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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Sulop, Davao del Sur

Lesson Plan in Science 7

2nd Quarter
Date: March 1, 2021

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate and understanding of the difference between animal and plant cells.
B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques using the compound
microscope to gather data about very small objects.
C. Learning Competencies
Differentiate plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of certain organelles.

I.1 Learning Objective:

 Identify the major parts of the animal cell; and

 Describe the function of each organelles present in animal cell.
Peace Education Integration: Showing working responsibilities

II. Content:
Topic: Animal cell
Materials: Power point presentation, activity sheets

III. Learning Resources:

A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook
4. SLM: Module 4
B. Other Learning Resources: Google

IV. Learning Procedures

1. Preliminary Activities
The students will choose a color and then they will describe what’s inside.

PUZZLE picture activity: The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will arrange a puzzle
picture and then they will describe and guess what is on the picture.
Activity Proper: (Activity: Mix and Match)
1. Each group will be given an activity sheets. They will arrange the scrambled letters that correspond to an
organelle located in an animal cell in Column A and then match the organelle with its appropriate function
given in Column B.
2. After that they will share their answers to the class.


1. OSMESOBRI A. Interior framework of animal cell

2. AIRDONCHOTMI B. Cleans cell waste products

3. OSMELYOS C. Inside the nucleus and contains DNA

4. ONDELPASICM UMLUCITER D. Contains RNA to buid proteins

5. SELICSEV E. Packages, stores and secretes energy

6. OSMESIXOREP F. Protein synthesis

7. SELOITRCEN G. Moves materials around the cell

8. SULEOLUNC H. Breaks down food and releases energy

9. ILGOG SIEBDO I. Absorb nutrients and digest fatty acid

10. ONTLEKESTYCO J. Functions during cell division

11. SOMESMOROCH K. Carry materials in and out of the cell


Based on the previous activity, each group will share their answers to the class and the teacher will
also address to the class the other functions of the animal cell organelles.

The teacher will asked the studens these following questions.

-What is the importance of cell?
-What will happen to the organism if its cell is damaged?


1. The students will answer independently the activity and complete the table by identifying the missing data.
2. The students will identify the organelles that correspond to the community base on their functions.

Community Worker Animal Cell Organelle

Garbage collector Lysosome
Delivery Man/Courier Endoplasmic Reticulum
Factory Worker Golgi Body
Electrical Line Man Mitochondrion
Milk Man Ribosome
Assessment: Short Quiz
Direction: In their quiz notebook, the students will answer the following questions and write only the letter or the best

1. What is the term used to refer to the smallest basic structural and functional unit of an organism?
A. Atom B. Cell C. Organ D. Tissue
2. Which of the basic parts of the animal cell functions like a classroom door with entrance and exit points to controls
students from coming in and out of the room?
A. Cell membrane B. Cytoplasm C. Nucleus D. Protoplasm
3. What basic part of the animal cell has similar function to the brain of the body which is helping to control eating ,
movement, and reproduction?
A. Cell membrane B. Cytoplasm C. Nucleolus D. Nucleus
4. What is the function of the mitochondria ?
A. Synthesizes proteins C. Important in animal cell during cell dividion.
B. Transport of wates out of the cell D.Produces energy through chemical reactions by breaking down fats and
5. The DNA is the genetic material of an organism and contains instructions for traits and characteristics. Which
organelle contains the DNA?
A. Centriole B. Chromosome C. Cytoplasm D. Nucleolus

The students will draw an animal cell and label its major parts and organelles present in one whole sheet of paper. The
students must also follow the rubrics given.

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)
Relevance to the The illustration is The illustration is The illustration is The illustration is
lesson relevant to the topic relevant to the lesson relevant to the lesson relevant to the lesson
with all the basic with most of the basic with some of the with few basic parts
parts are illustrated parts are illustrated basic parts are are illustrated
Completeness of the All of the organelles Most of the Some of organelles in Few of organelles in
organelles present in an animal cell are organelles in an an animal cell are an animal cell are
present in the animal cell are present in the present in the
illustration. present in the illustration. illustration.
Appropriateness All of the organelles Most of the Some of the Few of the organelles
are appropriately organelles are organelles are are appropriately
labelled appropriately labelled appropriately labelled labelled

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