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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 September 25, 2021 – Sukkot Day #6

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CVI] – Maracopa Redux

As anticipated, the Mark Twain quote [“Reports of my death have been exaggerated”] applies to
what occurred today in Phoenix, for the leaked copy of the Arizona election audit was amplified
by devastatingly condemnatory presentations that went along way to answering myriad queries;
having watched the proceedings on numerous sites (because it was desirable to optimize the
audio while ensuring the slides were visible), I concluded that this was an INTERIM REPORT that
will be supplemented by definable/distilled concerns. That the ‘puters accessed the Internet will
undermine attacks on Sidney Powell and that files were purged prior to the audit justifies referral
to the AG to probe whether/which crimes were committed, as noted by The Donald (“undeniable
evidence of fraud”). Assuredly, he’ll elaborate/lament during tomorrow’s Georgia Rally.

Illustrating why this is properly viewed as preliminary is that “Part of the audit — related to digital
counting capabilities — won't be released, in part because the Senate and the county just struck
a deal for contractors to gain access to the county's computer routers and election related data
that might be stored on them. But the general performance of the vote counting machines, the
reliability of paper ballots, and the regularity of integrity measures like signature matching are
expected to be evaluated during the Friday session.” Actually, another loose-end is the absence
of signature-matching, for all that emerged was documentation of how Maracopa counted votes
despite inter alia blank signatures; the short-version is that the data already have demonstrated
that there were ~54K illegal ballots (despite inability to state for whom they’d been cast), a margin
that exceeds that which determined the outcome. Per Sen. Rogers, the “findings are of great
consequence” and will be parsed during upcoming Senate Committee Hearings (some private).

Just as I enjoyed noting how a preliminary revelation triggered “pre-buttals” a few weeks ago,
praise for the leaked report smoked-out lefties such as Morning Joe (@ 6 a.m.) and during the
entire day @ CNN; this is why it was best to withhold judgment as to the impact of this hearing
until its full contents could be digested. Therefore, this memo must be perceived as preliminary,
for assuredly more erudite analyses will emerge promptly; finally, there are data that can be cited
to undermine the “Big Lie” claim that aberrations (including via Dominion) had indeed occurred.

Of course, Bannon was on a roll this-a.m. declaring “Biden’s” administration to be dead and
praising Rudy’s yeoman work; because he cut away from the hearing to chat with his colleagues,
his instant-analysis will have to be digested, assuredly to be amplified during upcoming podcasts.
Predictably, “REPUBLICAN” Maricopa County Recorder “Sloppy” Stephen Richer wrote a CNN Hit
Piece Against the audit & Supporters; a hit Piece on AZ Auditor Doug Logan doxxed his family.

The Trumpist internet is already hot [AUDIT RESULTS: 17,322 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa,
Totaling 34,448 "Votes" and 95% Illegible Ballot Signatures Came 4 Days After Election Day: "I’m
Sure There’s an Explanation"]; it’s wise to delay decertification until loose-ends have been tied.

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