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Small-Scale Wind Turbine

Testing in Wind Tunnels Under

Kenneth W. Van Treuren
Low Reynolds Number
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Baylor University, Conditions

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One Bear Place #97356,
Waco, TX 76798-7356 Much of the aerodynamic design of wind turbines is accomplished using computational
e-mail: tools such as XFOIL. These codes are not robust enough for predicting performance
under the low Reynolds numbers found with small-scale wind turbines. Wind tunnels can
experimentally test wind turbine airfoils to determine lift and drag data over typical oper-
ating Reynolds numbers. They can also test complete small wind turbine systems to deter-
mine overall performance. For small-scale wind turbines, quality experimental airfoil
data at the appropriate Reynolds numbers are necessary for accurate design and predic-
tion of power production. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4030617]

Introduction section. Added to this limitation are the difficulties that result
from both geometric scaling and Reynolds number matching. In
Small-scale wind turbines are a fast growing market in wind
fact, Serpa states that wind tunnels have been of limited value in
energy generation. According to the American Wind Energy
wind turbine rotor development except for the gathering airfoil lift
Association (AWEA), 54 small wind turbine models are offered
and drag data [5]. Challenges in scaling make testing in a small
commercially in the U.S. and are used on homes, schools, and
wind tunnel difficult; however, much can still be learned from
commercial and industrial facilities to name a few applications
testing small-scale wind turbine systems. For the small- and
[1]. By the end of 2012, AWEA projected that more than 150,000
microwind turbines, there exists the possibility of scaling both the
small wind turbines would be installed in the U.S. These wind tur-
geometry and the Reynolds number in wind tunnel testing.
bines are generally horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) with
One of the important features to capture when designing small
fixed pitch blades and a direct drive DC generator. Domestically,
wind turbines is that of flow separation and its influence on airfoil
small wind turbines are defined as wind turbines with a capacity
performance data. This can occur at high speeds on a stall-
of 100 kW and lower. Along with this growth in small wind tur-
controlled turbine and on wind turbines operating at low Reynolds
bine installations is the growing trend toward distributed energy
numbers (usually 100,000 and below), especially near the hub.
generation. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, small
Generally speaking, the lack of accuracy of the airfoil data has the
wind turbines accounted for approximately 10.5% of all distrib-
potential to be the largest source of error in design, especially for
uted wind energy or 18.4-MW in 2012 [2]. The year 2013 was
the lower Reynolds number ranges.
expected to be even higher. In the UK, the small wind turbine cat-
For higher Reynolds numbers, usually taken to be greater than
egory is further divided into microwind (0–1.5 kW), small wind
500,000, often airfoil data are generated using computational 2D
(1.5–50 kW), and medium wind (50–500 kW). The UK experi-
models such as XFOIL, a shareware code developed by Drela [6],
enced a 21% increase in the number of installed medium and
and PROFIL, a commercial design code developed by Eppler [7].
small wind turbines in 2012 when compared with 2013 [3] with
At these speeds, the simulations are generally adequate as flow
the most significant increase in the small wind category. World-
will stay attached to the airfoil. For Reynolds numbers below
wide, at the end of 2012, there were 806,000 registered small
100,000, as experienced on small- and microwind turbines, flow
wind turbines, which is a 10% increase over the previous year [4].
separation will occur especially near the blade hub where the rota-
The growth is predominantly in China, the United States, and the
tional speed is lower. Figure 1 shows how airfoil performance,
UK, with China having 70% of the market total. HAWTs account
both lift and drag coefficients, can drastically change with
for the majority of the new wind turbines installed. For the focus
decreasing Reynolds numbers. There is a lack of appropriate
of wind tunnel testing in the context of this paper, only wind
experimental data to use in wind turbine design under these condi-
turbines of the residential size, 1–10 kW with fixed pitch (stall
tions, which is evident in the modeling codes [9]. Predictions of
controlled) and a direct DC generator, will be considered.
performance from existing models can range from 25% to 175%
of the measured values primarily due to the different approaches
to using the 2D airfoil data in the modeling codes, such as blade
Importance of Wind Tunnel Testing. It is important for the
element momentum theory (BEMT) [10]. This variation in per-
future of wind energy that new wind turbine designs be as effi-
formance is dependent on the quality of the 2D airfoil data avail-
cient as possible, to capture as much energy as feasible given the
able from either wind tunnel testing or computational design
constraints of the design. To achieve this efficiency, it is necessary
codes such as XFOIL. The National Renewable Energy Labora-
to involve wind tunnel testing. This testing should include airfoil
tory (NREL) tested their 10 m wind turbine rotor in the NASA
testing for basic lift and drag data as well as the testing of the
Ames wind tunnel and acquired data on 1700 different test condi-
wind turbine system (blades and generator) to optimize efficiency.
tions [10]. This data were used to validate the predictive capabil-
Full wind turbine systems are not usually tested in wind tunnels
ities of various codes available to wind turbine blade designers.
due to their large size when compared to the wind tunnel test
After conducting a “blind comparison” of codes with their data,
they concluded that the results were not favorable with wide var-
Contributed by the Advanced Energy Systems Division of ASME for publication
in the JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received December
iations between various code predictions. The conditions of the
11, 2014; final manuscript received May 6, 2015; published online June 1, 2015. flow were such that the models were expected to accurately
Assoc. Editor: Ryo Amano. capture the flow characteristics. This implies that more accurate

