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The purpose of a WIP constraint is to ensure that a team has enough work to do.



Having smaller batch sizes are good practice since they ensure a higher throughput with lower variability.


Paavan is a good Product Owner. It's day 7 of the sprint and his team ("The A Team") tells him that they
may miss their sprint commitment. What does Paavan do?
He supports pulling a story which hasn't been started.

He agrees with adding a person from the system team to complete the work.

He supports adding an unscheduled hardening sprint directly after the current sprint.

He buys the team pizza so that they can work late and get back on track.

He asks that they skip testing and add a testing story to the next sprint.

He suggests that they rename themselves "The B Team."

Who is involved more with Acceptance Criteria than Acceptance Tests?

The Scrum Master

The Product Owner

The Developers

The Testers

This meeting occurs at the end of each team's sprint and its purpose is to identify opportunities for
continuous improvement
The Backlog Refinement Session

The Mid-Sprint Review

The Task Breakdown Meeting

The Sprint Retrospective Meeting

The Problem-Solving Workshop

The Sprint Demo

Inspect & Adapt

In SAFe, which backlog contains the user stories a team may be working on?
The Product Backlog

The Team Backlog

The Sprint Backlog

The Sprint Review Backlog

The System Backlog

The Portfolio Backlog

What are the three levels of the Scaled Agile Framework?

Portfolio, Program, and Project

Investment Theme, PI Objective, and Sprint Goal

Portfolio, Program, and Team

Epic, Feature, and Story

Story, Acceptance Criteria, and Task

All the following are XP practices except:

Bug Fixing

Pair Programming

Continuous Integration

Test-Driven Development

The responsibilities of the Scrum Master include all of the following except::
Facilitating discussions among the team

Removing impediments that are in team's way

Ensuring that everyone on the team is doing their job

Participating in the Scrum of Scrums

The Product Owner is involved in all of the following except:
Writing the user stories and their acceptance criteria

Clarifying user stories for the team

Determining whether the sprint needs to be extended in order to for the team to complete the

committed user stories

Defining the Sprint Goals

Engaging team stakeholders

Negotiating scope

All of the above are responsibilities

None of the above are responsibilities

Capacity allocation refers to what?

The balanced allocation of resources to users stories, refactors, and maintenance

The teams working on a feature during a PI

Adjustments made to the program backlog based on the release predictability report

The normalization of velocity during the Release Planning Meeting

The adjustments made to velocity based on time off

In SAFe, what is the recommended length of a Sprint?

1 week

2 weeks

4 weeks

It depends on the number of people on the team

It depends on the number of teams in the program

The "I" in INVEST stands for:






I don't care

What is the recommended size of a scrum team?

3 - 5 people

5 - 7 people

5 - 9 people

8 - 12 people

In creating agile teams, we first try to organize them by:





Layer in the system stack

The System Team is responsible for all of the following except:

Breaking down non-functional requirements into tasks at each program teams' sprint planning

Building and supporting development infrastructure

Conducting end-to-end testing

Acting as an interface to deployment

Supporting the demonstration of the integrated solution to stakeholders

The Product Owner is a member of the agile team.



The Product Owner participates in estimating user stories:



Someone tells Mary the manager that the Lion team has "ba." She looks in on their Sprint planning
meeting and likely sees what?
Their Scrum Master leading the planning meeting with no impediments on the risk board

The product owner refining backlog while the team is waiting

The team vigorously discussing implementation details

The testers uncomfortably signaling for Mary to come in

When estimating size, story points should take into account all of the following except:
Complexity - how hard is it?

Priority - how important is it?

Uncertainty - what's not known?

Volume - How much is there?

Why do we use the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8...) when estimating?

It reflects the uncertainty in estimating larger items

It results in greater precision

It can be used to predict unit test coverage

It serves as a way to communicate delivery date to upper management

We want to establish a team's initial velocity using normalization. A team has 2 testers, 3 developers, 1
full time Scrum Master, and a Product Owner split between two teams. What is their normalized velocity
before calculating for time off?




A user story specifies all of the following except:





In the context of a user story, a role can be:

A person

A device

A system

All of the above

A and B

A and C

The "3 C's" is a popular guideline for writing user stories. What do the letters stand for?
Cause, Clarify, Conform

Concept, Conversation, Confirmation

Card, Concept, Clarification

Card, Conversation, Confirmation

Concept, Conversation, Confirmation

John's Scrum team finishes coding all of their stories in the first six days of the sprint, tests them in the
following two days, and fixes bugs in the days remaining. John's team is...
Applying the practice of hardening
Applying the agile development practice of "separation of concerns"

Using highly incremental practices to build working software in a timebox

Waterfalling the sprint

Which of the following examples is NOT an acceptable way of splitting user stories to fit into a sprint?
Deliver only the happy path functionality

Don't develop for scalability

Implement only a portion of the business rules

Deliver only the portion of the code which has been tested

Limit the functionality to only one step in the workflow process

SAFE supports a simplified method of prioritizing user stories at sprint boundaries. This simplified
method should take into consideration which two variables?
Risk and Size

User Value and Risk

Risk and Time Value

Size and Time Value

User Value and Size

Tito the tester is finishing the acceptance criteria for a user story during sprint planning. The number of
letters in the acceptance criteria should be...
...more than the number of letters in the user story

...about the same as the number of letters in the user story

...less than the number of letters in the user story

None of the above. Acceptance criteria should not be written during sprint planning

In SAFe, Which of the following does NOT belong in the team backlog?
User Stories



Technical Stories

In addition to User Stories, what typically replaces detailed requirements documents?


Unit tests


Acceptance Criteria

Task Boards

Which of the following is typically NOT included in the definition of done for a user story?
All acceptance tests pass

All coding standards are followed

The story is accepted by the Scrum Master

The code is peer reviewed

All tasks are done

Which of the following is NOT a recommended or required output of the Sprint Planning Meeting?
A Sprint Goal in clear business language

A production deployment plan

Tasks with estimates in hours


An updated list of dependencies and blocking issues

Subject Matter experts can attend the sprint planning meeting


The team learned about commitment in their training. On the eighth day of the sprint, they realize that
they will not complete 5 of the 13 user stories because they were waterfalling the Sprint. The product
owner says she cannot negotiate the scope of the remaining user stories any further. What is the team's
best course of action?
Have an emergency Sprint Planning Meeting

Communicate the status of the sprint to all stakeholders

Abort the sprint

Adjust the velocity of the sprint

A or C

A or D

None of the above

How long is the daily scrum meeting?

3 minutes per person on the team

15 minutes

30 minutes

As long as it takes

Alexandra the developer has been late for the past week to the daily Scrum. Of the following, which is the
Scrum Master's best course of action?
Change the time of the daily Scrum

Pull Alexandra aside and ask her why she's late

Update the working agreements to clearly state the penalty for arriving late

Escalate the issue to Alexandra's functional manager

Does the phrase "untested code" exist in the SAFe ScrumXP dictionary?

Dylan the developer is following SAFe code quality coding practices. How often is he checking his code
back into the baseline?
After every unit test he writes

After each "pass" he takes through a user story

After a user story is accepted by a product owner

At the end of a sprint

During the IP sprint

What type of Agile testing is business facing, critiques the product, and is often manual?
Component Testing

Functional Testing

Exploratory Testing

Unit testing

In test driven development, when are the tests written?

While creating the Product Requirements Document (PRD)

Before the code is written

While the code is being written

After the code is written

Just before deployment ("just in time")

Which of the following are the recommended mid-sprint events?

The mid-sprint demo and backlog refinement session

The backlog refinement session and the stakeholder management planning session

The backlog refinement session and the mid-sprint review

The mid-sprint demo and the mid-sprint retrospective

No events are recommended mid-sprint

Hamid plots the first point on the team's sprint burndown chart. The y-axis unit of measure is in:


Story points

Time Value


User Value

Spikes should be demoed at the sprint demo:



Paul is new to agile and is trying to put together the list of people to be invited to the Sprint
Retrospective. Who should be on the list?
The developers and testers

The Scrum Master

The Product Owner

The Business Owners

The Stakeholders

All of the above

A and B

A, B, and C

C, D, and E

When is the System Sprint Demo conducted?

After every sprint

Mid-way through the PI

At the end of the PI

On demand

What is the typical length of the release planning meeting?

1 hour

4 hours

1 day

2 days

As long as it takes to achieve commitment

Which activity should NOT happen in a IP Sprint?

Program backlog refinement

Completion of stories from the PI

Creation of the release deployment package

Finalization of user, deployment, and/or installation documents

Which is the correct way of splitting stories into smaller stories?

