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Systems Development


In Unit 4 we worked on cultivating some of the practical skills required to use Information
Systems for operational excellence and managerial decision making.

In this Unit 5, we look at what it takes to develop, acquire or replace information systems. We will
examine the many important roles that business users (as opposed to developers, installers,
servicers and other IT people) play in MIS projects. We will also revisit business processes
introduced in Unit 2, and complete our “to-be” conversation by looking at the concept of business
process reengineering.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this Unit you will be able to:

1. Examine approaches to building information systems.
2. Explore business roles in a software development or selection or replacement project.
3. Examine the concept of business process reengineering.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 1
This Unit is divided into three sessions as follows:

Session 5.1: Building Information Systems

Session 5.2: Team Roles in MIS Projects

Session 5.3: Business Process Reengineering

Readings & Resources

Required Readings
Bourgeois, D.T. (2014). Chapter 10: Information Systems Development. In: Information
Systems for Business and Beyond. Available at

Cook, R. (Jul 29, 2013). Configuration vs. Customization in ERP. Available at

Frost, R.D. (2011). Chapter 6: Build, Buy, or Reuse Solutions: Develop a Website to Market
the App: “Build vs. Buy”. In: Business Information Systems: Design an App for That (v.
1.0). Available at

Gammie, G. (19 Aug 2015). Implementation Team Roles & Responsibility. Available at

Jones, J., Aguirre, D., & Calderone, M. (n.d.). 10 Principles of Change Management.
Available at

Joyner, J. (n.d.). Accounting Information System Conversion Methods. Available at

Linam, C. (11 Jun 2015). The Project Team Structure: ERP Project Team Roles and
Responsibilities. Available at

Mind Tools. (n.d.). Change Management: Making Organization Change Happen

Effectively. Available at

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 2
Qassim, A.A. (n.d.). Why Information System Projects Fail. Available at

Rainer, R. and Turban, E. (2016). Chapter 14: Information Systems Development. In

Management Information Systems, 4th Edition. Available at

Sudhakar, G.P. (2010). The Role of IT in Business Process Reengineering. Œconomica, Vol
6, No 4. Pp.28-35. Available at http://journals.univ-

The Systems Development Life Cycle (and project management). Available at

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 3
Session 5.1

Building Information Systems

In this session, we look at the ways companies build, acquire, or replace Information System.
Systems development is the entire set of activities needed to construct an information systems
solution to a business problem or opportunity. Here, we are not distinguishing between creating
the system yourself or buying someone else’s solutions, because, for complex systems, the same
level of rigor and analysis is required for both.

Planning for Systems Changes

Major MIS change does not just happen. Often this change is a direct expression of actions
dictated by a company’s strategic planning. If done correctly, the organizational level strategic
plan will be used to guide and align an overall IS plan, which will ultimately result in planned IS
development projects.

The IS strategic plan, is a set of long-range goals that describe the IT architecture and major IS
initiatives needed to achieve the goals of the organization. The IS strategic plan must meet three
objectives (Turban, 2008):
 It must be aligned with the organization’s strategic plan.
 It must provide for an IT architecture that enables users, applications, and databases to be
seamlessly networked and integrated.
 It must efficiently allocate IS development resources among competing projects, so the
projects can be completed on time, within budget, and have the required functionality.

The IS strategic plan states the mission of the IS department, which defines the department’s
underlying purpose. The mission helps to answer questions relating to three major issues
(Turban, 2008):
 Efficiency. Does the IS function help the organization reach its goals with minimum
 Effectiveness. Does the IS function help the functional area managers (and executives) do the
right things?

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 4
 Competitiveness. Does the IS function engage in projects that will enhance the organization’s
competitive position?

The mission of the IS department requires a great deal of input from all of the organization’s
functional area managers, and often from higher organizational officers as well. This input
will help to define the appropriate role of the IS department in accomplishing the
organization’s goals.

All of these statement here link back to our discussions on aligning the companies
Information Systems within the broader set of Work Systems to maximize value.

