Hoboken Superintendent Christine Johnson Contract Approval 7-1-2021 To 6-30-2026 Full Packet

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‘Stato of New Jorsoy ‘Awaetica Auuey-MeMiL., B&D, ProueD. Mussary DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION eee ey {20 Ave Sie 7 Maussa A. Pearce Sue ersy Cy, NI O36 eri Exertce County Superintendent elie 23) 20-299 acne 2038588 August 4, 2021 Ms. Sharyn Angley, Board President Hoboken Board of Education 158 Fourth Stroot Hoboken, NI 07030 Dear Ms. Angley: have reviewed the employment contract for Dr, Chtstine Johnson in accordance with N.JAA.C. 6A:23A-3.1 have determined thatthe provisions of the contract ate in compliance with the regulations. Therefore, I approve the contrat for Superintendent for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2026. You are now required to have a public bearing onthe contract and then tis document must be approved by the dist Board of Education. After approval, a signed copy of said contact should be forwarded to my offic. there are any changes tothe tems ofthis contract, you will ned to submit it to me for re prior to the required public notice and hearing of such changes. sand approval Sincerely, Hae tA Melisa A. Peace Interim Executive County Superintendent ce; Joyee Goad, School Business Administrator wu govfeducation ‘New Jersey Ie An Equal Opprnnty Epler « Printed on Recycled and Reeelele Paper CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT ‘This Contract is made this__day of 2021, between ‘THE HOBOKEN BOARD OF EDUCATION, (hereinafter the "Board”), with offices located at S24 Park Avenue, Hoboken, New Jersey (07030 and Christine A. Johnson (hereinafter the "Super PREAMBLE WITNESSETHE WHEREAS, the Bound desires to employ the Superintendent to serve asthe chie school administrator ofthe schoo! disteet and, WHEREAS, the Board desives 19 provide the Superintendent with « wten ‘employment contmet in order to enhance adminisalive stability and continuly within the schools, which the Board believes genealy improves the quality of is overall educational progr; and, WHEREAS, the Board and the Superintendent believe that a weitten employment contract is necessary to describe specifically their relationship and to serve as the basis of effective communi ion between them as they fulfil their governance and administrative functions in the operation ofthe education program ofthe schools; and, WHEREAS, the Superintendent is the holder of an appropriate cemtiticate as prescribed by the State Board of Education and as required by NsLSA. 18A:17-175 ass7 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual promises and ‘obligations, the parties agree as follo ARTICLE EMPLOYMENT ‘The Board hereby agrees to employ Christine A. Johncon ae Superintondent of Schools for the period of July 1, 2021 through July 1, 2026. The panties acknowledge that this Conteact must be approved by the Executive County Supesintendent for Hudson County in aecontance with applicable law and regulation prior to approval by the Board. ARTICLETL CERTIFICATION ‘The parties acknowledge that the Superintendent currently possesses the appropriate New Jersey administrative certification and school administrator endorsement. at any time curing the term ofthis Contract, the Superintendent's eertifieation(s) is revoked, this Contract shall be null and void as of the date of the revocation, The Superintendent will provide official course transcripts forall aed postsecondary degrees tothe Board of Education. These transeripts will be kept on file in the Boatd office. ARTICLE UI DUTIES In consideration of the employment, salary and fringe benefits established hereby, the Superintendent hereby agreesto the following: A. To perform faithfully the duties of Superintendent of Schools for the Board and accordance {0 serve as the chief school administrator the laws of the State of ‘New Jersey, Rules and Regulations adopted by the State Board of Education, existing Board policies and those which are adopted by the Board inthe future, The specificjob description ‘adopted by the Board, applicable tothe postion of Superintendent of School, is incorporated by reference into this Contract and attached as Exhibit A. B, To devote the Superintendent's fulltime, skis, labor, and attention to this ‘employaient dusing the form of this Contrast; and further agrees not to undertake consultative work, speaking engagements, writing, lecturing, or other professional duties for compensation without wisitten permission of the Board. Should the Superintendent choose to engage in such outside activit 8 on weekends, on her vacation time, of at other times when she is not required to be present in the district, she shall retain any honoraria pid The Superintendent shall notify the Board President in the event she is foing to be avy from the dstct on district business for two (2) oF more days in any ‘week, Any time away ffom the distct that is not for district business must be arranged in accordance with provisions in this Contract goven off The Boat recognizes that the demands ofthe Superintendents position requte her to work long and iegular hours, and occasionally may requite that she attend to ditt business outside of the district, C. To perform all dies incident the Office ofthe Superintendent