Implement database structure first and then implement business logic and the UI

Implement the simplest variant of the functionality first and then implement the rest as an

Develop the functionality first and test it as a second pass

Develop the UI with mocked business logic and database access and then add the actual

functionality behind the UI

Sprint goals (select the right answer):

Allow management to load teams with work in every sprint

Give management an idea of what the teams work on

Provide management with a tool to track scope change over time

Release planning in SAFe (select the right answer):

Involves everybody in the program for two days of planning

Involves products management and product owners on day one and rest of the team members on

day two
Is done individually by teams and requires collective presentation of the plans to stakeholders

Involves only team members that can effectively estimate work

The system demo (select the right answer):

Can be demonstrated from multiple different branches of code

All finished features are demonstrated out of a single branch of code while those that are in progress

are in demonstrated from feature branches

Is demonstrated out of a single branch of code

Some business domains don't have first degree user persona, but only have 2nd
and 3rd.



Code review can substitute a demo for component teams


S.No Questions

1 Which of the following statements are correct

Which of the following BEST describes the approach for

2 determining the Sprint length in Scrum?

Ron has just started as a Scrum Master for an Agile team. He

has acquired knowledge by reading multiple sources. After
3 practicing Scrum for a while on the job, he is looking for a
certification to benchmark. What can be recommended for

4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice?

5 The Product Owner in a Scrum project …

Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a customer

project where he commands the teams and micro manages
the team members at task level. How can he help the TCS
6 Agile vision?

7 Daily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated teams

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer

device with embedded software_ The team is adopting 2-
week sprint Lee notices that the project must produce an
outcome that will be highly adoptable by the users to become
successful. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner
keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory
statements about user needs. What can be suggested for this
8 environment?
Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer
device with embedded software_ The team is adopting 2-
week sprint Lee notices that the project must produce an
outcome that will be highly adoptable by the users to become
successful. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner
keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory
statements about user needs. What can be suggested for this
8 environment?

9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?

10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and ..... Principles

Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and Principles

11 but have flexibility to choose appropriate value-adding

12 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is

Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a new feature

with their Product Owner. Product Owner was happy with
new feature, and wanted to release the feature to user_ But,
the Scrum Team cannot do it themselves because production
13 environment is owned the company's IT operations team_
Scrum Team was directed to create a ticket with IT operations
for production release_ and wait a week for an Ops engineer
to manually Work on the ticket What is missing in this

14 What BEST describes a Scrum Team?

Martin is from the TCS BPS team. As part of TCS Agile vision.
he was recommended to attain EID competency in Agile.
15 Martin Was thinking that Agile was only for software. How
could Agile knowledge help Martin in his work?
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_ What are
16 the activities that the team must perform during the meeting?

Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to the Agile

17 way of working. Why is this a true statement?

18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum

Charles is very knowledgeable on Scrum_ He joined a Scrum

Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Contrary to his
expectation of Scrum Master as a coach, he finds that
19 Magneto acts like a traditional manager_ Magneto controls
the team heavily by individually assigning tasks and leading
the Daily Scrum meetings to collect the percentage of task
completion. What is recommended for Charles?

20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team?

Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum approach to

21 planning?

Which of these are the needed actions to realize TCS vision of

22 "0-4-2.?

Providing additional feature without clear understanding of

23 the business need - What is this category of waste?
Providing additional feature without clear understanding of
23 the business need - What is this category of waste?

Which of the following statements about changing

24 requirements in software development, are correct?

Which framework prescribes User Story as the format for

25 backlog items?

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer

device with embedded software. The team is adopting 2-week
sprint. Lee notices that the project must produce an outcome
that will be highly adoptable by the users to become
26 successful. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner
keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory
statements about user needs. What can be suggested for this

A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new Sprints,

the team finds that they spend more effort on unit testing, as
27 the code base size has increased. What can be BEST
recommended for this team?

28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts

29 The time box for a Daily Scrum is …

On the last day of the Sprint, a Scrum Team named

Almostflone is ready to show their work but requires just 2
30 more days to complete the testing. What should the Scrum
Master recommend?
There are two Product Development Teams, Team ToyZon and
Team Zan. Team ToyZon follows traditional way and Team Zon
31 follows Agile way of working. Which team has the higher
chance to provide early benefts to the customer?

Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of listing:

32 Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming

Jerald is a leader of a TCS Customer Account. He learnt that

the company's aspiration on Agile is to become 100% Agile by
2020. He gathered his Agile Experts within the account and
33 asked them for a plan to transition from current way of
working to 100% Agile way of working as defined in the text
book. Jerald correctly understood TCS aspiration.

John, a team member, has completed EO -Agile for Beginners.

He wants to contribute to TCS Agile Vision. He wants to find
34 out what is planned for his account. Whom should he contact
for details?

35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'?

36 A good Agile team should exhibit the following qualities ...

Mannar & Company kick started a major cross company

project that involved working with multiple business unit
leaders to build enterprise wide platform. Impressed by the
success of small projects in Agile: company leadership
37 enforced Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few
Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner was not
able to build consensus among the business unit leaders on
requirements. There were several political aspects behind the
collaboration. What went wrong?
Mannar & Company kick started a major cross company
project that involved working with multiple business unit
leaders to build enterprise wide platform. Impressed by the
success of small projects in Agile: company leadership
37 enforced Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few
Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner was not
able to build consensus among the business unit leaders on
requirements. There were several political aspects behind the
collaboration. What went wrong?

38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is

….. improves the flow of business idea through its

39 development and release to users.

A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting. What are

40 the activities that the team must perform during the meeting?

41 Which of these are Agile estimation techniques?

Which of the following statements BEST describe why Agile is

42 winning?

What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner is not

43 available during a Sprint?
What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner is not
43 available during a Sprint?

44 Who owns the Product backlog?

45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?

46 How should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum project?

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer

device with embedded software. The team is adopting 2-week
sprint. Lee notices that the project must produce an outcome
that will be highly adoptable by the users to become
47 successful. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner
keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory
statements about user needs. What can be suggested for this

48 Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Retrospective

Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile Manifesto by heart.

However, he was confused when a customer spoke with him
highlighting Agile characteristics of short software
49 development cycles or iterations. He could not recollect
anything about short iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did
he miss to learn about?

50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile?

51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means

52 Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?

53 The Agile way is:

54 What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?

55 Which of these are Scrum anti patterns?

56 Which one is a popular tool used in Agile software development

57 What is a Kanban board?

The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make worK

visually available to all What CANNOT be Interred from the
58 board?
The Agile approach to documentation is


Why were the practitioners of alternative

software development methods not satisfied with
the traditional waterfall method?


and acquired PSM I certification already The customer may

soon move to a large scale Agile Which other certification may
be beneficial for Eric so he can be prepared to help the
61 customer?

62 Agile principles can be only used for software development

Agile for Beginners course is intended towards motivating you

63 to learn more about agile so that you can become

Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC running in

Agile. Operating out of Mexico He has to ramp up the team
based on customer need, and he is not getting right skilled
people in Mexico He is acing at setting up another ODC at Pune.
india where his skill requirements are met for an effective
64 Distributed Agile set up, what is recommended?

65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto

How is the Agile value responding to change over blowing a

plan addressed In Scrum

How is the Agile value responding to change over blowing a
plan addressed In Scrum


Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users do not

use near1 60% of the features delivered What do you think ere
the probable causes


68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person

Agile and Design Thinking are same

Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software Devopment

Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right things

Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right things

Sprints must be 30 days always

Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint
Sprints must be two weeks always
The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business need and
technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month
There is no rule on Sprint duration

Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)

SAFe Agilist (SA)
Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I)

Test Driven Development

Extreme Reviews
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration

Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items

Has the final authority over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but the
developers have the final say
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but Product
Owner has the final say
Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst

Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles

No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager

Wait till his current customer adopts Agile


Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later

More practices from Extreme Programming

Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work

• 4,10
• 6, 12
• 4.12
• 4.4

It allows the team to take a necessary break from work

It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews
Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
improvements to be enacted during the next
Retrospectives are optional
Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building



Continuous Improvement

Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work
Team members must be specialists
Cross Functional
Reports to Product Owner

Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation
Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes
The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project

Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a Sprint Goal.

Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and understand
their tasks

For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects (per PMS)
year on year

In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of conversation

For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile
This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2


Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to continuously
improve and eliminate anti-patterns

Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's manager

Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he is more
knowledgeable about Scrum

Scrum Master
Product Owner
Scrum Team
External QA team

Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous planning
throughout the project
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events

Agile Ready Partnership Review

All get Agile Certified
Agile Ready Workforce
Top-to-bottom Enterprise Agile Company ourselves
Agile Ready Workplace

We do it all the time It is not a waste.
Over Production
Over Processing

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further
changes should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further change should
be rejected
In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further
changes can be easily accepted with light process.

Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant in

Crystal 0 Extreme Programming

Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
More practices from Extreme Programming

Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit testing

Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP

Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team


Two minutes per person

15 minutes
2 ms
No time box 0 30 minutes

Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work

Close the sprint on time

Team ToyZon

Team Zon

Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff

Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn
Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent
Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent
Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent

Account Leadership

Customer Leadership
HR Manager

Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval to release
the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score against the
To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights from the
feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next

All in team must have the same level of technical

The team is self-organizing
The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product
The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of
The team is cross-functional

For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before

Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at quickly. This
scenario did not have that
Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this scenario:
the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent

Two minutes per person

15 minutes
2 hrs
No time box
30 minutes

Waterfall method
DevOps practices
Beta release
Change Control Board (CCB)

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project

Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint Goal.

Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and understand
their tasks

Full Upfront Estimates

Planning Poker
Work Breakdown Structure
T Shirt sizing
Random Distribution

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by any other
Agile increases the chances of delivering early business value to the market and quickly
incorporate the feedback from the market usage

Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs

Products are expensive when compared with products produced by other approaches, but
are of top quality.

The team self-organizes itself to create value

The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return

Scrum Team
Product Owner
Scrum Master
Business Analyst
Technical Lead

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Working software over comprehensive documentation
Responding to change over following a plan
Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals

Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills
The complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master
Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner
While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks by the
Scrum Master

Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
More practices from Extreme Programming

Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

Scrum Master and Development team

Product Owner and Development team
Scrum Master and Product Owner
Scrum Team

Agile Principles

Agile Guidelines
Agile Methods
Agile Phases

Reduced Risk
Faster time to market
Ability to respond to changing requirements
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these
TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/advisor for
Agile Transformations Review
Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming
100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits

So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead
The Product Owner demands it
Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking
There is no such rule

To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early and
To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been signed off
by the Product Owner
To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project
Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and move to
production when the business seems

It is used to measure utilization of the development team

It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint
It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries

Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team

Scrum Master as a servant leader
Scrum Team with 20 members
Cross Functional team
Sprint duration of 6 weeks

MS PowerPoint

A list of activities banned by the team

The set of Can Have requirements
A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done
Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose

Number of items to be worked on by the team

Percentage completion
Tasks move from left to right
LImit work in progress
Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane

Do just enough documentation to support the development and use of

the product
DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job
Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky
Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation

Waterfall is not a lightweight process

The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and hence
did not like any methodology at all
Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume
Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not
friendly toward changing business needs and priorities

SAFe Program Consultant (SPC

Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii)


project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
certified manager
None of the above

Move the entire ODC to Pune, India

Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at work

Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed Agile


Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day

During the Sprint Planning. Development team has all the authority
to choose any Product Backlog item to work on
Product Owner writes lightweight Change Requests for quick approvals

Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on latest
market conditions and feedback from last Sprint
Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about the

user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong

By the time the features were delivered the market and user
requirements had changed
The marketing team did not advertise the product features

Correction First set










Not sure
















ok First


Ok First
S.No Questions
1 Which of the following statements are correct

Which of the following BEST describes the approach for

determining the Sprint length in Scrum?

team. He has acquired knowledge by reading multiple sources.

3 After practicing Scrum for a while on the job, he is looking for a
certification to

4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice?

5 The Product Owner in a Scrum project …

Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a customer project

where he commands the teams and micro manages the team
members at task level.
How can he help the TCS Agile vision?

7 aily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated team

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer device

with embedded software_ The team is adopting 2-week sprint Lee
notices that the project must produce an outcome that will be
highly adoptable by the users to become successful. After every
Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps changing the Product
vision and makes contradictory statements about user needs.
What can be suggested for this environment?

with embedded software_ The team is adopting 2-week sprint Lee
notices that the project must produce an outcome that will be
highly adoptable by the users to become successful. After every
Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps changing the Product
vision and makes contradictory statements about user needs.
What can be suggested for this environment?

9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?

10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and Principles

Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and Principles but
have flexibility to choose appropriate value-adding practices

12 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is

Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a

new feature with their Product Owner. Product Owner was happy
with new feature, and wanted to release the feature to user_ But,
the Scrum Team cannot do it themselves because production
environment is owned the company's IT operations team_ Scrum
Team was directed to create a ticket with IT operations for
13 production release_ and wait a week for an Ops engineer to
manually Work on the ticket What is missing in this environment?

14 What BEST describes a Scrum Team?

Agile vision. he was recommended to attain EID competency in

15 Agile. Martin Was thinking that Agile was only for software. How
could Agile knowledge

A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_ What are the
activities that the team must perform during the meeting?

A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_ What are the
activities that the team must perform during the meeting?


Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to the Agile way

of working. Why is this a true statement?

18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum

a Scrum Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Contrary to his

expectation of Scrum Master as a coach, he finds that Magneto
acts like a traditional manager_ Magneto controls the team heavily
19 by
individually assigning tasks and leading the Daily Scrum meetings
to collect the percentage of task

20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team?

Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum approach to


Which of these are the needed actions to realize TCS vision of


Providing additional feature without clear understanding of the

business need - What is this category of waste?


Which of the following statements about changing

Which of the following statements about changing
24 requirements in software development, are correct?

25 Which framework prescribes User Story as the format for

backlog items?

consumer device with embedded software. The

team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the project must
produce an outcome that will be highly adoptable by the users to
26 become successful. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner
keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory
statements about user needs. What

A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new Sprints, the

team finds that they spend more effort on unit testing, as the code
base size has increased. What can be BEST recommended for this

28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts

29 The time box for a Daily Scrum is …

On the last day of the Sprint, a Scrum Team named Almostflone is

30 ready to show their work but requires just 2 more days to complete
the testing. What
should the Scrum Master recommend?

ToyZon and Team Zan. Team ToyZon follows traditional way and
Team Zon follows Agile way of working. Which team has the higher
chance to

Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of listing:

Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming

33 Jerald is a leader of a TCS Customer Account. He learnt that the
company's aspiration on Agile is to become 100% Agile by 2020.
He gathered his Agile Experts within the account and asked them
for a plan to transition from current way of working to 100% Agile
way of working as defined in the text
book. Jerald correctly understood TCS aspiration.

John, a team member, has completed EO -Agile for Beginners. He

wants to contribute to TCS Agile Vision. He wants to find out what
is planned for his account. Whom should he contact for details?

35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'?

36 ood Agile team should exhibit the following qualities

Mannar & Company kick started a major cross

company project that involved working with multiple business
unit leaders to build enterprise wide platform. Impressed by the
success of small projects in Agile: company leadership enforced
Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few Sprints,
37 teams witnessed that The Product Owner was not able to build
consensus among the business unit leaders on requirements.
There were several political aspects behind the collaboration.
What went wrong?

38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is

….. improves the flow of business idea through its development

and release to users.

A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting. What are the
activities that the team must perform during the meeting?


41 Which of these are Agile estimation techniques?

Agile and Design Thinking are same
Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software
Devopment ok

Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right
Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right

Sprints must be 30 days always

Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint

Sprints must be two weeks always
The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business
need and technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month
There is no rule on Sprint duration

Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)

SAFe Agilist (SA)
Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) ok

Test Driven Development

Extreme Reviews
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration

Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items

Has the final authority over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
the developers have the final say
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
Product Owner has the final say
Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst

Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles

No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager

Wait till his current customer adopts Agile


Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later

More practices from Extreme Programming

Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work

• 4,10
• 6, 12
• 4.12
• 4.4



It allows the team to take a necessary break from work

It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews
Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
improvements to be enacted during the next
Retrospectives are optional
Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building



Continuous Improvement

Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work
Team members must be specialists
Cross Functional
Reports to Product Owner

Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation ok
Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project

Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a Sprint
Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects (per PMS) year on year

In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of

conversation Ok

For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile

This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2


Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns
Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's
Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he is
more knowledgeable about Scrum

Scrum Master
Product Owner
Scrum Team
External QA team

Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
planning throughout the project
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events

Agile Ready Partnership Review

All get Agile Certified
Agile Ready Workforce
Top-to-bottom Enterprise Agile Company ourselves
Agile Ready Workplace


We do it all the time It is not a waste.

