02 10.67 1.50 10.23 9.81 AngelPond POND.UT ... ... 9.89 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 77.90 12.70 AshfordHosp AHT ... dd 14.03 –1.12 –330.00 –8.92 –1.93 ... 16.91 7.41 BGSF BGSF 3.5 16 13.69 +0.51 .14 1.47 1.39 .12
15.19 9.96 AjaxI AJAX.UT ... ... 10.20 –0.20 ... ... ... ... 9.90 9.57 AngelPondA POND ... ... 9.65 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 95.96 66.95 AshlandGlobal ASH 1.4 28 86.78 +2.35 –8.39 4.75 5.74 .30 82.07 46.90 BHP Group BHP 4.0 28 77.82 +1.10 ... ... ... 2.02
13.85 9.67 AjaxI AJAX ... ... 9.82 –0.14 ... ... ... ... 1.16 0.59 AngelPondWt POND.WT ... ... .85 +0.09 ... ... ... ... 41.85 7.25 AspenAerogels ASPN ... dd 35.18 –1.42 –.83 –.98 –.78 ... 68.05 37.88 BHP Group BBL 4.8 23 64.75 +1.35 ... ... ... 2.02
4.82 1.35 AjaxIWt AJAX.WT ... ... 1.50 –0.15 ... ... ... ... 30.78 15.24 AngloGoldAsh AU 3.2 8 15.90 –0.31 2.27 1.97 ... .4659 27.19 20.88 AssetMarkFin AMK ... dd 26.36 +0.96 –.12 1.43 1.69 ... 35.00 2.51 BitMining BTCM ... dd 7.43 +1.06 ... ... ... ...
165.98 97.52 AlamoGroup ALG .4 25 152.15 +3.76 4.78 7.49 ... .14 79.67 51.45 AB InBev BUD .7 21 61.97 +0.28 ... 3.02 3.56 .5964 23.95 12.04 AssociatedBanc ASB 3.8 12 21.04 +0.32 1.86 1.87 1.58 .20 53.36 36.07 BJ'sWholesale BJ ... 17 50.29 –1.52 3.03 2.64 2.89 ...
10.99 7.02 AlamosGold AGI ... cc 7.74 +0.05 .37 ... .55 ... 9.64 6.92 AnnalyCap NLY 10.2 4 8.63 +0.18 –.73 1.11 ... .22 40.93 30.21 AssocCapital AC .5 8 36.55 +0.64 ... ... ... .10 10.22 9.82 BoaAcqn BOAS.UT ... ... 9.91 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
74.25 34.83 AlaskaAir ALK ... dd 57.62 –0.25 –10.72 –1.74 ... ... 10.69 5.09 AnteroMidstream AM 9.8 13 9.18 –0.02 –.26 .72 .78 .225 166.63 116.11 Assurant AIZ 1.6 22 165.00 +4.97 6.99 ... ... .66 9.91 9.61 BoaAcqnA BOAS ... ... 9.69 ... ... ... ... ...
93.43 48.57 AlbanyIntl AIN 1.0 22 77.16 +0.04 ... ... ... .20 15.54 2.56 AnteroResources AR ... dd 12.61 –1.01 –4.65 1.58 1.42 ... 52.28 18.45 AssuredGuaranty AGO 1.8 12 50.00 +1.26 4.22 3.36 3.40 .22 1.04 0.50 BoaAcqnWt BOAS.WT ... ... .73 –0.10 ... ... ... ...
242.07 79.06 Albemarle ALB .7 38 235.22 +8.51 3.52 3.64 ... .39 406.00 244.10 Anthem ANTM 1.2 22 367.49 –11.96 17.98 25.60 28.59 1.13 29.65 8.10 Atento ATTO ... dd 25.86 –0.46 –3.33 .93 1.93 ... 15.77 9.30 BP Midstream BPMP 10.7 8 12.94 –0.19 1.56 1.57 1.70 .3475
30.42 12.91 Albertsons ACI 1.3 26 29.85 +5.29 ... 2.19 2.21 .10 277.86 179.52 Aon AON .7 30 277.24 +15.72 8.45 10.87 12.91 .51 10.05 9.50 AthenaTechA ATHN ... ... 9.88 +0.02 ... 4.81 5.68 ... 28.49 14.74 BP BP 5.0 10 25.22 –0.34 –6.03 ... 3.40 .3276

The Week’s Statistics

Barron's 50-Stock Average ............. 35 Dividend Ex-Payment Dates ........... 39 Gold Mining Index ......................... 38 Nasdaq National Market................ 19 Stock Volume ................................ 35
Cash Track ..................................... 28 DJ Averages ................................... 34 Indexes P/Es & Yields ...................... 35 New Corporate Listings ................. 39 Top Savings Deposit Yields............. 33
Charting the Market ...................... 9 DJ U.S. Total Market Industry Groups 36 Initial Public Offerings.................... 36 New Highs & Lows ......................... 37 Trading Diary ................................. 34
Closed-End Funds.......................... 32 Dow Jones Averages ...................... 34 Investor Sentiment Readings ......... 38 NYSE Half-Hourly Volume .............. 36 Vital Signs...................................... 2
Dow Jones Per Share Values ........... 35 Other Market Indexes .................... 34 Week In Stocks............................... 35
Coming Earnings ........................... 36 Key Foreign Market Indexes ........... 37
Exchange Traded Portfolios ........... 24 Pulse of the Economy..................... 36 Weekly Bond Statistics................... 38
Conference Call Calendar............... 37 Market Lab .................................... 34
Federal Reserve Data Bank ............. 38 SEC Form 144 Filings ...................... 35 Winners & Losers Stocks ................ 10
Delta Tactical Sentiment ................ 35 Foreign Exchange .......................... 38 Money Rates, U.S. & Foreign .......... 38 Short Interest NASDAQ.................. 29
Distributions & Offerings ............... 37 Global Stock Markets..................... 27 Mutual Funds ................................ 28 Short Interest NYSE/NYSE Amer ..... 29 For statistical queries please contact the
Dividend Boosts - Reductions......... 39 N.Y. Stock Exchange ...................... 13 Statistics Team: 609-520-4799
Gold & Silver Prices......................... 38 Stock Splits - Special Dividends ...... 39 or email:
M14 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

New York Stock Exchange Composite List

- Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
6.49 1.26 BP Prudhoe BPT .7 ... 3.41 –0.31 ... 4.22 4.98 .0244 63.31 30.89 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 2.9 dd 41.30 –0.52 ... –.36 –.17 .3038 13.62 6.75 CenterraGold CGAU 3.0 4 7.42 –0.09 1.39 ... ... .056 244.75 160.63 ConstBrands A STZ 1.4 40 213.64 –5.16 10.23 10.08 11.81 .76
6.08 2.85 BRF BRFS ... 14 4.49 –0.15 .33 .16 .25 ... 49.87 28.85 BrookfieldRenew BEP 3.2 dd 38.44 –0.40 –.61 .13 –.03 .3038 98.55 61.49 Centerspace CSR 2.9 54 96.27 +1.28 –.15 –1.38 –2.09 .70 255.00 169.12 ConstBrands B STZ.B 1.3 45 217.28 –0.72 9.42 10.07 11.81 .69
21.70 10.60 BRT Apartments BRT 5.0 dd 17.69 –0.16 –1.16 –.34 –.62 .22 56.22 42.72 Brown&Brown BRO .7 28 55.75 +1.27 1.69 ... ... .0925 9.61 4.69 CentraisElBras EBR 9.2 8 7.46 –0.42 .79 1.00 1.18 .1551 20.34 7.21 Constellium CSTM ... 12 20.01 +1.01 –.17 1.48 1.39 ...
68.68 52.31 BWX Tech BWXT 1.5 20 55.28 +1.34 2.91 3.10 3.41 .21 83.01 62.06 Brown-Forman A BF.A 1.1 35 65.50 –0.64 ... 1.74 1.93 .1795 28.81 12.80 CentralPacFin CPF 3.7 13 26.22 –0.06 1.32 2.37 1.54 .24 19.31 3.34 ContainerStore TCS ... 7 12.09 +0.88 1.17 ... ... ...
9.90 2.11 Babcock&Wilcox BW ... 56 7.78 +0.66 –.21 .14 .44 ... 83.40 67.74 Brown-Forman B BF.B 1.0 37 69.23 –1.11 ... 1.74 1.93 .1795 2.90 1.90 CentralPuerto CEPU ... 5 2.61 +0.13 .65 1.06 1.74 ... 40.41 11.09 ContinentalRscs CLR 1.4 35 36.61 +1.41 –1.65 3.48 3.19 .15
111.77 60.01 BadgerMeter BMI .7 55 104.52 +2.02 1.69 1.96 2.13 .18 117.62 56.50 Brunswick BC 1.3 14 105.63 +1.44 4.68 8.05 8.97 .335 83.20 35.20 CenturyComm CCS .8 7 71.17 +1.11 6.13 13.43 ... .15 23.58 6.33 Volaris VLRS ... dd 19.80 –0.20 ... 22.97 ... ...
26.57 12.13 BakerHughes BKR 3.3 dd 21.66 +0.47 –14.73 ... ... .18 50.79 16.35 Buckle BKE 2.8 11 45.25 +2.16 2.66 3.56 3.68 .33 12.48 9.90 CerberusTele CTAC.UT ... ... 10.40 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 14.29 7.70 ConveyHolding CNVY ... ... 9.77 +1.10 –13.28 –.03 .31 ...
102.76 75.00 Ball BLL .9 34 88.68 +3.44 1.76 3.57 4.22 .20 14.32 7.07 Buenaventura BVN ... dd 7.34 –0.30 –.53 ... ... ... 11.24 9.72 CerberusTeleA CTAC ... ... 9.94 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 442.67 294.94 Cooper COO .0 9 436.99 +23.99 4.81 ... 14.72 .03
75.92 21.50 Bally's BALY ... 25 48.01 –5.47 –.18 2.80 ... ... 21.00 2.16 Build-A-Bear BBW ... 35 14.46 –0.29 –1.54 .33 .71 ... 3.00 0.65 CerberusTeleWt CTAC.WT ... ... 1.35 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 47.85 12.52 Cooper-Standard CPS ... dd 24.34 +1.74 –15.82 –5.65 .50 ...
21.40 9.00 BancCalifornia BANC 1.3 17 18.05 +0.21 –.02 ... 1.53 .06 10.10 9.64 BuildAcqn BGSX.UT ... ... 9.93 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 111.93 68.76 CeridianHCM CDAY ... dd 106.38 +3.88 –.03 .26 .50 ... 7.32 1.37 CooTekCayman CTK ... dd 1.83 +0.24 ... –.16 .26 ...
4.28 2.27 BancoBBVA BBAR ... 4 3.23 +0.13 .83 .71 ... ... 10.00 9.60 BuildAcqnA BGSX ... ... 9.66 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 28.94 12.95 ChannelAdvisor ECOM ... 36 23.38 –1.06 .63 .87 1.15 ... 94.91 46.67 Copa CPA ... dd 74.93 –0.70 ... –3.20 5.54 ...
6.94 2.49 BancoBilbaoViz BBVA .0 9 6.87 +0.10 .16 .49 .71 .0697 0.99 0.79 BuildAcqnWt BGSX.WT ... ... .84 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 6.63 2.52 CharahSolutions CHRA ... dd 4.80 +0.28 –2.02 –.25 –.09 ... 27.85 20.00 Core&Main CNM ... 83 27.76 +3.39 ... ... ... ...
4.86 2.81 BancoBradesco BBDO 3.9 10 3.90 –0.02 ... ... ... .0033 53.99 27.63 BuildersFirst BLDR ... 10 51.76 +4.47 1.76 6.36 4.51 ... 49.48 10.05 ChargePoint CHPT ... dd 23.99 +0.18 .02 –.63 –.31 ... 49.87 13.43 CoreLabs CLB .1 40 28.53 –1.81 –2.20 .76 ... .01
25.12 14.76 BancodeChile BCH 2.1 12 17.89 +0.47 1.16 1.57 1.84 .3844 92.38 43.41 Bunge BG 2.7 6 79.17 +2.61 7.71 ... 7.72 .525 420.25 197.33 CharlesRiverLabs CRL ... 53 411.22 +2.81 7.20 10.26 11.66 ... 12.35 5.76 CoreCivic CXW ... dd 10.72 +0.21 .45 ... .90 ...
17.21 11.60 Bladex BLX 5.9 12 16.96 –0.02 ... 1.50 1.98 .25 13.55 7.10 BurfordCapital BUR 4.3 15 11.66 +0.19 .78 ... ... .125 176.70 62.12 ChartIndustries GTLS ... 68 174.78 +6.72 8.45 3.91 5.52 ... 11.04 3.56 CorEnergyInfr CORR 4.2 dd 4.71 –0.54 –23.09 –.82 .38 .05
20.45 11.45 BancoMacro BMA ... 3 14.51 +0.65 ... 3.99 ... ... 357.34 189.37 BurlingtonStrs BURL ... 81 342.85 +4.60 –3.28 8.91 10.34 ... 14.95 6.24 ChathamLodging CLDT ... dd 11.71 –0.15 –1.62 –.21 .54 ... 14.65 4.66 CorePoint CPLG ... dd 14.07 –0.17 –3.14 –.72 –1.38 ...
9.27 4.76 BancSanBrasil BSBR 4.9 ... 7.74 –0.03 ... .80 .85 .1762 29.13 9.20 ButterflyNtwk BFLY ... dd 10.72 +0.28 ... –.81 –.72 ... 5.00 1.78 CheetahMobile CMCM ... 3 2.01 –0.01 ... 1.93 1.18 ... 142.99 107.23 Coresite COR 3.6 69 142.79 +2.02 1.95 1.98 2.14 1.27
26.15 13.31 BcoSantChile BSAC 5.1 13 20.15 +0.78 1.39 1.86 1.84 .9285 16.66 0.77 ButterflyNtwkWt BFLY.WT ... ... 3.05 +0.41 ... ... ... ... 115.21 62.84 Chegg CHGG ... dd 83.25 –0.70 –.05 1.49 1.81 ... 19.73 7.04 CornerstoneBldg CNR ... 54 16.86 +1.92 –3.84 1.58 1.92 ...
6.67 2.86 BcoSantMex BSMX .0 10 5.92 +0.10 ... .66 .78 .1015 25.78 10.49 BylineBancorp BY 1.4 13 25.50 +0.20 .96 2.36 1.58 .09 560.00 417.41 Chemed CHE .3 25 457.28 –9.53 19.48 18.44 19.67 .36 46.82 30.16 Corning GLW 2.4 40 40.31 –0.61 .54 2.13 2.41 .24
4.38 1.71 BancoSantander SAN ... 10 3.87 +0.02 –.61 .46 .50 ... 38.87 19.07 Chemours CC 2.9 23 34.49 +0.84 1.32 ... ... .25 6.37 1.72 CorpAmAirports CAAP ... dd 5.34 –0.14 –1.58 ... ... ...
.20 C 10.68
43.49 22.95 BankofAmerica BAC 2.0 14 41.63 +1.48 1.87 ... ... .21 113.11 65.16 Chevron CVX 5.3 55 101.96 +0.01 –2.96 ... ... 1.34 49.98 26.56 Corteva CTVA 1.2 28 45.99 +1.23 .91 2.04 2.48 .14
41.36 21.50 BankofButterfield NTB 5.1 11 34.60 +0.22 2.91 3.28 3.39 .44 270.73 198.46 CACI Intl CACI ... 15 251.96 –0.35 12.61 ... 18.33 ... 120.00 51.25 Chewy CHWY ... dd 95.70 +6.48 ... .12 .43 ... 21.30 14.99 Cosan CSAN .0 cc 17.90 –0.46 .11 ... ... .1762
99.10 48.77 BankofHawaii BOH 3.3 17 85.84 +0.29 3.86 5.83 5.10 .70 56.19 20.74 CAI Intl CAI 2.0 10 55.88 +0.08 1.06 7.94 8.38 .30 7.29 0.91 Chico'sFas CHS ... dd 6.12 –0.15 –3.11 –.17 .39 ... 12.68 4.73 Costamare CMRE 3.8 8 12.04 +0.80 –.18 2.21 2.93 .115
106.88 56.96 BankofMontreal BMO 3.3 15 102.87 +2.21 5.62 9.74 7.40 .8782 17.34 3.82 CBD Pao CBD 6.6 10 5.80 –0.02 1.58 ... ... .2655 15.77 8.05 ChimeraInvt CIM 8.7 5 15.16 +0.05 .07 1.52 1.43 .33 10.49 2.65 Coty COTY ... dd 8.25 –0.35 –1.33 .06 ... ...
55.02 32.65 BankNY Mellon BK 2.5 14 53.87 +0.71 3.83 4.10 4.52 .34 35.18 21.84 CBIZ CBZ ... 22 32.39 –0.51 1.41 1.42 1.82 ... 26.19 17.37 ChinaEastrnAir CEA ... dd 18.08 +0.53 ... ... ... ... 69.00 30.65 Coupang CPNG ... ... 33.87 –4.93 ... –.67 –.35 ...
68.02 40.16 BkNovaScotia BNS 4.5 14 64.69 +1.34 4.03 6.12 ... .7445 11.33 9.60 CBRE Acqn CBAH.UT ... ... 10.35 –0.23 ... ... ... ... 17.73 1.77 ChinaGreenAg CGA ... dd 8.56 –0.17 –24.33 ... ... ... 62.53 32.59 Coursera COUR ... dd 38.49 –1.56 ... –.50 –.38 ...
50.71 20.52 BankUnited BKU 2.2 11 42.08 –0.32 2.06 3.86 3.48 .23 11.00 9.32 CBRE Acqn A CBAH ... ... 9.92 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 12.99 8.17 ChinaLifeIns LFC ... 5 8.37 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 40.63 24.17 CousinsProperties CUZ 3.2 60 39.36 –0.10 1.60 ... ... .31
10.78 4.60 Barclays BCS 1.6 ... 10.36 +0.06 .45 1.71 ... .0555 2.60 0.79 CBRE Acqn Wt CBAH.WT ... ... 1.52 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 30.85 2.44 ChinaOnlineEduc COE ... 4 2.49 –0.27 ... .19 3.18 ... 20.16 7.44 Covanta CVA 1.6 ... 19.97 –0.03 –.21 .14 .29 .08
11.05 7.41 BaringsBDC BBDC 7.0 5 11.03 +0.08 .17 .90 .89 .21 98.93 43.17 CBRE Group CBRE ... 27 95.38 –2.37 2.22 4.78 5.07 ... 58.40 38.18 ChinaPetrol SNP 5.9 5 46.20 +0.25 ... 8.32 8.25 2.0211 104.74 48.19 Crane CR 1.7 17 102.02 +3.32 3.08 ... ... .43
10.19 1.96 Barnes&NobleEduc BNED ... dd 7.47 –0.61 –2.65 ... .20 ... 16.11 8.58 CCC Intelligent CCCS ... dd 10.07 +1.23 ... .19 .24 ... 39.96 24.25 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH ... dd 26.80 +1.02 ... ... 1.78 ... 11.06 6.04 Crawford A CRD.A 2.3 11 10.37 –0.09 .54 .78 .89 .06
57.64 33.59 BarnesGroup B 1.3 33 50.33 +0.46 1.24 1.92 2.47 .16 5.53 1.41 CCC Intell Wt CCCS.WT ... ... 1.94 +0.28 ... ... ... ... 20.49 14.20 ChinaYuchai CYD 11.3 8 14.99 –0.06 1.95 14.22 14.82 1.70 10.67 6.20 Crawford B CRD.B 2.4 10 10.00 +0.06 .52 .78 .75 .06
31.22 18.64 BarrickGold GOLD 1.8 14 20.27 –0.53 1.31 1.24 1.28 .14 12.00 9.95 CCNeubergerII PRPB.UT ... ... 10.13 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 1912.75 1172.29 Chipotle CMG ... 92 1887.81 +0.66 12.52 25.49 33.40 ... 169.50 99.42 Credicorp BAP ... 38 100.33 –2.18 1.25 ... 52.70 ...
66.27 21.30 Bath&BodyWks BBWI 1.0 12 60.80 –0.87 3.00 5.07 ... .15 11.37 9.71 CCNeubergerII PRPB ... 39 9.76 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 123.77 82.59 ChoiceHotels CHH .8 50 116.46 –3.44 1.35 3.70 4.50 .225 14.95 9.28 CreditSuisse CS 1.0 cc 10.39 –0.19 1.16 .44 1.52 .0542
34.80 14.86 BauschHealth BHC ... dd 27.56 +0.89 –1.58 4.45 4.76 ... 3.08 1.00 CCNeubergerIIWt PRPB.WT ... ... 1.21 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 183.00 111.93 Chubb CB 1.8 10 182.73 +7.76 7.79 12.51 ... .80 4.86 1.05 CrescentPoint CPG .2 1 3.49 –0.11 –3.55 2.88 1.01 .002
88.32 73.54 BaxterIntl BAX 1.5 34 74.56 –0.27 2.13 3.53 3.99 .28 10.84 9.91 CCNeubergerIII PRPC.UT ... ... 9.99 ... ... ... ... ... 42.87 36.13 ChunghwaTel CHT 2.8 27 42.32 –0.40 1.46 1.55 1.59 1.551 33.94 11.43 CrestwoodEquity CEQP 9.2 dd 27.06 +0.61 ... –1.27 .85 .625
18.20 7.19 Beachbody BODY ... ... 7.57 –1.29 ... –.43 –.25 ... 10.10 9.70 CCNeubergerIII A PRPC ... ... 9.74 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 98.96 77.62 Church&Dwight CHD 1.2 27 85.10 +1.59 3.12 ... 3.25 .2525 9.64 5.85 CrestwoodEqUn CEQP.PR 8.9 ... 9.44 +0.04 ... ... ... .2111
7.38 1.70 BeachbodyWt BODY.WT ... ... 1.95 –0.41 ... ... ... ... 1.47 0.85 CCNeubergerIII Wt PRPC.WT ... ... 1.14 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 6.21 1.09 ChurchillV Wt CCV.WT ... ... 1.43 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 12.66 5.16 CrossTimbers CRT 7.0 18 12.02 +0.42 .78 ... ... .1238
26.12 10.96 BeazerHomes BZH ... 6 17.75 +0.11 1.74 3.31 3.31 ... 57.19 25.30 CF Industries CF 2.5 23 48.38 +2.19 1.47 4.24 3.79 .30 13.75 10.05 ChurchillCapCorp.V CCV.UT ... ... 10.08 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 21.73 13.50 CrossAmerPtrs CAPL 11.4 23 18.41 –0.11 2.87 .36 .56 .525
267.37 219.50 BectonDicknsn BDX 1.3 39 246.79 +5.75 2.71 12.89 ... .83 92.59 60.58 CGI GIB ... 23 89.83 –0.85 ... 4.30 4.70 ... 13.88 9.70 ChurchillCapV A CCV ... ... 9.78 ... ... ... ... ... 204.62 146.15 CrownCastle CCI 2.7 75 194.78 –0.02 2.35 ... 3.26 1.33
56.24 28.55 Belden BDC .4 23 55.40 +2.47 –1.23 4.36 4.69 .05 20.60 11.68 CI Financial CIXX 3.0 11 19.59 +1.08 1.66 2.46 2.76 .143 12.97 9.90 ChurchillCapVI CCVI.UT ... ... 10.06 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 114.55 71.92 CrownHoldings CCK .7 21 108.27 +7.04 4.30 7.46 7.62 .20
33.97 17.90 BellRingBrands BRBR ... 45 32.02 +2.51 .60 ... 1.11 ... 55.89 15.65 CIT Group CIT 2.6 9 52.89 +0.12 –6.57 ... ... .35 10.61 9.73 ChurchillVI A CCVI ... ... 9.80 ... ... ... ... ... 10.50 9.74 CrownPropTech CPTK.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
32.56 18.75 BenchmarkElec BHE 2.5 33 25.89 –0.60 .38 1.28 1.50 .165 14.10 9.90 CITICCapAcqn CCAC.UT ... ... 10.25 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 1.99 0.86 ChurchillVI Wt CCVI.WT ... ... 1.40 ... ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.55 CrownPropA CPTK ... ... 9.75 +0.05 ... ... ... ...
82.43 58.84 Berkley WRB .7 15 74.56 +1.09 2.81 4.42 ... .13 12.21 9.66 CITICCapAcqnA CCAC ... dd 9.91 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 11.50 9.74 ChurchillCapVII CVII.UT ... ... 9.93 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 1.19 0.60 CrownPropWt CPTK.WT ... ... .72 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
445000 297817 BerkHathwy A BRK.A ... 6 433124 +2964.01 26668 ... ... ... 3.55 0.50 CITICCapAcqnWt CCAC.WT ... ... .73 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.65 ChurchillVII A CVII ... ... 9.71 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 14.39 9.95 CrucibleAcqn CRU.UT ... ... 10.06 +0.05 ... ... ... ...
295.08 197.81 BerkHathwy B BRK.B ... 6 287.89 +2.26 17.78 ... ... ... 67.98 53.19 CMS Energy CMS 2.7 20 63.46 +0.19 2.64 2.74 2.89 .435 1.90 0.98 ChurchillVII Wt CVII.WT ... ... 1.21 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 11.10 9.62 CrucibleAcqnA CRU ... ... 9.72 +0.05 ... –.45 .78 ...
28.97 8.55 BerkshireHills BHLB 1.8 19 26.87 –1.75 –10.60 1.53 ... .12 49.08 28.37 CNA Fin CNA 3.5 9 43.61 –0.67 2.53 4.11 4.41 .38 61.09 38.03 Ciena CIEN ... 24 55.92 –0.94 2.32 2.88 3.22 ... 3.30 0.90 CrucibleAcqnWt CRU.WT ... ... 1.13 +0.03 ... ... ... ...
70.90 45.68 BerryGlobal BERY ... 13 65.43 +1.43 4.14 5.78 6.37 ... 18.49 7.34 CNH Indl CNHI .8 73 17.25 +0.19 –.36 ... 1.47 .131 272.81 158.84 Cigna CI 1.9 9 210.61 +1.31 22.96 20.32 ... 1.00 32.34 16.13 CryoLife CRY ... dd 25.14 –2.17 –.44 ... ... ...
128.57 95.93 BestBuy BBY 2.5 13 113.78 –1.06 6.84 7.26 8.66 .70 27.89 15.27 CNO Financial CNO 2.2 7 23.67 +0.56 2.11 2.29 2.22 .13 76.39 22.39 CimarexEnergy XEC 1.7 dd 63.99 –1.88 –19.73 9.34 11.18 .27 50.94 30.10 CubeSmart CUBE 2.7 56 50.65 +0.51 .85 ... ... .34
73.23 42.05 BigLots BIG 2.1 3 57.93 +3.47 16.11 6.74 6.79 .30 15.89 8.31 CNX Resources CNX ... dd 11.48 –0.41 –2.43 1.15 1.19 ... 15.48 14.96 CincinnatiBell CBB ... dd 15.47 +0.14 –1.30 –.39 –.44 ... 125.00 61.50 Cullen/Frost CFR 2.6 18 116.47 +0.77 5.10 6.52 5.68 .75
948.97 426.52 BiglariA BH.A ... 3 901.00 +91.00 ... –12.31 –5.29 ... 23.49 3.66 CONSOL Energy CEIX ... 21 22.42 +0.07 –.37 2.31 1.36 ... 27.85 7.56 Cinemark CNK ... dd 14.47 –1.16 –5.25 –3.53 .71 ... 17.88 10.68 Culp CULP 3.0 56 14.45 +0.35 .26 ... ... .11
188.50 81.00 BiglariB BH ... 3 178.45 +11.39 ... –12.31 –5.29 ... 53.38 33.57 CRH CRH 2.2 37 52.99 +2.16 1.43 2.87 3.20 .93 15.00 9.42 CinerRscs CINR ... 19 12.85 –0.66 .58 2.79 3.11 ... 277.09 199.70 Cummins CMI 2.4 16 237.72 +8.64 12.01 16.25 18.93 1.45
211.85 82.19 BILL ... dd 207.85 +4.93 –.70 ... ... ... 52.31 39.55 CS Disco LAW ... dd 51.99 +10.42 ... ... ... ... 43.20 24.75 CircorIntl CIR ... dd 31.99 +1.35 –9.28 2.17 2.93 ... 133.37 83.04 CurtissWright CW .6 21 120.88 +0.23 4.80 7.31 8.04 .18
132.91 57.70 BiohavenPharm BHVN ... dd 116.59 –7.95 –13.06 –11.75 –7.02 ... 56.90 38.52 CTO Realty CTO 7.3 3 54.82 +0.07 16.69 1.25 .54 1.00 80.29 40.49 Citigroup C 2.8 7 73.11 +2.04 4.72 9.87 7.97 .51 19.44 9.83 Cushman&Wkfd CWK ... dd 18.26 –0.51 –1.00 ... ... ...
778.30 472.84 Bio-RadLab A BIO ... 6 778.30 +24.67 ... 14.36 13.44 ... 39.49 20.12 CTS CTS .4 30 35.73 –0.27 1.06 1.80 2.00 .04 51.14 23.46 CitizensFin CFG 3.5 10 44.77 +0.80 2.22 5.12 4.31 .39 10.96 3.56 CustomTruck CTOS ... dd 7.05 –0.60 –.43 .12 .31 ...
9.96 9.55 BiteAcqn BITE ... ... 9.69 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 183.90 47.22 AI ... dd 49.38 +0.55 –.90 –.98 –.87 ... 7.06 4.81 Citizens CIA ... dd 5.90 +0.31 –.22 .11 .12 ... 2.98 0.25 CustomTruckWt CTOS.WT ... ... 1.66 –0.19 ... ... ... ...
10.33 9.80 BiteAcqn BITE.UT ... ... 9.97 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 20.81 6.53 Curo CURO 2.7 5 16.48 –0.63 1.80 1.60 2.31 .11 13.47 6.12 CityOfficeREIT CIO 4.5 13 13.22 –0.05 –.06 1.04 –.03 .15 43.86 10.41 CustomersBancorp CUBI ... 7 38.74 –1.06 3.74 ... 6.21 ...
0.75 0.42 BiteAcqnWt BITE.WT ... ... .61 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 21.38 7.76 CVR Energy CVI ... dd 13.12 +0.24 –2.54 ... .53 ... 24.00 7.20 Civeo CVEO ... dd 22.28 +0.01 –9.64 –.16 .86 ... 3.86 1.71 CypressEnvl CELP ... dd 1.86 –0.09 –.46 .59 .88 ...
72.09 51.97 BlackHills BKH 3.1 19 72.05 +1.80 3.65 3.90 ... .565 69.00 5.75 CVR Partners UAN 11.6 dd 59.33 +4.24 –8.77 –7.80 –4.00 1.72 34.79 20.82 Clarivate CLVT ... dd 22.70 –0.85 –.73 .70 .79 ...
CVS Health
... D
11.18 5.77 BlackStoneMin BSM 7.7 33 10.36 –0.27 .49 .41 .82 .05 65.25 34.84 Cabot CBT 2.5 dd 55.28 +1.29 –4.21 4.96 5.48 .35 1.29 0.49 ClassAccelWt CLAS.WT ... ... .95 +0.21 ... ... ... ...
28.77 4.37 BlackBerry BB ... dd 9.88 –0.41 –1.97 ... ... ... 20.52 15.28 CabotOil COG 2.8 23 15.82 –0.46 .50 ... ... .11 103.87 52.22 CleanHarbors CLH ... 31 101.78 +1.98 2.42 3.23 3.20 ... 10.88 9.71 D&ZMedia DNZ.UT ... ... 9.93 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
922.34 531.39 BlackRock BLK 1.8 26 916.86 +20.77 31.85 38.27 43.49 4.13 44.20 16.11 Cactus WHD 1.1 80 34.95 +0.38 .72 ... ... .10 3.05 0.87 ClearChannelOutdr CCO ... dd 2.36 –0.19 –1.25 –1.11 ... ... 10.84 9.60 D&ZMediaA DNZ ... ... 9.65 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
117.65 49.26 Blackstone BX 2.6 18 114.80 +0.51 ... 3.71 4.33 .70 23.88 7.73 CadenceBancorp CADE 2.9 6 20.47 +0.55 –1.63 2.63 1.81 .15 65.70 38.26 ClearSecure YOU ... cc 52.46 –6.22 ... –.89 –.50 ... 1.45 0.50 D&ZMediaWt DNZ.WT ... ... .82 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
33.88 20.70 BlackstoneMtg BXMT 7.6 12 32.57 +0.10 .97 2.42 2.49 .62 32.19 13.80 CAE CAE ... dd 28.77 –2.29 –.13 .77 1.17 ... 45.81 27.30 ClearwaterPaper CLW ... cc 32.49 +1.13 4.61 ... ... ... 32.30 9.62 DCP Midstream DCP 5.8 36 27.10 +0.58 –1.75 ... 2.76 .39
21.04 16.05 BlendLabs BLND ... ... 18.00 –0.45 –.63 –.36 –.74 ... 29.36 6.30 Caleres CAL 1.2 dd 23.53 –0.39 –11.80 ... 2.53 .07 34.47 21.24 ClearwayEnergyA CWEN.A 4.4 76 29.41 +0.58 .22 .45 1.02 .3345 11.51 9.87 D8 Holdings DEH.UT ... ... 10.84 +0.26 ... ... ... ...
26.23 13.51 BlockHR HRB 4.2 8 25.66 +0.38 3.08 ... ... .27 34.09 10.99 CaliforniaRscs CRC ... 1 29.77 –0.48 ... 2.30 4.60 ... 37.23 22.69 ClearwayEnergyC CWEN 4.1 81 31.17 +0.66 .22 .45 1.02 .3345 10.60 9.60 D8 A DEH ... dd 9.94 +0.01 ... ... ... ...
44.95 12.37 BloomEnergy BE ... dd 21.24 –0.44 ... –.31 .13 ... 65.99 41.19 CalWtrSvc CWT 1.4 22 64.43 –0.35 1.97 1.83 1.83 .23 26.51 5.48 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF ... 17 25.84 +1.82 –.32 5.80 3.39 ... 1.93 0.20 D8 Wt DEH.WT ... ... 1.31 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
12.35 3.54 BlueApron APRN ... dd 4.15 –0.17 –3.06 –2.42 –1.87 ... 49.99 17.08 Calix CALX ... 35 45.06 –0.64 .54 1.28 1.05 ... 12.38 9.85 ClimateRealI CLIM.UT ... ... 9.96 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 4.20 1.66 DHI Group DHX ... dd 3.88 –0.04 –.62 –.58 .11 ...
17.36 9.35 BlueOwlCapital OWL ... ... 12.91 +0.51 ... .27 .43 ... 37.75 14.62 CallawayGolf ELY ... 11 29.32 –3.79 –1.35 1.26 .34 ... 10.20 9.55 ClimateReal II A CLIM ... ... 9.70 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 6.84 4.52 DHT DHT 5.7 4 5.40 –0.08 1.71 –.08 .60 .02
4.24 0.97 BlueOwlCapWt OWL.WT ... ... 3.14 +0.27 ... ... ... ... 60.51 4.50 CallonPetrol CPE ... dd 30.22 –2.57 –63.79 ... ... ... 2.49 1.00 ClimateReal II Wt CLIM.WT ... ... 1.12 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 13.12 9.90 DPCM Capital XPOA.UT ... ... 9.95 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
22.18 7.70 BluegreenVac BVH ... cc 21.18 +1.86 ... .93 1.44 ... 152.63 85.74 CamdenProperty CPT 2.3 cc 146.00 –1.87 1.24 1.46 1.74 .83 9.16 5.25 ClipperRealty CLPR 4.8 dd 7.89 –0.56 –.31 –.32 –.20 .095 11.96 9.65 DPCM Cap A XPOA ... 32 9.72 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
70.38 17.03 BlueLinx BXC ... 2 58.27 +0.94 8.55 20.56 9.04 ... 21.95 9.01 Cameco CCJ .4 dd 16.76 –0.49 –.10 –.12 .13 .0609 59.00 4.35 CloopenGroup RAAS ... dd 4.61 +0.08 ... –13.45 –1.25 ... 3.51 0.76 DPCM Cap Wt XPOA.WT ... ... .78 +0.02 ... ... ... ...
10.99 9.88 BlueRiverAcqn BLUA.UT ... ... 9.92 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 54.08 42.11 CampbellSoup CPB 3.4 16 43.18 +0.88 5.36 ... ... .37 231.11 159.32 Clorox CLX 2.8 30 168.45 +5.87 5.58 5.67 6.68 1.16 15.68 8.73 DRDGOLD DRD 4.9 11 9.56 –0.63 .53 .70 .85 .2072
9.93 9.57 BlueRiverA BLUA ... ... 9.67 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 49.20 22.60 CampingWorld CWH 1.0 7 38.73 –3.93 3.09 6.34 5.80 .10 19.35 9.34 Cloudera CLDR ... dd 15.89 +0.04 –.54 .42 .52 ... 52.86 43.76 DTEEnergy DTP 6.0 ... 51.81 +0.06 ... ... ... .7813
1.30 0.40 BlueRiverWt BLUA.WT ... ... .90 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 50.05 22.14 CanadaGoose GOOS ... 73 36.52 –7.02 ... .95 1.40 ... 127.70 32.70 Cloudflare NET ... dd 121.75 +2.93 –.40 –.11 ... ... 123.74 93.30 DTE Energy DTE 2.7 18 120.30 +0.72 7.08 ... ... .825
13.35 9.85 BluescapeOpps BOAC.UT ... ... 10.31 ... ... ... ... ... 120.65 72.07 CIBC CM 4.1 13 119.07 +1.70 6.12 11.25 11.23 1.1833 4.58 2.90 CN Finance CNF ... 8 4.07 –0.17 .23 .20 .21 ... 46.97 38.21 DT Midstream DTM 5.7 ... 42.35 –1.91 2.55 3.16 3.45 .60
13.09 9.51 BluescapeOppsAcqn BOAC ... dd 9.77 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 119.61 98.69 CanNtlRlwy CNI 1.8 24 107.46 –0.40 3.74 ... ... .4897 57.56 46.97 Coca-Cola KO 2.9 31 57.23 +0.59 1.79 ... ... .42 44.18 15.64 DXC Tech DXC ... 33 41.23 +0.14 –.59 3.59 4.52 ...
3.15 1.12 BluescapeOppsWt BOAC.WT ... ... 1.14 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 38.10 14.85 CanNaturalRes CNQ 4.5 12 32.99 –0.32 –.28 4.15 4.09 .3748 63.04 34.02 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 3.3 48 60.27 –1.30 1.24 2.31 3.18 1.00 28.44 11.20 Dana DAN 1.7 17 24.05 +0.27 –.21 2.52 3.49 .10
278.57 141.58 Boeing BA ... dd 234.46 +3.13 –20.88 ... ... ... 83.07 56.55 CanPacRlwy CP .8 19 72.55 –0.94 2.69 4.10 4.60 .1524 58.87 36.16 Coca-Cola Femsa KOF 4.0 cc 58.86 +1.69 ... 62.39 66.65 1.2292 315.84 192.51 Danaher DHR .3 42 315.26 +7.98 4.89 9.47 9.74 .21
78.35 36.90 BoiseCascade BCC .7 4 56.17 +2.78 4.44 ... ... .10 19.60 3.71 Cango CANG 6.2 1 3.71 –0.29 3.25 .19 .48 1.00 12.60 6.53 CoeurMining CDE ... 24 6.94 –0.02 .11 .55 .26 ... 79.49 4.51 Danaos DAC 2.8 2 71.07 –0.18 6.51 20.80 31.86 .50
50.98 15.88 BonanzaCreekEner BCEI 3.8 31 36.47 –1.33 4.95 ... 8.22 .35 46.57 29.51 Cannae CNNE ... 5 34.08 +0.35 20.79 –.44 .41 ... 88.98 54.03 Cohen&Steers CNS 2.0 35 88.17 +0.88 1.57 ... ... .45 66.30 9.75 DanimerScientific DNMR ... dd 15.47 –1.63 ... –.27 –.17 ...
93.25 23.94 BootBarn BOOT ... 26 86.74 –3.13 2.01 4.14 3.93 ... 17.43 9.53 CanoHealth CANO ... dd 10.77 –0.53 ... –.04 .03 ... 12.39 9.90 CohnRobbins CRHC.UT ... ... 10.17 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 130.33 18.22 DaqoNewEnergy DQ ... 22 51.50 –6.65 1.80 ... 8.43 ...
100.26 74.32 BoozAllen BAH 1.8 20 80.58 –1.20 4.37 4.21 ... .37 5.20 1.26 CanoHealthWt CANO.WT ... ... 3.01 –0.24 ... ... ... ... 11.46 9.65 CohnRobbinsA CRHC ... ... 9.80 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 150.71 78.85 Darden DRI 1.9 30 141.99 –2.71 4.77 7.45 8.36 1.10
12.84 2.51 BoqiiHolding BQ ... dd 2.56 –0.41 ... –1.62 –.61 ... 25.94 15.46 Canon CAJ 2.7 15 24.00 +0.06 .74 ... ... .4027 2.90 0.81 CohnRobbinsWt CRHC.WT ... ... 1.22 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 79.65 31.45 DarlingIngred DAR ... 27 78.49 +7.69 1.78 3.98 5.43 ...
55.55 34.30 BorgWarner BWA 1.5 14 45.61 +0.07 2.34 3.97 5.12 .17 177.95 63.39 CapitalOne COF 1.4 7 177.73 +11.78 5.18 ... ... .60 50.34 26.45 Colfax CFX ... 68 49.66 +1.61 .31 ... 2.56 ... 33.46 22.30 Datto MSP ... cc 27.21 +0.89 .16 .54 .55 ...
1.67 0.37 BorrDrilling BORR ... dd .67 –0.04 –2.03 –.77 –.68 ... 58.94 7.35 CapitalSrLiving CSU ... dd 29.64 +4.14 –144.08 –6.01 –5.82 ... 205.31 114.71 ColfaxUn CFXA 2.8 ... 203.21 +8.08 ... ... ... 1.4375 136.48 80.85 DaVita DVA ... 17 130.28 –2.89 6.31 9.10 9.56 ...
1349.98 632.39 BostonBeer SAM ... 33 633.86 –22.86 ... 21.31 27.66 ... 61.00 14.98 Capri CPRI ... 27 59.24 +0.10 –.41 4.57 5.31 ... 86.41 74.14 ColgatePalm CL 2.3 25 79.44 +0.81 3.14 ... 3.46 .45 444.48 192.58 DeckersOutdoor DECK ... 28 434.45 –0.25 13.47 15.70 18.52 ...
124.24 69.69 BostonProps BXP 3.3 61 117.91 +0.01 ... 2.43 ... .98 11.79 9.96 Capstar CPSR.UT ... ... 10.31 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 9.75 9.55 ColombierAcqnA CLBR ... ... 9.64 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 400.34 188.43 Deere DE .9 26 384.00 +17.12 8.69 18.13 21.20 .90
46.29 32.99 BostonSci BSX ... cc 44.33 –0.37 –.08 ... ... ... 10.88 9.60 CapstarSpacA CPSR ... dd 9.86 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 9.99 9.60 ColombierAcqnUn CLBR.UT ... ... 9.85 ... ... ... ... ... 47.50 25.20 DelekLogistics DKL 9.4 10 39.82 –0.29 4.18 3.98 4.57 .94
27.41 15.08 Box BOX ... dd 26.38 +1.61 –.28 .79 1.03 ... 1.96 0.50 CapstarSpacWt CPSR.WT ... ... .95 ... ... ... ... ... 1.09 0.65 ColombierAcqnWt CLBR.WT ... ... .75 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 27.38 8.92 DelekUS DK .0 dd 16.32 –0.54 –8.26 ... ... .31
71.00 25.53 BoydGaming BYD ... 20 60.13 +1.03 –1.19 4.38 ... ... 6.88 5.06 CapsteadMtg CMO 9.2 9 6.50 +0.13 –1.56 ... ... .15 10.15 9.76 ColonnadeAcqnII CLAA.UT ... ... 9.98 +0.08 ... ... ... ... 104.62 58.88 DellTechC DELL ... 19 100.03 +1.49 ... 8.65 ... ...
61.76 37.47 Brady BRC 1.6 22 54.28 +0.48 2.11 ... ... .22 62.96 44.65 CardinalHealth CAH 3.8 25 51.70 +0.71 2.08 5.89 6.39 .4908 9.96 9.65 Colonnade II A CLAA ... ... 9.74 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 52.28 27.02 DeltaAir DAL ... dd 39.90 –0.42 –19.49 –3.48 4.32 ...
7.45 2.17 BraemarHtls BHR ... dd 5.23 –0.16 –3.39 –.77 –.17 ... 209.14 115.54 Carlisle CSL 1.0 33 207.52 +2.01 5.80 ... 11.14 .54 1.39 0.72 Colonnade II Wt CLAA.WT ... ... 1.01 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 48.38 20.89 Deluxe DLX 2.9 20 42.07 +0.60 .19 5.16 5.22 .30
15.17 8.55 BrandywineRealty BDN 5.5 8 13.80 +0.04 1.77 .08 .08 .19 139.95 84.70 CarMax KMX ... 18 128.09 –5.93 4.52 7.01 7.11 ... 19.49 10.11 ColumbiaProperty CXP 5.1 dd 16.37 +0.70 1.01 .08 .18 .21 11.40 9.91 DelwindsIns DWIN.UT ... ... 10.03 –0.14 ... ... ... ...
6.83 3.57 BrasilAgro LND 2.2 8 5.30 –0.32 .47 ... ... .1117 31.52 12.11 Carnival CCL ... dd 22.86 –0.22 ... ... .19 ... 79.86 35.76 Comerica CMA 3.6 10 74.95 +2.70 3.27 ... ... .68 10.29 9.65 DelwindsInsA DWIN ... ... 9.82 +0.01 ... ... ... ...
25.09 7.00 Braskem BAK ... 5 21.57 –0.03 –3.26 5.29 ... ... 27.31 10.50 Carnival CUK ... dd 21.12 –0.16 ... ... ... ... 88.53 43.62 ComfortSystems FIX .6 18 76.28 +0.02 4.09 ... ... .12 1.40 0.42 DelwindsInsWt DWIN.WT ... ... .64 –0.08 ... ... ... ...
18.87 14.05 BridgeInvt BRDG ... ... 18.27 +2.59 ... .69 1.00 ... 49.20 15.90 CarpenterTech CRS 2.2 dd 36.95 –0.17 –4.76 –.29 1.55 .20 36.49 18.68 CommercialMetals CMC 1.3 13 36.23 +4.01 2.32 ... 3.12 .12 81.37 15.43 Denbury DEN ... dd 67.99 –1.02 ... 2.24 ... ...
21.94 8.05 BrighamMin MNRL 5.1 dd 18.67 –0.12 –1.11 1.01 1.05 .35 39.92 20.22 CarriageSvcs CSV 1.0 34 38.87 +1.86 .89 2.69 2.96 .10 82.53 52.37 CommBkSys CBU 2.3 21 75.12 +0.54 3.08 3.43 3.07 .43 20.48 4.31 DesignerBrands DBI ... dd 14.66 +0.15 ... .75 1.32 ...
17.93 7.98 BrightHealth BHG ... ... 8.40 –0.52 ... –.70 –.53 ... 57.90 28.58 CarrierGlobal CARR .9 20 56.15 –0.23 2.25 2.22 2.20 .12 17.04 3.74 CommunityHlthSys CYH ... 4 12.21 –0.54 4.39 .79 1.05 ... 34.94 8.26 DesktopMetal DM ... dd 8.37 –1.00 –.22 ... ... ...
182.50 125.95 BrightHorizons BFAM ... cc 145.32 +1.46 .45 2.21 3.99 ... 15.71 7.23 CARS ... cc 13.13 +0.09 –12.15 1.76 1.86 ... 52.54 42.63 CommunityHlthcr CHCT 3.5 55 48.48 –1.37 .80 1.02 1.12 .4325 17.66 6.08 DESP ... dd 12.65 –0.22 –2.06 –1.16 –.07 ...
7.94 3.17 BrightScholarEduc BEDU 6.5 15 3.24 –0.09 ... 1.89 3.03 .12 116.92 76.01 Carter's CRI 1.5 14 105.32 +3.07 2.50 7.49 7.87 .40 10.46 6.05 SABESP SBS .9 11 6.41 –0.38 .28 .82 .93 .0714 15.34 7.84 DeutscheBank DB ... 10 12.96 +0.26 .08 1.27 1.50 ...
26.98 12.35 BrightSphere BSIG .1 8 26.73 +0.33 3.49 1.40 1.65 .01 376.83 158.25 Carvana CVNA ... dd 360.98 +15.33 –2.63 –1.18 –.31 ... 3.55 1.59 EngGr-Cmg C CIG.C 6.9 7 2.66 –0.03 .33 .34 ... .0451 31.99 7.73 DevonEnergy DVN 1.6 cc 28.01 +1.00 –7.12 2.78 3.74 .38
10.68 4.37 BrightSpire BRSP 6.9 dd 9.26 –0.72 –2.75 ... ... .16 11.35 9.96 CascadeAcqn CAS.UT ... ... 10.40 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 2.74 1.43 EngGr-Cmg CIG 8.6 6 2.15 –0.05 .33 .34 ... .0451 202.35 127.12 Diageo DEO 1.8 33 201.52 +2.54 6.12 7.20 8.00 2.4803
19.17 10.93 BrightView BV ... cc 13.98 –1.31 –.40 1.24 1.31 ... 10.45 9.72 CascadeAcqnA CAS ... ... 9.87 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 7.34 5.09 COPEL ELP ... 21 5.91 –0.14 .29 .95 .79 ... 11.49 4.52 DiamndrckHspty DRH ... dd 8.70 –0.42 –1.97 ... ... ...
78.33 36.09 BrinkerIntl EAT ... cc 53.29 –1.31 .63 ... ... ... 1.92 0.55 CascadeAcqnWt CAS.WT ... ... .90 –0.20 ... ... ... ... 10.33 2.45 CiaSiderurgica SID ... 4 8.12 –0.16 .53 ... 1.88 ... 5.60 1.30 DianaShipping DSX ... dd 4.30 +0.06 –1.62 .44 1.44 ...
84.72 38.67 Brink's BCO 1.0 cc 78.19 –1.05 .31 4.94 5.76 .20 12.00 5.40 CasperSleep CSPR ... dd 5.50 –1.41 –2.42 –1.42 –.84 ... 21.82 10.72 CerveceriasUnid CCU 1.7 18 20.03 –0.73 .66 797.73 826.85 .2362 110.71 44.38 Dick's DKS 1.3 10 109.02 +1.47 ... 8.84 ... .3625
69.34 56.75 BristolMyers BMY 2.9 dd 67.51 –0.61 –3.99 7.49 8.12 .49 2.71 0.77 CastlightHealth CSLT ... dd 1.86 –0.12 –.41 .01 .03 ... 27.80 16.35 CompassDiversif CODI 5.2 dd 27.69 +1.32 –.34 2.44 2.56 .88 18.01 7.16 DiDiGlobal DIDI ... ... 8.32 –0.99 ... –.55 .83 ...
0.47 0.18 BristolMyersRt CELG.RT ... ... .20 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 127.68 79.65 Catalent CTLT ... 41 120.56 –0.87 1.14 2.86 3.27 ... 22.11 11.76 Compass COMP ... dd 17.21 +2.71 ... –1.35 –.35 ... 17.30 5.97 DieboldNixdorf DBD ... dd 11.36 –0.10 –3.47 1.72 2.21 ...
30.82 18.09 Bristow VTOL ... dd 27.60 +0.49 2.32 ... ... ... 10.70 9.75 CatchaInvt CHAA.UT ... ... 9.95 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 72.00 54.24 CompassMnlInt CMP 4.2 dd 68.41 +0.43 1.72 2.17 3.01 .72 15.27 6.32 DigitalMedia DMS ... cc 7.22 –0.45 –.07 .31 .61 ...
41.14 31.60 BritishAmTob BTI 7.9 10 37.46 +0.25 3.59 4.55 4.92 .7412 10.25 9.63 CatchaInvtA CHAA ... ... 9.66 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 12.00 9.85 ComputeHealth CPUH.UT ... ... 9.93 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 3.73 0.61 DigitalMediaWt DMS.WT ... ... .83 –0.06 ... ... ... ...
24.42 10.58 BrixmorProp BRX 3.7 36 23.56 +0.09 .41 ... ... .215 1.07 0.64 CatchaInvtWt CHAA.WT ... ... .86 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 10.70 9.50 ComputeHlthA CPUH ... ... 9.66 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 164.04 124.65 DigitalRealty DLR 2.9 89 159.10 +2.02 1.00 ... 1.58 1.16
11.10 9.46 BroadmarkRealty BRMK 8.0 17 10.50 –0.09 .68 .80 .95 .07 12.78 7.92 CatchMarkTimber CTT 4.6 dd 11.64 –0.10 –.36 –.03 ... .135 2.25 0.92 ComputeHlthWt CPUH.WT ... ... 1.12 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 8.70 2.24 DigitalBridge DBRG ... dd 7.02 –0.04 ... ... –.27 ...
0.32 0.12 BroadmarkRltyWt BRMK.WT ... ... .13 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 246.69 135.65 Caterpillar CAT 2.0 27 218.57 +10.22 5.46 10.23 12.40 1.11 6.95 4.24 ComstockRscs CRK ... dd 5.66 –0.14 –.39 ... ... ... 63.48 35.35 DigitalOcean DOCN ... ... 53.47 –0.53 ... .28 .57 ...
175.82 126.77 BroadridgeFinl BR 1.3 40 174.36 +0.99 3.95 6.44 7.03 .575 17.90 6.07 Cato CATO 2.7 93 16.60 –0.19 ... .75 .90 .11 39.34 32.25 ConagraBrands CAG 3.7 13 34.05 +1.29 2.66 2.47 2.68 .3125 207.32 25.00 Dillard's DDS .3 17 196.21 +21.28 ... 22.42 11.28 .15
11.36 9.84 BroadstoneAcqn BSN.UT ... 41 10.40 –0.14 ... ... ... ... 52.50 24.48 CedarFairRec FUN ... dd 45.22 +0.02 –10.45 –1.96 2.84 ... 12.14 9.89 ConcordAcqn CND.UT ... ... 11.44 +0.09 ... ... ... ... 100.70 49.37 DineBrands DIN ... 21 77.36 –0.63 –6.43 6.63 6.30 ...
10.69 9.60 BroadstoneAcqnA BSN ... 39 9.88 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 18.29 4.62 CedarRealty CDR 1.5 5 17.70 –0.44 –.92 1.27 –.63 .066 11.15 9.63 ConcordAcqnA CND ... dd 10.48 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 46.00 18.31 Dingdong DDL ... ... 18.38 –2.39 ... –3.30 –3.00 ...
1.85 0.53 BroadstoneAcqnWt BSN.WT ... ... 1.15 +0.15 ... ... ... ... 171.00 98.61 Celanese CE 1.7 7 162.38 +6.92 16.75 16.63 13.88 .68 2.41 0.69 ConcordAcqnWt CND.WT ... ... 2.20 +0.33 ... ... ... ... 135.69 48.92 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 1.5 9 135.38 +5.32 3.60 16.78 12.48 .50
27.32 15.90 Broadstone BNL 3.8 56 26.92 +0.10 ... .59 ... .255 9.38 5.77 Celestica CLS ... 13 8.73 –0.04 ... ... 1.29 ... 5.89 1.68 ConcordMed CCM ... dd 2.65 –0.39 ... .07 .27 ... 203.02 117.23 Disney DIS ... dd 181.08 +3.95 –1.58 2.49 5.12 ...
8.95 2.40 BrookdaleSrLiving BKD ... dd 6.60 –0.40 .44 –1.78 ... ... 9.55 5.52 CementosPacasm CPAC 21.5 12 5.67 –0.18 .20 .41 .42 .9957 146.95 69.60 Conmed CNMD .6 70 123.47 –5.55 .32 3.20 3.78 .20 16.45 10.05 dMYTechIII Un DMYI.UT ... ... 10.60 +0.03 ... ... ... ...
57.83 28.88 BrookfieldMgt BAM .9 71 56.68 –0.03 ... 2.60 2.37 .1291 9.09 3.08 Cemex CX ... dd 8.08 +0.14 ... ... .63 ... 63.57 27.53 ConocoPhillips COP 3.1 48 55.97 –0.53 –2.51 4.77 5.26 .43 15.39 9.88 dMYTechIIIA DMYI ... ... 10.02 +0.08 ... ... –.29 ...
85.00 47.98 BrookfieldReins BAMR .0 ... 61.51 +4.04 ... ... ... .13 10.55 3.15 CenovusEnergy CVE .7 dd 8.22 +0.11 –1.45 .87 1.33 .0139 83.92 65.56 ConEd ED 4.0 24 77.74 +2.22 3.28 4.25 ... .775 5.00 1.80 dMYTechIIIWt DMYI.WT ... ... 2.40 –0.10 ... ... ... ...
49.11 28.24 BrookfieldBusPtr BBU .6 12 41.16 –1.83 –1.13 2.84 –.43 .0625 6.10 2.65 CenovusEnergyWt CVE.WT ... ... 4.51 –0.15 ... ... ... ... 1.04 0.56 ConstellationI Wt CSTA.WT ... ... 1.03 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 10.50 9.86 dMYTechIV DMYQ.UT ... ... 10.14 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
80.60 48.84 BrookfieldInfr BIPC 3.2 dd 64.40 +1.12 ... 3.53 3.85 .51 75.59 53.60 Centene CNC ... 52 63.07 –3.73 3.12 5.19 5.69 ... 10.81 9.70 ConstellationI CSTA.UT ... ... 10.00 –0.08 ... ... ... ... 10.48 9.57 dMYTechIV A DMYQ ... ... 9.88 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
56.83 42.29 BrookfieldInfr BIP 3.6 cc 56.56 +1.18 .35 1.03 .33 .51 26.92 18.60 CenterPointEner CNP 2.4 20 26.90 +0.42 –1.79 1.42 1.43 .16 10.10 9.50 ConstellationI A CSTA ... ... 9.65 –0.12 ... ... ... ... 2.10 1.03 dMYTechIVWt DMYQ.WT ... ... 1.43 –0.11 ... ... ... ...
M26 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Exchange-Traded Portfolios
Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
iShUSMedDevices IHI .2 63.39 –0.14 .0509 iShChinaLC FXI 2.0 41.35 +0.93 .151 PIMCO DynMultIn MFDX 1.7 30.43 +0.48 .24 RPAR RiskParity RPAR .9 24.95 +0.11 .072 SchwabUS SC SCHA 1.0 101.71 –0.50 .2224 VangdFTSE Pac VPL 2.2 82.62 +0.18 .4952
iShAdvTotUSDBd EUSB 1.1 50.02 +0.06 .0452 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP .3 114.88 –0.27 .0566 PIMCO DynMultUS MFUS 1.2 39.68 +0.42 .13 RayliantQuanCn RAYC ... 25.99 +0.75 ... Schwab US TIPs SCHP 3.0 63.26 +0.14 .3607 VangdFinls VFH 1.7 94.96 +1.60 .3677
iShESGUSAggBd EAGG 1.1 55.67 +0.08 .0456 iShUSBrokerDealers IAI 1.0 108.76 +2.12 .2608 PIMCO RAFI ESG US RAFE 1.6 31.60 +0.32 .11 RealEstSectorSPDR XLRE 2.9 46.74 +0.01 .2854 ShortDe-SPAC SOGU ... 28.54 +0.88 ... VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 2.3 63.62 +0.55 .5075
iShEM Dividend DVYE 6.5 38.49 +0.22 1.3021 iShUSTechBreak TECB .4 41.93 –0.08 .0244 PIMCOShrtTrmMuniBd SMMU .8 51.48 +0.02 .023 RenaissanceIPO IPO ... 64.99 +1.26 ... SimpfyIntRateHdge PFIX ... 39.98 –1.44 ... VangdGrowth VUG .5 299.03 +0.38 .3736
iShEuropeETF IEV 2.2 55.60 +0.89 .8721 iShUSTech IYW .3 104.85 +0.25 .077 PIMCO0-5YrHiYdCorp HYS 4.3 98.88 +0.05 .31 RenaissanceIntlIPO IPOS .4 33.30 +0.41 .2031 SimplUSConvex SPYC 1.1 32.19 +0.25 .1079 VangdHlthCr VHT 1.1 257.72 –0.22 .6985
iShExpTech IGM .2 415.97 –1.38 .1434 iShVirtualWork IWFH .2 27.35 –0.20 .0008 PPTYUSDivrsRealEst PPTY 2.9 35.98 –0.24 .264 RivFrDynCoreIncm RFCI 1.7 25.69 +0.04 .0398 SimplUSPlusDown SPD 1.0 31.48 +0.21 .1162 VangdHiDiv VYM 2.7 108.20 +1.72 .7523
iShFocusedValue FOVL 2.3 56.78 +1.08 .3836 iShYdOptimizedBd BYLD 2.7 25.34 +0.02 .0448 PacerAmEnIndepend USAI 5.6 23.30 +0.10 .12 RivFrDynUSDiv RFDA 1.4 44.99 +0.13 .0538 SimplUSPlusUp SPUC 1.4 32.93 +0.36 .2029 VangdIndls VIS 1.1 199.88 +2.29 .5023
iShGenomicsImm IDNA .2 52.71 –1.02 .0521 iSh0-5YHYCorpBd SHYG 5.0 45.62 +0.05 .1787 PacerData&Infr SRVR 1.4 41.07 +0.03 .1563 RivFrDynUSFlex RFFC .9 45.91 –0.03 .0166 SimplifyVolPrem SVOL ... 27.49 +0.47 ... VangdIntermBd BIV 2.0 90.66 +0.09 .1449
iShGlblComm IXP .8 87.66 +1.07 .3174 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV .0 100.03 ... .0017 PacerIndRealEst INDS 1.5 46.31 +0.13 .0752 RivFrDynUnconInc RFUN 4.0 25.69 ... .0917 SimplifyVoltCloud VCLO ... 14.11 –0.11 ... VangdLC VV 1.2 208.76 +1.41 .6258
iShGlobal100 IOO 1.4 74.20 +0.82 .6246 JPM AlerianMLP AMJ 7.5 18.15 +0.39 .3285 PacerCFRAStovall SZNE .8 39.08 +0.47 .0605 RivFrStratIncm RIGS 2.7 24.85 ... .0415 SimplifyVoltFin VFIN ... 10.94 –0.32 ... VangdLT Bond BLV 2.9 104.88 +0.38 .249
iShGlobalREITETF REET 2.2 28.94 –0.03 .2221 JacobForward JFWD ... 19.99 –0.98 ... PacerFTSECnA50 AFTY 1.6 20.98 +0.54 .3398 RobinAltYdSpac SPAX ... 19.91 –0.05 ... SimplifyVoltPop VPOP ... 12.17 –0.20 ... VangdMegaCap MGC 1.2 158.73 +1.18 .4653
iShGoldTr IAU ... 33.87 +0.35 ... JanusHendersonAAA JAAA 1.3 50.51 ... .0351 PaceriPathGold GBUG ... 28.97 +0.27 ... RoundAcqDpVal DEEP 1.1 35.53 +0.43 .1591 SimplifyVoltRobo VCAR ... 11.80 +0.02 ... VangdMegaGrwth MGK .5 242.30 +0.46 .2623
iShGoldTrMicro IAUM ... 17.80 +0.20 ... JanusHendMtg JMBS 2.1 53.22 –0.01 .0539 PaceriPathGold PBUG ... 23.87 ... ... RoundBitEsports NERD .4 27.28 –0.04 .3167 6MeridianHdg SIXH 1.5 31.13 +0.46 .0334 VangdMegaVal MGV 2.1 103.12 +1.43 .5465
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 2.4 135.08 +0.42 .2431 JanusHenShrtDur VNLA .9 50.15 +0.02 .0443 PacerLuntLCAlt ALTL 1.1 43.40 +0.52 .0815 RoundhillBallMeta META ... 14.74 +0.09 ... 6MeridianLowBeta SIXL .5 34.37 –0.07 .0018 VangdMC VO 1.2 244.15 +1.46 .6917
iShiBdsDec2031Cp IBDW 2.4 25.42 –0.11 .0501 JanusHenUSRealEst JRE ... 26.41 –0.24 ... PacerLuntLCMultAlt PALC .9 40.05 +0.03 .0899 RoundhillPro MVP ... 14.81 +0.05 ... 6MeridianMega SIXA 1.4 35.78 +0.53 .0424 VangdMCGrowth VOT .4 242.55 –0.64 .1733
iShiBdsDec2030Cp IBDV 1.9 25.65 +0.05 .0411 HancockCorpBd JHCB 2.7 25.96 +0.02 .0669 PacerLuntMCMult PAMC .4 35.74 +0.08 .0557 RoundSportsBet BETZ .2 29.88 +1.55 .0714 6MeriQualGrwth SXQG .0 26.25 –0.17 .0004 VangdMC Val VOE 1.8 144.78 +1.96 .6897
iShiBdsDec2028Cp IBDT 2.5 29.01 +0.04 .058 HancockConsDisc JHMC .4 53.41 +0.33 .0981 PacerMetUSLC400 QDPL ... 35.27 +0.21 ... RoundStreamSvs SUBZ ... 10.76 –0.24 ... 6MeridianSC SIXS .7 47.86 +0.04 .0032 VangdRealEst VNQ 3.0 106.76 –0.15 .7291
iShiBondsDec2025Cp IBDQ 2.1 26.95 –0.02 .0416 HancockConsStpl JHMS 2.0 35.23 +0.89 .3157 PacerMetUSLC300 TRPL ... 41.27 +0.34 ... SPAC&NewIssueETF SPCX ... 28.68 –0.03 ... SmartAdvertising MRAD ... 27.55 –0.58 ... VangdS&P500ETF VOO 1.3 409.96 +3.10 1.3329
iShiBondsDec2024Cp IBDP 2.1 26.33 +0.01 .0383 HancockDevIntl JHMD 2.6 34.89 +0.50 .5685 PacerTrendFd TRND .5 30.89 +0.09 .169 SPDRBlackSrLoan SRLN 4.6 45.70 +0.02 .17 SmartApacDiv ADIV 5.0 18.27 +0.05 .23 VangdS&P500 Grw VOOG .6 276.14 +1.20 .3614
iShiBdsDec2029Cp IBDU 2.3 26.97 +0.06 .0511 HancockMultEM JHEM 1.8 30.33 –0.03 .2443 PacerTrendpilot PTIN .7 29.72 +0.23 .203 SPDRBloomBarCvSecs CWB 2.2 85.64 –0.56 .0431 SmartDivBldr DIVS 1.7 26.53 +0.29 .11 VangdS&P500Val VOOV 1.9 146.68 +1.56 .6199
iShiBondsDec2021Cp IBDM 1.6 24.75 ... .0159 HancockEnergy JHME 2.5 19.16 –0.08 .1871 PacerTrendUSBd PTBD 3.1 27.65 –0.06 .1245 SPDRBBCpBd SPBO 2.5 35.57 +0.07 .0707 SmartTransport MOTO .2 47.09 +0.44 1.02 VangdS&PMC400 IVOO 1.1 184.61 +0.94 .4656
iShiBdsDec2021Muni IBMJ 1.2 25.61 +0.01 .0127 HancockMultFinls JHMF 1.4 52.44 +0.60 .3378 PacerUSCashCows BUL .3 39.21 +0.33 .0114 SPDRBloomBarEMLoBd EBND 3.6 26.06 +0.11 .0815 SoFiNext500 SFYX 1.1 14.44 +0.12 .0671 VangdS&P400Grwth IVOG .7 202.46 –0.23 1.3201
iShiBondsDec2027Cp IBDS 2.3 27.11 –0.01 .0481 HancockHealthcare JHMH 1.6 49.85 –0.05 .1673 PacerUSExportLead PEXL .4 43.05 –0.07 .04 SPDRBBEMUSDBd EMHC 3.6 30.81 +0.11 .0973 SoFiSelect500 SFY 1.0 16.52 +0.10 .0747 VangdS&P400Val IVOV 1.9 164.64 +1.64 3.1834
iShiBondsDec2026Cp IBDR 2.3 26.61 –0.02 .0452 HancockIndustrials JHMI .9 53.56 +0.77 .2512 PacificGlbSrLoan FLRT 3.3 48.78 +0.02 .1436 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd JNK 4.5 109.16 +0.07 .3704 SoFiSocial50 SFYF .2 38.35 +0.01 .0531 VangdS&P600 VIOO .9 203.87 –0.75 1.8256
iShiBondsDec2023Cp IBDO 2.0 26.02 +0.01 .0376 HancockLC JHML 1.2 56.42 +0.41 .2939 PrincipalActIncm YLD 3.3 41.88 –0.06 .0639 SPDRBloomBarInCpBd IBND .4 36.50 +0.13 .0134 SoFiWeeklyDiv WKLY .5 50.99 +0.85 .02 VangdS&P600Grwth VIOG .6 228.80 –2.56 .2234
iShiBondsDec2022Cp IBDN 1.9 25.34 ... .034 HancockMatls JHMA 1.4 48.40 +1.69 .3163 PrincInvGrdCp IG 2.8 26.91 +0.11 .0657 SPDRBlmBarIntTrBd BWX .9 29.61 +0.07 .0213 SoFiWeeklyIncm TGIF 2.1 106.40 –0.05 .05 VangdS&P600Val VIOV 1.2 176.11 +0.21 .4594
iShiBdsDec2022Muni IBMK 1.3 26.21 –0.01 .0257 HancockMultMedia JHCS .8 38.57 +0.02 .1453 PrincipalSpectPfd PREF 4.1 20.77 ... .0721 SPDRBlmBarInvGrdFR FLRN .5 30.63 +0.01 .009 SonicAirlines TRYP ... 4.70 –0.07 ... VangdST Bond BSV 1.4 82.17 –0.01 .0716
iShiBdsMar23CpxFin IBCE 2.1 24.75 +0.02 .0392 HancockMC JHMM .7 53.23 +0.35 .1511 PrincipalTaxAdv PQDI 4.7 21.61 –0.04 .0824 SPDRBloomBarc1-10Y TIPX 3.4 21.28 +0.05 .1275 SonicGlbShip BOAT ... 26.44 +1.29 ... VangdSC VB 1.1 223.32 –0.26 .5554
iShiBdsMar2023Cp IBDD 2.2 27.00 ... .0438 HancockMultiSC JHSC 1.1 34.99 ... .1697 PrincUltShtAct USI 1.6 24.70 ... .0243 SPDRBloomBar1-3MTB BIL .0 91.47 ... .0033 SoundEnhFixed SDEF 2.5 21.04 –0.04 .2039 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 1.8 55.27 –0.12 .0716
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 4.4 87.46 +0.08 .2829 HancockTech JHMT .5 92.44 –0.67 .2217 ProShDJBrkGlIn TOLZ 3.4 47.14 +0.32 .6554 SPDRBloomBarSTHYBd SJNK 4.5 27.32 ... .0874 SoundEquIncm SDEI 1.7 25.49 +0.57 .1805 VangdTotalStk VTI 1.2 230.15 +1.28 .6753
iShIntRtHdgCorpBd LQDH 1.8 95.60 +0.04 .1145 HancockUtils JHMU 2.8 34.07 +0.43 .4144 ProShDecRetail EMTY ... 15.58 –0.39 ... SPDRBloomBarSTInTr BWZ .0 31.60 +0.07 .0021 SparkIntangVal ITAN ... 25.65 +0.12 ... VangdTotlWrld VT 1.6 105.88 +0.69 .5049
iShIntRateHdgEM EMBH 2.5 23.73 +0.03 .0426 JPMActiveIntl JIDA ... 49.80 +0.65 ... ProShHdgReplic HDG ... 51.65 –0.06 ... SPDR 3-12MT-Bill BILS ... 100.05 ... ... SPDR DJRlEst RWX 2.5 38.17 +0.08 .2878 VangdUtilities VPU 2.8 149.76 +2.39 1.014
iShIntRtHdgHiYdBd HYGH 3.8 87.28 +0.10 .2687 JPMActiveUSLC JUSA ... 50.45 +0.35 ... ProShInflationExp RINF 1.3 29.64 –0.01 .195 SPDRBlSASBCpBd RBND 1.8 25.09 +0.05 .0397 SPDR DJREIT RWR 3.1 110.56 –0.26 .697 VangdValue VTV 2.1 142.18 +2.00 .7421
iShIntRtLTCpBd IGBH 2.0 25.09 +0.03 .0329 JPMBeta US MC BBMC .8 89.43 –0.09 .1823 ProShLgOnline CLIX 1.7 72.78 –1.64 .7962 SPDRDoubleTRTact TOTL 2.8 48.36 +0.02 .1086 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 1.6 355.39 +3.30 .2067 VectorMinVol VSPY ... 10.02 –0.01 ...
iShJPM EM LC Bd LEMB ... 43.20 +0.22 ... JPMBeta US SC BBSC .4 65.36 –0.55 .1249 ProShMSCITransform ANEW .2 46.35 +0.12 .0587 SPDRDJGlbRealEst RWO 2.6 53.96 –0.03 .353 SPDR EurSTOXX FEZ 2.1 48.32 +0.71 .5632 VesperUSLCShort UTRN .9 36.05 +0.43 2.3583
iShJPX-Nikkei400 JPXN 1.5 73.07 +1.07 .5781 JPMCarbonUS JCTR .8 60.30 +0.46 .1775 ProShOnlRetail ONLN 1.3 71.58 –0.92 .5695 SPDRIntGovBd WIP 3.2 57.12 +0.32 .1741 SPDR MSCI exUS CWI 2.1 30.21 +0.27 .3207 VicShUSAACrIntBd UITB 1.9 54.08 ... .0682
iShLatinAmerica40 ILF 2.2 29.85 +0.02 .378 JPMCorpBdResearch JIGB 2.6 56.22 +0.07 .1153 ProShRAFI L/S RALS 1.3 31.44 +0.20 .0733 SPDRFactSetInnTech XITK .1 215.95 –3.86 .1274 SpdrSPIntDiv DWX 3.4 40.66 +0.60 .5133 VicSh USAAShtBd USTB 1.5 51.85 –0.06 .0734
iShACWILowCarbon CRBN 1.3 170.19 +1.00 1.161 JPM DivRetEM JPEM 3.2 59.00 +0.64 .801 ProShS&P500Bd SPXB 2.1 92.32 +0.23 .1538 SPDRGlobalDow DGT 2.0 113.45 +1.83 .8154 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY .9 498.11 +2.65 1.2846 VicShUSAA EMVal UEVM 3.4 48.90 –0.71 .5962
iShMSCIAustralia EWA 2.2 26.61 +0.27 .3765 JPM DivRetIntlEq JPIN 2.6 63.12 +0.34 .6193 ProShS&P500xEner SPXE 1.0 96.88 +0.67 .2703 SPDRGoldMini GLDM ... 17.68 +0.17 ... SPDR S&P 500 SPY 1.2 445.92 +3.43 1.3759 VicShUSAA IntlVal UIVM 3.1 50.57 +0.35 .3338
iShMSCIAustria EWO 1.7 25.30 +0.56 .2352 JPM DivRetUS Eq JPUS 1.5 100.00 +1.09 .3687 ProShS&P500xFin SPXN 1.0 94.02 +0.58 .2509 SPDR Gold GLD ... 166.39 +1.75 ... SPDR S&P Biotch XBI .2 124.62 –2.67 .04 VicSh USA SC Val USVM .9 71.22 –0.22 .0161
iShMSCIBRICETF BKF 1.1 49.71 +0.34 .1684 JPM Div US MC JPME 1.3 90.25 +0.81 .2823 ProShS&P500xHlth SPXV 1.2 93.60 +0.69 .3701 SPDR ICE Pfd PSK 5.1 43.73 –0.20 .18 SPDR SP China GXC 1.1 116.27 +1.26 .4954 VicShUSAA USAVal ULVM 1.2 67.71 +0.83 .0546
iShMSCIBelgium EWK 1.9 22.52 +0.32 .2521 JPM Div US SC JPSE 1.0 43.63 –0.20 .0788 ProShS&P500xTech SPXT 1.3 76.67 +0.68 .2494 SPDRACWILowCarbon LOWC 1.5 130.17 +0.92 .9308 SPDR S&P Div SDY 2.6 125.52 +1.88 .7634 VidentUSBdStrat VBND 1.5 51.90 +0.10 .2157
iShMSCIBrazil EWZ 2.4 36.99 –0.58 .6261 JPMEquityPrem JEPI 7.6 62.19 +0.46 .2572 ProShShtBasicMat SBM ... 9.91 –0.28 ... SPDREAFEFossilFr EFAX 2.0 86.42 +1.20 1.1084 SPDR SP EmAsPac GMF 1.3 125.67 +0.10 .5768 VidentCoreUSEquity VUSE 1.1 44.40 +0.62 .1155
iShMSCICanadaETF EWC 1.6 37.71 +0.22 .2331 JPM IntlGrwth JIG .0 79.82 +1.09 .0305 ProShShtDow30 DOG ... 32.95 –0.33 ... SPDRMSCIEAFEStrat QEFA 1.9 78.65 +1.16 .9264 SPDR S&P Home XHB .5 77.51 +1.75 .0953 VidentIntlEquityFd VIDI 3.1 27.65 +0.07 .3846
iShMSCIChinaSC ECNS 3.2 53.92 +1.80 .5596 JPMShDurCore JSCP 1.2 50.16 –0.05 .0523 ProShShortEuro EUFX ... 43.36 –0.13 ... SPDREMFossilFuelFr EEMX 1.4 76.69 –0.60 .3414 SPDR IntlSC GWX 1.7 39.18 +0.27 .3715 ViridiCleanerEn RIGZ ... 36.13 +0.59 ...
iShMSCIColombia ICOL 2.3 9.76 +0.49 .0387 JPMUSAggregateBd JAGG 1.4 54.81 +0.05 .061 ProShShXinhuaCh25 YXI ... 15.47 –0.37 ... SPDRMSCIEMStrat QEMM 2.2 68.35 +0.25 .3567 SPDR S&P MtlMng XME .7 45.88 +2.35 .0862 VirtusDuffClnEn VCLN ... 25.56 +0.08 ...
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 2.2 81.42 +1.11 1.1018 JPMUSDEMSovBd JPMB 4.3 49.93 +0.20 .1704 ProShShtFinls SEF ... 12.24 –0.10 ... SPDRMSCIUSAStrat QUS 1.4 124.26 +0.79 .7413 SPDRS&POilGasExpl XOP 1.7 80.23 –1.90 .3476 VirtusInfrUSPfd PFFA 7.4 25.38 –0.05 .16
iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 1.5 51.73 –0.21 .2408 JPM US Dividend JDIV 3.1 33.25 +0.56 .1067 ProShShortHY SJB ... 17.86 –0.02 ... SPDRMSCIWorldStrat QWLD 1.6 107.75 +1.11 .9207 SPDR S&P Pharm XPH .5 50.06 –0.95 .0836 VirtusLifeSciBio BBC ... 45.25 –0.62 ...
iSh MSCI EM SC EEMS 2.0 61.00 –1.07 .3836 JPMUSMinimumVol JMIN 2.2 36.56 +0.36 .1001 ProShShMSCI EAFE EFZ ... 17.74 –0.25 ... SPDR NYSE Tech XNTK .3 159.57 –2.03 .1005 SPDR S&P Retail XRT .7 95.66 +0.67 .121 VirtusLifeSciBio BBP ... 50.39 –1.24 ...
iShMSCIFranceETF EWQ 1.5 39.56 +0.47 .4345 JPM US Moment JMOM .7 45.25 –0.06 .0635 ProShShtMSCI EM EUM ... 12.43 +0.05 ... SPDRNuvBBHYMuni HYMB 3.3 60.82 –0.06 .1293 SPDR S&P Semi XSD .1 195.52 –2.83 .0132 VirtusNewABS VABS 1.8 25.04 –0.01 .0177
iShMSCIFrontier FM 2.0 33.73 +0.61 .4904 JPM USQualFactor JQUA 1.4 42.60 +0.11 .1171 ProShShtMC400 MYY ... 24.03 –0.14 ... SPDRNuveenMuniBd TFI 1.8 52.10 –0.15 .0714 SprottGoldMiners SGDM .3 27.67 –0.29 .0928 VirtusNewfleetHYBd BLHY 4.4 24.55 –0.06 .0999
iShMSCIGermanyETF EWG 2.1 35.34 +0.60 .6034 JPM US Value JVAL 1.4 37.16 +0.41 .115 ProShShtOil&Gas DDG ... 17.88 +0.02 ... SPDRNuveenSTMuniBd SHM .9 49.59 –0.06 .0296 SprottJrGoldMiners SGDJ 2.4 41.19 –1.51 .9687 VirtusNewMultiBd NFLT 3.4 25.46 –0.04 .0686
iShMSCIGlblAgriPrd VEGI 1.2 40.44 +1.27 .2007 KFADynFixIncm KDFI 4.2 21.83 –0.02 .0556 ProShShortQQQ PSQ ... 11.89 –0.02 ... SPDRPtfAggBd SPAB 2.2 30.14 +0.02 .0508 StanceEquityLC STNC ... 27.58 +0.37 ... VirtusPrvCrd VPC 6.9 25.55 +0.25 .22
iShMSCIGloblEnProd FILL 3.3 15.99 +0.03 .2403 KFA LCQualDiv KLCD 2.0 33.73 +0.55 .6756 ProShShtRE REK ... 8.86 +0.02 ... SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 2.2 37.64 +0.35 .51 SterlingCapFocus LCG ... 30.23 –0.20 ... VirtusRealAsset VRAI 4.2 26.36 ... .18
iShMSCIGlbMulti ACWF 1.7 38.78 +0.21 .3299 KFA MtLucas KMLM ... 28.81 +0.42 ... ProShShtRus2000 RWM ... 21.60 +0.20 ... SPDRPtfEM SPEM 2.0 43.16 +0.12 .3546 SyntaxStratLC SSPY 1.2 68.20 +0.63 .9121 VirtusReavesUtil UTES 2.0 44.49 +0.74 .23
iShMSCIHongKong EWH 2.3 26.00 +0.11 .3816 KFA SCQualDiv KSCD 1.4 28.12 +0.24 .3992 ProShShrtS&P500 SH ... 14.75 –0.11 ... SPDR PtfEurope SPEU 2.4 43.76 +0.65 .492 SyntaxStratMC SMDY .7 40.22 +0.02 .301 VirtusSeixSrLoan SEIX 3.4 25.08 +0.02 .0495
iShMSCIIndonesia EIDO 1.5 20.76 +0.32 .1421 KFAValLineDynCore KVLE .3 24.81 +0.18 .0731 ProShSh7-10YrTr TBX ... 24.11 –0.04 ... SPDR PtfHYBd SPHY 5.3 26.71 +0.03 .1093 SyntaxStratifiedSC SSLY .4 52.84 –0.38 .1946 VolsharesLC VSL 1.1 43.67 +0.07 .0651
iShMSCIIntlMom IMTM 1.1 40.25 +0.45 .3117 KnowldgLdrDevWrld KLDW .5 47.96 +0.34 .2568 ProShShrtSC600 SBB ... 17.42 +0.07 ... SPDRPtfIntermCpBd SPIB 1.7 36.76 +0.02 .0457 SyntaxStratUSTM SYUS ... 43.74 +0.34 ... WBIBullBrGlbIncm WBII 3.1 24.87 +0.05 .0709
iShMSCIIntlMulti INTF 2.9 30.70 +0.47 .6779 Krane AP HY Bd KHYB 6.7 38.42 +0.36 .1542 ProShSh20+Tr TBF ... 16.29 –0.08 ... SPDR PtfIntTrea SPTI .4 32.63 ... .0153 SyntaxStrUSTMH SHUS ... 40.73 +0.23 ... WBIBullBrQu3000 WBIL .2 31.61 –0.10 .0302
iShMSCIIntlQual IQLT 1.8 40.31 +0.54 .4778 KraneBBCnBd KBND 2.4 34.84 –0.07 .0699 ProShUltBscMtls UYM .4 102.10 +5.23 .1467 SPDRPtfLTCorpBd SPLB 3.0 32.10 +0.16 .0784 TRowePriceBlueChip TCHP ... 32.80 –0.16 ... WBIBullBrTdUS WBIT 2.8 20.64 +0.10 .1919
iShMSCIIntlSize ISZE 2.2 32.23 +0.35 .429 KraneBoseraChinaA KBA .6 46.10 +0.60 .2976 ProShUltBlmCrude UCO ... 70.57 –0.46 ... SPDRPtfLgTermTrea SPTL 1.6 42.47 +0.19 .0612 TRowePriceDivGwth TDVG .7 33.15 +0.33 .0634 WBIBullBrVal3000 WBIF 1.2 32.16 +0.22 .2026
iShMSCIIntlSC ISCF 2.4 37.77 +0.31 .4221 KraneCICCCnCnsmr KBUY ... 23.88 +0.65 ... ProshUltBlmNatGas BOIL ... 39.54 –5.84 ... SPDR PtfGSM SPGM 1.5 56.79 +0.58 .4306 TRowePriceEqIncm TEQI 1.4 35.34 +0.53 .1313 WBIBullBrYd3000 WBIG 1.6 27.34 +0.18 .061
iShMSCIIntlValue IVLU 2.1 26.43 +0.45 .3024 KraneCICCCn5GSemi KFVG ... 26.62 –1.10 ... ProShUltCnsGds UGE .2 96.60 +2.77 .093 SPDRPtfMtgBkdBd SPMB 2.7 25.84 –0.01 .0526 TRowePriceGrowth TGRW .0 33.36 –0.11 .0318 WBIPwrFactorHiDiv WBIY 3.9 27.94 +0.48 .3191
iShMSCIIreland EIRL .6 61.24 +2.12 .3344 KraneCICCChina KFYP 2.7 31.37 +0.59 .8337 ProShUltCnsSvs UCC ... 101.59 –0.11 ... SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 2.0 40.67 +0.45 .202 TRowePriceUSEquity TSPA ... 26.43 +0.20 ... WedETFMGGlbCld IVES ... 51.38 –0.21 ...
iShMSCIIsrael EIS .2 69.36 –0.36 .1184 KraneCSIChInt KWEB .5 48.20 –0.47 .2214 ProShUltDow30 DDM .1 76.31 +1.38 .0266 SPDRPtfS&P1500 SPTM 1.2 55.00 +0.41 .1736 TechSelectSector XLK .7 154.99 +0.13 .2595 WedbushVideoGame GAMR .9 86.44 –0.99 .09
iShMSCIItaly EWI 1.9 33.94 +0.93 .4099 KraneElcVehicle KARS .1 48.59 –0.52 .0574 ProShUlt Euro ULE ... 14.48 +0.12 ... SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 1.3 52.44 +0.41 .1671 TeucriumAgriFd TAGS ... 27.20 +0.86 ... WilshirewShEnhGold WGLD ... 17.86 +0.17 ...
iShMSCIJapan EWJ 1.1 68.64 +0.82 .5049 KraneEMCnsTech KEMQ 2.6 29.02 –0.34 .7438 ProShUltFTSEEurope UPV ... 73.85 +2.22 ... SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG .7 66.31 +0.30 .1056 TeucriumCornFd CORN ... 21.12 +0.40 ... WisdTrUSDBull USDU .7 25.51 –0.10 .1726
iShMSCIJapanSC SCJ .7 80.76 +0.82 .5942 KraneEMHlthcrIndex KMED .0 32.90 –0.22 .0082 ProShXinhuaChina25 XPP ... 55.56 +2.33 ... SPDRS&P500HiDiv SPYD 4.7 40.55 +0.62 .3989 TeucriumSoybeanFd SOYB ... 23.32 +0.32 ... WisdTrCBOES&P500 PUTW 1.3 32.42 –0.02 .4086
iShMSCIKLD400Soc DSI 1.0 86.33 +0.51 .1718 KraneGlblCarbon KRBN ... 36.66 –0.59 ... ProShUltFinls UYG .2 67.13 +1.11 .0229 SPDRPtfS&P400MC SPMD 1.1 47.89 +0.26 .1604 TeucriumSugarFd CANE ... 9.50 +0.55 ... WisdTrChineseYuan CYB .4 27.72 +0.07 .1118
iShMSCIKokusaiETF TOK 1.4 98.51 +0.72 .7378 KraneHangSengTECH KTEC ... 20.20 +0.05 ... ProShUltraGold UGL ... 57.40 +1.17 ... SPDRPtfS&P600SC SPSM 1.0 43.23 –0.16 .1226 TeucriumWheatFd WEAT ... 7.44 +0.31 ... WisdTrEmgCurr CEW .7 17.94 +0.11 .1181
iShMSCIMalaysiaETF EWM 3.4 24.77 +0.26 .841 KraneChinaHlthCr KURE .0 38.60 –1.05 .0001 ProShUltHlthCr RXL .1 103.68 +0.60 .013 SPDRPtfSTCpBd SPSB 1.3 31.27 ... .024 TimothyHiDiv TPHD 2.1 31.11 +0.49 .0302 WT EM EffCore NTSE .6 39.52 –0.12 .06
iShMSCIMexico EWW 1.8 49.62 +0.78 .387 KraneAllChina KALL 1.1 32.10 +0.49 .3487 ProShUltraHY UJB 2.2 77.60 +0.07 1.7338 SPDRShtTermTrea SPTS .2 30.65 –0.01 .0047 TimothyPlanHiDiv TPHE .3 25.80 +0.43 .0054 WisdTrEMxSOE XSOE 1.4 38.81 –0.39 .22
iShMSCINetherlands EWN .9 51.24 +0.79 .329 KraneMSCICnClean KGRN .0 46.18 –1.54 .0026 ProShUltIndls UXI .1 34.22 +0.76 .0104 SPDR PtfTIPS SPIP 3.9 31.49 +0.07 .1943 TimothyPlanIntl TPIF 1.9 30.09 +0.35 .0035 WisdTrEM HiDiv DEM 4.6 44.94 +0.11 .64
iShMSCIPacificxJp EPP 2.2 52.10 +0.41 .6213 KraneMSCICnLdrs KESG .0 31.31 +0.45 .1511 ProShUltBrazil UBR ... 34.07 –1.03 ... SPDRRuss1000LowVol ONEV 1.5 108.09 +1.24 .3744 TimothyUS LMC TPLC .7 36.42 +0.22 .0062 WisdTrEMLocDebt ELD 4.8 32.07 +0.06 .125
iShMSCIPeru EPU 1.7 26.55 +0.17 .26 KraneEMxChina KEMX 1.6 31.94 –0.31 .498 ProShUltMSCIEAFE EFO ... 54.65 +1.45 ... SPDRRuss1000Mom ONEO 1.1 102.14 +1.19 .2674 TimothyPlanUSLMCap TPLE .1 25.65 +0.19 .0021 WisdTrEMMulti EMMF 2.1 25.58 +0.08 .225
iShMSCIPhilippines EPHE 1.0 28.26 –0.16 .2149 KraneSh1Belt1Road OBOR 1.8 30.80 –0.09 .5493 ProShUltMSCIEM EET ... 94.08 –0.75 ... SPDRRuss1000Yd ONEY 2.4 97.13 +1.50 .5399 Timothy US SC TPSC 1.0 33.66 +0.04 .0074 WisdTrEM SC DGS 3.7 53.81 –0.39 .755
iShMSCIPoland EPOL .7 22.25 +0.49 .0613 KraneSSEStr50 KSTR ... 26.65 –0.11 ... ProShrUltraJapan EZJ ... 47.55 +1.05 ... SPDRMomentumTilt MMTM .8 188.99 +1.34 .4163 TortoiseNAPipeline TPYP 4.7 21.99 +0.11 .2668 WTEnhCmdStrategyFd GCC ... 22.04 +0.16 ...
iShMSCIRussia ERUS 4.1 45.05 +0.82 .5757 LCGrowthETN2028 FRLG ... 323.02 +0.92 ... ProShUltMC400 MVV .1 65.80 +0.71 .0185 SPDRS&P1500ValTilt VLU 1.6 150.02 +1.87 .6348 TrajanWealthIncm TWIO 2.2 10.29 ... .0575 WisdTrEuropeHdg HEDJ 2.6 80.65 +1.41 1.005
iShMSCISaudiArabia KSA 1.1 41.16 +0.65 .0942 LeaderActivLdrs ACTV .1 38.58 +0.10 .0318 ProShUltOilGas DIG 2.2 60.46 –0.42 .3137 SPDR S&P500MidGr MDYG .6 78.27 ... .112 TransamDeltaS&PEM DMRE 1.3 55.84 –0.42 .2444 WisdTrEuropeHdgSM EUSC 3.5 36.93 +0.40 .615
iShMSCISingapore EWS 2.7 23.62 +0.04 .2799 LeaderAlphaFactor LSAT .2 35.95 +0.28 .0895 ProShUltraQQQ QLD ... 77.51 +0.29 ... SPDR S&P400MidVl MDYV 1.5 68.77 +0.69 .3147 TrendAggCon TACE 2.0 25.57 +0.01 .0435 WisdTrEurQualDiv EUDG 2.4 35.36 +0.65 .355
iShMSCISouthAfrica EZA 4.7 48.45 +0.26 .4915 LeaderAlphaUSCore LSAF .3 33.86 +0.38 .0248 ProShrUltraRE URE .5 96.85 –0.27 .0763 SPDRS&P600SmallCap SLY 1.0 96.02 –0.45 .2745 TrendAggGrowth TAAG .0 26.95 –0.26 4.0115 WisdTrEuropeSC DFE 2.4 77.07 +0.86 1.105
iShMSCISthKorea EWY .7 86.35 –4.04 .6303 LeaderSharesDynYd DYLD ... 25.35 +0.02 ... ProShrUltraRus UWM .0 55.19 –1.22 .0033 SPDR S&P600SCpGr SLYG .6 88.86 –0.98 .133 TrueESGActOpps ECOZ .3 39.79 ... .136 WisdTrFRTrea USFR .0 25.11 +0.01 .003
iShMSCISpain EWP 3.2 28.57 +0.38 .4289 LeaderShEqSkew SQEW .7 36.72 –0.14 .2592 ProShUltraS&P SSO .2 129.07 +1.93 .0439 SPDR S&P600SCapVal SLYV 1.3 82.91 +0.17 .2984 TrueShLowVol DIVZ 1.9 29.10 +0.57 .2046 WisdTrGlbxUSQual DNL 1.8 42.84 +0.18 .20
iShMSCISweden EWD 2.9 48.97 +0.69 1.1243 LeatherbackL/S LBAY 3.0 23.92 +0.76 .06 ProShUltSemi USD .0 35.39 –1.73 .0064 SPDR Aero Dfns XAR .8 122.80 –2.86 .117 TrueTechAI LRNZ ... 46.11 –0.02 ... WisdTrGlbxUSREFd DRW 5.8 26.91 +0.51 .75
WisdTrGlbHiDiv DEW 3.6 49.37 +0.72 .49
iShMSCISwitz EWL 1.8 51.04 +0.92 .9149 LeutholdCore LCR .6 30.73 +0.15 .1752 ProShrUl7-10Trs UST .4 70.48 +0.20 .0676 SPDRS&PBank KBE 2.2 52.30 +0.47 .2424 UBS FIEnhGlbHY FIHD ... 238.55 +7.94 ... WisdTrGrwLdrs PLAT .1 47.60 ... .0474
iShMSCITaiwan EWT 1.6 62.77 –1.92 .9727 MatlsSelSectorSPDR XLB 1.6 86.45 +2.31 .3486 ProShUltSilver AGQ ... 37.26 –2.08 ... SPDRS&PCapitalMkts KCE 1.7 98.55 +0.41 .3894 UBS FIEnhLCGrw FBGX ... 751.51 +1.89 ... WisdTrIndiaEarn EPI .7 35.46 +0.23 .085
iShMSCIThailand THD 2.4 72.42 +1.01 1.2785 MerlynAIBullBr WIZ .5 35.98 +0.16 .0034 ProShUltSC600 SAA .0 30.54 –0.29 .0064 SPDREmMktsDiv EDIV 2.9 29.68 +0.27 .3717 USCF Midstream UMI 3.5 28.23 +0.24 .2441 WisdTrIndiaxSOE IXSE .2 34.40 +0.38 .0098
iShMSCIUSAESGSelct SUSA 1.0 99.76 +0.59 .1932 MicroSecCannabis MJJ ... 77.11 –1.81 ... ProShUltTech ROM ... 107.11 +0.56 ... SPDR S&P EM SC EWX 2.1 59.20 –0.95 .449 USCF SummerDynCom SDCI ... 20.58 +0.18 ... WisdTrIntDivxFin DOO 3.9 44.16 +0.55 .52
iShMSCIUSAEqWeight EUSA 1.1 86.89 +0.53 .2294 MicroSecCannabis2X MJO ... 92.82 –4.10 ... ProShUltTelecom LTL 1.1 50.51 +0.56 .1717 SPDR S&P500 ESG EFIV 1.2 41.81 +0.36 .1297 USEquCumDiv2027 IDIV 12.8 10.57 –0.03 .1175 WT IntlEffCore NTSI .4 41.58 +0.51 .04
iShMSCIUSAMCMult MIDF .9 38.40 +0.46 .0464 MicroFANG+ETN FNGS ... 31.02 –0.33 ... ProShUlt20YrTr UBT ... 54.99 +0.48 ... SPDRS&P500Fossil SPYX 1.1 110.60 +0.94 .2938 USEquityxDiv2027 XDIV ... 100.19 +0.34 ... WisdTrIntlEquity DWM 3.0 56.23 +0.92 .715
iShMSCIUSAMulti LRGF 1.0 44.47 +0.50 .0919 MicroSectFANG+Invr GNAF ... 13.93 +0.14 ... ProShrUltraUtil UPW .8 67.58 +1.88 .1715 SPDRS&PGlbDividend WDIV 4.7 68.65 +0.76 .774 USGlbGOGold GOAU .3 18.62 –0.30 1.0359 WisdTrIntlHdgQual IHDG 2.3 46.41 +0.52 .335
iShMSCIUSASize SIZE 1.2 132.90 +0.76 .373 MicroFANG-3XInvr FNGD ... 2.57 +0.07 ... ProShUltraYen YCL ... 52.58 +0.61 ... SPDRS&PGlbInfr GII 2.3 53.39 +0.36 .4597 U.S.GlobalJetsETF JETS .0 22.81 –0.31 .0086 WisdTrIntlHiDiv DTH 4.3 40.55 +0.78 .655
iShMSCIUSASCMul SMLF 1.1 55.14 +0.08 .0957 MicroSectorsFANG3X FNGU ... 35.23 –1.16 ... ProShUltDow30 UDOW .2 79.47 +2.15 .0359 SPDRS&PGlbNatRes GNR 2.7 53.47 +0.83 .6913 USVeganClimate VEGN .5 40.84 +0.25 .0442 WisdTrIntlLC Div DOL 3.1 50.87 +0.88 .595
iShMSCIUK EWU 2.7 33.72 +0.48 .5664 MicroFANG-2XInvr FNGZ ... 2.93 +0.06 ... ProShUltMC400 UMDD .0 31.88 +0.44 .0046 SPDRS&PHlthCareEqp XHE ... 123.38 –5.23 ... UncommonPtf UGCE .3 26.51 +0.21 .0179 WisdTrIntlMC Div DIM 2.9 70.25 +1.06 1.105
iShMSCIWorldETF URTH 1.4 131.36 +1.31 .9969 MicroSectFANG+2X FNGO ... 44.75 –0.98 ... ProShUltRus2000 URTY .0 102.64 –3.42 .0027 SPDRS&PHlthCareSvs XHS .2 107.34 –3.61 .0406 UtilitiesSelSector XLU 2.9 68.68 +1.23 .4943 WisdTrIntlMult DWMF 3.2 26.89 +0.30 .45
iShMornGrw ILCG .2 67.68 +0.04 .0576 MicroSecGold3XInvr GDXD ... 21.27 +0.75 ... ProShUltS&P500 UPRO .0 127.33 +2.71 .0289 SPDRS&PInsurance KIE 1.8 39.52 +0.59 .2086 VanEckInfltn RAAX 5.4 25.74 +0.17 1.392 WisdTrIntlSC DLS 2.7 77.00 +0.99 1.065
iShMornMC IMCB .9 68.64 +0.47 .1639 MicroSecGold3XLvgd GDXU ... 13.29 –0.68 ... ProShUltShtDow30 SDOW ... 29.69 –0.87 ... SPDRS&PInternetETF XWEB .4 168.18 –2.79 .2548 VanEckMerkGoldTr OUNZ ... 17.31 +0.18 ... WisdTrJapanHdg DXJ 2.1 61.14 +0.42 .4735
iShMornMCGrw IMCG .2 70.90 –0.04 .0827 MicroUSBigBk3X BNKD ... 11.27 –1.22 ... ProShShtMC400 SMDD ... 25.71 –0.48 ... SPDRS&PKenCleanPwr CNRG .8 97.16 –1.48 .3435 VanEckAfrica AFK 3.6 21.82 +0.23 .796 WisdTrJapanSC DFJ 2.2 75.93 +0.93 .6978
iShMornSC ISCB 1.0 56.83 –0.39 .1198 MicroUSBigBk3X BNKU ... 59.39 +4.52 ... ProShShtRus2000 SRTY ... 9.75 +0.31 ... SPDRS&PKenFinalFr ROKT 1.8 40.84 –0.42 .0368 VanEckAgribus MOO .9 93.65 +2.10 .8564 WisdTrMgdFut WTMF .4 41.44 +0.33 .1728
iShMornSCGrw ISCG .2 50.12 –0.74 .069 MicrUSBigOil3InLv NRGD ... 14.90 +0.25 ... ProShUltS&P500 SPXU ... 16.01 –0.34 ... SPDRS&PKenFut FITE .7 51.51 –0.08 .0094 VanEckBDCIncome BIZD 7.9 17.43 +0.34 .3181 WisdTrMtgPlBdFd MTGP 1.8 50.99 –0.05 .075
iShMornSCValue ISCV 1.6 57.51 +0.28 .1641 MicrUSBigOil3Lev NRGU ... 117.00 –3.64 ... ProShUltShrt20YTr TTT ... 32.86 –0.53 ... SPDRS&PKenInt SIMS .9 46.28 –0.22 .2146 VanEckBrazilSC BRF 1.6 21.51 –0.54 .3529 WisdTrUSDivxFin DTN 2.8 98.61 +1.72 .205
iShMornUS ILCB 1.1 63.03 +0.41 .1521 MorganExosSpac SPXZ ... 17.92 –0.21 ... ProShUltShtAUD CROC ... 47.44 –0.72 ... SPDRS&PKenNewEc KOMP 1.0 63.27 –0.92 .1368 VanEckChinaGrwth GLCN .2 42.59 +0.44 6.0309 WisdTrUSEff NTSX .9 42.50 +0.32 .085
iShMornValue ILCV 2.1 66.49 +0.75 .2508 NationwideMaxDivUS MXDU 1.6 41.59 +0.15 .6615 ProShUSBscMtls SMN ... 12.89 –0.72 ... SPDRS&PKenSmart HAIL .8 56.60 –1.23 .145 VanEckChinaBond CBON 2.6 24.36 +0.16 .0494 WisdTrUSHiDiv DHS 3.7 80.85 +1.49 .285
iShNatlMuniBd MUB 1.9 117.21 –0.20 .1715 NationRiskBaseIntl RBIN 1.7 29.15 +0.42 .4885 ProShUltBloomCrd SCO ... 18.92 –0.02 ... SPDRS&PNAmNatlRscs NANR 2.5 39.81 +0.11 .4393 VanEckSMEChiNxt CNXT .0 51.71 –1.19 .0038 WisdTrUSLCDivFd DLN 2.2 125.25 +1.75 .24
iShNewYorkMuniBd NYF 1.9 58.43 –0.06 .0862 NationRiskBasedUS RBUS 1.2 39.82 +0.42 .4651 ProShUltShBlmGas KOLD ... 18.35 +2.24 ... SPDRS&POil&GasEq XES 1.8 50.44 –1.09 .0653 VanEckEgypt EGPT 2.4 25.66 +0.15 .625 WisdTrUSLCFd EPS 1.5 48.02 +0.45 .185
iShResidentMultiRE REZ 2.4 88.58 –0.65 .4605 NationRiskMgd NUSI 7.4 28.80 +0.12 .1817 ProShUSCnsmrGd SZK ... 14.35 –0.45 ... SPDRS&PRegionalBkg KRE 2.1 65.90 +0.22 .3244 VanEckEM AggBd EMAG 4.2 20.87 +0.11 .072 WisdTrUSMCDivFd DON 2.0 42.90 +0.57 .045
iShRobotics&AI IRBO .6 43.60 –0.09 .0869 NatixisShrtDur LSST 1.4 25.26 ... .0166 ProShUSCnsmrSvc SCC ... 9.47 +0.01 ... SPDRS&PSft&Svs XSW .0 172.59 –1.06 .0033 VanEckEMHYBond HYEM 5.2 23.64 +0.10 .1049 WisdTrUSMCFd EZM 1.2 53.65 +0.37 .15
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF .5 283.64 +0.44 .3021 NatixisUSEqOpps EQOP .0 35.55 +0.25 .0311 ProShUltDow30 DXD ... 8.78 –0.17 ... SPDRS&PTelecom XTL .8 98.79 –0.97 .1754 VanEckEnerIncm EINC 4.6 53.62 +0.30 .7437 WisdTrUSQualShr QSY 1.5 61.74 +0.62 .24
iShRussell1000 IWB 1.1 251.04 +1.65 .5454 NatixisVaughanMC VNMC .1 35.02 +0.08 .1212 ProShUltShEuro EUO ... 24.04 –0.16 ... SPDRS&PTransport XTN 1.2 85.88 +1.75 .0517 VanEckEnvironSvcs EVX .3 148.04 +3.00 .3906 WisdTrUSSCDiv DES 2.0 32.11 +0.32 .05
iShRussell1000Val IWD 1.5 163.19 +1.85 .585 NatixisVaughanNel VNSE .0 34.65 –0.03 .0171 ProShUltChina50 FXP ... 35.31 –1.73 ... SPDRSSGAFxScRt FISR 2.4 31.47 +0.05 .0445 VanEckGoldMiner GDX .6 32.82 –0.42 .1899 WisdTrUSSCFd EES 1.0 49.26 +0.29 .13
iShRussell2000Gwth IWO .3 297.24 –5.79 .1292 NETLeaseCpRlEst NETL 7.0 31.90 –0.07 .09 ProShrUltShFTSEEur EPV ... 11.06 –0.36 ... SPDRGenderDivers SHE 1.0 104.51 +0.25 .2567 VanEckGreenBd GRNB 1.9 27.51 +0.04 .0491 WisdTrUSTotalDivFd DTD 2.2 123.05 +1.69 .235
iShRussell2000 IWM .9 221.13 –2.26 .3472 NiftyIndiaFinls INDF ... 35.52 +0.29 ... ProShUltShFin SKF ... 9.19 –0.15 ... SPDR US LC Low Vol LGLV 2.0 140.22 +1.18 .6394 VanEckIndiaGrwth GLIN .2 40.76 +0.08 .0783 WisdTrUSTMFd RESP 1.0 48.95 +0.55 .125
iShRussell2000Val IWN 1.2 161.43 –0.21 .3896 NoShoreGlUran URNM 2.0 55.23 –1.58 1.1043 ProShUltShGold GLL ... 34.22 –0.84 ... SPDR SSGA US XLSR .8 46.03 +0.44 .0864 VanEckIndonesia IDX 1.9 18.31 +0.21 .3429 WisdTrYdUSAggBd AGGY 2.2 52.64 +0.03 .09
iShRussell3000 IWV 1.1 264.21 +1.43 .5364 NuvDivGrowth NDVG ... 25.40 +0.21 ... ProShrUSHlthCr RXD ... 13.25 –0.11 ... SPDR US SC LowVol SMLV 2.1 114.40 +0.19 .6951 VanEckIntlHYBd IHY 4.5 25.53 +0.15 .0937 XtrkFTSEDevxUS DEEF 3.5 33.02 +0.26 .4868
iShMicro-CapETF IWC .7 143.82 –2.14 .1159 NuvESGHYCorpBd NUHY 4.9 24.65 –0.03 .0881 ProShUltShIndls SIJ ... 13.68 –0.31 ... SPDRSSgAGlbAll GAL 1.9 46.78 +0.25 .3136 VanEckInvtGrFR FLTR .8 25.37 ... .0124 XtrkrsHarvCSI300 ASHR .8 38.70 +0.50 .3248
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 1.0 80.89 +0.43 .1546 NuvESGUSAggBd NUBD 2.1 26.18 +0.02 .0412 ProShUltra7-10 PST ... 15.79 –0.11 ... SPDRSSgAIncmAllctn INKM 3.7 35.83 +0.15 .3894 VanEckIsrael ISRA .2 46.49 –0.41 .0763 XtrkrsHarvCSI500 ASHS .4 40.20 +0.99 .1531
iShRussellMCValue IWS 1.3 117.67 +1.04 .3021 NuvEnhYd1-5Y NUSA 2.3 25.22 –0.01 .0436 ProShUltBrazil BZQ ... 13.81 +0.39 ... SPDRSSgAMultiAsset RLY 1.9 28.84 +0.24 .2173 VanEckJPMEMLCBd EMLC 4.9 30.82 +0.13 .1265 XtrkrsHiBetHYBd HYUP 7.2 47.92 +0.01 .22
iShRussellTop200Gr IWY .6 158.27 +0.42 .1732 NuvEnhYdUSAgg NUAG 2.6 25.09 +0.05 .0188 ProShrUS MSCI EAFE EFU ... 9.74 –0.27 ... SPDRSSgAUltraShrt ULST .7 40.43 +0.01 .0156 VanEckJrGold GDXJ 2.0 42.85 –0.75 .8554 XtrkIntlRealEst HAUZ 4.9 28.95 +0.30 .8839
iShRussellTop200 IWL 1.1 107.13 +0.72 .2568 NuvSCSelect NSCS ... 25.31 –0.24 ... ProShUltMSCIEM EEV ... 16.43 +0.13 ... SPFdsDJGlbSukuk SPSK 2.3 19.93 –0.04 .042 VanEckLong/Flat LFEQ 1.7 41.39 +0.28 .7143 XtrkrsJpnJPXNik400 JPN 1.9 33.11 +0.51 .2574
iShRussellTop200Vl IWX 1.7 68.46 +0.83 .2773 NuvWinLCGrw NWLG ... 25.02 –0.04 ... ProShrUS MSCI Jpn EWV ... 13.31 –0.32 ... SPFdsS&P500Sharia SPUS .9 30.43 +0.22 .026 VanEckLowCarbon SMOG .1 158.76 –0.45 .0918 XtrrsLowBetHYBd HYDW 3.9 50.84 +0.08 .1311
iShS&P100 OEF 1.2 205.12 +1.98 .4998 OverlayCoreBd OVB 3.2 26.37 +0.06 .239 ProShUltMC400 MZZ ... 17.26 –0.19 ... SPFdsS&PGlShar SPRE 3.3 24.63 +0.08 .067 VanEckMtgREIT MORT 6.9 19.09 +0.13 .301 XtrkACWIxUSESGLd ACSG 1.9 33.66 +0.06 .3473
iShS&PMC400Growth IJK .6 81.66 –0.01 .0824 OverlayFgnEqu OVF 4.8 27.79 +0.43 .5406 ProShrUSOilGas DUG ... 13.35 +0.06 ... SchwabEM Equity SCHE 2.4 31.08 +0.12 .2021 VanEckNatRscs HAP 2.0 46.80 +1.14 .9444 XtrkrsMSCIAllChina CN .8 42.04 +0.41 .3499
iShS&P500Growth IVW .6 76.53 +0.31 .0841 OverlayHdgLC OVLH ... 28.67 +0.22 ... ProShUltShtQQQ QID ... 18.98 –0.10 ... Schwab5-10YCpBd SCHI 2.0 52.78 +0.06 .0923 VanEckOilRefin CRAK 2.4 27.76 +0.17 .66 XtrkrsMSCIAWxUS HDAW 4.6 26.29 +0.32 .3715
iShGlobalEnergyETF IXC 4.1 25.04 –0.01 .4273 OverlayLCEq OVL 3.0 38.65 +0.34 .3117 ProShrUSRlEst SRS ... 14.79 –0.03 ... SchwabFundEmgLrg FNDE 2.4 31.81 +0.32 .1893 VanEckOilSvcs OIH 1.0 184.03 –1.88 1.8911 XtrkrsMSCIAWxUS DBAW 2.5 33.72 +0.18 .4503
iShGlobalHealthcr IXJ 1.1 87.53 +0.89 .5325 OverlayMuniBd OVM 3.3 26.36 –0.02 .2519 ProShUltShRus2000 TWM ... 14.05 +0.28 ... SchwabFundIntLrgCo FNDF 2.1 33.80 +0.42 .2683 VanEckPfdSecsxFin PFXF 4.5 21.65 +0.05 .0588 XtrkMChinaAIncl ASHX .8 29.77 +0.39 .2365
iShGlobalTechETF IXN .6 58.63 –0.11 .2046 OverlayShTermBd OVT 3.4 25.17 –0.05 .2231 ProShUltShtS&P500 SDS ... 8.30 –0.13 ... SchwabFundIntlSmCo FNDC 1.8 39.76 +0.33 .2084 VanEckRareEarth REMX .5 113.01 +1.34 .5348 XtrkESGLeaders EASG 2.2 32.05 +0.51 .4592
iShGloblFinancials IXG 1.1 80.57 +1.38 .28 OverlaySCEq OVS 2.4 36.65 –0.14 .2706 ProShrUSSemi SSG ... 31.35 +1.47 ... SchwabFundUSBrd FNDB 1.7 55.59 +0.75 .2135 VanEckSocSent BUZZ ... 25.68 +0.06 ... XtrkrsMSCIHiDiv HDEF 4.8 24.84 +0.43 .4137
iShS&P500Value IVE 1.8 151.72 +1.63 .5318 PgimActAggBd PAB 1.8 51.07 +0.17 .0717 ProShUltShtSilver ZSL ... 27.74 +1.12 ... SchwabFundUSLrgCo FNDX 1.8 56.04 +0.71 .2252 VanEckSteel SLX 1.2 66.87 +2.74 .8333 XtrkrsMSCIEAFE DBEF 2.8 38.72 +0.46 .6558
iShIntlDevProperty WPS 2.3 39.64 +0.13 .3134 PGIMActHYBd PHYL 5.4 41.08 –0.07 .1622 ProShUlShtSC600 SDD ... 24.55 +0.17 ... SchwabFundUSSmCo FNDA .9 53.49 +0.12 .1157 VanEckUnOil&Gas FRAK 1.1 114.65 –1.80 1.2069 XtrkrsMSCIEMESG EMSG .7 33.20 +0.11 .0655
iShGlobalConsDiscr RXI .7 170.91 +0.93 .6703 PGIMQMAStrAlphaItl PQIN 2.1 63.09 +1.22 .526 ProShrUSTech REW ... 8.51 –0.02 ... SchwabIntmUSTrsr SCHR 1.1 57.25 +0.01 .0443 VanEckUranium NLR 2.1 53.02 +0.75 1.0964 XtrkrsMSCIEM DBEM 2.2 27.66 –0.13 .2325
iShGlobalUtilities JXI 2.9 63.43 +0.94 .8232 PGIMStratAlphLC PQLC 1.1 74.15 +0.79 .3156 ProShUltraSh20+ TBT ... 17.51 –0.20 ... SchwabIntlDiv SCHY .4 26.47 +0.43 .0501 VangdCnsmrDiscr VCR 1.3 318.35 +1.70 .3879 XtrkrsMSCIEurope DBEU 2.5 35.67 +0.50 .5687
iShGlobalMaterials MXI 1.8 94.62 +1.93 1.1073 PGIMQMAStrAlSCG PQSG .7 72.81 +0.47 .0522 ProShrUSUtil SDP ... 14.39 –0.47 ... SchwabIntEquity SCHF 2.1 40.40 +0.38 .3407 VangdCnsmrStpls VDC 2.4 187.98 +3.81 1.023 XtrkrsMSCIEurozone DBEZ 2.4 39.51 +0.48 .5751
iShGloblIndustrial EXI 1.1 123.66 +1.76 .9425 PGIMQMAStrAlSCV PQSV 1.3 65.87 +0.14 .2194 ProShUltShtYen YCS ... 75.65 –0.92 ... SchwabIntlSC SCHC 1.9 42.93 +0.34 .2141 VangdExtMkt VXF 1.2 186.96 –0.94 .4319 XtrkrsMSCIGermany DBGR 3.1 33.28 +0.48 .5681
iShrsSP GSCI Cmdty GSG ... 15.78 +0.05 ... PGIMUltraShBd PULS 1.4 49.70 ... .0488 PutnamFocLCGrw PGRO ... 28.05 –0.03 ... SchwabLTUSTrea SCHQ 1.6 51.59 +0.26 .0737 VangdInfoTech VGT .6 416.08 –0.40 .5862 XtrkrsMSCIJapan DBJP 2.4 48.61 +0.37 1.1508
iShS&PMC400Value IJJ 1.4 107.29 +1.17 .346 PIMCO25+YrZeroCoup ZROZ 1.6 150.83 +0.97 .56 PutnamFocLCVal PVAL .0 26.08 +0.27 .08 Schwab1-5YCpBd SCHJ 1.2 51.14 –0.02 .0431 VangdMatrls VAW 1.4 188.80 +5.45 .6631 XtrkMSCIKokusai KOKU 1.3 84.25 +0.69 .4408
iShS&PSC600Value IJS .9 101.97 +0.22 .2482 PIMCO ActiveBd BOND 2.5 111.50 –0.07 .24 PutnamSustFut PFUT ... 27.45 –0.24 ... Schwab1000Index SCHK 1.3 44.23 +0.28 .1252 VangdSC Grwth VBK .5 283.08 –4.22 .3035 XtrkUSAESGLdrs USSG 1.2 41.27 +0.29 .1459
iShGlblConStaples KXI 2.3 62.62 +1.14 .6871 PIMCOBrdUSTIPSIdx TIPZ 3.3 66.48 +0.17 .40 PutnamSustLdrs PLDR ... 27.06 +0.21 ... SchwabSrtTRmUSTrsr SCHO .7 51.24 ... .0167 VangdSC Val VBR 1.6 174.04 +1.66 .6505 XtrkrsMuniInfra RVNU 2.4 29.49 –0.11 .0524
iShNATech-Mult IGN .4 71.62 –1.13 .0564 PIMCOEnhLowDur LDUR 1.3 101.71 +0.02 .065 Qraft AI US Hi Div HDIV 1.5 31.76 +0.48 .1471 SchwabUS AggrBd SCHZ 2.2 54.85 +0.05 .0983 VangdCommSvcs VOX .6 144.84 –0.13 .2346 XtrkRuss1000USQu QARP 1.4 41.22 +0.21 .1517
iShSelfDrvngEV IDRV .6 50.63 +0.07 .2018 PIMCOEnhShMaturESG EMNT .8 100.66 ... .04 QRAFT AI US LC QRFT .1 43.60 –0.05 .6683 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 1.3 107.72 +0.60 .316 VangdDivApp VIG 1.5 162.12 +1.52 .675 XtrkRussUSMulti DEUS 1.2 46.03 +0.53 .142
iShShortNatlMuniBd SUB .9 107.85 –0.07 .0597 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT .5 101.96 –0.01 .035 QRAFTAIUSLCMom AMOM .1 37.30 –0.06 7.7737 SchwabUS Div SCHD 2.8 77.83 +1.27 .5396 VangdEnergy VDE 3.6 68.92 –0.35 .6582 XtrkS&P500ESG SNPE 1.1 39.39 +0.33 .1184
iShSilver SLV ... 21.97 –0.55 ... PIMCO15+USTIPSIdx LTPZ 3.1 88.70 +0.35 .48 QraftAINxtValue NVQ .6 31.87 +0.44 .0405 SchwabUS LC SCHX 1.4 108.09 +0.69 .3229 VangdExDurTreas EDV 2.0 140.50 +0.79 .7004 XtrkS&PMC400ESG MIDE 1.2 27.19 +0.14 .0838
iShTIPSBondETF TIP 3.1 129.30 +0.33 .777 PIMCOIntermMuniBd MUNI 1.7 56.83 –0.05 .074 QuadIntRtVol IVOL 3.6 27.94 –0.05 .0847 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG .4 152.35 +0.11 .1444 VangdAWxUSSC VSS 2.1 138.55 +0.45 .5584 XtrkS&PSC600ESG SMLE 1.1 26.33 –0.08 .0695
iSh10+YIGCpBd IGLB 3.1 70.99 +0.36 .1834 PIMCOInvGrdCorpBd CORP 2.5 114.99 +0.08 .24 RoboGlbAI THNQ ... 42.83 –0.67 ... SchwabUS LC Val SCHV 2.4 70.74 +0.78 .349 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 2.4 52.84 +0.53 .4135 XtrkrsShDurHYBd SHYL 5.6 47.70 +0.03 .17
iShTreaFRBd TFLO .0 50.28 ... .001 PIMCO1-5USTIPSIdx STPZ 3.6 55.07 +0.06 .32 RoboGlbHlthTch HTEC ... 46.73 –1.32 ... SchwabUS MC SCHM 1.0 79.19 +0.38 .1996 VangdFTSE EM VWO 2.1 51.39 +0.12 .2803 XtrkrsUSDHYCorpBd HYLB 4.8 40.03 +0.02 .1612
iShDowJonesUS IYY 1.1 112.01 +0.72 .2309 PIMCO DynMultEM MFEM 1.7 29.94 –0.09 .19 RoboGlblRobotics ROBO .2 66.53 –0.20 .1192 SchwabUS REIT SCHH 2.0 47.95 –0.03 .2028 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 2.4 70.38 +1.13 .74 ZegaBuy&Hedge ZHDG ... 20.22 +0.01 ...
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M15

