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Learning Activity 2: Reflection Essay in Success

Is there another aspect of success which is more important to you than any of those listed
above? If so, what is that so?
For my success is long-term goal.

You must first determine your destination before beginning your voyage. If you don't
know where you want to go, you could end yourself wandering aimlessly or getting lost.
Similarly, setting long-term goals is necessary before making a strategy to achieve
something in life. All your efforts will be in useless unless you have a clear image of
where you want to see yourself.

to attain long-term goals, short-term goals must be established. For example, if you
want to purchase a luxurious automobile in the future, you should start saving modest
amounts of money every month until you have enough money to buy that car.

When you don't have short term goals, you don't have a clear picture of what you want
to accomplish. Short term objectives let you view your long-term goals clearly and
provide precise rules to assist you achieve them.

When you set a long term goal, you must now maintain your concentration until you
reach your final goal. As a result, in addition to a long term objective, you'll need a lot of
short-term goals to stay on course and avoid becoming lost.

Failures, despair, and rejection are some of the obstacles you may encounter when pursuing
your objectives. Also, sometimes it takes much too long to attain your long term goals, which
can be draining on your confidence. Short term ambitions come into play here. They keep
reminding you of the goal of all your hard work and keeping you focused. You can be
guaranteed of success if you have a long term objective that is made up of valid short-term
goals. After accomplishing your short term objectives, you may arrange incentives for yourself
to celebrate your accomplishment, which will motivate you to keep working toward your long
term goals.

If you could be successful in only one area, what would that be? Why is this so
important to you?

Myself and my family, first deserve then desire is a well-known maxim. It is the move
which decides the future. One should have the capability, capacity, and resources to
turn one’s dreams into reality. Mere desire cannot bring your success. The desire
should be weighed against factors like capability and resources. This is the basic
requirement of success. The next important thing is the eagerness, earnestness, and
the urge to be successful. It is the driving force which decides the success. It is the first
step of the ladder of success.

One needs to pursue one’s goals with all his earnestness and passion. One should be
always in high spirit. He should hold his vocation and calling in high esteem. Lack of
such spirit leads to inferiority complex which is a big stumbling block on the path to
success. Time is also a deciding factor. Timely action bears the desired fruit. Time once
lost can never be regained. Time is opportunity, so grab the time with all the
promptness and activity. Delays have dangerous consequences. Rest is the rust of life.
Only the punctual and committed have succeeded in life. Life of great men is examples
for this. They had all these ingredients in abundance which helped them rose to the
peak of success.

Hard labor is one of the basic pre-requisites of success. There is no substitute to hard
labor. It alone can take one to the peak of success. Every success has a ratio of five per
cent inspiration and ninety-five per cent perspiration. It is the patience, persistence and
perseverance which play decisive role in success. Failures are the pillars of success.

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