an such ‘other duties as may be prescribed by the Board fiom tine to time. However, the Boal shall ‘ot asin wo the Superintendent the duis of responsibilities of another position orjob tle ‘unless the partis ave able legally to negotiate additional compensation commensurate with the dutes oF responsibilities to be assigned, Any such change in compensation shall be ‘subject 10 the review and approval of the Exceutive County Superintendent for Hudson County. ‘The Superintendent shall, at all mes, adhere to all applicable federal and state statutes, ues, regulations, and executive orders, as well as district policies and regulations. ARTICLELV SALARY AND BENEFITS, A. Any adjustment in alary made ducing the life of thio Contract shall bo ie tho form of an amendment and shall become part ofthis Contract, but it shall not be deemed {hat the Board and the Superintendent have entered into a new employment contact. 1, Salary, In the fest year of this Contact, the Board shall pay the Superintendent fn annual salary of one hundred ninety three thousand, seven hundred seventy-cight dollars ($193,778.00), which includes a high school salary increment of five thousand dollars (85,000.00). For each of the following four years ofthis Contract, the Superintendent stall receive an annual increase of two percent (2%) over the prior year’s foal salary, plus a high school salary inerement of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), for total selaies as follows: In 2022-2023, the Superintendents total salary will be ¢ wo hundred two thousand, six hundted fify-four dollars ($202,654.00). In 2023-2024 the Superintendent's total salary will be two hnyndted eleven thousand, seven hundred seven dollars ($211,707.00). In 2024-2025, the Superintendents total salary will be two hundred twenty thousand, nine hundred forty-one dollars ($220,941.00). In 2025-2026, the Superintendent's total salary wil be two hundred thirty ‘thousand, three hundred sixty dollars ($230,360.00), 2. ‘The annual salary shall be paid to the Superintendent in accordance with the schedule of salary payments in effect for other certified employees. Any change ‘Superintendent's salary shall be subject to the review and approval of the Executive County ‘Superintendent for Hudson. County. ‘99887 3, Merit Bonuses, Merit bonuses may be provided to the Superintendent basedon the Superintendents achievement of certain qualitative and quantitative ‘The Superintendent will be eligible to receive up to three (3) Quantitative merit bonuses and two Qualitative merit bonuses annually, ‘The Superintendent shall be entitled to receive such merit bonuses commencing at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. The ‘Superintendent will be eligible to receive @ merit bonus equivalent to 3.33% of her annual lary for each quantitative merit criterion achieved and 2.5% of her annual salary for each ‘qualitative merit criterion achieved. Merit bonuses shall not be cumulative and shall be payable ina lump sum at the end of each school year upon the achievement of each quantitative oF qualitative merit erterion, By no later than September 1,2021, and by June 30 of each following school year, the Board shall establish writen criteria for determining each merit bonus to be applicable to the upcoming school year and shall submit such eriterion to the Executive County Superintendent for Hudson County review and approval. The Executive County Superintendent shall approve oF disapprove the selection of quantitative merit andlor qualitative merit criteria and the data that form the basis of measuring the achievement of such criteria prior to adoption by the Board, Both parties will discuss a draft of the criteria prior to submission tothe Executive County Superintendent for review. Prior w the payment of any merit bonus, the Board shall submit a resolution to the Executive County Superintendent certifying that a quantitative andor qualitative merit criterion has been satisfied and shall await a confirmation of the satisfaction of such criterion from the Executive County Superintendent prior to payment ofthe same, 4, Notwithstanding the foregoing, no salary inerease of any’ kind wil take effect con midnight July 1,226 unless the partes have agreed to contact extension, The tems ofthe extension will govem all increases t take effect afer July 1, 2026 B.SickLeave: On July 1 ofeach year ofthe Contract the Superintendent shall reosive VP.sick days, nasal sick Irae days shall he cnmnlatve in accaance with the pr ons of Title 18A. Upon the Superintendents retirement, the Board shall pay her for her unused accumulated sick days at a per diem rate of 1/260th of her final annual salary, subject to a maximum payment of $15,000.00. Any sueh payment shall be made within (30) days of the Superintendent's last day of employment. Accumulated ‘unused sick leave compensation shall not be paid to the Superintendents estate or beneficiaries in the event of death prior to retirement. C. Professional Membership: The Superintendent shall be entitled to membership, at the Board's expense for professional dues in the NASA, AASA, and Hudson County ASA professional associations, The Superintendent also shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred attending the NISBA Fall Conference and the NIASA Spring Conference in accordance with P-L. 2007, ¢. 