New York Stock Exchange Composite List

- Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div NYSE CUMULATIVE DAILY BREADTH vs DJIA
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
Rolling Along: NYSE Composite breadth rose for a fourth week as the S&P 500 gained
DG .7
0.7% and close at a record high. Winning stocks outpaced losers by 5 to 4.
2.00 1.01 DomaWt DOMA.WT ... ... 1.17 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 63.22 51.21 EssentialUtilUn WTRU 4.9 ... 60.67 –1.33 ... ... ... .75
86.95 67.85 DominionEner D 3.2 28 77.71 +1.71 –.57 ... ... .63 336.75 186.30 EssexProp ESS 2.6 51 316.95 –9.91 8.69 5.36 ... 2.09
109.83 91.90 DominionEnerUn DCUE 7.1 ... 101.97 +1.28 ... ... ... 1.8125 336.56 194.14 EsteeLauder EL .6 87 326.60 –2.23 ... ... ... .53 BREADTH DJIA
548.72 319.71 Domino's DPZ .7 42 517.02 –16.42 ... 13.65 15.77 .94 32.15 12.65 EthanAllen ETH 3.8 11 26.30 +2.50 2.37 ... 2.80 .75
55.49 22.70 Domtar UFS ... dd 54.79 +0.10 –2.29 4.69 4.69 ... 10.22 7.21 Euronav EURN 1.5 10 7.75 –0.33 2.25 –1.11 .50 .03
68.92 45.20 Donaldson DCI 1.3 33 68.31 +0.78 2.00 2.32 2.70 .22 26.52 9.01 Eventbrite EB ... dd 17.69 –0.30 ... –1.30 –.43 ... 605000 35650
35.73 10.37 DonnelleyFin DFIN ... 23 32.31 –2.07 –.76 3.33 3.01 ... 151.10 60.20 EvercoreA EVR 2.0 11 137.70 +5.41 8.22 12.76 12.56 .68 BREADTH 601,763
256.09 110.13 DoorDash DASH ... dd 194.79 +13.23 ... –.46 –.15 ... 281.27 193.03 EverestRe RE 2.3 8 272.92 +10.25 12.78 ... ... 1.55
15.68 7.47 DorianLPG LPG .0 7 12.06 –0.40 1.86 1.32 3.80 1.00 68.14 48.61 Evergy EVRG 3.1 20 68.10 +1.38 2.72 3.35 3.52 .535 585800 33800
48.42 27.16 DoubleVerify DV ... cc 33.06 –1.09 ... .37 .52 ... 25.90 6.71 Everi EVRI ... 41 23.51 +1.56 –.96 .97 1.31 ...
51.44 33.21 DouglasDynamics PLOW 2.9 21 38.84 –2.19 –3.81 1.88 2.30 .285 96.66 76.64 EversourceEner ES 2.7 25 90.44 +1.48 3.55 ... ... .6025 DJIA s
36.95 22.88 DouglasEmmett DEI 3.5 cc 32.10 –0.66 .28 .29 .60 .28 46.70 30.30 Evertec EVTC .4 22 46.66 +0.73 1.43 2.65 2.75 .05
173.14 105.40 Dover DOV 1.2 28 171.64 +2.15 4.70 6.36 8.11 .50 24.65 9.44 EvolentHealth EVH ... dd 23.84 +0.02 –3.94 –.16 ... ... 566600 31950
2.80 1.32 DoverMotorsports DVD 1.5 3 2.66 +0.18 ... .15 .17 .04 38.55 18.60 EvoquaWater AQUA ... 82 38.02 +1.91 .94 .69 ... ...
71.38 43.25 Dow DOW 4.4 12 63.69 +1.69 1.64 8.34 6.02 .70 10.89 9.77 ExecutiveNtwk ENPC.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.03 ... ... ... ...
83.93 41.17 Doximity DOCS ... cc 76.01 +23.65 ... .39 .41 ... 10.52 9.60 ExecutiveNtwkA ENPC ... ... 9.70 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
75.50 57.54 DrReddy'sLab RDY .4 40 62.71 –1.66 1.40 ... ... .3365 1.68 0.42 ExecutiveNtwkWt ENPC.WT ... ... .86 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 547400 30100
40.62 22.25 Dril-Quip DRQ ... dd 26.16 –1.42 –.87 ... ... ... 13.97 0.57 Express EXPR ... dd 6.02 +0.52 –6.27 –.70 .07 ...
4.02 1.07 DriveShack DS ... dd 2.60 –0.05 –.92 –.39 –.48 ... 5.97 2.77 Exterran EXTN ... dd 4.20 –0.19 –3.09 –3.07 –2.63 ...
24.55 16.16 DuckhornPtf NAPA ... 42 22.00 –0.85 ... .50 .50 ... 178.22 101.89 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 2.3 36 175.68 +0.17 3.71 4.81 4.81 1.00
65.40 30.76 Ducommun DCO ... 23 54.10 +0.32 2.45 2.81 3.46 ... 64.93 31.11 ExxonMobil XOM 6.1 dd 56.77 –1.09 –5.25 ... ... .87 528200 28250
108.06 78.95 DukeEnergy DUK 3.7 28 106.00 –0.96 1.72 ... ... .985
... dd
... F 509000 26400
87.27 53.49 DuPont DD 1.6 8 77.08 +1.01 –4.01 ... ... .30
101.16 45.54 DycomInds DY ... 35 74.10 +1.28 1.07 ... 3.75 ... 16.06 9.89 FastAcqn FST.UT ... ... 13.41 +0.16 ... ... ... ... S O N D J F M A M J J A
3.72 1.99 DynagasLNG DLNG ... 3 3.06 –0.02 .63 .87 .77 ... 14.10 9.59 FastAcqnA FST ... dd 11.95 +0.35 ... ... ... ...
66.80 33.83 Dynatrace DT ... cc 63.65 –1.12 .26 ... .79 ... 4.50 0.70 FastAcqnWt FST.WT ... ... 3.48 –0.24 ... ... ... ... In generating this chart, we subtract each day's NYSE composite declines from that day's advances. The resultant total is added to the next day's total, and so
20.51 14.52 DynexCapital DX 8.8 3 17.69 +0.27 6.93 1.90 ... .13 10.00 9.62 FastAcqnII A FZT ... ... 9.79 +0.09 ... ... ... ... on. When all five days' numbers are added together, this produces the weekly figure we plot. Dec. 31, 1985 =1000.
10.25 9.81 FastAcqnII FZT.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
1.67 0.71 FastAcqnII Wt FZT.WT ... ... 1.11 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
E 49.62 23.64 FB Financial FBK 1.1 15 41.15 +1.25 1.67 3.59 ... .11
17.75 13.50 F45Training FXLV ... ... 17.28 +1.26 ... .03 .74 ... - Earnings - - Earnings -
10.00 9.90 EG Acqn EGGF.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 50.40 28.25 Figs FIGS ... ... 42.33 +2.77 ... ... .23 ... 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
1.00 0.85 EG Acqn Wt EGGF.WT ... ... .85 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 123.66 92.85 FMC FMC 2.0 23 94.32 –0.99 4.22 6.84 7.68 .48 High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
31.29 17.32 elfBeauty ELF ... cc 29.92 –0.10 .12 ... .79 ... 13.83 6.37 FNB FNB 4.1 11 11.72 –0.09 .85 .95 ... .12
129.45 63.69 EMCOR EME .4 20 119.84 –1.49 2.40 6.95 7.42 .13 15.28 7.71 FreyrBattery FREY ... dd 9.35 –2.59 ... –.28 –.26 ... 11.27 9.81 FreedomAcqnI FACT.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 15.98 12.11 GlobalMedREIT GMRE 5.4 dd 15.13 –0.16 –.17 .19 ... .205
26.18 13.36 ENI E 2.3 dd 24.69 +0.49 –5.52 2.00 2.53 .284 4.62 0.50 FreyrBatteryWt FREY.WT ... ... 2.40 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 10.30 9.62 FreedomI A FACT ... ... 9.73 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 20.11 13.95 GlobalNetLease GNL 9.0 dd 17.69 –0.58 –.09 .07 .15 .40
87.99 31.22 EOG Rscs EOG 2.4 21 68.00 –2.93 –1.04 ... 7.95 1.00 23.41 14.22 FS KKR Cap FSK 11.3 2 23.09 +1.61 –3.26 ... 2.51 .65 1.55 0.78 FreedomI Wt FACT.WT ... ... 1.10 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 27.50 12.10 GlobalPtnrs GLP 10.3 38 21.44 –2.74 2.74 .94 1.52 .575
618.57 300.96 EPAM Systems EPAM ... 90 607.85 +9.83 5.60 8.43 10.58 ... 147.38 94.87 FTI Consulting FCN ... 22 143.76 –0.67 5.67 6.42 7.46 ... 46.10 13.67 FreeportMcM FCX .8 20 38.10 +1.24 .41 ... ... .075 220.81 153.33 GlobalPayments GPN .6 59 171.41 –4.83 1.95 8.17 ... .25
56.07 20.62 EPR Prop EPR 6.0 dd 49.90 –0.67 –2.05 ... ... .25 97.04 58.85 Fabrinet FN ... 25 90.68 –2.76 3.07 4.58 5.11 ... 44.13 33.84 FreseniusMed FMS 2.6 20 40.60 +1.17 2.26 2.19 2.55 .7073 22.02 5.10 GlobalShipLease GSL 5.2 11 19.26 +0.91 1.22 ... ... .25
10.49 9.73 EQ Health EQHA.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 368.61 294.21 FactSet FDS .9 37 368.12 +5.93 9.65 11.05 11.85 .82 36.57 20.71 FreshDelMonte FDP 1.4 14 32.12 +1.02 1.03 ... 2.34 .15 277.99 157.03 Globant GLOB ... cc 271.42 +13.11 1.41 3.53 4.36 ...
9.99 9.57 EQ Health A EQHA ... ... 9.63 –0.08 ... ... ... ... 553.97 380.00 FairIsaac FICO ... 36 451.65 –25.96 7.90 ... 13.63 ... 9.21 5.28 Frontline FRO .0 5 7.40 –0.18 2.11 .20 1.25 .50 108.22 75.39 GlobeLife GL .8 13 96.40 +2.27 6.82 7.39 8.43 .1975
1.00 0.43 EQ Health Wt EQHA.WT ... ... .67 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 14.32 8.78 FangHoldings SFUN ... dd 9.06 –0.94 ... ... ... ... 62.29 8.26 fuboTV FUBO ... dd 28.83 +2.62 –12.82 –2.41 –2.12 ... 83.94 48.00 GlobusMedical GMED ... 42 76.41 –4.08 ... 2.01 2.23 ...
23.24 12.27 EQT EQT ... dd 17.94 –0.61 –3.71 ... ... ... 11.65 9.96 FarPeakAcqn FPAC.UT ... ... 10.52 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 22.80 7.95 FullTruck YMM ... dd 11.02 –1.43 ... –1.15 1.61 ... 93.75 68.66 GoDaddy GDDY ... 64 71.30 –0.29 –2.94 1.18 1.75 ...
115.84 78.30 ESCO Tech ESE .4 cc 89.82 –3.87 3.90 2.51 3.33 .08 10.82 9.66 FarPeakAcqnA FPAC ... ... 9.91 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 70.58 43.91 FullerHB FUL 1.0 22 67.64 +2.00 2.36 ... ... .1675 14.90 8.11 GoldFields GFI 2.8 11 8.79 –0.03 .82 ... 1.03 .2182
10.10 9.75 ESM Acqn ESM.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 2.74 0.76 FarPeakAcqnWt FPAC.WT ... ... 1.85 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 12.90 9.68 FusionAcqnA FUSE ... dd 9.95 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 10.68 9.56 GoldenFalconA GFX ... ... 9.68 ... ... ... ... ...
9.92 9.61 ESM Acqn A ESM ... ... 9.67 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 73.87 22.41 Farfetch FTCH ... dd 44.19 –2.47 ... –.57 –.78 ... 14.52 9.96 FusionAcqnUn FUSE.UT ... ... 10.48 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 11.40 9.90 GoldenFalconAcqnUn GFX.UT ... ... 10.05 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
1.15 0.61 ESM Acqn Wt ESM.WT ... ... .84 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 14.85 6.27 FarmlandPtrs FPI 1.7 dd 11.72 –0.77 –.18 ... ... .05 3.50 0.45 FusionAcqnWt FUSE.WT ... ... 1.15 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 2.45 0.58 GoldenFalconWt GFX.WT ... ... .81 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
14.58 8.26 E2open ETWO ... ... 10.85 +0.57 ... –.16 .29 ... 136.50 33.87 Fastly FSLY ... dd 42.11 +0.87 –.93 –.37 –.44 ... 10.19 9.78 FusionAcqnII FSNB.UT ... ... 9.91 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 20.65 14.89 GoldmanSachsBDC GSBD 9.3 5 19.28 –0.24 3.26 1.92 1.73 .45
4.72 1.20 E2openWt ETWO.WT ... ... 2.67 +0.25 ... ... ... ... 111.88 61.79 FedAgriMtg C AGM 3.5 11 99.70 +1.63 ... ... ... .88 9.85 9.61 FusionAcqnIIA FSNB ... ... 9.67 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 418.62 185.52 GoldmanSachs GS 1.9 8 410.78 +12.89 24.74 ... ... 2.00
155.80 78.23 EagleMaterials EXP .7 20 153.52 +8.08 8.12 8.96 10.14 .25 125.00 67.01 FederalRealty FRT 3.6 51 120.00 –1.31 1.62 ... 1.86 1.07 1.09 0.67 FusionAcqnIIWt FSNB.WT ... ... .88 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 37.37 29.00 Gorman-Rupp GRC 1.8 32 35.12 –0.04 .97 1.29 1.58 .155
13.15 2.41 EarthstoneEner ESTE ... dd 7.83 –1.22 –.45 ... ... ... 43.77 28.03 FederalSignal FSS .9 24 39.55 +0.70 1.56 1.87 2.16 .09 17.86 8.14 FutureFuel FF 2.8 52 8.46 –0.21 1.06 .95 .80 .06 69.75 38.70 GraceWR GRA 1.9 60 69.53 +0.18 –.03 ... ... .33
25.02 19.64 EasterlyGovtProp DEA 4.8 85 21.99 –0.66 .15 .38 .37 .265 34.64 20.34 FederatedHermes FHI 3.2 11 33.75 +1.15 ... 2.79 3.11 .27 80.48 56.05 Graco GGG 1.0 31 78.29 +0.01 1.92 ... 2.68 .1875
178.65 125.43 EastGroup EGP 1.8 60 174.97 +0.42 2.76 ... ... .79 319.90 201.86 FedEx FDX 1.1 18 277.18 +0.91 15.18 21.28 23.77 .75 ...
130.47 70.50 EastmanChem EMN 2.4 50 115.70 +2.88 3.50 9.09 ... .69 146.08 92.75 Ferguson FERG 2.0 24 142.58 +1.18 4.28 6.44 ... 1.80 G 10.00
... ...
14.18 5.51 EastmanKodak KODK ... dd 7.45 –0.07 –9.77 –2.43 –.70 ... 233.66 176.03 Ferrari RACE .5 42 225.88 +6.42 3.75 5.04 ... 1.0386 14.17 5.87 GrafTechIntl EAF .4 9 11.02 –0.20 1.62 ... ... .01
168.88 96.24 Eaton ETN 1.8 36 167.62 +4.73 3.49 6.78 7.46 .76 22.00 11.33 Ferro FOE ... 25 20.26 –0.34 .52 1.12 ... ... 29.94 10.49 GAMCO Investors GBL .3 10 26.65 +0.21 ... 3.68 2.38 .02 17.44 12.00 Graham GHM 3.6 cc 12.32 –1.11 .24 .26 .64 .11
230.00 181.25 Ecolab ECL .9 61 221.58 +1.93 –4.15 5.04 6.13 .48 49.16 29.82 FidNatlFin FNF 3.3 6 49.06 +2.26 4.99 6.47 ... .40 106.31 61.37 GATX GATX 2.1 31 93.95 +1.16 4.27 4.25 5.20 .50 685.00 376.20 GrahamHoldings GHC 1.0 6 623.00 –17.41 ... 41.80 52.80 1.51
15.35 8.50 Ecopetrol EC .6 21 13.38 +0.61 .22 7334.34 7897.69 .0932 156.73 120.17 FidNatlInfo FIS 1.2 cc 134.06 +0.24 .25 6.54 7.54 .39 10.16 9.82 G&P Acqn GAPA.UT ... ... 9.98 ... ... ... ... ... 479.87 337.25 Grainger GWW 1.5 27 438.69 ... 12.82 ... 22.76 1.62
18.90 9.78 Ecovyst ECVT .0 dd 12.91 –2.99 .43 .59 .75 3.20 1.80 0.89 FigureAcqnI Wt FACA.WT ... ... 1.13 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.66 G&P Acqn A GAPA ... ... 9.74 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 44.31 16.93 GraniteConstr GVA 1.3 dd 41.32 +1.79 –3.18 1.17 1.89 .13
46.44 25.50 EdgewellPersonal EPC 1.3 26 44.49 +0.11 1.24 2.85 3.07 .15 11.95 9.95 FigureAcqnI FACA.UT ... ... 10.00 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 1.00 0.51 G&P Acqn Wt GAPA.WT ... ... .60 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 15.92 5.52 GranitePointMtg GPMT 7.5 23 13.40 –0.70 –.73 ... 1.18 .25
66.68 48.47 EdisonInt EIX 4.6 27 57.00 +1.93 1.98 4.52 4.67 .6625 10.55 9.70 FigureAcqnI A FACA ... ... 9.78 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 27.78 19.79 GCPAppliedTechs GCP ... 15 23.69 –0.52 1.37 .78 .95 ... 71.50 55.14 GraniteREIT GRP.UT 3.3 7 71.06 +3.56 ... 5.31 3.25 .2026
115.83 70.92 EdwardsLife EW ... 49 113.15 –2.06 1.30 ... ... ... 11.67 5.27 FinanceofAm FOA ... dd 5.33 –1.29 –.48 2.04 1.72 ... 11.95 4.96 GEO Group GEO .0 7 8.38 +0.73 .94 1.39 1.16 .25 19.75 13.14 GraphicPkg GPK 1.5 25 19.37 +0.56 .60 1.25 ... .075
39.17 14.71 8x8 EGHT ... dd 24.46 –0.88 –1.57 ... ... ... 2.31 0.42 FinanceofAmWt FOA.WT ... ... .82 –0.35 ... ... ... ... 36.70 17.19 GFLEnvironmental GFL .1 dd 35.59 +0.57 ... .17 .28 .011 24.43 11.96 GrayTelevision GTN 1.4 6 22.09 –0.41 ... 1.71 3.32 .08
37.49 24.35 ElancoAnimal ELAN ... dd 31.00 –4.36 –1.27 ... ... ... 10.15 9.76 FinTechEvol FTEV.UT ... ... 9.97 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 85.22 46.00 GFL Env Un GFLU 3.6 ... 82.69 +0.90 ... ... ... .75 23.50 11.21 GrayTelevision A GTN.A 1.6 5 19.48 –1.42 ... 1.67 3.32 .08
56.00 41.76 ElancoAnimalUn ELAT 5.1 ... 49.27 –5.11 ... ... ... .625 10.25 9.61 FinTechEvolA FTEV ... ... 9.67 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 53.85 21.41 GMS GMS ... 21 50.35 +1.10 2.44 4.48 5.02 ... 14.25 7.57 GreatAjax AJX 6.0 11 13.95 +0.21 1.00 1.51 1.61 .21
176.49 90.22 Elastic ESTC ... dd 153.93 –1.61 –1.48 ... –.11 ... 1.43 0.68 FinTechEvolWt FTEV.WT ... ... .95 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 12.65 9.51 GoAcqnA GOAC ... 42 9.76 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 35.18 11.80 GreatWesternBncp GWB .6 11 31.85 –0.25 –12.24 3.45 2.80 .05
14.49 8.31 EldoradoGold EGO ... 90 8.64 –0.22 .61 .61 .99 ... 10.61 1.57 FinVolution FINV 2.5 6 6.07 –0.20 ... 7.29 8.71 .17 11.40 9.91 GOAcquisitionUn GOAC.UT ... ... 10.11 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 64.97 38.95 GreenDot GDOT ... cc 46.19 –1.63 .42 2.23 2.74 ...
24.70 10.22 ElementSolns ESI 1.0 26 24.20 +0.86 .30 1.38 1.53 .06 68.80 44.05 FirstAmerFin FAF 2.7 8 68.51 +0.28 6.16 7.74 6.05 .46 2.11 0.75 GoAcqnWt GOAC.WT ... ... .88 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 50.21 26.01 Greenbrier GBX 2.4 cc 45.06 +1.49 1.46 1.03 3.13 .27
4.90 1.91 ElevateCredit ELVT ... 6 3.69 +0.04 .49 ... .59 ... 13.25 4.94 FirstBanCorp FBP 2.2 13 12.86 +0.07 .46 1.19 1.37 .07 11.43 5.36 GOL Linhas GOL ... dd 6.97 –0.62 –6.53 –2.45 .17 ... 20.09 9.75 Greenhill GHL 1.3 8 15.55 +0.07 1.36 1.24 1.82 .05
19.60 12.01 EllingtonFin EFC 9.7 5 18.50 +0.13 .39 2.59 2.05 .15 15.69 7.14 FirstCmwlthFin FCF 3.4 11 13.54 +0.08 .75 1.32 1.24 .115 20.87 8.38 GP Strategies GPX ... 28 20.52 +0.21 .41 1.03 1.21 ... 16.50 8.31 GreenTree GHG ... 18 8.81 –0.73 .37 4.45 5.44 ...
13.92 10.56 EllingtonResiMtg EARN 10.5 13 11.39 +0.23 1.63 1.24 1.21 .30 9.90 3.05 First HS Educ FHS ... ... 3.80 –0.30 ... 1.81 2.76 ... 5.79 1.23 GS Acqn II Wt GSAH.WT ... ... 1.89 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 66.03 33.95 Greif A GEF 2.8 16 63.02 +1.60 1.83 4.70 4.32 .44
10.10 9.96 ElliottOppII EOCW.UT ... ... 9.98 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 19.45 8.53 FirstHorizon FHN 3.7 7 16.25 +0.28 1.89 ... 1.55 .15 17.77 10.21 GS Acqn II GSAH.UT ... ... 10.44 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 64.79 37.86 Greif B GEF.B 4.2 11 62.97 +1.65 2.74 4.70 4.32 .66
15.06 10.02 EmbotellAndinaA AKO.A 4.7 12 12.04 –0.37 .93 1.03 1.18 .2156 55.59 38.85 FirstIndRlty FR 2.0 30 55.11 –0.04 1.53 ... ... .27 16.66 9.85 GS Acqn II A GSAH ... dd 9.99 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 29.19 17.92 Griffon GFF 1.4 14 22.67 –0.48 1.19 1.92 2.09 .08
17.36 11.80 EmbotellAndinaB AKO.B 4.4 14 14.15 +0.30 1.02 1.03 1.18 .2443 24.01 9.33 FirstMajestic AG .1 52 12.75 –0.33 .11 .31 .62 .0045 10.20 9.79 GSquaredII GSQB.UT ... ... 9.99 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 181.95 82.35 Group1Auto GPI .8 6 170.94 +4.25 15.51 30.30 28.09 .33
16.97 3.96 Embraer ERJ ... dd 15.75 +1.12 –3.81 –.86 –.06 ... 204.68 100.38 FirstRepBank FRC .4 29 198.85 –4.90 5.81 ... 8.01 .22 9.95 9.76 GSquaredIIA GSQB ... ... 9.76 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 118.80 68.48 GpoAeroportuar PAC .0 38 113.83 +5.19 ... 4.63 6.17 1.9241
7.28 1.78 EmeraldHldg EEX ... dd 4.20 –0.21 –9.07 .51 .61 ... 39.74 26.17 FirstEnergy FE 4.0 20 38.64 +0.81 1.99 ... ... .39 0.92 0.77 GSquaredIIWt GSQB.WT ... ... .78 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 193.85 104.22 GpoAeroportSur ASR ... 39 176.17 –1.78 ... 139.72 193.73 ...
136.02 55.07 EmergentBiosol EBS ... 11 61.58 +0.77 5.67 7.93 5.13 ... 14.00 9.95 FirstMarkHorizon FMAC.UT ... ... 10.20 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 11.32 9.71 G Squared I GSQD.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 7.03 4.39 GpoAvalAcc AVAL 5.3 9 5.38 +0.27 ... .57 .66 .0222
104.36 63.16 EmersonElec EMR 1.9 27 103.74 +2.30 3.24 4.07 4.43 .505 14.44 9.70 FirstMarkHorizonA FMAC ... ... 9.73 ... ... ... ... ... 10.02 9.07 GSquaredI A GSQD ... ... 9.70 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 3.63 1.53 GpoSupervielle SUPV ... 5 2.09 +0.11 ... ... .93 ...
13.11 5.19 EmpireStateRealty ESRT 1.3 dd 10.72 –0.15 ... .64 .83 .035 4.50 1.05 FirstMarkHorizonWt FMAC.WT ... ... 1.47 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 1.36 0.82 GSquaredI Wt GSQD.WT ... ... 1.11 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 15.06 6.00 GrupoTelevisa TV .0 20 12.80 –0.30 –.10 .40 .46 .0881
43.82 28.89 EmployersHldgs EIG 2.4 8 41.22 –0.38 3.97 2.02 2.10 .25 31.96 8.70 Fisker FSR ... ... 14.40 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 82.26 48.38 GXO Logistics GXO ... ... 78.47 +14.47 ... 1.91 2.39 ... 31.12 10.95 Guess GES 2.0 17 22.81 +0.96 –1.27 ... ... .1125
10.60 9.70 EmpowermentI EPWR.UT ... ... 10.15 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 8.93 4.00 FivePoint FPH ... cc 8.22 –0.23 –.01 ... ... ... 0.34 0.01 GabelliMultRt GGT.RT ... ... .01 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 134.22 91.77 Guidewire GWRE ... dd 112.48 –3.21 –.33 .36 .10 ...
10.35 9.50 Empower&IncA EPWR ... dd 9.85 ... ... ... ... ... 336.00 103.13 FiverrIntl FVRR ... dd 171.56 +3.04 –.46 .16 .99 ... 10.55 9.79 GalileoAcqn GLEO ... dd 10.02 –0.01 –.58 ... ... ... 18.00 12.55 GuildHldgs GHLD .0 ... 15.50 –0.47 ... 3.44 3.48 1.00
1.25 0.42 EmpowerIWt EPWR.WT ... ... .69 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 51.58 27.79 Flagstar FBC .5 4 49.46 +1.73 9.52 ... ... .06 12.16 10.01 GalileoAcquisition GLEO.UT ... ... 11.13 +0.13 ... ... ... ... 82.16 58.71 GulfportEnergy GPOR ... dd 66.52 –2.03 –10.14 .84 .56 ...
5.75 2.81 EmpresaDisCom EDN ... dd 4.61 +0.06 ... .40 1.94 ... 10.36 9.63 FlameAcqn FLME.UT ... ... 10.02 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 1.49 0.40 GalileoAcqnWt GLEO.WT ... ... 1.13 +0.17 ... ... ... ...
9.91 3.94 EnableMidstream ENBL 8.3 25 8.01 –0.13 .12 .94 .79 .1653 10.02 9.57 FlameAcqnA FLME ... ... 9.72 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 154.03 100.32 Gallagher AJG 1.4 31 140.30 +1.24 4.20 ... 5.48 .48
41.13 26.97 Enbridge ENB 6.8 17 39.19 –0.35 1.10 ... ... .6197 1.58 0.46 FlameAcqnWt FLME.WT ... ... 1.22 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 483.00 4.43 GameStop GME ... dd 162.52 +10.75 –3.31 –.56 –.20 ... H
89.68 60.44 EncompassHealth EHC 1.4 21 78.81 –1.96 2.85 4.41 4.60 .28 295.36 214.88 FleetCorTech FLT ... 29 262.49 –4.56 8.12 ... ... ... 6.54 1.03 Gannett GCI ... dd 5.79 –0.55 –5.09 –.14 .45 ...
139.38 48.96 Endava DAVA ... cc 138.31 +9.09 ... 1.24 1.49 ... 15.55 5.15 FlexLNG FLNG 10.7 12 14.98 +1.25 .15 2.32 2.37 .40 149.05 2.40 GaotuTechedu GOTU ... dd 2.91 –0.27 ... –7.89 –2.80 ... 255.13 114.38 HCA Healthcare HCA .8 17 242.98 –7.14 10.93 16.72 17.62 .48
33.20 22.02 Endeavor EDR ... ... 23.50 –2.08 ... .62 1.13 ... 128.50 67.38 Floor&Decor FND ... 44 116.42 –3.21 1.84 ... ... ... 37.63 14.25 Gap GPS 1.7 26 28.89 –0.22 –1.78 1.78 ... .12 119.29 46.30 HCI Group HCI 1.4 37 112.27 –3.37 3.49 1.05 1.12 .40
7.76 2.99 EndeavourSilver EXK ... 25 4.51 –0.34 .01 .09 .23 ... 3.09 1.21 FlotekIndustries FTK ... dd 1.58 –0.10 –2.00 –.45 –.13 ... 305.65 115.86 Gartner IT ... 47 304.87 +11.99 2.96 4.12 6.59 ... 4.75 2.06 HC2 Holdings HCHC ... dd 3.71 –0.16 –1.88 ... –1.50 ...
8.88 6.22 EnelAmericas ENIA 2.6 12 6.76 +0.17 .54 .64 .73 .1583 25.48 21.66 FlowersFoods FLO 3.5 23 24.34 +1.45 .72 ... 1.22 .21 5.93 2.10 GasLogPartners GLOP 1.0 4 3.90 ... .55 ... ... .01 84.70 45.56 HDFC Bank HDB ... 32 76.59 +2.63 2.34 ... 3.18 ...
4.50 2.42 EnelChile ENIC 6.5 8 2.45 –0.06 –.05 235.17 311.00 .2187 44.39 25.87 Flowserve FLS 2.0 31 40.19 –0.01 .89 ... ... .20 18.94 10.58 GatesIndustrial GTES ... 21 16.70 –1.92 .27 1.03 1.53 ... 11.04 2.32 HEXO HEXO ... dd 3.54 –0.34 –5.26 –.26 –.05 ...
52.85 38.59 Energizer ENR 3.0 cc 40.66 –0.14 –1.58 3.43 3.53 .30 25.08 8.10 Fluor FLR ... dd 17.40 +0.49 –3.10 .65 1.07 ... 24.00 5.78 GatosSilver GATO ... cc 13.63 +0.13 ... .49 1.03 ... 11.51 9.75 HH&L Acqn HHLA.UT ... ... 9.99 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
11.55 4.98 EnergyTransfer ET 6.4 7 9.51 +0.24 –.24 1.99 1.26 .1525 89.35 52.91 FomentoEconMex FMX 1.6 68 87.85 +0.64 ... 56.84 69.33 .5771 20.61 6.14 GencoShipping GNK 2.2 dd 18.00 +0.65 –5.38 3.10 ... .10 10.00 9.60 HH&L Acqn HHLA ... ... 9.68 –0.03 ... ... ... ...
28.84 16.75 EnerpacTool EPAC .2 44 25.00 –0.56 .01 .68 1.07 .04 66.71 26.90 FootLocker FL 1.4 9 56.00 +1.27 3.08 ... 5.83 .20 457.00 169.34 Generac GNRC ... 51 414.10 –0.94 5.48 10.10 12.00 ... 1.14 0.50 HH&L Acqn Wt HHLA.WT ... ... .64 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
7.54 1.70 Enerplus ERF 5.7 dd 5.70 –0.22 –3.09 .77 ... .0304 16.45 6.41 FordMotor F ... 16 13.59 –0.21 ... ... 1.91 ... 201.15 129.17 GeneralDynamics GD 2.4 17 198.37 –0.71 11.00 11.50 12.50 1.19 11.20 9.86 HIG Acqn HIGA.UT ... ... 10.00 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
104.47 62.30 EnerSys ENS .8 28 91.84 –6.13 3.32 5.28 6.38 .175 10.59 9.85 ForestRoad II FRXB.UT ... ... 9.88 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 115.32 47.44 GeneralElec GE .3 dd 104.92 +0.40 4.64 ... ... .08 15.46 9.60 H.I.G.AcqnA HIGA ... ... 9.75 +0.04 ... ... ... ...
24.74 10.70 Eneti NETI 1.1 dd 18.78 +2.04 –70.85 2.08 .49 .05 10.16 9.65 ForestRoadII A FRXB ... ... 9.74 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 65.52 53.96 GeneralMills GIS 3.4 16 59.84 +1.97 3.78 3.73 3.86 .51 2.04 0.80 H.I.G.AcqnWt HIGA.WT ... ... .94 +0.04 ... ... ... ...
6.74 2.13 EnLinkMid ENLC 6.9 dd 5.40 +0.11 –.86 .07 .17 .0938 1.71 0.75 ForestRoadAcqnIIWt FRXB.WT ... ... 1.08 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 64.30 27.15 GeneralMotors GM ... 6 53.65 –1.40 4.33 6.40 6.95 ... 46.93 28.59 HNI HNI 3.2 20 39.35 +0.74 .98 2.39 2.77 .31
22.24 15.18 Ennis EBF 4.9 19 20.30 +0.55 .93 1.31 1.46 .25 26.55 16.45 Forestar FOR ... 11 20.56 –0.28 1.26 2.09 2.72 ... 66.00 16.67 Genesco GCO ... 10 58.67 +1.97 –3.97 4.77 5.31 ... 36.00 17.25 HP HPQ 2.7 10 29.01 –0.31 2.00 3.50 3.58 .1938
41.06 15.13 EnovaIntl ENVA ... 2 32.14 –1.16 11.70 6.72 5.43 ... 47.02 38.49 Fortis FTS 3.5 23 46.51 +0.98 1.94 2.17 2.32 .4059 12.78 3.78 GenesisEnergy GEL 7.1 dd 8.45 +0.11 ... –.71 .52 .15 11.38 9.57 HPX A HPX ... dd 9.73 –0.03 ... ... ... ...
99.94 53.35 EnPro NPO 1.2 cc 88.28 +1.83 8.98 5.40 5.86 .27 76.22 58.47 Fortive FTV .4 16 75.96 +1.47 4.49 2.73 3.00 .07 11.75 9.76 GenesisParkA GNPK ... ... 10.10 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 12.15 9.81 HPX Un HPX.UT ... ... 10.09 –0.06 ... ... ... ...
113.36 85.78 Entergy ETR 3.5 18 109.88 +3.79 6.90 ... ... .95 11.08 9.75 FortressCap FCAX.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 13.15 9.98 GenesisParkAcqnUn GNPK.UT ... ... 11.18 +0.17 ... ... ... ... 2.10 0.64 HPX Wt HPX.WT ... ... .76 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
25.69 14.90 EnterpriseProd EPD 8.0 13 22.52 +0.07 1.71 2.20 2.19 .45 10.10 9.50 FortressCapA FCAX ... ... 9.70 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 3.40 0.95 GenesisParkWt GNPK.WT ... ... 2.28 +0.28 ... ... ... ... 32.43 17.95 HSBC HSBC 3.8 13 28.44 +0.03 .95 3.03 3.12 .35
7.67 1.25 Entravision EVC 1.4 15 7.27 +0.58 ... .35 .39 .025 2.22 0.72 FortressCapWt FCAX.WT ... ... 1.09 ... ... ... ... ... 9.60 5.51 GenieEnergy GNE .0 23 6.17 +0.14 ... .25 .46 .085 36.33 10.04 HUYA HUYA ... 18 10.10 –0.68 ... 2.34 4.83 ...
88.45 61.00 Envestnet ENV ... cc 77.57 +1.06 –.06 2.33 2.44 ... 34.79 15.04 FortressTransport FTAI 4.8 dd 27.69 –0.68 –1.22 ... ... .33 25.18 9.80 GeniusSports GENI ... ... 18.45 +0.48 ... –.16 –.04 ... 142.11 49.26 Haemonetic HAE ... 39 61.14 +2.66 1.55 2.76 2.98 ...
46.52 22.47 Envista NVST ... 23 40.01 –1.16 .20 ... 2.15 ... 11.76 9.90 FortressValueIII FVT.UT ... ... 9.99 ... ... ... ... ... 12.42 1.03 GeniusSportsWt GENI.WT ... ... 7.03 +0.08 ... ... ... ... 25.00 10.60 Halliburton HAL .9 cc 20.13 +0.13 –3.34 ... ... .045
56.69 36.57 EnvivaPartners EVA 5.7 dd 55.07 –0.78 –.36 ... ... .815 10.70 9.69 FortressVal III A FVT ... ... 9.72 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 52.18 33.91 Genpact G .8 29 52.09 +1.54 1.57 2.39 2.68 .1075 26.00 16.01 HamiltonBeach HBB 2.3 12 17.60 +0.55 ... ... 1.70 .10
4.85 1.80 EnzoBiochem ENZ ... cc 3.10 +0.01 –.60 ... –.39 ... 2.76 0.85 FortressVal III Wt FVT.WT ... ... 1.30 +0.10 ... ... ... ... 135.93 88.99 GenuineParts GPC 2.6 22 124.64 +0.36 –.20 ... 6.73 .815 22.82 12.28 Hanesbrands HBI 2.9 dd 20.41 +0.57 –.21 1.71 ... .15
264.29 135.98 Equifax EFX .6 45 260.10 +6.27 4.24 7.45 8.92 .39 10.15 9.75 FortressValueIV FVIV.UT ... ... 9.93 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 4.76 2.23 GenworthFin GNW ... 2 3.70 +0.10 .35 .98 .78 ... 26.69 15.51 Hanger HNGR ... 29 22.29 –0.78 .99 1.16 1.30 ...
23.36 12.11 Equinor EQNR 1.7 dd 21.09 +0.67 –1.70 ... ... .18 10.23 9.67 FortressValueIV A FVIV ... ... 9.70 –0.12 ... ... ... ... 18.50 6.61 GeoPark GPRK 1.5 dd 10.91 –0.49 –3.84 1.23 3.19 .041 72.42 37.07 HannonArmstrong HASI 2.4 43 58.48 +0.56 1.10 1.80 1.90 .35
35.46 17.33 Equitable EQH 2.2 dd 32.06 –0.15 –1.56 5.81 6.34 .18 1.75 0.97 FortressValueIV Wt FVIV.WT ... ... 1.12 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 7.27 3.25 Gerdau GGB .4 7 5.95 +0.02 .27 1.31 .81 .1048 143.20 87.71 HanoverIns THG 2.0 10 141.10 +3.53 9.42 9.71 10.27 .70
11.66 6.23 EquitransMdstm ETRN 7.0 11 8.57 +0.13 1.06 .70 .95 .15 9.85 4.13 FortunaSilver FSM ... 16 4.38 –0.08 .12 ... ... ... 34.21 24.87 GettyRealty GTY 4.9 18 31.80 –0.05 1.62 1.30 1.25 .39 52.06 22.56 HarleyDavidson HOG 1.5 13 40.90 +1.08 .01 2.63 3.62 .15
31.76 25.60 EquityCommnwlth EQC .0 dd 26.65 +0.61 3.56 .97 1.19 3.50 114.01 78.81 FortBrandsHome FBHS 1.0 20 102.51 +2.78 3.94 4.98 6.34 .26 38.77 18.93 Gildan GIL 1.6 21 38.37 +1.88 –1.14 2.21 2.46 .154 6.71 3.46 HarmonyGold HMY ... 11 3.57 –0.18 –.10 ... .61 ...
12.12 10.00 EquityDistribution EQD.UT ... ... 10.10 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 28.50 6.80 ForumEnergyTech FET ... dd 19.38 –0.18 –17.37 ... ... ... 19.48 12.91 Glatfelter GLT 3.6 27 15.73 +0.14 .48 .70 .95 .14 23.73 12.12 Harsco HSC ... dd 18.93 +0.18 –.33 .91 1.15 ...
11.06 9.32 EquityDistrA EQD ... 62 9.74 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 30.42 23.91 FourCornersProp FCPT 4.6 25 27.38 –1.31 1.08 1.09 1.15 .3175 99.00 40.08 Glaukos GKOS ... dd 48.96 –2.06 –2.70 –.87 ... ... 69.94 34.69 HartfordFinl HIG 2.1 12 68.04 +1.64 4.76 ... ... .35
2.35 0.83 EquityDistrWt EQD.WT ... ... 1.10 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 2.64 0.63 FourSeasonsEduc FEDU ... dd .70 –0.11 –.09 1.98 3.41 ... 41.98 33.26 GSK GSK 4.8 18 41.97 +1.56 2.96 2.80 3.07 .5301 52.84 18.16 HavertyFurn HVT 2.7 8 37.61 +1.11 3.12 4.64 4.51 .25
85.09 57.93 EquityLife ELS 1.7 63 82.96 –0.49 1.25 1.35 1.50 .3625 163.79 105.62 Franco-Nevada FNV .8 50 154.88 –2.12 1.71 ... 3.73 .30 15.93 6.67 GlobalBlue GB ... dd 8.00 +0.09 .18 ... ... ... 51.91 19.66 HavertyFurn A HVT.A 2.4 9 37.99 +1.05 3.04 4.64 4.51 .23
85.83 45.43 EquityResdntl EQR 2.9 46 82.66 –2.02 2.45 1.11 ... .6025 5.44 1.49 Frank'sIntl FI ... dd 2.75 –0.07 –.69 –.17 .01 ... 2.55 0.38 GlobalBlueWt GB.WT ... ... 1.00 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 45.97 31.83 HawaiianElec HE 3.0 20 44.72 +0.89 1.81 2.07 2.07 .34
2.91 1.01 EquusTotReturn EQS ... dd 2.67 +0.02 –.91 .18 .30 ... 38.92 16.50 FranklinCovey FC ... 40 36.44 –0.37 –.68 .98 .53 ... 6.31 3.24 GlobalCordBlood CO ... 8 4.93 –0.10 .62 .45 .57 ... 26.82 15.61 Hayward HAYW ... ... 22.54 –0.25 ... 1.21 1.17 ...
25.99 13.09 EroCopper ERO ... 9 19.54 +0.67 .60 ... ... ... 35.94 17.97 FranklinRscs BEN 3.4 14 32.77 +1.11 1.59 ... 3.50 .28 45.97 21.19 GlobalIndl GIC 1.6 19 39.17 +0.50 1.71 1.80 2.32 .16 34.01 26.77 HealthcareRealty HR 4.0 cc 30.39 –1.00 .52 ... .30 .3025
M16 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

New York Stock Exchange Composite List

- Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
29.70 23.39 HealthcareAmer HTA 4.4 80 29.40 +0.76 .24 ... .42 .325 11.00 9.65 InvestindustrialA IIAC ... ... 9.90 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 10.70 4.12 Lannett LCI ... dd 4.53 +0.06 –.86 .07 ... ... 10.50 9.77 MasonIndlTech MIT.UT ... ... 9.90 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
37.69 25.52 HealthpeakProp PEAK 3.3 39 35.83 –0.52 .77 .78 .46 .30 2.56 0.79 InvestindustrialWt IIAC.WT ... ... 1.30 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 99.26 7.71 LaredoPetrol LPI ... dd 43.54 –4.38 –74.92 12.28 ... ... 9.90 9.41 MasonIndlTechA MIT ... ... 9.70 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
9.44 4.32 HeclaMining HL .2 98 6.13 –0.07 –.03 ... .28 .0112 61.59 25.24 Invitae NVTA ... dd 26.09 –3.57 –4.47 –2.69 –2.43 ... 66.77 38.74 LasVegasSands LVS ... dd 39.96 –0.91 –2.21 –.37 2.05 ... 1.00 0.58 MasonIndlTechWt MIT.WT ... ... .74 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
148.95 99.55 Heico HEI .1 70 131.02 –1.41 ... ... 2.73 .09 41.20 26.35 InvitatHomes INVH 1.7 cc 39.62 –0.50 .35 .38 ... .17 48.98 30.61 Lazard LAZ 3.9 12 48.64 +0.91 3.69 ... 4.69 .47 132.22 78.00 MasoniteIntl DOOR ... 35 122.77 +7.90 2.81 ... 10.14 ...
137.25 83.25 Heico A HEI.A .1 64 120.15 –0.79 ... ... 2.73 .09 47.34 24.85 IronMountain IRM 5.4 22 46.10 +1.13 1.19 1.56 1.65 .6185 204.91 103.35 Lear LEA .6 14 170.18 +0.66 2.62 ... 17.95 .25 122.33 40.18 MasTec MTZ ... 18 93.21 –1.04 4.38 5.45 ... ...
6.76 2.20 HelixEnergy HLX ... 51 3.87 –0.21 .13 –.38 –.31 ... 13.19 7.80 ironSource IS ... ... 9.68 +1.14 ... .09 .14 ... 59.16 39.05 Leggett&Platt LEG 3.4 17 49.75 +1.57 1.82 2.86 3.15 .42 401.50 281.20 Mastercard MA .5 50 362.75 –11.78 ... 8.12 10.63 .44
36.26 12.87 Helm&Payne HP 3.6 dd 27.57 –0.10 –4.60 –2.46 –1.29 .25 10.50 9.80 IsosAcqn ISOS.UT ... ... 10.19 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 113.75 79.15 Leidos LDOS 1.5 19 95.64 +1.26 4.36 ... 7.13 .36 38.05 6.29 MatadorRscs MTDR .4 dd 27.60 –1.80 –5.11 ... ... .025
59.00 43.01 Herbalife HLF ... 12 49.33 +1.42 2.77 4.95 5.62 ... 10.28 9.55 IsosAcqnA ISOS ... ... 9.88 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 3.97 1.50 LejuHoldings LEJU ... ... 1.59 –0.09 .14 .17 .41 ... 80.70 49.51 Materion MTRN .6 31 74.64 +0.56 .75 3.38 4.20 .12
135.63 34.95 HercHoldings HRI ... 25 130.72 +6.29 2.51 6.98 ... ... 1.80 0.56 IsosAcqnWt ISOS.WT ... ... 1.12 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 188.30 44.11 Lemonade LMND ... dd 73.55 –7.35 –3.63 –3.79 –3.77 ... 79.05 36.78 Matson MATX 1.6 8 73.07 +1.84 4.44 12.71 7.02 .30
17.75 10.75 HerculesCapital HTGC 7.5 6 17.18 –0.38 2.01 1.29 1.40 .07 26.46 11.17 iStar STAR 1.9 dd 26.35 +0.77 –.87 1.05 .72 .125 29.72 4.32 LendingClub LC ... dd 29.19 +2.28 –2.63 –.05 1.16 ... 12.80 10.00 MauiLand MLP ... dd 11.09 +0.66 –.14 –.27 –.24 ...
13.35 6.92 HeritageInsurance HRTG 3.4 dd 7.11 –0.13 .33 .33 ... .06 6.23 3.51 ItauCorpBanca ITCB ... dd 3.78 +0.09 –3.42 .83 .72 ... 110.61 69.41 Lennar A LEN .9 10 108.17 +4.12 ... 13.42 13.73 .25 58.75 21.05 MaxarTech MAXR .1 dd 30.31 –1.26 4.99 –.13 .70 .01
13.05 4.70 HershaHospitality HT ... dd 8.99 –0.58 –4.93 –1.96 –1.04 ... 6.76 3.89 ItauUnibanco ITUB 2.3 11 5.84 ... .38 .51 .55 .0029 89.78 56.01 Lennar B LEN.B 1.1 8 88.77 +3.53 ... 13.42 13.73 .25 96.05 64.30 Maximus MMS 1.4 17 82.66 –1.33 3.39 ... ... .28
182.24 134.00 Hershey HSY 2.0 26 179.40 +0.81 6.11 6.90 7.46 .901 12.73 10.03 IvanhoeCap IVAN.UT ... ... 10.27 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 356.36 259.62 LennoxIntl LII 1.1 26 340.48 +6.68 9.24 13.16 14.01 .92 52.22 20.91 MaxLinear MXL ... dd 50.10 –0.42 –1.35 ... ... ...
91.09 34.82 Hess HES 1.4 dd 69.94 –3.20 –10.15 2.17 4.43 .25 11.10 9.50 IvanhoeCapA IVAN ... ... 9.86 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 10.79 9.84 LeoHoldingsII LHC.UT ... ... 9.84 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 22.16 8.11 MayvilleEngg MEC ... 61 16.58 –0.50 –.36 .64 ... ...
27.62 14.56 HessMidstream HESM 8.2 16 24.67 –0.31 1.31 ... ... .5042 3.01 1.18 IvanhoeCapWt IVAN.WT ... ... 1.24 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 10.54 9.50 LeoHldgsII A LHC ... ... 9.63 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 105.54 82.03 McCormick MKC 1.6 31 86.68 +3.25 ... 3.03 3.21 .34
16.74 8.29 HewlettPackard HPE 3.2 30 14.98 +0.11 –.25 ... 1.96 .12 1.60 0.65 LeoHldgsII Wt LHC.WT ... ... .75 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 105.50 81.30 McCormickVtg MKC.V 1.6 31 86.68 +3.18 ... 3.03 3.21 .34
... J 10.05
LeoHoldingsIII A
10.97 9.61 HighlandTransI HTPA ... ... 9.70 ... ... ... ... ... 10.30 9.72 LeoHldgsIII LIII.UT ... ... 10.03 ... ... ... ... ... 210.00 141.32 McKesson MCK .9 dd 198.43 –1.50 –28.26 ... 21.27 .47
2.90 0.65 HighlandTranIWt HTPA.WT ... ... 1.04 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.92 JATT Acqn JATT.UT ... ... 9.94 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 30.84 11.91 LeviStrauss LEVI .6 40 28.06 +0.88 ... 1.33 1.51 .08 2.57 1.29 Mechel MTL ... dd 2.20 ... ... .40 .45 ...
48.98 29.18 HighwoodsProp HIW 4.4 20 45.90 –1.30 3.32 1.58 1.37 .50 13.92 3.92 J Alexander's JAX ... dd 13.92 +0.13 –1.53 .69 .74 ... 13.41 9.82 LexingtonRealty LXP 3.2 15 13.34 +0.08 .66 .44 .35 .1075 48.28 23.58 Medallia MDLA ... dd 33.55 –0.30 –1.03 –.16 .03 ...
3.38 1.25 HillIntl HIL ... dd 2.43 +0.23 –.14 ... ... ... 34.98 22.63 JBG SMITH Prop JBGS 2.9 dd 30.51 –0.54 –.49 –.23 ... .225 15.74 8.81 Li-Cycle LICY ... dd 9.55 –1.08 ... ... ... ... 70.33 21.62 MediaAlpha MAX ... ... 26.86 –3.48 –.14 ... ... ...
142.47 80.31 Hill-Rom HRC .7 38 133.95 –0.84 3.32 6.10 6.41 .24 31.47 19.60 JELD-WEN JELD ... 19 29.40 +1.32 .90 2.06 ... ... 4.67 0.66 Li-CycleWt LICY.WT ... ... 1.72 –0.19 ... ... ... ... 22.82 16.10 MedicalProp MPW 5.6 22 20.13 –0.18 .81 1.15 ... .28
52.84 26.36 Hillenbrand HI 2.0 18 43.78 –1.75 –.82 3.69 3.68 .215 24.50 1.81 J.Jill JILL ... dd 21.15 –0.53 –15.22 ... ... ... 17.78 6.20 LibertyOilfield LBRT ... dd 9.90 +0.13 –1.36 –.47 .34 ... 336.99 139.59 Medifast MED 2.4 19 236.01 –23.54 8.68 ... ... 1.42
39.60 17.80 Hilltop HTH 1.4 6 33.19 –0.24 5.01 2.81 2.54 .12 8.99 2.21 JMP JMP ... 13 6.80 –0.17 –.24 .83 .70 ... 121.61 66.22 LifeStorage LSI 2.5 49 119.98 –0.29 2.13 2.81 3.11 .74 34.19 12.47 Mednax MD ... dd 33.00 –0.14 –9.55 1.45 1.72 ...
48.16 19.68 HiltonGrandVac HGV ... dd 39.91 –1.84 –2.36 1.21 2.88 ... 167.44 91.38 JPMorganChase JPM 2.3 11 159.98 +2.48 8.88 14.02 12.00 .90 5.69 1.20 LightInTheBox LITB ... 11 1.33 +0.07 .12 –.01 .03 ... 132.39 98.44 Medtronic MDT 2.0 48 128.34 –0.30 2.66 5.69 6.29 .63
136.89 81.48 Hilton HLT ... dd 122.21 –4.45 –2.56 2.19 4.22 ... 61.23 30.42 Jabil JBL .5 16 60.63 +0.96 .35 5.55 5.99 .08 17.36 5.84 Lightng eMotors ZEV ... ... 9.01 +2.73 ... –.76 –.19 ... 14.26 9.56 MemberCollect MCG ... ... 12.43 –1.65 ... –.93 .03 ...
25.40 7.24 Hims&HersHealth HIMS ... dd 8.37 +0.22 .07 –.40 –.20 ... 145.97 87.32 JacobsEngg J .6 41 138.07 +9.18 3.71 ... 6.43 .21 5.00 0.40 LightningWt ZEV.WT ... ... 1.65 +0.58 ... ... ... ... 83.71 68.38 Merck MRK 3.4 35 76.72 +1.28 2.78 ... 6.51 .65
15.05 5.22 Hippo HIPO ... ... 5.27 –2.09 ... ... ... ... 38.52 21.44 JamesHardie JHX .0 45 37.99 +2.74 .59 ... ... .55 97.97 28.10 Lightspeed LSPD ... dd 94.93 –2.25 –1.18 ... ... ... 67.88 39.48 MercuryGeneral MCY 4.3 6 58.91 –0.67 6.77 3.98 3.42 .6325
4.82 1.00 HippoWt HIPO.WT ... ... 1.05 –0.38 ... ... ... ... 43.45 18.80 JanusHenderson JHG 3.5 13 42.83 +0.84 .87 ... ... .38 273.04 129.21 EliLilly LLY 1.3 40 264.21 +0.77 6.79 ... ... .85 47.00 10.75 Meredith MDP ... 28 46.36 +2.10 ... 4.30 5.71 ...
18.17 4.68 HoeghLNG Ptrs HMLP .9 2 4.69 –0.31 2.91 1.64 1.41 .01 15.50 9.90 JanusInternational JBI ... dd 14.66 +1.27 ... ... ... ... 71.68 29.42 LincolnNational LNC 2.4 10 70.41 +3.05 2.56 10.20 11.31 .42 26.84 23.00 MeridianLink MLNK ... cc 25.24 +1.56 ... ... ... ...
12.75 9.24 Holley HLLY ... ... 11.20 –0.43 ... .70 .79 ... 4.90 0.90 JanusIntlWt JBI.WT ... ... 4.50 +0.74 ... ... ... ... 310.19 214.14 Linde LIN 1.4 50 309.40 +3.53 4.71 10.33 ... 1.06 120.19 78.00 MeritageHomes MTH ... 8 113.61 +4.50 11.00 18.88 ... ...
3.29 0.71 HolleyWt HLLY.WT ... ... 2.51 –0.19 ... ... ... ... 10.97 9.90 JawsMustang JWSM.UT ... ... 10.05 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 179.27 91.41 Lindsay LNN .8 37 173.40 +1.95 3.56 4.30 5.18 .33 33.56 19.51 Meritor MTOR ... 14 25.55 +0.69 3.24 2.46 4.00 ...
23.69 10.48 HollyEnergy HEP 7.5 10 18.61 +0.93 1.61 2.05 ... .35 10.10 9.65 JawsMustangA JWSM ... ... 9.72 ... ... ... ... ... 35.25 9.60 LionElectric LEV ... dd 14.05 –0.44 ... –.21 .03 ... 7.74 3.43 MesaRoyalty MTR 5.1 cc 5.69 –0.22 ... ... ... .0039
42.39 16.81 HollyFrontier HFC .0 26 30.39 +1.37 –3.72 1.00 3.18 .35 1.50 0.94 JawsMustangWt JWSM.WT ... ... 1.26 +0.09 ... ... ... ... 13.98 0.76 LionElectricWt LEV.WT ... ... 4.41 –0.13 ... ... ... ... 39.61 19.12 MesabiTrust MSB 5.0 15 35.72 +1.96 ... 1.51 2.61 .09
345.69 246.59 HomeDepot HD 2.0 24 331.32 +1.48 11.94 14.26 14.89 1.65 12.78 10.21 JawsSpitfire SPFR.UT ... ... 10.27 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 21.42 6.56 LionsGate A LGF.A ... dd 12.88 –1.35 ... ... ... ... 9.95 9.81 MetalsAcqn MTAL.UT ... ... 9.93 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
33.42 23.10 HondaMotor HMC 2.6 6 32.54 –0.75 3.59 ... 4.23 .2312 12.10 9.81 JawsSpitfireA SPFR ... ... 9.97 +0.01 ... –.15 –.16 ... 18.77 6.13 LionsGate B LGF.B ... dd 11.72 –1.17 ... ... ... ... 50.20 23.97 MethodeElec MEI 1.1 15 48.88 +0.77 3.19 3.57 3.80 .14
44.74 32.35 HoraceMannEdu HMN 3.1 10 40.57 +0.51 3.17 2.97 3.11 .31 4.18 1.22 JawsSpitfireWt SPFR.WT ... ... 1.35 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 417.98 215.21 LithiaMotors LAD .4 12 375.16 +10.10 19.53 33.22 ... .35 67.68 35.19 MetLife MET 3.1 13 62.49 +1.78 5.68 ... ... .48
12.65 9.76 HorizonAcqn HZAC.UT ... ... 10.41 ... ... ... ... ... 36.02 16.75 JefferiesFin JEF 2.8 6 35.09 +0.17 2.65 ... ... .25 28.75 6.30 LithiumAmericas LAC ... dd 17.89 +3.08 –.39 –.40 –.13 ... 77.65 25.51 MetropolitanBk MCB ... 14 77.44 +0.91 4.66 6.26 ... ...
11.34 9.29 HorizonAcqnA HZAC ... dd 9.91 ... ... –.28 .26 ... 8.40 1.70 JianpuTech JT ... ... 2.06 +0.15 ... –8.67 –5.40 ... 94.63 47.97 LiveNationEnt LYV ... dd 81.58 –3.83 –8.12 ... ... ... 1537.66 926.88 MettlerToledo MTD ... 51 1537.49 +15.80 24.91 32.95 35.96 ...
3.00 0.75 HorizonAcqnWt HZAC.WT ... ... 1.66 +0.08 ... ... ... ... 90.20 18.94 JinkoSolar JKS ... cc 45.74 –9.44 .75 13.86 24.51 ... 13.38 10.00 LiveOakAcqnII LOKB.UT ... ... 10.61 +0.10 ... ... ... ... 8.19 2.78 MicroFocus MFGP 3.6 dd 5.73 +0.09 –8.90 1.48 1.39 .088
13.19 9.98 HorizonAcqnII HZON.UT ... ... 10.06 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 17.00 9.26 JobyAviation JOBY ... ... 9.50 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 11.99 9.66 LiveOakII A LOKB ... ... 9.91 ... ... ... ... ... 196.44 110.53 MidAmApt MAA 2.2 54 188.31 –2.76 2.19 2.49 2.64 1.025
12.16 9.69 HorizonII A HZON ... ... 9.72 ... ... ... ... ... 5.89 1.30 JobyAviationWt JOBY.WT ... ... 1.80 +0.29 ... ... ... ... 7.00 1.13 LiveOakII Wt LOKB.WT ... ... 1.84 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 47.57 28.84 MillerIndustries MLR 1.9 15 38.35 +0.65 2.62 2.00 1.72 .18
3.27 1.09 HorizonII Wt HZON.WT ... ... 1.14 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 151.64 80.74 JohnBeanTech JBT .3 43 141.99 –5.58 3.39 4.77 5.69 .10 10.53 9.83 LiveOakMobility LOKM.UT ... ... 9.90 –0.16 ... ... ... ... 88.62 46.49 MineralsTechs MTX .2 19 80.52 +0.57 3.29 4.91 5.74 .05
11.78 5.10 HorizonGlobal HZN ... dd 8.14 –0.44 –1.42 –.65 .48 ... 176.29 133.65 J&J JNJ 2.4 26 176.25 +3.14 5.51 9.72 10.48 1.06 9.87 9.56 LiveOakMobilityA LOKM ... ... 9.64 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 10.28 9.72 MissionAdv MACC.UT ... ... 9.92 +0.02 ... ... ... ...
52.97 43.45 HormelFoods HRL 2.1 28 46.00 +0.52 1.66 1.73 1.95 .245 73.22 39.80 JohnsonControls JCI 1.5 29 72.82 +0.75 .84 ... 3.29 .27 1.75 0.96 LiveOakMobilWt LOKM.WT ... ... 1.23 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.60 MissionAdvA MACC ... ... 9.77 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
106.89 64.32 DR Horton DHI .8 10 97.78 +3.08 6.41 11.27 13.13 .20 253.93 90.86 JonesLang JLL ... 19 249.59 –2.15 7.70 14.88 15.42 ... 27.28 7.22 Livent LTHM ... dd 25.84 +3.72 –.13 .13 .35 ... 0.98 0.51 MissionAdvWt MACC.WT ... ... .79 +0.03 ... ... ... ...
91.02 55.25 HoulihanLokey HLI 1.9 17 88.95 +2.15 ... 4.64 4.71 .43 69.89 7.00 JumiaTech JMIA ... dd 19.26 –2.01 –2.28 –1.49 –1.43 ... 87.38 38.50 LiveRamp RAMP ... dd 45.57 –1.90 –1.36 ... ... ... 24.49 18.49 MisterCarWash MCW ... ... 19.64 –0.67 ... .38 .42 ...
146.34 26.03 Hovnanian HOV ... 1 100.70 –5.91 ... 3.91 –2.25 ... 29.10 19.51 JuniperNetworks JNPR 2.8 47 28.89 +0.50 .77 1.72 1.92 .20 2.83 1.17 LloydsBanking LYG 2.8 7 2.53 –0.02 .06 .40 .32 .0322 12.57 3.69 MistrasGroup MG ... cc 9.71 –0.62 –3.41 .37 ... ...
113.20 53.55 HowardHughes HHC ... 71 90.74 –2.98 –.50 ... 3.94 ... 4.97 1.18 JupaiHoldings JP ... dd 1.41 –0.05 –.14 6.81 6.81 ... 39.85 8.62 loanDepot LDI 3.6 1 8.95 –0.50 ... 1.91 1.89 .08 6.02 3.86 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 3.4 8 5.58 +0.16 .57 .64 ... .1036
36.03 16.15 HowmetAerospace HWM .2 48 32.12 +0.38 .59 ... ... .02 402.38 319.81 LockheedMartin LMT 2.9 14 357.98 –4.07 24.30 25.34 ... 2.60 16.79 7.84 MiXTelematics MIXT 1.5 21 14.05 –0.34 .67 .53 .63 .0687
1.9 31
7 15.30
.98 K 59.39
LomaNegra LOMA
L .4
679.19 260.79 HubSpot HUBS ... dd 667.33 +8.28 –1.90 1.69 2.44 ... 10.58 9.76 LongviewII LGV.UT ... ... 10.09 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 48.20 28.98 ModelN MODN ... dd 33.22 +0.61 –.40 .43 .48 ...
9.60 3.82 HudbayMinerals HBM .2 dd 6.64 +0.04 –.55 .19 .94 .0079 20.85 13.55 KAR Auction KAR ... 67 18.86 +0.15 –.16 .97 1.12 ... 10.25 9.71 LongviewII A LGV ... ... 9.81 ... ... ... ... ... 18.54 5.66 ModineMfg MOD ... dd 14.28 –0.06 –4.11 ... ... ...
30.35 18.62 HudsonPacProp HPP 3.8 dd 26.64 –0.41 ... .03 .05 .25 53.67 30.41 KB Fin KB 4.0 5 45.61 –0.47 7.47 9.39 9.72 .6391 1.95 0.90 LongviewII Wt LGV.WT ... ... 1.43 ... ... ... ... ... 63.18 30.48 Moelis MC 3.9 13 62.25 +2.21 2.95 ... 3.74 .60
475.44 370.22 Humana HUM .7 22 410.77 –8.44 25.31 ... 24.59 .70 52.48 30.25 KB Home KBH 1.4 10 43.78 +1.91 3.13 6.30 7.27 .15 76.35 27.01 LouisianaPacific LPX 1.2 5 58.94 +2.00 4.46 13.46 6.67 .18 231.80 87.34 MohawkInds MHK ... 14 209.16 +7.87 7.22 15.00 16.09 ...
224.13 136.44 HuntingIngalls HII 2.2 11 205.94 +0.36 17.14 13.36 14.53 1.14 42.71 21.13 KBR KBR 1.1 dd 39.40 +1.27 –.51 2.17 2.44 .11 215.22 146.72 Lowe's LOW 1.7 21 190.51 +0.35 7.75 11.02 10.95 .80 283.43 151.40 MolinaHealthcare MOH ... 23 248.28 –16.78 11.23 13.41 ... ...
32.35 20.58 Huntsman HUN 2.9 9 25.55 –0.17 4.66 ... ... .1875 79.40 16.63 KE Holdings BEKE ... 28 17.80 –0.74 ... ... 5.48 ... 4.25 0.90 Luby's LUB ... dd 4.14 +0.09 –.97 .04 .08 ... 61.48 32.11 MolsonCoorsB TAP 2.7 dd 50.54 +1.44 ... 4.00 4.29 .34
92.22 51.21 HyattHotels H ... dd 72.14 –3.34 ... ... ... ... 10.22 9.90 KKR Acqn I KAHC.UT ... ... 10.00 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 20.17 6.95 LufaxHolding LU ... 9 7.76 +0.64 .81 ... ... ... 19.76 13.01 MonmouthRealEst MNR 3.8 29 18.97 –0.23 –.50 .58 .33 .18
58.66 7.69 Hyliion HYLN ... dd 8.72 –1.01 2.93 –.76 –.72 ... 10.03 9.66 KKRAcqnI A KAHC ... ... 9.73 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 35.10 17.45 LumberLiqu LL ... 9 20.57 +0.65 2.10 1.37 1.41 ... 59.62 21.98 MontroseEnvl MEG ... dd 48.15 –1.99 –6.48 ... ... ...
102.17 35.26 HysterYaleMatls HY 2.1 39 60.20 –1.54 ... ... ... .3225 1.53 0.91 KKRAcqnI Wt KAHC.WT ... ... 1.14 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 16.60 8.51 LumenTech LUMN 8.3 dd 12.09 +0.34 –1.14 1.67 1.31 .25 388.81 253.17 Moody's MCO .7 34 380.65 –4.32 9.39 ... ... .62
67.81 32.73 KKR KKR .9 7 66.04 –1.54 3.37 3.59 ... .145 4.48 2.33 LumentFinance LFT 8.8 12 4.09 +0.02 .34 .41 .48 .09 91.95 58.32 Moog A MOG.A 1.3 54 76.03 –0.24 ... 5.02 ... .25
23.42 16.01 KKR RealEstFin KREF 8.2 10 20.92 –0.46 .96 2.03 1.85 .43
I 15.35 9.40 KT KT 3.5 11 14.60 +0.09 1.14 1.64 1.76 .4986
208.95 104.15 Kadant KAI .5 33 202.97 +3.00 4.77 7.28 8.41 .25 118.02 64.21 LyondellBasell LYB 4.3 9 105.07 +5.62 4.24 ... 15.04 1.13 11.86 9.90 MotiveCapital MOTV.UT ... ... 9.98 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
66.85 46.05 IAA IAA ... 27 53.88 –0.54 1.44 2.33 2.44 ... 8.50 0.65 KaleyraWt KLR.WT ... ... 2.65 +0.25 ... ... ... ... 10.87 9.61 MotiveCapA MOTV ... ... 9.72 ... ... .18 .34 ...
19.46 59.80 37.99 Kaman KAMN 1.8 dd 43.48 +0.53 –2.52 ... 2.10 .20
ICL Group
.0526 315.39 171.83 KSCitySouthern KSU .7 cc 292.66 +20.89 6.54 8.80 10.46 .54 M 3.24
107.70 78.91 IDACORP IDA 2.6 21 107.41 +0.74 4.69 4.90 5.01 .71 71.65 56.61 Kellogg K 3.5 17 65.57 +2.35 3.63 4.11 4.22 .58 33.96 9.66 Movado MOV 2.4 16 33.43 +2.21 ... 2.54 2.57 .20
57.10 5.95 IDT IDT ... 18 55.91 +3.48 ... 1.20 1.27 ... 83.98 60.00 Kemper KMPR 1.9 16 66.77 +1.02 6.14 1.19 5.38 .31 168.27 88.48 M&T Bank MTB 3.1 11 139.94 +1.96 ... 12.45 11.62 1.10 48.06 26.07 MuellerIndustries MLI 1.2 10 45.19 +2.12 2.47 6.25 6.60 .13
120.64 76.05 IHS Markit INFO .7 77 119.54 –0.07 2.17 3.17 3.53 .20 43.04 27.74 Kennametal KMT 2.2 57 36.72 +0.20 .65 ... ... .20 13.49 5.52 MBIA MBI ... dd 12.38 +0.54 –9.78 –3.17 –1.66 ... 15.89 10.08 MuellerWater MWA 1.4 31 15.40 –0.20 .45 .62 .73 .055
14.28 6.63 ING Groep ING .9 ... 13.80 +0.22 .73 1.34 ... .1236 21.41 12.77 KennedyWilson KW 4.1 8 21.35 +0.55 .66 ... –.10 .22 63.86 37.85 MDC Holdings MDC 3.1 7 51.69 +0.01 5.17 ... 10.00 .40 11.80 5.48 MultiPlan MPLN ... dd 6.55 –0.69 –1.11 ... ... ...
29.71 9.93 Invesco IVZ 2.7 11 24.85 +0.03 1.13 ... ... .17 38.74 19.43 KenonHoldings KEN ... 3 37.60 +1.80 9.41 ... ... ... 10.48 9.73 MDH Acqn MDH.UT ... ... 10.11 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 2.70 0.88 MultiPlanWt MPLN.WT ... ... 1.43 –0.29 ... ... ... ...
10.14 9.64 IonAcqn3 IACC ... ... 9.73 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 28.85 10.05 KensingtonCapII KCAC.UT ... ... 10.18 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 9.93 9.60 MDH Acqn A MDH ... ... 9.82 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 25.97 7.00 MurphyOil MUR 2.3 dd 21.72 +0.16 –7.48 1.02 1.78 .125
11.59 9.72 ION Acqn 2 IACB.UT ... ... 10.00 ... ... ... ... ... 10.65 9.82 KensingtonII A KCAC ... ... 9.89 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 1.01 0.45 MDH Acqn Wt MDH.WT ... ... .61 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 159.00 117.08 MurphyUSA MUSA .7 14 152.86 +2.83 13.08 11.40 9.03 .25
10.36 9.75 IonAcqn2 A IACB ... ... 9.84 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 3.50 1.09 KensingtonII Wt KCAC.WT ... ... 1.30 ... ... ... ... ... 35.02 21.41 MDU Rscs MDU 2.6 16 32.98 +0.10 1.95 2.12 2.28 .2125 11.50 9.80 MusicAcqn TMAC.UT ... ... 10.06 ... ... ... ... ...
1.92 0.97 IonAcqn2 Wt IACB.WT ... ... 1.32 –0.08 ... ... ... ... 10.18 9.95 KensingtonCapAcqnV KCGI.UT ... ... 10.12 ... ... ... ... ... 4.90 2.56 MFA Financial MFA 8.6 8 4.63 –0.01 –1.57 .51 .45 .10 9.95 9.63 MusicAcqnA TMAC ... ... 9.73 +0.01 ... ... ... ...
5.35 1.25 IONGeophysical IO ... dd 1.26 –0.12 –2.61 ... ... ... 23.65 11.33 KeyCorp KEY 3.6 9 20.68 +0.35 1.27 ... ... .185 15.68 8.29 MGIC Investment MTG 2.1 9 15.00 +0.57 1.29 1.73 ... .08 1.01 0.50 MusicAcqnWt TMAC.WT ... ... .80 ... ... ... ... ...
254.05 146.00 IQVIA IQV ... 80 248.14 –0.82 1.43 ... 9.99 ... 168.17 90.62 KeysightTechs KEYS ... 42 166.10 –0.50 3.31 5.90 6.47 ... 41.30 25.84 MGMGrowthProp MGP 5.1 29 40.22 –0.45 ... 1.30 1.39 .515 23.98 12.75 MyersIndustries MYE 2.5 26 21.98 +0.34 1.02 1.01 1.27 .135
5.29 2.54 IRSA IRS ... dd 4.14 –0.13 4.13 .04 .04 ... 74.05 45.28 KilroyRealty KRC 3.0 12 66.60 –0.29 1.63 4.98 1.52 .50 45.34 19.55 MGM Resorts MGM .0 dd 40.41 +0.60 –2.02 ... ... .0025 30.90 13.42 MyovantSciences MYOV ... dd 21.52 +0.40 –2.83 –2.24 –1.42 ...
2.76 0.14 IRSA Wt IRS.WT ... ... .25 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 13.34 5.57 KimbellRoyalty KRP 9.0 dd 10.72 –0.17 –4.85 .59 .53 .31 74.85 40.24 MI Homes MHO ... 6 64.66 +2.81 8.23 13.41 13.44 ...
158.88 128.02 KimberlyClark KMB 3.3 23 136.48 +3.23 6.87 6.78 7.60 1.14 13.50
... 22.45 10.04 KimcoRealty KIM 3.1 24 22.04 +0.19 2.25 .63 .57 .17
3.70 1.03
... N
10.20 9.80 IberePharm IBER.UT ... ... 9.97 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 19.29 11.45 KinderMorgan KMI 6.3 23 17.21 +0.09 .05 1.36 1.11 .27 31.40 15.05 MPLX MPLX 9.7 11 28.21 +0.71 –.80 2.77 2.94 .6875
9.95 9.60 IberePharmA IBER ... ... 9.68 ... ... ... ... ... 5.60 2.61 KingswayFin KFS ... dd 5.42 –0.14 –.35 –4.08 .40 ... 51.77 10.80 MP Materials MP ... cc 36.75 –0.39 –.27 .57 .72 ... 30.71 17.95 NACCO Inds NC 2.9 11 27.62 +0.49 ... 13.45 15.50 .1975
1.00 0.51 IberePharmWt IBER.WT ... ... .68 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 11.17 9.99 KingswoodAcqn KWAC.UT ... ... 10.32 –0.18 ... ... ... ... 12.21 3.93 MRC Global MRC ... dd 8.35 –0.05 –3.63 .07 .60 ... 16.00 11.66 N-able NABL ... dd 13.51 –1.04 ... .26 .42 ...
235.76 166.51 IDEX IEX 1.0 41 223.99 –3.68 4.94 6.32 7.00 .54 10.35 9.77 KingswoodA KWAC ... ... 9.99 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 172.84 120.50 MSA Safety MSA 1.1 62 160.85 +0.25 3.05 4.69 5.70 .44 50.00 18.30 NCR NCR ... dd 43.45 +2.07 –.86 2.55 3.83 ...
31.58 6.28 iHuman IH ... dd 7.43 –0.52 ... ... ... ... 1.29 0.45 KingswoodWt KWAC.WT ... ... .58 ... ... ... ... ... 635.58 336.03 MSCI MSCI .7 75 630.02 +1.12 7.12 9.78 11.05 1.04 4.55 1.46 NGL Energy NGL .0 dd 1.52 –0.36 –5.68 –.56 .17 .10
242.07 188.14 IllinoisToolWks ITW 2.1 28 233.01 +5.28 6.63 8.82 9.40 1.22 10.32 5.84 KinrossGold KGC 2.0 6 6.08 –0.11 1.07 ... ... .03 96.23 60.09 MSC Industrial MSM 3.5 24 85.70 –0.24 ... 4.83 5.42 .75 66.99 12.54 NIO NIO ... dd 41.03 –2.81 ... –3.21 –.40 ...
25.05 10.50 Imax IMAX ... dd 14.60 –0.78 –2.43 –.37 .74 ... 70.60 35.10 Kirby KEX ... 61 57.76 +0.10 –4.55 .77 2.39 ... 10.64 9.75 M3-BrigadeII MBAC.UT ... ... 10.05 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 8.50 3.34 NL Industries NL ... 10 6.20 –0.29 .30 .84 .85 ...
7.97 2.12 IndependenceContr ICD ... dd 3.03 –0.25 –19.69 –8.13 –3.04 ... 55.29 31.72 KirklandLakeGold KL 1.9 13 40.51 –0.51 2.91 3.30 ... .1875 10.00 9.56 M3-Brigade II A MBAC ... ... 9.74 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 18.02 7.70 NOV NOV ... dd 13.22 –0.23 –6.62 ... .22 ...
48.75 33.73 Independence IHC 1.0 28 43.05 –2.20 1.28 .11 .14 .22 23.14 10.00 KiteRealty KRG 3.4 cc 19.78 –0.67 –.19 ... ... .18 1.50 0.62 M3-BrigadeIIWt MBAC.WT ... ... 1.00 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 11.98 4.03 NOW DNOW ... dd 7.48 –0.39 –3.91 –.02 .27 ...
20.31 10.84 IndepRealty IRT 2.4 cc 20.15 +0.06 .16 .16 .26 .12 51.17 37.07 Knight-Swift KNX .8 16 50.52 +1.35 2.40 3.99 4.16 .10 10.25 2.25 MV Oil MVO 11.2 16 6.40 –0.24 ... 2.80 3.74 .30 44.44 28.22 NRG Energy NRG 3.0 10 43.65 –0.24 2.07 5.29 4.59 .325
48.47 36.00 IndustrsBachoco IBA 1.9 9 44.14 +1.97 3.66 ... 4.70 .4249 20.34 11.30 KnotOffshore KNOP 11.1 9 18.68 +0.42 1.74 ... ... .52 36.25 24.94 Mytheresa MYTE ... ... 29.12 –0.20 7020.04 .44 .39 ... 5332.08 3823.31 NVR NVR ... 18 5252.49 +39.54 230.11 341.88 398.93 ...
23.74 12.20 Infosys INFY 1.0 36 23.63 +0.82 .61 ... ... .2017 22.11 14.03 Knowles KN ... 29 19.94 –0.32 .07 1.41 ... ... 25.99 6.42 Macerich MAC 3.6 dd 16.86 +0.02 –1.58 –.45 –.12 .15 133.61 21.66 NaborsIndustries NBR ... dd 76.87 –3.99 –118.69 –62.04 –39.74 ...
52.66 33.83 IngersollRand IR ... 39 52.43 +2.61 –.09 1.87 2.14 ... 64.80 18.28 Kohl's KSS 1.8 22 54.49 +1.52 –1.06 ... 4.96 .25 18.40 10.35 Mack-Cali CLI ... dd 17.55 –0.32 –.70 –.70 –.33 ... 37.88 4.58 NamTaiProperty NTP ... 23 24.05 +2.38 .40 1.10 1.38 ...
89.55 47.11 Ingevity NGVT ... 16 84.23 +1.81 4.37 ... 6.15 ... 61.23 44.02 KoninklijkePhil PHG 2.0 30 44.46 +0.05 1.49 2.20 2.44 1.0331 41.00 24.47 MacquarieInfr MIC .0 dd 39.36 +0.01 –10.67 .63 .87 11.00 43.21 24.35 NatlBankHoldings NBHC 2.4 11 37.05 +0.59 2.85 2.33 2.40 .22
98.05 68.71 Ingredion INGR 2.9 44 88.35 +2.25 5.15 6.65 7.01 .64 69.16 20.80 KontoorBrands KTB 2.7 18 58.33 +0.77 1.17 4.12 4.53 .40 22.30 5.57 Macy's M ... dd 18.92 +0.36 –12.68 2.29 ... ... 55.22 37.87 NationalFuelGas NFG 3.5 37 52.75 –0.32 –1.41 3.97 ... .455
236.92 108.50 InnovativeIndProp IIPR 2.4 60 233.30 +4.85 3.27 ... 6.75 1.40 39.44 18.92 Koppers KOP ... 6 31.02 +0.12 5.71 4.43 ... ... 121.42 63.55 MSG Entertainment MSGE ... dd 67.10 –3.37 ... ... ... ... 68.49 53.09 NationalGrid NGG 8.1 22 66.37 +1.09 3.04 4.04 ... 2.2812
105.57 61.54 Insperity NSP 1.7 37 105.10 +3.18 3.54 ... 4.94 .45 12.98 8.29 KoreaElcPwr KEP 4.1 8 10.66 –0.38 1.31 .35 –.11 1.1139 207.09 140.15 MSG Sports MSGS ... dd 154.37 –5.12 ... –3.41 ... ... 78.56 53.70 NatlHealthInv NHI 5.7 18 62.95 –3.68 4.14 3.65 3.56 .90
252.25 106.30 InspireMedical INSP ... dd 188.73 –25.01 –2.19 –2.22 –1.71 ... 74.83 27.93 KornFerry KFY .7 33 67.92 +0.09 2.09 3.95 4.28 .12 53.85 32.61 MagellanMid MMP 8.5 12 48.48 +2.68 3.62 ... 4.22 1.0275 117.87 79.49 NatlPrestoInds NPK 1.1 13 90.37 +1.09 6.67 8.87 9.64 5.25
140.58 85.18 InstalledBldg IBP 1.0 33 123.55 +0.28 3.27 5.84 ... .30 3.96 0.90 KosmosEnergy KOS ... dd 2.18 –0.11 –1.02 –.02 .38 ... 104.28 43.08 MagnaIntl MGA 2.0 12 85.94 +2.28 2.52 7.23 8.97 .43 50.33 31.41 NatlRetailProp NNN 4.4 37 47.96 –0.46 1.22 ... 1.73 .53
44.00 16.81 InsteelInds IIIN .3 17 43.37 +3.97 .98 3.12 2.73 .03 45.89 13.27 Kraton KRA ... dd 38.67 –0.61 –7.08 2.27 2.91 ... 26.98 11.57 Magnachip MX ... 22 19.05 –0.18 9.80 .84 1.10 ... 55.71 31.78 NatlStorage NSA 2.7 70 55.63 +1.25 .53 .91 1.02 .38
23.75 18.52 Instructure INST ... dd 19.98 –1.09 ... –.39 –.04 ... 43.21 30.35 Kroger KR 2.0 22 42.81 +1.06 3.27 ... 3.06 .21 16.38 4.09 MagnoliaOil MGY 1.1 14 14.41 –0.07 –7.27 ... 1.90 .08 23.73 15.52 Natura&Co NTCO ... cc 20.78 –0.07 –.20 ... ... ...
101.61 54.37 IntegerHoldings ITGR ... 31 91.83 –3.41 2.33 3.63 4.35 ... 18.41 12.06 KronosWorldwide KRO 5.5 24 13.10 +0.01 .55 .91 1.07 .18 10.14 9.73 MagnumOpus OPA.UT ... ... 10.01 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 12.23 6.64 NaturalGasSvcs NGS ... dd 10.18 –0.23 .14 –.35 .02 ...
54.58 30.52 IntelligentSys INS ... 36 35.22 –0.38 .91 1.14 1.84 ... 15.06 4.55 KukeMusic KUKE ... dd 6.21 –0.73 ... ... ... ... 10.17 9.56 MagnumOpusA OPA ... ... 9.69 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 18.75 9.36 NaturalGrocers NGVC 2.4 15 11.47 –0.33 .89 .66 .75 .07
122.42 92.41 ICE ICE 1.1 23 116.88 –3.12 3.77 4.87 5.21 .33 1.04 0.47 MagnumOpusWt OPA.WT ... ... .75 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 22.61 10.36 NaturalResPtrs NRP 8.4 19 21.51 –0.09 –9.20 2.78 3.00 .45
.77 L 43.56
1.1 dd
9 42.81
152.84 105.92 IBM IBM 4.6 24 143.18 –0.91 6.23 10.79 11.94 1.64 28.33 7.36 Manitowoc MTW ... 58 26.55 +1.16 –.55 ... ... ... 31.38 10.68 Nautilus NLS ... 6 12.35 –1.84 1.86 .88 1.11 ...
157.08 99.54 IntlFlavors IFF 2.0 cc 156.75 +5.69 3.21 5.89 6.64 .79 11.65 0.87 LAIX LAIX ... dd .98 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 10.25 3.44 Manning&Napier MN 2.0 11 9.96 –0.06 .29 .17 .15 .05 12.46 6.11 NavigatorHldgs NVGS ... 49 9.25 –0.24 –.01 1.11 1.59 ...
51.49 37.59 IntlFlavorsUn IFFT 5.9 ... 50.96 +0.13 ... ... ... .75 11.30 9.96 L&F Acqn LNFA.UT ... ... 10.20 –0.14 ... ... ... ... 125.07 65.04 Manpower MAN 2.1 27 122.89 +4.96 .41 7.05 8.42 1.26 5.71 2.08 NaviosMaritime NNA .0 2 2.13 –0.07 1.71 .35 4.22 .05
26.43 7.68 IntlGameTech IGT ... cc 19.78 +0.33 –4.39 .95 1.26 ... 10.70 9.58 L&F Acqn A LNFA ... ... 9.95 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 22.25 13.13 ManulifeFin MFC 4.4 7 20.35 +0.28 2.19 2.61 2.82 .2233 15.42 1.45 NaviosMaritime NM ... dd 3.58 –0.42 –15.35 6.84 7.31 ...
65.27 34.81 IntlPaper IP 3.5 21 59.22 +1.33 1.22 ... 5.53 .5125 2.00 0.56 L&F Acqn Wt LNFA.WT ... ... .67 –0.18 ... ... ... ... 14.33 3.73 MarathonOil MRO 1.2 dd 12.10 +0.14 –1.83 ... ... .05 36.46 5.51 NaviosMaritime NMM .8 2 25.50 +3.05 –6.13 ... ... .05
22.39 12.44 IntlSeaways INSW 1.5 dd 16.02 –0.05 –.20 –.88 3.70 .06 156.61 101.69 LCI Inds LCII 2.5 14 146.38 –1.15 6.27 ... 11.57 .90 64.84 26.56 MarathonPetrol MPC 3.9 dd 59.15 +1.74 –15.13 .97 2.92 .58 12.99 9.92 NavSight NSH.UT ... ... 10.35 –0.18 ... ... ... ...
10.18 9.70 InterPrivateII IPVA.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 12.31 5.30 LG Display LPL ... 19 8.88 –0.81 –.11 1.81 1.23 ... 41.52 25.75 Marcus&Millichap MMI ... 21 40.17 +0.20 1.08 1.60 1.77 ... 12.05 9.20 NavSightA NSH ... dd 9.23 –0.75 ... –.35 –.11 ...
10.71 9.65 InterPrivateII A IPVA ... ... 9.74 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 11.40 9.85 LGLS ysAcqn DFNS ... dd 10.00 –0.02 ... –.41 –.63 ... 24.71 6.84 Marcus MCS ... dd 15.20 –0.81 –4.13 –2.64 .17 ... 2.65 0.63 NavSightWt NSH.WT ... ... 1.53 +0.02 ... ... ... ...
1.59 0.85 InterPrivateII Wt IPVA.WT ... ... 1.11 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 12.70 9.90 LGL Systems Un DFNS.UT ... ... 10.65 ... ... ... ... ... 22.61 13.81 MarineProducts MPX 3.4 18 14.13 –1.67 .57 .84 .91 .12 61.49 36.05 Neenah NP 3.8 dd 49.33 +1.32 –.96 2.87 4.24 .47
10.15 9.75 InterPrivateIII IPVF.UT ... ... 9.98 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 2.79 0.86 LGLSysAcqnWt DFNS.WT ... ... 1.36 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 70.89 23.24 MarineMax HZO ... 8 51.87 –0.43 3.37 ... 6.48 ... 79.21 58.66 Nelnet NNI 1.1 6 78.24 +1.27 ... 7.90 6.40 .22
10.00 9.65 InterPrivateII A IPVF ... ... 9.81 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 9.24 1.53 LSB Inds LXU ... dd 9.21 +0.60 –3.53 ... ... ... 1288.00 913.04 Markel MKL ... 7 1275.69 +18.49 55.63 ... ... ... 14.14 5.75 NeoPhotonics NPTN ... dd 8.52 –0.80 –.09 ... .27 ...
1.40 0.74 InterPrivateIII Wt IPVF.WT ... ... 1.19 +0.11 ... ... ... ... 44.73 32.01 LTC Properties LTC 6.4 23 35.50 –0.17 2.42 ... 1.68 .19 15.10 7.60 Markforged MKFG ... dd 9.43 –0.82 ... –.25 –.26 ... 26.93 16.63 Netstreit NTST 3.1 dd 25.94 –0.43 ... .09 .30 .20
37.88 15.92 Interpublic IPG 2.9 20 37.52 +0.59 .89 2.43 2.10 .27 233.19 158.09 L3HarrisTech LHX 1.8 32 229.83 –1.46 5.19 12.94 14.41 1.02 4.25 0.83 MarkforgedWt MKFG.WT ... ... 1.46 –0.44 ... ... ... ... 188.14 101.90 Nevro NVRO ... dd 101.99 –17.74 –2.47 ... –1.95 ...
39.19 7.94 IntrepidPotash IPI ... 44 35.90 +1.60 –2.09 2.55 2.58 ... 46.74 29.87 La-Z-Boy LZB 1.7 16 35.94 +1.84 2.30 3.00 3.21 .15 190.97 85.47 MarriottVacations VAC ... dd 146.56 +2.38 –6.65 ... ... ... 11.60 7.30 NewFrontierHlth NFH ... dd 11.23 +0.04 –.56 –.07 .09 ...
10.94 6.39 Invacare IVC ... dd 8.07 –0.73 ... ... .12 ... 304.74 170.05 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH ... 10 302.04 +3.79 15.88 23.53 16.44 ... 152.03 102.11 Marsh&McLen MMC 1.4 31 151.64 +1.75 3.94 6.05 6.58 .535 3.00 1.14 NewFrontierWt NFH.WT ... ... 2.96 ... ... ... ... ...
4.60 2.53 InvescoMtg IVR 11.3 5 3.19 ... –9.89 .39 .39 .09 12.65 6.33 LadderCapital LADR 7.1 90 11.33 +0.05 –.13 .38 ... .20 391.76 201.04 MartinMarietta MLM .6 31 385.44 +18.81 11.54 11.97 13.91 .61 8.98 3.66 NewHome NWHM ... 31 8.94 ... –1.76 .37 .47 ...
11.57 9.95 Investindustrial IIAC.UT ... ... 10.30 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 86.41 60.65 LambWeston LW 1.4 31 66.49 +1.41 2.16 2.50 3.40 .235 68.54 51.53 Masco MAS 1.5 31 62.60 +2.17 4.59 3.72 4.08 .235 44.41 25.87 NewJerseyRscs NJR 3.4 23 38.59 –0.47 2.04 2.14 2.26 .3325
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M17

New York Stock Exchange Composite List

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52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
19.97 1.94 NewOrientalEduc EDU ... 1 1.97 –0.13 ... ... ... ... 3.04 1.82 OverseasShip OSG ... dd 2.59 –0.06 .33 ... ... ... 107.59 84.89 Progressive PGR .4 10 96.12 –0.80 9.66 4.52 5.30 .10
OVV 2.3
OMI .0
... S
9.44 3.56 NewSeniorInvt SNR 2.9 dd 8.84 –0.16 –.08 –.32 –.25 .065 109.90 63.03 OwensCorning OC 1.1 11 96.18 +0.35 –3.53 8.84 9.25 .26 83.02 48.80 ProsperityBcshs PB 2.8 12 70.26 +0.42 5.68 5.58 5.26 .49
30.00 7.60 NewYorkCityReit NYC 3.4 dd 11.64 –1.00 ... ... ... .10 14.97 11.12 OwlRock ORCC 8.4 8 14.71 +0.21 1.00 1.19 1.31 .31 286.57 76.44 ProtoLabs PRLB ... 53 79.00 –1.47 1.89 1.64 2.13 ... 169.30 104.64 SAP SAP 1.9 25 148.30 +1.93 4.96 6.94 6.32 2.2599
13.23 7.72 NY CmntyBcp NYCB 5.4 10 12.61 +0.43 1.02 1.10 1.38 .17 11.56 7.76 Owlet OWLT ... ... 10.32 +0.82 ... –.34 –.45 ... 25.70 11.76 ProvidentFinSvcs PFS 4.1 11 22.25 –0.21 1.39 2.04 1.82 .23 444.64 303.50 S&P Global SPGI .7 43 441.74 +0.16 9.66 ... 14.28 .77
58.73 37.21 NYTimes A NYT .6 58 47.91 +0.13 ... 1.18 1.32 .07 2.10 0.56 OwletWt OWLT.WT ... ... 1.25 +0.21 ... ... ... ... 109.17 60.16 PrudentialFin PRU 4.3 6 108.01 +3.25 –1.00 13.41 13.09 1.15 13.29 9.98 SCVX SCVX.UT ... ... 10.42 +0.09 ... ... ... ...
432.55 297.29 NewMarket NEU 2.5 13 342.22 +14.39 24.64 21.48 23.16 2.10 114.47 37.89 OxfordIndustries OXM 1.8 dd 92.23 +4.02 –5.77 ... ... .42 44.99 23.99 Prudential PUK .8 26 42.39 +2.83 1.64 ... 3.38 .1074 11.59 9.66 SCVX SCVX ... 37 9.91 +0.01 ... ... ... ...
75.31 54.18 Newmont NEM 3.7 16 58.84 –0.98 3.51 ... ... .55 64.93 50.32 PublicServiceEnt PEG 3.2 22 64.72 +0.86 3.76 3.52 3.46 .51 2.75 0.75 SCVX Wt SCVX.WT ... ... .89 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
.2643 PQ 316.95
23.97 13.13 NexPointRealEst NREF 8.2 6 23.29 +0.74 1.74 2.34 2.41 .475 29.53 13.91 PureStorage PSTG ... dd 19.93 –0.18 –1.05 .33 ... ... 26.80 17.03 SINOPEC SHI 6.4 22 21.13 +0.30 ... 4.48 5.13 1.5567
61.65 39.13 NexPointResidentl NXRT 2.3 98 59.63 –0.71 1.74 –.93 –.76 .3413 18.78 4.06 PBF Energy PBF ... dd 8.85 –0.48 –11.64 ... ... ... 11.18 0.59 Puxin NEW ... 8 .60 –0.07 –.05 2.18 5.67 ... 16.52 6.59 SITE Centers SITC 3.1 cc 15.70 –0.34 .08 .16 .16 .12
87.69 66.79 NextEraEnergy NEE 1.8 52 83.45 +2.84 1.48 ... ... .385 16.70 6.92 PBF Logistics PBFX 9.7 5 12.43 –0.54 2.36 2.37 2.23 .30 12.13 4.62 PzenaInvtMgmt PZN 1.1 12 10.82 –0.15 .52 .70 .75 .03 71.69 58.01 SJW Group SJW 2.0 32 68.67 –0.71 2.14 1.92 2.46 .34
56.22 46.18 NextEra6.219%Un NEE.PRQ 5.7 ... 54.52 +1.36 ... ... ... .7774 12.91 8.24 PG&E PCG ... 24 9.12 +0.59 –1.05 1.01 1.10 ... 78.65 55.91 QTS Realty QTS 2.6 dd 77.73 +0.08 ... .04 .05 .50 33.59 20.98 SK Telecom SKM 3.2 13 29.23 –0.51 1.93 3.34 3.98 .0735
65.31 52.55 NextEraEnergyUn NEE.PRO 3.9 ... 62.00 +1.74 ... ... ... .609 126.76 86.26 PG&EUn PCGU 6.0 ... 91.47 +3.16 ... ... ... 1.375 148.56 79.78 Q2Holdings QTWO ... dd 80.31 –9.65 –2.65 .28 .48 ... 85.65 41.65 SLGreenRealty SLG 5.0 18 73.16 +1.02 4.87 ... 1.24 .3033
57.35 45.76 NextEraEnergyUn NEE.PRP 4.9 ... 53.81 +1.16 ... ... ... .6599 28.11 16.09 PGT Innovations PGTI ... 31 21.62 –0.91 .76 1.24 1.45 ... 59.00 45.33 Qiagen QGEN ... 25 51.14 –1.22 1.53 2.43 ... ... 26.87 1.34 SM Energy SM .1 dd 17.91 –0.76 –6.72 –.10 2.22 .01
88.30 54.33 NextEraEnergy NEP 3.1 24 79.85 +0.28 –.81 ... ... .6625 4.37 1.36 PHX Minerals PHX 1.4 dd 2.83 –0.18 –1.41 .18 .24 .01 6.36 2.11 QuadGraphics QUAD ... dd 4.87 +0.07 ... .45 .43 ... 15.88 1.21 SOS SOS ... 37 2.77 –0.30 ... –1.23 3.20 ...
5.84 1.58 NexTierOilfield NEX ... dd 3.61 –0.20 –1.62 –.61 .04 ... 81.82 54.57 PJT Partners PJT .3 16 79.25 +0.15 4.40 4.94 5.47 3.00 301.99 170.31 QuakerChemical KWR .7 31 253.17 –4.53 2.22 7.27 ... .415 67.66 39.74 SPX SPXC ... 22 64.13 –0.87 2.12 2.41 2.93 ...
28.42 13.13 NielsenHoldings NLSN 1.0 56 23.01 –0.17 –.02 1.59 1.77 .06 35.49 23.94 PLDT PHI 4.8 11 25.06 +0.02 2.26 2.53 2.49 .844 29.02 15.82 QuanexBldg NX 1.3 15 24.72 +0.50 1.17 ... 1.96 .08 86.17 40.96 SPX FLOW FLOW .5 49 77.72 –2.06 .14 2.78 3.42 .09
174.38 105.12 Nike NKE .6 48 171.69 –1.11 ... ... ... .275 11.70 9.88 PMV Consumer PMVC.UT ... ... 10.09 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 101.96 48.53 QuantaServices PWR .2 26 97.47 +5.12 3.07 4.54 5.10 .06 36.49 11.15 SQZ Biotech SQZ ... dd 13.01 +0.58 ... –2.50 –2.75 ...
4.04 0.99 NineEnergy NINE ... dd 1.84 –0.41 –12.74 –2.29 ... ... 10.60 9.60 PMV Consumer PMVC ... cc 9.74 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 9.90 9.50 QuantumFin QFTA ... ... 9.75 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 42.04 29.34 STAG Indl STAG 3.5 38 41.94 +0.44 1.32 .53 ... .1208
26.60 21.09 NiSource NI 3.5 49 25.47 +0.07 –.19 1.33 1.42 .22 1.94 0.58 PMV Consumer Wt PMVC.WT ... ... .81 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 10.40 9.76 QuantumFin QFTA.UT ... ... 10.20 +0.14 ... ... ... ... 37.13 24.70 StoreCapital STOR 4.0 42 36.12 –0.09 .84 ... .99 .36
109.03 102.54 NiSourceUn NIMC ... ... 107.74 +0.19 ... ... ... ... 203.88 101.58 PNC Fin PNC 2.6 14 190.38 +0.11 16.96 13.57 ... 1.25 0.90 0.24 QuantumFinWt QFTA.WT ... ... .31 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 42.00 26.50 SabineRoyalty SBR 6.6 18 38.89 –1.04 2.28 2.96 3.04 .3181
52.77 24.77 NoahHoldings NOAH ... dd 41.46 +0.72 ... 23.89 28.26 ... 50.25 39.00 PNM Resources PNM 2.7 20 48.27 +0.56 2.15 2.33 2.51 .3275 132.73 9.74 QuantumScape QS ... dd 21.74 –0.29 ... –.40 –.45 ... 4.46 0.82 SafeBulkers SB ... 7 3.45 +0.08 –.25 1.18 ... ...
26.00 20.34 Noble NE ... dd 21.26 +0.37 –15.86 1.04 .43 ... 92.19 38.26 POSCO PKX 2.4 11 71.57 –3.73 4.27 ... ... .0953 60.04 0.74 QuantumScapeWt QS.WT ... ... 10.20 –0.24 ... ... ... ... 8.63 5.15 SafeguardSci SFE ... dd 7.79 +0.22 –1.81 –1.22 –.93 ...
9.79 3.21 Nokia NOK ... dd 6.12 +0.02 –.51 .36 .39 ... 182.97 116.95 PPG Ind PPG 1.4 27 169.78 +5.55 4.45 7.26 8.79 .59 3.82 1.17 Qudian QD ... 1 1.60 –0.22 ... 4.58 3.51 ... 95.29 49.70 Safehold SAFE .8 77 89.97 –3.75 1.17 1.37 1.74 .17
31.85 22.44 NomadFoods NOMD ... 20 27.64 +0.46 ... 1.55 ... ... 30.81 25.47 PPL PPL 5.6 57 29.41 +0.18 1.91 2.27 1.66 .415 150.34 104.10 QuestDiag DGX 1.7 9 148.22 +1.62 10.47 11.16 8.06 .62 64.19 35.86 SailPointTechs SAIL ... dd 44.19 –5.30 –.12 –.06 –.03 ...
6.72 4.43 NomuraHoldings NMR 5.7 30 5.01 +0.06 .47 .71 ... .132 60.50 41.27 ProgHoldings PRG .4 10 45.61 +1.27 –.90 4.05 4.41 .0381 17.93 6.91 QuotientTech QUOT ... dd 7.66 –0.49 –.72 –.25 ... ... 284.50 192.52 CRM ... 53 251.56 +0.97 4.38 3.83 4.31 ...
4.63 2.21 NordicAmTankers NAT 12.6 dd 2.23 –0.19 .34 –.39 ... .02 51.83 24.55 PROS PRO ... dd 41.75 –2.95 –1.78 –.79 –.54 ... 25.66 8.28 SallyBeauty SBH ... 9 19.07 +0.21 .99 ... ... ...
... R 6.14
17.30 6.00 NorthAmConstr NOA .9 14 13.87 –0.58 1.30 1.79 2.10 .0492 156.54 95.55 PackagingCpAm PKG 2.7 22 146.42 +5.85 4.84 ... 9.19 1.00 10.04 9.60 SandbridgeX2 A SBII ... ... 9.65 –0.06 ... ... ... ...
7.80 2.78 NoEuroOil NRT 4.6 25 7.60 +0.20 ... ... ... .15 58.36 23.00 PagerDuty PD ... dd 40.43 –1.98 –.87 ... ... ... 30.65 19.52 RELX RELX 2.2 37 30.26 +0.44 ... 1.27 1.39 .4707 1.30 0.65 SandbridgeX2Wt SBII.WT ... ... 1.05 –0.15 ... ... ... ...
12.50 9.87 NorthernGenesisII NGAB.UT ... ... 10.31 ... ... ... ... ... 62.83 34.92 PagSeguroDig PAGS ... 87 58.82 +2.11 ... 5.10 8.00 ... 43.85 29.40 RE/MAX RMAX 2.6 59 34.82 +0.26 .60 2.28 2.54 .23 8.84 1.55 SandRidgeEnergy SD ... dd 8.76 +2.08 –7.77 –1.54 1.77 ...
10.30 9.55 NorthernGenII NGAB ... ... 9.91 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 45.00 8.90 PalantirTech PLTR ... dd 24.90 +3.08 ... .16 .21 ... 22.23 7.10 REV REVG 1.3 cc 15.86 +0.32 –.48 1.24 1.49 .05 9.67 5.96 SandstormGold SAND ... 45 6.98 –0.36 .07 ... ... ...
2.20 1.00 NorthernGenIIWt NGAB.WT ... ... 1.30 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 406.92 219.34 PaloAltoNtwks PANW ... dd 374.04 –12.32 –2.76 ... ... ... 744.56 292.00 RH RH ... 52 722.94 +47.95 9.96 22.55 ... ... 42.39 16.03 SantanderCons SC 2.1 5 41.99 +0.41 2.87 8.92 4.44 .22
10.29 9.61 NorthernGenIII NGC ... ... 9.72 –0.15 ... ... ... ... 17.95 9.33 PampaEnergia PAM ... 6 16.60 +1.10 ... 3.04 3.67 ... 117.84 81.20 RLI RLI .9 18 108.83 –1.08 3.46 3.34 ... .25 28.25 16.10 SaratogaInvt SAR 6.5 5 27.05 +0.51 1.32 ... 2.18 .44
10.98 9.75 NorthernGenesisIII NGC.UT ... ... 10.05 –0.08 ... ... ... ... 20.18 5.91 ParPacific PARR ... dd 15.56 –0.14 –7.68 –2.01 1.13 ... 17.51 7.75 RLJ Lodging RLJ .3 dd 14.54 –0.03 –2.61 ... ... .01 17.98 4.55 Sasol SSL ... dd 14.58 –0.59 ... ... 2.85 ...
1.69 0.83 NorthernGenIII Wt NGC.WT ... ... 1.15 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 90.35 34.72 ParTechnology PAR ... dd 63.07 +0.53 –1.92 –1.42 –.78 ... 35.00 4.05 RLX Tech RLX ... ... 5.02 +0.56 ... 1.76 2.44 ... 47.83 23.49 SaulCenters BFS 4.7 36 46.95 +0.26 1.25 1.75 1.47 .55
12.11 10.01 NorthernStarII NSTB.UT ... ... 10.23 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 11.65 5.54 ParamountGroup PGRE 3.1 dd 9.17 –0.05 –.11 ... ... .07 7.43 2.23 RPC RES ... dd 3.77 –0.18 –1.00 ... ... ... 36.87 13.70 Schlumberger SLB 1.8 39 28.35 –0.07 –7.57 1.23 1.72 .125
11.62 9.78 NorthernStrII A NSTB ... ... 9.89 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 16.20 10.55 ParkAerospace PKE 2.6 57 15.51 +0.42 .24 .62 .78 .10 99.30 78.13 RPM RPM 1.7 22 87.06 +1.92 3.87 4.04 4.71 .38 28.13 20.20 SchneiderNatl SNDR 1.3 14 22.39 +0.90 ... 1.95 ... .07
3.35 1.24 NorthernStrII Wt NSTB.WT ... ... 1.69 –0.16 ... ... ... ... 24.67 8.42 ParkHotels PK ... dd 18.49 –0.28 –6.11 ... .02 ... 14.00 4.79 RPTRealty RPT 3.7 29 12.88 –0.15 –.21 .06 ... .12 76.37 33.79 SchwabC SCHW 1.0 31 74.01 +2.08 2.12 3.16 3.56 .18
10.19 9.68 NorthernStrIII A NSTC ... ... 9.75 –0.01 .26 .56 .66 ... 324.68 192.25 ParkerHannifin PH 1.4 22 293.00 –5.53 13.35 17.16 18.87 1.03 7.15 1.10 RR Donnelley RRD ... 18 5.76 +0.02 1.36 1.10 1.20 ... 50.79 26.73 SchweitzerMaud SWM 4.5 19 38.83 –0.80 2.66 3.08 3.93 .44
1.79 0.80 NorthernStrIII Wt NSTC.WT ... ... 1.16 –0.14 ... ... ... ... 45.01 30.08 Parsons PSN ... 48 35.11 +1.83 .97 1.61 2.30 ... 5.91 2.21 RYBEducation RYB ... dd 2.86 –0.26 ... ... ... ... 103.95 72.44 ScienceApplicat SAIC 1.8 19 83.53 +1.01 3.56 ... ... .37
10.19 9.64 NorthernStrIV A NSTD ... ... 9.69 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 11.06 1.67 PartyCity PRTY ... 5 6.77 –0.14 –5.24 ... .90 ... 25.31 13.70 RadianGroup RDN 2.3 8 24.12 +1.15 2.00 2.80 ... .14 24.67 8.28 ScorpioTankers STNG 2.6 dd 15.37 +0.44 1.67 –2.94 1.97 .10
2.00 0.74 NorthernStrIV Wt NSTD.WT ... ... 1.12 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 475.20 257.87 PaycomSoftware PAYC ... cc 463.73 –2.72 2.46 4.40 ... ... 66.44 14.80 Rafael RFL ... dd 49.52 –3.84 ... ... ... ... 254.34 143.08 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 1.7 16 156.37 –7.72 6.81 9.25 8.90 .66
10.46 9.74 NorthernStarIII NSTC.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 39.23 26.76 Paymentus PAY ... cc 27.99 –0.94 ... .08 .08 ... 142.06 65.20 RalphLauren RL 2.2 55 124.45 +1.31 ... 7.01 7.97 .6875 16.35 3.24 ScullyRoyalty SRL ... cc 12.18 –1.34 .02 –.16 .20 ...
10.20 9.70 NorthernStarIV NSTD.UT ... ... 9.89 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 19.57 9.60 Paysafe PSFE ... ... 10.20 –0.66 ... .04 .17 ... 17.47 5.93 RangeResources RRC ... dd 13.77 –1.03 –2.95 1.56 2.00 ... 28.54 10.28 SculptorCapMgmt SCU 11.3 6 28.18 +3.54 3.00 ... 3.87 .54
379.03 282.88 NorthropGrum NOC 1.7 13 363.11 +1.00 19.03 ... ... 1.57 6.15 0.92 PaysafeWt PSFE.WT ... ... 2.68 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 12.35 2.27 RangerEnergySvcs RNGR ... dd 7.15 –0.70 –1.21 –1.25 .30 ... 315.00 124.39 Sea SE ... dd 306.71 +3.99 ... –1.86 –.53 ...
56.75 41.71 NorthwestNat NWN 3.6 19 53.53 +0.10 2.51 2.54 2.63 .48 13.93 0.80 PeabodyEnergy BTU ... dd 13.44 +1.09 –19.14 ... ... ... 32.80 8.41 Ranpak PACK ... dd 30.98 +3.17 ... .14 .29 ... 22.86 15.38 SeabridgeGold SA ... dd 17.22 –0.46 –.17 ... –.18 ...
34.49 14.15 NorwegCruise NCLH ... dd 25.04 +0.15 –15.75 –5.94 .36 ... 12.39 6.13 Pearson PSO 2.5 22 10.89 –0.28 .53 .48 .55 .1885 140.37 67.66 RaymondJames RJF 1.1 17 138.94 +5.06 5.83 ... 9.98 .39 60.75 36.27 SealedAir SEE 1.3 19 60.42 +1.71 3.22 3.53 4.01 .20
21.90 1.33 NouveauMonde NMG ... dd 6.88 +0.08 –.51 –.54 –.68 ... 26.42 11.06 PebblebrookHotel PEB .2 dd 21.53 –0.79 –3.25 –1.98 –.56 .01 11.30 2.89 RayonierAdvMatls RYAM ... 3 6.93 –0.23 .01 ... ... ... 58.26 18.19 SeaWorldEnt SEAS ... dd 52.97 +0.57 –3.99 2.47 2.97 ...
98.52 77.04 Novartis NVS ... 24 93.83 +2.51 3.57 ... ... ... 34.25 20.10 PembinaPipeline PBA 5.9 dd 32.34 +0.29 –.64 1.82 2.00 .1683 38.98 25.05 Rayonier RYN 2.9 68 36.80 –0.14 .27 .50 .49 .27 7.58 2.80 SelectEnergySvcs WTTR ... dd 5.36 –0.01 –3.98 ... .01 ...
103.21 63.22 NovoNordisk NVO 1.0 33 102.76 +3.28 ... 3.16 3.52 .9494 3.47 0.36 PA Reit PEI ... dd 2.02 –0.13 –3.72 –.46 –.50 ... 89.98 51.92 RaytheonTech RTX 2.3 60 87.25 –0.33 –2.59 4.05 ... .51 43.60 18.24 SelectMedical SEM ... 11 35.33 –1.87 1.93 ... 2.81 ...
11.36 9.80 NovusCapII NXU.UT ... ... 10.00 ... ... ... ... ... 70.99 47.16 PennyMacFin PFSI 1.2 3 67.24 –2.36 20.92 14.53 11.95 .20 16.78 9.32 ReadyCapital RC 11.2 8 15.04 –0.13 .81 1.80 1.80 .42 33.00 13.59 SelectQuote SLQT ... 15 13.70 –4.59 –.16 .82 1.25 ...
10.15 9.58 NovusCapII A NXU ... ... 9.65 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 21.53 14.79 PennyMacMtg PMT 9.9 7 18.91 –0.34 .27 2.25 2.09 .47 19.60 9.06 Realogy RLGY ... 6 17.37 +0.07 –3.13 2.99 2.64 ... 144.93 112.33 Sempra SRE 3.3 19 133.77 +1.44 12.88 8.12 8.47 1.10
1.79 0.80 NovusCapII Wt NXU.WT ... ... 1.09 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 93.45 45.58 PenskeAuto PAG 1.9 7 89.68 +1.92 6.74 12.63 11.01 .45 71.98 57.00 RealtyIncome O 3.9 73 71.95 +1.33 1.14 1.46 1.65 .2355 26.31 10.62 Semrush SEMR ... dd 21.78 +1.46 ... –.05 –.01 ...
63.85 44.23 NuSkinEnts NUS 2.8 12 53.76 –1.86 3.63 4.42 4.71 .38 79.96 43.20 Pentair PNR 1.0 28 79.50 +2.40 2.14 3.37 3.69 .20 14.12 9.81 RedBallAcqn RBAC.UT ... ... 10.02 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 17.81 11.45 SendasDistrib ASAI .0 cc 16.84 +0.09 .20 .90 1.12 .0559
128.81 44.05 Nucor NUE 1.3 13 126.17 +21.86 2.36 ... 3.95 .405 320.00 163.49 Penumbra PEN ... cc 257.66 –6.28 –.44 .90 1.54 ... 12.40 9.73 RedBallAcqnA RBAC ... 29 9.76 ... ... ... ... ... 64.80 39.80 SensataTechs ST ... 26 60.61 +2.14 1.04 3.56 4.15 ...
20.73 9.47 NuSTAREnergy NS 10.0 dd 16.05 +0.68 –3.15 1.14 1.39 .40 59.89 31.69 PerformanceFood PFGC ... dd 46.52 +2.30 –1.01 ... ... ... 3.29 0.85 RedBallAcqnWt RBAC.WT ... ... .93 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 89.97 53.42 SensientTech SXT 1.8 33 88.87 +1.75 2.59 3.08 3.46 .39
65.93 36.56 Nutrien NTR 2.9 38 63.61 +4.11 .81 4.66 4.63 .46 10.10 9.75 PeridotAcqnII PDOT.UT ... ... 9.90 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 12.71 6.79 RedwoodTrust RWT 5.8 4 12.47 +0.19 –5.12 ... ... .18 55.29 39.94 SentinelOne S ... dd 50.36 –0.53 ... –.75 –.67 ...
15.23 7.86 NuvationBio NUVB ... dd 9.13 +0.69 ... –.43 –.67 ... 10.60 9.63 PeridotAcqnIIA PDOT ... ... 9.65 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 159.64 91.82 RegalBeloit RBC .9 24 153.86 +7.26 4.64 ... ... .33 9.57 3.87 SequansComms SQNS ... ... 5.50 –0.05 –1.92 –.65 –.43 ...
5.12 1.54 NuvationBioWt NUVB.WT ... ... 2.41 +0.51 ... ... ... ... 1.65 0.74 PeridotII Wt PDOT.WT ... ... 1.19 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 60.45 15.87 RegionalMgmt RM 1.8 9 56.36 –2.57 2.40 7.38 5.24 .25 24.04 11.08 SeritageGrowth SRG ... dd 15.34 –0.82 –2.87 ... ... ...
34.21 16.92 nVentElectric NVT 2.1 cc 33.43 +0.14 –.28 1.88 2.11 .175 27.38 24.28 PeriphasCap PCPC.UT ... ... 24.50 –0.25 ... ... ... ... 23.81 10.60 RegionsFin RF 3.3 8 20.50 +0.54 1.03 2.43 ... .17 65.74 39.10 ServiceCorp SCI 1.4 16 65.05 +1.13 2.88 3.35 ... .23
26.49 23.35 PeriphasCapA PCPC ... ... 24.12 –0.18 ... ... ... ... 14.39 4.80 Regis RGS ... dd 7.76 +0.30 –4.77 ... ... ... 608.78 432.10 ServiceNow NOW ... cc 587.83 –2.85 .59 ... 7.21 ...
O 5.50
5.71 2.11 PermianBasin PBT 3.4 36 5.32 +0.07 .24 1.12 1.29 .0214 187.48 142.61 RenaissanceRe RNR .9 20 160.66 +5.24 15.31 ... ... .36 30.41 16.12 ShawComm B SJR 3.1 21 29.16 +0.41 ... 1.31 1.26 .0797
25.52 11.97 OFGBancorp OFG 2.0 11 24.01 +0.03 1.32 1.89 2.24 .12 2.07 0.46 PermianvilleRT PVL ... 21 1.85 +0.08 ... .17 .05 ... 26.30 24.95 RenaissancePfdG RNR.PRG 2.2 ... 25.60 +0.01 ... ... ... .1429 16.50 8.17 ShellMidstream SHLX 9.5 10 12.59 +0.19 1.28 ... ... .30
36.74 28.25 OGE Energy OGE 4.4 18 36.29 +1.25 –.87 2.21 2.16 .4025 7.38 1.70 PermRock PRT 5.7 45 6.48 +0.19 ... .28 .65 .0604 35.77 1.51 ReneSola SOL ... 42 6.84 –0.51 ... .17 .32 ... 307.33 218.06 SherwinWilliams SHW .7 38 305.66 +8.71 7.36 9.40 10.68 .55
19.46 9.10 O-I Glass OI ... 7 14.79 –0.21 1.57 1.71 1.88 ... 54.94 38.20 Perrigo PRGO 2.3 dd 40.95 –8.02 –1.19 2.50 2.82 .24 12.95 1.08 Renren RENN ... ... 10.10 +0.75 ... –1.65 –1.65 ... 104.11 43.29 Shift4Paymts FOUR ... dd 84.10 –5.77 –.43 .57 1.18 ...
82.40 65.51 ONE Gas OGS 3.2 19 73.21 –1.04 3.68 ... ... .58 34.10 20.07 PershingSquare PSTH ... 74 20.30 +0.15 ... ... ... ... 120.78 86.18 RepublicSvcs RSG 1.5 34 120.57 +2.26 3.02 4.04 4.44 .46 39.17 22.75 ShinhanFin SHG 3.3 6 33.72 –0.25 5.64 6.97 7.18 1.6738
57.55 23.28 ONEOK OKE 7.1 17 52.45 –0.11 1.42 3.27 3.57 .935 17.80 3.21 PershingSquWt PSTH.WT ... ... 3.45 +0.14 ... ... ... ... 33.25 9.79 ResideoTech REZI ... 18 31.05 –0.84 .29 ... 2.01 ... 1650.00 839.40 Shopify SHOP ... 77 1498.00 –27.06 ... 6.60 6.59 ...
81.98 19.80 ON24 ONTF ... cc 21.98 –10.69 ... –.09 –.02 ... 51.16 27.68 PetroChina PTR 5.4 8 43.22 +1.72 ... 6.61 5.56 1.3642 278.79 165.72 ResMed RMD .6 85 275.10 +0.41 3.24 ... ... .42 108.96 45.70 Shutterstock SSTK .8 37 106.11 +3.90 1.97 3.06 3.30 .21
66.31 37.41 OakStreetHealth OSH ... dd 51.00 –12.94 –.55 –1.59 –1.17 ... 12.38 6.15 PetroleoBrasil PBR ... 4 11.34 +0.16 .21 2.07 2.23 ... 17.65 3.25 ResoluteForest RFP .0 3 11.36 –0.67 .12 6.79 ... 1.00 20.68 10.26 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 4.7 7 16.59 +0.06 2.61 4.66 3.29 .1188
12.51 9.79 OaktreeAcqnII OACB.UT ... ... 10.07 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 12.07 6.16 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A ... 4 11.17 +0.35 .21 2.07 2.23 ... 71.12 51.12 RestaurantBrands QSR 3.2 30 65.31 +1.68 ... ... 3.19 .53 83.00 13.27 SignetJewelers SIG 1.0 16 68.98 +5.88 –.94 7.09 6.55 .18
11.62 9.55 OaktreeAcqnII A OACB ... ... 9.81 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 48.57 32.78 Pfizer PFE 3.2 21 48.48 +3.41 1.71 4.02 3.51 .39 12.99 5.14 RetailPropofAmer RPAI 2.4 cc 12.61 –0.25 .07 ... ... .075 40.79 22.13 SignifyHealth SGFY ... dd 26.00 –1.53 ... –.02 .29 ...
2.70 0.99 OaktreeAcqnIIWt OACB.WT ... ... 1.15 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 101.83 68.93 PhilipMorris PM 4.7 18 101.59 +2.38 5.16 ... ... 1.20 25.41 11.15 RetailValue RVI 4.6 dd 25.23 +0.54 –4.72 –.59 –1.71 1.16 26.05 3.80 SilverBowRscs SBOW ... 20 17.02 –1.13 –25.99 9.86 7.65 ...
33.50 8.52 OccidentalPetrol OXY .2 dd 25.79 –0.60 –17.06 ... ... .01 94.34 43.27 Phillips66 PSX 4.9 dd 73.89 –0.07 –9.06 ... ... .90 19.00 3.96 Revlon REV ... dd 11.49 –0.40 –11.59 –4.25 –3.98 ... 187.86 13.50 SilvergateCapital SI ... 51 111.70 –4.07 ... ... ... ...
15.94 2.29 OccidentalPetrolWt OXY.WT ... ... 10.34 –0.40 ... ... ... ... 42.17 21.28 Phillips66Ptrs PSXP 9.5 18 36.97 +1.79 3.27 2.93 3.98 .875 74.82 16.24 Revolve RVLV ... 48 60.09 –5.17 .79 1.02 ... ... 25.50 17.81 Similarweb SMWB ... dd 23.00 –1.26 –1.58 –.97 –.62 ...
18.20 3.31 OceaneeringIntl OII ... dd 12.27 –0.25 –5.01 ... ... ... 2.83 1.12 PhoenixNewMedia FENG .0 2 1.40 ... ... –.58 .45 1.3712 116.86 58.41 RexAmerRes REX ... 26 80.11 –2.29 .49 5.99 7.94 ... 11.66 9.92 SimonPropAcqn SPGS.UT ... ... 10.11 +0.05 ... ... ... ...
35.08 17.17 OcwenFinancial OCN ... dd 28.70 +0.66 –4.59 4.50 6.10 ... 81.59 27.42 Phreesia PHR ... dd 66.30 –2.11 –.69 –.90 –.78 ... 62.58 43.61 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 1.6 94 61.49 –0.45 .51 .58 ... .24 10.32 9.70 SimonPropA SPGS ... ... 9.85 +0.13 ... ... ... ...
2.41 0.99 Oi OIBR.C ... dd 1.00 –0.06 –1.72 –2.00 –1.67 ... 20.13 16.48 PhysiciansRealty DOC 4.9 58 18.71 +0.11 .32 .34 .38 .23 60.97 28.10 Rexnord RXN .6 58 60.96 +2.42 ... ... ... .09 1.88 0.91 SimonPropWt SPGS.WT ... ... 1.41 –0.18 ... ... ... ...
38.47 32.16 OilDriAmerica ODC 3.1 15 35.17 –0.02 2.65 1.43 1.46 .27 20.35 11.26 PiedmontOfficeA PDM 4.5 46 18.49 –0.19 1.85 ... .33 .21 16.36 9.78 RibbitLeapA LEAP ... ... 10.57 +0.26 ... –4.40 –3.13 ... 136.70 59.35 SimonProperty SPG 4.5 29 133.67 –1.53 ... 4.84 4.93 1.50
9.49 2.37 OilStatesIntl OIS ... dd 5.65 +0.01 –7.83 ... ... ... 16.07 9.89 PineIslandAcqn PIPP.UT ... ... 10.01 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 17.00 10.22 RibbitLeapUn LEAP.UT ... ... 10.51 –0.24 ... ... ... ... 119.77 86.20 SimpsonMfg SSD .9 22 112.54 –0.24 4.27 5.54 5.35 .25
26.69 13.93 OldRepublic ORI 3.4 5 25.79 +0.84 1.87 2.60 2.37 .22 14.94 9.70 PineIslandA PIPP ... ... 9.72 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 7.70 1.43 RibbitLeapWt LEAP.WT ... ... 1.50 –0.12 ... ... ... ... 11.50 6.74 SiriusPoint SPNT ... 3 9.89 +0.19 1.54 1.35 1.35 ...
51.04 9.67 Olin OLN 1.6 dd 48.91 +2.45 –6.14 6.76 ... .20 4.00 0.92 PineIslandWt PIPP.WT ... ... .97 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 18.61 9.62 RiceAcqnA RICE ... ... 16.73 –0.47 ... .94 .77 ... 206.26 110.41 SiteOneLandscape SITE ... 48 199.65 +8.67 2.75 4.26 4.54 ...
44.89 22.88 Olo OLO ... ... 36.74 +1.03 ... .10 .11 ... 37.50 19.97 PingIdentity PING ... dd 24.50 +1.57 –.15 .22 .35 ... 6.33 1.11 RiceAcqnWt RICE.WT ... ... 6.00 +0.22 ... ... ... ... 51.75 18.56 SixFlags SIX ... dd 42.86 +1.05 –4.99 .64 ... ...
39.31 28.08 OmegaHealthcare OHI 7.7 40 34.89 –0.23 .70 1.96 1.78 .67 91.88 69.29 PinnacleWest PNW 4.2 16 79.78 –0.56 4.87 5.02 4.84 .83 10.50 10.05 RiceAcqnII RONI.UT ... ... 10.12 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 55.87 28.25 SkechersUSA SKX ... 24 53.33 –0.59 ... ... ... ...
12.01 9.88 Omnichannel OCA.UT ... ... 10.25 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 89.90 32.49 Pinterest PINS ... cc 56.06 –2.72 –.22 1.05 1.32 ... 10.15 9.70 RiceAcqnII A RONI ... ... 9.71 –0.14 ... ... ... ... 11.75 8.56 Skillsoft SKIL ... 22 9.38 +0.09 ... .61 .67 ...
11.06 9.60 OmnichannelA OCA ... ... 9.83 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 175.37 76.58 PioneerNatRscs PXD 2.1 cc 151.60 +0.05 –1.21 ... ... 1.51 1.87 1.41 RiceAcqnII Wt RONI.WT ... ... 1.70 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 2.87 1.01 SkillsoftWt SKIL.WT ... ... 1.67 –0.28 ... ... ... ...
2.28 0.60 OmnichannelWt OCA.WT ... ... .97 –0.12 ... ... ... ... 146.50 66.83 PiperSandler PIPR 1.2 14 143.58 +5.07 2.72 17.40 13.58 .55 449.00 229.00 RingCentral RNG ... dd 252.76 +5.33 ... ... ... ... 46.30 10.35 Skillz SKLZ ... dd 11.35 –0.57 ... –.60 –.37 ...
86.38 44.50 Omnicom OMC 3.7 12 75.45 +1.37 4.37 6.07 6.33 .70 15.50 4.74 PitneyBowes PBI 2.5 71 7.88 –0.19 –1.06 .38 .51 .05 95.97 55.39 RioTinto RIO 8.6 7 79.44 –5.53 ... 15.19 11.16 1.85 33.37 0.07 SkillzWt SKLZ.WT ... ... .08 –0.57 ... ... ... ...
31.14 14.93 OneLiberty OLP 5.8 15 30.90 +0.13 1.33 .62 .64 .45 10.84 9.69 PivotalInvIII PICC.UT ... ... 9.88 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 29.89 25.50 Riskified RSKD ... ... 27.60 –0.65 ... ... ... ... 64.23 23.69 SkylineChamp SKY ... 30 61.68 +2.06 1.49 ... ... ...
24.95 4.64 OneConnectFinTech OCFT ... dd 4.78 –0.48 –.55 –.49 –.14 ... 10.17 9.65 PivotalInvtIII A PICC ... ... 9.71 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 78.64 50.61 RitchieBros RBA 1.6 37 61.54 +3.26 1.56 1.84 2.03 .25 85.43 42.64 Smartsheet SMAR ... dd 69.33 –2.31 –.95 ... –.26 ...
63.19 28.34 OneMain OMF 4.9 6 57.73 –0.95 5.41 10.58 8.92 3.50 1.32 0.80 PivotalInvtIII Wt PICC.WT ... ... 1.17 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 32.48 8.86 RiteAid RAD ... dd 15.19 +0.76 –1.69 ... –1.10 ... 73.05 47.22 SmithAO AOS 1.4 26 71.96 +0.29 ... 2.78 3.22 .26
6.84 0.50 OneSmartIntl ONE ... dd .61 –0.18 ... –.56 1.42 ... 90.34 52.68 PlanetFitness PLNT ... cc 75.08 –0.51 –.19 .76 1.62 ... 104.16 48.29 RobertHalf RHI 1.5 27 103.58 +3.79 2.70 5.01 5.28 .38 46.10 34.29 Smith&Nephew SNN 1.9 30 38.23 +0.01 1.03 1.75 2.11 .288
11.71 2.76 OnionGlobal OG ... 10 3.14 –0.23 ... 3.30 4.59 ... 50.89 10.95 Plantronics POLY ... dd 30.09 –2.14 –1.40 3.05 4.30 ... 103.87 60.50 Roblox RBLX ... dd 83.96 +6.04 ... .28 .24 ... 140.65 108.10 Smucker SJM 3.0 17 132.68 +4.78 7.79 8.89 ... .99
79.45 28.08 OntoInnovation ONTO ... 41 72.19 –5.03 .63 3.56 4.04 ... 11.32 2.50 PlayAGS AGS ... dd 7.45 –1.00 –2.40 –.59 –.12 ... 43.00 16.22 RocketCos. RKT .0 1 19.26 +1.73 1.76 2.16 1.56 1.11 80.85 20.68 Snap SNAP ... dd 74.62 –1.36 –.65 –.39 .03 ...
24.89 12.53 Ooma OOMA ... dd 17.90 +0.39 –.11 .35 .45 ... 23.37 11.18 PlymouthIndREIT PLYM 3.7 dd 22.59 +0.09 –1.52 –.79 –.67 .21 10.30 9.90 RocketInternet RKTA.UT ... ... 9.99 ... ... ... ... ... 259.99 138.94 SnapOn SNA 2.1 16 230.14 +5.70 11.44 14.20 14.74 1.23
55.75 21.05 Oppenheimer A OPY 1.3 4 45.09 +0.10 ... ... ... .15 147.73 86.67 Polaris PII 1.9 13 132.45 +0.98 1.99 9.56 10.34 .63 10.70 9.60 RocketInternetA RKTA ... ... 9.73 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 429.00 184.71 Snowflake SNOW ... dd 291.52 +14.04 ... –.61 –.47 ...
11.60 6.72 OppFi OPFI ... dd 6.90 –1.59 ... .77 .82 ... 10.91 9.70 Pontem PNTM.UT ... ... 9.95 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 1.44 0.93 RocketInternetWt RKTA.WT ... ... 1.02 –0.16 ... ... ... ... 19.47 10.35 SocialCapHedIV IPOD.UT ... ... 10.41 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
3.24 0.53 OppFiWt OPFI.WT ... ... 1.29 –0.27 ... ... ... ... 10.05 9.43 PontemA PNTM ... ... 9.67 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 16.99 9.66 RockleyPhotonics RKLY ... dd 13.14 +3.26 .04 –.75 –.76 ... 6.68 1.45 SocialCapHedosIVWt IPOD.WT ... ... 1.80 +0.17 ... ... ... ...
91.34 53.66 Oracle ORCL 1.4 20 90.38 +0.86 4.55 ... ... .32 1.55 0.71 PontemWt PNTM.WT ... ... .89 ... ... ... ... ... 4.19 0.98 RockleyPhotonicsWt RKLY.WT ... ... 2.45 +0.09 ... ... ... ... 18.31 9.98 SocialCapHedIV A IPOD ... ... 9.99 –0.06 ... ... ... ...
13.09 10.15 Orange ORAN 7.3 27 11.42 +0.19 1.96 ... 1.32 .4838 51.60 31.96 PortlandGenElec POR 3.4 28 50.65 +0.30 1.72 2.75 2.79 .43 320.95 206.57 Rockwell ROK 1.4 24 316.53 +2.20 8.77 9.31 10.24 1.07 19.35 10.05 SocialCapHedVI IPOF.UT ... ... 10.25 –0.10 ... ... ... ...
6.22 4.80 OrchidIslandCap ORC 15.4 37 5.06 +0.12 .03 ... 1.01 .065 117.91 81.38 PostHoldings POST ... 40 114.22 +6.47 .01 3.13 4.90 ... 53.90 37.84 RogersComm B RCI 3.1 20 50.84 –0.27 ... 2.92 3.49 .3973 17.81 9.84 SocialCapHedVI A IPOF ... ... 9.86 –0.03 ... ... ... ...
38.75 27.25 Organon OGN 3.3 ... 34.21 +4.71 ... 5.83 5.88 .28 11.04 9.99 PostHldgsPtr PSPC.UT ... ... 10.05 –0.15 ... ... ... ... 207.82 95.69 Rogers ROG ... 46 201.32 +8.41 2.67 7.35 8.39 ... 6.97 1.50 SocialCapHedVI Wt IPOF.WT ... ... 1.66 –0.14 ... ... ... ...
19.54 7.71 OriginalBark BARK ... dd 8.90 +0.20 ... –.25 –.18 ... 10.21 9.45 PostHldgsA PSPC ... ... 9.65 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 43.00 31.44 Rollins ROL .9 55 37.15 –1.01 .53 .68 .74 .08 1.25 0.83 SocialLvgI Wt SLAC.WT ... ... 1.00 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
6.23 1.88 OriginalBarkWt BARK.WT ... ... 2.20 –0.21 ... ... ... ... 2.23 1.20 PostHldgsPartneringWt PSPC.WT ... ... 1.27 –0.20 ... ... ... ... 38.90 6.33 RomeoPower RMO ... 16 6.57 –0.07 –.10 ... ... ... 11.20 9.85 SocialLvgI SLAC.UT ... ... 9.88 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
22.45 11.81 OrionEngCarbons OEC ... 8 17.47 –0.15 .30 1.90 1.83 ... 21.27 13.85 PostalRealty PSTL 4.5 cc 19.96 +0.07 –.10 ... ... .2225 499.21 362.90 RoperTech ROP .5 48 480.76 –7.20 8.98 15.19 16.25 .5625 10.28 9.62 SocialLvgI A SLAC ... ... 9.66 ... ... ... ... ...
6.67 2.46 OrionGroup ORN ... 8 5.55 +0.19 .67 .30 .54 ... 26.58 17.57 PowerSchool PWSC ... dd 26.14 +3.74 ... ... ... ... 10.64 9.75 RossAcqnII ROSS.UT ... ... 10.02 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 60.30 28.26 SOQUIMICH SQM .3 77 54.28 +4.13 ... 1.26 1.81 .1547
94.94 58.18 Orix IX 3.2 12 94.93 +2.64 7.33 ... ... 1.8545 44.52 11.62 PrecisionDrilling PDS ... dd 31.59 –1.47 –6.53 –8.93 –3.29 ... 10.30 9.60 RossAcqnIIA ROSS ... ... 9.70 –0.04 –.33 ... ... ... 8.94 7.49 Sogou SOGO ... cc 8.77 –0.01 ... .19 .43 ...
128.87 53.44 OrmatTech ORA .7 57 67.72 –0.16 1.65 1.36 ... .12 12.01 5.01 PrefApartment APTS 6.0 dd 11.70 +0.08 –6.95 –2.91 –2.73 .175 1.15 0.63 RossAcqnIIWt ROSS.WT ... ... .99 +0.15 ... ... ... ... 15.08 5.55 SolarisOilfield SOI 5.4 dd 7.73 –0.40 –1.03 –.07 ... .105
37.00 14.47 OscarHealth OSCR ... ... 14.70 –0.45 ... –2.32 –1.47 ... 60.55 32.20 PrestigeCnsHlth PBH ... 17 59.81 +1.05 3.25 3.98 4.25 ... 10.90 9.92 RotorAcqn ROT.UT ... ... 10.48 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 25.66 14.74 SolarWinds SWI ... 23 18.48 –0.61 1.00 ... 1.31 ...
137.47 66.74 Oshkosh OSK 1.1 17 118.40 +3.45 4.72 6.56 8.42 .33 14.55 8.29 PretiumRscs PVG ... dd 9.85 +0.85 –.21 ... .97 ... 10.50 9.61 RotorAcqnA ROT ... ... 9.97 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 58.00 34.05 SonicAutomotive SAH .9 8 51.02 –1.45 ... 7.03 7.37 .12
10.00 9.86 OsirisAcqn OSI.UT ... ... 9.90 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 11.75 9.90 PrimaveraCap PV.UT ... ... 10.08 ... ... ... ... ... 1.42 0.51 RotorAcqnWt ROT.WT ... ... 1.00 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 69.83 48.20 SonocoProducts SON 2.8 dd 64.87 +1.81 2.05 3.56 3.82 .45
9.90 9.58 OsirisAcqn OSI ... ... 9.64 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 10.25 9.57 PrimaveraCapA PV ... ... 9.67 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 105.10 67.78 RoyalBkCanada RY 3.4 14 104.73 +1.92 5.83 8.82 8.85 .8651 118.50 72.45 Sony SONY .4 12 101.94 –0.68 8.98 5.46 ... .248
1.10 0.62 OsirisAcqnWt OSI.WT ... ... .65 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 1.54 0.57 PrimaveraCapWt PV.WT ... ... .86 –0.17 ... ... ... ... 99.24 51.33 RoyalCaribbean RCL ... dd 78.89 –0.03 –27.05 –16.25 .78 ... 29.24 18.24 SoJerseyInd SJI 4.7 15 25.59 +0.26 1.62 ... ... .3025
15.12 9.77 OsiskoGoldRoyal OR 1.3 cc 12.47 –0.28 .07 ... .41 .044 11.55 9.85 PrimeImpactI PIAI.UT ... ... 10.00 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 44.50 23.07 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 3.1 29 40.45 –0.90 ... 4.87 5.27 .48 59.86 48.00 SouthJerseyUn SJIV 8.3 ... 55.39 +0.57 ... ... ... 1.0938
19.01 10.01 OspreyTechUn SFTW.UT ... ... 10.54 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 10.98 9.51 PrimeImpactI A PIAI ... ... 9.73 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 42.29 21.79 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 3.8 28 39.52 –1.02 ... 4.87 5.27 .48 66.93 51.22 Southern SO 4.0 21 65.53 +0.83 2.93 ... ... .66
17.47 9.84 OspreyTechA SFTW ... dd 10.00 +0.01 ... –.60 ... ... 2.00 0.66 PrimeImpactIWt PIAI.WT ... ... .86 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 26.55 9.47 RushStreetInt RSI ... dd 13.82 +2.74 –.01 –.34 –.42 ... 53.50 44.59 SouthernUnSeriesA SOLN 6.4 ... 53.05 +0.69 ... ... ... .8438
4.89 1.00 OspreyTechWt SFTW.WT ... ... 1.30 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 165.35 107.63 Primerica PRI 1.2 14 150.62 +2.08 9.57 11.68 12.96 .47 30.55 25.57 RyanSpecialty RYAN ... ... 29.98 +0.24 ... ... ... ... 83.29 43.26 SoCopper SCCO 4.0 19 67.21 +1.80 2.03 4.31 3.85 .90
91.82 58.04 OtisWorldwide OTIS 1.1 34 90.66 +0.52 2.08 2.97 3.27 .24 17.85 12.39 PrimoWater PRMW 1.4 dd 17.18 +0.30 –.85 .60 .67 .06 89.65 38.28 RyderSystem R 2.9 16 79.38 +2.19 –2.34 7.41 7.77 .58 64.75 33.48 SouthwestAir LUV ... dd 50.41 –0.31 –5.44 –1.60 3.18 ...
17.73 7.55 Ouster OUST ... dd 9.76 +0.12 ... –.46 –.45 ... 29.15 13.56 ProAssurance PRA .8 dd 24.64 +3.23 –3.26 ... .62 .05 23.65 5.24 RyersonHolding RYI 1.4 11 23.31 +4.45 –1.73 ... ... .08 75.00 57.00 SouthwestGas SWX 3.3 16 71.48 –0.62 4.14 ... ... .595
4.57 0.50 OusterWt OUST.WT ... ... 2.43 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 108.75 78.96 ProcoreTech PCOR ... dd 92.85 –6.94 –3.56 –.29 –.40 ... 86.58 34.42 RymanHospitality RHP ... dd 79.87 +1.17 –7.59 –4.07 1.16 ... 5.85 2.18 SouthwesternEner SWN ... dd 4.36 –0.43 –5.42 ... ... ...
26.14 12.88 OutfrontMedia OUT 1.6 dd 24.87 –0.09 –.56 –.26 .72 .10 146.92 121.54 Procter&Gamble PG 2.4 26 143.64 +2.23 5.50 5.93 6.37 .8698 11.08 9.81 SpartanAcqnIII SPAQ.UT ... ... 10.16 +0.01 ... ... ... ...
M18 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