Over Production ok
Over Processing

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further changes
should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further
change should be rejected
In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes can be easily accepted with light process.
Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant in

Crystal 0 Extreme Programming

Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
More practices from Extreme Programming

Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit testing

Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP

Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team


Two minutes per person

15 minutes
2 ms
No time box 0 30 minutes

Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work

Close the sprint on time

Team ToyZon
Team Zon

Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff

Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn

Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent
Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent
Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent


Account Leadership

Customer Leadership
HR Manager

Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval
to release the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score
against the performance
To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights
from the feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next

All in team must have the same level of technical

The team is self-organizing

The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product
The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of
The team is cross-functional

For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before

Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at quickly. This scenario did
not have that

Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this scenario: the Product
Owner doesn't seem to be competent

Two minutes per person

15 minutes
2 hrs
No time box
30 minutes

Waterfall method

DevOps practices
Beta release
Change Control Board (CCB)
The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project

Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint
Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

Full Upfront Estimates

Planning Poker
Work Breakdown Structure
T Shirt sizing
Correction First set

Not sure


Which of the following statements BEST describe why Agile is


What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner is not

available during a Sprint?

44 Who owns the Product backlog?

45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?

46 should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum proj

consumer device with embedded software. The team is adopting 2-

week sprint. Lee notices that the
47 project must produce an outcome that will be highly adoptable by
the users to become successful. After every Sprint Review, the
Product Owner keeps changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What

Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Retrospective

Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile Manifesto by heart.
However, he was confused when a customer spoke with him
highlighting Agile characteristics of short software development
cycles or iterations. He could not recollect anything about short
iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did he miss to learn about?

50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile?

51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means

52 is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same pl

53 The Agile way is:

54 What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?

55 Which of these are Scrum anti patterns?

56 h one is a popular tool used in Agile software develo

57 What is a Kanban board?

The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make worK visually
available to all What CANNOT be Interred from the board?


The Agile approach to documentation is


Why were the practitioners of alternative software

development methods not satisfied with the traditional
waterfall method?


hands-on with Scrum and acquired PSM I certification

already The customer may soon move to a large scale Agile Which
other certification may be beneficial for Eric so he can be prepared to
help the customer?

Agile principles can be only used for software development


Agile for Beginners course is intended towards motivating you to learn

more about agile so that you can become


Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC running in Agile.
Operating out of Mexico He has to ramp up the team based on
customer need, and he is not getting right skilled people in Mexico He is
acing at setting up another ODC at Pune. india where his skill
requirements are met for an effective Distributed Agile set up, what is

65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto

How is the Agile value responding to change over blowing a plan

66 addressed In Scrum

Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users do not use

near1 60% of the features delivered What do you think ere the probable


68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person

Random Distribution

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by

any other approach
Agile increases the chances of delivering early business value to the market and
quickly incorporate the feedback from the market usage
Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs
Products are expensive when compared with products produced by other
approaches, but are of top quality.

The team self-organizes itself to create value

The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return

Scrum Team
Product Owner
Scrum Master
Business Analyst
Technical Lead

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Working software over comprehensive documentation
Responding to change over following a plan
Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals

Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills
The complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master
Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner
While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks
by the Scrum Master

Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
More practices from Extreme Programming

Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

Scrum Master and Development team

Product Owner and Development team
Scrum Master and Product Owner
Scrum Team
Agile Principles

Agile Guidelines
Agile Methods
Agile Phases

Reduced Risk
Faster time to market
Ability to respond to changing requirements
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these

TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/
advisor for Agile Transformations Review

Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming

100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits

So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead
The Product Owner demands it
Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking
There is no such rule

To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early
and incrementally
To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been
signed off by the Product Owner
To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project
Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and
move to production when the business seems

It is used to measure utilization of the development team

It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint
It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries

Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team

Scrum Master as a servant leader
Scrum Team with 20 members
Cross Functional team
Sprint duration of 6 weeks

MS PowerPoint
A list of activities banned by the team
The set of Can Have requirements
A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done
Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose

Number of items to be worked on by the team

Percentage completion
Tasks move from left to right
LImit work in progress

Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane

Do just enough documentation to support the development and use

of the product

DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job

Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky
Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation

Waterfall is not a lightweight process

The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and hence did not like any
methodology at all
Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume
Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not
friendly toward changing business needs and priorities
SAFe Program Consultant (SPC

Certified Scrum Master (CSM)

Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii)


project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
certified manager
None of the above

Move the entire ODC to Pune, India

Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at work
Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed

Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day

During the Sprint Planning. Development team has all the

authority to choose any Product Backlog item to work on
Product Owner writes lightweight Change Requests for quick
Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on
latest market conditions and feedback from last Sprint
Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about the user requirements
but assumption turned out to be wrong

By the time the features were delivered the market and user requirements had changed

The marketing team did not advertise the product features


S.No Questions PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN Correction First set
1 Which of the following statements are correct Agile and Design Thinking are same
Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software
Devopment ok
Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right
Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right

Sprints must be 30 days always

Which of the following BEST describes the Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint
2 approach for determining the Sprint length in Sprints must be two weeks always
Scrum? The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business
need and technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month
There is no rule on Sprint duration
Ron has just started as a Scrum Master for an Agile
team. He has acquired knowledge by reading Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)
3 multiple sources. After practicing Scrum for a while SAFe Agilist (SA)
on the job, he is looking for a certification to Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) ok
b h k Wh t b d d f hi ?
Test Driven Development
Extreme Reviews First
4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice? Pair Programming
Continuous Integration

Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items

Has the final authority over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
5 The Product Owner in a Scrum project … the developers have the final say
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
Product Owner has the final say
Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst

Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles

Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager
customer project where he commands the teams
and micro manages the team members at task level.
6 How can he help the TCS Agile vision? Wait till his current customer adopts Agile
7 Daily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated teams

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a

consumer device with embedded software_ The
team is adopting 2-week sprint Lee notices that the Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
adoptable by the users to become successful. After
More practices from Extreme Programming
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
8 can be suggested for this environment? Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work

• 4,10
• 6, 12
10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and ..... Principles
• 4.12
• 4.4

Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and TRUE

11 Principles but have flexibility to choose appropriate
value-adding practices

It allows the team to take a necessary break from work

It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews
Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
12 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is improvements to be enacted during the next
Retrospectives are optional
Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building

Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
new feature with their Product Owner. Product
Owner was happy with new feature, and wanted to
release the feature to user_ But, the Scrum Team
cannot do it themselves because production
environment is owned the company's IT operations
team_ Scrum Team was directed to create a ticket
with IT operations for production release_ and wait
a week for an Ops engineer to manually Work on the Flow First
ticket What is missing in this environment?
Continuous Improvement

Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work
14 What BEST describes a Scrum Team? Team members must be specialists
Cross Functional
Reports to Product Owner
Martin is from the TCS BPS team. As part of TCS
Agile vision. he was recommended to attain EID Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
15 competency in Agile. Martin Was thinking that Agile XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation ok
was only for software. How could Agile knowledge Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes First
help Martin in his work?

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_
Goal. First
16 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects
(per PMS) year on year
Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of
17 the Agile way of working. Why is this a true conversation Ok
statement? For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile
This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2

18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum
a Scrum Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
Contrary to his expectation of Scrum Master as a continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns First
coach, he finds that Magneto acts like a traditional Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's
manager_ Magneto controls the team heavily by manager
individually assigning tasks and leading the Daily Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he is
Scrum meetings to collect the percentage of task more knowledgeable about Scrum

Scrum Master
Product Owner
20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team? Scrum Team First
External QA team

Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
approach to planning? planning throughout the project First
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events

Agile Ready Partnership Review Not sure

All get Agile Certified
Which of these are the needed actions to realize
22 Agile Ready Workforce
TCS vision of "0-4-2.?
Top-to-bottom Enterprise Agile Company ourselves
Agile Ready Workplace

Providing additional feature without clear
We do it all the time It is not a waste.
23 understanding of the business need - What is this
category of waste? Over Production ok
Over Processing

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further
Which of the following statements about changing change should be rejected
Which of the following statements about changing
requirements in software development, are correct? In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes can be easily accepted with light process.
Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant
in First

Which framework prescribes User Story as the FDD
format for backlog items? Crystal 0 Extreme Programming

consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the
More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
26 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What

Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit
A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new testing
Sprints, the team finds that they spend more effort
27 on unit testing, as the code base size has Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP
increased. What can be BEST recommended for this Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
team? Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team

28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts

Two minutes per person

15 minutes First
29 The time box for a Daily Scrum is …
2 ms
No time box 0 30 minutes

On the last day of the Sprint, a Scrum Team named

Almostflone is ready to show their work but requires Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work
just 2 more days to complete the testing. What
h ld th S M t d?
should the Scrum Master recommend? Close the sprint on time First
There are two Product Development Teams, Team
ToyZon and Team Zan. Team ToyZon follows Team ToyZon
31 traditional way and Team Zon follows Agile way of
working. Which team has the higher chance to Team Zon
provide early benefts to the customer?

Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff

Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of
Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn
32 listing:
Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent
Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent
Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent

Jerald is a leader of a TCS Customer Account. He

learnt that the company's aspiration on Agile is to
become 100% Agile by 2020. He gathered his Agile TRUE
33 Experts within the account and asked them for a
plan to transition from current way of working to
100% Agile way of working as defined in the text ok
book. Jerald correctly understood TCS aspiration. FALSE

John, a team member, has completed EO -Agile for Account Leadership

Beginners. He wants to contribute to TCS Agile
Vision. He wants to find out what is planned for his
account. Whom should he contact for details? Customer Leadership
HR Manager

Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval
to release the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score
against the performance
35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights
from the feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next

All in team must have the same level of technical

The team is self-organizing First
36 good Agile team should exhibit the following qualities The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product
The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of
The team is cross-functional

Mannar & Company kick started a major cross

For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before
company project that involved working with
multiple business unit leaders to build enterprise Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at
wide platform. Impressed by the success of small quickly. This scenario did not have that
projects in Agile: company leadership enforced
37 Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few
Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this
was not able to build consensus among the scenario: the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent
business unit leaders on requirements. There were
several political aspects behind the collaboration.
What went wrong?

Two minutes per person

15 minutes
38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is 2 hrs
No time box
30 minutes

Waterfall method
….. improves the flow of business idea through its
39 DevOps practices First
development and release to users.
Beta release
Change Control Board (CCB)

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting.
40 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

Full Upfront Estimates

Planning Poker First
41 Which of these are Agile estimation techniques? Work Breakdown Structure
T Shirt sizing
Random Distribution

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by

any other approach
Agile increases the chances of delivering early business value to the market and
Which of the following statements BEST describe quickly incorporate the feedback from the market usage First
why Agile is winning?
Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs
Products are expensive when compared with products produced by other
approaches, but are of top quality.

The team self-organizes itself to create value

What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
is not available during a Sprint? The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner First
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return

Scrum Team
Product Owner First
44 Who owns the Product backlog? Scrum Master
Business Analyst
Technical Lead

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Working software over comprehensive documentation
45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?
Responding to change over following a plan
Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals

Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills
46 w should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum projeThe complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master
Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner
While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks
by the Scrum Master
Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a
consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
47 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
can be suggested for this environment?

Scrum Master and Development team

Product Owner and Development team First
Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Scrum Master and Product Owner
48 Retrospective Scrum Team

Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile

Manifesto by heart. However, he was confused Agile Principles
when a customer spoke with him highlighting Agile
49 characteristics of short software development
cycles or iterations. He could not recollect anything ok
about short iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did Agile Guidelines
he miss to learn about? Agile Methods
Agile Phases

Reduced Risk
Faster time to market First
50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile? Ability to respond to changing requirements
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these

TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/
advisor for Agile Transformations Review
Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming
51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means 100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits

So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead First
52 is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same plaThe Product Owner demands it
Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking
There is no such rule
To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early
and incrementally
To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been
53 The Agile way is: signed off by the Product Owner
To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project
Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and
move to production when the business seems

It is used to measure utilization of the development team

It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint
54 What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?
It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries

Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team

Scrum Master as a servant leader
55 Which of these are Scrum anti patterns? Scrum Team with 20 members First
Cross Functional team
Sprint duration of 6 weeks

56 h one is a popular tool used in Agile software develop
MS PowerPoint

A list of activities banned by the team

The set of Can Have requirements
57 What is a Kanban board?
A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done First
Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose

Number of items to be worked on by the team

Percentage completion
The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make
worK visually available to all What CANNOT be Interred Tasks move from left to right
58 from the board? LImit work in progress

Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane

Do just enough documentation to support the development and use
of the product
DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job
The Agile approach to documentation is
Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky
59 Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation

Waterfall is not a lightweight process

The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and
Why were the practitioners of alternative
hence did not like any methodology at all
software development methods not satisfied
with the traditional waterfall method? Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume
Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not
60 friendly toward changing business needs and priorities
hands-on with Scrum and acquired PSM I certification SAFe Program Consultant (SPC
already The customer may soon move to a large scale
Agile Which other certification may be beneficial for Eric Certified Scrum Master (CSM) First
61 so he can be prepared to help the customer? Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii)

Agile principles can be only used for software TRUE

62 development FALSE First

project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
Agile for Beginners course is intended towards
motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can certified manager
63 become None of the above

Move the entire ODC to Pune, India

Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC

running in Agile. Operating out of Mexico He has to
ramp up the team based on customer need, and he is
not getting right skilled people in Mexico He is acing at Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at
setting up another ODC at Pune. india where his skill work ok First
requirements are met for an effective Distributed Agile Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed
64 set up, what is recommended? Agile

65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto FALSE First
Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day

During the Sprint Planning. Development team has all the

authority to choose any Product Backlog item to work on First
Product Owner writes lightweight Change Requests for quick
How is the Agile value responding to change over approvals
blowing a plan addressed In Scrum Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on
latest market conditions and feedback from last Sprint
66 Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about

the user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong
Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users
do not use near1 60% of the features delivered What do Ok First
you think ere the probable causes By the time the features were delivered the market and user
requirements had changed
67 The marketing team did not advertise the product features

68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person TRUE

S.No Questions PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN Correction First set
1 Which of the following statements are correct Agile and Design Thinking are same
Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software
Devopment ok
Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right
Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right

Sprints must be 30 days always

Which of the following BEST describes the Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint
2 approach for determining the Sprint length in Sprints must be two weeks always
Scrum? The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business
need and technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month
There is no rule on Sprint duration
Ron has just started as a Scrum Master for an Agile
team. He has acquired knowledge by reading Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)
3 multiple sources. After practicing Scrum for a while SAFe Agilist (SA)
on the job, he is looking for a certification to Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) ok
b h k Wh t b d d f hi ?
Test Driven Development
Extreme Reviews First
4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice? Pair Programming
Continuous Integration

Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items

Has the final authority over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
5 The Product Owner in a Scrum project … the developers have the final say
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
Product Owner has the final say
Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst

Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles

Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager
customer project where he commands the teams
and micro manages the team members at task level.
6 How can he help the TCS Agile vision? Wait till his current customer adopts Agile
7 Daily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated teams

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a

consumer device with embedded software_ The
team is adopting 2-week sprint Lee notices that the Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
adoptable by the users to become successful. After
More practices from Extreme Programming
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
8 can be suggested for this environment? Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work

• 4,10
• 6, 12
10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and ..... Principles
• 4.12
• 4.4

Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and TRUE

11 Principles but have flexibility to choose appropriate
value-adding practices

It allows the team to take a necessary break from work

It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews
Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
12 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is improvements to be enacted during the next
Retrospectives are optional
Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building

Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
new feature with their Product Owner. Product
Owner was happy with new feature, and wanted to
release the feature to user_ But, the Scrum Team
cannot do it themselves because production
environment is owned the company's IT operations
team_ Scrum Team was directed to create a ticket
with IT operations for production release_ and wait
a week for an Ops engineer to manually Work on the Flow First
ticket What is missing in this environment?
Continuous Improvement

Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work
14 What BEST describes a Scrum Team? Team members must be specialists
Cross Functional
Reports to Product Owner
Martin is from the TCS BPS team. As part of TCS
Agile vision. he was recommended to attain EID Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
15 competency in Agile. Martin Was thinking that Agile XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation ok
was only for software. How could Agile knowledge Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes First
help Martin in his work?

