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David L. Roberts1,2
and Kingsley W. Dixon3,4

Charles Darwin, in a letter to Joseph

Hooker, wrote “I never was more
27 kDa 54 kDa 81 kDa 27.5 kDa interested in any subject in my life, than
Current Biology in this of Orchids”. The Orchidaceae
comprise over 850 genera and 25,000
Figure 2. Movement of single-sized, double-sized and triple-sized GFP during Arabidopsis species, representing about 10% of the
­embryogenesis. world’s flowering plants and the largest
GFP expression is under the control of the SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) promoter which family in species number. The ease of
drives expression at the shoot and root meristems as revealed when STM drives an endoplas- hybridisation means more than 100,000
mic reticulum tethered GFP (ERGFP). The three sizes of GFP are all soluble; following their hybrids have been created, more than
expression at the shoot and root meristems, they are free to move from cell-to-cell depending any other floricultural crop.
on the aperture of plasmodesmata. Single-sized GFP (27 kDa) moves between all cells of the Orchids have a number of
embryo, so that plasmodesmata aperture allows movement of proteins at least 27 kDa in size.
Double-sized GFP (54 kDa) moves most readily in the hypocotyl and root, but not in the coty-
distinguishing characteristics, though
ledons. Triple-sized GFP (81 kDa) movement is limited to cells immediately surrounding the no single character defines the family
shoot and root meristematic regions. (Adapted from Kim et al., 2005.) (Figure 1): stamens on the abaxial
side of the flower; stamens and pistil
at least partly fused; large numbers
aperture in the tissues surrounding the current plasmodesmata research is of small seeds per ovary; a labellum
meristems. ‘This simple experiment to elucidate the intricate mechanisms or lip (a modified petal) opposite
revealed that there were four distinct whereby plasmodesmata function to the fertile stamen(s); flowers often
regions of the embryo with different modify their transport capacities in resupinate (inverted so they appear to
plasmodesmata apertures. The shoot time and space during development. be upside- down); pollen usually held
meristem had the highest aperture To do this researchers are hunting in masses (pollinia). But it is the fusion
enabling movement of single- to- triple for plasmodesmata specific genes. of the stamens and pistil to form the
sized GFP; the hypocotyl (embryonic Are there plasmodesmata specific column or gynostemium that above
stem) allowed single, double and molecular components that define all other characters defines the orchid
some triple-sized GFP movement; plasmodesmata structure? Are family (except for some members of the
the root allowed single and there specific factors that regulate Hypoxidaceae and Stylidiaceae). The
double- sized GFP movement; and plasmodesmata function? Such family is divided into five subfamilies
the cotyledons (embryonic leaves) analyses will have high impact, with the Apostasioideae being basal.
allowed only single-sized GFP as intercellular communication is This is followed by the Vanilloideae,
movement. Strikingly, these domains fundamental to all areas of plant Cypripedioideae, and then the two
of cytoplasmic continuity correspond biology and its application. most species-rich subfamilies, the
to the basic layout of the organs Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae.
of the adult body. Thus, groups of Where can I find out more about The relationship of the Orchidaceae
cells with similar developmental plasmodesmata? to other monocotyledons is poorly
fates carry plasmodesmata with Plasmodesmata. (2005). K. Oparka, ed. Annual
Plant Reviews, Volume 18. (Blackwell Press).
similar degrees of aperture. In adult Crawford, K., and Zambryski, P. (2000). Subcellular
plants, plasmodesmata-mediated localization determines the availability of
non- targeted proteins to plasmodesmatal
cytoplasmic continuity is highest in transport. Curr. Biol. 10, 1032–1040.
young organs and minimal in more Kim, I., Kobayashi, K., Cho, E., and Zambryski, P.
mature tissues. Thus, plasmodesmata (2005). Subdomains for transport via
plasmodesmata corresponding to the
connectivity is critical during organ apical-basal axis are established during
formation, providing a means whereby Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 102, 11945–11950.
groups of cells can exchange Kobayashi, K., and Zambryski, P. (2007).
factors essential for developmental RNA silencing occurs during early plant
programming. embryogenesis and its cell-to-cell spread is
dependent on plasmodesmata aperture in
different cell types. Plant J. 50, 597–604.
Where is plasmodesmata Roberts, A.G., and Oparka, K.J. (2003).
Plasmodesmata and the control of symplastic Figure 1. A typical orchid flower.
research going? Plasmodesmata transport. Plant Cell Environ. 26, 103–124.
are established to play dynamic Sophronitis jongheana, a typical orchid flower
with three sepals, two lateral petals, the third
and critical roles during all stages
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, petal is highly modify to form the labellum or
of plant development facilitating Koshland Hall, University of California, lip, clasping the column (gynostemium) which
transport of micromolecules and Berkeley, California 94720, USA. is formed through the fusion of the stamens
macromolecules. The Holy Grail in E-mail: and pistil. (Photograph courtesy of P. Cribb.)
Current Biology Vol 18 No 8

