BERGMAN, Bear - Butch Is A Noun (2006)

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"Dura Now, aslo brave, whipsmar, and passionately Jhuman tour through a portion ofthe gendereutural map normally masked “Here Be Dragons? ro which author S. Bear Berginan sa most insightful, funny, and gracious native gue” Hanne Blank, author of Virgie: The Untouched History “Tim not sure can even begin to describe how good Batch 14 Nao sit’ Funny an charming, and substantial —uch 25 suspect its authori swell I ound myself wishing that ‘here were 365 of Bea's stories so tha could read one every «hy asa kind of meditation .."The charm of Buch ia Noun Isat takes its subject both seriously and with humor, bat 2 gallows kindof humor, ne eat helps you survive dificult ‘work, There no mistaking the undercurrent of sadness and ‘nger, but che himor and love overwhelm both, as they shou in any book about being butch. Telly ant recommend this book: more highly tmade me laugh fst, then cry some, thik seriously abou the world, nd by the end I fled been given a at ig Betr hag” Hen Boyd author of My Husbend Bey: Loe, Sx, end Life ha Crasirser “Bear's poetry of batchnes lets ws Se nto facets of gender that sally are‘ so transparent. And made me fl in love with botches all over again.” Carol Queen, author of Te eater Daddy md he Femme BUTCH » NOU S. Bear Bergman Arsenal Bap Pres Vancouver Fnepshed 20 by Supe Toh Pro Sn eon pid 2010 eal Pp Pee Seem by ny mentite eco, reco ee pram ofthe pee cg rows, who ay ee ees Cope ak any Sil Se Plc nore eomaom “apie sy atria Cn Sma hgh Cn a on i ee onsem200 when cotinatoes ory blroed ecen-yed gin abe gave me he oraz torte thiall drm, with love aba fom your Geng. CONTENTS 9 | Acknowledgments j a | ANowtothe Reader 15.1 TKnow What Butch Is 20 | Fe the Copyedio, or Posibly the Author: A Few [Notes on Pronoun 24 | Defending deity 29 | Tranny Blader 3 | Taxonomy 34 Walking with Gin 38 1 Wrestling 42 | Being a Butch with Young Men 46 | Breas 5 | Why Pm Nota Nice Young Men (Ye) 59 1 Cocks 6% 1 Border Wars Mg cee natn 1 Whe tow Shi S| Ther bs ot Moving Saas Ais | oe tos | What My Day Taghe Me 109 | FeedBack 183 1 When Ws Good 185 | Sticks and Stones Wil Break My Bones, it Wonls | ‘Will Kill Me High-Heeled Shoes My Batch Brothers Crossing the Street Hse Being an Asshole ‘What a Butch May Use Ferme for Dummies ‘When Pia Fa fom Home Faggot Batch ‘Wh the Stine Is Made OF Borch inthe Streets, Ferme in the Sha? ‘An Apalogy to My Mother Princess Pickle (When I Can’ File Being «Delight (Chat, or How I Learned vo Flirt, Part 1 ‘Your Faithfl Servant ‘The Drawbridge Dancing Getsing Fucked Making Her eel Being a Shopping Switch Laying Down with «Barc Touch This Geseare You [Afterword to the New Edition [About the Author Abnledgments ‘This book took thre years and alo a lifetime to wrt, and T owe a great debe tothe people who saw it and me, ehrough. Lam grateful beyond measure tomy frnilyespecially my parents and brother, who have supported all manne of endeavors aboot which they were deeply ambivalent. Hear thanks are also due to Ton Amato, Joba Austin, Hanne Blak, Kate Borastn, ally Browa, SJ Cohen, Irn Coyote, Malcole Gin, Sasha Goldberg, Rabbi Jon Haddon, Andy Inkster, Mike Jenkins, Pamela Kim nel, Robert Lawrence, Sarth Katherine Lewis, Will Liber, Zev Lome, Skin McGuire, Zoe Medeiros, KJ Nichols, Cole Ovel- le, Tor Paulman, Bobby Peck, Carol Queen, Caren Rau, Sott Tamer Schofield, Gunner Sots, Peggy Shaw, Gwen Smith, Cole “Thaler, and dhe Weis fala of whom have kept me going, epee writing, kept me inspired, and kept me safe enough 0 do the hand parts. As mich s Twat deal each of your ind vitoal invaluable contributions oer the course ofthe la Sifeen yeas it would take another entire book. So, thanks fo loving me 20 genctouly, for puting up with my nonsense for kicking ny as when necesry, and for helping me walkthrough my fear ‘with grace. Tam bh grateful and bese to have such ends snd mentors "Thanks also to Les Feinberg fr writing Some Bric Bes Gwvthout which this book would not be possibl), Greg and Tan a Suspect Thoughts fr takings chance on me, che Millay (Colony, the Fund for Women Ariss, anyone who ever emailed sme to ask for a copy ofthat hing I read the night before, and ‘everyone who ever agroedto give me money in exchange for geting up and telling my tries inal thank you to Nicol, who has helped ane wo creat so rch posilcy in my lif. trying my best honor it ANOTE TO THE READER ‘This book was thiceand-a-half year in the raking, beginning on dak sree in Sn Franco and finishing on a sunny afer- ‘on in my sti arMilay. While writing tI imagined a ev cry cur the oudhws and heroes and storytellers Ihave loved and een loved by in myife. This books ny lve letter to hem al Here on the cusp of publication, however, there are few ‘ings T would He to mention, Ida realize I wanted to men- tion them unl Thad ewo conversations—irst with my beloved friend Skian, and then with my brother Jeffrey. During the coarse of those conversation I found myself giving context to ‘ree choices T made inthe wring of this book. In due cours it seemed wise also share them with you, the reer. n na order, they are {.Thisisonly my experi Is ny book abou buch density, | dearly hope that resonates for other batches, for transmasco- Tine fll, fo ll manne of eypes of pople—bueit is my experi- ‘ence, noching more and nothing les. donot imagine even for minote tat Tam speaking for everyone, or even for anyone els, ‘thoagh in my heart T hope that Iam speaking to alo of ober people. So this bol is Srmly situated not just a ny btchness, but als in my other locations on every possible aie: rac, reli ion, as, eduation, gener, and body eno that my experi= ‘ence of butch s profoundly affected by those things, and [don't want anyone else ro imagine (ven fora mine chat I think 1 fave writen down the One True Way Thave written dawn my ‘vy, as honestly and completly as Ian, which ill Tean do 2. bic orpoizd with buch n ind. AST got wo the pint of structuring this book, [realized that I hada choice to make. I could choose a way that would be mos satisfying for those who {ele comfortable wth buches and buchness already, orn away ‘that woud he most comprehensible to people who were aking up ‘the topic forthe irs time. I made what I consider to bea poli cal choice, and T arranged the book for my brothers 36a point ‘of pride a¢ away to hor sal That td Tam also completly

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