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Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for 2015-01-0459

Third Generation Advanced High-Strength Steel Development Published 04/14/2015

Vesna Savic, Louis Hector, Hesham Ezzat, Anil Sachdev, and James Quinn
General Motors Co.

Ronald Krupitzer
Steel Market Development Institute

Xin Sun
Pacific Northwest National Labs

CITATION: Savic, V., Hector, L., Ezzat, H., Sachdev, A. et al., "Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Third
Generation Advanced High-Strength Steel Development," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0459, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-0459.
Copyright © 2015 SAE International

Abstract professional societies, that will create the collaborative environment

needed for rapid materials development through the integration of
This paper presents an overview of a four-year project focused on
computational, experimental, and processing tools; (2) enabling
development of an integrated computational materials engineering
research on different material classes for industrial application by
(ICME) toolset for third generation advanced high-strength steels
providing ready access to existing materials data and experimentally-
(3GAHSS). Following a brief look at ICME as an emerging
validated simulation tools for future material development and
discipline within the Materials Genome Initiative, technical tasks in
production; (3) establishing a materials data infrastructure that
the ICME project will be discussed. Specific aims of the individual
facilitates discovery of new materials through a simple data searching
tasks are multi-scale, microstructure-based material model
approach that rapidly directs a researcher to needed computational
development using state-of-the-art computational and experimental
and/or experimental data, and which provides the necessary virtual
techniques, forming, toolset assembly, design optimization,
environment that encourages researchers to share new data; (4)
integration and technical cost modeling. The integrated approach is
creating a future generation of materials researchers in both academia
initially illustrated using a 980MPa grade transformation induced
and industry that will have the training needed to achieve the
plasticity (TRIP) steel, subject to a two-step quenching and
potential for new material development.
partitioning (Q&P) heat treatment, as an example.