of plants from the wild. For example,

Paphiopedilum vietnamense was first
described in 1999 as new to science: by
2003 it was extinct in the wild through
poaching. Orchids are also collected for
ethnobotanical uses, for example, the
pseudobulbs of Dendrobium species
are used in the Chinese medicinal plant
trade, while tuberous terrestrial orchids
are collected in east sub-Saharan
Africa for the production of a cake
called chikanda. Each cake requires
100 tubers and it has been estimated
Figure 2. The first definitive fossil record of that 2.2–4.0 million tubers are traded
an orchid, Meliorchis caribea, pollinarium on illegally between Tanzania and Zambia
the back of a bee, Proplebeia dominicana,
every year. Similarly in Turkey, tubers of
preserved in amber. (Photograph courtesy of
S. Ramirez.) terrestrial orchids are used to make an
extract known as salep that is used in
resolved, with orchids being a sister the manufacture of ice cream.
group either to all other Asparagales As a result of their complex ecological
or to the first branching clade of the interactions with pollinators, mycorrhizal
Asparagales. Equally confused is fungi and other plants and animals,
the geographical origin of the family. orchids are often the first biological
Members of the basal subfamily, indicators of ecosystem decay. Many
Apostasioideae, are found in decades may be needed to return a Figure 3. An estimated 73% of orchid
southeast Asia; however, one of the level of ecological stability conducive species grow as epiphytes or lithophytes, in
this case Sophronitis coccinea from Brazil.
closest relatives to the Orchidaceae, to orchid persistence, because of the
(Photograph courtesy of P. Cribb.)
Hypoxidaceae, has a Gondwanaland reliance of orchids on insect pollinators
distribution. To date the only and mycorrhiza.
unequivocal orchid fossil that has been epiphytic growth where few other
found is the recently described orchid Ecophysiology plants can survive (Figure 3).
pollinia on the back of a bee trapped in Few plants can match the diversity
amber (Figure 2). This has been used to of ecophysiological adaptations Mycorrhiza
date the most recent common ancestor encompassed by orchids. Most tree Orchids are unique among plants in
of extant orchids to the Late Cretaceous and rock dwelling species possess their modes of nutrition involving direct
(76–84 million years ago), coinciding special water absorptive roots that and often obligate relationships with
with the time of bee evolution. act like a sponge, absorbing nutrients organisms as diverse as bacteria and
Orchids are a cosmopolitan family, in the first raid of nutrient-rich water fungi.
growing in all terrestrial ecosystems flowing down the tree trunk or rock Bacterial associations of orchids
with the exception of the poles and surface. So effective are these special have been shown to involve a complex
extremely dry deserts, but reach their water absorptive roots at sustaining array of soil-borne bacteria that live
zenith in the tropics. Approximately the orchid plant that entire genera endophytically in the cells of roots and
73% of orchid species are epiphytic or of tree-dwelling orchids are leafless, underground stems of terrestrial species,
lithophytic, using other plants or similar using instead chlorophyll in the upper with the bacteria providing plant growth
structures such as fence posts; but parts of the slightly flattened roots to regulation compounds that improve
support-host specificity is rare and in support photosynthesis (for example, seed germination and seedling growth.
no case is an orchid a parasite on its Microcoelia and Taeniophyllum). It is, however, the relationship with fungi
supporting species. Nutrients and water are usually through mycorrhizal interactions that
stored by orchids for long periods in has made orchids masters of nutritional
Threats to orchids expanded petioles, stems or leaves deception (Figure 4). Like no other plant
Orchids might be considered the that are often sufficiently fleshy to group, orchids use a wide and varied
epitome of plant evolution, but sadly enable the orchid plant to survive assortment of endophytic fungi from
they are among the most threatened months without rainfall. Many tree morels (Ascomycetes) to mushrooms
of all flowering plants: overzealous and rock-dwelling orchid species, (Basidiomycetes) and even species of
collection and habitat loss has taken including the bizarre cucumber orchid truffles.
many species towards extinction in (Dockrillia cucumerina) from eastern The nutritional dependency on
the wild. As a result of the threat from Australia, which survives the rigours mycorrhiza is highly variable among
overcollecting all orchids have been of living in exposed, hot and often dry the orchids. Whereas epiphytic taxa
placed on Appendix II or higher of the environments by using crassulacaean may be found associating with fungi
Convention on International Trade in acid metabolism. Crassulacaean acid in the seed germination phase, adult
Endangered Species (CITES). metabolism is more commonly found epiphytes may be independent of
Orchids have the highest value in in succulents from desert regions, mycorrhiza for nutrition. relying on
commercial horticultural production and and its development in orchids has uptake of nutrients directly from
are therefore prone to illegal poaching enabled many of them to conquer rainfall and bark/rock runoff. This