Journal of Energy Resources Technology Copyright V

C 2015 by ASME SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 051208-1
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Fig. 1 Lift and drag curves over a range of Reynolds numbers [8]

experimental data are necessary to further the predictive nature of that will be used in wind turbine blade design. Experimental test-
the wind turbine models and to improve the design process, partic- ing by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)
ularly for low Reynolds number cases. in the 1930 s resulted in the family of airfoils, typically used in the
design of aircraft [28,29]. Early wind turbines began using these
NACA airfoil sections which were considered appropriate because
Overview of Wind Tunnel Testing. Wind turbine testing of of their laminar flow characteristics. For BEMT design, operating
actual systems in a wind tunnel is not usually possible because the at or near the maximum L/D ratio (minimum drag for the lift pro-
large rotor diameters are not physically able to fit into a wind tun- duced) is desirable. From a plot of CL versus CD, generated either
nel or, if it does fit, the rotor disk could cause an unacceptably from wind tunnel data or theoretically determined, it is possible to
large blockage. It is possible to test fixed, full-scale wind turbine locate the maximum L/D ratio directly and, with this value, find the
systems outside a wind tunnel at locations such as the NREL’s appropriate angle of attack for the wind turbine blade design. The
National Wind Technology Center in Golden, CO [11], but this is surface finish of the experimentally tested airfoils must be very
costly. Blanch tested a 3 -m diameter wind turbine mounted to a smooth as an increase in surface roughness and/or freestream turbu-
trailer by towing the trailer along an airport runway [9]. He lence in the experiments can cause differences in the data collected
noticed some variability in the data due to differing environmental when compared with the actual wind turbine performance. Addi-
conditions. In a wind tunnel, both the wind speed and quality are tionally, the blockage corrections applied to the data and the mea-
carefully controlled, eliminating the variability. The largest wind surement methods used in wind tunnel tests can affect the data [9].
turbine testing tunnel in the literature is the NASA Ames More attention is being given to designing airfoils that are
Research Center’s 24.4 m (80 ft)  36.6 m (120 ft) wind tunnel appropriate for wind turbines. Figure 2 shows data for a laminar
[10]. This tunnel enabled testing of a 10 -m diameter wind turbine flow LS-1 airfoil [30] designed for wind turbines. Because the
system (NREL Phase VI test) keeping the blockage to an accepta- local Reynolds number over the blade is a function of the blade
ble level so that corrections were not necessary (<10%). Some radius, experimental airfoil data must be collected for the entire
large wind tunnels do have dimensions of 10 m  10 m but even range of Reynolds numbers expected. NREL has supported
this is not large enough for most wind turbine systems [12]. A research in this area of airfoil design [31]. Other researchers are
trend in the literature shows the emergence of open test sections developing alternative families of airfoils and also testing NREL
for wind tunnels being applied to wind turbine testing [13–15]. airfoils for wind turbine use [32–38]. Future work with wind tur-
The majority of wind tunnels available for testing are smaller and, bine airfoils will include modification of existing airfoils for better
if the blockage constraint of less than 10% is satisfied, this limits performance [30,39].
the size of the turbine that can be tested. The measurements and Several studies have attempted to gather experimental airfoil
experiments in controlled conditions (MEXICO) tests were done data for low Reynolds numbers and compare these data to simula-
in the DNW facility with a 4.5 -m diameter turbine in a tions. McGhee et al. [40] studied the Eppler 387 (E387) airfoil at
9.5 m  9.5 m wind tunnel test section with no corrections [16]. Reynolds numbers from 60,000 to 460,000 and presented both
Sicot et al. tested a 1.3 -m diameter turbine in a 4 m  4 m test sec- experimental and simulation data using PROFIL. A good compar-
tion with no blockage corrections [17]. Smaller wind tunnels of ison was found between the theoretical and experimental results
the sort more common in research universities are also useful for for the higher Reynolds numbers, but at lower Reynolds numbers
wind turbine system testing. Burdett and Van Treuren have suc- PROFIL was unable to accurately predict the increase in drag
cessfully tested systems in a wind tunnel with dimensions of resulting from a laminar separation bubble. The laminar separa-
0.61 m  0.61 m and wind turbine diameters of 0.5 -m [18,19]. tion on low Reynolds numbers airfoils was studied by Hu and
Other testing has been done on small-scale models in wind tunnels Yang [41]. They document the behavior of this separation bubble
of 1 m  1 m or less [20–26]. Blockage is always a consideration for a Reynolds number of 70,000 using both particle image veloc-
under these small-scale conditions. Traditionally, tunnel block- imetry and surface pressure measurements. They also found that
ages of 6–7.5% or even up to 10% have been acceptable with no the separation bubble moves forward as the angle of attack is
corrections needed, according to Howell et al. [24]. Scaling down increased. Being able to predict this separation bubble and its
rotating machinery typically leads to losses in efficiency which movement is critical to predicting airfoil performance for small-
must be understood [27]. scale wind turbines. A number of studies have been done on air-
foils for small-scale wind application [17,42–48]. A wide range of
Results and Discussion: Wind Tunnel Testing Reynolds numbers have been tested and/or simulated with these
studies. For Reynolds numbers above 200,000, agreement
Airfoil Characteristics. Much of the literature concerning between experimental data and PROFIL was generally good.
wind tunnel testing of wind turbines involves experiments to However at 100,000 and below, where laminar separation can
determine the lift and drag coefficients of airfoil cross sections dominate the flow over an airfoil, the agreement was considered