In spite of the apparent similarities between ICME and MGI, we

Introduction believe that a key difference rests with the emphasis that ICME
places on computational tool development driven by an overriding
Integrated computational materials engineering, or ICME, is defined
“mission-orientation”. For example, a recent MGI project combined
by the National Research Council [1] as an “emerging discipline” that
the supercomputing resources from several large academic and
is focused on “the integration of materials information, captured in
governmental organizations to predict properties of tens-of-thousands
computational tools, with engineering product performance analysis
of crystalline compounds together with a large number of
and manufacturing-process simulation.” Moreover, “ICME promises
hypothetical compounds that await experimental validation [3-4].
to eliminate the growing mismatch between the materials
Alternatively, a recent ICME project focused on the development of
development cycle and the product development cycle by integrating
material constitutive models for magnesium alloys that capture
materials computational tools and information with the sophisticated
relevant multi-scale physical phenomena that influence processing
computational and analytical tools already in use in engineering fields
[5]. Key processing-microstructure-property relationships were
other than materials” [1]. This is in line with the Materials Genome
integrated into material models used to simulate material and
Initiative (MGI), launched as a means for reducing the time between
component performance in casting, extrusion, and sheet forming
the discovery of new materials and their implementation into
processes for automotive applications. In addition, a cyber-
commercial products by one-half. Four challenges for the MGI,
infrastructure was developed to render data generated in the project
identified by the National Science and Technology Council [2] also
readily accessible to the materials community. Other examples that
apply to ICME. These challenges are: (1) shifting the culture of
include aluminum engine block development and advanced polymer
materials research toward multidisciplinary teams, i.e., “the
matrix composite development for aerospace systems are highlighted
stakeholders” in academia, industry, U.S. government labs, and
in Ref. [2]. Successful applications of ICME for the development of
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aerospace alloys are detailed in Grabowski et al. [6]. Other non- Project Overview
ferrous alloys and a limited number of ferrous alloys (mostly for
The ultimate aim of the 3GAHSS ICME project is to reduce the lead
military applications) have been the focus of recent MGI and ICME
time in developing and applying lightweight 3GAHSS by integrating
programs. However, advanced high strength steels (AHSS), which
material models of different length scales into an ICME toolset.
have found increasing applications in the automotive industry as
Accomplishment of this goal is dependent upon two main project
structural materials as the need for reducing vehicle mass has grown,
objectives for automotive application of 3GAHSS, namely:
are also fertile ground for ICME.
(1) Identify, validate (within 15% of experiments) and assemble
length scale material models for predicting 3GAHSS constitutive
Typical automotive applications of AHSS include energy-absorbing
behavior for component forming and performance; (2) Optimize a
components, such as front/longitudinal rails, rail reinforcements, and
subassembly of no less than four vehicle parts using the ICME-
other anti-intrusion parts, such as door beams, bumpers, roof rails,
generated 3GAHSS toolset with a goal of 35% mass reduction for the
and pillars. These materials derive their excellent properties from
selected subassembly. Department of Energy mechanical property
complex microstructures that include multiple phases such as ferrite,
targets for two grades of 3GAHSS are denoted by the filled green
bainite, pearlite, austenite, and martensite, resulting from carefully
circles in Figure 1. Each of the six tasks associated with the technical
designed chemistries and sophisticated combinations of alloying
components of the project is discussed in the following sections.
constituents and thermo-mechanical processing parameters. For
example, transformation induced plasticity or TRIP steels may
contain both “blocky” and “lath” austenite which differ in size. The
partitioning between strength and ductility during plastic deformation
is dependent upon a diffusionless phase transformation of austenite to
martensite which itself depends upon austenite grain sizes,
morphology, and the chemical constituencies in the austenite grains
[7]. The high Mn content twinning induced plasticity or TWIP steels,
exhibit very high strain hardening with a strain hardening index n >
0.4, strength levels of 500-1200 MPa, and 60-95% elongation to
fracture [8]. Tensile flow curves in these fcc steels exhibit serrations
due to dynamic strain aging and the Portevin Le Châtelier effect [8].
The strength levels of AHSS usually dictate how these materials
fracture [9]. The mechanical behavior of AHSS is often depicted in
an experimentally-derived strength-ductility map (see Ref. [10] and
Figure 1 below) which generically separates the AHSS into three
generations, with the third generation (3GAHSS) currently the focus
of extensive development activity. If ICME is to ultimately diminish
the time required for commercialization of future AHSS, it must
address at least two key issues: (1) ICME must foster the Figure 1. Strength-ductility map for conventional steels (e.g. Mild, BH, CMn,
development of tools that generate accurate digital representations of HSLA), and AHSS (e.g. TRIP, MART, PHS, TWIP). The DOE mechanical
AHSS microstructures, and a basis for performing virtual property targets are denoted by the filled green circles.
experiments on these microstructures for validation of performance
targets for hypothetical AHSS; (2) ICME must enable the generation
Task 2- ICME Constitutive Model Development
of macro-scale constitutive behavior based upon the multi-scale
physical, chemical, and mechanical phenomena in AHSS for vehicle Task 2 is centered on constitutive model development for 3GAHSS
performance simulations. using the ICME approach. The outline of Task 2 is shown in Figure 2,
where the dashed rectangles denote subtasks (ST) that are focused on
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Third experiments while the solid rectangles denote computationally-
Generation Advanced High-Strength Steel Development is a intensive subtasks. The arrows denote information flow from one
collaborative research project launched in response to a U.S. subtask to the next. Since there are no commercial 3GAHSS that meet
Department of Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement in March the DOE mechanical property targets in Figure 1, a material with a
2012 by the United States Automotive Materials Partnership (USAMP) microstructure consistent with those of future 3GAHSS was required
in conjunction with the Auto/Steel Partnership (A/SP). The project is from which critical experimental data could be generated and passed to
aimed at developing an ICME toolset that accurately predicts the theoretical components of the project for model development and
constitutive behavior of 3GAHSS with a specific focus on vehicle validation. The commercially available Q&P980 steel prepared with a
lightweighting. The project participants include five universities, the two-step Q&P process [7, 11-12] was chosen as the launch point (LP in
USAMP member automotive companies, one U.S. government lab, and the black circle on the left of the figure) for Task 2. Each subtask of
the steel companies that are members of the A/SP. The present paper Task 2 will contribute to a component of the ICME toolset for
provides an overview of tasks 2-6 (with task 1 being program 3GAHSS which will be synthesized (assembled) in Task 4.
management) that form the basis of this new ICME project.
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The goal of the first subtask (ST2.1) is to characterize the flow with information about the evolution of anisotropy parameters as a
properties of the individual phases of 3GAHSS. The micro-pillar function of volume fraction of the various phases in the 3GAHSS steel,
technique reported in Ref. 13 will be utilized. Micro-pillars with a plastic strain, strain rate, and temperature, and ST2.6 with stress-strain
diameter of 1-2µm and height of 2-5µm will be milled out of each data for individual phases and the magnitude of dissipative plastic
phase and subjected to uniaxial compression by an indenter to energy when austenite transforms into martensite.
determine the stress-strain behavior of individual phases. These
results, together with the additional texture and crystallographic The objective of ST2.5 is to develop an accurate and computationally
orientation measurements, will provide the experimental basis for efficient phenomenological yield function with evolving anisotropic
calibration of the crystal plasticity (CP) model in ST2.4. Atom probe parameters to be used by automotive engineers for finite element (FE)
tomography will be used to quantify the chemical constituencies of analysis. In addition to the input from ST2.4 described above, the
the individual steel phases and determine the structure of carbides uniaxial stress-strain data and R-values for different material
[14]. This information will be input to ST2.3. orientation will be supplied by ST2.2.

