Feedback About Science and Technology: Welcome

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Feedback about Science and Technology
Light bulb Thomas Edison was the person who invented the Light bulb in 1879. Electricity Italian
physicist Alessandro Volta discovered electricity in 1800.
Antibiotics Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, it reduces death and is also curing
of smallpox and typhoid.
Radio Guillermo Marconi developed the first apparatus for long-distance radio communication.
On December 23, 1900.
Television Paul Nipkow was a German researcher who invented television in 1884.
The Airplane The Wright brothers Wilbur and Orville had invented the first successful airplane.
On December 17, 1903
The Automobile Exactly who invented the automobile is Karl Benz, from Germany, for creating
the first true automobile in 1885/1886.
Personal Computer was designed and invented by John Blankenbaker of Kenbak Corporation in
1970, and was first sold in early 1971.
Telephone Both Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray invented new called the telephone in
The internet was the work of dozens of pioneering scientists, programmers and engineers who
each developed new features and technologies
Steam Engine It is Englishman Thomas Savery, an engineer, and inventor, who is usually credited
with developing the first practical steam engine, in 1698.
The Refrigerator James Harrison built the first practical vapor compression refrigeration system
in 1927.
The Camera In 1826, Joseph Nicéphore used a sliding wooden box camera to click what is
credited as the first permanent photograph.
World Wide Web The father of WWW is a British Computer Scientist his name is Tim Berners-
Lee in 1990.
Transistors In 1947 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley developed the first
practical transistor device at Bell Laboratories.
E-mail Ray Tomlinson is credited with inventing the email system sending of messages from one
computer to another one in 1972.
Credit Cards were introduced around 1950 by Ralph Schneider and Frank McNamara, founders
of Diners Club.
Robots George Devol, who invented and patented a reprogrammable manipulator called robot
in 1950
Actividad #1 Responda estas preguntas en una hoja de carpeta
Actividad #2
1928 - Blankenbaker - 1970 - programmers - internet - 1885 - airplane – 1971
Electricity - Karl Benz – 1884 - Telephone – Antibiotics - Radio – Television
The Automobile Exactly who invented the automobile is 1__________, from Germany,
for creating the first true automobile in 2_____. Personal Computer was designed and
invented by John 3___________ of Kenbak Corporation in 4_____, and was first sold in
early 5_____. The 6_______Both Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray invented
new called the telephone in 1876–1877. The 7_______was the work of dozens of
pioneering scientists, 8_________and engineers who each developed new features
and technologies. Light bulb Thomas Edison was the person who invented the Light
bulb in 1879. 9________Italian physicist Alessandro Volta discovered electricity in
1800. The 10_______Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 11_____, it reduces
death and is also curing of smallpox and typhoid. The 12______Guillermo Marconi
developed the first apparatus for long-distance radio communication on December 23,
1900. The 13_________Paul Nipkow was a German researcher who invented
television in 14______. The Airplane The Wright brothers Wilbur and Orville had
invented the first successful 15______ on December 17, 1903.
1700 seventeen hundred
1987 nineteen eighty-seven
2008 two thousand eight twenty-o-eight
2013 two thousand thirteen twenty thirteen

Actividad #3
Hacer 10 oraciones usando inventos
con su respectivo año en letras y sus inventores

The___________was invented in _______by ______

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Actividad #4

BACK AWAY retroceder BREAK DOWN averiarse

BUY OVER sobornar TURN ON Encender
GET OUT Salir GET UP Levantarse
GO ON Continuar HOLD BACK Detener
KNOCK OUT noquear a alguien LOOK AFTER Cuidar
LOOK AT Mirar MOVE IN Mudarse
RUN OUT Salir corriendo SHUT UP Callarse
STAND UP Ponerse de pie SIT DOWN Sentarse
TAKE OFF Quitarse (una prenda) TURN OFF Apagar
Escoger 2 inventos del proyecto #3 y escribir la ventaja
Actividad #5 Y desventaja en ingles-español de cada objeto

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