Module 5 - Development of Health Information Systems Through MS Access Flashcards - Quizlet

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A data type that also consists of dates and times

Date/time extended
which may be an encoded string of 42 bytes.

Module 5: Development of Health Information A data type that consists of unique value generated
Systems through MS Access AutoNumber by access for each new record and is up to 4 bytes
or 16 bytes for ReplicationID.
Terms in this set (78)

This is a repository of data where it is organized into

Database rows, columns, and tables, and it is also indexed to
A data type that includes boolean (true/false) data;
make retrieval of relevant information easier.
access stores the numeric value zero (0) for false,
and (-1) for true. It is up to 1 byte. It inserts a
This can be a text, image, video, or even logs (time
Data checkbox into your field.
you log-in or log-out from an account).

A data type which includes pictures, graphs, or

OLE Object other ActiveX objects from another Windows-based
application. It may be up to about 2 GB in storage..
DBMS, this is the software system that manages
Database management system
These ensure that you're entering the right data in
Forms the right location and format. This can help keep
Entity-relationship diagram This is used to identify the entities and attributes databases accurate and consistent.
(ERD) which in turn, determines the database tables.

This is a tool that guide you through the process of

This is a certain property that is connected with a Report Wizard
Attribute creating complex reports.
line to exactly one entity. It is drawn as ovals.

The real power of a relational database lies in its

These are important in determining the tables Running a query ability to quickly retrieve and analyze your data by
Entities and attributes
needed to be created in a database. _____.

This is a process of converting entities and attributes These allow you to pull information from one or
into tables. Queries more tables based on a set of search conditions you
In mapping, the entities translates into _____. It is
Tables conventionally named "tbl" followed by the name of The 4 objects that composes databases in Access
the entity. Tables, queries, forms, reports that allows to enter, store, analyze, and compile
A data type that also consists of numeric data but is
Large number
only 8 bytes. Each of the forms, queries, and reports interact with
the _____ stored in your database's tables.
A data type that consists of dates and times that is
Date/time up to 8 bytes. It allows you to choose a date from a These are used for entering, modifying, and viewing
pop-out calendar. Forms records. It is a user-friendly interface for
entering/adding and viewing data.
Module 5: Development of Health Information Systems through MS Acce... Module 5: Development of Health Information Systems through MS Acce...
These are a way of searching for and compiling data Custom, object type, tables Four sort options in the navigation pane.
Queries from one or more tables. This is the data resulting and related views, created date
from questions you ask of one or more tables. or modified date

This sort option allows you to create a custom

Custom group for sorting objects. After applying the sort,
Defining specific search When you build a query in Access, you are _____ to
simply drag the desired objects to the new group.
conditions find exactly the data you want.

This sort option sorts objects based on when they

These offer you the ability to present your data in Created date (modified date)
were created of last edited.
Reports print. It is a formatted summary and presentation of
data suitable for printing.
This area on the home tab contains a handful of
Records command group commands for working with records, including new,
This is a database that is able to understand how
Relational database save, and delete record.
different sets of data relate to one another.

These formatting options allow you to make your

This area contains all of the commands you will
Text formatting command tables easier to read by adding an alternate row
Ribbon need to perform common tasks. It has multiple tabs,
group color or modifying the gridlines that separate
each with several groups of commands.
individual rows and columns.

This area lets you access common commands no

This area allows you to navigate through records
Quick access toolbar matter which tab is selected. You can customize the
Record navigation bar one at a time. This may also be used to add a new
commands depending on your preference.
record to the current table.

This area works similar to a search bar to help you

Tell me box This offers several advanced formatting options,
quickly find tools or commands you want to use. Datasheet formatting dialog
including the ability to modify background color,
gridline color, and border and line style.
This area displays all of the objects contained in
Navigation pane your database. The objects are grouped by type.
A data type that allows you to add formatting to
Double-click an object to open it. Rich text
text, like bold and italics.

This area is used to search for any term in the

A data type that allows you to attach files, like
current object. The first result will be selected Attachment
Record search box images.
automatically. To navigate through additional results,
press the enter key on your keyboard
A data type that creates a link to a URL or email
This gives you various options for saving, opening,
Backstage view
and printing your database.

By default, objects are sorted by _____, with tables in

Type one group, forms in another, and so on. There are Data type, character limit, Three main types of rules you can set for a field.

four sort options. validation rules

Module 5: Development of Health Information Systems through MS Acce... Module 5: Development of Health Information Systems through MS Acce...
These control the type of data that a field stores, This is an object or noun that has properties, mainly
Data type Entity
such as integers, text, and currency. drawn as rectangles.

Setting this rule for a field sets a rule about how Columns In mapping, all the attributes translates into _____.
Character limit many characters-letters, numbers, punctuation, and
even spaces-can be entered into that field.
Formerly known as text, it is the default data type
that consists of alphanumeric data can be up to 255
Short text
This is a rule that dictates which information can be characters. Numbers may be used if you don't plan
Validation rule entered into a field. It is impossible for a user to to do math with it.
enter data that violates the rule.

Formerly known as memo, it is a data type that

Query criteria An expression that searches for data. consists of larger amounts of alphanumeric data,
Long text
sentence and/or paragraphs. It may be up to 1 GB
Identical validation rule A rule that either permits or rejects data. but are limited to 64,000 characters.

This is a way of requiring information in a specific A data type that consists of numeric data that may
format, which means the person filling this out Number be up to 1-16 bytes. This is best for data with
knows exactly which information to include and calculations, like quantities.
A data type involving monetary data, stored with 4
Drop-down search box This allows you to search for existing records. decimal places of precision and is up to 8 bytes.

This lets you view your query results in the form of a This is where all data is stored, making it the heart of
Datasheet view Tables
table. of any database. It is a set of related data.

This allows you to view and modify the design of Records and fields In Access, rows and column are referred to as?
Design view
your query.
This is more than just a column, it is a way of
organizing information by the type of data it is.

This is the simplest query possible. It is an advanced Record This is more than just a row, it is a unit of information.
One-table query
filter applied to a table.

This sort option groups objects by type. This is the

Object type
default type.
This application is mainly used for creating and
MS Access
manipulating databases.
This sort option groups forms, queries, and reports
Tables and related views
with the tables they refer to.
The terms "database," "DBMS," "data server,"
DBMS (Database management
"database server" are often used interchangeably to
refer to a _____. These are designed to be a user-friendly
replacement for the navigation pane. They contain
Navigation forms
tabs that allow you to view and work with common
Identifying the building blocks of a database is the
Entity-relationship diagram forms, queries, and reports.
first step in designing one, this can be determined
by using
Module 5: Development of Health a diagram Systems
Information called? through MS Acce... Module 5: Development of Health Information Systems through MS Acce...
All tables are composed of horizontal rows and

Cells vertical columns, with small rectangles called _____ in

the places where rows and columns intersect.

Each record has this, it is unique to its record and

ID number refers to all of the information within the record and
cannot be changed.

This is a rule about the type fo data that can appear

Validation rule in that field which may appear when the information
you've entered is invalid.

This feature allows you to edit multiple occurrences

Find and replace of the same word, where it searches for a term and
replaces it with another.

Databases include these to help ensure users to

enter the correct type of data.

This is the access equivalent of the blank space

Text box where you would write your information on a paper

This allows you to enter data by choosing from a

Combo box
drop-down list of choices.

This is a tool that guide you through the process of

Report wizard
creating complex reports.

A view that allows you to choose the fields in a

Query design view
query, to sort, and to set criteria.

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