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English – 2020

A1.2 Unit 1
Boost competences
Critical Thinking

Student’s name:Thomas García Luque Grade: 7

Activity 1. Describe what people in your family or neighborhood do in specific situations, how they feel and
behave. Detail at least two different groups of people.
Follow the example, in which you’ll finds some keyword first, and then a more detailed

Example 1:

Who? Situation / celebration / Feelings or emotions Behaviors

occasion / date
My siblings Christmas Anxious, happy and Celebrate, eat dinner, recall old stories,
sentimental pray and plan the new year.

During Christmas my father and my siblings get together in a different house every year. Each adult child is accompanied
by wife/husband and children, and then the whole family prepares and eats dinner together. We feel anxious about
opening gifs for everyone and get happy to share presents and a special dinner together. However, we feel sentimental as
well, since we recall stories about our family growth such as our epoch as children, our weddings and achievements;
besides, we talk about sad moments such as our mom’s death and how much our lives changed. But after this we pray and
thank God for a new Christmas together and finally we plan what we will do the following year.

Example 2:

Who? Situation / celebration / Feelings or emotions Behaviors

occasion / date
My neighbors Mother’s Day Happy and depressed Drink, talk, dance and fight

On Mother’s Day my neighbors meet to celebrate this important date. First, they feel happy to be together and to share a
special occasion. They drink some liquor during the day and night, and then they dance and talk. But after some glasses of
wine or “aguardiente” and some beers, they start feeling depressed and talk about negative situations or experiences.
Finally, they start fighting and behaving in a wrong way.
Although my family is calm and peaceful, the previous behaviors are very common in my city /Medellín) and in many other
regions in Colombia.
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2020
A1.2 Unit 1
Boost competences
Critical Thinking

Description 1:

Who? Situation / celebration / Feelings or emotions Behaviors

occasion / date
My family End of the year Happy and sad Drink, dance, play,eat and hugs

Every time at the end of the year my whole family travels to my grandparents' house, to say goodbye
to the last year and to thank for everything it is always very happy but also a bit sad because when it
comes to giving the final speech we remember my 3 uncles who They died and my cousin since they
loved Christmas a lot, don't forget before that my father and my mother make and distribute the
food, we eat and play with my cousins, let's celebrate, let's give the New Year's speech We say happy
new year and we go to the side where my father's aunt to celebrate until five in the morning so for me
it becomes a fun party but a bit sad because the year and school are restarted :(.

Description 2:

Who? Situation / celebration / Feelings or emotions Behaviors

occasion / date
when I go back to happy Play, run, eat, drink cokes and we
Me and my Barranquilla talked
Every time we go to Barranquilla I meet my best friends who are for me like brothers, we play play, we go
out to play, we fight with water pumps, we go out for a run, we play soccer, we laugh, we watch videos, we
watch movies, we watch videos of Stand up, we order food and do pijamdas, but when I have to come back
to Bogota, the sadness begins because I lived there in Barranquilla for new years and they were my lifelong
friends so it makes us sad, every time I go back to Bogota makes me want to go back, go back to my old
school but I have to move on.

Activity 2. What can you conclude about the previous information?

Write and pronounce how much some behaviors are based on feelings.

Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2020
A1.2 Unit 1
Boost competences
Critical Thinking

I think that when people are happy they behave in a positive way; they share, talk
and how their best qualities. However, when people feel depressed, sad or angry,

Recording (link): Some feelings are when I get to my friends' house because they feel that I have a very
good friendship, when we play it means that I feel happy hearing what I am doing and finally when I
say goodbye they feel very sad and a little angry because I can't stay anymore.

Activity 3. What do some common activities make you feel?

Activity Feelings or emotions


Practicing a sport When I practice my favorite sport, I feel active and healthy. I also feel proud, because I
am doing something healthy for my body and mind.
Taking an exam When I take an online exam, I feel nervous and insecure. Sometimes I make mistakes
when choosing the right answer, and this is because I don’t believe in my skills. I should
trust in myself.
1. when i practice When I play soccer I feel happy I feel active because I am fulfilling my dream
soccer and I am doing what I like so I feel happy, active euphoric and other things
that I do not even know how to name

2. when there is There is no god if someone of those who are going to see this was
a student at some time I think that what is most scary in life is
delivery of notes
that, it is one of the worst sensations, you feel nervous fear if
you do not know how it was, it gives you happiness and fear, and
there is where you have gone wrong makes you want to be swallowed
by the earth but if it went well let me tell you that that day
you are the worst person in the world because you must be one of
those who start telling everyone that happy strap day.

3. When's this is the best feeling in the world you are with your cousins
christmas your happy uncles eating donuts, turkey drinking soda and in the
end opening gifts you feel very happy, nervous and amazed by what
they are going to give you but Colombian, respect yourself
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2020
A1.2 Unit 1
Boost competences
Critical Thinking

Colombian at least once he had to stay alone with the popes and
brothers that Christmas with the food but without the gifts
because that year there was no money.

4. when I play
video games





*Feel free to describe all the activities you want (even less than 8), but try to detail how the feelings or emotions
affect your behaviors.

Activity 4. Through a comic or drawing, represent what a negative feeling causes (identify what
happen in your city or country), and then propose a strategy to deal with it.

A feeling of fear does not allow

peopl e to make the best decisions.

Sometimes when we are afraid of

somethin g, we tend to avoid this

situation, but the solution is to ask

parents for help to face


By Maria del Pilar Carvajal (2019)
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2020
A1.2 Unit 1
Boost competences
Critical Thinking
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia

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