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Fig. 2 LS-1 laminar flow wind turbine airfoil [30]

fair [33]. Selig and McGranahan [47] have shown that drag behav- If low Reynolds number or poststall data are desired, experi-
ior is highly dependent on Reynolds number, especially under low mental testing must be performed because neither PROFIL nor
Reynolds number conditions. Thus, there is a need for additional XFOIL can accurately predict aerodynamic performance due to
airfoil analysis, both experimental and simulated, at the low the flow separation that can be experienced over large portions of
operational Reynolds numbers for small-scale wind turbines to the airfoil surface under these low flow conditions. While compu-
further refine blade design. tational fluid dynamics (CFD) could be an alternative to experi-
Two notable sources of airfoils designed for the low Reynolds mental testing, it must first be validated experimentally before the
numbers that small-scale wind turbines experience are the NREL theoretical model can be extrapolated to conditions not currently
and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). NREL predicted. CFD does not presently model transition from laminar
has developed two families of airfoils for turbines under 10 -m in to turbulent flow well, which is a critical phenomenon with a sepa-
diameter with each family addressing a specific diameter wind ration bubble. Since an accurate, dependable model does not exist,
turbine. The S833–S835 have been designed for 1–3 m turbines experimental testing is still required.
[37] and the S822–S823 have been designed for 3–10 m turbines
[38]. These airfoils have been designed theoretically using PRO-
FIL in the Reynolds numbers range of 150,000–800,000. Among Airfoil Testing in a Wind Tunnel. While airfoil testing has
other design criteria, these airfoils were designed to minimize the become relatively standardized, many differences exist in wind
effect of leading-edge roughness by simulating the flow transition tunnel sizes that have been used to measure airfoil data. Large
that occurs under those conditions. tunnels, such as the tunnel at the University of Illinois Urbana-
Additional airfoils have been designed by Selig et al. and these Champaign, have test sections as large as 0.914 m  1.22 m
as well as other low Reynolds numbers airfoils have been tested (3 ft  4 ft). These types of tunnels employ several different tech-
experimentally over Reynolds numbers range of 30,000–50,000 niques to measure the forces on the airfoil. A common method
[47,49–51]. In Refs. [49] and [50], airfoils were tested with both used is the force balance, or sting, which measures lift and drag
normal flow conditions and tripped flow conditions (to simulate directly. Some tunnels do measure lift and drag using a side mount
leading-edge roughness). For most airfoil testing, however, data system which allows the flow to be more two-dimensional (2D)
were only taken at Reynolds numbers as low as 100,000. Addi- than using a sting. Other experiments measure drag downstream
tionally, the data were never taken poststall, which is necessary of the model by characterizing the wake and using the momentum
for the design of stall-regulated wind turbines. deficit approach. What is evident is that experimental data

Journal of Energy Resources Technology SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 051208-3

gathered are highly dependent on the wind tunnel and the method as well as demonstrate geometric and Reynolds number scaling
used to measure the forces. Experiments do not usually report the [18,19]. Other tests can be conducted on tip speed ratio (TSR),
turbulence intensity of the flow, which also can have a large number of blades, optimization of twist, effects of roughness, etc.,
impact on the separation characteristics of the airfoil when flow such as was studied by Gregg et al. [54,55]. A typical setup for
separates and/or a separation bubble is present. the wind turbine system in a wind tunnel is shown in Fig. 8.
A typical small laboratory wind tunnel, such as seen in Fig. 3, Blades for these tests were designed in Solidworks and printed on
is an open circuit tunnel with a 0.61 m  0.61 m  1.22 m (24 an OBJET 30 3D printer and can be seen in Fig. 9.
in.  24 in.  48 in.) test section. The Model 406 Wind Tunnel The results of these experimental tests provide valuable infor-
was manufactured by the Engineering Laboratory Design (ELD), mation. Figures 10, 11, and 12 illustrate a comparison between
Inc. and has a 29.8-kW (40-hp) electric motor that drives a con- tested parameters where CP,S is the wind turbine system electrical
stant pitch fan. Varying the RPM gives a low velocity of 0.1 -m/s power output normalized by the power available in the air. From
to an upper tunnel velocity greater than 50 -m/s. Tunnel velocity these tests it is easy to compare the effects of TSR, number of

