Smart Cities: Progress and Problems in India: Ms. Priyanka Gupta Dr. Rajan Gupta

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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

Smart cities: Progress and Problems in

Ms. Priyanka Gupta Dr. Rajan Gupta
Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
GGSIPU, New Delhi GGSIPU, New Delhi

Abstract software to create valuable information and digitally

enhanced services. [1]
The urge of urbanization is increasing at a rapid rate
worldwide. It ensues the emergence and use of various Several countries worldwide are already in a process
digital technologies like Internet of Things, Cloud
of developing the smart cities. For instance, according
Computing, Big data Analytics, Intelligent computing etc.
The one important and most hyped application of such to [2], United States is the first country implementing
technologies is Smart Cities. This concept revitalizesthe the smart city concept in its various cities by
whole city by strengthening its core competencies. It improving the transportation system, enhancing
automates every sector like transportation, homes, traffic, energy efficiency, renovating communication and
agriculture, water and electricity supply, waste management, information infrastructure, maintaining the safety and
health, education etc. This notion is implementing in various security of citizens, reforming public governance and
parts of the world leading to the new level of urbanization. addressing the challenges like traffic congestion and
The perception of this powerful approach in India is energy consumption. Cities in US who are pioneers in
presented in this paper. The current stage of this project and
becoming smart cities include New York, San
the possible roadblocks in implementing it in Indian
scenario is also discussed in this manuscript. Francisco, Boston, Seattle and San Jose.

Keywords:Smart city, Urbanization, Technologies. European Union also joins in this race of becoming
smart cities by focusing on issues such as energy
conservation, emission reduction, regional
development, innovation strategy, start-ups, smart and
sustainable growth and 5G network. Countries of
“Smart City” is the current terminology aiming to European Union implementing smart city objectives
provide better and automated life in urban cities. It comprises of UK, Spain etc.
includes applying the most powerful and currently
Asia is also not behind in this quest. Japanese govt.
trending technology called “Internet of Things” and
announced the i-Japan Strategy[3] covering Electronic
other communication technologies to the urban areas
Government and Local Government, Healthcare,
in order to provide easy and smart access to public
Education and Human Resources, Using Digital
Technologies and Information to Transform Industrial
Necessity is the mother of invention. As the cities Structure and Revitalize
provide better resources and life, more people keeps Local Communities and Development
on moving towards them cumulatively. It is estimated of Digital
that by 2050, 68% population will live in the cities. Infrastructure. Similarly, South Korea initiated a
Increasing population inside cities at this rate gives Smart Seoul 2015 programme[4] which focuses on
birth to the urgency of fast and reliable working of ICT application, integrated city management
existing limited public services. Thus, this necessity framework and educating citizens to use smart
commences the concept of smart cities. services. Singapore also adopts a smart city plan
shaping the city into a quality citystate.
A smart city gathers data from smart devices and
sensors embedded in its roadways, power grids, The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
buildings and other assets. It shares that data via a depicts the smart city concept defined in Indian
smart communications system that is typically a context. Section 3 elaborate how this smart city
combination of wired and wireless. It then uses smart phenomenon is progressing in the current as well as in
the future scenario and Section 4 lists all the potential