Subtask 2.2 will provide macro-scale mechanical property data from a The objective of ST2.6 is to predict the macro scale bulk properties
range of tests to validate the models in ST2.4-ST2.6 and activities in based on the individual phase properties predicted by ST2.4; this will
ST2.10. In addition, new 3GAHSS steels will be developed and tested to be experimentally validated by results from ST2.2. The output of
ensure that they meet the DOE mechanical property targets. The tests ST2.6 will enable construction of a state variable constitutive model
conducted in this subtask include simple tension over the range of strain in ST2.10 for subsequent component level forming simulations with
rates of relevance to vehicle performance ( ), commercial software. All phases in the 3GAHSS microstructure will
biaxial tension, shear, sheet tension-compression, as well as a variety of be accounted for, including the different morphologies of austenite
forming limit tests. Where possible, digital image correlation (DIC) will grains and the chemical constituencies in the different phases.
be used to measure displacement and strain field evolution. Additional
experiments will focus on measuring the austenite transformation to Subtask 2.7 is focused on the development of microstructure-based
martensite with strain under various strain paths through a combination fracture models for 3GAHSS. Forming limits will be computed using
of DIC and synchrotron or neutron diffraction measurements during in 3D representative volume elements of 3GAHSS microstructures.
situ deformation [15]. Results will be used to calibrate transformation Applicability of micromechanics based fracture models such as the
kinetics models that will determine the final microstructure of as-formed Gurson model [22] and the two-step hierarchical approach described
parts. Methods for measuring damage events leading up to fracture will in Hao [24] will be explored and the models will be validated against
be explored with x-ray tomography in support of ST2.7 [16]. the different tests performed in ST2.2.

