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Name Firda’sa Nurvika Nugroho

Literary Analysis
Malin Kundang

Summary : Once Upon a time, lived a diligent boy named Malin Kundang. He lived in the
seashore with his mother. They were destitute, but they lived quietly and harmoniously. One
day, a big ship closed to the beach near their village. They asked to join work in their boat and
went to the cross island. Malin Kundang wanted to join participate them because he wanted to
improve his family’s life. But his mother didn’t permit him. She worried to Malin. Malin still
kept his argument and finally, he said, filled with the big-ship years later, Malin Kundang
succeeded and became a wealthy trader. Then, he came to his native village with his beautiful
wife, but his wife didn’t know Malin’s natural descent. His happy mother quickly approached
Malin and brought a plate of village cake, Malin’s Favorite. But Malin didn’t admit that woman
as his poor mother, and then he kicked the village cake brought by his mother until scattered.
His mother very broken heart because Malin was rebellious to her, who had grown him. Then,
his mother cursed Malin became stone. Suddenly, the big-ship which Malin’s had was paused
by a big storm, and all of his crewmen tossed aside out. Malin realized that was his fault that
he was rebellious his mother. He bowed down and became a stone.

Analysis :
1. Character: Malin Kundang's biological mother : has a loving, patient character. Malin
Kundang : has a bad character, disobedient, because he forgot his mother. But hard
2. Setting : at home, the atmosphere of the ship, by the beach. and feeling sad, angry.
3. Plot : The plot is advanced, marked by a storyline that focuses on the continuation of
the characters' lives.
4. Style : In the story of Malin kundang attitude in speaking uses satire language. the
language uses the native language of the region of origin
5. Theme : a child who is disobedient to his mother
6. Point of view : there is a third-person point of view, because the story tells other people's
events. do not tell personal stories that can be marked with the word "I." where this
third-person point of view has the characteristic of the word "he, she, they".


One day, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with a wicked
stepmother and her two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very poorly and did not appreciate
her. Near from her home, there was a king’s palace which was so beautiful, and there would
be held a big party. Her stepmother and her sisters were invited to attend the party. However,
they did not allow her to go to the party. She was ordered to sew the party dresses that her
mother and sisters would wear. While, she did not have time to sew her dress. Her mother and
her sisters went to a party and left Cinderella alone at home.

She felt unfortunate and cried. Between her tears, suddenly a fairy godmother appeared
and said, “do not cry, I can send you to the ball now!”, But she kept crying and looked so sad.
She said, “I do not have a dress to wear in the ball.” The fairy godmother, of course, would not
be worry and waved the wand to transform Cinderella’s old clothes into the new dress, which
was very beautiful. Furthermore, that fairy godmother touched Cinderella’s foot with the rod
and suddenly, Cinderella had beautiful glass slippers. Cinderella was shocked and said, “wow,
thank you, but how could I go to the ball?”. Fairy godmother then went into the kitchen and
saw four rats. She turned it into golden four horses and a beautiful buggy. Before leaving home,
the Fairy Godmother said, “Cinderella, you have to go home in the middle of the night, because
this magic will only be until midnight!”

When Cinderella entered the palace, everyone was stunned by her beautiful face. No
one recognized her because she was so different. Cinderella was so pretty with the dress and
the glass slippers. A handsome prince also saw Cinderella and he fell in love. He met Cinderella
and asked, “Do you want to dance?” And she said, “yes, I want to dance with you”. Prince and
Cinderella danced during the night and she was so happy at that night. She forgot the fairy
godmother warning that she should go home in the middle of the night. At the last moment,
Cinderella remembered her promise to the fairy godmother and went home. “I must go!”, said
her. She ran qdashedone of her glass slippers left but she did not come back to pick it up.

Cinderella arrived home a few minutes later. When she arrived clock struck in twelve.
The horses and the buggy back into the previous shape and she did not wear the glass slippers
and the beautiful dress anymore. After that, her stepmother and sisters came home and talked
about the beautiful women who danced with the prince. They were very curious about the
identity of the woman who suddenly appeared. In the palace, Prince kept thinking about
Cinderella and he fell in love. Prince wanted to find out the identgirl's identity he even did not
know her name. Prince has only found the glass slipper, and he said, “I will find her, and I will
marry the woman whose foot fits into this glass slipper!”.

