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Introduction to problem-solving with Karel for Middle

school (6 contact hours)

Course Overview and Goals

Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog course teaches students the basics of
programming by giving commands to a computer just like you give commands to a dog.
Karel is a dog that lives in a grid world and can be instructed to move around and pick up
and put down tennis balls. Students will learn Logical commands, functions, and control
structures by solving Problems and writing creative programs for Karel to follow.

Learning Environment
The course utilizes a blended classroom approach. The content is a mix of web-based
and physical activities. Students will write and run code in the browser, and engage in in-
person collaborative exercises with classmates.

Programming Environment
Students write and run programs in the browser using the Karel editor online editor.
Students will be able to write both text-based and block-based programs in Karel.

Challenges and exercises

Each section includes at least one formative simple question to practice. At the end of
each section, students take summative challenges to assess their knowledge of the
concepts covered in the section.

The Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog course is designed for complete
beginners with no previous background in computer science. The course is highly visual,
dynamic, and interactive, making it engaging for those new to computer science.

More information:
Intro to Computer Science in Python 3 Syllabus for
Middle school (6 contact hours)

Course Overview and Goals

introduction to Computer Science in Python 3 curriculum teaches the foundations of
computer science and basic programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop
logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Once students complete the Introduction to
Computer Science in Python course, they will have learned the basics to be able to
program using Python 3.

Learning Environment
The course utilizes a blended classroom approach.The content is fully IDE-based
"PyCharm ", with students writing and running code in the PyCharm. Each unit of the
course is broken down into lessons. Lessons consist of short quizzes, example programs to
explore, and written programming exercises.

Programming Environment
Students write and run Python programs in the browser using the PyCharm IDE.

Challenges and exercises

Each section includes at least one formative simple question to practice. At the end of
each section, students take summative challenges to assess their knowledge of the
concepts covered in the section.

The Intro to Computer Science in Python course is designed for complete beginners with
no-previous background in computer science. The course is highly visual, dynamic, and
interactive, making it engaging for new coders.

More information:
Course time's details
-2 Week
-4 Day per week
-12 Hours
-1:30 Hour per day
Age requirement : 10-14 year
Course Breakdown
Weeks Description
Week 1:

Talk about what they will learn in this course and what
part 1
the benefits of this course .

We will show them the working environment, and the
Part 2 framework we going to use, and what is the basic
function and explore the environment work.

starting problem-solving and build logical thinking for
Part 1
them and start with some examples and exercises to
solve it.


Part 2 Talking about functions, what functions do, and the

benefits of the functions and Learn them how to build

Talking about loops(for, while) and use the if statement

with loops and some simple problems to solve it

Challenge day(we will give him some simple problems to

solve them)

Week 2:
Chapter One: Fundamentals of Python

1-Teach the students how to download the work


2- learning how to work in the environment

3-talking about python in general

Chapter Two: Working with Data and Input and Output


1-Data Types and Variables

2-Using Numeric Variables

3-Using String Variables

4-Printing with Parameters

5-Getting Input from a User

6-String Formatting

Day3 Chapter Three: Making Decisions

1-Logical Expressions

2-The “if” Statement

3-Logical Operators

4-More Complex Expressions

Day4 Give the students three projects to build it

Syllabus created by:

Ameed Al-Tamimi
Deiaa Alshawish
Mahmoud Hamarsheh


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