Week-9-16 CM MDL 4q Thesis-Prr3

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MODULE 6 (WEEK 9 - 10)

pp. 3 - 7
ACTIVITY pp. 8 - 10

MODULE 7 (WEEK 11 - 12)

ACTIVITY pp. 20 - 23

MODULE 8 (WEEK 13 - 14)

ACTIVITY pp. 32 - 34

Checks the final written research report



FOURTH QUARTER Method Activities of Researcher

MODULE THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS Survey Gather data by studying a sample population
Conduct survey at one point in time or in several time
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
SIX • Gathers and analyzes data with intellectual honesty
Ask respondents about their beliefs, opinions,
using suitable techniques characteristics, and behavior
Experimental Determine if a particular form of intervention can
research influence a particular outcome
Do something to one group and none to another group
1. What are the different methods that a researcher can use to find answers and examine how both groups manifested different
to the research problem? results
2. How do researchers analyze and interpret data? Conduct random assignment to categorize cases into
two or more groups; select a smaller subset of cases
How do researchers find answers to research problems using quantitative and The investigator will both do the random sampling and
random assignment. Random assignment can easily be
qualitative research methods?
done. An investigator starts by collecting cases. It could
be individual units or groups or organizations
depending on the researcher’s topic and problem.
Then, the researcher divides the cases into two or more
groups through a random process.
In experimental research, the case or people used in
the study and upon whom the variables are measured
and tested are called subjects.
Content Analysis Formulate a research question that deals with the
analysis of messages or symbols
Decide on the unit of analysis
Use random sampling to define the population and
sampling element
Provide the operational meanings of the terms and
constructs used as a variable or a category in the study


Develop a recording sheet or a coding form to record returned and did not return the surveys. A table should be used to show
information the number and percentages that describe the respondents and non-
Make inferences from the results of analysis respondents of the study.
Direct observation Gather data through direct observation 2. The researcher must disclose the method used to determine response
Participant Write field notes while acting as a participant
bias or the result of respondents who did not reply on the results of the
observation Write field notes while observing
Ethnography survey estimates. The procedures used to determine responses bias must
Interviews Conduct face-to-face, telephone, email, and online be explained.
Focus group interviews 3. The researcher conducts a descriptive analysis of data for all independent
discussion Ask unstructured, open-ended questions and dependent variables in the research study. Descriptive analysis
Record interviews or write interview notes includes the computation of the means, standard deviation, and range of
Transcribe interviews scores for the variables used in the study. For experimental research, the
Record and transcribe focus group discussion
researcher must report the descriptive statistics computed during the
Historical research Gather primary and secondary sources
Establish the authenticity and credibility of sources observations and pretest and posttest stages of the experiment. These
Extract and analyze data from the sources statistics involve the computation of the mean, standard deviation, and
Interpret data range statistics.
4. The researcher does statistical analysis of the data. There are different
HOW TO ANALYZE AND INTERPRET DATA RESULTS statistical tests used to examine the hypothesis of the study. (You should
refer to statistical books and references or ask statisticians to help you do
Quantitative and qualitative studies produce different data results because they a statistical analysis of your data.)
use diverse methods. The researcher must then use different analysis and 5. The researcher can use tables, figures, charts, bar or line graphs, maps,
interpretation procedures for each type of research data. pictures, and other visual evidence to present and explain the data
ANALYZING QUANTITATIVE DATA 6. When interpreting data, Creswell (2009) suggests that the researcher
must report if the statistical test results are significant statistically or not.
Creswell (2009) provides simple steps in analyzing gathered data using
He or she must report if the results obtained from the study answer the
quantitative research techniques.
research question or if they have proven the hypothesis. The researcher,
1. The researcher must report information obtained from the data. For Creswell (2009) notes, must explain the occurrence of the data results by
survey research, he or she must report the number of respondents who referring to the theory he or she used in his or her study. Finally the


researcher must discuss the implications of the data results in the current c. Make a list of all topics that you have developed from the sources
study and their relevance to the future research. For experimental collected. Group the related topics. Form the topics into columns.
research, the researcher must interpret the data results in relation to the Classify the topics into major, unique, and other topics.
research hypothesis or questions. When interpreting the data, the d. Identify the topics of each part of the text or source that you have
researcher must explain if the result of the experiment support or negate collected.
the hypothesis or answer the research problem. The researcher can e. Write descriptive words to explain the topics of the text or sources
suggest as well the reasons why the results are significant or insignificant and convert them into categories by grouping related topics.
using reviewed literature and the theory used in the study. f. Determine the category for each group of topics.
g. Perform data analysis using the categories developed to examine
ANALYZING QUALITATIVE DATA each source or material collected.
Creswell (2009, on module 7) also enumerates the following in analyzing h. If necessary, recode the existing data.
qualitative data: 4. Use the coding process to produce a description of the setting or people,
1. Organize and prepare data for analysis. Interviews must be transcribed, including categories or themes for data analysis.
materials scanned, fields notes computerized, and historical data 5. Explain how the description and themes will be expressed and explained
organized in note cards. in the research narrative. The most common approach is to narrative the
2. Read all the data collected. The answer the following questions: findings of the data analysis. Discuss the chronology of events, major
a. What are the general ideas mentioned in the data? themes, topics and subtopics, and their interrelations with the other
b. What is the tone of the ideas? themes or topics. Provide pictures, tables, figures, and other illustrations
c. What is your impression of the overall depth, credibility, and purpose that can help explain the results.
of the information collected? 6. Interpret the data. Explain what lessons can be learned from the data.
3. To begin the analysis of the data, do a coding analysis. Here are the steps Lessons can be based on your personal interpretation. They can be based
to guide you in the coding process: on the comparison of the research results with the information derived
a. Build up the whole picture of the collected. Write down the ideas that from other literature or theories. You can explain also how the study
you develop. confirms or negates past studies about the topic. Discuss questions for
b. Identify and explain the content relevance and purpose of all the future research about the topic.
sources that you collected.

