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Management & Marketing


According To the Syllabus of Department of CSE Gono Bishwabidyalay

Management & Marketing

Without the help of our respective teacher,

Ms. RipaMondal this work was impossible.

Management & Marketing

Chapter 01: Introductory management _______________________________________________03

Chapter 02: Planning ______________________________________________________________06

Chapter 03: Organizing ____________________________________________________________08

Chapter 04: Contorting ____________________________________________________________10

Chapter 05: Marketing ____________________________________________________________11

Management & Marketing

Chapter 01: Introductory Management

Management is a set of activities (planning, decision making, organizing, staffing, leading and
controlling) directed at an organization’s resources (human, financial, physical, and information),
with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.

According to Tarry & Franklin-

“Management is a distinct process consisting planning, organizing, actuating and controlling,

performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives with the use of human beings and other

Functions of management: Functions of management can be described as follows-

Process of management& goal attainment: Process of management can be described as follows-

Management & Marketing

Goal attainment procedure can be described as follows-


Influencing Planning Controlling


Management & Marketing

Management organize and resources:

1. Human resources
2. Money resources
3. Raw material resources
4. Capital instruments

Management skill: Management skill can be classified as follows-

Management & Marketing

Chapter 02: Planning

Planning is a process of achieving organizational goal.

According to Weihrich and Knootz,

“Planning involves selecting missions and objectives and the action.”

Purpose/Advantages of Planning:

1. Helps to minimize risk.

2. Helps to achieve goal easily.

Disadvantage of planning: Improper planning increase the possibility of failure.

Planning process: Planning process can be described step by step as follows-

Management & Marketing

Organization object: Organization object is a target, enforces to achieve goal.

Organization object can be classified into three types-

1. Short term (0-11 months)

2. Middle term (1-5 years)
3. Long term (more than 5 years)

Management by objective (MBO): MBO is a management approach that uses organizational

objectives as a primary means of managing organization.

MBO process: MBO process can be described as follows-

Management & Marketing

Chapter 03: Organizing

Organizing is the process of establishing orderly use of all the organizational resources.

Importance of organizing: Importance of organizing is given bellow-

 Ensure orderly use of resources.

 Helps to know time periods of using resources.
 Helps to decide which resources will get most priority.
 Make management system more effective and efficient.
 Helps to implement organization’s target or goal.

Organizing process: Organizing process can be described as follows-

Management & Marketing

Organizing sub-system: Organizing sub-system can be described as follows-

Management & Marketing

Chapter 04: Controlling

Controlling is making something happen the way it was plan to happen.

Controlling process: Controlling process can be described as follows-

Management & Marketing

Chapter 05: Marketing

Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customer and build strong
relationship with customer to capture value from customers in return.

Marketing process: Marketing process is given below-

Understand market place and customers needs, wants,

and demands

Design a company driven market strategy

 What will we serve to customer?

 How can we serve them?

Conduct an integrated marketing program that delivers

superior program

●Product ●Price ●Place ●Promotion

>Design >Discount >Transportation >Advertising
>Feature >Payment period >Channels >Seals force
>Brand name >Allowance >Public Relation

Build customer relationship and calculate customers


Capture value from customers to create profits

N. B: Product, price, place, promotion is together known as marketing mix and they are called 4P.

Marketing policy: Marketing policies are given bellow-

1. Production concept: Customer buys that product, which is available in market. So, a
company should produce considering the demand of customer.

Management & Marketing

2. Product concept: To make customer satisfy a company should produce in good and unique
quality products.
3. Selling concept: Company should make familiar their product to their customers.
4. Marketing concept: A company have to explore, who are the customers, what is their need,
what should be provided to customers.
5. Social marketing concept: Product cannot be harmful for society and environment.


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