In the next day, the prince and his bodyguards went to all the existing home. They
wanted to find a woman whose foot matched with the size of the shoe. Cinderella stepsisters
also tried the glass slipper but their feet do not match. When Cinderella wanted to try, her
stepmother prevented and forbidden her. However, the prince said, “let her trying!”. When
Cinderella wore a glass slipper, she had a perfect leg for the shoe. The prince then recognized
her and he was convinced that she was a woman who danced with him at the dance. He married
Cinderella and they lived happily.

Summary : Once upon a time there lived a young girl named Cinderella. He lives with his
father and two half-sisters. While brother her stepsisters live happily, Cinderella has to do all
the work my own house. Her stepsisters put on beautiful new clothes Cinderella was only given
tattered clothes. Even so, he still look beautiful. One day, a royal envoy came to announce that
There will be a big ball in the kingdom. The king plans to find a consort for the prince. When
the night of the dance comes, Cinderella has to help her sisters preparing myself. actually
Cinderella really wants to go to the dance, but he can only grieve alone at home. At that time,
the fairy godmother appeared in front of Cinderella and asked, "Why are you sad?" Then
Cinderella told her wish.

Then Cinderella was asked to pick up the largest pumpkin in the garden. Then mom
The fairy bewitched him into a beautiful golden chariot. Take it another six white mice from
the kitchen and instantly turned into six white horse complete with coachman. Cinderella also
got a dress beautiful as a substitute for her tattered clothes. Everything complete with beautiful
jewelery and a pair of glass slipper. Even the fairy godmother reminded her that her magic only
lasted until midnight. Cinderella and her golden carriage arrived at the palace. He made all The
people present there were stunned and mesmerized by her beauty. The prince immediately
asked her to dance until Cinderella forgot will order fairy godmother. Midnight has come,
Cinderella runs leaving the dance floor in such a hurry until one his glass slipper fell off the
palace steps. Prince is feeling very sad Cinderella has left. He didn't even have time to ask who
the name of the beautiful girl. The next day the prince decided to look for the girl he liked all
over the palace. He left with a shoe glass. All the women present were asked to match her feet
including his half-siblings but none of them really fit. The prince also asked Cinderella's father
and asked Cinderella to try the glass slipper. It turned out to fit perfectly. Lord also asked
Cinderella to be willing to marry him and live in the palace They lived happily ever after.

Analysis :
1. Character : Cinderella has a good character, is loyal, does not give up easily, is patient,
honest, compassionate, wise and brave. Cinderella's stepmother is materialistic,
arrogant, good at acting (two-faced), cunning, and evil. Cinderella's two sisters have
the same bad attitude as their mother and even worse, that is, arrogant, materialistic,
not good at cleaning the house, and lazy. Prince: has a good nature, loves the people, is
wise, does not give up easily, and is also a knight. Fairy Godmother (Fairy Godmother)
Where he mediates the conflict between Ella and her stepmother and stepsisters by
using her magic so that Ella can go to the dance without her stepmother and stepsisters
finding out.
2. Setting : The time setting in Cinderella's story is morning, afternoon, evening. Setting
of atmosphere: happy (when Cinderella found out she was going to the dance). Happy
(when Cinderella married the prince). Sad (when he is used by his stepmother and step-
sister and when he is not allowed to go to the dance). Upset (when her stepmother did
not allow Cinderella to eat with them at the dinner table). The setting of the place in
Cinderella's story is a palace, Cinderella's house, market, rooms, attic, secret garden
and others
3. Plot : In this Cinderella story, it uses a forward plot. This is a Cinderella storyline that
revolves around Cinderella, who is made an errand boy by her own stepmother. After
his father died, the behavior of his mother and stepsisters became even worse.
Cinderella is made a maid, And then Cinderella meets a dashing stranger in the forest.
He did not realize that the person was a prince. When the palace sent an open invitation
to all the girls, Cinderella hoped to see her prince again. Tells the continuation of the
character's life
4. Style : using natural official language from the author’s
5. Theme : Cinderella's love and kindness
6. Point of view : The story of Cinderella uses the third person point of view of the side
actors because it is the fairy godmother who tells the story.

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