Subtask 2.3 will be focused on providing information to calibrate the While the initial focus of the theoretical and experimental tools will
crystal plasticity model in ST2.4 with the ultimate goal of minimizing be on the Q&P980 steels, ST2.8 will extend the existing composite
the number of experiments required to calibrate the model. models [25] to identify promising steel microstructure designs that
Computation of hardening parameters, defect structures, and alloy meet the DOE targets for 3GAHSS for strength and ductility. This
effects on phase chemical stabilities will be explored with a range of subtask will interact with material suppliers in ST2.9 who will be
atomistic-scale approaches [17]. For example, first principles given charge of manufacturing experimental heats of the newly
modeling will be combined with the lattice Green's function approach developed 3GAHSS.
to optimize dislocation core structures prior to decorating the core
regions with solutes as a means for predicting solute strengthening The objective of ST2.9 is to allow steel manufacturers to begin work
[18-19]. Phase field modeling will be used to compute parameters in towards manufacture of experimental 3GAHSS based upon the most
the constitutive model that accounts for the austenite transformation promising alloy chemistries from ST2.8. The output from ST2.9,
to martensite with strain [20]. While the gap between the atomistic which will be the new 3GAHSS alloys, will be fed into ST2.1 and
and the microstructural scales is considerable, there is evidence that ST2.2 to repeat the cycle of experimental and computational work
ongoing developments in discrete dislocation modeling coupled with towards developing an ICME toolset for these new materials.
molecular dynamics simulations promise to fill this gap for ferrous
materials in the future [21]. Subtask 2.10 will develop a state variable-based macroscopic
constitutive model for the 3GAHSS based on the validated meso-
The focus of ST2.4 will be on computing information about the scale computational predictions from ST2.5, ST2.6 and ST2.7. For
mechanical properties of phases on the microstructural scale with the each material point, the average volume fraction of each phase will
goal to develop a computationally efficient and accurate crystal be considered as a state variable and the overall stress vs. strain
plasticity finite element model (CPFEM) for complex, non-proportional behaviors at any point will be approximated with the mean field
loading [22]. Subtask 2.4 will receive input from ST2.3 about various homogenization method [26]. The model will be validated with the
chemical and hardening effects and from ST2.1 on constitutive results from ST2.2 for the steels developed in ST2.8 and ST2.9.
response and texture of phases. As output, ST2.4 will provide ST2.5
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ST2.4 and ST2.7. Inputs to Simulation 1 (Input 1 in Figure 3) are the