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_
Goal. First
16 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects
(per PMS) year on year
Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of
17 the Agile way of working. Why is this a true conversation Ok
statement? For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile
This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2

18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum
a Scrum Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
Contrary to his expectation of Scrum Master as a continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns First
coach, he finds that Magneto acts like a traditional Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's
manager_ Magneto controls the team heavily by manager
individually assigning tasks and leading the Daily Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he is
Scrum meetings to collect the percentage of task more knowledgeable about Scrum

Scrum Master
Product Owner
20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team? Scrum Team First
External QA team

Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
approach to planning? planning throughout the project First
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events

Agile Ready Partnership Review Not sure

All get Agile Certified
Which of these are the needed actions to realize
22 Agile Ready Workforce
TCS vision of "0-4-2.?
Top-to-bottom Enterprise Agile Company ourselves
Agile Ready Workplace

Providing additional feature without clear
We do it all the time It is not a waste.
23 understanding of the business need - What is this
category of waste? Over Production ok
Over Processing

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further
Which of the following statements about changing change should be rejected
Which of the following statements about changing
requirements in software development, are correct? In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes can be easily accepted with light process.
Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant
in First

Which framework prescribes User Story as the FDD
format for backlog items? Crystal 0 Extreme Programming

consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the
More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
26 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What

Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit
A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new testing
Sprints, the team finds that they spend more effort
27 on unit testing, as the code base size has Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP
increased. What can be BEST recommended for this Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
team? Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team

28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts

Two minutes per person

15 minutes First
29 The time box for a Daily Scrum is …
2 ms
No time box 0 30 minutes

On the last day of the Sprint, a Scrum Team named

Almostflone is ready to show their work but requires Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work
just 2 more days to complete the testing. What
h ld th S M t d?
should the Scrum Master recommend? Close the sprint on time First
There are two Product Development Teams, Team
ToyZon and Team Zan. Team ToyZon follows Team ToyZon
31 traditional way and Team Zon follows Agile way of
working. Which team has the higher chance to Team Zon
provide early benefts to the customer?

Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff

Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of
Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn
32 listing:
Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent
Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent
Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent

Jerald is a leader of a TCS Customer Account. He

learnt that the company's aspiration on Agile is to
become 100% Agile by 2020. He gathered his Agile TRUE
33 Experts within the account and asked them for a
plan to transition from current way of working to
100% Agile way of working as defined in the text ok
book. Jerald correctly understood TCS aspiration. FALSE

John, a team member, has completed EO -Agile for Account Leadership

Beginners. He wants to contribute to TCS Agile
Vision. He wants to find out what is planned for his
account. Whom should he contact for details? Customer Leadership
HR Manager

Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval
to release the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score
against the performance
35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights
from the feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next

All in team must have the same level of technical

The team is self-organizing First
36 good Agile team should exhibit the following qualities The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product
The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of
The team is cross-functional

Mannar & Company kick started a major cross

For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before
company project that involved working with
multiple business unit leaders to build enterprise Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at
wide platform. Impressed by the success of small quickly. This scenario did not have that
projects in Agile: company leadership enforced
37 Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few
Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this
was not able to build consensus among the scenario: the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent
business unit leaders on requirements. There were
several political aspects behind the collaboration.
What went wrong?

Two minutes per person

15 minutes
38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is 2 hrs
No time box
30 minutes

Waterfall method
….. improves the flow of business idea through its
39 DevOps practices First
development and release to users.
Beta release
Change Control Board (CCB)

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting.
40 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

Full Upfront Estimates

Planning Poker First
41 Which of these are Agile estimation techniques? Work Breakdown Structure
T Shirt sizing
Random Distribution

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by

any other approach
Agile increases the chances of delivering early business value to the market and
Which of the following statements BEST describe quickly incorporate the feedback from the market usage First
why Agile is winning?
Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs
Products are expensive when compared with products produced by other
approaches, but are of top quality.

The team self-organizes itself to create value

What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
is not available during a Sprint? The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner First
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return

Scrum Team
Product Owner First
44 Who owns the Product backlog? Scrum Master
Business Analyst
Technical Lead

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Working software over comprehensive documentation
45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?
Responding to change over following a plan
Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals

Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills
46 w should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum projeThe complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master
Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner
While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks
by the Scrum Master
Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a
consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
47 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
can be suggested for this environment?

Scrum Master and Development team

Product Owner and Development team First
Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Scrum Master and Product Owner
48 Retrospective Scrum Team

Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile

Manifesto by heart. However, he was confused Agile Principles
when a customer spoke with him highlighting Agile
49 characteristics of short software development
cycles or iterations. He could not recollect anything ok
about short iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did Agile Guidelines
he miss to learn about? Agile Methods
Agile Phases

Reduced Risk
Faster time to market First
50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile? Ability to respond to changing requirements
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these

TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/
advisor for Agile Transformations Review
Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming
51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means 100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits

So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead First
52 is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same plaThe Product Owner demands it
Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking
There is no such rule
To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early
and incrementally
To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been
53 The Agile way is: signed off by the Product Owner
To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project
Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and
move to production when the business seems

It is used to measure utilization of the development team

It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint
54 What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?
It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries

Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team

Scrum Master as a servant leader
55 Which of these are Scrum anti patterns? Scrum Team with 20 members First
Cross Functional team
Sprint duration of 6 weeks

56 h one is a popular tool used in Agile software develop
MS PowerPoint

A list of activities banned by the team

The set of Can Have requirements
57 What is a Kanban board?
A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done First
Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose

Number of items to be worked on by the team

Percentage completion
The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make
worK visually available to all What CANNOT be Interred Tasks move from left to right
58 from the board? LImit work in progress

Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane

Do just enough documentation to support the development and use
of the product
DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job
The Agile approach to documentation is
Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky
59 Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation

Waterfall is not a lightweight process

The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and
Why were the practitioners of alternative
hence did not like any methodology at all
software development methods not satisfied
with the traditional waterfall method? Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume
Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not
60 friendly toward changing business needs and priorities
hands-on with Scrum and acquired PSM I certification SAFe Program Consultant (SPC
already The customer may soon move to a large scale
Agile Which other certification may be beneficial for Eric Certified Scrum Master (CSM) First
61 so he can be prepared to help the customer? Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii)

Agile principles can be only used for software TRUE

62 development FALSE First

project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
Agile for Beginners course is intended towards
motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can certified manager
63 become None of the above

Move the entire ODC to Pune, India

Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC

running in Agile. Operating out of Mexico He has to
ramp up the team based on customer need, and he is
not getting right skilled people in Mexico He is acing at Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at
setting up another ODC at Pune. india where his skill work ok First
requirements are met for an effective Distributed Agile Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed
64 set up, what is recommended? Agile

65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto FALSE First
Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day

During the Sprint Planning. Development team has all the

authority to choose any Product Backlog item to work on First
Product Owner writes lightweight Change Requests for quick
How is the Agile value responding to change over approvals
blowing a plan addressed In Scrum Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on
latest market conditions and feedback from last Sprint
66 Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about

the user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong
Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users
do not use near1 60% of the features delivered What do Ok First
you think ere the probable causes By the time the features were delivered the market and user
requirements had changed
67 The marketing team did not advertise the product features

68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person TRUE

S.No Questions PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN Correction First set
1 Which of the following statements are correct Agile and Design Thinking are same
Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software
Devopment ok
Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right
Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right

Sprints must be 30 days always

Which of the following BEST describes the Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint
2 approach for determining the Sprint length in Sprints must be two weeks always
Scrum? The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business
need and technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month
There is no rule on Sprint duration
Ron has just started as a Scrum Master for an Agile
team. He has acquired knowledge by reading Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)
3 multiple sources. After practicing Scrum for a while SAFe Agilist (SA)
on the job, he is looking for a certification to Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) ok
b h k Wh t b d d f hi ?
Test Driven Development
Extreme Reviews First
4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice? Pair Programming
Continuous Integration

Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items

Has the final authority over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
5 The Product Owner in a Scrum project … the developers have the final say
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
Product Owner has the final say
Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst

Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles

Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager
customer project where he commands the teams
and micro manages the team members at task level.
6 How can he help the TCS Agile vision? Wait till his current customer adopts Agile
7 Daily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated teams

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a

consumer device with embedded software_ The
team is adopting 2-week sprint Lee notices that the Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
adoptable by the users to become successful. After
More practices from Extreme Programming
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
8 can be suggested for this environment? Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work

• 4,10
• 6, 12
10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and ..... Principles
• 4.12
• 4.4

Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and TRUE

11 Principles but have flexibility to choose appropriate
value-adding practices

It allows the team to take a necessary break from work

It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews
Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
12 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is improvements to be enacted during the next
Retrospectives are optional
Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building

Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
new feature with their Product Owner. Product
Owner was happy with new feature, and wanted to
release the feature to user_ But, the Scrum Team
cannot do it themselves because production
environment is owned the company's IT operations
team_ Scrum Team was directed to create a ticket
with IT operations for production release_ and wait
a week for an Ops engineer to manually Work on the Flow First
ticket What is missing in this environment?
Continuous Improvement

Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work
14 What BEST describes a Scrum Team? Team members must be specialists
Cross Functional
Reports to Product Owner
Martin is from the TCS BPS team. As part of TCS
Agile vision. he was recommended to attain EID Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
15 competency in Agile. Martin Was thinking that Agile XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation ok
was only for software. How could Agile knowledge Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes First
help Martin in his work?