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variation over the test section is less than 6 1%. The contraction blades, and roughness on power output for a wind turbine rotor/
ratio from the inlet is 6.25:1. The contraction ratio, a precision generator combination.
honeycomb inlet, and three graduated, high-porosity screens pro- Figure 13 shows the rotor power coefficient when applying geo-
vide a clean inlet turbulence intensity of approximately 0.2%. metric and Reynolds number scaling of the three different diame-
Access to the tunnel test section is provided through a removable ter wind turbine blades in Fig. 9. Obviously, wind tunnel testing
floor and ceiling. of wind turbine systems provides insight into the design of wind
An S823 airfoil is shown in Fig. 4 and is typical of airfoils turbine rotors.
tested in this wind tunnel. The test article is 0.61 -m (24-in.) in
span with a 0.153 -m (6-in.) chord and is manufactured out of
Aerospace Composite Products (ACP) Spyderfoam. A hole was Scaling Wind Turbines for Wind Tunnel Testing
cut through the center of the airfoil, spanning the airfoil at the Airfoil sections are commonly tested in the wind tunnel; how-
quarter-chord for a 0.00476 -m (3/16-in.) stiffener rod. The groove ever, challenges in scale cause testing in a small wind tunnel to be
on the top of the airfoil remains from cutting the hole for the stiff- difficult. Much can still be learned from testing full systems in a
ener rod and was shown not to affect the airfoil performance; small-scale wind tunnel. Geometric scaling has been a topic
however, later airfoils were subsequently finished in epoxy to largely ignored, resulting a relatively little literature on the sub-
smooth the surface. The airfoil also has a groove cut chordwise on ject, especially as it applies to wind turbines [56]. The topic of
the airfoil centerline on both the top and bottom surfaces to allow scaling is briefly covered in most wind energy textbooks mainly
the mounting system to be flush with the airfoil (Fig. 5) and for changing the geometric size of the turbine and, more specifi-
mounts directly onto the ELD force balance (Fig. 6). The airfoil cally, scaling up the turbine to produce more power. Reynolds
spans the test section to minimize 3D flow effects. number matching is largely ignored [57]. For scaling relations,
The lift and drag were measured directly using an ELD dyna- Manwell et al. [58] presented the relationships of interest for wind
mometer. Its DC voltage output was connected to a National turbines in Table 1 based on rotor diameter as the scaling factor.
Instruments BNC 2110 and recorded using LABVIEW. The dynamic Using these guidelines, if the rotational speed is halved then the
pressure was measured using a pitot-static tube upstream of the radius is doubled, keeping the TSR constant. If the TSR is con-
airfoil. The angle of attack was measured using a digital torpedo stant then the power, thrust, and momentum coefficient will
level, accurate to 0.1-deg. Typical values for lift and drag coeffi- remain constant as these are functions of tip speed. A constant tip
cient are show in Fig. 7. speed also preserves the angle of attack for the wind turbine blade
resulting in the same lift and drag coefficient.
Reynolds numbers less than 200,000 result in testing problems
Wind Turbine Systems Testing in a Wind Tunnel. Full wind for small wind turbines (D < 5 -m in general) or wind tunnel test-
turbine systems tests can occur in many size wind tunnels. The ing [57]. These relationships are also only true if the blades are
purpose of each of these tests is to gather experimental data under
reasonable conditions that can be compared to CFD or be scaled
up (or down) to appropriate size turbines. Small-scale wind tur-
bine tests using wind tunnels of the size depicted in Fig. 3 are of
value in determining wind turbine system characteristics. Burdett
and Van Treuren have successfully used this size wind tunnel to
compare blade element theory (BET) and BEMT design methods

Fig. 3 Typical small-scale wind tunnel [18] Fig. 4 ACP Spyderfoam airfoil with epoxy finish [52]

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Fig. 5 Mounting system [52]

