Cycle No 1 Experiment No 4 Measurement of 2D Roughness and Understanding Measurements Using Profile Projector

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Cycle No 1 Experiment No 4

Measurement of 2D roughness and understanding measurements using Profile projector

Kunal Garg(SC16B027)
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
Department of Aerospace Engineering
(Dated: January 23rd, 2018)
Roughness is a component of surface texture which determines the imperfections on the surface. It is
defined as closely spaced, irregular deviations on a scale smaller than waviness. It is expressed in terms of
height, its width and its distance on the surface along which it is measured. Surface finish or surface
roughness affects the physical property of a product like electrical and thermal contact resistance, corrosion
resistance and fatigue life. So it’s important to determine the degree of roughness and ensure it’s suitability as
per design requirements. It is generally described using two methods - arithmetic mean value and root mean
square average. Here we determine surface roughness using both methods along with some more parameters
along a line and studied it’s influence on cut-off wavelength. Ihe experiment is performed on a lathe machined
product using surface profilometer where we generally use a diamond stylus(here radius 10µ m) for
roughness measurement. Due to finiteness of diamond stylus the roughness is accurate within certain
tolerance, so this method will not work in critical situations like measuring roughness of highly polished
surface. For more accurate results profile projector can also be used but here we have only studied it’s
dimensions measuring procedure on a machined work piece. [3] [5]

2.Tool geometry
Surface structure plays a key role in governing con- 3.Workpiece and tool material combination and
tact mechanics that is to say the mechanical behavior their mechanical properties
exhibited at an interface between two solid objects as
they approach each other and transition from condi- 4.Auxiliary tooling, and lubricant used
tions of non-contact to full contact.[2] Surface texture 5.Vibrations while operation
is characteristic which determine the surface structure.
It comprises of flaws, lay,waviness and form apart 6.Machinability of the workpiece
from the roughness. Flaw are basically random irreg-
ularities such as scratches, cracks, holes, depressions, Some 130 parameters has been identified to measure
seams, tears or inclusions. Lay or directionality, is the roughness but we have focused some of them to quan-
direction of the predominant surface pattern and is tify roughness. which are as follows:
usually visible to naked eye. Waiviness is a recurrent 1.Arithmetic mean value averaged over all
deviation from a flat surface, much like waves on sampling length(Ra)
the surface of water. It differ from Roughness by it’s
nature since roughness is typically considered to be 2.Root-mean-square average over all sampling
the high-frequency, short-wavelength component of length(Rq)
a measured surface profile whereas waiviness is high
wavelength component of the surface texture. (refer 3.Maximum of peak amplitude averaged over all
figure kalpakjain). Form basically refers to the desired sampling lengths(Rp)
surface characteristic which is intentionally formed. 4.Maximum of valley amplitude averaged over all
sampling lengths(Rv)
To distinguish the different components, filters are
used which basically is a electronic or mathematical 5.Maximum of distance between maximum valley
method or algorithms which is selective in wavelength amplitude and maximum peak amplitude aver-
i:e it suppresses the undesired wavelength component aged over all sampling lengths.(Rz)
and hence we are able to separate roughness profile
from surface profile using roughness filters. Roughness 6.Maximum distance between maximum valley am-
is generally generated in machining operations which plitude and maximum peak amplitude in
is effected by following factors. evaluat- ing length.(Rt)

1.Machining variables
I.1. Objective
(a)Cutting Speed
(b)Feed 1.Measurement of 2D roughness parameters of ma-
chined surfaces and to study the Influence of cut-
(c)Depth of cut
off wavelength on roughness measurement.

2.Understanding the measurements using Profile

projector.(Refer Appendix)


Assessment of the surface roughness of a machined

workpiece can be carried out by means of different
mea- surement techniques . These can be classified into
the following classes:

1.Comparison Based Methods.

2.Direct Measurements Methods.