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_
Goal. First
16 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects
(per PMS) year on year
Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of
17 the Agile way of working. Why is this a true conversation Ok
statement? For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile
This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2

18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum
a Scrum Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
Contrary to his expectation of Scrum Master as a continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns First
coach, he finds that Magneto acts like a traditional Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's
manager_ Magneto controls the team heavily by manager
individually assigning tasks and leading the Daily Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he is
Scrum meetings to collect the percentage of task more knowledgeable about Scrum

Scrum Master
Product Owner
20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team? Scrum Team First
External QA team

Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
approach to planning? planning throughout the project First
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events

Agile Ready Partnership Review Not sure

All get Agile Certified
Which of these are the needed actions to realize
22 Agile Ready Workforce
TCS vision of "0-4-2.?
Top-to-bottom Enterprise Agile Company ourselves
Agile Ready Workplace

Providing additional feature without clear
We do it all the time It is not a waste.
23 understanding of the business need - What is this
category of waste? Over Production ok
Over Processing

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further
Which of the following statements about changing change should be rejected
Which of the following statements about changing
requirements in software development, are correct? In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes can be easily accepted with light process.
Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant
in First

Which framework prescribes User Story as the FDD
format for backlog items? Crystal 0 Extreme Programming

consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the
More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
26 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What

Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit
A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new testing
Sprints, the team finds that they spend more effort
27 on unit testing, as the code base size has Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP
increased. What can be BEST recommended for this Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
team? Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team

28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts

Two minutes per person

15 minutes First
29 The time box for a Daily Scrum is …
2 ms
No time box 0 30 minutes

On the last day of the Sprint, a Scrum Team named

Almostflone is ready to show their work but requires Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work
just 2 more days to complete the testing. What
h ld th S M t d?
should the Scrum Master recommend? Close the sprint on time First
There are two Product Development Teams, Team
ToyZon and Team Zan. Team ToyZon follows Team ToyZon
31 traditional way and Team Zon follows Agile way of
working. Which team has the higher chance to Team Zon
provide early benefts to the customer?

Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff

Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of
Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn
32 listing:
Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent
Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent
Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent

Jerald is a leader of a TCS Customer Account. He

learnt that the company's aspiration on Agile is to
become 100% Agile by 2020. He gathered his Agile TRUE
33 Experts within the account and asked them for a
plan to transition from current way of working to
100% Agile way of working as defined in the text ok
book. Jerald correctly understood TCS aspiration. FALSE

John, a team member, has completed EO -Agile for Account Leadership

Beginners. He wants to contribute to TCS Agile
Vision. He wants to find out what is planned for his
account. Whom should he contact for details? Customer Leadership
HR Manager

Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval
to release the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score
against the performance
35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights
from the feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next

All in team must have the same level of technical

The team is self-organizing First
36 good Agile team should exhibit the following qualities The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product
The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of
The team is cross-functional

Mannar & Company kick started a major cross

For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before
company project that involved working with
multiple business unit leaders to build enterprise Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at
wide platform. Impressed by the success of small quickly. This scenario did not have that
projects in Agile: company leadership enforced
37 Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few
Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this
was not able to build consensus among the scenario: the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent
business unit leaders on requirements. There were
several political aspects behind the collaboration.
What went wrong?

Two minutes per person

15 minutes
38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is 2 hrs
No time box
30 minutes

Waterfall method
….. improves the flow of business idea through its
39 DevOps practices First
development and release to users.
Beta release
Change Control Board (CCB)

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting.
40 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

Full Upfront Estimates

Planning Poker First
41 Which of these are Agile estimation techniques? Work Breakdown Structure
T Shirt sizing
Random Distribution

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by

any other approach
Agile increases the chances of delivering early business value to the market and
Which of the following statements BEST describe quickly incorporate the feedback from the market usage First
why Agile is winning?
Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs
Products are expensive when compared with products produced by other
approaches, but are of top quality.

The team self-organizes itself to create value

What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
is not available during a Sprint? The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner First
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return

Scrum Team
Product Owner First
44 Who owns the Product backlog? Scrum Master
Business Analyst
Technical Lead

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Working software over comprehensive documentation
45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?
Responding to change over following a plan
Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals

Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills
46 w should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum projeThe complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master
Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner
While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks
by the Scrum Master
Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a
consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
47 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
can be suggested for this environment?

Scrum Master and Development team

Product Owner and Development team First
Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Scrum Master and Product Owner
48 Retrospective Scrum Team

Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile

Manifesto by heart. However, he was confused Agile Principles
when a customer spoke with him highlighting Agile
49 characteristics of short software development
cycles or iterations. He could not recollect anything ok
about short iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did Agile Guidelines
he miss to learn about? Agile Methods
Agile Phases

Reduced Risk
Faster time to market First
50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile? Ability to respond to changing requirements
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these

TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/
advisor for Agile Transformations Review
Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming
51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means 100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits

So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead First
52 is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same plaThe Product Owner demands it
Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking
There is no such rule
To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early
and incrementally
To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been
53 The Agile way is: signed off by the Product Owner
To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project
Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and
move to production when the business seems

It is used to measure utilization of the development team

It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint
54 What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?
It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries

Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team

Scrum Master as a servant leader
55 Which of these are Scrum anti patterns? Scrum Team with 20 members First
Cross Functional team
Sprint duration of 6 weeks

56 h one is a popular tool used in Agile software develop
MS PowerPoint

A list of activities banned by the team

The set of Can Have requirements
57 What is a Kanban board?
A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done First
Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose

Number of items to be worked on by the team

Percentage completion
The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make
worK visually available to all What CANNOT be Interred Tasks move from left to right
58 from the board? LImit work in progress

Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane

Do just enough documentation to support the development and use
of the product
DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job
The Agile approach to documentation is
Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky
59 Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation

Waterfall is not a lightweight process

The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and
Why were the practitioners of alternative
hence did not like any methodology at all
software development methods not satisfied
with the traditional waterfall method? Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume
Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not
60 friendly toward changing business needs and priorities
hands-on with Scrum and acquired PSM I certification SAFe Program Consultant (SPC
already The customer may soon move to a large scale
Agile Which other certification may be beneficial for Eric Certified Scrum Master (CSM) First
61 so he can be prepared to help the customer? Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii)

Agile principles can be only used for software TRUE

62 development FALSE First

project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
Agile for Beginners course is intended towards
motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can certified manager
63 become None of the above

Move the entire ODC to Pune, India

Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC

running in Agile. Operating out of Mexico He has to
ramp up the team based on customer need, and he is
not getting right skilled people in Mexico He is acing at Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at
setting up another ODC at Pune. india where his skill work ok First
requirements are met for an effective Distributed Agile Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed
64 set up, what is recommended? Agile

65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto FALSE First
Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day

During the Sprint Planning. Development team has all the

authority to choose any Product Backlog item to work on First
Product Owner writes lightweight Change Requests for quick
How is the Agile value responding to change over approvals
blowing a plan addressed In Scrum Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on
latest market conditions and feedback from last Sprint
66 Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about

the user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong
Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users
do not use near1 60% of the features delivered What do Ok First
you think ere the probable causes By the time the features were delivered the market and user
requirements had changed
67 The marketing team did not advertise the product features

68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person TRUE

S.No Questions PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN Correction First set
1 Which of the following statements are correct Agile and Design Thinking are same
Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software
Devopment ok
Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right
Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right

Sprints must be 30 days always

Which of the following BEST describes the Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint
2 approach for determining the Sprint length in Sprints must be two weeks always
Scrum? The team must collectively agree on the length of the Sprint based on business
need and technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month
There is no rule on Sprint duration
Ron has just started as a Scrum Master for an Agile
team. He has acquired knowledge by reading Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)
3 multiple sources. After practicing Scrum for a while SAFe Agilist (SA)
on the job, he is looking for a certification to Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) ok
b h k Wh t b d d f hi ?
Test Driven Development
Extreme Reviews First
4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice? Pair Programming
Continuous Integration

Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items

Has the final authority over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
5 The Product Owner in a Scrum project … the developers have the final say
Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but
Product Owner has the final say
Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst

Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles

Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager
customer project where he commands the teams
and micro manages the team members at task level.
6 How can he help the TCS Agile vision? Wait till his current customer adopts Agile
7 Daily Scrum is NOT recommended for collocated teams

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a

consumer device with embedded software_ The
team is adopting 2-week sprint Lee notices that the Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
adoptable by the users to become successful. After
More practices from Extreme Programming
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
8 can be suggested for this environment? Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work

• 4,10
• 6, 12
10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and ..... Principles
• 4.12
• 4.4

Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and TRUE

11 Principles but have flexibility to choose appropriate
value-adding practices

It allows the team to take a necessary break from work

It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews
Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
12 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is improvements to be enacted during the next
Retrospectives are optional
Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building

Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
new feature with their Product Owner. Product
Owner was happy with new feature, and wanted to
release the feature to user_ But, the Scrum Team
cannot do it themselves because production
environment is owned the company's IT operations
team_ Scrum Team was directed to create a ticket
with IT operations for production release_ and wait
a week for an Ops engineer to manually Work on the Flow First
ticket What is missing in this environment?
Continuous Improvement

Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment

Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work
14 What BEST describes a Scrum Team? Team members must be specialists
Cross Functional
Reports to Product Owner
Martin is from the TCS BPS team. As part of TCS
Agile vision. he was recommended to attain EID Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
15 competency in Agile. Martin Was thinking that Agile XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation ok
was only for software. How could Agile knowledge Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes First
help Martin in his work?