It is important that a researcher knows how to write an outline for his or her I. First major heading
analysis and interpretation of data results. In research writing, an outline is an
effective way to organize a large volume of information. It is used to plan and A. Subheading of first degree
1. Subheading of second degree
draft the important ideas and information of a research report, paper, or
2. Subheading of second degree
proposal. Thus, it is a necessary guide for the researcher in discussing the data
B. __________________________________________________________
results, analysis, and interpretation. C. __________________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________________
A researcher can make either a topic outline or a sentence outline. A topic outline 1. _______________________________________________________
contains only key words, phrases, or concepts that serve as the major and 2. _______________________________________________________
supporting ideas of a paper. A sentence outline, on the other hand organizes 3. _______________________________________________________
ideas expressed in complete statements or sentences. Compared to a topic
outline, the sentence outline is used for writing longer pieces of writing such as II. Second major heading
research papers.
A. __________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________
HOW TO FORMAT OF AN OUTLINE C. __________________________________________________________
A typical follows a specific format that consists of letters and numbers. The main 1. _______________________________________________________
headings or topics are indicated by roman numerals (I, II, III, and so on), while 2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
capital letters (A, B, C, and so on) are used for the first level of the subheadings or
subtopics. If there are levels of subheadings after that, Hindu-Arabic numerals (1, III. _____________________________________________________________
2, 3, and so on) are used. For further subheadings, lowercase letters are used (a,
b, c, and so on). A. __________________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________
HOW TO MAKE AN OUTLINE C. __________________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________________
The researcher must align all the sections of the outline to the left of the paper
and always indent each level of subsection. Below is an example of a three-level


Below is an example of a six-level outline. a. Subheading of third degree

b. ______________________
I. First major heading 1. Subheading of fourth degree
2. _______________________
A. Subheading of first degree a. Subheading of fifth degree
1. Subheading of second degree b. ______________________
a. Subheading of third degree
b. ______________________ B. Subheading of first degree
1. Subheading of fourth degree
2. _______________________
a. Subheading of fifth degree
b. ______________________

B. Subheading of first degree

II. Second major heading

A. Subheading of first degree BOOK

1. Subheading of third degree The Research Design and Methodology pp. 151 - 172 Application and
a. Subheading of third degree Practice of Research for Senior High School: Inquiries, Investigations and
b. ______________________ Immersion. (2017)
1. Subheading of fourth degree
2. _______________________
a. Subheading of fifth degree
b. _____________________

B. Subheading of first degree

III. Third major heading

A. Subheading of first degree
1. Subheading of third degree



1. Refer to module 5 output and write the research methodology of your
study below:
Determine if the following statements describe quantitative or qualitative Research Problem:
research analysis. Write QNA if the statement describes quantitative research Research Methodology:
analysis and QLA if it describes qualitative research analysis. Write you answer on
the space provided before each number on your answer sheet.

________ 1. It uses statistical analysis as a technique.

________ 2. It uses descriptive analysis to analyze data.
________ 3. It uses conceptualization to analyze data.
________ 4. It uses open coding to analyze data.
2. Employ the research method that you have proposed. Seek guidance
________ 5. Axial coding is used for data analysis.
from your teacher regarding the time frame and important reminders
________ 6. It uses the narrative approach to analyze data.
that you have to remember when employing the research methodology
________ 7. It applies successive approximation in data analysis.
of your paper. Submit all data collection method instruments and
________ 8. Data are analyzed by manipulating numbers that represent empirical
research outputs to your teacher. All data must be checked to ensure that
facts to examine theoretical hypothesis.
they were properly accomplished and executed.
________ 9. Data are analyzed by finding patterns or relationships, and analysis is
Each research method has a set of outputs that must be submitted. The
done even during the data collection.
following is a list of outputs that must be submitted for each research
________ 10. It always applies a mathematical approach to analyze data.2