3, The School Disirier Accoumabilty Act and affiliated regulations (NJ S.A. IBA 1-12 and NJAC. 6A23A.c7.1, ef seg). Such reimbursement shall comply with all applicable provisions of state statutory and regulatory provisions and guidance, and with bousd policy. 1D. Health Benefits: The Board shall provide the Superintendent with the same ini lual_ or family health benefits coverage offered to other Board employees. The Superintendent will be subject fo the requited employee contributions for medical insurance in accordance with P.L 2011, Chapter 78. gE, wes 1. ‘The Superintendent shall be entitled to ana ual vacation of 25 working days pet year, ‘The Superintendents existing vacation bank will be available to the Superintendent tt the ster of this new contract. All of the vacation days. shall be available for the Superintendent's use on July 1 ofthe firs year, and July I ofeach subsequent year of the Contaet, ‘The Superintendent shall take her vacation time after giving the Board President easonshle notice. The Superintendent muy take vacation days during the school ‘year, pon notice tothe Board President, The Superintendent should attempt to tke no less than two (2) weeks of vacation leave when sthool isnot in session. The Superintendent is expected to attend tothe business of the distil as required forthe smooth and efficient, operation of the school district. The Superintendent shall document the use of accrued ‘vacation days with the Board Seoretary. 3. The Board encourages the Superintendent to take her full vacation allotment cach year; however ifthe Supesintendent is unable to fake her full vacation allotment in a sven year duc to business demands, the Superintendent may carry over not more than 10 ‘ection days from year-to-year All dayscarsied over must be used first in the next year, cr those days not taken will be forfeited. 4. Upon the Superintendents separation from employment, the Board shall pay the Superintendent for her unused, acerued vacation caysatthe per diem rate of 1/260 ‘of her final annual salary. Any: such payment shall be made within 30 days of the Superintendent's last day of employment. In the event of the Superintendent's death, payment shall be made to her estate o9397 F, Holidays: ‘The Superintendent shall be entitled tothe following holidays: Labor Day, Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah, Columbus Day, NJEA Convention, Thanksgiving and the dlay afer Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4", and all approved school holidays. All holidays are subject to the school calendar: G. Personal Days: The Superintendent shall be entitled to 4 personal days of paid leave each school year to attend to persons business during the sehool day. Personal days may be taken during the school year with the prior permission of the Board President. ‘As much advance notice as possible of the request fo take personal time will be given. Personal day usage shal be refleted on time-off slips fled with the Board Secretary. Personal days ate non-cumulative and non-reimbursable, H, Bereavement Leave: The Superintendent shall be entitled to 7 bereavement ‘days per school year forthe death of a relative (as that term is defined in NJA.C. 6A:23A- 1.2), Such days shall be non-cumulative L. Mileage: ‘The Superintendent shall be reimbursed for actual mileage when het personal vehicle for Board business as annually established by the Annual Appropriations Act or the New Jersey Office of Management and Budget. Automobile mileage shall be reimbursed atthe rate of $.35/mile or the rate established by the Office ‘of Management and Budget, whichever is higher. Reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle shall be tendered only upon proof of compliance with applicable regulations. The Superintendent shall be reimbursed for necessary food and travel expenses consistent with NJAC, 6A23A-11, et seq, J. Leave: The Superintendent shall be responsible for filing a time-of? slip, in advance of the time off, as set forth herein, or immediately upon her retum to the distiet in the event of an unplanned absence, with the Board Secretary each time any leave is laken.The Superintendent and the Tard President shall periodically review the Superintendent's attendance record to assure correctness K, Technology: fn light of her rexponsibilities as the Superintendent, the Board shall provide the Superintendent with a cellphone/PDA to tend to Distiet business. The Superintendent shall be allowed incidental personal use ofthe celphonelPDA. 