ISBN: 978-1-5386-4119-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 1114

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

and neglected problems in establishing smart cities in and increased density. Areas consisting of more
Indian circumstances followed by Conclusion (Section than 50 acres come under this strategy. Two
5). working examples of this model include
SaifeeBurhaniUpliftment Project in Mumbai
(also called the Bhendi Bazaar Project) and
East Kidwai Nagar in New Delhi.
3. Greenfield development (City extension)
The concept of smart city in India is not new. A few of It means introducing smart city solutions to the
the smart cities are already underway, including Kochi already vacant land (more than 250 acres) with
Smart City, Gujarat International Finance Tec-City the vision of providing affordable housing and
(GIFT) in Ahmedabad, Naya Raipur in Chhattisgarh, other amenities to the constantly expanding
Lavasa in Maharashtra and Wave Infratech's 4,500- population in the cities. The working example
acre smart city near New Delhi. of this strategy is the GIFT city in Gujarat.
However, our honorable Prime Minister Mr. 4. Pan-city development
NarendraModi launched the Smart Cities mission in Here, smart solutions are applied on the larger
June, 2015 in order to provide better quality life in parts of the city. At least one smart solution is
100 cities of India. applied city wide. For example, applying smart
grids all across the city, intelligent traffic
According to [5], the objective of smart cities is to management system, waste water management,
promote cities that provide core infrastructure and smart metering, smart education etc.
give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and
sustainable environment and application of 'Smart' Various cities in different states are being
Solutions. The focus is on sustainable and inclusive selected in various rounds depending upon the
development and the idea is to look at compact areas, proposals submitted by them. Each of the smart
create a replicable model which will act like a light city candidate have to encapsulate at least one
house to other aspiring cities. The Smart Cities of the area based development (retrofitting,
Mission aims to set examples in terms of few smart development or greenfield development) plus at
cities. These will become a role model in order to least one feature of pancity development city-
create similar smart cities in other parts of the country. wide.
As per Govt of India, Core infrastructure In January 2016, based on the All India
elements of a smart city project includes Competition, 20 smart cities were selected in
adequate water and electricity supply, solid Round 1. 13 more Smart Cities were selected in
waste management, efficient public transport May 2016 in fast track round. In Round 2, 63
system, affordable housing for the poor, robust potential smart cities participated of which, 27
IT connectivity and digitization, e-governance Smart Cities have been selected in September
and citizen participation, safety and security, 2016. In Round 3, 45 potential smart cities
sustainable environment, health and education participated of which, 30 Smart Cities have
etc. been selected in June 2017. [6]
The finally selected candidates for smart cities
The smart cities mission strategy include following construction include Bangalore, Kolkata, Bhopal, Pune,
components: Surat, Jaipur, Kochi, Ahmedabad etc. Under the smart city
1. Retrofitting (City improvement) programme, each city will be given Rs.500 crore by the
It means applying the smart city features to the Centre over five years. The states will have to make a
existing city infrastructure in order to make it matching contribution.
more automated, reliable and liveable. This
strategy takes less time than building a whole The implementation of the Smart Cities Mission is done by
new smart city from scratch. Areas consisting a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to be set up at city level
of more than 500 acres come under this in the form of a limited company under the Companies
strategy. Act, 2013 and will be promoted by the State/UT and the
Urban Local Body (ULB) jointly both having 50:50 equity
2. Redevelopment (City renewal)
shareholding. After selection, each selected Smart Cities
It means rebuilding the whole existing area
have to set up SPVs and start implementation of their
with a whole new layout plan. It replaces the
Smart City Proposal, preparation of Detailed Project
existing built-up environment and
Reports (DPRs), tenders etc.
infrastructure with smart solutions having
enhanced infrastructure using mixed land use

