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“Membangun Citra PeradabanBangsa”

Doctor:  How are you feeling after the surgery?

Patient: I feel terrible, my entire body is aching but I can’t stop shivering. My vision is blurry,
my mouth is dry and I feel so weak and dizzy when I get out of bed.
Doctor:  That is to be expected after a serious operation.
Patient: I know, but I’m so hot I feel like I’m burning up and my body feels itchy. Do you think
I have a fever?
Doctor:  You could have a fever and maybe an infection, describe exactly where you are aching
the most.
Patient: I think my back and legs hurt the most, they are throbbing and I think they are swollen.
Doctor:  And how does your stomach feel?
Patient: My stomach is cramping and I’m very nauseous, I can’t eat or drink anything without
Doctor:  OK, I’m going to check your temperature and your pulse. You may need an antibiotic if
you have an infection.
Patient: Can you please give me something for the pain, my whole body is sore and my head is
aching too.
Doctor:  Yes, I will prescribe something for the pain now.
Patient: Thank you.

1. Based on this conversation above, how to explaining intervention and implementation

with that patient! *
2. Please read that paragraph on this below then make a SOAP Notes based on this
The admission interview was conducted by a nurse Rini on April 12 th 2019. The
patient was MrsJennifer.She was born on Jakarta, 20 July 1987, she is Christianity.
She was married. Her job is business woman.Her address at Sudirman street,no.24,
RT/RW 02/04, Jakarta. She has two children, one son and one daughter. Her son is
first child , he was born on April, 27th 2009, his weight was 3000 gram. And her
daughter was born on October, 17th 2014, her weight was 3500 gram. Her children
was healthy, at independent midwife, normal,term. Now, Mrs. Jennifer is pregnant,
her last menstrual period was on 10 August 2018. . Menarche when she was 16 years
old, never had problem, regular every month, normal.She had dysmenorrhea during 3
days. Her problem is contraction in uterus after working since yesterday and feeling
tired, having had appendicitis surgery at the age of 17. He had constipation and
bleeding gums. From the results of the examination found DJJ: 140 x /min, TD :
160/100 mmhg, S : 37o C, Pols: 84 x / min, Rr: 20 x / min, Hb: 12 gr%, TFU: 23 cm,

3. How to calculate BMI of Abbay History on this below!*

Abbbay’shistory reveals excessive carbohydrate intake in the form of bread and

pasta. His normal dinners consist of 5 cups of cooked pasta with homemade sauce
and three to four slices of Italian bread. During the day, he often has “a slice or two”
of bread with butter or olive oil. He likes instants noodle with chicken and always
drinks 5 oz. of red wine with dinner each evening. He always smoking twice a
day.Abbays weighs (70 kg) and (160 cm) tall. Her triceps skinfoldthickness
measurement is 11 mm (normal values for a female: >13 mm).Her temperature is
97°F (36.1°C). Diagnostic test results include serum albumin 2.9 g/dL (normal 3.4
to 4.8 g/dL) and serum cholesterol 130 mg/dL (normal 150 to 200 mg/dL).
4. How to expressing the location of pain in the body based on that picture!

5. How to keep your body healthy during the covid-19 pandemic!

6. What are differences from active exercises, passive exercises and active assited
ROM exercise, give an example!*

7. Sentence : My sister was very tired because she stayed up last midnight
Answer : Cause : She stayed up last midnight
Effect : My sister was very tired

A. She has stomachache because she ate to much

Cause :
Effect :
B. He was hospitalized after the car accident
Cause :
Effect :

C. The milk spilled all over the floor, so janegota mop and cleaned it up.
Cause :
Effect :

D. I have a cold because I got rained yesterday

Cause :
Effect :
8. “Your patient to be able to take one 650 mg tablet of acetaminophen every six hours
when he or she has a headache. In that case, your instructions would read, “Take 1 tablet
by mouth every six hours as needed for a headache”
Question : How to write prescription based on that case above! *

9. Make a conversation about giving instruction to the patient!

10. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (Rice) is a simple method of ease with
patients in the home, please describe that methods! *

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