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City of San Fernando, Pampanga


L earning M odule

Foreign Language 1

Prepared by: Haidee Torres-Guinto

October 22, 2020
Mandarin – Learning Module

Course Overview
Course Code Mandarin
Prerequisite N/A
Cr. Units/hours 3 Units
This is designed for learners who are learning Mandarin as a
Foreign Language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the
language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The
Course Description
course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading,
speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress
through their studies.
 Discuss the brief history of China
 Label proper tone marks
 Pronounce the Chinese four tones and phonetics
 Pronounce the Chinese table of initials and finals
 Give simple greetings or introductions
 Use pronouns and possessive pronouns in a conversation
 Get to know each other
 Answer conversation in pinyin
Specific Course  Counting numbers in Mandarin
Objectives  Use verb in a sentence/conversation
 Introduce your family members
 Use measure words
 Write words and phrases in pinyin (Food & Beverage)
 Use like, want and too/also
 Tell the time
 Recite the poem (pronunciation practice)
 Mandarin Translation

The primary method of instruction will be online presentations

coupled with student learning module. The module will be
enhanced through small group discussions online of relevant
topics and presentations and/or discussions before and in the
class. Key components of topics will be reinforced using quizzes,
Method of Instruction presentations, discussions and evaluations. The online instructor
plays a vital role in developing and maintaining an effective online
learning environment and must possess a unique set of tools to
perform successfully. Traditional classroom environment will
easily adapt to the online model and it will be a transition

Mandarin – Learning Module

Topic Outline

Week 1
Week 8
Overview of People’s Week 9 Week 16
Republic of China Counting Numbers in
Verbs Paragraph Writing
(people, culture and Mandarin

Week 2
Week 15
Pronouncing Mandarin Week 7 Week 10
Four Tones Pronunciation Practice
Writing Conversations My Family
and Labeling Tone Marks

Week 6
Week 3 Week 11 Week 14
Getting to Know Each
Initials and Finals Other Measure Words Telling Time

Week 4 Week 5
Week 12 Week 13
Daily Expressions and Pronouns and
Greetings and Outputs:
Possessive Pronouns Food and Beverage Like, Want and Too/Also

 Quizzes, Oral Presentations

 3 Major Exams (prelims, midterms, finals)
 Weekly Learning Assessment

U nlocking your P otentials

Welcome to your guide through Chinese Mandarin! We are happy at Colegio de

Sebastian-Pampanga as you are to take another subject in college. You may be feeling
great excitement and a little apprehension for this next level and that is usual and
normal. Your classmates probably have the same feeling. As you have been oriented as
to how online/modular learning works, we will further guide you through this online
distance course. Read on for more tips on getting your distance learning adventure off
to a good start.

Mandarin – Learning Module

The Importance of
Learning Chinese Mandarin
Chinese is now considered as an important language
worldwide because of its increase in presence in the
business world. Mandarin is the most widely-spoken
language in the world. Chinese are involved in many
businesses throughout the world. Learning this language
would be the best way to open the doors to a lot of other
business opportunities.

Week 1 Overview of People’s Republic of China

(people,culture and tradition)
Learning Objectives:

Identify and describe the dynasties and significant events and figures in China’s brief


Read and research more about the history of China.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Lesson Summary:

Learning Assessment:

The People's Republic of China (PRC) (simplified Chinese: 中华

人民共和国; traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國) is a one-party
state in East Asia governed by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP). It was founded on 1 October 1949. It currently has more
than 1.4 billion people (as of 2017), which is more than any other
country in the world. It covers an area of 9.6 million square

The capital city is Beijing and Shanghai is the city with the most
people living in it. Along with the cities of Tianjin and Chongqing,
these four cities are "municipalities" directly controlled by the
national government. Two other cities are given the status of
"special administrative region" (SAR).

They are Hong Kong, which was once a colony of the United
Kingdom and given back to China in 1997 and Macau, which
Portugal gave back in 1999. These two cities remain highly
autonomous or have much of their own power. Aside from the
"municipalities" and the "SAR's", there are 23 provinces and five
"autonomous regions" or regions with more law-making rights
than the provinces and with many people of a minority group
population. They are the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,
the Tibet Autonomous Region or Xizang Autonomous Region, the
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region or Nei Mongol Autonomous Region and the
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Mandarin – Learning Module

In the SAR's, the central government is responsible for defense

and foreign affairs but not the daily operations for 50 years. PRC
claims Taiwan as one of its many provinces. However, PRC does
not have control of Taiwan which has an entirely different political
system and officially known as the Republic of China (Taiwan).