New York Stock Exchange Composite List

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High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
10.00 9.67 SpartanAcqnIII A SPAQ ... ... 9.85 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 49.67 14.14 Tapestry TPR ... 37 44.23 +0.22 –2.34 2.89 3.17 ... 10.74 9.81 USHG Acqn HUGS.UT ... ... 9.97 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.55 WarriorTechA WARR ... ... 9.67 –0.06 ... 2.02 2.84 ...
1.49 0.86 SpartanAcqnIII Wt SPAQ.WT ... ... 1.32 +0.10 ... ... ... ... 49.20 13.08 TargaResources TRGP .9 58 43.94 +1.06 –7.26 1.65 2.28 .10 10.25 9.62 USHG Acqn A HUGS ... ... 9.68 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 1.04 0.45 WarriorTechWt WARR.WT ... ... .65 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
97.27 54.52 SpectrumBrands SPB 2.1 19 79.56 –0.50 2.18 6.25 6.53 .42 267.06 134.67 Target TGT 1.4 21 261.54 +1.45 8.64 ... ... .90 1.25 0.70 USHG Acqn Wt HUGS.WT ... ... 1.03 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 16.55 1.25 WashingtonPrime WPG ... dd 1.55 +0.30 –11.04 –8.07 –7.08 ...
77.95 50.58 Spire SR 3.6 25 72.26 –0.33 1.44 ... ... .65 80.00 53.95 TaroPharm TARO ... 93 70.70 –1.80 ... ... 4.55 ... 143.67 74.79 US PhysTherapy USPH 1.4 48 111.77 –2.00 2.48 2.93 3.23 .38 27.05 16.95 WashingtonREIT WRE 2.8 dd 24.58 +0.58 –.20 –.18 –.29 .17
53.63 17.26 SpiritAeroSys SPR .1 dd 41.94 –0.39 –8.38 ... ... .01 24.27 8.05 TataMotors TTM ... dd 20.50 +0.39 –2.49 .49 2.03 ... 15.38 2.42 US Silica SLCA ... dd 9.42 –0.47 –1.55 –.63 –.19 ... 128.50 97.02 WasteConnections WCN .6 53 126.89 +1.20 .78 ... ... .205
40.77 15.06 SpiritAirlines SAVE ... dd 24.73 –1.20 –5.06 –2.67 ... ... 33.06 21.34 TaylorMorrison TMHC ... 9 28.17 +1.37 1.88 5.13 6.60 ... 12.33 6.18 US Xpress USX ... 11 8.83 +0.06 ... .56 1.14 ... 151.15 106.11 WasteMgt WM 1.5 40 150.61 +2.77 3.52 4.97 5.58 .575
51.95 29.40 SpiritRealtyCap SRC 5.0 48 50.90 –0.31 .15 ... 1.28 .638 13.84 4.50 Team TISI ... dd 4.68 –0.06 –7.74 –.69 –.54 ... 14.38 6.25 UWM UWMC 5.1 38 7.86 +0.42 –.12 ... ... .10 11.77 3.43 Waterdrop WDH ... dd 3.49 –0.42 ... –.25 –.19 ...
11.75 9.89 SportsEntAcqn SEAH.UT ... ... 10.93 +0.14 ... ... ... ... 10.70 3.66 TechnipFMC FTI ... 20 6.89 –0.12 –7.33 .18 .17 ... 4.87 1.01 UWM Wt UWMC.WT ... ... 1.52 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 405.33 187.31 Waters WAT ... 38 405.27 +9.80 8.36 ... ... ...
10.85 9.59 SportsEntA SEAH ... ... 9.96 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 26.72 10.90 TeckRscsB TECK .7 90 22.84 +0.91 ... 2.85 2.91 .0391 64.05 28.48 Uber UBER ... dd 42.22 –2.06 –3.86 ... –.54 ... 307.81 216.25 Watsco WSO 2.8 31 276.24 –0.47 ... 10.01 10.36 1.95
2.63 0.90 SportsEntWt SEAH.WT ... ... 1.89 +0.08 ... ... ... ... 4.17 1.70 Teekay TK ... dd 2.79 +0.03 –.82 –.01 .12 ... 401.81 150.75 Ubiquiti UI .5 35 310.51 –4.87 5.80 ... ... .40 301.76 219.80 Watsco B WSO.B 2.8 31 275.15 –16.86 ... 10.01 7.85 1.95
387.44 210.15 Spotify SPOT ... dd 211.48 –10.49 –3.53 –.83 .02 ... 16.10 10.06 TeekayLNG un TGP 8.2 7 13.99 +0.78 .73 ... ... .2875 90.00 57.01 UiPath PATH ... dd 62.00 –1.06 ... –.05 –.07 ... 165.15 93.01 WattsWater WTS .6 39 164.21 +0.44 ... ... 5.65 .26
29.43 14.50 SpragueRscs SRLP 14.7 28 18.13 +2.82 1.11 .48 1.65 .6675 16.09 8.90 TeekayTankers TNK ... dd 11.19 –0.25 ... –3.23 ... ... 4.74 2.78 UltraparPart UGP 3.5 20 2.97 –0.32 .16 ... ... .0381 369.00 221.09 Wayfair W ... cc 311.88 +48.06 ... 3.34 5.27 ...
26.50 14.60 Sprinklr CXM ... dd 19.40 +0.98 ... –.41 –.25 ... 19.06 13.44 TejonRanch TRC ... cc 19.01 +0.43 –.03 –.06 .16 ... 26.45 9.66 UnderArmour A UAA ... 32 25.45 +0.45 –1.21 .55 .63 ... 20.44 15.10 Weber WEBR ... ... 15.52 –2.55 ... ... ... ...
47.89 28.03 Sprott SII 2.7 32 36.37 –0.15 1.10 1.56 1.89 .25 308.00 129.74 TeladocHealth TDOC ... dd 144.00 –5.26 –5.36 –3.37 –1.45 ... 22.16 8.71 UnderArmour C UA ... 27 21.57 +0.42 –1.21 .55 ... ... 63.81 23.67 WebsterFin WBS 3.2 14 50.55 –0.19 2.35 ... ... .40
289.23 134.00 Square SQ ... cc 267.88 –7.22 ... ... 2.28 ... 9.34 4.39 TelecomArgentina TEO 23.6 29 5.27 –0.04 ... ... .28 .9972 30.94 11.82 Unifi UFI ... 15 22.98 –0.47 1.54 ... ... ... 5.49 0.73 Weidai WEI ... ... 1.02 –0.02 ... ... ... ...
64.71 41.64 Squarespace SQSP ... dd 44.50 –3.96 ... .12 .60 ... 462.85 301.76 TeledyneTech TDY ... 47 455.35 –2.83 10.62 10.75 ... ... 258.86 160.70 Unifirst UNF .5 28 219.81 +4.64 7.13 ... 8.05 .25 59.70 44.35 WeisMarkets WMK 2.2 14 56.24 +2.17 4.42 2.45 2.55 .31
57.55 19.75 St.Joe JOE .7 48 44.91 –0.45 .77 .25 .08 .08 449.38 312.33 Teleflex TFX .4 49 366.08 –14.80 7.09 12.98 14.68 .34 63.89 51.98 Unilever UL 3.2 23 57.77 +0.98 ... 2.93 3.12 .5031 25.19 5.85 Welbilt WBT ... 58 23.24 –0.09 –.05 .66 .93 ...
55.29 39.09 StandardMotor SMP 2.3 12 43.63 +0.01 2.51 3.89 4.10 .25 9.46 7.08 TelefonicaBras VIV 6.1 15 8.05 ... .56 .63 .69 .0636 231.26 171.50 UnionPacific UNP 1.9 26 227.80 +7.30 7.88 10.04 ... 1.07 51.41 20.76 WellsFargo WFC 1.6 14 50.37 +1.60 .41 4.34 3.63 .20
108.17 54.67 StandexInt SXI 1.0 49 96.97 +4.88 1.63 ... 5.50 .24 5.17 3.22 Telefonica TEF 6.3 3 5.06 +0.26 .27 ... ... .2355 28.60 10.12 Unisys UIS ... dd 24.07 –0.76 11.93 1.86 2.57 ... 89.80 51.22 Welltower WELL 2.9 ... 85.11 –0.07 2.33 .66 1.13 .61
225.00 152.19 StanleyBlackDck SWK 1.6 18 200.12 +3.51 7.77 11.63 12.37 .79 27.46 16.97 TelekmIndonesia TLK 5.5 16 23.19 +0.05 ... 1.59 1.78 .2153 11.71 3.43 UnitedMicro UMC 2.1 17 10.42 –0.91 .41 ... ... .2854 119.92 39.45 WescoIntl WCC ... 27 117.08 +2.10 ... ... 10.00 ...
131.98 95.71 StanleyB&D Un SWT 4.5 ... 117.58 –0.06 ... ... ... 1.3125 26.51 16.38 Telephone&Data TDS 3.4 14 20.53 +1.18 ... 1.00 1.09 .175 42.40 14.23 UnitedNatFoods UNFI ... 13 33.77 +0.52 –5.10 3.50 3.37 ... 91.53 45.03 WestFraserTimber WFG 1.1 3 73.60 +3.90 ... 27.37 9.92 .2029
49.61 28.10 Stantec STN 1.2 35 47.29 +0.43 1.14 ... 2.14 .1316 44.79 19.88 TempurSealy TPX .8 17 43.79 +1.53 1.64 3.23 3.64 .09 219.59 154.63 UPS B UPS 2.1 28 193.98 +1.38 1.54 ... ... 1.02 434.57 253.86 WestPharmSvcs WST .2 63 434.28 +6.79 4.57 ... ... .17
12.03 9.07 StarGroup SGU 5.4 7 10.55 –0.58 1.07 1.46 .94 .1425 24.15 8.86 Tenaris TS .0 26 20.46 –0.05 –1.08 1.11 1.27 .28 364.30 159.01 UnitedRentals URI ... 26 353.11 +21.66 12.20 21.47 ... ... 109.84 30.34 WestAllianceBcp WAL 1.4 14 99.88 –0.34 5.04 8.49 9.27 .35
13.25 10.07 StarPeakII STPC.UT ... ... 10.25 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 32.25 9.51 TencentMusic TME ... 27 9.80 –0.66 ... ... ... ... 62.47 34.17 US Bancorp USB 2.9 12 58.22 +1.22 3.06 5.01 4.52 .42 4.19 1.89 WesternAssetMort WMC 8.5 5 2.82 –0.04 –5.72 .33 .34 .06
12.25 9.70 StarPeak II A STPC ... ... 9.94 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 74.40 21.34 TenetHealthcare THC ... 18 70.01 +1.27 3.75 5.45 5.75 ... 29.97 6.85 US Steel X .1 10 28.98 +3.07 –5.92 ... ... .01 23.69 6.99 WesternMidstrm WES 6.5 9 19.68 +1.18 1.18 2.26 2.59 .319
4.68 1.26 StarPeak II Wt STPC.WT ... ... 1.47 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 87.40 57.99 Tennant TNC 1.3 28 73.09 –1.77 1.81 3.46 4.59 .23 425.98 289.64 UnitedHealth UNH 1.4 27 409.67 –5.45 16.03 18.75 21.58 1.45 26.61 19.07 WesternUnion WU 4.2 11 22.49 –0.21 1.79 ... ... .235
9.92 2.51 Starrett A SCX ... dd 7.35 –0.49 ... 1.19 1.33 ... 22.75 6.19 Tenneco TEN ... dd 17.17 +0.57 ... 3.62 5.19 ... 174.94 65.11 UnitySoftware U ... dd 128.87 +21.87 –1.66 –.24 –.16 ... 106.47 56.58 WestlakeChem WLK 1.3 12 84.59 +2.35 2.56 12.18 9.36 .27
9.80 4.75 Startek SRT ... dd 5.87 –0.36 –.99 .57 .67 ... 59.58 17.99 Teradata TDC ... 62 55.13 +6.84 1.16 1.97 2.06 ... 28.00 15.70 Univar UNVR ... 19 23.76 –0.25 .31 ... 1.84 ... 27.57 17.82 WestlakeChemPtrs WLKP 7.1 13 26.64 –0.14 1.88 2.06 2.32 .4714
27.01 13.76 StarwoodProp STWD 7.4 16 25.93 +0.25 1.16 2.07 2.15 .48 55.60 18.00 Terex TEX .9 25 52.30 +1.35 –.15 ... ... .12 60.95 38.82 Universal UVV 6.3 14 49.14 –1.78 3.53 2.03 2.40 .78 20.82 11.35 WestpacBanking WBK 3.4 23 19.20 +0.61 .43 1.33 1.37 .4399
92.63 56.63 StateStreet STT 2.5 14 90.79 +0.79 6.32 7.38 8.32 .57 55.00 38.11 Terminix TMX ... 77 42.12 –3.95 4.14 1.45 1.64 ... 75.61 52.25 UniversalHealth UHT 4.9 35 57.54 –2.38 1.41 2.49 2.48 .70 62.03 28.15 WestRock WRK 1.9 dd 51.22 +2.41 –2.67 3.42 ... .24
35.66 5.30 SteelPartners SPLP ... 8 34.65 +1.40 2.93 ... ... ... 69.28 52.63 TerrenoRealty TRNO 2.0 67 67.49 –0.70 1.16 .97 1.07 .34 165.00 99.47 UniversalHealthB UHS .5 12 149.39 –3.38 ... 11.98 12.78 .20 27.01 9.42 Westwood WHG 1.7 dd 23.17 +0.23 –1.12 1.00 1.00 .10
16.85 9.47 Steelcase SCS 4.2 46 13.93 +0.01 ... .29 .70 .145 4.49 0.47 TetraTech TTI ... dd 3.16 –0.15 –.41 –.04 .15 ... 20.23 10.84 UnivInsurance UVE 4.5 16 14.20 –0.08 .60 ... ... .16 41.68 26.51 Weyerhaeuser WY 2.0 11 34.82 +0.27 1.07 3.35 ... .17
21.99 10.12 Stellantis STLA .0 dd 21.82 +0.73 ... 4.02 4.23 .3813 13.30 8.24 TevaPharm TEVA ... dd 9.83 –0.18 –3.67 2.60 2.74 ... 8.23 4.47 UnvlTechInst UTI ... cc 6.80 –0.21 .05 .17 .50 ... 55.63 34.85 WheatonPrecMet WPM 1.3 35 44.46 +0.14 1.13 ... ... .14
51.49 9.60 Stem STEM ... dd 23.71 –3.29 ... –2.27 –.09 ... 1773.95 427.69 TexasPacLand TPL .7 58 1483.39 +3.58 22.70 31.86 43.62 2.75 31.98 15.79 UnumGroup UNM 4.4 8 27.05 +0.42 3.89 4.79 5.44 .30 15.00 7.10 WheelsUp UP ... ... 8.44 +0.96 ... –.49 –.26 ...
32.98 0.96 StemWt STEM.WT ... ... 12.13 –3.22 ... ... ... ... 37.88 9.96 Textainer TGH ... 9 35.23 –0.11 1.36 5.14 5.22 ... 12.12 4.80 UpHealth UPH ... dd 5.61 –0.45 ... –.51 .04 ... 3.14 0.73 WheelsUpWt UP.WT ... ... 1.72 +0.29 ... ... ... ...
139.30 105.96 Stepan SCL 1.1 18 114.32 –3.67 5.45 6.33 7.13 .305 74.80 31.82 Textron TXT .1 24 73.83 +1.22 1.35 3.29 3.93 .02 2.47 0.33 UpHealthWt UPH.WT ... ... .60 –0.13 ... ... ... ... 257.68 164.06 Whirlpool WHR 2.4 8 232.50 +11.95 17.07 ... ... 1.40
225.48 151.79 Steris STE .8 65 218.85 +2.56 4.63 ... 8.67 .43 546.60 401.07 ThermoFisherSci TMO .2 25 544.64 +6.44 15.96 21.70 ... .26 20.33 8.99 UrbanEdgeProp UE 3.2 48 18.91 –0.34 .79 .36 .42 .15 1267.52 752.10 WhiteMtnIns WTM .1 5 1123.99 –11.01 226.97 18.00 21.00 1.00
27.22 9.83 SterlingBancorp STL 1.2 13 22.98 –0.15 1.12 2.03 ... .07 22.61 9.98 Thermon THR ... 69 16.85 –0.57 .03 .66 1.01 ... 17.24 8.18 UrstadtBiddle UBP 5.1 66 16.30 –0.38 .20 .71 .80 .207 10.43 5.62 WhitestoneREIT WSR 4.6 47 9.42 +0.10 .14 .99 .23 .0358
21.62 16.61 Stevanato STVN ... ... 20.71 +0.09 ... .53 .46 ... 115.29 74.82 ThomsonReuters TRI 1.4 8 114.67 +2.53 2.25 1.91 2.42 .405 19.97 8.22 UrstadtProp A UBA 4.8 78 19.25 –0.05 .22 .71 .83 .23 57.59 13.44 WhitingPetrol WLL ... 8 43.99 –1.27 1.03 10.77 10.65 ...
62.44 39.70 StewartInfo STC 2.2 6 58.87 +0.24 6.22 ... ... .33 152.20 78.64 ThorIndustries THO 1.4 12 119.46 –0.62 4.02 10.55 ... .41 107.85 72.03 UsanaHealth USNA ... 14 94.85 –1.83 5.86 6.63 6.99 ... 23.93 4.72 WideOpenWest WOW ... 50 20.47 –3.24 .17 ... .62 ...
72.20 31.25 StifelFinancial SF .9 12 68.88 +1.20 4.16 6.32 6.24 .15 56.50 4.60 3D Systems DDD ... dd 30.14 +2.48 –1.27 .40 .38 ... 30.09 13.55 UtzBrands UTZ 1.1 dd 18.77 –3.05 ... .61 .68 .05 66.04 30.00 Wiley A JW.A 2.3 23 59.29 +0.43 ... 2.94 3.23 .345
43.16 26.90 STMicroelec STM .4 25 43.14 +1.04 1.24 1.90 2.15 .06 208.95 156.13 3M MMM 3.0 20 200.58 +2.45 9.25 10.09 10.80 1.48 65.63 30.79 Wiley B JW.B 2.4 22 58.27 +0.44 ... 2.94 3.23 .345
... V 28.35
46.84 20.39 Stride LRN ... 21 35.62 +5.59 1.71 ... ... ... 2.00 0.17 TidewaterWtB TDW.WTB ... ... .78 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 194.69 81.77 Williams-Sonoma WSM 1.5 14 159.31 +4.66 8.61 11.77 ... .59
275.15 185.20 Stryker SYK 1.0 48 263.15 +0.59 4.20 ... 10.48 .63 11.36 9.71 TigaAcqnA TINV ... ... 10.09 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 50.17 30.05 VEREIT VER 3.7 50 50.14 +0.82 .72 1.41 1.34 .462 87.53 44.33 Winnebago WGO .7 10 73.40 –1.00 1.84 7.88 7.97 .12
27.00 8.53 StudioCity MSC ... dd 9.92 –1.45 –4.41 –3.14 –3.18 ... 12.88 9.80 TigaAcquisitionUn TINV.UT ... ... 10.49 +0.08 ... ... ... ... 90.79 60.48 VF VFC 2.4 31 80.81 +0.19 1.04 3.23 3.67 .49 8.92 4.17 Wipro WIT .1 31 8.86 +0.38 .26 ... ... .0122
92.49 58.70 SturmRuger RGR 3.9 10 80.77 –0.41 5.09 8.78 6.25 1.00 2.80 0.75 TigaAcqnWt TINV.WT ... ... .91 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 15.57 7.04 ViaOptronics VIAO ... dd 9.15 +0.15 –.24 .06 .46 ... 44.74 23.55 WolverineWwide WWW 1.1 dd 37.16 +1.35 –1.70 ... 2.81 .10
18.18 12.51 SuburbanPropane SPH 8.3 10 15.60 –0.18 .97 1.55 1.55 .325 16.88 5.57 Tilly's TLYS .0 17 15.49 +0.04 ... 1.31 1.16 1.00 33.35 22.04 VICI Prop VICI 4.8 13 30.03 –0.36 1.75 2.00 2.03 .36 32.55 20.57 WooriFin WF 2.7 6 29.21 –0.33 4.43 ... 8.03 .3675
7.95 5.40 SumitomoMits SMFG 4.1 8 7.07 +0.22 .71 ... ... .1685 92.39 52.51 Timken TKR 1.5 17 79.17 +3.16 3.72 ... ... .30 28.80 17.25 Vizio VZIO ... 61 21.61 –0.16 ... –.24 .22 ... 140.54 52.39 Workiva WK ... dd 132.44 –0.70 –1.00 –.08 .08 ...
11.32 4.72 SummitHotelProp INN ... dd 9.11 +0.03 –1.52 –.89 –.07 ... 17.35 3.45 TimkenSteel TMST ... 28 16.72 +2.37 –1.38 2.25 2.01 ... 5.15 1.26 VOC Energy VOC 9.2 30 4.28 +0.13 ... 2.05 1.58 .16 37.68 18.36 WorldFuelSvcs INT 1.4 19 34.15 –0.33 1.71 ... 2.36 .12
37.13 14.60 SummitMaterials SUM ... 25 34.58 +1.01 1.20 1.15 1.45 ... 11.82 1.96 TItanIntl TWI ... dd 9.13 +0.48 –.99 .56 .53 ... 10.67 9.85 VPCImpactIII VPCC.UT ... ... 10.29 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 10.00 9.93 WorldQuantumGwthUn WQGA.UT ... ... 9.99 ... ... ... ... ...
46.64 8.85 SummitMidstream SMLP ... 1 34.87 –2.66 71.19 ... ... ... 68.88 39.18 Toll Bros TOL 1.1 14 61.06 +3.07 3.40 ... 8.41 .17 10.00 9.66 VPC Impact III A VPCC ... ... 9.91 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 70.72 35.44 WW Ent WWE 1.0 32 50.26 –0.07 ... 1.73 2.24 .12
199.11 135.01 SunComms SUI 1.7 99 197.69 +1.43 1.34 2.30 2.55 .83 57.26 28.15 TootsieRoll TR 1.0 39 34.67 +0.34 ... .64 .70 .09 2.12 0.67 VPC Impact III Wt VPCC.WT ... ... 1.74 +0.15 ... ... ... ... 75.45 35.69 WorthingtonInds WOR 1.8 5 61.82 +1.54 13.42 5.11 4.17 .28
55.07 38.53 SunLifeFinancial SLF 3.4 12 53.28 +1.20 3.06 4.84 5.26 .4386 235.50 141.14 TopBuild BLD ... 26 223.80 +4.96 7.42 10.73 12.68 ... 33.36 21.25 VTEX VTEX ... ... 29.28 –1.22 ... ... ... ... 78.13 45.23 WyndhamHtls WH .9 60 71.18 +0.08 –1.42 ... 3.37 .16
8.15 3.00 SunCokeEnergy SXC 3.2 ... 7.40 +0.10 .04 .43 .54 .06 118.13 72.94 Toro TTC .9 30 113.90 –0.77 3.03 3.55 3.97 .2625 3.70 0.81 VaalcoEnergy EGY ... 10 2.54 –0.14 –.83 .03 .89 ...
Torrid CURV
TD 3.8
... XYZ
16.66 7.56 SunlightFinl SUNL ... ... 7.96 –0.09 ... .29 .38 ... 18.33 9.46 Tortoise II A SNPR ... ... 9.97 ... ... ... ... ... 3.55 1.50 ValarisWt VAL.WT ... ... 2.45 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
4.21 1.03 SunlightFinWt SUNL.WT ... ... 1.40 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 19.70 10.15 TortoiseAcqnII SNPR.UT ... ... 10.41 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 23.18 10.29 Vale VALE 5.5 10 20.64 –0.30 ... 5.43 4.37 .4376 17.88 1.42 XFinancial XYF ... dd 5.74 –1.90 ... ... ... ...
57.70 18.82 SunnovaEnergy NOVA ... dd 34.02 –1.97 –2.87 ... ... ... 6.16 1.25 Tortoise II Wt SNPR.WT ... ... 1.82 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 84.95 35.44 ValeroEnergy VLO 5.9 dd 66.25 –0.25 –3.50 ... 4.86 .98 35.00 5.41 XL Fleet XL ... dd 6.12 –0.82 –.72 –.05 –.34 ...
39.00 23.50 Sunoco SUN 8.9 7 36.91 –0.11 1.61 ... 4.18 .8255 9.98 9.86 TortoiseEcofinIII TRTL.UT ... ... 9.86 –0.07 ... ... ... ... 34.60 10.63 Valhi VHI 1.3 9 24.24 +1.77 1.94 4.34 5.66 .08 89.97 46.56 XPO Logistics XPO ... 22 89.88 +4.33 .78 3.81 ... ...
13.74 7.12 SunstoneHotelInv SHO ... dd 11.24 –0.05 –1.93 ... ... ... 50.41 28.65 TotalEnergies TTE ... 18 44.88 +0.27 –2.92 ... 5.34 ... 265.09 117.36 ValmontInds VMI .8 27 242.70 +3.31 6.57 10.83 12.38 .50 21.40 7.97 XeniaHotels XHR ... dd 16.93 –0.61 –1.44 –1.20 –.02 ...
9.72 1.19 SuperiorIndsIntl SUP ... dd 8.32 +0.13 –10.81 –.35 1.22 ... 14.39 4.50 TownsquareMedia TSQ ... 30 12.67 –0.40 ... 1.08 1.59 ... 34.65 18.34 Valvoline VVV 1.6 15 30.70 –0.51 1.69 1.88 2.13 .125 26.96 17.05 Xerox XRX 4.2 17 23.90 –0.05 .84 ... 2.22 .25
10.23 9.71 SupernovaPtrsIII STRE.UT ... ... 9.95 ... ... ... ... ... 185.99 129.28 ToyotaMotor TM 2.2 9 181.34 +0.62 15.15 ... ... 2.0602 38.46 16.64 Vapotherm VAPO ... dd 26.19 +0.80 –2.16 –2.31 –2.16 ... 4.12 1.68 XinyuanRealEst XIN 8.3 ... 1.99 +0.01 1.20 1.45 1.45 .025
10.00 9.65 Supernova III A STRE ... ... 9.70 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 32.59 21.95 Traeger COOK ... 50 26.76 –2.45 ... ... ... ... 15.30 9.02 VectorGroup VGR 5.5 11 14.55 +0.30 .60 1.02 1.24 .20 74.49 10.00 XPeng XPEV ... dd 40.15 –1.07 ... ... ... ...
1.50 1.00 Supernova III Wt STRE.WT ... ... 1.05 –0.08 ... ... ... ... 207.06 115.28 TraneTech TT 1.2 35 191.18 –5.82 3.56 6.09 7.03 .59 60.32 36.83 Vectrus VEC ... 10 47.37 +1.47 3.14 4.95 5.36 ... 13.10 10.99 XponentialFit XPOF ... ... 11.77 –0.21 ... ... ... ...
10.70 9.81 SupernovaPtrsII SNII.UT ... ... 9.95 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 11.08 5.72 Transalta TAC 1.4 dd 9.95 –0.69 –.91 .02 ... .0358 17.73 4.92 Vedanta VEDL 3.5 8 17.63 +0.78 1.69 2.43 2.23 .4946 132.00 78.41 Xylem XYL .9 62 131.53 +2.73 1.40 2.69 ... .28
10.39 9.64 SupernovaPtrsII A SNII ... ... 9.71 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 40.31 18.61 TrancntlRlty TCI ... 13 37.56 +1.86 .77 ... ... ... 343.96 235.74 VeevaSystems VEEV ... cc 321.80 –17.02 2.36 3.50 4.03 ... 105.62 43.09 Yeti YETI ... 45 102.00 +0.68 1.77 2.47 2.94 ...
1.74 0.76 SupernovaII Wt SNII.WT ... ... 1.12 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 688.03 453.76 TransDigm TDG ... 71 605.97 –23.14 8.96 11.43 17.06 ... 13.80 3.91 VelocityFinl VEL ... 16 12.94 –0.32 –1.55 ... ... ... 5.95 2.98 YPF YPF ... dd 4.87 +0.44 ... .16 1.16 ...
13.75 10.05 SupernovaPtrs SPNV.UT ... ... 10.47 +0.13 ... ... ... ... 5.13 0.65 Transocean RIG ... 26 3.30 –0.16 –.92 ... –.73 ... 5.85 1.75 VenatorMaterials VNTR ... dd 3.01 –0.21 –1.05 .08 .40 ... 41.35 6.26 Yalla YALA ... cc 10.41 –2.29 ... .64 1.08 ...
13.00 9.80 SupernovaPtrsA SPNV ... ... 9.96 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 6.00 3.91 TransportadGas TGS ... 19 4.72 –0.04 ... .53 .74 ... 61.09 37.83 Ventas VTR 3.2 cc 57.09 –1.21 1.17 ... ... .45 6.48 3.99 YamanaGold AUY 2.7 25 4.37 –0.07 .21 .31 .36 .03
4.04 1.27 SupernovaPtrsWt SPNV.WT ... ... 1.58 +0.11 ... ... ... ... 121.47 78.02 TransUnion TRU .3 50 119.31 –0.58 1.79 3.29 4.14 .095 40.46 9.83 Veoneer VNE ... dd 37.59 –1.10 –4.89 –3.05 –1.72 ... 25.47 5.83 YatsenHolding YSG ... dd 6.19 –0.60 ... ... ... ...
12.72 9.70 SustOppsAcqnA SOAC ... dd 9.95 +0.03 ... –.11 –.27 ... 68.26 26.91 Travel+Leisure TNL 2.3 31 53.18 +2.34 –2.97 ... 4.82 .30 88.63 12.30 Veritiv VRTV ... 14 83.91 +19.12 2.08 6.55 5.30 ... 43.86 18.67 Yelp YELP ... cc 38.12 –1.03 –.27 –.29 .43 ...
14.18 10.01 SustOppsAcqnUn SOAC.UT ... ... 10.52 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 162.71 105.67 Travelers TRV 2.3 10 156.31 +3.49 10.52 12.23 11.83 .88 61.95 53.83 Verizon VZ 4.5 12 55.87 +0.65 4.30 5.27 5.33 .6275 20.90 12.01 Yext YEXT ... dd 12.59 –0.31 –.79 –.17 ... ...
3.65 0.75 SustOppsAcqnWt SOAC.WT ... ... 1.18 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 12.87 10.10 TrebiaAcqn TREB.UT ... ... 10.38 +0.08 ... ... ... ... 9.44 2.13 VermilionEnergy VET ... 5 7.09 +0.01 –7.16 3.01 .97 ... 6.80 2.70 YirenDigital YRD ... dd 3.91 –0.08 –1.11 7.32 9.12 ...
14.45 7.95 Suzano SUZ ... ... 10.85 +0.45 –1.54 1.67 1.27 ... 11.99 9.72 TrebiaAcquisition TREB ... ... 9.88 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 20.34 7.36 Verso VRS 2.1 dd 19.50 –0.57 –2.95 –.62 –.01 .10 42.17 7.02 Youdao DAO ... dd 9.35 –0.20 ... ... ... ...
25.61 13.38 Switch SWCH .9 cc 23.95 –0.37 .14 .23 .26 .0525 2.98 1.05 TrebiaAcqnWt TREB.WT ... ... 1.52 +0.26 ... ... ... ... 28.45 15.42 Vertiv VRT .0 cc 27.15 –0.11 –1.07 1.16 1.36 .01 12.97 9.86 YucaipaAcqn YAC.UT ... ... 10.21 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
13.47 9.99 SwitchbackII SWBK.UT ... ... 10.15 ... ... ... ... ... 9.17 5.50 TrecoraResources TREC ... 10 7.98 +0.10 1.23 ... ... ... 52.00 17.35 Viad VVI ... dd 43.00 +0.99 –18.64 –2.87 ... ... 11.40 9.55 YucaipaAcqnA YAC ... dd 9.88 +0.02 ... ... ... ...
11.32 9.70 SwitchbackII A SWBK ... ... 9.90 ... ... ... ... ... 23.71 12.28 Tredegar TG 3.7 dd 12.81 –0.37 –2.26 .91 1.11 .12 76.00 39.79 Victoria'sSecret VSCO ... ... 74.77 +17.10 ... 7.61 8.22 ... 2.77 0.76 YucaipaAcqnWt YAC.WT ... ... 1.29 –0.01 ... ... ... ...
5.00 1.07 SwitchbackII Wt SWBK.WT ... ... 1.39 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 55.50 35.15 TreeHouseFoods THS ... 57 38.38 –1.13 .24 2.32 2.64 ... 13.51 3.88 VinceHolding VNCE ... dd 7.48 +0.07 –5.58 –.94 .10 ... 135.00 88.08 YumBrands YUM 1.5 31 134.96 +0.93 2.94 4.52 4.96 .50
51.98 23.66 SynchronyFin SYF 1.7 9 51.81 +2.41 2.27 6.36 5.39 .22 4.83 0.64 TrepontAcqnI Wt TACA.WT ... ... .84 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 16.21 10.85 VineEnergy VEI ... ... 14.77 +0.39 ... .39 .61 ... 69.67 49.81 YumChina YUMC .8 26 61.54 –0.20 2.01 ... 2.32 .12
130.55 61.39 Synnex SNX .6 12 124.71 +2.01 10.21 8.42 9.05 .20 11.49 10.10 TrepontAcqnI TACA.UT ... ... 10.25 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 46.00 14.87 Vipshop VIPS ... 11 16.26 –1.04 ... 10.75 12.65 ... 49.90 11.34 ZimIntShipping ZIM .0 5 44.44 +1.79 ... 19.40 ... 2.00
50.51 19.39 SynovusFin SNV 3.0 11 43.76 +0.39 2.30 4.52 ... .33 10.75 9.68 TrepontAcqnI A TACA ... ... 9.87 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 62.80 14.27 VirginGalactic SPCE ... dd 25.37 –8.00 –1.25 –1.45 –.93 ... 38.96 25.67 ZTO Express ZTO .0 34 27.21 –0.69 ... 5.78 ... .24
86.73 53.85 Sysco SYY 2.4 78 79.44 +5.52 1.02 3.52 4.29 .47 111.04 63.32 Trex TREX ... 64 107.61 +2.34 1.51 2.05 2.43 ... 10.62 9.54 VirginGroupII VGII.UT ... ... 9.95 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 166.60 85.44 Zendesk ZEN ... dd 123.72 –4.90 –1.89 ... 1.05 ...
26.35 16.14 TriPointe TPH ... 8 24.09 +0.53 2.17 3.72 4.14 ... 10.55 9.68 VirginGrpII A VGII ... ... 9.69 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 20.25 7.85 ZeppHealth ZEPP ... 28 10.51 –0.79 ... 4.35 7.57 ...
T 90.82
VirginGrpII Wt
14.61 11.88
76.49 24.30 Trinseo TSE .6 5 51.03 –1.22 .20 9.83 7.93 .08 252.67 179.23 Visa V .6 48 232.65 –8.75 4.89 ... 7.25 .32 20.52 4.00 ZhangmenEducation ZME ... dd 5.00 +0.09 ... –7.35 –6.59 ...
90.96 4.03 TAL Education TAL ... dd 5.48 –0.36 ... .17 .50 ... 28.84 17.32 Triple-S Mgmt GTS ... 6 23.15 –1.31 2.88 2.80 3.30 ... 26.50 14.84 Vishay VSH 1.7 14 22.66 +0.17 ... 2.29 2.30 .095 13.85 6.81 Zhihu ZH ... ... 9.30 –0.56 ... –1.62 –1.37 ...
53.65 38.80 TC Energy TRP 5.8 30 48.04 –0.75 3.53 3.40 3.51 .6328 16.80 10.35 TriplePtVent TPVG 9.0 12 16.08 +0.46 1.16 1.29 ... .36 39.49 23.42 VishayPrecision VPG ... 36 38.08 +1.40 ... 1.73 2.16 ... 180.36 129.15 ZimmerBiomet ZBH .7 33 146.09 –2.91 –.67 7.81 8.73 .24
10.23 9.80 TCW Spac TSPQ.UT ... ... 9.88 –0.04 ... ... ... ... 61.88 32.85 TritonIntl TRTN 4.2 11 54.36 +1.30 4.16 8.45 8.53 .57 4.99 1.86 VistaOil&Gas VIST ... dd 4.67 +0.04 ... ... 1.03 ... 32.00 19.32 ZipRecruiter ZIP ... 33 28.90 +1.33 .70 –.55 .17 ...
10.00 9.50 TCW Spac A TSPQ ... ... 9.65 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 22.71 5.96 TriumphGroup TGI ... dd 19.47 –0.43 –8.55 .64 1.14 ... 47.62 17.07 VistaOutdoor VSTO ... 8 43.02 –0.05 4.44 6.11 4.68 ... 207.00 141.41 Zoetis ZTS .5 50 201.48 –0.40 3.42 4.55 5.13 .25
1.02 0.60 TCW Spac Wt TSPQ.WT ... ... .76 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 24.81 7.61 Tronox TROX 2.1 3 18.69 +0.47 6.69 2.23 2.48 .10 24.20 15.47 Vistra VST 3.3 dd 18.40 –0.16 1.30 –1.51 2.29 .15 18.64 9.15 Zuora ZUO ... dd 15.96 –0.22 ... –.09 .02 ...
153.14 90.88 TE Connectivity TEL 1.3 30 152.57 +2.95 –.73 6.48 7.12 .50 29.99 14.99 TrueBlue TBI ... 23 26.22 –0.17 –4.01 1.73 ... ... 0.84 0.16 VistraWt VST.WTA ... ... .26 +0.02 ... ... ... ... 59.03 24.82 Zymeworks ZYME ... dd 31.67 –3.64 –3.58 –4.69 –3.10 ...
21.52 11.26 Tegna TGNA 2.2 6 17.34 –0.26 2.19 2.10 2.97 .095 62.69 34.86 TruistFinl TFC 3.3 15 57.38 +0.78 3.08 4.37 4.48 .48 25.10 9.95 VivintSmartHome VVNT ... dd 11.91 –1.16 –3.32 ... ... ...
56.86 16.79 Ternium TX 3.7 5 56.16 +4.38 3.99 14.26 ... 2.10 38.59 13.35 Tupperware TUP ... 10 24.77 +0.81 2.14 3.13 3.65 ... 39.00 26.36 Vontier VNT .3 13 34.24 +0.82 2.02 2.78 2.57 .025
115.78 39.91 TFI Intl TFII .8 22 111.65 +0.12 3.09 4.81 6.08 .23 6.10 4.36 TurkcellIletism TKC 5.2 7 4.59 +0.06 .69 .66 .75 .1175 50.91 29.79 VornadoRealty VNO 5.0 dd 42.69 –0.01 –1.83 ... ... .53 13.57 5.19 EmpireStateReal250 FISK 1.3 ... 10.63 +0.01 ... ... ... .035
14.85 9.92 TIM TIMB 3.7 13 11.13 +0.20 .08 .78 .95 .24 61.08 25.99 TurningPoint TPB .5 20 45.83 –3.86 1.67 2.37 3.15 .055 70.68 45.17 VoyaFinancial VOYA 1.0 6 67.06 –0.50 –1.84 6.82 6.74 .165 13.00 5.25 EmpireStateReal60 OGCP 1.3 ... 10.63 –0.71 ... ... ... .035
74.65 50.06 TJX TJX 1.5 57 70.49 +1.18 .07 2.62 ... .26 21.89 7.49 TurquoiseHill TRQ ... 5 15.80 +0.38 2.02 ... 1.24 ... 194.17 119.28 VulcanMatls VMC .8 38 189.79 +8.63 4.39 ... ... .37 13.05 5.19 EmpireStateRealES ESBA 1.3 ... 10.69 –0.17 ... ... ... .035
10.50 9.79 TLG Acqn One TLGA.UT ... ... 9.89 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 20.24 10.79 TutorPerini TPC ... 6 14.34 –0.11 2.12 ... ... ... 13.72 9.96 VyGlblGrowth VYGG.UT ... ... 9.97 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 51.40 24.75 US Oil Fund USO ... ... 47.43 –0.14 ... ... ... ...
9.90 9.50 TLGAcqnOneA TLGA ... ... 9.67 +0.01 ... ... ... ... 27.65 15.70 Tuya TUYA ... ... 17.17 –2.39 ... –.15 –.20 ... 12.74 9.63 VyGlblGrowthA VYGG ... ... 9.71 ... ... ... ... ... 19.78 9.34 USBrentOilFd BNO ... ... 18.22 –0.11 ... ... ... ...
1.00 0.51 TLGAcqnOneWt TLGA.WT ... ... .74 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 457.30 216.23 Twilio TWLO ... dd 364.94 –6.96 ... –.28 ... ... 5.05 1.08 VyGlblGrowthWt VYGG.WT ... ... 1.55 –0.08 ... ... ... ... 37.78 17.23 USGasolineFd UGA ... ... 36.23 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
37.36 10.00 TPGPaceBenFin TPGY.UT ... ... 11.52 –0.46 ... ... ... ... 10.21 9.85 TwinRidgeCap TRCA.UT ... ... 9.92 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 14.75 8.22 US NatGas UNG ... ... 13.50 –0.98 ... ... ... ...
... W 11.57
US12mthNtlGas UNL ...
US12moOilFd USL ...
... ...
... ...
10.83 9.65 TPGPaceBenII YTPG ... ... 9.77 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 80.75 37.27 Twitter TWTR ... cc 64.82 –2.55 –1.44 .89 1.20 ...
10.20 9.79 TPG Pace Solns TPGS ... ... 10.00 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 10.03 9.68 twoA TWOA ... ... 9.71 –0.03 ... ... ... ... 5.14 1.35 W&T Offshore WTI ... dd 3.15 –0.05 .26 .38 .85 ...
13.00 10.00 TPGPaceTechOpps PACE.UT ... ... 10.29 +0.11 ... ... ... ... 8.15 4.75 TwoHarbors TWO 10.0 4 6.52 +0.14 –6.24 ... ... .17 106.85 80.55 WEC Energy WEC 2.8 24 96.21 –0.10 3.79 4.04 ... .6775
12.50 9.56 TPGPaceTechA PACE ... 20 9.94 ... ... –.08 –.08 ... 498.98 319.58 TylerTech TYL ... cc 477.78 –16.23 4.69 6.77 7.93 ... 234.64 122.64 WEX WEX ... dd 175.28 –2.98 –5.56 ... ... ...
82.45 55.82 TysonFoods TSN 2.2 13 81.91 +10.79 5.64 7.38 6.78 .445
72.29 35.76 WPP WPP 2.7 dd 69.29 +1.91 –15.56 5.09 5.84 .8714
... U 20.55 10.87 WabashNational WNC 2.1 32 15.30 +0.24 –1.84 .71 1.42 .08 The yearly S&P 500 Index; with a high/low range based
89.55 55.83 Wabtec WAB .5 37 88.91 +2.78 2.17 4.29 4.93 .12
... 17.20 10.39 UBS Group UBS 2.1 8 17.12 +0.23 1.83 1.88 ... .37 114.77 47.04 Walker&Dunlop WD 2.0 13 100.77 –2.79 7.69 8.26 8.90 .50 on the daily close.
10.15 9.60 TailwindIntlA TWNI ... ... 9.67 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 56.31 29.34 UDR UDR 2.7 cc 53.49 –1.39 .20 .10 .19 .3625 153.66 126.28 Walmart WMT 1.5 35 149.53 +4.30 4.75 ... ... .55 Year High Date Low Date
1.03 0.55 TailwindIntlWt TWNI.WT ... ... .85 ... ... ... ... ... 48.30 31.09 UGI UGI 2.8 11 48.09 +1.14 2.54 3.02 3.23 .345 1.53 0.90 WarburgPinI-A Wt WPCA.WT ... ... 1.18 +0.07 ... ... ... ...
10.19 9.74 TailwindTwo TWNT.UT ... ... 9.93 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 110.00 99.50 UGI Un UGIC .0 24 109.76 +1.71 2.54 ... ... 1.8125 2.02 0.85 WarburgPinI-B Wt WPCB.WT ... ... 1.22 +0.07 ... ... ... ... 2021 4468.00 Aug 13 3700.65 Jan. 04
9.99 9.62 TailwindTwoA TWNT ... ... 9.74 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 24.87 13.05 UMH Prop UMH 3.2 58 23.44 –0.74 –.72 .26 –.03 .19 10.63 9.96 WarburgPincusI-A WPCA.UT ... ... 9.96 –0.18 ... ... ... ...
1.18 0.56 TailwindTwoWt TWNT.WT ... ... .91 ... ... ... ... ... 59.32 32.80 Unitil UTL 3.1 21 49.49 –0.86 2.15 2.38 2.68 .38 11.00 9.70 WarburgPincusI-A WPCA ... ... 9.73 –0.12 ... ... ... ... 2020 3756.07 Dec. 31 2237.40 Mar. 23
142.20 75.98 TaiwanSemi TSM 1.3 31 115.50 –2.71 3.39 4.01 4.65 .4941 17.23 9.60 USA Compression USAC 13.6 dd 15.40 –0.44 –6.65 –.25 ... .525 11.19 9.93 WarburgPincusI-B WPCB.UT ... ... 10.00 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 2019 3240.02 Dec. 27 2447.89 Jan. 03
19.97 15.30 TakedaPharm TAK 4.4 13 16.75 +0.45 1.13 ... .92 .398 39.96 28.19 US Cellular USM ... 15 31.75 +0.78 ... 1.69 1.90 ... 10.02 9.70 WarburgPincusI-B A WPCB ... ... 9.75 –0.08 ... ... ... ...
18.93 5.39 TalosEnergy TALO ... dd 10.28 –0.72 –6.88 .36 2.06 ... 8.27 2.60 USD Partners USDP 7.3 7 6.36 –0.22 –.74 .97 1.07 .116 25.90 13.03 WarriorMetCoal HCC 1.1 dd 17.96 –0.96 –.70 .35 2.21 .05 2018 2930.75 Sept. 20 2351.10 Dec. 24
22.40 5.46 Tanger SKT 4.1 85 17.37 +0.06 –.40 .27 .43 .1775 42.10 19.82 US Foods USFD ... dd 34.33 +0.22 –1.15 1.68 2.57 ... 10.20 9.71 WarriorTech WARR.UT ... ... 9.96 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 2017 2690.16 Dec. 18 2257.83 Jan. 03
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M19

Nasdaq Issues
Nasdaq Issues includes stocks traded on the Nasdaq Global Select and Nasdaq Global Market tiers. They are eligible for inclusion on the
basis of SEC-approved market value of publicly-held shares, trading volume, price and number of market-makers. FIVE-DAY NASDAQ COMPOSITE
- Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div A Narrow Loss: The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite dipped 0.1%, to 14822.90, but that
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
masked some big moves. EBay was up 13% on earnings. Micron was down 14% on
A 14.76
.08 the week.
72.35 9.44 AltusMidstream ALTM 8.9 16 67.61 +2.10 .28 ... ... 1.50
81.25 54.85 AAON AAON .6 48 68.97 +1.72 1.49 1.43 1.60 .19 20.22 10.20 AmalgamFin AMAL 2.1 10 15.56 –0.08 1.48 1.55 1.67 .08 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
57.46 17.54 AcadiaPharm ACAD ... dd 17.58 –1.60 –1.79 ... ... ... 9.25 3.36 Amarin AMRN ... cc 5.42 +0.49 –.05 –.04 –.12 ... 14920
43.23 23.55 ACI Worldwide ACIW ... 43 31.96 –0.46 .62 1.13 1.28 ... 3773.08 2871.00 AMZN ... 57 3293.97 –50.97 41.83 ... ... ...
12.50 4.42 AC Immune ACIU ... dd 6.64 –0.59 –.92 ... ... ... 137.21 45.10 Ambarella AMBA ... dd 98.65 –4.11 –1.72 .95 1.28 ...
144.81 58.03 ACM Research ACMR ... 62 83.38 –4.78 ... ... ... ... 82.38 54.68 Amdocs DOX 1.8 15 78.20 +1.98 3.71 4.82 5.24 .36
37.77 19.96 ACV Auctions ACVA ... dd 21.86 –1.85 ... –.63 –.52 ... 325.12 178.30 Amedisys AMED ... 24 180.62 –10.72 5.52 ... ... ...
3.71 1.38 ADMA Biologics ADMA ... dd 1.49 –0.09 –.88 ... ... ... 24.57 9.01 AmerantBncpA AMTB ... 23 24.10 +0.74 ... 1.58 1.67 ... 14860
25.05 19.75 AFC Gamma AFCG 7.2 29 20.86 +0.47 ... 1.69 2.50 .38 20.67 6.84 AmerantBncpB AMTBB ... 19 19.93 +0.73 ... ... ... ... (Prev Fri's
18.84 13.53 AGNC Invt AGNC 8.8 5 16.34 +0.33 –.66 ... ... .12 663.98 345.19 Amerco UHAL .0 15 659.72 +34.03 31.15 ... ... .50 Close)
2.78 0.71 ALJ Regional ALJJ ... dd 1.29 –0.02 –1.60 ... ... ... 7.11 3.65 AmerFirstMultifam ATAX 6.8 33 6.46 –0.04 .07 .47 ... .11
117.45 32.51 AlxOncology ALXO ... dd 66.66 +0.16 –2.76 ... –2.40 ... 26.09 10.63 AmerAirlines AAL ... dd 19.84 –1.18 –18.36 –7.00 1.06 ... 14800
83.63 20.16 AMC Networks AMCX ... 8 51.41 –1.30 ... 8.26 7.62 ... 94.21 74.80 AEP AEP 3.3 19 89.69 +0.35 4.42 4.68 ... .74
68.22 53.90 Amerisafe AMSF 2.0 12 57.96 +0.19 4.47 ... ... .29 54.80 45.25 AmerElecPwrUn AEPPL 6.0 ... 50.90 +0.49 ... ... ... .7656
57.63 21.11 A-MarkPrecMet AMRK .0 3 50.12 –1.12 4.31 ... 5.29 1.50 55.75 44.71 AmerElecPwrUn AEPPZ 5.7 ... 53.32 –0.53 ... ... ... .7656
40.00 23.55 ANI Pham ANIP ... dd 30.05 –3.01 ... 3.39 3.87 ... 10.69 5.40 AmericanFin AFIN 9.9 dd 8.57 +0.02 –.43 –.22 –.08 .2125
413.19 292.79 Ansys ANSS ... 70 362.59 –12.15 4.97 ... ... ... 36.50 19.41 AmNtlBcsh AMNB 3.3 10 33.10 +0.64 2.73 3.28 2.51 .27 14740
24.30 7.45 APA APA .6 10 17.88 –0.45 –12.86 3.32 2.88 .025 193.81 66.04 AmericanNatl ANAT 1.7 6 191.69 +18.89 17.38 4.23 4.64 .82
24.66 9.30 ARKRestaurants ARKR ... dd 15.25 +0.11 –1.34 1.00 1.00 ... 36.62 12.24 AmOutdoorBrands AOUT ... 21 27.51 –1.15 1.29 2.21 2.44 ...
805.64 343.25 ASML ASML .4 58 788.96 +5.68 9.68 15.83 19.22 1.8697 39.19 24.75 AmericanPubEdu APEI ... 24 27.70 –1.40 1.25 1.05 1.61 ... +24.42 -72.09 -22.95 +51.13 +6.64
25.37 6.96 AST Space ASTS ... dd 9.54 –1.09 ... –.27 –.72 ... 28.45 13.25 AmerSoftware AMSWA 1.9 93 22.60 –0.23 .24 .25 ... .11 14680
9.43 0.72 AST Space Wt ASTSW ... ... 3.29 –0.42 ... ... ... ... 31.78 11.23 AmerSupercond AMSC ... dd 12.63 –0.06 –.95 –.50 –.06 ... 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm
19.75 1.05 ATA Creativity AACG ... dd 2.71 –0.15 –.45 .22 .34 ... 108.81 72.28 AmericanWoodmark AMWD ... 23 79.00 +5.89 3.45 7.41 8.68 ...
22.91 13.54 ATAI Life ATAI ... ... 13.62 –0.76 –29.21 –.61 –.78 ... 177.45 82.48 AmerCarMart CRMT ... 11 163.02 +4.67 14.95 13.95 14.56 ...
61.45 40.99 ATN Intl ATNI 1.5 dd 46.44 +2.47 –.89 .23 –.47 .17 59.85 20.86 AmerisBancorp ABCB 1.2 8 50.43 +0.27 3.77 5.16 4.25 .15
18.24 4.25 AveoPharma AVEO ... dd 6.21 +0.26 –1.66 –1.68 –.17 ... 5.34 2.65 AmeriServFin ASRV 2.6 12 3.92 –0.01 .27 .16 .22 .025
20.07 5.85 AVROBIO AVRO ... dd 5.97 –1.75 –3.31 –2.88 –3.03 ... 276.69 210.28 Amgen AMGN 3.1 23 229.68 –0.47 12.31 ... ... 1.76
15.84 4.51 AXT AXTI ... 38 9.59 –0.19 .07 .40 .46 ... 25.39 8.60 AmicusTherap FOLD ... dd 10.48 –0.02 –1.07 ... ... ...
24.69 17.14 Abcam ABCM ... dd 20.57 +0.17 .08 .24 .41 ... 27.71 10.71 AmkorTech AMKR .6 14 26.28 –1.17 1.40 1.69 2.05 .04 NOTICE TO READERS:
71.91 14.51 AbCelleraBio ABCL ... 22 17.89 +2.92 .53 ... –.09 ... 21.63 16.91 AmphastarPharm AMPH ... 96 19.60 –0.71 .03 1.02 1.40 ...
387.40 242.73 Abiomed ABMD ... 95 321.65 –24.23 4.94 ... 5.32 ... 15.44 9.55 AmrytPharma AMYT ... dd 10.75 +0.65 –3.30 –.50 .58 ... Sign up for the Weekly Market Lab Newsletter:
31.53 20.88 Absci ABSI ... ... 25.01 –1.84 ... ... ... ... 14.24 4.85 AmtechSystems ASYS ... dd 9.71 –0.08 –1.11 .16 .67 ...
21.20 9.36 AbsoluteSftwr ABST 2.2 62 11.54 –2.57 .25 .02 .13 .0661 23.42 1.88 Amyris AMRS ... dd 12.95 –1.59 –1.88 –1.26 –.19 ...
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65.25 29.50 Accolade ACCD ... dd 45.05 –3.76 –1.72 ... ... ... 30.25 8.95 AngioDynamics ANGO ... dd 27.14 –0.04 –.82 .01 .18 ...
6.02 2.17 Accuray ARAY ... 86 3.65 –0.32 .04 –.01 .20 ... 26.30 10.50 AngionBiomed ANGN ... ... 11.08 +0.26 ... –3.42 –2.92 ...
2.94 1.02 AcelRxPharm ACRX ... dd 1.17 –0.07 –.47 –.30 –.09 ... 48.37 32.04 AnikaTherap ANIK ... dd 41.84 +1.37 –1.69 .08 .02 ...
18.95 5.51 AchillesTherap ACHL ... ... 6.45 +0.23 ... –2.54 –2.28 ... 38.01 17.27 Annexon ANNX ... dd 19.40 –1.28 –4.15 –2.79 –2.76 ... - Earnings - - Earnings -
30.38 1.98 AclarisTherap ACRS ... dd 14.72 –0.18 –1.20 –1.51 –1.43 ... 12.09 3.15 AnPacBioMed ANPC ... ... 3.99 +0.05 ... –.67 –.38 ... 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
9.84 2.53 AcordaTherap ACOR ... dd 3.58 –0.07 –12.32 –7.64 –.96 ... 73.00 26.38 ApellisPharm APLS ... dd 57.46 –5.92 –4.59 –8.07 –5.87 ... High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
104.53 71.19 ActivisionBliz ATVI .6 25 83.85 +1.42 2.82 3.81 4.27 .47 43.76 19.48 ApogeeEnt APOG 1.9 49 41.71 +1.21 .59 2.28 2.85 .20
26.98 13.95 AcumenPharm ABOS ... ... 15.17 +0.16 ... –1.39 –.86 ... 9.49 1.25 ApolloEnd APEN ... dd 8.90 +0.24 –.99 –.85 –.94 ... 16.36 4.60 AutolusTherap AUTL ... dd 5.91 –0.16 –2.76 ... –1.78 ... 5.45 3.04 BioDeliverySci BDSI ... 11 3.57 –0.18 .24 .27 .45 ...
38.99 11.18 AcutusMedical AFIB ... dd 11.56 –3.91 –8.94 –3.50 –2.74 ... 15.27 7.33 ApolloInv AINV 9.0 6 13.83 +0.05 1.71 1.41 ... .05 217.15 127.31 ADP ADP 1.7 35 215.17 +2.17 6.07 6.63 7.30 .93 31.99 6.76 Biodesix BDSX ... dd 7.45 –2.19 –6.48 ... ... ...
31.83 11.11 Adagene ADAG ... ... 18.50 +1.09 ... –1.49 –1.93 ... 186.59 110.22 AppFolio APPF ... 34 132.50 –6.28 ... .18 .49 ... 10.33 4.83 AvadelPharm AVDL ... dd 8.07 +0.17 ... –1.33 –.28 ... 468.55 223.25 Biogen BIIB ... 27 342.25 +2.25 24.80 ... ... ...
31.58 20.50 AdagioTherap ADGI ... ... 26.66 +5.78 ... ... ... ... 42.90 7.20 AppHarvest APPH ... dd 7.60 –4.31 ... –.96 –.82 ... 13.00 9.03 AveannaHealth AVAH ... ... 9.49 +0.20 ... .43 .56 ... 121.23 71.35 BioMarinPharm BMRN ... 18 75.03 –3.10 4.53 –.47 .73 ...
9.15 2.96 AdamasPharm ADMS ... dd 4.50 –0.77 –2.03 –1.06 –.35 ... 18.58 0.76 AppHarvestWt APPHW ... ... 1.66 –2.25 ... ... ... ... 17.90 9.32 AvePoint AVPT ... dd 9.68 –0.61 ... .04 .06 ... 22.22 10.60 BiomeaFusion BMEA ... ... 10.61 –2.13 ... –1.44 –2.40 ...
10.93 3.37 AdaptimmuneTher ADAP ... dd 3.99 +0.50 –.90 –.17 –.18 ... 260.00 50.69 Appian APPN ... dd 99.13 –4.26 ... –.66 –.49 ... 5.47 1.15 AvePointWt AVPTW ... ... 2.25 –0.34 ... ... ... ... 464.00 54.10 BioNTech BNTX ... 20 377.32 –11.69 .07 32.03 33.66 ...
71.25 30.41 AdaptiveBiotech ADPT ... dd 31.80 –3.51 –1.11 –1.53 ... ... 150.00 103.10 Apple AAPL .6 29 149.10 +2.96 3.28 ... ... .22 43.76 9.25 AviatNetworks AVNW ... 7 38.42 –0.56 .03 ... 2.26 ... 19.94 10.74 Bioventus BVS ... ... 15.08 –0.18 ... 1.25 1.11 ...
129.01 80.32 AddusHomeCare ADUS ... 38 90.19 –1.21 2.08 3.42 3.93 ... 9.67 3.47 AppliedGenetic AGTC ... dd 3.58 –0.16 –2.17 –1.91 –1.64 ... 40.48 7.23 AvidTechnology AVID ... 48 27.68 –0.72 .25 ... 1.50 ... 10.00 0.21 Bitfarms BITF ... dd 6.78 +0.83 –.19 ... ... ...
4.24 1.80 ADDvantage AEY ... dd 2.74 +0.33 –1.55 .76 1.30 ... 146.00 54.15 ApplMaterials AMAT .7 27 129.90 –12.75 3.92 ... ... .24 37.46 17.58 AvidityBio RNA ... dd 19.51 –0.57 –2.05 –2.87 ... ... 37.76 8.75 BlackDiamond BDTX ... dd 9.28 –0.58 –2.05 –3.63 –3.91 ...
21.40 6.81 AdicetBio ACET ... dd 7.73 +0.74 –5.01 –2.14 –2.26 ... 78.22 20.50 AppliedMolecular AMTI ... dd 30.12 +1.17 –2.91 –2.46 –2.69 ... 95.10 25.54 AvisBudget CAR ... 36 92.01 +8.43 –9.71 12.14 7.81 ... 80.00 46.86 Blackbaud BLKB ... dd 68.54 –4.11 .16 2.80 3.00 ...
638.43 420.78 Adobe ADBE ... 55 637.31 +5.93 10.83 12.25 14.05 ... 13.95 6.74 AppliedOptoelec AAOI ... dd 7.04 –0.11 –2.67 ... –.44 ... 45.43 24.30 Avnet AVT 2.2 26 40.84 –0.96 –.31 ... ... .22 154.61 72.24 BlackLine BL ... dd 112.09 –2.50 –.83 ... ... ...
24.36 9.66 Adtran ADTN 1.5 65 23.41 –0.12 .05 .38 .74 .09 30.88 13.58 AppliedTherap APLT ... dd 16.06 –2.19 –4.28 –4.51 –4.23 ... 6.52 2.54 Aware AWRE ... dd 3.95 –0.18 –.35 .02 .03 ... 4.47 2.32 BlackRockCapInvt BKCC 9.5 dd 4.20 +0.14 –1.49 ... .39 .10
8.41 3.52 AdvEmissions ADES ... 3 6.70 –0.91 –1.12 ... ... ... 90.03 49.41 Applovin APP ... dd 56.46 –2.19 ... .33 .78 ... 50.21 20.40 AxcelisTechs ACLS ... 24 43.07 –2.49 1.46 2.46 3.03 ... 15.07 9.10 BlkRkTCPCap TCPC 8.4 4 14.35 +0.17 1.23 1.28 1.33 .30
125.55 57.04 AdvEnergyInds AEIS .5 21 86.61 –7.58 3.50 4.62 5.91 .10 31.45 3.38 ApreaTherap APRE ... dd 3.65 –0.66 –2.53 ... ... ... 6.84 3.03 AxcellaHealth AXLA ... dd 3.30 –0.36 –1.78 –1.79 –2.17 ... 32.81 11.98 BloominBrands BLMN ... 26 26.71 +0.87 –1.85 2.77 2.81 ...
122.49 72.50 AdvMicroDevices AMD ... 39 110.55 +0.44 2.06 1.92 3.02 ... 36.06 20.07 Apria APR ... ... 35.04 +2.86 ... 1.68 1.79 ... 212.37 78.36 AxonEnterprise AXON ... dd 185.14 –7.45 –.03 ... ... ... 18.83 8.37 Blucora BCOR ... dd 16.22 +0.47 –7.14 1.63 1.69 ...
13.92 7.89 AdvantageSolns ADV ... dd 9.39 –0.60 –.79 .72 .84 ... 6.47 2.30 Aptinyx APTX ... dd 2.41 –0.16 –1.02 –1.16 –1.09 ... 70.46 34.00 Axonics AXNX ... dd 66.34 –3.24 –1.48 ... ... ... 28.90 11.04 BlueBird BLBD ... 56 22.78 –0.83 .45 .43 1.07 ...
3.60 0.79 AdvantageSolnsWt ADVWW ... ... 2.11 –0.33 ... ... ... ... 14.23 1.16 Aptorum APM ... 16 2.54 –0.06 ... –.63 –.90 ... 90.00 22.29 AxsomeTherap AXSM ... dd 22.86 –28.30 –2.77 –3.58 –3.56 ... 13.45 12.32 BlueFoundryBncp BLFY ... ... 13.39 +0.41 ... –.06 .11 ...
14.79 2.23 AdverumBiotech ADVM ... dd 2.34 –0.14 –1.38 –1.44 –1.23 ... 12.01 4.35 ApyxMedical APYX ... dd 10.91 +1.49 –.35 –.54 –.42 ... 28.68 7.74 AyalaPharm AYLA ... dd 12.21 –0.87 –3.06 –2.66 –2.33 ... 62.90 17.72 bluebirdbio BLUE ... dd 18.47 –6.56 –9.95 –12.03 –9.49 ...
9.90 5.82 AegleaBioTherap AGLE ... dd 6.03 –0.53 –1.52 –1.02 –.93 ... 9.47 3.10 AquestiveTherap AQST ... dd 3.93 +0.22 –1.66 –1.74 –1.22 ... 18.20 7.30 AziyoBiologics AZYO ... dd 7.93 –0.19 ... –2.10 –1.29 ... 20.46 5.01 BlueCity BLCT ... dd 5.21 –0.28 ... –3.77 –.16 ...
27.44 1.64 Aemetis AMTX ... dd 9.78 +0.51 –1.74 –1.48 –.81 ... 9.95 3.97 Aravive ARAV ... dd 4.07 –0.13 –1.93 –1.77 –2.16 ... 4.26 1.20 BlueknightEner BKEP 4.8 2 3.31 –0.03 –.91 ... ... .04
5.87 2.31 ArbutusBiopharma ABUS ... dd 3.07 +0.06 –1.00 –.86 –.76 ... B 125.61
93.96 28.53 ArcBest ARCB .5 13 69.03 +1.34 2.69 4.02 6.20 .08
143.72 59.13 AeroVironment AVAV ... cc 100.87 –4.12 .96 ... ... ... 41.92 27.41 ArchCapital ACGL ... 8 41.78 +1.20 3.32 ... ... ... 2516.00 1589.00 BookingHldgs BKNG ... cc 2203.42 +20.44 1.44 ... ... ...
19.75 3.00 BBQ Holdings BBQ ... dd 13.00 –0.43 .54 .58 .98 ... 55.09 36.05 Bottomline EPAY ... dd 39.59 –2.09 –.38 ... ... ...
11.24 3.81 AestheticMed AIH ... dd 4.29 –0.35 –1.57 .84 .96 ... 36.80 4.68 Arcimoto FUV ... dd 14.11 –3.04 –.63 –.62 –.43 ... 16.15 7.73 BCB Bancorp BCBP 4.2 9 15.27 –0.08 1.14 1.74 1.68 .16
11.74 3.07 Affimed AFMD ... dd 6.09 –0.67 –.57 –.24 –.16 ... 50.40 23.19 ArcoPlatform ARCE ... cc 26.99 –0.96 .06 3.95 5.24 ... 14.90 12.60 BowmanConsult BWMN ... ... 13.70 +0.02 ... –.10 .50 ...
4.96 2.01 BELLUS Health BLU ... dd 3.35 +0.18 –.54 –.86 –.82 ... 11.77 5.55 Brainsway BWAY ... dd 8.14 +0.15 –.48 ... ... ...
146.90 46.50 AffirmHldgs AFRM ... dd 65.95 –1.22 ... –1.90 –.75 ... 129.71 24.87 ArcturusTherap ARCT ... dd 48.02 –1.28 –3.55 –5.84 5.18 ... 6.52 2.22 BGC Partners BGCP .7 27 5.62 –0.06 ... .62 .71 .01
29.02 18.48 Afya AFYA ... 38 22.50 –0.72 ... 4.81 6.47 ... 38.49 17.51 ArcutisBiotherap ARQT ... dd 20.48 –0.97 –3.80 ... ... ... 73.50 27.47 BridgeBioPharma BBIO ... dd 50.12 –3.98 –3.80 –3.82 –3.82 ...
63.42 23.92 BJsRestaurants BJRI ... dd 40.37 +1.08 –2.74 .58 2.26 ... 21.80 12.75 BridgfordFoods BRID ... 25 12.81 –0.05 ... ... ... ...
64.09 23.03 Agilysys AGYS ... dd 56.86 –0.08 –1.01 .75 .88 ... 9.23 1.43 Ardelyx ARDX ... dd 1.44 –0.16 –1.05 –1.38 –1.14 ... 98.95 48.41 BOK Fin BOKF 2.4 10 87.93 –1.20 6.19 7.95 6.54 .52
48.04 25.26 9.66 Brightcove BCOV ... 52 11.57 +0.13 –.15 .38 .45 ...
62.16 32.47 AgiosPharm AGIO ... dd 43.95 –2.10 –4.74 ... –6.67 ... 90.19 ArenaPharm ARNA ... dd 48.12 –7.04 –7.39 –9.07 –8.59 ... 35.05 20.34 BRP Group BRP ... dd 35.05 +7.40 –.58 .79 ... ... 49.99 25.20 BrighthouseFin BHF ... dd 48.26 +1.15 –11.58 ... ... ...
114.97 24.29 Agora API ... dd 28.51 –0.12 ... –.36 –.31 ... 20.46 13.15 AresCapital ARCC 8.1 5 20.30 +0.19 1.14 1.83 1.82 .41 96.44 45.58 BRP DOOO .5 12 87.51 +3.40 ... 6.73 7.20 .1034
3.09 1.83 AgroFresh AGFS ... dd 1.95 –0.01 –1.26 –.33 –.35 ... 382.15 212.66 arGEN-X ARGX ... dd 311.01 –2.10 –13.28 –9.49 –15.39 ... 495.14 325.00 Broadcom AVGO 3.0 45 486.16 +0.73 6.33 ... ... 3.60
78.95 24.27 B RileyFin RILY 2.9 3 65.63 –2.66 7.56 ... ... 1.50 17.14 8.13 BrooklineBcp BRKL 3.2 11 14.86 –0.21 .60 ... 1.21 .12
42.93 8.95 AirT AIRT ... dd 33.50 +2.41 –2.53 .61 .69 ... 10.00 9.78 ArmadaAcqnUn AACIU ... ... 9.80 ... ... ... ... ... 19.76 10.02 BTRS BTRS ... dd 12.00 +0.23 ... –.33 ... ...
2.75 0.02 AirT Wt AIRTW ... ... .07 –0.01 ... ... ... ... 54.78 12.72 ArrayTech ARRY ... 37 17.31 +3.69 ... .23 .63 ... 108.72 42.65 Brooks Auto BRKS .5 52 82.66 –2.57 .88 2.53 ... .10
354.82 115.59 Baidu BIDU ... 7 152.45 –11.81 ... 66.01 69.44 ... 84.41 37.27 Bruker BRKR .2 54 82.92 +0.31 1.02 1.94 2.24 .04
32.43 21.42 AirTransport ATSG ... 22 27.09 +0.23 .54 1.58 1.82 ... 37.18 9.92 Arrival ARVL ... dd 10.75 –1.44 ... –.16 –.13 ... 139.59 92.60 Balchem BCPC .4 47 130.56 –3.23 2.60 3.23 3.68 .58
219.94 121.50 Airbnb ABNB ... dd 152.76 +2.77 ... –1.32 .61 ... 38.26 24.51 ArrowFinancial AROW 2.8 12 37.15 +0.95 2.64 3.31 2.91 .26 49.83 23.96 BrynMawrBank BMTC 2.7 12 40.84 –0.03 1.63 2.94 2.95 .28
42.28 12.68 BallardPower BLDP ... dd 15.12 –0.37 –.21 –.25 –.20 ... 84.80 38.91 Bumble BMBL ... ... 49.57 +0.79 –.05 ... ... ...
124.91 92.64 AkamaiTech AKAM ... 33 116.29 +1.72 3.37 ... 6.14 ... 93.66 32.86 ArrowheadPharm ARWR ... dd 60.52 –4.27 –.84 ... ... ... 77.38 39.20 BancFirst BANF 2.3 13 58.06 –0.03 3.00 5.04 3.42 .34
11.26 2.09 AkebiaTherap AKBA ... dd 2.52 –0.22 –2.77 –1.44 ... ... 42.70 33.01 ArtesianRscs A ARTNA 2.7 22 39.18 –0.52 ... 1.92 2.05 .261 17.70 9.03 BurgerFiIntl BFI ... dd 11.16 –0.14 ... ... ... ...
198.61 107.01 Bandwidth BAND ... dd 110.75 –9.22 ... .73 .75 ... 4.46 1.43 BurgerFiIntlWt BFIIW ... ... 2.03 –0.17 ... ... ... ...
37.94 17.66 AkeroTherap AKRO ... dd 18.85 –1.62 –2.52 –3.06 –3.28 ... 108.47 19.68 Arvinas ARVN ... dd 91.21 –3.79 –3.02 –3.35 –2.94 ... 45.83 20.10 BankOZK OZK 2.7 11 43.00 –0.16 2.26 3.09 3.65 .285
30.67 10.72 Akouos AKUS ... dd 11.30 –1.25 –2.77 –2.24 –2.37 ... 183.98 109.36 AscendisPharma ASND ... dd 121.00 –2.73 –9.44 –8.09 –7.76 ... 39.75 18.52 BurningRockBio BNR ... dd 21.39 –1.49 –1.00 –3.63 –2.82 ...
15.38 6.52 BankofCommerce BOCH 1.7 13 14.43 +0.17 .83 1.13 1.05 .06 24.95 12.12 BusFirstBcshs BFST 2.0 9 24.20 +0.18 1.64 ... ... .12
28.96 15.28 Akoya AKYA ... ... 15.48 –1.81 ... –1.32 –.87 ... 6.75 1.26 AslanPharm ASLN ... dd 2.83 –0.16 –.40 ... ... ... 31.31 17.40 BankofPrinceton BPRN 2.3 12 30.66 +0.23 2.01 3.06 2.84 .18
108.67 52.35 ALRM ... 53 83.86 –6.42 1.53 ... 2.02 ... 13.17 4.70 AspenGroup ASPU ... dd 6.05 –0.20 –.44 ... .07 ... 23.60 8.11 Bank7 BSVN 2.0 10 21.55 –0.83 2.05 2.54 2.61 .11
43.32 9.12 Alector ALEC ... dd 28.32 +0.70 –2.45 .01 –.80 ... 162.56 108.15 AspenTech AZPN ... 27 127.03 –20.94 3.34 5.00 5.17 ... 11.96 6.81 BankFinancial BFIN 3.5 22 11.46 +0.11 .61 .51 .62 .10 C
38.58 26.55 Alico ALCO 5.4 5 37.02 +0.23 3.16 .46 1.49 .50 22.75 3.32 AssemblyBiosci ASMB ... dd 3.58 –0.08 –1.75 –2.46 ... ... 31.98 14.08 BankwellFin BWFG 2.3 16 31.05 +0.13 .75 3.14 3.13 .18
714.15 289.52 AlignTech ALGN ... 79 691.19 –2.48 22.41 10.97 13.36 ... 80.00 48.28 AstecIndustries ASTE .7 41 62.43 +2.00 2.05 1.92 3.13 .11 60.42 30.05 Banner BANR 2.9 11 56.18 +0.76 ... 5.09 4.17 .41 14.63 8.30 Cadiz CDZI ... dd 14.01 +0.82 –1.11 –.59 –.58 ...
28.59 16.32 AlignmentHlthcr ALHC ... dd 19.26 –0.98 ... –.75 –.50 ... 22.47 8.12 AstraSpace ASTR ... dd 11.22 +0.45 ... –.60 –.54 ... 57.00 22.04 Baozun BZUN ... 25 22.07 –1.81 ... 6.92 ... ... 54.13 28.75 C&F Fin CFFI 3.0 7 53.70 +0.25 6.06 3.85 3.85 .40
37.51 12.82 AligosTherap ALGS ... dd 15.72 –0.11 –10.87 –3.20 –3.30 ... 6.50 0.85 AstraSpaceWt ASTRW ... ... 3.89 +0.82 ... ... ... ... 79.73 47.90 BarrettBus BBSI 1.5 16 78.39 +2.41 4.39 4.58 4.82 .30 24.75 17.76 CB FinSvcs CBFV 4.1 dd 23.53 –0.25 –1.97 1.94 1.79 .24
12.25 3.82 AlimeraSciences ALIM ... dd 7.31 –0.81 –1.04 ... –1.75 ... 60.93 46.48 AstraZeneca AZN 2.3 41 58.48 +2.04 1.23 2.74 3.56 .45 37.00 9.00 BassettFurniture BSET 2.2 12 23.47 +1.43 –1.05 2.11 2.03 .14 33.29 14.74 CBTX CBTX 2.0 17 25.97 –0.65 1.06 1.67 1.44 .13
49.32 26.12 AlkamiTech ALKT ... ... 30.40 –0.81 ... –.37 –.17 ... 20.93 6.30 Astronics ATRO ... dd 13.59 –1.97 ... –.87 .56 ... 19.00 9.67 BayCom BCML ... 11 17.76 –0.42 1.15 1.84 1.80 ... 55.51 41.21 CDK Global CDK 1.3 5 46.14 –0.55 1.70 2.58 3.02 .15
29.05 15.35 Alkermes ALKS ... dd 28.75 +0.19 –.70 .62 1.00 ... 18.05 6.53 AstroNova ALOT ... 79 15.67 –0.08 .18 .40 .28 ... 60.93 27.61 BeaconRoof BECN ... 15 50.29 –4.29 –1.52 4.24 4.54 ... 198.54 105.87 CDW CDW .8 30 198.32 +8.27 5.45 7.72 8.39 .40
157.98 75.41 Allakos ALLK ... dd 82.39 +3.74 –3.10 –4.38 –5.37 ... 28.20 11.33 AtaraBiotherap ATRA ... dd 12.45 –0.19 –4.15 –3.56 ... ... 138.52 21.24 BeamTherap BEAM ... dd 101.02 –7.37 –4.19 –6.01 –3.44 ... 83.95 35.62 CEVA CEVA ... dd 45.31 –5.47 –.11 .60 .87 ...
43.34 21.45 AllegianceBcshs ABTX 1.3 10 37.00 –1.10 2.22 3.93 3.00 .12 94.17 18.72 AteaPharm AVIR ... cc 27.67 –3.49 ... .94 11.93 ... 3.42 1.15 BeasleyBroadcast BBGI ... dd 2.77 +0.12 ... .21 .29 ... 48.98 22.40 C4 Therap CCCC ... dd 39.35 +1.67 ... –2.08 –2.12 ...
271.29 112.71 AllegiantTravel ALGT ... 83 191.78 –0.02 –11.53 3.78 15.67 ... 15.24 3.33 Athenex ATNX ... dd 3.34 –0.26 –1.72 –1.27 –.93 ... 53.90 11.05 BedBath BBBY ... 38 27.85 +0.61 –1.24 1.51 ... ... 106.75 84.67 CH Robinson CHRW 2.2 19 91.90 +0.90 3.72 5.43 ... .51
34.66 16.78 AllegroMicro ALGM ... cc 29.59 +1.06 ... .73 .88 ... 34.79 9.22 AthiraPharma ATHA ... dd 9.83 –0.14 ... ... –2.09 ... 388.97 209.05 BeiGene BGNE ... dd 276.19 –45.26 –19.11 –11.68 ... ... 17.29 7.48 CimComm CMCT 3.9 dd 7.65 –0.36 –2.27 ... –1.87 .075
2.78 0.75 AllenaPharm ALNA ... dd .99 +0.04 –1.01 –.79 –.73 ... 15.97 1.87 AtlanticAmerican AAME .5 5 3.85 –0.68 .56 ... ... .02 22.00 9.36 BelFuse A BELFA 1.6 8 15.35 –0.06 .97 ... .90 .06 19.78 2.54 CLPS CLPS ... 11 3.66 –0.14 .20 ... ... ...
8.39 2.63 AllianceResource ARLP 4.9 8 8.15 +0.30 –1.02 .78 .58 .10 28.93 10.48 AtlCapitalBcshs ACBI ... 12 25.21 –0.13 1.05 ... ... ... 23.00 9.83 BelFuse B BELFB 1.9 8 14.47 –0.39 1.05 ... .90 .07 198.61 120.45 CMC Materials CCMP 1.5 dd 125.04 +1.03 4.83 7.31 7.73 .46
61.22 45.99 AlliantEnergy LNT 2.6 24 61.07 +0.27 2.47 2.58 2.74 .4025 42.45 19.61 AtlUnionBkshs AUB 3.0 12 37.67 +0.48 1.93 3.28 2.77 .28 17.58 9.36 Benefitfocus BNFT ... dd 11.49 –0.07 –.87 –.36 –.30 ... 221.82 146.89 CME Group CME 1.7 39 207.03 –2.81 5.87 6.71 7.34 .90
38.10 25.02 AlliedMotionTech AMOT .3 21 33.75 +1.10 .95 1.37 1.58 .025 48.49 26.31 AtlanticaSust AY 4.4 cc 38.84 +0.06 .12 .82 1.18 .43 67.00 27.00 BentleySystems BSY .2 cc 64.15 +1.28 ... .74 .77 .03 26.85 13.95 CNB FinPA CCNE 2.7 10 25.07 –0.03 1.97 ... 3.11 .17
44.92 20.58 AllogeneTherap ALLO ... dd 21.44 –1.96 –2.08 –2.15 –2.54 ... 48.93 7.71 Atlanticus ATLC ... 8 45.86 –1.64 3.95 7.00 8.50 ... 113.53 35.51 BerkeleyLights BLI ... dd 41.00 –3.16 –1.39 ... –.91 ... 61.69 22.51 CompassPath CMPS ... dd 30.26 –3.43 –3.55 –1.71 –2.05 ...
21.04 8.46 Allot ALLT ... dd 16.27 –2.16 –.27 –.19 –.12 ... 77.00 50.22 AtlasAir AAWW ... 5 76.60 +3.73 13.50 14.92 11.45 ... 13.45 8.03 BerkshireGrey BGRY ... dd 9.40 +1.05 ... ... ... ... 20.26 1.55 CPI Card PMTS ... 15 20.00 +0.67 –3.36 .01 .28 ...
48.96 16.66 AlloVir ALVR ... dd 18.68 –1.77 –2.59 –2.00 –2.09 ... 15.40 4.95 AtlasTech ATCX ... dd 12.61 –0.39 –.93 .39 .83 ... 3.25 1.10 BerkshireGreyWt BGRYW ... ... 1.29 +0.10 ... ... ... ... 96.64 36.32 CRA Intl CRAI 1.1 21 90.80 –2.03 3.07 5.02 5.00 .26
19.01 7.55 AllscriptsHlthcr MDRX ... dd 17.01 –0.38 4.40 ... .85 ... 349.50 161.30 Atlassian TEAM ... dd 337.94 +3.43 ... ... ... ... 7.25 2.52 Berry(bry) BRY 4.6 dd 5.24 –0.02 –3.29 .26 1.38 .06 220.20 76.71 CRISPR Therap CRSP ... 25 126.76 –9.98 –5.29 ... ... ...
209.73 119.29 AlnylamPharm ALNY ... dd 196.54 +1.31 –7.46 –6.34 –3.87 ... 20.29 4.80 Atreca BCEL ... dd 5.79 +0.10 ... –2.89 –2.74 ... 221.00 99.86 BeyondMeat BYND ... dd 121.24 –2.64 –.85 ... ... ... 49.28 37.51 CSG Systems CSGS 2.1 23 47.44 +1.38 1.82 3.30 3.36 .25
43.00 11.61 Alpha&Omega AOSL ... 19 26.91 +0.39 –.27 ... ... ... 85.50 34.04 AtriCure ATRC ... dd 73.24 –10.51 –1.14 –1.35 –.99 ... 36.99 15.60 BicycleTherap BCYC ... dd 28.59 –1.37 –2.68 –2.75 ... ... 2.35 0.75 CSI Compressco CCLP 3.0 dd 1.35 –0.08 –1.54 –1.20 –.99 .01
30.89 16.90 AlphaTeknova TKNO ... ... 19.36 –2.15 ... –.57 –.41 ... 745.00 567.00 Atrion ATRI 1.1 37 627.20 –19.70 17.44 15.14 13.19 1.75 37.75 5.41 Big5SportingGds BGFV 4.5 5 22.16 –0.83 2.58 4.22 3.11 .25 14.33 6.95 CSP CSPI ... cc 9.30 –0.99 –.36 ... ... ...
2765.94 1402.15 Alphabet A GOOGL ... 30 2754.55 +39.78 58.61 100.17 106.45 ... 50.48 33.00 AuburnNatlBncp AUBN 3.0 15 34.21 –0.16 2.09 1.00 1.00 .26 162.50 42.17 BigCommerce BIGC ... dd 63.13 –0.03 ... –.43 –.37 ... 143.78 70.61 CSW Industrials CSWI .5 41 129.85 +2.17 2.66 4.45 5.27 .15
2800.22 1406.55 Alphabet C GOOG ... 30 2768.12 +27.40 58.61 100.31 106.73 ... 37.23 25.90 AudioCodes AUDC 1.0 33 32.65 +0.54 .87 1.51 1.67 .17 157.66 40.40 Bilibili BILI ... dd 74.10 –4.58 ... ... ... ... 34.96 24.42 CSX CSX 1.1 23 33.87 +1.57 1.20 ... 1.63 .0933
19.36 5.45 Alphatec ATEC ... dd 12.92 –1.09 –1.18 –.99 –.64 ... 20.50 9.72 AuriniaPharm AUPH ... dd 15.17 +0.75 –.87 –1.33 ... ... 504.34 228.67 Bio-Techne TECH .3 cc 466.94 –14.88 3.47 7.70 8.94 .32 25.00 15.57 CVB Fin CVBF 3.6 13 20.25 +0.36 1.30 1.50 1.46 .18
16.37 6.66 AlpineImmune ALPN ... dd 9.25 +0.39 –1.34 –1.48 –1.27 ... 18.98 3.71 AuroraCannabis ACB ... dd 6.78 –0.54 –25.28 ... ... ... 76.63 27.15 BioAtla BCAB ... ... 41.21 –0.02 ... –1.89 –2.48 ... 16.38 7.00 CabalettaBio CABA ... dd 7.46 +0.32 –1.44 –2.02 –2.23 ...
72.50 37.24 AltairEngg ALTR ... dd 72.11 +0.45 ... .53 .68 ... 11.00 1.40 AuroraMobile JG ... dd 2.05 –0.29 –.28 –1.84 –.94 ... 17.94 5.00 BioceresCrop BIOX ... dd 13.09 –1.11 ... .05 .64 ... 153.33 97.45 CadenceDesign CDNS ... 63 152.67 +1.60 2.11 ... ... ...
26.75 7.80 Altimmune ALT ... dd 12.02 +1.77 –1.91 –1.74 –1.80 ... 335.67 215.83 Autodesk ADSK ... 57 332.78 +0.01 5.44 ... ... ... 18.48 3.30 BioCryst BCRX ... dd 16.15 –1.46 –1.09 –1.17 –.80 ... 113.46 38.29 CaesarsEnt CZR ... dd 91.02 +0.52 –13.50 ... ... ...
M20 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Nasdaq Issues
- Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
19.80 9.23 Caesarstone CSTE 6.0 18 13.97 +0.39 .21 .89 1.15 .21 22.22 12.21 CoherusBioSci CHRS ... dd 13.93 +0.91 1.62 ... ... ... 66.70 17.34 DiscoveryC DISCK ... 13 26.99 –0.29 ... ... 3.10 ... 9.99 2.80 FGFinancial FGF ... dd 5.58 –0.37 –4.15 ... ... ...
46.62 33.85 Cal-MaineFoods CALM .4 cc 34.81 +0.19 ... .35 1.13 .034 51.86 15.73 Cohu COHU ... 12 31.21 –3.69 –.33 3.05 3.02 ... 18.61 13.50 Diversey DSEY ... ... 16.80 +0.17 ... .59 .75 ... 62.50 38.60 FRP Holdings FRPH ... 16 60.15 +0.28 1.32 .42 1.10 ...
14.51 7.01 CalAmp CAMP ... dd 11.77 –0.31 –1.64 .41 ... ... 429.54 208.00 CoinbaseGlbl COIN ... 29 261.25 +2.99 ... 11.29 6.19 ... 5.58 2.85 DiversifiedHlthcr DHC 1.1 dd 3.78 –0.22 –.59 –.96 ... .01 15.46 7.79 FTC Solar FTCI ... ... 10.01 –0.34 ... –.56 .44 ...
85.40 51.05 CalavoGrowers CVGW 2.2 cc 52.02 +0.60 –.78 .92 2.27 1.15 26.91 17.24 CollegiumPharm COLL ... 7 17.75 –2.79 .76 ... 4.33 ... 6.00 0.76 DixieGroup DXYN ... 33 3.94 +0.19 ... .10 .30 ... 377.55 244.13 Facebook FB ... 27 363.18 –0.33 ... ... 15.97 ...
19.88 10.19 CaliforniaBncp CALB ... 16 17.95 +0.25 .53 1.47 1.52 ... 142.04 60.24 ColliersIntl CIGI .1 dd 134.12 +4.04 ... 5.42 5.64 .05 57.00 29.57 dLocal DLO ... ... 50.21 +4.81 ... .23 .40 ... 13.97 1.60 FangddNetwork DUO ... dd 1.65 –0.06 ... 7.24 10.15 ...
6.19 1.78 CalitheraBiosci CALA ... dd 2.29 –0.01 –1.31 ... –.80 ... 24.26 6.00 Collplant CLGN ... 76 18.70 +0.60 –.84 .84 1.73 ... 72.52 32.38 Docebo DCBO ... dd 71.87 +3.55 –.26 –.42 –.14 ... 21.93 11.79 Fanhua FANH 6.1 14 14.38 –0.30 .72 8.31 11.01 .15
38.00 21.00 CalliditasTherap CALT ... dd 30.15 +0.90 –2.10 –1.96 –.51 ... 19.59 9.52 ColonyBankcorp CBAN 2.3 10 18.05 +0.26 1.24 1.82 2.12 .1025 314.76 179.49 DocuSign DOCU ... dd 295.97 –6.66 –1.31 1.69 2.16 ... 20.75 9.65 FaradayFuture FFIE ... dd 10.95 –0.93 ... –.93 –2.62 ...
7.50 2.31 CalumetSpecialty CLMT ... dd 6.22 –0.17 –1.86 –2.94 .33 ... 50.68 22.62 ColumbiaBanking COLB 3.0 13 37.21 +0.52 2.17 2.76 2.62 .28 4.85 1.03 Dogness DOGZ ... dd 2.16 +0.16 ... .09 .27 ... 13.08 3.40 FarmerBros FARM ... dd 8.59 –0.69 –2.19 ... ... ...
12.43 3.16 Calyxt CLXT ... dd 3.55 –0.38 –1.32 –.82 –.76 ... 18.81 10.27 ColumbiaFin CLBK ... 23 18.33 –0.08 .52 ... .74 ... 120.37 84.41 DollarTree DLTR ... 16 101.77 +3.00 5.65 6.00 6.80 ... 56.11 42.57 Fastenal FAST 2.0 37 55.27 +0.01 1.49 1.56 1.71 .28
66.40 12.40 CambiumNtwks CMBM ... 22 37.05 –5.24 .70 1.50 1.74 ... 114.98 73.11 ColumbiaSportswr COLM 1.0 27 103.08 –0.01 1.62 4.62 5.41 .26 93.52 31.01 Domo DOMO ... dd 89.65 –3.19 –2.89 –1.34 –.84 ... 121.16 29.37 FateTherap FATE ... dd 86.71 –8.71 –2.10 –2.23 –2.64 ...
49.66 28.32 CamdenNational CAC 3.0 10 47.44 +1.67 3.95 4.51 4.10 .36 57.06 31.63 ColumbusMcKinn CMCO .5 cc 45.36 +0.08 .38 2.91 3.77 .06 16.48 13.27 DonegalGroup A DGICA 4.1 9 15.53 +0.20 1.83 1.45 1.33 .16 10.00 2.09 FedNat FNHC 12.2 dd 2.95 +0.53 –5.64 –3.28 .50 .09
40.47 14.36 Camtek CAMT ... 38 37.57 –0.07 .55 1.53 1.63 ... 59.70 40.97 Comcast A CMCSA 1.7 22 59.32 +0.63 ... ... ... .25 16.36 11.60 DonegalGroup B DGICB 3.7 10 15.50 –0.05 1.65 1.45 1.33 .1425 57.21 12.12 FibroGen FGEN ... dd 12.40 –1.33 –2.11 –2.73 –2.58 ...
39.10 1.80 Canaan CAN ... dd 9.26 +0.26 ... 16.76 28.21 ... 83.06 50.50 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 1.5 15 70.28 –0.54 2.91 3.50 3.48 .2625 17.74 9.90 DorchesterMnls DMLP 8.3 15 16.26 +0.23 .61 ... ... .4805 70.97 44.80 FidelityD&D FDBC 2.3 12 53.27 –0.58 2.82 ... ... .30
67.39 25.45 CanadianSolar CSIQ ... 41 38.58 –1.43 2.46 1.82 3.81 ... 13.61 4.08 CommVehicle CVGI ... 22 9.39 –0.07 –1.20 1.24 1.60 ... 113.13 79.31 DormanProducts DORM ... 24 98.35 –1.46 3.30 4.55 5.03 ... 7.71 1.87 FieldTripHealth FTRP ... ... 5.44 –0.10 –.53 ... ... ...
8.68 6.84 CandelTherap CADL ... ... 7.59 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 22.18 8.25 CommScope COMM ... dd 15.06 –1.48 –3.20 1.66 2.17 ... 20.54 3.37 DouYuIntl DOYU ... 58 3.45 –0.13 .22 –1.46 .51 ... 18.52 8.53 FiestaRestaurant FRGI ... dd 12.10 –1.01 –.40 .24 .44 ...
24.90 6.51 Canoo GOEV ... dd 7.02 –0.99 –.81 –.83 –.81 ... 11.45 3.70 CommsSystems JCS ... dd 6.82 –0.19 –.02 ... .15 ... 74.38 32.42 DraftKings DKNG ... dd 53.50 +1.91 –4.03 –2.75 –1.83 ... 43.06 19.32 FifthThirdBncp FITB 2.8 11 38.48 +0.75 1.83 3.63 3.29 .27
7.33 1.21 CanooWt GOEVW ... ... 1.68 –0.30 ... ... ... ... 47.53 27.74 CmntyTrBcp CTBI 3.8 9 41.93 +1.37 3.35 4.88 3.59 .40 36.60 17.55 DreamFinders DFH ... 20 21.04 –3.71 ... 1.63 2.06 ... 80.50 59.74 51job JOBS ... 34 69.83 +0.48 2.37 ... ... ...
56.50 13.83 CanopyGrowth CGC ... dd 18.06 –1.09 –3.55 .01 –.28 ... 14.62 7.75 CommWestBcshs CWBC 2.0 10 13.84 –0.01 .97 .72 .88 .07 35.56 22.26 DrivenBrands DRVN ... cc 28.60 –0.27 ... .83 .95 ... 33.45 14.35 FinInstitutions FISI 3.3 8 32.60 +0.97 2.30 4.23 3.25 .27
12.99 7.30 Cantaloupe CTLP ... dd 10.00 –0.80 –.66 –.23 ... ... 83.41 38.90 CommVaultSys CVLT ... dd 76.77 +0.87 –.66 2.62 3.09 ... 33.00 17.66 Dropbox DBX ... dd 32.13 –0.09 –.62 1.45 1.56 ... 22.50 11.56 FinchTherap FNCH ... ... 13.15 –0.65 ... –1.50 –2.10 ...
18.00 10.64 CanterburyPark CPHC ... 16 15.30 –0.26 .23 .41 ... ... 19.90 6.12 Compugen CGEN ... dd 6.46 –0.39 –.37 –.47 –.58 ... 59.40 33.91 DuckCreekTech DCT ... dd 44.40 +0.52 ... .08 .06 ... 25.53 12.26 FireEye FEYE ... dd 18.07 +1.39 –.95 .36 .13 ...
24.92 9.02 CapitalBancorp CBNK .8 9 23.53 –0.11 1.87 ... 2.15 .05 36.37 24.57 ComputerPrograms CPSI .0 27 35.10 +1.16 .98 2.63 2.90 .10 20.78 7.82 DuluthHoldings DLTH ... 17 15.44 –0.48 ... .71 1.00 ... 24.66 17.58 FirstAdvantage FA ... ... 23.93 +5.52 ... .76 .80 ...
28.98 17.55 CapitalCityBank CCBG 2.5 11 23.87 –0.75 1.88 2.03 1.82 .15 11.68 4.55 ComputerTask CTG ... 15 8.38 –0.02 .53 .55 .69 ... 152.84 128.50 Duolingo DUOL ... dd 136.63 +2.25 ... ... ... ... 48.83 19.60 FirstBancorpNC FBNC 1.9 12 42.37 +0.35 2.81 3.37 ... .20
13.65 5.65 CapitalProduct CPLP 3.5 3 11.51 –0.18 1.60 2.09 2.06 .10 5.25 1.80 comScore SCOR ... dd 3.41 –0.50 –.67 –.15 –.04 ... 32.32 13.50 DyneTherap DYN ... dd 17.33 –1.66 –4.13 –2.44 –2.89 ... 32.63 19.10 FirstBancorp FNLC 4.2 10 30.20 +1.09 2.48 1.00 1.00 .32
28.10 12.63 CapitalSouthwest CSWC 6.4 9 26.57 +0.23 2.67 1.80 1.89 .10 30.40 12.96 ComtechTel CMTL 1.5 dd 26.46 +0.19 .28 ... ... .10 41.41 19.50 FirstBancshares FBMS 1.5 14 40.30 +1.10 2.52 3.02 2.82 .15
... E 14.41
3.9 10
9 13.38
29.65 11.22 CaraTherap CARA ... 90 13.85 +1.07 .18 ... –.89 ... 8.50 2.96 Conduent CNDT ... dd 7.37 +0.42 –.61 .67 .66 ... 29.40 13.66 FirstBusFinSvcs FBIZ 2.5 9 28.76 +0.63 1.97 3.90 ... .18
48.28 31.43 CardiovascularSys CSII ... dd 36.07 –2.88 –.35 –.15 ... ... 57.99 37.71 Confluent CFLT ... dd 54.00 +9.63 ... –1.05 –.84 ... 3.98 0.62 ECMOHO MOHO ... dd .68 –0.11 ... .59 1.02 ... 901.17 310.27 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA .2 15 856.65 –1.39 ... 49.83 80.42 .47
161.47 62.89 Cardlytics CDLX ... dd 79.82 –8.52 –2.04 –3.84 –2.76 ... 5.00 2.16 Conifer CNFR ... 43 3.10 +0.42 .06 –1.13 ... ... 10.68 3.20 EDAP TMS EDAP ... dd 5.60 –0.46 –.07 .11 ... ... 32.48 17.21 FstCmntyBcsh FCBC 3.4 12 31.93 +0.36 2.02 2.92 2.50 .27
12.84 7.35 Carecloud MTBC ... dd 8.07 –0.91 –1.79 ... –.35 ... 29.27 14.02 ConnectBiopharma CNTB ... ... 23.51 +1.81 ... –6.51 –11.12 ... 18.23 11.05 ESSA Bancorp ESSA 2.9 10 16.50 +0.03 1.39 1.61 1.66 .12 22.47 11.06 1stConstBncp FCCY 1.8 11 21.73 –0.17 1.76 1.91 1.65 .10
99.83 29.86 CareDx CDNA ... dd 69.85 –11.69 –.40 –.36 –.25 ... 29.75 13.72 ConnectOneBncp CNOB 1.5 10 28.98 +1.21 1.79 3.09 3.01 .11 31.99 20.45 EVO Payments EVOP ... ... 26.49 –0.84 –.20 .86 1.02 ... 4.79 2.37 FirstEagleAltCap FCRD 8.5 4 4.72 –0.02 –1.17 .40 .46 .10
18.42 6.53 CareMax CMAX ... dd 8.36 –0.87 ... –.40 –.05 ... 31.48 9.06 Conn's CONN ... 7 23.43 +0.21 –.11 ... ... ... 7.24 2.55 EXFO EXFO ... dd 6.23 +0.54 ... ... ... ... 26.62 11.28 FirstFinBncpOH FFBC 3.9 12 23.49 +0.18 1.59 1.73 1.76 .23
7.15 1.27 CareMaxWt CMAXW ... ... 2.18 –0.86 ... ... ... ... 9.89 4.45 ConsldComm CNSL ... dd 9.00 +0.39 .47 .39 .18 ... 26.13 16.55 EagleBncpMT EBMT 2.2 8 22.30 –0.13 3.11 2.38 2.45 .125 52.49 26.71 FirstFinBkshs FFIN 1.2 31 48.94 –0.75 1.42 1.55 1.46 .15
24.89 16.61 CareTrustREIT CTRE 4.8 25 22.27 –1.12 .85 ... ... .265 15.37 10.01 ConsldWater CWCO 2.7 cc 12.47 –0.07 .24 .39 .64 .085 56.47 13.61 EagleBulkShip EGLE ... 83 42.35 +0.75 –3.40 12.77 10.37 ... 47.00 30.02 FirstFinIN THFF 2.6 9 40.94 +0.14 3.93 4.46 3.79 .53
36.54 19.24 CarGurus CARG ... 32 29.93 –1.20 ... ... ... ... 36.58 17.03 ConstructionPtrs ROAD ... 59 34.18 +2.15 ... .67 .96 ... 53.43 36.48 EaglePharm EGRX ... 36 48.77 +3.00 .87 3.11 4.73 ... 16.95 8.88 FirstFinNW FFNW 2.7 14 16.53 –0.18 .88 .64 1.01 .11
29.00 15.00 CaribouBio CRBU ... ... 24.23 +1.84 ... ... ... ... 5.83 3.00 ConsumerPtfo CPSS ... 9 5.66 +0.66 .90 .75 .50 ... 76.75 24.41 Eargo EAR ... dd 24.70 –11.05 ... –1.38 –.86 ... 25.81 12.29 FirstFoundation FFWM 1.5 11 24.55 –0.41 1.88 2.11 2.40 .09
12.90 3.82 CarLotz LOTZ ... dd 3.91 –0.66 ... –.64 –.56 ... 32.85 6.69 ContextLogic WISH ... ... 7.55 –2.28 ... –.64 –.34 ... 82.53 30.49 EastWestBncp EWBC 1.7 14 75.98 +0.59 3.97 6.05 5.93 .33 21.29 11.54 FirstGuarBcshs FGBI 3.2 9 20.01 +0.91 ... 2.20 2.17 .16
3.11 0.80 CarLotzWt LOTZW ... ... .98 –0.26 ... ... ... ... 149.07 99.00 Copart CPRT ... 40 141.50 –4.49 2.93 3.62 3.96 ... 23.03 11.74 EasternBankshares EBC 1.7 61 19.35 +0.18 .13 ... ... .08 30.80 14.16 FirstHawaiian FHB 3.7 13 27.81 –0.59 1.43 2.05 ... .26
51.55 23.48 Carlyle CG 2.1 7 48.78 +0.98 .97 ... ... .25 47.84 26.84 Core-Mark CORE 1.2 30 44.01 +2.49 1.39 2.04 2.33 .13 33.96 18.30 Eastern EML 1.6 20 27.25 –3.25 .86 .91 .98 .11 41.55 14.05 FirstInternetBncp INBK .8 7 30.31 –0.89 2.99 ... ... .06
23.26 9.39 PRTS ... dd 17.32 –2.61 –.04 –.15 –.05 ... 18.80 3.86 CorMedix CRMD ... dd 6.33 +0.32 –.77 –.71 –.88 ... 14.95 1.95 EbangIntl EBON ... ... 2.45 –0.12 ... ... ... ... 51.24 30.02 FirstInterBanc FIBK 3.7 15 44.67 +0.54 ... ... ... .41
8.09 4.22 CarrolsRestr TAST .0 dd 4.27 –0.60 –.58 –.36 –.13 .41 57.00 32.99 CornerstoneOnDem CSOD ... dd 56.64 –0.02 –.63 2.50 2.69 ... 74.15 45.36 eBay EBAY 1.0 18 74.02 +8.53 7.89 3.90 4.50 .18 50.65 21.51 FirstMerchants FRME 2.7 12 42.90 +0.47 2.74 3.78 3.48 .29
16.28 6.30 CarterBkshrs CARE ... dd 12.27 +0.48 –1.74 1.10 ... ... 51.37 14.09 CorsairGaming CRSR ... 17 26.83 –1.25 1.14 ... ... ... 64.14 17.83 Ebix EBIX 1.0 11 29.53 –0.78 3.02 3.06 3.99 .075 45.00 22.24 FirstMidBcshs FMBH 2.2 17 40.90 –1.05 2.70 2.76 3.43 .22
13.15 3.65 CasaSystems CASA ... 21 7.21 –0.19 .29 .30 .47 ... 121.98 26.66 Cortexyme CRTX ... dd 100.07 +32.93 –2.63 –3.12 –3.53 ... 37.65 25.00 EchoGlobalLog ECHO ... 18 31.94 +0.71 .60 2.77 2.42 ... 24.28 10.38 FirstMidwestBncp FMBI 3.0 14 18.53 –0.11 .87 ... ... .14
70.15 51.98 CasellaWaste CWST ... 37 69.20 +0.33 ... .78 .97 ... 163.00 78.63 Corvel CRVL ... 51 152.41 –9.78 2.55 1.31 1.40 ... 31.08 19.75 EchoStar SATS ... 17 25.43 +0.51 ... 1.56 .70 ... 19.25 9.45 FirstNWBncp FNWB 1.3 13 18.68 –0.14 1.10 ... ... .06
229.18 165.38 CaseysGenStores CASY .7 24 198.96 +3.51 8.38 ... ... .34 5.74 1.95 CorvusPharm CRVS ... dd 1.98 –0.15 –.20 ... –.83 ... 40.49 15.53 EdgewiseTherap EWTX ... ... 16.26 –1.93 ... –.78 –1.13 ... 112.50 59.52 FirstSolar FSLR ... 18 96.60 +3.45 3.73 4.22 2.63 ...
48.55 36.02 CassInfoSys CASS 2.4 24 44.25 +0.81 1.73 1.86 1.20 .27 95.28 74.31 CoStar CSGP ... cc 84.45 –1.55 .59 1.06 1.40 ... 99.95 27.01 EditasMedicine EDIT ... dd 62.66 +7.07 –1.98 –3.36 –3.48 ... 51.02 28.72 1stSource SRCE 2.6 11 47.16 +0.11 3.17 ... ... .31
107.69 40.24 CastleBiosci CSTL ... dd 64.44 –7.38 –.54 ... –1.07 ... 448.36 307.00 Costco COST .7 42 447.82 +8.19 9.02 10.75 11.62 .79 20.00 10.30 EducDev EDUC 3.9 6 10.37 –0.31 1.50 .19 .21 .10 20.48 10.74 FirstUnited FUNC 3.4 7 17.80 –0.01 1.97 2.70 2.35 .15
8.59 1.25 CatabasisPharm CATB ... dd 1.34 –0.21 –2.03 –4.76 –.53 ... 37.37 28.00 Couchbase BASE ... dd 34.62 +2.96 ... ... ... ... 129.80 7.77 EHang EH ... dd 24.18 –1.15 ... 2.59 8.52 ... 31.72 11.95 FirstWesternFin MYFW ... 8 26.15 –0.56 3.08 ... ... ...
45.19 20.59 CathayGenBncp CATY 3.1 11 39.45 –0.35 2.87 ... 3.58 .31 36.01 17.04 CountyBancorp ICBK 1.1 12 35.83 +0.41 .79 ... 2.06 .10 94.41 43.24 eHealth EHTH ... 57 43.33 –7.82 1.68 2.93 3.67 ... 84.83 51.15 FirstCash FCFS 1.4 31 82.97 –0.57 2.56 3.40 ... .30
261.28 162.88 CavcoIndustries CVCO ... 27 254.52 +6.34 8.25 ... ... ... 377.04 204.55 CoupaSoftware COUP ... dd 213.83 –1.27 –2.63 ... ... ... 13.49 7.57 EigerBioPharma EIGR ... dd 8.75 +0.32 –2.31 –.94 –1.68 ... 7.37 2.98 FirsthandTechVal SVVC ... 1 5.79 +0.02 –3.31 .50 .75 ...
9.47 5.95 CECO Env CECE ... 80 6.75 –0.20 .23 .41 .66 ... 23.97 13.23 CovenantLogist CVLG ... 45 22.08 +1.81 ... ... 3.46 ... 42.36 14.70 89bio ETNB ... dd 18.46 +0.32 –3.08 ... –4.08 ... 191.79 112.68 FirstService FSV .4 74 189.16 –0.21 2.02 ... ... .1825
34.71 12.52 Cellectis CLLS ... dd 12.52 –1.76 –1.91 –2.40 –2.92 ... 40.78 18.74 Covetrus CVET ... dd 24.27 +1.67 –.22 .96 1.10 ... 21.96 13.96 ElPolloLoco LOCO ... 23 17.95 –0.54 .68 .86 .95 ... 127.34 92.15 Fiserv FISV ... 67 111.62 +0.73 1.40 ... ... ...
10.87 3.94 CelyadOncology CYAD ... dd 4.04 –0.26 –1.40 –2.07 ... ... 44.07 14.91 Cowen COWN 1.0 4 38.87 –1.35 7.10 6.97 6.34 .10 145.86 110.69 ElbitSystems ESLT 1.3 26 142.51 +9.51 5.38 7.28 7.94 .46 225.50 106.05 FiveBelow FIVE ... 56 221.62 +18.02 2.20 4.76 ... ...
26.90 18.13 CentessaPharm CNTA ... ... 20.38 +0.23 ... –2.23 –3.02 ... 178.82 106.92 CrackerBarrel CBRL 3.4 13 137.22 +2.31 –1.36 5.21 8.89 1.00 15.30 8.04 ElcLastMile ELMS ... dd 8.66 –0.33 ... –.76 –.55 ... 211.68 107.98 Five9 FIVN ... dd 189.09 –12.59 –.66 1.01 1.33 ...
14.79 8.61 Centogene CNTG ... dd 11.45 +0.18 –1.16 –1.18 –1.68 ... 565.81 266.74 CreditAcceptance CACC ... 11 563.10 +10.58 23.47 49.83 26.70 ... 4.80 1.03 ElcLastMileWt ELMSW ... ... 1.70 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 28.30 23.00 FiveStarBncp FSBC 2.4 ... 24.84 +0.43 ... 2.17 1.94 .15
62.91 35.96 CentralGarden CENT ... 16 48.00 –0.48 ... ... ... ... 129.90 56.39 Cree CREE ... dd 90.82 –4.95 –1.78 ... ... ... 3.63 0.92 electroCore ECOR ... dd .99 –0.05 –.60 ... ... ... 20.04 10.01 Flex FLEX ... 12 18.21 +0.42 1.23 1.67 1.92 ...
55.82 33.13 CentralGardenA CENTA ... 14 43.23 +0.04 ... ... ... ... 19.95 12.12 CrescentCapBDC CCAP 8.7 4 18.75 +0.11 1.98 ... ... .41 150.30 110.15 ElectronicArts EA .5 60 138.68 +2.34 2.87 ... ... .17 13.66 5.04 FlexionTherap FLXN ... dd 5.05 –0.65 –2.53 –1.88 –.90 ...
19.60 6.27 CenturyAluminum CENX ... dd 12.28 +0.81 –1.38 –.09 1.78 ... 7.55 2.60 Cresud CRESY ... dd 5.89 –0.25 1.22 .01 ... ... 16.22 7.71 ElevationOnc ELEV ... ... 11.50 +2.65 ... –1.98 –1.92 ... 51.13 15.58 Flexsteel FLXS 1.6 dd 36.44 +1.30 –3.37 3.27 3.28 .15
121.32 63.28 CenturyBancorpA CNBKA .6 16 114.56 –0.20 7.58 2.00 2.00 .18 47.36 14.88 Cricut CRCT ... 33 28.23 –7.72 ... .89 1.00 ... 22.89 13.65 EliemTherap ELYM ... ... 14.45 ... ... ... ... ... 8.50 2.19 Fluent FLNT ... dd 2.27 –0.20 .03 ... ... ...
32.42 18.93 CenturyTherap IPSC ... ... 31.93 +1.83 ... –3.00 –1.78 ... 23.00 11.61 CrineticsPharm CRNX ... dd 22.26 +4.66 –2.42 ... ... ... 6.77 1.25 EloxxPharm ELOX ... dd 1.29 –0.14 –.86 –.60 –.55 ... 12.45 3.71 Fluidigm FLDM ... dd 6.70 +0.31 –.74 ... ... ...
6.90 2.05 Ceragon CRNT ... dd 4.03 –0.10 –.21 .02 .14 ... 46.65 11.49 Criteo CRTO ... 27 37.76 –0.96 1.19 2.45 2.62 ... 10.87 3.10 Emcore EMKR ... 13 7.83 –1.21 –.24 .68 .76 ... 25.22 10.19 FlushingFin FFIC 3.7 13 22.82 –0.36 1.18 2.56 2.32 .21
139.00 45.86 Cerence CRNC ... cc 116.00 +10.54 –.57 2.46 2.81 ... 146.89 36.84 Crocs CROX ... 15 146.59 +5.78 4.56 6.69 ... ... 56.97 40.32 EnantaPharma ENTA ... dd 47.15 +2.30 –1.81 –4.10 –5.58 ... 40.98 27.63 Flywire FLYW ... dd 40.05 +5.71 ... –.36 –.26 ...
84.20 66.75 Cerner CERN 1.1 35 79.63 –0.37 2.52 3.26 3.65 .22 15.83 4.92 Cronos CRON ... dd 6.47 –0.84 –.21 –.46 –.33 ... 49.74 29.21 EncoreCapital ECPG ... 5 46.66 –1.58 6.68 10.13 8.88 ... 56.56 29.44 FocusFinPtrs FOCS ... cc 49.91 –0.58 .57 3.86 4.34 ...
41.79 23.75 Certara CERT ... dd 28.91 +0.34 –.37 ... ... ... 20.69 5.71 CrossCtyHlthcr CCRN ... 20 18.73 –0.51 –.36 1.57 .74 ... 89.34 45.32 EncoreWire WIRE .1 7 87.88 +1.91 3.68 15.53 5.82 .02 28.27 8.01 FoghornTherap FHTX ... dd 9.56 +1.07 ... –2.44 –2.49 ...
8.87 4.67 Cerus CERS ... dd 6.01 –0.22 –.37 –.37 –.33 ... 15.67 7.96 CrossFirstBkshs CFB ... 16 13.40 –0.51 .24 1.11 1.17 ... 10.89 2.71 EndoIntl ENDP ... 14 3.91 –0.40 .79 ... ... ... 56.33 21.10 FormaTherap FMTX ... dd 22.17 –2.26 –3.22 –3.14 ... ...
30.48 6.87 ChampionX CHX ... cc 22.99 –0.47 –5.01 .58 1.08 ... 272.63 100.91 CrowdStrike CRWD ... dd 243.82 –16.92 ... .39 ... ... 23.69 7.87 EnergyRecovery ERII ... 66 19.08 –0.10 .47 .24 .43 ... 52.39 22.37 FormFactor FORM ... 35 34.97 –3.68 .99 1.49 1.76 ...
59.85 22.59 CullinanOncology CGEM ... dd 27.71 +0.09 ... –1.30 –1.97 ... 28.50 11.65 Enovix ENVX ... ... 14.59 –0.21 ... –.19 –.37 ... 99.06 75.30 FormulaSys FORTY .9 30 92.65 +0.80 3.07 2.40 3.34 .4781
24.21 12.62 ChangeHlthcr CHNG ... dd 21.47 +0.16 –.35 ... ... ... 11.69 2.81 EnovixWt ENVXW ... ... 5.73 +0.78 ... ... ... ...
81.63 48.32 ChangeHlthcrUn CHNGU 4.2 ... 71.85 +0.23 ... ... ... .75 3.94 2.58 CumberlandPharm CPIX ... cc 2.86 –0.03 –.22 –.18 –.25 ... 48.66 30.88 ForresterRes FORR ... 79 44.58 –1.27 .53 ... ... ...
14.84 4.40 CumulusMedia CMLS ... dd 12.80 +0.31 ... –.45 2.68 ... 229.04 58.67 EnphaseEnergy ENPH ... cc 175.00 –4.74 .95 ... ... ... 23.95 10.47 Forterra FRTA ... 15 23.61 –0.06 .94 1.53 2.01 ...
779.28 572.46 CharterComms CHTR ... 41 771.71 +1.62 15.40 20.88 29.38 ...
139.26 109.07 CheckPoint CHKP ... 20 123.73 –0.73 6.03 6.80 7.24 ... 151.80 36.15 CureVac CVAC ... ... 58.80 –0.85 –1.12 .08 ... ... 98.66 52.89 EnsignGroup ENSG .3 25 83.59 –1.32 3.06 ... 3.94 .0525 309.79 106.75 Fortinet FTNT ... cc 309.33 +5.65 2.91 3.86 ... ...
17.40 0.90 Curis CRIS ... dd 7.55 +0.61 –.61 ... –.47 ... 269.12 148.56 EnstarGroup ESGR ... 3 254.74 –8.49 ... 16.50 20.50 ... 100.93 53.28 ForwardAir FWRD .9 74 90.56 +2.49 .84 3.96 4.84 .21
23.10 5.00 CheckmatePharm CMPI ... dd 5.13 +0.01 ... –2.86 –2.60 ... 3.74 1.58 EntasisTherap ETTX ... dd 2.50 +0.12 –2.10 –1.18 –1.04 ...
65.81 24.86 Cheesecake CAKE ... dd 44.15 +0.47 –6.32 2.44 3.53 ... 60.36 14.43 Cutera CUTR ... cc 49.72 –4.32 –1.43 .28 .33 ... 28.60 5.08 Fossil FOSL ... dd 13.87 +1.24 –1.88 ... ... ...
29.00 17.75 CVRx CVRX ... ... 18.90 –2.83 ... –4.12 –1.61 ... 126.41 62.51 Entegris ENTG .3 47 116.15 –5.43 2.16 3.33 3.91 .08 19.47 11.91 FosterLB FSTR ... 9 18.25 +0.23 .72 .63 1.08 ...
35.57 12.35 ChefsWarehouse CHEF ... dd 29.73 +0.11 –2.46 –.19 .73 ... 36.78 19.81 EnterpriseBncp EBTC 2.1 10 34.80 +0.20 2.64 .90 ... .185
70.29 9.53 ChemoCentryx CCXI ... dd 14.00 –1.25 –.84 –1.99 –2.01 ... 169.70 95.12 CyberArkSoftware CYBR ... dd 157.94 +18.63 –.15 ... ... ... 55.11 21.40 4D Molecular FDMT ... ... 27.01 –0.07 ... –2.66 –3.29 ...
48.52 20.81 CyberOptics CYBE ... 41 42.23 –2.82 .77 1.29 1.50 ... 52.00 25.21 EnterpriseFinSvcs EFSC 1.6 12 46.48 –1.30 2.76 ... ... .19 15.50 8.97 4Dpharma LBPS ... dd 9.03 –0.17 –2.34 ... ... ...
47.93 27.38 ChemungFinl CHMG 2.7 9 46.28 –0.33 4.01 4.99 4.38 .31 8.88 1.04 EnthusiastGaming EGLX ... dd 4.90 –0.12 –.24 ... ... ...
59.30 40.00 ChesapeakeEner CHK 2.4 dd 56.79 +1.75 –998.26 ... ... .3438 8.96 2.08 CyclerionTherap CYCN ... dd 3.17 +0.01 –2.56 –1.31 –1.00 ... 1.76 0.66 4DpharmaWt LBPSW ... ... .88 –0.07 ... ... ... ...
9.06 3.56 CymaBayTherap CBAY ... dd 3.63 –0.30 –.74 ... ... ... 14.30 5.35 Epizyme EPZM ... dd 5.40 –1.07 –2.29 –2.17 –1.83 ... 44.80 24.94 FoxA FOXA 1.3 10 37.00 +0.52 ... ... 3.51 .24
31.00 15.00 ChesapeakeWtC CHKEL ... ... 24.80 +2.30 ... ... ... ...
47.72 10.57 ChickenSoupA CSSE ... dd 21.95 –8.62 ... –2.02 –1.39 ... 84.03 61.64 CyrusOne CONE 2.8 cc 75.49 –0.22 .35 .22 ... .52 107.64 66.91 ePlus PLUS ... 17 101.62 +1.83 5.54 7.43 ... ... 42.14 24.81 FoxB FOX 1.4 9 34.07 +0.33 ... ... ... .24
23.10 14.00 CyteirTherap CYT ... ... 21.66 +2.13 ... –2.27 –1.53 ... 5.28 3.01 EpsilonEnergy EPSN ... 36 5.04 ... .03 .44 .59 ... 172.25 69.95 FoxFactory FOXF ... 44 158.51 +0.33 2.22 ... ... ...
106.15 17.78 Children'sPlace PLCE ... 81 102.75 +12.30 –9.59 3.60 7.72 ...
11.57 2.22 Chimerix CMRX ... dd 6.18 –0.54 –.70 –1.22 –.24 ... 28.46 17.40 CytekBiosci CTKB ... ... 20.67 –4.82 ... ... ... ... 11.33 3.47 Equillium EQ ... dd 6.08 +0.05 –1.46 –1.33 –1.48 ... 41.50 21.50 Franchise FRG 4.4 41 34.35 –0.62 .70 3.53 ... .375
17.90 7.11 ChinaFinance JRJC ... dd 8.06 –0.36 –4.51 2.60 4.30 ... 32.97 14.71 Cytokinetics CYTK ... dd 32.15 +0.33 –1.97 ... ... ... 845.62 586.73 Equinix EQIX 1.4 cc 814.09 –6.06 4.18 6.04 ... 2.87 87.70 55.90 FranklinElec FELE .8 30 82.95 +0.21 2.14 3.03 3.32 .175
2.59 1.27 ChinaIndex CIH ... 3 1.65 –0.05 ... ... ... ... 10.05 4.78 CytomXTherap CTMX ... dd 4.85 –0.40 –.71 ... ... ... 33.78 13.91 EquityBcshs EQBK ... dd 31.56 –0.52 –4.97 3.35 2.84 ... 19.89 3.21 FreelineTherap FRLN ... dd 3.32 –1.02 –6.86 ... ... ...
12.00 8.25 CyxteraTech CYXT ... dd 9.42 +0.64 ... ... ... ... 22.91 14.51 Erasca ERAS ... ... 20.08 –0.91 ... –2.50 –2.97 ... 8.63 1.35 FreightCarAmer RAIL ... dd 5.21 –0.26 –6.29 –.92 –.28 ...
1.35 0.36 ChinaXDPlastics CXDC ... dd .68 –0.09 .05 1.78 1.74 ... 266.77 172.38 ErieIndemnity A ERIE 2.4 30 172.95 –8.94 5.61 ... 6.25 1.035
27.47 11.23 Chindata CD ... dd 11.27 –0.58 ... ... .43 ... 3.50 1.20 CyxteraTechWt CYXTW ... ... 1.88 +0.18 ... ... ... ... 13.06 8.82 FrequencyElec FEIM ... cc 9.96 +0.10 .07 .70 .91 ...
13.00 4.10 ErytechPharma ERYP ... dd 5.89 –0.33 –4.55 –3.51 –2.35 ... 58.37 7.34 FrequencyTherap FREQ ... dd 8.07 –0.22 –.82 –1.58 –2.47 ...
21.68 10.95 ChinookTherap KDNY ... dd 12.50 +0.08 –6.20 ... ... ...
42.83 18.20 ChipMOSTechs IMOS 3.0 13 40.90 +0.81 2.21 4.64 5.23 1.5679 D 25.72
258.32 147.06 ChurchillDowns CHDN .3 37 191.88 –3.77 –2.08 6.20 8.84 .622 10.30 4.38 EtonPharm ETON ... dd 4.42 –1.45 –1.33 .23 ... ...
49.99 18.73 Chuy's CHUY ... 28 31.20 –1.55 –.18 1.77 1.56 ... 31.90 23.24 FrontierComms FYBR ... 2 30.09 +0.20 –3.85 2.87 1.05 ...
7.38 1.35 DBV Tech DBVT ... dd 4.87 +0.09 –1.48 –1.61 –1.31 ... 251.86 103.06 Etsy ETSY ... 55 192.08 +13.72 2.69 ... ... ... 22.70 13.71 Frontier ULCC ... dd 15.36 +0.31 ... –1.03 1.03 ...
3.97 1.46 CidaraTherap CDTX ... dd 1.68 +0.01 –1.80 –1.04 –1.35 ... 4.95 1.34 DIRTT Envl DRTT ... dd 3.78 –0.80 –.13 –.43 –.17 ... 167.71 86.06 EuronetWorldwide EEFT ... 65 133.29 +0.39 –.06 3.70 8.00 ...
128.87 68.27 Cimpress CMPR ... dd 93.59 –2.55 ... ... ... ... 29.44 1.58 FuelCell FCEL ... dd 6.14 –0.19 –.42 –.30 –.19 ...
47.05 24.51 DISH Network DISH ... 10 42.74 +0.77 ... ... 2.91 ... 27.88 18.55 EuropeanWax EWCZ ... ... 21.37 –0.98 ... ... ... ... 25.56 6.85 FulcrumTherap FULC ... dd 22.93 +14.83 –2.79 –2.77 –2.92 ...
124.37 69.92 CincinnatiFin CINF 2.1 7 121.39 +2.10 7.49 5.48 4.87 .63 70.00 29.54 DMC Global BOOM ... cc 40.46 –2.81 –.10 .44 1.32 ... 19.93 3.82 EveloBiosci EVLO ... dd 10.39 +0.18 –2.37 ... ... ...
2.33 0.45 Cinedigm CIDM ... dd 1.77 +0.22 –.49 –.16 –.06 ... 189.89 26.03 FulgentGenetics FLGT ... 5 94.21 –11.55 8.91 12.31 3.27 ...
15.23 12.50 D-MarketElec HEPS ... ... 12.95 –0.29 ... –3.01 –2.30 ... 8.30 0.80 Ever-Glory EVK ... 10 3.15 –0.10 .22 ... ... ... 18.41 8.89 FultonFin FULT 3.5 11 15.97 –0.02 1.08 1.45 1.26 .14
396.38 307.65 Cintas CTAS 1.0 38 389.41 –1.89 10.24 10.66 11.76 .95 18.02 12.42 DSP Group DSPG ... dd 15.96 –0.03 –.29 .34 .43 ... 178.98 100.17 Everbridge EVBG ... dd 144.97 +2.52 –2.70 ... .01 ...
103.25 55.84 CirrusLogic CRUS ... 22 79.85 +0.61 3.62 5.04 5.52 ... 27.20 5.34 Funko FNKO ... 18 18.16 –0.67 .11 1.25 1.34 ...
35.98 15.42 DXP Ents DXPE ... dd 29.54 –3.10 –1.62 .79 1.93 ... 21.00 16.01 EverCommerce EVCM ... dd 19.43 –0.54 –3.06 .22 .29 ... 48.50 9.48 FusionFuelGreen HTOO ... dd 14.57 +0.42 –.46 –1.46 –1.73 ...
56.62 35.28 CiscoSystems CSCO 2.6 23 56.47 +0.88 2.64 ... ... .37 61.27 18.73 DadaNexus DADA ... dd 21.35 +0.92 –1.81 ... ... ... 54.96 21.26 EverQuote EVER ... dd 21.53 –2.47 ... –.43 –.23 ... 13.89 6.61 FusionPharm FUSN ... dd 8.24 +0.13 –3.62 ... –2.24 ...
111.44 17.90 CitiTrends CTRN ... 9 71.92 –8.52 2.32 4.87 5.31 ... 7.23 3.72 Daktronics DAKT ... 25 6.04 +0.06 .24 .29 .33 ... 8.20 4.30 EverspinTech MRAM ... dd 5.75 +0.13 –.45 ... .01 ... 204.25 27.15 Futu FUTU ... 47 100.60 –5.17 ... 25.19 36.45 ...
14.81 6.68 CtznCmntyBcp CZWI 1.6 9 14.10 +0.13 1.14 1.77 1.22 .23 12.64 5.28 DallasNews DALN 9.1 dd 7.00 ... ... .88 1.12 .16 24.34 8.77 EVgo EVGO ... ... 10.30 +0.05 ... –.35 –.26 ...
27.88 17.00 CitizensHolding CIZN 5.3 12 17.95 +0.13 1.24 1.45 1.55 .24 137.50 69.73 Datadog DDOG ... dd 135.49 +3.57 –.08 .28 .40 ...
148.47 94.66 CitrixSystems CTXS 1.4 35 102.11 +0.72 4.00 4.85 5.78 .37 51.73 13.01 Dave&Buster's PLAY ... dd 35.67 +0.91 –4.75 1.58 2.56 ...
... G
88.49 55.03 CityHolding CHCO 2.9 15 79.15 +0.81 5.55 5.09 4.80 .58 7.45 0.76 DAVIDsTEA DTEA ... dd 3.87 +0.14 –1.60 ... ... ... 17.38 2.85 Evolus EOLS ... dd 10.60 –0.96 –4.83 –.91 –.25 ...
32.36 11.54 Clarus CLAR .4 57 27.49 –1.48 .18 .61 .99 .025 4.47 1.55 DawsonGeophys DWSN ... dd 2.03 –0.50 –.56 –1.06 –.49 ... 24.67 10.13 Exagen XGN ... dd 12.28 +1.83 –1.32 –1.80 ... ... 14.24 2.44 GBS GBS ... dd 2.87 –0.17 ... ... ... ...
19.79 2.36 CleanEnerFuels CLNE ... dd 7.53 +0.05 –.05 .02 .02 ... 27.33 17.19 DayOneBiopharm DAWN ... ... 24.54 –2.34 ... –2.22 –1.49 ... 27.35 16.19 Exelixis EXEL ... 64 18.28 +1.03 .35 ... ... ... 15.36 9.00 GCM Grosvenor GCMG 2.7 dd 11.27 +1.32 –.50 .56 .73 .09
45.36 17.47 Clearfield CLFD ... 35 41.03 –1.44 .53 1.32 1.63 ... 24.39 6.18 DecibelTherap DBTX ... 29 7.37 –0.17 ... ... ... ... 48.40 33.97 Exelon EXC 3.2 49 48.35 +0.75 2.01 ... 3.13 .3825 2.39 0.67 GCMGrosvenorWt GCMGW ... ... 1.77 +0.38 ... ... ... ...
7.29 1.25 ClearsideBiomed CLSD ... dd 5.69 +0.50 –.39 –.16 –.41 ... 68.40 28.24 DecipheraPharm DCPH ... dd 28.30 –3.39 –4.78 –4.83 –3.66 ... 121.11 59.97 ExlService EXLS ... 35 120.13 +1.57 2.59 4.44 4.68 ... 116.76 49.88 GDS Holdings GDS ... dd 57.90 –1.38 ... –2.26 –1.16 ...
28.85 6.31 CloverHealth CLOV ... dd 8.22 +0.15 ... –.81 –.40 ... 93.94 29.41 DenaliTherap DNLI ... cc 52.73 +0.68 .63 –1.83 –2.16 ... 66.48 9.20 ExOne XONE ... dd 24.24 +7.30 –.86 –.93 –.58 ... 26.91 15.08 GH Research GHRS ... ... 21.00 +0.50 ... –.43 ... ...
17.23 1.33 CloverHealthWt CLOVW ... ... 2.05 +0.06 ... ... ... ... 69.54 41.52 DentsplySirona XRAY .7 35 58.69 –1.60 –.38 2.89 3.22 .11 90.00 16.26 eXpWorld EXPI .3 cc 49.25 +0.16 .21 .57 .86 .04 37.07 10.81 G1Therapeutics GTHX ... dd 14.36 –1.62 –2.62 ... ... ...
11.10 4.08 ClovisOncology CLVS ... dd 4.78 –0.19 –4.38 –2.22 –1.34 ... 73.62 50.57 Descartes DSGX ... cc 73.31 +0.96 .62 ... ... ... 187.93 85.44 Expedia EXPE ... dd 148.63 –0.26 –19.00 ... ... ... 239.90 80.10 GRAVITY GRVY ... 10 93.00 –5.98 7.65 ... ... ...
33.76 11.58 CoastalFinl CCB ... 17 29.46 –1.48 1.24 1.94 2.09 ... 50.50 14.39 DesignTherap DSGN ... ... 16.51 +1.21 ... –.71 –.96 ... 130.76 85.01 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD .9 21 123.91 –0.33 4.07 6.75 5.42 .58 8.30 5.00 GSI Tech GSIT ... dd 5.51 +0.23 –.91 –.77 –.33 ...
460.00 223.50 CocaColaCon COKE .2 18 410.01 +16.70 18.30 ... 31.36 .25 5.60 2.35 Deswell DSWL 4.7 8 4.30 –0.25 .52 .58 .71 .10 116.18 68.42 Exponent EXPO .7 63 114.47 –0.57 1.55 1.76 1.93 .20 15.06 8.91 Gaia GAIA ... 29 11.06 +0.28 ... .12 .36 ...
25.70 12.40 CodexDNA DNAY ... ... 13.72 –1.88 –1.20 –1.39 –1.34 ... 527.10 305.63 DexCom DXCM ... 95 491.41 –25.23 5.06 ... 3.48 ... 59.29 18.00 ExtractionOil XOG ... 1 42.39 –1.74 –9.34 ... 5.28 ... 17.93 7.56 GainTherap GANX ... ... 8.00 ... –.30 –1.33 –2.00 ...
29.56 11.29 Codexis CDXS ... dd 23.73 –1.59 –.40 ... ... ... 181.75 116.55 DiamondHillInvt DHIL 2.3 10 177.42 –2.28 12.03 5.58 8.01 1.00 12.29 3.73 ExtremeNetworks EXTR ... cc 11.05 –0.34 .02 .75 .93 ... 193.00 56.79 Galapagos GLPG ... dd 58.69 –1.45 –5.35 –4.04 ... ...
37.85 7.90 CodiakBioSci CDAK ... dd 20.11 –1.51 ... ... ... ... 102.53 23.63 DiamondbkEner FANG 2.4 dd 75.64 –4.41 –28.59 9.64 13.25 .45 15.06 3.51 EyePointPharm EYPT ... dd 10.35 +1.14 –3.54 –1.65 –1.57 ... 17.99 4.03 Galecto GLTO ... dd 4.14 –0.36 ... –2.25 –2.06 ...
23.00 12.08 CodorusValleyBncp CVLY 2.0 14 22.45 –0.15 .86 .83 .48 .02 40.14 16.50 DicernaPharma DRNA ... dd 20.58 –6.67 –1.52 –1.81 –1.49 ... 7.68 4.34 Ezcorp EZPW ... dd 6.16 +0.16 ... .25 ... ... 15.00 5.87 GaleraTherap GRTX ... dd 8.30 –0.24 –2.98 –2.75 –2.39 ...
14.44 5.83 CogentBio COGT ... dd 7.90 +0.63 –16.17 –1.45 –1.61 ... 25.61 13.02 DigiIntl DGII ... 63 20.14 –0.62 .28 .26 .51 ... 8.89 6.56 GAMB ... ... 7.86 +0.63 ... ... ... ...
80.00 53.20 CogentComm CCOI 4.2 cc 72.67 –5.29 .13 .87 1.20 .805 58.74 13.76 Digimarc DMRC ... dd 25.83 –1.96 –3.41 ... –1.93 ... 15.00 3.94 GamidaCell GMDA ... dd 5.47 –0.17 –1.66 –1.70 –1.58 ...
101.82 58.82 Cognex CGNX .3 48 82.09 –4.14 1.00 1.63 1.92 .06 35.87 16.51 DimeCommBcshs DCOM 2.9 20 33.15 –0.91 2.11 3.56 3.41 .24 F 49.32 35.10 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 5.5 20 48.31 +0.02 2.30 2.33 2.47 .67
82.73 65.04 CognizantTech CTSH 1.2 25 77.63 +4.63 2.57 4.04 4.45 .24 91.02 45.40 Diodes DIOD ... 28 90.70 +0.71 1.88 ... ... ... 168.30 91.84 Garmin GRMN 1.6 27 167.52 +1.79 5.17 5.71 6.36 .67
38.00 22.22 CognyteSoftware CGNT ... ... 27.72 +0.51 .22 .80 .93 ... 150.72 26.00 DiscoveryB DISCB ... 20 42.00 –1.86 ... ... 3.10 ... 97.88 54.89 FARO Tech FARO ... 62 68.73 –2.49 .04 .74 2.00 ... 8.90 1.30 GarrettMotion GTX ... 10 7.36 +0.14 15.86 .78 1.58 ...
270.99 103.00 Coherent COHR ... dd 239.40 –2.64 –17.18 6.06 8.72 ... 78.14 19.07 DiscoveryA DISCA ... 14 28.42 –0.62 ... ... 3.10 ... 216.15 116.79 F5Networks FFIV ... 42 204.37 –7.07 5.01 10.55 11.81 ... 19.09 3.83 GeminiTherap GMTX ... dd 4.07 +0.08 ... –1.89 –2.09 ...
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M21

