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Over the years crufRes have grown into one of the aromas and in all manner of finishes. Historical-
most frequencly produced chocolates. These at- ly, original cruffies are among the very first pra-
tractive, rounded, bullet-shaped pralines are filled lines and are always piped in ball or oval shapes
with all possible creams, provided with various on baking paper. Once the cruffies have hardened
they are rolled in cocoa powder, with or without
icing sugar. Because their uneven and rough sur-
face appearance resembles chat of real truffies, the
fungi from Perigord (France), these chocolates are
called 'cruffies'. Due co their popularity and their
quick preparation, subsequently all manner of
variations have been developed.

Circa 1980 the Swiss company Leaderach hie

the market with a then innovative system, i.e.,
hollow bullets. The intention was co help profes-
sionals co quickly produce attractive, rounded,
bullet-shaped pralines without much expertise.
These attractive bullets were also called 'truffies',
although German legislation only allows the
designation 'truffie' for pralines produced with a
truffie filling, regardless of appearance. According
co German legislation, truffie filling must include
the following ingredients: chocolate, cream or
condensed milk (if the latter contains at least 4°/o
milk fat) or butter. The purchase price of these
hollow bullets is not cheap, but they have actually
been specially developed co save time and hence
also expensive wages. As a result, after calculation
of the difference between purchase price and time
savings by working more efficiently and quickly,
the scales would tip in favour of the professionals.
The system consists in professionals purchasing
the blisters with in them premoulded chocolate
shells. In order co make the bullets' filling and
seals efficient the manufacturer also sells two
stencils with openings that perfectly match the
open hollow bullets in the blister. As a result
the truffies can be filled and sealed exceptionally
fast. Unfortunately only few are familiar with the
system, and hollow bullets are filled one by one advantage of this system is that semi-liquid fill-
using a piping bag, after which the truffies are ings can also be easily used.
sealed again one by one.
Just make sure chat the bullets are filled com-
In the meantime the market has been flooded pletely. Since, if there is air between the filling
with hollow bullet manufacturers, who do sell and the cover, shelf life can be considerably re-
the hollow bullet to their customers, but gener- duced, as moulds can easily form in the moist air
ally not the stencils. Resulting in the fact char layer.
the filling of such moulds without the relevant
stencils saves very linle rime, and che execution TI1e following are several truffie recipes, classed
of this originally amazing concept proves to be into five groups:
fairly expensive. Unfortunately these stencils are • Traditional truffies with shelf life of 185
nor widely known and there is the risk of buying maximum 3 months
stencils from one manufacturer, to use chem on (Aw between 0.85 and 0.70)
the competition's hollow bullet moulds. The dis- • Traditional truffies with shelf life of
tance and diameter of the opening of the bullets approximatly 6 to 9 months
differ from one manufacturer to che other. Nor- (Aw between 0.70 and 0.65)
mally the supplier of the hollow bullet moulds • Hollow bullets with shelf life of
should deliver two stencils, each with a different approximately three weeks
diameter for the openings. The largest openings • Hollow bullets with shelflife of
are used to pipe the filling into the bullets with maximum 3 months
a rapid continuous movement (see photos). The (Aw between 0.85 and 0.70)
stencil is subsequently scraped clean and carefully • Hollow bullets with shelflife of
lifted from the bullet moulds. The filling surface approximately 6 to 9 months
must have the time to slightly crust after a few (Aw between 0.70 and 0.65)
hours. Subsequently the second stencil with the
smaller opening is carefully placed on the surface
of the (by now slightly crusted) bullet opening. It
is now easy to seal all bullets at once with choc-
olate. After the crystallisation of the chocolate
covers we still have to provide the truffies with an
individual and creative finishing touch. Another

• • • • • •
Aw: 0.84 Aniseed truffles

350 g cream 35°/o 27.56 • Bring the cream, glucose and honey to the boil.
40 g glucose 3-1 5 • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (85°F).
8og honey 6.30 • Soften the butter in a mixer (KicchenAid) and add the cream mixture
130 g butter 10.24 while stirring.
630 g dark chocolate 49.61 • Fold in the precrysrallised chocolate and blend into a homogeneous,
40 g anise-flavoured liqueur smooch mass.
(such as raki or ouzo) • Lascly, stir in the liqueur.

Batch size: 1270 g FINISHING TOUCH

• Pipe your choice of oval or spherical truffies onto a Silpat mac or fat-free paper.
To do so use a 8-mm smooch tip.
• Leave co crystallise in the refrigerator for a few hours.
• Dip in dark or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

approximately 200
Aw: 0.861 Truffles with anise liqueur

350 g cream 33.02 • Bring the cream, aniseeds, honey or invert sugar and butter to the boil.
5 g dried anise seeds Allow to infuse until the cream has fully cooled.
80 g honey or invert sugar 7.55 • Strain the cream over the precrystallised chocolate at approximately 30°C (86°F)
130 g butter 12.26 and blend thoroughly.
500 g dark chocolate 47-1 7
Batch size: ro6o g • Immediately pipe the ganache into elongated strips using a smooth
decorating tip.
• Allow to crystallise sufficiently before dipping the strips in dark chocolate.

