2014 BCA1+2 Computer English

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XEV (H-I) BCA (1)


Time : 3 Hours

Full Marks -75

Candidates are required to give their answers

In their own words as far as practicable.

The questions are of equal value

Answer any five questions

In which Q No.1 is compulsory

1. Choose the correct answer of the following :

a) ________ is a very small computer that can be held in the palm of the hand.

i) PDC

ii) PC

iii) Laptop

iv) Mini Computer

b) A group of 8 bits is called a ___________

i) Bite

ii) Byte

iii) Octbits

iv) None of the above

d) The binary equivalent of (359)10 is __________

i) 101010100

ii) 110011000
iii) 101100111

iv) None of the above

e) A gate which is also known as inverter is ________

i) AND

ii) OR

iii) NOT

iv) NAND

f) The octal addition of (25)8 and (15)8 is __________

i) (42)8

ii) (40)8

iii) (41)8

iv) None of these

g) The set of wires, which carry information in a controlled manner is _________

i) System bus

ii) Public bus

iii) Private bus

iv) None of the above

h) The memory, which is utmost access able to the processor is ___________

i) RAM

ii) Cache Memory

iii) ROM

iv) None of the above

i) Rotational delay is also known as ______________

i) Seek time

ii) Shift time

iii) Latency

iv) Access time

j) Which among the following is not a pointing device?

i) Trackball

ii) Lightpen

iii) Scanner

iv) Mouse.

2. Explain the various applications of computer.

3. a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of a computer


b) Explain the functions of various units of a computer system.

4. a) What do you mean by hard copy and soft copy?

b) Differentiate between impact and non- impact printers.

5. Explain the storage organization of a magnetic tape. What are its advantages and

6. What are the different types of computers? Discuss the advantages of using
Mini computer over micro computer.

7. Perform the binary arithmetic using 2’s complement:

a) 10111001 + 10011001

b) 00001010 - 00110011

c) 1000011 - 00110101

8. What do you mean by language translator? Differentiate between compiles and


9. Differentiate between them :

a) Uniprocessor and multiprocessor

b) Computer and human brain

10. What is an instruction Act? Explain RISC and CISC architecture.

XEV (H-I) BCA (2)


Time : 3 Hours

Full Marks- 75

Candidates are required to give their answers

In their own words as far as practicable

The questions are of equal value

Answer any five questions

In which Q No.1 is compulsory

1. Choose the correct answer of the following :

a) Operating system manages:

i) Memory

ii) Processor

iii) I/O devices

iv) All of the above

b) Unix OS is an-

i) Multi user OS

ii) Time sharing OS

iii) Multitasking OS

iv) All of the above

c) Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External

i) Segmentation

ii) Pure demand Paging

iii) Swapping

iv) Paging

d) Information about a process is maintained in-

i) Stack

ii) Translation Look aside Buffer

iii) Process Control Block

iv) Program Control Block

e) Which file system does DOS typically use?

i) FAT 16

ii) FAT 32

iii) NTFS

iv) WNFS

f) Which file is used to write the different types of FoxPro Program?

i) Report file

ii) Label file

iii) Program file

iv) Index file

g) Which file is used to store data and information?

i) Memory file

ii) Menu file

iii) Program file

iv) Database file

h) Which command display only the current record of the current Database file?

i) List

ii) Display

iii) Insert

iv) Append

i) Which set command specifies a four digit year format?

i) Set clock on

ii) Set carry on

iii) Set century on

iv) Set Decimal

j) The maximum filed width of – characters?

i) 125

ii) 261

iii) 250

iv) 254

2. Explain the various categories of system software.

3. Discuss the various components of an operating system.

4. What are the states of a process? Discuss process life cycle.

5. What do you mean by non-preemrptive and preemptive scheduling algorithm?

Which non-preemptive scheduling algorithm suffers from starvation and under what

6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using hierarchical directory structure.

7. Explain the characteristics of different data types used in FoxPro.

8. Describe the following FoxPro commands with suitable examples:






9. What do you mean by Macro? How can you create and use a Macro in FoxPro?

10. Write short notes on the following:

a) Mathematical functions

b) Array variable

c) Data and Time functions


XEV (S-I) – E (1)


Time : 3 hours

Full Marks :100

Candidates are required to give their answers in

Their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer all questions.

1. Explain the following with reference to the context:

a) No motion has she now, no force

She neither hears nor sees;
Roll’d round in earth’s diurnal course
With rocks, and stones, and tree.


Was it a vision, or a waking dream?

Fled is that music :- do I wake or sleep?

b) Essentially I am interested in this world

in this life,

Not in some other world or a future life,


I have many beautiful flowers, he said,

But the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’

c) The quality of mercy is not strained

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.


O, these naughty times

Puts bars between the owners and their


And so, though yours, not yours.

2. Write a critical appreciation of any one of the following :

(a) Love

(b) A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

(c) Ode to a Nightingale

(d) Look Stranger.

3. Write a note on the ring episode and justify its relevance to the drama ‘The Merchant of


Give a character sketch or either Antonio or Bassanio.

4. Bring out the main ideas contained in India Again.


Write a critical appreciation of The Postmaster.

5. Write a précis of the following passage:

Happiness, after all, is an inner state of mind. It has little to do with outside environment.

Happiness has very little to do, for instrance, with whether you are rich. Some of the most

Miserable persons I have come across in my life are the rich persons. It is true that poverty

Makes one miserable in a very acute way. But my point is that it is not wealth but

Coordination of one’s thought and action which removes inner conflict. It is in that way

that integration of personality is achieved.


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