3.Non Contact Methods

We have used direct measurement method in which

a Diamond stylus basically determine the surface tex-
ture(surface profile)and from the generated profile we FIG. 1. Roughness Measuring machine
separate the roughness component. Apart from sty-
lus based method , sophisticated techniques are avail-
able under Non-Contact methods involving Optical in- III.1.2. Machine Specification
terference microscope or Atomic force microscope. For-
mer is the based on the principle of interference, where Table I lists the roughness measurement machine
incident light and reflected light create an interfer- specifications.
ence pattern, which can analyzed to determine slope
of the surface as depending on the depth fringe pat-
tern changes. Latter uses laser to measure the deflec- TABLE I. Machine Specifications
tion of the sharp imaging tip of a cantilever beam.
Traverse length 0.1 - 50 mm
It is used in determining surface finish of extremely
smooth surface with accuracy on atomic scale.[5]. Com- Measuring length 1 mm
paring the all above mentioned technique we can say Resolution 16nm or better
that Atomic force microscope posses high accuracy and Straightness error 0.4 microns over entire length
stylus based measurement is least accurate[4], but the Manufacturer Taylor Hobson
Atomic force microscope is limited in it’s application to Model Talysurf Intra
only highly smooth surface where Stylus based method
comes handy

III.2. Specimen
A workpiece was used which was machined using
III.1. Roughness Measuring Machine Lathe. Based on machining process standard cutoff
wavelength range varies as per ANSI standard.
III.1.1. Working