scaled up or down exactly in proportion to the change in radius. the radius, as seen in Table 1 for rotational speed. As can be seen
Petersen [59] stated that small variations in the radius, such as in Table 2, the freestream velocity must increase by the geometric
extensions of the blade supports at the hub, cause the scaling pro- scaling factor, and the rotational velocity must increase by the
jections to be inaccurate. Associated with the scaling would be the square of the scaling factor. Because of the relationships derived
increased weight of the blades and the loads generated on the from Reynolds number matching, scaling down for wind tunnel
blades themselves. This does not always follow the same geomet- testing in this manner can lead to impractical freestream and rota-
ric similarity. Moe states, for example, that increasing the size by tional velocities.
20% would increase the power production by 50% while increas- The result is that, to test the full-scale Reynolds number on a
ing the weight by 73% [57]. Increasing the size of the wind tur- smaller scale, it is necessary to test at tip speeds above the
bine using geometric scaling will usually find that costs do not
scale in the same proportion and will become an increasingly
larger part of the overall energy production costs [57]. It is sug-
gested that scaling a wind turbine up past a certain size will even-
tually not be possible and will result in a constant response level,
regardless of size [57]. Manwell et al. [58] state that “geometric
similarity is maintained to the extent possible,” recognizing there
may be cases where geometric similarity is not achievable.
Reynolds number matching is a test condition that is desired in
wind turbine testing. Without Reynolds number matching, the aer-
odynamic conditions between the two turbines are not truly identi-
cal. However, for Reynolds numbers greater than 500,000, airfoil
performance does not change considerably with Reynolds num-
ber, so Reynolds number matching is less significant. Most
medium to large turbines ( > 20 -m) operate at higher Reynolds
numbers and this effect does not need to be taken into account [5].
At Reynolds numbers below 500,000, however, “extreme and un-
usual behavior is caused by anomalous transition, separation, and
bubble formation phenomena” [5]. Burdett and Van Treuren have
investigated the case for scaling when Reynolds number matching
is included [18]. Table 2 shows that values, such as the rotational
velocity, scale as one over the radius squared instead of one over

Fig. 7 Eppler 387 airfoil coefficient of (a) lift and (b) drag at a
Fig. 6 Airfoil and test section with force balance [52] Reynolds number of 100,000 [53]

Journal of Energy Resources Technology SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 051208-5

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Fig. 8 Dimensions of turbine and wind tunnel test section [19,54]

Fig. 11 S818 performance for different blade sets at a constant

TSR of 3 [54]

Fig. 9 Printed wind turbine blades used in scaling tests with

dovetail hub and showing different angles of twist for BET and
BEMT blades [18,19]

Fig. 12 S818 data comparing a three-blade ridged configura-

tion with a four-blade smooth configuration at a TSR of 3 [54]

opposed to an actual wind turbine, the Reynolds number cannot

be satisfied and wind tunnel data cannot be directly applied to the
original wind turbine. An important impact of Reynolds number is
Fig. 10 S818 two blade tests with a variable TSR [54] its effect on the 2D airfoil data used in the design of the wind tur-
bine. Gao and Hu [61] have found that the lift and drag coeffi-
cients changed little in the Reynolds number range of
full-scale value. Wainauski [60] tested a 1/30 scale model of a 200,000–2,500,000. Burdett et al. [62] have also shown an effect
3.5-MW wind turbine and did match Reynolds numbers. The of Reynolds number on design considerations for wind turbines
result was test tip speeds of 183 -m/s (600-ft/s). This led to the rec- using 2D airfoil data for lower Reynolds numbers. They show that
ommendation by Wainauski to keep the tip speeds below the drag at lower Reynolds numbers the angle of attack for maximum CL/
rise Mach numbers of the blade airfoils to avoid compressibility CD changes and that this must be considered when using BET and
losses. Gao and Hu [61] recognized that dynamic similarity BEMT. Even more important is the onset of flow separation at
(Reynolds number matching) is hard to achieve with wind tur- Reynolds numbers below 100,000, which must be addressed by
bines of different sizes. They show that the power coefficient of active or passive flow control devices if a reasonable power pro-
two wind turbines is different if the Reynolds numbers are differ- duction with the wind turbine is desired.
ent. If the sizes of wind turbines are different, such as is usually Wind tunnel tests can be used to develop and validate aerody-
the case with testing a scaled wind turbine in a wind tunnel as namic modeling tools such as the Unsteady Aerodynamics

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Table 2 Wind turbine scaling laws with Reynolds number
matching [18]

Parameter Symbol Relation

Radius R R1/R2 ¼ sc
Chord c c1/c2 ¼ sc
Kinematic viscosity  1 =2 ¼ 1
Freestream velocity U U1/U2 ¼ 1/sc
Rotational velocity X X1/X2 ¼ 1/sc2
Rotor power PRotor PRotor1 =PRotor2 ¼ 1=sc
Torque s s1 =s2 ¼ sc