The inclusion of an information system in any Organization must be planned to identify the
direction of the development of the proposed system, its rationale, the current situation, the
management strategy, the implementation plan, and of course, the budget allocated to such as
system. The plan therefore indicates what needs to be done, who needs various aspects of
information and indeed who creates this information. The end result of an information system is
the alignment of many areas and levels that should or must work together seamlessly.

Planning is at the heart of every good information system initiative. Read this
case study of how CIMB Group Redesign Its Account Opening Process. The
company launched a five-year information technology transformation initiative in
January 2008 to align its information technology investments more closely with
its resources. It used the ARIS business process management (BPM) tool from
IDS Scheer to identify 25 different areas for improving technology, people, and
processes. The ARIS software helped identify gaps and inefficiencies in existing

The CIMG Group example, gives us some of the steps needed to plan and build a new
information system.

 Analyze what problems exist with the current Information System.

 Assess the new requirements.

 Select an appropriate solution.

 Redesign business processes and jobs.

The new Information System represents a process of planned organizational change (Laudon
2006). In the next few sessions, we will examine some of the ways to implement this change.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 5
System Development and Organizational Change
Given the tremendous influence MIS has on organizations, changing an Information System
always promotes organizational change. This change can vary from mild impact, to a radical
change in how the organization is structured and how it performs. The four types of change,
arranged in order of both risk and return on investment are; Automation, Rationalization,
Reengineering, and Paradigm Shifts.

Figure 5.1: Types of Organizational change


Automation – this is the method of speeding up the performance of tasks by computerizing or

mechanizing existing procedures.

Rationalization of procedures – the streamlining of standard operating procedures including

cutbacks, consolidations, changes in organizational structure etc.

Business process reengineering – analysis and redesign of business processes to reorganize

workflows and reduce waste and repetitive tasks

Paradigm shift – radical reconceptualization of the nature of the business and the nature of the

The first two forms of Organizational change above (automation and rationalization) are easier to
do, offering modest rewards at relatively low risk. In contrast, reengineering and paradigm shift,
are more difficult to do. They offer higher rewards but are more prone to failure. See more details
in your readings.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 6
Paradigm shifts (risk, rewards and failures)
One company that demonstrated the use of paradigm shifts to reinvent itself (some would argue
to stave off its extinction) is Microsoft.

Founded in 1975, Originally Microsoft invented itself as the maker of the operating system
software – MS-DOS.

The first paradigm occurred when Microsoft created Windows with its graphical user interface
(GUI). The GUI killed MS-DOS as a product.

The Company quickly added Word and then proceeded to establish other products, which went
on to become the Office productivity suite we all know so well.

In the meantime, a new paradigm had taken hold. It was called the Internet. Originally Microsoft
missed the boat – the emergence of the Internet paradigm and the “sudden” appearance of many
new rivals – and appeared headed for the doldrums. Then, in 1995, Bill Gates issued the now
famous “Internet Tidal Wave” memo. Within a year Microsoft transformed itself into an Internet
company. “Internet awareness” was built right into the operating system (Windows) making it
possible for every program to be internet aware.

Microsoft entered into a browser war with Netscape – which Internet Explorer won, and
Netscape lost (do any of you know about Netscape?

The Bing search engine was the company’s response to Google, but it looks like Google won that

Microsoft now has Cloud based, software as a service (SAAS) applications – Office 365, Power-BI and
many more. All to compete with IBM, Amazon and others for the lion share of the quickly emerging cloud
computing market.

The company also dipped its toes into the lucrative gaming sector (USD $1.81 trillion in 2016)
when it invented the Xbox gaming system to compete against Sony’s PlayStation and Nintendo

Analyzing for Change

When it comes to analyzing organizations to effect a change, there are two main approaches.
Enterprise Analysis, an inward looking approach and, Strategic Analysis with Critical Success
Factors, which focuses on environmental issues.
1. Enterprise analysis, also known as business systems planning, looks at the entire
business in terms of the individual units within the business. For example, the
functions, processes, data elements and even the departments are scrutinized to
identify the Organisation’s data (entities and attributes). Read more here.
2. Strategic Analysis with Critical Success Factors (CSFs) looks at the external
environment to identify threats and opportunities. Two techniques PESTLE Analysis
and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis are used to examine the business environment. The

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 7
company then develops a list of Critical Success Factors. Critical Success factors (CSFs)
are a few key factors that organisations should focus on to be successful.

