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1st Quarter
Week 6
Division of Surigao del Sur
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Competency: Examine the brief history, core teachings, fundamental
beliefs, practices, and related issues of Islam

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have

o identify the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
practices, and related issues of Islam;
o create a representation of your knowledge about the core teachings,
fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam;
o appreciate the relevance of the core teachings, fundamental belief
and practices of Islam to one’s personal beliefs.

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview
(Pages 84-101 of Learner’s Material)


The term “Islam” originated from Arabic word meaning, “submit.” In other words,
Islam means to “surrender or submit oneself for obedience to God” or “enter into a
condition of peace and security with God through allegiance and surrender to him”
( Armstrong 2000; Bowker 1997). On the other hand, the word “Muslim” is the Aramaic
word for a person who submits. Therefore, a Muslim is a “person who surrender or
submits himself to obey God” (Brown 1975). In Arabic, the word “Allah” is a compound
of “al” (the definite article , the) and “ilah”(god or deity). Joined together, the words
signify “god” (Renard 1993)
Established around seventh century C.E., Islam is the youngest among the world’s
major religion. With more than 1.5 billion adherents compromising almost one-fourth of
the entire world population, it is the second largest group and one of the fasting
growing religions in the world.

The star and crescent have become the acknowledged
representation of the Islamic faith. It can be seen in the national
flags of states that came about following the collapse of Ottoman
Empire in the 20th century. Traditionally, the Crescent moon or the
hilal has early connection with royalty, it is also linked to the Lunar
Calendar that orders the religious life of the Muslims ( Bowker 1997)


Islam began with the Arabian desert people around seventh century C.E. they
had developed their set of beliefs prior to the formal establishment of Islam and had
been influenced by other religions for a long period of time, including Byzantine,
Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.
The single most important factor that accelerated the development of a new
religion in the Arabian interior was the native religion practices by the Arabs.
Pre-Islamic people worshipped a variety of gods while they recognize the
existence of the following: one supreme god, local and tribal god aside from the
presence of these gods there were angels, fairies, demonic creatures and evil spirit.
Pre-Islamic religion was also animistic in character. Spirits found in rocks, trees,
and wells had to be revered at their sanctuaries and placated for assistance. In time,
the city of Mecca became a sacred shrine because of these animistic associations
(Hopfe 1983). A meteoric stone that had fallen in Mecca centuries before became an
object of veneration to the animistic people. Pilgrims then built an enclosure around the
stone and called it Kaaba. Various images and relics gradually filled the Kaaba,
including a painting of Jesus and Mary. Pilgrims travelled to Mecca to worship at the
shrine. The “Black Stone” which according to Muslims tradition dates back to the time of
Adam and Eve, eventually became a very important object for the Meccans at the
time when various clans struggled to control the Kaaba. Mecca, situated on the central
western cost of Arabia is positioned on the major north-south caravan route (Hopfe

Who is Muhammad in Islamic Religion?

Muhammad consider as a messenger and the last prophet sent by God to

humankind who was visited by the angel Gabriel. He was born in the Oasis town of
Mecca around the year 570 C.E. His father died before he was born while his mother