1, Profesional Growth of Superintendent: ‘The Board encourages the continuing professional growth of the Supetinendent. In light of her sesponsibilies as the ‘Superintendent, upon pre-approval by the Boat, the Board shall pay andor reimburse dhe Superintendent up t0 two thous five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) per school yea in ‘uitonworkshop fes for profesional conferences or courses. ARTICLE'V ANNUAL EVALUATION ‘The Board shall evaluate the performance of the Superintendent a least once a yar in accondance with statutes, regulations and Board policy relating to Superintendent evaluation, ach annual evaluation shall be in writing and shall representa consensus of the Board. Prior to final action by the Bosrd in closed sess 1 8 copy of the evaluat shall be provided to the Superintendent, and the Superintendent and the Board shall ‘meet to discuss the findings. The Board may meet in closed session to discuss the ‘evaluation and the Superintendent's performance where a Rice notice has been served ‘upon the Superintendent giving notice that the Superintendent's employment will be es discussed in closed session, and the Superintendent has not requested that the meeting be conducted in public, The evaluations shall be based upon the criteria adopted by the Board, the goals and objectives of the district, which shall include encouragement of student achievement, the responsibilities of the Superintendent as set forth in the job description {for the position of Superintendent, the districts placement on the NIQSAC eontinaum, and such other criteria as the State Board of Education shall by regulation preseribe, The final dat of the annual evaluation shall be adopted by the Board in June of each year, The Supesitendent shall propose a schedule for evaluation for the next year to the Boanl President by the annual organization meeting each year ARTICLEVI ‘TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT ‘CONTRACT |A. This Contract shall terminate al the Superintendents employment wil cease, under any one ofthe following circumstances 1. revocation or suspension ofthe Supetintendent's certificate, in which ease this Contact shall be ull an void as ofthe date of revocation, es required by NJSA. 18A:17- 155 2 fonfeitre under NSA. 2651-2, 3. mutual agreement ofthe parties, 4. notification in writing by the Board tothe Superintendent, by Februmry 1, 2022 ofthe Boards intent not to eenew this Contact or 11 misrepresentation of employment history, educational andlor professional credentials relating to her position as a certificated educator, or of her eximinal background, B. In the event the Superintendent is arrested and charged with criminal ‘offense, which could result in forfeiture under NJ S.A, 2C:S1-2, the Board reserves the right to suspend her pending resolution ofthe criminal chagges. Such suspension shall be with pay pri to indictment, and may be with or without pay, at the Boar's discretion, subsequent to indictment, unless the Board certifies contractual tenure charges. C. Nothing in this Contract shall affect the Board's rights with regard to suspension under NSA. 18A:6.8.3 and applicable case law. D. The Superintendent may terminate this Employment Contract upon at least 90 calendar days written notice to the Board, filed with the Board Secretary, of her intention toresign, E, The Superintendent shall not be dismissed or reduced in compensation daring the term of this Contract, except as authorized by paragraphs B, and C, supra and NJ S.A. 18A:17-202, provided, however, that the Board shall have the authority to relieve the Superintendent of the performance of her duties in accordance with NJ S.A. 18A:27-9, so long as it continues to pay her salary and benefits for the duration of the term. The parties understand that any early termination must comply with the provisions of P.1.2007, ¢ 53, ‘The School Disrict Accountability Act. ARTICLE VII KUNEWAL “NON RENEWAL ‘This Employment Contract shall automatically renew for a term of five years, expiring Jane 30,2080, unless ether ofthe following occurs: A. the Board by contract reappoints the Superintendent for a different term allowable by law; or B. the Board notifies the Superintendent in writing, on ar prior to February 1, 2025 that she will not be xeappointed at the end of the current term, in which case her ‘employment shall cease upon the expiration of this Contract. ARTICLE VIL COMPLETE AGREEMENT ‘This Contract embodies the entire agreement between the parties hereto and cannot bbe varied except hy written agreement of the undersigned parties. Any such written sgreement is sec tothe Feview and approval ofthe Executive County Superintendent for Hiudson County ARTICLEIX SAVINGS AND CONFLICTS CLAUSE 1f, during the term ofthis Contac, itis found that a specific clause of the Contact is illegal under federal or slate law, the reminder of the Employment Contact is not affeted by sueh araling end hall ein in fll fore. In the event of any conflict between the tems, conditions and provisions of this CCoutrct and the provisions ofthe Boant's policies, or any permissive sate or federal Ta, then, unless otherwise probit by law, the tems ofthis Contract shall take precedence ‘over the comtary provisions of the Boar's policies or any such pemnssive law during the term of te conta IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals to this Employment Contract effective on the day anxl year first above SUPERINTENDENT HOBOKEN BOARD OF EDUCATION Christine A. Johnson ~~ Sharya Angley, Board President Date: Date: WITNESS: WITNESS: Toyee Goode ‘School Business Administrator HOBOKEN BOARD OF EDUCATION FILE CODE: 2131 Hoboken, New Jersey Exhibit, Job Description - SUPERINTENDENT ‘TITLE: QUALIFICATIONS: REPORTS To: SUPERVISES: JOB GOAL: SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY: SUPERINTENDENT L.Valid New Jersey School Administrator Certificate or eligibility 2, Central office, school administration and teaching experience as determined by the board 3. Demonstsated —suecess with curriculum, personnel ‘management, school finance and strategie planning 4. Swong leadeiship and communication skills 5. Required criminal history background check and proof of US. citizenship or legal resident lien status Board of Education Every dlstriet employee To inspire, lead, guide, and direct every member of the administrative, instructional, and support services staff in setting fand achieving the highest standard of excellence, so that each student enrolled in the district may be provided with an appropriate and effective education. Leadership and management responsibilities of the Superintendent shall extend to all activities of the district to all phases of the educational program, to all aspects ofthe financial operation, 1 all, parts ofthe physical plant, and tothe conduct of such other duties ‘as may be assigned by the Board. The Superintendent may delegate those duties together with appropriate authority, bat may not delegate nor relinquish ‘ultimate responsibility for results or any portion of accountability, A RFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: Instructional, Leadership: un Ensures that a system of thorough and efficient edueation, as defined in st and code is available to all students, Ensures thatthe goals of the schol system are reflected in its educational program and operations. Provides for the timely completion of annual district and schoo!-level reporting and planning requirements including school report cards, pupil performance objectives, and a quality assurance report to the public Reviows with staff all curriculum guides and courses of study annually in accordance with a Board adopted evaluation schedule. Recommends, for board adoption, curricula, courses, textbooks and time schedules. Ensures implementa forall subjects and content standards, and evaluation of all bourd-approved writen curriculum clusion of mandated programs and state core curriculum Provides for curriculum articulation among grades and schools inthe district and between/among constituent districts in a regional school system or sending- receiving agreement, Encourages staff to develop programs, services and projects that reflect, instructional diversity, altematives and flexibility, while assuring an articuleted, consistent education forall students. Ensures the effectiveness of the instructional program by measuring student achievement against state and local standards. Initiates program changes as necessary. Develope idelin and new programs. and dirsetion for monitoring the effectiveness of existing Seeks out available sources for grant funding to support programs and projects. Keeps professionally current and informed on research-based educational practices. Personnel Administration: 1, Mentors staff and demands high peeformance, Implements sound personne! practices. 2. Directs and supervises the administrative staff and darough them all district staff 3. Develops reemitment and retention procodures to assure well-qualified applicants for professional and! nonprofessionel postions. Participates in final candidate interviews, as appropriate, and recommends appointment, transfer, renewal and dismissal ofall cctified and noncentified staff to the Board 4, Ensures that all staff is observed and evaluated annually in accordance with taw and establisbed procedures, Recommends certified and noncerified employees for contract renewal and/or tenure appointment. 5. Provides diteetion and serves as a resource for management representatives in negotiating with employee bargaining units. Supervises administration of collective bargaining agreements. 6. Recommends and implements the district's professional development plan, 7. Bnsures that all teaching staff members fulfill continuing professional evelopment and receive inservice training required by statefederal laws. ‘Assumes responsibility for the maintenance of appropriate documentation in a central file and timely submission of all required reports Financial Management: 1, Ensures that the budget implements the distriet's goals. 2, Ensures implementation of board financial policies and dls procedures Provides direction to and supervision of school business fumetions, Encourages development snd implementation of sound business practices. 3. Initiates and supervises development of the annual budget, providing opportunity, for staf input. Recommends bucget and budget priorities for board approval and ‘communicates the educational and monetary impact of the budget 10 the ‘commu 4, Bnsures that the district develops and implements a multi-year (3-5. years) comprehensive maintenance plan, or otherwise directed by law. 5. Oversees schoo! facility management to provide safe, efficient and attractive buildings, with strong emphasis on preventative maintenance and custodial cae Ensures annual inspections of each school building for adherence to health and safety codes. 6. Continually assesses business management practices to achieve efficiency. 7. Bnsures funds are spent prudently by providing adequate control and secounting, ‘of the district's financial and physical resources. BD, Student Services: PEP andor related services Ensures that a system of fice appropriate special edu is available fo all pupils with educational disabilities. 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