Traditional System Development Life Cycle

Definition: The systems development life cycle (SDLC), also

referred to as the application development life-cycle, is a term
used in systems engineering, information systems and software
engineering to describe a process for planning, creating,
testing, and deploying an information system.

The SDLC has historically been used to develop large systems. It tends to be rigid and
documentation heavy. It is called a “Waterfall” method because you are expected to complete one
phase before moving onto the next phase. You can have iterations, but this normally requires you
to go back and update all your documentation before you can move forward again.

Whether you create your own IS (build) or buy a solution from someone else, the method follows
the same general steps.

Table 5.1: Steps in the SDLC

Build Buy

Systems Analysis – Requirements Systems Analysis – Requirements

gathering, decide what you want gathering followed, by system
the system to do selection

Systems Design – decide what it (systems design ) Blueprinting – how

will look like well does it fit

Programming – built it to be what (programming) Configuration and/or

you want Customization– tweak/set it up to be
what you want

Testing Testing

Conversion Conversion

Production (go live) Production (go live)

Maintenance Maintenance

Systems analysis is the study and analysis of problems of existing systems and the identification
of requirements for their solutions.

Systems design provides the specifications for an information system solution, showing how its
technical and organizational components fit together. In a blueprinting exercise you do a gap analysis

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 8
to see how well the systems meets your needs.

Programming (or configuration) in the process of creating (or tweaking) the final solution based
on the requirements that have been gathered.

Testing is the process that validates if the system is preforming as designed and as required.
There are three (3) levels of testing.
 Unit testing which checks for programming bugs and logic errors;
 Integration testing to make sure the modules are working together and that the system is
doing what it says it will do;
 Acceptance testing, business process by business process testing – not only must the
system do what it says it will do, but more importantly, what it does MUST give you your
desired result. The developer/implementer could deliver the perfect car when the customer really
wanted a boat!!

Conversion is the process of switching from the old (computer or manual) system to the new
Information System. There are four conversion methods.
 Parallel conversion. Where you run both the new and the old for a time before switching
off the old.
 Pilot conversion. Where you implement and test the new system, on a small scale in one
business unit, then you expand the conversion to include all of the other business units.
 Phased conversion. Where over time you gradually use more of the new and less of the
old until you are completely converted.
 Direct (Plunge in diagram) conversion. Where you switch off the old and switch on the
new at the same time.

Figure 5.2: System conversion methods

Source: O’Brien & Marakas (2006, p. 424)

Production. The system is said to be in “Production” when you have finished the conversion

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 9
process, and you are processing live transactions.

Maintenance. All system projects end. At the end of the project, the system goes into use, and
enters steady state maintenance. This can last for years or until the next organizational change
cycle begins.

Alternative Life Cycles

The SDLC is an older well established model for developing or changing a system. However it is
traditionally slow and several alternatives have been developed to provide businesses with faster
 Rapid Application Development models

 Prototyping

 End user development (e.g. excel macros)

 Outsourcing

Find further information on these in your readings.

Build vs. Buy

A final word on Build vs. Buy: Let’s start this Session with a fairly long but important analogy.

Most people or organizations don’t build their own car.

Of course there are companies/governments/navies etc. that have very specific
transportation needs and may commission the creation of a new vehicle; or a Formula One
racing team will have mechanical and electrical engineers on board and access to a state -
of-the-art machine shop to manufacture anything they want; but, by and large most people
don’t build their own car.
People will however customize their car. I am sure you know that guy (or girl) who has
installed a (pun) deaf-defying stereo system; or have replaced the off-the-rack rims
because (let’s face it), off the rack rims are ugly; or have retrofitted enough hydraulics to
move a small elevator; or … you get the picture.
The car industry has matured to the point where only the hobbyist or enthusiast would
weld together a chassis, construct a fiberglass body and assemble their own car.
What is more typical, the car user:

 Selects a car.