It is based on the principle of Faraday’s law of III.3. Procedure

Induc- tion. Since the beam is hinged offset from the
end which makes it other end free to rotate about 1.Firstly diamond stylus tip is made to touch the
hinge. As the diamond stylus follow the surface texture sur- face such that the deflection is read to be
which results in it’s up-down motion causes an electric zero oth- erwise near zero. A non-zero value is
current to be induced in the coils, which is measured corrected by auto re-calibration.
by the instru- ment.This process generates a analog
current which is then passed through filters to remove 2.Using GUI of the software we adjust the exper-
the waviness and noise component, preserving the iment parameters. Velocity is adjusted to 0.25
roughness component. This current is calibrated with mm/s and data length is set to 20mm. Gaussian
the stylus movement and hence we are able record the model is followed.
surface roughness.
experiment to make
sure that surface V. CALCULATIONS decreasing the velocity,
roughness is accuracy of the
measured along Calculations are measurement increases.
same data length. performed by the
software based on below
mentioned definitions to VII. DI
determine various pa- SC
E rameters.Refer Table III
FIG. 2. Surface Roughness L
profile for velocity 2.5 mm/s T LE
and 2.5mm sampling data S III. It has been concluded
length Form that on increasing the
ulae cut-off wavelength
Refer Table II for the
S.No Parameter Formula
roughness increases and
results. Figure 2 depict
3.Then measurement the sur- face roughness = by decreasing the
process is initiated 1 Ra velocity accuracy of the
variation for the velocity
through GUI where measurement increases.
2.5mm/s and 2.5mm
stylus is allowed to 2 Rq This is a direct
sampling length. =
move on a line over measurement method
the surface. 3 Rp = which with its pointed
TABLE II. Observations 4 Rv = diamond(upto 10µm)
4.Generated profile is
S.No obtained
V Ls
where weRa Rp Rq Rv Rt Rz stylus accurately
5 Rt = determine the surface
can analy- ses All parameters are in mm
1 different surface
0.25 0.008 0.8363 1.9941 0.9767 1.8212 5.1019 3.8153 6 Rz roughness. This method
can be used to mea- sure
2 parameters.
0.25 2.5 0.9218 2.3009 1.0525 2.1316 5.0896 4.4325
surface finish but upto
3 Roughness
0.5 0.008is 0.8376
se- 1.9797 0.9711 1.7614 4.8992 3.7491
lected which certain limit. Due to
4 0.5 2.5 0.9161 2.2543 1.0515 2.4308 6.1468 4.6881 finite- ness of the tip of
generates a plot of
5 1 0.008 0.853 2.0137 0.9897 1.8659 5.4342 3.8796 VI. CO the stylus it’s impractical
variation of sur-
6 face1 2.5 0.9173 2.3703 1.0486 2.2455 5.7589 4.6158 NC to mea- sure roughness
7 roughness(showing
2 0.008 0.8323 2.0656 0.9761 1.8382 6.2667 3.9038 LU of highly polished
SI surface. So to ac- curately
8 peaks 2 and 2.5valley)
0.9096 2.4878 1.0479 2.3323 6.3886 4.8202
ON determine the roughness
with distance up to
data length(20mm). we employ different
The effect of the cut- techniques which utilizes
5.The Cut-off off wavelength and Optical interference
wavelength is velocity on 2D surface micro- scope and Atomic
adjusted and roughness measurement force microscope. So care
corre- sponding has been studied and it must be taken in
plot is generated. can be concluded that on recognizing the
increasing the cut-off application where this
6.Along with the plot wavelength, roughness method can be applied.
we obtain our increases and by
parameters(Ra, R p ,
Rq , Rt , Rv, Rz )
which are eval-
uated according to
the sampling
length by the soft-
7.Then the
experiment is
repeated for
different ve- locity
value and it is
ensured that the
stylus initial
touching points
doesn’t change
while undertaking
comparator [1]. It is
VIII.3.2. Specificati measure
widely used for complex
ons distance be-
shape stampings, gears,
cams, threads and tween it’s
comparing the measured For machine extreme
contour model. Its easy to specification refer Table points.
use and highly efficient. IV. (b)For measuring
circle we mark
three points
on the circle
VIII.2. Objecti and radius is
ve calculated by
Measuring length equip- ment
To understand the (c)For measuring
measuring techniques Accuracy
angle we use
used in pro- file projector. Optical precision ± 0.05% (profile
the rotating
± 0.10 %(surface panel
Max. Load capacity mounted on
FIG. 3. Manufacturer the display
Roughness VIII.3. Mac Model with 360 deg
Measuring hine rotation
machine and marked with
Meth angles along
ods the cir-
Procedure cumference.
IX : VIII.3.1. Workin (d)For measuring
UNDERSTANDI g 1.Firstly we place
radius of the
NG THE specimen on the array, we need
It is based on the to first
PROFILE principle of optics. It measure
basically illu- minates the 2.Then specimen is center point of
surface from below illuminated from any three
whose image is enlarged below the sur- circle on the
VIII.1. I and projected on the face. array.
screen with the help of
t 3.Since holes and cuts
lenses and mirrors. 5.Complete surface is
allow light to pass scanned.
and solid surface
acts as obstruction,
c it results into the
gen- eration of a 2d VIII.5. Resul
profile. ts and
n 4.Some
methodologies are Refer figure 4 for the
Quality inspection of a measurements that were
followed as
product is a final phase ob- tained on full scan of
mentioned below:
of any production unit the surface. This method
and one of the most offers very high
important task as it is (a)For
measuring accuracy, which make
important to ensure that this method reliable.
the product meets the line we
cus- tomer requirements.
So we use different
techniques as per the
requirement and time to
check the quality. One of
the method is using
profile projector which is
a op- tical instrument
also called optical


It can be stated that in

FIG. 4. Surface
determining the precise
measured using profile dimen- sions of machined
projector products, profile
projector can be uti- lized
following it’s weight
constraints and also it can
only scan plain surfaces.
Also it can also be used to
de- termine the surface
profile i:e we can use it
for surface roughness

[4] Bharat Bhushan Chin
projector. Ac- cessed
surface roughness
Jan 19th 2018.
measurements by stylus
profiler, afm and non-
contact optical profiler.
roughness. Ac- cessed
Elsevier, 190, November
Jan 19th 2018.
[3] Vinay A Kulkarni Anand
[5] Steven R.Schmid Serope
K Bewoor.
Mea- surement. McGraw-
Manufacturing Engi-
Hill, 2011.
neering and Technology.
Pearson, 22nd edition,

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