died before he was six years old. He belonged to the clan of Hashim of the Quaraysh
tribe that controlled Kaaba. He was sent to be reared among the Bedouins. (Renard
When his mother died, he was raised by his Abdal-Muttalib and later on was
taken into custody by his paternal uncle, Abu Talib, who was the chief of the Quraysh
tribe. Life must have been difficult him with no formal schooling, he worked as caravan
worker traveling across the Arabian Peninsula as a Camel driver. From his travels he may
have met and conversed with Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians alike, he soon learned
the various ways and means of their belief system that led him to question the faith of
his own people, especially with regard to their animistic practices and reverence given
to numerous gods and idols (Hopfe 1983). He used to retreat to mount Hira near Mecca
in search of truth about God.
He married at the age of twenty-five to an older wealthy widow named Khadija.
He was married only to his wife even though it was acceptable for men to have
multiple wives. His wife became his staunch supporter and one of his first converts to the
new religion he founded.
Around the year 610 C.E, He began hearing the voice of God in a cave on the
summit of Mount Hira, just outside Mecca. God was speaking to him in the Arabic
language (Armstrong 2000; Karabell 2007). Mostly auditory but occasionally in visual
form, he began to experience divine revelations delivered by the angel Gabriel
(Renald 1992).
Beginning 613., Muhammad began to impart the sacred messages to his closest
relatives and friend, later on to his followers but not all, because other people don’t
easily believe on him since they already believe in many gods and deities (known as
jinn) and his radical teaching angered local tribes, so they began persecuting him and
his loyal followers.
Muhammad and his followers waged a constant battle for almost eight years
against Meccan tribes until 630 C.E He and his followers tore down the three hundred
sixty pagan idols displayed at the holy shrine in Kaaba.
His newly founded religion had spread across the entire Arabian Peninsula and
the Muslims had been united as one religious community. His actions were solely for
sake the sake of Allah as he is ever mindful and fearful of his one god (Ibrahim 1997)
God has made all revelations to Muhammad, the last of the prophets and the seal of
the Prophecy.


The Q’uran
⮚ The sacred writing of the Muslims (or Koran in English)
⮚ Literally means “recitation” or “reading”
⮚ The revelation from God of his speech (kalam)

⮚ It is the supreme authority in all matters of faith, theology, and law (Parrinder
⮚ It has almost the same length as the New Testament in Christianity
⮚ The chapters that composes in Quran are called “surahs”
⮚ The verses are called “ayahs” meaning “evidence or sign”
⮚ There 114 chapters, 86 are classified as Meccan while 28 are Medinian.
⮚ Quran divided into thirty almost equal parts (each part known as juz)
⮚ Quran arranged based on the length of the “ surah” or chapter in descending
⮚ The longest surah has about 286 ayahs called as Al-Baqarah (“The Heifer”)
⮚ The shortest surah as only three ayahs called as AL-Kawthar (“Abundance”)
⮚ The first of all surah is called fatihah (“The Opening”) prayer to God for guidance.

⮚ It is the collection of the deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his followers.
⮚ Were collected generations after the death of Muhammad
⮚ Recognized as Second Authority after the Koran.
⮚ The “Five Pillars Of Islam and majority of criminal Laws originated from Hadiths.


Islam began as a way of life (din) for its followers which God intended for his
creation from very beginning ( Bowker 1997) God had to send several prophets,
including Musa ( Moses) and ‘Isa ( Jesus), to summon people back to the din as a result
of human rebellion and transgression. Ultimately, all prophets were rejected,
persecuted or killed except for Muhammad.
Islamic beliefs are more dominantly social in character. Islamic religious laws
cover the daily life of all Muslims –from education, dress, marriages, sexual relations,
justice, punishments, economics, diet, and even rules of hospitality.
While Islam’s approach to life and death, origins of the universe, and the nature
of mankind is simple. It is also rigid and uncompromising (Horrie & Chippindale).
For all Muslims, there is only one compassionate, everlasting, and omnipotent
God, being the Lord of everything and he will terminate everything when he wills it. A
“Day of Judgement” shall ensure wherein all humankind will be resurrected and
individually accounted for. Everyone will be fully awakened and raised to a higher
spiritual life (Aziz 1993). Based on their own deeds and fully aware of the effects of these
deeds in this life, everyone will then be sent to either paradise or hell for perpetuity (Aziz
1993) All these knowledge had been revealed to Muhammad.


⮚ The basic obligations of Muslims
⮚ Also known as arkan al- din
⮚ It gives structure and unity to all believers of Islam.
⮚ It must strictly observed to avoid being sent to hell on the ‘ Day of

Testify that none has the
right to be worshipped
SHAHADAH but Allah & Muhammad is
His Messenger

Offering Salah (prayer)

SALAH five times a day.

