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COPYRIGHT RESERVED ” XEV (H-D- BCA (1) 2016 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 75 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions, in which question no I is compulsory. 1. Sketch the block diagram of digital computer. Discuss the basic organisation of computer system and explain the function of various units of a computer system. 2. What do you understand by central processing unit ? Describe in details the various units of CPU with diagram. 3. Why primary memory unit is volatile whereas secondary memory unit is non-volatile ? Explain with reasons. 4. (a) What is the purpose of the binary coading 171/7/28/1 (1) (Turn over) system ? Briefly explain the term ASCII and EBCDIC. (b) Perform the following conversion : : (i) convert binary 00011011 to decimal (ii) convert decimal 278 to binary (iii) convert 19B116 to binary 5. (a) Draw the block diagram of DMA controller. Explain its operation. (b) Define and differentiate between RISC and CISC processor. : 6. Wjhat do you mean by programming language ? Describe machine, assembly and high level language with its merits and demerits. 7. Differentiate between the following (any two) : (a) Impact and non-impact printer (b) Centralised and distributed data processing (c) Real time and time sharing processing 8. (a) What is MS-DOS ? Why the commands of MSDOS devided into external and internal. Explain with reason. (b) Write the type, purpose and syntax of the following command : (i) Copy (ii) Format (iii) Diskcopy (iv) Erase (v) Tree 171/7/28/1 (2) Contd. 9. (a) What do you mean by flow-chart and algorithms ? What are the different symbols are used in flow chart. (b) ” Write an algorithm and sketch the flow chart to sum the squares and cubes of the odd numbers between 1 to 100. 10. Write short notes on any two of the following : (a) Management information system (b) Batch processing (c) Batch file and configuration file (d) Need of structural programming (e) Eelectronic mail 171/7/28/1 (3) (P-4000) COPYRIGHT RESERVED XEV (H-I) —- BCA (2) 2016 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 75 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions, in which question no 1 is compulsory. ‘ Seo the correct answer of the following : (a) When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader called : (i) Compile and go loader a ae ae 6) Boots loader (iv) Relating loader (b) Which of the following is not a part of the O/S ? (i) Supervisor 5 (iii) Job control program (iv) Input/out 171/7/28/2 qd) (Turn over) (c) Which one of the following is not a layer of OS ? (i) Kernal (ii) Shell (ii) Application program (d) Which is not a function of O/S 2? (i) Memory management (e) UNIXisa: (ii) ~Maltiuser multitasking O/S Gii) Single user O/S (iv) None (f) Which is not the condition of deadlock ? (i) Hold & wait (ii) No pre-emption (iv) Mutual exclusion (g) Which file is used to write the different types ’ — of Foxpro program ? (i) Report file (ii) Label file 171/7/28/2 (2) Contd. pi Prog ann file we) (h). The maximum field width of characters field is : (i) 125 ity 261 (ii) 250 i (i) Which command display only the current record of the current database file ? @ Lis if Disp iii) Insert © (iv) Append G) ? Round (1234.6, —2) returns the value : @ = 1250 4 _ 1230 (iii) 1200 oF | ao What do you mean by operating system ? What are the various function of an operating system ? Explain. oe What are the benifits of a multiuser operating system as agaist a single user operating system. wan What is meant by preemptive scheduling ? How does it affect the system performance vis-a-vis non- preemtive secheduling ? , 5. What is UNIX operating system ? What are the advantages of using unix OS over other os. 171/7/28/2 (3) - (Turn over) sre do you mean by database management system a Explain in details about database file,second and field. he Explain the difference between the following : (a) Edit and Browse ® Display and list” gO) Delete and pack . (d) Append and append blank (e) “Accept and input 8. What do you mean by sorting and indexing ? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of index over sorting. 9. What is aloop ? Why it is necessary in the program ? Explain the different looping statements in Foxpro. yon short notes on any two of the following : _ =e Memory management (b) Computer in automation File management (d) 2, 22, 22? commands (e) Foxpro level designing and printing 171/7/28/2 (4) ‘ (P-4000) COPYRIGHT RESERVED XEV (S-I) - M(1) 2016 ae Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The questions are of equal value. Answer any eight questions, selecting at least one from each group, Group-A State and prove general distributive laws. 2. (a) Define ordered pair and equality of ordered pairs. For all sets X and Y, prove that XxY=XxY (b) IfRandS be relations from X to Y, then show that @ (RUS)t=R!' US" Gi) (RAS) =R AS" ie Prove that (xy)! = yx"! where x,y eG. (b) Ifxandy are elements ofa group G, the equation: (i) xa =y and (ii) ax = y have unique solutions inG. : 181/8/23/8 (i) (Turn over) (bo) (b) (b) Taga) (b) 181/8/23/8 (2) Define the following terms (i) transposition (ii) odd permutation and (iii) disjoint cyclic permutation. Show that in general, permutation multiplication is not commutative. Define ring and write the properties of a ring. Group-B Give an example of a 2x2 matrices which establishes the claim that matrix eee may commute. Define Hermitian matrix and give a suitable example. Give an example of an orthogonal ‘ ab matrix of the form : ‘| with ¢+Q. Prove that every square matrix can be uniquely expressed as the sum of a symmetric and skew symmetric matrix. State and prove the reversal law for inverses. Define convex set and give an example of convex and non convex set. Show that a hyperplane is a convex set. Show that the set of all feasible solutions of a linear programming problem constitutes a convex set. Solve the following LPP graphically Max Z= 5x + 3y subject to the constraints 3x+5ys15 Srf2y1 and divergent if p<1. 