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1). which of these is a benefit of Agile?

Reduced Risk

Faster time to market

Ability to respond to changing requirements

Improved collaboration between business and technical team

All of these

2). In the order of listing: Scruml; Crystal; Extreme Programming

Ans:- ken schwaber, and jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn, kentbeck

3). There are two product developments teams. Team ToyZon and Team Zon follows traditional way and
team zon follows agile way of benefits to the customer

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Team ToyZon

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Team Zon

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4). What do all Agile frameworks have in common?
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5). Agile team needs to comply by the agile values and principles but have flexibility to choose approach

6). On the last day of the sprint , Scrum team named almost done is ready to show their work but requires

just 2 more day

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Ans:- Close the sprint on time

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7). In daily Scrum, Team members share yesterdays progress and the plan for
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Ans:- Fellow team members

8). A team is having the first sprint planning meeting. What are the activities that the

Ans:- Team members should decide upon the work they can commit to in the sprint

The team should split the selected stories into sprint backlog tasks

9). Product owner and scrum master can be the same person

Ans:- False

10). Scrum defines----roles----events and artifcats?

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Ans:- 3-5-3

11).Design thinking is another name for agile manifesto

Ans:- No

12). which of these are agile estimation techniques

Ans:- Planning poker, T shirt Sizing

13). What is a kanban board

Ans:- A visible chart of work to do work in progress and work done

14). …………..Improves the follow of business idea through its develop

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Ans:- Devops Practices

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15). Which of these is NOT an XP practice?

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Ans:- Continuous integration


17). Eric has been working for customer who has been following agile
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Ans:- Professional scrum master

18). Juaraz is a TCS Delivery partner of customer ABC, Having an agile

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19). Mannar & Company kick started a major cross company project that involved
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20). John, a team member, has completed E0- Agile for beginners

Ans:- Account Leadership


21). Only these people are allowed to attend sprint retrospective


Ans:- Scrum Team

22). How is the Agile value “Responding to change over following a plan” Addressed in scrum

Ans:- During the sprint planning. Development team has all the authority to choose any
product backlog item to work on

Product owner can change the plan for next sprint based on latest market conditions and
feedback from the last sprint

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23). A good agile team should exhibt the following qualities

Ans:- The team is self organizing

The team is cross functional

23). providing additional feature without clear understanding of the business need ----category of waste?

Ans:- Over production

24). Which of the following statement BEST describe why agile is winning?

Ans:- Product produced by an agile approach are cheaper than those produced by any other

25). The time box of daily scrum?

Ans:- 15minutes

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26). Who owns the quality in scurm team?

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Ans:- scrum team

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