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poststall conditions, better predictive tools are necessary. Neither
PROFIL nor XFOIL can accurately predict performance if there is
flow separation and subsequent turbulent flow over the airfoil for
low Reynolds number conditions. Figure 1 shows how airfoil per-
Fig. 13 Power coefficient versus TSR at U 5 5.5 m/s [18] formance can drastically change with decreasing Reynolds num-
bers. In this figure, both the lift and drag coefficients are plotted
Table 1 Wind turbine scaling laws without Reynolds number versus angle of attack. While numerous low Reynolds numbers
matching [58] airfoils have been designed, only a fraction of those have been
developed for small-scale wind turbines. Airfoils for small-scale
Quantity Symbol Relation Scale dependence wind turbines have unique design requirements. Some of the nota-
ble ones are structural requirements for airfoil shapes to be used at
Power P P1/P2 ¼ (R1/R2)2 R2
the root of the blade and the leading-edge roughness insensitivity
Torque Q Q1/Q2 ¼ (R1/R2)3 R3
Thrust T T1/T2 ¼ (R1/R2)2 R2 necessary to minimize the loss of performance with deposition
Rotational speed X X1/X2 ¼ (R1/R2)1 R1 from bugs and other particulates [37].
Weight W W1/W2 ¼ (R1/R2)3 R3 PROFIL does not accurately predict the drag curve for low
Aerodynamic moments MA MA,1/MA,2 ¼ (R1/R2)3 R3 Reynolds numbers because it does not account for the added drag
Centrifugal forces FC Fc,1/Fc,2 ¼ (R1/R2)2 R2 due to the separation bubble as shown by McGhee and Beasley
[30]. As a result, the simulated drag curve may be lower than
Note: R: radius. what is experimentally measured. Additionally, the inaccurate
drag curve can lead to an inaccurate prediction of the angle at
Experiment and the MEXICO wind tunnel tests [16]. Other tests which the maximum L/D occurs. XFOIL, on the other hand, was
of this nature have been performed by Ronsten [63] and Snel et al. developed to better account for separation bubble losses and low
[64] to better model the stall delay phenomena. Reynolds number flow, as shown by Drela, for the E387 airfoil
A few other considerations exist for scaling. An obvious param- [65]. Nonetheless, this code is not always accurate for other air-
eter for scaling is mass, which is difficult to scale. For steady-state foils analyzed at low Reynolds numbers. In particular, it does not
wind turbine tests in smaller wind tunnels, however, not scaling always predict the location of turbulent separation accurately as
the mass will not change the measured values. Additionally, the shown by McGranahan and Selig [66], which can result in signifi-
starting torque for the full-scale generator is very difficult to scale. cant discrepancies in drag prediction. Additionally, neither of
For this reason, cut-in speed (the wind speed at which the turbine these codes predicts poststall performance accurately, which is
begins to spin) cannot be scaled very easily. Peterson [59] noted extremely important for stall-controlled blades. Because of the
that small variations in turbine geometry, such as radius, may limitations of the current predictive codes, taking experimental
cause the scaling projections to be inaccurate. data for low Reynolds numbers is necessary to ensure that accu-
rate data are obtained for blade design.

Aerodynamic Data Corrections for Wind Tunnel

2D Airfoil Wind Tunnel Corrections. Multiple corrections
With experimental testing of airfoils, the flow conditions in the were applied to the airfoil data presented in Fig. 14 to account for
wind tunnel are not identical to the ideal 2D flow that an airfoil the increased drag due to the airfoil mount as well as the flow con-
shape would experience in an open system. Because of this, multi- ditions altered by the airfoil and wind tunnel walls. Perhaps, one
ple wind tunnel corrections have been published to account for the of the first corrections that should be considered when collecting
confinement of the flow in the wind tunnel. Barlow et al. [8] pro- airfoil data is the drag tare associated with the force balance. This
vided a fairly thorough summary of wind tunnel corrections for must be accomplished with the model off the support or sting.
2D models. In the testing of six low Reynolds number airfoils, With the model off, the wind tunnel needs to be run at the operat-
Selig and McGranahan used similar correction factors but applied ing conditions and angles of attack to be tested, which depend on
them in the final correction differently [47]. In the analysis pre- the type of force balance.
sented, both corrections are used and compared to determine the With the current series of experiments, to account for the
effect of the different methods. increased drag due to the airfoil mount, the bottom bracket of the
mount (detached from the airfoil) was installed in the wind tunnel
2D Airfoil Flow Considerations. In all branches of aerody- on the force balance and secured at an angle of 0.0 deg. Subse-
namics that use airfoils, accurate performance lift, drag, and quently, the wind tunnel was run at the test Reynolds numbers and
moment coefficient data are absolutely necessary for quality the measured drag was converted to a coefficient. This value was
design and correct analysis for predictive models. For higher then subtracted off the measured values for drag at the corre-
velocities and subsequently higher chord-based Reynolds num- sponding Reynolds numbers. Thus, measurements of drag should
bers, numerical simulations like XFOIL and PROFIL are adequate be made at the operating conditions and a table or graph for cor-
for use in design. However, for low Reynolds numbers (roughly rection made. With such a table, these values can then be sub-
100,000 and below—the limit is different for every airfoil) and tracted from the total drag recorded to get the actual measured

Journal of Energy Resources Technology SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 051208-7

ewb ¼ Cdu (2)

The second category of corrections caused by the wind tunnel

walls is streamline curvature. This correction occurs because the
physical boundaries of the walls interfere with the natural curva-
ture of the free air over the model, effectively increasing the air-
foil effective camber and a subsequent increase in lift, moment,
and angle of attack. However, the drag is not affected by this phe-
nomenon. Equation (3) documents the streamline correction

