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VersionOne Tutorial
Copyright © 2017

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...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
T U T O R I A L.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
VERSIONONE TUTORIAL .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 FEATURES.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 ADD NEW TEAM MEMBER IN VERSIONONE .............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 PROJECT SETTINGS IN VERSIONONE.......................................................................................................................... 9
3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES..............................................................................................................10
3.1 PRODUCT PLANNING IN VERSIONONE .................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 RELEASE PLANNING IN VERSIONONE ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 SPRINT/I TERATION PLANNING IN VERSIONONE ..................................................................................................... 13
3.4 SPRINT/I TERATION TRACKING IN VERSIONONE .................................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................................15

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1. Introduction
VersionOne is an all-in-one Agile project management tool built from the ground up to support
agile software development methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, XP, SAFe and hybrid. From small
teams to distributed enterprises, VersionOne's suite of right-sized product editions help companies scale
agile faster, easier and smarter.

1.1 Features
 Agile Management with : centralized management, Simplify collaboration, Improve project
visibility, Accelerate agile adoption
 Product Planning : Plan and manage your requirements, epics, stories, and goals across multiple
projects, products and teams.
 Release Planning : Plan, forecast, and report progress on your releases and teams in a simple, drag-
and-drop environment.
 Sprint Planning : Iteratively plan your stories, defects, tasks, tests, and impediments in a single, easy-
to-use environment.
 Tracking : Track progress painlessly using our interactive Storyboard, Taskboard, Testboard and
Burndown charts.
 Test Management : Plan and track your acceptance and regression testing activities in the same tool
as your stories and defects.
 Reporting & Analytics : 50+ pre-packaged agile metrics and reports plus a new custom analytics
platform for unparalleled visibility.
 Product Roadmapping : Create, collaborate and visually communicate your product strategy using
VersionOne’s flexible roadmapping capability.
 Collaboration : Agile methods strongly emphasize constant communication and coordination with
customers and between team members.
 Portfolio Management : Visualize, manage and report on your strategic, cross-project initiatives,
keeping organizational priorities aligned with tactical execution.
 Review : Quickly close-out iterations and capture issues and action items from your retrospectives in
one place.
 Open-Source Integration : Open, web services API, Java and .NET SDK’s, and free, open-source
integration connectors.

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2. Installation & Configuration
1.Go to , Register & click on get it for free

2.On Next window, it will ask for choose the password , Project name & Sprint details

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3.It will Install the Versionone Software on the next window

4.On completion of Installation, it will shows the URL of your VersionOne Location, open it!

5.It will Navigates to Profile form, choose username& password and click on OK!

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6.Then, it will navigates you to VersionOne Dashboard.

2.1 Add New Team Member in VersionOne

1.Click to Admin on the left-top, Click on Add New members button

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2.It will opens a Pop-up window , click on Add Member Button

2.It will opens a Member form, fill the Details & Save

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3.User is added & Listed in the Members. If you to change any thing just click EDIT button

2.2 Project Settings in VersionOne

Once you insert the members, click on the project for creating a new one. You can give a Title for
the project, specify the Level of the project by adding Description, Begin Date, End Date, Owner, Total
Estimate Points and any other information as you may need at this stage

1.Select Admin > Projects.

2.Expand the System (All Projects) project

3.Click on the Add Child Project button to create the new project.

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4.Enter the project details as appropriate & Save

3. Project Management Activities

3.1 Product Planning in VersionOne
It is your first practical step towards organizing your backlogs and ranking the stories as you need for
executing tests.

You can build your backlog by managing the stories, test sets, and the defects as you keep updating your
work items. Product planning gives you helpful resources such as estimation, associating your work to an
Epic, ranking backlog when there are numerous such stories, defects, and tests.

You can add stories and defects as many as you need or access them from any project or sprint. Filtering
allows you to drag and drop any item from the backlog for prioritization purpose. Stories can be
imported from excel sheets or created directly from the Add Story Inline menu situated on the right side
of the Product Planning page.

The picture below shows the main page of the backlog where you can organize the stories by title, ID,
Priority, Estimation point and project

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Backlog Importing Page:

Download the Excel Template by clicking Import from Product Planning tab. You can fill it out with your
test scenarios, test cases, test data, and other relevant columns based on the needs of each module of the
Application under Test (AUT).