2 Chinese Four Tones and Tone


Learning Objectives: Pronounce Mandarin four tones and label the proper tone

Lesson Summary:

Chinese Four Tones

Mandarin – Learning Module

ā á ǎ à
ē é ě è
ī í ǐ ì
ō ó ǒ ò
ū ú ǔ ù
ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ

Mandarin – Learning Module

Learning Assessment:

Write the Chinese four tones with proper tone marks. (using vowels)

Week 3 Initials and Finals

Learning Objectives: Pronounce the Chinese table of initials and finals

Lesson Summary:

Mandarin – Learning Module

Mandarin – Learning Module


Practice pronouncing the initials and finals.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 4 Daily Expressions and

Learning Objectives: Give simple greetings and introductions

Lesson Summary:

1. Nǐ hǎo! - Hi/Hello to you!

2. Zǎoshang hǎo! - Good morning!

3. Xiàwǔ hǎo! - Good afternoon!

4. Wǎnshàng hǎo! - Good evening!

5. Wǎn'ān. - Good night.

6. Xièxiè! - Thank you!

7. Búkèqì. - You’re welcome!

8. Duìbùqǐ. - I’m sorry.

9. Méiguānxì. - It’s alright.

10. Zàijiàn. - Good bye!

11.Gēn wǒ dú. - Read after me.

12.Xiànzài shàngkè. - It’s time for class now.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Learning Assessment:

Translate the following.

1. Xiàwǔ hǎo! ________________

2. Wǎnshàng hǎo! ________________

3. Xièxiè! ________________

4. Zàijiàn. ________________

5. Xiànzài shàngkè. ________________


Practice writing pinyin.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 5 Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns

Learning Objectives: Use pronouns and possessive pronouns in a conversation

Lesson Summary:

1. wǒ - I/me

2. nǐ - you (singular)

3. nǐmen - you (plural)

4. women - we/us

5. tā - him/he/she/it

6. tāmen - they/them

7. wǒde - my/mine

8. nǐde - your/yours (singular)

9. nǐmende - your/yours (plural)

10.wǒmen de - our/ours

11. tāde - his/her/hers/its

12. tāmende - their/theirs


Use pronouns and possessive pronouns in sentences.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 6 Getting to Know Each Other

Learning Objectives: Introduce oneself

Lesson Summary:

1. nǐ - you

2. hǎo - fine/okay/nice/good

3. ma - a question participle

4. hěn - very

5. jiào - to call/to be called

6. wǒ - I/me

7. shénme- what

8. shì - am/is/are/was/were/be

9. guó - nation/nationality/country

10. nǎ - which

11. rén - person/people

12. Měiguó- USA

13. Fēilǜbīn- Philippines

Mandarin – Learning Module

14. Yīngguó- UK

15. Zhōngguó- China

16. Měiguórén - American

17.Yīngguórén - British

18. Fēilǜbīnrén - Filipino

19. Zhōngguórén-Chinese


A.) Nǐ hǎo!
B.) Nǐ hǎo!

A.) Nǐ hǎo ma?

B.) Wǒ hěn hǎo

A.) Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?

B.) Wǒ jiào Hǎilún.

A.) Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?

B.) Wǒ shì Fēilǜbīnrén.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Learning Assessment:

Complete the dialogues.

A.) Nǐ hǎo!
B.) _______________

A.) Nǐ hǎo ma?

B.) _______________

A.) Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?

B.) _______________

A.) Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?

B.) _______________

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 7 My Home

Learning Objectives: Write conversations in correct pinyin

Lesson Summary:

1. ní - you

2. wǒ - I/me

3. jiā - home

4. zài - in/on/at

5. nǎr - where

6. Běijīng - Beijing

7. Shànghǎi - Shanghai

8. Xiānggǎng - Hong Kong

9. Mǎnílā - Manila

10. tā - he/she/it

A.) Ní jiā zài nǎr?

B.) Wǒ jiā zài Fēilǜbīn.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 8 Shùzì / Numbers

Learning Objectives: Count numbers in Mandarin

Lesson Summary:

Learning Assessment:
Recite the numbers in Mandarin.


Mandarin – Learning Module

Practice the numbers 0-10 in sign language.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 9 Dòngcí / Verbs

Learning Objectives: Use verbs in meaningful sentences.

Lesson Summary:

chī - eat

hē - drink

zǒu - qù

dú - read

xiě - write

kàn - see/look

shuōhuà - speak

bùxíng - walk

pǎo - run

mànpǎo - jog

chàng - sing

Mandarin – Learning Module

wǔdǎo - dance

jiàshǐ - drive

mǎi - buy

mài - sell

xuéxí - learn/study

chùmō - touch

wén - smell

zuò - do

Learning Assessment:

Choose five verbs and use in meaningful sentences.

