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2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020)


Shivam Bisht, Omveer Singh and Aniket Agarwal
Department of Electrical Engineering
Gautam Buddha University,Greater Noida
Gautam Buddh Nagar (U.P.) 201312, India

Abstract: Smart cities have increased values as they are The concept of smart city is an attempt to solve issues that
solution to the various challenges that modern cities faces are related to urban environments, such as energy stability,
from the last decades. The concept of smart city is an traffic congestion, or shortage of food and water [1]. These
intellectual approach towards sustainable development and issues are mainly due to population growth which has led to
also provides solutions to the concerns like environment, the failure of existing system or techniques. There is a need to
quality of life and others. The major problems in the Indian develop infrastructure that withstands the needs of future
cities are that of water and electricity, hence there is need to generation [1-10], introduction of renewable energy on large
conserve water. Electric energy sources are of such a nature scale in our existing energy system and judicious and precise
that they do not affect the environment. This paper proposes use of resources that are available with us.
basic components of smart city like the smart infrastructure, Design of the any smart city should be such that it utilize
smart water management, smart electric energy the resources that are available there, like solar plant will be a
management, smart waste management and smart industrial good source of power in the warm region not in a hilly area
environment and their hardware implementation is shown to and in the hilly area small hydro plant will be a good source of
achieve sustainable development. power. In this way by considering the surrounding
environment we can design our smart cities. This is in turn to
Keywords- Smart infrastructure, Water management, Electric reduce the design and operation cost of the city. Also, reduces
energy management, Waste management, Industrial and finally improve sustainability of smart cities.
environment Smart city mission is initiated by Prime Minister of India
in 2015 aimed at ‘Smartening up’ of 100 cities in India. The
strategic components in this mission are shown below in the
A smart city can be defined as an urban region that is highly
Smart City Mission

advanced in terms of infrastructure, sustainable real estate and

communications. It’s a city where the basis for providing
essential services to residents is information technology. A
smart city is promoted to use information and technology to
improve the efficiency of services. Information and Redevelopment
Communication Technology (ICT) allows city officials to
interact directly with the community and the city infrastructure
and to monitor what is happening in the city, how the city is Greenfield
evolving, and how to develop a better quality of life. Development
Smart city is a place where network and services are made
more efficient and sustainable with the help of technologies
[1]. The challenges for building smart cities are diverse and Fig. 1: Strategic components of smart city mission
complex. It includes cost, efficiency, sustainability,
communication, safety, and security. These design challenges i. Retrofitting: This means to introduce planning in an
are governed by various factors including the natural existing built-up area to achieve smart city
environment, government policy, social communities and objectives.
economy. The most important factor of the smart city design is ii. Redevelopment: This means replacement of existing
the cost and this includes design cost and operation cost. The build-up environment and enable co-creation of a
design cost is a one time cost of the smart cities. Operation new layout that has enhanced infrastructure. Two
cost is the cost that is required to maintain the smart city [1, examples of this model are the Saifee Burhani Up-
2]. liftment project in Mumbai (also called the Bhendi
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 25,2020 at 12:44:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020)