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p2 c 2
r¼ (3)
48 hts

Buoyancy, or boundary layer growth, is the third notable cate-

gory of effects from the wind tunnel walls. As the air moves
through the wind tunnel, the boundary layer will grow increas-
ingly large and the static pressure will decrease. Since the free-
stream velocity is measured upstream of the model, the actual
freestream velocity at the model is higher. This correction factor
must be determined experimentally for each unique wind tunnel.
Equation (4) shows the form of the correction factor, and Eq. (5)
shows the correction factor equation used by Selig et al. [48].
While this correction is insignificant for Reynolds numbers above
400,000, the correction factor increases significantly as Reynolds
number decreases, demonstrating that this phenomena are more
significant for low Reynolds number testing and should be used to
Fig. 14 Lift and drag curves for an S823 airfoil at Re 5 200,000 correct the data
Kvel ¼ f ðVu Þ (4)
drag of the model. More ways to estimate drag added by the tare pffiffiffiffiffi 0:1296
Kvel ¼ 1:015755  0:0002391Vu þ 0:00001712 Vu þ pffiffiffiffiffi
can be found in Barlow et al. [8]. Vu
The wind tunnel walls affect the 2D flow so that it is not the (5)
same as an airfoil performing in the open air. The effects of the
wind tunnel walls can be divided into three categories: blockage, Multiple methods of combining correction factors have been
streamline curvature, and buoyancy (as described by Barlow et al. published, two of which will be presented and used for compari-
[8]). son purposes. The first is from Barlow et al. [8], which can be
The first category is blockage with two types of blockage being seen in Eqs. (6)–(10).
considered. Solid blockage, esb, is caused by the presence of a
model within the wind tunnel test section. This decreases the V ¼ Vu ð1 þ eb Þ (6)
effective area that the air is flowing through. Applying Bernoulli’s !
equation shows that the air velocity must increase when it flows 1 c2 1
through the decreased area, effectively increasing all aerodynamic a ¼ au þ þ r Clu (7)
8p h2 þ ðc=4Þ2 2p
forces and moments for that angle of attack. As seen in Eq. (1),
the solid blockage correction factor is merely a function of model Cl ¼ Clu ð1  r  2eb Þ (8)
volume, Mv and wind tunnel cross-sectional area, Ats. In calculat-
ing this equation, a value of 0.74 was used for K1 as per the rec- Cd ¼ Cdu ð1  3esb  2ewb Þ (9)
ommendation by Barlow et al. for a wing spanning the tunnel. In eb ¼ esb þ ewb (10)
calculating Ats, the simple cross-sectional area was used since the
displacement thickness at the location of the model is not cur- A second method, documented by Selig et al. [49], can be seen
rently known. Notably, accounting for only the model volume in Eqs. (11)–(14)
does not account for the change that occurs with airfoil orienta-
tion. However, since the airfoil will be operating over a relatively V ¼ Vu Kvel ð1 þ eb Þ (11)
small range of angles, this correction factor is sufficient
K1 Mv a ¼ au þ ðClu þ 4Cmu Þ (12)
esb ¼ 3=2
(1) 2p
ð1  rÞ
Cl ¼ Clu (13)
The other type of blockage considered is wake blockage, ewb, ð1 þ eb Þ2
which is caused by a decreased velocity in the airfoil wake.
ð1  esb Þ
According to the continuity equation for closed test sections, the Cd ¼ Cdu (14)
freestream velocity must increase. The effect of the blockage is ð1 þ eb Þ2
proportional to the size of the wake, thus, it is proportional to the
measured value for drag. The constant of proportionality only Typical data are shown in Fig. 14 with the Baylor data being
depends on the chord of the airfoil and the height of the test sec- corrected [52]. A Reynolds number of 200,000 is presented as it is
tion, hts, as seen in Eq. (2) where Cdu is the uncorrected drag in the region where drag is not sensitive to Reynolds number and
coefficient flow separation is not an issue. The Baylor data are compared

051208-8 / Vol. 137, SEPTEMBER 2015 Transactions of the ASME

with published PROFIL data, XFOIL data, and general airfoil Reynolds numbers than tested in the current study, the correction
theory. The published experimental data were taken at UIUC. As may be significant and should be performed.
shown, the lift curve matches PROFIL, XFOIL, and published Comparing the two methods for wind tunnel wall corrections to
experimental data very well, as well as a theoretical airfoil slope each other, the method presented by Barlow et al. [8] is generally
of 2p per radian or 0.1 per degree. Both XFOIL and UIUC experi- 0.5–1.0% greater than that presented by Selig et al. [52].
mental data predict stall at approximately 10 deg, but PROFIL
data does not include a stall angle of attack. Noticeably, the UIUC
Blockage Corrections for Wind Turbine Rotors. The chal-
drag data matched the predictions from XFOIL and PROFIL rea-
lenge of testing wind turbine blades in a small wind tunnel was
sonably well, although the Baylor experimental data have a
explored by Van Treuren and Gregg [67]. Testing of small-scale
slightly higher drag coefficient. The Baylor experimental drag
models in wind tunnels, some with test sections of 1 m  1 m or
curve follows the form of the prediction and UIUC data.
less, has been accomplished in the past [21–26,41,68,69]. Block-
Figure 15 shows the Baylor University uncorrected, tarred, and