Outputs to be submitted
Research Method
1. Survey questionnaire and/or interview
1. Survey research
2. Survey pilot test results
3. Description of target population, sampling


frame, and sample size 1. Description of the case and the problem/issue
4. Description of geographic location of to be studied
respondents 2. Research methods to be used to study the case
5. Data record of survey results chosen
6. Tabulation of survey result a. Identify and describe the methods to be
1. An experimental research design that includes used
the following: b. Produce the necessary documents for the
4. Case Study
a. Participants research method that will be used in the
b. Variables data collection:
c. Instrumentation and materials  Survey questionnaires
d. Experimental design procedures  Interview questions
e. Threats to validity  Archival documents
f. Experiment procedures 3. Data results of the case study conducted and
2. Experimental
2. Post-experimental interview questions and recorded
results and a record of the post-experiment 1. List of primary and secondary sources
interview 2. An annotated bibliography of all the resources
3. Data collected from the experiment results 5. Historical that you will use in the research
(You must record the measures of the Research 3. Extraction of data for each part of the topic
dependent variable in the groups during the (Record the data in 3x5 index card, following
pretest and posttest. You must examine the the topic outline of the study.)
results for the control and experimental groups 1. Description of the field site
to determine if your hypothesis is correct.) 2. Mode of understanding between you and the
1. Clear research question local leaders regarding your coordination with
2. Unit of analysis or the amount of text that is them for your field work or a letter from the
assigned to a particular code local government or local leader regarding your
3. Random sampling used (Identify the population field work.
6. Ethnography
and sampling element) 3. Interview guide that contains questions for
3. Content Analysis
4. Written rules for coding decisions or rules that focus group discussions or one-on-one
guide you in making judgments or interviews (if applicable)
classifications of the codes. 4. Field notes (jotted notes, direct observation
5. Recording sheet or tally sheet notes, inference notes, analytic notes, and
6. Inferences from the content analysis personal notes)


3. Computerize, transcribe, compile, and collect all the data gathered and 2. _______________________________________________
place them in an envelope. Ask your teacher to check and inspect the 3. _______________________________________________
data if they are complete and properly collected. The data will serve as II. _____________________________________________________
A. __________________________________________________
your data bank. You will use and refer to them as you answer the
B. __________________________________________________
research problem and interpret and analyze the results.
C. __________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________
In module 5, you identified the data analysis technique that you will use to 2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
analyze and interpret the data results. For this output, you are expected to
III. _____________________________________________________
employ the research analysis technique that you have stated in module 5 A. __________________________________________________
activity number four. Also, you are tasked to develop an outline that will 1. _______________________________________________
summarize the data results, analysis, and interpretation. 2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
1. Use the data analysis and interpretation method discussed in module 5 B. __________________________________________________
activity number two. C. __________________________________________________
2. Draft a two to three level topic outline to summarize the results of your D. __________________________________________________
data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The outline will serve as the
blueprint of your research analysis, interpretation, and major findings. It
will also help you draft the final research paper.
Topic Outline
I. _____________________________________________________
A. __________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________



INCLUSIVE DATE: At the end of this module, you are expected to:
• Forms logical conclusions
• Makes recommendations based on conclusions
• Writes clear report


What should a researcher follow when writing the summary of research findings,
conclusion, recommendation, and bibliography of the study?


The research findings are the results of the study conducted based on the data A quantitative research paper usually contains a section called Data Results and
that were collected, analyzed, and interpreted. In writing the summary of Research Findings. In this section, the researcher answers the research problems
findings, a researcher must take note of important points. First, it is not necessary using the results of the investigation or experiment. Check the template as an
to include all data that were collected and gathered in the summary. The example.
researcher makes a judgment call on which data considered important and useful
and must therefore be incorporated discussion of the research findings. Second, Data Results and Research Findings
the researcher must ensure that he or she has clearly understood the data Introduction:
results. He or she summarize, condense, and simplify the data and discussion in _____________________________________________________________
the research findings. Finally, all data presented in the research findings must be
properly explained. The length of the section depends on the amount and types Data Results and Findings:
of data to be presented by the researcher (University of Southern California, 1. _______________________________________________________
2016). 2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________


Use of Tables and Figures 12. Use an explanatory note at the bottom of the table to explain
abbreviations or other notations used in the table.
In both quantitative and qualitative research, the data results are explained and
presented using statistics, data tables, and figures. Tables are efficient ways to The American Psychological Association (2001) lists down some questions that a
present large amounts of data using a limited amount of space. They are used to researcher should ask if he or she wants to use tables for presenting data results.
show (1) the exact numerical values and (2) the arrangement of data organized in
a manner that displays columns and rows (American Psychological Association, 1. Is the table necessary for this portion of the study?
2. Are all the tables used in the manuscript consistent with the data
presentation and research findings?
Things to Remember about Using Tables 3. Is the title or heading of the table brief, clear, and explanatory?
4. Do all the columns of the table have headings?
The American Psychological Association provides tips on using tables for 5. Does the table contain data that need to be clarified using notes?
presenting data results. 6. Did you include the source of the data table?
1. Identify the amount of data that the reader needs to understand in the Example of Data Table:
presentation of data results.
2. Determine which of the data results can be presented using tables. Table 1
3. Tables must be properly arranged to present quantitative data results Total Number of Grade 10 Boys and Girls in Section A, 2013-2016
clearly. Year Boys Girls
4. Tables must be used to supplement and not to duplicate the text. 2013 a 34 10
5. Combine tables that repeat data. 2014 33 11
6. Identical columns or rows of data should be used in two or more data 2015 30 14
2016 35 9
Note: a refers to the June to December 2013
7. All tables must be numbered using Hindu-Arabic numerals.
8. All tables should have a brief, clear, and explanatory title. Source: ______________________________________
9. Every column of a table must be given a heading.
10. When citing tables in the text, refer to them using their numbers. For
example, "as shown in Table 1, the interviewees stated that . . .
11. Cite the source of table if it was lifted from other sources.