Bazaar Project) and the redevelopment of East iv. Smart Lighting: With smart lighting we can conserve
Kidwai Nagar in New Delhi being undertaken by the energy. One of the ways to achieve this is the Light
National Building Construction Corporation. Dependent Register (LDR) based street lightning
iii. Greenfield Development: This means introduction of which will operate depending upon the intensity of
smart solutions in a previously vacant area using light, due to which there is no need of manually
innovative planning with provision for affordable controlling the lights
housing, especially for poor. Example: GIFT city in LDR which detect light and darkness is presented in the
Gujrat. Fig. 2. The resistance of LDR increases in the darkness and
In this paper, different domains of smart city which decreases in presence of light. Here investigators have used
contribute to building of smart city are discussed. An simple Light Emitted Diode (LED) with a load, using a
implementation of model and working has been carried out. relay. Transistors are named as BC547 NPN is used to drive
Moreover, results and their analysis of this model have been the relay in two numbers.
discussed. When light falls over LDR its resistance decreases and
II. DOMAINS OF SMART CITY transistor Q1 turns ON and collector of this transistor goes
LOW, and this makes the second transistor turns OFF due to
The smart cities provide solution to various concerns that we getting a LOW signal at its base, so relay also remain turned
have at present. The various domains these are discussed OFF due to second transistor.
below helps in achieving sustainable development. Now when LDR senses darkness, then transistor Q1
turned ON due to increase in the resistance of LDR which is
1. Smart Infrastructure System responsible for voltage drop at the base of Q1. Due to a LOW
The smart infrastructure in smart cities, include advanced signal at the Q1 base, Q2 transistor gets a HIGH signal from
connected streets, smart parking, smart lighting and others:- the collector of Q1 and turns ON the relay. Relay turned ON
i. Safety & Security Systems: This includes the load that is connected to relay.
implementing the remote monitoring, biometrics, So, this is how automatic street lights turns on in the night and
surveillance cameras, and wireless alarms to reduce turn off in the day.
unauthorized access to buildings which in turn
reduces chances of thefts [2]. It also includes utilizing 2. Smart Industrial Environment System
perimeter access control which stop access to Smart Industrial environments can be achieved with the
restricted areas of the property and detect people in Internet of things and connected technologies which can be
unauthorized areas. utilized in the following areas:
ii. Building Integrated Photovoltaic: Building Integrated i. Smoke Detector: Air pollution caused by emissions
Photovoltaic (BIPV) is the building that has of factories and vehicles. For this smoke sensor can
photovoltaic materials instead of conventional be installed to monitor the quality of air and in case
building materials in parts of building such as roof of degradation of air quality proper preventive
and walls. By BIPV a building can fulfill its own measures can be taken.
energy demand. This technique not only provide ii. Earthquake Early Detection: Helps in detecting the
smart infrastructure but also conserve energy and chances of tremors by establishing an earthquake
other resources used while constructing new detection system which sense vibrations. These can
buildings. The advantage of integrated photovoltaic is be installed in the areas that are prone to earthquakes
that it reduces the cost of building material and the [2].
labor. It also saves the land that will otherwise be
required to implement the photovoltaic. 3. Smart Energy System
A variety of energy sources are solar, fossil fuels, gas,
electricity and battery. Energy can be neither created nor
destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. In
recent years, in addition to traditional energy forms, many
other terms are associated with it including clean energy,
green energy, sustainable energy, renewable energy, and smart
energy. The fear that energy sources available for human
consumption will be depleted has been driving this new
energy related terms [3]. In this system model, we have
implemented smart energy by using single axis solar tracker.
Single Axis Solar Tracker: Solar trackers are systems that
track or follow the sun as it moves from east to west through
the day. The aim behind solar tracking is to orient the solar
panels such that it will always face in direction normal to the
sun. Due to which the sun rays fall directly on solar panels and
Fig. 2: LDR based street lightning system gets uniformly distributed across its surface and each solar cell
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 25,2020 at 12:44:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020)

