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At the end of the discussion, students will be able to identify the uses of audio
recording as learning tool and the different types of audio recording devices.


Uses of audio recording as a teaching tool

III. MATERIALS: Visual aids, pictures, audio-recording device, speaker.


A. Preparatory Activity

1. Motivation

1.1 The teacher will facilitate the game “PASSWORD”.

This activity is used to encourage accurate listening skills using the traditional
game where a message is whispered from one person to the other down a line.
Observe whether the statement changes by the end of the sequence. Play the game
again, changing the rules so that there is a time limit for the students to completely
transmit the message to the end of the line.

B. Presentation

1.2 Activity:

Grouping- The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups

The teacher will explain the mechanics of the activity.

The teacher will let the students record the whole discussion about audio
recording as a learning tool to be used at the end of the discussion.
1.3 Abstraction:

The teachers will ask what are the uses of audio recordings as a learning
tool, different types of audio recording devices, advantages and disadvantages of
using audio recordings as a learning tool.

Uses of audio recordings as a learning tool:

(1)To provide students with a study aid they can review after lecture;

(2)To enable students to review the lecture in preparation for discussion and

(3)To demonstrate a task, procedure, or complex concept that would benefit from
multimedia presentation and/or the ability to watch repeatedly;

(4)To use on an on-going basis as a reference for students; and

(5)To free up class time for discussion. Making recorded lectures available before
class meetings makes more time available for discussion and hands-on activities.
In the classroom context, multimedia can be a powerful tool for helping students
learn and retain complex ideas and phenomena.

Different types of audio recording devices:

iPhone / iPod / iPad Zoom H2 / H2n Roland R-05

The difference is in how the carrier wave is modulated, or altered. With AM radio,
the amplitude, or overall strength, of the signal is varied to incorporate the sound
information. With FM, the frequency (the number of times each second that the
current changes direction) of the carrier signal is varied.

Advantages of using audio recordings inside the classroom:

(1) students and teachers will have collection of lecture audio recording devices;

(2) accessible to most students; and

(3) students can acquire and develop vocabulary and listening skills;

Disadvantages of using audio recordings inside the classroom:

(1) dependency on technological devices;

(2) teacher will have to do continual monitoring and regulation;

(3) not all students have audio recording devices; and

(4) students may encounter difficulties in understanding non-verbal messages


The teacher will let the students transcribe the recording they took earlier and
instruct them to write the on a 1 half crosswise paper. A representative from each
group will present their work.

Submitted to: Sir Ryan Glenn Narvasa

Submitted by: Cuenca, Jonathan

Densing, Nikki

Lunzaga, Keith

Tubayan, Maeven E.

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