Explanation in the next: artist.

Photograph Photographs should be used to augment the text.
As shown in Table 1, the interviewees states that… They must be taken clearly. The researcher should
seek permission from the source of the photo if it is
_____________________________________________________________ not taken by the researcher himself or herself.
Source: American Psychological Association, 2001,
The American Psychological Association (2001) enumerates a list of
_____________________________________________________________ questions that a researcher should ask if he or she wants to use figures
for presenting data results.
Use of Illustration and Figures 1. What specific ideas do you want to express using figures?
2. Is it necessary to use figures to express or explain the idea?
Any form of illustration used in the study other tables is classified as a figure. A
3. What specific type of figure is useful and necessary in explaining the
figure can be a chart, a graph, a photo, a drawing, or any other related visual
representation of data. It should be used in the research to augment the text and
4. What is the source of the figure that you used in the study?
to convey and express essential facts (American Psychological Association, 2001,).
5. Is the figure used in the study presented in a simple and clear
Examples of Illustrations manner?

Illustration Description Examples of Illustrations:

Graphs Graphs are utilized to show relationships in a set
data. They can also show absolute values,
percentages, and index numbers. Examples of graphs
are line graph, bar graph, pictogram graph, and circle
or pie graph.
Charts Charts are used to describe the relationship between
parts of a group or object or sequence of operations
in a process. Organizational charts and flowcharts are
examples of charts that can be used for presenting
data results and findings.
Drawings Drawings are images that can be shown from several
views. They must be illustrated by a professional


Bar Graph Line Graph

Figure 1 Figure 2
Percentage of Clients of the East, West, and North Divisions of Company X during Percentage of Clients of the East, West, and North Divisions of Company X during
the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarters of 2015 the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarters of 2015

60 300
East North
50 250
west West
40 200
30 North 150 East
20 100
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
In Figure 1, the percentage of clients… In Figure 2, the percentage of clients…

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Pie Chart Pictogram

Figure 3 Figure 4
Percentage of Clients of the East, West, and North Divisions od Company X during
the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarter of 2015


1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

In Figure 4, the percentage of clients…

In Figure 3, the percentage of clients…
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Photograph Flow Chart

Figure 5 Figure 6
Osaka Castle Stimulus-Response Flow Chart

In Figure 6, the percentage of clients…


Writing Narratives and Discussions in Qualitative Research

In qualitative research, researchers explain the data results and findings by

developing several subtopics and writing chapters that explain and answer the
research problems vividly and lengthily. Each chapter usually addresses a specific
In Figure 5, the percentage of clients… question mentioned in the research introduction. See the following template as
an example.
Chapter II
Introduction: _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Subtopic A Chapter IV
__________________________________________________________________ Title
__________________________________________________________________ Introduction: _______________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Subtopic B __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ Subtopic A
Subtopic C __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ Subtopic B
Chapter III __________________________________________________________________
Title __________________________________________________________________
Introduction: _______________________________________________________ Subtopic C
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Subtopic A
__________________________________________________________________ What to Remember about Writing the Research Findings
__________________________________________________________________ Here some tips on writing the research findings of the study.
Subtopic B
__________________________________________________________________ 1. Research findings can either prove or disprove the hypothesis of the study.
__________________________________________________________________ So, do not include data that do not help answer the research problem.
__________________________________________________________________ 2. There are two ways to present the research findings. First, provide a
Subtopic C
summary of the results and an explanation of the major research findings.
__________________________________________________________________ Second, present and explain each of the major results thoroughly.
__________________________________________________________________ 3. The research findings must include the following:


a. A short introduction should restate the research problem so that it The University of Southern Carolina (2016) enumerates the following tips on
properly contextualizes the discussion of the research findings. formulating a conclusion:
b. The research findings for both quantitative and qualitative research can 1. A conclusion must be concise and direct to the pointe
use data tables and figures to illustrate, summarize, categorize, and 2. A conclusion must be explained from specific to general. It starts by
organize the results of the study. Charts, bar or line graphs, maps, explaining the research problem (specific). Then, it explains how the
pictures, and other visual aids can be used to support the text of the data study adds new understanding or fills an important gap in the literature
results. The researcher must incorporate the variables, subjects, and (general).
subgroups in the data tables. Tables, graphs, statistics, and figures that 3. A conclusion must briefly explain how the study contributes to new
are incorporated in the text (for qualitative research) or in the data knowledge or how it provides a new understanding or interpret about the
results and research findings section (for quantitative research) must be research problem.
part of the discussion in the paper.
4. Use the past tense when presenting the results of the study.
Making Recommendations
5. Use the templates shown earlier when using tables and illustrations in the
study. Recommendations are suggestions for future studies based on the experiences
and major findings of the researcher. A researcher can give as many
Drawing Conclusions
recommendations as he or she likes for as long as they are grounded in the
findings, results, and conclusion of the study. A recommendation can be based on
Conclusions in research are "abstractions of the summary of findings into what the following:
are most important in relation to the objectives of the study” (Ardales 2001, p. 1. The negative results of the study—the weaknesses, shortfalls, and other
203). They help readers understand the significance of the study. A conclusion similar factors that affected the study can be discussed as part of the
synthesizes the main points of the research and answers the research questions. recommendation. The researcher can offer a number of suggestions as to
A well-written conclusion must emphasize the main points discussed in the how to prevent the occurrence of negative results for future studies.
research results and data analysis section of the paper. It must summarize the 2. Positive results of the research—they can provide new or additional
main ideas and significance of the research. It must be a synthesis of the courses of action to improve or to make more effective programs or
arguments discussed and a reiteration of evidence presented in the research. policies (Ardales, 2001).
This is necessary in order to explain how the arguments presented in the study 3. Possible areas of research within the topic—these can be explored
answer the research problems. Also, it must be stated in a clear and simple further by future researchers who are interested to study the same topic.


Plagiarism can be avoided by identifying the sources of every text that is directly
Citing Sources and Writing the Bibliography
quoted, paraphrased, and summarized in the paper.This will help the researcher
Intellectual honesty should be practiced at all times in research writing in determining the sources of the texts used in the study (Gibaldi, 2003, pp. 74-
A researcher must remember that all ideas that were taken from a source of 75).
information must be acknowledged. As a golden rule, researchers must at ways
There are different ways to cite sources within the body of the research. The
cite all the sources that were used in the study in their research papers. Citing
sources is necessary to prevent plagiarism, an intentional or accidental act of American Psychological Association (APA) style uses the in-text citation. This
copying the works and writings of another person without properly crediting or contains the surname of the author, the publication year of the source, and the
properly acknowledging the author or writer of the source (Babbie, 2013; specific pages where the information can be found. It is written at the end of the
Neuman, 2007). Plagiarism, according Gibaldi (2003), is committed if a researcher
does the following: Example:
a. Taking notes that do not distinguish the summarized and paraphrased According to a study, 60% of the people in the community smoke (Sean,
texts from the directly quoted texts and present the quoted texts as if 2014,p.60)
they are the researcher's own words
b. Directly copying and pasting a text from the Internet and including the An in-text citation can also be included as part of the text. The name of the
said text in the research paper without quotation marks or without citing author is stated in the sentence, and it is followed by the publication year of the
the source
source and the page number where the information can be found in the source.
c. Citing facts without mentioning the source of the information
d. summarizing Or paraphrasing someone's wording without acknowledging
the source
According to Sean (2014, p.60), 60% of the people in the community smoke.
e. Copying a Part of a text (phrase or concept) from the source without
acknowledging the source and its author
When the page of the source is not included, you can cite the year of the
f. Paraphrasing or using someone's arguments, idea, or theory without
publication of the literature.
acknowledging the source
g. Acquiring a research paper, copying its content, and submitting it to your
According to Sean (2014), 60% of the people in the community smoke.


The full citation of the source can be found in the reference list of the paper.

In the Modern Language Association (MLA) style, the sources are acknowledged REFERENCES
by placing brief parenthetical citations in the text. The parenthetical citation
contains the surname of the author and the page number where the information
can be found in the source. The full citation of the source used within the text is Book
included in the reference list of the paper. The Research Design and Methodology pp. 79 - 150 Application and Practice of
Research for Senior High School: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion. (2017)
In the survey conducted, there are about 60% of the people in the community
who smoke (Sean 60).
A C T I V I T Y (I E S)
The other citation format is the footnote system. This is usually used in historical
studies that require the complete citation of a source. The number of footnote
indicates the sources cited in the paper. Footnotes are printed at the bottom of Activity 1 – What do I know about this topic?
each page of the research paper. What should the summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendation of the
Sometimes, endnotes are used instead of footnotes. The sources which are study contain? Write your answer below.
indicated by numbers within the text are printed at the end of chapter of a
research paper.

Peter Sean, Smoking Problems (Quezon City: S&G Publications, 2014), p. 60.