of the panel is completely exposed to sunlight and hence all of For 5 Watt capacity panel:
them will give the electrical output. On the other hand, when At = 11.3 Volt, = 0.38 Ampere and Pmax = 5w then
the solar panels are stationary the sun rays fall on it at from equation (1) FF = 1. From equation (2), then get
different angles throughout the day and only once throughout efficiency of the system is 85%.
the day it is normal to the solar panel surface, so it is able to Fig. 3 shows that if solar panel contains tracking system, then
work at its maximum efficiency for a limited period of time in during different time of the day the panel would follow the sun
a day. Thus, solar tracker is not only efficiently utilized the and this will ensure that the angle of incidence of the sun is
solar energy but also utilize solar panel technology in an always normal to the solar panel surface and it works at its full
efficient way [3]. efficiency.
There are many ways to track the sun. Photo resistors
commonly known as LDR’s are one such method of solar 4. Smart Water Management System
tracking. LDR’s are variable resistors whose resistivity As water is an essential resource for life so its conservation
changes on being exposed to sunlight. In LDR based tracking plays an important role. There are many ways to conserve it:-
system, the LDR’s attached linearly across the solar panels i. Rooftop rain water harvesting: In this the rain water
experience different amount of exposure to sunlight so they harvesting system, at the roof of houses during rain is
give different resistivity and correspondingly different conserved with the help of pipes and stored for future
electrical output to the microcontroller to which they are use.
attached, as such the micro-controller would work according ii. Smart Sprinkler System: Smart sprinkler system
to the manner in which it is programmed and orient the solar can be used to water plants in public places with the
panels in such way that there is no differential output from the assurance that plants get the right amount of water.
LDR circuit, therefore indirectly it orients the panels because This device measures the soil moisture and then
only when the panels would be normally exposed to the accordingly depending upon the moisture content in
sunlight both the LDR’s give equal electrical output. Hence, the soil provide the sufficient amount of water to
change in resistivity is the basic principle behind which a LDR plant and thus helps the city authorities to save
based solar tracking system works. The efficiency of a solar water and plant will also get right amount of water at
cell is determined as the fraction of incident power which is right time. This also helps the authorities to save the
converted to electricity and is defined as: cost of fuel that authority vehicle consume in
watering the plant at public places.
= 1
5. Smart Waste Management System

η =
2 According to the present scenario, wastes are referred to as
substances that have the potential to be converted to useful
material by means of processing. This is different from the
Voc = open-circuit voltage;
dictionary definition of waste which would be an unwanted or
Isc = short-circuit current;
useless substance [2, 5]. But seeing the present scenarios, most
FF = fill factor and
wastes can neither be classified as useless nor unwanted.
η = efficiency
Wastes are classified based on their sources as municipal solid
waste, bio-medical waste, nuclear waste, electronics waste,
industrial waste and agricultural wastes.

Table1: Classification of waste

S. Category Sources
1. Nature based Solid, Liquid and Gas
classification of
2. Sources based Municipal waste,Industrial
classification of waste,Agricultural waste,E-
waste waste, Nuclear waste and others

3. Properties based Biodegradable and Non-

classification of biodegradable
4. Potential risk based Hazardous and Non-hazardous
classification of
Fig. 3: Solar tracking system under normal condition waste
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 25,2020 at 12:44:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020)

