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Rubric for PowerPoint® Presentation

Task Description: Students will design a presentation which will include their goals, proper attire for a job interview and good personal hygiene
practices. It must include information about three career choices in Human Services.

Strong Impact Good Impact Some Impact Minimal Impact

4 3 2 1
 Fully captures the  Captures the attention of  Few audience members  Audience is not captured
Introduction 10% attention of the audience the audience seem interested  No topic focus
 Topic has a clear focus  Topic is mostly focused  Topic focus is vague
 Accurate  Mostly accurate  Partially accurate  Inaccurate
Content 50%  Organized  Mostly organized  Partially organized  Unorganized
 Fully understands topic  Understands topic  Fair understanding  Does not understand
 No errors in grammar,  Text is written with little  Grammar, usage,  Grammar, usage,
usage, mechanics, or no editing required mechanics, and spelling mechanics, and spelling
spelling  Text elements are impair readability errors distract; major
Writing  Text elements easy to somewhat easy to read,  Text elements are too editing needed
Mechanics; read (fonts, size) but do not distract from busy or are difficult to  Text elements extremely
Text 10%  Background and color the presentation read difficult to read
Elements; enhance readability of  Background and color  Background and color  Choice of background
text distract from readability distract and make text and color needs
 Sources are properly  Most sources of difficult to read improvement
cited so audience can information are properly  Some sources are not  Most sources are
determine credibility cited properly cited incorrectly cited
 Includes placeholders,  Includes some titles,  Minimal use of layout  Poor use of placeholders
such as title, bulleted bulleted lists, and placeholders  Slide is too full
Layout 10% list, and graphics graphics  Text dominates slide
 Appropriate use of white  Too much text; distracts
space from white space
Graphics,  Enhances overall theme  Somewhat enhances  Seems unrelated to  Unrelated to theme and
Sound, 10% theme, but are lacking in theme; poor quality, distracts from content;
resolution or quality resolution inappropriate
 The project is clearly a  Most of the team  Few people contribute  No collaboration in
Teamwork 10% group effort members contribute to their fair share of work teamwork
group effort
Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score ________________

Keys to Career Success

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.

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