Nasdaq Issues
- Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
15.75 10.55 GencorIndustries GENC ... 23 11.88 +0.28 ... .23 .27 ... 236.86 155.21 Honeywell HON 1.6 33 231.76 +2.08 6.72 8.10 9.18 .93 54.65 23.65 IridiumComm IRDM ... dd 40.66 –2.10 –.42 –.03 .10 ... 178.60 132.39 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA .0 74 176.98 +0.92 ... 2.61 5.36 .4375
55.72 18.90 GenerationBio GBIO ... dd 22.57 –1.53 –2.95 –2.05 –2.03 ... 42.90 21.60 HookerFurniture HOFT 2.1 12 34.85 +1.16 –.88 2.80 3.26 .18 197.40 67.55 iRobot IRBT ... 23 89.37 +3.54 5.14 2.78 4.26 ... 184.99 133.86 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK ... 77 183.38 +0.86 ... ... 5.36 ...
31.54 9.03 Genetron GTH ... dd 13.90 –0.44 –7.37 –.13 –.10 ... 16.61 7.03 HopeBancorp HOPE 4.0 11 14.00 +0.10 .90 1.61 1.54 .14 14.27 8.63 IronwoodPharm IRWD ... 4 13.64 +0.29 .66 2.43 1.81 ... 29.30 18.73 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA ... 2 29.26 +1.36 ... 2.34 1.53 ...
7.19 3.50 Genfit GNFT ... dd 3.69 –0.15 –2.96 –2.09 –1.22 ... 20.17 9.42 HorizonBancorp HBNC 2.9 9 18.20 +0.31 1.55 ... 1.89 .13 47.61 17.43 iTeosTherap ITOS ... dd 24.64 –0.37 ... –2.27 –2.63 ... 38.89 19.51 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB ... 2 29.18 +2.32 ... 2.34 1.53 ...
47.64 30.10 Genmab GMAB ... 36 46.57 +0.97 1.12 ... ... ... 17.95 11.03 HorizonTechFin HRZN 6.9 29 17.30 +0.15 ... 1.27 1.35 .10 122.31 53.49 Itron ITRI ... dd 80.00 +2.89 –1.44 1.53 3.30 ... 29.38 18.36 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK ... 2 29.32 +1.30 ... 2.34 1.53 ...
37.75 24.99 Gentex GNTX 1.5 17 32.27 –0.70 1.41 1.83 2.25 .12 111.33 66.41 HorizonTherap HZNP ... 47 106.72 +0.76 1.81 4.33 5.59 ... 28.65 12.52 IturanLocation ITRN 5.0 28 24.62 –0.60 .77 1.66 2.06 .14 14.78 7.55 LibertyLatAmA LILA ... dd 13.52 –0.58 ... .05 .57 ...
85.57 38.99 Gentherm THRM ... 24 85.00 +0.96 1.81 3.81 4.37 ... 18.52 10.04 HostHotels HST ... dd 15.91 –0.23 –1.04 –.54 .36 ... 14.96 7.47 LibertyLatAmC LILAK ... dd 13.56 –0.59 ... .11 .55 ...
... J 44.77
LibertyFormOne A
LibertyFormOne C
2.36 1.20 Geron GERN ... dd 1.22 –0.03 –.28 ... –.40 ... 74.95 47.18 HubGroup HUBG ... 25 67.13 +3.13 ... 3.60 4.42 ... 34.99 18.43 LibertyBraves A BATRA ... dd 26.34 +0.20 ... ... –.53 ...
103.02 56.97 GibraltarInds ROCK ... 38 73.08 +1.82 1.96 3.38 4.11 ... 19.90 9.11 HudsonGlobal HSON ... dd 17.80 –0.40 –.43 1.47 1.93 ... 15.54 3.50 JakksPacific JAKK ... dd 12.49 –1.46 –4.27 .74 1.21 ... 31.76 18.37 LibertyBraves C BATRK ... dd 26.02 –0.15 ... ... –.53 ...
35.80 9.78 GIIIApparel GIII ... 17 29.95 +0.23 .48 2.66 2.91 ... 13.85 2.68 HuizeHolding HUIZ ... 72 2.70 –0.57 ... 1.93 3.29 ... 181.71 124.90 J&JSnackFoods JJSF 1.5 72 164.00 +0.22 .96 ... 4.63 .633 49.15 31.64 LibertySirius A LSXMA ... 57 47.66 –1.20 ... ... 2.83 ...
22.69 4.80 GilatSatellite GILT 9.6 13 10.34 –0.14 .63 –.09 .39 .63 183.80 119.22 JBHunt JBHT .7 31 175.61 +8.56 4.74 6.69 7.78 .30 108.29 60.94 JD ... 15 69.86 +0.27 ... 9.09 14.75 ... 51.98 33.91 LibertySirius B LSXMB ... 57 48.01 –2.08 ... ... ... ...
71.39 56.56 GileadSciences GILD 4.0 17 71.16 +2.38 .10 ... 6.68 .71 16.91 8.52 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 4.0 16 15.15 +0.43 .69 1.12 1.43 .15 17.50 9.75 Joann JOAN 2.7 ... 14.78 –0.51 ... 2.84 3.01 .10 48.91 31.54 LibertySirius C LSXMK ... 58 47.70 –0.97 ... ... 2.82 ...
67.35 30.05 GlacierBancorp GBCI 2.4 16 53.31 –0.91 2.81 2.71 2.81 .32 38.83 27.72 Hurco HURC 1.6 cc 34.18 +0.54 –.93 .84 1.17 .14 148.88 44.95 Joyy YY 4.0 3 45.20 –3.88 ... –1.99 ... .51 110.00 25.20 LibertyTripAdvB LTRPB ... dd 29.14 +0.32 –5.17 ... ... ...
11.96 6.97 GladstoneCap GLAD 6.6 6 11.79 +0.01 –.06 .79 .79 .065 61.99 37.46 HuronConsulting HURN ... 46 47.62 –0.04 –1.09 2.57 2.95 ... 147.35 66.85 j2Global JCOM ... 29 133.97 –4.12 3.18 ... 10.12 ... 7.74 1.56 LibertyTripAdvA LTRPA ... dd 3.69 –0.42 –5.17 –1.35 .20 ...
23.49 15.78 GladstoneComm GOOD 6.6 dd 22.87 –0.22 .09 –.23 –.11 .1252 13.00 0.59 Hut8Mining HUT ... 15 6.56 +0.64 –1.59 ... ... ... 200.98 141.65 JackHenry JKHY 1.0 46 177.12 +3.17 3.86 4.01 4.54 .46 29.81 10.71 LifeStanceHealth LFST ... ... 13.45 –10.93 ... –.12 .04 ...
15.23 8.16 GladstoneInvt GAIN 5.6 6 15.13 +0.48 1.28 ... .88 .07 43.94 23.67 Hutchmed(China) HCM ... ... 41.15 –0.78 –.90 ... ... ... 124.53 77.69 JackintheBox JACK 1.7 14 102.85 +1.45 3.86 ... ... .44 19.93 8.59 LifetimeBrands LCUT .9 11 19.05 +0.82 –.14 1.33 1.65 .0425
26.04 13.55 GladstoneLand LAND 2.3 dd 23.86 +0.08 –.20 –.29 –.17 .0451 95.48 41.59 Hydrofarm HYFM ... ... 47.19 –2.79 –.46 .91 1.38 ... 57.41 30.75 JamesRiver JRVR 3.1 dd 38.60 +0.07 .16 –1.62 2.48 .30 8.89 3.61 LifewayFoods LWAY ... 21 5.84 –0.04 .21 ... –.13 ...
66.40 26.15 GlbBloodTherap GBT ... dd 27.70 –5.89 –4.04 –4.49 ... ... 11.25 5.29 Hywin HYW ... ... 6.20 –0.20 ... ... ... ... 41.22 27.77 JamfHolding JAMF ... dd 33.12 +0.83 –.21 .17 .25 ... 219.75 78.26 LigandPharm LGND ... 39 106.82 –3.21 –.18 5.93 4.41 ...
77.60 24.22 Global-EOnline GLBE ... ... 70.05 +2.21 41.50 –.51 –.41 ... 19.95 6.02 HyzonMotors HYZN ... dd 7.50 +0.45 ... –.26 –.17 ... 37.99 16.32 JanuxTherapeutics JANX ... ... 30.51 +0.04 ... –.85 –.96 ... 7.04 2.42 LimelightNetworks LLNW ... dd 2.58 –0.13 –.16 ... ... ...
31.98 17.01 GlobalIndemnity GBLI 3.7 14 27.27 +0.96 ... 1.60 3.50 .25 6.05 1.00 HyzonMotorsWt HYZNW ... ... 2.10 +0.45 ... ... ... ... 189.00 119.08 JazzPharma JAZZ ... cc 142.16 –7.88 4.22 14.55 17.74 ... 20.20 2.56 LiminalBioSci LMNL ... dd 2.60 –0.26 –3.60 –.70 –1.44 ...
20.82 10.31 GlobalWaterRscs GWRS 1.4 cc 20.43 +2.68 .05 .11 .18 .0243 21.96 10.52 JetBlue JBLU ... dd 15.35 +0.10 –4.88 –2.16 1.10 ... 20.74 13.33 Limoneira LMNR 1.7 dd 17.20 –0.14 –.96 ... ... .075
95.20 33.38 JFrog FROG ... dd 38.29 –1.58 –.20 ... ... ...
... I 14.95 2.47 Jiayin JFIN ... 5 3.85 –0.06 ... 6.08 8.32 ...
... 29
4 7.00
19.50 4.00 GoHealth GOCO ... dd 4.07 –5.05 ... .58 .95 ... 154.18 78.93 JohnsonOutdoors JOUT .7 13 118.60 +0.45 5.47 8.93 8.43 .21 30.00 6.63 LiquiditySvcs LQDT ... 35 23.75 +1.56 –.11 .65 .64 ...
15.12 5.67 GolarLNG GLNG ... ... 10.85 –0.45 –2.82 –.26 .35 ... 179.12 74.52 IAC/InterActive IAC ... 9 124.28 –5.79 ... 4.18 –1.30 ... 14.84 4.54 JounceTherap JNCE ... dd 5.25 +0.04 –1.24 –1.39 –1.99 ... 287.92 165.45 Littelfuse LFUS .8 27 278.57 +14.52 5.29 ... 11.18 .53
54.86 11.32 GoldenEnt GDEN ... 18 47.47 –4.03 –4.87 4.84 2.68 ... 25.50 9.27 IBEX IBEX ... ... 19.29 –1.09 ... 1.12 1.40 ... 19.11 15.50 JustEatTakeaway GRUB ... dd 16.95 –1.20 –.24 –.71 –.35 ... 90.25 41.07 LivaNova LIVN ... dd 76.94 –7.38 –7.10 1.76 2.28 ...
27.18 10.10 GoldenNugget GNOG ... dd 19.44 +7.17 ... .13 –.76 ... 102.23 60.02 ICF Intl ICFI .6 26 95.00 +4.55 2.87 ... ... .14 72.64 18.65 LiveOakBcshs LOB .2 16 59.74 –2.09 ... 3.18 2.77 .03
11.50 3.16 GoldenOcean GOGL 9.7 34 10.28 +0.59 –.96 ... 1.41 .25 227.07
ICU Medical
... K 72.23 45.28 LivePerson LPSN ... dd 62.64 +0.85 –1.63 –.53 –.62 ...
16.22 12.27 GolubCapital GBDC 7.3 7 15.98 +0.03 .37 1.17 1.19 .29 11.43 5.79 LiveVox LVOX ... 58 6.31 –0.16 ... –.19 –.19 ...
706.95 347.54 IdexxLab IDXX ... 80 672.10 –13.10 6.71 8.36 9.42 ...
64.22 26.66 GoodRx GDRX ... dd 37.08 +5.78 ... .33 .50 ...
17.98 8.30 IEC Elec IEC ... 32 15.25 +4.80 .63 .79 .89 ... 359.69 171.31 KLA KLAC 1.3 24 327.88 –25.47 13.37 18.91 19.31 1.05 2.55 0.54 LiveVoxWt LVOXW ... ... 1.01 –0.36 ... ... ... ...
20.70 7.28 Goodyear GT ... 29 16.60 +0.34 –5.35 .84 2.40 ... 18.97 3.73 KLX Energy KLXE ... dd 5.11 –0.43 –50.86 –8.06 ... ... 12.50 5.60 LixiangEduc LXEH ... 18 8.45 –0.14 .45 ... ... ...
174.80 76.75 GooseheadIns GSHD .0 cc 135.52 +10.57 .51 .59 1.15 1.63 56.24 28.59 IES Holdings IESC ... 18 49.73 –3.58 1.94 –1.52 –.65 ... 16.75 1.95 Lizhi LIZI ... dd 4.03 –0.63 ... –.21 .17 ...
133.00 41.41 IGM Biosci IGMS ... dd 75.54 –2.17 ... ... ... ... 15.29 7.42 KVH Inds KVHI ... dd 10.67 –0.23 –1.24 –.87 –.30 ...
13.79 3.74 GoPro GPRO ... 30 10.14 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 5.73 3.15 Kadmon KDMN ... dd 5.15 +0.17 –.67 –.74 –.64 ... 28.90 8.40 LoganRidgeFin LRFC ... 4 27.60 +0.15 –13.08 .73 .73 ...
14.71 7.04 GossamerBio GOSS ... dd 9.03 +0.78 –3.55 –3.11 ... ... 100.44 36.04 II-VI IIVI ... 27 63.34 –5.02 2.37 3.70 4.50 ... 9.75 3.72 LogicBioTherap LOGC ... dd 4.51 +0.06 –1.29 –1.26 –1.42 ...
85.40 28.70 I-Mab IMAB ... ... 70.18 –2.09 1.17 –.96 –.78 ... 141.07 50.49 KaiserAlum KALU 2.3 dd 127.43 +5.24 1.81 ... ... .72
33.70 9.75 GracellBiotech GRCL ... ... 11.59 +0.21 ... ... ... ... 9.97 2.75 KalaPharm KALA ... dd 3.03 –0.11 –1.99 –1.71 –1.07 ... 9.63 9.47 LogisticsInnovA LITT ... ... 9.63 ... ... ... ... ...
115.96 75.64 GrandCanyonEduc LOPE ... 15 88.10 –1.45 5.45 6.10 6.88 ... 80.35 50.23 IndusRealty INDT .9 dd 68.15 +0.61 –2.42 ... ... .15 10.97 9.74 LogisticsInnovTech LITTU ... ... 9.90 –0.04 ... ... ... ...
10.32 9.26 IN8bio INAB ... ... 9.35 –0.39 ... ... ... ... 20.50 5.04 KaleidoBiosci KLDO ... dd 6.14 +0.22 –2.44 –2.25 –2.34 ...
34.00 18.45 GraphiteBio GRPH ... ... 21.63 +0.95 ... –1.91 –1.57 ...
262.55 149.51 IPG Photonics IPGP ... 41 169.12 –12.43 2.97 5.16 6.17 ... 14.00 10.19 Kaltura KLTR ... dd 11.80 –1.81 ... ... ... ... 140.17 66.78 LogitechIntl LOGI .8 17 107.59 +0.21 5.62 4.47 4.89 .8729
37.88 3.43 GraybugVision GRAY ... dd 3.86 –0.21 ... –1.78 –1.61 ... 45.00 11.64 KalVistaPharm KALV ... dd 19.31 –0.61 –2.42 –3.19 –3.38 ... 18.95 7.39 LongboardPharm LBPH ... ... 9.22 +0.13 ... –2.89 –2.49 ...
3.66 1.55 IRSA Prop IRCP ... 41 2.33 +0.03 2.12 .48 .69 ...
5.53 2.50 GreatElmCap GECC 11.3 4 3.55 +0.24 –2.40 .33 .40 .10
35.99 20.25 i3Verticals IIIV ... dd 28.53 –2.47 –.03 .99 1.24 ... 13.33 5.28 Kamada KMDA ... 17 5.47 –0.16 .39 ... .12 ... 18.20 5.70 LoopIndustries LOOP ... dd 9.22 –1.06 –.89 –.75 ... ...
4.85 1.80 GreatElm GEG ... dd 2.22 +0.06 –.51 ... ... ... 17.45 4.40 KandiTech KNDI ... 23 5.04 +0.17 –.19 –.08 –.19 ... 50.85 16.18 LoralSpace LORL .0 5 40.09 +3.59 ... 7.96 7.76 1.50
16.28 8.77 GreatLakesDredge GLDD ... 29 14.87 +0.32 1.00 .77 1.10 ... 10.25 4.20 IVERICbio ISEE ... dd 9.48 +0.10 –1.14 –1.00 –.96 ... 31.80 5.05 LordstownMotors RIDE ... dd 5.37 –0.56 –1.28 –2.37 –1.50 ...
69.10 47.45 IcahnEnterprises IEP 13.7 dd 58.43 –0.26 –7.33 –.16 .57 2.00 44.96 27.90 Kanzhun BZ ... ... 36.96 +2.33 ... 1.25 3.67 ...
60.55 34.32 GreatSouthernBncp GSBC 2.5 11 53.52 +0.39 4.21 ... 4.67 .34 25.91 15.56 KaratPkg KRT ... ... 23.87 +0.52 1.13 1.24 1.38 ... 95.51 22.64 Lovesac LOVE ... 40 63.46 +5.60 .96 .84 1.68 ...
38.53 11.91 GreenPlains GPRE ... dd 36.56 +1.62 –3.14 ... 1.19 ... 63.42 19.88 Ichor ICHR ... 18 41.33 –4.80 1.42 ... ... ... 64.86 9.60 Lucid LCID ... dd 23.48 +0.10 ... ... ... ...
19.10 4.50 iClickInteract ICLK ... dd 4.65 –0.48 ... .14 .35 ... 146.97 69.58 KarunaTherap KRTX ... dd 106.83 –7.93 –2.59 ... ... ...
13.74 6.51 GreenPlainsPtrs GPP 3.7 7 13.11 +0.11 1.74 1.93 2.25 .12
250.24 168.76 Icon ICLR ... 35 239.06 –2.68 6.20 9.33 11.16 ... 18.00 4.78 KaryopharmTherap KPTI ... dd 4.88 –0.64 –2.72 –2.82 –2.05 ... 43.98 0.93 LucidWt LCIDW ... ... 10.38 –0.15 ... ... ... ...
8.73 1.83 Greenlane GNLN ... dd 2.45 –0.64 –1.22 –.08 –.19 ...
49.99 21.70 Icosavax ICVX ... ... 32.76 +3.43 ... ... ... ... 19.65 3.34 Katapult KPLT ... dd 3.35 –6.05 ... .41 .75 ... 37.99 4.23 LuciraHealth LHDX ... ... 9.62 –0.26 ... –1.63 –1.21 ...
9.71 6.22 GreenlightCapRe GLRE ... 6 8.79 –0.09 ... 1.20 1.60 ...
28.24 7.41 iHeartMedia IHRT ... dd 23.09 +1.11 ... ... ... ... 5.87 0.66 KatapultWt KPLTW ... ... .67 –2.01 ... ... ... ... 415.34 269.28 lululemon LULU ... 76 408.72 +0.20 ... 6.91 8.45 ...
8.29 3.34 GreenSky GSKY ... 20 7.85 –0.24 .14 .58 .63 ... 13.77 6.91 KearnyFinancial KRNY 3.1 17 12.94 +0.12 .77 ... ... .10 112.08 65.67 Lumentum LITE ... 17 78.64 –2.62 1.75 6.22 ... ...
14.07 37.61 9.63 IkenaOncology IKNA ... ... 10.78 +0.41 ... –2.95 –1.56 ...
20.49 Grifols GRFS 3.4 12 14.29 –0.61 ... 1.35 1.37 .4562
555.77 260.42 Illumina ILMN ... 99 517.32 +20.08 4.45 6.37 ... ... 26.98 15.56 KellyServices A KELYA .0 8 22.33 –0.34 ... ... ... .05 47.80 9.95 LuminarTech LAZR ... dd 17.22 –0.86 ... –.41 ... ...
13.60 3.21 GrindrodShipping GRIN ... dd 11.32 –0.44 –2.05 –.42 .20 ... 90.36 15.16 KellyServices B KELYB .0 9 23.05 +0.14 ... ... ... .05 36.72 7.23 LumosPharma LUMO ... dd 7.83 +0.44 –.93 –4.26 –4.65 ...
35.20 2.54 Gritstone GRTS ... dd 8.09 +1.23 –2.79 –1.27 –2.22 ... 26.67 14.99 ImagoBioSci IMGO ... ... 20.70 –3.79 ... –1.42 –1.68 ... 13.28 7.58 LutherBurbank LBC 3.7 11 13.07 –0.02 .75 1.58 1.65 .12
36.00 4.40 Imara IMRA ... dd 4.52 –1.27 –3.53 –3.11 –3.18 ... 8.16 5.65 KY FirstFedBncp KFFB 5.6 dd 7.08 –0.22 –1.52 .18 .21 .10
48.87 26.68 GroceryOutlet GO ... 26 26.73 –5.85 1.08 ... ... ... 88.80 33.27 KerosTherap KROS ... dd 34.58 –1.38 –2.93 ... ... ... 18.90 13.11 LyellImmuno LYEL ... ... 14.81 –0.83 ... –1.37 –1.14 ...
64.69 18.54 Groupon GRPN ... 91 24.95 –5.66 –10.07 1.14 2.91 ... 16.64 6.10 Immersion IMMR ... 16 7.25 –0.16 .19 .71 .85 ... 68.28 21.34 Lyft LYFT ... dd 53.39 +0.95 ... –.40 .65 ...
33.99 16.06 Immuneering IMRX ... ... 28.62 +0.39 ... ... ... ... 37.11 26.67 KeurigDrPepper KDP 2.2 30 34.45 +0.16 .93 1.60 1.76 .1875
60.53 33.25 GrAeroportuario OMAB ... 36 49.00 +1.99 ... 49.86 68.97 ... 14.99 8.08 KewauneeSci KEQU ... dd 13.50 +0.21 –1.33 1.53 2.16 ... 16.50 5.83 LyraTherap LYRA ... dd 6.94 –0.03 –2.59 –2.70 –2.40 ...
41.28 20.98 GuarantyBcshrs GNTY 2.3 10 34.30 +0.77 2.24 3.28 2.77 .20 28.21 7.69 Immunic IMUX ... dd 9.46 +0.23 –2.81 –4.05 –3.76 ... 10.48 6.35 KeyTronic KTCC ... 17 6.75 –0.28 .39 .80 1.20 ...
45.42 6.03 ImmunityBio IBRX ... dd 11.25 +0.36 –1.22 –.84 –.97 ...
... 61.99 30.00 Immunocore IMCR ... ... 30.72 –1.28 ... –3.21 –3.10 ... 7.40
5.30 2.73 GulfIslandFab GIFI ... dd 4.53 +0.11 –1.79 –.34 –.15 ... 10.88 3.38 Immunogen IMGN ... dd 5.38 –0.33 –.25 ... ... ... 29.99 11.00 KimballElec KE ... 10 22.76 +0.80 2.24 ... 2.19 ...
7.74 3.80 Gulf Resources GURE ... dd 5.28 +0.57 –.87 9.00 9.85 ... 33.34 5.05 ImmunoPrecise IPA ... dd 7.05 –0.17 –.34 ... ... ... 14.86 10.10 KimballIntl B KBAL 2.9 62 12.43 –0.14 ... ... ... .09 69.29 30.78 Macom Tech MTSI ... cc 61.11 –0.83 –.69 2.12 2.47 ...
53.75 6.68 Immunovant IMVT ... dd 7.88 +0.13 –1.22 –1.19 –1.37 ... 74.67 24.03 KingsoftCloud KC ... dd 27.56 –0.29 –.89 ... ... ... 81.73 59.70 MGE Energy MGEE 1.8 28 81.09 +0.57 2.60 2.90 3.12 .37
7.95 1.22 Immutep IMMP ... dd 3.56 –0.11 –.23 –.19 –.30 ... 76.68 35.04 MGP Ingredients MGPI .8 20 63.59 –4.74 2.37 2.93 3.09 .12
H 28.00 6.90 ImpelNeuro IMPL ... ... 14.25 –8.15 ... –3.22 –1.67 ... 24.70
... 3.29 1.70 MINDTechnology MIND ... dd 2.00 +0.01 –1.80 ... .06 ...
79.05 22.73 Impinj PI ... dd 50.00 +0.46 –2.28 ... ... ... 252.70 153.12 KinsaleCapital KNSL .2 34 177.96 –7.26 3.87 4.69 5.42 .11 199.44 101.78 MKS Instrum MKSI .6 17 146.16 –10.71 6.33 ... ... .22
41.85 17.93 H&E Equipment HEES 3.2 82 34.70 +1.11 –.91 1.54 2.19 .275 127.42 58.66 InariMedical NARI ... cc 71.54 –23.32 .27 .29 .39 ... 34.45 5.73 Kirkland's KIRK ... 12 19.90 +0.38 1.12 1.77 2.10 ... 101.61 33.68 MYR Group MYRG ... 22 99.53 +1.22 3.48 4.55 ... ...
18.83 11.01 HBT Finl HBT 3.6 9 16.61 –0.05 1.34 1.85 1.49 .15 101.47 71.91 Incyte INCY ... 48 73.47 –2.83 –1.36 2.09 3.65 ... 36.67 16.77 KnowBe4 KNBE ... dd 25.62 +5.56 ... ... ... ... 10.66 6.23 Macatawa MCBC 3.8 9 8.40 –0.02 .88 .89 .69 .08
7.78 4.27 HCW Biologics HCWB ... ... 5.12 +0.03 ... ... ... ... 99.85 49.25 IndependentBank INDB 2.5 17 76.13 +2.43 3.64 4.49 4.81 .48 171.21 45.02 KodiakSciences KOD ... dd 88.90 +5.18 –2.91 –4.07 –5.55 ... 36.48 18.16 Macrogenics MGNX ... dd 23.19 –1.35 –2.47 –2.84 –2.79 ...
23.53 13.06 HMN Fin HMNF ... 7 23.02 +0.52 2.22 .78 3.10 ... 24.73 12.14 IndepBankMI IBCP 4.0 7 21.23 –0.42 2.53 ... 2.10 .21 134.86 55.25 KornitDigital KRNT ... cc 123.95 –6.05 –.11 .93 1.41 ... 142.62 83.59 MadrigalPharm MDGL ... dd 84.86 –6.09 –13.09 –14.94 –14.05 ...
20.00 6.86 Hookipa HOOK ... dd 6.90 –0.63 ... –2.14 –2.54 ... 80.71 41.09 IndependentBank IBTX 1.9 13 71.34 –0.76 4.67 5.32 4.98 .34 44.95 28.56 KraftHeinz KHC 4.2 22 37.87 +0.67 .29 2.69 2.61 .40 5.92 3.19 MagalSec MAGS 23.5 dd 4.59 +0.10 .01 .52 .75 1.079
19.25 11.05 HackettGroup HCKT 2.1 29 18.68 +0.91 .17 1.22 1.27 .10 27.71 18.76 IndLogistics ILPT 4.9 19 27.09 –0.15 1.26 1.21 1.73 .33 34.11 17.76 KratosDefense KTOS ... 34 22.26 –2.52 .67 ... ... ... 95.43 69.35 MagellanHealth MGLN ... 8 94.56 –0.14 14.98 ... ... ...
67.55 32.00 HailiangEduc HLG ... ... 36.70 –1.13 2.05 2.65 3.18 ... 11.51 5.76 Infinera INFN ... dd 8.74 –0.98 –1.10 –.06 .32 ... 21.69 14.70 KrispyKreme DNUT ... ... 15.03 –0.29 ... .41 .50 ... 14.20 6.02 MagentaTherap MGTA ... dd 6.45 –0.28 –1.71 –1.40 ... ...
46.02 30.11 HainCelestial HAIN ... cc 41.82 +1.77 –.77 1.44 1.65 ... 5.98 0.94 InfinityPharm INFI ... dd 3.10 +0.12 –.68 –.56 ... ... 39.60 18.81 KronosBio KRON ... dd 20.10 –0.40 ... –2.75 –2.85 ... 20.20 12.02 MagicSoftware MGIC 2.4 37 19.15 +1.78 .49 .88 .99 .234
5.70 2.57 HallmarkFin HALL ... dd 3.73 –1.05 –5.05 .50 .65 ... 6.88 2.36 InflaRx IFRX ... dd 2.41 –0.21 –1.44 –1.05 –1.08 ... 87.29 40.04 KrystalBiotech KRYS ... dd 56.18 –3.72 –1.71 –3.33 –3.60 ... 64.39 5.57 Magnite MGNI ... cc 29.09 –4.76 –.55 ... ... ...
56.40 25.17 HalozymeTherap HALO ... 26 41.47 +0.97 .91 1.65 2.58 ... 6.93 2.00 InfoSvcsGrp III 1.8 32 6.84 +0.90 .06 .22 .27 .03 71.30 21.86 Kulicke&Soffa KLIC .9 16 64.22 –1.11 .83 6.01 5.42 .14 12.32 6.55 MagyarBancorp MGYR ... 14 10.23 –0.07 .31 .16 .20 ...
97.48 59.64 HamiltonLane HLNE 1.5 27 90.64 –1.66 2.81 2.99 3.01 .35 67.60 34.92 InglesMarkets IMKTA 1.0 5 65.01 +1.34 8.82 4.30 4.70 .165 43.00 16.46 KuraOncology KURA ... dd 16.50 –1.24 –1.69 –2.08 –2.29 ... 39.02 13.51 MakeMyTrip MMYT ... dd 27.00 –1.45 ... –.29 .03 ...
50.69 17.42 HancockWhitney HWC 2.4 11 45.68 +0.70 –.54 ... 4.49 .27 50.97 14.27 Inhibrx INBX ... dd 27.63 +0.27 –3.01 ... ... ... 56.98 11.00 KuraSushiUSA KRUS ... dd 45.08 –0.41 –2.08 –2.28 –.29 ... 93.00 46.37 MalibuBoats MBUU ... 21 81.84 –2.11 2.95 5.80 6.85 ...
22.29 7.48 HanmiFinancial HAFC 2.5 8 19.03 –0.11 1.38 ... ... .12 118.00 29.15 InMode INMD ... 36 108.60 –7.54 2.08 3.27 3.49 ... 91.92 25.43 KymeraTherap KYMR ... dd 53.94 –5.57 –3.15 –1.38 –1.85 ... 19.38 11.67 MalvernBancorp MLVF ... 17 18.77 +0.03 .47 .98 1.01 ...
15.49 7.59 HarborOneBncp HONE 1.4 12 13.87 –0.18 .82 1.11 .97 .05 6.65 3.02 InnatePharma IPHA ... dd 3.40 +0.09 –.92 –.78 –.83 ... 7.27 1.24 MammothEnergy TUSK ... dd 3.46 +0.16 –2.36 ... –.57 ...
10.75 5.20 Harmonic HLIT ... ... 9.66 –0.34 –.30 .26 .45 ... 9.49 1.45 Innodata INOD ... cc 7.99 –0.46 .02 –.07 –.05 ... 167.73 83.74 ManhattanAssoc MANH ... cc 157.24 –9.19 1.36 2.04 2.14 ...
52.74 25.09 HarmonyBio HRMY ... cc 32.15 +5.21 ... ... ... ... 107.73 61.48 Innospec IOSP 1.2 29 94.08 +4.76 1.16 4.51 5.20 .57 L 49.08 13.65 Mannatech MTEX 2.1 12 30.45 +5.34 2.77 13.50 15.50 .16
25.24 8.84 HarpoonTherap HARP ... dd 8.97 –0.49 –1.99 –3.43 –2.20 ... 27.18 15.28 InnovAge INNV ... dd 16.00 –1.22 .19 –.15 .24 ... 6.25 1.56 MannKind MNKD ... dd 4.02 –0.02 –.26 –.20 –.14 ...
11.24 4.65 HarrowHealth HROW ... 35 9.04 –0.12 –.13 .19 .32 ... 8.24 5.34 InnovSolSuprt ISSC .0 38 7.42 +0.67 .19 .29 .11 .50 17.20 5.50 LavaTherap LVTX ... dd 5.71 ... ... –2.01 –1.57 ... 101.35 61.93 ManTechIntl MANT 1.9 26 81.83 –2.74 2.97 3.56 3.72 .38
8.75 2.74 HarvardBioSci HBIO ... dd 8.46 +0.53 –.20 .25 .32 ... 16.52 9.21 Innoviva INVA ... 7 16.39 +0.97 2.02 1.66 1.64 ... 188.00 95.54 LGI Homes LGIH ... 9 157.77 –0.72 12.76 ... 16.99 ... 57.98 23.62 MaravaiLifeSci MRVI ... ... 57.70 +3.92 ... 1.38 1.26 ...
104.89 75.25 Hasbro HAS 2.7 33 100.26 +2.27 1.62 4.84 5.30 .68 82.35 26.57 Inogen INGN ... dd 62.32 –1.96 –.27 –.33 –.16 ... 236.81 170.01 LHC Group LHCG ... 48 180.16 –8.22 3.56 6.44 6.94 ... 3.67 1.62 Marchex MCHX ... dd 3.00 –0.06 –.83 –.16 ... ...
31.38 12.15 HawaiianHoldings HA ... dd 19.73 –0.58 –11.08 –5.06 ... ... 39.28 17.56 Inovalon INOV ... cc 37.77 –1.26 ... .75 ... ... 52.99 26.73 LKQ LKQ ... 16 50.48 –0.35 2.09 3.59 3.74 ... 27.26 1.14 MarinSoftware MRIN ... dd 5.18 –0.69 –1.91 –2.31 –.43 ...
39.73 22.07 Hawkins HWKN 1.4 17 37.06 +1.21 1.93 2.41 1.73 .13 19.00 5.81 InovioPharma INO ... dd 9.23 +0.12 –1.07 ... ... ... 159.74 73.14 LPL Financial LPLA .7 26 146.39 +1.54 5.86 7.33 ... .25 20.04 6.92 MarinusPharma MRNS ... dd 12.21 –0.69 –2.80 –2.83 –2.69 ...
25.06 16.29 HawthornBcsh HWBK 2.6 7 22.95 +0.10 2.12 .49 .82 .15 31.65 14.51 InozymePharma INZY ... dd 15.88 –0.38 –5.11 ... –2.60 ... 11.22 6.17 LSI Inds LYTS 2.7 28 7.41 +0.19 .36 .21 .44 .05 3.77 1.32 MarkerTherap MRKR ... dd 1.91 –0.16 –.61 –.56 –.54 ...
40.82 15.29 HaynesIntl HAYN 2.3 dd 38.14 +0.87 –.53 –.96 ... .22 21.93 7.13 Inseego INSG ... dd 8.62 –0.54 –1.19 –.28 –.11 ... 16.00 10.62 LakeShoreBancorp LSBK 3.7 17 14.98 –0.19 .77 .36 ... .14 606.45 431.19 MarketAxess MKTX .6 61 463.42 –22.28 7.85 7.38 8.57 .66
50.69 19.85 Headhunter HHR 1.0 82 48.50 +4.80 .48 77.77 109.24 .55 107.27 52.63 InsightEnt NSIT ... 18 97.40 –0.47 ... 6.82 7.64 ... 19.35 9.49 LakelandBcp LBAI 3.3 10 16.42 –0.18 1.13 1.75 1.60 .135 16.97 8.65 MarketWise MKTW ... dd 10.03 –2.74 .01 –1.87 .45 ...
59.50 29.30 HealthCatalyst HCAT ... dd 52.47 –4.30 –2.91 –.48 ... ... 45.44 23.16 Insmed INSM ... dd 23.56 –2.04 –3.01 –3.28 –2.55 ... 77.05 39.38 LakelandFin LKFN 1.9 19 71.92 –0.01 3.30 3.74 3.46 .34 23.24 6.60 MarlinBusSvcs MRLN 2.5 8 22.21 –0.33 .03 2.60 2.62 .14
35.80 20.05 HealthcareSvcs HCSG 3.0 23 27.10 +0.94 1.32 1.09 1.21 .2087 29.49 14.42 InstilBio TIL ... ... 16.53 –0.58 ... –1.23 –1.47 ... 47.95 17.88 LakelandInd LAKE ... 6 23.71 –0.49 4.31 ... 2.02 ... 32.75 23.83 Marqeta MQ ... dd 26.61 –0.67 ... –.64 –.43 ...
93.32 45.82 HealthEquity HQY ... cc 68.45 –4.72 .12 1.49 1.73 ... 306.46 197.08 Insulet PODD ... dd 287.57 +12.06 .10 .34 1.63 ... 673.80 292.28 LamResearch LRCX .9 22 580.41 –67.55 26.90 33.84 36.21 1.30 159.98 88.92 Marriott MAR ... cc 134.38 –7.21 –.82 ... 5.17 ...
31.11 17.95 HealthStream HSTM ... cc 30.54 +0.30 .44 ... .23 ... 35.88 24.94 Intapp INTA ... dd 34.00 +0.01 ... –.79 –.44 ... 113.41 59.78 LamarAdv LAMR 2.7 34 109.32 –1.45 ... 3.78 ... .75 19.08 14.79 MartenTransport MRTN 1.1 16 15.14 –0.05 .84 1.00 ... .04
21.39 16.22 HeartlandExp HTLD .5 18 16.63 –0.07 .87 1.00 1.02 .02 77.40 42.12 IntegraLifeSci IART ... 29 71.03 –0.40 1.57 ... ... ... 201.31 162.53 LancasterColony LANC 1.6 37 191.51 +2.29 4.97 6.01 6.26 .75 3.42 1.03 MartinMidstream MMLP .6 dd 3.22 +0.33 –.17 –.30 –.06 .005
54.04 28.37 HeartlandFinUSA HTLF 2.1 10 47.28 +0.05 3.57 5.01 4.63 .25 22.50 16.23 IntegralAd IAS ... dd 18.21 +1.03 ... –.32 .02 ... 12.88 9.14 Landec LNDC ... dd 10.72 –0.04 –1.12 ... .13 ... 62.71 32.53 MarvellTech MRVL .4 dd 60.39 –0.15 –.41 1.39 1.85 .06
46.90 19.03 Heidrick&Strug HSII 1.4 60 41.51 +0.51 –1.95 3.55 3.31 .15 68.49 43.61 Intel INTC 2.6 12 53.49 –0.43 4.94 4.78 4.44 .3475 28.50 19.29 LandmarkBncp LARK 2.9 6 27.50 –0.30 4.10 .91 .92 .20 284.86 203.81 Masimo MASI ... 68 264.22 –11.84 4.14 ... ... ...
265.97 181.85 HelenofTroy HELE ... 24 238.80 +12.32 10.08 10.93 12.74 ... 202.73 16.54 IntelliaTherap NTLA ... dd 155.39 –11.92 –2.40 –3.25 –3.28 ... 15.07 8.91 LandmarkInfrPtrs LMRK 5.5 34 14.49 +0.19 .65 .41 .40 .20 33.63 15.90 MasterCraftBoat MCFT ... 13 25.71 –0.56 –1.28 3.11 3.51 ...
86.42 35.40 HeliosTechnologies HLIO .4 38 83.73 +1.86 .44 ... ... .09 15.45 5.69 Intellicheck IDN ... dd 8.52 –0.13 .03 ... ... ... 16.99 8.82 LandosBio LABP ... dd 13.47 +0.39 ... –1.46 –2.79 ... 174.68 100.25 MatchGroup MTCH ... 69 136.25 –9.54 .49 ... 2.94 ...
22.05 11.17 HelloGroup MOMO .0 9 12.12 –0.12 2.01 7.85 9.77 .62 79.91 36.46 InterParfums IPAR 1.3 29 74.11 –5.31 1.21 ... ... .25 182.63 120.92 LandstarSystem LSTR .6 21 161.93 +4.33 4.98 ... ... .25 87.40 18.52 Materialise MTLS ... dd 21.12 –0.70 –.15 .05 .09 ...
14.44 7.64 HemisphereMedia HMTV ... 12 12.22 –0.37 ... .75 –.04 ... 80.57 46.43 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR .6 18 63.21 –0.30 ... ... ... .10 28.74 10.52 Lantheus LNTH ... dd 25.52 –1.29 –.25 ... .93 ... 16.32 7.12 MatrixService MTRX ... dd 10.98 +0.17 –1.24 –.78 .52 ...
83.45 56.31 HenrySchein HSIC ... 18 75.68 –1.35 2.82 4.30 4.52 ... 51.64 13.88 InterceptPharm ICPT ... dd 14.92 –1.70 –8.34 –4.08 –4.80 ... 18.71 6.82 LargoResources LGO ... cc 14.34 –1.95 .12 .76 1.54 ... 23.31 10.54 Mattel MAT ... 24 21.91 –0.11 .36 1.02 1.32 ...
12.65 6.13 HeritageCommerce HTBK 4.6 16 11.36 –0.22 .59 ... .76 .13 85.75 54.37 InterDigital IDCC 1.9 77 73.37 +2.84 1.44 1.18 2.74 .35 25.87 7.00 LarimarTherap LRMR ... dd 13.34 +2.64 –3.57 –2.69 ... ... 28.00 10.45 Matterport MTTR ... ... 14.91 –0.31 –2.14 ... ... ...
34.91 12.60 HeritageCrystal HCCI ... 20 28.67 +0.09 .51 2.24 1.47 ... 17.11 5.88 Interface TILE .3 17 13.48 –0.88 –1.23 1.03 1.20 .01 19.70 9.86 Latch LTCH ... ... 9.93 –3.45 ... –.57 –.84 ... 10.84 2.70 MatterportWt MTTRW ... ... 5.69 +0.09 ... ... ... ...
30.86 17.39 HeritageFin HFWA 3.2 9 25.24 +0.15 1.29 2.52 1.68 .20 53.06 25.21 IntlBcshs IBOC 2.8 12 42.47 +0.27 2.62 1.51 1.57 .60 6.36 1.60 LatchWt LTCHW ... ... 2.35 –1.62 ... ... ... ... 43.75 21.00 MatthewsIntl MATW 2.5 79 34.61 +0.41 –2.79 3.25 3.21 .215
98.35 24.71 Hibbett HIBB 1.1 9 87.42 +2.36 4.36 9.19 8.85 .25 28.17 14.68 IntersectENT XENT ... dd 27.51 +0.14 –2.22 –1.82 –1.26 ... 34.73 19.46 Latham SWIM ... ... 22.08 +1.61 ... .51 .65 ... 17.44 14.30 MaxCyte MXCT ... dd 15.38 –0.49 –.17 ... ... ...
21.82 4.20 HighPeakEner HPK .9 dd 10.54 –0.46 ... .55 1.12 .025 8.46 4.79 Intevac IVAC ... dd 5.09 –0.16 .04 –.81 .34 ... 61.61 26.14 LatticeSemi LSCC ... cc 58.91 –2.61 .34 .95 1.12 ... 57.97 11.78 MaxeonSolar MAXN ... dd 15.29 –0.20 –5.82 ... –2.53 ...
8.90 0.52 HighPeakEnerWt HPKEW ... ... 2.43 –0.11 ... ... ... ... 44.80 17.26 Intra-Cellular ITCI ... dd 29.03 –4.46 –3.23 –3.36 –2.28 ... 16.18 11.79 LaureateEduc LAUR ... dd 16.10 +0.48 ... 4.67 .47 ... 105.49 63.74 MaximIntProducts MXIM .0 33 99.73 –0.95 3.05 3.67 ... .48
13.46 9.60 HillmanSolns HLMN ... dd 13.34 +0.35 ... .10 .34 ... 28.16 11.41 Intricon IIN ... cc 22.84 +2.34 –.28 ... .47 ... 62.10 32.27 LawsonProducts LAWS ... 58 53.00 +0.20 1.62 2.11 2.60 ... 32.83 14.80 McAfee MCFE 1.6 cc 26.39 –4.25 ... .94 ... 4.50
3.59 1.00 HillmanSolnsWt HLMNW ... ... 3.46 +0.11 ... ... ... ... 541.21 295.37 Intuit INTU .4 69 540.74 +6.45 6.92 9.35 10.83 .59 3.24 1.33 LeapTherap LPTX ... dd 1.68 +0.10 –.63 –.48 –.52 ... 87.53 55.04 McGrathRent MGRC 2.5 18 70.21 –1.90 4.16 4.14 4.77 .435
17.88 3.28 HimaxTechs HIMX 1.9 11 13.52 –0.40 .28 2.43 2.69 .262 1036.05 633.29 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG ... 75 1003.04 –26.98 8.82 14.65 16.37 ... 36.51 7.60 LeeEnterprises LEE ... 9 24.38 –2.12 –.50 .93 .39 ... 9.50 2.31 MedallionFin MFIN ... cc 9.07 +0.32 –1.42 ... ... ...
325.90 180.75 HinghamSvg HIFS .7 10 302.26 +2.44 23.25 4.58 4.41 .51 19.06 10.59 Inventiva IVA ... dd 10.90 –0.31 –1.13 –1.74 –2.23 ... 20.18 12.51 LegacyHousing LEGH ... 11 18.61 +0.51 1.57 1.78 1.94 ... 10.81 3.39 MediciNova MNOV ... dd 3.51 –0.17 –.31 –.30 –.56 ...
20.84 9.83 HollysysAuto HOLI 1.1 17 19.00 –0.54 1.31 1.69 2.11 .20 23.69 12.40 Investar ISTR 1.4 12 22.68 +0.10 1.27 2.19 2.40 .08 40.94 34.51 LegalZoom LZ ... ... 34.84 –4.16 ... .09 .23 ... 6.22 2.90 MediWound MDWD ... dd 3.52 –0.19 –.34 ... ... ...
85.00 56.81 Hologic HOLX ... 10 76.92 +0.98 4.21 ... ... ... 6.58 2.89 InvestcpCredit ICMB 9.4 13 6.40 +0.27 –1.79 ... .62 .15 49.49 23.41 LegendBiotech LEGN ... dd 40.66 –1.76 –2.56 ... ... ... 196.12 105.48 Medpace MEDP ... 38 177.69 –0.20 3.84 4.44 5.06 ...
39.84 22.71 HomeBancorp HBCP 2.5 7 37.35 +0.38 2.85 3.04 3.46 .23 15.71 6.74 InvestorsBancorp ISBC 3.9 12 14.42 +0.08 .94 1.27 1.34 .14 64.50 27.91 LeMaitreVascular LMAT .8 40 55.21 –2.63 1.04 1.35 1.46 .11 18.45 11.81 MeiraGTx MGTX ... dd 13.40 –1.57 –1.54 –1.97 –1.94 ...
29.76 14.42 HomeBancShares HOMB 2.5 11 22.06 +0.19 1.30 1.82 1.66 .14 194.26 128.01 InvestorsTitle ITIC 1.0 5 187.13 +7.74 20.80 1.36 2.11 .46 372.64 164.57 LendingTree TREE ... dd 173.19 –11.58 –3.71 1.71 1.80 ... 23.65 12.32 MelcoResorts MLCO ... dd 12.41 –0.75 –2.65 ... .27 ...
13.15 4.44 HomePtCap HMPT 12.9 ... 4.64 –0.55 4.42 .58 1.29 .15 64.37 34.43 IonisPharma IONS ... dd 39.68 +0.88 –3.23 –1.82 –1.73 ... 32.84 19.15 Leslie's LESL ... 38 24.14 +0.64 ... .82 .89 ... 2020.00 959.87 MercadoLibre MELI ... dd 1851.60 +95.33 –.08 2.51 6.21 ...
52.46 24.20 HomeStreet HMST 2.4 8 41.04 +1.12 3.47 ... ... .25 54.21 15.88 IovanceBiotherap IOVA ... dd 21.77 –1.77 –1.88 –2.10 ... ... 28.77 14.72 LevelOneBncp LEVL .9 8 27.48 –0.41 2.57 3.97 2.99 .06 34.47 17.09 MercantileBank MBWM 3.7 9 32.72 +0.10 2.71 3.70 2.13 .30
30.09 12.81 HomeTrustBcshs HTBI 1.2 30 27.62 +0.52 .94 1.88 2.03 .08 28.97 9.12 iQIYI IQ ... dd 9.47 –1.11 ... –7.00 –3.96 ... 9.65 1.03 LexiconPharm LXRX ... 9 3.63 +0.07 –.53 –.62 –.47 ... 18.14 5.77 MercerIntl MERC 2.3 35 11.40 –0.17 –.26 2.00 ... .065
15.24 5.94 HomologyMed FIXX ... dd 6.94 +0.10 –2.80 –1.81 –2.30 ... 286.19 44.30 iRhythmTechs IRTC ... dd 45.59 –4.46 –1.58 ... ... ... 15.42 6.04 LexinFintech LX ... 5 6.98 –0.47 ... 12.68 14.46 ... 88.96 49.97 MercurySystems MRCY ... 48 53.13 –2.77 1.12 2.52 2.84 ...
23.88 10.00 Honest HNST ... dd 10.07 –3.50 ... –.27 –.03 ... 9.71 1.60 Iridex IRIX ... dd 7.98 +1.40 –.46 –.28 ... ... 47.70 14.31 LiAuto LI ... dd 28.66 –1.69 ... –.52 .52 ... 4.71 1.90 MereoBioPharma MREO ... dd 2.25 –0.45 –3.08 –.63 –.80 ...
M22 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Nasdaq Issues
- Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
22.97 9.75 MeridianBancorp EBSB 1.9 14 20.56 +0.59 1.29 ... ... .10 79.60 29.28 908Devices MASS ... dd 32.31 –1.05 ... –.65 –.54 ... 9.45 3.31 PacificMercBncp PMBC ... 13 8.93 +0.27 ... .66 .65 ... 20.73 9.68 QIWI QIWI 11.2 5 9.89 +0.02 ... 121.81 116.20 .22
30.65 12.98 MeridianBiosci VIVO ... 12 20.02 –0.61 1.07 ... ... ... 53.38 17.70 NiuTech NIU ... 61 21.27 –2.28 ... ... ... ... 47.46 18.47 PacificPremBncp PPBI 3.3 13 39.71 –0.24 .75 3.25 2.60 .33 22.00 3.85 QilianIntl QLI ... ... 4.20 –0.09 ... ... ... ...
29.18 14.12 Meridian MRBK 1.8 5 27.49 –0.20 4.27 5.05 3.37 .125 79.16 22.46 Nkarta NKTX ... dd 37.64 –0.81 –5.44 –2.46 –3.13 ... 80.00 48.23 PaciraBioSci PCRX ... 15 58.32 –2.61 3.33 3.01 3.98 ... 201.68 112.03 Qorvo QRVO ... 23 188.36 –6.66 6.32 ... 13.31 ...
70.90 39.45 MeritMedical MMSI ... cc 66.00 –1.68 –.18 2.13 2.40 ... 46.45 19.74 nLIGHT LASR ... dd 26.47 –3.45 –.55 .31 .59 ... 19.61 10.40 PactivEvergreen PTVE 2.8 9 14.50 +0.63 –.08 1.04 1.64 .10 167.94 108.30 Qualcomm QCOM 1.8 19 148.64 +2.36 4.52 ... ... .68
9.45 3.56 MerrimackPharm MACK ... dd 4.84 –0.52 –.23 –4.94 –4.12 ... 13.55 6.25 Noodles NDLS ... dd 12.07 –0.32 –.53 ... ... ... 46.75 15.62 PacWestBancorp PACW 2.4 10 42.23 +0.41 –10.61 4.79 4.23 .25 57.28 29.36 QualtricsIntl XM ... dd 43.79 +0.33 ... –.01 .01 ...
29.09 10.34 MersanaTherap MRSN ... dd 12.17 –0.20 –1.43 –2.11 ... ... 229.80 178.61 Nordson NDSN .9 44 228.59 +3.67 4.27 7.53 8.38 .51 121.87 61.01 Palomar PLMR ... cc 84.51 –0.51 .24 ... ... ... 148.84 86.65 Qualys QLYS ... 66 110.56 +8.19 2.24 3.01 3.13 ...
31.27 10.18 Merus MRUS ... dd 19.60 –0.25 –2.92 –1.93 ... ... 35.28 17.21 NortheastBank NBN .1 4 34.89 +1.77 ... 4.12 ... .01 39.62 24.95 PanAmerSilver PAAS 1.5 19 26.51 –0.23 .85 1.25 2.27 .10 92.57 29.72 Quanterix QTRX ... dd 49.25 –3.13 –1.07 –1.34 –1.22 ...
17.40 2.80 MesaAir MESA ... 8 8.04 –0.97 .78 .82 1.16 ... 21.50 7.79 NorthernTechsIntl NTIC 1.4 68 18.70 –0.50 –.15 .68 1.00 .065 127.97 73.12 PapaJohn's PZZA 1.1 dd 127.61 +7.74 1.28 3.12 3.49 .35 9.47 3.96 Quantum QMCO ... dd 5.51 –0.89 –.83 ... .35 ...
307.97 229.00 MesaLab MLAB .2 cc 278.69 –7.44 .64 5.02 5.91 .16 123.10 74.03 NorthernTrust NTRS 2.4 20 116.37 +1.00 5.46 ... 7.38 .70 11.24 4.14 ParatekPharma PRTK ... dd 5.61 –0.17 –2.19 –.53 –.10 ... 25.00 7.85 Quantum-Si QSI ... dd 7.97 –0.75 ... ... ... ...
21.28 6.67 Mesoblast MESO ... dd 7.52 +0.20 –.74 ... ... ... 17.25 8.72 NorthfieldBanc NFBK 3.1 14 16.74 –0.19 .76 1.38 1.16 .13 41.78 14.64 Park-Ohio PKOH 2.1 27 24.16 +0.08 –.37 1.24 3.12 .125 11.50 0.80 Quantum-SiWt QSIAW ... ... 2.15 –0.60 ... ... ... ...
54.65 17.74 MetaFinancial CASH .4 12 49.81 –0.11 2.94 ... ... .05 48.19 23.44 NorthrimBanCorp NRIM 3.4 6 42.81 +0.71 5.11 6.28 3.84 .37 5.52 3.67 PartnerComms PTNR ... cc 4.30 –0.15 .03 .15 .16 ... 10.48 2.53 Quhuo QH ... dd 2.84 –0.05 ... –.44 1.18 ...
16.19 2.70 Metacrine MTCR ... dd 3.21 +0.25 ... –2.26 –1.93 ... 15.48 8.84 NorthwestBcshs NWBI 6.0 10 13.32 +0.14 .62 1.01 .87 .20 30.87 11.40 PassageBio PASG ... dd 12.08 –0.60 –2.91 –3.42 –3.30 ... 288.70 103.31 Quidel QDEL ... 6 122.02 –2.99 18.60 6.54 3.56 ...
49.27 20.81 Methanex MEOH 1.5 27 33.46 –0.42 –2.06 4.26 2.28 .125 38.08 24.31 NorthwestPipe NWPX ... 16 27.10 –0.07 1.93 1.22 2.27 ... 23.28 13.40 PatriaInvts PAX 2.6 ... 16.22 +0.17 ... .99 1.12 .106 25.99 12.65 QuinStreet QNST ... 39 17.25 –1.51 .43 .79 .95 ...
22.33 12.24 MetroCityBkshs MCBS 2.2 12 21.39 +0.53 1.41 ... ... .12 70.80 47.43 Northwestern NWE 3.9 17 63.15 +0.56 3.06 3.55 3.65 .62 98.83 47.74 PatrickIndustries PATK 1.3 11 86.56 +1.06 4.20 8.21 6.92 .28 7.59 2.99 Quotient QTNT ... dd 3.05 –0.60 –1.18 –1.09 –.95 ...
166.67 95.53 MicrochipTech MCHP 1.2 88 151.57 +1.84 1.29 ... ... .437 28.92 17.98 NortonLifeLock NLOK 1.9 25 26.29 +2.30 .92 ... ... .125 12.37 5.50 PatriotNatBncp PNBK ... 91 9.43 +0.43 –.97 1.37 1.43 ... 28.46 5.77 QurateRetailB QRTEB .0 3 11.40 –0.22 ... ... 2.15 1.50
96.96 42.25 MicronTech MU .6 20 70.92 –11.08 2.37 ... 11.47 .10 29.68 22.85 NorwoodFin NWFL 4.1 10 25.41 –0.13 2.09 1.29 1.25 .26 13.16 8.10 PatriotTransport PATI .0 35 11.85 ... .08 ... ... 3.00 14.62 5.69 QurateRetailA QRTEA .0 3 11.02 –0.27 ... ... 2.15 1.50
292.90 196.25 Microsoft MSFT .8 36 292.85 +3.39 8.05 8.71 ... .56 104.07 46.07 Nova NVMI ... 41 94.89 –6.27 1.71 3.44 3.79 ... 37.37 22.15 Patterson PDCO 3.5 19 29.87 +0.39 1.61 2.01 ... .26 5.64 1.41 Qutoutiao QTT ... dd 1.50 –0.09 ... ... 2.07 ...
1315.00 136.89 MicroStrategy MSTR ... dd 728.00 –20.72 –.78 –14.39 3.90 ... 148.86 95.53 Novanta NOVT ... cc 146.32 +5.87 1.27 2.39 2.81 ... 11.27 2.38 PattersonUTIEn PTEN 1.1 dd 7.57 –0.08 –4.27 –1.99 –1.19 .02
... 36.96
... R
28.00 1.25 MicroVision MVIS ... dd 14.12 –1.32 –.10 –.21 –.02 ... 55.19 28.39 NuanceComms NUAN ... dd 54.78 +0.08 .07 .77 .85 ... 256.47 129.79 Paylocity PCTY ... cc 250.57 +8.77 1.26 ... ... ...
29.87 17.20 MidPennBancorp MPB 3.0 7 26.74 –0.75 3.11 2.66 2.57 .20 7.83 1.96 NuCana NCNA ... dd 2.09 +0.05 –1.04 –.01 –.01 ... 14.50 8.88 Payoneer PAYO ... ... 9.66 +0.04 ... –.12 –.10 ... 43.26 14.63 RaptTherap RAPT ... dd 32.10 –0.69 –2.19 –2.80 –3.37 ...
196.49 85.92 Middleby MIDD ... 44 178.08 –15.31 3.76 ... 9.53 ... 52.38 21.39 NurixTherap NRIX ... dd 30.79 +0.44 –2.76 –2.52 –2.96 ... 4.46 0.82 PayoneerWt PAYOW ... ... 2.00 –0.02 ... ... ... ... 25.74 10.71 RBB Bancorp RBB 2.1 11 25.27 +0.56 1.65 ... ... .13
110.89 59.61 MiddlesexWater MSEX 1.0 49 108.86 +0.41 2.18 2.31 2.50 .2725 40.71 20.54 Nutanix NTNX ... dd 37.83 +1.22 ... –1.63 ... ... 310.16 171.63 PayPal PYPL ... 67 274.91 –4.63 3.54 ... 5.89 ... 250.52 113.40 RBC Bearings ROLL ... 61 227.05 –4.56 3.58 4.66 5.76 ...
30.32 12.48 MidlandStBncp MSBI 4.4 12 25.31 –0.12 .95 ... 3.04 .28 27.49 17.00 Nuvalent NUVL ... ... 22.38 +0.32 ... ... ... ... 33.99 14.38 PeapackGladFinl PGC .6 15 33.11 +0.27 1.37 ... ... .05 81.65 15.64 RCI Hospitality RICK .2 24 67.49 –0.78 –.66 ... 3.80 .04
33.68 16.59 MidWestOneFin MOFG 3.0 14 30.26 +0.01 .41 4.24 3.04 .225 72.61 43.11 Nuvasive NUVA ... cc 58.55 –1.62 –.72 ... ... ... 148.80 109.06 Pegasystems PEGA .1 cc 127.31 –1.29 –.76 .34 .93 .03 12.49 1.23 RCM Tech RCMT ... dd 4.28 –0.30 –.73 ... .38 ...
9.03 5.09 MilestonePharm MIST ... dd 5.45 –0.05 –1.70 –1.20 –1.60 ... 208.75 114.41 NVIDIA NVDA .1 96 201.88 –1.78 1.73 ... 4.37 .04 171.09 63.23 Peloton PTON ... cc 110.88 –1.81 ... ... ... ... 16.66 7.81 REE Automotive REE ... ... 10.30 –0.46 ... –.16 –.30 ...
51.25 21.91 MillerHerman MLHR 1.7 15 43.35 +0.23 2.92 ... ... .1875 37.00 29.65 Nyxoah NYXH ... dd 30.53 –6.48 –.77 –1.22 –1.50 ... 142.00 50.87 PennNational PENN ... 27 70.84 –1.00 –5.00 3.18 2.85 ... 12.30 1.10 REEAutoWt REEAW ... ... 1.64 –0.21 ... ... ... ...
46.18 27.15 MillicomIntl TIGO ... dd 38.69 –0.36 –3.40 .36 3.14 ... 26.17 6.36 PennVirginia PVAC ... dd 17.20 +1.51 –20.46 ... ... ... 50.26 25.93 REGENXBIO RGNX ... dd 31.43 +0.12 –2.98 –4.65 –4.24 ...
27.75 9.63 4.05 RF Industries RFIL ... 19 8.38 –0.24 –.01 .17 .42 ...
Mind CTI
.26 O 69.56
7.41 2.80
.12 27.40 21.32 RGC Resources RGCO 3.0 21 24.89 +0.49 1.30 1.12 1.43 .185
4.12 1.54 MinervaNeurosci NERV ... dd 1.69 –0.14 .05 –.89 –1.13 ... 28.19 19.50 PennsWoodsBncp PWOD 5.4 11 23.83 –0.48 2.16 1.58 1.53 .32 10.20 0.86 RISE Education REDU ... dd .87 –0.19 –.34 .05 .40 ...
249.42 130.60 MiratiTherap MRTX ... dd 140.17 –11.23 –7.96 ... ... ... 51.40 17.86 ODP ODP ... 64 45.91 +1.13 –6.05 ... ... ... 19.62 9.74 People'sUtdFin PBCT 4.5 11 16.36 +0.11 .49 ... ... .1825 31.28 13.61 R1RCM RCM ... dd 20.20 –0.60 .33 .42 .54 ...
26.99 13.85 MirumPharm MIRM ... dd 14.24 –0.46 –4.09 –5.88 –3.32 ... 12.39 5.59 OP Bancorp OPBK 3.8 8 10.41 –0.32 .85 1.44 1.43 .10 36.75 18.35 PeoplesBncpOH PEBO 4.6 11 31.05 +0.65 1.73 ... 2.84 .36 26.43 13.32 RackspaceTech RXT ... dd 13.46 –3.79 –1.37 .95 1.07 ...
26.99 11.04 Misonix MSON ... dd 25.97 –0.23 –1.19 –.83 ... ... 6.27 2.84 OPKO Health OPK ... 33 3.68 –0.13 .05 .04 –.05 ... 29.69 15.21 PeoplesBncpNC PEBK 2.3 11 28.37 +0.01 1.95 .38 .57 .16 16.21 6.57 RadiusGlbInfr RADI ... dd 15.90 +0.41 ... –1.37 –1.20 ...
11.00 4.73 Missfresh MF ... ... 4.80 –0.14 ... –2.49 –2.05 ... 11.55 3.32 Orbcomm ORBC ... dd 11.20 +0.05 –.43 –.30 –.02 ... 47.54 31.75 PeoplesFinSvcs PFIS 3.4 9 45.00 –0.25 4.00 ... ... .38 26.16 10.15 RadiusHealth RDUS ... dd 13.78 –0.28 –2.35 ... .88 ...
22.93 11.75 MissionProduce AVO ... 27 19.53 +0.03 .45 .91 1.01 ... 621.73 424.03 OReillyAuto ORLY ... 21 594.03 –9.42 23.53 27.70 29.35 ... 158.66 128.32 PepsiCo PEP 2.7 26 156.52 +2.19 5.12 ... ... 1.075 38.84 13.49 RadNet RDNT ... 66 30.56 –7.59 –.29 .64 .79 ...
497.49 54.21 Moderna MRNA ... 49 389.78 –23.94 –1.96 ... 23.61 ... 102.24 72.00 OSI Systems OSIS ... 30 100.75 +2.69 4.05 5.28 5.59 ... 15.79 10.62 PerdoceoEduc PRDO ... 6 11.34 –0.28 1.74 ... 1.69 ... 32.92 21.66 Radware RDWR ... cc 32.80 +0.73 .21 .75 .94 ...
184.71 84.32 ModivCare MODV ... 39 180.95 +3.11 2.37 6.82 6.34 ... 11.25 2.58 O2MicroIntl OIIM ... 16 6.70 –0.63 .23 ... .47 ... 17.44 5.00 PerellaWeinberg PWP ... dd 13.95 +1.46 ... 1.38 1.10 ... 23.90 14.08 RainTherap RAIN ... ... 17.63 +0.71 ... ... –2.19 ...
21.33 18.00 MolecularPtrs MOLN ... dd 19.36 –0.14 –2.67 –1.13 –1.61 ... 7.31 4.52 OaktreeSpec OCSL 8.0 4 7.25 +0.09 .28 .61 .62 .145 3.45 1.01 PerellaWeinbergWt PWPPW ... ... 3.32 +0.33 ... ... ... ... 25.78 13.20 Rallybio RLYB ... ... 17.10 –1.69 –9.95 ... ... ...
15.19 6.41 MolecularTemp MTEM ... dd 7.60 +0.43 –2.20 –1.64 ... ... 35.70 5.50 OasisMidstream OMP 10.3 4 21.66 –1.55 .56 3.11 3.08 .56 104.16 37.42 Perficient PRFT ... 76 103.09 +2.44 .93 3.28 3.69 ... 9.57 2.48 RamacoRscs METC ... 94 9.18 +0.97 –.12 ... ... ...
28.12 16.35 Momentive MNTV ... dd 20.64 –0.89 –1.43 –.70 ... ... 107.65 20.00 OasisPetrol OAS 1.7 2 87.61 –2.14 –2.50 ... ... .375 5.29 0.56 PerformantFin PFMT ... dd 4.58 –0.16 –.26 –.13 .08 ... 25.19 13.08 Rambus RMBS ... dd 24.06 –0.85 –.39 ... ... ...
29.18 9.25 Momentus MNTS ... cc 10.68 +1.17 ... ... ... ... 29.00 16.70 Oatly OTLY ... dd 16.87 –1.60 –3.63 –.34 –.23 ... 28.32 5.79 PerionNetwork PERI ... 28 18.20 –0.94 .38 1.00 1.12 ... 24.70 10.73 RandolphBancorp RNDB ... 5 20.15 –0.35 3.86 2.10 1.48 ...
11.96 0.45 MomentusWt MNTSW ... ... 2.11 +0.56 ... ... ... ... 5.55 1.86 ObsEva OBSV ... dd 2.63 –0.10 –1.67 –1.03 –.73 ... 8.19 5.13 Perma-PipeIntl PPIH ... dd 6.91 –0.07 –.94 .66 .84 ... 29.40 9.24 RaniTherap RANI ... ... 18.61 +6.81 ... ... ... ...
76.00 40.19 MonarchCasino MCRI ... 24 65.34 –0.34 1.25 3.19 4.35 ... 25.76 13.14 OceanFirstFin OCFC 3.1 15 21.67 +0.14 1.02 1.76 1.91 .17 53.46 17.30 Personalis PSNL ... dd 18.28 –2.65 –1.20 –1.54 –1.93 ... 27.04 17.81 RapidMicro RPID ... ... 18.96 –4.39 ... –2.09 –1.40 ...
269.52 155.01 MNDY ... dd 267.90 +41.90 –3.95 –3.91 –3.22 ... 24.30 7.14 OcularTherapeutix OCUL ... dd 10.76 +0.23 –2.56 –.69 –.54 ... 31.08 17.86 PetcoHealth WOOF ... ... 19.64 –0.33 ... .76 .81 ... 120.00 57.73 Rapid7 RPD ... dd 113.44 +0.95 –1.94 –.08 .16 ...
65.60 52.51 Mondelez MDLZ 2.2 21 63.36 +1.59 2.47 2.88 3.15 .35 37.25 2.80 OdonateTherap ODT ... dd 3.26 –0.09 –3.84 –3.29 –2.51 ... 46.00 24.42 PetIQ PETQ ... dd 26.13 –3.14 –3.15 ... ... ... 11.98 5.53 RattlerMidstrm RTLR 9.4 13 10.60 +0.06 ... ... ... .25
12.36 2.61 MoneyGram MGI ... dd 9.20 –0.96 ... .17 .45 ... 31.69 17.62 OfficePropIncm OPI 8.2 dd 26.72 –1.05 .14 –.10 –.94 .55 57.00 24.75 PetMedExpress PETS 4.2 21 28.49 –0.39 1.52 1.33 1.54 .30 59.60 20.83 RavenIndustries RAVN ... 86 58.11 –0.03 .52 ... ... ...
428.97 196.32 MongoDB MDB ... dd 377.78 +4.33 –4.53 –1.29 –.83 ... 32.70 20.11 OhioValleyBanc OVBC 3.2 10 26.00 +1.09 ... ... ... .21 21.99 10.00 Pharming PHAR ... 23 10.54 –0.15 .58 .96 .98 ... 6.66 1.12 RealNetworks RNWK ... dd 1.78 –0.11 –.13 –.49 –.21 ...
470.74 235.62 MonolithicPower MPWR .5 cc 464.85 +3.06 3.50 7.08 ... .60 294.00 185.05 Okta OKTA ... dd 235.84 –4.28 –2.09 ... –.74 ... 42.86 13.14 Pharvaris PHVS ... ... 16.53 +0.46 –1.86 –2.17 –2.50 ... 30.22 12.23 RealReal REAL ... dd 13.34 –3.01 –2.01 –2.05 –1.35 ...
72.67 39.39 Monro MNRO 1.7 41 56.74 –2.54 1.01 2.03 2.29 .24 281.68 176.34 OldDomFreight ODFL .3 38 281.00 +8.28 5.68 8.40 9.50 .20 5.83 2.60 PhaseBioPharm PHAS ... dd 3.29 –0.08 –3.39 –2.50 –2.11 ... 186.82 76.34 ReataPharm RETA ... dd 106.28 –18.01 ... –8.19 –8.59 ...
99.89 75.45 MonsterBev MNST ... 34 98.12 +1.15 2.64 ... 3.01 ... 21.28 12.02 OldNatlBncp ONB 3.4 9 16.68 ... 1.36 ... 1.58 .14 50.78 30.47 PhathomPharm PHAT ... dd 32.00 –1.71 –3.88 –3.98 –3.76 ... 42.81 19.68 RecursionPharm RXRX ... ... 22.47 –5.94 ... –1.08 –1.30 ...
34.89 18.01 MonteRosaTherap GLUE ... ... 33.82 +3.15 –6.70 –4.51 –2.00 ... 14.45 7.19 Old2ndBcp OSBC 1.7 9 12.05 +0.58 .92 1.11 1.09 .05 43.79 14.70 Phenixfin PFX ... 11 42.52 +1.02 –24.16 6.49 1.16 ... 65.07 40.98 RedRiverBcshs RRBI .5 12 51.77 –1.08 3.83 4.04 3.89 .07
270.08 151.53 Morningstar MORN .5 47 260.50 –0.53 5.18 3.18 3.54 .315 60.27 19.41 OlemaPharm OLMA ... dd 26.80 +0.66 –3.42 –1.70 –2.53 ... 31.00 16.27 PhibroAnimal PAHC 1.9 23 24.75 +0.77 ... 1.26 1.35 .12 41.34 8.55 RedRobin RRGB ... dd 25.68 –0.04 –19.29 –.20 1.02 ...
93.00 24.52 Morphic MORF ... dd 60.84 +2.90 –1.47 –2.62 –3.01 ... 42.20 25.55 OlinkHolding OLK ... ... 28.41 –6.98 –.41 –.23 –.10 ... 31.13 26.51 PhillipsEdison PECO ... cc 30.14 +0.55 .06 .12 .32 ... 46.61 15.25 RedRockResorts RRR ... 42 42.44 –0.05 –2.13 1.16 2.00 ...
34.74 13.13 MorphoSys MOR ... dd 13.67 +0.41 .86 ... ... ... 123.52 75.75 Ollie'sBargain OLLI ... 21 85.63 –3.15 3.68 2.91 3.28 ... 14.56 8.64 Photronics PLAB ... 24 13.23 –0.39 .52 .76 1.00 ... 98.45 37.31 Redfin RDFN ... dd 53.43 –2.35 –.23 –1.01 ... ...
26.42 14.35 MotorcarParts MPAA ... 16 21.51 –0.43 1.11 2.02 2.44 ... 40.00 10.44 OlympicSteel ZEUS .3 7 30.11 –0.90 –.49 ... 1.64 .02 27.78 14.06 PilgrimPride PPC ... dd 27.34 +6.06 .39 2.30 2.47 ... 11.52 5.90 RedHillBio RDHL ... dd 7.10 –0.03 –2.10 –1.29 ... ...
5.22 2.42 MustangBio MBIO ... dd 2.73 –0.25 ... –.78 –.81 ... 193.60 123.55 OmegaFlex OFLX .8 65 156.63 +0.12 1.97 .26 .33 .30 212.60 69.89 Pinduoduo PDD ... dd 84.38 –3.08 ... –6.18 ... ... 68.40 33.29 RegencyCtrs REG 3.6 50 66.22 –0.18 .26 ... ... .595
36.07 11.76 MyriadGenetics MYGN ... dd 32.79 –1.66 –2.69 .06 .32 ... 22.98 15.50 OmegaTherap OMGA ... ... 19.78 +3.20 ... ... ... ... 97.73 32.80 PinnacleFinPtrs PNFP .8 16 95.86 –0.53 4.03 6.34 6.10 .18 640.65 441.00 RegenPharm REGN ... 11 624.79 +13.93 ... ... ... ...
23.85 9.25 Omeros OMER ... dd 15.33 +0.64 –2.41 –2.08 –1.44 ... 2.99 0.75 PintecTech PT ... dd .85 –0.09 ... ... ... ... 64.37 26.44 RelayTherap RLAY ... dd 33.03 +0.13 ... ... ... ...
N 160.78
ON Semi
35.71 9.91
6.57 1.15 Oncocyte OCX ... dd 4.48 –0.70 –.46 –.38 –.40 ... 12.96 5.46 PlainsGP PAGP 6.8 dd 10.53 +0.24 –3.07 .70 ... .18 46.97 20.89 Renasant RNST 2.4 13 36.75 +0.80 1.48 ... 2.45 .22
38.00 17.84 Napco Security NSSC ... 83 35.75 –0.20 .46 .79 1.29 ... 37.86 10.60 Oncorus ONCR ... dd 10.70 –2.58 –9.35 –2.41 –2.84 ... 8.35 3.67 PlayaHotels PLYA ... dd 6.67 –0.21 –1.98 –.64 .04 ... 17.18 7.63 ReneoPharm RPHM ... ... 8.31 +0.09 –2.14 –3.12 –2.85 ...
42.79 26.10 NBT Bancorp NBTB 3.0 11 36.88 +0.42 2.37 ... ... .28 39.61 18.52 1-800-FLOWERS FLWS ... 18 31.45 +1.61 ... 1.81 1.96 ... 13.20 4.44 Playstudios MYPS ... ... 5.00 –0.70 ... –.02 .39 ... 117.00 33.33 RenewableEnergy REGI ... 15 54.12 –5.94 2.76 ... ... ...
32.12 14.90 NGM Biopharm NGM ... dd 22.73 –2.63 –1.50 –1.53 –1.90 ... 8.64 4.98 180DegreeCap TURN ... 72 7.62 +0.15 ... .10 .25 ... 5.30 0.82 PlaystudiosWt MYPSW ... ... .87 –0.26 ... ... ... ... 66.70 27.83 Rent-A-Center RCII 1.9 17 63.63 +5.45 3.73 6.24 7.09 .31
288.73 209.26 NICE NICE ... 87 264.96 –9.12 3.15 6.37 7.19 ... 59.82 23.32 1LifeHealthcare ONEM ... dd 23.62 –5.04 –.75 ... ... ... 36.06 20.88 Playtika PLTK ... 31 24.43 –0.68 .24 .80 1.18 ... 46.44 21.76 RepareTherap RPTX ... dd 34.11 +0.06 ... –2.78 –3.34 ...
26.82 15.76 NMI Holdings NMIH ... 10 22.73 +0.20 2.13 ... ... ... 45.88 5.19 111 YI ... dd 5.86 –0.31 ... –1.74 –.34 ... 101.17 64.35 Plexus PLXS ... 18 87.60 –1.45 3.93 5.03 5.88 ... 258.24 138.00 Repligen RGEN ... cc 257.96 +7.31 1.11 2.76 2.99 ...
9.62 4.11 NN NNBR ... dd 5.82 –0.79 –2.68 .14 .44 ... 35.46 12.25 DIBS ... dd 15.32 –1.99 ... –.65 –.51 ... 43.92 18.28 PliantTherap PLRX ... dd 19.82 –2.80 –1.95 –2.69 –3.31 ... 54.85 20.40 Replimune REPL ... dd 30.20 –2.36 –1.75 –2.03 –2.30 ...
76.99 8.39 NRX Pharm NRXP ... dd 15.22 +1.48 ... ... ... ... 56.78 18.01 OneWaterMarine ONEW .0 7 43.53 –1.67 2.77 6.94 6.86 1.80 16.50 6.95 PolyPid PYPD ... dd 8.51 +0.58 –4.48 –2.25 –2.41 ... 50.75 27.22 RepublicBcpKYA RBCAA 2.5 12 50.03 –0.16 3.99 4.05 3.40 .308
16.30 0.13 NRX PharmWt NRXPW ... ... 7.50 +0.95 ... ... ... ... 99.89 22.13 Ontrak OTRK ... dd 24.01 –3.34 –1.44 –1.52 –.98 ... 495.22 285.93 Pool POOL .7 37 485.21 +4.12 8.97 ... ... .80 4.61 1.95 RepublicFirstBncp FRBK ... 19 3.67 –0.02 .07 .28 .15 ...
218.84 117.25 NXP Semi NXPI 1.0 59 215.26 +1.51 .19 10.29 ... .5625 44.00 18.07 OpenLending LPRO ... cc 35.06 –2.64 –1.09 1.16 1.14 ... 78.00 3.92 PopCulture CPOP ... 40 4.05 –0.97 ... ... ... ... 11.58 7.19 ReservoirMedia RSVR ... ... 7.60 +0.22 ... .23 .26 ...
6.88 1.02 NabrivaTherap NBRV ... dd 1.04 –0.13 –5.41 –1.25 –.63 ... 53.57 36.18 OpenText OTEX 1.6 47 53.56 +0.94 1.14 ... ... .2209 83.72 34.30 Popular BPOP 2.3 8 76.92 +1.51 5.87 10.20 8.16 .45 2.90 0.89 ReservoirMediaWt RSVRW ... ... 1.08 +0.08 ... ... ... ...
94.81 19.05 NanoXImaging NNOX ... dd 27.19 –2.86 –1.23 –1.09 –1.19 ... 39.24 10.55 OpendoorTech OPEN ... dd 17.55 +3.12 –2.62 –1.08 –.84 ... 2.58 1.13 PortmanRidge PTMN 9.3 2 2.57 +0.13 .63 .37 .28 .06 16.50 10.61 ResourcesConnect RGP 3.6 20 15.49 +1.06 .78 1.09 1.30 .14
21.55 12.85 Nanobiotix NBTX ... dd 12.90 –0.73 –1.57 ... ... ... 13.93 7.57 Opera OPRA ... 5 9.00 –0.91 1.53 .18 .48 ... 13.98 7.63 PoseidaTherap PSTX ... dd 8.80 +0.21 –3.61 –2.71 –2.66 ... 18.86 9.63 RetailOppor ROIC 2.5 53 17.47 –0.20 .27 ... .31 .11
86.42 34.31 NanoStringTech NSTG ... dd 55.88 –4.98 –2.82 –2.22 –2.19 ... 25.25 10.94 OportunFin OPRT ... 59 24.61 –0.26 –1.65 1.89 2.50 ... 104.98 27.00 Poshmark POSH ... ... 27.85 –7.16 ... ... –.18 ... 34.62 22.89 RevanceTherap RVNC ... dd 26.02 –3.05 –4.86 –3.17 –2.49 ...
6.60 1.87 NantHealth NH ... dd 2.00 –0.12 –.51 –.32 –.29 ... 18.06 6.41 OptheaADR OPT ... dd 7.18 –0.07 –.34 –.71 –.71 ... 9.07 3.30 Potbelly PBPB ... dd 7.04 –0.12 –2.74 –.49 .04 ... 56.18 21.78 RevolutionMed RVMD ... dd 25.56 –2.42 –2.01 –2.42 –2.74 ...
191.47 118.01 Nasdaq NDAQ 1.1 28 190.99 +2.27 5.59 7.28 7.52 .54 4.97 2.40 OpticalCable OCC ... dd 3.89 –0.14 –.83 .21 .16 ... 65.67 38.46 PotlatchDelt PCH 3.2 7 51.46 +0.28 2.47 6.77 3.13 .41 34.40 26.50 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 3.1 16 29.67 +1.92 1.77 1.60 1.93 .23
127.19 54.40 Natera NTRA ... dd 100.91 –16.39 –2.84 –4.55 –4.53 ... 5.55 2.32 Optinose OPTN ... dd 2.63 –0.05 –2.07 –1.57 –.74 ... 37.28 23.32 PowellIndustries POWL 3.8 cc 27.12 –0.41 1.42 –.27 –.12 .26 43.26 13.06 RhythmPharm RYTM ... dd 13.86 –0.13 –3.04 –1.72 –3.17 ...
78.89 50.00 Nathan's NATH 2.1 22 67.72 +2.02 2.69 1.23 1.42 .35 22.69 10.52 OptionCare OPCH ... 79 21.24 –0.83 –.04 .60 .90 ... 99.98 50.34 PowerIntegrations POWI .5 49 98.50 –1.12 1.17 3.04 3.15 .13 11.25 3.61 RibbonComms RBBN ... 10 7.11 +0.05 .61 .53 .58 ...
98.22 32.05 NationalBeverage FIZZ .0 24 44.10 –0.11 1.86 1.83 ... 3.00 17.79 8.58 OraSureTechs OSUR ... cc 10.87 –0.89 –.22 .11 .26 ... 9.55 5.13 PowerFleet PWFL ... dd 6.89 –0.18 –.46 .14 .42 ... 8.99 4.10 RichardsonElec RELL 3.1 53 7.80 +0.03 .13 .13 .50 .06
6.11 1.81 NatlCineMedia NCMI 7.4 dd 2.72 –0.47 –.84 –.62 .21 .05 9.08 2.72 OrchardTherap ORTX ... ... 2.79 –0.18 ... –1.17 –1.08 ... 60.95 13.71 PraxisPrecision PRAX ... dd 13.80 –0.96 ... –2.93 ... ... 5.50 2.14 RigelPharm RIGL ... dd 3.72 –0.09 –.18 –.03 –.28 ...
47.40 30.42 NatlInstruments NATI 2.6 cc 41.86 –0.43 1.09 .83 1.23 .27 6.45 1.01 OrganiGram OGI ... dd 2.90 +0.21 –.59 –.32 –.10 ... 11.10 3.36 Precigen PGEN ... dd 6.14 +0.58 –1.02 –.49 –.52 ... 10.72 3.04 RiminiStreet RMNI ... dd 7.69 –0.45 –.19 .41 .49 ...
59.20 42.41 NatlResearch NRC .9 37 52.21 –1.11 1.45 1.16 1.21 .12 40.81 15.67 OricPharm ORIC ... dd 18.63 +2.37 –3.36 –2.15 ... ... 16.60 4.46 PrecisionBio DTIL ... dd 10.19 –0.17 –2.09 –1.28 –2.38 ... 7.79 3.77 RiverviewBncp RVSB 2.7 11 7.44 –0.16 .47 ... ... .05
13.34 9.66 NatlSecurity NSEC 2.2 dd 10.95 +0.40 –3.41 ... ... .06 46.65 19.40 OriginBancorp OBNK 1.3 12 41.40 –0.74 1.55 ... ... .13 69.44 30.65 PreferredBankLA PFBC 2.5 11 59.76 –0.08 4.65 6.13 ... .38 13.50 6.50 RiverviewFinl RIVE ... 12 12.54 –0.27 –2.29 ... ... ...
55.75 35.04 NationalVision EYE ... 78 53.98 –0.32 .44 ... ... ... 77.77 3.95 Orphazyme ORPH ... dd 5.15 +1.02 –3.41 –2.49 –.75 ... 82.46 47.07 PreformedLine PLPC 1.1 12 73.28 +0.86 5.98 6.24 6.73 .20 85.00 33.25 Robinhood HOOD ... dd 50.63 –4.38 ... –3.08 .41 ...
260.00 168.85 NatlWesternLife NWLI .2 5 235.00 +30.95 26.11 ... ... .36 22.99 15.14 OrthoClinical OCDX ... ... 19.61 –0.99 –2.31 .70 .81 ... 95.38 23.69 PreludeTherap PRLD ... dd 32.17 +2.08 ... –2.27 –3.22 ... 67.48 21.95 RocketPharm RCKT ... dd 29.92 –4.82 –2.52 ... ... ...
19.47 6.52 NaturalAlt NAII ... 13 18.85 +0.74 –.25 .18 ... ... 48.50 28.03 OrthofixIntl OFIX ... dd 39.97 –0.61 .13 .54 1.04 ... 19.30 10.10 PremierFinBncp PFBI 3.3 11 17.97 +0.47 1.52 .87 .67 .15 1.98 0.65 RockwellMedical RMTI ... dd .65 –0.06 –.41 ... ... ...
29.70 16.38 NatusMedical NTUS ... cc 25.21 –0.90 –.49 1.19 1.48 ... 72.35 38.01 OrthoPediatrics KIDS ... dd 63.37 –8.00 –1.82 –1.18 –.62 ... 35.90 14.74 PremierFinl PFC 3.6 9 29.79 +0.50 1.75 ... ... .27 69.00 22.51 RockyBrands RCKY 1.1 14 49.99 –2.68 2.86 5.69 ... .155
25.89 7.05 NautilusBiotech NAUT ... dd 7.64 +0.16 ... –.46 –.61 ... 6.49 2.70 OsmoticaPharm OSMT ... dd 4.16 +0.36 –1.31 ... –.70 ... 37.79 30.13 Premier PINC 2.2 19 36.07 +0.33 2.04 2.45 2.43 .20 8.64 2.55 RockyMtnChoc RMCF ... 15 7.88 ... –.15 .86 .91 ...
22.05 7.42 Navient NAVI 2.9 4 21.87 +0.33 2.12 ... ... .16 6.98 1.47 Otonomy OTIC ... dd 1.47 –0.15 –1.10 ... –.70 ... 104.90 62.89 PriceSmart PSMT .9 26 82.25 –3.65 2.55 ... ... .35 490.76 143.36 Roku ROKU ... cc 357.59 –33.88 ... 1.20 1.61 ...
103.95 48.00 nCino NCNO ... dd 61.78 –2.08 ... ... ... ... 54.52 35.36 OtterTail OTTR 2.9 18 53.70 +0.22 2.34 ... 2.76 .39 16.32 8.22 PrimisFinl FRST 2.6 10 15.65 –0.39 .96 1.29 1.20 .10 29.48 5.19 Root ROOT ... dd 5.23 –1.94 –4.81 –2.22 –1.67 ...
26.75 14.16 NektarTherap NKTR ... dd 14.29 –1.48 –2.49 ... ... ... 20.99 19.00 Outbrain OB ... ... 19.75 +0.33 ... ... ... ... 41.76 17.07 PrimorisSvcs PRIM .9 11 26.45 –0.47 2.16 2.34 2.69 .06 134.22 84.68 RossStores ROST .9 51 124.66 +1.57 .24 ... ... .285
73.54 18.67 NeoGames NGMS ... ... 45.51 –7.69 .29 .42 .94 ... 66.96 36.03 OutsetMedical OM ... dd 39.00 –0.89 ... –2.62 –2.19 ... 67.97 37.03 PrincipalFin PFG 3.8 12 66.94 +2.08 5.05 6.47 7.05 .63 13.26 9.37 Rover ROVR ... ... 9.89 –1.38 ... –.23 .49 ...
48.85 33.11 Neogen NEOG ... 75 42.32 –1.45 .57 .68 .76 ... 128.50 46.75 Overstock OSTK ... 38 72.66 +4.61 1.24 2.56 2.85 ... 50.77 27.15 PriviaHealth PRVA ... ... 32.40 –5.65 ... –.90 .05 ... 4.00 1.18 RoverWt ROVRW ... ... 2.26 –0.44 ... ... ... ...
17.95 6.55 NeoleukinTherap NLTX ... dd 6.81 –0.22 –.64 ... ... ... 8.37 2.25 OvidTherap OVID ... 3 4.04 +0.31 –1.39 2.11 –.77 ... 20.66 11.52 ProfessionalHldg PFHD ... 16 19.80 –0.25 .67 ... ... ... 140.60 99.32 RoyalGold RGLD 1.0 28 116.08 +0.02 3.03 4.13 ... .30
6.62 2.87 Net1UEPS UEPS ... dd 4.38 –0.02 –1.37 –.57 ... ... 7.88 4.06 OxfordLane OXLC 11.1 2 7.28 –0.14 ... 1.66 1.20 .0675 10.27 1.51 Progenity PROG ... dd 1.66 –0.28 –7.01 ... ... ... 53.23 34.80 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 1.8 15 38.73 +1.74 ... ... ... .17
84.19 40.08 NetApp NTAP 2.4 26 82.28 +0.11 3.23 ... ... .50 5.22 2.29 OxfordSquare OXSQ 8.9 3 4.74 +0.02 .03 .34 .37 .035 49.23 34.40 ProgressSoftware PRGS 1.5 28 45.44 –0.82 1.76 ... ... .175 38.71 4.20 RubiusTherap RUBY ... dd 24.50 +2.87 –2.08 –2.10 –2.21 ...
134.33 82.50 NetEase NTES .9 32 89.66 +2.66 2.64 ... 31.34 .30 25.98 13.50 OysterPtPharma OYST ... dd 14.38 –0.22 –2.92 –3.87 –3.56 ... 66.61 23.56 Progyny PGNY ... 59 46.13 –2.13 .47 ... ... ... 51.98 31.52 RushEnt A RUSHA 1.7 15 45.24 –0.11 ... ... ... .19
593.29 458.60 Netflix NFLX ... 53 515.92 –4.63 6.08 10.43 12.89 ... 68.77 38.09 OzonHoldings OZON ... dd 51.99 –0.59 ... –140.76 –145.97 ... 30.64 16.11 PrometheusBio RXDX ... ... 23.01 +0.04 ... –2.40 –2.36 ... 47.10 27.38 RushEnt B RUSHB 1.7 14 44.10 +1.20 ... ... ... .19
46.38 27.17 Netgear NTGR ... 11 35.13 +0.75 1.90 2.82 3.04 ... 175.25 91.60 Proofpoint PFPT ... dd 174.98 +0.08 –2.86 ... ... ... 28.73 8.26 RuthsHospitality RUTH ... 40 20.38 +0.18 –.80 1.13 1.46 ...
31.91 19.76 NetScout NTCT ... 79 27.03 –0.72 .26 1.73 1.93 ...
120.27 84.77 Neurocrine NBIX ... 24 89.12 –0.45 4.16 2.18 3.89 ... PQ 9.46
ProQR Therap
22.43 3.96 Neuronetics STIM ... dd 8.46 –0.16 –1.46 ... ... ... 50.49 14.16 ProtagonistTherap PTGX ... dd 47.69 –0.42 –1.92 –2.50 –2.25 ...
27.38 18.24 NeuroPace NPCE ... ... 20.55 –3.34 ... –1.76 –1.16 ... 70.71 32.55 PAM Transport PTSI ... 8 68.39 +3.50 3.09 4.30 5.10 ... 6.94
27.51 ProtaraTherap TARA ... dd 7.03 –0.49 –4.70 –4.43 –4.54 ...
65.90 25.34 NewFortressEner NFE 1.4 dd 28.09 –3.21 –1.71 ... 1.67 .10 9.70 4.15 P&FIndustries PFIN ... dd 6.70 +0.41 –1.57 ... ... ... 31.06 9.70 Proterra PTRA ... dd 10.55 –0.41 ... –1.24 –.44 ...
13.75 8.94 NewMtnFin NMFC 8.9 5 13.53 +0.08 .60 ... 1.21 .30 21.29 8.20 PCB Bancorp PCB 2.3 11 20.57 +1.30 1.04 2.26 1.73 .12 67.08 9.67 Prothena PRTA ... dd 58.45 +1.03 –2.78 .90 –2.19 ...
4.93 2.40 NY Mortgage NYMT 9.3 7 4.32 ... –.89 .46 ... .10 55.21 39.66 PCConnection CNXN .0 20 47.22 +1.05 2.12 ... 2.96 .32 20.05 5.59 ProventionBio PRVB ... dd 6.33 –0.18 –1.88 –2.13 –1.95 ... 35.80 16.98 S&T Bancorp STBA 3.7 12 30.50 +0.45 .53 2.74 ... .28
30.10 15.67 NewellBrands NWL 3.6 15 25.67 +0.21 –1.82 1.72 1.89 .23 11.05 4.86 PCTEL PCTI 3.3 59 6.59 –0.41 .19 .22 .35 .055 18.48 11.40 ProvidentFin PROV 3.2 17 17.30 –0.20 1.00 .98 .96 .14 354.29 232.88 SBA Comm SBAC .7 cc 353.81 +6.80 .21 2.86 3.83 .58
13.74 4.02 Newmark NMRK .3 5 13.31 +0.06 ... ... 1.47 .01 49.92 10.60 PDC Energy PDCE 1.2 dd 39.82 +1.26 –7.37 ... 6.82 .12 15.86 9.53 PrudentialBncp PBIP 2.0 18 14.30 +0.24 1.12 .81 .90 .07 10.25 4.20 SCYNEXIS SCYX ... dd 6.26 –0.66 –5.15 –1.96 –1.55 ...
27.97 12.79 NewsCorp A NWSA .9 42 23.52 –1.20 ... .72 .85 .10 23.50 16.44 PDF Solutions PDFS ... dd 20.96 +2.18 –1.17 –.04 .26 ... 76.96 22.42 PubMatic PUBM ... ... 29.66 –2.31 ... ... ... ... 64.78 48.70 SEI Investments SEIC 1.2 18 61.52 –0.20 3.00 ... ... .37
26.21 12.68 NewsCorp B NWS .9 41 22.78 –0.98 ... .72 .85 .10 14.88 8.01 PDLCommBncp PDLB ... 17 13.85 +0.43 .23 .52 .59 ... 69.48 35.81 Pulmonx LUNG ... dd 36.74 –5.92 ... –1.43 –1.29 ... 37.21 19.87 SI-BONE SIBN ... dd 20.99 –3.63 –1.50 –1.58 –1.18 ...
38.78 16.24 NewtekBusSvcs NEWT 9.1 ... 28.37 +2.16 ... ... ... .90 63.04 9.85 PLBY Group PLBY ... dd 23.98 –2.59 –.56 –.21 .57 ... 14.14 6.48 PumaBiotech PBYI ... dd 7.26 +0.16 –1.52 ... ... ... 7.85 5.66 SIGA Tech SIGA ... 11 6.32 +0.05 .71 .75 .79 ...
28.00 10.10 NexImmune NEXI ... dd 14.19 +3.56 ... –4.39 –3.42 ... 63.22 26.38 PMV Pharm PMVP ... dd 34.23 –2.35 –2.40 –1.20 –1.67 ... 65.90 33.00 PureTechHealth PRTC ... cc 44.48 –2.52 .20 –4.31 –5.19 ... 21.40 7.08 SLM SLM .6 5 18.77 –0.33 2.25 ... ... .03
163.62 80.42 NexstarMedia NXST 1.9 7 145.72 –7.14 17.37 17.72 24.32 .70 46.63 30.68 PPD PPD ... 64 45.99 –0.13 .35 ... ... ... 41.08 17.01 PurpleInnovation PRPL ... dd 26.74 +1.19 –6.04 .70 1.19 ... 19.69 15.08 SLR Invt SLRC 8.4 11 19.49 +0.47 .37 ... ... .41
14.40 6.82 NextCure NXTC ... dd 7.21 –0.41 –1.33 –2.57 –2.75 ... 47.35 32.78 PRA Group PRAA ... 10 39.40 –2.38 3.26 ... ... ... 9.11 3.69 Puyi PUYI ... dd 5.14 –0.05 –.08 ... ... ... 16.41 12.30 SLR Sr Invt SUNS 7.5 6 15.99 +0.50 .87 ... 1.14 .10
23.80 11.80 NextGenHlthcr NXGN ... 79 15.54 –0.70 .14 ... 1.00 ... 153.73 79.36 PTC PTC ... 66 132.01 –3.36 1.12 3.54 ... ... 87.82 40.31 QAD A QADA .3 cc 86.90 ... .53 ... ... .072 58.39 23.54 SMART Global SGH ... cc 44.41 –5.69 –.05 ... ... ...
11.94 6.94 NicholasFin NICK ... 10 11.18 –0.23 1.09 1.80 1.91 ... 70.82 37.12 PTC Therap PTCT ... dd 40.01 +0.09 –6.64 ... –3.94 ... 86.90 29.00 QAD B QADB .3 cc 86.50 +1.00 .45 ... ... .06 10.65 2.73 SocTelemed TLMD ... dd 2.75 –1.51 –3.55 –.57 –.43 ...
54.56 9.36 Nikola NKLA ... dd 9.53 –0.75 –1.19 –.90 –1.01 ... 103.19 79.24 Paccar PCAR 1.7 16 81.14 +1.10 3.74 5.75 7.06 .34 9.53 0.97 Q&K Intl QK ... dd 1.01 –0.07 ... –14.06 –9.91 ... 2.24 0.40 SocTelemedWt TLMDW ... ... .40 –0.36 ... ... ... ...
3.50 0.72 9F JFU ... dd 1.59 –0.19 ... ... ... ... 53.69 5.46 PacBiosciCA PACB ... dd 29.47 –2.84 .17 –1.12 –.96 ... 50.93 25.54 QCR Holdings QCRH .5 11 50.08 –0.23 3.80 5.78 5.23 .06 46.67 0.97 SPI Energy SPI ... dd 5.18 –0.43 –1.20 .30 .70 ...
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M23