Paying the zakat (giving

ZAKAT alms or charity).

Going to Pilgrimage to
HAJJ the House of Allah at

Fasting in the month of

FASTING the Ramadan.

Activity 1.
Direction: Read and analyze the statements, Write TRUE, if the statement is correct and
FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

________1. Muhammad ibn Abdullah worked as a camel driver across the Arabian

________2. The Five Pillars of Islam is also known as arkan al- din.
________3. Paying the zakat (giving alms or charity) is one of the Five Pillars of
________4. The term “Islam” originated from Arabic word meaning, “Receive”.
________5. The basic principles of the Muslim faith are reflected in the 10
________6. The Q’uran is the revelation from God of his speech (kalam)
________7. For Muslims they do not believe in a “Day of Judgement” shall ensure
wherein all humankind will be resurrected and individually accounted for.
________8 Muhammad consider as a messenger and the last prophet sent by God to
humankind who visited by the angel Gabriel.
________9. One of the Five Pillars of Islam is to do Pilgrimage to the House of Allah
at Makkah also known as Zakat.
________10.Hadith is the collection of the deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his

Activity 2.

Directions: Evaluate your learning and create a representation of your knowledge

about the core teachings, fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam. Choose only one
(1) output from any of the following activities;

1. Create a Poster. Create a poster representing the most important learning/idea

you gained from the lesson. Make a 2-paragraph explanation on your poster.



Organization The concept was clearly and creatively 6


Content Important concepts were highlighted 7

and explained

Presentations The idea was clearly presented based on 7

the poster illustration.

Total : 20

2. Create a Poem. Create a poem about your knowledge on the core teachings,
fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam. The poem must have a minimum of 5

3. Create a Jingle. Compose a jingle on your knowledge about the core teachings,
fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam. The song should not exceed three
(3) minutes. Must be an original composition and it can be in English or Filipino.
Submit through video or audio recording to your subject teacher.



Content Important concept about the core 7

teaching, fundamental beliefs and
practices of Islam presented in a
poem or jingle.

Presentation The idea was clearly presented and 7

following the instructions.

Originality The idea originally written by the writer 6

and not copied from other sources.

Total : 20

Activity 3.
Directions: Show your appreciation on the relevance of the core teachings,
fundamental belief and practices of Islam to your personal beliefs by answering the
following questions.

1. What are the Fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam you appreciate the
most? Cite at least two (2).


2. Give reasons for your appreciation of such belief and practices.


3. Cite a situation based on your personal experience in which this fundamental

belief/s and practice/s is evident.



Formative Test

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write only the letter of the correct

1. Who was the prophet and patriarch who played a major role in the
establishment of Islam?
a. Abraham
b. Confucius
c. Jesus
d. Muhamad

2. It is recognized as Second Authority after the Koran.

a. Hadith
b. Kaaba
c. hijra
d. Zakat

3. How many ayahs does the longest surah consists of?

a. 28
b. 86
c. 114
d. 286

4. How the Quran arranged does based on the length of the “surah” or chapter?

a. Ascending order

b. alphabetical order
c. according to thickness
d. descending order

5. What symbols have become the acknowledged representation of the Islamic


a. Crucifix and altar

b. Stars and crescent
c. Flags
d. Stars and crucifix

Answer Key

Activity 1.
TRUE 7. FALSE- they
believe in
a day of judgement
4.FALSE- submit 9. FALSE-HAJJ
5. FALSE- Qu’ran 10. TRUE

Activity 2.

Answers may vary

Activity 3.

Answers may vary





⮚ Jerome A. Ong and Mary Dorothy Dl. Jose . INTRODUCTION TO WORLD RELIGION
& BELIEF SYSTEMS Textbook. Vibal Group, Inc. 2016


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