highly effective three-way relationship,

between orchid, fungus and the roots of
a nearby shrub, to siphon carbon and
nutrients from the shrub to orchid plant.

Seed science
Orchid produce the smallest seeds by
size (0.05–6mm) or weight (0.31–24 µg)
of any seed-bearing plants. Further, a
single fruit capsule can produce up to
4 million seeds. The tiny seeds contain
a rudimentary embryo, often encased
in a thin, almost loose seed coat. The
small size of orchid seeds, and their
ability to float on the slightest updraft,
are thought to have been important for
enabling orchids to become widespread
and supreme epiphytic colonisers.
The exception being Vanilla, which
has scented fruits (source of the well
known flavouring) and large, sticky
seeds, suggesting that it could be
Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope image of orchid mycorrhiza in the underground stem
animal dispersed. Darwin calculated
of an Australian spider orchid (Caladenia) showing the presence of a large diameter fungus that within three generations “a single
(left) and a finer endophyte (right). (Photograph courtesy of T. Huynh.) plant would nearly … clothe with one
uniform green carpet the entire surface
explains why epiphytic orchids are associated fungus. A simple shift in of the land throughout the globe”.
more amenable to horticulture than soil nutrients, such as through the In contrast to most other flowering
many terrestrial species. addition of sugars, will often tip the plants, orchid pollen travels on average
Terrestrial orchids exhibit a continuum orchid–fungus association and result in a shorter distance than orchid seed.
in mycorrhizal dependency, with rapid parasitism and killing of the orchid But most orchid seeds fall close to the
herbaceous terrestrial taxa (those with seedling by the fungus. mother plant, with only a tiny fraction
underground organs and seasonal Some orchids have taken their germinating and eventually becoming
growth usually by the emergence of fungal relationship to a remarkable an adult plant.
a leaf or flowers) having a high level level, with more orchids than any other
of mycorrhizal dependency. Fringed plant group evolving species that lack Pollination
orchids (Plantanthera) from the US, any ability to photosynthesise. These Orchids are pollinated via animal
bee orchids (Ophrys) from Europe mycoheterotrophic orchids have vectors — most often an insect, but in
and spider orchids (Caladenia) from evolved independently more than 20 rare instances a bird. Pollinators visit
Australia are examples of common times, often resulting in the orchid plant orchid flowers for potential rewards;
terrestrial taxa where mycorrhiza are developing a total reliance on its fungus these may include oils, floral fragrances,
critical for growth and development. partner for sustenance. A number of pollen or even a sheltering site, though
The orchid–fungus association can genera of mycoheterotrophic orchids floral nectar is the most common
involve a multitude of fungal partners; specifically associate with fungi that reward. In return, the orchids benefit
direct molecular analyses of northern also live on the root system of nearby from the movement of pollen between
hemisphere terrestrial orchids have shrubs and trees, with radioactive flowers. The efficiency of this strategy
shown that a multitude of endophytic tracing studies showing a direct transfer varies, as orchids are often pollinator-
fungi are present in their roots. The of non-orchid-derived carbon to the limited. There is an evolutionary trend
relationship between orchid and fungus orchid via a ‘fungal bridge’.
is best described as mutualistic with A pinnacle of mycohetertrophy is
the plant providing sugars, B vitamins the astonishing story of the world’s
and a ‘safe haven’ to the fungus, only fully underground orchid,
while the fungus passes to the orchid Australia’s Rhizanthella gardneri
water, mineral salts and up to 85% (Figure 5). The large purple and white,
of the plant’s carbon requirements. waxy influorescences were originally
It is thought that the mycorrhiza also discovered in 1929 during land clearing
imparts a level of protection to the operations in the biodiversity hotspot
orchid against soil pathogens. of south west Australia. At the time the
In the wild, orchid seed germination discovery was hailed as the botanical
occurs once the correct fungus has find of the century as here was an
entered the seed, with its tiny seedling orchid that spent its entire existence
capable of precisely balancing the underground! But it took another Figure 5. The remarkable fully underground
amount of nutrient received with 60 years for scientists to show that orchid from southwest Australia ­(Rhizanthella
the potential pathogenicity of the the orchid employed a complex yet gardneri).
Current Biology Vol 18 No 8