• Roll in castor sugar.

approximately II7
Aw: 0.81 Ginger truffles

300 g cream • Bring the cream, invert sugar, zest, lemon juice and grated ginger to rhe boil.
80 g invert sugar • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
zest of orange • Soften the butter in the mixer (KirchenAid) and stir in the cream mixture.
40 g lemon juice 3.42 • Blend in the precrysrallised chocolate and stir into a homogeneous,
30 g grated ginger smooth mass.
130 g butter I I.II
620 g dark chocolate FINISHING TOUCH
• Pipe your choice of oval or spherical truffies onto a Silpar mar or far-free paper.
Barch size: rr70 g To do so use an 8-mm smooth tip.
• Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for a few hours.
• Dip in dark or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

Chocolate shavings.

approximately 130
Aw: 0.84 Vanilla truffles

350 g cream 35°/o 32.71 • Bring the cream, halved and scraped vanilla pods, butter and invert sugar
2 vanilla pods to the boil. Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
130 g butter 12.15 • Pour the mixture through a sieve onto the crystallised chocolate and stir
90 g invert sugar 8.41 into a homogeneous, smooth ganache.
190 500 g extra bitter chocolate • Allow the ganache to thicken slightly until it can be piped.
(70-80% cocoa solids) 46.73
Barch size: 1070 g • Pipe your choice of oval or spherical truffles onto a Silpar mat or far-free paper.
To do so use a 8-mm smooth rip.
• Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for a few hours.
• Dip in extra bitter chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice

A few decoration examples include: cocoa powder, cocoa powder mixed with
powdered sugar, cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar and cinnamon,
powdered sugar, powdered sugar mixed with powder colouring, fine granulated
sugar, fine granulated sugar mixed with powdered colouring, chocolate flakes,
shaved almonds

approximately 160
Honey truffles

rooo g cream 26.32 • Bring the cream to the boil. Pour the cream over the chopped chocolate.
1400 g milk chocolate 36.84 Stir in the honey and butter. Lascly, flavour with cumin and an optional pinch
rooo g white chocolate 26.32 of ground cloves.
300 g honey 7.89 • Allow the mixture to cool until solidification occurs. Stir until smooth and
roo g butter 2.63 immediately pipe into ball shapes using a smooth tip (8 mm). Leave truffies 191
ground cumin to cool.
dash of ground cloves (optional)
Batch size: 3800 g • Dip the centres in the chocolate of your choice and finish with cocoa powder.

approximately 420

Aw: 0.74 Gianduja truffles

800 g gianduja • Cut half of the gianduja into pieces and melt the other half Process both parts
250 g butter in a mixer until smooth. If required, the edges of the bowl may be slightly heat-
ed with a heat gun. (Warning! Ensure that a light, pipeable mass is produced,
Batch size: 1050 g which does not run).
• Add the softened butter and whip the mixture. Immediately pipe into elongated
strips using a smooth tip (8 mm) and allow to crystallise.

• Cut using a guitar sli er. Dip the chunks in dark chocolate. Use a wire rack to
apply a ripple pattern before placing the truffies on baking paper.

If the mass is overheated it will become too liquid for piping. In this case the mix-
ing bowl should be cooled for a shore time, until slight crystallisation is observed
YIELD around the edges. Immediately whip the mixture again.
approximately IIO
Aw: 0.80 Coconut truffie

500 g coconut milk 23.26 • Bring coconut milk and glucose co the boil and pour over the finely
50 g glucose 2 ·33 chopped chocolate. Add the honey or invert sugar, the sorbicol and then
50 g invert sugar 2 -33 the graced coconut.
50 g sorbicol 2 .33 • Allow the mass co cool and then add the slighdy precryscallised cocoa butter.
I92 200 g graced coconut 9-30 • Stir well and immediately pipe into elongated strips using a smooch 8-mm tip.
1200 g white chocolate 55.81 Allow to crust slighdy.
100 g cocoa butter 4.65
Batch size: 2120 g • Blend precryscallised 70/30 chocolate with 10% graced coconut.
• Immediately dip the truffles in this mixture and vibrate thoroughly co
emphasise the structure of the graced coconut.

approximately 220
Spice truffles

400 g cream • Bring the cream, glucose and spice mixture to the boil. Allow the mixture to
100 g glucose become lukewarm before pouring it over the precrystallised chocolate.
4 g gingerbread (peperkoek) • Pipe elongated strips using a smooth tip (8 mm) and allow to slightly crust.
spice mixture*
900 g milk chocolate FINISHING TOUCH 193
• Cur using a guitar slicer. Dip the pieces in milk chocolate and place on
Batch size: 1400 g a wire rack. V)
• Roll the truffles across the wire rack one by one, as soon as the chocolate begins ,_J
to harden. This will give the rruffies an uneven appearance. u..

• Arrange the trufRes on baking paper. ~


* Spice mixtures for gingerbread (peperkoek) typically consist of cinnamon, orange rind, coriander,
YIELD ginger, anise, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg. 1hey are readily available on the market.
approximately 150

Lavender truffles

500 g cream 20.83 • Bring the cream and lavender to the boil. Cover and allow to cool to approxi-
4 g dried lavender mately 30°C (86°F).
500 g butter • In the meantime whip the butter.
700 g white chocolate • Strain the cream and fold in the precrystallised chocolate. Stir in the butter.
700 g milk chocolate • Allow the mixture ro cool until slight solidification of the surface occurs.
Carefully blend the mixture and immediately pipe into elongated strips using a
Batch size: 2400 g smooth tip (8 mm). Allow to crust slightly.

