Intelligence (Psychology)

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Intelligence Revision 1

1. The cognitive tasks, according to Spearman, which is depended on the factor relating to
particular tasks is called as
a. Primary factor
b. General factor
c. Specific factor
d. Multifactor

Ans: c
2. A dance performer, according to Gardner, would show high levels of ………………… intelligence
a. Musical Intelligence
b. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
c. Functional Intelligence
d. Athletic skill

Ans b
3. Who proposed the Triarchic theory of intelligence?
a. Raymond Cattell
b. Robert Sternberg
c. Louis Thurstone
d. David Wechsler

Ans b
4. Shiv excels at zeroing in on what information is crucial in a given situation, and at combining
seemingly unrelated facts. He is high on which intelligence:
a. Componential
b. Analytic
c. Contextual
d. Experiential
Ans: d
5. Alice is a high scorer. He excels in all class tests, and is an excellent student reaching high
academic potentials. He is high on which intelligence:
a. Practical
b. Contextual
c. Componential
d. Experiential
Ans: c
6. The Sternberg’s theory was of the view that:
a. Solving practical problems requires a kind of different intelligence from that
required for success in school or other intellectual pursuits.
b. Intelligence is an individual’s ability to understand complex ideas
c. One must understand group differences in order to study intelligence
d. Culture and Intelligence has a interplay on one’s IQ and that forms the basis of the
Triarchic model
Ans: a
7. What is the statistical research method that Spearman and Cattell used in order to
determine whether intelligence consists of one or several different components?
a. Hypothesis Testing
b. Factor Analysis
c. Regression
d. Sample Size Determination
Ans: b
8. According to Cattell, which of the following is not true about Fluid intelligence
a. It is largely inherited
b. It determines the limits of our information processing capabilities
c. It determines the speed with which one can analyze information
d. It increases with age and experience
Ans: d
9. Who was the first psychologist to have worked on a theory of intelligence?
a. David Wechsler
b. Alfred Binet
c. Vygotsky
d. Francis Galton
Ans: b
10. David Wechsler, in his definition of intelligence, understood intelligence in terms of its
a. Aggregation (global and aggregate capacity)
b. Functionality (value for adaptation to environment)
c. Genetics (role of nature)
d. Rationality (to think rationally)
Ans: b
11. Which approach of classifying intelligence theories considers intelligence as an aggregate of
a. Psychometric Approach
b. Single Index Approach
c. Information Processing Approach
d. Primary approach
Ans a
12. Identify the false sentence
a. Charles Spearman proposed the two-factor theory
b. Spearman proposed his theory in the year 1927
c. Spearman used factor analysis
d. Spearman introduced two factors – general factor (g) and special factor (s)
Ans d
13. Chris Martin is an English singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. According to
Spearman, these are ………….. factors
a. Musical
b. General
c. Special
d. Specific
Ans: d
14. The theory proposed by Louis Thurstone is:
a. Theory of Primary Mental Abilities
b. Theory of Primary Abilities
c. Theory of Mental Primary Abilities
d. Theory of Primary Multiple Abilities
Ans a
15. There are ……….. primary abilities, according to Thurstone
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
Ans b
16. Which of the following is not a Primary ability?
a. Verbal
b. Numerical
c. Naturalistic
d. Spatial
Ans c
17. Shreya has a strong vocabulary and can use words very flexibly. According to Thurstone, she
is high in which primary ability?
a. Word Flexibility
b. Word Fluency
c. Linguistic
d. Verbal Comprehension
Ans b
18. Inductive reasoning is:
a. Deriving general rules from presented facts
b. Deriving specific conclusion from a general theory
c. Drawing conclusions from previous known facts
d. Accuracy in recalling information
Ans a
19. Which of the following is not true regarding the Gardner’s theory:
a. His theory was known as the theory of Multiple Intelligences
b. Intelligence is not a single entity
c. The different intelligences are inter-dependent on each other
d. There are eight types of multiple intelligences
Ans c
20. Mahi is a social worker and a counsellor. She can easily have a comfortable relationship with
others. According to Gardner, which type of intelligence is she high in:
a. Spiritual Intelligence
b. Intrapersonal intelligence
c. Interpersonal intelligence
d. Naturalistic Intelligence
Ans c
21. According to Gardner, people high on Linguistic intelligence are also known as
a. Book smarts
b. Word smarts
c. Nerds
d. Talk smarts
Ans b
22. According to Gardner, Albert Einstein would be specifically be high in which type of
a. Numerical
b. Logical-Mathematical
c. Inductive Reasoning
d. Spatial
And b
23. According to Robert Sternberg, Componential Intelligence has three sub-components. They
a. Meta, Performance, Knowledge acquisition
b. Analytic, Contextual, Experiential
c. Book smarts, street smarts, creatives
d. Encoding, Combine, Comparing
Ans a
24. According to Robert Sternberg, the behaviours considered intelligent in a particular culture
is known as ……………….. . It is also known as ‘business sense’.
a. Analytical
b. Contextual
c. Knowledge Acquisition
d. Componential
Ans: b
25. Which among the following is not true regarding the Sternberg’s theory?
a. It was proposed in the year 1985
b. It shows three main types of intelligence
c. It follows the psychometric approach of classification
d. According to Sternberg, intelligence is the ability to adapt, to shape and select
environment to accomplish one’s goals and those of one’s society and culture.