Figure 6. Sexual deceit in orchids.

One-third of orchids do not produce a reward for pollinators: while food deception is the most common form, it is sexual deceit that is most intriguing.
This mechanism can be extremely elaborate; here the hammer orchid (Drakaea) mimics the flightless female of thynnine wasps. The male wasp is
enticed by a chemical compound the orchid produces which mirrors the female’s own pheromone, as well as the insectiform labellum. As the male tries
to fly off with what he thinks is a female the hinge labellum catapults the male wasp against the column. (Photographs courtesy of B. and B. Wells.)

towards a reduction in the number of an insect pollinator, pollen can be These use a triple-whammy pollination
pollinator species per orchid species, deposited on several flowers of such system involving a chemical cue and
resulting in increased specialization. species, in contrast to Epidendroid insectiform labellum combined with a
This relationship between the orchid orchids, which are common in tropical touch-sensitive hinge on the labellum
and its pollinator is often one-sided, regions but rare in temperate zones, that catapults and momentarily holds
with the orchid relying far more on its and have consolidated pollinia, the male insect against the pollination
pollinator than the pollinator on the favouring an ‘all or nothing’ strategy. structures.
orchid. Probably the most famous In the absence of an effective It is suggested that deception leads
example is the interaction between the pollinator some orchids use to an increase in fitness of the plant
long-spurred comet orchid (Angraecum autopollination (10–15%) and very rarely through reallocation of resources that
sesquipedale) from Madagascar and apomixis (asexual propagation). Unlike would have been otherwise expended
the equally long-tongued hawkmoth: many other flowering plants, orchids on the production of a reward. Also,
Darwin postulated the existence of such place the pollen on the pollinators in as a result of the lack of reward to
a long-tongued moth to pollinate this specific microsites to reduce cross maintain pollinator interest, fewer
orchid, even though he never pollination between species rather flowers are visited within an individual
saw it himself. This interaction than using chemical inhibition. As a inflorescence, resulting in greater
has been described as a classic result most orchids are self compatible, levels of outcrossing. Numerous
‘arms-race’ between the orchid’s with self-incompatibility being rare. hypotheses have been put forward
spur and the hawkmoth’s tongue, Once a flower is pollinated, it can take to explain why orchids should have
resulting in a gradual ‘proliferation’ several months to a year for the fruit such high levels of deception. Firstly,
in length of the two organs. That is to develop. While an orchid may be why bother constantly luring back
not to say the hawkmoth is exclusively pollinator- limited within a season, the pollinators when a single visit will
dependent on the orchid, rather it may resource requirement to maintain fruits efficiently transfer pollinaria? Secondly,
only have adapted to access can lead to resource-limitation over the as orchids more often form small
another nectar resource. orchid’s lifetime. populations, this limits the ability of
Approximately one-third of orchid Sexual deceit mechanisms in orchids the pollinator to learn that they have
species have evolved mechanisms of rely on the production of a chemical been duped. Finally, the presence of
deceit, where the pollinator receives copy by the orchid of the pheromone a reward maintains pollinator interest
no reward. The deception can produced by the female insect. Visual on a single inflorescence leading to an
involve food mimicy, sexual mimicry cues to add further enticement to increased risk of geitonogamous self-
(pseudocopulation), brood-site mimicry the potential male pollinator include pollination, particularly when the pollen
or territorial antagonism. The presence modifications to the labellum to is packaged as pollinia. Deception
of a reward has been shown, on resemble insect forms — from the would therefore reduce geitonogamy
average, to result in a two-fold increase bumblebee mimic in European Ophrys through increased out-crossing.
in fruit set, in both temperate and replete with ‘legs’ and bristles to the While the study of orchid mycorrhizal
tropical orchids. Further, temperate hammer orchids (Drakaea) of Western diversity has lagged behind orchid
orchids produce twice as many fruits Australia, home to more species of pollination biology, it is postulated that
per flowering event as their tropical sexually deceptive orchids than any increased mycorrhizal specialisation by
counterparts. It has been suggested other region, where the labellum is the orchids is driving deceptive pollination
that this is related to aspects of only significant floral structure remaining syndromes. The evolution of dioecy
population structure and pollinator and mimics the dull-coloured flightless on islands due to the need to increase
community. One factor that has not female of thynnine wasp species genetic diversity after a founder event
been considered is the preponderance (Figure 6). A pinnacle of sexual deception is well known. It is therefore possible
of Orchidoid orchids in the temperate is found in the demure Australian flying that colonisation of new ‘mycorrhizal
regions with their sectile pollinia: via duck orchids (Paracaleana and Caleana). islands’ is driving the requirement for