• Cut using a guitar sli er. Dip the truffles in milk chocolate. Finish by rolling
them into fine castor sugar.

• Combine the fine castor sugar with a little coloured powder in a bowl. Stir well!
approximately 250
Aw: 0-79 Cinnamon truffie
200 g cream 9.09 • Bring the cream and spices to the boil and pour over one half of the melted
2 g cinnamon powder chocolate.
2 cloves • Soften the butter in a mixer and add the fondant sugar. Add the ganache
800 g milk chocolate 36.36 while stirring and then the remaining chocolate.
194 300 g dark chocolate 13.64 • Pipe the ganache in ball shapes using a smooth (8-mm) tip. Allow the centres to
400 g fondant sugar 18.18 cool sufficiently.
500 g butter 22.73
Batch size: 2200 g • Dip the centres in dark chocolate. Immediately roll in a mixture of powdered
sugar and 5°/ocinnamon.

approximately 240
Aw: 0.72 Mitilinis
200 g cream u.83 • Bring the cream and glucose to the boil. Pour over the chocolate and stir in
150 g glucose 8.88 the ouzo. Allow the mixture to cool completely.
1000 g dark chocolate 59.17 • Fold in the softened butter and carefully stir before piping the centre.
140 g ouzo 8.28 • Pipe 8 long strips or oval shapes onto baking paper using a smooth decorating
200 g butter 11.83 tip no. 7. Allow to set in the refrigerator. I95

Barch size: 1690 g FINISHING TOUCH

• Cut the long strips using a guitar slicer. Dip the mitilinis in dark chocolate
contains alcohol and immediately roll in flakes of milk chocolate.

When using chocolate with a low PH, this centre will curdle. In this case the
ganache should be left to slightly solidify on the surface and the edges of
the bowl in the refrigerator. Next mix the ganache in the processor until smooch.
Pipe immediately.

approximately 185
Aw: o.68 Honey caramel truffies

200 g cream 21.74 • Slightly hear rhe cream and instant coffee.
20 g instant coffee 2.17 • Meir the sugar into caramel.
100 g sugar 10.87 • Slowly heat the cream and stir carefully into the caramel.
100 g honey 10.87 • Leave until lukewarm and add honey.
500 g milk chocolate 54.35 • Pour the mixture onto the chopped chocolate. I97
• Blend until smooth and leave to cool.
Barch size: 900 g • Whip and immediately pipe into long strips.
• Allow to crust slightly before cutting with wire slicer.

• Dip the truffles into dark chocolate.
• Finish with dark chocolate Aakes.

approximately 105
Aw: o.68 Orange truffles

200 g cream 6.67 • Heat the cream together with the glucose and the butter.
200 g glucose 6.67 • Whip the egg yolks and sugar and quickly add to the warm milk.
200 g butter 6.67 • Continue to heat to approximately 90°C (194°F).
150 g egg yolks 5 • Add orange juice and boil for a short time.
200 g sugar 6.67 • Fold in the chocolate and then the liqueur.
150 g orange juice 5 • Leave the mixture to cool.
1700 g milk chocolate 56.67 • Quickly smooth out in a mixer.
200 g cointreau concentrate 60° 6.67 • Pipe into long strips and allow to crust slightly.

Batch size: 2980 g FINISHING TOUCH

• Dip the pieces in dark chocolate.
• 1mmediately roll in a mixture of dark and white chocolate flakes.

approximately 370
Aw: 0.64 Butter truffle with kirsch

250 g butter 28.09 • Stir the butter until creamy and add the honey or invert sugar.
80 g honey or invert sugar 8.99 Fold in the chocolate and lastly the kirsch.
500 g milk chocolate 56.18 • Pipe the ganache in ball shapes using a smooch (8-mm) tip.
60 g kirsch (approximately 40%) 6.74 • Allow co crust overnight.
Batch size: 890 g FINISHING TOUCH
• Dip che centres in dark chocolate. Finish with a mixture of castor sugar
contains alcohol and 8% finely ground coffee.

approximately 95
Aw: 0.70 Coffee caramel truffles

300 g sucrose 25 • Caramelise the sucrose and glucose until they acquire an attractive golden
JOO g glucose 8.33 brown colour.
400 g cream 33.33 • Carefully quench the caramel with the cream. Immediately add the salt.
JOO g butter 8.33 • Allow to cool to approximately 25°C (77°F) before folding in the room-
200 300 g milk chocolate 25 temperature butter.
instant coffee, as needed • Pour the caramel over the precrystallised chocolate and flavour with
instant coffee.
Batch size: 1200 g • Leave the ganache to slightly crystallise and stir until smooth before piping
into balls.
• Allow to crystallise.