grain size and orientation distributions in the different 3GAHSS
phases as well as the volume fraction of phases. Outputs of
Simulation 1 (Output 1 in Figure 3) are the constitutive properties
and transformation kinetics (if appropriate) of phases. Validation of
models in Simulation 1 is initially performed in Task 2. In addition to
the forward correlation of microstructural features to phase
constitutive properties, the optimization loop Opt 1 in Simulation 1
will also be utilized in Task 4 to create response surfaces of output
parameters through sensitivity analysis (i.e. to determine to what
extent each of the model inputs affects each of the model outputs)
and, within the optimization loop Opt 5, for reverse engineering (i.e.
to identify specific microstructural parameters and features that will
result in a desired part performance). Results of Simulation 1 are,
after some data processing, transferred to Simulation 2 as Input 2 in
Figure 3. Simulation 2 represents macroscopic state variable model
from ST2.10 and produces as output (Output 2 in Figure 3) the
Figure 2. ICME toolkit development approach for 3GAHSS material
constitutive models in Task 2; the computational subtasks are shown in solid macroscopic flow properties and the distribution of the volume
rectangles, the experimental subtasks are denoted by dashed rectangles, while fraction of retained austenite of the material under different loading
the anticipated information flow between the subtasks (denoted by “ST”) conditions such as simple tension or pure shear, for example.
follows the solid arrows. The two dashed arrows denote information/material Validation of the state variable model in Simulation 2 is performed in
flow from Task 2 to Tasks 3-7. Task 2 through the optimization loop Opt 2. In addition to the
forward correlation between the flow properties of each phase and the
volume fraction of the retained austenite (Output 2) to the
Task 3 - Forming
macroscopic flow curves under different loading conditions (Task 2),
The focus of Task 3 is validation at a component level of the state the optimization loop Opt 2 will also be used in Task 4 for generating
variable models generated with the ICME approach in Task 2. New response surfaces for the outputs of the state variable models via
3GAHSS developed in Task 2.9 will be formed into a single sensitivity analysis to enable reverse engineering (i.e. to identify
component, with a geometric complexity similar to parts defined in parameter space for individual phase properties that will result in a
the vehicle assembly, using a typical cold stamping process. Local desired macroscopic constitutive properties such as strength and
microstructural and mechanical properties of the formed component ductility under different loading conditions). Simulation 3 represents
will be experimentally assessed. Those include: wall thickness the component level forming simulation described in Task 3 which
distribution across the component, local phase volume fractions and, takes as an input (Input 3 in Figure 3) the forming process parameters
location-dependent, as-formed macroscopic stress-strain curves, etc. (such as the friction between the die and the blank, for example) and
In parallel, the state variable models developed in ST2.6 will be the state variable model implemented as a user defined material
implemented into a commercial FE software package LS-DYNA [27] subroutine in LS-DYNA. Optimization loop Opt 3 enables the
as a user defined material subroutine. Then, the forming process of correlation between the predicted and experimentally determined
the experimental component will be simulated in LS-DYNA. local microstructural and mechanical properties of the formed
Predicted local distribution of phase volume fractions, thinning, and component from Task 3 through adjustment of forming process
stress and strain states will be compared with the experimentally parameters. If the desired correlation of post-formed properties
obtained values from the formed parts. In addition, theoretical results cannot be achieved only through adjustments of forming parameters,
from Task 2 and experimental results from Task 3 will be used to the optimization loop Opt 4 allows for the adjustment of inputs into
establish forming limits for the 3GAHSS. Simulation 2 (state variable model).This may be needed as the
individual load cases applied in Opt 2 in the initial validation of the
Task 4 -ICME Toolset Assembly state variable model may not capture all the complexity of load paths
during the component forming. Opt 4 therefore assures that the state
The main objective of Task 4 is to assemble the various computational variable model is validated not only against the coupon level tests
models at different length scales, developed and validated in Task 2, from ST2.2 but also against the component level forming tests from
into a single ICME toolset for 3GAHSS. Task 4, therefore, builds Task 3. Optimization loop Opt 5 allows the user to vary input
bridges between the models at different length scales and enables parameters to both the crystal plasticity model and the state variable
material development at any length scale to be driven by the desired model. This will enable determination of which microstructural
performance at the component and/or vehicle level. It is a key to characteristics have the most impact on the post-formed mechanical
success for the ICME project as it represents the “I” in the ICME. properties of a component with the ultimate goal to design the future
3GAHSS for forming (and through Task 6 for vehicle) performance.
In addition to the “nut and bolts”-level toolset assembly of the Optimization A extends this higher level ICME model-based
analyses modules, the actual workflow of various analyses driven by optimization to the atomistic scale. Conceptually, this modeling
domain-specific engineers and scientists at different scales is also hierarchy is readily included in the ICME framework; however, due
critical, and it is illustrated in a simplified process flow in Figure 3. to the high computational cost of atomistic scale simulations, they are
Simulation 1 in Figure 3 represents flow and failure models from currently treated as a separate module.
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High strength and elongation properties of 3GAHSS present multiple