Among these, it is the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and that are solar tracker, earthquake detector, automatic street
agricultural waste that hold a great potential for producing lightning, smoke detector and smart sprinkler.
bioenergy in India. One of the techniques these are common in Before setting up the solar tracker in this model,
the present scenario is segregation of degradable and non- investigators are conducted an experiment of calculating the
degradable waste. The above Table 1 shows the classification output power of solar panel (12 Volt, 5 Watt) at different time
of waste based on categories. of the day, under two different conditions one was without
using the tracker technology and other was with the tracker
In this proposed model, investigators use battery of 12Volt, The Table 2 shows the values of current and voltage and
2.5 Ampere and it gives supplies to the circuit. They use output power is calculated as:-
capacitor of 1000 Microfarads that filters the ripple factor. P = V * I Watts
Ceramic capacitor removes noise and voltage regulator 7805 Where P = output power in watt
provides constant supply in the circuit. The LED indicates V = output voltage in volt
whether supply is ON or OFF. The different components are:- I = output current in ampere
i. Solar Tracker: It consists of a solar panel of 5 Watt
and 12 Volt mounted on a frame with two LDRs
attached linearly on both sides. The LDR output is
very low so in order to increase it we use op-amp.
When light fall on it, LDR operates and it’s output
signal goes to op-amp and its amplification depends
on variable resistors of 20 Kilo-ohms. The amplified
signal goes to L293D motor driver Integrated Circuit
(IC) through which motor is attached. It is Direct
Current (DC) gear motor of 10 revolution per minute
(rpm) and is coupled with shaft on which solar panel
is attached. Thus, the solar panel aligned itself to side
on which light falls. Battery is attached to the solar
panel which charges when panel operates, diode is
also connected to the battery to stop the reverse
flowing of current.
ii. Street lightning: In this model, investigators have
connected four bulbs for street lights using LDR. The
LDR output is very low so in order to increase it they
use op-amp. As, the intensity of light changes upon
the LDR placed on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Fig. 4: Block diagram model of the smart city with its different
lights glows accordingly. sections
iii. Smart Sprinkler System: The circuit of water
sprinkler consists of two electrodes at its output The Table 2 above clearly shows that power that was obtained
which are placed in soil and when condition of soil is was more in case of solar tracker then by using normal solar
wet then signal goes to the transistor BC547 and it panel. This proves that by using the solar tracker investigators
activates and operates the relay. As the relay were utilizing solar panel technology efficiently and thus
operates, it will stop pump and cut off the supply of reducing the wastage of energy.
water. When soil is dry the pump again starts
operating. Thus the plant get right amount of water Table 2: Measured values at different time of the day
and helps in saving the water.
iv. Smoke Detector: The smoke detector consists of Time Fixed solar panel Single axis solar
Infrared Radiation (IR) transmitter and receiver. As, of tracker
soon as it detects the smoke the led glows thus day I V P I V P
informing about the air pollution. (Amp.) (Volt) (Watt) (Amp) (Volt) (Watt)
v. Earthquake Detector: The earthquake detector
consists of piezo-sensors. The piezo-sensors detect 8 am 0.09 8.5 0765 0.21 9.2 1.932
the vibration and activate the LED. Thus, informing 12 0.38 11.3 4.294 0.38 11.3 4.294
about the occurrence of earthquake. noon
5 pm 0.22 9.5 2.090 0.28 10.2 2.850
Fig. 5 shows the PCB consisting of components and their
The block diagram of smart city working model is presented connections that are used in model.
in Fig. 4 which shows the various domains of the smart city
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 25,2020 at 12:44:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020)

Components of the proposed system:
Solar Tracker:
Capacitor = 1000 Micro-farad
Voltage regulator number = 7805
Ceramic Capacitor = 100 Micro-farad
Variable Resistor = 20 Kilo-ohm
Op-Amp number = LM358D
Three Resistance rating = 100 Ohm
One Resistance = 10 Kilo-ohm
Motor Driven IC number = L293D
Transistor number = BC547
Battery ratings: Voltage = 12 Volt, 2.5 Ampere
Solar panel rating = 5 Watt, 12 Volt

Street lightning:
Five resistance rating = 1 Kilo-ohm
Fig. 5: Printed circuit board with their connections One resistance = 33 Kilo-ohm
Variable Resistor = 20 Kilo-ohm & LDRs
The implemented smart city model which includes the
energy management or smart energy by using single axis solar Smart Sprinkler System:
tracker which includes LDR, smart infrastructure by using Resistances:-
LDR based street lights, water management by using smart o 100 ohm
sprinkler at public places and rooftop rain water harvesting, o 10 kilo ohm
smoke detector to detect air pollution and earthquake detector o 1 kilo ohm
to detect the tremors is reflected in the Fig. 6. Total cost of o 230 ohm
building the model was approximately three thousand rupees. Transistor number = BC547
Relay rating = 10 Ampere, 120 Volt
Water Pump & LEDs

Smoke Detector:
o 100 ohm
o 1 kilo ohm
o 33 ohm
Op- Amp rating = LM358d
Ceramic Capacitor = 100 Micro-farad

Earthquake Detector:
Piezoelectric Sensor
o 2 of 100ohm each
o 2 of 33 kilo ohm each
o 1 kilo ohm
Fig. 6: Proposed model of the smart city Op-Amp rating = LM358D
Variable Resistor = 20 Kilo-ohm
V. CONCLUSION Transistor rating = BC54 and LEDs
The developed model of smart city reflects how it can utilize
solar energy more efficiently with the help of solar tracker. REFERENCES
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978-1-7281-5846-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 25,2020 at 12:44:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020)

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 25,2020 at 12:44:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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