• Dip the truffles in dark chocolate.
• Immediately roll in the garnish of your choice.

approximately 125
Aw: 0.65 Praline truffies

500 g butter 26.32 • Whip the butter with the salt.
dash of sodium bicarbonate • Add the fondant sugar and vanilla flavouring. Blend thoroughly.
100 g fondant sugar 5-26 • Fold in the praline and then the precrystallised chocolate.
vanilla flavouring • Stir well and immediately pipe into elongated strips using a smooth tip (8-mm).
500 g praline (50/50) 26.32 20I
800 g milk chocolate 42.II FINISHING TOUCH
• Allow to cool sufficiently before cutting using a guitar slicer.
Batch size: 1900 g • Dip the pieces in milk chocolate and finish with finely grated milk chocolate.

approximately 205
Aw: 0.70 Coffee truffle

300 g butter 30.93 • Soften the butter with the salt in a mixer.
pinch of baking soda, optional • Add the fondant sugar in small quantities and whip the mixture.
250 g fondant sugar 25-77 Add the chocolate and then the alcohol and coffee paste.
400 g dark chocolate 41.24 • Immediately pipe elongated strips using a smooth tip (8 mm)
20 g pure alcohol (optional) 2.06 and allow to slightly crust.
coffee paste (to taste)
Batch size: 970 g • Cut using a guitar slicer. Dip the truffles in white chocolate and roll
on a wire rack for a ribbed effect.
contains alcohol
The salt is only used to camouflage the sweetness.

approximately 95
Champagne truffies

Aw: o.88 METHOD

• Bring the cream, glucose and sorbitol to the boil and allow to cool
RECIPE I % to approximately 30°C (86°F).
uoo g cream 30.99 • Pour the mare de champagne into the cooled cream mixture and add
290 g glucose 8.17 the precrystallised chocolates.
204 40 g sorbitol r.13 • For a sparkling effect Popping Candy Dust can be added as an alternative.
moo g milk chocolate 28.17 Bue the effect is lost if it comes into contact with the liquid. Hence mix 20 g
moo g white chocolate Rakes 28.17 Popping Candy with 30 g melted, non-precryscallised cocoa butter and imme-
120 g mare de champagne 60% 3.38 diately stir through the precryscallised chocolate. Stir this chocolate mixture
through the cream at once and process.
Batch size: 3550 g
• Fill the chocolate hollow bullets, without leaving any air bubbles
(= where mould grows). To do so use the filling tray discussed and illustrated
YIELD with photos in the manual.
approximately 322

Aw: o.88 Aw: 0.85

900 g cream 33.27 800 g butter 20.57
270 g glucose 9.98 600 g fondant sugar 15.42
30 g sorbitol r.11 350 g glucose 9.00
800 g white chocolate 29.57 540 g mare de champagne 60% 13.88
600 g milk chocolate 22.18 1600 g dark chocolate 41.13
105 g mare de champagne 60% 3.88

As an alternative, 30 g cocoa butter As an alternative, 30 g cocoa butter

and 20 g Popping Candy Dust and 20 g Popping Candy Du t
(see above) can be added. (see above) can be added.

Batch size: 2705 g Barch size: 3890 g

approximately 245 approximately 350
Aw: o.86 Beer ganache 1

150 g high-fermentation beer • If desired colour the moulds with coloured cocoa butter.
(e.g., Trappist beer) 21.28 • Pour dark chocolate into the moulds (adjust shell thickness depending
30 g sorbitol 4-26 on mould model and size).
50 g glucose 7.o9
100 g butter 14.18 METHOD 205
75 g cocoa butter 10.64 • Bring beer, sorbitol, glucose and butter to the boil. Heat briefly in order
300 g milk chocolate 42.55 to ensure that all the live yeast cells in the beer are destroyed.
• Leave to cool to approximately 35°C (95°F).
Batch size: 705 g • In the meantime combine the cocoa butter and the chocolate.
• Pour the beer mixture onto the chocolate and stir into a homogenous,
smooth ganache.
• Immediately pipe the ganache into the chocolate shells using a trufHe sheet.
• Leave to crystallise sufficiently before sealing the bullet shells with chocolate.
• Seal the bullets with the same chocolate as the shells.

• Allow to come to room temperature before covering the confections
with the chocolate of your choice. •

Garnish immediately.

approximately 70
Aw: o.88 Beer ganache 2

300 g high-fermentation beer 30.61 • Bring the beer to the boil. Add the sorbitol and continue to boil briefly.
spices with ginkgo biloba • Pour this mixture over the chocolate drops.
powder, as needed* • Allow to cool to approximately 25°C (77°F) before folding in the butter brought
80 g liquid sorbitol 8.16 to room temperature.
206 500 g milk chocolate 51.02 • Pipe into chocolate hollow bullets and allow to slightly crystallise before sealing
100 g butter 10.20 the shells with chocolate.

Batch size: noo g DECORATION

Apply decoration around the truffles.

• Ginkgo biloba powder is slightly bitter and quite suitable for a beer ganache. The powder is quite
expensive and difficult to find on the market, but it is easy to make at no cost. In the spring harvest
rhe young leaves of the Japanese rem pie tree (ginkgo biloba). Spread the leaves on sheets in order to
dry chem quickly. Once they are perfectly dry, rhey can be ground into powder in a food processor.
The powder can be easily kepr for one year in sealed jars in a dark place. 1he powder can be easily
used in the kitchen to Aavour dishes.