 Tweaks the configuration slightly, or a lot.

o Colour, rims, body kit, A/C, power windows, spoiler, stereo, new exhaust system

 Maintains the car on a regular basis until it is time to start over again.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 10
The same type of analogy applies to business information systems. The business MIS landscape
has matured to the point where most companies would not think of building their own
information system from scratch.

Occasionally a business will do something innovative – e.g. Walmart’s spawning of the supply
chain logistics model contributed to major innovations in ERP software to support the model.

However, what is more typical for most businesses that you will encounter is:
 Select a pre-existing system

 Modify/localize/customize the system (this varies from zero changes to heavy


 Implement the system using one of the methods discussed (phased, parallel, direct cut
over etc.)

 Enter into steady state maintenance until it is time to start over again.

Applications Software Packages

These packages are prewritten, pre-coded application software programs that are commercially
available for sale or lease. However, their strength lies in the fact that users may customize certain
features thus allowing the software to be modified for an Organization’s unique requirements. In
order to evaluate which application is suitable for the task, certain criteria are necessary. These
include, knowing the functions of the applications, the flexibility of the application to adapt to
other applications, user friendliness, hardware and software resources, database requirements,
installation and maintenance efforts, documentation, vendor quality, and of course cost of the

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 11

 Read Chapter 14 in Information Systems Development. Available at:
 Configuration vs. Customization in ERP. Available at:
 Read the section on “Build vs. Buy”. Available at:
 System Conversion Methods. Available at:

 Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Available at:

In a Discussion forum: Summarize the main points, express how they relate to a
situation you encountered, share with your paired colleagues and critique what
they have written in the relevant discussion forum. Refer to the literature you have
read when you make your critique.

In a Discussion forum: Explain which of the conversion methods would be
suitable for the following. Justify your choice:
 Upgrading the software for an Automatic Banking Machine (ABM/ATM)
 Adding a new inventory system along with new computerized cash registers
in a supermarket
 Implementing a student course management system in a university
List four reasons why your participation as a user of an information system is
critical during the systems development life cycle.

In a Discussion forum: The organizers of a local comedy show plan to
implement a software package that can take requests for bookings as well as print
tickets for the various shows.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 12
 Describe two other benefits of this application to the organizers.
 Explain two factors that could cause this package not to function properly.

In a Discussion forum: How would you characterize the following changes?
 Adding electronic scoreboards to a cricket grounds.
 A Telco consolidating call centres in one country.
 A Telco installing fibre-to-the-home to replace copper wires.
 A Telco launching a TV service.

In a Discussion forum: Discuss the factors that may influence the decision to
consider implementing an application software package, developing the solution
in-house or outsourcing the development to an offshore company.

Session 5.1 Summary

In this session, we looked at how companies plan for and implement Information System
changes. We examined the traditional SDLC method of developing new information systems, and
we also looked at alternative methods to the traditional SDLC.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 13
Session 5.2

Team Roles in MIS Projects

In this session, we will look at the very important roles business users play in software selection
and implementation projects. When working on large system projects, end user involvement is
vital if the projects are to succeed.

Business People Who Support MIS Projects

As a potential player in the SDLC you could end up with one of the following (non-IT) roles:
 End User – the person who enters transactions or uses the reporting and decision support
aspects of the MIS
 Tester – the person who test various aspects of how well the MIS is functioning
 Trainer – the persons who trains others on how to use the MIS
 Subject Matter Expert (SME) – the person who knows (intimately) the business processes
 Project Manager – responsible for managing the delivery of the project
 Sponsor – an executive who brings senior level leadership and commitment and
champions the project.

Most of you will not participate in a system development project where new software is written.
What is more likely, is that you will participate in a system selection project (i.e. Buy not Build).
However, while you don’t write your own software, all of the requirements gathering and
analysis and testing in the SDLC are still necessary (you do want to buy rims that fit the car yes? and
you do have to think about which rims you do or don’t like yes?)

A company implementing QuickBooks may have a small (or one person) project team to
implement the entire system – sometimes in just a few days. On the other hand, imagine
implementing PeopleSoft (now owned by Oracle) or SAP (Oracle's direct competitor), two of the
largest ERP systems in the world; or ADP a leading automotive software platform. These projects
can be multi-year in nature and require a very large project team, with Subject Matter Experts

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 14
(SMEs) from many functional areas and levels in the organization.