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_
Goal. First
16 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects
(per PMS) year on year
Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of
17 the Agile way of working. Why is this a true conversation Ok
statement? For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile
This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2

18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum
a Scrum Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
Contrary to his expectation of Scrum Master as a continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns First
coach, he finds that Magneto acts like a traditional Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's
manager_ Magneto controls the team heavily by manager
individually assigning tasks and leading the Daily Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he is
Scrum meetings to collect the percentage of task more knowledgeable about Scrum

Scrum Master
Product Owner
20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team? Scrum Team First
External QA team

Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
approach to planning? planning throughout the project First
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events

Agile Ready Partnership Review Not sure

All get Agile Certified
Which of these are the needed actions to realize
22 Agile Ready Workforce
TCS vision of "0-4-2.?
Top-to-bottom Enterprise Agile Company ourselves
Agile Ready Workplace

Providing additional feature without clear
We do it all the time It is not a waste.
23 understanding of the business need - What is this
category of waste? Over Production ok
Over Processing

In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further
Which of the following statements about changing change should be rejected
Which of the following statements about changing
requirements in software development, are correct? In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes can be easily accepted with light process.
Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant
in First

Which framework prescribes User Story as the FDD
format for backlog items? Crystal 0 Extreme Programming

consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the
More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
26 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What

Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit
A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new testing
Sprints, the team finds that they spend more effort
27 on unit testing, as the code base size has Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP
increased. What can be BEST recommended for this Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
team? Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team

28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts

Two minutes per person

15 minutes First
29 The time box for a Daily Scrum is …
2 ms
No time box 0 30 minutes

On the last day of the Sprint, a Scrum Team named

Almostflone is ready to show their work but requires Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work
just 2 more days to complete the testing. What
h ld th S M t d?
should the Scrum Master recommend? Close the sprint on time First
There are two Product Development Teams, Team
ToyZon and Team Zan. Team ToyZon follows Team ToyZon
31 traditional way and Team Zon follows Agile way of
working. Which team has the higher chance to Team Zon
provide early benefts to the customer?

Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff

Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of
Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn
32 listing:
Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent
Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent
Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent

Jerald is a leader of a TCS Customer Account. He

learnt that the company's aspiration on Agile is to
become 100% Agile by 2020. He gathered his Agile TRUE
33 Experts within the account and asked them for a
plan to transition from current way of working to
100% Agile way of working as defined in the text ok
book. Jerald correctly understood TCS aspiration. FALSE

John, a team member, has completed EO -Agile for Account Leadership

Beginners. He wants to contribute to TCS Agile
Vision. He wants to find out what is planned for his
account. Whom should he contact for details? Customer Leadership
HR Manager

Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval
to release the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score
against the performance
35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights
from the feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next

All in team must have the same level of technical

The team is self-organizing First
36 good Agile team should exhibit the following qualities The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product
The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of
The team is cross-functional

Mannar & Company kick started a major cross

For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before
company project that involved working with
multiple business unit leaders to build enterprise Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at
wide platform. Impressed by the success of small quickly. This scenario did not have that
projects in Agile: company leadership enforced
37 Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after few
Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this
was not able to build consensus among the scenario: the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent
business unit leaders on requirements. There were
several political aspects behind the collaboration.
What went wrong?

Two minutes per person

15 minutes
38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is 2 hrs
No time box
30 minutes

Waterfall method
….. improves the flow of business idea through its
39 DevOps practices First
development and release to users.
Beta release
Change Control Board (CCB)

The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting.
40 What are the activities that the team must perform
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks

Full Upfront Estimates

Planning Poker First
41 Which of these are Agile estimation techniques? Work Breakdown Structure
T Shirt sizing
Random Distribution

Products produced by an Agile approach are cheaper than those produced by

any other approach
Agile increases the chances of delivering early business value to the market and
Which of the following statements BEST describe quickly incorporate the feedback from the market usage First
why Agile is winning?
Products have faster time to market but may not meet immediate customer needs
Products are expensive when compared with products produced by other
approaches, but are of top quality.

The team self-organizes itself to create value

What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
is not available during a Sprint? The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner First
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return

Scrum Team
Product Owner First
44 Who owns the Product backlog? Scrum Master
Business Analyst
Technical Lead

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Working software over comprehensive documentation
45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto?
Responding to change over following a plan
Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals

Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills
46 w should work be allocated to the team in a Scrum projeThe complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master
Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner
While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks
by the Scrum Master
Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a
consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
47 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
can be suggested for this environment?

Scrum Master and Development team

Product Owner and Development team First
Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Scrum Master and Product Owner
48 Retrospective Scrum Team

Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile

Manifesto by heart. However, he was confused Agile Principles
when a customer spoke with him highlighting Agile
49 characteristics of short software development
cycles or iterations. He could not recollect anything ok
about short iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did Agile Guidelines
he miss to learn about? Agile Methods
Agile Phases

Reduced Risk
Faster time to market First
50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile? Ability to respond to changing requirements
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these

TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/
advisor for Agile Transformations Review
Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming
51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means 100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits

So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead First
52 is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same plaThe Product Owner demands it
Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking
There is no such rule
To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early
and incrementally
To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been
53 The Agile way is: signed off by the Product Owner
To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project
Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and
move to production when the business seems

It is used to measure utilization of the development team

It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint
54 What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?
It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries

Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team

Scrum Master as a servant leader
55 Which of these are Scrum anti patterns? Scrum Team with 20 members First
Cross Functional team
Sprint duration of 6 weeks

56 h one is a popular tool used in Agile software develop
MS PowerPoint

A list of activities banned by the team

The set of Can Have requirements
57 What is a Kanban board?
A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done First
Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose

Number of items to be worked on by the team

Percentage completion
The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make
worK visually available to all What CANNOT be Interred Tasks move from left to right
58 from the board? LImit work in progress

Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane

Do just enough documentation to support the development and use
of the product
DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job
The Agile approach to documentation is
Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky
59 Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation

Waterfall is not a lightweight process

The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and
Why were the practitioners of alternative
hence did not like any methodology at all
software development methods not satisfied
with the traditional waterfall method? Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume
Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not
60 friendly toward changing business needs and priorities
hands-on with Scrum and acquired PSM I certification SAFe Program Consultant (SPC
already The customer may soon move to a large scale
Agile Which other certification may be beneficial for Eric Certified Scrum Master (CSM) First
61 so he can be prepared to help the customer? Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii)

Agile principles can be only used for software TRUE

62 development FALSE First

project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
Agile for Beginners course is intended towards
motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can certified manager
63 become None of the above

Move the entire ODC to Pune, India

Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC

running in Agile. Operating out of Mexico He has to
ramp up the team based on customer need, and he is
not getting right skilled people in Mexico He is acing at Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at
setting up another ODC at Pune. india where his skill work ok First
requirements are met for an effective Distributed Agile Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed
64 set up, what is recommended? Agile

65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto FALSE First
Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day

During the Sprint Planning. Development team has all the

authority to choose any Product Backlog item to work on First
Product Owner writes lightweight Change Requests for quick
How is the Agile value responding to change over approvals
blowing a plan addressed In Scrum Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on
latest market conditions and feedback from last Sprint
66 Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about

the user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong
Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users
do not use near1 60% of the features delivered What do Ok First
you think ere the probable causes By the time the features were delivered the market and user
requirements had changed
67 The marketing team did not advertise the product features

68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person TRUE


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