Activity 2 – The findings and Result of your Study B. If you are conducing qualitative research, you can explain the data results and
Go back to the outline that you have written in Module 6 Activity 3. Remember research findings by developing several subtopics or chapters to explain and
that the outline summarizes the data results, analysis, and interpretation. For the answer the research problems vividly and lengthly. Use your iwn study to
first output of this module, explain the outline and write a paper or an essay to help you draft this section of your paper. Check the following templates.
explain the results of your research findings and data analysis and interpretation
exhaustively. You can make data tables, tabulations, figures, charts or graphs, if Chapter II
appropriate and necessary. Use your own studies.
Introduction: _______________________________________________________
A. If your research is quantitative, make a section in your study entitled "Data __________________________________________________________________
Results and Research Findings." You can explain the data results using __________________________________________________________________
statistics, data tables, and figures. Use your own studies. Check the sample __________________________________________________________________
template below.
Data Results and Research Findings Subtopic A
Introduction: ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ Subtopic B
_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Data Result and Findings: __________________________________________________________________
1. ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ Subtopic C
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ Chapter III
________________________________________________________ Title
3. ________________________________________________________ Introduction: _______________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Subtopic A
__________________________________________________________________ Activity 3 – Drawing Conclusions
Subtopic B
__________________________________________________________________ Write the conclusion of your study. Use your own study.
__________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: ________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Subtopic C __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Chapter IV
Title Activity 4 – Writing the Recommendations of your Study
Introduction: _______________________________________________________ Write the recommendations of your study. Use the following guide questions:
1. What can you recommend to future researchers to prevent the
__________________________________________________________________ occurrence of negative results in the study?
2. What can you recommend as new or additional courses of action to
Subtopic A improve or to make more effective programs or policies?
__________________________________________________________________ 3. What possible areas of research within the topic can be studied further
__________________________________________________________________ by future researchers who are interested to study the same topic?
__________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: _________________________________________________
Subtopic B _________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Subtopic C _________________________________________________________________


Activity 5 – Making the Bibliography

Make the bibiliography for your research paper. Follow the correct format and
citation style.
Bibliography: ______________________________________________________



At the end of this module, you are expected to:
MODULE • Presents written research report
The preliminaries of a research paper contain the title page, acknowledgement,
and table of content, list of tables and figures, and abstract.
EIGHT • Revises written research report based on suggestions
and recommendations of panelists
INCLUSIVE DATE: A. Title page – this part includes the title of the research paper, the name of
• Submits final written research report
the author/s, and the date of its submission. See the standard format of a
title page on the next page.
Title of research paper
1. How is the final research paper written and revised?
2. What should be included in the final research paper? A Research Paper
3. How should a student present the research results to a public audience? Presented to the Name of Department
Name of school/College/University
Writing the Research Paper
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the _____________
After learning each step of the research process through different activities and
module outputs, you are now ready to write your research paper. The parts of a By
research paper are discussed in the following pages. All research papers, including Name
the one you will write at the end of this module, should have the complete parts. Date

B. Acknowledgement – This part contains a short acknowledgement to

thank all the people and organizations that help the author in his or her
C. Table of Contents – This page contains the list of main topics, subtopics,
and other subsections of the research paper including their
corresponding page numbers. See the following template.


Table of Contents List of Figures

Page Page
I. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….1 Figure 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 4
A. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….2 Figure 2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 9
B. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….3
1. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….4
2. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….5 E. Abstract—an abstract, also known as the executive summary of research,
II. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….6 is a short summary or synopsis of the content of the research paper. It
A. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….9
Provides readers with a quick preview or survey of the contents of the
B. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………………………12
1. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………………………16 research paper.
2. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………………………25 An abstract must clearly summarize the main problem, the research
methodology, and the main findings of the research. It must be readable,
well-organized, brief, and self-contained. According to the American
Psychological Association (2001, pp. 12—13), a good abstract must have
D. List of Tables and Figures – This page shows a list of all the tables and
the following characteristics:
figures in the research paper. Tables contain statistical data, while figures
1. Accurate. Abstracts must correctly reflect the main objectives, statement
are charts, drawings, graphs, photos, and other related visual
of the problem, and the main contents of the research. Do not include
representations of data. The tables and figures in the list should be
any information that is not discussed in the research.
numbered in sequential order. The page number for each table and figure
2. Self- contained. All abbreviations must be defined and properly spelled
should also be identified in the list. Below is a template for the list of
out in a research abstract. Unique terms must be defined and explained.
tables and figures.
3. Brief and precise. An abstract must be as short and concise as possible. A
typical abstract is made up of about 120 words. It should start by stating
List of Tables
the most important information about the research. It must include the
Table 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 4 main problem, the purpose and objectives, the principal results, and the
Table 2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 9 conclusions of the study. It can also include tour or of the most important
concepts or findings derived from the study.