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

III. PROGRESS OF SMART CITIES IN INDIA etc., can upload the documents online and can check the
status of your application online. e-Tender, e-panchayat,
When we talk about the progress of smart cities in India, eproperty, e-toilets, e-return filing, e-education etc.
this project is still at its inception phase. Govt. of India did contributes to the fast and reliable governance and public
not standardize the smart city plan for all the cities. Every communication in today‟s era.
city must build its own vision, mission and strategy based
on the conditions, availability of resources and citizens‟ Smart transportation, smart traffic control, smart
participation. parking and smart logistics are also being
implemented in various parts of the country.
Although, it would take much time and resources to build
100 smart cities in India completely, yet there is work On a higher level, several industrial corridors are also
related to this new paradigm going on in different cities at being planned under Greenfield development arena of
multiple levels depending upon the resources availability, smart city project. According to Press Information
citizen‟s participation, govt. approvals, corruption levels, Bureau, Government of India, Ministry of Commerce
chosen business models etc. & Industry, such industrial corridors include Delhi-
Mumbai industrial corridor, Chennai-Bengaluru
To realize its smart cities mission, India is actively seeking industrial corridor, BengaluruMumbai economic
international collaboration and has already signed deals corridor, Amritsar-Kolkata industrial corridor and
with foreign partners in the US, Spain, Germany and East-Coast economic corridor.
Singapore, Japan and the UK. According to figures on the
Union urban development ministry‟s website, 49.5%
projects are yet to be initiated. Of the 731 smart city
projects worth Rs.46,366crore approved so far, IV. PROBLEMS IN IMPLEMENTING SMART
implementation has started in 49 (6.7%). CITIES IN INDIA
The concept of smart cities is an attractive and sturdy
For instance, application of smart grid technology in Delhi. concept resulting in changing the tag from developing
Smart grid is an electrical power grid which generates,
to the developed country. But, implementing this
distributes, prepares bills of consumers, studies notion in India is the most challenging task the
consumer‟s behavior and finds and restores the fault in an
country has ever faced. Just selecting the „smart cities‟
automated manner. Tata Power Delhi Distribution over different rounds doesn‟t make the cities smart.
(TPDDL) launched a „Smart Grid Lab‟ to substantiate
various operational and advanced information technologies Many problems have been identified by both govt. and
and their benefits. This technology provides sustainable, non govt. organizations and researchers in establishing
reliable and efficient production and distribution of the smart cities globally. Like, [7] introduces
electricity. problems like financing, financial sustainability and
technical constraints of ULBs, three-tier governance
Similarly, smart water supply has also been implemented and reliability of utility services. Also, [8] presents
in various cities of India including Vellore, Nagpur etc. It problems like connectivity, waste management, mixed
includes water cycle management through online social structure, urban resilience, smart grids or energy
monitoring and distribution of water using GIS, applying
networks etc. In short, many researchers and activists
smart water meters to determine the average and peak represent mostly hardware and software related
demand areas, automating leakage detection and rectifying
problems, like connectivity issues, bandwidth issues,
them and online billing system. This results in 24/7 clean network issues etc. but in India these problems come
water supply in several urban and rural areas.
after some basic problems which needs to be
Further, smart solid waste management is at its beginning identified and solved first.
stage in India. Urbanization leads to increasing solid waste Digital, networking and ICT issues in India are
and improper solid waste treatment leads to pollution, secondary problems. Some of the unnoticed problems
unhygienic conditions, wastage of recyclable resources in Indian context are listed below:
and environment degradation. In many cities including
Kerala, Alappuzha, Panaji etc., smart collection and a) User’s behavior and use
segregation of waste, GPS enabled transportation of solid Although many awareness programs are running to
waste, sensor based bins and smart recycling of reusable encourage Indian citizens to embrace digitization and
waste are taking place at different levels. urbanization yet in today‟s scenario, there are a good
Also, the govt. and municipal services are becoming online amount of people who does not even know how to use
and they can also be accessed via apps. For example, now smart objects and sensor technologies. The idea of
you can apply for your adhaar card, voter id card, passport doing everything manually is so much inculcated in
the Indian citizen‟s mind that automating everything is