outcrossing, leading to the promotion of walking and emotionally expressive

deceit pollination.
Correspondences walking (anger, happiness, sadness).
Before the recording, the actors’
Final remarks involvement in each effect was
Pollinator-limitation and resource Lateral asymmetry maximized by combining free
constraints results in only a small
proportion of an orchid population
of bodily emotion facial and bodily expression of
the emotion with a validated
giving rise to the subsequent expression mood-induction paradigm based
generation. This is further limited, as on imagining emotionally charged
most orchid populations, particularly past life events (see Supplemental
in the tropics, are small, due to the Claire L. Roether1, Lars Omlor1 data available on-line). Gaits
fluid nature of the niches they occupy and Martin A. Giese1,2 expressing different emotions
and the availability of mycorrhiza differed along many postural and
‘islands’. This combined with low Emotional behaviours in humans kinematic dimensions, and they
reproductive success results in a small and animals, such as kissing or were recognised with high accuracy
effective population size (Ne), followed tail wagging, sometimes show (>88%) by 15 observers.
by genetic drift as the potential initial characteristic lateral asymmetries From the recorded trajectories
cause of evolution. Subsequent [1,2]. Such asymmetries suggest the flexion angles of the shoulder,
diversification and speciation occurs differences in the involvement elbow, hip and knee joints were
through Darwinian adaptation to the of the cerebral hemispheres computed for the quantitative
local pollinator population. in the expression of emotion. analysis of lateral asymmetries.
While much still remains to be An established example is the The movements of the left and right
learnt within orchid biology, there expressiveness advantage of joints were characterized by two
is now a mass of literature on their the left hemiface that has been measures: maximum joint-angle
pollination biology and phylogenetic demonstrated with chimeric face amplitudes (difference between
relationship. However, much of stimuli, static pictures of emotional maximum and minimum amplitude;
this has been the description of expressions with one side of the see Supplemental data), and a
patterns; what is now needed are face replaced by the mirror image measure for ‘movement energy’
studies into the processes that drive of the other [3]. While this result defined as E = ∫ x 2 ( t ) dt , where x(t)
diversification in this most remarkable has been interpreted as support for denotes joint angle as a function of
of flowering plant families. a right-hemisphere dominance in time. For all three emotions, both
emotion expression [4], substantial measures exhibited a pronounced
Further reading ipsilateral innervation of the lateral asymmetry (Figure 1A,B),
Arditti, J., and Ghami, A.K.A. (2000). Numerical and relevant facial musculature [5] and the left body side moving with
physical properties of orchid seeds and their findings of reduced or reversed significantly higher amplitude
biological implications. Tansley Review No. 110.
New Phytol. 145, 367–421. asymmetry for positive emotions (F1,35 = 36.56, p < 0.001) and energy