approximately 85
Aw: 0.79 Beer caramel

225 g sugar 23.68 • Melt the sucrose and the glucose until it reaches a light brown caramel colour.
40 g glucose 4.21 • Carefully quench the caramel with the cream and then the beer.
50 g cream 35% 5-26 • Immediately acid sorbitol, salt and butter.
175 g strong bitter beer 18-42 • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
20 g sorbitol powder 2.II • Mix the precrystallisecl chocolates together with the melted cocoa butter 207
0.5 g salt and stir into the mixture. Lastly, add the alcohol.
100 g butter I0.53 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a truffle sheet and piping bag.
150 g milk chocolate 15.79 • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.
150 g white chocolate 15-79
30 g cocoa butter 3.16 FINISHING TOUCH
IO g pure alcohol > 90° r.05 • Seal the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow the confections to come to room temperature before covering
Batch size: approx. 900 g chem with the chocolate of your choice.
• Dip in dark, white or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

approximately IOO
A few traditional recipes


noo g cream 28.57 • Bring the cream, glucose, inscam coffee and sorbicol co che boil.
270 g glucose 7.01 • Pour che mixture over che finely chopped chocolace. Add the honey
30 g inscam coffee 0.78 and caramel flavouring.
50 g sorbicol 1 -30 • Whisk uncil smooch and cool as soon as possible.
100 g honey 2.60
2300 g milk chocolace 59.74
caramel flavouring, as needed

Barch size: 3850 g

approximacely 345

Aw: 0.79 Orange

1100 g cream 28.57 • Bring the cream, glucose, zest and sorbicol to che boil. Pour chis mixture
250 g glucose 6.49 over che chopped chocolace and immediately add the compound.
zest of 2 oranges • Whisk the mixture until smooth and add che honey or inverc sugar
50 g sorbicol 1.30 and Coinrreau.
2300 g milk chocolate 59-74 • Cool as quickly as possible.
60 g orange compound 1.56
50 g honey or invert sugar 1.30 COMMENT
40 g Cointreau concencre 60% 1.04 Cut the chocolate quanticy co 2200 g if no alcohol is used.

Barch size: 3850 g

contains alcohol

approximately 345


1200 g cream • Bring the cream, cinnamon, glucose and sorbitol to the boil.
cinnamon powder, as needed • Pour the mixture over the finely chopped white hocolate.
300 g glucose 6.88 • Whisk the mixture until smooth and add the honey or invert sugar.
60 g sorbitol 1.38 • Once the mixture is tepid, add the softened butter.
2500 g white chocolate 57.34
roo g honey or invert sugar 2.29
200 g butter 4.59

Batch size: 4360 g

approximately 390

Aw: 0.80 Champagne

IIOO g cream 28.87 • Bring the cream, glucose and sorbitol to the boil and pour over the finely
300 g glucose 7.87 chopped chocolate.
50 g sorbitol I.JI • Stir the mixture until smooth.
IIOO g milk chocolate 28.87 • Add the honey or invert sugar and concentrate.
uoo g white chocolate 28.87 • Cool as quickly as possible.
roo g honey or invert sugar 2.62
60 g mare de champagne- COMMENT
concentrate 1.57 Cut the milk chocolate quantity to rooo g if no alcohol is used - in this case you
can only add alcohol-free essences or flavourings.
Batch size: 3810 g

contains alcohol

approximately 340
Aw: o.88 Bitter chocolate

1700 g cream 39.91 • Bring the cream, glucose and sorbitol to the boil.
400 g glucose 9.39 • Pour the mixture over the finely chopped chocolate and stir until smooth.
80 g sorbitol r.88 • Immediately add the honey or invert sugar.
1800 g 70/30-chocolate 42.25 • Once the mixture is tepid, add the softened butter.
2IO 80 g honey or invert sugar 1.88
200 g butter 4.69

Batch size: 4260 g

approximately 380

Green tea

400 g cream 32.79 • Bring the cream, glucose and tea to the boil.
80 g glucose 6.56 • Allow to infuse for a few minutes.
40 g green tea powder 3.28 • Strain the lukewarm cream and the tea over the precrystallised chocolates.
300 g dark chocolate 2 4-59 Cool as soon as possible.
400 g milk chocolate 32.79

Batch size: 1220 g

approximately 105
Baileys truffles

roo g cream 35% 11.98 • Bring the cream, salt, glucose and sorbitol to the boil.
0.5 g salt • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
40 g glucose 4.79 • Soften the butter and mix it with the precrystallised chocolate.
40 g liquid sorbitol 4.79 • Pour the cream mixture together with the liqueur and alcohol onto
30 g butter 3.59 the chocolate and stir into a homogeneous ganache. 2II

455 g white chocolate 54.49 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a truffle sheet and piping bag.
160 g Baileys liqueur 19.16 • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.
IO g pure alcohol> 90% r.20
Barch size: approximately 830 g • Seal the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow to come to room temperature before covering the truffles with
the chocolate of your choice.
• Dip in dark or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 90
Aw: o.86 Bitter and vanilla

350 g cream 32.71 Cur the vanilla pods lengthways, collect the seeds and add co the cream.
r ½ vanilla pod
80 g glucose 7-48 METHOD
20 g invert sugar 1.87 • Bring the cream, vanilla pods and seeds, glucose, invert sugar and butter
212 120 g butter 11.21 co rhe boil. Cover and leave co cool co approximately 30°C (86°F).
500 g extra bitter • Remove the vanilla pods, pour the mixture onto the precrysrallised chocolate
chocolate 70% 46.73 and stir into a homogeneous, smooch ganache.
• Immediately fill the hollow buller shells using a truffle sheet and piping bag.
Barch size: approximately rooo g • Leave co crystallise in rhe refrigerator for approximately one hour.