Nasdaq Issues
- Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings - - Earnings -
52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div 52-Week Tick - Week’s - Last This Next Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Year Year Year Amt
36.71 16.67 SP Plus SP ... dd 29.47 –1.73 –8.21 1.61 2.35 ... 18.46 11.29 SportsmansWrhs SPWH ... 8 17.66 –0.16 2.06 ... ... ... 17.18 4.67 TransActTechs TACT ... dd 14.18 –2.23 –.72 –1.03 –.35 ... 39.71 16.06 Vertex VERX ... dd 19.21 +0.13 –.60 ... ... ...
118.06 70.15 SPS Commerce SPSC ... 94 116.57 +2.49 1.26 1.72 2.03 ... 96.48 36.71 SpringWorks SWTX ... dd 75.31 –6.54 –1.05 –2.98 –3.24 ... 68.06 26.05 Transcat TRNS ... 48 67.95 +2.87 1.03 1.68 1.86 ... 283.45 185.33 VertxPharm VRTX ... 26 194.36 –6.31 10.29 ... ... ...
79.71 58.39 SS&C Tech SSNC .8 29 77.20 +0.38 2.35 4.81 5.04 .16 29.35 18.21 SproutsFarmersMkt SFM ... 11 24.26 +0.46 2.43 1.97 2.08 ... 7.00 2.67 TransCodeTherap RNAZ ... ... 2.87 –0.31 ... ... ... ... 73.80 29.50 VerveTherap VERV ... ... 60.00 –8.08 ... –5.77 –2.47 ...
23.27 13.68 SSR Mining SSRM 1.2 15 16.31 –0.24 .88 1.72 1.66 .05 35.60 7.28 SpruceBio SPRB ... dd 7.67 –0.80 –4.93 –2.18 –2.57 ... 37.99 11.91 TranslateBio TBIO ... 75 37.74 ... –.80 .18 .20 ... 12.40 7.79 ViaRenewables VIA 6.4 19 11.30 +0.27 –.69 ... ... .1813
608.84 221.55 SVB Fin SIVB ... 17 581.73 –7.97 22.87 30.84 27.76 ... 161.71 45.47 StaarSurgical STAA ... cc 139.24 –9.77 .12 ... .96 ... 49.50 11.51 TransMedics TMDX ... dd 29.06 –1.49 –1.16 –1.34 –.64 ... 101.60 28.75 ViacomCBS A VIACA 2.2 8 43.87 –1.77 ... ... 4.15 .24
19.02 12.86 SabraHealthcare SBRA 7.1 dd 16.97 –0.44 .67 ... .78 .30 6.97 1.60 Stagwell STGW ... dd 6.80 +0.80 ... .77 .91 ... 39.59 16.93 TravelCenters TA ... 21 37.98 –0.55 –1.23 ... ... ... 101.97 26.29 ViacomCBS B VIAC 2.5 7 39.16 –2.34 ... ... 4.15 .24
16.88 5.50 Sabre SABR ... dd 10.80 –0.69 –4.42 –1.99 .15 ... 329.55 159.22 STMP ... 55 326.86 –1.19 9.37 7.43 8.65 ... 19.83 6.07 Travelzoo TZOO ... cc 12.85 –1.48 –1.18 .68 1.05 ... 69.16 14.46 ViantTech DSP ... cc 15.89 –1.61 ... ... ... ...
87.98 66.67 SafetyInsurance SAFT 4.4 7 82.73 +2.96 9.18 6.00 4.40 .90 25.24 6.12 StarBulkCarriers SBLK 9.8 10 20.48 +1.11 .10 ... 5.35 .70 33.09 12.75 TravereTherap TVTX ... dd 15.45 +1.03 –3.56 –3.06 –3.02 ... 61.35 29.82 ViaSat VSAT ... cc 54.83 +2.96 .06 .84 .87 ...
28.58 16.25 SagaComm SGA 2.7 27 23.80 +1.43 ... 2.21 2.42 .16 5.40 2.31 StarEquity STRR ... dd 2.63 –0.63 –2.29 .03 .24 ... 37.17 24.02 TreaceMed TMCI ... dd 24.15 –3.03 ... –.28 –.24 ... 18.86 12.94 Viatris VTRS 2.9 dd 14.95 +0.70 –1.11 3.61 3.76 .11
98.39 40.82 SageTherap SAGE ... 3 43.46 +2.37 11.43 –7.17 –5.97 ... 126.32 76.46 Starbucks SBUX 1.5 49 116.76 –2.29 .79 ... ... .45 19.57 8.41 TreanInsurance TIG ... 5 9.03 –4.95 2.07 .73 ... ... 18.14 11.37 ViaviSolutions VIAV ... 50 16.02 –0.12 .12 .86 .91 ...
253.00 117.07 Saia SAIA ... 36 245.04 +3.53 5.20 7.96 7.77 ... 51.51 12.07 StateAutoFin STFC .8 23 49.93 –0.10 .30 .26 1.49 .10 6.60 2.75 TremontMortgage TRMT 7.0 7 5.72 +0.04 1.07 .61 1.27 .10 122.00 73.71 Vicor VICR ... cc 118.37 –3.17 ... ... ... ...
3.95 0.78 SalemMedia SALM ... 12 2.75 +0.45 ... .33 .20 ... 2.58 1.06 StealthBioTher MITO ... dd 1.26 –0.09 –1.20 –.07 –.25 ... 23.76 16.16 TremorIntl TRMR ... cc 20.44 –1.64 .03 .55 .70 ... 35.18 15.69 VictoryCapital VCTR 1.2 11 35.02 +1.10 ... 4.72 5.00 .15
44.60 16.09 SanaBiotech SANA ... ... 20.37 +0.90 ... –1.90 –2.22 ... 3.32 2.04 StealthGas GASS ... 10 2.61 +0.04 .31 ... ... ... 6.73 1.78 TreviTherap TRVI ... dd 2.02 –0.02 –1.81 ... ... ... 16.28 8.20 VidlerWater VWTR ... 25 13.67 +0.48 .52 ... ... ...
197.25 112.73 SandersonFarms SAFM .9 26 196.14 +13.77 1.27 14.77 12.08 .44 74.37 28.31 SteelDynamics STLD 1.4 11 73.12 +10.28 2.59 13.39 7.76 .26 15.33 3.55 Tricida TCDA ... dd 4.03 +0.01 –5.29 –2.78 –2.34 ... 13.31 5.20 View VIEW ... ... 5.28 –0.90 ... –1.15 –.62 ...
48.22 21.11 SandySpringBncp SASR 2.9 9 43.54 –0.52 2.18 4.92 3.75 .32 49.37 22.72 StepStone STEP .6 cc 46.26 –0.97 ... 1.24 1.28 .07 51.66 23.38 TriCoBancshares TCBK 2.5 12 40.72 –0.27 2.16 3.54 3.55 .25 2.94 0.78 ViewWt VIEWW ... ... 1.09 –0.06 ... ... ... ...
94.97 71.00 Sanfilippo JBSS .8 18 88.68 –3.75 ... 5.25 5.26 2.30 79.97 59.51 Stericycle SRCL ... cc 66.72 –0.44 –.63 2.58 2.81 ... 36.62 22.42 TriMas TRS ... dd 31.92 +0.20 –1.83 ... ... ... 7.36 2.53 ViewRay VRAY ... dd 5.50 –0.66 –.73 –.69 –.63 ...
19.43 9.05 SangamoTherap SGMO ... dd 10.05 +0.29 –.90 –1.31 –1.37 ... 25.74 12.93 SterlingCnstr STRL ... 13 23.14 +0.97 1.50 1.98 2.19 ... 90.25 46.78 Trimble TRMB ... 44 88.90 –0.46 1.55 2.61 ... ... 10.09 4.95 VikingTherap VKTX ... dd 5.91 –0.21 –.54 –.81 –1.08 ...
43.36 23.80 Sanmina SANM ... 10 38.48 –0.09 1.97 ... ... ... 45.87 18.47 StevenMadden SHOO 1.4 47 41.90 –0.29 –.23 ... ... .15 6.82 1.57 TrinityBiotech TRIB ... 3 2.19 –0.20 –.32 .35 .32 ... 26.39 21.00 VillageSuper A VLGEA 4.4 16 22.87 +0.53 1.72 2.13 2.30 .25
54.26 44.76 Sanofi SNY 2.6 19 51.76 +0.91 5.60 3.75 4.20 1.9061 113.76 23.20 StitchFix SFIX ... dd 41.84 –4.11 –.66 –.41 –.44 ... 15.99 13.46 TrinityCapital TRIN 7.3 7 15.25 ... ... 1.42 1.70 .29 58.00 32.58 Vimeo VMEO ... ... 32.61 –4.66 ... –.30 –.25 ...
35.85 24.30 SapiensInt SPNS ... 40 28.16 +0.02 .67 1.14 1.28 ... 56.00 32.71 StockYardsBncp SYBT 2.1 20 51.55 +1.33 2.59 2.80 3.23 .27 45.19 23.61 TCOM ... 5 24.91 +0.24 –6.26 3.09 9.41 ... 19.46 10.50 VinciPartnersInvt VINP ... ... 13.16 –0.13 ... 3.70 5.15 ...
181.83 65.30 SareptaTherap SRPT ... dd 79.94 +0.14 –7.11 –7.03 –5.44 ... 71.58 24.62 StokeTherap STOK ... dd 25.73 –0.43 –1.56 –2.13 –2.34 ... 64.95 18.24 TripAdvisor TRIP ... dd 34.95 –2.29 ... ... 1.45 ... 13.48 8.98 VintageWineEstates VWE ... dd 10.35 +0.54 .05 .59 .49 ...
25.23 3.50 SatsumaPharm STSA ... dd 4.79 –0.29 –2.73 –1.94 –1.73 ... 95.12 46.60 StoneCo STNE ... cc 53.23 –3.63 ... 5.57 8.10 ... 26.42 12.09 TriStateCapital TSC ... 14 20.90 –0.08 1.30 1.61 1.99 ... 18.99 5.04 ViomiTech VIOT ... 13 5.28 –0.34 ... 3.21 5.84 ...
3.58 1.00 Savara SVRA ... dd 1.19 –0.07 –.84 –.38 –.37 ... 70.47 48.29 StoneX SNEX ... 7 65.60 –1.21 8.61 7.39 6.93 ... 15.45 4.68 Triterras TRIT ... cc 5.40 –0.04 –.10 .50 .75 ... 20.09 6.52 ViperEnergyPtrs VNOM 7.3 dd 18.02 +0.09 –2.84 .55 .84 .33
34.10 18.25 ScanSource SCSC ... dd 28.84 +0.66 –7.59 ... ... ... 56.95 11.89 Stratasys SSYS ... dd 22.08 +0.76 –8.08 –.18 .10 ... 97.49 26.86 TriumphBancorp TBK ... 18 81.94 +0.07 2.53 4.49 3.95 ... 141.01 25.31 VirBiotech VIR ... dd 42.39 +4.07 –2.51 –1.39 –1.48 ...
59.34 18.61 SchnitzerSteel SCHN 1.3 13 55.68 +4.61 ... ... ... .1875 119.85 69.25 StrategicEd STRA 3.1 39 76.26 +0.12 3.77 5.21 5.87 .60 5.88 1.25 trivago TRVG ... dd 2.69 –0.29 ... –.01 .06 ... 24.80 3.92 ViractaTherap VIRX ... dd 10.26 –1.17 –5.36 –2.87 –1.24 ...
70.00 12.65 ScholarRock SRRK ... dd 39.22 +3.23 –2.81 –2.95 –3.72 ... 67.28 17.04 Strattec STRT ... 7 42.73 +1.10 5.85 6.23 ... ... 6.25 3.66 TrueCar TRUE ... 5 3.91 –0.25 .72 ... ... ... 4.61 1.94 VircoMfg VIRC ... dd 3.74 +0.25 –.14 .11 .31 ...
40.47 18.80 Scholastic SCHL 1.8 dd 33.26 –1.28 ... ... .73 .15 37.36 18.06 StratusProp STRS ... dd 29.15 –0.25 –2.78 –1.54 –1.59 ... 126.53 57.20 Trupanion TRUP ... dd 96.82 –2.58 –.16 –.88 –.51 ... 32.35 21.03 VirtuFinancial VIRT 3.7 6 26.08 –0.12 5.16 3.97 2.68 .24
117.00 46.27 Schrodinger SDGR ... dd 59.66 –4.90 ... –.97 –.99 ... 4.26 1.87 StrongbridgeBio SBBP ... dd 1.94 –0.14 –.78 –.40 –.31 ... 41.47 25.25 TrustcoBank TRST 4.0 12 33.82 –0.35 2.72 ... ... .3406 316.81 129.35 VirtusInvtPtrs VRTS 1.0 15 313.09 +0.41 10.02 ... ... .82
80.81 18.02 ScientificGames SGMS ... dd 69.89 +5.85 –6.02 1.56 2.25 ... 27.40 14.50 SummitFin SMMF 2.9 8 23.50 –0.30 2.41 ... ... .17 36.31 20.08 Trustmark TRMK 3.0 10 30.88 +0.13 2.51 2.51 ... .23 147.55 64.22 Visteon VC ... cc 113.28 –4.34 –2.01 2.23 5.68 ...
21.74 11.76 SciPlay SCPL ... 21 17.80 +1.60 .86 1.00 1.06 ... 18.25 9.70 SummitStateBk SSBI 2.9 8 16.65 +0.17 1.73 .67 .56 .12 12.32 9.38 TScanTherap TCRX ... ... 10.32 –0.14 ... –3.38 –2.65 ... 42.50 16.02 VitalFarms VITL ... 92 17.73 +0.69 .27 .04 .06 ...
47.86 4.46 ScopusBio SCPS ... ... 4.53 –0.46 –.81 –.92 –1.40 ... 12.30 3.14 SummitTherap SMMT ... dd 7.92 +0.01 –.76 –.66 –.77 ... 5.28 0.86 Tuniu TOUR ... dd 1.71 –0.20 ... ... ... ... 18.48 10.61 Vitru VTRU ... 99 17.21 +0.20 ... .77 1.15 ...
45.00 4.03 ScoreMedia SCR ... dd 33.20 –0.18 ... –1.30 –.70 ... 46.37 15.80 SumoLogic SUMO ... dd 19.61 –0.78 –1.65 –.56 –.50 ... 141.30 58.98 TurningPtTherap TPTX ... dd 66.35 +2.14 –3.85 –4.49 –6.09 ... 20.36 13.14 Vodafone VOD 6.2 dd 16.95 +0.21 .04 1.23 1.45 .5324
9.64 5.06 scPharm SCPH ... dd 5.48 +0.01 –1.31 –1.25 –1.46 ... 44.13 30.00 SunCountryAir SNCY ... 38 33.13 –1.38 ... .13 ... ... 38.70 16.01 TurtleBeach HEAR ... 11 27.06 –1.34 2.37 1.53 1.74 ... 15.72 9.52 Vonage VG ... dd 13.44 –1.26 –.15 ... ... ...
24.78 8.95 ScrippsEW SSP 1.1 15 18.16 –1.10 ... ... ... .05 17.07 6.30 SunOpta STKL ... dd 10.23 –0.21 .75 .06 .14 ... 79.84 30.50 TuSimple TSP ... ... 30.67 –3.24 ... –2.32 –1.96 ... 63.62 12.01 VorBiopharma VOR ... dd 14.14 +0.64 ... –2.39 –2.84 ...
2.15 0.69 SeaChange SEAC ... dd 1.02 –0.04 –.58 ... –.23 ... 57.52 7.31 SunPower SPWR ... 9 22.70 –0.59 2.48 ... ... ... 44.45 14.11 21 Vianet VNET ... dd 18.88 +0.80 ... –1.48 –2.78 ... 12.65 2.82 VoyagerTherap VYGR ... 6 2.96 –0.35 .98 ... ... ...
40.93 17.00 SeacoastBkgFL SBCF 1.6 15 32.44 +0.25 1.44 2.16 2.04 .13 100.93 37.42 SunRun RUN ... dd 46.69 –1.68 –1.24 –.38 –.34 ... 18.16 7.32 23andMe ME ... ... 7.60 –1.10 ... –.62 –.45 ... 75.49 26.96 Vroom VRM ... dd 30.05 –7.48 –2.76 ... –2.36 ...
106.22 44.50 Seagate STX 3.0 17 90.34 –1.81 5.36 8.25 8.73 .67 40.71 21.95 SuperMicroComp SMCI ... 17 36.30 –2.65 2.09 ... ... ... 5.72 0.95 23andMeWt MEUSW ... ... 1.43 –0.27 ... ... ... ...
3.46 1.75 SecooHolding SECO ... 37 1.83 ... ... 5.37 11.09 ... 14.40 4.95 SurfaceOncol SURF ... 16 5.64 –0.06 1.57 –1.32 –1.47 ... 59.74 28.45 2U TWOU ... dd 37.34 –3.90 –3.22 ... ... ... 19.98 4.82 WaveLifeSci WVE ... dd 6.41 +0.47 –3.82 –2.58 –2.06 ...
23.26 10.01 SecureWorks SCWX ... dd 19.01 +0.54 ... –.09 –.13 ... 3.27 0.88 Surgalign SRGA ... dd .90 –0.02 –.45 ... ... ... 333.42 183.55 WD-40 WDFC 1.2 41 241.46 –2.75 4.40 ... 5.94 .72
... U 55.18
WSFS Financial
WVS Financial
17.44 6.93 SelectBancorp SLCT ... 16 16.93 +0.17 .45 1.34 ... ... 28.30 8.45 SutroBioph STRO ... dd 18.89 +0.43 –.99 –2.09 –2.63 ... 41.13 17.75 WW Intl WW ... 28 23.04 –8.27 1.07 ... ... ...
54.01 30.73 SykesEnterprises SYKE ... 31 53.82 +0.11 1.39 3.07 3.41 ... 89.97 48.82 UFP Inds UFPI .8 11 75.40 +1.92 4.00 7.16 ... .15
5.70 1.47 SelectaBiosci SELB ... dd 4.32 +0.45 –.68 –.31 –.46 ...
99.98 45.87 UMB Fin UMBF 1.6 11 92.95 –2.87 5.93 7.17 6.49 .37 5.21 1.04 Waitr WTRH ... dd 1.15 –0.48 .15 –.14 –.07 ...
84.64 48.04 SelectiveIns SIGI 1.2 12 83.70 +0.90 4.09 6.20 5.53 .25 11.58 3.81 Synalloy SYNL ... dd 10.91 +0.81 –3.00 .04 .34 ... 57.05 33.36 WalgreensBoots WBA 3.9 19 49.29 +2.19 .52 4.77 5.07 .4775
173.12 74.47 Synaptics SYNA ... 82 172.93 +2.43 2.08 ... ... ... 21.89 8.04 USA Truck USAK ... 8 14.05 +0.29 .53 2.10 2.17 ...
27.18 9.66 Sema4 SMFR ... dd 11.48 –0.11 ... ... ... ...
12.34 10.53 USCenturyBank USCB ... ... 11.36 +0.41 ... ... ... ... 32.04 23.33 WalkMe WKME ... ... 24.32 –3.69 –.75 –.71 –.51 ...
12.00 1.40 Sema4Wt SMFRW ... ... 3.61 +0.16 ... ... ... ... 6.59 2.35 Synchronoss SNCR ... dd 2.50 –0.45 –1.16 –.56 .16 ... 39.61 25.61 WarnerMusic WMG 1.4 67 35.26 –0.24 –.82 .72 1.02 .12
83.94 49.26 Semtech SMTC ... 59 66.04 +1.81 .91 ... ... ... 27.85 13.02 SyndaxPharm SNDX ... dd 15.91 +1.60 –1.87 –2.28 –2.23 ... 78.99 25.12 USConcrete USCR ... dd 73.13 –0.11 1.53 2.45 ... ...
45.72 29.89 US Ecology ECOL ... dd 36.91 –0.12 –12.51 .45 ... ... 34.00 20.01 WashingtonFederal WAFD 2.8 16 33.45 +0.55 2.26 2.31 2.46 .23
62.37 34.86 SenecaFoods A SENEA ... 4 49.75 –2.05 ... 1.70 2.25 ... 92.25 50.27 SyneosHealth SYNH ... 39 87.55 +0.31 1.83 4.36 5.06 ... 56.20 30.01 WashTrBcp WASH 4.0 12 52.07 +0.75 4.00 ... 3.68 .52
26.50 6.74 SenseiBiotherap SNSE ... ... 7.95 +0.96 ... –1.10 ... ... 5.11 1.78 Synlogic SYBX ... dd 2.82 –0.22 –1.65 –1.28 –1.21 ... 156.00 87.35 US Lime&Min USLM .4 25 152.08 +6.08 5.00 1.83 2.25 .16
15.75 6.18 uCloudlink UCL ... dd 6.18 –1.47 ... –.34 –.08 ... 21.41 14.62 WaterstoneFinl WSBF 3.9 5 20.56 +0.06 3.30 2.39 1.60 .20
15.50 8.76 SeraPrognostics SERA ... ... 10.77 –2.12 ... –.83 ... ... 300.91 193.55 Synopsys SNPS ... 57 293.12 +0.69 4.27 6.49 7.39 ... 31.49 17.33 WaysideTech WSTG 2.5 18 27.10 –1.15 1.01 1.44 1.60 .17
38.50 6.60 SeresTherap MCRB ... dd 6.65 –0.33 –1.12 –1.30 –1.37 ... 7.89 0.91 SyprisSolutions SYPR ... cc 3.18 +0.16 .08 .06 .11 ... 374.47 200.50 UltaBeauty ULTA ... 43 371.85 +18.86 3.11 12.25 ... ...
65.33 19.08 UltraClean UCTT ... 20 43.03 –4.57 1.89 3.94 4.43 ... 20.02 1.84 WeatherfordIntl WFRD ... dd 15.06 –0.62 –27.44 –4.67 –2.08 ...
15.39 6.77 ServiceProperties SVC .4 dd 11.33 –0.59 –1.89 ... –.62 .01 15.65 4.35 SyrosPharm SYRS ... dd 4.58 –0.11 –1.82 –1.52 –1.86 ... 64.70 32.51 Weibo WB ... 39 52.65 –3.02 ... 2.65 ... ...
179.65 72.83 UltragenyxPharm RARE ... dd 92.74 +4.24 –3.07 –6.53 –5.56 ...
2.18 1.12 ServiceSource SREV ... dd 1.50 ... –.19 ... ... ... 29.46 18.86 Wendy's WEN 1.6 37 23.70 +1.47 .52 .81 .90 .12
T 11.78
.21 23.99
12.81 6.35 Sharecare SHCR ... dd 6.75 –0.41 ... –.62 –.19 ... 8.60 4.01 UnicoAmerican UNAM ... dd 4.25 –0.18 –4.05 .55 .70 ...
14.30 7.98 TCG BDC CGBD 9.0 6 14.27 +0.31 .08 1.49 1.53 .06 37.99 18.40 UnionBankshares UNB 3.7 12 35.79 +2.15 2.85 2.63 3.20 .33 39.87 19.56 WesBanco WSBC 3.9 10 34.28 +0.47 1.77 ... ... .33
4.07 1.10 SharecareWt SHCRW ... ... 1.23 ... ... ... ... ... 35.86 12.15 TCR2 Therap TCRR ... dd 13.49 –1.25 –2.40 –2.53 –2.97 ... 52.19 25.80 uniQure QURE ... 5 29.16 –1.36 –2.81 ... –1.45 ... 31.98 15.50 WestBancorp WTBA 3.1 12 31.22 +0.06 1.98 2.68 2.46 .24
60.52 17.51 ShattuckLabs STTK ... dd 20.45 +0.16 ... –1.58 –1.94 ... 18.00 11.03 TelaBio TELA ... dd 13.56 –0.11 –2.23 –2.17 –1.66 ... 63.70 31.22 UnitedAirlines UAL ... dd 46.49 –1.13 –25.30 ... 3.68 ... 66.85 51.32 WestamericaBncp WABC 2.8 18 58.52 +0.97 2.98 3.15 ... .41
61.53 29.02 ShenandoahTel SHEN 1.1 8 30.27 +0.07 2.53 1.14 .38 18.75 21.14 7.00 TFF Pharm TFFP ... dd 7.99 –0.01 –.91 –1.00 –.58 ... 37.71 17.52 UnitedBancshares UBOH 2.5 8 32.48 –1.52 4.16 ... ... .20 78.19 33.53 WesternDigital WDC ... 24 63.15 –5.61 2.66 10.24 11.77 ...
44.04 20.94 ShoalsTech SHLS ... ... 33.02 +0.30 ... .30 .52 ... 22.54 14.12 TFS Fin TFSL 5.6 73 20.04 +0.36 .29 .26 ... .28 9.24 4.92 WestNewEngBncp WNEB 2.3 12 8.76 +0.22 .45 .90 .77 .05
203.74 54.18 ShockwaveMed SWAV ... dd 186.93 +4.07 –1.99 –.80 1.15 ... 42.50 20.57 UnitedBkshrsWV UBSI 3.9 12 35.81 +0.31 2.40 2.67 2.47 .35 12.95 1.55 WestportFuelSys WPRT ... 36 4.45 –0.57 –.05 .12 .07 ...
39.90 12.66 ShoeCarnival SCVL .8 14 36.09 +3.03 .56 3.11 2.66 .07
150.20 107.56 T-MobileUS TMUS ... 46 144.94 +2.71 2.65 2.36 3.68 ... 36.67 15.73 UtdCmtyBks UCBI 2.4 11 31.08 +0.68 1.91 ... 2.59 .20 25.36 15.13 WeycoGroup WEYS 3.8 56 25.24 +1.88 –.87 1.43 1.53 .24
81.36 24.02 TPIComposites TPIC ... cc 40.91 –0.60 –.54 –1.44 1.03 ... 36.40 18.83 UnitedFire UFCS 2.2 dd 26.76 +0.17 –4.50 .82 1.52 .15
18.10 9.46 ShoreBancshares SHBI 2.7 14 17.78 –0.13 1.27 1.42 1.62 .12 219.48 121.58 TRowePrice TROW 2.0 17 214.85 +0.85 9.98 12.95 13.47 1.08 54.99 25.42 Willdan WLDN ... dd 37.03 +0.89 –1.23 1.01 2.27 ...
44.90 17.29 Shyft SHYF .2 28 42.66 +2.56 .91 1.89 2.24 .025 18.99 13.41 UnitedGuardian UG 6.3 19 15.36 +0.01 .72 1.02 1.07 .48 47.78 18.15 WillisLease WLFC ... dd 37.38 –3.93 1.05 1.10 1.40 ...
113.15 51.29 TTEC TTEC .8 30 105.07 –0.99 2.52 4.41 4.85 .43 8.92 5.79 UnitedSecBcshrs UBFO 5.3 17 8.24 +0.09 .53 .85 .99 .11
9.14 3.21 Sientra SIEN ... dd 6.69 –1.08 –1.79 –1.76 –.67 ... 15.36 10.54 TTM Tech TTMI ... 77 14.08 +0.05 1.67 ... ... ... 271.87 179.31 WillisTowers WLTW 1.5 19 219.24 +3.26 7.65 13.40 14.39 .80
216.90 98.37 UnitedTherap UTHR ... 20 202.62 –10.71 11.54 12.22 16.35 ... 12.94 3.71 WiMiHologram WIMI ... dd 3.90 –0.10 ... .09 .27 ...
29.42 15.84 SierraBancorp BSRR 3.6 9 24.52 –0.43 2.32 2.75 2.55 .22 3.79 1.00 T2Biosystems TTOO ... dd 1.02 –0.03 –.39 –.30 –.29 ... 13.42 8.70 Uniti UNIT 4.6 ... 13.12 –0.04 –3.47 .53 .68 .15
23.85 10.02 SierraOncology SRRA ... dd 19.80 +1.73 –7.70 –6.85 –4.96 ... 177.82 112.47 Wingstop WING .4 cc 170.04 –6.65 .78 1.29 1.91 .17
17.20 8.37 Taboola TBLA ... ... 8.81 –0.88 ... –.19 .13 ... 25.50 10.56 UnityBancorp UNTY 1.5 8 23.36 +0.52 2.19 3.12 2.74 .09 218.02 150.03 Winmark WINA .9 22 201.75 –1.26 7.72 2.01 2.25 .45
22.22 9.78 SierraWireless SWIR ... dd 16.47 –2.98 –1.36 –1.12 .22 ... 16.20 1.05 TaboolaWt TBLAW ... ... 2.16 –0.49 ... ... ... ... 12.46 2.72 UnityBiotech UBX ... dd 3.48 –0.22 –1.84 –1.52 –1.20 ...
42.57 27.13 SightSciences SGHT ... ... 35.37 –1.92 ... –2.32 –.87 ... 87.85 37.28 WintrustFin WTFC 1.7 10 74.29 +0.45 4.68 ... 5.50 .31
69.31 30.12 TabulaRasaHlth TRHC ... dd 35.03 –2.45 –3.71 .12 .42 ... 262.77 161.01 UnivDisplay OLED .4 50 196.20 –12.95 2.80 4.16 5.46 .20 7.38 3.06 WisdomTreeInvs WETF 1.9 83 6.29 –0.26 –.25 .35 .36 .03
54.32 4.81 SigilonTherap SGTX ... dd 5.32 +0.42 ... ... ... ... 64.53 30.31 TactileSystems TCMD ... 60 41.18 –2.49 –.03 .44 .81 ... 65.02 35.09 UnivElectro UEIC ... 23 49.77 +1.74 2.72 ... ... ...
268.46 71.44 SignatureBank SBNY .9 20 257.46 +10.19 9.96 14.36 16.56 .56 9.25 4.07 TaiwanLiposome TLC ... dd 6.97 –0.13 –.84 –.49 –.57 ... 27.95 19.02 UnivLogistics ULH 1.9 8 21.82 +0.22 1.78 3.35 3.68 .105
22.40 5.00 WISeKey WKEY ... dd 6.06 –0.60 ... –.39 –.50 ...
35.00 15.00 SilenceTherap SLN ... dd 25.18 –0.42 –1.53 –1.36 –1.20 ... 214.91 151.00 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO ... 29 160.35 +2.05 5.09 4.66 ... ... 362.07 203.75 WIX ... dd 205.49 –62.19 –3.03 –1.42 –.97 ...
12.47 5.12 UnivStainless USAP ... dd 11.33 +0.10 –2.16 –1.02 .06 ... 130.75 74.34 Woodward WWD .6 35 116.75 +3.13 3.74 ... 4.09 .1625
44.55 33.62 SilganHoldings SLGN 1.3 14 41.77 +2.09 2.77 ... ... .14 19.82 11.42 TalarisTherap TALS ... ... 13.34 –1.03 ... –1.74 –1.64 ... 11.99 2.32 UniversePharm UPC ... ... 2.43 –0.23 ... ... ... ...
59.27 29.24 Silicom SILC ... 41 44.23 +0.24 .80 1.84 2.50 ... 33.90 7.30 TalisBiomed TLIS ... dd 7.74 –2.18 ... –7.53 –2.52 ... 282.77 181.08 Workday WDAY ... dd 236.68 +0.96 –1.19 ... 3.53 ...
30.14 13.92 UnivestFin UVSP 2.9 8 27.42 –0.83 1.60 ... 2.36 .20 195.78 82.44 WorldAcceptance WRLD ... 14 179.86 –5.14 13.23 10.94 9.20 ...
163.43 92.19 SiliconLab SLAB ... cc 158.64 +0.94 .28 1.42 1.46 ... 12.45 4.60 Talkspace TALK ... dd 5.26 –0.46 ... –.67 –.34 ... 38.50 4.30 UpFintech TIGR ... 68 16.07 –1.17 ... .45 .74 ...
81.87 35.13 SiliconMotion SIMO 1.9 24 75.08 –4.92 2.28 ... 6.59 .35 3.30 0.60 TalkspaceWt TALKW ... ... 1.01 –0.14 ... ... ... ... 143.88 67.70 WynnResorts WYNN ... dd 95.52 –3.38 –19.37 ... ... ...
53.00 32.45 UplandSoftware UPLD ... dd 38.15 +1.64 –1.92 2.01 2.16 ...
75.80 43.11 SilkRoadMed SILK ... dd 49.81 –1.73 –1.44 –1.20 –.77 ... 123.74 76.19 TandemDiabetes TNDM ... cc 107.24 +0.10 –.56 ... .74 ... 205.19 22.61 Upstart UPST ... cc 203.29 +71.16 ... 1.29 1.61 ...
3.88 1.25 TarenaIntl TEDU ... ... 1.39 +0.05 ... ... ... ... 64.49 13.09 Upwork UPWK ... dd 42.57 –2.30 –.19 –.08 .08 ... XYZ
63.69 15.32 TarsusPharm TARS ... dd 25.98 +0.98 ... –.35 –5.25 ... 42.10 18.10 UrbanOutfitters URBN ... 19 37.94 –0.80 .01 ... 2.86 ...
33.43 14.84 SimmonsFirstNat SFNC 2.5 12 29.11 –0.03 2.31 2.30 2.16 .18 41.00 26.66 TaskUs TASK ... ... 40.01 +9.01 ... 1.19 1.25 ... 28.20 14.61 UroGenPharma URGN ... dd 15.13 –0.30 –5.90 –4.84 –3.50 ... 46.32 17.66 XOMA XOMA ... cc 29.52 –1.87 .78 –.14 ... ...
90.92 42.02 SimulationsPlus SLP .5 83 47.29 –0.98 .50 .51 .59 .06 10.44 3.60 TatTechnologies TATT ... dd 6.10 –0.20 –.60 –.05 ... ... 8.19 1.40 Usio USIO ... dd 5.45 –0.16 –.19 ... –.01 ... 52.53 34.53 XP XP ... 52 47.41 –0.61 ... ... ... ...
39.60 16.72 SinclairBroadcast SBGI 2.7 dd 30.15 –0.85 ... –4.80 .37 .20 33.35 16.72 TayshaGene TSHA ... dd 17.38 –0.59 –3.40 ... –3.82 ... 95.65 77.22 UtahMedProducts UTMD 1.3 25 86.40 –0.01 2.94 3.02 3.17 .285 21.48 15.00 XBiotech XBIT .0 dd 15.96 –0.21 –.36 .23 .20 2.50
33.37 14.33 SingularGenomics OMIC ... ... 15.23 –2.09 ... –.82 –1.18 ... 101.12 37.43 TechTarget TTGT ... cc 77.98 –3.42 .61 2.13 2.44 ... 2.54 0.82 UTStarcom UTSI ... dd 1.30 –0.08 –.66 –.14 .04 ... 4.15 0.65 XcelBrands XELB ... dd 1.99 –0.31 –.68 ... .17 ...
5.74 1.86 SioGeneTherap SIOX ... dd 2.03 ... –.62 –.70 –.85 ... 15.32 10.30 Ericsson ERIC 1.1 17 11.63 +0.10 ... .65 .78 .0546 5.82 0.72 Uxin UXIN ... dd 3.21 –0.25 ... –.14 .27 ... 76.44 57.23 XcelEnergy XEL 2.7 24 69.04 –0.04 2.79 2.98 3.17 .4575
8.14 4.95 SiriusXM SIRI 1.0 cc 6.03 –0.47 .03 .29 .32 .0146 2.61 0.42 Teligent TLGT ... dd .43 –0.03 –14.67 –.34 –.39 ... 58.35 30.20 Xencor XNCR ... 88 32.24 +1.02 –1.21 –.71 –2.38 ...
208.49 63.00 SiTime SITM ... dd 202.79 +15.20 –.58 2.31 2.84 ...
61.16 27.44 SkyWest SKYW ... 25 41.87 +0.74 –.17 ... ... ...
... V 21.94
204.00 130.72 Skyworks SWKS 1.2 22 183.39 –2.64 4.80 7.53 11.57 .56 58.45 33.20 Tenable TENB ... dd 42.82 –0.27 –.42 .27 .36 ... 4.80 1.23 XiaobaiMaimai HX ... ... 1.66 –0.01 –2.14 ... ... ...
151.44 42.15 SleepNumber SNBR ... 14 100.11 +1.19 4.90 7.28 7.39 ... 24.29 15.35 TenayaTherap TNYA ... ... 23.00 +4.50 ... ... ... ... 2.20 1.20 VEON VEON ... dd 1.64 –0.12 –.20 .33 .41 ... 154.93 96.71 Xilinx XLNX .0 48 146.63 –3.56 2.62 3.50 ... .38
4.16 1.11 SmartSand SND ... 27 2.42 –0.13 .94 –1.11 ... ... 147.90 74.08 Teradyne TER .3 23 118.75 –8.12 4.28 ... ... .10 27.78 5.67 VOXX Intl VOXX ... 8 11.67 +0.21 ... .92 .91 ... 97.57 57.50 Xometry XMTR ... dd 70.10 –5.32 ... –1.45 –.77 ...
10.00 3.06 SmartShareGlbl EM ... dd 3.06 –0.38 ... .04 .31 ... 28.36 6.92 TernsPharm TERN ... ... 10.81 +0.73 ... ... –2.86 ... 53.44 27.50 VSE VSEC .8 66 47.62 +0.72 –.47 2.46 ... .09 25.03 11.03 Xperi XPER 1.0 14 20.12 –0.89 1.75 1.93 1.86 .05
16.08 4.93 SmileDirectClub SDC ... dd 5.03 –1.80 –.72 –.61 –.32 ... 30.04 19.23 TerritBanc TBNK 3.6 12 25.54 –0.34 2.01 1.77 1.60 .23 13.20 1.75 VyneTherap VYNE ... dd 1.78 –0.83 –7.88 –1.30 –.61 ... 11.22 2.55 Xunlei XNET ... dd 3.48 –0.39 –.20 ... ... ...
39.61 14.50 Smith&Wesson SWBI 1.3 5 24.08 –0.59 4.55 4.24 1.90 .08 900.40 325.33 Tesla TSLA ... cc 717.17 +18.07 .64 ... ... ... 17.99 12.25 Vaccitech VACC ... ... 14.55 –0.31 ... –2.04 –.95 ... 55.22 24.78 Y-mAbsTherap YMAB ... dd 29.09 –0.16 –2.97 –.99 ... ...
19.33 15.25 SnapOne SNPO ... ... 19.13 +1.13 ... ... ... ... 9.25 5.08 TesscoTech TESS ... dd 6.06 +0.49 –1.01 –.73 ... ... 14.74 6.50 ValleyNatlBncp VLY 3.3 12 13.23 –0.21 .93 ... 1.17 .11 74.32 55.62 Yandex YNDX ... cc 67.94 +0.14 ... 47.82 93.72 ...
17.40 6.34 SoYoungIntl SY ... dd 6.39 –0.53 ... 1.73 3.33 ... 144.77 85.91 TetraTech TTEK .6 39 140.19 +4.11 3.16 ... ... .20 31.33 24.16 Valneva VALN ... dd 26.65 –2.36 –1.62 –.31 5.23 ... 10.20 3.53 Yellow YELL ... dd 6.19 –0.11 –1.28 –1.46 .26 ...
28.26 10.10 SoFiTech SOFI ... ... 14.99 –1.72 ... –.58 –.10 ... 93.26 29.45 TexasCapBcshs TCBI ... 13 65.12 +0.09 1.12 4.94 ... ... 21.86 9.00 VandaPharm VNDA ... 29 16.47 +0.47 .42 ... ... ... 52.97 40.57 YorkWater YORW 1.5 39 49.34 –0.53 1.27 .65 1.35 .1874
10.34 1.85 SoFiTechWt SOFIW ... ... 5.86 –0.86 ... ... ... ... 197.58 134.12 TexasInstruments TXN 2.2 26 188.70 –4.26 5.97 7.81 8.00 1.02 29.58 10.37 VarexImaging VREX ... dd 27.58 –1.34 –1.49 .95 1.15 ... 6.05 0.92 Yunji YJ ... dd .93 –0.12 ... .35 .64 ...
24.99 15.04 SOHU ... 8 20.88 +1.38 –2.18 1.62 .63 ... 110.75 59.45 TexasRoadhouse TXRH .0 33 88.96 –2.75 .45 3.67 4.16 .40 75.33 35.58 VaronisSystems VRNS ... dd 60.14 +1.95 –1.00 ... ... ... 5.95 1.78 Ziopharm ZIOP ... dd 1.78 –0.49 –.38 –.45 –.44 ...
16.69 7.00 SolGelTech SLGL ... dd 9.87 –0.16 –1.30 –.84 –.48 ... 26.70 7.95 TheBancorp TBBK ... 15 25.33 –0.04 1.37 1.79 2.12 ... 3.17 1.01 VascularBiogenics VBLT ... dd 2.25 +0.07 –.55 –.52 –.50 ... 193.54 72.42 ZaiLab ZLAB ... dd 150.24 +1.30 –3.47 –5.82 –3.94 ...
377.00 178.32 SolarEdgeTech SEDG ... cc 284.37 –10.91 2.66 3.93 5.85 ... 2.75 0.85 TherapeuticsMD TXMD ... dd .86 –0.09 –.67 –.41 –.20 ... 19.19 6.18 VastaPlatform VSTA ... dd 6.25 –0.45 ... 1.07 2.29 ... 44.42 24.97 ZealandPharma ZEAL ... dd 26.93 –3.03 –3.38 –4.25 –4.05 ...
11.58 1.93 SolidBiosci SLDB ... dd 2.66 –0.12 –1.70 –.83 –.88 ... 22.74 12.62 TheravanceBio TBPH ... dd 13.52 +0.52 –4.46 –3.66 –2.29 ... 58.48 15.51 Vaxcyte PCVX ... dd 26.03 +1.91 –3.02 ... –2.34 ... 572.21 246.83 ZebraTech ZBRA ... 40 571.07 +8.80 9.35 17.57 ... ...
44.72 12.40 Sonos SONO ... 50 38.14 +3.87 –.18 1.12 1.15 ... 8.50 1.64 36Kr KRKR ... dd 1.88 –0.02 ... –1.56 –.91 ... 37.70 7.51 VectivBio VECT ... ... 7.77 –0.64 –6.24 –1.96 –2.10 ... 62.79 25.41 ZentalisPharm ZNTL ... dd 52.60 –0.42 ... –4.70 –5.19 ...
18.74 14.88 SophiaGenetics SOPH ... ... 18.00 –0.16 –18.60 ... ... ... 31.86 14.23 ThredUp TDUP ... ... 23.95 +0.55 ... –.66 –.26 ... 25.70 10.58 VeecoInstr VECO ... cc 21.66 –1.41 –.17 1.27 1.58 ... 212.40 73.62 Zillow A ZG ... cc 99.33 –3.91 ... 1.16 ... ...
30.38 21.21 SoteraHealth SHC ... dd 24.40 +1.37 –.16 .89 1.04 ... 45.00 9.67 360DigiTech QFIN ... 4 18.70 –1.29 ... 32.36 35.71 ... 32.50 7.22 VelodyneLidar VLDR ... dd 7.23 –0.22 –1.01 –.60 –.42 ... 208.11 73.48 Zillow C Z ... cc 96.41 –4.74 ... ... ... ...
4.49 1.48 SotherlyHotels SOHO ... dd 2.27 +0.02 ... –1.65 –.27 ... 10.00 9.87 ThunderBridgeIV THCPU ... ... 9.89 –0.06 ... ... ... ... 14.41 1.69 VelodyneLidarWt VLDRW ... ... 1.85 –0.10 ... ... ... ... 10.80 9.96 ZimmerEnergy ZTAQU ... ... 10.05 –0.09 ... ... ... ...
25.08 11.52 SouthPlainsFin SPFI 1.5 7 23.83 +0.08 2.47 2.78 2.15 .09 67.00 4.41 Tilray TLRY ... dd 13.30 –1.12 –1.25 –.15 .01 ... 3.44 1.60 VenusConcept VERO ... dd 2.04 –0.06 –2.33 –.48 –.30 ... 60.65 27.55 ZionsBancorp ZION 2.7 8 55.41 +0.42 3.02 6.60 4.55 .38
93.26 45.00 SouthState SSB 2.7 12 71.72 –0.93 2.19 ... ... .49 30.75 16.54 TimberlandBncp TSBK 2.9 9 29.37 –0.09 2.88 .90 1.02 .10 13.62 4.06 VeraBradley VRA ... 18 11.64 +0.28 .26 .95 1.08 ... 10.37 5.24 Zix ZIXI ... dd 7.29 +0.46 –.29 .59 .67 ...
56.42 23.16 SouthernFirstBcsh SFST ... 13 51.12 –0.09 2.34 4.59 4.41 ... 35.24 11.75 TitanMachinery TITN ... 24 28.95 +0.58 .86 1.85 2.16 ... 26.97 11.30 VeraTherap VERA ... ... 16.94 –0.55 ... –5.58 –5.88 ... 25.52 13.06 Zogenix ZGNX ... dd 13.75 –0.52 –3.90 –3.84 –2.29 ...
46.59 21.50 SoMO Bancorp SMBC 1.8 9 45.20 +0.20 5.22 ... ... .20 27.87 13.23 TivityHealth TVTY ... dd 23.13 +0.30 –4.54 ... ... ... 86.03 28.82 Veracyte VCYT ... dd 40.55 –6.42 –.66 –1.08 –.10 ... 588.84 242.40 ZoomVideo ZM ... cc 355.24 –28.23 2.25 4.68 4.72 ...
21.01 19.10 SouthernStatesBcsh SSBK ... ... 19.30 ... 1.56 ... ... ... 5.37 1.71 TizianaLifeSci TLSA ... dd 1.72 –0.24 –.31 –.12 –.16 ... 4.93 1.08 Verastem VSTM ... dd 2.78 –0.27 –.44 –.35 –.31 ... 67.63 30.83 ZoomInfoTech ZI ... cc 62.49 –2.05 –.11 .51 .68 ...
43.69 23.51 SouthsideBcshs SBSI 3.5 11 37.43 +0.26 2.47 ... 2.69 .33 2.12 0.51 TonixPharm TNXP ... dd .68 –0.01 –.55 –.28 –.22 ... 52.70 22.54 VerintSystems VRNT ... dd 42.70 –0.18 –.23 2.23 2.54 ... 7.34 2.02 Zovio ZVO ... dd 2.38 +0.04 –1.53 .30 .55 ...
23.45 15.75 SpartanNash SPTN 4.0 9 19.80 +0.48 2.12 1.78 ... .20 10.16 6.34 Torm TRMD 23.8 dd 8.00 –0.58 1.19 –.44 ... .85 234.56 184.60 VeriSign VRSN ... 38 209.44 –4.47 7.07 ... 6.45 ... 249.71 120.34 Zscaler ZS ... dd 245.15 +3.10 –.89 .47 .54 ...
5.24 2.21 SpectrumPharm SPPI ... dd 2.26 –0.29 –1.29 –1.15 –.95 ... 34.45 17.61 TowerSemi TSEM ... 30 28.52 –0.79 .77 1.42 1.79 ... 210.66 159.79 VeriskAnalytics VRSK .6 46 191.24 +3.11 4.31 5.16 5.89 .29 52.00 22.48 Zumiez ZUMZ ... 9 42.28 –0.23 3.00 ... 4.17 ...
23.64 8.50 SperoTherap SPRO ... dd 13.52 –0.62 –3.52 –2.69 –3.15 ... 33.25 15.36 TowneBank TOWN 2.6 11 31.24 +0.43 2.01 2.78 2.15 .20 37.99 15.52 Veritex VBTX 2.3 16 34.52 –0.07 1.48 ... 2.71 .20 52.00 7.85 Zymergen ZY ... ... 10.00 –2.33 ... –3.79 –1.73 ...
24.94 10.45 SpiritofTexas STXB 1.6 10 22.96 –0.43 1.77 ... ... .09 200.75 127.78 TractorSupply TSCO 1.1 26 193.92 +6.65 6.38 ... 8.17 .52 50.34 6.63 Veritone VERI ... dd 20.14 –1.84 –1.73 ... .25 ... 9.00 3.15 ZynerbaPharma ZYNE ... dd 4.09 –0.35 –1.90 –.95 –1.09 ...
225.89 110.28 Splunk SPLK ... dd 147.46 +2.80 –5.68 ... ... ... 97.28 40.85 TradeDesk TTD ... 86 80.91 –3.13 ... .70 .81 ... 9.72 5.31 VeronaPharma VRNA ... dd 5.94 –0.26 –2.02 –1.12 ... ... 22.89 12.53 Zynex ZYXI ... 97 14.19 –0.70 .28 ... ... ...
12.86 7.34 SpokHoldings SPOK 6.5 dd 7.68 –0.07 –2.32 1.00 1.00 .125 89.76 52.15 Tradeweb TW .4 83 88.06 –0.82 ... 1.61 1.83 .08 18.42 6.07 VerricaPharm VRCA ... dd 10.74 +0.14 –1.71 ... –1.83 ... 12.32 7.77 Zynga ZNGA ... dd 8.27 +0.28 –.42 .35 .42 ...
M24 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Exchange-Traded Portfolios
Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
GSAccInflUSDBd GTIP 3.0 58.39 +0.12 .2915 iShUSBlendStyle STLC .0 42.56 +0.32 .1042 RareviewTaxAdv RTAI 2.9 28.56 –0.03 .0696 FT LC US Equity RNLC 1.0 33.15 +0.23 .0921 InvscHYBd IHYF 3.9 25.65 –0.06 .0948
Bats GSAccUltShBd GSST
iShFctUSGrwStyle STLG
iShUSMidBlendStyle STMB
FT LC Value
FT LatAmAlpha
FTA 1.5
FLN 1.6
InvscHYEquDivAch PEY
InvscIntlBuyBkAch IPKW
GSMarketBetaEM GSEE 2.7 54.78 –0.23 .1762 iShUSSmBlendStyle STSB .8 48.66 –0.32 .0916 SPDRNuvMuniBd MBND 1.0 30.25 –0.02 .0235 FT LowDurOpp LMBS 2.2 50.79 +0.08 .09 InvscIntlDivAch PID 2.7 18.10 +0.22 .20
ARK AutoTech ARKQ .0 80.85 –0.29 .6561 GSMarketBetaInt GSID 2.2 58.29 +0.79 .5503 iShFctUSValStyle STLV 2.0 30.05 +0.58 .1208 SabaClosedEndFds CEFS 7.8 21.53 +0.36 .14 FT LowDurStrat LDSF 2.5 20.22 ... .035 InvscKBWBank KBWB 1.9 66.97 +1.31 .3306
ARKGenomicRev ARKG .0 82.21 –4.78 .4256 GSMarketBetaUS GSUS 1.2 62.21 +0.39 .1783 iShFloatingRateBd FLOT .5 50.77 –0.01 .0167 2ndVoteLifeNeutral LYFE .1 31.57 +0.18 .0264 FT MgdMuni FMB 2.0 57.48 –0.08 .09 InvscKBWHiDvYdFn KBWD 6.7 20.78 +0.33 .1232
ARK Israel Innov IZRL ... 30.04 ... ... HartfordCoreBd HCRB 1.1 41.39 +0.05 .0285 iShGlbxUSDHiYdCpBd HYXU 1.5 56.33 +0.17 .8181 2ndVoteSocDef EGIS .1 33.96 +0.13 .026 FT MC CoreAlpha FNX .8 100.96 +0.66 .1726 InvscKBWPrEquREIT KBWY 6.5 23.85 –0.20 .0986
ArkSpaceExpln ARKX ... 20.27 –0.09 ... HartfordLowVolIntl RODE 3.4 29.47 +0.25 .555 iShGlbHiCorpBdFd GHYG 4.5 50.33 +0.06 .1792 SirenDivDefender DFND ... 39.61 –0.11 ... FT MC GrwthAlpha FNY .2 73.48 –0.62 .0697 InvscKBWP&CIns KBWP 1.9 80.25 +2.11 .4131
AVDR US LC ESG AVDG ... 30.24 +0.24 ... HartfordShrtDur HSRT 2.3 41.00 –0.04 .0607 iShGoldStrategy IAUF 8.2 54.42 +0.56 4.4706 SirenDivLdrsDiv LEAD .7 55.64 +0.06 .1034 FT MC US Equity RNMC 1.2 29.62 +0.30 .0863 InvscKBWRegBkg KBWR 2.1 59.89 +0.21 .2573
AVDR US LC Ldg AVDR ... 30.69 +0.14 ... InnovDefWealth BALT ... 25.79 +0.01 ... iShiBdsDec2028Muni IBMQ 1.1 27.53 –0.01 .023 SmartSustEnerII SULR ... 33.57 +0.25 ... FT MC ValAlpha FNK 1.2 45.94 +0.77 .1324 InvscNasdNext100 QQQJ .3 33.66 –0.43 .0265
AffinityWorldLdr WLDR 1.9 28.26 +0.43 .1759 InnovDoubStkJan DSJA ... 29.15 +0.08 ... iShiBdsDec25Muni IBMN .8 28.10 –0.01 .0155 StrategyResRobust ROMO .8 28.67 +0.19 .2422 FT MCGrAlpDX FAD .1 120.91 –0.74 .0528 InvscNasd100 QQQM .5 151.57 +0.31 .1824
AgilityDynTacti THY 3.1 25.00 –0.11 .0609 InnovDoubStkOct DSOC ... 30.99 +0.02 ... iShiBdsDec24Muni IBMM 1.0 27.04 –0.02 .018 StratGoldHdg GLDB 2.2 24.16 +0.05 .0463 FT MuCValAlpha FAB 1.2 72.82 +1.09 .1929 InvscNasdaqBiotech IBBQ ... 26.53 –0.38 ...
AgilityMgdRisk MRSK 2.8 32.15 +0.26 1.1989 InnovDbStk9Jan DBJA ... 27.76 +0.01 ... iShiBdsDec27Mun IBMP .9 27.25 ... .0188 SwanHdgEqUSLC HEGD ... 18.69 +0.11 ... FTMuniCEFIncmOpp MCEF 3.4 21.49 –0.03 .0625 InvscNasdInt PNQI ... 248.93 –2.65 ...
AlphaIntQuMom IMOM ... 36.75 +0.47 ... InnovDbStk9Oct DBOC ... 28.90 +0.02 ... iShiBdsDec26Muni IBMO .7 27.09 +0.01 .012 3DPrintingETF PRNT ... 38.38 +0.23 ... FTMuniHiIncm FMHI 2.9 56.66 –0.05 .13 Invsc1-30LadTrea PLW .9 37.05 +0.11 .0391
AlphaIntQuVal IVAL .8 28.77 +0.25 .0976 InnovGrowthAccQ XDQQ ... 28.96 +0.10 ... iShiBdsDec23Muni IBML 1.2 26.10 +0.01 .0228 TrendAggSG TEGS .0 28.75 –0.26 3.0537 FT NasdComBk QABA 1.8 55.52 +0.08 .2245 InvscPHLXSemicon SOXQ ... 26.31 –0.65 ...
AlphaUSQuMom QMOM ... 49.92 +0.06 ... InnovGrwAccPlApr QTAP ... 28.76 +0.02 ... iShBds2025TermHY IBHE 5.2 24.99 +0.03 .0919 TrendAggUS TAEQ .0 27.24 –0.14 2.1143 FT NasdCleanEdge QCLN .1 66.03 –1.01 .0069 InvscQQQI QQQ .5 368.82 +0.77 .3968
AlphaUSQuVal QVAL 1.3 35.48 +0.43 .0393 InnovGrwAccPlJul QTJL ... 26.46 +0.05 ... iShiBds2024TermHY IBHD 5.0 24.69 +0.03 .0958 TrimDonForRisk DFNV .0 29.82 –0.04 .0053 FT NasdClEdSmGr GRID .7 99.36 +1.58 .3393 InvscRAFIStDvxUS ISDX 2.0 31.22 +0.23 .2051
AlphaArchValMom VMOT ... 28.01 +0.21 ... InnovNasd100Oct NOCT ... 38.80 +0.05 ... iShBds2021TermHY IBHA 2.4 24.13 ... .0247 TrimDonForTact DFHY 2.6 25.11 –0.01 .2271 FT NasdCybersec CIBR .2 48.91 +0.22 .033 InvscRAFIStratEM ISEM 2.7 29.03 +0.33 .249
AlphaCloneAltAlpha ALFA .4 86.26 +0.39 .3668 InnovNasd100Apr NAPR ... 37.78 –0.01 ... iShBds2027TermHY IBHG ... 24.93 ... ... TrimTabsIntlFrCsh TTAI .5 37.10 +0.38 .2029 FT NasdGlblAuto CARZ .7 61.14 +0.08 .2068 InvscRAFIStratUS IUS 1.4 38.24 +0.36 .1228
AmCentFocDyn FDG .0 83.07 –0.35 .0078 InnovNasd100Jan NJAN ... 41.31 +0.14 ... iShBds2026TermHY IBHF 4.9 25.48 +0.02 .0917 TrimTabsUSFrCsh TTAC .3 55.65 +0.23 .1894 FT Nasd100xTech QQXT .3 88.01 +0.23 .0731 InvscRAFIStrUSSm IUSS .6 38.62 –0.01 .0514
AmCentFocLCV FLV 1.5 62.21 +0.67 .2735 InnovNasd100Jul NJUL ... 46.74 –0.13 ... iShBds2023TermHY IBHC 5.0 24.67 +0.02 .0816 TrueStructOutApr APRZ ... 26.98 +0.34 ... FT Nasd100Tech QTEC .2 162.47 –2.21 .0095 InvscR1000LoBeta USLB 1.7 40.38 +0.37 .0852
AmCentQualCv QCON .9 47.57 –0.24 .0467 InnovRuss2000Jul KJUL ... 26.18 –0.11 ... iShBds2022TermHY IBHB 4.0 24.22 +0.02 .0449 TrueStructOutAug AUGZ ... 32.06 +0.12 ... FT NasdArtlIntel ROBT .2 54.16 –0.19 .0325 InvscS&PSCCnsDisc PSCD .3 114.22 +2.12 .0891
AmCentQualPfd QPFF 3.4 41.64 –0.11 .1728 InnovRuss2000Oct KOCT ... 26.87 +0.01 ... iShInflHdgCpBd LQDI 2.2 30.15 +0.17 .0538 TrueStructOutDec DECZ ... 29.13 +0.16 ... FT NasdaqBk FTXO 1.7 32.16 +0.46 .1449 InvscS&PSCCnsStpl PSCC 1.6 101.21 –0.29 .1903
AmCustSatisfCore ACSI .7 51.54 +0.54 .3523 InnovRuss2000Apr KAPR ... 27.34 –0.01 ... iShIntlAggregateBd IAGG .6 55.91 +0.10 .0476 TrueStructOutFeb FEBZ ... 28.53 +0.34 ... FT NasdFood&Bev FTXG 1.3 25.29 +0.69 .0878 InvscS&PSCEner PSCE .4 6.33 –0.23 .0033
AnfieldCapDiv DALT 1.3 10.60 –0.01 .0024 InnovRuss2000Jan KJAN ... 31.04 –0.02 ... iShIntlDevSCV ISVL ... 37.41 +0.39 ... TrueStructOutJan JANZ ... 28.91 +0.23 ... FT NasdOil&Gas FTXN 1.1 16.14 –0.18 .0581 InvscS&PSCFinls PSCF 1.9 58.15 –0.10 .3246
AnfieldDynFix ADFI 1.0 9.73 –0.01 .0065 InnovS&P500Buff BJUL ... 32.05 +0.11 ... iShIntlDivGrowth IGRO 2.4 68.40 +1.04 .5632 TrueStructOutJul JULZ ... 33.48 +0.10 ... FT NasdPharm FTXH .9 26.67 –0.23 .0533 InvscS&PSCHlthCr PSCH ... 185.00 –6.47 ...
AnfieldUSEquity AESR .4 14.12 +0.08 .0548 InnovS&P500BuffO BOCT ... 32.51 +0.06 ... iShMSCIArgentina AGT .7 29.00 +0.87 .045 TrueStructOutJun JUNZ ... 26.15 +0.17 ... FT NasdRetail FTXD .5 34.82 +0.72 .0424 InvscS&PSCIndls PSCI .6 94.01 +0.66 .0855
AnfieldUnivFx AFIF 1.4 9.70 +0.03 .0118 InnovS&P500BuffA BAPR ... 32.22 +0.07 ... iShMSCIChileCapped ECH 2.3 27.97 +1.42 .4974 TrueStructOutMar MARZ ... 27.77 +0.15 ... FT NasdSemicon FTXL .3 67.08 –2.77 .0348 InvscS&PSCInfTech PSCT .0 141.30 –2.37 .0127
AptusColIncmOpp ACIO .7 30.89 +0.05 .0258 InnovS&P500Aug BAUG ... 32.00 +0.11 ... iShMSCIChinaAETF CNYA 1.0 43.03 +0.67 .0734 TrueStructOutMay MAYZ ... 26.23 +0.32 ... FT NasdaqTrans FTXR .4 32.43 +0.39 .0775 InvscS&PSCMatls PSCM 1.1 65.59 +0.82 .1675
AptusDefRisk DRSK 1.1 29.63 –0.12 .0441 InnovS&P500Dec BDEC ... 33.59 +0.10 ... iShMSCIDenmarkCap EDEN .7 115.45 +1.62 .7899 TrueStructOutNov NOVZ ... 31.83 +0.39 ... FT Nasd100 EW QQEW .3 114.56 –0.34 .0601 InvscS&PSCUtil PSCU 1.0 67.39 –1.07 .1094
AptusDrawMgd ADME .3 40.71 –0.05 .022 InnovS&P500Feb BFEB ... 31.09 +0.09 ... iShMSCIEmgMulti EMGF 1.7 52.49 –0.12 .3399 TrueStructOutOct OCTZ ... 31.21 +0.38 ... FT RBA AmerInd AIRR .1 42.33 +0.61 .0023 InvscVarRateInvt VRIG .8 25.11 +0.01 .0148
ArrowResCapMgmt ARCM .1 100.01 +0.03 .0119 InnovS&P500Jan BJAN ... 36.36 +0.12 ... iShMSCIEurozone EZU 2.2 51.31 +0.79 .4836 TrueStructOutSep SEPZ ... 30.69 +0.42 ... FTRisingDivAch RDVY 1.2 49.19 +0.38 .1199 InvscWaterRscs PHO .3 57.96 +0.65 .042
ArrowRevCap500 YPS 1.5 23.56 +0.18 .3525 InnovS&P500BuffJun BJUN ... 33.26 +0.08 ... iShMSCIFinlandCap EFNL 2.6 52.15 +0.24 .802 UphldgsCompKings KNGS .4 27.24 –0.11 .0608 FT RiverFrDynDev RFDI 1.3 74.91 +0.73 .4743 iShAsia50ETF AIA 1.4 83.07 –1.04 .4494
BarclaysETN+Select ATMP 5.8 15.58 +0.39 .2243 InnovS&P500BuffMar BMAR ... 33.45 +0.12 ... iShMSCIGermanySC EWGS 1.4 84.75 +1.63 .5266 VanEckAMTFrIntMuni ITM 1.8 51.90 –0.10 .0747 FT RiverFrDynEM RFEM 1.9 71.44 –0.03 .6355 iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI .8 131.20 –0.03 .0782
BarcRetDisability RODI ... 123.11 +1.18 ... InnovS&P500BffMay BMAY ... 31.88 +0.17 ... iShMSCIGlbMet&MnPr PICK 2.4 47.78 +1.14 .7037 VanEckAMTFrLgMun MLN 2.3 21.84 –0.10 .0406 FT RiverFrDynEur RFEU 2.0 79.58 +0.81 .6737 iShBiotech IBB .2 169.40 –2.72 .0232
BarclaysWILETN WIL ... 96.98 +0.17 ... InnovS&P500BuffN BNOV ... 31.95 –0.02 ... iShMSCIGlSilverMin SLVP 3.9 13.84 –0.31 .1484 VanEckAMTFrShMuni SMB 1.3 18.05 –0.02 .0175 FT S&PIntDivArist FID 3.3 18.41 +0.23 .23 iShBrdUSDInvCpBd USIG 2.5 60.90 +0.14 .114
BlkRkHYMuniIncm HYMU 2.2 26.80 –0.06 .0583 InnovS&P500JSep BSEP ... 32.15 +0.03 ... iShMSCIEAFEGrowth EFG 1.1 111.55 +1.35 .3525 VanEckCEFMuni XMPT 3.7 30.27 +0.11 .0943 FT SMID CapRising SDVY 1.1 29.53 +0.36 .0837 iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 2.1 73.57 +0.57 .8518
BlkRkShMaturityBd NEAR .9 50.14 +0.01 .0312 InnovS&P500Divrs BUFF ... 35.10 –0.01 ... iShMSCIIndiaETF INDA .2 46.22 +0.55 .0418 VanEckHYMuni HYD 3.6 63.60 –0.01 .1796 FT SSI Strat FCVT .9 50.87 –0.34 .04 iShCore1-5YUSDBd ISTB 1.8 51.23 ... .0682
BlkRkShMatMuni MEAR .4 50.19 –0.02 .0096 InnovS&P500Pwr PJUL ... 30.05 +0.11 ... iShMSCIIndiaSC SMIN .1 56.38 –0.72 .0495 VanEckMdyBBBCpBd MBBB 2.2 25.33 +0.03 .0452 FT SrLoanFd FTSL 3.1 47.88 +0.09 .135 iShCoreS&PUSGrowth IUSG .7 106.00 +0.42 .141
BlkRkUltShtBd ICSH .5 50.50 ... .0166 InnovS&P500PwrF PFEB ... 28.68 +0.07 ... iShMSCIKuwait KWT 1.7 32.80 +0.01 .498 VanEckMdyIGCpBd MIG 2.1 25.19 +0.04 .0469 FT SC CoreAlpha FYX .7 92.40 +0.08 .1743 iShCoreS&PUSValue IUSV 1.9 73.99 +0.83 .2667
CabotGrowth CBTG ... 27.12 –0.59 ... InnovS&P500PwrN PNOV ... 30.41 +0.03 ... iShMSCINorwayCap ENOR 2.5 28.76 +0.61 .4073 VanEckMornDur DURA 2.8 32.22 +0.54 .1872 FT SC GrwthAlpha FYC .1 71.44 –1.07 .0606 iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 2.0 53.72 +0.08 .08
CambriaEmSharehldr EYLD 4.7 37.78 –0.31 1.0638 InnovS&P500PwrA PAPR ... 28.78 +0.05 ... iShMSCI UK SC EWUS 1.3 49.76 +0.62 .2295 VanEckMornGlb GOAT 1.1 40.24 +0.29 1.0288 FT SC US Equity RNSC 1.1 28.96 +0.04 .1015 iShCurrHdMSCIGrmny HEWG 2.7 33.73 +0.46 .54
CambriaFgnShare FYLD 4.3 28.14 +0.54 .6395 InnovS&P500Aug PAUG ... 29.62 +0.10 ... iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 2.9 52.99 +0.84 .878 VanEckMornIntlMoat MOTI 2.1 34.91 +0.31 .72 FT SC Value FYT .9 51.10 +0.54 .1043 iShSelectDividend DVY 3.1 119.44 +2.09 .9932
CambriaGlbAssetAll GAA 2.0 32.04 +0.17 .1843 InnovS&P500PwrD PDEC ... 30.74 +0.05 ... iShMornMultiAsst IYLD 3.5 24.30 +0.06 .0314 VanEckMornWideMoat MOAT 1.2 76.11 +0.13 .9021 FT StratIncm FDIV 3.9 50.55 +0.11 .155 iShESGAdvHYCorpBd HYXF 4.1 52.41 ... .1735
CambriaGlbMomentum GMOM 1.4 29.88 +0.22 .1616 InnovS&P500Jan PJAN ... 32.76 +0.07 ... iShNorthAmNatRscs IGE 2.9 28.76 +0.07 .1724 VanEckMuni MAAX 2.6 25.23 –0.06 .0493 FT SwitzAlpha FSZ 1.0 70.72 +0.89 .5882 iShESGAdvMSCI DMXF 1.2 70.42 +1.02 .6259
CambriaGlbRlEst BLDG 4.3 32.33 –0.06 .6317 InnovS&P500PwrJun PJUN ... 31.47 +0.08 ... iShRussell2500 SMMD 1.1 65.40 –0.02 .1204 VanEckRussia RSX 2.7 29.27 +0.37 .7988 FT TCW Opp FIXD 2.0 54.02 +0.03 .06 iShESGAdvMSCIEM EMXF .8 44.42 +0.08 .1801
CambriaGlbTail FAIL .3 23.08 –0.07 .0672 InnovS&P500PwrBuff PMAR ... 30.90 +0.10 ... iShIntlPfdStock IPFF 3.2 16.76 +0.02 .0539 VanEckRussiaSC RSXJ 4.3 36.52 +0.51 1.5849 FT TacticalHY HYLS 5.4 48.26 –0.06 .213 iShESGAdvUSA USXF .8 37.62 +0.10 .06
CambriaGlbValue GVAL 2.6 23.69 +0.50 .3837 InnovS&P500PwrMay PMAY ... 29.86 +0.15 ... iShCohen&StrsREIT ICF 1.8 68.82 +0.01 .3118 VanEckShHYMuni SHYD 2.8 25.52 –0.02 .0525 FT TotalUSMkt TUSA .7 49.18 +0.52 .0912 iShESGAwareMSCI ESGD 2.0 81.73 +1.24 1.062
CambriaMarijuana TOKE 3.8 15.31 –0.91 .2755 InnovS&P500PwrO POCT ... 29.23 +0.04 ... iSh25+YTrStrip GOVZ 1.6 21.86 +0.12 .0355 VanEckVietnam VNM .4 19.84 +0.03 .07 FT USEquityDiv RNDV 1.9 30.35 +0.64 .1504 iShESGAwareEM ESGE 1.3 42.41 –0.16 .2256
CambriaShareholder SYLD 1.4 63.33 +1.12 .3142 InnovS&P500Sep PSEP ... 29.60 +0.01 ... iShUS Div&Buyback DIVB 1.7 40.82 +0.50 .172 VangdESGIntlStk VSGX 1.9 64.28 +0.42 .4936 FT UK Alpha FKU 2.0 45.06 +0.23 .4766 iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 1.1 102.28 +0.67 .2485
CambriaTailRiskETF TAIL .2 18.80 +0.03 .0268 InnovS&P500UltA UAPR ... 25.85 +0.06 ... iShUSInfr IFRA 1.6 36.82 +0.77 .0948 VangdESGUSCpBd VCEB 1.5 74.76 +0.18 .1091 FlexShCredScoreUS SKOR 1.8 54.21 +0.03 .0787 iShESG1-5YCpBd SUSB 1.3 26.01 –0.02 .0236
CambriaTrinity TRTY 1.8 27.68 +0.24 .17 InnovS&P500UltAug UAUG ... 28.74 +0.02 ... iShUSSCValue SVAL 1.5 30.59 +0.25 .2086 VangdESGUSStk ESGV .9 83.10 +0.45 .1797 FlexShRealAsset ASET 1.6 33.65 +0.34 .0737 iShESGUSDCorpBd SUSC 1.9 27.87 +0.06 .045
CambriaValue VAMO .7 23.50 –0.03 .0606 InnovS&P500UltDec UDEC ... 29.63 +0.02 ... iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 1.0 26.80 +0.03 .0228 VangdUSLiquid VFLQ 1.3 112.03 –0.09 .3338 GlbXAgingPop AGNG .3 30.48 –0.09 .034 iShESGEMLdrs LDEM 1.6 62.66 +0.33 .25
ClearFocusVal CFCV 1.1 36.36 +0.30 .0798 InnovS&P500UltFeb UFEB ... 27.62 +0.02 ... JPMActiveEM JEMA ... 48.71 –0.21 ... VangdUSMinVol VFMV 1.3 102.35 +0.79 .1624 GlbXAgTech KROP ... 23.67 –0.39 ... iShESGIUSALdrs SUSL 1.2 78.56 +0.62 .2069
CornerCapFundLC FUNL .4 34.42 +0.32 .1274 InnovS&P500UltJan UJAN ... 31.20 +0.05 ... JPMBetaCanada BBCA 2.0 65.54 +0.39 .3371 VangdUSMom VFMO .4 131.61 –0.14 .2081 GlbXAI&Tech AIQ .3 30.84 –0.03 .0357 iShExponentialTech XT .7 64.95 –0.03 .2732
DavisFinl DFNL 1.1 31.50 +0.74 .347 InnovS&P500UltrJul UJUL ... 27.20 +0.05 ... JPMBetaDevAsia BBAX 2.7 59.11 +0.57 .4234 VangdUSMultifact VFMF 1.2 102.24 +0.84 .3344 GlbXAuto&Elc DRIV .3 28.90 +0.01 .0567 iShFallAngelsUSDBd FALN 4.1 30.00 +0.02 .0777
DavisSelectIntlETF DINT .3 20.68 +0.07 .064 InnovS&P500UltJun UJUN ... 28.91 +0.05 ... JPMBetaEurope BBEU 2.3 61.13 +0.97 .5072 VangdUSQual VFQY 1.1 121.65 +0.22 .3042 GlbXBlockchain BKCH ... 28.20 –0.29 ... iSh5-10YIGCorpBd IGIB 2.4 60.78 +0.08 .1131
DavisUSEquity DUSA .4 35.48 +0.35 .149 InnovS&P500Ultra UMAR ... 29.32 +0.01 ... JPMBetaIntl BBIN 2.2 61.65 +0.91 .6436 VangdUSValue VFVA 1.6 100.28 +0.99 .4084 GlbXCannabis POTX 2.2 10.95 –0.30 .0966 iShGNMABondETF GNMA 1.3 50.12 +0.10 .067
DavisWorldwide DWLD .2 31.40 +0.04 .075 InnovS&P500UltMay UMAY ... 28.27 +0.05 ... JPMBetaJapan BBJP 1.1 57.50 +0.76 .629 VangdUltShrtBd VUSB .3 50.12 +0.02 .0145 GlbXCnBiotech CHB ... 17.32 –0.51 ... iShGSCICmDynRoll COMT .3 34.00 +0.12 .0963
EmlesAlphaOpps EOPS ... 26.32 +1.07 ... InnovS&P500UltN UNOV ... 29.23 ... ... JPMBetaUSREIT BBRE 2.0 100.66 –0.25 .2873 VirtusWMCIntlDiv VWID 3.8 30.39 +0.42 .3898 GlbXChinaInnov KEJI ... 19.68 –0.55 ... iShGlbCleanEnergy ICLN .7 22.60 –0.32 .1242
Emles@Home LIV ... 27.41 +0.25 ... InnovS&P500UltO UOCT ... 27.82 +0.05 ... JPM Beta1-5Y BBSA 1.3 51.73 –0.02 .0436 WisdTrAltIncm HYIN ... 25.71 +0.18 ... GlbXCleanWater AQWA .5 17.18 +0.22 .0408 iShGlbGreenBd BGRN .4 55.82 +0.06 .1604
EmlesFedContr FEDX 1.8 28.91 –0.12 .0749 InnovS&P500UltSep USEP ... 28.21 +0.04 ... JPMBetaUSEquity BBUS 1.2 81.93 +0.58 .2271 WisdTrYdEnhUSST SHAG 1.1 51.24 ... .0275 GlbXCleanTech CTEC .1 19.50 –0.31 .0105 iShGlbTimber WOOD 1.3 89.39 +2.11 .8631
EmlesLuxuryGds LUXE .0 31.89 +0.03 .001 InnovS&PHiQualPfd EPRF 5.0 24.39 –0.11 .10 JPMCorePlusBd JCPB 1.8 54.82 –0.02 .0952 WTBioRevFd WDNA ... 26.45 –0.29 ... GlbXCloudComp CLOU ... 29.34 +0.04 ... iShiBdsDec30Trea IBTK .7 23.83 –0.12 .0192
EmlesMadeinAmer AMER 1.5 32.14 +1.26 .1435 InnovTripleStkJan TSJA ... 28.78 +0.01 ... JPMorganDisciplHY JPHY 4.0 52.03 +0.02 .1856 WisdomDynCurrIntl DDWM 3.4 31.57 +0.48 .375 GlbXConsciousCos KRMA .9 32.77 +0.28 .1249 iShiBdsDec28Trea IBTI .7 25.72 +0.01 .0205
EmlesProAlloc DEFN .9 24.91 –0.03 .0733 InnovTripleStkOct TSOC ... 30.51 +0.03 ... JPM IntlBdOpps JPIB 2.9 51.48 –0.05 .0944 WisdomDynCurrIntSC DDLS 3.1 35.75 +0.39 .48 GlbX Cybersec BUG .0 30.29 +0.36 .0004 iShiBdsDec25Trea IBTF .6 25.75 –0.02 .0116
EmlesRealEstCrd REC 2.8 25.06 –0.11 .1483 Innov20+YTrBd5Jl TFJL ... 23.60 +0.15 ... JPM Municipal JMUB 1.6 55.49 –0.08 .0694 WT EM ESG Fd RESE 1.8 37.17 –0.35 .17 GlbXDAXGermany DAX 2.7 34.14 +0.56 .5226 iShiBdsDec24Trea IBTE .6 25.73 –0.01 .0081
EngineNo1Tran500 VOTE ... 52.97 +0.34 ... Innov20+YTrB9BfJul TBJL ... 24.23 +0.13 ... JPM UltShtIncm JPST .8 50.72 ... .0274 WisdomTreeCpBdFd WFIG 2.2 54.91 +0.19 .11 GlbXDataCtr VPN .6 17.69 +0.08 .0676 iShiBdsDec29Trea IBTJ .8 25.47 –0.08 .0149
EsotericaNextG WUGI ... 57.37 –0.10 ... InnovUSEqAcc9BfApr XBAP ... 26.81 +0.02 ... JPMUltShMuni JMST .4 51.07 –0.01 .0075 WisdomTreeUSHYCpBd WFHY 4.3 52.64 +0.01 .1645 GlbXecomm EBIZ .4 31.42 +0.11 .1331 iShiBdsDec21Trea IBTA .0 25.35 +0.01 .0013
EuclidCapGrwth EUCG ... 27.72 +0.25 ... InnovUSEqAccApr XDAP ... 27.77 +0.17 ... LHAMktStAlpha MSVX 1.8 26.12 +0.18 .4594 WisdTrUSSTCpBd SFIG 1.4 51.48 –0.01 .05 GlbXEdu EDUT .1 11.66 –0.28 .0109 iShiBdsDec27Trea IBTH .7 25.69 ... .0188
FOMO ETF FOMO ... 25.52 –0.03 ... InnovUSEqAccQ XDSQ ... 28.00 +0.20 ... LHA MktStTact MSTB 1.5 31.70 +0.18 .4802 WisdTrUSSTHY SFHY 4.2 49.77 +0.05 .1475 GlbX EM Internet EWEB ... 12.57 –0.02 ... iShiBdsDec26Trea IBTG .7 25.70 –0.06 .0134
FTCboeVestBf BUFR ... 23.15 –0.04 ... InnovUSEqAccPlApr XTAP ... 27.72 +0.12 ... LeggMasonIntLowVol LVHI 4.5 26.83 +0.43 .3981 WisdTrIntlESGFd RESD 2.3 31.98 +0.42 .36 GlbXFinTech FINX ... 49.02 +0.60 ... iShiBdsDec23Trea IBTD .4 25.65 ... .0051
FTCboeVestFdDpBf BUFD ... 20.91 +0.07 ... InnovUSEqAccJul XDJL ... 26.53 +0.19 ... MainSectorRot SECT .7 42.00 +0.17 .0824 WisdTrIntlQualDiv IQDG 2.0 41.85 +0.57 .19 GlbXGen&Biotech GNOM .0 22.98 –1.11 .0324 iShiBdsDec22Trea IBTB .4 25.43 ... .0004
FTCboeVestGold BGLD ... 19.22 –0.02 ... InnovUSEqAcc9BfJul XBJL ... 26.17 +0.10 ... MainThemInnov TMAT .2 22.95 –0.22 .0203 WisdTrUSMulti USMF 1.0 40.60 +0.36 .12 GlbX Health BFIT .5 30.47 +0.17 .0413 iShIndia50ETF INDY .0 48.95 +0.93 .007
FTCboeVestGold IGLD 3.1 20.02 +0.17 .0514 InnovUSEqAccPlJul XTJL ... 26.48 +0.08 ... Mairs&PwrMnMun MINN .6 25.34 –0.03 .021 XtrkBBUSIGCpESG ESCR 2.4 22.33 –0.11 .0429 GlbXHydrogen HYDR ... 22.49 –0.43 ... iShIntlDevRealEst IFGL 2.1 30.39 +0.19 .2387
FTCboeVestGr100Dec QDEC ... 22.24 +0.02 ... IntlDrawMgd IDME ... 25.22 +0.13 ... Merlyn.AIBest BOB ... 26.23 +0.09 ... XtrkrsEurozone EURZ 2.4 28.10 +0.35 .4099 GlbXInternetThings SNSR .3 37.07 –0.27 .0515 iShIntlTreasuryBd IGOV ... 53.13 +0.24 ...
FTCboeVestGr100Jun QJUN ... 20.62 +0.02 ... InvscBalMulti PSMB 1.8 16.88 +0.08 .06 MerlynAISectSurf DUDE ... 28.08 +0.15 ... XtrkJPMEMSvn ESEB 2.8 21.77 +0.04 .0714 GlbXMSCISuperDiv EFAS 4.2 16.14 +0.12 .065 iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 3.9 112.32 +0.36 .3503
FTCboeVestGr100Mar QMAR ... 21.99 +0.04 ... InvscConsrvMulti PSMC 2.6 13.92 +0.03 .1131 MonarchAmbIncm MAMB ... 25.41 +0.02 ... XtrkJPMESGUSDHY ESHY 5.8 21.18 –0.02 .0852 GlbXMillCnsmr MILN .1 44.07 +0.08 .0572 iShMBSETF MBB 1.7 108.53 +0.11 .0803
FTCboeVestIntlDec YDEC ... 21.91 +0.15 ... InvscFocDiscGrw IVDG ... 13.58 +0.06 ... MonarchBlueChip MBCC ... 28.95 +0.10 ... GlbXNasd100Cv QYLD 11.7 22.73 +0.08 .223 iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 1.4 103.76 +0.81 .7242
FTCboeVestIntlJun YJUN ...
FTCboeVestIntlMar YMAR ...
InvscGrwMultAll PSMG
InvscIntlDevDyn IMFL
MonarchProCap MPRO
MotleyFool100 TMFC
... NASDAQ GlXNasd100CCGrw QYLG 5.5
GlbXRenewEner RNRG 2.2
FTCboeS&P500Div KNG 3.2 55.54 +0.96 .4965 InvscModConserv PSMM 2.1 15.66 +0.03 .0431 MotleyFoolSCGrw MFMS ... 39.38 –0.63 ... GlbX Robotics&AI BOTZ .2 35.43 +1.07 .0593 iShMSCIBrazilSC EWZS 2.1 17.21 –0.56 .2436
FTCboeUSBuffJul FJUL ... 35.28 +0.09 ... InvscPureDevxNA PBDM 1.6 30.09 +0.20 .1608 NuvESGEMEquity NUEM ... 35.00 –0.01 ... AlpsActiveReit REIT 1.7 29.37 –0.38 .1343 GlbXS&PCathDvxUS CEFA 1.8 32.79 +0.01 .337 iShMSCIChina MCHI 1.1 71.20 +0.52 .1774
FTCboeUSBuffApr FAPR ... 31.49 +0.16 ... InvscPureFTSEEM PBEE 1.7 28.87 +0.13 .1771 NuvESGIntlDev NUDM ... 32.72 +0.35 ... AdvShDorseyADR AADR .3 69.00 +0.57 .1419 GlbXS&P500Catholic CATH 1.0 55.56 +0.51 .2182 iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 1.6 76.80 +0.86 .7094
FTCboeUSBuffAug FAUG ... 37.09 +0.03 ... InvscPureMSCIUSA PBUS .9 45.51 +0.27 .0446 NuvESG LC NULC 1.1 41.71 +0.23 1.42 AdvShDWAlphaEW DWEQ .0 27.27 –0.09 .0053 GlbXSocialMedia SOCL ... 63.61 –0.89 ... iShMSCI EM Asia EEMA 1.0 86.26 –0.38 .1223
FTCboeUSBuffDec FDEC ... 33.66 +0.10 ... InvscPrMSCIUSASC PBSM .9 38.86 –0.16 .1038 NuvESGLCGrowth NULG .2 67.82 +0.27 1.5115 AdvShDW FSM AC DWAW .0 36.56 +0.09 .0602 GlbXSuperDividAlt ALTY 6.6 13.72 +0.08 .0706 iShMSCIEMxChina EMXC 1.4 61.35 –0.62 .2565
FTCboeUSBuffFeb FFEB ... 37.12 +0.13 ... InvscPureUSAggBd PBND 2.2 26.13 +0.02 .0422 NuvESGLCValue NULV 1.2 38.88 +0.37 .468 AdvShDW FSM US DWUS .1 38.35 +0.14 .0679 GlbXSuperDivdREIT SRET 6.5 9.82 +0.02 .05 iShMSCIEuropeFinls EUFN 2.4 20.62 +0.43 .4186
FTCboeUSBuffJan FJAN ... 33.28 +0.08 ... InvscPure0-5YTIPS PBTP 1.6 26.80 +0.03 .1269 NuvESGMCGrowth NUMG .0 56.18 +0.28 .3748 AdvShDorseyMc DWMC ... 36.89 +0.31 ... GlbXTelemed EDOC .0 18.12 –0.41 .0064 iShMSCIEuropeSmCp IEUS 1.6 73.34 +1.04 .785
FTCboeUSBuffJun FJUN ... 36.78 +0.03 ... InvscRealAssets IVRA 3.6 14.37 +0.04 .0246 NuvESGMCValue NUMV 1.1 37.53 +0.44 .4164 AdvShDorseyShrt DWSH ... 8.77 +0.03 ... GlbX ThemGrwth GXTG .6 51.46 –0.20 .1057 iShMSCIGlblGoldMin RING 1.7 26.88 –0.35 .312
FTCboeUSBuffMar FMAR ... 32.19 +0.10 ... InvscRuss1000Dyn OMFL 1.2 48.22 +0.75 .1069 NuvESGSC NUSC .4 44.32 –0.10 .1991 AlphaMarkActMgd SMCP .5 30.99 +0.60 .1452 GlbXVideoGames HERO .8 29.09 –0.06 .0254 iShMSCIGlbImpact SDG .9 99.55 +1.05 .4492
FTCboeUSBuffMay FMAY ... 36.96 +0.11 ... InvscRs1000EnhEW USEQ 2.1 37.19 +0.39 .1334 NuvShTermREIT NURE 2.3 35.91 –0.35 .1164 ArrowCntryRotat DWCR .6 36.38 –0.16 .1777 HighlandSrLoan SNLN 2.2 15.98 –0.03 .0546 iShMSCIJapanEW EWJE 1.5 39.48 +0.56 .3605
FTCboeUSBuffNov FNOV ... 38.10 +0.07 ... InvscRuss2000Dyn OMFS .8 40.30 +0.08 .0578 OShEurQualDiv OEUR 2.7 30.00 +0.55 .0792 ArrowInvDWATact DWAT ... 13.29 +0.13 ... IQChaikinUSLC CLRG 1.1 34.55 +0.37 .0626 iShMSCIJapanVal EWJV 1.8 28.18 +0.42 .2667
FTCboeUSBuffOct FOCT ... 34.31 +0.15 ... InvscS&P500MinVar SPMV 1.2 38.75 +0.28 .048 OShGlbInternet OGIG ... 54.40 –0.19 ... ClearBr AC Grw CACG .4 50.26 –0.17 .2087 IQ Chaikin US SC CSML 1.1 35.36 ... .0885 iShMSCINewZealand ENZL 2.2 61.62 –0.19 .5616
FTCboeUSBuffSep FSEP ... 34.41 ... ... InvscS&PIntlDev IDHD 3.8 27.86 +0.44 .3257 OShUSQualDiv OUSA 1.6 44.04 +0.50 .0698 ClearBrDivStrat YLDE 1.0 41.20 +0.39 .0972 InvscActMgdETC PDBC .0 19.92 +0.05 .0013 iShMSCIQatar QAT 2.2 19.47 +0.38 .4219
FTCboeUSDeepApr DAPR ... 30.89 +0.08 ... InvscS&PSCHiDiv XSHD 3.6 22.99 +0.07 .0736 OShUSSCQualDiv OUSM 1.6 36.32 +0.29 .0454 ClearBrLCGrw LRGE .3 57.36 +0.08 .1849 InvscBldrSEM50ADR ADRE 1.0 52.09 –1.08 .1442 iShMSCITurkeyETF TUR 3.3 23.04 +0.65 .6933
FTCboeUSDeepAug DAUG ... 34.45 +0.01 ... InvscS&PSCQuality XSHQ .9 37.39 +0.20 .07 OpusSCValue OSCV .7 33.01 +0.14 .0521 CSX-LinksCrudeOil USOI 20.6 5.09 +0.01 .0682 InvscBS2030CorpBd BSCU 1.9 19.80 +0.03 .0322 iShMSCIUAE UAE 3.6 14.44 +0.12 .5052
FTCboeUSDeepDec DDEC ... 32.16 +0.06 ... InvscSelectGrw IVSG .0 13.54 –0.13 .0012 PacerBioThreat VIRS .7 33.60 +0.24 .0948 CSXLGoldCvETN GLDI 12.7 8.58 +0.07 .0773 InvscBS2030MuniBd BSMU 1.7 25.77 –0.16 .0323 iShMornMCValue IMCV 1.8 65.41 +0.91 .2375
FTCboeUSDeepFeb DFEB ... 34.56 +0.11 ... InvscUSLCCoreESG IVLC .8 14.33 +0.06 .0215 PacerIntCashCow100 ICOW 2.3 32.78 +0.39 .1781 CSX SilverETN SLVO 11.1 5.44 –0.14 .0504 InvscBull2028CpBd BSCS 2.3 23.22 +0.04 .0372 iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 1.9 54.74 –0.01 .0679
FTCboeUSDeepJan DJAN ... 31.83 +0.07 ... iPathS&P500DynVIX XVZ ... 38.39 +0.03 ... PacerGlCashCows GCOW 3.9 32.01 +0.49 .192 DefNasdJrBio IBBJ .0 29.68 –0.87 .2998 InvscBull2025CpBd BSCP 1.9 22.29 –0.02 .0315 iSh13YearIntlTBd ISHG ... 81.97 +0.13 ...
FTCboeUSDeepJul DJUL ... 33.02 +0.10 ... iPathS&PMLPETN IMLP 7.2 12.51 +0.26 .223 PacerSaltHitruUS SLT 2.2 40.75 –0.28 .0435 DemLCCore DEMZ .2 28.52 +0.09 .0616 InvsBull25HYCpBd BSJP 4.6 24.58 –0.01 .0812 iShPfd&Incm PFF 4.4 39.39 –0.05 .1506
FTCboeUSDeepJun DJUN ... 33.87 +0.09 ... iPathBS&P500VIXMid VXZ ... 25.58 –0.48 ... PacerSaltLowUS LSLT 2.1 32.30 +0.27 .1352 FidelityNasdaq ONEQ .6 57.56 –0.08 .071 InvscBull2024CpBd BSCO 2.1 22.17 ... .0335 iShRuss1000PureUS AMCA 1.8 37.72 +0.38 .1335
FTCboeUSDeepMar DMAR ... 31.30 +0.15 ... iPathS&P500VIX VXX ... 26.28 –2.02 ... PacerSOSConDec PSCX ... 22.06 +0.06 ... FT AltAbsRet FAAR 2.8 29.72 +0.11 .0054 InvsBull24HYCpBd BSJO 4.3 25.05 –0.01 .0808 iShS&PSC600Growth IJT .6 132.77 –1.41 .1354
FTCboeUSDeepMay DMAY ... 34.02 ... ... iShAdCurrHdgMSCI DEFA 2.6 33.75 +0.40 .4472 PacerSOSConJul PSCJ ... 20.76 +0.05 ... FT APxJapan FPA 2.2 34.61 –0.22 .2321 InvscBull2021CpBd BSCL 1.4 21.09 ... .0091 iShS&P EM Infra EMIF 4.3 23.45 +0.13 .6803
FTCboeUSDeepNov DNOV ... 34.91 +0.13 ... iShIntmGovt/CredBd GVI 1.6 115.93 +0.06 .1384 PacerSOSFlexDec PSFD ... 23.43 +0.08 ... FT BICK BICK .4 36.88 –0.57 .1165 InvsBull21HYCpBd BSJL 2.7 23.01 +0.01 .0157 iShGlobalInfra IGF 2.7 46.31 +0.09 .6777
FTCboeUSDeepOct DOCT ... 32.36 +0.03 ... iShBrdUSDHYCpBd USHY 5.2 41.39 ... .1721 PacerSOSFlexJul PSFJ ... 20.93 +0.08 ... FT BrazilAlpha FBZ 2.6 13.74 –0.26 .2283 InvscBull2027CpBd BSCR 2.2 21.99 –0.01 .0373 iShSemiconductor SOXX .7 455.16 –10.61 .5122
FTCboeUSDeepSep DSEP ... 32.28 ... ... iShConvBond ICVT 1.0 99.66 –0.79 .0587 PacerSwanSOSFd PSFF ... 22.26 +0.12 ... FT BuyWrite FTHI 4.4 21.59 +0.15 .08 InvscBull2026CpBd BSCQ 2.1 21.54 –0.03 .032 iShShortTreaBd SHV .0 110.47 –0.02 .1554
FTCboeUSEqJun XJUN ... 29.93 +0.07 ... iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 2.2 77.36 +1.07 1.0884 PacerSOSModDec PSMD ... 22.47 +0.04 ... FT CEFIncmOpp FCEF 4.4 25.62 +0.14 .105 InvsBull26HYCpBd BSJQ 4.4 25.67 +0.01 .0889 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY .4 86.20 –0.01 .0124
FidelityBlueChipGr FBCG .0 33.33 +0.01 .002 iShCurrHdgMSCIEAFE HEFA 2.1 35.22 +0.42 .4807 PacerSOSModJul PSMJ ... 20.80 +0.05 ... FT CA MuniHi FCAL 2.1 55.28 –0.09 .09 InvscBull2023CpBd BSCN 1.9 21.72 ... .0266 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF .8 117.24 +0.21 .0761
FidelityBlueChipV FBCV .8 29.20 +0.36 .08 iShCurrHdgMSCIEM HEEM 1.5 31.13 –0.04 .1431 PacerSOSConsApr PSCW ... 21.53 +0.01 ... FT CapStrength FTCS 1.0 79.15 +0.65 .2132 InvsBull23HYCpBd BSJN 4.1 25.34 –0.01 .0718 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 1.4 148.55 +0.77 .1817
FidelityGrwOpps FGRO ... 21.33 –0.20 ... iShIntlSelDividend IDV 4.3 32.96 +0.52 .428 PacerSOSFlexApr PSFM ... 22.34 +0.12 ... FT ChinaAlphaDEX FCA 3.2 30.85 +0.59 .2733 InvscBull2022CpBd BSCM 1.8 21.58 +0.01 .0281 iSh0-5YInvGrdCpBd SLQD 1.8 51.80 +0.03 .0628
FidelityLowDurBd FLDR .5 50.92 –0.03 .021 iShTransportAvg IYT .7 257.44 +5.09 .393 PacerSOSModApr PSMR ... 21.74 +0.11 ... FT CloudComp SKYY .2 106.27 –1.13 .0373 InvsBull22HYCpBd BSJM 3.7 23.27 –0.01 .0637 JanusSCGrwAlpha JSML .3 68.08 –1.20 .0189
FidelityMagellan FMAG .0 23.37 –0.03 .001 iShU.S.Industrials IYJ .8 114.12 +1.22 .2066 PacerTrendEurIndex PTEU ... 25.88 +0.43 ... FT DevIntlEquity RNDM 2.4 57.44 +0.28 .7625 InvscBS2028HY BSJS 4.5 25.49 –0.03 .0879 JanusS/MC GrwAlph JSMD .2 67.16 –0.65 .0226
FidelityNewMill FMIL 1.3 29.72 +0.25 .086 iShUSAerospace&Def ITA .8 107.70 –0.74 .1886 PacerTrendpilot450 PTMC .5 35.73 +0.10 .1712 FT DevMkts FDT 2.8 63.96 +0.55 .6103 InvscBS2028MuniBd BSMS 1.5 26.42 –0.04 .0291 LGBTQ+ESG100 LGBT .2 26.96 +0.11 .0139
FidelityPfdSecs FPFD 2.5 25.30 –0.06 .076 iShUSHomeConstrn ITB .4 73.44 +1.93 .0712 PacerTrendpilot100 PTNQ .1 56.59 +0.01 .0831 FT DevMktsXUS FDTS 2.3 47.90 +0.10 .3113 InvscBS2025MuniBd BSMP 1.0 26.13 ... .0142 LeggMasonGlbInfr INFR 2.6 31.38 +0.36 .35
FidelityRealEst FPRO 1.7 24.90 ... .104 iShUSOil&GasExpln IEO 2.2 50.67 –0.45 .2107 PacerTrendpilot750 PTLC .9 39.13 +0.31 .3523 FT DorseyDyn5 FVC ... 36.63 +0.13 ... InvscBS2024MuniBd BSMO .7 25.87 –0.02 .0115 LeggMasonLVHD LVHD 2.2 37.97 +0.74 .2486
FidelityS-MCOpps FSMO .2 23.39 +0.20 .016 iShUSTelecomm IYZ 2.5 34.00 +0.23 .2001 PacerUSCashCows100 COWZ 1.5 44.67 +0.55 .1059 FT DorseyFoc5 FV ... 47.85 +0.23 ... InvscBS2024USDEM BSDE 3.2 26.27 +0.04 .0588 LeggMasonSCQualVal SQLV .9 38.44 +0.50 .1111
FidelityStkInfl FCPI 2.6 31.02 +0.11 .081 iShESGAwareAgg EAOA 1.3 33.98 +0.18 .16 PacerUSSCCash100 CALF .5 44.40 +0.77 .054 FT DorseyIntl5 IFV .9 24.10 +0.20 .0617 InvscBull2029CpBd BSCT 2.0 21.42 +0.02 .0335 LoncarCancerETF CNCR 1.0 28.77 –0.73 .2881
FidelityTargEM FDEM 2.1 26.69 –0.27 .268 iShESGAwareCon EAOK 1.3 28.04 +0.09 .0146 PacerWealthShield PWS .7 32.53 +0.16 .0868 FT DW Momentum DDIV 1.8 31.87 +0.38 .1777 InvscBS2029MuniBd BSMT 1.5 26.30 –0.09 .0277 LoncarChinaBio CHNA .4 40.23 –0.93 .1546
FidelityTargIntl FDEV 2.0 30.21 +0.40 .231 iShESGAwareGrw EAOR 1.3 31.53 +0.14 .1302 PointBridgeGOP MAGA 2.1 36.93 +0.53 .7667 FT DW Mom&Low DVOL .2 29.06 +0.22 .0322 InvscBS2021MuniBd BSML .5 25.26 ... .0024 LongTermCareETF OLD 1.8 32.10 –0.44 .1635
FTIndMedDev MDEV ... 26.28 –0.34 ... iShESGAwareMod EAOM 1.3 29.19 +0.10 .1028 PremiseCapDivTact TCTL .9 33.62 +0.23 .3151 FT DW Mom DVLU 1.0 24.65 +0.48 .1028 InvscBS2021USDEM BSAE 2.7 24.97 –0.01 ... Merlyn.AITactGrw SNUG 1.2 28.20 +0.08 .1609
FTLuntUSFactor FCTR .4 35.47 +0.06 .0552 iShESGMSCIUSASC ESML 1.0 39.65 –0.20 .0701 PrincipalIntAd PXUS .2 25.77 +0.45 .0134 FT DorseyWright DWPP .4 33.44 +0.17 .0608 InvscBS27HYCpBd BSJR 4.3 25.52 ... .076 Nasdaq7HANDL HNDL 6.2 25.61 –0.11 .1493
FlexShCredScUSLg LKOR 3.1 61.29 +0.35 .1532 iShESGScrS&P500 XVV .8 34.29 +0.25 .0659 PrincipalUSLC PLRG .2 26.97 +0.23 .0129 FTDorseyDALI1 DALI .5 25.65 +0.02 .0056 InvscBS2027MuniBd BSMR 1.1 26.00 –0.02 .0219 PacerCashCows HERD 1.5 35.10 +0.55 .1009
FlexMrnUSMktFtrTlt TILT 1.2 174.10 +0.88 .4632 iShESGScrS&PMC XJH .9 37.56 +0.11 .0783 PrincipalUSSC PLTL .4 25.37 +0.03 .0276 FT DJ IntlInt FDNI .2 41.90 –0.09 .0744 InvscBS2026MuniBd BSMQ 1.3 26.10 –0.02 .024 PacerEMCashCows ECOW 2.9 26.38 +0.28 .1316
FlexStoxxGlbESGSel ESGG 1.3 145.72 +1.48 .6825 iShESGScrS&PSC XJR 2.0 39.42 –0.16 .3364 ProShGlbListedPrv PEX 8.6 39.01 +0.41 1.2766 FT MultAsstDiv MDIV 5.0 16.75 +0.11 .063 InvscBS2023MuniBd BSMN .6 25.68 ... .0092 PrincipalHlthInnov BTEC .0 54.38 –2.35 .2154
FlexStoxxUSESGSel ESG 1.1 109.16 +0.87 .3238 iShEdgeHYDefBd HYDB 5.2 51.62 –0.03 .1796 ProShHY IntRt HYHG 4.8 62.39 +0.10 .23 FT NasdTechDiv TDIV 1.8 58.41 +0.13 .2673 InvscBS2023USDEM BSCE 3.1 26.25 +0.04 .0488 PrincipalIntMult PDEV 1.9 32.37 +0.23 .2303
FlexShUSQualLC QLC 1.1 49.64 +0.44 .1278 iShEdgeInvGrEnhBd IGEB 2.7 54.36 +0.08 .1156 ProShInvGrdIntRt IGHG 2.4 75.42 +0.07 .1468 FT EM Alphadex FEM 2.8 27.45 +0.27 .2746 InvscBS2022MuniBd BSMM .4 25.46 ... .0073 PrincplMillennials GENY .6 62.90 –0.03 .0149
FormulaHdgGrwth FFHG .3 35.78 +0.05 .0439 iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 1.6 78.96 +1.41 1.2651 ProShK1FreeCrude OILK 5.1 59.01 –0.16 3.0014 FT EM EquitySel RNEM 3.6 49.49 +0.41 .6932 InvscBS2022USDEM BSBE 3.0 25.74 +0.02 .0383 PrincipalQual PSET .9 56.06 +0.36 .1283
FormulaFolIncm FFTI 2.5 24.16 –0.07 .0513 iShEdgeMSCIMinVlEM EEMV 2.3 62.52 +0.34 .5239 ProShLCCorePlus CSM .9 103.44 +1.14 .1927 FT EM LocalCurr FEMB 5.8 34.03 +0.26 .159 InvscBuyBackAch PKW .9 94.11 +1.50 .1857 PrinUSMega USMC 1.4 41.64 +0.41 .171
FormulaFolSmartGrw FFSG 1.5 36.51 +0.13 .1813 iShEdgeMSCIMinVol ACWV 1.6 106.16 +1.08 .9505 ProShDivGrowers EFAD 1.6 48.65 +0.72 .3927 FT EM SC Alpha FEMS 3.6 44.25 +0.07 .431 InvscDWABasicMatl PYZ .5 93.46 +5.18 .0575 PrinUSSCMulti PSC 1.1 46.35 +0.07 .1313
FormulaFolTactGrw FFTG 1.1 30.32 +0.08 .1111 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 1.4 77.09 +0.61 .2131 ProShMSCIEMDiv EMDV 2.6 59.01 +0.87 .2645 FT EnhShtMat FTSM .6 59.93 ... .018 InvscDWAConsCyc PEZ .2 90.52 +0.60 .0105 PrincipalValue PY 2.8 43.21 +0.53 .3299
FrankDisrComm BUYZ ... 51.77 –0.16 ... iShMSCIMinVolUSASC SMMV 1.2 38.08 +0.06 .0762 ProShMSCIEurDiv EUDV 1.4 56.13 +0.79 .4428 FT EuropeAlpha FEP 3.1 44.92 +0.87 .64 InvscDWACnsStpls PSL .9 92.33 +0.34 .3523 ProcureSpace UFO 1.2 29.84 –0.28 .118
FrankExpData XDAT ... 28.01 –0.17 ... iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM .4 181.14 +1.44 .126 ProShMergerETF MRGR .3 40.64 –0.11 .0147 FTEurozoneAlpha FEUZ 2.3 48.70 +1.01 .6706 InvscDWADevMkt PIZ .3 40.65 +0.46 .1003 ProShEquRising EQRR 1.5 49.26 +1.01 .1874
FrankGenAdv HELX .0 54.46 –1.45 .0518 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 1.3 139.61 +0.75 .3784 ProShMornAltSoln ALTS 1.7 39.25 +0.14 .3504 FT GerAlpha FGM 1.6 58.50 +1.19 .5385 InvscDWAEMMom PIE 1.2 25.26 –0.65 .0333 ProShNasd100DW QQQA .3 44.66 –0.35 .0382
FrankIntMach IQM .0 49.27 –0.57 .0043 iShEdgeMSCIUSAVal VLUE 1.9 105.78 +0.66 .4885 ProShPetCare PAWZ .2 82.51 +0.98 .0557 FT GlTactCommod FTGC ... 23.73 +0.23 ... InvscDWAEnerMom PXI .6 24.29 –0.58 .0346 ProShUltNdBio BIB ... 102.33 –2.80 ...
FrankHYCorp FLHY 4.9 26.46 –0.01 .1084 iShUSFixedIncmBal FIBR 2.0 100.90 –0.06 .169 ProShRuss2000Div SMDV 1.8 64.21 +0.42 .2941 FTHdgBuyWriteIncm FTLB 3.1 21.26 +0.15 .055 InvscDWAFinMom PFI 1.1 53.70 +0.63 .1252 ProShUltNasdCloud SKYU ... 46.19 –0.71 ...
FrankIntlAggBd FLIA .2 25.34 –0.01 .0214 iShEmMkCorpBdFd CEMB 3.5 52.46 +0.23 .1491 ProShRussUSDivGrw TMDV 2.0 49.01 +0.70 .2159 FT IPOXEurEq FPXE 1.0 32.74 –0.01 .1011 InvscDWAHlthcrMom PTH ... 165.61 –5.41 ... ProShUltNasdCyber UCYB ... 45.06 +0.44 ...
FrankSrLoan FLBL 3.0 24.90 +0.06 .0804 iShEM HY Bd EMHY 5.7 45.31 +0.21 .2057 ProShS&P500Arist NOBL 1.9 94.64 +1.72 .4372 FT GlblAgri FTAG 1.7 30.12 +0.70 .2419 InvscDWAIndlsMom PRN .1 102.74 +1.70 .0723 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ .0 137.14 +0.71 .0001
FranklinLib US FLQL 1.9 44.71 +0.38 .1829 iShEvolCnStpls IECS 2.2 33.36 +0.53 .1369 ProShS&PMC400 REGL 2.2 72.75 +0.88 .4894 FT GlbNatRscs FTRI 1.8 14.76 +0.27 .0615 InvscDWAMom PDP ... 92.61 –0.42 ... ProShUltShtQQQ SQQQ ... 8.05 –0.05 ...
FranklinLibUS MC FLQM 1.0 45.73 +0.21 .0923 iShEvolUSDisc IEDI .7 45.85 +0.26 .0825 ProShS&PTechDiv TDV 1.1 61.86 +0.24 .1859 FTIndiaNifty50EW NFTY .4 46.94 +0.62 .0183 InvscDWASCMom DWAS .1 84.66 –0.86 .0408 ProShUltShNdBtech BIS ... 17.22 +0.38 ...
FranklinLibUS SC FLQS 1.0 38.62 –0.06 .0366 iShEvolUSFin IEFN 1.7 32.58 +0.53 .1165 ProShShortUSDEmgBd EMSH 2.8 73.28 –0.04 .1603 FTIndxxInnTran LEGR 1.1 43.36 +0.40 .2718 InvscDWATechMom PTF ... 152.48 –1.99 ... SimplifyNasd100Pl QQC .3 30.74 +0.01 .0138
Freedom100EM FRDM .9 33.79 –0.05 .0934 iShEvolUSHlthcr IEHS .7 42.99 –0.18 .0546 ProShShtVIXST SVXY ... 57.44 +1.99 ... FTIndxxNextG NXTG .8 77.85 ... .1914 InvscDWAUtilMom PUI 2.1 34.74 +0.23 .1751 SimplifyNasd100Dw QQD .3 30.10 –0.08 .0167
GlbX FdrRunCos BOSS 1.0 35.34 –0.14 .0013 iShEvolUSInnHlthcr IEIH 1.1 36.75 –0.02 .0865 ProShTrMgdFut FUT ... 40.51 +0.06 ... FTIntlDevCapStr FICS 1.1 36.39 +0.53 .2488 InvscDivAchvrs PFM 1.6 37.77 +0.39 .1631 SimplifyUSEqu SPBC .6 27.00 +0.33 .0438
GlbXRuss2000Cvr RYLD 11.0 25.40 +0.09 .2458 iShEvoUSMedia IEME .6 36.79 –0.40 .0234 ProShUltVIXST UVXY ... 23.02 –2.77 ... FTIntlEquOpps FPXI .4 67.59 +0.23 .2319 InvscIntLowBeta IDLB 1.5 31.33 –0.04 .1457 SirenNasdNexGen BLCN .6 47.32 +0.07 .1502
GlbXTarget5 TFIV 4.8 24.04 +0.07 .101 iShEvolUSTech IETC .4 57.53 +0.07 .5632 ProShsVIXMTFut VIXM ... 30.18 –0.84 ... FT JapanAlpha FJP 1.3 52.14 +0.54 .5151 InvscFTSEUS1500SM PRFZ .8 184.17 –0.13 .3833 SoFiGigEcon GIGE .4 35.19 –0.35 .124
GlbXTargetPlus2 TFLT 3.1 23.64 +0.05 .072 iShExpTechSftwr IGV ... 408.86 –0.70 ... ProShsVIXSTFut VIXY ... 21.45 –1.69 ... FT LC CoreAlpha FEX .8 88.98 +0.90 .1691 InvscGlblWater PIO .7 42.61 +0.53 .147 SpearAlpha SPRX ... 20.64 +0.42 ...
GlbXUSInfrDevt PAVE .3 27.48 +0.95 .0399 iShMtgRealEstCap REM 6.1 36.59 +0.31 .5893 RareviewDynFx RDFI 4.4 29.96 +0.24 .1431 FT LC GrwthAlpha FTC .0 114.96 +0.05 .037 InvscGoldenDragon PGJ .2 44.70 –1.76 .0817 VanEckBiotech BBH .3 212.07 –2.23 .6079
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M25