Downloaded from by Heriot-Watt University user on 23 September 2021

age can be a significant factor in wind tunnel testing; however,
corrected data using the methods espoused by both Selig et al.
Howell et al. [24] suggest that fixed tunnel blockage up to 10%
[49] and Barlow et al. [8]. When applying the corrections to the
does not significantly affect results. Blockage due to rotating wind
drag data, the drag tare was applied before the wind tunnel wall
turbine blades has not been extensively studied but still needs to
corrections were applied. This data does not include any correc-
be considered. Chen and Liou [20] have documented the correc-
tions due to moment coefficient as seen in Eq. (12). After analyz-
tion factor necessary to account for tunnel blockage due to the
ing the corrections for the data, the drag tare was the most
rotating blades, as seen in Eq. (15). The correction factor, BF, is
significant correction, reducing the drag coefficient by at least
the ratio of the freestream velocity with the turbine installed, UM,
0.006 and nearly 0.01 for lower Reynolds numbers. The wind tun-
to the freestream velocity without the turbine installed while the
nel wall corrections, however, proved insignificant for low values
wind tunnel fan is operating under the same conditions, U.
of lift and drag. With a large wake due to large amounts of separa-
tion over the airfoil surface and a subsequent increase in drag, the UM
wind tunnel wall corrections became a greater percentage of the BF ¼ (15)
actual value for lift and drag coefficients. These corrections were U
only noticeable at higher Reynolds numbers. By applying all these
corrections, the lift coefficient curve matched reasonably well for This blockage factor (BF) is used whenever a velocity is
all the data and the drag curve shifted closer to the comparison involved in calculation of a figure of merit, such as the TSR.
data. However, the drag coefficient curve remained noticeably TSRM, shown in Eq. (16), compares the TSR of the model based
higher than the predictions and UIUC data. on the velocity of the tunnel with the wind turbine mounted in
Two corrections are not recommended in future studies. First, wind tunnel test section to the wind tunnel fan operating at the
the correction for angle of attack, which never reached an order speed that was found for the operation of the wind tunnel at the
higher than the order of the fixed uncertainty of the angle mea- freestream velocity without the wind turbine present in the test
surement using both methods, is not recommended unless the section. Using the BF, Eq. (17) calculates the corrected TSR for
angle measurement method is improved. Second, the correction the wind turbine power system
for velocity has not been applied in this study because the Reyn- XR
olds numbers presented are nominal and the change due to the TSRM ¼ (16)
correction is not significant enough to warrant using the corrected UM
value. However, preliminary calculations suggest that for lower XR
TSRM ¼ TSRM BF ¼ (17)

This BF is applied to the coefficient of power based on the UM

(CP,M, Eq. (18)) and used to calculate the corrected power coeffi-
cient, CP, as seen in Eq. (19). For all the power coefficients, P is
the rotor power from the wind turbine (a function of the angular
velocity X), q is the air density, and A ¼ pR2 is the area swept by
the rotating wind turbine blades

PRotor sX
CP;M ¼ ¼ (18)
PFreestream;M 1
qpR2 UM
PRotor sX
CP ¼ ¼ CP;M BF3 ¼ (19)
PFreestream;M 1
qpR2 U3

Figure 13 illustrates the application of these corrections to wind

tunnel system testing. These wind tunnel blades, as seen in Fig.
9(a), having diameters of 0.5 -m, 0.4 -m, and 0.3 -m were tested in
the wind tunnel test section described in Figs. 3 and 8. Wind tun-
nel blockages for these diameters are 52.8%, 33.8%, and 19.0%,
respectively. This is well past the upper limit of 10% that most
tests seek to be below, as lower than 10% typically neglects any
blockage corrections. Good experimental agreement was found
between data for the three different diameters as is seen in Fig. 13.

Small-scale wind turbines are being installed at an ever increas-
Fig. 15 Corrections to S823 airfoil data at Re 5 200,000 [52] ing rate and it is important to have good experimental data upon

Journal of Energy Resources Technology SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 051208-9

which to build for future designs. Airfoil testing is becoming y¼ vertical distance
more important as new designs are being created. A new design is a¼ angle of attack
only as good as the data used in the design. Thus, actual experi- au ¼ uncorrected angle of attack
mental testing for lift and drag data, especially at low Reynolds eb ¼ blockage correction factor
numbers, is necessary. When possible, it is suggested to use both esb ¼ solid blockage correction factor
geometric similarity and Reynolds number matching to test the ewb ¼ wake blockage correction factor
wind turbine system in the wind tunnel. Knowing the system per- q¼ density
formance from the wind tunnel tests will enable the designer to r¼ streamline curvature correction factor
more accurately scale the results to a larger wind turbine with con- u ¼ translation velocity, kinematic viscosity
fidence. Finally, tunnel corrections, to include BF, are necessary X¼ blade rotational speed
for accurate experimental data.

Downloaded from by Heriot-Watt University user on 23 September 2021

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Journal of Energy Resources Technology SEPTEMBER 2015, Vol. 137 / 051208-11

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