Cozzolino, S., and Widmer, A. (2005). Orchids [3,6] complicate the conclusion. It (F1,35 = 32.50, p < 0.001) than the
diversity: an evolutionary consequence of
deception? Trends Ecol. Evol. 20, 487–494. is therefore critical to investigate right. Emotional walking was also
Darwin, C. (1862). The Various Contrivances by lateral asymmetries in emotion significantly more asymmetrical
Which Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects, (London: expression using effectors with than neutral walking. For anger
John Murray).
Dixon, K.W., Kell, S.P., Barrett, R.L., and Cribb, P.J. clearly contralateral innervation. and happiness, both asymmetry
(2003). Orchid Conservation, (Kota Kinabalu, We report here a pronounced measures were significantly higher
Sabah: Natural History Publications).
Dressler, R.L. (1990). The Orchids: Natural History lateral asymmetry for emotional than for neutral walking (t143 > 2.69,
and Classification (Cambridge: Harvard full-body movements [7], the left p < 0.004), and for sadness,
University Press). body side moving with higher the energy measure exceeded
Jersáková, J., Johnson, S.D., and Kindlmann, P.
(2006). Mechanisms and evolution of deceptive amplitude and energy, and causing significantly the one for natural
pollination in orchids. Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. higher perceived emotional walking (t143 = 3.01, p < 0.002).
Soc. 81, 219–235.
Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.W., expressiveness of the left body To rule out the possibility that
and Rasmussen, F.N. (2001–6). Genera side compared to the right. This the observed asymmetry is a
Orchidacearum, volumes. 1–4. (Cambridge: finding provides strong support for consequence of handedness, we
Cambridge University Press).
Tremblay, R., Ackerman, J.D., Zimmerman, J.K., a right-hemisphere dominance in tested twelve left-handed subjects
and Calvo, R.N. (2005). Variation in sexual the control of emotional expressions using exactly the same experimental
reproduction in orchids and its evolutionary
consequences: a spasmodic journey to independent of the specific effector. procedure. We found comparable
diversification. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 84, 1–54. We investigated motor asymmetries across emotions, again
World Checklist of Monocotyledons: http://apps.kew. asymmetries in emotionally the left side moving with higher
expressive walking and tested amplitude (F1,35 = 25.01, p < 0.001)
1 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, whether such asymmetries lead and energy (F1,35 = 36.15, p < 0.001)
Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK. 2Museum of to differences in the perceived than the right (see Supplemental
Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, emotional expressiveness of data).
26 Oxford Road, Cambridge, Massachusetts the movements of the left and Do these motor asymmetries
02138, USA. 3Kings Park and Botanic Garden,
the right body side. Twelve also affect perceived emotional
West Perth, 6005, Australia. 4The University of
Western Australia, Nedlands, 6009, Western right-handed lay actors were expressiveness? To answer
Australia. recorded, using a VICON motion this question, we tested how
E-mail: capture system, during neutral subjects perceive ‘chimeric

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