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UNIT 9: Vocabulary Check


Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

Transport and travel 3 Complete the sentences using the verbs and
prepositions in the box. Do not use them more
1 Complete the means of transport below. than once. There are four extra words.
0 bus
at by drive get give go have make
1 _a_
on park ride with
2 _a_i
0 Where do you park your car?
3 _r___
1 How long does it take to ______________ by bus?
4 __a_h
2 I usually ______________ my car to work.
5 __c ___e
3 We need to get ______________ this bus – look, it
6 __d___r____
goes to the college.
4 The best way to get to the airport from here is
______________ taxi.
2 Complete the text using only ONE word in each
gap. 5 Can you ______________ me a lift to work – I’m
The transport in the city where I live is very good. going to be really late!
The most comfortable way to get around the city is to 6 I think that the fastest way to ______________
_____________ a taxi, but that’s too expensive for around in a big city is to walk!

me. The main problem is that drivers 7 I tried to ______________ a horse a few weeks
2 3
_____________ in all the bus _____________ so ago, but I didn’t enjoy it very much.

the buses can’t get past. You can get buses to many /7

places, but they’re very slow because of this. I don’t

think there are enough _____________ parks in the
city so that makes the problem worse. It’s not far from
my house to the _____________ where I’m a student
(I’m doing a degree course in maths), maybe one
kilometre, but I’m sometimes late because of the bus.
I don’t want to miss anything! I went _____________
foot one day and I walked faster that the bus! People
on the bus saw me and got _____________ it
because they could see it was faster to walk!

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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