Week 10 Wǒ de Jiā
Mandarin – Learning Module

Learning Objectives: Introduce your family members

Lesson Summary:

1. zhè - this

2. zhèxiē - these

3. nà - that

4. nàxiē - those

5. bù - no/not

6. shì - am/is/are/was/were

7. māmā - mother

8. bàba - father

9. gēgē - elder brother

10. jiějiě - elder sister

11. mèimei- younger sister

12. dìdì - younger brother

Sentence Patterns

1. Zhè shì wǒ.

Mandarin – Learning Module

2. Zhè shì wǒ māmā.

3. Nà shì wǒ bàba.

4. Zhè bù shì wǒ gēgē.

5. Nà shì wǒ jiějiě.

Week 11 Measure Words

Mandarin – Learning Module

Learning Objectives: Use the given measure words in phrases or sentences

Lesson Summary:

New Words


Mandarin – Learning Module

Mandarin – Learning Module

Learning Assessment:

Answer the questions.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 12 Food and Beverage

Learning Objectives: Write words and phrases in pinyin

Lesson Summary:

New words

1. mǐfàn - steamed/cooked rice

2. miànbāo - bread

3. jīdàn - chicken egg

4. píngguǒ - apple

5. mángguǒ - mango

6. xiāngjiāo - banana

7. pútáo - grapes

8. shuǐguǒ - fruits

9. shūcài/cài - vegetables

10. jī - chicken

11. jīròu - chicken meat

12. zhūròu - pork

Mandarin – Learning Module

13. niúròu - beef

14. niúnǎi - milk

15.kāfēi - coffee

16.chī - to eat

17. hē - to drink

18. zǎoshang - morning

19. guǒzhī - juice

20. shuǐ - water

21. rè - hot

22. lěng - cold

23. bīng - ice

24. hěn - very

25. chá - tea

26. bīngchá - icedtea

27. nǎichá - milktea

28. lǜchá - greentea

29. dàngāo - cake

Mandarin – Learning Module

30. Kělè - Coke

31. Xuěbì - Sprite

32. sūdǎ - soda

33. píjiǔ - beer


A.) Nǐ chī shénme?

B.) Wǒ chī mǐfàn hé jīdàn.

A.) Nǐ hē shénme?
B.) Wǒ hē rè kāfēi.

Learning Assessment:

Complete the dialogues:

A.) Nǐ chī shénme?

B.) ___________________________

A.) Nǐ hē shénme?

B.) ___________________________

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 13 Like, Want and Too/Also

Learning Objectives: Use like, want and too/also in conversations

Lesson Summary:

New Words

1. ne - (a modal participle, meaning “what about”)

2. yě - too/also

3. xǐhuān - like

4. yào - want/s

5. péngyǒu - friend

6. hǎixiān - seafood

7. miàntiáo - noodles

8. yú - fish

9. tang - soup

10.shǔ tiáo - fries

11.hànbǎobāo - burger

Mandarin – Learning Module

12.xīguā - watermelon

13.fān mùguā - papaya

14.gāodiǎn - pastries


A.) Wǒ xǐhuān rè tāng.

B.) Wǒ yě xǐhuān rètāng hé hànbǎo.

A.) Nǐ yào hǎixiān ma?

B.) Wǒ yào yú hé miàntiáo, nǐ ne?
A.) Wǒ yào shǔ tiáo hé hànbǎo.

Learning Assessment:

Complete the dialogue.

A.) Nǐ yào hǎixiān ma?

B.) _________________________

A.) _________________________

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 14 Telling Time

Learning Objectives: Tell the time in Mandarin

Lesson Summary:

New Words

1. diǎn - o’ clock

2. bàn - half hour

3. fēn - minute/s

4. yī - one

5. xiànzài - now

6. le - (to soften a sentence?

7. bā - eight

8. shí’èr - twelve


A.) Xiànzài jǐ diǎn le?

B.) Xiànzài shí’èr diǎn bàn.

Learning Assessment:

Make two dialogues about telling time in Mandarin.

Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 15 Pronunciation Practice

Learning Objectives: Recite the poem

Lesson Summary:


Rewrite the poem. Label the proper tone marks.






Mandarin – Learning Module

Week 16 Writing a Paragraph in

Learning Objectives: Write a paragraph

Lesson Summary:

Write a paragraph about oneself in pinyin.


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