Exchange-Traded Portfolios
Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
VanEckDigTrans DAPP ... 27.71 –0.17 ... AmpCWPEnhDiv DIVO 4.8 36.83 +0.23 .1526 DirexRealEstBl3 DRN .6 24.56 –0.16 .0494 FT FinlsAlpDx FXO 1.8 45.40 +0.65 .1925 GSAccessIGCpBd GIGB 2.3 55.09 +0.16 .1048 InvscRayJamesSB1 RYJ .2 59.61 –0.28 .1427
VanEckFallAnglHYBd ANGL 4.3 32.95 +0.05 .1078 AmplifyClean DTOX ... 23.51 –0.56 ... DirexRgBanksBull3X DPST .6 210.14 +2.06 .3556 FT GlbEngg FLM 1.5 55.01 +1.13 .3913 GS IGCorp1-5YBd GSIG 1.0 50.26 –0.01 .0432 InvscRuss1000EW EQAL 1.5 45.95 +0.32 .1657
VanEckGaming BJK .5 49.20 +0.87 .2222 AmplifyHiIncm YYY 9.0 17.42 +0.03 .13 DirexRetailBull3 RETL .0 226.33 +4.89 .028 FT GlbWindEner FAN 1.1 21.43 –0.13 .1128 GSTreasury0-1Y GBIL .3 100.10 ... .3097 InvscS&PEMLowVol EELV 2.6 24.44 +0.09 .1995
VanEckPharm PPH 1.5 76.01 +1.04 .2859 AmplifyOnlRetail XBUY ... 47.77 –0.20 ... DirexRobAI2X UBOT 6.3 44.57 +2.56 3.6172 FT HlthCareAlpha FXH ... 121.93 –0.32 ... GSAccUSAggBd GCOR .8 49.31 –0.01 .04 InvscS&PEMMom EEMO .7 18.33 –0.22 .0403
VanEckRetail RTH .6 178.90 +1.70 1.0027 AmplifyLithium BATT .2 18.36 –0.22 .0336 DirexRussiaBl2 RUSL 1.2 30.03 +0.70 .3535 FTHorizonMgdVolDev HDMV 2.8 32.76 +0.51 .5764 GSActiveBetaEM GEM 1.8 38.61 –0.26 .2104 InvscS&P500BuyWr PBP 1.1 22.89 +0.01 .067
VanEckSemiconduc SMH ... 262.45 –6.12 ... AmplifyOnlineRet IBUY .5 117.08 –1.66 .6164 DirexS&P500Br3 SPXS ... 21.12 –0.51 ... FTHorizonMgdVolDom HUSV 1.3 33.45 +0.29 .1106 GSActiveBetaEurope GSEU 2.2 38.42 +0.61 .4681 InvscS&P500Down PHDG .5 36.05 –0.20 .0378
VanEckVideoGam ESPO .1 67.26 +1.04 .0849 AmpPureJrGold JGLD ... 22.94 –0.58 ... DirexS&P500Bl3 SPXL .1 119.67 +2.64 .0411 FTHorizMgdVolSM HSMV .9 33.07 +0.09 .0565 GSActiveBetaIntlEq GSIE 1.9 36.10 +0.51 .326 InvscS&P500EnhVal SPVU 2.1 42.75 +0.81 .2011
VangdEM GovBd VWOB 4.0 79.78 +0.32 .2647 AmpSeymCannabis CNBS .5 21.65 –1.11 .101 DirexS&P500Bull2X SPUU .7 105.18 +1.45 .3264 FT Chindia FNI .2 53.37 –0.69 .1182 GSActiveBetaJapan GSJY 1.4 37.80 +0.40 .2215 InvscS&P500EWCm EWCO 1.0 38.61 +0.05 .0852
VangdGlblxUS RE VNQI .9 59.41 +0.60 .5053 AmplifyAllStars MVPS ... 25.78 –0.20 ... DirexS&PBiotechBr3 LABD ... 23.48 +1.41 ... FT IndlsAlpDx FXR .6 60.82 +0.90 .0873 GSActiveBetaUSLC GSLC 1.0 89.78 +0.72 .2227 InvsS&P500EWCD RCD .4 150.21 +1.16 .1836
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 2.3 95.52 +0.09 .1789 AmplifyTransData BLOK 1.3 49.20 +0.33 .658 DirexS&PBiotechBl3 LABU ... 55.98 –3.72 ... FTInnovLdrs ILDR ... 22.04 –0.38 ... GS Active US SC GSSC .7 63.88 –0.52 .1058 InvscS&P500CnStp RHS 1.9 161.98 +4.19 .5572
VangdIntermTrmTrea VGIT 1.2 68.24 +0.02 .0674 AppliedFinValLC VSLU ... 26.90 +0.22 ... DirexS&P500Br1 SPDN ... 15.17 –0.12 ... FTInstPfdSecs FPEI 4.6 20.77 +0.01 .0765 GSFuturePlanet GSFP ... 41.60 +0.37 ... InvscS&P500EWEner RYE 2.4 40.55 –0.23 .2319
VangdIntlDivApp VIGI 1.2 90.13 +1.52 .4269 ArkFinInnov ARKF .0 52.21 –0.19 .0281 DirexHiBetaBear3X HIBS ... 11.31 –0.03 ... FT LgDurOpps LGOV 2.4 28.06 ... .055 GSHedgeIndVIP GVIP .0 101.90 –0.38 .0005 InvscS&P500EW RSP 1.3 155.32 +1.26 .4204
VangdIntlHiDiv VYMI 3.4 69.09 +1.00 .8308 ArmorUSEquity ARMR 1.0 25.34 +0.05 .2509 DirexHiBetaBull3X HIBL .1 65.39 –0.09 .0363 FT Long/Short FTLS .3 49.31 +0.12 .1252 GS Innovate GINN .4 61.83 –0.19 .1045 InvscS&P500EWFin RYF 1.5 62.68 +1.16 .2077
VangdLTCorpBd VCLT 3.0 108.05 +0.55 .277 ArrowDJGlobalYd GYLD 5.5 14.85 +0.06 .0679 DirexS&POil&GasBr2 DRIP .0 9.65 +0.40 .0028 FT MgdFutures FMF .0 48.28 +0.31 ... GS JUST US LC JUST 1.1 64.82 +0.45 .1757 InvscS&P500EWHC RYH .4 308.67 –0.50 .3259
VangdLong-TermTrea VGLT 1.8 90.14 +0.37 .1431 AsianGrowthCubs CUBS ... 26.33 –0.21 ... DirexS&POil&GasBl2 GUSH .1 64.56 –3.34 .0657 FT MatAlpDX FXZ 1.2 59.81 +2.49 .1479 GS PhysGold AAAU ... 17.69 +0.19 ... InvscS&P500Ind RGI .7 192.47 +2.40 .3447
VangdMBS VMBS 1.1 53.46 –0.03 .0462 Asymmetric500 ASPY ... 27.89 +0.15 ... DirexSemiBear3 SOXS ... 6.90 +0.45 ... FT MergerArb MARB ... 19.40 –0.06 ... GothamEnh500 GSPY ... 24.02 +0.21 ... InvscS&P500EWMat RTM 1.3 172.58 +5.95 .6212
VangdRuss1000 VONE 1.2 207.57 +1.18 .5715 AvantisCoreFixIncm AVIG 1.1 49.70 +0.06 .0484 DirexSemiBl3 SOXL .0 43.48 –3.15 .0162 FT MngstrDiv FDL 3.7 34.24 +0.62 .3478 GraniteBloomComm COMB .1 28.40 +0.15 .0163 InvscS&P500RlEst EWRE 3.0 38.12 –0.11 .1963
VangdRuss1000Grw VONG .6 72.93 +0.15 .1066 AvantisCrMuniFx AVMU .7 50.33 –0.04 .03 Direx7-10TreaBr3 TYO ... 8.26 –0.05 ... FT Multi-MgrLG MMLG .2 27.44 –0.10 .0606 GraniteGold BAR ... 17.67 +0.18 ... InvscS&P500EWTech RYT .8 299.59 –2.32 .3659
VangdRuss1000Val VONV 1.7 71.59 +0.80 .2681 AvantisEM AVEM 1.7 65.81 –0.45 .4448 Direx7-10TreaBull TYD .0 55.44 +0.20 5.7353 FT NaturalGas FCG 2.2 13.57 –0.32 .0397 GraniteHIPSUSHiInc HIPS 8.2 15.65 +0.13 .1075 InvscS&P500EWUtil RYU 2.5 110.90 +1.42 .6064
VangdRuss3000 VTHR 1.1 205.29 +1.04 .5518 AvantisIntlEquity AVDE 1.9 65.05 +0.89 .699 DirexScBear3 TZA ... 31.13 +0.96 ... FT NY Muni FMNY 1.2 30.40 –0.07 .03 GranitePlatinum PLTM ... 10.10 +0.42 ... InvscS&P500xRt XRLV 1.2 48.99 +0.49 .0525
VangdRuss2000 VTWO .9 89.29 –0.86 .1694 AvantisIntlSCValue AVDV 1.9 66.32 +0.69 .6209 DirexSCBull3 TNA .0 86.19 –2.85 .0103 FT NA Energy Infra EMLP 3.5 24.68 +0.35 .2041 GraniteXOUTUSLC XOUT .3 42.44 +0.04 .0262 InvscS&P500GARP SPGP .7 91.48 +0.34 .1263
VangdRuss2000Grw VTWG .4 216.47 –4.17 .1064 AvantisShortTrmFix AVSF .4 50.02 –0.01 .0184 DirexKRBull3 KORU .0 34.77 –5.18 .0031 FT NYSE ArcaBiotch FBT ... 169.74 –4.33 ... HCM Def500 LGH .2 42.26 +0.48 .0768 InvscS&P500HiBeta SPHB 1.1 74.47 +0.06 .2239
VangdRuss2000Val VTWV 1.3 141.34 –0.21 .3403 AvantisUSEquity AVUS 1.0 76.29 +0.55 .2001 DirexTechBear3 TECS ... 4.37 –0.02 ... FT PfdSecs FPE 4.5 20.67 –0.03 .0708 HCM Def100 QQH ... 50.75 +0.23 ... InvscS&P500HiDiv SPHD 3.7 44.59 +0.76 .1142
VangdSTCpBd VCSH 1.8 82.59 –0.05 .1082 AvantisUSSCValue AVUV 1.2 74.98 +0.70 .1767 DirexTechBull3 TECL .0 63.85 +0.17 .19 FTSTOXXEurSel Div FDD 3.6 15.09 +0.31 .2498 HartfordLongEc HLGE ... 27.08 +0.05 ... InvscS&P500LowVol SPLV 1.5 64.03 +0.73 .0845
VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 2.3 52.45 +0.06 .4808 AwareUltShDur AWTM 1.1 49.76 –0.02 .04 DirexTransportBl3 TPOR .0 40.68 +3.21 .009 FT ShDurMgMun FSMB 1.4 20.96 ... .02 HartfordMultiDvxUS RODM 3.1 31.69 +0.43 .5994 InvscS&P500Mom SPMO .8 61.71 +0.31 .0648
VangdShortTermTrea VGSH .5 61.46 –0.02 .018 BNYMellonCoreBd BKAG 1.6 49.83 +0.04 .0549 DirDlyTravelBull OOTO ... 19.07 –0.50 ... FT S&P REIT FRI 1.9 29.39 –0.06 .1091 HartfordMultiEM ROAM 2.9 24.93 –0.15 .3118 InvscS&P500PrGrw RPG .2 196.48 –0.57 .0079
VangdTotalBd BND 2.0 86.36 +0.12 .1361 BNYMellonEM BKEM 2.2 71.72 –0.16 .4435 Direx20+TreaBr3 TMV ... 58.26 –0.97 ... FT TCWESGPremier EPRE ... 20.97 –0.49 ... HartfrdMultifctrSC ROSC 1.3 39.56 +0.23 .0435 InvscS&P500PrVal RPV 1.6 78.13 +1.55 .2866
VangdTotalCpBd VTC 2.4 92.43 +0.18 .1771 BNYMellonHYBeta BKHY 5.2 56.54 +0.02 .2332 Direx20+YrTrBull TMF .1 28.79 +0.37 .0144 FT TCW EM Debt EFIX 4.3 19.77 +0.04 .0725 HartfordMultiUSEqu ROUS 1.6 41.59 +0.25 .1177 InvscS&P500Multi QVML ... 26.08 +0.20 ...
VangdTotIntlBd BNDX .9 57.94 +0.08 .0405 BNYMellonIntl BKIE 2.1 75.70 +1.00 .4336 DirexUtilBl3X UTSL 1.0 34.98 +1.69 .092 FT TCW SecPlus DEED 1.4 26.01 –0.03 .035 HartfordMuniOpps HMOP 1.9 42.25 +0.01 .0525 InvscS&P500Qual SPHQ 1.2 50.92 +0.44 .1426
VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 2.4 65.99 +0.53 .5148 BNYM ShDurCpBd BKSB 1.5 51.35 –0.03 .0542 DirexDynHedge DYHG .8 58.89 +0.35 .1994 FT TCWUnPlBd UCON 2.6 26.61 –0.02 .049 HartfordSchTax HTAB 1.1 21.78 +0.02 .0193 InvscS&P500Rev RWL 1.4 75.42 +0.79 .2436
VangdTotWorldBd BNDW 1.4 80.94 +0.06 .0887 BNYM LC Core BKLC 1.0 84.44 +0.48 .2573 DirexFallKnives NIFE .7 72.96 –0.66 .2068 FT TechAlphaDEX FXL ... 125.88 –0.88 ... HartfordTRBd HTRB 2.2 41.15 +0.05 .0742 InvscS&P500Top50 XLG 1.1 341.02 +2.67 .9395
VicShDevEnhVol CIZ 2.7 35.07 +0.15 .2695 BNYM US MC Core BKMC 1.0 91.31 +0.55 .2855 DirexFlight FLYT 3.5 50.28 +0.45 .3703 FT USEquityOpp FPX .2 127.79 –0.78 .088 HealthCareSelSect XLV 1.3 133.69 +0.75 .4808 InvscS&P500ValMom SPVM 1.5 50.38 +0.89 .1628
VicShDivAccel VSDA 1.4 45.95 +0.40 .0256 BNYM US SC Core BKSE 1.1 94.87 –0.55 .2873 DirexHiGrowth HIPR .4 71.40 +0.66 .0883 FT UltShDurMuni FUMB .6 20.20 ... .006 High Yield HYLD 7.0 32.27 +0.05 .17 InvscS&PGlbWater CGW 1.1 59.00 +1.08 .6603
VicShEMHiDivVol CEY 4.1 23.68 –0.23 .3778 BNYMellonUltraSh BKUI ... 50.01 ... ... DirexHydrogen HJEN 1.1 20.74 –0.21 .058 FT UtilAlpha FXU 2.3 31.90 +0.48 .1649 HorizonKinInfltn INFL .7 30.27 +0.20 .062 InvscS&PIntDvLoVl IDLV 2.2 32.31 +0.47 .2242
VicShIntlHiDivVol CID 4.6 33.24 +0.39 .1632 BallastSmMid MGMT ... 36.38 –0.18 ... DirexLowPriced LOPX ... 8.87 –0.38 ... FT ValDivFd FVD 1.8 41.48 +0.59 .1894 HoyaCapHousing HOMZ 2.6 41.74 +0.49 .0816 InvscS&PIntlDev IDMO 1.5 35.21 +0.17 .138
VicShIntlVolWtd CIL 2.7 46.26 ... .3363 iPathBCarbon GRN ... 21.81 –0.71 ... DirexMSCILvL ESNG 1.2 69.97 +0.23 .2642 FT Water FIW .4 89.11 +0.54 .0987 HullTacticalUS HTUS .0 34.36 +0.64 1.0989 InvscS&PIntlDevQu IDHQ 1.9 32.14 +0.47 .2139
VicShNasdNext50 QQQN .3 33.34 –0.25 .0067 Barrons400ETF BFOR .8 60.62 +0.09 .4875 DirexMoonInnov MOON .1 32.64 –0.56 .0357 FlexShSelBdFd BNDC 2.1 26.49 –0.01 .0335 HumankindUS HKND 1.4 28.53 +0.33 .1012 InvscS&PMC400EW EWMC .9 92.53 +0.43 .195
VicShProtectAmer SHLD .7 33.17 +0.76 .0131 BitwiseCrypto BITQ ... 25.75 –0.05 ... DirexNasd100EW QQQE .4 85.32 –0.26 .0967 FlexShDevMkxUSQu QLVD 2.4 28.79 +0.48 .3409 IQCandESGIntl IQSI 2.2 30.70 +0.51 .3653 InvscS&P400PrGrw RFG .1 226.54 –0.24 .1206
VicShUSDiscEnhVol CSF 1.0 61.15 +0.14 .0241 BlkRkFutClimt BECO ... 25.44 +0.32 ... DirexRs1000GrOvVal RWGV .1 121.38 +0.41 .158 FlexShDiscDurMBS MBSD 2.7 23.60 –0.01 .0396 IQCandESGUS IQSU 1.0 38.58 +0.27 .1024 InvscS&P400PrVal RFV 1.0 94.56 +1.70 .2964
VicShUSEQIncmEnh CDC 2.4 66.87 +1.17 .1285 BlkRkFutureHlth BMED ... 29.40 –0.54 ... DirexRs1000ValOvGr RWVG 1.0 58.75 +1.42 .296 FlexShEMQualLo QLVE 1.7 26.61 +0.08 .1836 IQ50%HdgFTSEIntl HFXI 2.5 25.46 +0.29 .3163 InvscS&PMC400Mult QVMM ... 25.38 +0.12 ...
VicShUS500EnhVol CFO 1.0 74.26 +0.63 .0421 BlkRkFutInnov BFTR ... 48.78 –1.79 ... DirexS&P500HiMin QMJ 1.0 70.40 +1.32 .2351 FlexGlbQualRealEst GQRE 1.6 69.06 +0.08 .4198 IQ500IntlETF IQIN 2.8 33.56 +0.64 .6349 InvscS&PMC400Rev RWK .7 90.92 +1.38 .1678
VicShUS500Vol CFA 1.0 74.16 +0.59 .034 BlkRkFutureTech BTEK ... 35.93 –0.75 ... DirexWorkFrHome WFH .3 76.34 –0.30 .0838 FlexGlbUpstmNatRsc GUNR 2.5 38.24 +0.60 .2385 IQGlobalResources GRES 8.7 29.49 +0.73 2.5521 InvscS&PMCLowVol XMLV 1.0 55.11 +0.48 .1627
VicShUSLCHiDivVol CDL 2.5 58.75 +1.06 .1141 BlkRkIntermMuni INMU 1.0 25.78 ... .0238 DirexWrldWithout WWOW .0 28.90 –0.16 .0004 FSHiYdValScored HYGV 5.8 49.66 ... .1785 IQ HealthyHearts HART 1.4 28.75 +0.09 .1147 InvscS&PMCMom XMMO .3 86.09 –0.48 .0272
VicShUSMultMin VSMV 1.6 39.91 +0.66 .0481 BlkRkUSCarbon LCTU .7 51.42 +0.41 .0921 DistillateIntlFund DSTX 1.8 26.56 +0.08 .2833 FlexShiBoxx5YTIPS TDTF 3.2 28.30 +0.07 .1842 IQHedgeEventDriven QED 4.4 23.76 –0.07 1.0495 InvscS&PMCQual XMHQ 1.0 77.90 –0.31 .1807
VicShUSSCHiDiv CSB 3.0 60.25 +0.77 .0726 BlkRkUSEqRotat DYNF 1.3 37.74 +0.14 .0925 DistillUSFundSt DSTL 1.6 42.82 +0.36 .0959 FlexiBx3YDurTIPS TDTT 3.2 26.48 +0.04 .174 IQHedgeL/STracker QLS 1.9 27.84 +0.18 .5173 InvscS&PMCValMom XMVM .9 46.78 +0.82 .0835
VicShUSSCVolWtd CSA 1.1 65.53 +0.14 .0125 BlkRkWxUSCarbon LCTD 1.2 49.11 +0.60 .3057 DriveWealthPwrSvr EERN ... 25.38 +0.04 ... FlexShIntQualDiv IQDE 3.2 24.84 +0.31 .279 IQ HedMacrTrac MCRO 2.5 28.31 –0.01 .7123 InvscS&P100EW EQWL 1.6 83.32 +0.95 .3049
VirtusTerraUSQual JOET .1 30.92 +0.17 .021 BlueHorizBNE BNE .0 29.32 +0.52 .0044 DriveWealthStSvr STBL ... 25.00 +0.01 ... FlexShIntQuDivDyn IQDY 2.5 31.40 +0.32 .3246 IQHedgeMktNeut QMN 2.1 27.32 +0.02 .5692 InvscS&PSCLowVol XSLV 1.4 48.07 +0.11 .1264
WahedFTSEUSAShar HLAL 1.0 39.47 +0.40 .082 BlueStarIsrael ITEQ .7 66.15 –1.74 .05 EmgqEM Internet EMQQ .2 52.06 +0.12 .1135 FlexShIntlQualDiv IQDF 3.0 26.71 +0.19 .3173 IQ HedMultStra QAI 2.0 32.06 –0.07 .6331 InvscS&PSCMom XSMO .4 53.18 –0.61 .0306
WstAstShrtDur WINC 2.6 26.31 +0.01 .0315 BreakwDryBulk BDRY ... 27.97 +1.37 ... ETFMGAltHarvest MJ 2.1 17.03 –0.96 .06 FlexShMDevMktxUS TLTD 1.9 74.64 +0.95 .7163 IQMacESGCoreBd ESGB 1.7 25.22 –0.02 .0352 InvscS&PSC600EW EWSC .7 81.90 +0.09 .1873
WstAstTR WBND 3.2 27.20 ... .0627 CP HY Trend HYTR 4.0 24.08 –0.09 .1001 ETFMG PrimeCyber HACK .1 62.34 +0.71 .02 FlexShEM FactTilt TLTE 1.8 61.76 –0.19 .3482 IQMacKayMuniIns MMIN 1.7 27.74 –0.06 .0395 InvscS&P600PrGrw RZG .3 163.28 –2.75 .095
WisdTrChinaxSOE CXSE .7 56.91 –0.01 .0491 CabanaTarget5 TDSA 4.4 25.88 +0.02 .0076 ETFMGPrmJrSilv SILJ 1.5 13.54 –0.21 .20 FlexShQualDivDef QDEF 2.0 55.81 +0.42 .2722 IQMacKayMuniInter MMIT 1.8 26.93 –0.02 .0298 InvscS&P600PrVal RZV .6 92.83 +1.16 .1628
WT CybersFd WCBR ... 26.20 +0.29 ... CabanaTarget7 TDSB .4 26.09 +0.02 .1126 ETFMG PrimeMob IPAY ... 70.36 –0.34 ... FlexShQualDivDyn QDYN 1.9 61.49 +0.61 .2697 IQMergerArbitrage MNA 2.3 33.14 –0.02 .766 InvscS&PSC600Mult QVMS ... 24.72 –0.06 ...
WisdTrEM CpBd EMCB 3.5 76.22 +0.37 .22 CabanaTarget16 TDSE .6 28.95 +0.07 .1698 ETFMG Pr2DlInSlv SINV ... 14.19 +0.18 ... FlexShQualityDiv QDF 1.9 58.18 +0.59 .2727 IQRealReturn CPI 1.0 27.52 +0.07 .2693 InvscS&P600Rev RWJ .5 116.73 +0.64 .1129
WisdTrEMQualDivGrw DGRE 2.2 29.15 –0.07 .215 CabanaTarget10 TDSC .5 27.38 +0.04 .1335 ETFMG Pr2DlSlv SILX ... 6.19 –0.25 ... FlexShReadyAcc RAVI .7 76.16 ... .0408 IQS&PHYLowVolBd HYLV 3.9 25.14 –0.04 .0722 InvscS&PSCValMom XSVM .8 50.52 +0.49 .1086
WisdTrGermanyHdg DXGE 3.7 36.64 +0.73 .76 CabanaTarget13 TDSD .5 28.64 +0.14 .1451 ETFMGSitUltra VALT .8 49.72 ... .0343 FlexShSTOXXGlb NFRA 2.2 58.57 +0.59 .3905 IQ US RealEstSC ROOF 3.1 26.06 –0.20 .2293 InvscS&PSpin-Off CSD .8 65.59 +0.27 .5489
WisdTrIntRtHYBd HYZD 4.4 22.12 +0.03 .075 CabanaLdgAgg CLSA ... 25.11 +0.09 ... ETFMG TravelTech AWAY .0 26.50 –0.44 .01 FlexShUSQualLo QLV 1.1 53.09 +0.28 .1436 IQ UltShrtDur ULTR 1.0 49.52 +0.03 .034 InvscS&PUltDiv RDIV 4.6 41.38 +0.85 .3288
WisdTrIntUSAgg AGZD 1.9 46.82 –0.13 .06 CabanaLdgCon CLSC ... 25.26 –0.04 ... ETFMG Treat GERM .8 43.73 +0.33 .06 Formidable FORH ... 24.97 +0.33 ... iClimaDistRenew SHFT ... 21.10 –0.30 ... InvscSrLoan BKLN 3.2 22.04 +0.04 .0534
WisdTrJapanHdgSC DXJS 2.3 44.10 +0.29 .4745 CabanaLdgMod CLSM ... 25.30 +0.06 ... ETFMG2DlAltHarv MJXL ... 7.15 –0.82 ... FormidableFort KONG ... 25.32 –0.01 ... iClimaGlbDecarb CLMA ... 20.78 –0.01 ... InvscSolar TAN .1 82.82 –3.42 .0922
WT US Growth WGRO ... 26.63 +0.11 ... CannabisETF THCX 1.4 14.87 –0.32 .0034 ETFMG2DlyTravel AWYX ... 7.33 –0.40 ... FrankFTSEAsiaxJpn FLAX 1.7 27.46 –0.17 .1077 iMDBiHedgeStrat DBEH ... 32.23 –0.02 ... InvscTaxMuniBd BAB 2.5 33.60 +0.09 .0721
WisdTrUSQltyDiv DGRW 1.7 62.36 +0.89 .065 CapLinkGlbFin KOIN .4 43.33 –0.44 .1534 ETFMG US Alt MJUS ... 8.65 –0.40 ... FrankFTSEAustralia FLAU 2.6 31.25 +0.35 .5236 iMDBiMgdFut DBMF ... 28.08 –0.08 ... InvscTotalRetBd GTO 1.7 57.47 +0.20 .0955
WisdTrUSSCQltyDiv DGRS 1.8 46.48 +0.49 .08 CapNextVehicles EKAR .4 42.08 +0.01 .1659 ETRACSAlerianMLP AMUB 7.3 11.45 +0.30 .2083 FrankFTSEBrazil FLBR 2.9 22.95 –0.39 .4082 ImpactAffHous OWNS ... 19.99 ... ... InvscTreaCollat CLTL .1 105.68 ... .0006
ChgFinUSLCFoss CHGX .5 34.31 –0.03 .1678 ETRACSAlernMLPInfr MLPB 7.3 15.38 +0.49 .2639 FrankFTSECanada FLCA 2.0 33.54 +0.22 .2389 ImpactNAACPMinrty NACP 1.0 33.97 +0.24 .0682 InvscUltShtDur GSY .7 50.48 ... .0221
ChangeCapSust CBSE ...
EtracsAlerianMid AMND 7.3
EtracsAlerMidstr AMNA 6.1
FrankFTSEEurope FLEE
ImpactSustain SDGA 1.2
ImpactShsYWCAWomen WOMN 1.4
ClearSharesOCIO OCIO 1.6 32.84 +0.18 .1225 EtracsAlerMid AMTR ... 38.23 +0.17 ... FrankFTSEEurHdg FLEH 1.6 28.76 +0.39 .1454 IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 1.2 105.00 +1.46 .3143 InvscWildClnEngy PBW .8 81.42 –1.11 .2556
AAFFirstCLOBd AAA 1.1 25.01 ... .023 ClearPitonInt PIFI .0 99.58 +0.02 .0294 ETRACSBloomETN DJCB ... 18.01 +0.09 ... FrankFTSEFrance FLFR 1.8 32.28 +0.40 .3639 InfraCapMLP AMZA 10.3 26.33 +0.95 .22 InvscZacksMC CZA 1.2 93.90 +1.33 1.0837
AAM LowDurPfd PFLD 4.9 25.31 –0.10 .10 ClearUltShMat OPER .4 100.11 ... .03 EtracsMvisBus BDCZ 7.5 19.87 +0.34 .3712 FrankFTSEGermany FLGR 3.0 27.53 +0.43 .4289 InfraCapREITPfd PFFR 5.8 24.65 –0.08 .12 InvscZacksMltIncm CVY 2.7 24.36 +0.17 .1846
AAMS&PDevMk DMDV 3.4 25.08 +0.30 .1035 ColumbiaDivFixed DIAL 2.5 21.55 –0.07 .0482 EtracsM1.5XLevCEF CEFD 9.8 33.13 –0.01 .2585 FrankFTSE HK FLHK 3.0 27.84 +0.12 .2643 InfusiveComp JOYY .7 33.75 +0.20 .0609 iPathBloomCocoaTR NIB ... 30.71 +1.48 ...
AAMS&PEMHiDivVal EEMD 4.1 23.26 +0.31 .115 ColumbiaEMCoreXCh XCEM 1.5 32.81 –0.41 .49 EtracsM1.5XLevMtg MVRL 11.3 46.32 +0.14 .3064 FrankFTSEIndia FLIN .3 30.94 +0.33 .0457 InnovIBDBreakout BOUT ... 34.92 +0.38 ... iPathBloomCommTR DJP ... 27.35 +0.11 ...
AAMS&P500HiDivV SPDV 3.1 30.46 +0.42 .061 ColumbiaEMConsumer ECON .7 25.51 ... .1786 ETRACSMonthPay2x SMHB 9.2 12.15 +0.09 .0929 FrankFTSEItaly FLIY 2.1 28.66 +0.82 .4161 InnovIBDLdrs LDRS .1 28.27 +0.08 .0185 iPathBloomLeadTR LD ... 48.31 +1.35 ...
AIPoweredEquity AIEQ .1 41.69 –0.01 .02 ColumbiaIndiaCnsmr INCO .3 53.68 –0.70 .1646 ETRACS2xLvHiDiv HDLB 8.5 16.33 +0.48 .1724 FrankFTSEJapan FLJP 2.1 30.18 +0.39 .3935 InnovatorIBD50 FFTY ... 45.80 –0.38 ... iPathGSCI nts GSP ... 15.11 +0.07 ...
AIPwrdIntlEqu AIIQ 1.3 32.72 –0.71 .4136 ColumbiaMultMun MUST 1.8 22.69 –0.03 .0297 ETRACSNYSEPick PYPE 7.6 17.98 +0.33 .3204 FrankFTSEJapanHdg FLJH ... 30.83 +0.20 ... InnovLoupFrontier LOUP ... 51.41 –0.60 ... iPathPBBroadCmod BCM ... 36.27 +0.14 ...
ALPSCleanEnergy ACES .6 69.85 –0.86 .1746 ColumbiaResEnhCore RECS .8 30.53 +0.36 .2678 EtracsQ1.5XLevMVIS BDCX 11.1 39.64 +1.02 1.2127 FrankFTSELatAm FLLA 2.6 24.37 –0.04 .3069 InnovEAFEPwrApr IAPR ... 25.91 +0.12 ... iPathPBCrudeOil OIL ... 20.44 –0.18 ...
ALPS DisrupTech DTEC .3 49.64 –0.46 .169 ColumbiaResEnhVal REVS 19.9 20.95 +0.36 .0115 EtracsQ1.5XLevAl MLPR 10.7 31.91 +1.27 .8853 FrankFTSEMexico FLMX 1.8 24.83 +0.37 .2552 InnovEAFEPwrJan IJAN ... 26.97 +0.08 ... iPathBlmAgricult JJA ... 21.75 +0.72 ...
ALPSEmgDivDogs EDOG 3.0 24.07 +0.27 .3937 ColumbiaSustIntl ESGN 2.7 28.23 +0.53 .3196 Etracs2xLvUSMin USML ... 32.61 +0.56 ... FrankFTSERussia FLRU 6.1 31.12 +0.62 .2184 InnovEAFEPwrJul IJUL ... 24.63 +0.10 ... iPathBlmAlum JJU ... 54.84 +0.46 ...
ALPS EqSecWgh EQL 1.7 103.34 +1.01 .4356 ColumbiaSusUSEqu ESGS 2.2 36.77 +0.49 .219 Etracs2xLvUSMom MTUL ... 26.93 +1.21 ... FrankFTSESaudiAr FLSA 1.5 34.79 +0.54 .3551 InnovEMPwrApr EAPR ... 24.96 –0.01 ... iPathBlmCoffee JO ... 51.18 +1.62 ...
AlpsHillmanAct HVAL ... 25.36 +0.24 ... CommSvsSPDR XLC .6 83.19 +0.37 .1405 Etracs2xLvUSQu QULL ... 35.21 +0.33 ... FrankFTSESAfrica FLZA 3.4 26.03 +0.16 .3349 InnovEMPwrJan EJAN ... 30.32 +0.01 ... iPathBlmCopper JJC ... 21.85 +0.08 ...
ALPSIntlDivDogs IDOG 3.4 28.76 +0.46 .4187 CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY .6 181.56 +0.55 .2553 Etracs2xLvUSDiv SCDL ... 35.12 +1.08 ... FrankFTSE SKorea FLKR 1.6 30.79 –1.42 .1847 InnovEMPwrJuly EJUL ... 26.01 –0.05 ... iPathBlmCotton BAL ... 52.15 +1.53 ...
ALPSMedBreak SBIO ... 43.72 –0.61 ... CnsStapleSelSector XLP 2.4 72.51 +1.57 .4436 Etracs2xLvUSGrw IWFL ... 31.71 +0.09 ... FrankFTSESwitz FLSW 2.1 35.05 +0.65 .6636 InspireCpBdImp IBD 1.2 26.34 –0.04 .0234 iPathBlmEnergy JJE ... 37.57 –0.86 ...
ALPSREITDivDogs RDOG 4.0 49.45 –0.27 .4729 CorbettRdTactOpp OPPX ... 26.91 +0.14 ... Etracs2xLvUSSize IWML ... 25.39 –0.57 ... FrankFTSETaiwan FLTW 1.9 43.85 –1.31 .052 InspireFaithLC FEVR ... 29.41 +0.44 ... iPathBlmGrains JJG ... 66.49 +2.24 ...
ALPSSectDivDogs SDOG 3.2 53.27 +0.97 .4599 CoreAlternative CCOR 1.2 30.44 +0.31 .114 Etracs2xLvUSVal IWDL ... 33.26 +0.70 ... FrankFTSE UK FLGB 2.7 25.68 +0.41 .4245 InspireFaithMC GLRY ... 29.55 –0.28 ... iPathBlmIndMet JJM ... 61.36 +0.66 ...
ARKInnovationETF ARKK .0 120.10 –2.91 1.6277 CSFIEnhEur50ETN FEUL ... 116.51 +3.19 ... ETRACS2xM092548 PFFL 9.5 19.42 –0.28 .1543 FrankFedIntTxFr FLMI 2.2 27.06 –0.02 .0518 InspireGlblHope BLES 1.5 39.62 +0.24 .2231 iPathBlmLivestk COW ... 37.70 –0.22 ...
ARK NextGen ARKW .0 149.30 –0.03 1.8945 CS FI LC Grwth FLGE ... 746.88 +2.05 ... ETRACSUBSBloomberg UCIB ... 19.68 +0.28 ... FrankFedTxFrBd FLMB 1.7 27.41 –0.05 .0408 InspireIntlESGETF WWJD 1.8 35.62 +0.44 .3033 iPathBBloomNatGas GAZ ... 20.92 –1.47 ...
AtacCredit JOJO 1.2 20.00 +0.07 .0192 CS S&P MLP MLPO 6.9 10.34 –0.02 .1668 EcofinDigPay TPAY .2 46.91 –0.42 .1021 FrankInvGradeCp FLCO 2.8 26.35 +0.06 .0598 Inspire100ETF BIBL .9 44.39 +0.39 .1001 iPathBlmNickel JJN ... 25.59 +0.32 ...
AtacUSRotation RORO ... 24.44 +0.14 ... CSX Mthly2xLvMtg REML 14.3 6.95 +0.06 .0567 EcofinGlbWater EBLU 1.0 48.51 +0.39 .2666 FrankShtDurUSGovt FTSD 1.2 94.90 +0.01 .0733 InspireS/MC Impact ISMD .8 36.17 +0.04 .0894 iPathBlmPlatinum PGM ... 48.31 +2.37 ...
AberdStdBlAllCm BCD 1.0 31.19 +0.13 .3274 DBGoldDoubleLg DGP ... 37.54 +0.79 ... ElemntsRogrAgri RJA ... 8.03 +0.29 ... FrankSysStyle FLSP 1.1 20.73 +0.36 .2385 InspireTactBal RISN .8 30.22 +0.31 .0489 iPathBlmPrecMet JJP ... 62.65 +0.11 ...
AberdStdBlACStr BCI .6 26.50 +0.10 .1496 DBGoldDoubleShrt DZZ ... 2.84 –0.06 ... ElemntsRogrEngy RJN ... 2.34 –0.05 ... FrankUSCoreBd FLCB 2.4 25.60 ... .0467 InvscActvUSRlEst PSR 2.4 108.30 –0.44 .6849 iPathBlmSofts JJS ... 57.00 +2.76 ...
AberdStdPhysGold SGOL ... 17.07 +0.16 ... DBGoldShortETN DGZ ... 10.35 –0.09 ... ElemntsRogrMtls RJZ ... 11.11 +0.09 ... FrankUSLowVol FLLV 1.4 48.80 +0.31 .1502 InvscAero&Def PPA .6 73.88 –0.13 .1108 iPathBlmSugar SGG ... 62.55 +4.44 ...
AberdStdPhysPall PALL ... 246.26 +0.87 ... DayHaganNedRes SSUS .4 34.70 +0.25 .1449 ElemntsRogrTr RJI ... 6.33 +0.03 ... FrankUSTreaBd FLGV 1.8 24.33 +0.02 .037 InvscCA AMT-Fr PWZ 2.3 28.12 –0.08 .0534 iPathBlmTin JJT ... 103.41 +1.28 ...
AberdStdPhysPlat PPLT ... 96.01 +4.46 ... De-SPAC DSPC .4 23.19 –0.86 .0217 ElemntsSpectrmLC EEH ... 31.91 +0.83 ... FrankUltraShBd FLUD 1.5 24.89 +0.01 .014 InvscCEFIncmComp PCEF 6.6 24.71 +0.10 .1343 iPathShillerCape CAPE ... 21.72 +0.06 ...
AberdStdPhyPrMt GLTR ... 93.15 +0.12 ... DefianceHotel CRUZ ... 21.37 –0.37 ... ElemntsBiofuels FUE ... 10.16 +0.32 ... FranklinLibEM FLQE 3.2 30.69 +0.17 .2302 InvscChinaTech CQQQ .6 68.90 –1.63 .3859 iPathSilverETN SBUG ... 32.69 –0.84 ...
AberdStdPhySilv SIVR ... 22.89 –0.56 ... DefianceNextGen PSY ... 20.61 –1.19 ... ElemntsGrain GRU ... 4.69 +0.22 ... FranklinLibQGlbDiv FLQD 3.3 35.98 +0.75 .4323 InvscCurrShAUD FXA ... 73.34 +0.25 ... iShAAA-ARtdCorpBd QLTA 2.0 57.09 +0.12 .0879
AbsoluteCrStrat ABEQ .5 28.02 +0.23 .044 DefNextBigData BIGY ... 26.01 +0.03 ... EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 4.3 49.42 –0.09 .5303 FranklinGlbEquity FLQG 2.1 41.14 +0.29 .371 InvscCurrShGBP FXB ... 133.66 –0.12 ... iShA/PDividend DVYA 4.0 40.47 +0.43 .3912
AcquirersFund ZIG .1 28.89 +0.52 .0414 DefianceNextGen FIVG .9 38.35 –0.21 .117 ER Entrepreneurs ENTR .0 25.97 –0.09 1.6517 FranklinIntlEquity FLQH .5 29.01 +0.37 .1514 InvscCurrShCAD FXC ... 78.37 +0.25 ... iShBBBRatedCpBd LQDB 2.5 103.14 +0.26 .2021
AcruenceActUS XVOL ... 21.33 +0.14 ... DefNextGenH2 HDRO .1 20.43 –0.18 .0047 ER Next Entre ERSX .5 23.47 –0.19 .1146 FreedomDayDiv MBOX .5 25.88 +0.20 .0335 InvscCurrShEuro FXE ... 110.13 +0.37 ... iShBBCpBd HYBB 4.0 52.30 +0.03 .1658
ActiveDivStock TADS .2 29.16 +0.04 .0514 DefNextGenSpac SPAK ... 23.23 –0.23 ... EthoClimateLeader ETHO .7 61.67 +0.21 .10 GabelliGrwInn GGRW ... 25.97 –0.27 ... InvscCurrShJPY FXY ... 85.85 +0.47 ... iShAgencyBond AGZ .7 119.06 +0.08 .067
AdaptiveGrwOpps AGOX ... 26.45 +0.06 ... DefianceQuantum QTUM .4 49.84 –0.56 .1013 FIEnhEurope50ETN FIEE ... 209.54 +7.49 ... GabelliLovePlanet LOPP ... 29.16 +0.43 ... InvscCurrShCHF FXF ... 98.86 –0.03 ... iShCMBSETF CMBS 2.3 54.48 –0.16 .0983
AdasinaSocJust JSTC ... 17.72 +0.12 ... DeltaShS&P500Mgd DMRL .8 75.64 +0.53 .1757 FIS KnightsofCol KOCG ... 25.10 +0.09 ... GadsdenDynMult GDMA .6 32.33 +0.25 .0061 InvscDBComm DBC ... 19.07 +0.06 ... iShGovt/CreditBond GBF 1.3 123.33 +0.13 .1302
AdvShAlphaDNA SENT ... 27.46 –0.15 ... DeltaShS&P400Mgd DMRM .4 59.27 +0.23 .0882 FatTailRisk FATT ... 24.74 –0.12 ... GavekalAPGovtBd AGOV ... 100.12 –0.14 ... InvscDBAgriFd DBA ... 19.33 +0.45 ... iSh10-20YTreasBd TLH 1.3 150.89 +0.63 .1961
AdvShDbLineVal DBLV 1.1 96.48 +1.17 1.0248 DeltaShS&PIntMgd DMRI 1.5 54.39 +0.77 .3944 FidelityCorpBd FCOR 2.3 56.11 +0.11 .106 GlblBetaLowBeta GBLO 1.7 24.82 +0.39 .127 InvscDBBaseMet DBB ... 20.62 +0.17 ... iSh0-5YTIPSBd STIP 3.2 106.12 +0.08 .6569
AdvShFocusedEqu CWS .2 48.54 +0.21 .1195 DeltaShS&P600Mgd DMRS .3 57.02 –0.07 .0696 FidelityDivRising FDRR 2.0 43.44 +0.55 .245 GlbBetaRisingStars GBGR .4 23.61 –0.38 .0075 InvscDBEnerFd DBE ... 15.26 –0.12 ... iShBloomRollSel CMDY .1 55.61 +0.47 .0662
AdvShFolioBey FWDB 2.0 26.02 –0.11 .0607 DemocracyIntlFd DMCY 2.1 26.83 +0.10 .1419 FidelityHiDiv FDVV 2.6 38.77 +0.43 .267 GlbBetaSmartIncm GBDV 3.5 21.80 +0.46 .1855 InvscDBG10Curr DBV ... 24.75 +0.08 ... iShCalifMuniBd CMF 1.6 62.69 –0.11 .0752
AdvShGerber GK ... 25.94 –0.21 ... DimenEmgCore DFAE .4 28.08 –0.08 .0859 FidelityHYFactor FDHY 4.0 56.00 +0.07 .189 GlbXAdaptiveUS AUSF 2.4 30.33 +0.46 .18 InvscDBGoldFd DGL ... 51.14 +0.54 ... iShCloud5G&TechETF IDAT ... 26.52 –0.36 ...
AdvShHotel BEDZ ... 23.36 –0.30 ... DimenIntlCore DFAI 1.4 30.08 +0.37 .2153 FidelityIntlHiDiv FIDI 3.5 21.18 +0.39 .259 GlbXAdaptUSRisk ONOF .6 29.25 +0.21 .0873 InvscDBOilFund DBO ... 12.34 –0.05 ... iShCmdCurve CCRV ... 25.14 +0.08 ...
AdvShNewfleet MINC 1.8 48.83 –0.04 .0677 DimenUSCore DFAU .7 31.20 +0.20 .0771 FidelityIntlValue FIVA 2.8 24.83 +0.34 .22 GlbXCopperMiners COPX 1.3 38.37 +1.14 .1613 InvscDBPrecMetls DBP ... 48.26 +0.16 ... iShAggrAllocation AOA 1.5 71.76 +0.45 .3835
AdvShPureCannab YOLO .6 18.17 –1.06 .0373 DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC .9 27.52 +0.21 .0636 FidelityIGBd FIGB 1.2 50.79 +0.10 .055 GlbX EM Bd EMBD 3.7 26.92 +0.05 .088 InvscDBSilverFd DBS ... 33.09 –0.86 ... iShConsAllocat AOK 1.6 40.20 +0.15 .0289
AdvShPureUSCan MSOS ... 34.96 –1.97 ... DimenUSEquity DFUS .9 48.90 +0.32 .1085 FidelityIGSecur FSEC 1.0 49.95 +0.01 .052 GlbXFTSENordReg GXF 1.5 32.81 +0.55 .313 InvscDBUSDBear UDN ... 21.03 +0.06 ... iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 2.0 52.81 +0.70 .2606
AdvShQDynGrw QPX ... 28.81 –0.03 ... DimenUSSCETF DFAS .5 58.31 +0.03 .0787 FidelityLtdTermBd FLTB 1.0 52.41 –0.02 .049 GlbX FTSE SE Asia ASEA 1.9 13.98 +0.07 .1711 InvscDBUSDBull UUP ... 24.86 –0.07 ... iShCore5-10YUSDBd IMTB 2.2 51.55 –0.03 .0659
AdvShQPtfBlend QPT ... 26.43 –0.10 ... DimenUSTargVal DFAT 1.0 45.26 +0.57 .1172 FidelityLowVol FDLO 1.1 49.42 +0.43 .141 GlbX GoldExplorers GOEX 3.6 29.12 –0.39 .1483 InvscDefEquity DEF 1.1 69.13 +0.56 .794 iShGrwthAllocation AOR 1.6 56.79 +0.38 .275
AdvShRangerEqBear HDGE ... 24.74 +0.45 ... DirexAuspiceBroad COM ... 31.07 +0.38 ... FidelityCommSvs FCOM .6 55.01 –0.05 .088 GlbX GuruIndex GURU 1.8 49.40 +0.72 .9019 InvscDJIADiv DJD 2.9 44.75 +0.54 .2598 iShCoreHiDividend HDV 3.5 98.02 +0.85 .8103
AdvShRestaurant EATZ ... 23.67 –0.15 ... DirexConCnsmr CCON .1 54.86 –1.51 .0478 FidelityMSCICnDisc FDIS .5 82.14 +0.33 .11 GlbXLithium&Batt LIT .1 86.06 –0.39 .0357 InvscDynBiotech PBE ... 76.08 –0.74 ... iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 1.9 63.22 –0.33 .4705
AdvShStrGlbBW VEGA .3 40.48 +0.12 .1047 DirexAeroBl3 DFEN .1 22.89 –0.52 .0128 FidelityMSCICnStpl FSTA 2.3 43.91 +0.89 .242 GlbX MLP&Energy MLPX 6.3 34.30 +0.40 .5007 InvscDynBuilding PKB .2 50.97 +0.68 .0419 iShCoreMSCIEurope IEUR 2.3 59.80 +0.88 .8758
AdvShSageCore HOLD .8 98.58 –0.04 .0561 DirexBrazilBull2X BRZU .8 110.36 –3.43 .5951 FidelityMSCIEn FENY 3.8 13.42 –0.07 .128 GlbX MLP MLPA 9.3 34.74 +0.86 .725 InvscDynEnerExpl PXE 2.2 15.67 –0.25 .0354 iShMSCIIntlDev IDEV 2.2 69.48 +0.86 .8862
AdvShViceETF VICE 1.1 32.31 –0.49 .3669 DirexCSIChinaInt CWEB ... 20.88 –0.51 ... FidelityMSCIFinls FNCL 1.6 54.94 +0.93 .226 GlbXMSCIArgentina ARGT .3 33.92 +1.10 .025 InvscDynFood&Bev PBJ 1.1 42.95 +1.82 .1163 iShCoreMSCIPacific IPAC 1.9 67.22 +0.59 .8084
AGFiQ GlbInfr GLIF 2.3 27.63 +0.21 .1671 DirexCSI300CnA CHAD ... 17.11 –0.20 ... FidelityMSCIHlthCr FHLC 1.2 66.42 –0.11 .183 GlbXMSCIChinaCm CHIC 1.8 20.07 –0.26 .0508 InvscDynLCGrw PWB .1 76.96 –0.13 .0137 iShModAllocation AOM 1.6 45.59 +0.18 .1878
AGFiQHdgDivIncm DIVA .7 24.37 +0.27 .0237 DirexCSI300CnABl2 CHAU ... 39.32 +0.98 ... FidelityMSCIIndls FIDU 1.1 55.31 +0.67 .153 GlXMSCIChinaCnDisc CHIQ .1 30.18 +0.17 .0224 InvscDynLCValue PWV 1.9 45.90 +0.97 .1956 iShCoreS&P500 IVV 1.3 447.85 +3.43 1.2249
AGFiQ US NeutAB BTAL ... 17.04 –0.04 ... DirexCloudBr2 CLDS ... 17.71 +0.35 ... FidelityMSCIIT FTEC .6 122.89 –0.06 .198 GlbXMSCIChCS CHIS .7 28.38 +0.73 .14 InvscDynLeisure PEJ .6 49.17 –0.07 .0112 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 1.1 272.84 +1.54 .7384
AlerianEnergyInfr ENFR 5.9 18.94 –0.18 .2435 DirexCloudBl2 CLDL ... 29.11 –0.75 ... FidelityMSCIMatls FMAT 1.4 48.26 +1.39 .178 GlbXMSCIChinaEner CHIE 2.6 10.62 +0.42 .0689 InvscDynMarket PWC .6 124.25 +1.07 .2584 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 1.0 111.01 –0.48 .253
AlerianMLPETF AMLP 8.3 33.00 +0.44 .68 DirexCnsDiscBl3 WANT ... 68.80 +0.62 ... FidelityRealEst FREL 2.8 31.90 –0.06 .203 GlbXMSCIChinaFinl CHIX 3.6 14.64 +0.46 .2173 InvscDynMedia PBS .5 52.81 –0.81 .0908 iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 1.2 102.03 +0.55 .2359
AlexisPractical LEXI ... 25.71 +0.13 ... DirexDJBear3X WEBS ... 15.61 +0.15 ... FidelityMSCIUtils FUTY 2.8 44.28 +0.69 .317 GlbXMSCIChinaHC CHIH .1 27.77 –0.76 .0171 InvscDynNetwkg PXQ .1 94.39 –0.22 .0039 iShCore10+YUSDBd ILTB 3.0 73.41 +0.36 .181
AlgerMC40 FRTY ... 21.68 +0.27 ... DirexDJBull3X WEBL ... 85.54 –0.86 ... FidelityMomFactor FDMO .5 50.77 +0.14 .075 GlbXMSCIChinaIndls CHII 1.8 16.52 +0.13 .1117 InvscDynOil&GasSv PXJ 3.7 3.22 –0.03 .0063 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 1.8 115.97 +0.18 .1666
Alger35 ATFV ... 21.31 –0.48 ... DirexEM Bear3 EDZ ... 8.92 +0.09 ... FidelityQualFactor FQAL 1.2 51.94 +0.34 .151 GlbXMSCIChinaIT CHIK .4 30.16 –1.09 .0406 InvscDynPharm PJP .7 82.17 –0.16 .1478 iShCoreUS REIT USRT 2.4 61.17 –0.18 .3583
AllianzUSLCBf10A AZAA .0 28.41 +0.09 1.2218 DirexEM Bull3 EDC .2 87.18 –1.14 .0522 FidelitySmallMid FSMD 1.2 34.26 –0.01 .099 GlbXMSCIChLC50 CHIL .9 33.95 +0.16 .0733 InvscDynSemicon PSI .1 126.81 –4.40 .0799 iShCurrHdgNikk400 HJPX 1.4 34.83 +0.33 .285
AllianzUSLCBf10J AZAJ ... 27.60 +0.08 ... DirexEnergyBr2 ERY ... 16.13 +0.09 ... FidelitySustainUS FSST ... 21.19 +0.19 ... GlbXMSCIChinaMatls CHIM 1.8 27.66 +1.05 .2937 InvscDynSoftware PSJ ... 154.63 –3.94 ... iShCurHdgMSCIUS HAWX 1.9 32.73 +0.21 .3319
AllianzUSLCBf10J AZAL .0 28.34 +0.11 1.0329 DirexEnergyBl2 ERX 2.0 23.41 –0.20 .1644 FidelityTotalBdETF FBND 2.0 53.65 +0.10 .084 GlbXMSCIChRlEst CHIR 5.9 13.13 +1.00 .2973 InvscEMSovDebt PCY 4.4 27.56 +0.05 .1056 iShCurrHdgMSCICda HEWC 1.6 32.54 +0.07 .1781
AllianzUSLCB10O AZAO ... 28.77 +0.07 ... DirexChinaBr3 YANG ... 17.13 –1.31 ... FidelityUSMulti FLRG 2.5 25.86 +0.17 .108 GlbXMSCIChUtil CHIU 3.6 17.66 +0.50 .3815 InvscFinlPfd PGF 4.8 19.13 –0.08 .0732 iShCurHdgMSCIEAFE HSCZ 1.5 37.35 +0.31 .342
AllianzUSLCBf20A AZBA .0 26.62 +0.01 .6989 DirexChinaBl3 YINN 1.1 12.68 +0.81 .0019 FidelityValFactor FVAL 1.2 50.01 +0.64 .158 GlbXMSCIColombia GXG 3.2 27.30 +1.44 .2804 InvscFTSEDvMktxUS PXF 1.9 48.94 +0.57 .2912 iShCurHdMSCIEurozn HEZU 2.3 37.69 +0.50 .3864
AllianzUSLCBf20J AZBJ ... 26.33 +0.05 ... DirexFTSEEurBull3x EURL .1 40.86 +1.91 .051 FidelityWomen FDWM ... 20.71 +0.08 ... GlbX MSCIGreece GREK 1.9 27.97 +0.33 .5346 InvscDevMktxUSSM PDN 1.7 38.89 +0.34 .1819 iShCurrHdMSCIJapan HEWJ 1.1 38.66 +0.30 .2881
AllianzUSLCBf20J AZBL .0 26.71 +0.06 .584 DirexFinlBear3 FAZ ... 22.45 –1.27 ... FieldUVAUnconMed FFIU 2.4 26.66 –0.01 .054 GlbXMSCINextEm EMFM 2.4 20.18 +0.17 .2244 InvscFTSERAFIEM PXH 2.6 22.84 +0.25 .229 iShCurHdgMSCIMex HEWW .0 18.11 +0.10 .2008
AllianzUSLCB10 AZBO ... 26.88 ... ... DirexFinlBull3 FAS .3 125.00 +6.51 .141 FinSelSectorSPDR XLF ... 38.58 +0.72 ... GlbXMSCINigeria NGE 6.9 11.06 +0.12 .7676 InvscFTSEUS1000 PRF 1.5 164.44 +1.94 .5502 iShCurrHdgMSCIUK HEWU 2.7 23.22 +0.34 .3818
AltMergerArb ARB .0 25.58 +0.02 .726 Direx5GCommsBull2X TENG ... 26.21 –0.38 ... FTActiveFactorLC AFLG 1.0 26.44 +0.27 .0679 GlbX MSCINorway NORW 2.3 14.44 +0.37 .2019 InvscFundHYCpBd PHB 3.7 19.50 ... .0519 iShCybersecurity IHAK .1 43.66 –0.10 .0098
AmCentDivrsCpBd KORP 2.6 52.65 ... .0681 DirexGlbCleanBl2 KLNE ... 24.43 –0.65 ... FTActiveFactorMC AFMC .8 25.86 +0.15 .055 GlbXMSCIPakistan PAK 5.6 27.70 –0.32 1.0693 InvscFundInvCpBd PFIG 2.2 27.05 +0.01 .0483 iShUSBasicMaterial IYM 1.2 135.92 +3.57 .4359
AmCentDivrsMuni TAXF 1.9 55.61 –0.09 .0698 DirexGoldMinBr2 DUST ... 20.08 +0.41 ... FTActiveFactorSC AFSM .3 26.29 –0.03 .06 GlbXMSCIPortugal PGAL 3.3 11.07 +0.13 .3026 InvscGlbClnEner PBD .5 29.06 –0.29 .0656 iShUSConsumerSvcs IYC .5 78.57 +0.20 .0828
AmCentEMBd AEMB 4.1 49.98 +0.17 .1723 DirexGoldMinBl2 NUGT ... 53.53 –1.50 ... FT ConsDscAlpDx FXD .2 62.25 +0.66 .0312 GlbXISuperDivEM SDEM 5.9 11.84 +0.06 .0675 InvscGlblPrvEqu PSP 5.6 16.49 +0.14 .541 iShUSConsumerGoods IYK 1.3 188.40 +2.97 .4841
AmCentLowVol LVOL 1.0 46.81 +0.25 .1386 DirexHlthcrBull3 CURE .0 124.11 +1.84 .0061 FT ConsStaples FXG 1.3 58.16 +2.55 .2083 GlXS&P500CCGrw XYLG 4.5 31.04 +0.19 .1156 InvscGlbShrtHYBd PGHY 5.5 21.89 ... .0895 iShUSFinlServices IYG 1.2 192.93 +1.55 .3858
AmCentMCGrw MID ... 58.93 –0.75 ... DirexHmbldrBull3 NAIL ... 90.97 +6.71 ... FT DJ GlbSelDiv FGD 4.1 26.31 +0.33 .3933 GlbXS&P500Cv XYLD 9.8 49.35 +0.21 .3365 InvscIndia PIN .4 27.15 +0.34 .1146 iShUSHealthcare IYH 1.0 288.85 +1.22 .53
AmCentMulti MUSI 3.2 50.03 –0.02 .1317 DirexIndlsBl3 DUSL .1 46.34 +1.83 .0073 FT DJ Internet FDN ... 241.35 –0.67 ... GlbXS&P500QualDiv QDIV 2.5 31.48 +0.53 .067 InvscIntlCpBd PICB 1.0 29.40 +0.14 .0222 iShUSRealEstate IYR 1.9 107.05 –0.03 .5236
AmCentQulDivIn QINT 2.0 52.90 +0.59 .6254 DirexJrGoldMinBr2 JDST ... 11.94 +0.32 ... FT Dow30EW EDOW 1.5 31.43 +0.33 .1198 GlbXSilverMiners SIL 2.3 40.20 –0.33 .1786 InvscInvGradeDef IIGD 1.3 26.75 ... .0253 iShUSUtilities IDU 2.7 84.65 +1.40 .5503
AmCentStoxxUSQ QGRO .2 74.19 +0.04 .05 DirexJrGoldMinBl2 JNUG .5 67.48 –3.00 .3359 FT EIP Carbon ECLN 1.6 24.23 +0.09 .0967 GlblXSuperDividend SDIV 7.3 13.41 +0.25 .09 InvscInvGradeValue IIGV 2.0 27.78 +0.03 .0457 iShUS Energy IYE 3.0 26.72 –0.11 .1959
AmCentStxUSQual VALQ 1.5 51.73 +0.50 .2159 DirexLatAmBl2X LBJ .4 79.98 +0.09 .2297 FT EnergyAlpDx FXN 3.2 10.36 –0.03 .0047 GlbXSuperDivUS DIV 5.6 20.02 +0.31 .0845 InvscMSCIGrnBldg GBLD 3.8 25.27 +0.01 .2374 iShUS Finls IYF 1.2 84.77 +0.70 .2082
AmCentSustEq ESGA .7 56.18 +0.43 .1106 DirexIndiaBull2 INDL ... 55.80 +1.29 ... FT EqCompRiskMgr ERM 1.1 25.57 +0.16 .0791 GlbXSuperIncPfd SPFF 5.6 12.03 –0.03 .0565 InvscMSCISusFut ERTH .6 66.41 –0.58 9.9528 iShUSHealthcarePrv IHF .5 261.42 –4.80 .1745
AmCentSustGrowth ESGY ... 41.97 –0.06 ... DirexMexicoBl3 MEXX .2 90.99 +3.99 .1258 FT EqCompTactical TERM 1.1 22.36 +0.14 .0729 GlbX US Pfd PFFD 5.0 26.05 –0.07 .109 InvscMSCIGlbTimb CUT 1.4 38.68 +0.96 .5533 iShUSInsurance IAK 1.9 81.47 +1.88 .2967
AmConsValues ACVF .7 33.03 +0.19 .0489 DirexMcBull3 MIDU .0 63.41 +1.01 .0119 FT DJ SelMicro FDM 1.0 60.99 –0.59 .0842 GlbX Uranium URA .7 18.97 –0.43 .0248 InvscNatAMTFrMuni PZA 2.3 27.29 –0.05 .0527 iShUSOilEquip&Svcs IEZ 1.4 12.95 –0.12 .0177
AmplifyBlackSwan SWAN .1 35.50 +0.19 .0193 DirexPharmBl3X PILL ... 21.00 –1.32 ... FT ExpTech XPND ... 21.47 –0.19 ... GlbXVarPfd PFFV 5.1 28.27 –0.06 .1205 InvscNYAMTFrMuni PZT 2.4 26.43 –0.06 .0484 iShUSPharmaceuticl IHE 1.3 195.23 +1.38 .7206
AmplifyBlkIswn ISWN .2 26.07 +0.21 .0189 DirexRealEstBr3 DRV ... 4.56 +0.02 ... FT FTSE DevRE FFR ... 52.94 +0.06 ... GSAccessHYCorpBd GHYB 4.6 49.97 +0.01 .1951 InvscPreferred PGX 5.4 15.22 –0.07 .0612 iShUSRegionalBanks IAT 2.0 58.71 +0.58 .249
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M27

Complete FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIST: Page M38 Foreign Markets Key Cross Rates $1=€.8477, ¥109.61, £.7212


Benz Crunch: Daimler said the chip shortage In Local Currencies In U.S. Dollars1 No Music: Cloud Village, the music-streaming
will lead to lower Mercedes-Benz sales. Week's Week's arm of China’s NetEase, is postponing its IPO.
Index % Chg. 8/13 52-wk Range % Chg. 8/13 52-wk Range
S&P Europe BMI 1.19% The World 0.8 2359.4 2359.4– 1737.9 0.9 3125.1 3125.1– 2292.9 S&P Pan Asia BMI 0.13%
E.A.F.E.2 1.3 1347.4 1347.4– 1014.7 1.5 2379.0 2382.8– 1780.1
Italy 2.40 Australia 1.0 1494.6 1494.6– 1126.1 1.3 984.4 1005.8– 719.0 Japan 1.33
Austria 2.4 662.9 662.9– 343.5 2.7 1477.1 1502.9– 756.5
Switzerland 1.99 Belgium 1.2 1000.5 1027.7– 763.8 1.4 1462.3 1543.7– 1102.8 Australia 1.22
Canada 0.2 2579.5 2585.2– 1946.8 0.7 2229.8 2257.0– 1578.8
Denmark 1.51 Denmark 1.7 15254.9 15254.9– 10697.3 2.0 18143.5 18172.9– 12719.8 Thailand 0.78
Finland 0.3 910.2 910.2– 668.5 0.6 712.1 714.5– 516.9
Germany 1.39 France 1.0 2465.7 2465.7– 1670.1 1.3 2457.8 2457.8– 1645.6 Indonesia 0.76
Germany 1.5 1154.3 1154.3– 856.6 1.7 2546.6 2580.5– 1866.5
U.K. 1.30 Greece 0.3 44.1 47.1– 30.9 0.6 19.3 21.2– 13.3 India 0.72
Hong Kong –0.1 17860.1 19150.6– 14555.3 –0.2 12744.6 13715.3– 10422.9
Spain 1.29 Ireland 4.7 307.5 308.0– 226.2 5.0 276.5 276.5– 202.7 Malaysia 0.65
Italy 2.5 843.6 843.6– 570.5 2.8 321.1 324.5– 214.7
Norway 1.08 Japan 1.3 1197.4 1223.4– 955.3 1.7 3930.0 4122.5– 3295.1 China 0.64
Netherlands 0.9 2831.6 2842.9– 1847.4 1.2 5471.0 5471.0– 3547.9
Belgium 1.02 New Zealand –0.7 170.8 206.0– 162.9 –0.3 182.6 226.8– 178.0 Hong Kong 0.32
Norway 1.5 3347.5 3347.5– 2447.7 2.5 2718.3 2816.3– 1839.0
Netherlands 0.99 Portugal3 1.3 97.7 107.6– 82.9 1.5 75.5 86.4– 63.3 Singapore 0.23
Singapore –0.2 1697.3 1719.1– 1281.2 –0.2 3853.9 3941.2– 2886.5
France 0.90 Spain 1.3 878.2 905.5– 622.2 1.6 435.7 461.9– 305.1 -0.75 New Zealand
Sweden 0.9 19474.6 19477.2– 13649.4 1.1 11651.5 11692.4– 7893.7
Greece 0.75 Switzerland 2.1 1661.8 1661.8– 1285.5 2.0 7790.1 7790.1– 6020.6 -2.96 Philippines
U.K. 1.1 2027.8 2030.2– 1561.4 1.0 1170.7 1186.5– 839.3
Sweden 0.62 U.S.A. 0.6 4345.6 4345.6– 3130.0 0.6 4345.6 4345.6– 3130.0 -3.41 Taiwan
Base Jan. 1, 1970=1001Adjusted for foreign exchange fluctuations relative to the U.S. $.
2Europe, Australasia, Far East Index.3Base: Jan. 1, 1988=100.
Finland 0.07 -3.74 South Korea
Source: Morgan Stanley Capital International Perspective, Geneva.
Indexes based on S&P Global Broad Market Indices Source: S&P DJ Indices Indexes based on S&P Global Broad Market Indices Source: S&P DJ Indices

S&P Global S&P Global SP Global Point
Most Recent Week’s Year-to-Date Most Recent Week’s Year-to-Date Indexes, Indexes, Indexes, Chg. % Chg.
Close %Chg. Chg. % Chg. Close %Chg. Chg. % Chg. Region/ Local Curr. Wkly U.S. $ Wkly U.S. $ on From From
Country 08/13/21 % Chg. 08/13/21 % Chg. 12/31/20 12/31/20 12/31/20
Amsterdam AEX 774.83 +0.91 +150.22+24.05 Mexico City IPC 51490 +0.74 +7424.06+16.85 Americas 487.14 0.50 413.23 73.91 17.89
Brazil 1194.87 — 1.41 256.99 — 1.51 260.65 — 3.65 — 1.40
Athens General 895.29 +0.20 +86.30+10.67 Milan FTSE All Share 29116 +2.11 +4913.96+20.30 Canada 632.40 0.17 642.57 0.71 535.57 107.00 19.98
Chile 299.88 2.88 169.84 4.75 179.61 — 9.77 — 5.44
Bangkok SET 1528.32 +0.43 +78.97 +5.45 Moscow RTS 1666.44 +2.06 +278.98+20.11 Mexico 861.10 0.75 350.03 1.60 299.89 50.14 16.72
U.S. 46280.65 0.49 46280.65 0.49 39219.62 7061.04 18.00
Bombay Sensex 55437 +2.14 +7685.95+16.10 Oslo Composite 1238.27 +1.42 +190.68+18.20 Latin America 259.75 — 0.27 258.38 1.37 0.53
Europe 490.99 1.47 427.18 63.82 14.94
Brussels Bel-20 4361.97 +1.37 +740.69+20.45 Paris CAC 6896.04 +1.16 +1344.63+24.22 Austria 351.22 1.31 343.80 1.60 283.22 60.57 21.39
Belgium 374.34 1.02 366.43 1.30 341.04 25.39 7.44
Santiago Selective 2946.72 +2.79 +89.11 +3.12 Denmark 2957.27 1.51 2936.36 1.80 2493.20 443.16 17.77
Buenos Aires Merval 69544 +5.59 +18318+35.76
Finland 1908.57 0.07 1868.22 0.36 1570.81 297.40 18.93
Sao Paulo Bovespa 121193 –1.32 +2176.51 +1.83 France 503.48 0.90 492.83 1.19 420.20 72.63 17.28
Copenhagen OMX 20 1817.85 +1.67 +352.68+24.07
Germany 566.69 1.39 554.71 1.68 503.68 51.03 10.13
Seoul Composite 3171.29 –3.03 +297.82+10.36 Greece 21.40 0.75 22.92 1.03 20.52 2.40 11.71
Dublin ISEQ 8779.64 +3.32 +1403.31+19.02
Ireland 881.61 2.94 862.97 3.23 734.58 128.39 17.48
Shanghai Composite 3516.30 +1.68 +43.23 +1.24 Italy 264.90 2.40 259.30 2.68 223.18 36.12 16.18
EURO STOXX SXXE 473.90 +1.28 +76.34+19.20
Netherlands 1027.12 0.99 1005.40 1.27 792.39 213.01 26.88
Shenzhen B Share Idx 1215.80 +0.84 +129.08+11.88 Norway 726.68 1.08 578.61 2.07 515.56 63.05 12.23
EURO STOXX 50 SXSE 4229.70 +1.32 +677.06+19.06
Portugal 64.71 1.34 69.33 1.62 72.32 — 2.99 — 4.14
Singapore FTSE STI 3165.49 –0.37 +321.68+11.31 Russia 2771.70 1.66 299.85 1.91 253.04 46.80 18.50
Frankfurt DAX 15977 +1.37 +2258.66+16.46 Spain 402.34 1.29 393.84 1.58 369.58 24.26 6.56
Stockholm OMXS 1001.99 +0.68 +233.61+30.40 Sweden 1878.82 0.62 1533.94 0.82 1292.17 241.77 18.71
Helsinki OMHX 13230 +0.03 +2358.83+21.70 Switzerland 734.09 1.99 1169.29 1.84 1038.06 131.23 12.64
STOXX Europe 50 SXSP 3664.18 +1.42 +555.88+17.88 United Kingdom 295.63 1.30 271.24 1.21 237.05 34.18 14.42
Hong Kong Hang Seng 26391 +0.81 –839.51 –3.08 South Africa 972.08 0.76 322.35 0.49 294.27 28.08 9.54
STOXX Europe 600 SXXP 475.83 +1.25 +76.80+19.25 Pacific Region 284.75 0.06 279.81 4.94 1.76
Istanbul IMKB 1447.64 +0.90 –29.08 –1.97 Australia 556.46 1.22 595.84 1.52 532.40 63.44 11.92
Sydney S&P/ASX 200 7628.90 +1.20 +1041.80+15.82
China 545.77 0.64 668.24 0.62 755.42 — 87.18 — 11.54
Jakarta Composite 6139.49 –1.03 +160.42 +2.68 Hong Kong 527.22 0.32 525.22 0.27 501.50 23.72 4.73
Taipel Weighted 16982 –3.10 +2249.58+15.27
India 1656.61 0.72 876.50 0.59 722.88 153.61 21.25
Johannesburg All Share 69384 +1.04 +9976.08+16.79 Japan 153.95 1.33 174.97 1.75 171.41 3.56 2.07
Tel Aviv 125 Index 1770.78 +0.95 +202.69+12.93
Malaysia 233.09 0.65 144.00 0.21 163.45 — 19.46 — 11.90
Kuala Lumpur Composite 1505.11 +1.03 –122.10 –7.50 New Zealand 412.93 — 0.75 566.13 — 0.32 620.97 — 54.84 — 8.83
Tokyo Nikkei-225 27977 +0.56 +532.98 +1.94
Philippines 329.74 — 2.96 260.71 — 3.10 303.05 — 42.35 — 13.97
LISBON PSI 3883.64 +1.59 +83.94 +2.21 Singapore 232.42 0.23 279.76 0.21 236.37 43.38 18.35
Toronto S&P/TSX 20518 +0.21 +3084.71+17.69
South Korea 1200.57 — 3.74 1740.91 — 5.94 1762.81 — 21.90 — 1.24
London FTSE - 100 7218.71 +1.34 +758.19+11.74 Taiwan 168.58 — 3.41 197.56 — 3.61 170.46 27.10 15.90
Vienna ATX 3647.24 +2.10 +866.80+31.17
Thailand 333.99 0.78 482.62 0.83 514.57 — 31.95 — 6.21
Euro Zone 182.76 1.53 158.66 24.09 15.19
Madrid IBEX 35 8999.80 +1.36 +926.10+11.47 Wellington S&P/NZX 50 12764 –0.05 –327.58 –2.50
Europe Developed (ex U.K.) 661.12 1.55 574.46 86.66 15.09
Europe (Nordic) 1517.68 1.14 1288.10 229.57 17.82
Manila Composite 6320.19 –3.36 –819.52–11.48 Zurich Swiss 12464 +2.37 +1760.93+16.45
Pacific (ex. Japan) 396.39 — 0.81 390.05 6.33 1.62
World (ex US) 254.49 0.69 234.84 19.65 8.37
Indexes are based on local currencies. Because of various holidays and other market closings, the most recent close is not necessarily S&P Global Broad Market Indices 363.66 0.58 319.69 43.97 13.75
that of the week of publication. GLOBAL DOW 4097.02 1.56 3488.15 608.88 17.46
s2021 S&P Dow Jones Indices. All Rights Reserved.
M28 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Mutual Funds Data provided by

Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. CASH TRACK NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
OneChoice2025 16.28 0.06 8.0 32.6 ClipperFd n 152.97 0.89 20.4 41.8 NYVen A 33.61 0.02 16.6 40.8
A OneChoice2030 14.54
OneChoice2035 18.46
38.2 Reversal of Fortune: Money funds, which had been seeing cash leave for some time, now are
Cohen & Steers:
GblInfrI 23.46 0.23 12.5 33.5
Davis Funds C & Y:
NYVenY 34.70 0.02 16.8 41.8
AAM: OneChoiceRet 14.47 0.06 7.6 30.7 GlbRltyI 64.53 0.14 21.1 42.5 Del Invest Instl:
B&GIncGroClI 23.88 0.19 16.1 47.9 SDIPB 11.19 0.02 4.7 14.7 enjoying fat inflows; the past month’s weekly average was $6.5 billion. Inflows averaged $2.7 InstlRlty 54.87 -0.02 27.7 56.1 CorpBdI 6.45 0.00 0.0 27.9
AB Funds: SmCapVal 11.45 0.02 31.5 53.1 IntlRltyI r 13.20 0.09 13.0 34.7 USGrw 30.42 -0.57 9.5 77.8
AlBeGblBndFdClZ p 8.62 0.00 0.3 14.2 Ultra 93.61 -0.29 18.0 106.8 billion at muni funds, $7.2 billion at stock funds, and $2.98 billion at taxable-bond funds. PrefSecIncmA 14.47 -0.02 3.3 24.8 Value 24.98 0.46 15.5 28.9
AllMktRlRtnPtZ 10.38 0.10 22.7 27.2 American Century Ins: PrefSecIncmC 14.38 -0.02 2.9 22.4 Delaware Invest A:
AllMktRtrn1 10.30 0.10 22.6 26.3 CAIntTf 12.31 -0.02 1.6 13.7 Equity Funds Municipal Bond Funds PrefSecIncnI 14.51 -0.02 3.6 25.9 Diver Inc p 9.28 0.00 -0.4 21.8
CapFdInc.LCapGow 99.70 -0.37 20.8 98.7 American Century Inv: 10410 2740 RltyIncA p 19.39 0.01 27.4 53.9 GrEq A p 18.33 0.12 29.6 79.6
DiscovValFd 26.12 0.35 29.4 32.5 Balanced n 22.60 0.12 12.0 39.5 RltyIncI 20.62 0.01 27.6 55.1 GroInA p 15.24 0.27 17.5 30.5
IntDurInstl 15.63 0.00 -0.4 17.6 CaHYMu n 11.32 -0.03 3.9 18.3 RltyShs n 77.40 -0.02 27.8 55.4 OppA p 34.84 0.31 22.1 31.6
IntlStraEquPtZ 14.22 0.11 11.4 22.6 CAIntTF n 12.30 -0.02 1.5 12.9 Colorado BondShares: SmCpValA p 74.36 0.52 24.4 26.4
MuniIncmShares 12.93 -0.03 6.6 26.6 DiscCoreVal n 44.88 0.65 21.0 48.1 7810 2420 ColoradoBdShs 9.43 -0.01 3.7 17.6 SMIDCapGrA p 41.49 -1.31 -6.2 99.2
SmCapGrwPortZCl 90.17 -1.60 6.8 86.6 DivBnd n 11.21 0.01 -0.1 17.4 Columbia Class A: TxIntA p 12.66 -0.03 3.2 17.3
AB Funds - A: EmgMkt nr 14.70 -0.04 -0.3 38.2 AcornA t 13.02 -0.11 8.1 46.2 TxUSA p 12.62 -0.05 4.9 22.8
BalWlthStrA p 18.02 0.07 11.6 30.5 EqGro n 38.26 0.29 20.7 54.4 5210 2100 AMTTEBd 17.19 -0.06 2.9 17.5 Deutsche DWS:
GlobalBondA p 8.62 -0.01 0.1 13.2 EqInc n 10.17 0.12 13.8 33.8 BalancedA t 54.47 0.24 12.2 49.8 CapGrth p 126.88 -0.32 15.9 91.1
GrowthA p 119.00 -0.92 15.8 86.1 FocusDynamGrowth n 59.81 -0.29 11.4 122.0 BldrAggrsv 14.56 0.07 13.8 43.0 CapGrth n 128.83 -0.31 16.0 92.6
HighIncomeA p 8.03 -0.02 3.9 16.2 GinnieMae n 10.49 0.00 -0.9 10.3 2610 1780 BldrMod p 12.05 0.04 8.4 33.0 CoreEq n 36.02 0.15 18.1 56.4
LgCpGrA p 90.01 -0.33 20.6 96.7 GlGold nr 11.95 -0.20 -8.1 58.7 ConSec A 28.96 -0.15 4.4 81.6 EqDivA 58.16 1.19 16.0 26.9
MuCA A p 11.63 -0.02 2.5 14.9 Grwth n 55.28 0.04 18.9 90.3 ContCoreA p 36.09 0.23 19.3 69.5 GblIncBldA 11.10 0.05 9.7 31.4
NtlMuA p 10.82 -0.02 2.4 15.3 Heritage n 28.78 -0.32 11.3 88.9 10 1460 DisplCoreA p 16.05 0.21 24.1 57.5 GblGrwS n 50.19 0.69 10.0 52.5
RelatValA p 7.09 0.10 24.0 41.7 InfAdjBd n 13.06 0.05 4.4 21.9 Jun Jul Aug Jun Jul Aug DivIncA t 30.45 0.22 18.8 52.0 GNMA S n 13.74 0.02 -0.5 10.6
SmCpGroA p 79.29 -1.40 6.6 84.7 Intl Gr n 16.97 0.21 10.8 51.2 DivOpptyA 40.36 0.46 19.0 37.4 HiIncA 4.84 -0.01 2.4 20.2
SmMdCpGrA p 14.96 -0.24 6.9 74.6 IntlOppt n 14.55 0.04 7.9 42.3 EqValA 13.79 0.16 16.6 36.4 HiYldTx n 12.71 -0.04 5.7 19.1
SustGlblThemGrA p 185.60 1.78 16.5 86.0 IntTF n 11.97 -0.02 2.2 15.2 Money Market Funds Taxable Bond Funds FocEqA t 24.19 -0.06 16.0 89.9 MgdMuniA p 9.42 -0.03 2.3 15.3
AB Funds - ADV: FocLgCapVal n 12.65 0.14 15.7 36.3 25200 18400 GlobEq 20.75 0.09 19.2 85.2 MgdMuniS n 9.43 -0.04 2.4 15.9
ConGroAdv 62.27 0.29 22.6 91.4 MdCapVal n 19.91 0.19 17.7 31.3 GlobTech 71.77 -1.03 21.8 132.8 S&P500S n 43.89 0.32 19.8 66.5
GlbBd 8.62 0.00 0.3 14.2 OneChAgg n 19.24 0.08 12.3 47.5 HiYldBd 12.10 -0.02 2.9 21.5 TechA 39.02 -0.31 18.1 106.4
HiIncmAdv 8.04 -0.02 4.0 17.1 OneChCon n 15.80 0.06 7.9 32.9 IncmBldr t 13.34 0.01 5.4 28.0 Diamond Hill Funds:
IntlSmCapPtADV 13.78 0.06 14.9 26.3 OneChMod n 18.28 0.07 10.3 41.1 LgCpGrowA t 63.22 0.03 22.3 91.0 LgCapA pn 36.55 0.58 20.2 53.4
IntlStraEquPtADV 14.20 0.11 11.5 22.6 OneChoice2025 n 16.27 0.06 7.9 31.9 7600 13200 LgCpIdx pn 64.92 0.48 19.7 65.0 LgCapI 36.79 0.58 20.3 54.7
IntlStrgCore 14.03 0.22 10.6 23.2 OneChoice2035 n 18.42 0.07 9.3 37.3 LgCpVl A 17.38 0.14 18.7 44.9 LgCapY 36.84 0.59 20.4 55.2
LgCpGrAdv 99.91 -0.37 20.8 98.2 OneChoiceRet n 14.46 0.05 7.4 30.0 LiGoBalA p 13.34 0.05 10.9 37.9 LongShortI 31.28 0.40 17.7 33.1
NationalPtf 10.82 -0.03 2.5 16.2 Select n 118.75 0.01 17.6 85.0 MdCpIndxA pn 18.55 0.10 19.0 42.3 SmMidCapI 28.44 0.25 24.0 37.4
SelectUSLgShrt 15.63 0.11 12.9 37.1 SmCapGrowth n 25.83 -0.52 5.1 80.3 -10000 8000 MidCapGthA t 30.78 -0.24 14.1 79.4 Dimensional Fds:
SmCapCorePortADV 15.32 -0.01 16.6 29.9 SmCpVal n 11.32 0.02 31.4 52.3 SelgComuInfoA 127.14 -2.00 21.9 129.8 2TGlFxd 9.95 0.00 0.1 5.1
SmMdCpGr 16.56 -0.26 7.0 75.9 Sustain Equity n 45.93 0.36 19.4 70.2 SelMidCpValA 13.74 0.08 20.4 44.5 5GlbFxdInc 10.96 0.00 0.6 7.4
SmMidCpValAdv 27.10 0.35 29.3 32.1 Ultra n 89.48 -0.29 17.8 105.6 SmCapGthA t 31.09 -0.63 4.0 115.4 CAIntrTrmMuniBd 10.82 0.00 0.0 7.7
SustGlbThemAdv 199.48 1.93 16.7 87.4 Value n 9.83 0.12 20.9 35.7 -27600 2800 SmCpIdxA pn 29.80 -0.14 21.0 31.9 CASTMuniBd 10.27 0.00 0.1 2.7
SutblIntlThemat 25.35 0.36 9.2 58.3 American Century R5: Jun Jul Aug Jun Jul Aug StratIncA 25.17 -0.02 1.9 19.5 Cont 35.69 0.47 19.4 44.3
TxMgdWlthAppAdv 21.57 0.16 17.0 47.0 InfProBd 11.19 0.03 4.7 15.1 TaxEA 13.78 -0.04 3.0 15.3 DFARlEst 47.64 -0.07 27.7 48.1
WlthApprStr 21.97 0.16 17.4 47.9 American Century R6: TechA p 67.02 -0.68 14.6 107.2 EmgMkt 33.84 -0.27 4.3 29.8
AB Funds - C: AmCentUltraFdR6 94.08 -0.29 18.1 107.8 The charts above show four-week moving averages of net cash flow in millions of dollars. BARRON'S • Lipper FMI ThermoA 19.27 0.00 6.6 56.1 EmgMktSoCoEq 16.46 -0.19 5.5 31.1
LgCpGrC t 62.53 -0.24 20.0 92.3 EmgMkt 15.08 -0.04 0.0 39.7 TotReBdA t 38.01 -0.02 1.0 24.2 EmgMktVa 31.99 -0.09 12.1 19.7
AB Funds - I: EqInc 10.20 0.12 14.1 35.2 Columbia Class Adv: EmMktCorEq 25.75 -0.23 6.8 32.4
GlbBd 8.62 0.00 0.3 14.2 Growth 56.70 0.05 19.1 92.3 ContCore p 37.24 0.24 19.5 70.8 EmMktSmCp 26.54 -0.32 14.8 39.4
Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. DivIncom 31.03 0.23 19.0 53.1
LgCpGroI 99.26 -0.37 20.7 98.1 MdCapVal 19.94 0.20 18.0 32.8 NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. Fixd 10.30 0.00 0.0 4.1
SmCpGroI 89.51 -1.58 6.8 86.1 OCP2025 12.14 0.05 8.1 33.3 Columbia Class C: GblAll60 40Inst 22.60 0.11 11.3 35.5
Aberdeen Fds: OCP2030 13.18 0.05 8.7 35.9 LgCapDefStyle R 30.94 0.23 16.6 58.4 Bernstein Fds: Interntnl 23.84 0.36 15.3 56.5 LargeCapValue 17.69 0.18 21.2 52.8 Balanced 54.24 0.23 11.7 46.5 GlAll25 75Inst 15.11 0.04 5.0 20.4
EmMktEqty Inst 20.71 -0.12 1.9 51.7 OCP2035 12.75 0.04 9.4 38.6 LgCapMomStyle I 27.59 0.17 17.5 66.8 Ca Mu n 14.72 -0.02 1.3 10.8 iShMSCIIntldx 16.49 0.24 12.5 32.9 MunicipalBond 10.84 -0.02 2.1 15.2 ContCore p 31.81 0.20 18.8 65.7 GlEqInst 32.30 0.22 18.4 47.8
UltStMuniIncInst 10.04 0.00 0.1 3.0 OCPINRET 11.57 0.05 7.6 31.4 LgCpMultiStyle R 21.65 0.20 20.5 47.2 DivrMuni n 14.92 -0.02 1.6 12.6 MdCpGrEq 47.80 -0.67 12.5 94.1 S/MCapGrowth 19.51 -0.06 14.4 74.4 DivInc t 29.42 0.21 18.3 48.6 GlRESec 13.18 0.00 22.6 37.9
USSmCapEq Inst 50.18 0.02 20.8 61.6 SmCpVal 11.45 0.02 31.6 53.8 MgdFutStrI 7.64 -0.02 -2.7 -7.0 EmMkts n 34.14 -0.21 4.9 31.0 MultiAstIncome 11.61 0.03 6.6 24.3 S/MCapValue 15.67 0.11 22.4 37.7 Columbia Class I: InfProtSec 13.58 0.06 4.4 25.3
Acadian Emerging Markets: American Century Y: TMEmgMultStyle R 12.63 -0.04 4.1 28.6 IntmDur n 13.61 0.00 -0.5 16.6 NatlMuni 11.49 -0.02 2.2 14.9 Brown Advisory Funds: Acorn I 17.23 -0.15 8.3 47.2 IntGvFxdInc 13.08 0.01 -1.6 17.6
AcadnEm Inv n 24.72 -0.23 9.5 33.9 HighIncome 9.78 -0.02 4.7 22.1 Aquila Funds: NY Mun n 14.37 -0.02 1.7 11.1 NYMUNIOPP 11.57 -0.03 4.7 12.4 GrowEqInv n 38.51 -0.21 17.8 95.0 AcornIntl I 37.61 0.10 12.7 44.6 IntlCoreEq 16.60 0.23 15.2 30.8
Akre Funds: IntTF 11.96 -0.03 2.3 15.9 HI TF A 11.53 -0.02 0.4 9.5 BlackRock Funds: ScTechOppInst 68.71 -0.74 9.3 147.8 GrwthEquityInst 39.15 -0.22 17.9 95.8 AltBeta I 29.54 -0.03 -0.7 -12.5 IntlREst 5.16 0.01 13.7 21.7
AkreFocusInst 66.02 -0.72 19.9 84.8 American Funds Cl A: CoreBd A 9.97 0.01 -0.8 17.9 StratIncOpptyIns 10.36 0.00 1.4 16.6 Balanced I 54.37 0.25 12.4 51.0 IntlSustCore1 13.69 0.20 14.3 38.8
ArbitrageI : SmallCapFndInst 29.51 0.09 23.0 17.4 ConSec I 29.02 -0.15 4.6 82.9
AkreFocusRtl 64.09 -0.71 19.7 83.3 2010TarRetA p 12.55 0.06 6.8 27.9 ArbitrageI 13.23 0.02 0.1 12.8 CoreBd Inst 9.96 0.01 -0.7 18.8 StratMuniOppI 11.98 -0.04 4.9 12.2 SmCapGrInv n 30.69 -0.74 6.2 58.2 IntlVal 19.83 0.33 19.2 18.2
Alger Funds A: 2015TarRetA p 13.43 0.06 7.5 30.2 CoreBd K 9.99 0.01 -0.7 19.0 TotRet 12.05 0.01 -0.2 20.0 ContCore I 36.47 0.24 19.5 70.8 IntlVectorEq 14.66 0.21 16.5 27.8
Ariel Investments: BrownSmCoInv n: DivIncom I 30.49 0.23 19.0 53.2
CapApr 38.12 -0.10 15.7 90.4 2020TarRetA p 14.82 0.06 7.8 31.9 ApprecInv pn 52.90 0.29 22.1 39.5 CreStraInc Inst 10.58 0.01 2.1 19.9 WorldInc 6.32 0.00 0.1 19.0 BrownSmCoInv n 128.75 -4.75 -3.4 45.7 IntrLrgCpGroPor 17.78 0.24 14.6 46.9
SpectraN 33.10 -0.07 12.3 85.2 2025TarRetA p 16.68 0.07 8.4 36.6 HiYBlk 7.88 -0.01 4.1 21.9 BMO Funds: DivOppty t 40.60 0.47 19.2 38.4 IntSmCo 23.46 0.29 16.0 33.2
Ariel Inv pn 87.04 0.20 28.8 47.0 Buffalo Funds: EmgMkt r 18.88 -0.07 0.6 56.5
Alger Funds I: 2030TarRetA p 18.43 0.08 9.7 40.8 Aristotle Value: HiYInvA 7.87 -0.01 3.8 20.3 CorePlBdI 12.33 -0.01 0.1 18.6 DiscFd n 32.45 -0.46 8.1 64.8 IntSmVa 22.23 0.33 16.6 18.8
CapAppr I-2 116.65 -0.28 16.7 94.0 2035TarRetA p 19.91 0.09 11.5 47.4 HiYldBd Inst 7.87 -0.02 4.0 21.5 IntrTaxFree I 11.70 -0.01 2.4 14.3 FlexCap 15.91 0.07 13.5 41.0 IntTermMuni 10.53 0.00 0.0 9.6
Equity Fund n 20.40 0.19 21.2 62.1 SmCap n 22.74 -0.45 9.2 103.9 FocEq I p 27.21 -0.06 16.2 91.4
Alger Funds Inst: 2040TarRetA p 20.91 0.10 12.6 50.8 Artisan Funds: InflProtBdInst 12.04 0.03 4.2 24.0 BNY Mellon: IntVaIII 16.98 0.28 19.3 18.8
2045TarRetA p 21.46 0.11 12.9 51.8 GlbTechGw I 70.14 -0.71 14.8 108.8
Allianz Fds Admin:
48.39 -0.12 15.8 90.3
2050TarRetA p 21.17
AmcpA p 43.81
GblOppInv n
SCMultiStrM 25.75
BNY Mellon Funds:
-0.23 9.0 43.7
C IntmMunBd I
RCMTechI 102.74 -1.72 8.4 103.9 Intl Inv n 37.92 0.46 9.6 39.0 LowDurI Inst 9.73 0.00 0.4 9.4 Aprec pn 47.09 0.11 20.2 81.1
Allianz Funds A: AMutlA p 51.60 0.52 16.6 40.9 BlackRock Funds A: CA AMTMuBdZ nr 15.28 -0.04 1.9 13.5 Calamos Funds: LgCpGrow I 66.93 0.03 22.5 92.4 SclCrEqInst 15.96 0.21 15.7 30.4
IntlInst 38.16 0.47 9.7 39.9 ConvI 23.05 -0.11 4.0 73.0 LgCpIdx I 65.45 0.48 19.9 66.2
RCMGrowthA 83.25 0.24 18.4 97.9 BalA p 33.33 0.21 11.7 39.8 IntlS-MCpInv n 21.55 -0.10 6.1 60.7 AdvLCGrwA 22.48 0.00 17.3 80.4 Dr500In tn 63.26 0.46 19.7 64.8 SelHdgGlFxd 9.84 0.00 0.4 8.6
RCMTech t 82.69 -1.39 8.2 101.9 BondA p 13.57 0.00 -0.6 20.2 AdvLgCapCore p 23.10 0.13 20.1 62.6 Dreyf n 16.89 0.06 17.5 73.0 EWGrI 22.47 -0.15 -1.3 67.2 MdCpIdx I 18.46 0.11 19.1 43.4 STExQual 11.04 0.00 0.4 8.3
IntlVal Inst 46.65 0.09 17.0 41.6 Gr&IncA p 46.73 0.16 14.7 60.2 MidCapGth I 34.33 -0.28 14.2 80.7
AllianzGI: CapIBA p 69.44 0.56 11.5 28.9 IntlVal Inv n 46.46 0.09 16.9 40.6 BalCapFd 28.85 0.12 11.8 45.2 DreyMid r Inv nr 39.46 0.22 18.9 42.2 STGov 10.54 0.00 -0.2 4.1
MidCpValA 36.50 0.14 18.9 31.5 CapWA p 20.75 0.03 -2.4 16.6 BasicVal 19.79 -2.32 20.7 35.7 FloRtIncY 11.42 0.01 3.3 10.5 Gr&IncI 44.64 0.16 14.9 61.4 SelComunInfo t 143.39 -2.24 22.0 131.5 STMuniBd 10.17 0.00 0.1 3.0
MidCapInst 62.83 -0.11 13.1 114.3 GrowthA p 43.34 -0.17 16.5 74.4 SelLCVal p 32.30 0.38 20.6 41.5
Amana Income: CapWGrA 65.96 0.49 12.0 45.1 MidCapInv n 54.12 -0.10 12.9 112.7 CAInsMuni 13.11 -0.03 3.9 11.5 GblRealRtY 17.54 0.10 5.7 28.5 TAUSCoreEq2 27.52 NA NA NA
AmanaIncm n 64.59 0.59 14.9 54.2 EupacA p 71.51 0.74 7.5 49.2 CapAppr 39.63 -0.06 18.1 89.3 GlbStkI 29.71 0.26 14.2 63.8 MktNeutA p 14.51 0.02 3.3 14.1 SelMdCpVal I p p 13.79 0.08 20.5 45.6 TAWldexUSCr 26.78 0.16 13.0 30.7
MidCapVal Inv n 23.50 0.13 20.5 31.7 MktNeutI 14.34 0.03 3.5 15.0 SmCapGth I 33.85 -0.68 4.2 117.0
AmanaGrowth n: FdInvA p 78.25 0.38 16.8 54.1 SmCpInv n 50.25 -0.56 -2.2 86.1 EqtyDivd p 22.74 0.29 18.1 39.9 GlFxIncI 22.89 -0.01 -0.1 16.8 TM IntVa 33.73 0.54 17.8 17.8
AmanaGrowth n 68.11 0.65 21.2 99.5 GBalA p 40.03 0.23 7.8 32.3 GlblAlloc p 21.91 0.08 7.3 41.6 HYldI 6.15 -0.01 3.1 18.6 Calvert Investments: SmCpIdx I 30.08 -0.13 21.2 32.9 TM US Sm 58.74 NA NA NA
GovtA p 14.22 0.01 -0.6 16.3 Ashmore Funds: Bal A 43.39 0.15 10.5 47.7 StratInc I 24.70 -0.02 2.1 20.2 TM USTgtVal 45.48 NA NA NA
Amer Beacon Insti: EmgMktTRInst 7.13 NA NA NA HlthScOp p 77.92 -0.42 9.1 56.7 InstS&PStkIdx I 80.48 0.59 19.9 66.4
IntlInst 20.40 0.33 11.2 18.1 GwthA p 76.57 0.08 13.4 75.0 Interntnl t 23.26 0.35 15.1 55.4 Interm n 13.99 -0.02 1.2 13.8 Eq A p 79.82 0.37 19.6 93.4 TaxEZ 13.78 -0.04 3.2 16.0 TMMktwdVa 38.89 0.56 21.5 37.5
LgCapinst 30.26 0.34 23.1 42.2 HI TrA p 10.49 -0.03 6.2 22.1 Ave Maria Funds: LCCoreReIdxA t 39.68 0.25 18.3 76.3 Thermostat I 18.98 0.01 6.8 57.4 TMMttVa2 36.01 0.52 21.6 38.0
Growth pn 50.08 -0.34 17.2 71.1 LgCp Focus Gr 7.07 -0.02 14.6 91.6 IntlStkI 27.22 0.34 11.3 57.0
SmCpInst 30.40 0.11 21.2 24.2 HiInMuniA 17.15 -0.04 5.3 20.2 MdCpGrA 40.89 -0.57 12.3 92.6 IntlStkY 26.89 0.34 11.3 57.1 Carillon Eagle: TotReBd I 38.03 -0.02 1.1 25.1 TMUSEq 48.84 NA NA NA
Amer Beacon Inv: ICAA p 51.36 0.38 17.3 50.3 RisingDivd n 22.93 0.10 19.1 47.6 MdCpGrA p 100.25 -0.56 11.3 76.0 USTrsIdx I 11.72 0.01 -1.6 15.0 US CoreEq1 35.47 0.25 20.2 57.6
MultiAstIncome 11.60 0.03 6.4 23.4 MunBd nr 12.21 -0.04 2.2 15.8
LgCapInv 27.25 0.30 22.9 40.8 IncoA p 26.29 0.25 13.1 33.9 Carillon Reams: Columbia Class I2: US CoreEq2 32.45 0.23 21.0 55.2
American Century A:
EqIncA p 10.17 0.12 13.7 32.9
IntBdA p
IntlGrIncA p
B NatlMuni p
11.49 -0.03
NewtonIntlEqY 26.22
NY Tax nr 15.30
14.0 CorePlBd I 34.88
UnconstrndBd I 12.90
0.02 -1.6 26.8
0.01 0.0 19.5
ContCore I2
US Micro
US Small
ScTechOppA 62.90 -0.68 9.1 146.0 ResrchGrA 21.99 -0.08 14.0 88.4
American Century G: LtdTEBdA 16.20 -0.01 0.5 10.2 Baird Funds: StratMuniOpp 11.97 -0.05 4.8 11.5 ResrchGrZ n 22.64 -0.09 14.2 89.6 Carillon Scout: MidCapIndx 18.95 0.10 19.1 43.3 US SmCpVal 45.03 0.42 31.4 25.9
EmgMktsDebt 10.60 -0.01 0.8 24.8 N PerA p 68.86 0.29 13.8 75.3 AggBdInst 11.57 0.01 -0.6 19.3 StrtIncOpptyInvA 10.36 0.00 1.2 15.6 SelMgrSmCpGroY 35.20 -0.58 8.4 52.7 MidCap I r 26.97 0.17 14.2 52.0 SmCapIndx 30.87 -0.14 21.1 32.9 US TgdVal 30.66 0.32 30.8 31.6
GlBond 10.65 0.00 0.4 16.7 NEcoA p 65.45 -0.07 10.0 63.7 CorBdInst 11.95 0.01 -0.3 20.2 TotRet 12.06 0.01 -0.3 18.9 SelMgrSmCpVaY 29.90 0.02 18.8 41.4 CausewayInst : Columbia Class I3: USLCpGr 32.07 0.09 16.3 68.5
InfAdjBd 13.06 0.06 4.7 23.8 NwWrldA 95.48 0.02 8.6 57.7 IntBdInst 11.55 0.00 -0.3 16.1 BlackRock Funds Blrk: SmCpStk r Inv nr 35.68 -0.16 21.1 32.1 CausewayInst 18.02 0.10 11.0 22.6 Balanced I3 54.97 0.25 12.5 51.4 USLgVa 46.09 0.75 23.8 34.7
NT IntlGr 15.77 0.21 11.4 57.3 SmCpA p 89.40 0.16 12.4 72.8 QualIntMunBdInst 11.97 -0.01 0.6 12.1 CapAppr 44.80 -0.07 18.3 91.3 SmMidCpGrI 38.95 -0.68 0.1 92.5 Chartwell: Bond I3 35.82 -0.01 0.5 21.4 USLgVaIII 31.05 0.50 23.9 35.2
NT MdCapVal 15.07 0.15 18.4 35.3 STBFA p 10.03 0.00 -0.3 7.2 ShtTBdInst 9.87 0.00 0.2 10.4 BlackRock Funds C: StratValA r 47.65 0.59 25.3 43.2 Income n 14.15 0.02 6.2 18.7 ContCore I3 p 37.25 0.24 19.6 71.5 USSmCpGr 27.12 0.02 18.5 45.5
NTDiscGro 17.32 -0.03 17.0 77.4 STTxExBdA 10.32 -0.01 0.1 6.7 Baron Funds: GlblAlloc t 19.32 0.06 6.8 38.4 U.S.EqY 29.26 0.00 18.9 65.9 CIBC Atlas: DivIncom 31.05 0.23 19.1 53.7 USSoCoreEq2 24.19 0.18 20.9 55.2
NTDvBnd 11.34 0.01 0.1 19.0 TECAA p 18.48 -0.04 2.0 15.1 Asset n 124.31 -1.63 11.9 77.9 HlthScOp 66.53 -0.36 8.6 53.2 WWGrA 77.02 0.54 19.6 80.4 DispEq Inst 31.27 0.24 18.4 68.1 SelLgCpGr t 15.80 -0.15 13.0 92.3 USSustCoreI 35.82 0.25 20.5 67.5
NTEmgMkt 15.04 -0.03 0.5 44.0 TxExA p 13.73 -0.03 2.0 15.6 GlobalAdv n 54.40 -0.32 6.0 136.4 MultiAstIncome 11.58 0.03 5.9 20.7 BNY Mellon Funds Tru: ClearBridge: SmCpVal II p 20.54 0.04 24.4 31.4 USVectorEq 25.45 0.21 23.6 38.4
NTEqGrp 13.54 0.11 21.2 57.7 WshA p 57.54 0.68 19.1 50.4 Growth n 118.28 -0.63 13.2 76.4 BlackRock Funds III: BondFd 13.12 0.01 -0.5 17.7 AggressGrowthA 196.38 -1.31 11.8 42.2 STBond 10.11 0.00 1.1 10.7 WexUSGov 10.50 0.01 -2.0 14.7
NTGrwth 24.47 0.02 19.4 95.9 AMG Funds: Opportunity n 43.45 -0.64 8.5 148.0 iShS&P500IdxK 529.34 3.95 20.0 67.3 EmgMkts 13.82 -0.10 7.1 34.4 AggressGrowthI 229.44 -1.52 12.0 43.5 Columbia Funds: WrdEXUSTARGETVAL 15.57 0.11 16.4 24.8
NTHeritage 17.38 -0.19 11.9 93.1 RRSmCapValI 15.88 -0.02 16.3 34.5 Partners n 175.18 1.09 6.7 210.3 iShUSAggBdIdxK 10.67 0.01 -1.0 17.3 IncomeStk 10.35 0.16 22.8 37.6 AllCapValueA 15.59 0.23 23.6 27.6 UltShortBd Inst3 9.05 0.00 0.3 5.9 Dodge & Cox:
NTHighInc 10.01 -0.03 5.4 23.3 TmSqMdCpGw I 23.09 -0.04 12.2 79.8 SmallCap n 41.07 -0.25 11.5 72.4 BlackRock Funds Inst: IntlFd 15.59 0.24 10.5 25.7 AppreciationA 34.00 0.32 17.8 61.9 Commerce Funds: Balanced n 118.09 1.19 18.5 42.0
NTIntlVal 10.97 0.16 13.0 27.7 AMG Managers Funds: Baron Instl Shares: AdvIntl Inst 19.40 0.29 13.4 30.9 IntmBdFd 12.94 0.00 -0.2 12.4 AppreciationI 33.79 0.32 18.0 63.3 Bond n 20.91 -0.01 0.2 17.7 GblStock n 16.12 0.18 21.2 40.8
NTFocLgCapVal 13.54 0.15 16.5 39.8 Brandywine I n 46.65 0.53 19.2 67.8 AssetInst 130.32 -1.70 12.1 79.3 AdvLgCapCore 24.16 0.14 20.3 63.9 MCMultiStrM 24.48 0.02 17.1 59.2 AppreciationIS 33.92 0.32 18.0 63.8 Community Capital Tr: Income n 14.42 0.02 0.0 20.5
SDIPB 11.21 0.03 5.0 16.4 GWKMBd I 12.54 -0.02 1.0 15.6 DiscoveryInst 37.61 -1.05 8.1 85.6 AdvSmCapInst 25.38 -0.30 4.4 51.1 NtlIntmMuni 14.25 -0.03 1.5 14.9 DividendStrat1 n 31.58 0.38 17.9 54.9 CRAQualInvFd 10.71 -0.01 -0.6 10.3 Intl Stk n 49.10 0.60 12.4 24.3
Sustain Equity 46.31 0.37 20.0 NS GWKSmCpCr I 36.08 0.03 17.9 47.9 EmergingMktsInst 18.96 -0.11 -0.5 40.3 BalCapFd 28.98 0.11 12.0 46.3 NtlShTMuni 12.95 -0.01 0.5 5.8 DividendStratA 31.55 0.37 17.7 53.5 Credit Suisse Common: Stock n 245.02 3.59 29.0 52.7
American Century I: TSIntlSC I 19.91 0.31 7.7 26.0 FifthAvenueInst 59.16 -0.81 15.0 99.1 BasicVal 20.20 -2.35 20.9 36.9 Boston Trust Walden: DividendStratI 32.53 0.39 17.9 54.9 ComdtyRet r 5.62 0.03 22.7 19.9 Domini Funds:
CaHYMu 11.31 -0.03 3.9 18.9 TSSmCapGrFd Z 23.18 -0.04 12.3 80.2 GlobalAdvInst 55.46 -0.31 6.1 138.2 CAInsMun 13.12 -0.03 4.1 12.4 BostonBalanced 64.85 0.41 15.2 47.3 LargeCapGrowthA 68.53 -0.01 13.9 74.5 Cullen Funds: Intl Eq Instit 9.39 0.11 12.8 24.7
DiscCoreVal 44.97 0.65 21.1 49.0 TSSmCpGrFd N n 22.04 -0.04 12.1 79.1 GrowthInst 123.35 -0.66 13.3 77.7 CapAppr 44.38 -0.07 18.3 90.8 Braddock Multi Strat: LargeCapGrowthC 51.80 -0.02 13.4 70.8 HiDivEqI r 17.72 0.25 21.9 32.3 US Equity Inv pn 35.26 0.13 15.5 75.0
DivBnd 11.21 0.01 0.0 18.1 YachtmanFocFd I 21.45 -0.02 12.7 56.3 OpptortunityInst 45.79 -0.67 8.7 149.9 EmgMkts 32.13 0.01 4.5 58.7 Income Fund 7.37 0.01 5.0 -19.2 LargeCapGrowthI 77.42 -0.01 14.1 76.0 DoubleLine Funds:
15.08 -0.04
38.32 0.30
YacktFocFd N n 21.50
YacktmanFd I 24.54
PartnersInst 180.65
RealEstateInst 41.76
EqtyDivd 22.84
FloRateIncPorIns 9.91
BrandesInstIE I :
BrandesInstIE I 18.76 NA NA NA
LargeCapValueA 39.97
LargeCapValueI 39.89
D CoreFxdIncmI 11.14
EmgMktIncmI 10.65
EqInc 10.19 0.12 14.0 34.7 Angel Oak Funds Trst: SmallCapInst 43.53 -0.26 11.7 73.8 LgCpFocusGwth 7.81 -0.03 14.8 93.0 Bridge Builder Trust: MidCapA 45.11 0.30 21.7 62.0 Davenport: FlexibleIncomeI 9.72 0.01 3.7 13.6
FocusDynamGrowth 60.51 -0.30 11.5 123.3 AglOkMtiStFdClIn 10.42 -0.01 3.5 7.5 BBH Funds: GlblAlloc 22.10 0.08 7.5 42.8 CoreBond 10.61 0.01 -0.4 22.3 SmallCapGrowthA 50.83 -0.86 10.0 63.9 Davenport Core n 34.42 0.21 17.9 59.1 GlobalBondN 10.38 0.03 -3.7 6.1
Growth 56.65 0.05 19.0 91.4 AQR Funds: BdMktN n 10.34 0.00 1.1 9.3 GlobLg/ShrtCrIns 10.27 0.00 3.4 13.3 CorePlusBond 10.48 0.00 0.1 21.3 SmallCapGrowthI 55.83 -0.95 10.2 65.2 EqOpp n 26.58 0.36 19.5 81.1 InfraIncomeI 10.57 0.01 1.3 16.7
IntTF 11.97 -0.02 2.3 15.9 DivArbI 12.12 -0.01 5.8 41.9 BerkshireFocus n: HlthScOp 82.49 -0.44 9.3 57.9 Intl Eq 15.08 0.17 12.9 41.2 SmallCapGrowthIS 56.82 -0.96 10.3 65.9 Val&Incm n 20.03 0.24 18.3 36.0 LowDurBdI 9.97 0.01 0.9 8.5
MdCapVal 19.94 0.20 17.8 32.2 LgCapDefStyle I 30.95 0.22 16.5 57.9 BerkshireFocus n 42.64 -0.33 -2.6 128.0 HYMuni 10.76 -0.03 8.6 25.2 LargeCapGrowth 24.37 0.06 18.5 93.3 Clipper: Davis Funds A: LowDurBdN n 9.96 0.00 0.8 7.7

About our Funds reported closing price for the week. Footnotes: NA: not available. NE: performance excluded by Lipper editor. NN:
fund not tracked. NS: fund not in existence for whole period. e: ex capital gains distributions. f: previous day’s
The listings include the top 2500 open-end funds by assets. These funds value their portfolios daily and report net quote. n: no front- or back-end sales charge. p: fund assets are used to pay marketing and distribution costs (12b-1
asset va lues (the dollar amount of their holdings divided by the number of shares outstanding) to the National fees). r: fund levies redemption fee or back-end load. s: stock dividend or split of 25% or more. t: fund charges
Association of Securities Dealers. Total returns reflect both price changes and dividends; these figures assume that 12b-1 fees (for marketing and distribution) and a back-end load. v: capital-gains distribution may be a return of
all distributions are reinvested in the fund. Because Lipper is constantly updating its database, these returns may capital. x: ex cash dividend. All data supplied by Lipper.
differ from those previously published or calculated by others. 3 year returns are cumulative. The NAV is the last
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M29

Mutual Funds Data provided by

Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
ShillerEnhCAPEI 22.25 0.16 21.1 67.3 TtlRtnBdL 11.42 0.01 0.5 21.1 DivIntl 33.11 0.46 11.7 52.3 Idx2020InsPre 17.41 0.07 7.2 35.2 InvGB n 8.48 0.01 -0.2 21.3 SAIEmgMktLoVolIx 11.29 0.00 6.7 NS HY TF Adv 10.65 -0.03 4.9 20.0 IntlEq 25.65 0.40 15.3 32.6
ShillerEnhCAPEN n 22.24 0.17 20.9 66.0 Fidelity: EqGrI 21.02 0.08 17.2 97.5 Idx2025InsPre 19.64 0.08 8.1 37.9 InvGrBd 11.80 0.01 0.3 21.7 SAIInflaFocFd 13.02 0.07 25.8 NS IncomeAdv 2.51 0.03 13.7 28.4 Quality 30.35 0.02 20.5 72.7
TotRetBdI 10.56 NA NA NA 500IdxInstPrem n 155.26 1.16 20.0 67.3 FAEmgMktI 36.49 -0.35 0.1 52.3 Idx2030InsPre 20.73 0.10 9.3 41.2 LargeCap n 41.94 0.42 21.7 51.2 ShortTermBd 10.00 -0.01 0.0 NS RisDv Adv r 94.53 0.49 18.6 64.1 GMO Trust Class VI:
TotRetBdN n 10.56 NA NA NA BalancedK6 14.82 0.06 13.4 NS FAInvGrdI 8.49 0.01 -0.3 21.3 Idx2035InsPre 23.12 0.13 11.6 46.3 LCapCrEIdx n 23.13 0.24 21.8 64.7 TotalBd 10.66 0.01 0.5 NS SmCpGrAdv p 32.46 -0.56 6.8 68.4 EmgMkts r 36.21 -0.10 4.8 31.1
Driehaus Funds: Contrafund K6 22.41 0.08 18.7 76.0 FAJpFdClI 20.66 0.40 3.2 40.6 Idx2040InsPre 23.52 0.15 13.3 50.2 LCapGrEIdx n 33.50 0.15 20.1 87.3 TxFreeBd 11.02 -0.04 2.3 NS SmCpValAdv t 65.29 0.98 22.2 38.3 Quality 30.28 0.03 20.5 73.0
EmMktsGr n 50.08 NA NA NA EmgMktIdxInstPre n 12.80 -0.08 0.5 31.0 FF2030 16.48 0.07 10.0 42.5 Idx2045InsPre 24.42 0.15 13.3 50.1 LevCoSt n 48.96 0.13 19.3 68.5 U.S.TreBdIdx 10.18 0.01 -1.5 15.6 SmMCpGrAv t 59.95 -0.30 12.0 103.3 Goldman Sachs A:
Dupree Mutual Fds: ExtMktIdxInstPre n 89.90 -0.47 14.3 61.2 FF2040 18.30 0.10 14.0 51.7 Idx2050InsPre 24.45 0.15 13.2 50.1 LgCpVHIdx n 17.29 0.26 22.9 44.3 USMomentumIdx 19.55 0.06 17.2 68.4 USGovAdv p 5.95 0.00 -1.1 9.4 CapGr 33.68 0.14 18.0 69.2
KYTF n 8.02 -0.02 1.6 14.8 FidSAIEmerg 14.53 -0.02 7.1 NS FltRatel 9.41 0.01 3.6 11.3 Idx2055InsPre 20.11 0.12 13.2 50.1 LmtTrmMuniIncm n 10.87 0.00 0.8 9.2 USValueIndex 12.49 0.18 24.0 32.2 Utils Adv 21.80 0.37 11.2 39.1 HYMuni p 10.80 -0.03 5.4 21.5
FIDSerEmgMkt 11.19 -0.10 -1.3 NS GrOppI 176.66 -1.60 13.9 151.1 Idx2055Investor 20.09 0.12 13.2 49.9 LowP nr 58.85 0.46 21.0 47.6 Fidelity Selects: FrankTemp/Franklin A: Muni 16.93 -0.04 3.0 14.5
E FidSerToMarket 15.30
FIDSerTresIndxFd 10.00
HthCarI r
Idx2020 Premier
Idx2025 Premier
LowPriStkK r
Banking nr
Biotech nr
BalInv p
Goldman Sachs Inst:
CoreFix 11.06 0.01 -0.9 20.4
Eaton Vance Class A: FIDZroExtMktIx n 13.66 0.00 18.6 NS IntlGr 21.26 0.14 14.5 61.0 Idx2030 Premier 20.73 0.10 9.3 NS LtdTmBdFd n 11.85 0.00 -0.3 12.1 Broker nr 125.95 1.18 33.2 88.3 BioDis A p 156.18 -2.42 -8.9 28.1 EmgMEq 31.35 -0.17 3.8 55.9
AtlCpSMID p 38.10 0.08 15.5 49.8 FIDZroLgCpIx n 16.01 0.10 19.0 NS IntlSmCp 35.33 0.31 14.6 35.6 Idx2035 Premier 23.12 0.13 11.6 NS MagellanK 14.61 -0.02 17.4 70.4 Chem nr 17.30 0.38 20.2 23.7 CoreAll A p 24.48 0.14 14.8 49.7 Gr 48.65 0.19 20.7 77.8
DivBldrA 19.62 0.05 16.3 54.2 Flex 500 Index 19.09 0.14 20.0 67.3 LmtdTrmBdFd 11.85 -0.01 -0.3 11.8 Idx2040 Premier 23.51 0.15 13.3 NS Magin n 14.62 -0.02 17.4 70.1 Comp nr 111.45 -1.35 10.5 92.4 CvtSc A p 30.11 -0.04 6.9 81.4 HYMuni 10.80 -0.03 5.6 22.6
FloatRt 9.09 0.00 2.7 9.2 FlexIntIdx 14.19 0.12 9.4 33.0 MuniIncI r 10.92 -0.02 1.5 13.9 Idx2045 Premier 24.42 0.16 13.3 NS MAMun n 12.66 -0.03 1.4 14.6 ConDis nr 72.21 0.20 13.7 71.7 DynaTech A p 161.00 -0.91 15.2 115.2 Int 15.82 0.23 15.1 27.9
FltgRtAdvg p 10.54 0.01 3.5 10.6 FlexUSBdIdx 10.68 0.01 -1.0 17.3 MuniIncome 13.78 -0.04 2.9 17.9 Idx2050 Premier 24.45 0.15 13.3 NS Manager40 n 14.05 0.05 6.7 32.4 ConStap nr 99.54 1.77 9.2 45.3 EqIn A p 32.07 0.35 18.6 45.9 Muni 16.92 -0.04 3.2 15.7
Inc Bos 5.59 -0.02 3.4 18.3 Freedom2060K 15.48 0.09 14.4 51.7 NwInsghtI 43.99 0.13 19.4 65.9 Idx 2055 Premier 20.11 0.13 13.3 NS Manager60 n 16.30 0.08 9.9 41.0 CstHou nr 93.48 0.88 31.4 105.6 FlRtDA A p 7.76 0.00 5.4 2.3 ShDuTF 10.85 -0.01 0.7 7.6
LgCpVal 24.73 0.25 18.4 39.4 GlexUSIdxInstPre n 15.95 0.14 9.5 33.0 REIncmInst 13.49 -0.01 15.0 31.0 IdxIncInsPre 12.80 0.02 2.6 21.6 McpVl n 29.24 0.40 27.7 34.9 DfAero nr 17.88 -0.04 8.8 14.9 FoundFAlA p 14.53 0.09 8.6 16.9 SmCapVa 65.86 0.08 18.5 23.1
NatlMuniInc 10.45 -0.03 1.7 16.9 GrowthCompanyK6 22.66 0.00 17.8 NS SmCapGrwI 37.75 -0.09 10.6 65.5 Income n 12.34 0.03 3.1 22.1 MegaCpStk n 19.01 0.16 22.3 60.5 Energy nr 30.28 -0.12 31.0 -30.8 FrkIntlGrthA 23.26 0.34 8.2 61.2 Guggenheim Funds Tru:
ShDurGovIncFd 8.02 0.00 -0.3 4.6 InflPrBdIndInsPr n 11.48 0.04 4.0 23.4 StrInI 12.97 -0.01 3.3 20.9 Income K 12.31 0.02 3.1 22.2 MidCap n 42.28 0.33 22.5 51.0 FinSvc nr 13.37 0.27 31.6 51.3 FSmCoSer r 26.39 -0.04 14.6 33.0 FloRaStraFdInst 24.95 0.01 3.3 10.1
ShDurStratIncFd 7.26 NA NA NA IntlIdxInstPrem n 51.37 0.87 12.9 33.6 Total Bd 11.19 0.00 0.3 20.5 Fidelity Invest: MidCapEnIdx nr 20.55 0.19 19.8 52.4 Gold nr 27.36 -0.34 -7.3 67.4 GoldPrM A p 22.87 -0.34 -8.9 101.7 MacOppFdClInstl 27.28 -0.04 1.8 15.5
TMG1.0 n 1996.65 8.10 19.0 69.6 IntlIndex n 12.49 0.11 9.8 34.1 Fidelity Advisor M: AdvSrsGroOpport 18.72 -0.12 14.6 153.9 MidCapStkK r 42.31 0.33 22.6 51.5 Health nr 33.43 -0.29 8.9 60.7 GrOp A p 62.20 0.10 16.1 92.7 TotRtnBdFdClInst 29.23 -0.03 0.2 21.5
TMG1.1 89.70 NA NA NA IntrTresBdIxPrem n 11.39 0.00 -1.5 18.3 Balanced p 29.80 0.12 13.0 54.0 AggrInt n 30.72 0.36 10.9 60.5 MIMun n 12.81 -0.03 1.6 16.0 HlthCareSrvPt r nr 128.95 -3.70 7.5 42.6 Growth A p 157.28 0.38 16.1 78.1 TotRtnBondFdClA 29.20 -0.03 0.0 20.5
TMG1.2 40.30 0.16 18.7 67.2 LgCpGwId InstPre n 28.02 0.05 18.0 95.3 EqGr p 17.99 0.07 16.9 94.6 AilSectEq 13.11 0.06 19.8 73.7 MNMun n 12.15 -0.02 0.9 14.6 ITSvs n 100.39 -1.14 10.9 81.6 LwDuToRt A 9.58 -0.01 0.9 8.7 GuideMark Funds:
WW Hlth Science p 14.89 0.04 14.4 56.9 LgCpVlIdxIstPrem n 15.91 0.18 20.3 41.7 EqIn p 35.03 0.48 18.8 34.7 AllCapInstl 67.87 0.46 18.3 66.0 MtgSec n 11.54 0.01 -0.2 12.6 Leisr nr 19.00 -0.17 11.3 60.3 RisDv A p 94.61 0.49 18.4 62.9 LgCpCorServ pn 29.88 0.20 19.7 63.5
Eaton Vance Class I: LTTrsBdIdxInstPr n 14.92 0.06 -4.9 30.4 GrOppM p 159.05 -1.44 13.5 147.4 AMgr20% n 14.89 0.03 3.5 21.4 MuniInc n 13.79 -0.04 2.9 18.2 Mat nr 102.22 3.28 22.3 35.4 SmCpGr A p 29.19 -0.50 6.6 67.2 GuideStone Funds:
AtlCpSMID 43.49 0.09 15.7 50.9 MidCpGrwthIndx n 29.82 -0.06 12.1 NS NwInsghtM p 40.43 0.12 19.1 63.4 AMgr50% n 22.46 0.09 8.2 36.7 NASDAQ nr 186.70 -0.14 15.4 94.0 MdTchDevis n 83.58 -0.32 20.4 91.1 SmCpVal A p 61.42 0.91 22.0 37.2 AggrAllGS4 n 14.79 NA NA NA
FloatRtHiInc 8.69 0.00 3.1 11.4 MidCpInxInstPrem n 31.93 0.17 18.6 57.4 SmllCapM p 30.08 -0.02 23.2 51.8 AMgr70% n 29.07 0.16 11.6 44.8 NewInsights Z 44.12 0.13 19.5 66.5 Multimedia nr 99.20 0.46 24.4 106.7 SmMCpGrA p 52.38 -0.27 11.9 101.8 BalAllGS4 n 13.67 NA NA NA
FltgRt 8.79 0.00 2.9 9.9 MidCpValIndex n 25.58 0.24 22.2 NS StkSelMC 46.65 0.33 17.9 45.1 AMgr85% n 26.82 0.17 14.1 51.4 NewMill n 44.99 0.37 23.0 43.9 Pharm n 25.90 0.20 13.0 56.9 StrInc A p 9.50 0.00 1.8 12.0 EqindxGS2 48.12 NA NA NA
GblMacAbR 8.73 0.00 1.9 14.0 NewMkt I 14.72 -0.01 -0.1 NS StrInM p 12.78 -0.01 3.1 20.0 AstMgr30R n 12.92 0.04 5.1 27.4 NewMkt nr 14.71 -0.02 -0.1 15.2 Retail nr 25.30 0.18 17.2 85.7 TgtCon A p 15.80 NA NA NA EqIndxGS4 n 48.12 NA NA NA
IncBos 5.59 -0.02 3.5 19.2 OTCK6Port 20.58 0.00 20.1 NS Fidelity Advisor Z: Balanc n 31.95 0.15 13.4 56.9 NJMun nr 12.72 -0.04 2.5 18.6 Semiconductors r nr 19.31 -0.39 23.7 140.5 TtlRtn A p 10.07 0.00 -0.2 16.1 GrAllGS4 n 14.62 NA NA NA
LgCpVal 24.85 0.25 18.6 40.5 PuritanK6 14.56 0.05 13.7 NS CorporateBond 12.74 0.01 -0.4 NS BalancedK 31.95 0.14 13.5 57.2 NYMun n 13.83 -0.04 2.7 16.5 Softwr nr 31.25 0.02 17.0 106.0 FrankTemp/Franklin C: GrEqGS2 34.68 NA NA NA
NatlMuniInc 10.44 -0.04 1.8 17.7 RealEstIdxInst n 18.51 -0.03 27.5 30.6 EmMkt Z 36.42 -0.34 0.2 52.9 BluCh n 191.10 0.51 17.2 120.5 OHMun n 12.58 -0.03 1.7 14.9 Tech nr 28.94 -0.07 14.0 125.9 CA TF C t 7.81 -0.03 1.4 15.6 GrEqGS4 n 34.24 NA NA NA
Eaton Vance Funds: SAIRealEstIndxFd 13.22 -0.02 27.5 31.0 FloatRateHighInc 9.42 0.01 3.6 NS BluChpGr K6 28.37 0.07 17.2 121.3 OTC n 20.90 0.00 19.3 101.2 UtilGr nr 99.88 1.99 8.9 33.6 DynaTech C p 131.26 -0.76 14.7 110.4 IntEqGS2 16.23 NA NA NA
ParTxMgdEmgMktIn 53.45 0.22 7.1 19.9 SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 23.56 0.18 20.0 67.2 GovtIncome 10.78 0.01 -1.1 NS BluChpGrK 191.78 0.51 17.2 121.1 OTC K 21.29 0.00 19.3 101.7 Fidelity Series: Fed TF C t 12.40 -0.04 2.1 14.6 LowDurGS2 13.65 NA NA NA
Edgewood Growth Instituti: SeriesBondFd 10.58 0.00 -0.9 NS GrOpp 178.66 -1.60 13.9 152.1 CALmtTrmTFB n 10.86 -0.01 0.6 8.5 OverseasK r 69.59 1.02 17.4 52.4 Canada 14.18 0.08 22.8 41.5 Growth C t 140.01 0.32 15.6 74.1 MedDurGS2 15.27 NA NA NA
EdgewoodGrInst 64.93 -0.38 25.4 107.6 SeriesOverseas 14.55 0.21 17.3 NS IntCpAp 32.76 0.38 11.1 61.0 CAMun n 13.48 -0.03 1.7 15.6 Ovrse n 69.72 1.03 17.3 51.9 FASeriesEqGroFd 18.98 0.08 17.7 101.4 Income C t 2.57 0.02 13.3 25.8 ValEqGS2 22.68 NA NA NA
SerLTTreBdIdx 8.61 0.04 -4.8 30.3 InvestGradeBd 8.49 0.01 -0.2 NS Canad nr 65.36 0.33 21.9 39.6 PAMun nr 11.69 -0.04 2.2 16.3 HthCarZ 76.10 -0.66 8.9 NS RisDv C t 92.73 0.46 17.9 59.3
F SmallCapValIndx n 25.29
SmCpIdxInstPrem n 28.20
RE Income
-0.1 NS
15.2 NS
CapAp n
PcBas nr
IntMuni Z
1.4 NS
0.2 10.7
FrankTemp/Franklin R:
FrkDynTchR6 169.14 -0.96 15.4 117.4 H
STBdIdx InstPrem n 10.28 0.00 -0.1 11.2 StrgInc 12.98 0.00 3.4 NS CapDevA p 19.42 0.20 21.1 49.8 Puritn n 29.41 0.09 13.5 50.1 First Eagle Funds: FrkGrthOppR6 69.80 0.12 16.4 94.7 Harbor Funds:
Fairholme: FrkGrthR6 157.91 0.39 16.4 79.9
Fairholme n 27.66 -0.16 -5.0 54.2 STTreIdx InstPre n 10.71 0.00 -0.3 10.2 Fidelity Freedom: CapDevO n 20.31 0.20 21.3 51.1 RealE n 50.73 0.04 28.7 40.0 GlbA 68.42 0.44 11.7 34.9 Bond 12.21 0.01 -0.1 18.9
TMktIdxInstPrem n 128.00 0.68 19.0 66.3 FAFree2020I p 14.46 0.06 7.8 36.3 ChinaReg n 52.20 -0.45 -6.2 64.1 RealEstInc nr 13.55 0.00 15.0 31.0 Gold p 23.46 -0.11 -7.0 68.9 FrkIncR6 2.52 0.02 14.2 29.1 CapApInst 118.88 -0.35 14.1 104.1
FAM Dividend Focus: FrkRisDivR6 94.52 0.49 18.6 64.5
FAMDivFocFd n 49.83 0.19 17.7 64.4 TotalMarketIndex n 16.06 0.09 19.1 66.5 FAFree2025I 15.07 0.06 8.8 39.2 CnvSc n 42.78 -0.06 7.5 85.4 REInc n 11.81 0.01 12.6 29.3 OverseasA 27.13 0.13 6.1 25.1 CapApInv pn 111.84 -0.34 13.8 101.9
TtlIntIdxInstPr n 14.94 0.12 10.1 33.5 FAFree2035I 16.68 0.08 12.3 48.0 Contra n 19.51 0.07 19.0 77.1 SAIIntlMinVolInd 11.96 0.21 10.6 21.3 US Val A t 21.88 0.18 16.2 36.8 FrkSmCpGrR6 33.16 -0.57 6.9 69.2 IntlGr r 23.93 0.10 7.4 59.3
FAM Value: FrkTotRtnR6 10.14 0.00 -0.1 17.4
FAMValue n 99.04 0.49 19.0 49.7 USBdIdxInstPrem n 12.20 0.01 -0.9 17.3 FAFree2045A 14.27 0.08 13.8 50.5 ContraK 19.56 0.07 19.0 77.5 SAILTTreBdIdx 11.41 0.05 -5.0 31.0 US Val I r 22.34 0.19 16.4 38.0 IntlInst r 49.70 0.68 12.8 31.8
USSusIdx n 19.83 0.15 21.8 73.4 FAFree2050A p 14.28 0.08 13.8 50.6 CorpBd n 12.75 0.02 -0.3 25.3 SAISm-MidCap500I 16.63 0.10 17.4 55.6 FMI Funds: TempGlbBndR6 9.15 0.00 -3.1 -5.2 LgCpValue 23.23 0.22 21.2 63.3
Federated Hermes: TmpFrgnR6 7.72 0.08 10.3 12.0
FdIntlGrIS 19.98 0.11 12.6 73.8 Fidelity Adv Focus A: FF2005 n 13.21 0.02 3.8 24.1 CpInc nr 11.29 0.00 8.8 32.6 SAIUSMinVolIndFd 19.00 0.14 15.2 54.9 IntlInvst n 35.97 0.09 11.1 19.6 SmCpGwth 19.08 0.07 6.1 66.8
HthCarA r 69.15 -0.61 8.7 51.7 FF2010 n 16.56 0.05 5.2 28.2 DisEq n 61.96 -0.01 19.3 77.8 SAIUSQtyIdx 19.53 0.11 21.3 76.0 LgCapInvst n 21.99 0.20 12.8 42.0 FrankTemp/Mutual A&B: SmCpValInst 43.87 -0.15 11.6 31.1
FedHerInterEquit 33.90 0.20 12.1 46.6 Beacn A 19.28 0.10 18.3 38.5
Federated Hermes A: TechA t 104.11 0.03 16.4 131.9 FF2015 n 13.80 0.04 6.6 32.1 DivGrowK 37.18 0.21 20.1 43.6 SCEnhIdx n 17.86 -0.08 17.1 37.7 Forum Funds: Harding Loevner:
Fidelity Adv Focus C: FF2020 n 17.69 0.06 8.0 36.0 DivGth n 37.21 0.21 20.0 43.1 SCValueI r 22.16 0.17 30.7 46.1 PolarisGlbVal pn 33.72 0.27 15.8 34.2 Shares A 29.68 0.32 18.5 23.5 EmgMktsAdv n 68.37 -0.30 2.1 29.3
EqIncA p 27.15 0.37 17.7 31.3 FrankTemp/Temp A:
FdShInToRetA 10.68 0.00 0.0 10.7 HthCarC p 53.06 -0.47 8.2 48.4 FF2020A p 14.31 0.06 7.6 35.2 DivIntl n 53.23 0.74 11.6 50.9 SmallCap nr 22.13 -0.21 16.6 42.1 FPA Funds: IntlEq 31.10 0.17 9.4 43.3
FedMunULA pn 10.05 0.00 0.1 3.1 Fidelity Adv Focus M: FF2025 n 16.21 0.06 9.0 38.8 DivIntl K6 15.40 0.22 12.1 52.2 SmCapDisc n 29.93 0.01 28.2 48.7 FPACres n 40.70 0.46 16.2 42.2 DvMk A p 25.28 -0.37 -0.6 39.0 Hartford Funds A:
KaufmannA p 7.61 -0.01 6.0 62.7 Tech p 96.70 0.03 16.3 130.2 FF2025A p 14.89 0.05 8.6 38.0 DivIntlK r 53.15 0.74 11.7 51.4 SmlCapO n 18.37 0.03 14.6 44.3 NwInc n 10.01 0.00 0.8 8.2 Frgn A p 7.85 0.08 9.9 10.6 BalIncA 16.78 0.13 8.6 33.5
KaufmnLCA p 39.18 -0.11 13.9 81.3 Fidelity Advisor: FF2030 n 20.39 0.10 10.2 42.1 DivStkO n 38.39 0.18 19.9 69.2 SmlCpGrth nr 37.64 -0.09 10.6 65.6 Franklin: GlBond A p 9.19 0.00 -3.4 -6.3 CapAppA p 48.36 0.09 12.5 57.4
KaufmnSCA p 67.70 -0.36 9.0 87.5 MultiAstIn Retai n 14.72 0.07 14.4 58.8 FF2035 n 17.86 0.09 12.7 47.5 Emerg Asia nr 63.95 -1.21 -6.4 93.1 SmlCpGrth K6 21.89 -0.07 10.7 67.2 FrnkGrowFdClA 18.87 0.12 14.8 36.4 GlSmCo A p 12.64 0.00 18.7 42.5 Chks&Bal p 11.23 0.06 11.0 43.5
MunStkAdvA p 15.16 0.07 8.9 25.9 SrsAdvIntlCapApp 32.69 0.37 11.0 60.3 FF2035A t 16.50 0.08 12.2 46.9 EmrgAsiaI r 63.34 -1.18 -6.3 93.4 SmlCpVal nr 22.15 0.16 30.7 46.0 Franklin A1: Growth A p 25.65 0.24 8.5 15.4 DiscpEqA p 47.96 0.37 16.8 66.5
ShtIncA t 8.69 0.00 0.3 8.5 StragInc n 12.97 -0.01 3.3 21.0 FF2040 n 12.83 0.08 14.5 51.4 EmrgMktK r 46.90 0.15 2.6 64.0 Srs1000ValIndRet 15.89 0.18 20.4 42.0 AZ TF A1 p 11.11 -0.03 1.6 14.5 World A p 15.67 0.13 10.9 16.8 DivGth A p 33.35 0.41 21.7 52.9
StrValDivA p p 5.74 0.09 16.8 21.2 TotBdFdClZ 11.20 0.01 0.4 21.1 FF2040A p 18.12 0.10 13.8 50.5 EmrgMktsDebt 9.32 -0.01 0.4 17.6 SrsBlChGroRetail n 19.71 0.08 17.5 127.4 CA TF A1 p 7.83 -0.03 1.8 17.6 FrankTemp/Temp Adv: EqInc t 23.65 0.37 19.6 44.1
UltraShortA pn 9.22 -0.01 0.4 6.2 Fidelity Advisor A: FF2045 n 14.69 0.09 14.4 51.4 EmrMkt nr 46.85 0.15 2.6 63.4 SrsCommStrt 5.58 0.02 21.6 17.2 CAHY A1 p 11.55 -0.04 3.7 19.1 Frng Adv 7.72 0.07 10.1 11.4 FltRateA t 8.37 0.01 2.7 8.8
StockTrA 35.37 0.38 21.7 39.9 AdvMdCpIIA p 25.48 0.21 17.3 39.9 FF2050 n 14.81 0.09 14.4 51.4 Eq Inc n 73.24 1.02 20.2 48.6 SrsEmrgMkt 25.00 -0.12 0.2 49.8 CAInt A1 p 12.17 -0.03 1.0 11.1 GlBondAdv p 9.15 0.00 -3.2 -5.6 GrOppty t 61.00 -0.67 10.2 97.7
Federated Hermes C: AdvStrDivInA p 18.21 0.09 14.0 44.2 FrdmBlen2025 K6 12.26 0.05 8.6 NS EqDivIncm n 30.03 0.43 19.0 37.1 SrsGlobal 15.70 0.14 9.5 33.0 Fed TF A1 p 12.41 -0.04 2.5 16.4 TGlTotRAdv 9.38 0.01 -2.2 -4.1 GrowAllA p 15.65 0.07 11.9 39.2
StraValDivC p 5.75 0.08 16.2 18.4 BalancA t 29.40 0.12 13.2 55.2 Free2045L 14.42 0.09 14.0 51.8 EqDivIncmK 30.02 0.43 19.0 37.4 SrsGroCoRetail 27.03 0.02 18.7 132.6 FedInt A1 p 12.36 -0.02 1.2 11.6 Frost Family of Fund: Hlthcare 44.95 -0.08 9.7 58.3
Federated Hermes Int: BioTech 33.42 0.15 -1.2 42.9 Free2050I 14.43 0.09 14.0 51.7 EqIncK 73.18 1.01 20.3 49.0 SrsIntlGrw 20.53 0.14 15.5 66.7 HiInc A1 1.89 0.00 3.5 21.0 FrTRInst 10.38 0.00 2.7 12.5 IntOppA p 21.23 0.20 8.0 38.7
GloFinI 44.76 0.51 8.9 35.3 DivIntlA 32.44 0.45 11.6 51.0 Free2055 n 17.04 0.10 14.4 51.4 Europ nr 47.79 0.58 12.8 43.0 SrsIntlSmCp 23.89 0.26 16.4 58.7 HY TF A1 p 10.60 -0.03 4.7 19.6 MidCap A p 36.51 -0.13 7.5 49.2
InsHiYld r
EqGrA p/r t
Freedom2010 K
Fidel n
FltRateHi nr
IncomeA1 p
MIInsTF A1 p 11.98
2.53 0.02
G Muti-AstIncGw
TtlRtnBdI 11.42 0.00 0.5 21.1 FF2030A p 16.36 0.08 9.8 41.4 Freedom2015 K 13.79 0.05 6.7 32.4 FocsdStk n 37.14 0.15 19.3 89.7 STBF n 8.72 -0.01 -0.1 8.9 MNInsTF A1 p 12.78 -0.04 0.6 14.2 Gabelli Funds: TotRBdA p 11.03 0.00 -0.6 18.9
Federated Hermes IS: GrOppA 161.28 -1.46 13.7 149.2 Freedom2015 K6 13.75 0.05 6.7 32.8 FournOne n 62.83 0.46 14.2 50.4 StkSelCpK 67.45 0.47 18.4 66.6 MO TF A1 p 12.01 -0.04 1.5 13.9 ABC pn 10.80 0.00 3.3 10.6 Hartford Funds C:
IntEq IS p 33.89 0.20 12.1 46.4 HiIncAdvA 12.81 -0.01 8.8 28.6 Freedom2020 K 17.68 0.06 8.0 36.3 GlobCommStk nr 16.19 0.30 21.4 31.2 StkSelSmCp n 35.75 0.02 16.9 52.9 NY TF A1 p 11.43 -0.04 1.9 15.0 Asset pn 63.08 0.36 16.7 41.7 Bal IncC 16.51 0.13 8.2 30.7
KaufmnIS 7.87 -0.01 6.5 65.5 IntCpApA p 30.53 0.35 10.8 59.1 Freedom2020K6 17.63 0.06 8.1 36.7 GNMA n 11.72 0.01 -0.2 10.9 StkSlcACap n 67.25 0.47 18.3 66.1 OHInsTF A1 p 13.13 -0.04 0.9 14.4 GabelliAsstFdClI 62.97 0.36 16.9 42.7 DiscpEqC t 43.38 0.32 16.2 62.8
KaufmnSCI 69.36 -0.38 9.3 90.2 LevCoStA p 58.55 0.08 18.6 62.2 Freedom2025 K 16.19 0.07 9.1 39.2 GovtInc n 10.75 0.00 -1.2 14.1 StratDivInc n 18.35 0.09 14.3 45.5 OR TF A1 p 11.95 -0.04 1.2 13.9 SmCapG n 50.87 0.21 18.2 37.3 Hartford Funds I:
CorpBondFdIS 9.89 0.00 0.5 23.5 NwInsghtA p 42.58 0.12 19.2 64.6 Freedom2025K6 16.16 0.06 9.1 39.6 GroCo n 38.79 0.01 18.0 125.7 StrDivIncI 18.29 0.09 14.2 45.2 PA TF A1 p 10.09 -0.04 1.8 12.7 SmCpGrwI 52.91 0.22 18.3 38.4 BalIncI 16.79 0.13 8.8 34.6
FdShinToRetI 10.68 0.00 0.3 11.5 SmllCapA p 33.42 -0.02 23.4 52.9 Freedom2030 K 20.37 0.09 10.3 42.5 GroInc n 52.69 0.56 21.2 49.3 TaxFrB nr 12.30 -0.04 2.7 18.5 US Gov A1 p 5.93 0.00 -1.1 8.9 Util A p 8.28 0.11 13.6 25.5 CapAppI 48.69 0.09 12.7 58.7
GovUltra 9.96 0.00 0.1 4.6 StkSelMC p 46.30 0.33 18.0 46.1 Freedom2030K6 20.33 0.09 10.4 43.0 GrowCoK 38.91 0.01 18.1 126.2 TotalBond n 11.21 0.00 0.3 20.8 Utils A1 p 21.60 0.37 11.1 38.5 GAMCO Funds: DivGthI 33.17 0.41 21.9 54.2
KaufmnLCIS 40.64 -0.12 14.0 82.6 StrInA 12.79 0.00 3.2 19.9 Freedom2035 K 17.84 0.09 12.7 48.0 GrowIncK 52.64 0.56 21.3 49.8 TotalBond K6 10.43 0.01 0.3 21.0 Franklin Templeton: GwthAAA pn 98.87 -0.34 15.6 88.5 EmrgMktEqInv r 20.64 -0.21 1.5 41.0
ShIntDurMuInst 10.38 -0.01 0.5 6.2 TotalBdA p 11.22 0.01 0.2 19.7 Freedom2035K6 17.82 0.09 12.8 48.6 GrStrt nr 69.94 -0.25 17.1 79.3 Trend n 169.54 0.22 14.7 97.4 TgtGro A p 21.80 NA NA NA Gartmore Funds: EqIncI 23.50 0.37 19.9 45.3
StraValDivIS 5.78 0.09 17.1 22.2 Fidelity Advisor C: Freedom2040 K 12.83 0.08 14.5 51.9 GwthDiscovery n 55.18 0.22 17.3 96.9 Utility n 28.70 0.48 5.5 28.9 TgtModA p 17.48 NA NA NA NationwideInstSv 32.26 NA NA NA FltRateI 8.33 0.00 2.8 9.6
StrincIS 9.51 0.02 3.7 22.5 BalancC 29.11 0.12 12.7 51.7 Freedom2040K6 12.79 0.07 14.5 52.5 HighInc nr 8.74 -0.02 2.6 14.9 Value n 15.41 0.20 28.6 52.5 FrankTemp/Frank Adv: Gateway: GrowOppI t 66.06 -0.73 10.3 99.3
UltraShortI 9.22 0.00 0.5 7.3 GrOppC p 133.50 -1.23 13.2 143.6 Freedom2045 K 14.68 0.09 14.5 51.9 IntBd n 11.24 0.00 -0.2 15.9 ValueDisc n 38.69 0.45 20.3 45.2 CA HY Adv t 11.58 -0.04 3.8 19.5 GatewayA 39.89 0.14 8.8 20.9 InterValue 16.50 0.19 19.1 17.4
ShtlncIS 8.69 0.00 0.4 9.7 NwInsghtC t 34.69 0.10 18.6 61.0 Freedom2045K6 14.64 0.08 14.5 52.4 IntlCapiApp K6 17.68 0.20 11.1 62.4 ValueK 15.44 0.21 28.8 53.0 CA IntAdv 12.21 -0.02 1.1 11.5 GE Elfun/S&S: IntlAlphaInv p 18.35 0.16 11.5 56.9
FedMuniUl A 10.05 0.00 0.2 4.0 Fidelity Advisor Fun: Freedom2050 K 14.80 0.09 14.4 51.8 IntlDisc n 59.71 0.90 12.5 51.3 Wrldw n 39.47 0.31 15.2 72.6 CA TF Adv t 7.82 -0.02 2.0 18.1 Tax Ex n 11.61 -0.03 1.5 14.9 MidCap 38.23 -0.14 7.6 50.3
Federated Hermes R: BalFdZ 30.09 0.13 13.5 57.0 Freedom2050K6 14.79 0.09 14.6 52.5 IntlEnhIdx n 11.74 0.17 14.3 29.5 Fidelity SAI: CvtScAdv 30.12 -0.04 7.1 82.8 Trusts n 84.94 0.07 18.7 79.2 MunOpptI 9.19 -0.02 2.2 16.1
KaufmnR r 7.63 -0.01 6.0 62.8 IntlGrwZ 21.31 0.15 14.6 61.6 Freedom2055 K 17.04 0.10 14.4 51.8 IntlGrRet n 21.32 0.15 14.6 61.0 FidSAIEmgMktIndx 16.70 -0.10 0.5 30.6 Dynat Adv 167.13 -0.95 15.4 116.8 GMO Trust Class III: ShtDur 10.02 0.00 0.6 11.4
Federated Hermes R6: Fidelity Advisor I: Freedom2055K6 17.03 0.10 14.6 52.5 IntlScOpps nr 28.41 0.29 15.3 57.0 FidSAIIntlIndxFd 14.72 0.23 12.6 33.3 Fed TF Adv 12.42 -0.04 2.5 16.8 EmgCntryDt r 25.95 -0.04 0.9 24.0 StrInc 9.32 0.01 1.0 26.6
FedInstHYBondL 9.98 -0.03 3.2 21.1 BalancI 30.08 0.13 13.4 56.4 Freedom2060 n 15.49 0.09 14.4 51.3 IntlSmCap nr 35.10 0.31 14.6 35.6 IntlValIdx 10.37 0.18 17.0 17.1 FedIntAdv 12.39 -0.02 1.2 11.9 Quality 30.27 0.02 20.5 72.4 WorldBond 10.66 0.00 0.2 8.0
KaufmnSCL 68.83 -0.37 9.3 90.2 BiotechI 35.91 0.17 -1.0 44.1 Idx2010InsPre 14.54 0.03 4.4 27.4 IntlVal tn 9.65 0.15 13.9 23.0 LowDurationInc 10.01 0.00 0.1 NS GrOpAdv p 68.62 0.11 16.3 94.2 GMO Trust Class IV: Hartford Funds Y:
StrValL 5.78 0.09 17.1 22.3 ConsvIncmMuni I 10.06 0.00 0.2 3.7 Idx2015InsPre 15.78 0.05 5.8 31.3 IntMu n 10.90 -0.02 1.4 14.2 Muni Inc 10.98 -0.03 2.4 NS Growth Adv t 158.00 0.39 16.3 79.4 EmgCntrDt 25.90 -0.04 0.9 24.2 DiscpEq 48.70 0.37 17.0 67.9