181/8/23/8 (3) (Turn over) 12. (a) (b) 13.-(a) (b) 14. (a) (b) Test the convergence of the series whose general terms is ,/,? HPP me Define alternating series and give a suitable example. Also give the definition of differentiability of real function of a single real variable and write a property of it. Group—D Define co-axial circles. Obtain the equation of a system of co-axial circles in the simplest form (special choice of axes). Prove that the equation to the parabola whose focus is (0,0) and tangent at the vertex is ¥aYt1=0 is x? 45? +2xy-dx44y_4=0 Find the condition that the line x + my +n=0 4 iy? may be normal to the ellipse —— age 1 a Find the point of intersection of the line 2 y= mx + ¢ with the hyperbola eget and a also find the condition that the line may touch the hyperbola. Group-E 15. (a) _ Find the angle between the lines whose direction - ee m,n) satisfy the equations /+m+n=0 and 2/m+2In—nn=0, 181/8/23/8 (4) Contd. (b) © Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn form the point (x,,y,,z,) to the line -X=@ y-f _2z-y 7 m n 16. (a) Show that, a first degree equation in x, De (Orn always represents a plane. ind the condition, when the two given straight lines pay a2! ood l m n ¥-@ $B 2-7, h ™m mi be-coplanar and also find the equation of the plane in-which they lie. —— (OPC) Mer 6 G7 CY | a. - 181/8/23/8 (5) (P-2000) COPYRIGHT RESERVED XEV (S-I) - E (1) 2016 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 - Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Answer all questions. 1, Explain the following with reference to the contexts : 8x 3=24 (a) Forlorn ! the very word is like a bell To toll me back from thee to my sole self ! Adieu ! the fancy cannot cheat so well As she is famed to do, deceiving elf. Or A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring : There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. 181/8/23/15 Q) (Turn over) (b) The devil can cite scripture for his purpose. An evil soul, producing holy witness, Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart : O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath ! Or If you prick us, do use not bleed ? If you tickle us do we not laugh ? If you poison us, do we not die ? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge ? If we are like-you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. (c) It was a large, lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach trees that in the spring time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. Or 181/8/23/15 (2) Contd. The modern man is wrapped up much more in these external things and yet even he, in moments of crisis and mental trouble, often turns to philosophy and metaphysical speculation. 2. Write a critical appreciation of any one of the following : 20 fe) Love (b) A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal (c) Ode to a Nightingale (d) Look Stranger 3. Give a character sketch of Portia. 20 Or Write a short note on the entest theme of The Merchant of Venice. 4. Bring out the main ideas contained in Life’s Philosophy. 20 Or Write a critical appreciation of the story, The Postmaster. 181/8/23/15 (3) (Turn over) 5. Write a precis of the following passage : 16 Gandhi, the man, of destiny born to emancipate his country, first emancipated himself by the conquest of desire and fear. He is the saint who became hero in life and martyr in death. He is the modern massiah of a world torn as under by war and violence. Few people have the glory of writing their own epitaphs. Gandhi, however, has unwillingly left his own, when on March 30, 1931 he stated at Karachi , “Gandhi dies but Gandhism lives for ever”. 181/8/23/15 (4) (P-5000) M cctigs RESERVED XEV(S-I)— Hn (Comp) NS 100 Marks 2016 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. mien aeriva sat wet + ft FR ZI gait & ate yofe & mae zl to tees wet 4 a fed de om am Sif: 12x3=36 () ufea vet & amen wy fancfa Tl Dare Stier! (@) Wea wea & stem TH ‘Ww UM’ axa ‘fer’ at carer fagtearsit ar fadaq atl 180/8/23/18 (1) (Turn over) (1) qa & ‘oneal’ ox yar srt (@) feed anf & der ‘afar’ A wae aaa dae ww yam sell (S) ‘saat fear’ area ‘waa amet aa’ xitat ar oad mega aff 2. fefesfaa saat 4 32 fed da at wT cone aif: 8x3=24 (®) fife fa awa 34 ah wa wa waa fig a, wat a feet! zor set a wea fear, ae acter ata (@) ae fart wade TEE ak ana, farara ait ett sa aes (1) aan ane @ dt pt meen afisl af um awa wm, af mm ae (@) ae amet deat @ amed 3 on, fret am st sa am 4 vga fea ae, wa ate tat 4 ae seat oe wa gk Gia feu a, okt swat Wau . Ay yam F aA Ww atl 180/8/23/18 (2) Contd. ane oe () wie 4 ae sau om ga a, ak sigan 4 fda gaa ofeat at sacra Sal det aa ol gat a ante at ge cae de com wt oa ate ee REE Fine fete: 15 (®) wea 4 ged omar (@) ana 4 wee afar (1) aa Wea ardeax ns gars aha 4. orate west + 8 fet dia & sm dif: 5x3=15 (®) fFefefer gaat a aaa 3 yar at, fred oef we at () Ht ten, ceh gen, at ae, weg ¢¢ Yea, facet verti (@) Pafeiat aaa at ye aR: (i) tee & stat am 2 (i) Fee we seq a scart we 2) (ii) + 7A at ame a wr Zi (v) et dere aan a fae at a wt 21 () sm a sada 181/8/23/18 (3) (Turn over) (7) at fren ot & we we oF fefar faat am & ‘ofleq-en’ a avis at! (ay verat aifsr— “oe adi at sit ait @, area at Te ai” () #atefar agtrs weit & gat 2: 1x10=10 (i) ~ faarofa feak una 2? (i) wae St wet at a AA om? (ii) aakera & far at at aT a? (iv) ‘qeaa’ feat tat 2? () ‘aaa’ a a a alfefac green fet at? Wi) fret at aH tam fea wet a 8? (vii) far at avis green fea ad = fren? (viii) ‘Gat dea’ H as wt AH aank? (ix) ‘Téa fea mast & feu wget état 8? (x) ‘fara often’ at vafsa att 8? x 181/8/23/18 (4) (P-6000)

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