Understand that this team of business users complements a team of technical implementers – the
people who actually know the MIS from the technical side. Given the number of testers and SMEs
etc., the business team is often much larger than the technical team from the implementer’s side.

Often business people seconded to large projects teams, stay on after the project is officially over.
Companies realize that to be successful with ERP projects they need dedicated teams with expert
knowledge, creating a Centre of Excellence if you will.

In conclusion, you should now realize that successful Information Systems really have two types
of people.
1. The people in IT who were introduced in Unit 1. These range from the truly techni cal like
a security systems technician, or systems analyst programmer; to more business focus jobs
like a project manager, or a business analyst. Included here also are implementers, e.g.
external consultants who implement ERPs.
2. The people in Business who support Information Systems. These are the people
introduced in this session. – The testers, SMEs and sponsors etc. of information systems.
These people need to be experts in both the business processes of the company, as well as
how the MIS is aligned to effectively deliver those business processes. If you think it
through, you will realize we are just talking about the managers, clerks, knowledge
workers, etc. who are in the business, and who bring their expert knowledge to align the
MIS with the business processes, to create value and achieve the desired results.


 Implementation Team Roles & Responsibilities. Available at:
 The Project Team Structure: ERP Project Team Roles and Responsibilities.
Available at:
 SDLC and project management. Available at:

In a Discussion forum, summarize the main points, express how they relate to a
situation you encountered, share with your paired colleagues and critique what
they have written in the relevant discussion forum. Refer to the literature you have

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 15
read when you make your critique.

In a Discussion forum, Link the concepts of user involvement and change
management in a software implementation project.

Session 5.2 Summary

In this session we examined the many important roles that business users play in system
selections and implementation projects.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 16
Session 5.3

Business Process Reengineering

As this term implies, business process reengineering is all about attempting to reengineer or
retool the processes in a business. This would certainly imply that the business was probably not
performing at its best or the environment in which the business was operating had changed and
thus the business needed to either keep up with the competition or change its outdated processes.

In any event, the need for BPR would have been the result of some problem or series of issues in
the current operation of the business. The result of BPR can often be seen in businesses that
shorten the time to have products and services delivered to customers. A typical example is the
reduction in time taken to issue insurance policies or process bank loans from five weeks to two

The main steps in BPR involve understanding which processes need improvement, measuring
performance of existing processes as a baseline, and allowing information technology to influence
process design from the start of the reengineering procedure.

Major Steps in BPR

Main steps in a business process redesign effort:
 Identify the Processes to redesign. Laudon (2006) argues that choosing the right business
process to improve is even more important that choosing which MIS a company will install.
 Analyse the existing process. Here we document, paying attention to workflows, process
times, wait times, bottle necks, redundant steps, resources, inputs and output etc. We also
produce an “as is” diagram of the process.
 Design the new processes. Create the “to be” process, improving for the desired outcome(s) –
simplification, less redundancy, better customer experience, less paperwork, improved
workflow, less cost and resources etc.
 Test. Test and retest. As process change is never smooth and problem free. These test are
similar to the test done in the SDLC.
 Redesign. If necessary, go back, redesign and retest. Do this until you are satisfied that the
new process is giving the desired results.
 Implement. This is similar to “go live” – replace the old process with the new process.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 17
 Change management. Poor change management is one of the major reasons why
reengineering (and MIS) change generally fail. Further information on change management
can be found in the reading.

Before-and-After Process Diagrams

Figure 5.3 shows a business process for purchasing a book from a physical bookstore. The
customer must go to the store and search for the book. If the customer can’t find the book then a
clerk is asked for help. If the book is found the customer buys it. If the book is not found the
customer can go to another store or place an order for the book. If an order was placed then, when
the book arrives, the store informs the customer, who returns and completes the purchase.