4. Non-evaluative. Abstract must be informative. They should only report Template of a Research Abstract:
and not evaluate. Abstracts should not add to or comment on the
contents of the research. Abstract
Provide a short introduction of the topic and the research problem, research
5. Coherent and readable. Abstracts must be clearly written using the active
design and methodology used, research analysis method and major research
voice. The present tense must be used to discuss the results of the study. findings and conclusion. It should not be longer than 250 words.
The third person rather than the first person is also used in writing the
Example of an Abstract:
An abstract of a quantitative or empirical study should contain the following
information: Abstract
1. Main problem of the study Decentralization in the Philippines was hampered by a long history of
2. Participants or subjects of the study and their relevant characteristics centralization that started since the Spanish period and continued during the
3. Methodology used in the research like the data-gathering procedures American period and postwar period. The local government units of the
4. Major findings of the study Philippines during these periods were under the direct supervision and control of
5. Conclusions and the implications or applications of the research the national government which alone possesses direct authority and powers over
the local government units.
It was only after the passage of the 1991 Local Government Code that local
An abstract of a qualitative study should contain the following: government units began to enjoy complete decentralization from the national
1. Topic of the study government. The Code, also known as Republic Act 7160 concretized the dream
2. Main problem, purpose of the study, thesis, scope of the study, and of Filipinos for a decentralized local government. As compared to its predecessor,
theoretical framework used the 1983 Local Government Code, the 1991 Local Government Code provides a
3. Methodology and sources used more detailed system for the management of the affairs of local government
4. Main findings and conclusion units. This research discusses the historical development of local government
5. For case studies, the abstract should describe the subject and the particularly on how centralization was adopted and implemented in the
relevant characteristics of the individual or organization presented; the Philippines during the Spanish period, American period and postwar period. It
nature of or solution to a problem illustrated by the case; and the also explains how the 1991 Local Government Code was crafted as a result of the
question raised from additional research or theory. country's long history of centralization (Dela Cruz, 2004).


Research Introduction separate section or chapter. This format depends on the nature of the research
This part of the research paper explains the background of the study, the research
problem, objectives, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation, Refer to Module 5 output for the research methodology of your research.
definitions of terms, and framework. Refer to Module 3 outputs.
Results of the Study, Data Analysis, Summary of Findings,
I. Introduction Conclusion, and Recommendations
A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem Refer to module 6 outputs. The presentation of the research results and findings
C. Objectives of the Study depends on the nature of the research. In a quantitative research paper, it is
D. Hypothesis of the Study usually a single chapter with a number of subtopics. In a qualitative research
E. Significance of the Study paper, the results, findings, and data analysis and interpretation are usually
F. Scope and Limitation presented and discussed in two or more chapters or subtopics that constitute the
G. Definition of Terms main body of the research. It is then important to make an outline to organize the
H. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
research findings in a qualitative research paper.

Review of Related Literature SampleTempIate for the Results and Findings Section of the Research aper For
Quantitative Research
The review of related literature section of research paper is considered part of
II. Research Results and Findings
the introduction. It follows the framework section of the paper. In other papers,
however, it is a separate section or chapter. This format the nature of the Major Results and Findings
research paper. Findings 1:
Findings 2:
Refer to Module 4 output for the review of related literature of your research. Findings 3:
Research Methodology Findings 4:

The research methodology section is treated as part of the research introduction.

It is usually placed after the review of related literature. In other papers, it is a


For Qualitative Research Recommendation

II. Research Results and Findings IV. Recommendations

Chapter II
Title List of References or Bibliography
Subtopic A: Refer to Module Activity 3 for the list of references or bibliography of your
Subtopic B: research.
Subtopic C:
V. Bibliography
Chapter III
Title Appendices
Subtopic A:
Subtopic B: Appendices contain various information in relation to the research, though it may
Subtopic C: not be necessary to include them in the main body of the research. They can be
survey questions, interview guides, transcriptions of interviews, and photos. They
Chapter IV can also contain data results that are not included in the main results in the body.
Introduction: Guidelines for Writing the Draft and Revising the Research Paper
Subtopic A:
Subtopic B:
Subtopic C: Before you start writing your research paper, remember a few important tips on
prewriting, writing, and rewriting. Neuman (2007) provides a few relevant tips.

Conclusion 1. Before writing the research paper, organize all your notes, the lists of
ideas, the research outline, the research results and findings, the data
III. Conclusion
analysis, and source citations.


2. Write the first draft of the research paper by free writing; DO not be Guidelines on the Oral Presentation of the Research
mindful of the typographical errors or grammatical lapses as you write.
Just write everything that you want to explain about the different aspects
of your research, It is important to communicate and share the results of your research to the
3. After writing the first draft, revise and edit the draft to ensure clarity, public. David and Sutton (2004) give some reminders about presenting the
research output to the public.
accuracy, Coherence, and organization. Revising the draft requires you to
add new ideas, supporting arguments, and evidence. Editing, on the other 1. The time allotted for presentation is usually limited. So, identify what
hand, is the process of checking the grammar and mechanics of the must be included in the presentation.
research paper. It includes checking the spelling, punctuation, subject- 2. The presentation depends on the nature of the audience. If the paper is
verb agreement, tense, voice, sentence length, and other related aspects to be presented to a nonacademic audience, always assume that the
of the text. You must proofread the entire draft to make sure that it has members do not have any prior knowledge about the topic. When
no content or typographical errors. presenting your research to an academic audience, you can skip over the
4. As budding researchers, remember that your first draft is not yet the final basic elements of the research because it is assumed that they are
draft of the paper. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the first set of familiar with the fundamental aspects of research.
drafts of your research paper before you submit the final draft. When you 3. Determine the objectives of the presentation. Do not forget to discuss the
revise the drafts, consider the questions, comments, and suggestions that background of the study, objectives of the study, research design,
were raised during the presentation of your paper. Incorporate the research methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of
comments and suggestions of the audience. Include the answers to the the research in relation to the related literature and framework the study.
questions that were raised during the presentation in the final paper. 4. Delivery is an important aspect of the research presentation. So, be
5. Pagination is important in a research paper. Use the small Roman aware of the fundamental elements of oral presentation.
numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi. . .) for the research preliminaries. Small Roman a. Use visual aids. The audience can understand and appreciate the
numeral (i) starts on the acknowledgment page and ends on the abstract presentation better if there are visual aids, such as a presentation
page of the paper. The use of Hindu-Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) starts app/tool.
from the first page of the research introduction and ends on the last page b. The content of the visual aids must be simple. Do not show slides
of the appendices. containing long sentences or paragraphs in the presentation
6. The start of the pagination of each part or section of the paper must be app/tool. Use only bullet points or key concepts. Use large fonts
reflected and shown in the table of contents and the list of tables and
charts of the research paper.


