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Mechanical Engg.

(GIA) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Report of District Industrial Centre (DIC)

1 To Know about District Industrial Center (DIC)
2 To Know about Aim and function of District Industrial Centre (DIC)
3 To Know about Role of DIC for Small scale industries
4 To know about organization s structure of DIC

Introduction and Brief History

District Industries Centers (Dices) have emerged since 1978 as the model agency for
development of small and village industries. It provides all the support services needed for
development of SSI in the country.
the DICs were established with a view to provide integrated administrative framework at the
district level with professionally qualified personnel in technology, marketing, credit, economic
investigation, raw materials, so that DICs would be the ‘single window’ raw materials, through
which all type of assistance would be channeled to the small-scale sector.
They are virtually acting as per the plans and programmers of both central as well as state
government for the implementation of various promotional measures from grass root level to
develop SSI in the country.
The DIC is an integrated institution at the district level which provides all type of services and
facilities to the entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs can get assistance from DIC for setting up and
running an industry.
Up to1991, 422 DICs were in operation in the country, almost one for each district. These DICs
have assisted more than 1.5 lakh units generating employment for more than 10.3 lakh persons.
The four metropolitan cities Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata have been kept outside the
preview of DICs.

The Aim of District Industries Centre

In each district one agency to deal with all requirements of small and village Industries. This is
called “District Industries Centre”, The District Industries Centers have undertaken various
programmes for investment promotion at the grass root level such as organizing seminars
workshops, extending support for trade fairs and exhibitions organized by various Industry’s
associations. All the services and support required for MSME units under was the single roof of
the District Industries Centre. The Centre has a 151 separate wing to look after the special needs
of cottage and house-hold industries as district from small industries.

Compiled by Prof.V.K.Modi 1
Mechanical Engg. (GIA) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Table: 1 Aim of District Industrial Centre

Functions of District Industries Centres (DIC)

1.Make available comprehensive information on all matters including policies/schemes of
Central/State Governments, Banks/Financial Institutions/ Incentives from State / Central
Governments and Regulatory framework of Industries and Service Providers
2. Prepare District Industrial / Service Potential Profiles including viable project profiles in the
State in general and District in particular.

Compiled by Prof.V.K.Modi 2
Mechanical Engg. (GIA) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

3. Facilitate Approvals from regulatory agencies like PCB, Factories through single window
system in minimum possible time and with minimum effort.
4. Facilitate credit linkages between Banks and Entrepreneurs.
5. Provide Market support
6. Implement self-employment scheme – PMEGP
7. Facilitate revival of Sick Industries in consultation with Industrial Health Clinic
8. To provide linkages between technical institutes and industry facilitate new technology
9. Take up Skill development depending on the requirement of the Industries in the District.
10. Facilitate Linkage between research institutes, incubation centres and Industry (T-HUB and
RICH) 11. Facilitate Entrepreneurship Development.
12. Identify and nurture clusters
13. Emphasis on the thrust areas identified by Government
14. Awards and recognition to outstanding Entrepreneurs
15. Closely work with Industrial Associations and Trade Bodies.
16. Raw Material Assistance: Almost all required raw-materials by an industrial unit are
available in open market these days without any restrictions. But in case of those Industries
which use certain Scarce Raw Materials like Alcohol, Molasses, Methanol, Coal etc, their
distribution is controlled. The Department of Industries assists the applicant industries in
procuring and also monitors the proper utilization of these scarce raw materials.

Table:-2 Function of DIC

Compiled by Prof.V.K.Modi 3
Mechanical Engg. (GIA) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Compiled by Prof.V.K.Modi 4
Mechanical Engg. (GIA) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Role of DIC for the promotion of Small Scale & Cottage Industries
1. Technical support for preparation of Project Report.
2. Information on sources of machinery & Equipment.
3. Priority in Power supply / Telephone connection.
4. Promotion of new Industrial Estates / Growth Centres.
5. Land/ Shed in Industrial Estate.
6. Approval of Project Reports of special types.
7. Promotion of Electronic Industries.
8. Govt. Margin Money Loan under Additional Employment Programme.
9. Training through Entrepreneurship Development Programme.
10. Assistance under State Incentives Scheme.
11.Allotment of Raw Materials.
12. Financial Assistance under Self Employment Schemes.
13. Assistance under Equipment Leasing Scheme through NSIC.
14. Marketing linkage with Central Govt./ State Govt. organizations/undertakings.
15. Ancillary Industry tie-up with Govt. undertakings.
16. Marketing information.
17. Marketing assistance through participation in Exhibitions/ Trade Fairs/ Buyers-Sellers Meet
20. Marketing assistance to Handicrafts Artisans through participation in Handicrafts Expo and
Exhibition inside/ outside of the state.
21. Linkage with organizations like WBHDC/ WB State Handicrafts Cooperative Society Ltd.
/Development Commissioners (Handicrafts).
22 Financial Assistance for modernization of Unit.
23. Attending problems related to SSI Registration/ Bank loan/ Marketing of production etc.
24. Financial Assistance for modernization of Unit.
25. Skill development training through own workshop/ organization like SISI, PDTC/ Coir
26. Managerial capability improvement through training, workshop, and seminars.
27. Export assistance.
28. In plant study of their SSI Units.
29. Standardization of products.
30. Sick unit Revitalization.
31. National level awards for innovative products/ outstanding growth/exports etc.
32. Promotion of products under Non-conventional Energy Sources.
33. Assistance under Coir development Schemes.
34. Registration of Industrial Co-operative and financial assistance to them.
35. Pollution control.
36. Assistance under scheme promoted by district development. Finance Corporation/ KVI
Commission/ Board and such other organizations.
37. Single window assistance through SIDA and District Industries Centres.
38. Loan for Cottage Industries.
39. Design & Product Development for Handicrafts.
40. Awards to Handicrafts Artisans.
41. Development of Lac Industries.
42. Setting up of Bio-gas plants.

Compiled by Prof.V.K.Modi 5
Mechanical Engg. (GIA) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

43. Linkage with Research Institutes


Compiled by Prof.V.K.Modi 6

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