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Interviewer: NKP Date: 18-09-2021

Employee: FD Time: 4.00 PM


Organizational commitment is defined as “an individual's psychological bond to the organization,

including a sense of job involvement, loyalty and belief in the values of the organization”
(O'Reilly, 1989). It is an employee’s willingness to identify with the goals and values of the
organization in which he or she works and to strive for organization. The employees who are
committed to their organization generally feel a connection with their organization, feel that they
fit in and, feel they understand the goals of the organization. Such employees is that they tend to
be more determined in their work, show relatively high productivity and are more proactive in
offering their support. According to Mayer and Allen, there are three types of organizational
commitment out of which affective commitment is the most beneficial type for the organization.
So it is necessary for the organization to recognize each type of commitment in employees, and to
aim to encourage affective commitment.


Aim: To assess the commitment of the employee towards the organization.

Materials required:

➢ Organizational commitment scale questionnaire

➢ Manual OCI
➢ Writing materials
Employee details:

➢ Name: FD
➢ Age: 23
➢ Gender: Female
➢ Designation: tuition teacher
➢ Organization name: aacid academy
➢ Experience: 3 years

Plan: The organizational commitment scale will be administered on the employee and she is asked
to give responses to each of the statements in the questionnaire. After the completion of the
questionnaire, the responses are scored, analyzed and interpreted.

Procedure: The employee is welcomed and seated comfortably. The rapport and confidentiality
is established and then the questionnaire is given to the employee. She is asked to fill the details
given on the top of the questionnaire like name, age, etc. She is then asked to read the instructions
given on the coming page. The employee is instructed to read the statements and can respond by
ticking the column which suites her opinion the best for each statement. It is also instructed that
there is no right or wrong answer and there is no time limit but without thinking too much. The
employee is also asked to not skip any statement. After the completion of the questionnaire, the
employee is thanked. Then, the responses are scored, analyzed and interpreted.

Scoring: The questionnaire is scored on the bases of a 5-point Likert scale in a manner in which
‘strongly agree’ carries 5 points and ‘strongly disagree’ carries 1 mark. The questionnaire consists
of 8 statements, out of which 6th and 8th statement are negative items which have to be reverse
scored. The sum of all the items is the organization commitment score. The questionnaire also
contains two factors, i.e., concern towards the organization (which includes statements 1,2,3,5 and
7) and identification with organization setting (which includes 4th, 6th and 8th statements). The raw
score for both factors is calculated by taking the sum of the responses of respective statements of
each factor. These raw scores are then added together to get the organization commitment score.

Analysis: After calculating the raw scores and the total score, these are interpreted. Each of these
scores are then interpreted. It can be interpreted as three modes, i.e., normal range, high and low.

Table 1: Showing the factor-wise scores, total score and interpretation:

Factors Commitment type Score Interpretation

I Concern towards organization Normal
II Identification with 10 Normal
organization setting
Total Organization commitment 31 normal

From table 1, we can infer that the participant obtained a score of 21, 10 and 31 for concern towards
organization, identification with organization setting and, for total organization commitment
respectively, which all falls under normal range.


The assessment was conducted on FD, a 23-year-old female working part-time as a tuition teacher
in Aacid academy, Kerala.

The first factor for organizational commitment is concern towards organization. The participant
scored normal for this factor. This may imply that the participant is concerned when the
organization is making loss. She is concerned about the image of her organization and do not like
somebody tarnishing it. She is contributing to the achievement of goals of the organisation and she
is also committed to the welfare of her organization.

The second factor for organizational commitment is identification with organization setting. The
participant scored normal for this factor. This may imply that the participant and her organization
share some similar values, goals, desires, and aims. She likes the values of her organization and is
willing to contribute her time and effort in accomplishing these goals. But, not to that extent where
she had to work even on the holidays.

The above-mentioned factors led to a score of normal organizational commitment for the
participant. This may imply that the participant is moderately committed to the goals and values
of her organization. “Organizational commitment is the extent to which an individual identifies
with his or her organization, accepts its goals and values and is willing to put in extra efforts on
behalf of the organization in working towards its goals”. It is recognized as a key factor in
employee-employer relationship. Here, the participant identifies with her organization, accepts its
goals and values, and is even willing to contribute her time and effort in accomplishing these goals.
But, to a moderate extent. She may try to take things in her own pace and may not push herself too
far for the sake of her organization.

Organizational commitment can be increased in a number of ways. Some of the ways include
creating a strong teamwork culture, communicating clear goals and expectation to the employees,
be transparent and encourage open communication, maintain work ethics, foster a positive work
culture, develop trust, encourage innovation, provide constructive feedback, efficiently delegate
tasks and offer incentives.

The assessment was really good because it was too short and very simple to do. I think this
assessment was the shortest one that I have done too far. The statements were also really simple.
It was interesting.


The assessment was conducted very smoothly. The participant seemed to be really happy seeing
the number of questions. The participant was calm, attentive, concentrated and relaxed while doing
the test and she maintained that posture to the very end of the test.


The two factors contributing to organizational commitment was assessed using organizational
commitment scale. The participant scored normal for both the factors including concern toward
organization and identification with the organization. Considering these two factors, it was inferred
that the participant has normal organizational commitment.


• It helps predict employee satisfaction, employee engagement, distribution of leadership,

job performance, job insecurity, and similar such attributes.
• It helps in determining whether an employee will stay with the organization for a longer
period of time and work passionately towards achieving the organization’s goal.
• An employee’s level of commitment towards his/her work is important to know from a
management’s point of view to be able to know their dedication to the tasks assigned to
them on a daily basis.


1. manual for organizational commitment

2. Bhat, A. (2020, May 22). Organizational Commitment: Definition, benefits, and How to
Improve It. QuestionPro.

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