Short Interest

NYSE Short Interest Rose 1% Nasdaq Shorts Fell 0.1%

HORT INTEREST ON THE NEW YORK July 30, from a revised 727,146,413, as of July S OF JULY 30, OVERALL NASDAQ short-interest ratio was 3.45 days, versus 2.95
Stock Exchange rose 1%, to 15. The short-interest ratio increased to 2.6 short interest fell 0.1%, to days for the previous reporting period.
13,404,453,678 shares, as of July 30, days, from a revised 2.5 in the prior period. 10,907,482,188 shares, compared Short interest on the Nasdaq Capital Mar-
from a revised 13,265,647,990 on July The top three shorts on the NYSE: with 10,922,285,230 on July 15. kets climbed 0.6%, to 2,398,658,213 shares in
15. The short-interest ratio fell to 3.4 days, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (ticker: SPY), The short-interest ratio was 2.59 days, versus 2,002 securities, versus 2,385,031,693 in 2,003
versus 3.6 days on July 15. The ratio is calcu- Financial Select Sector SPDR (XLF)) and 2.30 in the preceding reporting period. on July 15. The short-interest ratio remained
lated by dividing the number of shares sold IShares Russell 2000 (IWM). The top three On the Nasdaq Global Markets, short in- the same at 1 day. The top three shorts in the
short by the average total traded each day. on the NYSE MKT: Senseonics (SENS), terest decreased 0.3%, to 8,508,823,975 shares period: Sundial Growers (ticker: SNDL), Sir-
Short interest on the NYSE American Ex- Zomedica (ZOM) and GlobalStar (GSAT). in 2,770 securities. That’s down from ius XM (ticker: SIRI), and Apple (AAPL).
change fell 0.1%, to 726,515,989 shares, as of —MICHAEL T. KOKOSZKA 8,537,253,537 in 2,732 securities on July 15. The —MICHAEL T. KOKOSZKA
M30 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Mutual Funds Data provided by

Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
DivGthY 34.35 0.43 21.9 54.3 BalancedA p 29.28 0.02 12.2 45.9 JPMorgan C Class: LSVValEq 32.23 0.55 25.9 33.1 GenesisFdR6 78.70 -0.46 12.0 56.3 TotRtAd p 10.43 0.01 -0.5 17.7 InstFRF n 9.73 0.00 2.9 11.8 GrOpp p 60.89 -0.03 16.4 96.7
GrwthOppY 73.05 -0.81 10.3 99.5 CoreEqA t 20.69 0.19 22.3 70.9 InvBal p 16.99 0.06 8.5 33.6 New Covenant Funds: PIMCO Fds Instl: InstHiYld 8.85 -0.02 3.5 20.8 HiYld A p 5.97 -0.01 3.4 19.1
GlGrFundClA p
InvConsvGr t
JPMorgan Funds:
13.96 0.03 5.1 25.0
M Growth n
Nicholas Group:
61.35 0.36 18.6 64.3 AllAsset
AllAssetAuth r 8.78
13.33 0.08
LgCapGow I
InstLCCoreGr 75.96
73.03 -0.23
Incm p
IntlEq p
Hartford HLS Fds IA: HiIncA p 7.11 -0.03 4.7 15.9 Fl EmMktEq L 43.02 -0.03 -2.4 61.0 MainStay Fds A: Nch II I 37.15 0.05 17.7 63.1 CommodtyRR 6.17 0.05 26.8 29.1 LgCpVal 28.56 0.44 20.9 41.7 NYTx p 8.99 -0.02 2.6 15.5
Balanced 36.32 0.13 15.1 45.8 HiIncI r 7.11 -0.03 4.9 16.7 MdCpVal L 45.91 0.34 24.3 36.7 ConvtA 24.32 -0.19 5.6 58.2 Nich n 84.74 0.01 17.7 70.2 DivInc 11.27 0.00 0.8 20.6 InstSmCap 34.91 -0.15 14.0 64.0 ShtDurBd 10.25 0.00 0.8 9.3
CapApp 58.37 0.18 12.6 59.1 IntlCorEqI r 21.70 0.27 15.5 27.6 USEquity L 22.75 0.21 19.7 76.5 HiYldBdA 5.66 -0.01 3.7 18.8 Northern Funds: EmMktsBd 10.61 -0.02 -0.1 23.7 IntDis n 102.57 0.85 13.0 62.7 SmCapGr p 73.92 -1.02 7.7 82.2
DiscEqui 20.54 0.10 18.0 68.8 LgCpGwthA p 34.88 0.16 20.5 91.6 JPMorgan I Class: IncBldr 21.98 0.19 9.1 31.6 ActMIntlEq nr 13.99 0.14 14.6 39.3 ExtdDur 8.06 0.05 -6.2 40.6 IntEqIdx nr 17.09 0.25 12.4 33.0 StDurInc 10.08 0.00 0.1 4.9
Div&Grwth 27.15 0.34 22.4 54.8 LgCpGwthl r 37.46 0.17 20.8 93.5 CoreBond 12.10 0.01 -0.3 18.3 LgCpGrA p 14.13 -0.04 18.6 90.9 BdIdx n 10.95 0.00 -0.9 17.0 GlblBdOppUSH 10.66 -0.01 0.0 13.8 IntlStk n 22.43 0.24 6.6 38.4 SustainLdrsFd p 134.61 1.12 19.6 86.4
IntlOpp 21.22 0.20 8.4 40.5 LtdTrmI r 11.05 -0.01 0.2 10.0 CorePlusBd 8.62 0.01 0.3 18.8 TxFrBdA 10.76 -0.03 1.9 17.0 CAIntTxEx n 11.03 -0.02 0.7 13.0 HiYld 9.06 -0.02 2.5 20.3 Japan n 19.01 0.43 -5.6 37.0 TFHY 13.42 -0.04 5.4 20.4
MidCap 46.79 -0.16 7.7 50.7 MidCapI 46.30 -0.97 13.8 103.2 EmMktEq I 42.65 -0.04 -2.4 60.5 MainStay Fds I: EmMktsEqIdx nr 14.01 -0.12 0.1 29.7 HiYldMuniBd 10.02 -0.02 5.6 23.2 MCapVal n 34.60 0.10 16.9 33.4 TxEx p 8.96 -0.03 2.5 16.9
SmCpGrwth 39.62 -0.72 3.9 48.8 MdCpGwthA p 41.71 -0.87 13.5 100.7 EqInc 23.40 0.24 19.7 45.5 EpochGlb r 20.57 0.31 15.3 28.5 FixIn n 10.71 0.01 0.2 18.9 IntlBdUnhedged r 10.31 0.02 -3.1 15.6 MCEqGr 81.43 -0.19 12.4 66.1 MtgSec p 11.98 0.02 -1.4 9.0
Stock 111.21 1.01 16.4 62.1 MuniHighIncA t 5.16 -0.01 3.8 14.4 EqIndx 68.01 0.51 19.9 66.4 MacKaySTMuni 9.75 0.00 0.7 6.4 GlbREIdx nr 11.83 0.06 17.8 25.6 IntlBdUSH 10.96 -0.01 -0.2 14.3 MD Bond n 11.25 -0.03 2.8 15.3 Putnam Funds Class Y:
TotRetBd 11.91 0.00 -0.6 20.0 ScTechA p 100.66 -2.04 12.7 90.4 GrAdv r 36.16 -0.09 14.8 105.7 S&P500IdxA 57.89 0.42 19.6 64.9 HiYFxInc n 6.80 -0.02 3.7 21.2 InvGrdCrBd 11.00 NA NA NA MidCap n 126.73 -0.31 12.1 65.0 EqInc 31.99 0.43 22.4 49.6
UltraShBd 10.09 0.00 0.0 5.0 ScTechI r 115.25 -2.34 12.8 91.5 GvBd 11.08 0.01 -0.9 14.9 TRBd 11.32 0.01 0.0 20.5 HiYMuni n 9.24 -0.03 5.3 19.8 LgTrmCrdtBd 13.10 0.03 -0.5 38.3 N Asia n 24.89 -0.13 -0.9 48.7 GrOpp Y 64.29 -0.02 16.6 98.1
Heartland Funds: SmCapGrA t 23.00 -0.53 7.8 55.2 HighYld 7.29 -0.01 5.3 18.2 Mairs&Power: IntlEqIdx nr 15.15 0.23 12.6 32.5 LngDurTotRtrn 10.69 0.03 -1.5 37.1 N Inc n 9.84 0.01 0.1 16.4 Incm 7.13 0.00 -2.1 16.6
Val Inv n 50.34 -0.13 16.3 31.1 SmCapGrI r 33.14 -0.77 8.1 57.1 IntmdTFBd 11.31 -0.02 1.3 14.3 MairsPwrBal n 120.07 0.60 14.9 46.5 IntTxExpt n 10.94 -0.02 0.8 13.7 LowDur 9.90 0.00 0.0 8.8 NAmer n 80.35 -0.45 17.6 103.8 ShtDurBd 10.27 0.00 1.0 10.2
Hennessy Funds: InvConGw 14.13 0.03 5.6 28.0 MairsPwrGr n 165.48 1.05 22.0 68.6 MidCpIdx n 24.96 0.14 19.2 43.8 LowDurInc r 8.67 0.00 1.6 14.0 New Era n 38.62 0.83 18.3 11.6 StDurInc 10.09 0.00 0.2 5.2
0.66 26.6 56.8
1.04 -0.9 38.4 J InvGrwth
Marsico Funds:
Focus pn 30.02 -0.13 16.7 100.2
ShIntTaxFr n
SmCapIdx n
NHoriz n
OverS SF nr
Homestead Funds: Janus Henderson: LgCpGwth 68.48 0.10 13.9 111.4 Mass Mutual: SmCpVal n 23.67 NA NA NA MuniBd 10.59 -0.03 2.5 17.9 QMUSSmCpGrEq n 51.15 -0.27 7.2 47.3
ShtTmBd n 5.28 0.00 -0.1 10.1 Balanced C 45.00 0.06 11.3 45.1 MdCpGrw 56.16 -0.33 9.0 95.5 SelBluChipGroClI 35.11 -0.01 16.9 83.7 StkIdx n 50.06 0.38 19.9 66.8 RAEFndmtlAdvPLUS 9.03 NA NA NA SpectConsAllo n 22.81 0.05 6.8 32.0 RBB Fund:
Value n 56.58 0.74 20.9 50.8 Balanced S 45.54 0.07 11.7 47.4 MdCpVal 45.20 0.33 24.1 35.8 MassMutual Premier: TxExpt n 11.10 -0.04 1.1 15.6 RAEPLUS r 7.26 NA NA NA SpectModerAllo n 29.05 0.11 9.9 41.0 BPSmVal2Inst 32.11 0.07 23.5 30.9
Hotchkis and Wiley: Balanced T n 45.64 0.07 11.9 48.6 MidCapEq 64.24 0.09 16.3 64.2 CoreBdI 11.39 0.00 1.2 21.1 Nuveen Cl A: RAEPlusEMG 10.40 NA NA NA SpectModerGwAllo n 46.10 0.23 13.0 48.8 RBC Funds:
HiYldI 11.46 -0.02 4.4 13.6 Contrarian T n 32.41 0.35 20.9 91.1 MtgBckd 11.51 0.01 0.6 15.3 MassMutual Select: AAMunBd p 12.40 -0.05 3.7 19.6 RealRtnI 12.38 0.02 3.9 24.3 R2005 n 15.03 0.05 7.1 32.0 AccCpCommInvI 8.98 NA NA NA
Enterprise Inst 96.68 -0.01 12.4 61.8 ShtDurBnd 11.13 0.00 0.4 10.4 BlackRockGlAllCi 13.55 0.05 7.5 41.1 CAMunBd p 11.75 -0.04 1.7 15.6 RERRStg 10.26 -0.01 34.9 56.9 R2010 n 19.76 0.06 7.7 34.0 RiverNorth Funds:
I Enterprise T n 175.65
FlxBnd T n 11.23
HiYldMuBd p 18.54
IntDMunBd p 9.69
R2015 n
R2020 n
RNDLIncomeI 10.57
Royce Funds:
IFP US Equity Fund: Forty S 54.89 -0.23 19.7 99.3 TxAwEq 49.03 0.30 20.6 75.7 IndxEqR4 n 21.44 0.16 19.6 64.4 LtdMnBd p 11.42 0.00 1.1 10.4 StcksPLUSIntlHdg r 9.31 0.11 16.7 37.3 R2025 n 21.39 0.10 10.4 42.2 Oppty I nr 20.19 -0.05 27.5 56.5
IFP US EquityFd 22.63 0.18 15.7 67.6 GlbEqIncA 7.03 0.08 10.5 20.8 USEquity 22.70 0.21 19.6 75.8 MCGrEqIII 31.72 -0.13 12.3 68.0 NYMunBd p 11.43 -0.03 2.9 15.4 StcksPLUSSmall 11.49 -0.12 13.3 37.6 R2030 n 31.84 0.16 11.9 46.1 PAMut I nr 11.92 -0.04 16.4 38.8
INVESCO A Shares: GlbResch T nr 112.22 0.38 15.1 57.9 USLgCpCorPls 28.64 0.07 19.3 70.3 MCpGrEqIIS 31.29 -0.13 12.2 67.5 Nuveen Cl I: StkPlsLgDur 9.36 0.10 17.8 116.6 R2035 n 24.06 0.13 13.3 49.5 PremierI nr 15.11 0.04 11.2 41.2
AmValA 41.88 0.17 20.1 24.5 GblResh Inst 69.76 0.24 15.3 58.4 USRechEnhEq 38.34 0.21 21.0 70.9 PIMCITRetI 10.27 0.00 -0.5 19.8 HYMunBd 18.54 -0.05 8.3 25.1 StksPLS 13.72 0.11 19.9 67.3 R2040 n 34.82 0.20 14.4 52.6 SpecEqI nr 21.26 0.19 16.7 25.1
Invesco Fds Investor: GlbSel T n 20.24 0.26 15.5 50.6 ValAdv 44.27 0.53 24.6 38.2 Matthews Asian Funds: Nuveen Cl R: StPlTRInst r 14.39 0.11 20.1 68.0 RealEst n 20.41 -0.12 29.4 29.2 TotRet I nr 11.21 0.09 20.7 31.4
DivrsDiv n 22.84 0.35 15.6 33.1 GlLifeSci T nr 73.98 -0.52 4.2 53.4 JPMorgan Inst Class: AsiaDivInv nr 22.63 0.02 0.6 35.7 CAMunBd 11.76 -0.05 1.8 16.2 TotRetESG 9.52 0.00 -0.3 18.8 Ret2025A p 21.22 0.09 10.2 41.2 RS Funds:
GlHltCr pn ValAdv L 44.33 0.53 24.7 38.8 AsiaGroInv nr 37.43 -0.52 -5.1 48.9 IntDMunBd 9.72 -0.02 1.9 14.9 TotRt 10.43 0.01 -0.3 18.6 Ret2045 n 24.20 0.15 15.2 54.5 CoreEqVIP 52.83 0.50 18.7 34.3
48.78 -0.53 8.3 52.1 GlTech T nr 62.07 -0.67 15.9 118.7 LmtTrmR 11.38 0.00 1.3 11.1 TRII 9.75 0.01 -0.6 18.0 Ret2045R 23.61 0.15 14.8 52.2
Tech n 75.32 -0.67 11.5 87.3 Grw&Inc T n 77.40 0.55 20.4 56.7 JPMorgan R Class: Asian G&I Inv nr 18.05 0.01 0.7 31.4 InvQBdVIP 13.16 0.01 0.0 17.4
CoreBond 12.12 0.02 -0.2 18.9 AsiaInnovInv n 25.07 -0.23 -6.1 96.1 NYMunBd 11.44 -0.03 3.0 16.2 TrndsMgdFutStrgy 11.34 0.06 10.9 27.6 Ret2055 n 21.00 0.13 15.3 54.5 Russell Funds S:
Invesco Funds A: MdCpVal T n 17.95 0.17 14.0 26.6 Nuveen Fds: PIMCO Funds: Ret2055 20.79 0.13 15.1 53.3
500InxA p 47.81 0.35 19.6 64.7 Overseas T nr 44.17 0.45 12.1 43.1 CorePlusBd 8.63 0.01 0.5 19.0 ChinaInv n 26.76 0.26 -0.9 61.2 EmerMkts 22.31 NA NA NA
HighYld r 7.29 -0.01 5.4 18.7 DLStrIncmR 26.73 0.25 -0.8 62.1 RealEst 23.39 -0.04 26.0 39.8 IncomeFd 12.05 0.00 1.6 15.7 RetBal Inc n 16.88 0.05 7.4 32.3 IntlDvMkt 44.74 NA NA NA
ActiveAllA 16.46 0.05 12.0 39.4 Resh T n 73.39 -0.29 14.3 79.5 StcksPLUSIntlHdg 9.20 0.12 16.7 36.9 SciTec n 60.84 -0.32 10.4 96.0
AMTFrNY p 12.36 -0.03 4.6 19.5 SCVal T n 24.78 0.20 16.7 16.1 LimDurBd 10.18 0.01 0.5 8.4 IndiaInv nr 30.53 0.52 16.1 24.2 InvGrdBd 22.27 NA NA NA
BalancedRiskAllA 12.21
CapApprA p 86.36
Venture T n
Jensen I :
107.59 -1.29 6.4 50.0 MtgBckd
PacTigerInv nr 34.49
MergerFundThe pn:
-0.64 -1.3 35.2 O TotRet
PIMCO Funds A:
10.43 0.01 -0.7 16.5 Sht-Bd n
SmCap n
39.5 RESec
SmCpEqR5 77.20 -0.27 11.5 42.8 MergerFundThe pn 17.16 -0.05 -1.5 13.0 Oak Associates Funds: AllAsset 13.33 0.08 13.2 33.6 SmCapStk n 73.16 -0.26 14.5 64.2 TaxExBd 24.16 NA NA NA
Chart 21.14 0.13 19.7 54.1 Jensen I 65.26 0.80 18.3 71.2 HiYld 9.06 -0.02 2.3 19.1 SpecGr n 28.48 0.19 17.4 56.1
CmstA 30.49 0.50 26.7 35.1 JensenQualGrJ n: SmCpVal 33.89 0.01 25.9 29.2 Meridian Funds: RedOakTec n 44.15 0.17 17.5 76.3 TMUSMdSmCp 40.98 NA NA NA
USEqR5 22.75 0.20 19.7 76.6 Growth n 55.42 -0.83 15.4 54.7 Oakmark Funds Invest: HiYldMuniBd 10.02 -0.02 5.4 22.1 SpecInc n 13.16 0.02 2.8 20.3 TxMngUSLgCp 67.05 NA NA NA
CoreBdA p 6.92 0.00 -0.6 19.3 JensenQualGrJ n 65.28 0.81 18.2 70.0 IncomeFd 12.05 0.00 1.7 16.6 SpecIntl n 17.21 0.19 8.2 36.7
CpBdA 7.93 0.00 1.3 28.0 John Hancock: USRechEnhEq 38.29 0.21 21.1 71.5 Value n 49.46 -0.31 18.6 52.4 EqtyInc nr 36.45 0.23 19.0 41.0 USSmCpEq 38.19 NA NA NA
JPMorgan R5 Class: Metropolitan West: GlbSel nr 25.53 0.17 21.7 46.4 IntlBdUSH 10.96 -0.01 -0.5 13.0 SuMuInc n 12.61 -0.03 3.0 16.7 Rydex Dynamic Fds:
DevMkt 41.97 -0.13 -2.3 43.6 500Index1 51.60 0.38 19.8 65.8 InvstGrCrBd 11.00 NA NA NA SuMuInt n 12.44 -0.02 1.7 14.3
DevMktA 53.27 -0.02 -1.9 31.0 BondI 16.54 0.00 0.3 20.9 SR2020 R5 19.27 0.05 5.0 27.1 HiYldBdI 10.66 -0.01 2.2 26.8 Global n 38.24 0.32 19.6 40.8 NasdaqStratH p 443.85 1.52 34.0 220.5
SR2030 R5 22.40 0.11 8.8 36.4 IntmBdI 10.82 0.00 -0.1 16.5 IntlSmCp nr 21.02 0.17 24.4 42.8 LowDurA 9.90 0.00 -0.2 7.8 TaxEfEqty nr 59.60 -0.22 17.1 90.5 Rydex Investor Class:
DiscFdA p 120.16 -1.48 9.6 87.0 BondR6 16.57 0.00 0.4 21.4 LowDurInc 8.67 0.00 1.4 12.6 TF Incom n 12.78 -0.02 5.8 19.0
DisMdCpGrA 35.24 -0.01 15.8 90.8 CapApprNAV 23.63 -0.08 14.4 107.1 SR2040 R5 26.40 0.13 12.8 45.5 LowDurBdI 8.90 0.00 0.4 9.8 Oakmark n 117.24 1.26 30.1 58.5 NasdaqInv n 73.19 0.12 17.1 101.8
SRIncome R5 18.13 0.05 5.0 26.3 TotRetBd n 11.05 0.01 -0.5 19.0 OakmrkInt n 29.56 0.36 13.3 25.1 MuniBdA 10.59 -0.03 2.3 16.8 TF Incom n 10.56 -0.03 2.7 16.2
DivIncm p 26.08 0.41 14.7 28.7 ClassicVal I 39.78 0.89 26.5 32.1 RAEPLUS 6.69 NA NA NA TFSI n 5.74 0.00 0.6 8.6
DivrsDiv p
DispVal I 25.64
DispValMdCpR6 28.27
JPMorgan Select Cls:
SmCpGrL 29.14 -0.47 -4.1 72.2
Select n
Oberweis Funds:
62.56 0.57 30.1 45.3 RealRtnA
TotIndex n
U.S.EqResch n 43.77
49.82 0.26
EqInvA 16.93 0.04 12.8 40.7 DispValR6 25.70 0.21 23.7 37.4 UnconstrBdI 12.00 0.00 1.4 13.5 IntlOppInst 18.34 0.23 8.2 71.6
EqWtdA p
FltgRate p
L MFS Funds Class A:
BondA p 15.42 0.00 -0.7 25.4
Old Westbury Fds:
AlCpCore n 26.25 0.08 19.0 73.6
USLrgCpCore n 36.67
USTInter n 6.09
Schwab Funds:
1000 Inv nr
Balanced n
Mondrian: FixInc pn 11.41 0.00 -0.8 13.2 PIMCO Funds C: VABond n 12.58 -0.03 2.1 15.3
GblAllocA 23.73 0.17 9.6 33.2 Science&TechI 45.44 -0.50 8.5 99.6 Laudus Funds: IncomeFd 12.05 0.00 1.2 13.9 Value n 51.00 0.66 24.6 58.3 CoreEq n 28.79 0.21 19.2 49.9
GblStrIncmA p 3.61 0.00 -3.5 8.6 TotalStkMktIdxI 31.10 0.17 18.4 64.2 USLgCpGr nr 34.40 -0.05 17.8 87.8 IntlValEq n 15.40 0.23 13.5 18.4 LrgCpStr n 19.61 0.09 14.4 47.2 PIMCO Funds I2: Price Funds - Adv Cl: DivEqSel n 16.96 0.23 22.1 27.1
GlbOppA p 81.71 -0.92 4.5 46.6 VolGrw1 13.36 0.07 11.1 19.9 Lazard Instl: Morgan Stanley Fds A: MuniBd pn 12.49 -0.01 0.0 10.8 All Asset 13.36 0.08 13.4 35.1 BlChip p 188.26 -0.53 16.2 79.2 FunIntlLgInst nr 10.62 0.11 15.6 27.3
Glcoreeq p 16.86 0.02 15.4 41.1 John Hancock Class 1: EmgMktEq 19.24 -0.27 6.7 21.7 InsightA p 89.59 -0.27 10.9 183.2 OWstbryNYMuBndFdn 10.56 -0.01 0.2 NS CommdtyRR 6.13 0.04 26.6 28.5 CapAppA p 38.09 0.06 13.0 57.7 FunUSLgInst nr 22.81 0.30 24.7 56.1
GlGr 37.47 0.17 10.0 53.6 BlueChipGrw 64.94 -0.21 15.9 78.8 GlbLstInfr 16.61 0.24 13.7 23.8 Morgan Stanley Fds I: Sm&MdCapStrategi n 19.72 -0.08 7.1 40.4 ComPLUSStrtgyFd 7.22 0.08 32.3 21.4 Growth p 111.41 -0.35 18.1 84.2 HlthCare n 30.79 0.18 18.1 49.1
GlHltCr 48.77 -0.53 8.3 52.1 CapAppr 23.51 -0.08 14.4 106.8 IntlEq 21.76 0.37 8.7 29.4 FxInOpp I 5.82 0.00 0.4 15.5 Optimum Funds Inst: DivInc 11.27 0.00 0.7 20.2 MCapGro p 121.60 -0.30 11.9 63.6 InflProSel n 12.68 0.04 4.0 23.4
GrIncA 28.19 0.38 22.8 35.3 LSAggr 18.45 0.05 14.8 51.5 IntStrtEq r 18.59 0.21 10.5 34.6 Insight I 102.07 -0.30 11.1 185.6 Fixed Inc 9.93 0.01 -0.7 18.4 EmgMkBd 10.61 -0.02 -0.2 23.3 R2020A p 24.58 0.09 9.0 37.4 IntI Sel nr 24.76 0.35 12.6 33.2
GrowAlloc p 17.66 0.05 11.8 37.3 LSBalncd 16.77 0.05 10.1 40.0 USEQ Concen Inst 21.57 0.18 19.5 54.3 Morgan Stanley Inst: Intl Eqty 16.49 0.08 12.5 34.0 GNMAGvtSec 11.34 0.01 0.0 13.9 R2030A p 31.46 0.15 11.7 45.0 IntlMstr nr 30.80 0.24 10.4 45.0
Hyld 3.97 -0.02 2.4 15.1 LSConserv 13.95 0.02 3.4 24.0 Lazard Open: CapGrI 105.17 -0.46 15.0 167.3 LgCpGrwth 28.14 -0.05 13.8 76.4 HiYldMuniBd 10.02 -0.02 5.5 22.8 R2035 23.88 0.13 13.1 48.4 MT AllEq n 23.44 0.15 18.1 44.4
HYMuA 10.51 -0.03 6.0 19.8 LSGwth 17.81 0.05 12.6 46.3 IntlStrEq n 18.73 0.20 10.2 33.6 CapGrP p 97.93 -0.43 14.8 165.2 LgCpVal 21.59 0.23 20.7 43.9 Income 12.05 0.00 1.9 17.6 R2040A p 34.41 0.20 14.3 51.5 MT Bal n 21.33 0.09 10.4 34.3
IntlBdA p 5.30 0.01 -7.9 9.8 LSModer 14.94 0.04 6.9 32.0 Legg Mason I: CorPlusFxdIncI 11.61 0.01 0.1 20.0 SmCpGrwth 20.96 -0.20 7.9 75.2 IntlBdUSH 10.96 -0.01 -0.3 14.0 Ret2045-A p 23.97 0.14 15.0 53.4 MT Gro n 27.43 0.14 14.4 40.0
IntlDivA 23.93 0.14 6.8 40.2 MidCapStock 28.09 -0.48 7.4 107.2 IntlGrTrI 71.89 0.59 5.8 52.4 Discovery I 44.00 0.34 1.8 206.8 SmCpVal 16.74 0.16 24.0 29.1 InvstGrCrBd 11.00 NA NA NA Ret2050-A p 20.24 0.13 15.1 53.6 S&P Sel n 68.90 0.51 20.0 67.2
IntlGrow 34.43 0.32 6.4 40.0 RetCho2015 12.01 0.02 2.5 20.2 OpporTrI 48.57 -1.39 11.1 57.0 DiscoveryA p p 33.66 0.26 1.6 204.3 Osterweis Strat Income: LowDurInc 8.67 0.00 1.6 13.6 Price Funds - R Cl: SmCp Sel nr 38.60 -0.42 13.2 38.3
IntlGrowA p 53.62 0.57 13.6 50.1 RetCho2025 13.23 0.04 4.3 27.7 Longleaf Partners: GloFranI t 35.43 0.22 13.6 56.5 OsterweisStrInc n 11.60 -0.01 4.2 17.3 LwDur 9.90 0.00 -0.1 8.4 BlChipR p 179.56 -0.52 16.0 77.8 SmCpEqSel nr 22.91 0.03 22.8 26.1
IntlSmCoA 62.87 0.53 13.4 49.6 RetCho2030 14.72 0.07 7.1 34.8 Intl n 18.35 0.08 5.6 14.9 InceptionP A p 22.50 -0.63 20.4 246.4 MuniBd 10.59 -0.03 2.5 17.5 ExtIndex nr 42.37 -0.23 14.1 58.8 Trgt2020 nr 16.08 0.06 6.7 30.6
InvescoFd p
RetCho2040R4 16.31
15.79 0.08
Partners n
Sm-Cap n
0.06 21.0 21.9
-0.03 9.8 18.7
InceptionPort I 30.74
IntlEqI 17.45
29.5 PQ RealRtn
GrowthR p
R2020R p
Trgt2030 nr
Trgt2040 nr
InvGloblFdA 134.80 0.72 16.6 65.4 RetCho2045 16.73 0.10 12.0 45.2 Loomis Sayles Fds: MorganStanleyPathway: PACE Funds Cl P: TotRt 10.43 0.01 -0.4 18.2 R2030R p 31.10 0.16 11.6 43.9 TSM Sel nr 79.06 0.42 19.0 66.1
LmtdTrmMunInc p 11.55 -0.01 0.7 9.1 RetCho2050R4 14.98 0.09 12.2 45.9 LSBondI 13.78 0.01 3.2 14.3 CoreFxIcm n 8.39 0.00 -0.9 19.3 IntlEqty P 19.43 0.30 13.5 33.6 PIMCO Funds Instl: R2040R p 34.06 0.19 14.1 50.4 TxFrBd n 12.24 -0.02 1.3 14.1
MnStFndA 63.94 0.41 19.9 61.5 RetLiv2025 12.05 0.04 9.5 40.8 LSBondR pn 13.70 0.01 3.0 13.5 EmgMkt n 17.21 -0.15 1.4 28.4 LgGrEqty P 31.29 -0.01 15.8 86.4 ComPLUSStrtgyFd 7.30 0.08 32.6 21.7 Ret2025-R p 20.92 0.09 10.0 40.0 USSmCoIdx nr 18.81 0.07 24.9 38.5
MnStOpA p 27.79 0.10 19.9 62.8 RetLiv2030 12.73 0.05 11.0 45.0 LSCorBndA p 13.71 0.01 -0.8 18.9 LgCapEq n 27.24 0.19 18.0 61.2 LgVEqty P 25.78 0.27 22.8 31.9 DynamicBd 10.78 -0.01 1.1 12.0 Ret2035-R 23.52 0.13 12.9 47.3 Segall Bryant & Hami:
MnStSmCpA p 32.41 -0.01 17.8 41.0 RetLiv2035 13.49 0.06 12.4 48.4 LSFixIncl 13.59 0.01 2.9 19.5 Sm-MdCapEq nr 23.99 0.02 14.0 46.8 StraFxd P 14.28 0.01 -0.1 20.7 GNMAGvtSec 11.34 0.01 0.1 14.2 Ret2050-R 19.99 0.12 15.0 52.4 SmallCapVal Inst 15.19 0.04 13.8 31.5
ModInvA 13.04 0.04 9.1 34.6 RetLiv2040 13.88 0.06 13.4 51.5 LSStrIncA p 14.36 0.00 3.9 12.5 Munder Funds: Pacific Life Funds: IncomeFd 12.05 0.00 2.0 17.9 PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds: SEI Portfolios:
MunInA 13.98 -0.05 3.5 17.4 RetLiv2045 13.74 0.05 14.0 52.9 SmCpGI 36.78 -0.79 5.1 50.6 MndrIntlSmCpInv r 18.79 0.25 15.2 39.9 PortOptModAggClA p 16.80 NA NA NA InflRespMulAsset 9.44 0.04 9.9 29.7 AggGrowth nr 58.87 -1.27 9.7 43.4 CoreFxIn F 11.61 0.01 -0.8 19.3
QualityIncomeA 11.60 0.00 -0.7 12.0 John Hancock Funds A: Lord Abbett A: Munder Funds Cl Y: PortOptModClA r 15.38 NA NA NA RAEPLUSIntl 7.01 NA NA NA Growth nr 49.40 -0.40 16.5 43.2 EMktDbt F 10.21 0.00 -2.6 17.0
RchHiYldMuniA 8.25 -0.02 6.2 27.2 BalA 26.98 0.15 11.3 44.7 Affiltd p 18.18 0.21 20.1 35.1 MndrSCVClY p 44.93 0.28 25.7 24.1 Palmer Square: RAEPLUSSml 10.68 0.05 31.5 42.3 Stock nr 42.90 0.29 22.1 51.6 HiYld F 7.02 -0.02 7.1 22.0
RealEst p 22.76 -0.10 26.4 34.8 BondA p 16.54 0.00 0.1 19.9 Alpha StratA p 29.48 -0.17 12.6 47.9 Mutual Series: Income Plus 10.07 0.00 1.0 9.6 Pioneer Funds A: Principal Investors: IntlEmg F 14.69 -0.12 1.9 31.0
RisingDivA 26.88 0.20 17.9 53.5 DispVal 26.55 0.22 23.4 35.9 BdDeb p 8.50 0.00 3.2 21.3 BeacnZ n 19.51 0.10 18.4 39.5 Parnassus Fds: AMTFreeMuniA p p 15.68 -0.08 1.0 18.9 CapApprA p 65.88 0.37 18.9 68.4 IntlEq F 14.12 0.14 11.5 32.3
RochAMTFrMuni 7.99 -0.03 3.8 23.9 DispValMdCp 27.00 0.21 21.0 39.8 CalibrDivGr 20.94 0.19 17.6 60.4 GlbDiscA 33.22 0.25 18.1 24.3 ParnEqFd n 64.50 0.44 20.4 77.1 BondA 10.17 -0.01 0.8 19.3 ConBalA p 13.94 0.01 8.0 29.8 IntMuni F 12.31 -0.02 1.9 15.2
RochCAMuni 9.30 -0.03 3.2 20.1 FunLgCpCorA p 75.03 0.66 25.5 68.5 CoreFxdInc p 11.24 0.01 -0.1 17.2 GlbDiscz n 34.05 0.26 18.4 25.3 Parnsus n 67.81 -1.08 10.4 66.1 CoreEqA 26.87 0.25 19.2 63.9 DivIntlInst 16.38 0.12 9.6 36.4 LgCapGr F 53.94 -0.01 18.2 85.5
RochLmtTrNYMuni p 3.08 -0.01 2.2 14.4 InvGrBdA 11.02 0.01 -0.3 18.0 DevGt p 30.98 -0.59 1.4 90.7 QuestA t 14.44 0.14 10.3 8.3 Pax World Fds: DiscGrA 21.75 0.10 17.4 89.7 EqIncIA p 41.48 0.54 17.6 46.9 LgCVal F 28.40 0.46 23.4 31.0
RochPAMuni 11.67 -0.03 3.6 21.8 IntlGrw 41.04 0.50 11.9 50.2 FloatRt p 8.39 0.00 3.5 6.0 QuestZ n 14.70 0.14 10.4 9.1 SustAll Inv n 29.53 0.18 12.8 47.7 EqIncA 42.44 0.69 19.2 33.2 FlIncA p 13.59 0.02 5.8 24.0 MgdVol F 18.55 0.29 16.9 33.6
RoMu A p 17.80 -0.07 5.9 25.3 LifeAggr 18.52 0.05 14.6 49.9 FundlEq p 14.55 0.16 20.5 38.4 SharesZ n 30.08 0.33 18.8 24.5 Paydenfunds: HighIncMuniA 7.59 -0.03 5.7 17.6 HighYldA p 7.35 -0.02 3.8 18.2 S&P500 F 95.72 0.71 19.9 66.2
SenFltRtA 7.01 0.00 5.4 -0.5 LifeBal 16.90 0.05 9.8 38.5 HiYldA t 7.55 -0.01 4.8 19.5 EqIncInv n 21.14 0.24 18.3 37.4 MdCapVa 28.65 0.28 22.3 32.1 HiYld IN 9.42 -0.01 3.4 17.0 ShtGov F 10.48 -0.01 -0.3 7.4
ShortTerm p
SmCpEq p
HYMuniBd p
IncomeA p
N HiInc n
LowDur n
InfPro IN
LgCpStA p
TaxMgdLC F
TaxMgdSmMdCp F 28.44
36.66 0.31
SmCpGr 51.22 -0.61 7.2 70.4 LifeMod 15.03 0.04 6.7 30.6 IntrTxFr 11.48 -0.02 2.5 15.7 Nationwide Fds R6: LtdMat n 9.52 0.00 0.3 6.0 StratIncA p p 11.42 -0.01 2.1 20.3 LgIndxI 25.84 0.19 19.9 66.4 Selected Funds:
SmCpValA t 20.35 0.11 28.6 43.6 StrIncA p 6.70 0.00 0.3 17.4 MidCapStk 35.17 0.31 21.2 28.9 IntIdxR6 9.46 NA NA NA Pear Tree: Pioneer Funds Y: LgIndxJ tn 25.53 0.19 19.7 65.4 AmShD n 46.14 0.01 21.0 46.6
SP IncomeA 3.95 0.03 37.4 0.7 USGlobLdrs 74.30 0.17 18.3 99.8 MultiAstBalOppty 14.20 0.03 8.9 41.7 Nationwide Fds Serv: ForeignVal I r 24.88 0.18 11.5 20.9 AMTFreeMuniY 15.62 -0.08 1.1 19.6 LT2020 In 15.61 0.04 7.9 34.3 AmShS pn 46.01 0.00 20.8 45.2
Tech p 75.57 -0.67 11.4 86.7 John Hancock Instl: MultiAstInc 17.66 0.03 6.6 30.3 IDAggr p 10.97 NA NA NA PearValR6 12.76 0.09 11.5 21.3 BondY 10.08 0.00 1.1 20.7 LT2020J tn 15.50 0.03 7.7 33.7 Sequoia:
ComstkSel 34.96 0.56 26.2 40.0 BalancedI 26.95 0.15 11.4 45.9 ShDurTxFr 15.93 -0.01 0.8 7.4 IDMod p 10.73 NA NA NA PearValSCapInst 17.64 0.02 18.5 33.1 PionFdY 42.23 0.12 20.5 81.5 LT2030In 17.30 0.05 10.8 41.7 SequoiaFd n 198.47 0.69 19.7 68.7
Invesco Funds C: DispValMCI 28.27 0.23 21.2 40.8 ShtDurIncmA p 4.20 0.00 1.3 10.5 IDModAggr p 11.04 NA NA NA Perm Port Funds: SelMCGrY 67.17 -1.39 10.7 74.6 LT2030J tn 17.23 0.05 10.7 41.1 Sit Funds:
EqWtdC 78.02 0.61 21.9 53.0 FunLgCpCorI 78.91 0.69 25.7 69.7 TaxFr p 12.26 -0.04 3.7 19.2 Natixis Funds: Permanent n 50.31 0.25 9.5 45.2 StratIncY p p 11.41 -0.01 2.3 21.4 LT2040I 19.06 0.07 13.1 47.4 MinnTxF n 10.84 -0.03 2.5 13.7
RchHiYldMunC 8.21 -0.03 5.7 24.6 IncomeI 6.68 -0.01 0.3 18.3 TotRet p 10.65 0.00 0.4 17.4 InvGradeBdA p 11.55 0.02 0.5 21.6 PGIM Funds Cl A: Price Funds: LT2040J tn 18.85 0.07 12.9 46.7 SmeadFds:
StlpathMLPAlphFd 3.44 0.03 36.8 -1.2 StratIncmOppI 11.35 -0.01 1.5 18.8 ValOpps p 22.69 0.02 18.4 42.5 InvGradeBdY 11.56 0.02 0.7 22.6 2020FcA 20.50 0.07 17.1 71.4 2050RetFd n 20.49 0.12 15.2 54.6 LT2050I 19.72 0.07 14.5 50.3 SmeadValueInstl 67.66 1.10 34.0 62.3
TEHYC 10.47 -0.03 5.5 17.1 USGlbLdrsGrwI 82.26 0.19 18.4 101.3 Lord Abbett C: LSGrowthY 27.26 0.08 17.8 86.4 Balanced 19.24 0.11 11.8 33.8 Balnanced n 30.15 0.18 11.4 43.7 MdGrIII Inst 17.44 -0.02 13.6 81.0 SoundShoreInv n:
Invesco Funds Instl: JPMorgan A Class: BdDeb 8.52 0.00 2.8 18.8 USEqOppsA 46.33 0.33 23.1 72.6 HighYield 5.56 -0.01 4.3 22.9 BdEnhIdx nr 11.53 0.00 -0.6 18.1 MidCpBldA 41.19 -0.49 17.4 74.8 SoundShoreInv n 51.03 0.50 21.1 38.3
SmCpGr 61.13 -0.71 7.5 72.2 CoreBond 12.11 0.02 -0.4 17.4 FloatRt p 8.39 -0.01 3.1 4.0 Neuberger Berman Fds: JennBlend 28.14 0.05 16.7 61.5 BlChip n 192.65 -0.54 16.4 80.7 PreSecI 10.57 -0.01 3.3 22.5 Sprott Funds Trust:
Invesco Funds P: CorePlusBd p 8.62 0.01 0.1 17.7 ShtDurIncmC t 4.22 0.00 0.6 8.4 EmgMktInst 23.23 -0.17 0.1 24.4 JennGrowth 67.32 -0.21 14.3 105.0 CA Bond n 12.05 -0.03 2.7 15.7 PtrLGI In 24.20 -0.09 18.5 93.9 GoldEq Inv p/r tn 48.34 -0.69 -11.8 55.9
Summit P pn 32.82 -0.15 11.4 87.1 EmMktEq t 41.59 -0.04 -2.6 59.4 Lord Abbett F: EqIncInst 15.12 0.13 15.0 32.6 JennHealthSci 54.77 -1.12 9.6 55.1 Communica&Tech n 205.50 -0.31 13.9 107.9 PtrLV In 20.56 0.21 18.9 41.5 SSgA Funds:
Invesco Funds Y: EqInc p 22.97 0.24 19.5 44.4 BdDeb 8.49 0.00 3.4 21.6 GenesInst 78.74 -0.47 12.0 55.9 JennMidCapGrowth 23.17 -0.12 9.7 86.3 DivGro n 70.37 0.66 17.8 65.5 RealEstSecI 32.71 -0.12 26.1 51.1 SP500 n 283.18 2.10 19.9 67.0
BalancedRiskAllY n 12.46 0.08 9.2 30.6 EqIndx p 67.90 0.50 19.7 65.1 DevGt p 33.21 -0.63 1.5 91.6 HiIncBdInst 8.75 -0.03 3.1 20.5 JennSmallCompany p 28.48 0.07 22.4 63.3 DvsfMCGr n 51.63 -0.31 12.1 80.8 SAMBalA p 18.84 0.04 11.2 37.6 State Farm Associate:
DevMktY n 52.52 -0.02 -1.8 32.0 GwthAdv p 34.57 -0.08 14.6 104.3 FloatRt p 8.38 0.00 3.6 6.3 IntrinsicValInst 23.79 0.02 21.9 60.3 JennUtility 17.37 0.27 9.4 43.4 EmgMktB n 11.32 -0.02 0.5 17.6 SAMGrA p 21.95 0.06 14.3 45.0 Balan n 94.58 1.49 14.3 50.7
DiscovY n 142.75 -1.75 9.7 88.3 Inv Bal p 17.32 0.06 8.7 35.7 HiYld p 7.54 -0.01 4.8 19.8 LCVal Inst 45.40 0.70 24.9 71.0 NationalMuni 15.34 -0.03 1.5 14.0 EmMktS n 52.65 -0.07 -3.9 31.4 StrGrw A p 24.21 0.08 16.2 52.2 Gwth n 119.81 2.19 19.6 65.2
EqWtdY n 83.21 0.66 22.6 57.6 InvCon p 14.04 0.04 5.5 27.1 HYMuniBd 13.14 -0.04 6.4 22.1 LgShInst 17.82 0.08 7.3 31.2 ShrtTermCorpBond 11.30 -0.01 0.1 12.7 EqInc n 37.45 0.60 20.8 38.2 ProFunds Inv Class: Muni n 8.97 -0.02 0.7 14.3
GlblOppY n 83.75 -0.94 4.7 47.7 InvG&I p 20.42 0.10 11.3 43.7 Income 3.02 0.00 1.6 22.5 MidCapGroR6 22.32 -0.26 12.1 78.8 TotalReturnBond p 14.81 0.00 -0.8 19.1 EqIndex n 118.18 0.88 19.9 66.4 UltNASDAQ-100 n 102.21 0.36 33.7 216.8 State Street Institu:
GloblY n 135.68 0.73 16.8 66.5 InvGrwt p 25.72 0.15 14.4 52.1 IntrTxFr 11.47 -0.03 2.5 16.0 REInst 17.81 -0.03 27.3 57.6 PGIM Funds Cl C: Europe n 28.81 0.47 17.5 49.2 Putnam Funds: SmCapEq (ICL) 22.69 0.04 16.9 40.1
IncomeY n 4.17 0.04 37.4 1.5 LgCpGwth p 67.03 0.09 13.7 109.9 NatlTxF p 12.25 -0.04 3.7 19.6 StrIncInst 11.45 -0.01 2.4 20.3 TotalReturnBond 14.79 0.00 -1.3 16.6 FinSvcs n 35.75 0.64 32.9 57.0 GrOpp R6 64.83 -0.02 16.7 98.8 US Eq (ICL) 17.79 0.04 19.1 73.9
IntGrowY n 53.34 0.57 13.8 51.2 MdCpGrw p 46.35 -0.28 8.8 93.7 ShtDurIncm 4.19 -0.01 1.1 10.8 SustainableEqIns 49.38 0.33 17.0 57.2 PGIM Funds Cl Z: GlbGr n 48.94 0.34 15.2 90.0 Putnam Funds Class A: State Street V.I.S.:
IntlBdY n 5.30 0.01 -7.7 10.6 MdCpVal p 44.56 0.32 23.9 34.8 ShtDurTxF p 15.93 -0.02 0.8 7.7 Neuberger Berman Inv: GlobalRealEstate 27.24 0.06 21.0 37.6 GlbStk n 73.53 0.15 11.7 100.5 CATx p 8.41 -0.02 2.4 17.5 TR V.I.S. Cl 1 18.58 0.07 11.7 28.2
IntlSmCoY n 62.46 0.53 13.6 50.7 ShrtDurBd p 11.11 -0.01 0.2 9.6 TotRet 10.65 0.00 0.6 17.7 Focus n 35.72 0.37 20.0 64.5 HighYield 5.57 -0.02 4.4 23.9 GlbTech n 32.15 -0.11 17.7 133.5 ConvSec 33.61 -0.20 4.3 73.2 TR V.I.S. Cl 3 18.49 0.07 11.6 27.2
MnStFndY n 63.50 0.41 20.0 62.6 Sm Cap p 65.05 -0.23 11.2 40.8 Lord Abbett I: Genes n 78.75 -0.47 11.9 55.1 JennGrowth 74.58 -0.22 14.5 107.0 GMS-fd n 11.89 0.00 1.2 22.4 DvrIn p 6.49 -0.02 -3.1 4.6 Sterling Capital Fds:
RocMuniY n 17.80 -0.08 6.1 26.2 SmCapGrw p 24.51 -0.39 -4.4 70.1 BdDebentr 8.45 0.00 3.3 21.9 Guard n 28.70 0.26 21.9 91.3 JennHealthSci 63.43 -1.29 9.8 56.5 GNMA n 9.31 0.00 -1.2 9.2 DynAABalA 18.44 0.10 11.8 34.7 SmCap 86.27 0.55 23.6 33.1
Sel40Y n 5.67 0.06 30.7 -9.8 SR2020 p 19.16 0.05 4.8 26.2 DevlpGro 39.57 -0.75 1.5 92.1 IntlEqInst r 17.22 0.32 15.6 45.5 JennMidCapGrowth 29.15 -0.16 9.8 88.1 Growth n 114.64 -0.36 18.3 85.7 DynAAGthA 21.62 0.12 14.5 40.2 TotRetBdI 11.15 -0.01 -0.3 19.9
CoreBdY n 6.88 0.01 -0.3 20.5 SR2030 p 22.24 0.10 8.6 35.1 FloatRt 8.39 0.00 3.6 6.6 LCVal n 45.41 0.70 24.8 70.2 JennSmallCompany 32.08 0.08 22.7 64.9 HelSci n 111.27 -0.89 12.6 69.8 EqIn p 31.98 0.43 22.2 48.5 Sunbridge:
Ivy Funds: SR2040A p 26.21 0.13 12.6 44.1 HiYld 7.58 -0.02 4.9 20.2 MdCpGrInv n 22.31 -0.27 11.9 77.2 TotalReturnBond 14.76 0.00 -0.6 20.1 HiYield n 6.67 -0.02 3.5 20.3 GeorgePutBal 24.89 0.14 11.3 49.1 EmgMkt Inst 61.38 -1.03 1.6 37.3
AssetStrA p 26.51 0.17 11.6 41.7 USEquity 22.60 0.20 19.3 74.4 ShtDurInc p 4.19 -0.01 1.1 11.1 Neuberger Berman Tr: PIMCO Fds Admin: InstEmMEq 47.85 -0.07 -4.0 31.7 GlblEqty p 21.14 0.04 10.8 33.4 TCU ShtDur :
AssetStr I r 26.96 0.17 11.7 42.8 ValAdv t 44.00 0.52 24.4 37.2 LSVValEq : Genes n 78.64 -0.47 11.8 54.7 RealRetAd p 12.38 0.02 3.8 23.4 InstFLRfd r 9.74 0.00 3.0 12.4 GlbHlthCare p 67.37 1.00 13.1 59.7 TCU ShtDur 9.83 0.00 -0.5 9.0
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M31

Mutual Funds Data provided by

Net YTD 3-Yr.

NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. Scoreboard: Back to Basics
TCW Funds: Gr&Inc n 27.14 0.16 16.6 46.9 CapOp nr 92.15 -0.70 19.8 62.1 SmCapInst 106.94 -0.12 15.3 46.2
CoreFxInc n 11.69 0.01 -0.5 19.1 Gr&TxStr n 26.14 0.07 11.0 38.7 DivdGro n 38.15 0.34 16.2 62.1 SmCapIstPl 308.66 -0.36 15.3 46.3 (Basic materials funds topped the week, as U.S. stocks funds managed a 0.65% gain.
EmMktInc n 8.17 -0.01 -1.3 20.7 Grwth n 39.53 -0.14 15.6 82.8 DivrEq n 54.76 0.13 18.2 74.9 SmGthInst 79.68 -1.18 6.0 59.8
SelEqtyI n 42.97 -0.15 21.3 100.6 HiIncm n 7.89 -0.02 4.1 16.4 EmgMktSelStk n 27.51 -0.04 3.9 39.1 SmValInst 41.76 0.38 23.3 33.4 One Week Year-to-Date
TotRetBondI n 10.25 0.02 -0.4 17.5 Inco n 13.79 0.01 1.1 21.5 Energy nr 36.73 0.38 17.3 -27.2 STBdIdxInstPl 10.78 0.00 -0.1 11.3
TCW Funds N: IncStk n 20.66 0.31 19.6 37.7 EqInc n 44.97 0.77 20.1 43.2 STBDInst 10.78 0.00 -0.1 11.3
TotRetBdN pn 10.57 0.02 -0.5 16.6 Intl n 30.11 0.41 15.0 30.4 Explr n 146.61 -0.88 13.9 64.2 STCorpIxInst p 27.52 -0.01 0.3 13.5 U.S. STOCK FUNDS 0.65% 17.87%
The Bruce Fund: IntmTerm n 14.00 -0.03 2.3 15.8 EXPValFd n 46.31 0.27 23.4 31.0 STIGradeInst 10.96 -0.01 0.4 12.9 TOP SECTOR / Basic Materials Funds 4.41 21.03
BruceFund n 706.33 9.51 13.1 46.2 LgTerm n 14.01 -0.04 3.3 17.6 FTAlWldInAdml n 39.45 0.31 9.7 34.1 STIPSIxins 26.31 0.04 3.8 14.0
Third Avenue: Nasdaq100 n 41.84 0.08 17.7 107.8 GlbCapCyl Inv nr 10.99 0.18 15.1 33.8 STTresIdx 25.76 0.00 0.0 8.2 BOTTOM SECTOR / Precious Metals Equity Funds – 5.61 – 10.80
ValueInst 53.03 0.55 23.4 21.9 ntTerBd n 11.02 0.00 1.5 23.0 GlbEq n 43.10 0.09 14.0 60.1 TotBdInst 11.38 0.00 -0.9 17.5 S&P 500 0.72 18.76
Thompson IM Fds,Inc: PrecMM n 18.90 -0.32 -9.9 62.6 GloMinVolFdAdm n 29.92 0.24 9.5 20.7 TotBdInst2 11.23 0.00 -0.9 17.1
Bond n 11.10 0.00 5.6 9.1 S&PIdx n 60.97 0.40 19.4 69.8 GNMA n 10.64 -0.01 -0.5 10.7 TotBdInstPl 11.38 0.00 -0.9 17.6 U.S. BOND FUNDS – 0.33 0.91
Thornburg Fds: SciTech n 35.98 -0.97 1.0 92.2 GroInc n 68.71 0.64 20.3 63.4 TotIntBdIdxInst 34.76 0.05 -0.5 14.1
IncBuildA t 23.83 0.30 14.5 27.4 ShtT n 10.70 0.00 1.5 7.3 HlthCare nr 239.41 1.30 12.7 46.4 TotStInst 112.00 0.61 19.0 66.7 Bloomberg Barclays AGG Bond – 0.64 – 1.30
IncBuildC p 23.79 0.29 14.0 24.5 ShtTBdA n 9.34 0.00 1.3 11.9 HYCor nr 5.98 -0.01 2.6 20.9 TtlWrldIxInst p 215.89 1.35 15.0 51.7
IntVal I 31.13 0.51 8.7 48.6 SmCpStk n 21.27 -0.22 15.4 48.3 InflaPro n 14.80 0.04 3.8 22.7 TxMCaInst r 116.41 0.66 19.3 69.2
IntValA p 29.98 0.49 8.5 47.2 TarRet2030 n 14.37 0.07 10.3 31.5 IntlExplr n 23.05 0.23 13.0 29.6 TxMSCInst r 90.03 -0.40 21.5 34.1 THE WEEK'S TOP 25
LtdTIn 13.89 0.00 -0.3 13.8 TarRet2040 n 14.73 0.09 13.1 35.4 IntlGr n 54.28 0.24 7.7 91.8 ValueInst 55.47 0.78 20.8 42.7
LtdTIncI 13.90 0.00 -0.1 14.9 TarRet2050 n 15.30 0.10 14.6 38.7 IntlVal n 44.30 0.23 10.1 29.6 Victory Funds: Fund Investment Objective One Week Year-to-Date
LtdTMu I 14.61 -0.01 0.5 8.8 TarRetIncm n 12.28 0.04 5.8 25.1 INSTTRF2015 25.84 0.07 5.2 28.4 EstValA 51.64 0.81 27.1 52.1
LtdTMuA 14.61 -0.01 0.4 8.0 VA Bd n 11.75 -0.02 1.9 13.9 INSTTRF2020 28.14 0.09 7.2 33.9 EstValI 51.69 0.82 27.3 53.5
Thrivent Funds A: ValueFd n 18.97 0.23 21.1 30.3 INSTTRF2025 29.80 0.11 8.6 38.0 EstValR p 50.84 0.81 26.9 51.1 Towle Deep Value / TDVFX Small-Cap Value 6.04% 28.4%
DivrIncPlus 8.04 0.02 5.4 21.4 WldGr n 32.16 0.18 14.6 59.0 INSTTRF2030 30.89 0.14 9.8 40.8 SmCap Grwth p 90.54 -3.56 -7.1 40.7 Invesco SP MLP A+ A / MLPLX Energy MLP Funds 5.60 50.3
LgCpStk 31.98 0.25 17.3 44.5 INSTTRF2035 31.91 0.16 11.1 43.5 SmCoOppI 56.28 0.43 19.0 34.9
34.48 0.49
11.70 -0.04
V INSTTRF2040 32.96
INSTTRF2045 33.94
CeredexLgCpVlEqI 15.60 0.12 17.9 41.7
Fidelity Sel Banking / FSRBX
Fidelity Agri Prod / FARMX
Financial Services
SmCapStk p 27.57 0.13 21.9 59.1 VALIC: INSTTRF2050 34.09 0.20 13.7 49.4 CeredexMdCpVlEqI 14.96 0.10 20.9 39.7
Thrivent Funds S: CoreVal 13.20 0.15 17.5 32.5 INSTTRF2055 34.18 0.20 13.7 49.5 GvSecUltShtBdI 10.04 0.01 0.2 4.6 Rydex Banking Inv / RYKIX Financial Services 4.86 30.7
LgCpVal n 29.04 0.43 25.2 43.6 FrgnVal 11.22 0.11 10.7 17.3 INSTTRF2060 34.28 0.19 13.7 49.7 InnGrSt I 66.03 -0.54 -1.0 166.0 Saratoga Finl Svcs I / SFPIX Financial Services 4.86 32.5
MidCapStk n 39.80 0.57 20.8 58.4 GlobEq 10.35 -0.08 5.3 34.9 INSTTRFINC 25.33 0.06 4.7 27.2 LowDurCrPlBd I 10.97 0.00 0.5 10.9
OppIncmPl n 10.20 0.00 1.4 13.5 SysCore 28.09 0.21 19.2 70.9 ITIGrade n 10.26 0.00 0.0 22.8 VirtusFunds Cl A: Fidelity Sel Materials / FSDPX Basic Materials 4.73 22.1
TIAA-CREF/Instl Cl: InflPro 12.29 0.03 2.9 20.3 ITTsry n 11.52 0.00 -0.8 16.6 MidGrA 71.98 -0.19 5.8 114.7
CoreBond Inst 10.85 0.00 -0.2 18.7 LifeCon n 23.76 0.07 5.5 31.2 MulSStA p 4.77 0.00 0.9 11.2 Davis Financial Y / DVFYX Financial Services 4.70 33.2
IntlEq 8.58 0.14 12.6 31.4
CorePlsBd 11.02 0.00 0.2 19.3 IntlGro 19.77 0.09 14.9 80.9 LifeGro n 44.77 0.23 12.0 45.7 SmCapSusA 53.65 -0.84 3.1 83.9 Fidelity Adv FnSv A / FAFDX Financial Services 4.62 32.4
TIAA-CREF/Retail Cl: LgCpGro 22.64 0.19 18.4 86.5 LifeInc n 17.57 0.03 2.3 23.6 StratGrA p 28.65 -0.11 8.3 88.5
EqIdx n 33.59 0.18 18.6 64.8 MdCpStGr 24.38 -0.03 13.6 81.9 LifeMod n 34.17 0.13 8.7 38.4 TactAllA p 13.99 -0.01 6.1 59.2 Fidelity Sel Financial / FIDSX Financial Services 4.59 32.3
Gro&Inc n 27.77 0.18 18.5 58.8 MidCpIdx 31.30 0.18 19.1 42.8 LTIGrade n 11.30 0.03 -1.9 35.1 VirtusFunds Cl I: T Rowe Price Financial / PRISX Financial Services 4.48 33.4
LrgCpGro n 26.11 -0.14 15.1 87.9 SciTech 41.40 -0.43 10.4 105.2 LTTsry n 12.86 0.05 -4.8 30.9 EmMktI 12.74 -0.11 -4.1 23.6
MgdAlloc n 14.84 0.05 9.0 38.4 SmCpIdx 23.03 -0.25 12.9 36.6 MATxEx n 11.47 -0.04 1.7 19.1 ForOppI 36.26 0.50 12.0 48.9 J Hancock Reg Bank A / FRBAX Financial Services 4.46 31.2
SocChEq n 25.84 0.11 19.1 66.6 StckIdx 56.09 0.42 19.8 65.8 MgdPayFdInv n 19.07 0.12 11.3 30.3 IntSmCapI 25.99 0.21 11.1 57.8 RMB Inv Fnl Svc I / RMBLX Financial Services 4.44 40.3
TIAA/CREF Funds: ValUltra 24.60 -0.04 16.6 88.9 MidCpGro pn 37.01 -0.47 10.3 66.9 MulSStI 4.78 0.00 1.0 12.1
BdIdxInst 11.36 0.01 -0.8 17.0 Value Line Funds: MuHY n 12.19 -0.04 3.7 20.3 QualitySmCapI 27.68 0.03 13.1 50.6 Hennessy Sm Cp Finl Inv / HSFNX Financial Services 4.40 33.9
EqIdxInst 33.00 0.17 18.7 66.2 AstAlcClInv n 47.38 0.02 7.5 47.7 MuInt n 14.86 -0.02 1.3 15.1 SmCapSusI 55.28 -0.86 3.3 85.4
MuLong n 12.29 -0.04 2.1 19.1 CGM Tr Focus Fund / CGMFX Multi-Cap Value 4.35 30.3
EqIdxRet 33.48 0.18 18.6 65.0 CapAppreClInv n 13.91 -0.13 7.8 61.6 SmCpCorI 52.36 -0.81 13.1 66.5
Gr&IncInst 19.51 0.12 18.6 60.1 Van Eck Funds: MuLtd n 11.25 0.00 0.7 8.9 Vivaldi Merger: Hodges Sm Intr Val Rtl / HDSVX Small-Cap Core 4.22 36.5
Gr&IncRet 19.94 0.13 18.5 59.0 EmgMktsY 21.10 -0.01 -1.1 33.6 MuSht n 15.93 0.00 0.3 5.1 Arbitrage Fund 11.31 0.01 4.3 17.5
HgYldInst 9.58 -0.02 2.9 17.1 VANGUARD ADMIRAL: NYLT n 12.30 -0.04 2.3 18.1 Voya Fds: J Hancock Clsc Val I / JCVIX Multi-Cap Value 4.21 26.7
InflLkdBdInst 12.59 0.04 4.2 19.3 400MCpIdxInst 368.20 2.06 19.2 44.1 OHLTte n 13.31 -0.04 2.0 19.7 GNMA A 8.47 0.01 -0.3 10.3 Poplar Forest Prtnrs I / IPFPX Multi-Cap Value 4.20 36.5
IntlEqIdxInst 23.86 0.34 12.6 33.2 500Adml n 413.04 3.08 20.0 67.2 Primcp nr 176.41 -0.34 18.8 57.8 GrOppI 65.43 0.02 16.4 80.7
IntlEqIdxRet 24.40 0.34 12.4 32.2 BalAdml n 48.56 0.18 10.8 46.9 PrmcpCor n 35.23 0.08 21.6 54.5 InmdBdI 10.41 0.00 -0.4 19.5 Invesco SP MLP Al A / MLPAX Energy MLP Funds 4.19 36.8
IntlEqInst 14.73 0.21 12.3 32.6 CAITAdml n 12.32 -0.02 1.0 14.1 SelValu nr 31.71 0.41 22.1 42.2 TRPGrEqI 117.35 -0.46 18.4 85.5 Rydex Basic Material Inv / RYBIX Basic Materials 4.13 20.4
LC2020Ret 15.09 0.03 7.2 32.0 CALTAdml n 12.85 -0.04 1.8 17.9 STAR n 33.92 0.07 9.6 50.2
15.99 0.05
16.77 0.06
CapOpAdml nr 212.83
CoDilxAd n 164.73
STFed n
STIGrade n
12.5 WXYZ Emerald Bank&Finance Ins / HSSIX
Maingate MLP I / IMLPX
Financial Services
Energy MLP Funds
LC2035Ret 17.73 0.06 11.0 40.8 CoStIxAd nr 92.70 1.88 9.2 46.8 STIPSixInv 26.26 0.04 3.8 13.6
DivAppIdxAdm n 43.98 0.40 15.6 61.9 StratgcEq n 45.21 0.32 24.8 43.6 Wasatch: Davenport SmCp Focus / DSCPX Small-Cap Core 3.96 14.1
LC2040Inst 12.88 0.05 12.4 44.5 CoreGr n 106.87 -0.36 16.8 78.0
LC2040Ret 18.55 0.08 12.3 43.6 EMAdmr n 42.56 -0.01 2.8 32.7 StrSmCpEqInv n 44.42 0.10 25.7 32.6
EnergyAd nr 34.44 -0.18 35.4 -24.3 STTsry n 10.70 0.00 -0.2 8.8 IntlGr n 38.02 0.15 9.5 42.0 Permanent Port Aggr Gr I / PAGRX Multi-Cap Core 3.96 26.8
LC2045Ret 15.89 0.07 13.7 46.5 MicCap n 12.85 -0.26 8.3 112.3
LCIdx2010Inst 18.55 0.06 5.9 31.8 EnergyAdml nr 68.93 0.71 17.4 -27.0 TgtRe2015 n 16.55 0.05 5.2 28.2 Franklin Mut Finl Svc A / TFSIX GL Financial Srvcs 3.90 23.3
EqIncAdml n 94.26 1.62 20.2 43.6 TgtRe2020 n 36.74 0.12 7.1 33.7 SmCapGr n 63.07 -0.94 11.0 106.3
LCIdx2020Inst 21.25 0.08 7.4 35.9 SmCapV n 10.93 -0.01 20.4 43.8
LCIdx2025Inst 22.99 0.09 8.5 38.9 EuropeAdml n 87.89 1.41 17.6 37.5 TgtRe2025 n 23.37 0.09 8.5 37.7
ExplrAdml n 136.47 -0.82 14.0 64.8 TgtRe2030 n 44.50 0.19 9.7 40.6 UltraGr n 50.96 -1.26 7.8 122.3 THE WEEK'S BOTTOM 10
LCIdx2035Inst 26.61 0.13 11.0 45.1 WCM:
LCIdx2040Inst 28.12 0.14 12.3 48.1 ExtndAdml n 141.86 -0.73 14.4 61.4 TgtRe2035 n 27.99 0.13 11.0 43.3
LCIdx2045Inst 28.98 0.16 13.6 51.2 FinIxdAd nr 47.57 0.79 31.5 45.4 TgtRe2040 n 49.69 0.26 12.2 46.0 FcusEmgMk Inst 20.50 0.10 3.4 73.2 Fund Investment Objective One Week Year-to-Date
GNMAAdml n 10.64 -0.01 -0.5 11.1 TgtRe2045 n 31.99 0.18 13.5 49.0 FocInterGrFdInv 28.40 0.23 15.4 86.1
LifeStkIdx 39.34 0.21 18.7 66.0 IntlSmCpGrthFd I 31.24 0.03 15.9 109.9
LrgCpGrIdxInst 58.22 0.10 18.0 95.2 GroIncAdml n 112.15 1.04 20.3 63.8 TgtRe2050 n 51.65 0.29 13.6 49.3 US Glbl World PM / UNWPX Precious Metals Eq – 7.63% – 12.6%
GrwthAdml n 153.92 0.16 18.3 97.9 TgtRe2060 n 49.54 0.29 13.6 49.2 WCM Focus Funds:
LrgCpGrIdxRet 58.59 0.10 17.8 93.7 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 28.61 0.23 15.6 87.3
LrgCpGrInst 26.24 -0.13 15.3 89.6 HltClxAd nr 128.93 -0.13 15.9 58.6 TgtRet2055 n 56.08 0.32 13.7 49.3 VanEck Intl Gold Y / INIYX Precious Metals Eq – 6.83 – 16.0
HlthCareAdml nr 100.97 0.55 12.8 46.6 TgtRetInc n 15.54 0.04 4.7 26.9 Weitz Funds:
LrgCpVl IdxInst 24.55 0.27 20.3 41.6 PIIIOpp 17.65 0.02 14.1 48.3 Invesco Gold & SM A / OPGSX Precious Metals Eq – 6.73 – 8.9
LrgCpVl IdxRet 24.99 0.28 20.1 40.6 HYCorAdml nr 5.98 -0.01 2.7 21.2 TotIntBdIxInv 11.59 0.02 -0.5 13.9
InfProAd n 29.06 0.09 3.9 23.1 USGro n 74.93 -0.38 14.2 111.9 ShtDurIncInst 12.42 0.00 1.3 10.1 OCM Gold Adv / OCMAX Precious Metals Eq – 6.62 – 6.6
LrgCpVl Inst 22.73 0.23 21.6 38.2 ValueInv n 62.33 0.26 23.3 74.4
MdCpGrInst 30.17 -0.51 9.3 79.9 InfTechIdx n 213.04 -0.20 18.0 123.7 WellsI n 30.06 0.23 7.3 32.5
IntlGrAdml n 172.77 0.79 7.8 92.4 Welltn n 49.98 0.33 13.8 46.6 Wells Fargo Adv Admi: USAA Prec Met&Min Fund / USAGX Precious Metals Eq – 6.03 – 11.5
MdCpVl Inst 21.01 0.26 24.6 27.1 Growth 57.36 -0.50 9.7 91.8
MdCpVlRet 20.84 0.26 24.5 26.2 ITBondAdml n 12.29 0.01 -0.9 21.7 Wndsr n 25.64 0.32 22.0 47.9 Gabelli Gold I / GLDIX Precious Metals Eq – 5.93 – 10.0
ITCorpIx n 25.77 0.03 -0.2 24.7 WndsrII n 47.12 0.25 22.4 60.7 Wells Fargo Adv Cl A:
QuantSmCpEqInst 22.26 -0.17 20.0 36.8 AstAllA p p 17.32 NA NA NA Sprott Gold Equity Inv / SGDLX Precious Metals Eq – 5.90 – 13.6
RealSecInst 21.96 -0.10 25.3 57.6 ITIGradeAdml n 10.26 0.00 0.0 23.1 VANGUARD INDEX FDS:
ITsryAdml n 11.52 0.00 -0.8 16.9 500 413.03 3.08 19.9 66.7 CmStkA p p 25.36 0.10 17.5 48.0
RealSecRet 22.98 -0.10 25.1 56.5 DivCapBldr 13.09 0.04 10.0 40.5 Midas Fund / MIDSX Precious Metals Eq – 5.88 – 18.0
S&P500IdxInst 49.46 0.37 20.0 67.1 ITTresIdx n 23.05 0.01 -1.0 15.8 EmgMktInstPl 107.66 -0.01 2.8 33.0
LarCapAd n 105.39 0.70 19.5 69.9 ExtndIstPl 350.06 -1.82 14.4 61.4 IdxAstAllA 45.00 0.22 11.4 45.4 Amer Cent Gl Gold Inv / BGEIX Precious Metals Eq – 5.84 – 9.6
S&P500IdxRet 49.06 0.36 19.8 65.8 OmegaGwth 83.50 -0.46 13.5 91.4
SmCpBl IdxInst 27.56 -0.30 13.2 38.4 LTGradeAdml n 11.30 0.03 -1.9 35.5 FTAIWdInPl 132.43 1.02 9.7 34.3
LTsryAdml n 12.86 0.05 -4.8 31.3 Growth 153.94 0.15 18.2 97.2 OpptyA 59.23 0.34 19.0 64.7 WellsFargo Prec Met A / EKWAX Precious Metals Eq – 5.75 – 13.3
SmCpBl IdxRet 27.65 -0.30 13.0 37.4 PremLgCoGrthA 19.37 -0.10 14.8 85.1
SocChEqInst 29.35 0.12 19.3 67.9 LTTresIdx n 30.31 0.14 -5.0 30.4 IdxIntl 21.15 0.16 10.1 33.6
MatIdx nr 96.22 2.77 21.1 52.2 ITTresIdx Inst 28.60 0.01 -1.0 15.8 SpecTech 20.53 -0.31 8.1 102.2 THE LARGEST 25
SocChEqRet 29.81 0.12 19.0 66.7 SpSmCpValA p p 43.34 0.53 22.1 30.0 Assets 3-Year* 1-Week YTD
Tortoise Capital: MidCpAdml n 302.32 1.71 18.6 59.1 LTTresIdx Inst 38.47 0.18 -5.0 30.4
MrgBkdIdx n 21.38 -0.02 -0.6 11.2 MdCpGrAdml n 104.42 -0.20 14.6 79.6 StrMunA 9.35 0.00 1.3 10.3 Fund (billions) Investment Objective Return Return Return
TorMLPPipInsCl 10.99 0.13 34.3 -9.8 Wells Fargo Adv Inst:
Touchstone Family Fd: MuHYAdml n 12.19 -0.04 3.8 20.6 MdCpVlAdml n 74.99 1.05 22.8 38.8
MuIntAdml n 14.86 -0.02 1.3 15.4 MidCp 66.64 0.38 18.5 58.5 CoreBd 13.25 0.01 -0.8 18.3
FlexIncY 11.39 -0.02 3.3 19.6 Growth 64.73 -0.57 9.8 93.0 American Funds Gro A / AGTHX $139.4 Large-Cap Growth 20.0% – 0.29% 13.3%
FocEqY 65.49 0.26 21.9 68.9 MuLTAdml n 12.29 -0.04 2.1 19.3 RUSS2000IdxInst 341.29 -3.66 13.2 38.4
MuLtdAdml n 11.25 0.00 0.7 9.2 SmCap 106.90 -0.13 15.2 45.7 MdCpVal 51.80 0.56 19.7 46.1 Fidelity Contrafund / FCNTX 125.1 Large-Cap Growth 20.4 0.10 18.7
LagCapFoc A p 60.76 0.29 21.3 77.1 ShDurGovBdI 9.73 0.00 -0.4 8.1
MdCpGrwY 44.62 -0.39 11.5 74.7 MuShtAdml n 15.93 0.00 0.3 5.4 SmValAdml n 74.71 0.68 23.3 33.4
NJLTAdml n 12.86 -0.04 3.0 20.7 TotBd 11.38 0.00 -0.9 17.1 UlStInc 8.60 0.00 0.4 7.7 Vanguard Wellington Adm / VWENX 106.1 Mix Tgt All Gro 13.2 0.36 13.6
MdCpY 48.72 0.15 10.0 50.0 TotBd2 11.23 0.00 -0.9 16.9 UlStMuInc 9.61 0.00 0.3 4.2
SandsCapGrY 22.52 -0.21 10.6 113.6 NYLTAdml n 12.30 -0.04 2.4 18.4 American Funds Bal A / ABALX 100.2 Mix Tgt All Gro 11.4 0.36 11.3
PacifAdml n 101.89 0.10 4.4 29.7 TotIntlInstIdx r 141.46 1.02 10.1 34.0 Western Asset:
SelGrwth 20.33 -0.19 10.4 111.9
PALTAdml n 12.23 -0.04 2.3 19.4 TotItlInstPlId r 141.51 1.03 10.1 34.0 CoreBondA 13.32 0.01 -1.2 18.7 American Funds EuPc R6 / RERGX 90.8 Intl Large-Cap Growth 13.5 – 0.14 7.2
SmCoA p 6.72 -0.01 18.9 40.6 TotSt 111.94 0.61 18.9 66.1 CoreBondI 13.32 0.01 -1.0 20.0 Dodge & Cox Stock / DODGX 89.7 Multi-Cap Value 14.7 2.79 29.5
Tr for Credit Unions: PrmcpAdml nr 182.88 -0.35 18.9 58.2
RealEstatAdml n 151.34 -0.23 27.4 46.9 VANGUARD INSTL FDS: CoreBondIS 13.34 0.01 -0.9 20.1 American Funds Inc A / AMECX 82.7 Mix Tgt All Mod 9.7 0.77 12.8
UltShtDur TCU 9.43 0.00 0.2 4.8 BalInst 48.57 0.18 10.8 46.9 CorePlusBdA 12.16 0.01 -1.2 21.0
Transamerica A: S&PSC600Idx 409.82 -1.81 21.4 33.8 PIMCO Income Inst / PIMIX 79.1 Multi-Sector Inc 5.5 – 0.25 1.9
SmCapAdml n 106.94 -0.12 15.3 46.2 DevMktsIndInst 16.98 0.17 12.8 35.2 CorePlusBdI 12.18 0.02 -0.9 22.5
AsAlCnsrv p 12.12 0.01 5.4 28.5 DevMktsInxInst 26.54 0.26 12.8 35.2 CorePlusBdIS 12.17 0.01 -1.0 22.5 American Funds ICA A / AIVSX 77.2 Large-Cap Core 14.0 0.73 17.1
AsAIGrow p 16.54 0.06 15.1 45.9 SmGthAdml n 99.50 -1.46 6.0 59.8
STBondAdml n 10.78 0.00 -0.1 11.3 EmMkInst r 32.36 -0.01 2.8 32.9 IntermedBdI 11.20 0.00 -0.6 16.3 American Funds Wash A / AWSHX 73.6 Large-Cap Core 14.0 1.39 18.9
AsAlMod p 13.22 0.03 7.7 32.9 EuroInst 37.48 0.60 17.6 37.6 IntermTermMuniA 6.63 -0.01 2.7 14.0
AsAlModGr p 14.55 0.04 11.0 39.2 STCorpIx n 22.48 -0.01 0.3 13.5
STFedAdml n 10.94 0.00 0.1 10.4 ExDurTrsInst 42.30 0.27 -7.1 39.1 IntermTermMuniI 6.62 -0.02 2.8 14.4 Dodge & Cox Income / DODIX 71.4 Core Bond 6.3 – 0.48 – 0.2
Balanced 35.46 0.12 11.8 46.6 ExtndInst 141.85 -0.73 14.4 61.4 ManagedMuniA 16.90 -0.05 3.3 16.0
FocusA 59.85 -0.28 13.4 155.2 STIGradeAdml n 10.96 -0.01 0.4 12.8 Vanguard PRIMECAP Adm / VPMAX 70.6 Large-Cap Core 16.0 – 0.10 18.9
STIPSIxAdm n 26.29 0.04 3.8 13.9 FTAlWldIst r 125.06 0.97 9.7 34.2 ManagedMuniI 16.93 -0.05 3.4 16.6
Trust for Professional Ma: STsryAdml n 10.70 0.00 -0.1 9.2 FTScinst 31.44 0.19 19.4 76.0 ShortTermBdIS 3.93 0.00 0.3 10.4 BlackRock Cash Inst SLA / 70.3 Instl Money Mkt NA NA NA
PerfTrstMuniInst 26.02 -0.08 1.8 19.0 STTresIdx n 20.50 0.00 0.0 8.0 GrwthInst 153.93 0.16 18.3 97.9 SMAShCrPlCp n 9.24 0.05 0.3 22.5 American Funds FInv A / ANCFX 68.3 Large-Cap Core 14.8 0.19 16.5
PrfTrtStrtBd Ins 23.21 0.00 2.1 17.2 TotBdAdml n 11.38 0.00 -0.9 17.5 InPrSeIn 11.84 0.04 3.9 23.2 SmashSerC n 9.72 0.01 1.0 17.0
Tweedy Browne Fds: SmashSerM n 11.00 -0.01 -1.8 21.8
American Funds CIB A / CAIBX 67.5 Global Equity Income 8.3 0.41 11.2
GblValue n 31.48 0.40 14.7 20.0 TotIntBdIdxAdm n 23.16 0.03 -0.5 14.0 InstIdx 390.88 2.92 20.0 67.2
TotIntlAdmIdx nr 35.38 0.26 10.1 33.8 InstPlus 390.90 2.91 20.0 67.3 TotalRetUnconI 10.65 0.01 -0.8 14.2 American Funds NPer A / ANWPX 65.8 Global Large-Cap Growth 19.7 – 0.28 13.6
GblVlCurUnhgd nr 17.30 0.19 11.4 16.9 TotStAdml n 111.98 0.61 18.9 66.6 InstTStIdx 87.47 0.48 19.0 66.8 Westwood: Fidelity SA US Tot Stk / FCTDX 62.7 Multi-Cap Core 18.0 0.73 19.8
TxMBal nr 41.47 0.09 9.8 39.9 InstTStPlus 87.44 0.48 19.0 66.8 IncomeOppI 14.01 0.05 8.0 32.8
U TxMCapAdml n 234.30
TxMIn nr 16.95
Wilmington Funds:
21.24 0.07 20.3 25.6 American Funds CWGI A / CWGIX
T Rowe Price BC Gro / TRBCX
Global Large-Cap Core
Large-Cap Growth
– 0.76
Ultimus: TxMSC nr 89.83 -0.39 21.5 34.0 LaCapInst 433.78 2.88 19.5 69.9 BroadMktBdInst 10.19 -0.01 -0.8 16.7 Fidelity Str Adv LgCp / FALCX 60.5 Large-Cap Core 0 0.92 20.8
LyricalUSVlEqI 22.12 0.48 25.0 40.2 USGroAdml n 194.18 -0.97 14.2 112.5 LTBdInst 15.91 0.06 -2.4 35.1 Intl Inst 10.74 0.12 9.6 32.1
UM Funds: UtilIxAd nr 75.14 1.20 10.7 38.8 LTBdInstPl 15.91 0.06 -2.4 35.2 LgCpStrInst 32.02 0.21 19.2 68.1 Vanguard Intl Gro Adm / VWILX 60.4 Intl Large-Cap Growth 23.2 – 0.69 7.5
BehavVal 82.43 0.97 28.3 31.8 ValAdml n 55.47 0.78 20.8 42.7 MidCpInst 66.79 0.38 18.6 59.2 Wm Blair Funds Cl I: MetWest Total Rtn I / MWTIX 56.3 Core Plus Bond 6.2 – 0.62 – 0.8
USAA Group: WdsrllAdml n 83.60 0.45 22.5 61.1 MidCpIstPl 329.38 1.87 18.6 59.2 IntlGthI r 44.40 0.25 12.0 64.3 Vanguard ITR 2030 Inst / VTTWX 56.0 Mix-Asst Targ 2030 11.6 0 9.6
500Indx Reward n 61.01 0.40 19.5 70.3 WellsIAdml n 72.83 0.56 7.4 32.8 RealEstaInstl 23.42 -0.04 27.4 47.0 SmCapValI 33.42 0.07 23.8 27.2
CA Bd n 11.69 -0.03 2.2 15.7 WelltnAdml n 86.31 0.57 13.9 46.9 Rs1000GrwIdxInst 560.80 0.98 18.0 95.1 SmMidI r 37.38 -0.50 6.4 57.0 Vanguard Sh-Tm Inv Adm / VFSUX 55.2 Short Inv Grade 4.1 – 0.24 0.3
CapGr n 13.93 0.12 18.2 36.7 WndsrAdml n 86.46 1.07 22.1 48.3 Rs1000Vl IdxInst 279.53 3.17 20.3 41.6 Wm Blair Funds Inst: PIMCO Tot Rtn Inst / PTTRX 54.0 Core Plus Bond 5.7 – 0.73 – 0.7
CrnrsMod n 17.27 0.07 8.1 27.3 VANGUARD FDS: Russ1000IdxInst 402.23 2.56 19.1 68.6 IntlGth 22.82 0.13 12.0 65.5
CrnstModAggr n 30.13 0.13 9.6 29.3 CAIT n 12.32 -0.02 0.9 13.8 Russ2000GrIxInst 412.34 -8.01 4.0 45.5 Wm Blair Funds R6:
ExtMktIn n 29.38 -0.06 15.7 61.6 CALT n 12.85 -0.04 1.8 17.7 Russ3000Idx 397.41 2.10 18.7 66.2 EmgMktGth 19.87 -0.24 5.5 67.8 *Annualized 08/09/2018 to 08/12/2021. Through Thursday. Source: Lipper
M32 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Weekly Closed-End Funds Data provided by

52 Week 52 Week
Stock Market Prem Market TRACKING CLOSED - END FUNDS Stock Market Prem Market
Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return
Friday, August 13, 2021 United Corps Ltd (UNC)-cy ............... T 181.51 112.50 – 38.0 19.7
General Equity Funds Slow Start: August might have started off slowly, but this past week the Dow Wells Fargo Gl Div Oppty (EOD) ....... N 6.09 5.96 – 2.1 45.9
Adams Diversified Equity (ADX) ...... N 23.81 20.53 – 13.8 34.1 12 mos
Boulder Growth & Income (BIF) ...... N 16.54 14.02 – 15.2 41.5 industrials and Herzfeld Average gained some traction, as both were up. Their Stock Market Prem Yield
Central Secs (CET)-c ........................ A 50.67 42.51 – 16.1 52.6 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc 7/30/21
CohenStrsCEOppFd (FOF) .............. N 14.31 14.84 + 3.7 35.5 gains: 1.24% and 1.41%, respectively.
Eagle Capital Growth (GRF)-c ........... A NA 9.18 NA 36.3 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
EVTxAdvDivIncm (EVT) .................. N 28.44 28.59 + 0.5 50.9 67500 Net Asset Value BlckRk Income (BKT) ...................... N 5.99 6.39 + 6.7 6.4
Equus II (EQS) ................................ N NA 2.67 NA 88.0 72200 First Trust Mtge Inc (FMY) .............. N 14.12 13.92 – 1.4 5.1
Foxby Corp. (FXBY) ........................ O 23.25 NA NA NA Invesco HI 2023 Tgt Term (IHIT) ..... N 9.48 9.82 + 3.6 6.0
GabelliDiv&IncTr (GDV) ................. N 29.56 26.82 – 9.3 47.3 Invesco HI 2024 Tgt Term (IHTA) .... N 9.82 9.90 + 0.8 5.6
Gabelli Equity Tr (GAB)-h ................. N 6.70 6.81 + 1.6 36.7 60500 66400 Nuveen Mortgage and Inc (JLS)-a .... N 22.56 21.37 – 5.3 4.2
GeneralAmer (GAM) ....................... N 52.55 44.25 – 15.8 39.4 Nuveen Multi-Market Inc (JMM)-c ... N 7.80 7.44 – 4.6 4.3
JHancockTaxAdvDiv (HTD)-a .......... N 25.42 25.67 + 1.0 39.8 60600 Vertical Capital Income (VCIF) ........ N NA 10.82 NA 7.4
Liberty All-Star Equity (USA)-g ......... N 8.23 8.47 + 2.9 54.0 Western Asset Mtg Oppty (DMO) .... N 15.40 15.85 + 2.9 8.8
Liberty All-Star Growth (ASG)-h ....... N 8.67 8.65 – 0.2 31.2 *Herzfeld 53500 54800 Investment Grade Bond Funds
NuvTaxAdvTRStrat (JTA) ............... N 12.63 11.72 – 7.2 49.4 Closed-End Angel Oak Dynmc FS I Trm (DYFN) .. N 21.41 20.58 – 3.9 7.1
Royce Micro-Cap Tr (RMT) ............. N 13.40 11.92 – 11.0 55.4 49000 Angel Oak FS Inc Trm (FINS) ........... N 19.11 18.44 – 3.5 6.9
Royce Value Trust (RVT) ................. N 20.79 18.72 – 10.0 45.1 Average BlRck Core Bond (BHK) .................. N 16.15 16.58 + 2.7 5.2
Source Capital (SOR) ...................... N 49.41 46.12 – 6.7 31.6 46500 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q
BR Credit Alloc Inc (BTZ) ................. N 15.59 15.50 – 0.6 6.5
Special Opportunities (SPE) ............ N NA 15.78 NA 32.6 % Disc/Prem From Net Asset Value BR Enhcd Govt (EGF) ...................... N 13.02 12.92 – 0.8 3.7
Sprott Focus Trust (FUND) .............. O 9.33 8.56 – 8.3 44.4 Insight Select Income (INSI) ........... N 21.89 22.46 + 2.6 3.5
Tri-Continental (TY) ........................ N 38.88 34.42 – 11.5 35.3 -2 InvescoBond (VBF) ......................... N 21.13 21.23 + 0.5 3.2
Specialized Equity Funds 39500 J Han Income (JHS) ........................ N 16.23 15.91 – 2.0 5.2
Aberdeen Glb Prem Prop (AWP) ..... N 7.00 6.69 – 4.4 49.2 -4 MFS Govt Mkts (MGF) .................... N 4.49 4.44 – 1.1 7.6
Aberdeen Std Gl Infra I (ASGI) ......... N 23.35 21.77 – 6.8 18.1 MFS Intmdt (MIN) .......................... N 3.75 3.74 – 0.3 8.9
Adams Natural Resources (PEO) .... N 17.53 15.24 – 13.1 33.0
32500 -6 Western Asset Inf-Lk Inc (WIA) ....... N 14.83 13.93 – 6.1 5.4
ASA Gold & Prec Met Ltd (ASA) ....... N 24.21 21.39 – 11.6 – 6.6 Western Asset Inf-Lk O&I (WIW) .... N 14.67 13.30 – 9.3 2.8
BR Enh C&I (CII) ............................. N 21.71 21.28 – 2.0 43.6 -8 WA Investment Grade Inc (PAI) ....... N 16.02 15.86 – 1.0 3.6
BlackRock Energy & Res (BGR) ...... N 9.73 8.88 – 8.7 28.8 WesternAssetPremBd (WEA) ......... N 14.74 14.67 – 0.5 5.3
BlackRock Eq Enh Div (BDJ) ........... N 10.56 10.24 – 3.0 42.1 Dow Industrials Westn Asst IG Def Opp Tr (IGI) ........ N 21.94 22.03 + 0.4 3.6
BlackRock Enh Glbl Div (BOE) ......... N 13.41 12.64 – 5.7 35.0 25500 -10 Loan Participation Funds
BlackRock Enh Intl Div (BGY) .......... N 6.89 6.37 – 7.5 23.0 4Q 20 1Q 21 2Q 21 3Q 21 4Q 20 1Q 21 2Q 21 3Q 21 Apollo Senior Floating (AFT) ........... N NA 15.87 NA 6.3
BlackRock Hlth Sci Tr II (BMEZ) ...... N 29.32 29.12 – 0.7 30.1 BR Debt Strategy (DSU) .................. N 11.65 11.37 – 2.4 6.9
BlackRock Hlth Sciences (BME) ...... N 47.83 48.66 + 1.7 20.4 The Herzfeld Closed-End Average measures 15 equally-weighted closed-end funds based in the U.S. that invest principally in BR F/R Inc Str (FRA) ....................... N 13.93 13.35 – 4.2 6.4
BlackRock Innov and Grow (BIGZ) .. N 19.17 19.69 + 2.7 NS American equities. The net assest value is a weighted average of the funds' NAVs. Source: Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc., Miami. BlackRock Floatng Rt Inc (BGT) ...... N 13.52 13.10 – 3.1 6.3
BlackRock Res & Comm (BCX) ....... N 9.79 9.43 – 3.7 52.5 Blackstone Lng-Sh Cr Inc (BGX) ..... N 15.45 14.82 – 4.1 7.1
BlackRock Sci&Tech Tr II (BSTZ) .... N 42.34 40.51 – 4.3 67.0 305-271-1900/ Blackstone Sr Fl Rt Tm (BSL) .......... N 16.45 16.44 – 0.1 5.8
BlackRock Sci&Tech Trust (BST) .... N 55.66 54.03 – 2.9 38.0 Blackstone Strat Cr (BGB) ............... N 14.65 13.95 – 4.8 6.7
BlackRock Utl Inf & Pwr (BUI) ......... N 25.58 26.16 + 2.3 22.3 52 Week 52 Week BNY Mellon Alct GCI 2024 (DCF)-a ... N 9.36 9.53 + 1.8 6.2
CLEARBRIDGE ENGY MDS OPP (EMO) N 26.36 21.41 – 18.8 80.3 Stock Market Prem Market Stock Market Prem Market Eagle Point Credit (ECC)-a ................ N NA 14.29 NA 7.3
CLEARBRIDGE MLP&MDSTM TR (CTR) N 28.32 23.63 – 16.6 78.8 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return Eagle Point Income (EIC)-a .............. N NA 17.40 NA 5.9
ClearBridge MLP & Midstm (CEM) .. N 31.31 26.98 – 13.8 73.4 Eaton Vance F-R 2022 TT (EFL)-a ..... N 9.26 9.41 + 1.6 4.5
Cntr Cst Brkfld MLP&EI (CEN) ......... N 17.14 13.02 – 24.0 61.3 NuvCorEqAlpha (JCE) ..................... N 17.42 17.09 – 1.9 38.4 VAGI Conv & Inc II (NCZ)-a .............. N 5.63 5.32 – 5.5 37.5 EtnVncFltRteInc (EFT) .................... N 14.56 14.87 + 2.1 5.3
ChnStrInfr (UTF) ............................. N 27.55 29.83 + 8.3 34.0 NuveenDiversDiv&Inc (JDD) .......... N 11.59 10.62 – 8.4 45.6 VAGI Conv & Inc (NCV)-a ................. N 6.28 6.05 – 3.7 36.7 EV SenFlRtTr (EFR) ......................... N 14.33 14.43 + 0.7 5.8
COHEN & STEERS MLP INC&E (MIE) N NA NA NA NA Nuveen Nasdaq 100 Dyn Ov (QQQX) N 29.22 29.49 + 0.9 24.1 VAGI Con & Inc 2024 (CBH)-a .......... N 10.44 10.43 – 0.1 18.9 EVSnrIncm (EVF)-a .......................... N 6.92 6.90 – 0.3 6.1
Cohen&SteersQualInc (RQI) ........... N 16.65 16.52 – 0.8 55.9 Nuv Real Est (JRS) .......................... A 12.17 11.35 – 6.7 58.0 VAGI Dvs Inc & Conv (ACV)-a ........... N 35.93 34.96 – 2.7 45.7 First Eagle Senior Loan (N/A) .......... N 4.49 NA NA NA
Cohen&Steers TotRet (RFI) ............ N 15.51 16.32 + 5.2 42.8 Nuveen Rl Asst Inc & Gro (JRI)-a ...... N 17.27 16.11 – 6.7 40.4 VAGI Eqty & Conv Inc (NIE) ............. N 33.68 30.49 – 9.5 31.6 FT/Sr Fltg Rte Inc 2 (FCT) ................ N 12.46 12.23 – 1.8 9.8
CohenStrsREITPrefInc (RNP) ......... N 27.68 27.33 – 1.3 44.7 NuvS&P500DynOvFd (SPXX) ......... N NA 18.26 NA 42.9 World Equity Funds FT/Sr Fltg Rte 2022 TgTr (FIV) ......... N 9.66 9.57 – 0.9 1.7
Columbia Sel Prm Tech Gr (STK)-a ... N 33.05 33.70 + 2.0 63.0 NuvSP500BuyIncFd (BXMX) .......... N 15.12 14.84 – 1.9 34.9 AbrdnAusEq (IAF) ........................... A 6.44 6.59 + 2.3 53.2 Highland Income (HFRO) ................ N 13.81 10.69 – 22.6 9.0
CushingMLPTotRet (SRV)-d ............ N 36.78 27.99 – 23.9 53.9 PIMGlbStkPI (PGP)-a ...................... N NA 11.27 NA 46.8 Aberdeen Emg Mkts Eq Inc (AEF) .... A 9.73 8.83 – 9.2 36.9 InvDYCrOpp (VTA) ......................... N 12.22 11.85 – 3.0 7.6
Cushing NextGen Inf Inc (SZC) ........ N 54.82 46.19 – 15.7 54.8 ReavesUtilityIncome (UTG) ............ A 35.43 35.99 + 1.6 18.9 Aberdeen Glbl Dyn Div (AGD) .......... N 13.25 12.39 – 6.5 39.3 InvSnrIncTr (VVR) .......................... N 4.62 4.32 – 6.5 5.8
DNP Select Income (DNP) .............. N 9.92 10.76 + 8.5 7.6 Salient Midstream & MLP (SMM) ... N 7.53 5.72 – 24.0 39.7 Aberdeen Japan Equity (JEQ) .......... N 10.64 9.19 – 13.6 22.2 Nuveen Credit Strat Inc (JQC)-a ........ N 6.88 6.49 – 5.7 13.0
Duff&Ph Uti&Infra Inc Fd (DPG) ...... N 14.27 14.62 + 2.5 40.2 Tortoise Energy Ind (NDP) .............. N 22.54 20.11 – 10.8 62.5 Aberdeen Tot Dyn Div (AOD) ........... N 11.27 10.49 – 6.9 39.2 NuvFloatRateIncFd (JFR)-a .............. N 10.31 9.93 – 3.7 6.4
EtnVncEqtyInc (EOI) ....................... N 19.05 19.28 + 1.2 30.9 Tortoise Enrgy Infra Crp (TYG) ........ N 34.42 27.53 – 20.0 59.4 BlackRock Capital Alloc (BCAT) ...... N 21.72 21.65 – 0.3 NS NuvFloatRteIncOppty (JRO)-a ......... N 10.22 9.79 – 4.2 6.3
EtnVncEqtyIncoII (EOS) ................. N 23.71 24.18 + 2.0 34.6 Tortoise Midstream Enrgy (NTG) .... N 36.96 29.03 – 21.5 58.1 Calamos GloDynInc (CHW)-a ........... N 9.97 10.85 + 8.8 43.8 Nuveen Senior Income (NSL)-a ........ N 6.07 5.82 – 4.1 6.6
EVRskMnDvsEqInc (ETJ) ............... N 10.52 11.22 + 6.7 20.7 Tortoise Pipelne & Enrgy (TTP) ....... N 28.62 23.54 – 17.7 62.6 Cdn Genl Inv (CGI)-y ........................ T 58.88 39.12 – 33.6 45.9 Nuveen Sht Dur Crdt Opp (JSD)-a .... N 15.45 14.67 – 5.0 6.5
ETnVncTxMgdBuyWrtInc (ETB) ..... N 16.09 16.73 + 4.0 30.3 Tortoise Pwr & Engy Infr (TPZ) ....... N 15.52 12.97 – 16.4 47.1 Central and Eastern Euro (CEE) ....... N 32.69 27.89 – 14.7 30.4 PionrFltRate Tr (PHD) ..................... N 11.70 11.46 – 2.1 6.5
EtnVncTxMgdBuyWrtOpp (ETV) ..... N 16.00 16.68 + 4.3 25.2 VAGIAI & Tech Opptys (AIO)-a ......... N 29.44 27.40 – 6.9 41.4 China (CHN) ................................... N 31.15 27.87 – 10.5 20.6 High Yield Bond Funds
EvTxMnDvsEqInc (ETY) ................. N 14.13 14.48 + 2.5 38.2 VDivInt&PremStr (NFJ) .................. N 17.02 15.58 – 8.5 35.2 Delaware Enh Gl Div & In (DEX) ....... N 11.38 10.60 – 6.9 24.0 Aberdeen Inc Credit Str (ACP) ......... N 10.96 11.58 + 5.7 10.9
EtnVncTxMgdGlbB (ETW) .............. N 11.03 11.27 + 2.2 36.2 Wells Fargo Ut & Hi Inc (ERH)-a ....... A 13.28 14.55 + 9.6 19.1 EV TxAdvGlbDivInc (ETG) ............... N 22.78 21.84 – 4.1 50.2 AllianceBernGlHiIncm (AWF) .......... N 12.99 12.48 – 3.9 6.3
EVTxMnGblDvEqInc (EXG) ............. N 10.53 10.72 + 1.8 51.1 Income & Preferred Stock Funds EtnVncTxAdvOpp (ETO) ................. N 31.40 31.51 + 0.4 53.8 Barings Glb SD HY Bd (BGH) ........... N 17.74 16.94 – 4.5 7.5
Ecofin S&S Impact Term (TEAF) ..... N 17.16 14.73 – 14.2 39.3 CalamosStratTot (CSQ)-a ................ N 18.12 18.70 + 3.2 45.8 Economic Inv Tr (N/A)-cy ................. T 183.91 119.50 – 35.0 26.5 BR Corporate HY (HYT) .................. N 12.18 12.44 + 2.1 7.5
First Trust Energy Inc G (FEN) ......... A 14.36 13.95 – 2.9 47.3 CohenStrsLtdDurPref&Inc (LDP) ... N 26.37 27.19 + 3.1 22.4 European Equity Fund Inc (EEA) ...... N 13.50 11.77 – 12.8 27.2 BlackRock Ltd Dur Inc (BLW) .......... N 16.98 16.91 – 0.4 6.8
First Tr Enhanced Eq (FFA) .............. N 20.94 21.20 + 1.2 46.1 CohenStrsSelPref&Income (PSF) ... N 27.24 31.75 + 16.6 26.6 FirstTrAbEmergOp (FEO) ................ N 15.38 14.80 – 3.8 26.8 BNY Mellon Hi Yield Str (DHF)-a ....... N 3.28 3.36 + 2.4 7.3
First Tr Specialty Fn (FGB) ............... N 4.45 4.30 – 3.4 48.7 CohenStrsTaxAvPreSecs&I (PTA) .. N 26.18 25.55 – 2.4 NS FirstTr Dyn Euro Eq Inc (FDEU) ....... N 15.34 13.80 – 10.0 37.8 Brookfield Real Asst Inc (RA)-a ........ N 20.38 22.17 + 8.8 10.7
FirstTrEnergyInfra (FIF) .................. N 15.15 13.32 – 12.1 34.1 Del Div & Inc (DDF) ......................... N 10.99 11.11 + 1.1 36.3 Gabelli Gl Sm&Mid Cp Val (GGZ) ..... N 18.20 16.23 – 10.8 67.3 CrSuisHighYld (DHY) ..................... A 2.57 2.52 – 1.9 7.8
FirstTrMLPEner&Inc (FEI) .............. N 8.18 7.39 – 9.7 45.3 Dividend and Income (DNI) ............. N 19.96 14.88 – 25.5 42.3 Gabelli Multimedia (GGT)-h ............. N 9.05 9.50 + 5.0 46.8 CSAM Income Fd (CIK) ................... A 3.48 3.50 + 0.6 7.8
Gab Gl Util & Inc (GLU)-h ................. A 21.64 21.87 + 1.1 37.9 FirstTrIntDurPref&Inc (FPF) ........... N 25.09 25.87 + 3.1 25.7 GDL Fund (GDL) ............................. N 10.68 9.04 – 15.4 13.1 DELAWARE IVY HIGH INCOPP (IVH) N 14.88 14.06 – 5.5 7.2
Gabelli Healthcare (GRX)-h .............. N 15.32 13.45 – 12.2 32.9 Gabelli Go Anywhere Tr (GGO) ........ N 17.18 NA NA NA Herzfeld Caribb (CUBA) .................. O 7.03 5.78 – 17.8 57.5 DoubleLine Inc Sol (DSL)-a .............. N 18.33 18.00 – 1.8 8.3
Gab Utility (GUT)-h .......................... N 4.50 8.09 + 79.8 16.1 JHanPrefInc (HPI)-a ........................ N 20.78 21.76 + 4.7 12.9 Highland Global Alloc (HGLB) ......... N 12.02 9.91 – 17.6 73.1 DoubleLine Yld Opps (DLY)-a .......... N 20.30 19.88 – 2.1 7.0
GAMCOGlGold&NatRes (GGN) ....... A 3.92 3.92 + 0.0 18.5 JHPrefIncII (HPF)-a ......................... N 20.52 22.68 + 10.5 31.4 India Fund (IFN) .............................. N 24.95 22.38 – 10.3 52.1 First Tr Hi Inc Lng/Shrt (FSD) .......... N 16.33 15.88 – 2.8 8.2
GAMCO NR GLD & INC TR (GNT) .... N 5.98 5.35 – 10.5 11.9 HnckJPfdInco III (HPS)-a ................ N 18.35 19.27 + 5.0 25.1 J Han Hdgd Ety & Inc (HEQ) ............ N 13.45 13.54 + 0.7 32.0 First Trust HY Opp:2027 (FTHY) ...... N 20.83 20.17 – 3.2 6.5
J Han Finl Opptys (BTO) .................. N 37.82 42.97 + 13.6 94.9 J Han Prm (PDT)-a ........................... N 15.07 17.18 + 14.0 37.2 JHancockTaxAdv Gl Sh Yld (HTY) ... N 6.79 6.85 + 0.9 39.7 Franklin Univ (FT) ........................... N 8.94 8.51 – 4.8 4.9
Macquarie/FirstTr Gl (MFD) ............ N 10.90 9.98 – 8.4 29.9 LMP CapInco (SCD) ........................ N 16.05 14.51 – 9.6 47.1 Japan Smaller Cap (JOF) ................. N 10.47 9.08 – 13.3 17.3 InvHighIncTrII (VLT) ...................... N 14.81 14.99 + 1.2 7.7
Madison CovCall & Eq Str (MCN) .... N 7.73 8.05 + 4.1 46.9 Nuveen Pref & I 2022 Trm (JPT)-a .... N 24.95 25.21 + 1.0 15.6 Korea (KF) ...................................... N NA 43.67 NA 44.6 KKR Income Opportunities (KIO)-a .. N NA 16.41 NA 8.0
Neuberger Brmn MLP & EI (NML) ... N 6.04 4.85 – 19.7 68.0 Nuveen Pref & Inc Opp (JPC)-a ........ N 9.89 9.98 + 0.9 21.2 LazardGlbTotRetInc (LGI)-a ............. N 21.85 21.30 – 2.5 49.4 MFS IntmdHgInc (CIF) .................... N 2.43 3.22 + 32.3 6.9
Neuberger Nxt Gen Conn (NBXG) .... N 20.26 20.03 – 1.1 NS Nuveen Fd (JPS)-a ........................... N 9.89 10.00 + 1.1 16.3 MexicoEqandIncmFd (MXE) ........... N 14.42 12.42 – 13.9 50.0 NeubHgYldStrt (NHS) ..................... N 12.48 12.73 + 2.0 8.4
NubrgrRlEstSec (NRO) ................... A 5.17 5.09 – 1.5 35.4 Nuveen Pref & Inc Term (JPI)-a ........ N 25.31 25.78 + 1.9 21.9 Mexico (MXF) ................................. N NA 15.72 NA 49.9 New Amer Hi Inc (HYB) ................... N 9.95 9.40 – 5.5 6.9
Nuv Dow 30 Dyn Overwrite (DIAX) .. N 18.24 17.62 – 3.4 34.6 Nuveen TxAdvDivGr (JTD) .............. N 18.00 16.53 – 8.2 34.0 Miller/Howard High Inc E (HIE) ....... N 10.71 10.23 – 4.5 64.6 NexPointStratOppty (NHF) ............. N 21.78 14.03 – 35.6 5.1
TCW Strat Income (TSI) .................. N NA 5.92 NA 6.1 MS ChinaShrFd (CAF)-J ................... N 23.98 21.62 – 9.8 9.3 Nuveen CI 2023 Target (JHAA)-a ...... N 10.05 9.95 – 1.0 4.7
a-NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-NAV is fully diluted. c- Convertible Sec's. Funds MS India (IIF) .................................. N 30.35 26.17 – 13.8 52.6 Nuveen CI Nov 2021 Tgt (JHB)-a ...... N 9.42 9.40 – 0.3 2.7
NAV is as of Thursday’s close. d-NAV is as of Wednesday’s close. AdvntCnvrtbl&IncFd (AVK)-a ........... N 20.03 19.35 – 3.4 49.0 New Germany (GF) ......................... N 23.54 20.93 – 11.1 48.9 Nuveen Crdt Opps 2022 TT (JCO)-a .. N 8.23 8.26 + 0.4 6.4
e-NAV assumes rights offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering Bancroft Fund Ltd (BCV) ................. A 32.51 31.58 – 2.9 31.6 New Ireland (IRL) ........................... N 15.87 12.88 – 18.8 51.6 Nuveen Global High Inc (JGH)-a ....... N 16.88 16.26 – 3.7 7.2
CalamosConvHi (CHY)-a .................. N 15.81 16.18 + 2.3 43.2 RENN Fund (RCG) .......................... A NA 2.29 NA 69.6 PGIM Global High Yield (GHY)-a ...... N 16.58 15.86 – 4.3 8.0
in process. g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been ad- CalmosConvOp (CHI)-a ................... N 14.98 15.35 + 2.5 45.1 Royce Global Value Trust (RGT) ...... N 16.87 15.85 – 6.0 31.7 PGIM High Yield Bond (ISD)-a .......... N 17.05 16.25 – 4.7 7.7
justed for rights offering. j-Rights offering has expired, but Lipper Ellsworth G&I Fund Ltd (ECF) .......... A 15.02 14.73 – 1.9 32.0 Swiss Helvetia (SWZ) ..................... N 11.52 9.95 – 13.6 29.6 PGIM Sh Dur Hi Yld Opp (SDHY)-a ... N 19.79 19.21 – 2.9 NS
data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of previous day. o-Tender offer in Gabelli Conv Sec (GCV) ................... N 6.76 6.44 – 4.7 26.7 Templeton Dragon (TDF) ................ N 22.92 20.96 – 8.6 17.4 PioneerHilncm (PHT) ..................... N 9.63 10.60 + 10.1 8.0
process. Source: Lipper HiIncBd (PCF) ................................. N 9.34 9.92 + 6.2 35.6 Templeton Em Mkt (EMF) ............... N 19.97 18.02 – 9.8 21.9 Wells Fargo Income Oppty (EAD)-a .. A 9.12 8.92 – 2.2 7.6

THREE YEAR TED SPREAD Market Sentiment LAST +1.03

Citigroup Panic/Euphoria Model
TED Spread = 3-mth LIBOR – 3-mth T-bill rate 2.1
0.9 0
0.7 -0.7
0.6 Panic
Friday's Close 0.07 -1.4
0.3 -2.1
0.2 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A
0.1 The panic/euphoria model is a gauge of investor sentiment. It identifies "Panic" and "Euphoria" levels which are statistically driven buy and
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 sell signals for the broader market. Historically, a reading below panic supports a better than 95% likelihood that stock prices will be
18 19 20 21 higher one year later, while euphoria levels generate a better than 80% probability of stock prices being lower one year later.
Source: Citigroup Investment Research - US Equity Strategy
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M33

