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1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 311

University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009


M.O. Ilesanmi and S.A. Raji

Estimating is the technical process of predicting the cost of construction, with a view to acquaint
the client of the probable cost of such a project. For civil engineering works, estimates are
usually presented in a standard format called the Bill of Engineering Measurements and
Evaluation BEME. The BEME serves as a tool for estimating the cost of construction of the
project before, during and after its implementation. An alternative to the conventional procedure
used in preparing BEME is presented by the computerization of the process of estimation, to
result in a high degree of accuracy of the estimation, reduction in the time and energy needed for
its preparation. The software is designed in accordance with the requirements and standards of
the civil engineering standard method of measurement (CESMM). And it is designed using
VISUAL BASIC 6.0 to be user friendly, easily obtainable and useful in the immediate

Estimating is the technical process of predicting the cost of construction. It is a compilation of
notes on various aspects of a project with a view to acquaint the client of the probable cost of
such a project. The importance of estimating civil engineering works cannot be overemphasized;
it is one of the paramount steps in civil engineering construction. It is the quantitative planning
stage for the execution of a successful project. For civil engineering works, estimates are usually
presented in a standard format formerly known as the Bill of Quantities, BOQ, but it is now
called the Bill of Engineering Measurements and Evaluation (BEME).

The BEME is a list of work items, their estimated quantities and cost prepared from the
specification and drawings of a project. The BEME serves as a tool for estimating the cost of
construction of the project before, during and after its implementation and also a part of the
tender documents. Due to the necessity of these estimations, which could be very tedious, time
consuming and strenuous for big projects, an alternative to the conventional procedure used in
preparing BEME is presented by the computerization of the process of estimation, and the result
has been a high degree of accuracy of the estimation, reduction in the time and energy needed for
its preparation.
The software is designed in accordance with the requirements and standards of the civil
engineering standard method of measurement (CESMM). And it is designed using VISUAL
BASIC 6.0 to be user friendly, easily obtainable and useful in the immediate environment.


The principal purpose of measurement is to provide a bill of engineering measurement and
evaluation which can be used as a basis for preparation of tender for construction work.. In due
course the priced BEME becomes a part of the contract document that legally binds the

Civil Engineering Impact on National Development

1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 312
University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009

contractor to perform and the client to pay for the construction. In this form it provides a basis
for the valuation of any varied work and the preparation of interim or stage payments. It is also
likely to be used by the contractor in the administration and organization of construction
operations (Packer 2000)

Measurement can therefore be described as the starting point from which construction costs are
established. The BEME therefore provides a complete list of all materials and labour required for
the completion of any engineering project. (ICE,1976). A standard format for the presentation of
measured work and a set of rules which are mutually known and accepted was set up which is
There are three clearly defined steps in the preparation of a Bill of Engineering Measurement and
• Taking off
• Abstracting
• Billing
An independent person would carefully check each of these operations before the Bill is finally
passed for copying when manual calculation is done.
The following symbols are used in the unit column of a bill:
m – metre, m2 –squared metre, m3 – cubic meter, nr - number, kg – kilogram, t – ton, h – hour


The Civil Engineering Standard Methods of Measurement (CESMM) was propounded by the
board of Civil Engineers. This was to provide a uniform model in standard measurement of all
forms of Civil Engineering works.
The CESMM has been approved by the sponsors --The Institution Of Civil Engineers and The
Federation Of Civil Engineering Contractors --- in association with The Association Of
Consulting Engineers, for use in Civil Engineering Construction Works.(ICE1976).

The language system chosen is Visual Basic 6.0. Visual programming aims at providing the user
with an interface that is intuitive and easy to use. A visual programming environment provides
all features that are required to develop a graphical user interface as ready-to-use components.
The programmer does not have to write codes to create and display commonly required user-
friendly features each time around.

A Visual Basic programming environment automates the process of creating a user interface.
The interface provided is called the Visual interface. Using the visual basic application wizard,
the programmer designs the user interface visually instead of writing codes. Halvasson (1999)
In addition the visual basic programming environment also provides a means of associating code
with each component. Visual programming enables the visual development of graphical user
interface which are easy to use and easy to learn.

Civil Engineering Impact on National Development

1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 313
University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009

A computer program for the estimation of construction work using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
follows the standard method of programming also. The standard method consists of the
following steps which would be followed:
PROLEM ANALYSIS: - The problem to be solved is clearly analyzed using manual means of
calculations, taking note of the input parameters and the output required.
PROGRAM DESIGN: - The package designed is an improvement on existing packages,
therefore existing packages both internationally and locally compiled were studied.
PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION (Coding): - The translation of the required parameters for the
input and output into the Visual Basic 6.0 syntax. That is translation from everyday mathematical
language to Visual Basic programming language.
PROGRAM TESTING: - A Bill of Engineering Method of Measurement already prepared for a
standard job is used to test the written program to see if the results are obtained and make
corrections where difficulties are encountered.
PROGRAM DEBUGGING: - Unnecessary aspects are removed and errors are corrected.
PRESENTATION: - The program is compiled into a complete estimating package that is user

Civil Engineering Impact on National Development

1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 314
University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009



Number of Storey
Work category,
Number of Flats TYPE OF
Number of Room ESTIMATE
Dimensions, Unit,
Rate, Description

Picks the cost of desired Compute squaring value,

building Amount for each item of
work, Cost of each work

Display Estimated Bill of

Cost Engineering
Measurement And


Civil Engineering Impact on National Development

1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 315
University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009

The computer package produced has compared favourably with the results of the manual
computation. Its results were more accurate, faster and less tedious to prepare. This was obtained
during the test running of the program with real data. The bill took less time to prepare and can
still be presented in the same final format as with manual calculation. It is therefore an
economical and advantageous option in bill preparation, thus satisfying the aim and objectives of
the project.

Based on the results of this project, the following recommendations are made:
1) The project can be used for estimating the cost of a building and to obtain the cost of a desired
building at an instance.
2) Other aspects of civil engineering works apart from building can also be explored.
3) A library of descriptions frequently used can also be added.

Civil Engineering Estimating Software, (2005)
Halvasson, M (1999), Step by Step visual Basic 6.0 Professional Edition
Institute of Civil Engineers (1976), Civil Engineering standard Methods of Measurement,
Clowes , London.
Packer A.D (2000). Building Measurement, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, London.

Fig 1: Splash screen

Civil Engineering Impact on National Development

1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 316
University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009

Fig 2: Start Up Form

Fig 3:Take off Form

Fig 4: Customised Beme Form

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1st Annual Civil Engineering Conference 317
University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 26-28 August 2009  CIVIL 2009

Fig5: EditCost Form

Civil Engineering Impact on National Development

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