opportunities for lightweighting the body structure design. To take
full advantage of those advanced properties, a holistic approach to
design optimization must be undertaken. Part thickness, section size
and shape, and material strength and formability must all be taken
into account in the truly multi-disciplinary optimization (MDO)
Figure 3. ICME toolset workflow
scenario. Figure 4 illustrates the design optimization process flow in
The analysis process workflow in Figure 3 will be implemented in a this project and its integration with other tasks. While Tasks 2 and 4
commercially available design optimization software LS-OPT [27] are focused on development and synthesis of the ICME toolset for the
such that the analyses over multiple length scales, from Input 1 to 3GAHSS, baseline body structure performance assessment including
Output 3, can be exercised as a single ‘ICME model’. Additionally, the baseline mass will be performed in parallel. In addition, a design
each component/optimization loop can be exercised individually space exploration will be conducted to determine potential
allowing the researchers to continue improvement of the individual performance improvement by substitution of conventional steel with
models without leaving the ICME framework. The ICME toolset the target 3GAHSS grades. Opportunities for the local shape
developed in Task 4 and its components will be utilized in Tasks 5 optimization will be explored to ensure that the structural stiffness is
and 6 for vehicle level performance assessment and optimization. not compromised by the thickness reduction enabled by the higher
strength and energy absorbing characteristics of the 3GAHSS. Once
the new 3GAHSS materials have been developed and Task 3 has
Task 5 - Vehicle Design Optimization provided guidelines on part formability assessment for the new
The purpose of Task 5 is to provide an assessment of mass savings materials, a full scale multi-disciplinary design optimization with the
and cost impact due to use of 3GAHSS in a vehicle subassembly. A mass reduction objective will be performed. Baseline performance
2008 model year sedan body structure has been selected as the metrics and part formability will provide the main bounds for the
baseline vehicle. A body structure is selected for analysis in favor of design feasibility within the existing packaging space. Optimal design
the full vehicle, so that the weight efficiency enabled by the advanced will be compared with the baseline design in terms of weight,
strength and elongation of the new 3GAHSS can be clearly structural performance, and cost and the strategy for lightweighting
highlighted. Before any comparisons can be made, a baseline body with the 3GAHSS will be documented.
structure performance under relevant load cases must be determined.
Since considering all vehicle load cases for analysis is neither
practical nor feasible within the time limits of the project, a subset of
Task 6 - Integration of the ICME Toolset with
typical load cases is selected. The selected load cases focus on Vehicle Performance Simulations
structural stiffness (global bending and torsion, global modal The Task 6 process flow is shown in Figure 5 and is focused on the
performance) and crashworthiness assessment (front, rear, side, and application of the ICME toolset in vehicle performance analysis.
pole impact, and roof crush). For the structural stiffness load cases, Simulation 6 in Figure 5 represents the forming analysis of vehicle
industry standard loads and performance metrics are used, such as, parts redesigned with the new 3GAHSS. The post-formed mechanical
for example, torsional stiffness and first structural mode and properties of those parts are then transferred into the vehicle level
frequency. For the impact load cases for which the industry standard performance simulations. Forming parameters and part geometry can
loads and metrics are defined on a full vehicle, new metrics in terms be varied within the optimization loop Opt 6 to ensure that the
of intrusion measurements at multiple critical locations throughout optimal part design is within the forming limits of the new materials,
the body structure are defined. Those new metrics are clearly as established in Tasks 2 and 3. Full vehicle multi-disciplinary
documented and will be used in all subsequent comparisons between optimization, described in Task 5, is represented by the optimization
different designs. loop Opt 7 in Figure 5 in which the part geometry and thickness will
be varied with the goal to minimize the vehicle mass while keeping
the vehicle performance at the baseline level. Optimization loop Opt
8 links the vehicle level performance metrics with the microstructural
properties of the 3GAHSS across multiple length scale models thus
enabling material application to directly drive material development
in terms of chemical composition and phase characteristics.

Figure 5. Integration of ICME toolset with vehicle level analysis

Figure 4. Task 5 steps and integration with Tasks 2-7

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Task 7 - Technical Cost Modeling 7. Coryell, J., Savic, V., Hector, L., and Mishra, S., “Temperature
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baseline and the new 3GAHSS. It will include material costs,
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able to provide estimates of prototype costs, logistics, engineering Correlation Study of Plastic Deformation and Fracture in Fully
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10. Hector, L.G., Jr., Savic, V., Sachdev, A.K., Coryell, J.J., “Digital
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Tensile Deformation,” AIST Transactions 11(9):1-10, 2014.
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11. Horvath, C.D., and Fekete, J.R., “Opportunities and Challenges
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