Weekly Closed-End Funds Data provided by

12 mos 12 mos 12 mos 52 Week

Stock Market Prem Yield Stock Market Prem Yield Stock Market Prem Yield Stock Market Prem Market
Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc 7/30/21 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc 7/30/21 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc 7/30/21 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return
WstAstHIF II (HIX) .......................... N 7.19 7.61 + 5.8 7.9 MFS HgYldMuniTr (CMU) ............... N 4.95 4.78 – 3.4 4.5 BOW RIVER CAPTL EVGN;I (N/A) .... z 34.53 NA NA N Blstn Commnty Dev (N/A) ............... z 10.09 NA NA 2.8
Western Asset Hi Inc Opp (HIO) ...... N 5.49 5.31 – 3.3 7.2 NeubrgrBrm (NBH) ......................... A 15.43 16.23 + 5.2 4.7 Specialized Equity Funds BNYM Alcntr Glb MS Cr Fd (N/A) ..... z 104.74 NA NA 6.6
Western Asset Hi Yld D O (HYI) ....... N 15.93 15.87 – 0.4 7.2 Nuveen AMT-Fr Mu Val (NUW)-a ...... N 17.65 17.18 – 2.7 2.7 Bluerock Total Inc+ RE:A (N/A) ........ z 31.51 NA NA 13.0 CliffwaterClFd;I (N/A) ...................... z 10.71 NA NA 7.6
Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds Nuveen AMT-Fr Qlty Mun I (NEA)-a .. A 16.09 15.80 – 1.8 4.4 Bluerock Total Inc+ RE:C (N/A) ........ z 29.84 NA NA 12.2 CliffwaterElFd;A (N/A) ..................... z NA NA NA NS
Apollo Tactical Income (AIF) ........... N NA 15.69 NA 6.5 Nuveen AMT-Fr Mu CI (NVG)-a ........ A 17.70 17.76 + 0.3 4.5 Bluerock Total Inc+ RE:I (N/A) ......... z 32.17 NA NA 13.3 CNR Strategic Credit (N/A) .............. z 10.88 NA NA 8.0
Ares Dynamic Crdt Alloc (ARDC) ..... N NA 16.36 NA 7.3 Nuveen Dyn Muni Opp (NDMO)-a ..... N 16.15 17.39 + 7.7 NS Bluerock Total Inc+ RE:L (N/A) ........ z 31.19 NA NA 12.8 FedProj&TrFinanceTendr (N/A) ...... z 9.98 NA NA 1.8
Barings Corporate Inv (MCI) ........... N NA 15.84 NA 6.3 Nuveen Enh Muni Val (NEV)-a .......... N 16.10 16.88 + 4.8 4.3 Broadstone Rl Est Acc:I (N/A) .......... z 6.41 NA NA 4.0 Flat Rock Core Income (N/A)-a ......... z 20.57 NA NA NS
Barings Part Inv (MPV) ................... N NA 14.10 NA 5.8 Nuveen Int Dur Mun Term (NID)-a .... N 14.93 14.90 – 0.2 3.5 Broadstone Rl Est Acc:W (N/A) ....... z 6.40 NA NA 3.7 Schrdrs Opp Inc;A (N/A) ................. z 25.92 NA NA 3.2
BlackRock Mlt-Sctr Inc (BIT) .......... N 18.32 18.77 + 2.5 8.0 Nuveen Int Dur Qlty Mun (NIQ)-a ...... N 15.00 14.95 – 0.3 3.1 CBRE ClrnGlbRlEst (IGR) ................ z 9.91 9.13 – 7.9 43.0 Schrdrs Opp Inc;A2 (N/A) ............... z NA NA NA 1.3
BlackRock Tax Muni Bd (BBN) ........ N 25.88 26.24 + 1.4 5.3 Nuveen Mu Crdt Opps (NMCO)-a ...... N 15.84 15.93 + 0.6 4.7 CIM RA&C A (N/A) .......................... z 25.87 NA NA 9.6 Schrdrs Opp Inc;I (N/A) .................. z 25.92 NA NA 3.4
DoubleLine:Oppor Crdt Fd (DBL)-a .. N 19.50 19.94 + 2.3 8.6 Nuv Muni Credit Income (NZF)-a ...... A 17.37 17.31 – 0.3 4.4 CIM RA&C C (N/A) .......................... z 25.61 NA NA 8.7 Schrdrs Opp Inc;SDR (N/A) ............ z 25.96 NA NA 3.6
EVLmtDurIncm (EVV)-a ................... A 13.43 13.31 – 0.9 9.0 NuvMuniHiIncOpp (NMZ)-a ............. A 14.83 15.53 + 4.7 4.9 CIM RA&C I (N/A) ........................... z 25.95 NA NA 9.8 Invesco Sr Loan A (N/A) .................. z 6.52 NA NA 3.2
Franklin Ltd Dur Income (FTF) ......... A 9.22 9.38 + 1.7 8.3 Nuveen Muni Inc (NMI)-a ................. N 11.48 11.87 + 3.4 3.3 CIM RA&C L (N/A) .......................... z 25.78 NA NA 9.3 Invesco Sr Loan C (N/A) .................. z 6.54 NA NA 2.5
J Han Investors (JHI) ...................... N 18.90 19.03 + 0.7 7.4 Nuveen Muni Val (NUV)-a ................ N 10.80 11.71 + 8.4 3.1 Clarion Partners REI D (N/A) ........... z 10.86 NA NA 16.1 Invesco Sr Loan IB (N/A) ................. z 6.52 NA NA 3.5
MFS Charter (MCR) ........................ N 8.64 8.67 + 0.3 8.1 Nuveen Quality Muni Inc (NAD)-a ..... N 16.49 16.13 – 2.2 4.3 Clarion Partners REI I (N/A) ............. z 10.86 NA NA 16.4 Invesco Sr Loan IC (N/A) ................. z 6.52 NA NA 3.3
Nuveen Taxable Muni Inc (NBB)-a .... N 23.22 23.29 + 0.3 4.9 Nuveen Sel Mat (NIM)-a ................... N 10.90 10.89 – 0.1 2.8 Clarion Partners REI S (N/A) ........... z 10.86 NA NA 15.4 Invesco Sr Loan Y (N/A) .................. z 6.53 NA NA 3.5
PCM Fund (PCM)-a .......................... N 9.46 11.91 + 25.9 8.3 Nuveen Sel TF (NXP)-a ..................... N 16.54 17.48 + 5.7 3.1 Clarion Partners REI T (N/A) ............ z 10.85 NA NA 15.6 OFS Credit Company (OCCI) ........... z NA NA NA NA
PIMCO Corp & Inc Oppty (PTY)-a ..... N 14.26 21.37 + 49.9 7.5 Nuveen Sel TF 2 (NXQ)-a .................. N 15.76 16.18 + 2.7 3.1 Griffin Inst Access RE:A (N/A) ......... z 27.40 NA NA 14.6 High Yield Bond Funds
PIMCO Corp & Inc Strat (PCN)-a ...... N 14.40 19.43 + 34.9 7.1 Nuveen Sel TF 3 (NXR)-a .................. N 16.94 17.91 + 5.7 3.0 Griffin Inst Access RE:C (N/A) ......... z 26.21 NA NA 13.8 Griffin Inst Access Cd:A (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA 6.0
PIMCOHilnco (PHK)-a ..................... N 5.86 6.87 + 17.2 8.2 PIMCO MuniInc (PMF)-a .................. N 13.55 14.94 + 10.3 4.3 Griffin Inst Access RE:I (N/A) .......... z 27.82 NA NA 14.9 Griffin Inst Access Cd:C (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA 6.0
PIMCO IncmStrFd (PFL)-a ............... N 10.56 12.88 + 22.0 8.6 PIMCOMuniIncII (PML)-a ................ N 12.60 15.03 + 19.3 4.6 GS Real Est Div Inc:A (N/A) ............. z 10.49 NA NA 16.2 Griffin Inst Access Cd:F (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 6.0
PIMCO IncmStrFd II (PFN)-a ............ N 9.32 11.16 + 19.7 8.7 Pimco Muni III (PMX)-a ................... N 11.59 12.95 + 11.7 4.3 GS Real Est Div Inc:C (N/A) ............. z 10.48 NA NA 15.4 Griffin Inst Access Cd:I (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 6.0
Putnam Mas Int (PIM) .................... N 4.15 4.14 – 0.2 7.1 PioneerHilncAdv (MAV) .................. N 12.41 11.94 – 3.8 4.6 GS Real Est Div Inc:I (N/A) .............. z 10.97 NA NA 16.5 Griffin Inst Access Cd:L (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 6.0
Putnam Prem Inc (PPT) .................. N 4.62 4.61 – 0.2 7.4 PioneerMunHiIcm (MHI) ................ N 13.32 12.73 – 4.4 4.4 GS Real Est Div Inc:L (N/A) .............. z 10.50 NA NA 16.0 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-1 (N/A) .......... z 9.63 NA NA NS
Wells Fargo Multi-Sector (ERC)-a .... A 12.74 13.19 + 3.5 8.6 Putnam Mgd Inc (PMM) ................. N 8.46 8.58 + 1.4 4.4 GS Real Est Div Inc:P (N/A) ............. z 10.97 NA NA NS PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-2 (N/A) .......... z 9.63 NA NA 7.1
Western Asset Dvsfd Inc (WDI) ....... N 20.00 NA NA NS Putnam Muni Opp (PMO) ................ N 14.13 14.66 + 3.8 4.5 GS Real Est Div Inc:W (N/A) ............ z 10.66 NA NA 16.3 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-3 (N/A) .......... z 9.63 NA NA NS
World Income Funds RiverNorth Flex Muni Inc (RFM) ...... N 24.68 24.52 – 0.6 5.1 NexPointRlEstStrat;A (N/A) ............ z 19.20 NA NA 33.8 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;A-4 (N/A) .......... z 9.63 NA NA 7.1
Abrdn AP IncFd (FAX) ..................... N 4.59 4.37 – 4.8 7.5 RiverNorth Flx Mu Inc II (RFMZ) ...... N 20.68 21.42 + 3.6 NS NexPointRlEstStrat;C (N/A) ............ z 19.42 NA NA 32.9 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;Inst (N/A) ......... z 9.63 NA NA 7.8
Aberdeen Global Income (FCO) ....... N 6.56 9.65 + 47.1 9.0 RiverNorth Mgd Dur Mun I (RMM) .. N 20.46 21.55 + 5.3 5.1 NexPointRlEstStrat;Z (N/A) ............ z 19.41 NA NA 34.2 WA Middle Mkt Inc (N/A) ................. z 641.82 NA NA 5.3
BlackRock 2022 Gl Inc Op (BGIO) ... N 8.09 6.74 – 16.7 21.0 RiverNorth Opps Muni Inc (RMI) ..... N 24.37 23.71 – 2.7 4.6 PREDEX;I (N/A) .............................. z 26.51 NA NA 9.2 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
BrndywnGLB Glb Inc Oppts (BWG) . N 13.57 12.71 – 6.3 7.2 Western Asset Mgd Muni (MMU) .... N 14.28 13.54 – 5.2 3.9 PREDEX;T (N/A) ............................. z 26.64 NA NA 9.1 AFA MMC;Inst (N/A) ....................... z 10.01 NA NA NS
EtnVncStDivInc (EVG) .................... N 13.60 13.76 + 1.2 7.3 Western Asset Mun Hi Inc (MHF) .... N 8.19 8.04 – 1.8 3.2 PREDEX;W (N/A) ............................ z 26.64 NA NA 9.1 AFA MMC;Inv (N/A) ........................ z 10.01 NA NA NS
First Tr/Ab Glbl Inc (FAM) ................ N 10.41 10.18 – 2.2 9.4 WstAstMuniPrtnrs (MNP) .............. N 17.34 16.62 – 4.2 3.4 Principal Dvs Sel RA A (N/A) ........... z 27.93 NA NA 21.6 Alternative Credit Inc:A (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 6.3
MS EmMktDomDebt (EDD) ............ N 6.73 6.17 – 8.3 6.5 Single State Muni Bond Principal Dvs Sel RA Ins (N/A) ......... z 28.00 NA NA 21.9 Alternative Credit Inc:C (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 5.5
Ms EmMktDebtFd (MSD) ................ N 10.31 9.58 – 7.1 4.5 BlackRock CA Mun (BFZ) ................ N 16.22 15.05 – 7.2 3.2 Principal Dvs Sel RA Y (N/A) ........... z 28.12 NA NA 22.1 Alternative Credit Inc:I (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA 6.5
Nuveen EM Dbt 2022 Tg Tr (JEMD)-a N 8.12 8.11 – 0.1 4.8 BR MH CA Qly Fd Inc (MUC) ............ N 16.09 16.18 + 0.6 4.0 RMR Mortgage Trust (RMRM) ........ z NA 11.29 NA NA Alternative Credit Inc:L (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 6.0
PIMCO Dyn Crd & Mrt Inc (PCI)-a ..... N NA 22.43 NA 9.3 BR MH NJ Qly (MUJ) ....................... N 16.16 15.77 – 2.4 4.7 StoneCastle Financial Co (BANX) .... z NA NA NA NA Alternative Credit Inc:W (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA 6.3
PIMCO Dynamic Income (PDI)-a ...... N NA 28.67 NA 9.3 BR MH NY Qly (MHN) ..................... N 15.24 14.87 – 2.4 4.3 The Private Shares;A (N/A) ............. z 43.82 NA NA 42.5 Angel Oak Str Crdt:Inst (N/A) .......... z 23.05 NA NA 8.0
PIMCO Dynamic Inc Opp (PDO)-a .... N NA 21.51 NA NS BR MuniYld CA (MYC) .................... N 16.59 15.58 – 6.1 3.3 The Private Shares;I (N/A) ............... z 44.22 NA NA 42.9 BR Credit Strat;A (N/A) ................... z 10.42 NA NA 4.9
PIMCO Income Opportunity (PKO)-a N NA 26.61 NA 8.6 BR MuniYld CA Qly (MCA) ............... N 16.42 15.95 – 2.9 4.0 The Private Shares;L (N/A) .............. z 43.43 NA NA 42.1 BR Credit Strat;Inst (N/A) ................ z 10.41 NA NA 5.6
PIMCO Stratg Inc (RCS)-a ................ N 6.49 7.93 + 22.2 7.9 BR MuniYld MI Qly (MIY) ................ N 15.92 15.74 – 1.1 4.1 USQ Core Real Estate:I (N/A) ........... z 25.81 NA NA 7.9 BR Credit Strat;U (N/A) ................... z 10.42 NA NA NS
StoneHarbor EM Tot Inc (EDI)-a ....... N 8.29 9.21 + 11.1 9.7 BR MuniYld NJ (MYJ) ..................... N 16.24 15.74 – 3.1 4.7 USQ Core Real Estate:IS (N/A) ........ z 25.83 NA NA 7.9 BR Credit Strat;W (N/A) .................. z 10.42 NA NA NS
StoneHarbor Emg Mkts Inc (EDF)-a .. N 7.02 8.38 + 19.4 11.1 BR MuniYld NY Qly (MYN) .............. N 14.59 14.39 – 1.4 4.1 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I (N/A) ..... z 28.96 NA NA NE BlackRock Mlt-Sctr Oppty (N/A) ...... z 89.23 NA NA 7.2
Templeton Em Inc (TEI) .................. N 8.17 7.99 – 2.2 5.3 BR MuniYld PA Qly (MPA) ............... N 16.50 15.99 – 3.1 4.0 Versus Capital Real Asst (N/A)-a ...... z 26.29 NA NA 9.5 BlackRock Mlt-Sec Opp II (N/A) ...... z 92.02 NA NA 7.2
Templtn Glbl Inc (GIM) ................... N 5.69 5.47 – 3.9 3.4 BlackRock NY Mun (BNY) ............... N 15.14 15.21 + 0.5 4.6 Wildermuth Endwmnt:A (N/A) ........ z 14.19 NA NA 6.5 Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:A (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA 6.8
Virtus Gl MSec Inc (VGI)-a ............... N 12.15 12.07 – 0.7 9.7 BlackRock VA Mun (BHV) ............... N 15.74 19.60 + 24.5 3.0 Wildermuth Endwmnt:C (N/A) ........ z 13.59 NA NA 5.5 Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:I (N/A) ............ z NA NA NA 7.3
WstAstEmergDebt (EMD) ............... N 14.70 14.12 – 3.9 7.9 Del CO Muni Inc (VCF) ..................... A 15.70 14.96 – 4.7 3.2 Wildermuth Endowment:I (N/A) ...... z 14.29 NA NA 6.1 Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:L (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA 6.8
Western Asset Gl Cr D Op (GDO) ..... N 18.60 18.35 – 1.3 6.4 Del MN II (VMM) ............................. A 15.24 14.22 – 6.7 2.7 Income & Preferred Stock Funds Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:M (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 6.6
National Muni Bond Funds EVCAMuniBd (EVM) ....................... A 12.68 12.06 – 4.9 4.1 Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:N (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 7.3
EVCAMuniIncm (CEV)-a .................. A 14.78 14.04 – 5.0 4.0 A3 Alternative Inc (N/A) .................. z 9.74 NA NA – 2.0 Carlyle Tact Pvt Cred:Y (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA 7.1
AllBerNatlMunInc (AFB) ................. N 15.59 14.99 – 3.8 4.2 Calamos L/S Eqty and DI (CPZ)-a ..... z 21.80 20.40 – 6.4 26.3
BlckRk Inv Q Mun (BKN) ................. N 16.82 18.60 + 10.6 4.3 Eaton Vance NY Muni Bd (ENX) ....... A 13.56 12.73 – 6.1 4.1 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;A (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA 5.4
EVNYMuniIncm (EVY)-a .................. A 15.25 15.23 – 0.1 3.6 Destra Multi-Altrntv;A (N/A) ............ z 12.27 NA NA 11.1 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;C (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA 5.4
BlckRk L-T Muni Adv (BTA) ............. N 13.67 13.89 + 1.6 4.5 Destra Multi-Altrntv;C (N/A) ............ z 11.67 NA NA 10.3
BR Mu InDur (MUI) ......................... N 16.21 15.71 – 3.1 4.0 InvCaValMuIncTr (VCV) ................. N 13.79 14.13 + 2.5 4.0 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;I (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 5.4
InvPAValMuIncTr (VPV) ................. N 14.47 13.69 – 5.4 4.4 Destra Multi-Altrntv;I (N/A) ............. z 12.54 NA NA 11.4 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;L (N/A) .......... z NA NA NA 5.4
BlackRock Muni 2030 Tgt (BTT) ...... N 27.25 26.31 – 3.4 2.8 Destra Multi-Altrntv;T (N/A) ............ z 11.87 NA NA 10.6
BlackRock Muni (BFK) .................... N 14.86 15.57 + 4.8 4.5 InvTrInvGrNYMu (VTN) .................. N 14.69 13.85 – 5.7 3.9 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;U (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA 5.4
NeubrgrBrmCA (NBW) ................... A 15.81 14.63 – 7.5 3.6 Flat Rock Opportunity (N/A)-a .......... z 22.04 NA NA 43.3 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt:U2 (N/A) ....... z NA NA NA 5.4
BlackRock Muni II (BLE) ................. N 15.28 15.76 + 3.1 4.7 The Relative Value:A (N/A) .............. z NA NA NA NS
BlckRk Muni Inc Qly (BYM) ............. N 15.99 16.10 + 0.7 4.1 NeubrgeBrmNY (NBO) ................... A 14.48 13.37 – 7.7 3.5 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt;W (N/A) ........ z NA NA NA 5.4
Nuveen AZ Qual Muni Inc (NAZ)-a .... N 15.44 16.01 + 3.7 3.7 The Relative Value:I (N/A) ............... z NA NA NA NA CNR Select Strategies (N/A) ............ z 11.74 NA NA 0.0
BR MuniAssets Fd (MUA) ............... N 15.18 16.13 + 6.3 3.9 Variant Altrntv Inc:Inst (N/A) ........... z 27.88 NA NA 11.1
BR MuniHoldings Qly (MFL) ........... N 15.42 14.98 – 2.9 3.8 Nuveen CA AMT-F Qual MI (NKX)-a .. A 16.90 16.38 – 3.1 4.0 First Eagle Crdt Opps A (N/A) ........... z 26.28 NA NA NS
Nuveen CA Val (NCA)-a .................... N 10.87 10.79 – 0.7 2.9 Variant Altrntv Inc:Inv (N/A) ............ z 27.88 NA NA 10.8 First Eagle Crdt Opps I (N/A) ............ z 26.28 NA NA NS
BR MH Qly 2 (MUE) ......................... N 14.43 14.32 – 0.8 4.2 Zell Capital (N/A) ............................. z NA NA NA NS
BR MuniHoldngs (MHD) ................. N 17.52 17.07 – 2.6 4.2 NuveenCAQtyMuInc (NAC)-a ........... N 16.28 15.82 – 2.8 4.0 FS Credit Income;A (N/A) ................ z NA NA NA 5.3
BR MuniVest Fd (MVF) .................... N 10.14 9.68 – 4.5 4.1 Nuveen CA Sel Tx-Free (NXC)-a ........ N 15.99 16.44 + 2.8 3.1 Convertible Sec's. Funds FS Credit Income;I (N/A) ................. z NA NA NA 5.5
BR MuniVest 2 (MVT) ..................... N 15.76 16.61 + 5.4 4.4 NuvGA Qual Muni Inc (NKG)-a .......... A 14.40 13.82 – 4.0 3.8 Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc (CCD)-a ... z 30.44 30.62 + 0.6 31.4 FS Credit Income;T (N/A) ................ z NA NA NA 5.0
BR MuniYield Fd (MYD) .................. N 15.43 15.34 – 0.6 4.3 Nuveen MA Qual Muni Inc (NMT)-a .. N 15.35 15.30 – 0.3 3.6 12 mos FS Credit Income;U (N/A) ................ z NA NA NA 4.9
BR MuniYield Qlty (MQY) ................ N 16.73 16.81 + 0.5 4.7 Nuveen Minn Qual Mun Inc (NMS)-a A 15.70 15.78 + 0.5 4.0 Stock Market Prem Yield FS Credit Income;U-2 (N/A) ............ z NA NA NA NS
BR MuniYld Qlty2 (MQT) ................ N 14.72 14.78 + 0.4 4.2 Nuveen MO Qual Mun Inc (NOM)-a .. A 14.16 15.76 + 11.3 3.3 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc 7/30/21 GL Beyond Income (N/A) ................ z 0.42 NA NA NE
BR MuniYld Qly 3 (MYI) .................. N 15.58 15.02 – 3.6 3.9 NuvNJ Qual Muni Inc (NXJ)-a ........... A 16.79 15.69 – 6.6 4.4 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;D (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA NS
BNY Mellon Muni Bd Infra (DMB) .... N 14.85 15.22 + 2.5 4.1 Nuveen NY AMT/Fr Qual MI (NRK)-a A 15.22 14.30 – 6.0 4.0 World Equity Funds KKR CREDIT OPPTY;I (N/A) ............ z NA NA NA 5.6
BNY Mellon Muni Income (DMF)-a ... A 9.50 9.65 + 1.6 4.4 Nuveen NY Val (NNY)-a .................... N 10.29 10.23 – 0.6 3.0 ACAP Strategic:A (N/A) ................... z 25.51 NA NA 6.5 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;T (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA 4.9
BNY Mellon Str Muni Bond (DSM)-a . N 8.51 8.35 – 1.9 4.2 Nuveen NY Qual Muni Inc (NAN)-a ... N 15.73 15.25 – 3.1 4.0 ACAP Strategic:W (N/A) .................. z 18.90 NA NA 7.4 KKR CREDIT OPPTY;U (N/A) ........... z NA NA NA NS
BNY Mellon Strat Muni (LEO)-a ........ N 8.90 9.28 + 4.3 4.5 Nuveen NY Sel Tx-Free (NXN)-a ....... N 14.55 14.26 – 2.0 3.1 CalamosGlbTotRet (CGO)-a ............. z 15.40 16.50 + 7.1 35.3 Lord Abbett Cred Opps Fd (N/A) ...... z 10.86 NA NA 6.0
Del Inv Natl Muni Income (VFL) ....... A 15.49 14.47 – 6.6 3.5 Nuveen OH Qual Muni Inc (NUO)-a ... N 17.72 16.55 – 6.6 3.4 CPG Cooper Square IE A (N/A) ........ z NA NA NA NS Lord Abbett Cred Opps Fd (N/A) ...... z 10.86 NA NA 6.7
DTF Tax-Free Income (DTF) ............ N 16.04 14.95 – 6.8 3.2 Nuveen PA Qual Muni Inc (NQP)-a .... N 16.15 15.33 – 5.1 4.4 CPG Cooper Square IE I (N/A) ......... z NA NA NA NS Lord Abbett Crd Op:U (N/A) ............. z 10.86 NA NA 6.0
DWS Muni Inc (KTF) ....................... N 12.87 12.31 – 4.4 3.9 Nuveen VA Qlty Mun Inc (NPV)-a ...... N 15.53 16.75 + 7.9 3.4 Primark Priv Eq Inv:I (N/A) .............. z 13.16 NA NA 31.7 Palmer Square Opp Inc (N/A) .......... z 18.87 NA NA 4.9
DWS Strat Mun (KSM) .................... N 13.03 12.76 – 2.1 4.1 PIMCO CA (PCQ)-a .......................... N 14.27 19.04 + 33.4 4.1 Thornburg Inc Bldr Opps (TBLD.O) . z 20.30 NA NA NS Thrivent Church Ln&Inc:S (N/A) ..... z 10.70 NA NA 2.4
EVMuniBd (EIM) ............................. A 14.24 13.79 – 3.2 4.2 PIMCOCAMuniII (PCK)-a ................. N 9.20 9.76 + 6.1 4.0 VirtusTotalRetFd (ZTR)-a ................. z 9.45 9.68 + 2.4 15.4 World Income Funds
EVMuniIncm (EVN)-a ...................... N 14.42 14.28 – 1.0 4.0 Pimco CA Muni III (PZC)-a ............... N 10.32 11.43 + 10.8 3.9 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds BlueBay Destra Itl E:A (N/A) ............ z 29.14 NA NA 2.3
EVNatMuniOpp (EOT) ..................... N 22.38 23.49 + 5.0 3.3 PIMCO NY (PNF)-a .......................... N 12.28 13.01 + 5.9 3.8 Arca US Treasury (N/A) ................... z NA NA NA 0.0 BlueBay Destra Itl E:I (N/A) .............. z 29.15 NA NA 2.5
FedHrmsPremMuI (FMN) ............... N 15.93 15.83 – 0.6 4.0 PIMCONYMuniII (PNI)-a .................. N 11.80 11.91 + 0.9 4.0 Loan Participation Funds BlueBay Destra Itl E:L (N/A) ............. z 29.11 NA NA 2.1
InvAdvMuIncTrII (VKI) ................... A 12.34 12.27 – 0.6 4.6 Pimco NY Muni III (PYN)-a ............... N 9.32 10.66 + 14.4 4.0 1WS Credit Income;A2 (N/A) .......... z 21.35 NA NA NS BlueBay Destra Itl E:T (N/A) ............. z 29.07 NA NA 1.9
Invesco MuniOp (OIA) .................... N 7.97 8.21 + 3.0 4.5 Continuously Offered 1WS Credit Income;Inst (N/A) ......... z 21.39 NA NA 5.6 National Muni Bond Funds
InvescoMuOppTr (VMO) ................ N 13.83 13.76 – 0.5 4.6 52 Week AlphCntrc Prime Merid In (N/A) ....... z 9.74 NA NA 10.5 Ecofin Tax-Adv Soc Impct (N/A) ...... z 9.49 NA NA 4.2
InvescoMuTr (VKQ) ........................ N 13.85 13.81 – 0.3 4.5 Stock Market Prem Market Axonic Alternative Inc (N/A) ............ z 22.59 NA NA 6.6 Nuveen En HY Muni Bd:A (N/A) ....... z 10.17 NA NA NS
InvescoQual Inc (IQI) ...................... N 13.93 13.74 – 1.4 4.4 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return Blackstone FR EI D (N/A) ................. z 24.06 NA NA 5.4 Nuveen En HY Muni Bd:I (N/A) ........ z 10.18 NA NA NS
InvTrInvGrMu (VGM) ..................... N 14.26 14.05 – 1.5 4.6 Blackstone FR EI I (N/A) .................. z 24.03 NA NA 5.6 PIMCO Flex Mun Inc;A-3 (N/A) ........ z 11.99 NA NA 1.9
InvescoValMunInc (IIM) ................. N 16.92 16.86 – 0.4 4.4 General Equity Funds Blackstone FR EI T (N/A) ................. z 23.98 NA NA 5.1 PIMCO Flex Mun Inc:A1 (N/A) ......... z 11.99 NA NA 2.1
MAINSTAY:MK DEFTR MUN OP (MMD) N 21.28 22.42 + 5.4 4.4 Alternative Strategies:I (N/A) .......... z 6.62 NA NA 40.5 Blackstone FR EI T-I (N/A) ............... z 24.58 NA NA 5.1 PIMCO Flex Mun Inc;A2 (N/A) ......... z 11.99 NA NA NS
MFS HgIncMuniTr (CXE) ................ N 5.48 5.40 – 1.5 4.7 AMG Pantheon:1 (N/A) ................... z NA NA NA NA Blackstone FR EI U (N/A) ................. z 25.04 NA NA 5.1 PIMCO Flex Mun Inc;Inst (N/A) ....... z 11.99 NA NA 2.6


Money Market Account1 One-Year CDs Five-Year CDs
Telephone Min. Recent Effect. Telephone Min. Recent Effect. Telephone Min. Recent Effect.
Institution Location No. Deposit % Rate % Yield Institution Location No. Deposit % Rate % Yield Institution Location No. Deposit % Rate % Yield
Axos Bank San Diego,CA (877)541-2634 10000 0.61 (CD) 0.61 First Internet Bank Indianapolis,IN (888)873-3424 1000 0.60 (CM) 0.60 PenFed Credit Union Alexandria,VA (800)247-5626 1000 1.10 (MA) 1.10
Ally Bank Philadelphia,PA (877)247-2559 1 0.50 (CD) 0.50 BankDirect Dallas,TX (877)839-2737 10000 0.60 (CD) 0.60 Travis CU Concord,CA (800)435-4040 500 1.00 (CM) 1.00
First Internet Bank Indianapolis,IN (888)873-3424 100 0.50 (CM) 0.50 Ally Bank Philadelphia,PA (877)247-2559 1 0.55 (CD) 0.55 First Internet Bank Indianapolis,IN (888)873-3424 1000 0.95 (CM) 0.95
BankDirect Dallas,TX (877)839-2737 10000 0.50 (CD) 0.50 PenFed Credit Union Alexandria,VA (800)247-5626 1000 0.55 (MA) 0.55 ProGrowth Bank Gaylord,MN (888)922-2265 25000 0.95 (CA) 0.95 Flushing,NY (888)432-5890 25000 0.50 (CD) 0.50 Flushing,NY (888)432-5890 1000 0.55 (CD) 0.55 Popular Direct New York,NY (800)274-5696 10000 0.85 (CD) 0.85
Six-Month CDs2 2½-Year CDs 90-Day Jumbo CDs
Telephone Min. Recent Effect. Telephone Min. Recent Effect. Telephone Min. Recent Effect.
Institution Location No. Deposit % Rate % Yield Institution Location No. Deposit % Rate % Yield Institution Location No. Deposit % Rate % Yield
BankDirect Dallas,TX (877)839-2737 10000 0.50 (CD) 0.50 TIAA Bank Jackson,FL (888)882-3837 1000 0.64 (CD) 0.65 TIAA Bank Jackson,FL (888)882-3837 1000 0.35 (CD) 0.35
First Internet Bank Indianapolis,IN (888)873-3424 1000 0.45 (CM) 0.45 Discover Bank Greenwood,DE (800)347-7000 2500 0.55 (CD) 0.55 First Internet Bank Indianapolis,IN (888)873-3424 1000 0.25 (CM) 0.25 Flushing,NY (888)432-5890 1000 0.45 (CD) 0.45 Community Commerce Bk Los Angeles,CA (323)268-6100 10000 0.55 (CM) 0.55 Axos Bank San Diego,CA (877)541-2634 1000 0.20 (CD) 0.20
TIAA Bank Jackson,FL (888)882-3837 1000 0.40 (CD) 0.40 ProGrowth Bank Gaylord,MN (888)922-2265 25000 0.51 (CA) 0.51 Ohio Savings Bk - Cleveland Cleveland,OH (800)696-2222 2500 0.20 (CD) 0.20
Travis CU Concord,CA (800)435-4040 500 0.35 (CM) 0.35 Bank OZK New York,NY (212)218-8383 1000 0.50 (CM) 0.50 Westbury,NY (866)285-1856 2500 0.20 (CD) 0.20
1Including passbook, statement savings, and bank-offered liquid asset accounts.
Yields are based on the stated rate and compounding method in effect Friday and are subject Source: (c) 2021, Informa Research Services, 30501 Agoura Road, 2nd Floor, Agoura Hills, CA
2Six-month CD yields assume reinvestment of principal and interest at the same rate for an to change. Phone to verify before investing or sending money. 91301 818-880-8877. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or retransmitted in any
additional six months. form without express written consent of Informa Research Services.
(CC) Compounded continuously; (SA) compounded semiannually; (CD) compounded daily;
Rates are the highest yields on six types of accounts offered by federally-insured banks and (CA) compounded annually; (CM) compounded monthly; (SI) simple interest; (CQ) com-
savings associations nationwide. pounded quarterly
M34 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Market Laboratory
Market Advance/Decline Volumes
Dow Jones 30 Industrial (divisor: 0.15188516925198) Week's Daily Aug 9 10 11 12 13
Daily Aug 9 10 11 12 13 COMPONENTS Change INDUSTRIALS
36100 NY Up 304,087 502,564 518,459 269,870 265,066
3M 2.45 NY Off 420,800 277,582 218,561 411,494 363,445
Open (t) 35163.34 35138.91 35380.74 35489.64 35573.78
Open (a) 35229.67 35135.17 35300.89 35481.94 35551.56 American Express -5.28 NY Up - Composite 1,548,081 2,442,071 2,313,084 1,364,512 1,256,266
NY Off - Composite 1,849,921 1,419,585 1,188,425 1,965,666 1,720,074
10:00 35087.94 35164.31 35455.29 35428.15 35540.63 Amgen -0.47 NYSE Amer UP 5,489 6,336 5,256 3,861 3,427
10:30 35060.87 35250.45 35459.46 35393.14 35501.82 Apple 2.96 35275 NYSE Amer Off 8,082 7,123 6,781 9,828 9,237
11:00 35102.88 35229.19 35463.20 35390.91 35523.77
Boeing 3.13 NASD Up 2,479,634 1,686,161 2,146,678 2,085,858 1,430,240
11:30 35122.96 35251.80 35430.47 35406.56 35544.90 NASD Off 1,576,113 2,244,934 1,756,876 1,840,524 2,508,969
12:00 35145.33 35252.07 35423.66 35386.61 35538.02 Caterpillar 10.22 NYSE Arca UP 60,715 101,641 138,445 58,889 89,324
12:30 35133.49 35240.45 35440.26 35436.80 35530.68 Chevron 0.01 NYSE Arca Off 112,086 58,180 30,525 86,877 63,963
1:00 35135.27 35247.44 35461.03 35443.31 35530.30 % (QCHA) –.13 +.36 +.48 –.29 –.41
1:30 35132.47 35267.47 35470.94 35436.76 35524.12 Cisco Systems 0.88 34450 % (QACH) –.15 +.02 +.18 –.67 –1.23
2:00 35122.35 35270.42 35477.53 35432.72 35536.05 Coca-Cola 0.59 % (QCHAQ) +.35 –.26 –.12 –.36 –1.04
2:30 35151.76 35267.18 35463.26 35440.17 35509.22 Disney 3.95 Market Advance/Decline Totals
3:00 35135.13 35276.33 35463.88 35469.49 35489.14
3:30 35115.10 35263.54 35497.67 35473.61 35495.67
Dow 1.69 Week ended last Friday compared to previous Friday
Close 35101.85 35264.67 35484.97 35499.85 35515.38 Goldman Sachs 12.89 33625 Weekly Comp. NYSE NYSE Amer Nasdaq NYSE Arca
High (t) 35368.10 35496.13 35681.07 35703.95 35774.86 Home Depot 1.48 Total Issues 3,575 298 4,849 1,691
Low (t) 34887.71 34893.17 35177.53 35206.01 35317.14 Advances 1,678 107 1,932 1,115
Honeywell Intl 2.08 Declines 1,814 187 2,763 549
High (a) 35229.67 35285.16 35501.16 35510.77 35610.57
Low (a) 35041.24 35091.91 35300.89 35352.53 35474.78 IBM -0.91 Unchanged 83 4 154 27
Change –106.66 +162.82 +220.30 +14.88 +15.53 Intel -0.43 32800 New Highs 376 15 359 365
New Lows 128 30 361 58
Theoretical (t): High 35774.86 Low 34887.71 Johnson & Johnson 3.14
Actual (a): High 35610.57 Low 35041.24 NYSE Composite Daily Breadth
JPMorgan Chase 2.48 Daily Aug 9 10 11 12 13
Dow Jones 20 Transport (divisor: 0.15940892238725) McDonald's 2.56
NOTICE TO READERS: Issues Traded 3,453 3,463 3,464 3,440 3,460
31975 Advances 1,251 1,788 2,205 1,511 1,568
Open (t) 14428.11 14452.83 14608.03 14859.14 14897.10 Merck 1.28 Declines 2,038 1,525 1,084 1,764 1,721
Open (a) 14486.77 14333.89 14604.30 14872.44 14908.25 Sign up for the Weekly Market Lab Unchanged 164 150 175 165 171
Microsoft 3.39 New Highs 110 160 180 162 169
10:00 14386.97 14500.41 14690.97 14863.76 14916.80
Nike Cl B -1.11 Newsletter: New Lows 29 48 34 43 44
10:30 14351.96 14548.39 14721.11 14814.31 14898.54 Blocks - primary 3,991 4,401 3,810 3,823 3,693
11:00 14377.36 14583.15 14774.23 14797.82 14906.43 Procter & Gamble 2.23 31150 Total (000) - primary 736,751 791,562 748,104 692,357 636,300
11:30 14366.61 14618.88 14766.30 14814.40 14929.94 Total (000) 3,458,894 3,914,966 3,564,788 3,394,023 3,013,262 0.97
12:00 14394.91 14606.08 14743.83 14820.72 14938.01 Please visit the new Market Lab home NYSE American Composite
Travelers Cos 3.49
14383.89 14591.08 14747.89
14378.84 14590.47 14774.77
14941.83 UnitedHealth Group -5.45
page on under Data. Daily Aug 9 10 11 12 13
Issues Traded 287 293 289 281 288
1:30 14371.88 14635.64 14789.41 14849.51 14934.57 Verizon Communications 0.65 30325 Advances 126 144 150 105 100
Declines 146 143 125 171 178
14386.43 14631.14 14803.33
14387.86 14624.56 14825.24
14953.15 Visa Cl A -8.75 lab Unchanged 15 6 14 5 10
New Highs 4 6 6 5 7
3:00 14387.65 14635.95 14820.34 14885.05 14936.11 Walgreens Boots Alliance 2.19 New Lows 16 14 6 13 6
Blocks - primary 124 156 125 126 126
3:30 14377.13 14616.59 14842.93 14886.83 14933.89 Walmart 4.30 Total (000) - primary 13,695 13,985 12,463 13,893 12,725
Close 14333.58 14601.75 14867.42 14900.48 14927.58 29500 Total (000) 222,822 208,915 197,850 213,245 181,931
High (t) 14478.05 14701.22 14899.07 14984.70 15027.26
Low (t) 14280.63 14394.55 14546.61 14739.89 14805.70 Nasdaq
High (a) 14486.77 14643.63 14867.74 14906.29 14957.52
TRANSPORTATION 16800 Daily Aug 9 10 11 12 13
Low (a) 14321.67 14333.89 14573.31 14764.48 14874.16 Alaska Air Group -0.25 Issues Traded 4,554 4,569 4,583 4,601 4,612
Advances 2,055 2,021 2,319 1,852 1,545
Change –168.74 +268.17 +265.67 +33.06 +27.10 American Airlines Group -1.18 Declines 2,279 2,326 2,024 2,482 2,836
Theoretical (t): High 15027.26 Low 14280.63 Avis Budget Group 8.43 16200 Unchanged 220 222 240 267 231
Actual (a): High 14957.52 Low 14321.67 New Highs 122 131 144 126 143
CH Robinson Worldwide 0.90 New Lows 76 109 117 149 167
Blocks - primary 20,407 19,881 19,017 19,807 22,761
Dow Jones 15 Utilities (divisor: 1.29685261171310) CSX 1.57 Total (000) 4,099,411 3,989,554 3,976,274 3,986,287 4,007,177
Open (t) 927.30 925.76 927.80 929.75 934.35 Delta Air -0.42 NYSE Arca Composite
Open (a) 927.06 925.73 926.52 930.27 933.46 Expeditors Intl of Wash -0.33 Daily Aug 9 10 11 12 13
10:00 923.78 922.58 929.40 932.21 934.97
10:30 922.46 923.77 932.15 931.85 937.25 FedEx 0.91 15000 Issues Traded 1,535 1,546 1,547 1,539 1,529
Advances 517 886 1,173 743 891
11:00 920.68 924.72 933.39 931.69 937.38 JB Hunt Transport 8.56 Declines 985 630 349 752 602
11:30 920.73 925.97 930.74 929.81 937.81 Unchanged 33 30 25 44 36
JetBlue Airways 0.10 New Highs 81 133 229 190 240
12:00 920.89 928.27 932.49 929.75 938.03 14400 New Lows 15 24 26 22 21
12:30 920.63 926.67 930.46 931.29 936.62 Kansas City Southern 20.89 Blocks - primary 846 675 766 642 720
1:00 921.23 926.55 930.62 931.91 935.59 Kirby Corp 0.10 Total (000) - primary 173,362 160,887 170,626 148,287 154,357
Total (000) 851,568 912,783 898,070 813,654 743,678
1:30 922.14 925.72 930.42 932.92 937.98 Landstar System 4.33 13800
2:00 922.96 927.25 932.73 931.05 936.81
2:30 923.04 927.75 930.66 931.45 937.31
Matson 1.84
3:00 920.92 927.14 930.47 933.41 938.14 Norfolk Southern 12.91 13200 OTHER MARKET INDEXES
3:30 921.46 926.61 930.40 934.80 937.98 Ryder System 2.19 Daily 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13
Close 925.12 925.42 931.52 932.67 938.29 Southwest Airlines -0.31 NYSE Amer Comp 2973.92 3040.59 3046.54 3048.87 3034.83
High (t) 929.65 930.57 936.21 936.97 940.51 12600 AmMajorMkt 3107.79 3121.90 3138.83 3140.32 3136.45
Low (t) 918.46 920.00 924.43 926.86 930.98 Union Pacific 7.30
BNY ADR Idx 168.18 168.03 168.70 168.03 168.25
High (a) 928.61 928.58 935.05 935.25 939.54 United Airlines -1.13 Europe 145.99 146.39 147.17 146.83 147.56
Low (a) 919.52 921.69 926.52 928.95 931.93 United Parcel Service B 1.38 Latin Am 210.23 211.98 212.61 210.52 211.78
Change –1.62 +.30 +6.10 +1.15 +5.62 12000 Asia 230.19 228.68 229.11 227.95 226.96
Theoretical (t): High 940.51 Low 918.46 Emerg M 388.79 386.91 386.31 383.19 380.63
UTILITIES DJ US TSM Float 46005.50 46028.87 46142.27 46257.92 46280.65
Actual (a): High 939.54 Low 919.52
975 Nasdaq Cmp 14860.18 14788.09 14765.14 14816.26 14822.90
AES 0.19 100 Index 15133.11 15053.58 15027.76 15088.98 15136.68
Dow Jones 65 Composite (divisor: 0.76773532913090)
American Elec Power 0.35 Indus. 10878.05 10890.41 10888.60 10888.94 10860.30
Open (t) 11518.72 11516.43 11599.94 11676.91 11709.20 Insur. 11041.56 11067.89 11177.50 11101.66 11044.17
Open (a) 11543.62 11490.94 11581.20 11679.01 11705.69 American Water Works 1.47 Banks 4518.79 4563.61 4637.13 4611.32 4568.95
10:00 11489.32 11525.96 11634.60 11669.86 11707.79 Atmos Energy 0.58 Computer 10910.52 10835.75 10826.08 10896.99 10940.10
10:30 11474.47 11554.96 11646.33 11652.06 11700.18
925 Telecom 541.85 541.65 545.32 546.08 545.57
Consolidated Edison 2.22 NYSE Comp.-z 16726.95 16792.78 16875.39 16871.12 16868.11
11:00 11485.05 11559.58 11660.19 11647.92 11706.38
11:30 11486.87 11573.58 11647.60 11651.29 11716.15 Dominion Energy 1.71 Financial-z 10141.77 10181.02 10260.12 10251.19 10232.22
Health Care-z 22729.56 22716.10 22613.00 22776.91 22928.41
12:00 11497.43 11574.87 11644.55 11648.55 11716.85 Duke Energy -0.96 Energy-z 8111.83 8244.07 8310.17 8259.82 8161.94
12:30 11492.36 11566.75 11645.25 11667.17 11712.47 Edison Intl 1.93 875 Russell 1000 2489.72 2490.65 2495.92 2503.39 2506.26
1:00 11492.69 11567.81 11655.20 11672.79 11711.99 2000 2234.81 2239.36 2250.34 2244.07 2223.11
1:30 11492.23 11579.75 11659.87 11669.80 11713.31
Exelon 0.75 3000 2632.81 2634.08 2640.12 2647.04 2648.30
2:00 11494.63 11581.98 11667.96 11669.37 11717.08 FirstEnergy 0.81 Value-v 1584.86 1594.04 1603.97 1604.98 1604.54
Growth-v 2848.85 2835.63 2830.72 2845.50 2852.54
2:30 11500.87 11580.81 11666.19 11675.67 11713.08 NextEra Energy 2.84 MidCap 3211.95 3217.03 3232.83 3235.70 3230.88
3:00 11493.96 11583.95 11664.97 11684.50 11706.96
3:30 11488.73 11576.52 11676.23 11688.01 11707.52
Public Service Enterprise 0.86 825 S&P 100 Index 2030.04 2031.95 2035.51 2045.41 2049.53
Sempra 1.44 500 4432.35 4436.75 4447.70 4460.83 4468.00
Close 11483.24 11571.64 11680.71 11692.44 11710.64 Ind. 6194.49 6193.96 6197.35 6217.78 6234.10
High (t) 11573.57 11646.79 11733.99 11757.58 11786.42 Southern 0.83 MidCap 2709.80 2719.31 2741.91 2737.48 2731.46
Low (t) 11418.64 11445.97 11541.29 11591.16 11633.76 SmallCap 1344.48 1357.11 1366.76 1359.40 1349.91
Xcel Energy -0.04 Value Line(A) 9580.24 9638.45 9698.79 9673.85 9633.27
High (a) 11543.62 11586.51 11681.34 11694.68 11721.87
Low (a) 11466.65 11490.94 11581.20 11632.39 11692.14
775 Value Line(G) 662.47 666.30 670.32 668.50 665.57
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug DJ US Small TSM 15111.96 15147.93 15234.97 15206.16 15101.23
Change –58.88 +88.40 +109.07 +11.73 +18.20
(A)-Arithmetic Index. (G)-Geometric Index.
Theoretical (t): High 11786.42 Low 11418.64 Note: Theoretical highs and lows are shown. (v)-Value 1000 and Growth 1000. (y)-Dec. 31,1965=50. (z)-Dec.
Actual (a): High 11721.87 Low 11466.65 31,2002=5000.
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M35

Market Laboratory
DJ latest 52-week earnings and dividends adjusted by Dow Divisors at Friday's close. S&P Dec. 4-quarter's GAAP earnings as This index is a weighted average of 50 leading issues.
reported and indicated dividends based on Friday close.S&P 500 P/E ratios based on GAAP earnings as reported. For additional This is a list of the Dow Jones trailing 52-week diluted Useful in security valuation. Source: Barron's Stats
earnings series, please refer to DJ latest available book values for FY 2020 and 2019, and S&P latest for 2020 and share earnings, dividends and book values as reported
2019. r-Revised data Aug 12 Aug 5 Aug Yr-to-Yr
by the company. Bolded numbers indicate new values. 2021 2021 2020 % Chg
Last Prev. Year Last Prev. Year
Week Week Ago Week Week Ago Sources Barron's Stats and FactSet.
S&P 500 Index 4460.83 4429.10 3387.94 31.67
DJ Ind Avg 35515.38 35208.51 27931.02 Divs Yield % 2.95 2.98 3.19 Industrial Stocks Barron's 50 Index 11389.33 11110.02 8700.09 30.91
Divs $ 27.72 27.62 26.30 Book Book
P/E Ratio 23.83 23.96 27.08 Earns Divs. Value Earns Divs. Value Projected quarterly earn 134.86 137.17 40.15 235.87
Earns Yield % 4.20 4.17 3.69 Mkt to Book 2.39 2.48 2.20
Earns $ 1490.07 1469.60 1031.43 Book Value $ 392.45 374.40 374.40 Am Exp 8.60 1.72 28.55 Johnson&John 6.65 4.09 24.04 Annualized projected earn 539.45 548.67 160.61 235.87
Amgen 9.83 6.72 16.27 JPMorgChase 14.99 3.60 81.75
Divs Yield % 1.70 1.72 2.20 S&P 500 Index 4468.00 4436.52 3372.85 Apple 5.11 0.85 3.85 McDonalds 9.19 5.12 (10.50)
Annualized projected P/E 21.11 20.25 54.2 –61.04
Divs $ 604.95 604.49 614.09 P/E Ratio 34.85 34.61 28.99 Boeing (15.36) Suspended (31.45) Merck Co 2.19 2.56 10.01 Five-year average earn 388.87 388.87 394.05 –1.32
Mkt to Book 5.43 5.26 4.18 Earns Yield % 2.87 2.89 3.45 Caterpillar 7.97 4.20 28.11 Microsoft 8.05 2.19 18.88 Five-year average P/E 29.29 28.57 22.1 32.66
Book Value $ 6543.35 6688.86 6688.86 Earns $ 128.20 128.20 116.33 Chevron Corp 1.87 5.21 68.40 Nike Inc 3.56 1.07 8.09
Cisco Sys 2.41 1.46 8.95 Proc Gam 5.49 3.321 18.73 Year-end earn 352.46 352.46 348.41 1.16
DJ Trans Avg 14927.58 14502.32 10959.54 Divs Yield % 1.35 1.35 1.68
P/E Ratio 59.89 85.02 90.10 Divs $ 60.32 59.89 56.66
Coca Cola 1.87 1.66 4.49 3M Co 10.17 5.90 22.27 Year-end P/E 32.31 31.52 25.0 29.40
Disney Walt 0.50 0.00 46.18 4.78 0.00 45.15
Earns Yield % 1.67 1.18 1.11 Mkt to Book 4.82 4.78 3.69 Dow 5.29 2.80 16.73 Travelers Cos 14.67 3.43 115.69 Year-end earns yield, % 3.09 3.17 4.0 –22.76
Earns $ 249.23 170.57 121.64 Book Value $ 927.52 927.52 914.49 Goldman Sachs 55.38 5.00 246.24 UnitedHealth Grp 15.14 5.20 69.23 Best grade bond yields, % 1.47 1.39 1.62 –9.40
Divs Yield % 1.07 1.10 1.38 Home Depot 13.65 6.30 3.06 Verizon 4.83 2.51 16.39
S&P Ind Index 6234.10 6202.08 4767.54 Honeywell 6.54 3.72 25.19 Visa 4.95 1.28 14.65 Bond yields/stock ylds, % 0.48 0.44 0.41 17.15
Divs $ 159.51 159.51 151.08 P/E Ratio 41.67 41.46 34.32
Mkt to Book 5.05 4.28 3.23
IBM 5.93 6.54 23.07 Walgreens 2.64 1.87 23.84 Actual year-end divs 217.72 217.36 222.30 –2.06
Earns Yield % 2.40 2.41 2.91 Intel 4.50 1.3725 19.95 Wal-mart 4.30 2.19 28.69
Book Value $ 2957.33 3389.19 3389.19 Earns $ 149.59 149.59 138.90
Actual yr-end divs yld, % 1.91 1.96 2.56 –25.22
Transportation Stocks
DJ Utility Avg 938.29 926.74 824.87 Divs Yield % 1.20 1.21 1.50 Alaska Air Group (4.86) Suspended 24.05 KC Southern 1.32 1.92 44.50
P/E Ratio 26.30 25.97 23.98 Divs $ 74.81 75.05 71.51 American Airlines (10.46) Suspended (11.05) Kirby Corp 0.94 Nil 51.37
Earns Yield % 3.80 3.85 4.17 Mkt to Book 6.66 6.62 5.05 Avis Budget Grp 2.54 Nil -2.21 Landstar Sys 7.72 0.88 18.02 STOCK VOLUME
Earns $ 35.67 35.69 34.39 Book Value $ 936.72 936.72 944.26 C.H. Robinson 4.80 2.04 14.00 Matson Inc 8.93 0.99 22.25
CSX Corp 1.48 0.36 17.18 Norf Southern 10.80 4.01 58.67 Last Prev. Year YOY
Delta Air Lines (10.49) Suspended 2.40 Ryder Sys 4.83 2.24 41.98 Week Week Ago % Chg
144 FILINGS Expeditors Int'l 5.79 1.10 15.71 Southwest Air (2.74) 0.00 15.03 NYSE(a) 3,605,074 4,185,707 4,017,803 -10.27
FedEx 19.45 2.70 90.40 Un Pacific 8.78 3.98 25.26 30 Dow Inds (b) 1,170,976 1,198,972 1,775,804 -34.06
Hunt (JB) 5.60 1.15 24.61 UPS 7.01 4.06 0.76 20 Dow Trans (b) 458,341 489,831 1,022,493 -55.17
SEC Form 144 must be filed by holders of restricted securities (also called letter stock) who intend to sell shares. Shares Indi- JetBlue Air (3.36) Nil 12.50 United Airlines (18.35) Nil 19.11 15 Dow Utils (b) 184,568 215,262 247,038 -25.29
cated: the number to be sold. Sales Date: the approximate date of the sale. (Sometimes shares aren't sold, even though their owner Utility Stocks 65 Dow Stks (b) 1,813,885 1,904,065 3,045,335 -40.44
NYSE American (a) 66,761 64,751 140,967 -52.64
has filed a Form144.) Source: Thomson Reuters AES Corp. (0.21) 0.5876 3.96 Exelon 0.99 1.53 33.39 Nasdaq(d) 20,058,703 20,383,241 18,930,428 5.96
Am Elec 4.71 2.96 41.38 FirstEnergy 2.02 1.56 13.32 NYSE 15 Most Active
Shares Sale American Water Works 4.13 2.305 35.60 NextEra Energy 1.60 1.47 18.63
Company Sym Indicated $ Value Date Seller Title Average Price 24.53 24.84 26.99 -9.11
Atmos Energy 5.32 2.45 53.95 Xcel Energy 2.93 1.775 27.12 % Tot Vol 16.94 17.24 16.05 5.55
Tilray TLRY 649,512 9,489,370 8/3/21 Auerbach, Michael AF Con Ed 3.31 3.06 55.11 Pub Sv Ent 2.92 2.00 31.71 Stock Offerings $(z,v) 8,047,800 r7,410,700 13,400,200 -39.94
Dominion Energy 2.79 2.83 29.44 Sempra Energy 6.88 4.29 70.11
Zoominfo Technologies ZI 600,000 33,900,000 8/4/21 Schuck, Henry AF Duke Energy 3.83 3.88 59.82 Southn Co. 2.97 2.60 25.45 Daily Stock Volume
Tradeweb Markets TW 500,000 44,210,000 8/6/21 Olesky, Lee AF Edison Int'l 2.07 2.625 37.08
Datadog DDOG 430,000 49,419,900 8/5/21 Agarwal, Amit AF Daily 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Unity Software
Yates, Robert Clifton
Riccitiello, John
AF Coming U.S. Auctions NYSE(a)
30 Inds (b)
736,751 791,562 748,104 692,357 636,300
207,850.6 255,240.5 233,042.0 236,163.7 238,678.8
Boston Scientific BSX 201,043 9,194,783 8/2/21 Mahoney, Michael UT 20 Trans (b) 89,022.6 97,347.9 113,844.5 84,081.6 74,044.7
Yields (%) 15 Utils (b) 36,189.8 36,380.8 41,848.0 38,616.3 31,533.4
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals DCPH 200,000 6,526,000 8/5/21 Taylor, Michael AF Day When Last 65 Stks (b) 333,063.1 388,969.2 388,734.4 358,861.7 344,256.9
Invitation Homes INVH 195,000 7,932,600 8/2/21 Blair, Bryce FO Issued* Auction NYSE Amer(a) 13,695 13,985 12,463 13,893 12,725
New Relic NEWR 190,500 13,500,735 8/4/21 Cirne, Lewis AF Nasd(d) 4,099,411 3,989,554 3,976,274 3,986,287 4,007,177
M NYSE 15 Most Active
Avg. Price 22.36 23.34 25.26 21.66 36.14
THE WEEK IN STOCKS FOR THE MAJOR INDEXES $51.0 bil 3-month 0.055 0.050 % Tot Vol 16.54 20.15 16.17 20.33 17.36
$48.0 bil 6-month 0.053 0.050 Numbers in thousands save price and percentages. (a) Primary
12-Month Weekly Friday Weekly 12-Month Change From volume. (b) Composite volume. (d) as of 4:10 pm. (r) Revised. (v)
High Low High Low Close Chg. % Chg. Chg. % Chg. 12/31 % Chg. W W/E Thursday. (z) Source: Refinitiv.
Dow Jones Indexes $27.0 bil
35515.38 26501.60 30 Indus 35515.38 35101.85 35515.38 306.87 0.87 7584.36 27.15 4908.90 16.04 20-year 1.651 1.890
15943.30 10865.12 20 Transp 14927.58 14333.58 14927.58 425.26 2.93 3968.04 36.21 2420.65 19.35 * As of Friday afternoon.
938.29 785.16 15 Utilities 938.29 925.12 938.29 11.55 1.25 113.42 13.75 73.65 8.52 NYSE DATA BANK
11738.22 8912.40 65 Comp 11710.64 11483.24 11710.64 168.52 1.46 2527.29 27.52 1601.93 15.85
Latest Preceding Year-Ago
Dow Jones Indexes
46280.65 33005.83 US TSM Float 46280.65 46005.50 46280.65 226.72 0.49 11871.98 34.50 7061.03 18.00 DELTA MARKET SENTIMENT INDICATOR Month Month Month
1122.10 804.33 US Market 1122.10 1114.44 1122.10 6.70 0.60 285.32 34.10 174.75 18.45 The Delta MSI measures the position of ~1,800 stocks relative to an Security Sales
1139.70 814.37 Internet 1099.08 1087.40 1094.60 –3.29 –0.30 272.28 33.11 133.03 13.83 intermediate-term moving average crossover (MAC) point. When
New York Stock Exchange greater than 50% of the stocks followed are above this MAC point, the Free credit bal. cash accounts
16875.39 12359.16 Comp-z 16875.39 16726.95 16868.11 120.03 0.72 3965.61 30.74 2343.31 16.13 market is bullish and equities are attractive. When the indicator is (Mil $) June 239,290 234,992 229,078
10260.12 6635.99 Financial-z 10260.12 10141.77 10232.22 97.83 0.97 3109.45 43.65 1939.37 23.39 below 50%, risk is elevated and stock exposures should be reduced.
Manager uses discretion on asset allocation when MSI is 50% +/- 3%. Short interest
22963.40 17847.94 Health Care-z 22928.41 22613.00 22928.41 182.82 0.80 4271.23 22.89 2882.74 14.38
9140.32 4776.65 Energy-z 8310.17 8111.83 8161.94 –49.63 –0.60 1792.96 28.15 1659.16 25.51 Last 2 Weeks 3 Weeks (Thous. Shs) July 30 13,404,45413,265,647,990 14,204,991
NYSE American Stock Exchange Current Sentiment Week Ago Ago Short interest ratio
3320.62 1904.19 NYSE Amer Comp 3048.87 2973.92 3034.83 35.79 1.19 879.47 40.80 673.93 28.55 (d) July 30 3.4 3.6 3.4
3140.32 2318.41 Major Mkt 3140.32 3107.79 3136.45 17.66 0.57 653.17 26.30 389.43 14.18 BULLISH 50.8% 47.7% 44.5%
Standard & Poor's Indexes Current Market Exposure: 100% Equities, 0% Bonds, 0% Cash (d) For period
2049.53 1499.69 100 Index 2049.53 2030.04 2049.53 17.82 0.88 492.24 31.61 329.03 19.12 Source: Delta Investment Management r-Revised Source: NYSE. *-Now includes composite trades.
4468.00 3236.92 500 Index 4468.00 4432.35 4468.00 31.48 0.71 1095.15 32.47 711.93 18.95, (415) 249-6337
6234.10 4591.91 Indus 6234.10 6193.96 6234.10 32.02 0.52 1466.56 30.76 936.82 17.68
2770.27 1792.09 MidCap 2741.91 2709.80 2731.46 14.10 0.52 781.90 40.11 424.84 18.42
1414.12 822.63 SmallCap 1366.76 1344.48 1349.91 –6.36 –0.47 432.01 47.07 230.98 20.64
Nasdaq Stock Market
14895.12 10632.99 Comp 14860.18 14765.14 14822.90 –12.86 –0.09 3803.60 34.52 1934.62 15.01
15181.64 10833.33 100 Index 15136.68 15027.76 15136.68 27.32 0.18 3972.23 35.58 2248.39 17.45 Wan Week: Amid concerns about the Delta variant and political wrangling in D.C., the
11241.63 8352.74 Indus 10890.41 10860.30 10860.30 3.90 0.04 2257.61 26.24 463.47 4.46
11478.62 8475.34 Insur 11177.50 11041.56 11044.17 72.68 0.66 1873.43 20.43 957.74 9.50 dollar index edged down last week, ending at 92.52, versus 92.78 the previous Friday.
4849.40 2388.35 Banks 4637.13 4518.79 4568.95 20.01 0.44 1727.72 60.81 1022.06 28.82 10
10961.77 7353.31 Computer 10940.10 10826.08 10940.10 19.13 0.18 3332.79 43.81 2122.58 24.07
546.12 383.99 Telecom 546.08 541.65 545.57 2.57 0.47 113.13 26.16 71.44 15.07
Russell Indexes EURO in $
2506.26 1801.83 1000 2506.26 2489.72 2506.26 14.99 0.60 635.46 33.97 385.39 18.17
2360.17 1451.46 2000 2250.34 2223.11 2223.11 –24.65 –1.10 645.23 40.89 248.25 12.57
2648.30 1893.68 3000 2648.30 2632.81 2648.30 12.97 0.49 676.95 34.34 399.86 17.78
1604.98 1134.35 Value-v 1604.98 1584.86 1604.54 17.07 1.08 408.77 34.18 254.92 18.89 0
2860.10 2083.14 Growth-v 2852.54 2830.72 2852.54 4.62 0.16 719.92 33.76 424.78 17.50
3235.70 2218.77 MidCap 3235.70 3211.95 3230.88 15.47 0.48 901.52 38.70 487.83 17.78
Others s
9825.86 6049.75 Value Line-a 9698.79 9580.24 9633.27 8.11 0.08 3102.04 47.50 1720.24 21.74 s
DXY (92.52)
685.08 444.77 Value Line-g 670.32 662.47 665.57 –0.18 –0.03 181.96 37.63 96.80 17.02 YEN in $
15706.57 9803.21 DJ US Small TSM15234.97 15101.23 15101.23 –74.13 –0.49 4484.55 42.24 1852.56 13.98
1069.68 717.53 Barron's Future Focus 1069.68 1065.98 1068.73 2.38 0.22 340.36 46.73 175.95 19.71
1039.96 687.57 Barron's 400 1039.96 1030.06 1035.36 2.03 0.20 299.72 40.74 183.17 21.49 -10
High/Low's are based upon the daily closing index. a-Arithmetic Index. G-Geometric Index. V-Value 1000 and Growth 1000 y-Dec.
31,1965=50 z-Dec. 31,2002=5000 Source: Tullett Prebon
M36 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Market Laboratory
Net Change % Change and Ranking 52 Week Wkly Ask
Coming Earnings
Top 20 Weekly Ranked IG-Sym Close Wkly YTD Week Rank Yr Ago Rank YTD Rank 3 Yr High Low Maturity Bid Asked Chg. Yld. Day Consensus Year
Steel DJUSST 445.96 + 62.54 222.87 +16.31 [1] +128.30 [4] +99.90 [1] +17.19 445.96 186.84 Aug 17 '21 0.03 0.02 -0.01 0.02 Estimate Ago
Transportation Svcs DJUSTS 372.96 + 37.77 93.33 +11.27 [2] +86.28 [8] +33.38 [18] +8.83 372.96 187.28 Aug 19 '21 0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.03 Continued from page 11 of the main section.
Aluminum DJUSAL 154.58 + 15.51 75.84 +11.15 [3] +216.99 [1] +96.31 [2] +2.87 154.58 38.91 Aug 24 '21 0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.03
Industrial Metals & Mining DJUSIM 419.69 + 38.53 176.84 +10.11 [4] +148.20 [3] +72.82 [3] +22.36 427.18 166.05
Aug 26 '21 0.04 0.03 .... 0.03 W
Aug 31 '21 0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.03
Basic Resources DJUSBS 311.37 + 18.85 92.12 +6.44 [5] +64.94 [12] +42.01 [5] +18.97 336.43 180.64 Sep 02 '21 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.04
Analog Devices (Q3) 1.61 1.35
Full Line Insurance DJUSIF 53.83 + 2.76 15.86 +5.40 [6] +70.48 [9] +41.77 [6] +3.98 53.83 26.85 Sep 07 '21 0.04 0.03 .... 0.03 Brinker International (Q4) 1.70 -0.88
Railroads DJUSRR 3355.79+ 141.10 386.53 +4.39 [7] +28.91 [84] +13.02 [95] +16.08 3,445.71 2,479.11 Sep 09 '21 0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.03 Cisco Systems (Q4) 0.83 0.80
Mortgage Finance DJUSMF 9.09 + .36 1.39 +4.16 [8] +44.76 [41] +18.06 [59] +5.06 9.29 6.00 Sep 14 '21 0.04 0.03 .... 0.03
Commercial Vehicles DJUSHR 3370.93+ 134.00 643.85 +4.14 [9] +52.96 [22] +23.61 [39] +21.30 3,604.32 2,171.00 Sep 16 '21 0.04 0.03 .... 0.03 Lowe’s (Q2) 3.98 3.75
Food Producers DJUSFO 447.17 + 15.92 33.10 +3.69 [10] +11.77 [126] +7.99 [109] +6.97 471.68 374.65 Sep 21 '21 0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.03 Target (Q2) 3.45 3.38
Sep 23 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Food Products DJUSFP 618.72 + 22.03 45.80 +3.69 [11] +11.77 [127] +7.99 [110] +6.97 652.64 518.38
Sep 28 '21 0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.03
TJX (Q2) 0.57 -0.18
Furnishings DJUSFH 513.96 + 18.16 149.60 +3.66 [12] +90.46 [7] +41.06 [7] +12.22 540.69 267.68 Sep 30 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Business Training DJUSBE 219.57 + 7.50 63.80 +3.54 [13] +61.06 [15] +40.95 [8] +9.76 219.57 121.31
Oct 05 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Containers & Packaging DJUSCP 527.49 + 17.97 50.75 +3.53 [14] +35.19 [61] +10.64 [100] +13.01 553.48 383.34 Oct 07 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 Applied Materials (Q3) 1.77 1.06
Nonferrous Metals DJUSNF 509.66 + 16.59 161.59 +3.36 [15] +176.29 [2] +46.43 [4] +36.68 599.28 184.33 Oct 12 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 BJ’s Wholesale (Q2) 0.63 0.77
Trucking DJUSTK 1385.46 + 44.13 283.03 +3.29 [16] +25.68 [95] +25.67 [29] +18.23 1,409.07 1,030.81 Oct 14 '21 0.06 0.05 .... 0.05
Oct 21 '21 0.06 0.05 0.01 0.05
Kohl’s (Q2) 1.17 -0.25
Home Construction DJUSHB 1567.12 + 46.63 422.68 +3.07 [17] +36.18 [59] +36.93 [12] +27.59 1,639.26 1,079.58
Insurance Brokers DJUSIB 538.63 + 15.58 107.82 +2.98 [18] +30.12 [76] +25.03 [33] +21.98 538.63 375.96 Oct 28 '21 0.06 0.05 .... 0.05 Macy’s (Q2) 0.19 -0.81
Nov 04 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Industrial Transportation DJUSIT 1671.25 + 48.39 218.18 +2.98 [19] +29.37 [80] +15.01 [78] +14.83 1,755.90 1,278.45 Nov 12 '21 0.06 0.05 .... 0.05 F
Food Retailers & Whlslrs DJUSFD 736.46 + 20.01 115.59 +2.79 [20] +34.15 [64] +18.62 [57] +20.49 736.46 552.71 Nov 18 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 Deere (Q3) 4.55 2.57
Net Change % Change and Ranking 52 Week Nov 26 '21 0.05 0.04 -0.01 0.04
Top 20 Yr Ago Ranked IG-Sym Close Wkly YTD Week Rank Yr Ago Rank YTD Rank 3 Yr High Low
Foot Locker (Q2) 0.97 0.71
Dec 02 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Dec 09 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 (Earnings are diluted and report dates are tentative. All fore-
Aluminum DJUSAL 154.58 + 15.51 75.84 +11.15 [3] +216.99 [1] +96.31 [2] +2.87 154.58 38.91
Dec 16 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 casts and historical numbers exclude extraordinary items by
Nonferrous Metals DJUSNF 509.66 + 16.59 161.59 +3.36 [15] +176.29 [2] +46.43 [4] +36.68 599.28 184.33 accounting definitions.)
Industrial Metals & Mining DJUSIM 419.69 + 38.53 176.84 +10.11 [4] +148.20 [3] +72.82 [3] +22.36 427.18 166.05 Dec 23 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Dec 30 '21 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 Source: FactSet
Steel DJUSST 445.96 + 62.54 222.87 +16.31 [1] +128.30 [4] +99.90 [1] +17.19 445.96 186.84 Jan 06 '22 0.05 0.04 -0.01 0.04
Automobiles DJUSAU 920.70 + 15.53 59.41 +1.72 [42] +114.40 [5] +6.90 [117] +66.35 1,077.96 436.14 Jan 13 '22 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Automobiles & Parts DJUSAP 1088.43 + 16.02 79.01 +1.49 [47] +101.15 [6] +7.83 [111] +47.93 1,239.34 548.23 Jan 20 '22 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04
Furnishings DJUSFH 513.96 + 18.16 149.60 +3.66 [12] +90.46 [7] +41.06 [7] +12.22 540.69 267.68 Jan 27 '22 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 INFLATION-INDEXED TREASURY
Transportation Svcs DJUSTS 372.96 + 37.77 93.33 +11.27 [2] +86.28 [8] +33.38 [18] +8.83 372.96 187.28 Feb 03 '22 0.05 0.04 -0.01 0.04
Full Line Insurance DJUSIF 53.83 + 2.76 15.86 +5.40 [6] +70.48 [9] +41.77 [6] +3.98 53.83 26.85 Feb 10 '22 0.05 0.04 .... 0.04 SECURITIES
Investment Svcs DJUSSB 1958.70 + 35.44 489.58 +1.84 [38] +65.97 [10] +33.33 [19] +18.48 1,976.62 1,104.79 Feb 24 '22 0.05 0.04 -0.01 0.04
Mar 24 '22 0.05 0.04 -0.01 0.04 Accr.
Heavy Construction DJUSHV 710.06 + 14.23 158.76 +2.04 [31] +65.91 [11] +28.80 [26] +17.63 762.49 406.26 Rate Mat. Bid/Asked Chg. *Yld Prin.
Apr 21 '22 0.06 0.05 .... 0.05
Basic Resources DJUSBS 311.37 + 18.85 92.12 +6.44 [5] +64.94 [12] +42.01 [5] +18.97 336.43 180.64 May 19 '22 0.07 0.06 .... 0.06 0.125 01/22 101-12/14 – 9 -3.339 1194
Footwear DJUSFT 3127.80 – 19.72 591.85 –.63 [114] +62.87 [13] +23.34 [41] +28.27 3,164.54 1,903.46 Jun 16 '22 0.07 0.06 .... 0.06 0.125 04/22 101-27/29 – 7 -2.701 1111
Banks DJUSBK 573.40 + 11.30 138.82 +2.01 [32] +61.86 [14] +31.94 [22] +6.10 594.73 312.83 Jul 14 '22 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.07 0.125 07/22 102-27/29 – 4 -2.983 1175
Business Training DJUSBE 219.57 + 7.50 63.80 +3.54 [13] +61.06 [15] +40.95 [8] +9.76 219.57 121.31 Aug 11 '22 0.08 0.07 .... 0.07 0.125 01/23 103-27/29 – 1 -2.566 1170
Real Estate Holding & Dev DJUSEH 71.90 – 2.36 9.36 –3.18 [137] +59.19 [16] +14.96 [79] –10.72 87.75 43.33 0.625 04/23 105-04/06 – 3 -2.411 1087
Asset Managers DJUSAG 303.69 + 3.27 76.35 +1.09 [57] +57.77 [17] +33.58 [17] +14.43 305.01 172.72 0.375 07/23 105-26/28 – 2 -2.593 1161
0.625 01/24 107-10/12 – 2 -2.322 1158
Internet DJUSNS 3757.53 + 19.25 1,041.75 +.51 [76] +57.64 [18] +38.36 [10] +28.26 3,804.05 2,263.17 NYSE HALF-HOURLY VOLUME 0.500 04/24 107-14/16 – 2 -2.172 1071
Retail REITs DJUSRL 98.24 – .08 27.04 –.08 [105] +57.02 [19] +37.98 [11] –2.65 99.07 55.66 0.125 07/24 107-14/16 ... -2.347 1138
Construction & Materials DJUSCN 1314.06 + 18.28 344.07 +1.41 [48] +56.41 [20] +35.47 [16] +25.03 1,319.16 821.32 Daily 8/09 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 0.125 10/24 107-21/23 – 3 -2.214 1053
Groups are weighted by capitalization. 52-week highs and lows are based on daily closes. Dec. 31, 1991=100. In the U.S. listings, % vol chg 0.250 01/25 108-08/10 – 1 -2.091 1140
column shows the change from previous 65-day moving average. Volume figures do not reflect extended trading hours. 9:30-10:00 106,606 116,234 109,765 103,343 87,702 2.375 01/25 115-31/01 – 2 -2.130 1433
10:00-10:30 44,559 54,230 42,577 42,006 40,374 *Yld. to maturity on accrued principal.

10:30-11:00 38,802 50,126 40,240 35,705 30,725

AMERICAN DEBT AND DEFICITS 11:00-11:30 33,329 40,388 34,981 31,446 28,445
Latest Preceding Year AgoYear over Year 11:30-12:00 28,491 34,228 31,535 25,812 22,962
Report Report Report % Chg 12:00-12:30 25,712 29,491 26,307 24,785 20,833 Initial Most
Federal Budget Deficit (bil. $)-a ......................................... 920FY'22 966FY'21 1,083FY'20 …. 12:30-1:00 23,135 25,989 23,923 21,193 19,243 Ticker Offer IPO Recent %
Budget Surplus/Deficit (bil. $)-b, July ............................... –302.05 –174.16 –62.99 379.52 1:00-1:30 23,305 26,703 25,935 24,210 19,351 Code Price Date Price Chg
Trade Deficit (bil. $, sa)-c, June........................................... –75.75 r-70.99 –50.68 49.47 1:30-2:00 24,383 29,090 24,643 22,011 19,512
Dermata Therapeutics DRMA 7.00 8/13 5.19 -25.9%
Treasury Gross Public Debt. (bil. $)-d ............................... 28,427.7 28,427.7 26,488.8 7.32 2:00-2:30 23,174 27,583 25,088 24,016 21,425
Treasury Statutory Debt Limit (bil. $)-d............................. 28,401.5 28,401.5 …. …. Southern States Banc SSBK 19.00 8/12 19.30 1.6%
2:30-3:00 25,745 25,614 25,852 22,377 22,211
Consumer Installment Debt (bil. $)-e, June ..................... 4,318.6 r4,281.0 4,126.6 4.65 3:00-3:30 31,868 31,024 32,366 29,078 29,591 PONO Capital PONOU 10.00 8/10 10.04 0.4%
Sources: a-Office of Management and Budget, b-Monthly Treasury Statement, c-Monthly Commerce Dept. Report, d-Daily Treasury 3:30-4:00 307,642 300,862 304,893 286,377 273,925 Eliem Therapeutics ELYM 12.50 8/9 14.45 15.6%
Statement, e-Monthly Federal Reserve Release.


Only includes new reports. Latest Latest Preceding Year YroYr Latest Latest Preceding Year YroYr
Economic Growth and Investment Date Data Period Ago % Chg Date Data Period Ago % Chg

No Activity for this Week Inflation

Production JOC–ECRI Industrial Price Index f .................................................. Aug 13 145.57 146.09 85.76 69.74
Electric power, (mil. kw hrs) (EEI) .................................................. Aug 7 86,013 93,196 85,979 0.04 Consumer price index b (unadjusted) ............................................ July 273.0 271.7 259.1 5.36
Petroleum, related capacity, % ...................................................... Aug 6 91.8 91.3 81.0 13.33 Producer price index (finished goods) c ......................................... July 221.0 219.7 202.7 9.03
Rotary rigs running, U.S. & Can., (Hughes) .................................... Aug 13 664 647 298 122.82 Rate of inflation, % (annual, unadjusted)........................................ July 5.4 5.4 1.0 ….
Steel, (thous. tons) ........................................................................ Aug 7 1,872 1,876 1,354 38.26
Steel, rated capacity, % (AISI)........................................................ Aug 7 84.8 85.0 60.4 40.40
Initial jobless claims (thous.) ........................................................ Aug 7 375 r387 883 –57.53
Consumption and Distribution
Continuing claims (mil.) ................................................................ July 31 2.866 r2.980 15.303 –81.27
Instinet Research Redbook Avg. (monthly %) ................................ Aug 7 –0.33 –1.89 6.39 …. Job openings, (thous.) .................................................................. June 10,073 r9,483 6,112 64.81
Baltic Dry Index ............................................................................. Aug 13 3,566 3,371 1,577 126.13 Hires, (thous.) ............................................................................... June 6,719 r6,022 7,697 –12.71
Inventories Total separations, (thous.)............................................................. June 5,584 r5,330 5,180 7.80
Help Wanted Online –Ads (thous,) ................................................. July 8,061.8 7,775.5 4,379.4 84.08
Domestic crude oil, (thous. bbls) Comm. (Excl. Lease Stck) ........... Aug 6 438,777 439,225 514,084 –14.65 Small Business Optimism Index .................................................... July 99.7 102.5 98.8 0.91
Gasoline, (thous. bbls) .................................................................. Aug 6 227,469 228,870 247,084 –7.94
No Activity for this Week
No Activity for this Week
Other Indicators
Citi Research Panic–Euphoria Reading .......................................... Aug 13 1.03 r1.00 0.58 ….
No Activity for this Week a-1997 equals 100. b-1982-84 equals 100. c-1982 equals 100. f-1996 equals 100. h-benchmark revision, 2016 equals 100. r-Revised.
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M37

Market Laboratory
Weekly Comp. NYSE NYSE Amer Nasdaq ChesapeakeEner FultonFinlPfdA TravelCenters BIMI Intl GloryStarNewMedia NatrlOrderAcqnWt Talkspace BlackSpadeAcqn FactSet MotorolaSol Textainer
ChesapeakeWtA Garmin MonsterBev TriumphBncpPfdC Biodesix GMedInnovWt NautilusBiotech TangoTherapeutics BlkRkCapEnIncoFd FidNatlFin Movado Textron
New Highs 376 15 359 Children'sPlace GileadSciences MonteRosaTherap TRowePrice BiomeaFusion GobiAcqn NektarTherap TCV Acqn BlackRockFRIncm FirstAmerFin NatlStorage ThermoFisherSci
New Lows 128 30 361 ChipMOSTechs GladstoneAcqn MrCooper UltaBeauty Biophytis GoHealth NeptuneWellness TD Holdings BlackRock FirstEagleAltNts26 NaturalResPtrs ThomsonReuters
CiscoSystems GladstoneInvt MYR Group Umpqua bluebirdbio GoldenPath Neurocrine Teligent BlkRkIncmTr FirstHorizonPfdE NatWest TimkenSteel
NYSE AMER CivistaBcshrs GlblConsumerA Nasdaq UnionBankshares BlueCity GoldenPathWt NightDragon TFF Pharm BlkRkLngTrm Muni FT EnhEquity NexPointRealEst Torrid
CleanTechWt GlbXAgTech NationalVision Uniti BlueHatInt GoresTechA NightDragonA TherapeuticsMD BlkRkDurInco Tr Fortive Nucor Traeger
ClearBrDivStrat GlbXAI&Tech Navient UnityBancorp BlueSafariA GoresTechPtrs Nikola TheravanceBio BlkRkMultiIT FortressTransPfdA NuvCoreEqAlpha TriNet
AbrdnGlobIncFd DE CO MuniFd InvescoAdvMuniII Servotronics
CntlValCmntyBk GlbXAuto&Elc NavientNts2043 Upstart BlueWhaleAcqnI GreenVisionAcqn Oatly ThunderBridgeIV BlkRkMuniIncm FortressTransPfC NuvDow30Dyn TysonFoods
AeroCentury EtnVncLtdFd PacGE pfI StandardLithium Cohbar GlbXBlockchain NicholasFin USCenturyBank BridgetownWt GreenVisionAcqn OmegaAlpha TitanPharm BlkRkMuni2030 GMS NuvNY AMTFrMuni UBS Group
CentralSecs EtnVncNY MIT PioneerDivHiIncm WellsFargoIncOpp CommunityFin GlbXCleanWater NocturneAcqn VanEckBiotech BridgfordFoods Grifols Oncorus TizianaLifeSci BlkrckMunHlCAQlty GP Strategies NuvPA QualMuni UGI
CloughGlblDiv EvolveTransit ReavesUtilFd ConcretePumping GlbXConsciousCos NortheastBank VanEckPharm BroadscaleAcqnA GroceryOutlet Optinose TPBAcqnI BlkRkVA Muni GSquaredIIWt NuvPfd&IncmOpps UnderArmour C
NEW LOWS ConnectBiopharma GlbXDataCtr Novanta VangdIntlDivApp BrooklineCapWt GroupNineA OrchardTherap TradeUP A BluegreenVac GXO Logistics NuvPfd&IncmSecs UnitedRentals
ActiniumPharm cbdMD PfdA GreatPanther NovaGoldRscs ConnectOneBncp GlbXS&P500Catholic NovaVisionAcqn VangdRuss1000 CaladriusBiosci HamiltonLaneI OrionBiotechOpps TreaceMed BoulderGrowth GabelliDividend NuvS&P500BuyWrt UrstadtBiddle
AlexcoRes EquinoxGold IntlTowerHill PacGE pfD ConsumerPtfo GlobalConsumer NuvNasd100Dyn VangdRuss1000Val CalavoGrowers HappinessBiotech Otonomy TreanInsurance BridgeInvt GabelliUtility NuvVA QualMuni VEREIT
AltisourceAsset ExcellonRes LairdSuperfood PacGE pfH ConyersParkIIIAcqn GlobalWaterRscs NXP Semi VangdRuss3000 CareMax HarpoonTherap OutsetMedical Trevena BrightSphere Gannett OGE Energy VTEX
AmerGold&Silver FuryGoldMines MovingiMage ParamountGoldNV CornerGrowth2 A GlXNasd100CCGrw OaktreeSpec VerraMobility CarLotz HealthAssurance OxbridgeAcqn TridentAcqns BrightSphereNts31 Gartner OntoInnovation Vedanta
B2Gold GalataAcqn NewBeginnings ProtalixBio CornerGrowth2Wt GoldenPath OceanTechI Vicor CarrolsRestr HeronTherap Paccar TrilliumTherap BroadridgeFinl GenAmInv Oracle Veritiv
BiomX GalianoGold NewGold SilvercorpMetals Cortexyme GreenPlains OceanTechI A VicShDivAccel CatalystPtrsWt HomePtCap PAE Wt Broadstone GeneralDynamics Orix Victoria'sSecret
BiomXWt GoldResource NewPacificMetals TanzanianGold Costco GreenVisionAcqn OFSCapital VicShUS500EnhVol CellectarBiosci Honest PanAmerSilver TroikaMedia BrookfieldMgt Genpact PIMCOCAMuni VirtusAllConv2024
CaledoniaMining Goldmining CountyBancorp GreenVisionAcqnRt OldDomFreight VicShUS500Vol Cellectis Hookipa PanbelaTherap TuSimple BurlingtonStrs Gildan PIMCOCAMuniII VirtusDivInt
CPI Card GrowthCapA OpenText VicShUSMultMin Celularity HothTherap PassageBio uCloudlink
NASDAQ CRA Intl GrowthCapWt OramedPharms VictoryCapital CENAQEnergyUn HuadiIntl Payoneer UTime
CBRE Clarion
CI Financial
CreditAcceptance HackettGroup OrthoPediatrics VirtusTerraUSQual CFFinAcqnIII HudsonExecII A Pennant VastaPlatform CONSOL Energy Globant PIMCO IncmStrFdII WNS
CrineticsPharm HarvardBioSci OxbridgeAcqn WahedFTSEUSAShar CFFinanceIII HuizeHolding PetVivoWt VectivBio CRH GoldmanSachs PIMCO StratIncmFd Wabtec
10XCapVentureIIUn DecarbPlusIV HVBancorp Paylocity
Crocs Headhunter OxfordLanePfd2027 WeycoGroup CFFinanceIIIWt HycroftMining PharmaCyteBiotech VectoIQ II CS Disco GoldmanSachsPfA PaycomSoftware WasteMgt
AbriSpacI DermataTherap ImpelNeuro PCB Bancorp
CytekBiosci HealthwellAcqnI OxfordSquareNts28 WilliamPennBncp ChardanNexTech2 HycroftMiningWt Pharming VectoIQII A CapitalOne GoldmanSachsPfD PeabodyEnergy Waters
AdagioTherap Descartes IN8bio PeapackGladFinl
Cytokinetics HeliosTechnologies PAM Transport WisdTrUSQltyDiv ChemomabTherap iClickInteract PhioPharm VelodyneLidar CapOnePfdN GraniteREIT Pentair WattsWater
Adobe DiamondHillInvt InfoSvcsGrp Perficient
DA32LifeSci Heska PapaJohn's WT US Growth ChinaJoJoDrug IkenaOncology PHPVenturesAcqnUn View Capri GreatAjax Pfizer Weber
ADP DilaCapital Innoviva PetVivoWt
Daseke HillmanSolns PAVmed XomaPfdB Chindata Imara Playstudios Vimeo Carlisle GreatAjaxNts24 PhilipMorris WellsFargo
Adtran DocuSign InterParfums PFSweb
Datadog HillmanSolnsWt PAVmedWtZ XpacAcqn CimComm IN8bio PlaystudiosWt VintageWineEstates CarriageSvcs GuggEnhEquFd PIMCO GlbStckplus WescoIntl
AdvShDorseyADR DynavaxTechs IntersectENT Phenixfin
DatChat HMN Fin Paychex ZebraTech CMC Materials Incyte PlumAcqnIA ViveveMedical Carvana HancockPfdIncm PIMCO IncStrFd WestPharmSvcs
AerSaleWt EagleBancorp Intuit PhillipsEdison
DayOneBiopharm HoughtonMifflin PaycorHCM CodexDNA IndaptusTherap PonoCapitalUn VoyagerTherap ChartIndustries HancockPfdIncmII PioneerHiIncmFd WstAstHIF II
AGBAAcquisition eBay IntuitiveSurgical PHPVenturesAcqnUn NEW LOWS ContextLogic InhibikaseTherap PopCulture VyneTherap ChesapeakeUtil HancockTaxAdvDiv PioneerMunHi Wipro
Agenus EliemTherap InvscBuyBackAch PilgrimPride 10XCapVentureIIUn CymaBayTherap iShCore1-5YUSDBd QIWI CONX InnovAge PortageFintech Waitr Chubb HercHoldings PiperSandler WorldQuantumGwthUn
Agrify EncoreWire InvscDivAchvrs PinnacleFinPtrs 1LifeHealthcare CytomXTherap ItamarMedical RackspaceTech ConyersParkIIIAcqn IntegralAd Poshmark WalkMe CincinnatiBell HighlandGlbAlloc PowerSchool XPO Logistics
AlkalineWater EnstarPfdD InvscDWAFinMom PonoCapitalUn CyxteraTech JawsJuggernautA RapidMicro CorazonV838 A Inventiva PraxisPrecision CleanHarbors Hubbell PrefApartment Xylem
Alkermes Erasca InvscDWAMom PortmanRidge 23andMe DatChat JawsJuggernautWt RelmadaTherap CornerGrowth2 A InvscBS2021MuniBd Progenity Yunji ClearSecure HubSpot PPlus RRD-1 YumBrands
AlliedHealthcare EuropeanWax InvscGlblWater PrincipalQual 908Devices DecarbPlusIV Joyy ResearchFrontiers CornerGrowth2Wt InvscBull2021CpBd ProShUltShNdBtech ZealandPharma Cleveland-Cliffs ICICI Bank PrestigeCnsHlth ZipRecruiter
AlnylamPharm Exelon InvscNasdaqBiotech PrinUSMega AbriSpacI DecipheraPharm JupiterAcqn RevolutionMed CorvusPharm InvscBull2024CpBd ProspectorCap Ziopharm NEW LOWS
AltairEngg ExlService InvscR1000LoBeta ProShNasd100DW ABVC Bio DermataTherap JupiterWellness RISE Education CoupaSoftware iQIYI ProtaraTherap ZivoBiosci AccelerateA EG Acqn KinrossGold RiceAcqnII A
AmerantBncpA Exponent InvscWaterRscs ProtagonistTherap AcadiaPharm DiamedicaTherap Kamada RiverviewAcqnUn CSX SilverETN iRhythmTechs Pulmatrix Zogenix AcropolisInfr EldoradoGold LightInTheBox SelectQuote
AmerantBncpB ExtremeNetworks IQChaikinUSLC Pwr&DigitalA AccelerateDiag DiffusionPharm KaryopharmTherap RMGAcqnII CSXLGoldCvETN AdvancedMerg ElliottOppII LiveOakMobilityA SilvergatePfdA
Amerco FFBW IronwoodPharm Pwr&DigitalWt AchillesTherap DigitalAlly Katapult RMGAcqnIIA Aenza EnelChile MinisoGroup SkillzWt
FidelityNasdaq iShBiotech
FifthThirdPfdB iShCoreS&PUSGrowth
AdicetBio DilaCapitalWt KatapultWt RMGAcqnIII A NYSE AfterNextHealth EntergyMS Bds MarineProducts SocialCapHedIV
AdventTech DouYuIntl KhoslaVentures RockwellMedical AjaxI ErosSTX MeridianLink SocialCapHedIV A
Apria FifthWall I iShESGAdvMSCI RamacoRscs AegleaBioTherap E-HomeHousehold KiniksaPharm Root NEW HIGHS AltC Acqn FinanceofAm NGL Energy SocialCapHedVI A
ArchCapital FinInstitutions iShESGAdvUSA RaniTherap AGM Eargo KrispyKreme RxSight ABB Cloudflare IDT Prologis AltimeterGrw2 FirstRepBkPfdM NaviosMaritime Spotify
ArmadaAcqnUn FirstAdvantage iShESGAwareUSA Repligen AkeroTherap ECMOHO KronosBio ScIONTechGrowthI Aflac Coca-Cola Femsa Infosys PublicServiceEnt AngloGoldAsh ForestRoad II NavSightA Squarespace
AsureSoftware FirstBancshares iShESGIUSALdrs RepublicBcpKYA Akoya EcoWavePower KuraOncology SecooHolding AG Mortgage PfdB C&S CEOppFd IngersollRand PutnmMunOpp ArctosNthStar ForestRoadII A Nevro SummitHotelPfdF
Atlanticus FirstBusFinSvcs iShIndia50ETF RichmondMutBncp AllogeneTherap EdgewiseTherap LakeshoreI Wt Sentage ARC Document Cohen&Steers InnovativeIndProp QuestDiag AusterlitzII A FortunaSilver NordicAmTankers SunstoneHotelPfdI
AtlasAir FirstInternetNts iShMSCI ACWI RothCHAcqnIV AlsetEHome EducDev Latham SeresTherap A10Networks C&S QuIncmRlty InsightSelIncm RH Autohome FutureFuel NuvationBio Supernova III A
AtlasTech FirstSavingsFin iShRuss1000PureUS Saia AltimeterGrw eHealth LavaTherap SesenBio AberdeenIncmPfdA Colfax Insperity Ranpak BaxterIntl GSquaredII ON24 TPG RE FinPfdC
Autodesk FiveBelow JawsHurricaneA SandersonFarms AlzamendNeuro EledonPharm LifeStanceHealth SharecareWt Accenture CommercialMetals InsteelInds RaymondJames BlkRk2022GlbIncm GSquaredIIA Oi TailwindTwoA
AvidBioservices FloraGrowth JawsHurricaneWt SBA Comm Amedisys EliemTherap LiminalBioSci SingularGenomics AdamsDivEquityFd CompassDiversif IntlFlavors RealtyIncome BlueRiverAcqn GSquaredIIWt OneConnectFinTech Team
AvistaPublicII Flywire JawsJuggernautA SCWorx AmericanPubEdu EliteEduc LionGroup SmartShareGlbl AdvanSix ConcordAcqn Interpublic RepublicSvcs BluescapeOppsWt GabelliMultRt OppFi TortoiseEcofinIII
Axonics Fortinet JawsJuggernautWt SelectInterior AmericanWoodmark EnergyFocus LiqTechIntl SmileDirectClub AfterNextHealth ConcordAcqnA InvescoCAValueMun ResMed BoqiiHolding GlobeLifeDeb2061 OscarHealth TrepontAcqnI A
AxonPrime FstCmntyBcsh JerashHldgs SelectiveIns AppHarvest EnsysceBio LiveVox SocCapSuvrettaI AgilentTechs Cooper InvescoMuni RetailValue BostonBeer HUYA OsirisAcqnWt twoA
B.RileyNts2026 FT CapStrength Joint SelectiveInsPfdB AppliedOptoelec EnvericBiosci LixteBiotech SocCapSuvrettaII Albemarle Core&Main InvscPaValueMun Rexnord BroadmarkRltyWt HarmonyGold PLDT US BancorpPfdF
BankwellFin FT DevIntlEquity JupiterAcqn SesenBio ApreaTherap Epizyme LogisticsInnovA SocCapSuvrettaIII Albertsons Coresite InvescoInvGradeMun RiceAcqnII A Buenaventura Hims&HersHealth PebblebrookPfdH USHG Acqn A
BeautyHealth FT DorseyDyn5 Kaltura Shyft AptoseBiosci ErieIndemnity A Longeveron SocCapSuvrettaIV Alcoa Crane iStar RiceAcqnII Wt CMSEngyPfdC Hippo PeridotAcqnIIA UpHealth
BeautyHealthWt FT DorseyFoc5 Kulicke&Soffa SignatureBank Aravive EtonPharm LordstownMotors SocTelemed AlphaMetal Cullen/FrostPfdB J Alexander's RiverNDoubleLine Cango HoeghLNG Ptrs PershingSquare VEREIT Pfd F
BioLifeSols FT DorseyWright LakeshoreI A SimplifyNasd100Dw Ardelyx EverQuote LumosPharma SocTelemedWt Ameren DCPMidstrmPfdB JamesHardie RiverNorthFlexMuni CasperSleep HoeghLNG PfdA PineIslandA VirginGrpII A
BioNTech FT DW Mom&Low LaureateEduc SiTime ArenaPharm EvofemBiosci MacondrayCapI SoftwareII A AmericaMovil A Danaher JanusHenderson RiverNthMgdDur CementosPacasm HorizonII A PineIslandWt VyGlblGrowth
BlueFoundryBncp FT LC CoreAlpha LegatoMerger SnapOne AridisPharm Exicure MadrigalPharm SolenoTherap AmericaMovil DanaherPfdA JanusInternational RivernorthOppsFd ChurchillVII A IONGeophysical PostHldgsA WashingtonPrmPfH
BlueWhaleAcqnI FT LC GrwthAlpha LegatoMerger SouthernStatesBcsh ArmadaAcqnUn EyegatePharm MarketWiseWt SonnetBio AmerFinDeb2060 DanaherPfdB JanusIntlWt RobertHalf CoeurMining IamGold PretiumRscs WashingtonPrmPfI
BRP Group FT LC US Equity LegatoMergerWt SpearAlpha ATAI Life FangddNetwork MartenTransport SouthernStatesBcsh AmFinDeb DelawareIvyHi JefferiesFin RockleyPhotonics ColombierAcqnWt IntercorpFinSvcs ProspectCapPfdA WashingtonPrime
C&F Fin FT MC US Equity LeggMasonLVHD Sphere3D Aterian FedNat MedAvail SoYoungIntl AIG Dick's J&J RockleyPhotonicsWt Colonnade II A JATT Acqn Puxin Waterdrop
CadenceDesign FT Nasd100xTech LibertyGlobal A SproutSocial AudioEye FibroGen MedicennaTherap SpectrumPharm Ameriprise Dillard's JohnsonControls Rockwell DPCM Cap Wt KE Holdings QTSRealtyPfdA WstAstDivIncmFd
CalamosConvOp FT NasdClEdSmGr LibertyGlobal C Stagwell AveannaHealth FinServ II A MediciNova SPK Acqn Amphenol DiscoverFinSvcs JonesLang RossAcqnIIWt DesktopMetal KensingtonCapAcqnV Q2Holdings WilliamsRowland
CandelTherap FT NasdTechDiv LifetimeBrands SteelDynamics AvePoint FirstCapital MediromHlthcr SPK Acqn Rt AnnalyCapPfdF Dole JPMorganPfdMM RoyalBkCanada Dingdong KingswoodA RedBallAcqnA WorldQuantumGwthUn
CapitalaFinNts22 FT RBA AmerInd LincolnElectric StepStone AvistaPublicII FiveStarSrLiving MelcoResorts SpokHoldings AnnalyCapPfdG DollarGeneral KKR RoyceGlbValueTr Dun&Bradstreet KingswoodWt RibbitLeapWt ZetaGlobal
CaribouBio FT RiverFrDynDev LoganRidgeFin SummitHlthcrWt AVROBIO FlexionTherap MetroMile SpruceBio AnnalyCapPfdI Donaldson KennedyWilson RyanSpecialty
CatalystPharma FT RiverFrDynEur LogisticsInnovA AxonPrime FoghornTherap MetroMileWt StokeTherap Aon Dover KenonHoldings RyersonHolding
CavcoIndustries FT SC US Equity MagicSoftware TaskUs AxsomeTherap FreelineTherap MinervaNeurosci StryveFoods AptivPfdA DoverMotorsports KensingtonCapAcqnV STAG Indl
CDW FT SwitzAlpha ManhattanAssoc TCG BDC AytuBioPharma FT EM LocalCurr Missfresh SummitHlthcrWt Aptiv Doximity KimcoRealty SandbridgeX2Wt DISTRIBUTIONS & OFFERINGS
CENAQEnergyUn FT TotalUSMkt MaravaiLifeSci Tecnoglass BaoshengMedia FT EnhShtMat MolecularData Surrozen ArcelorMittal DriveShackPfdD Kroger SandRidgeEnergy
CenturyTherap FTDorseyDALI1 MetroCityBkshs TenayaTherap Baozun GainTherap MoleculinBiotech SVF Invt ArcelorMittalNts EPAM Systems LSB Inds SantanderCons Secondary Distributions of common stocks
ChardanNexTech2 FTIndiaNifty50EW MGE Energy ThunderBridgeIV BaudaxBio GenoceaBiosci MotorsportGames SVF Invt ArchResources EagleMaterials L3HarrisTech SculptorCapMgmt BioVie 2,500,000 $8.00 $20,000,000
CharterComms FTIndxxInnTran Microsoft TPBAcqnI BelongAcqn Genprex MountainCrestIII SVF Invt 2 AresMgmt EaglePointIncome LendingClub Sea BrightSpire Capital 9,487,500 $9.00 $85,387,500
ChavantCap FTIntlDevCapStr ModelPerformRt Tradeweb BerkshireGrey Geron NabrivaTherap SVF Invt 3 ArlingtonAsstNt25 Eaton Lennar B SealedAir
ChemungFinl FulcrumTherap Moderna Transcat BFC Cap Pfd GlbXEdu NatrlOrderAcqn TalisBiomed ArmstrongWorld EtnVncBuyWrite LexingtonRealty ServiceCorp Cushman & Wakefield plc 12,500,000 $18.45 $230,625,000
Asana EtnVncEqtyInco EliLilly SherwinWilliams Easterly Government Properties 6,300,000 $21.75 $137,025,000
Assurant EtnVncEqtyInco II Lindsay SimonPropWt
First Republic Bank 2,000,000 $195.15 $390,300,000
CONFERENCE CALL CALENDAR AssuredGuarNts EtnVncFR IT Livent SimonPropPfdJ
AthenePfdA EtnVncSrIT Luby's SkylineChamp Fulcrum Therapeutics 6,600,000 $19.00 $125,400,000
Atkore EtnVncShrtDur MFS HiYldMuni Snap Gates Industrial plc 25,000,000 $16.00 $400,000,000
Earnings - Related Avantor EtnVncTxAdvGbl MagnumOpusA SpecialOpFd
Company Date Time Earnings-Related Period AvantorPfdA EtnVncTxAdvOpp Manning&Napier StateStreet Health Catalyst 4,245,283 $53.00 $224,999,999
BCE EtnVncTxMgd Markel SteelPartners KnowBe4 10,430,910 $20.75 $216,441,383
Agilent Technologies August 17 3:30PM Q3 BJ'sWholesale EtnVncByWrFd Marsh&McLen Stellantis
Analog Devices August 18 9:00AM Q3 Lightspeed Commerce 7,700,000 $93.00 $716,100,000
BNYM StratMuni EtnVncTxMnGlDvEq MartinMarietta Steris
Cisco Systems August 18 3:30PM Q4 BancoBilbaoViz EtnVncTxAdvDiv MechelPfd Stevanato OneMain 7,000,000 $57.30 $401,100,000
Home Depot August 17 8:00AM Q2 BankofAmPfd1 EdwardsLife Meredith STMicroelec PetVivo 2,500,000 $4.50 $11,250,000
Jack Henry & Associates August 18 7:45AM Q4 BankofAmPfd2 EmersonElec MetalsAcqn SynchronyFin
PharmaCyte Biotech 3,529,412 $4.25 $15,000,001
BankNY Mellon Endava Metlife pfA TE Connectivity
NVIDIA August 18 4:00PM Q2 BaringsBDC Entravision MetropolitanBk Ternium SVB Financial 2,227,000 $564.00 $1,256,028,000
Ross Stores August 19 3:15PM Q2 BaringsCorpInv EssentialProp MettlerToledo Target TransAct Technologies 732,500 $14.50 $10,621,250
Walmart August 17 7:00AM Q2 BaringsPartInv Evergy MexEqIncoFd TejonRanch
Belden Evertec Moelis TeklaHealthcare WP Carey 5,175,000 $78.00 $403,650,000
Source: CCBN,
Bio-RadLab A EvolentHealth MS India TeklaHlthcrOppsFd ZoomInfo Technologies 20,000,000 $63.00 $1,260,000,000
BlackHills EvoquaWater MorganStanley TempurSealy Source: Dealogic LLC, New York City; (212) 577-4400.
M38 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

Market Laboratory
Latest Prev. Yr Ago Readings in the CBOE equity put-call ratio of 60:100 Friday, August 13, 2021 Foreign Foreign U.S. $ in U.S. $ in
Week Week and in the S&P 100 of 125:100 are considered bullish, The New York foreign exchange mid-range rates are quoted at 5 Currency Currency Foreign Foreign
p.m. Eastern time by Tullett Prebon. Retail transactions pro- in U.S.$ in U.S.$ Currency Currency
Discount Rate (NY) 0.25 0.25 0.25 for instance. Bearish signals flash when the equity Country Fri. Last Fri. Fri. Last Fri.
put-call level reaches the vicinity of 30:100 and the vide fewer units of foreign currency per dollar.
Prime Rate (base) 3.25 3.25 3.25 index ratio hits 75:100. Foreign Foreign U.S. $ in U.S. $ in South Korea (Won) .0008603 .0008727 1162.36 1145.93
Currency Currency Foreign Foreign
Fed Funds Rate in U.S.$ in U.S.$ Currency Currency Sri Lanka (Rupee) .0050 .0050 199.7200 199.4900
Avg effective offer 0.10 0.10 0.10 S&P 100 CBOE Country Fri. Last Fri. Fri. Last Fri. Sweden (Krona) .1157 .1153 8.6430 8.6717
Avg weekly auction-c 0.10 0.09 0.10 Switzerland (Franc) 1.0924 1.0928 .9154 .9151
5.65 0.65 Argentina (Peso)-y .0103 .0103 97.1010 96.8844 Taiwan (Dollar) .03594 .03595 27.823 27.819
T-Bills Rate CBOE Australia (Dollar) .7371 .7357 1.3567 1.3592
S&P 100 Thailand (Baht) .03001 .02990 33.320 33.450

13 weeks, Coupon Yield 0.051 0.051 0.106 Bahrain (Dinar) 2.6522 2.6523 .3770 .3770 Turkey (New Lira)-d .1173 .1159 8.5243 8.6311
13 weeks, Auction Rate 0.050 0.050 0.105 4.60 0.59 Brazil (Real) .1905 .1911 5.2488 5.2332 .0374 .0372 26.7500 26.8500
Ukraine (Hryvnia)
26 weeks, Coupon Yield 0.051 0.056 0.122 Bulgaria (Lev) .6031 .6013 1.6582 1.6630 U.K. (Pound) 1.3866 1.3873 .7212 .7208
26 weeks, Auction Rate 0.050 0.055 0.120 Canada (Dollar) .7991 .7965 1.2514 1.2556 Uruguay (Peso) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… ..
Avg weekly auction-c 0.05 0.05 0.10 Chile (Peso) .001289 .001269 775.99 788.25 Financial .02306 .02289 43.360 43.685
3.55 0.53 .1544 .1542 6.4774 6.4836 ----
Broker Call Rate China (Renminbi)
2.00 2.00 2.00 Euro 1.1796 1.1763 .8477 .8501
Colombia (Peso) .0002603 .0002521 3842.20 3967.10
Bankers Acceptances Croatia (Kuna) .1573119 .1568578 6.36 6.38 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are based on exchange rates for the U.S.,
1 month 0.12 0.12 0.15 2.50 0.47 Czech. Rep. (Koruna) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… .. British, and Japanese currencies. Source: International Monetary Fund.
a-Russian Central Bank rate. b-government rate. d-rebased as of Jan. 1,
2 months 0.13 0.13 0.15 Commercial rate .04647 .04629 21.517 21.601 2005. y-floating rate.
3 months 0.15 0.15 0.20 Denmark (Krone) .1586 .1581 6.3044 6.3232
6 months 0.20 0.20 0.25 1.45 0.41 EcuadorUS Dollar 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Egypt (Pound)-y .0637 .0637 15.6991 15.7022
Euro Libor Rate Hong Kong (Dollar) .1285 .1285 7.7829 7.7801
1 month -0.581 -0.583 -0.552 Hungary (Forint) .003347 .003322 298.77 300.98
3 months -0.561 -0.558 -0.513
0.40 0.35
A S O N D J F M A M J J A Iceland (Krona) .007970 .007957 125.47 125.67 ARMS INDEX
6 months -0.539 -0.536 -0.468 India (Rupee) .01347 .01347 74.217 74.242
12 months -0.500 -0.498 -0.347 Source: CBOE
Indonesia (Rupiah) .0000695 .0000697 14388 14353
The Arms index, also known as the short term trading index, is a number
Israel (Shekel) .3114 .3100 3.2110 3.2258
Libor Interbank Rate derived by dividing one quotient into another quotient. The numerator in
Japan (Yen) .009123 .009072 109.61 110.23
1 month 0.09 0.10 0.15 the index is the number of advancing stocks divided by the number of
3 months 0.12 0.13 0.27 INVESTOR SENTIMENT READINGS Kazakhstan (Tenge) .002354 .002354 424.75 424.79
declining stocks. As of 3/14/11, the denominator in the index is now the
Kuwait (Dinar) 3.3248 3.3249 .3008 .3008
6 months 0.16 0.15 0.33 High bullish readings in the Consensus stock index or in the .1247 .1247 8.0220 8.0170 compositevolumeofadvancingstocksdividedbythecompositevolumeof
Macau (Pataca)
12 months 0.24 0.24 0.46 Market Vane stock index usually are signs of Market tops; low Malaysia (Ringgit)-b .2360 .2370 4.2375 4.2190 declining stocks.
Foreign Prime Rates ones, market bottoms. Mexico (Peso) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… .. Daily 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13
Last 2 Weeks 3 Weeks
Canada 2.45 2.45 2.45 Floating rate .0503 .0499 19.8768 20.0424
Week Ago Ago
Germany 0.00 0.00 0.00 New Zealand (Dollar) .7040 .7009 1.4205 1.4267 NYSE .73 .68 1.05 1.23 1.25
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 Consensus Index Norway (Krone) .1136 .1125 8.8016 8.8904 NYSE American 1.09 .93 1.43 1.32 2.21
Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.00 Consensus Bullish Sentiment 68% 67% 65% Oman (Rial) 2.5975 2.5973 .3850 .3850 Nasdaq .57 1.16 .94 .66 .96
Britain 0.10 0.10 0.10 Pakistan (Rupee) .00609 .00612 164.300 163.375
Source: Consensus Inc., P.O. Box 520526,Independence, Mo.
Historical data available at (816) 373-3700. Philippines (Peso) .01978 .01970 50.552 50.756
Other Money Rates Poland (Zloty) .2582 .2571 3.8726 3.8890
Fannie Mae Home Loan: AAII Index Qatar (Rial) .2747 .2746 3.6407 3.6410 BARRON'S GOLD MINING INDEX
30-Year Fixed Conv 2.38 2.32 1.84 Bullish 37.0% 36.1% 36.2% Russia (Ruble)-a .01364 .01369 73.314 73.065
Bearish 31.5 31.7 24.1 12-Month Year Week %
Bank money market-z 0.07 0.07 0.11 Saudi Arabia (Riyal) .2666 .2666 3.7503 3.7503
Neutral 31.5 32.2 39.7 High Low 8/12 8/5 Ago Chg.
Interest Checking-z 0.03 0.03 0.05 Singapore (Dollar) .7381 .7381 1.3548 1.3549
6-Month Certif-z 0.12 0.12 0.21 Source: American Association of Individual Investors, South Africa (Rand) .0679 .0683 14.7277 14.6333 1147.72 807.85 Gold mining 998.98 1009.01 846.95 –0.99
12-Month Certif-z 0.17 0.17 0.31 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611 (312) 280-0170.
30 Month Accounts-z 0.17 0.17 0.29 Market Vane
5-Year Certificates-z 0.31 0.31 0.47 Bullish Consensus 67% 66% 66%
Source: Market Vane, P.O. Box 90490,
Long-Term (5yrs+) 0.10 0.10 0.10 Pasadena, CA 91109 (626) 395-7436. Year
Prev. Year
c-Annualized yields, adjusted for constant maturity, reported by TIM Group Market Sentiment Handy & Harman 8/13 8/6 Ago
Member Bank Latest Week Ago
the Federal Reserve on a weekly average basis. Indicator 41.2% 43.9% 45.6% Reserve Chgs. (Mil. $) Week Change Change Gold, troy ounce 1773.85 1762.90 1944.75
Sources: Tullett Prebon information, Ltd. Source: TIM Group, 3 Columbus Circle, Suite 1592 Silver, troy ounce 23.82 24.33 26.66
Factset. One week ended Aug 11:
New York, NY 10019 (844) 207-1445. Base for pricing gold and silver contents of shipments and for
U.S. Gov't securities: making refining settlement.
Price Premium Premium
Bought outright 7,676,796 + 19,599 +1,426,116 Coins $ %
WEEKLY BOND STATISTICS Federal agency secur: Krugerrand 1848.29 71.09 4.00
Last Prev. Yr Ago Last Prev. Yr Ago Bought outright 2,347 .... .... Maple Leaf 1866.06 88.86 5.00
Week Week Week Week Week Week Reserve bank credit: Mexican Peso 2150.77 8.00 0.37
Austria Crown 1745.01 3.00 0.17
New Offerings, (mil $) (v) Bond Buyer 20 Bond Index (Index of yields of 20 Primary Credit 272 -65 -2,421
Austria Phil 1866.06 88.86 5.00
Corporate (z) 30,756 r24,364 59,448 general obligation municipal bonds.) Secondary Credit .... -1 .... U.S. Eagles 1866.06 88.86 5.00
Municipal (z) 6,074 r10,460 10,439 2.14 2.04 2.05 Seasonal Credit 17 + 3 -22 Premium is the amount over the value of the gold content in the
Best Grade Bonds-y (Barron's index of 10 high-grade Bond Buyer Municipal Bond Index (Index of 40 Float -107 + 217 + 83 coin. Source Manfra, Tordella & Brookes, Inc.
corporate bonds.) Bullion spot gold price 1777.20
actively-traded tax-exempt bonds; component issues are Other F.R. Assets 43,457 + 2,260 + 554
1.47 1.39 1.59 changed regularly to keep the index a current picture of the Total Fed Credit # 8,204,942 + 16,278 +1,293,823
Interm-Grade Bonds-y (Barron's index of 10 market. Source: The Bond Buyer Gold stock 11,041 .... .... GOLD PERFORMANCE
medium-grade corporate bonds.) 3.41 3.38 3.49 SDR Certif. Accounts 5,200 .... ....
2.52 2.46 3.16 Stock/Bond Yield Gap-s (Difference between yield on Nice Comeback: After sputtering early in
Treas. Curr. Outst. 50,796 + 14 + 497
Confidence Index (High-grade index divided by inter- highest-grade corporate bonds and yield on stocks on the DJIA.) Total 8,293,147 + 16,099 +1,293,917 the week, gold ended above $1,777,
mediate-grade index; decline in latter vs. former generally +.23 +.33 +.61 Currency in circ 2,188,619 + 1,485 + 185,600 versus $1,763 the previous Friday.
indicates rising confidence, pointing to higher stocks.) Yield on DJ Equal Weight US Corp Bond Idx: Treas. Cash Hldgs 46 -2 ....
58.5 56.3 50.5 Corp Bonds, (y) 2.28 2.16 2.15 Treas. Fed Deposits 434,919 -57,749 -1,234,814 40
Other Confidence Indicators: v-Week ended Thursday. y-Yield to maturity, week ended Thursday. Foreign Fed Deposits 7,921 + 1,810 -8,301 Barron's Gold Mining Index (998.98)

z-Source: Refinitiv.*Barclays T-Bond Index discontinued by firm.
Bloomberg Barclays US Long Treasury*(This Other Fed Deposits 236,459 + 1,126 + 96,969 30
index measures the performance of fixed-rate, nominal US Other FR liab/cap 51,655 + 1,851 + 1,296
Treasuries with at least 10 years to maturity. Jan. 1, 1973=100.) ADJUSTABLE MORTGAGE BASE RATES Total factors 4,202,640 -68,830 -7,628 20
4480.81 4460.00 4860.64 YOY
Reserves F.R. banks 4,090,506 + 84,928 +1,301,545
Bloomberg Barclays US Credit (This index Aug 13 Aug 6 Yr. Ago % Chg Fgn hold U.S. debt 3,496,272 -11,533 + 88,486 10
includes all publicly issued, fixed-rate, non-convertible, invest- 1 Year Treas Bills 0.08 0.07 0.13 -38.46
ment-grade, dollar-denominated, SEC-registered corporate 2 Year Treas Notes 0.19 0.20 0.11 72.73 Reserve Aggr (Mil. $) Latest Prev. Month % Year 0
debt. All issues have at least one year to maturity and outstand- 3 Year Treas Notes 0.36 0.37 0.13 176.92 Month Ended June: Month Month Chg. Ago
ing par value of at least $250 million. Jan. 1, 1973=0.) (v) 5 Year Treas Notes 0.69 0.72 0.21 228.57 Total Reserves: 3,848,100 3,872,400 -0.63 3,043,600 -10
3352.20 3387.83 3315.96 10 Year Treas Notes 1.22 1.26 0.55 121.82 Nonborrowed Res 3,760,300 3,791,600 -0.83 2,945,900 Handy & Harman Gold Price s
Ryan Labs Treasury Index (Index of total return from 20 Year Treas Bds 1.78 1.83 0.99 79.80 -20
Borrowed Reserves 87,746 80,782 8.62 97,671
active Treasury notes and bonds. Dec. 31, 1996=100.) 11th District % Jun 0.282 0.282 0.682 -58.65 S O N D J F M A M J J A
FHFA PMMS+ 2.93 2.93 3.27 -10.40 Monetary Base 6,027,100 6,041,900 -0.24 5,001,800
319.95 323.66 334.25
Fed annualized yields adjusted for constant maturity.
August 16, 2021 BARRON’S M39

Market Laboratory
Top 5 Insider Purchases by Company in 2021 WEEK'S DIVIDEND PAYMENT WEEK'S EX-DIVIDEND DATES
Number of Number of Avg.
Company Symbol Insiders Shares $ Value Price This list includes payouts on common stocks. This list includes payouts on common stocks.
Golub Capital Bdc .......................................... GBDC 32 396,129 6,093,407 $ 15.38 NYSE NYSE
Joann .............................................................. JOAN 19 305,100 3,600,070 $ 11.80
Monday NY Community Bancorp .17
Friday Tuesday CenterPoint Energy .16 Pitney Bowes .05
Design Therapeutics ...................................... DSGN 18 931,650 27,502,308 $ 29.52 Webster Financial .40 (August 17)
Chevron 1.34 Primerica .47
Clipper Realty .095 Prudential ADR .107
Five Star Bancorp ........................................... FSBC 18 200,749 4,014,980 $ 20.00 (August 16) (August 20) Aflac .33
Mid Penn Bancorp .......................................... MPB 15 27,757 693,925 $ 25.00 Abbott Laboratories .45 Wednesday Affiliated Managers .01 Archer Daniels Midland .37
DHT Holdings
Discover Finl Svcs
Raytheon Technologies .51
Rexnord .09
AbbVie 1.30 (August 18) Ameriprise Financial 1.13 Assured Guaranty .22
Fortis .406 Schweitzer-Mauduit Intl .44
Black Hills .565
AES .15 Brown & Brown .093 Baker Hughes .18 Griffon .08 Sherwin-Williams .55
Top 5 Insider Sales by Company in 2021 Carlisle Cos .54
Hawaiian Electric Inds .34 Snap-On 1.23
Ally Financial .25 Employers Holdings .25 Calif Water Svc Grp .23 Consolidated Edison .775
Kinross Gold .03 TE Connectivity .50
Number of Number of Avg. Crawford & Co A .06
AO Smith .26 Greenbrier Cos .27 Capital One Fincl .60 Natural Resource Partnrs.45 Timken .30
Company Symbol Insiders Shares $ Value Price Crawford & Co B .06
Archrock .145 Levi Strauss .08 Capital One Fincl .60 Nielsen Holdings .06 US Physical Therapy .38
Fresh Del Monte Produce.15
Peloton Interactive ......................................... PTON 36 1,905,232 235,799,547 $ 123.76 Bright Scholar Educ ADR .12 National Grid ADR 2.281 Caterpillar 1.11 Gerdau ADR .105
Primo Water .06 Friday
ResMed .42
Palantir Technologies .................................... PLTR 35 27,542,487 654,579,149 $ 23.77 ICL Group .053 (August 20)
Colgate-Palmolive .45 Thursday Continental Resources .15
Loews Corp .062
Switch Cl A .052
Atmos Energy .625
Carvana .......................................................... CVNA 32 2,119,939 573,113,695 $ 270.34 Hormel Foods .245 (August 19) Equitable Holdings .18 Thomson Reuters .405
Marathon Oil .05 Deluxe Corp .30
Snowflake ....................................................... SNOW 32 1,980,302 471,856,715 $ 238.28 Marathon Petroleum .58
Walker & Dunlop .50
Global Ship Lease Cl A .25
Kinder Morgan .27 AllianceBernstein .91 First Commonwlth Fincl .115
Salesforce.Com ............................................. CRM 30 684,228 166,581,666 $ 243.46 Ormat Technologies .12 Thursday Haverty Furniture .25
Manning & Napier .05 Armstrong Wrld Ind .21 Lazard .47
Petroleo Brasileiro ADR .621
(August 19) Haverty Furniture A .23
NRG Energy .325 Crown Holdings .20 Mueller Water Products .055 Petroleo Brasilir ADR A .621
Brigham Minerals .35 Hecla Mining .011
STOCK SPLITS/DIVIDENDS Oneok Inc .935 CURO Group Holdings .11 NiSource .22 Phillips 66 .90
Cummins 1.45 Ryder System .58
Evergy .535 United Parcel Service B 1.02
Record Ex-Dividend Payment Procter & Gamble .87 Dolby Labs A .22 Norfolk Southern 1.09
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Amount Date Date Date Sterling Bancorp .07 Energy Transfer .153 Pzena Invt Management .03
Select Medical Holdings.125
SunCoke Energy
Federal Signal
GlaxoSmithKline ADR .53
.09 Saturday
(August 21)
NONE Targa Resources .10 KB Home .15 United Microelectron .285 Target .90
HCI Group .40
Vulcan Materials .37
Hershey .901
Warrior Met Coal .05 Santander Consumr USA .22 Unum Group .30
Waste Connections .205
HNI Cp .31 Sunday
SPECIAL DIVIDENDS Tuesday SK Telecom ADR .073 Westwood 2.50
Wednesday HSBC Holdings ADR .35 (August 22)
Sunoco .826 Magna Intl .43 NONE
Record Ex-Dividend Payment (August 17) Saturday (August 18)
Materion .12
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Amount Date Date Date Woori Finl ADR .368
(August 21) NONE
Apollo Global Mgmt A .50
Minerals Technologies .05
Companhia Siderurgica .23 Avista .423 (August 23)
MiX Telematics ADR .069
Bowl America Cl A-BWL.A (NYSE AMER ) ........................................... 0.60 8-12 8-11 8-11 DR Horton .20 Sunday Bunge Ltd .525
Moody's Corp .62
Brunswick .335
Carrols Restaurant Group-TAST (Nasdaq)........................................ 0.41 8-25 8-24 10-05 BWX Technologies .21 Energizer Holdings .30
(August 22) NONE Otis Worldwide .24
Johnson & Johnson 1.06
Prudential Financial 1.15
Adjusted % Record Ex-Div Payment Monday Wednesday Friday NASDAQ
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Yield Period To From Decrease Date Date Date (August 16) (August 18) (August 20)
Canadian Natural Res-CNQ (NYSE) .................... 4.5 Q .374775 .38137 -1.7 % 9-17 9-16 10-05 Alliant Energy .403 BCB Bancorp .16 Artesian Resources Cl A.261 Tuesday Cogent Communicatns .805
Cognex .06
First Hawaiian
Nathan's Famous
AmeriServ Financial .025 Entegris .08 Capitol Federal Finl .085 (August 17)
DHT Holdings-DHT (NYSE) ................................. 5.7 Q .02 .04 -50.0 % 8-19 8-18 8-26 Capital Bancorp .05 Heritage Financial .20 Clarus .025 Allied Motion Techs .025
Cognizant Tech Solutns .24 National CineMedia .05
Casey's General Stores .34 MarketAxess Holdings .66 Comtech TeleComm .10 Core-Mark Holding .13 NortonLifeLock .125
Amalgamated Financial .08
Fidelity D & D Bancorp .30 Pan American Silver .10
Columbus McKinnon
Northern Technologies
Sandy Spring Bancorp
First Bank
First Foundation
Equinix 2.87
Forward Air .21 Star Bulk Carriers .70
First Mid Bancshares .22
Healthcare Services Grp.209 Tractor Supply .52
Adjusted % Record Ex-Div Payment Donegal Group Cl A .16 Thursday German American Bncrp .21 Jack in the Box .44
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Yield Period To From Increase Date Date Date Donegal Group Cl B .142
(August 19)
Heidrick & Struggles Intl.15 Paccar .34
Home Point Capital
Icahn Enterprises
East West Bancorp .33 Home Bancorp .23 Powell Industries .26 (August 21)
Diamondback Energy .45 International Bancshares .60
4.65% Fltg. Rate STRATS-GJO (NYSE) ................. 0.7 M .013044 .012893 1.2 % 8-13 8-12 8-16 First Citizens Bcshs Cl A .47
First Business Finl Svcs .18
JB Hunt Transport .30 Shyft Group .025 NONE
Hasbro .68 Lake Shore Bancorp .14 MGP Ingredients .12
Carlisle Cos-CSL (NYSE) ......................................... 1.0 Q .54 .525 2.9 8-18 8-17 9-01 First Interstate Banc A .41 Superior Group of Cos. .12
Microchip Technology .437 Sunday
Independent Bnk Mchgn .21 Midland States Bancorp .28
Chemed-CHE (NYSE)................................................ 0.3 Q .36 .34 5.9 8-16 8-13 9-02 Lifetime Brands .043
Franklin Electric .175
OceanFirst Financial .17
Wednesday Newmark Group .01 (August 22)
Independent Bank Group .34 (August 18) Origin Bancorp .13 NONE
Chunghwa Telecom ADR-CHT (NYSE)................. 2.8 A 1.550985 1.434985 8.1 8-25 8-24 10-05 Luther Burbank .12
Marlin Business Services.14
Park-Ohio Holdings .125
Premier Financial .27
CI Financial-CIXX (NYSE) ........................................ 3.0 Q .143 .134248 6.5 12-31 12-30 1-14 Meridian .125
OP Bancorp .10
Summit State Bank .12 Adtran
HomeTrust Bancshares
.08 Royalty Pharma .17
Northwest Bancshares .20 Washington Federal .23 (August 23)
S & T Bancorp .28 Tetra Tech .20
Dover Corp-DOV (NYSE).......................................... 1.2 Q .50 .495 1.0 8-31 8-30 9-15 Peoples Bancorp (Ohio) .36
Silicon Motion Tech ADR .35
Wayside Technology Grp .17 Littelfuse .53
BGC Partners Cl A .01
Microsoft .56 U.S. Lime & Minerals .16
Eagle Point Credit-ECC (NYSE) .............................. 10.1 M .12 .10 20.0 10-12 10-08 10-29 South Plains Financial .09
South State .49 Saturday Southside Bancshares .33 Umpqua Holdings .21
Chesapeake Energy .344
Eagle Point Income-EIC (NYSE)............................. 8.3 M .12 .09 33.3 10-12 10-08 10-29 Tuesday Veritex Holdings .20 (August 21) Walgreens Boots Allinc .477
Educational Dev .10
(August 17) Wintrust Financial .31 NONE
Thursday Nordson .51
Elbit Systems-ESLT (Nasdaq) ................................. 1.3 Q .46 .44 4.5 8-30 8-27 9-13 (August 19) Friday Viatris .11
Essent Group-ESNT (NYSE).................................... 1.5 Q .18 .17 5.9 9-01 8-31 9-10
Carlyle Group
Colony Bankcorp
.25 WSFS Financial
.102 WVS Financial
Sunday Barrett Business Svcs .30 (August 20) Xperi Holding .05
(August 22) CB Financial Services .24 Advanced Energy Inds .10
FS KKR Capital-FSK (NYSE) ................................... 11.3 Q .65 .60 8.3 9-15 9-14 10-04 HBT Financial .15 Zions Bancorp .38
Sanderson Farms .44
GCM Grosvenor Cl A-GCMG (Nasdaq)................... 2.8 Q .09 .08 12.5 9-01 8-31 9-15
IF Bancorp-IROQ (NCM ).......................................... 1.5 S .175 .15 16.7 9-24 9-23 10-15 NYSE American
Illinois Tool Works-ITW (NYSE) ............................. 2.1 Q 1.22 1.14 7.0 9-30 9-29 10-14 NYSE American
International Bancshares-IBOC (Nasdaq)............ 2.8 S .60 .55 9.1 8-20 8-19 9-03 Monday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Sat. & Sun.
(August 16) (August 18) (August 20) (August 17) (August 19) (August 21 & 22)
Intl Flavors & Fragrances-IFF (NYSE)................... 2.0 Q .79 .77 2.6 9-24 9-23 10-05 NONE NONE NONE NONE Park National 1.03 NONE
KLA-KLAC (Nasdaq) .................................................. 1.3 Q 1.05 .90 16.7 8-16 8-13 9-01 Tuesday Thursday Sat. & Sun. Wednesday Friday Monday
Magic Software Ents-MGIC (Nasdaq) .................... 2.4 S .234 .21 11.4 8-30 8-27 9-14 (August 17) (August 19) (August 21 & 22) (August 18) (August 20) (August 23)
Martin Marietta-MLM (NYSE).................................. 0.6 Q .61 .57 7.0 9-01 8-31 9-30 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE

MVB Financial-MVBF (NCM ) .................................. 1.3 Q .14 .12 16.7 9-01 8-31 9-15
Newtek Business Services-NEWT (Nasdaq) ........ 9.1 Q .90 .70 28.6 9-30 9-17 9-30 NEW LISTINGS TRADING SUSPENDED
Nordson-NDSN (Nasdaq) ......................................... 0.9 Q .51 .39 30.8 8-24 8-23 9-07
OFS Capital-OFS (Nasdaq)....................................... 9.2 Q .24 .22 9.1 9-23 9-22 9-30 NYSE NYSE
Open Text-OTEX (Nasdaq) ....................................... 1.7 Q .2209 .2008 10.0 9-03 9-02 9-24 None
Pan American Silver-PAAS (Nasdaq)..................... 1.5 Q .10 .07 42.9 8-23 8-20 9-03
NYSE American NYSE American
Pembina Pipeline-PBA (NYSE)............................... 5.9 M .1683 .167337 0.6 8-25 8-24 9-15
PPLUS FR Call Ser GSC-2-PYT (NYSE) ................ 3.2 Q .189583 .1875 1.1 8-13 8-12 8-16 None None
Premier Inc.-PINC (Nasdaq)..................................... 2.2 Q .20 .19 5.3 9-01 8-31 9-15 Nasdaq Nasdaq
Prudential ADR-PUK (NYSE) .................................. 0.8 S .1074 .1073 0.1 8-20 8-19 9-28 American River Bankshares (AMRB)
Ritchie Bros-RBA (NYSE) ........................................ 1.6 Q .25 .22 13.6 8-25 8-24 9-15
Adagio Therapeutics (ADGI)
Rocky Brands-RCKY (Nasdaq)................................ 1.1 Q .155 .14 10.7 9-02 9-01 9-16 Cardiol Therapeutics (CRDL)
Sabine Royalty Tr UBI-SBR (NYSE)....................... 6.5 M .31813 .27825 14.3 8-16 8-13 8-30
Service Corp Intl-SCI (NYSE).................................. 1.4 Q .23 .21 9.5 9-15 9-14 9-30 Compass Therapeutics (CMPX) NYSE
Star Bulk Carriers-SBLK (Nasdaq) ......................... 9.7 Q .70 .30 133.3 8-23 8-20 9-08 DatChat (DATS)
Joby Aviation (JOBY), formerly Reinvent Technology (RTP)
Steris-STE (NYSE)..................................................... 0.8 Q .43 .40 7.5 9-03 9-02 9-24 Demata Therapeutics (DRMA)
Taiwan Semiconductor ADR-TSM (NYSE) .......... 1.3 Q .494071 .3917 26.1 12-17 12-16 1-13 Lightspeed Commerce (LSPD), formerly Lightspeed POS
Eliem Therapeutics (ELYM)
Tortoise Energy-TYG (NYSE) ................................. 4.8 Q .365 .34 7.4 8-24 8-23 8-31 Rockley Photonics (RKLY), formerly SC Health (SCPE)
FinWise Bancorp (FINW)
Tortoise Midstream Engy-NTG (NYSE) ................ 4.8 Q .385 .36 6.9 8-24 8-23 8-31 PetVivo (PETV) NYSE American
Tortoise P&Engy Infrstr-TPZ (NYSE) .................... 5.5 M .06 .05 20.0 8-24 8-23 8-31 None
PharmaCyte Biotech (PMCB)
Tortoise Pipeline & Engy-TTP (NYSE) .................. 6.3 Q .37 .16 131.3 8-24 8-23 8-31
Utd Community Banks-UCBI (Nasdaq) ................. 2.5 Q .20 .19 5.3 9-15 9-14 10-05 Pono Capital (PONOU) Nasdaq
Victory Capital Cl A-VCTR (Nasdaq)....................... 1.2 Q .15 .12 25.0 9-10 9-09 9-27 Southern States Bancshares (SSBK) Momentus (MNTS) formerly Stable Road Acquisition
Wendy's Co-WEN (Nasdaq) ..................................... 1.6 Q .12 .10 20.0 9-01 8-31 9-15 Surrozen (SRZN) (SRAC)
Willis Towers Watson-WLTW (Nasdaq) ................ 1.5 Q .80 .71 12.7 9-30 9-29 10-15 VIQ Solutions (VQS) Surrozen (SRZN), formerly Consonance-HFW Acq (CHFW)
X W L C 10 11 12 H G R P 4 8 3 F 2 D 6 7 9 0 I
M40 BARRON’S August 16, 2021

E P.. 2 8 & 2 9 | 1 P M E T

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