You can go through the same steps for Defects and Issues. If there are any issues during upload your
excel sheet, VersionOne tells you what particular column or row have to be corrected to complete the
upload process.

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3.2 Release Planning in VersionOne
In this feature of VersionOne, you can move any backlog story to any of the releases. Release
planning offers two approaches namely, Tactical and Strategic. In tactical release plan, you schedule each
item, defect, and test individually at backlog level. While in strategic approach, you anticipate the backlog
at the portfolio level.

Besides, this feature offers the possibility of regression planning that lets you describe and map out
coordinated sets of testing activities for making sure your existing functionality continues to work.

It is always recommended to have your schedules short in duration by using as many sprints as you can.
One of the primary rationales behind release plan is to be able to track the teams and the release
deadlines via effective communication.

There are two methods you can move backlog items

 Check the check boxes for multiple stories at a time from Move to project
 Drag and drop them where you want

Simultaneously, you can add new releases to the project as you work on the current ones. The project
Burndown shows the overall status of the release in terms of time

For Sprint release, you can view tests report metrics to measure your progress towards the completion of
the sprint.

They are mentioned below:

 Portfolio Item Dependencies Report

 Release Forecasting Report
 Standup Dashboard Report

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3.3 Sprint/IterationPlanning in VersionOne
Here is where you choose what items of the backlog are to be worked on for a particular sprint based on
your priorities. Then, you break them into specific tests and estimate the efforts to get them completed.

An effective estimate is to look into the teams past performance levels and progress and get an idea of
the current work to be done. The primary functions in this stage are mentioned below

 Activating and Deactivating a Sprint

 Closing a Sprint
 Creating/Adding a Sprint
 Deleting a Sprint
 Managing Sprint Relationships

After you scheduled your work by using Sprint/Iteration scheduling and the planning capacity, the team
members get tasks assigned to them. The team can decide which item of the backlog should be worked
on at first and schedule execution.

You can drag/drop each item you want, or you can do that by going through multiple selections of the
item, and you move them together into a sprint or a project. You would see the details of the prioritized
items under product backlog schedule as shown in the below screen

There are various types of the reporting metrics for sprint tracking, helpful for Scrum Masters, Team
Leads, Team members, and the stakeholders. The major types consist of the following

 Cumulative Flow by Status Report

 Member Load Trend Report
 Pipeline Run Contents Report
 Quick list Reports

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 Sprint/Iteration Dashboard Report
 Standup Dashboard Report
 Test Runs Report
 Velocity Trend Report
 Work item Cycle Time Report.

By clicking on sprint tracking tab, we step into the execution of the tests.

3.4 Sprint/Iteration Tracking in VersionOne

Once you create the tests, it is now time to execute your tests. You would see what you have to test and
update stories, tests and the defects on a daily basis. You can go through dashboards to view status and
progress. Key agile metrics, the status of each story and defect are available for viewing in the standard

You can just drag and drop each of the stories and defects as you execute them. It gives the overall
picture of how a team is doing regarding running the tasks and the tests. Following describes what you
can do in the Sprint Iteration section.

a) Detail Tracking: You would see all your open work in this selected sprint including updated time and
the status.

b) Member Tracking: This page shows the list of all team members assigned to their specific sprint. It is a
list that indicates the relationship between the testers and the assigned tasks.

c) Storyboard: This page displays a visual view of all stories included in a sprint. It provides you a clear
picture of the stories which have them in the columns of None, Future, In-progress, Done and Accepted.

d) Taskboard: It shows a visual status of the tasks grouped by defects and or by tasks. You can display
the view below during the team’s daily meeting for giving a clear picture of the overall progress of the

e) Test board: This page displays acceptance tests grouped by backlog item for e.g. defect or test status.
It shows the individual test status during the testing cycle.

The reporting metrics for sprint tracking include the following:

 Member Load Trend

 Work item Cycle Time
 Velocity Trend
 Sprint/Iteration Burndown
 Standup Dashboard
 Test Trend

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 Test Runs
 Cumulative Flow
 Effort Quick list


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