• Seal the bullets with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow co come co room temperature before covering the confections
with rhe chocolate of your choice.
• Dip in dark, white or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 105
Aw: 0.93, but with a shelflife
of one month due to the
high alcohol content Egg liqueurtruffles
60 g cocoa butter 9.68 • Mix the melted cocoa butter together with the non-precryscallised chocolate.
60 g white chocolate 9.68 • Pour the chocolate mixture onto the egg liqueur and stir into
500 g Amaretto liqueur a homogeneous ganache.
(see page 189) 80.65 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a truffle sheet and piping bag.
• Scrape the excess cream back into the bowl and carefully remove the sheer. 2IJ
Barch size: approximately 620 g • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.

• Seal the bullet shells using truffle sheet 2 with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow to come to room temperature before covering the confections with
the chocolate of your choice.
• Dip in dark, white or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 70
Aw: Cointreau cream: 0.93
Aw: ganache: o.86 Cointreau cream
250 g Cointreau Advocaat 80.65 • Versez du chocolat noir dans un moule à chocolat ou utilisez des balles
30 g white chocolate 9.68 creuses.
30 g cocoa butter 9.68 • Mélanger le chocolat blanc et le beurre de cacao avec l'advocaar.
• Versez environ un tiers de la crème d'avocat dans les coques en chocolat.


100 g cream • Bring the cream to the boil, stir in the honey or invert sugar. Leave to cool
30 g invert sugar or honey to approximately 35°C (95° F) before stirring in the tempered chocolate.
130 g dark chocolate • Immediately pipe the ganache onto the first layer.
• Allow the ganache to crystallise sufficiently before sealing the moulds.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 74

(Aw between 0.85 and 0.70)

Aw: 0.79 Wine truffles
150 g red wine 23.04 • Bring the wine, clove, sorbitol powder, glucose and salt to the boil.
1 clove • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
15 g sorbitol powder 2.31 • Remove the clove.
50 g glucose 7.69 • Stir the cocoa butter into the precrystallised chocolate.
2I6 0.5 g salt • Pour the wine mixture and the alcohol onto the chocolate and mix well.
30 g cocoa butter 4.61 • Add the butter brought to room temperature and blend into a homogeneous,
300 g milk chocolate 46.12 smooth ganache.
100 g butter 15.37 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a truffie sheet and piping bag.
5 g pure alcohol > 90% 0.77 • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.

Batch size: approximately 650 g FJNlSHING TOUCH

• Seal the bullets with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow to come to room temperature before covering the confections
with the chocolate of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 70
Aw: 0.83 Mint ganache truffles

350 g cream • Bring the cream, together with the tea bag, mint leaves, glucose,
r.5 g mint tea(= r tea bag) invert sugar and butter to the boil.
4 g fresh mint leaves • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
30 g glucose 2 -97 • Strain the mixture over the precrystallised chocolates. Press the liquid from the
60 g invert sugar 3.96 tea bag and mint leaves and mix together into a homogeneous, smooth ganache. 2IJ
60 g butter 5.94 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a trufHe sheet and piping bag.
130 g dark chocolate 12.87 • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour. Cl)
400 g milk chocolate 39.60 ,-l


Batch size: approximately 1000 g • Seal the bullers with the same chocolate as the shells. a::
• Allow to come to room temperature before covering the confections Cl)
with the chocolate of your choice. "'
Garnish immediately.

approximately r IO
Aw: 0.84 Matcha truffles

325 g cream 35°/o 34.6 • Bring the cream, together with the green tea, fresh mint leaves, glucose,
6 g Maccha green tea powder 0.63 honey and butter to the boil.
3 g fresh mint leaves • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
25 g glucose 2.64 • Pour the mixture through a sieve onto the slightly precrystallised chocolates
2I8 40 g honey 4-2 3 and stir into a homogeneous, smooth ganache.
50 g butter 5-2 9 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a cruffie sheet and piping bag.
200 g dark chocolate 21.14 • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.
300 g milk chocolate 31.71
Batch size: approximately 920 g • Seal the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow to come to room temperature before finishing the confections
with a chin layer of chocolate in order to apply a decoration.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 100
Aw: 0.81 Masticha truffles

500 g cream 36.36 • Bring the cream, rogether with the Masticha, glucose, sorbitol and vanilla
ro g Masticha* 0.73 ro the boil. Warning! Masticha does not melt easily.
roo g glucose 7.27 • Cover and leave to cool co approximately 30°C (86°F).
15 g sorbitol 1.09 • Soften the butter and mix it through the precrystallised chocolate.
½ vanilla pod • Remove the vanilla pod. Pour the cream mixture onco the chocolate and stir 219
50 g butter 3.64 inro a homogeneous, smooth ganache.
350 g milk chocolate 25.45 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a truffle sheet and piping bag.
350 g white chocolate 25.45 • Leave ro crystalli e in the refrigeracor for approximately one hour.