Figure 5.2 The "as is" process to buy a book

Remember, you redesign the process, based on what outcome(s) you want to achieve. This is your

Let’s say we want three (3) outcomes:

 A better customer experience

 Reduced cost to the bookstore

 A self-service business process

The below redesign, figure 5.4, achieves all three objectives. The business process is now an online
self-service portal. The cost of a clerk is removed from the process. The customer experience has
also improved, saving time and improving convenience. Now, the customer sits at home and
searches an online catalogue for the book. If found the customer buys the book. If the customer
can’t find the book in the store, then the customer simply goes to the next online store until the
book is found.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 18
Figure 5.3. The "to be" process to buy a book


 The Role of IT in business process reengineering. Available at:
 Change management. Available at:
 10 Principles of change management. Available at:
 Why Information System Projects Fail. Available at:

In a Discussion forum, summarize the main points, express how they relate to a
situation you encountered, share with your paired colleagues and critique what
they have written in the relevant discussion forum. Refer to the literature you have
read when you make your critique

In a Discussion forum,-Why is it so important to understand how a business
process works when trying to develop a new information system?

In a Discussion forum: The organizers of a local comedy show plan to implement

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 19
a software package that can take requests for bookings as well as print tickets for
the various shows.
1. Describe two other benefits of this application to the organizers.
2. Explain two factors that could cause this package not to function properly.

Why Information System Projects Fail

Traditionally 80% of SDLC projects fail to deliver the expected benefits. There are many reasons
and these are well documented in your readings. Table 5.2 below shows a sampling of some
common problems, but you are encouraged to add to this list!

Table 5.2 Common Causes of Information Systems Failure

Stage Examples of Failure

Analysis – Lack of involvement of users and staff in the initial stages

– Not enough members in project team
– Not enough time spent analysing the old system to understand
the new requirements
Design – Lack of involvement of users and staff
– System inflexible to adapt to future changes
– Unreasonable demands for the system
Programming – Inadequate time to complete all programming requirements
– Programmes not properly documented
– Personnel lack adequate programming skills
– Insufficient money allocated
Testing – Test plan not adequate or complete
– Lack of involvement of users

Conversion – Lack of funds for suitable conversion method

– Lack of user involvement
– Performance not adequately monitored

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 20
Session 5.3 Summary

In this session we looked at how companies use business process reengineering to change
processes, thus providing new benefits to all organizational stakeholders.

Unit 5 Summary

In this unit we examined the many important issues that surround Information Systems
Development. We looked at the importance of planning and aligning the IS strategic plan to the
company level strategic plan. We looked at how organizations change and the several models for
implementing new systems i.e. the SDLC and several alternatives. We looked at the important
roles that business users play during information systems projects and we looked at Business
Process Reengineering and as a methodology to change and improve business processes.

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 21
Bourgeois, D.T. (2014). Information Systems for Business and Beyond, Chapter 10. Retrieved

Cook, R. (Jul 29, 2013). Configuration vs. Customization in ERP. Retrieved from

Frost, R.D. (2011). Business Information Systems: Design an App for That (v. 1.0). Chapter 6.
Retrieved from

Gammie, G. (19 Aug 2015). Implementation Team Roles and Responsibility. Retrieved

Jones, J., Aguirre, D., & Calderone, M. (n.d.). 10 Principles of Change Management.
Available at

Joyner, J. (n.d.). Accounting Information System Conversion Methods. Retrieved from

Laudon, K. & Laudon, J. (2010). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital
Firm, 11th edition. Pearson.

Linam, C. (11 Jun 2015). The Project Team Structure: ERP Project Team Roles and
Responsibilities. Retrieved from

Mind Tools. (n.d.). Change Management: Making Organization Change Happen

Effectively. Retrieved from

Qassim, A.A. (n.d.). Why Information System Projects Fail. Retrieved from

Rainer, R. & Turban, E. (2016). Management Information Systems, 4th Edition. Chapter 14.
Retrieved from

Sudhakar, G.P. (2010). The Role of IT in Business Process Reengineering. Œconomica, Vol
6, No 4. Pp.28-35. Retrieved from http://journals.univ-

The Systems Development Life Cycle (and project management). Retrieved from

MGMT2006 – Management Information Systems I UNIT 5 - 22

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