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Good afternoon everyone!

I want to start off by saying thanks to everyone for making the trip to be a part of Hector and
Marlana’s big day. Personally, I am honored to share this special day with my very best friend
and the woman he chose to spend his life with - and before I go any further I have to just state
the obvious - Marlana looks stunning today. Hector you’re a lucky man. 
Before I sat down to think about what I would say today, I asked Hector if there was anything
that was “off the table” and he said no. So Marlana, this is really his fault. As a disclaimer this is
the second time I’ve been required to make a speech of this caliber - the first for my brother.
It’s true when they say that it’s nerve racking. I feel a little better knowing I’m not the ONLY
person here who might be feeling apprehensive… or queasy at the thought of what lies ahead,
but then again she DID just marry Hector Masso so who can blame her? 
I have had the great fortune of knowing Hector for most of my life. As kids our fathers were
very close so naturally we would hang out while they visited. I have to admit I would cringe for
two reasons at the words, “Come on let’s go to Andrea and Louie’s house” when my dad would
come home from work. 1) The Massos had us outnumbered...but then again who did they NOT
outnumber in Binghamton? and 2) None of them spoke a lick of english, which made it a little
difficult to communicate. It wasn’t until we got older, after high school, Hector and I became
close. At one point we were roommates and worked the same job. Obviously, we now know a
LOT about the other person.  Hector is a very loyal, honest, and dependable person. My wife
and I recently upgraded our home. He called me up and said, “I’ll be over to help you move
when I get out of work”. He wasn’t asked. He genuinely cares for his family, and his friends - he
is our first born’s Godfather and has always been wonderful with Ella and my two boys - which I
like to think helped prepare him for fatherhood - as he is clearly an amazing dad. And no matter
how busy we get, or how much “real life” takes over - when we do get a chance to spend time
together we pick up right where we left off. 
For example, a few weeks ago, we got together and were having wings and something he said
made me think back to Hector’s first love. She was incredible. She was the kind of “good
looking” that when they drove down the street people’s heads would turn. That made it
forgivable that she was so loud. Almost annoyingly loud. But the best part? Hector always let
me borrow her if I needed to. I loved the heads turning when we drove around I’m not going to
lie… and as it turns out? Marlaina supports Hector’s first love too! If some of you don’t know
Hector that well I’m talking about his love for cars. His first love was his ’92 Ford Escort GT that
he poured his time… and money into. Turns out Marlaina has helped him pick out his newest
project and we can’t wait to see how it turns out. That’s what true partnership is all about -
supporting each other and being there for one another. Marlaina and Hector have that in each
other. They share interests, look forward to doing things together, and genuinely enjoy each
other’s company. What more can you ask for? So, a toast to the new couple - may you always
be there for each other, may you always look at each other the way you are today, and may you
always be surrounded by love as you are this minute. Congratulations!

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