Batch size approximately 1300 g FINISHING TOUCH

• Seal the bullets with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow co come co room temperature before covering the confections
with the chocolate of your choice.
• Dip in dark or milk chocolate and roll in the decoration of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

* Masricha is a resin from the mastic tree,

which can be chewed in its pure form.
le is highly popular in countries around
the Mediterranean. lt can be found in local
liqueurs, ice cream, bread, pastries and chew-
ing gum. Masticha is also used in some med-
icines against tooth decay and stomach ulcers
as well as in cosmetics. Jccan be purchased in
stores that sell Mediterranean specialities, but
is not cheap.

approximately 140
Aw: 0.72 Chestnut truffles

100 g honey 12.58 Al low the butter co come co room temperature.
100 g butter 12.58
20 g sorbicol powder 2.52 METHOD
200 g unsweetened • Mix the honey together with the butter and sorbitol powder.
220 chestnut puree • Add the chestnut puree and rum. Create a lump-free, homogeneous dough.
20 g rum 60% • Mix the cocoa butter together with the chocolate and stir through the cream.
300 g milk chocolate • Fill the hollow bullet shells using a piping bag.
• Leave co crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.
Batch size: approximately 740 g
• Seal the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow co come co room temperature before finishing the confections with a thin
layer of chocolate in order to apply a decoration.

arnish immediately.

approximately 85
Aw: 0.83 Kirsch truffles

250 g cream 35°/o 24.06 • Bring the cream, together with the glucose, honey, sorbitol, butter and salt,
25 g glucose 2.41 to the boil.
25 g honey 2.41 • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
30 g liquid sorbitol 2.89 • Add both liqueurs.
25 g butter 2.41 • Blend in both slightly precrystallised chocolates and stir into a homogeneous, 22I
0.5 g salt smooth mass.
50 g kirsch 60% 4.81 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a truffie sheet and piping bag.
4 g Angostura bitters 0.38 • Leave to crystallise in the refrigerator for an hour.
250 g milk chocolate 24.06
380 g white chocolate 36.57 FINISHING TOUCH
• Seal the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
Batch size: approximately 980 g • Allow to come ro room temperature before covering the confections
with a thin layer of the chocolate of your choice.

Garnish immediately. See a few examples under 'Anise truffies'.

approximately 105
Aw: 0.83 (second layer) White and dark
300 g Amaretto-egg liqueur • Stir the egg liqueur until smooch. Add the melted cocoa butter. Pipe the cream
(see page 189) using a piping bag and fill the chocolate shells to one fourth of their height.
30 g cocoa butter

222 Barch size: 330 g

200 g cream 36.36 • Bring the cream, together with the invert sugar and sorbitol to the boil.
20 g invert sugar 3.64 • Leave to cool to approximately 35°C (95°F) before folding in the precrystallised
10 g sorbitol powder 1.82 chocolate.
320 g bitter chocolate • Immediately pipe the ganache using a piping bag onto the advocaat liqueur
min. 70% cocoa up to 1 mm from the opening, in order to have enough room to seal
(and 38 to 40% cocoa butter) 58. r8 with chocolate.
• Allow the ganache to crystallise before sealing the moulds.
Total ganache: approximately 550 g Leave to crystallise sufficiently before sealing the hollow bullet shells.

• Seal the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
• Allow to come to room temperature before finishing the confections
with a chin layer of chocolate in order to apply a decoration.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 95

(Aw between 0.70 and 0.65)

Aw: 0.69 Caramel truffies

300 g sucrose 25 • Caramelise the sugar and glucose until they turn an attractive golden brown.
roo g glucose 8.33 Carefully quench the caramel with the cream. Immediately add the salt.
400 g cream 33.33 • Allow to cool to approximately 25°C (77°F) before stirring in the room-
2 g salt (Maldon/fleur de sel, etc.) temperature butter.
224 roo g butter 8.33 • Pour the caramel over the precrystallised chocolate and flavour with coffee
300 g milk chocolate 25 extract.
coffee extract, as needed • Allow the ganache to slightly crystallise and stir until smooth before piping
into balls. Leave to cool.
Batch size: 1200 g
• Dip the truffies in dark chocolate.

Immediately roll in the garnish of your choice.

approximately ro5
Aw: 0.70 truffies


250 g Boiron apricot puree 52.08 • Combine all ingredients and heat to 107°C (224°F).
150 g sucrose 31.25 • Strain and allow to fully cool before piping the jam into hollow truffie shells. 225
50 g glucose 16.42
30 g lime juice 6.25 FINISHING TOUCH t/l
r.5 g dried basil leaves • Close the shells, coat with chocolate and garnish. ..-l
Batch size: 430 g E-<


approximately 50
Aw: 0.65 Pistachio truffles

200 g pistachio nuts 10.35 • Puree the pistachio nuts in the food processor.
500 g butter 25.87 • Whip the butter into the mixture.
90 g fondant 4.66 • Add the fondant and marzipan as well as the sodium bicarbonate,
150 g marzipan 50/50 7.76 glycerol, puree and pistachio nuts.
226 3 g sodium bicarbonate 0.16 • Blend the precrysrallised chocolates into the pistachio cream.
100 g glycerol or sorbicol 5-17 • Pipe the filling into the truffle shells.
90 g pistachio puree 100% 4.66
700 g milk chocolate 36.21 FINISHING TOUCH
100 g dark chocolate 5-17 • Close the shells as soon as the filling has stiffened.

Barch size: 1890 g DECORATION


approximately 230
Aw: o.68 Cranberry caramel

250 g sugar 24.04 • Defrost the cranberry puree and bring the butter to room temperature.
50 g glucose 4.81 • Cut a vanilla pod lengthwise and collect the seeds.
100 g cream 35°/o 9.62
180 g cranberry puree 17-31 METHOD
1 vanilla pod
0.5 g salt
60 g butter
400 g milk chocolate

Caramelise the sugar with rhe glucose until they reach an attractive blonde/
brown colour.
Quench the caramel with the cream, cranberries, vanilla pod with seeds
and salt. BrieHy bring back to the boil.
Leave to cool to approximately 40°C (104°F). Puree the mixture using

Batch size: approximately 550 g a hand blender.