Ans: c

26. “People who were good on one test, generally were good on others; those who did poorly
on one test tended to do poorly on other”- an assumption which led Spearman to establish
the …… factor
a. G-factor
b. S-factor
c. C-factor
d. None of the above
Ans: a
27. According to Cattell, which intelligence is required more to perform a task such as drive a
a. Visual Intelligence
b. Experiential Intelligence
c. Spatial Intelligence
d. Crystallized Intelligence
Ans d
28. According to Gardner, the Dalai Lama might exemplify for a special kind of intelligence
known as
a. Naturalist Intelligence
b. Existential Intelligence
c. Intrapersonal Intelligence
d. Spiritual Intelligence
Ans: b
29. According to Gardner, people who are adept at distinguishing nuances between large
numbers of similar objects may be expressing …………… intelligence
a. Spatial
b. Logical Mathematical
c. Naturalist
d. Bodily Kinesthetic
Ans c
30. This particular revision test is measuring which type of intelligence, according to Sternberg?
a. Practical Intelligence
b. Analytical Intelligence
c. Emotional Intelligence
d. Creative Intelligence
Ans b
31. According to Howard Gardner, which of the following is a type of intelligence?
a. Practical
b. Fluid
c. Naturalistic
d. General
Ans c
32. Intrapersonal skills are best suited for the profession of:
a. A Journalist
b. An Engineer
c. A Psychologist
d. An Architect
Ans c
33. The definition of Intelligence as the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully,
think rationally and deal effectively with the environment was proposed by:
a. Alfred Binet
b. David Wechsler
c. Lewis Terman
d. Raymond Cattell
Ans b
34. The accumulation of information, skills and strategies learnt through experience and applied
in problem-solving situations refers to:
a. Naturalistic intelligence
b. Fluid intelligence
c. Crystalized intelligence
d. Spatial intelligence
Ans c
35. The theory of Primary Mental Abilities was devised by:
a. Raymond Cattell
b. L.L. Thurstone
c. J.P. Guildford
d. C. Spearman
Ans : b
36. __________ intelligence continues to increase throughout life.
a. Fluid
b. Crystallised
c. Group
d. Specific
Ans: b
37. According to Sternberg, _________ or analytical intelligence involves the abilities to think
critically and analytically.
a. Componential
b. Creative
c. Practical
d. Spiritual
Ans: a
38. One factor relating to Multiple Intelligence is:
a. Word fluency
b. Deductive reasoning
c. Mathematical skills
d. Memory factor
Ans: c
39. Professional dancers and surgeons demonstrate a high degree of ……… intelligence.
a. Spatial
b. Logical
c. Intrapersonal
d. Bodily kinesthetic
Ans d
40. Spatial Intelligence relates to……..
a. general learning ability
b. development of language
c. using abstract concepts
d. imaginative manipulation of objects in space
Ans d
41. Interpersonal Intelligence refers to ______
a. Sensitivity to others' behaviour
b. Sensitivity to one’own feelings and motives
c. Sensitivity to nurture
d. Sensitivity to social norms
Ans a
42. Intrapersonal Intelligence refers to:
a. sensitivity to one’s own feelings and motives
b. sensitivity to others' behaviour
c. sensitivity towards nature
d. sensitivity to one’s own rules
Ans a

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