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

itself not acceptable by them. eg., a normal Indian e) Poverty and education
citizen would like to give bribe to the people in order India is home to over one-third of poor population
to get their work done rather than using govt. websites worldwide. According to [9]. Almost 22% of the
and apps to use the public resources. Indians are poor today. Also according to [10], 37% of
Thus, before implementing a new era of IoT and smart the total illiterate people in the world comes under
city, citizens‟ mind set must be changed and they must India. With this level of poverty and illiteracy, people
be encouraged to use the new technologies. tend to earn their daily breads by hook or by crook.
b) Need more time and resources to build smart cities An empty stomach overpowers the urge of
India is a country where even the basic necessities of contributing in making cities smart.
life like clean water 24/7, electricity, shelter, food, f) Converting people from govt. haters to govt.
education etc. are not available to a good part of the friendly is difficult
country especially in rural areas. Also, the basic Unfortunately, in India, govt. people consider
infrastructure of the country is not so strong that the themselves the powerful people in the country rather
idea of building 100 smart cities over the period of 5 than considering themselves the citizens‟ servants.
years seems unsustainable. Broken roads, improper They probably do not like to involve a citizen in most
sewage collection, faulty constructions, increasing of the important decisions taken by them at different
population, inefficient transport networks etc. levels. Also, transparency in information sharing is
demands for redesigning and retrofitting the existing not a cup of tea for Indian govt. Because of the above
groundwork of the country on a more serious note problems, most of the citizens become govt. haters
rather than building the entire new cities or converting because of which they are unable to cooperate with the
the existing cities into the „smart one‟. To build a smart city schemes or other schemes „imposed‟ by the
single smart city, extensive use of IoT sensor govt. on them. Govt. must implement a more friendly
technologies, 24/7 connectivity and other related approach towards the citizens rather than fear based or
machinery is required in which India is still lacking punishment based approach.
compared to other countries. g) No definite standards were defined
Thus, more time and more resources are required to There is no „one size fits all‟ model for smart cities in
fulfill the dream of smart cities mission in India. India. The lack of standardization leads to the
c) Need adequate and skilled work force According to confused and mixed understanding for the cities to
the govt. of India, each aspiring city must establish become smart cities in India. Choosing the aspiring
and run SPV (special purpose vehicle) which is a cities over various rounds depending upon their
limited company having 50:50 equity shareholding proposals is itself a demotivating factor for the other
among State/UT and ULB. It must be headed by a full cities. Proper guidelines must be documented
time CEO, nominees of central govt., state govt. and explaining all the aspects and expectations of the
ULB. The purpose of SPV is to release funds, monitor smart city mission in greater detail.
and manage the whole smart city project city wise.
Without a single smart city in India and the proper V. CONCLUSION
guidelines available, the appointments of the above
posts with adequate skills and training is difficult. Smart city is much powerful terminology in today‟s
Also, since India holds corruption at various levels, scenario but implementing it on real grounds actually
this whole project of establishing and maintaining demands much experienced persona, a huge budget, a
SPVs in different cities invites the corrupted minds well-established infrastructure and most importantly
and political parties to earn benefits. citizens‟ cooperation and support. But, in India before
Also, establishing hardware and software, building going to the higher levels, some basic and more
new apps and implementing new technologies to build prioritized obstructions like poverty, illiteracy,
a smart city requires more technical competence. corruption levels etc. needs to be addressed on a faster
d) Safety and security
track. In one line, we can say, India is still very far
With more and more technologies coming into the from becoming a smart and developed country. Right
picture, safety and security of citizens become a amount of work by the right persons in the right
nightmare for the govt. Citizens of India are already direction is the foremost requirement in India.
facing cyber threats while using smart phones, smart
embedded devices, anonymous use of the internet and
other available gadgets. Further embracing more REFERENCES
automated devices, sensors, cloud computing,
intelligent systems, artificial intelligence etc. to build
smart cities imposes great challenge over the safety [1] Jon DeKeles, “Our Sector, smart cities council”, available at
and security concerns of the citizens.

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

[2] “Research report on smart city, Central Policy Unit, The

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Digital Society – Towards Digital inclusion & innovation” (6
Jul 2009).
[4] Seoul Metropolitan Government, “Smart Seoul 2015: Basic
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[7] Dr. J. Thirumaran ,Principal, Rathinam College of Arts and
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Associate Professor, Rathinam College of Arts and
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[8] Kuldeep Singh, Neha Sharma ,Assistant Prof., Department of
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[9] "Number and Percentage of Population BelowPoverty Line".
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[10] “India‟s illiterate population largest in the world, says
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