• Rub rhe puree through a sieve and add the sofrened butter.
• Pour the mixture onto the precrystallised chocolate.
• Immediately pipe the caramel ganache into the chocolate shells using
the truffle sheer and piping bag.
• Leave to crystallise sufficiently before sealing the bullet shells with the chocolate
of your choice.

Garnish immediately.

approximately 55
Aw: o.68 with raspberry puree

500 g Boiron raspberry puree 63.20 • Mix all ingredients and heat to ro6°C (222.8°F).
228 roo g sucrose 12.64 • Allow to fully cool.
50 g maltodextrin 6.32 • Pipe into hollow shell moulds.
70 g glucose 8.85
70 g sorbitol 8.85 FINlSHlNG TOUCH
o.6 g tabasco 0.08 • Seal the moulds after stiffening and garnish.
0.5 g Maldon salt 0.06

Batch size: 720 g

approximately 90
Aw: 0.70 Rhubarbtruffles
250 g Boiron rhubarb puree 45.45 • Heat the puree with the sucrose, glucose and chilli powder to ro8°C (226.4°F).
150 g sucrose 27.27 • Add the glycerol.
50 g glucose 9.o9 • Fold the precrystallised chocolate into the cooled mixture.
chilli powder (alternative), • Immediately pipe the filling in the shape of a ball using a smooth tip.
as needed 229
40 g glycerol or sorbitol FINISHING TOUCH
60 g milk chocolate • Close the shells and finish with a mixture of dark and white chocolate.

Batch size: 495 g

approximately 60
olive oil-honey truffles

roo g cream 12.80 • Blend all ingredients, except the olive oil and chocolate, and bring to the boil.
230 roo g honey 12.80 • If necessary, strain and allow to fully cool.
50 g glucose 6.40 • Mix the olive oil and the precrystallised chocolate and add to the mixture.
80 g maltodextrin 10.24 • Immediately pipe into hollow shells.
r g Maldon sale 0.13
4 g ground cardamom FINISHING TOUCH
80 g glycerol or sorbicol L0.24 • Close the shells as soon as possible, coat with chocolate and garnish.
30 g olive oil 3.84
340 g milk chocolate 43.53

Batch size: 785 g

approximately 90
Aw: 0.52 Lime-wasabi truffies

100 g cream 12.64 • Blend all ingredients, except the chocolate, and bring to the boil.
80 g malcodextrin IQ.II • Allow to fully cool before folding in the precrystallised chocolate.
20 g lime juice 2 -53 • Immediately pipe into the truffle shells.
wasabi powder, as needed
(depending on the quality FINISHING TOUCH 2JI
and strength of the wasabi) • Close the shells as soon as possible, coat with chocolate and garnish.
100 g glycerol or sorbitol 12.64
50 g glucose 6.32
roo g invert sugar or honey 12.64
1 g Maldon salt 0.13
340 g white chocolate 42.98

Batch size: 770 g

approximately 93
Marc de Champagne
Aw: o.86 truffies

275 g cream 35% 28.26 • Bring the cream, together with the glucose, sorbitol, butter and sale, to the boil.
232 75 g glucose 7-71 • Cover and leave to cool to approximately 30°C (86°F).
20 g liquid sorbirol 2.06 • Add liqueur and alcohol.
15 g butter 1.54 • Blend in both precrystallised chocolates and stir into a homogeneous,
0.5 g salt smooth mass.
35 g Marc de Champagne 3.60 • Immediately fill the hollow bullet shells using a piping bag.
3 g pure alcohol > 90% 0.31 • Leave co crystallise in the refrigerator for approximately one hour.
250 g milk chocolate 25.69
300 g white chocolate 30.83 FINISHING TOUCH
• ea! the bullet shells with the same chocolate as the shells.
Barch si2e: approximately 970 g • Allow to come to room temperature before covering the confections
with the chocolate of your choice.
contains alcohol
Garnish immediately.

approximately IIO
Aw: o.66 truffles

100 g cream 9.43 • Blend all ingredients, except the chocolate.
200 g strawberry paste 18.87 • Heat the mixture to 104°C (219.2°F). 2 33

20 g ginger r.89 • Allow to fully cool before folding in the precrystallised chocolate.
80 g sorbitol or glycerol 7.55 • Immediately pipe into hollow truffie shells.
20 g dextrose r.89
50 g glucose 4.72 FINISHING TOUCH
20 g butter 1.89 • Allow to stiffen sufficiently before sealing the moulds.
570 g dark chocolate 36% 53-77
Batch size: 950 g Garnish.

approximately II5
with EarlGrey truffies

100 g water • Bring the water to the boil. For strong tea, allow the tea to brew until the water
2 34 10 g Earl Grey tea 15.38 has reached room temperature.
250 g Boiron banana puree 38.46 • Strain the infusion and mix with puree, sucrose, glucose, glycerol and salt.
150 g sucrose 23.08 • Heat to 104°C (219-4°F).
60 g glucose 9.23 • Allow to fully cool before adding the precrystallised chocolate.
30 g glycerol or sorbitol 4.62 • Immediately pipe into hollow chocolate truffle shells.
0.5 g Maldon salt
60 g milk chocolate FINISHING TOUCH
• Seal the shells as soon as the filling has stiffened.
Batch size: approximately 600 g • Coat the shells with a thin layer of chocolate and garnish.

approximately 70

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