(font size 20—24) for the texts so that the audience can easily read Revision of Research Paper after Presentation and Defense and
them. Show tables, charts, and pictures. Submission of Bound Copies of the Final Research Manuscript
c. Always build rapport with the audience. You must make eye contact
with the audience to show your confidence. Also, looking at the After the presentation and defense of the research paper, you should take note
audience gives you an idea of its feedback to your presentation. of all the suggestions, comments, and questions by the panelists. You should
address them in the final research paper. As researchers, you must learn to revise
d. Always speak clearly and confidently. Do not talk fast. Speak loud
enough so that everyone can hear you clearly. and edit your paper. Revising, editing, and researching answers to the questions
e. Use note cards. These cards contain the main points of the raised during the presentation and defense are part and parcel of the research
presentation and they can help you focus on your topic. However, process. You should not feel sad or depressed when you are asked to revise and
edit the paper or even conduct further research on the topic. These activities can
do not read the note cards to the audience because it might find the
presentation boring. Also, you may end up losing your rapport with lead to an excellent and well written research paper.
the audience. Once the paper has been revised and edited, you have to submit the revised draft
f. Practice your oral presentation before a group of people who can to your teacher for his or her approval. If the teacher gives his or her approval,
give you initial feedback. Their feedback can give you some ideas on you can now proceed to the following steps:
what to improve in your presentation.
g. Dress appropriately. Wear semiformal or formal attire for the 1. Write an approval sheet and have it signed by your teacher, panelists,
presentation. and the department chair or principal, if necessary. Below is a template of
h. During the defense of the research, answer the questions asked by an approval sheet.
the panelists based on your study. Do not give answers based on
your own assumptions. If you do not know the answer, tell the
panelist member that you will find the answer to the question, and it This thesis/term paper entitled ____________________________ prepared and
will be included in the final manuscript. Listen and take notes of the submitted by _____________________________ as part of confirmation to the
suggestions and comments of the panelists. Their suggestions, requirements in ______________________has been examined approved for
comments, and questions can enrich the quality of your research ORAL EXAMINATION.
Name of Teacher and Signature above Printed Name


Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination with the grade of ________ on Title of research paper
__________________________________ A Research Paper
Name of Panel Members and Signature
Presented to the Name of Department
Name of Panel Members and Signature Name of school/College/University
Name of Panel Members and Signature In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the _____________
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the ___________________
__________________________________ By
Name of Principal/ Department Chair and Signature
2. The approval sheet must be included in the final, manuscript of the
paper. It is placed after the title page of the research paper. 5. Ask your teacher how many copies of the final paper are needed. It is a
3. Print the final draft of the paper. common practice now in many institutions of higher education to submit
4. Bind the final paper. The contents of the title page of the research paper a soft copy of the final manuscript in Portable Document Format (PDF). If
should appear on the cover. Below is the template of the cover page. this is required by your teacher, then save a copy of the final manuscript
in pdf format on a compact disc (CD).
6. Submit the final research paper. Your teacher will provide the deadline of
submission of the bound copies of your research have to make sure that
the revisions have been incorporated in the final research paper and that
the copies of the final paper must be ready before the deadline.


Module 8 Outputs E. Data Analysis Method

A. Manuscript of the Research Paper V. Research Results and Findings
VI. Conclusion
Write the first draft of your research paper. Use the format below as guide. Check VII. Recommendations
the websites in the appendix of this book to see some examples of different VIII. Bibliography
research papers. These papers can guide you in writing the first draft of your *If applicable to your study
**Can be included in the research introduction section of the paper
research paper.

I. Preliminaries
 Title Page B. Present the research results in class.
 Approval Sheet
Your classmates and teacher are the main audience of the presentation. The
 Acknowledgments
teacher can invite a panel who would listen and critique the research findings.
 Table of Contents
 List of Tables You should take note of the questions, comments, and suggestions given by your
 List of Figures
classmates, teacher, and the panel of guests regarding your research. You can
 Abstract
II. Introduction address their concerns when you revise the research paper. Be sure to revise the
A. Background of the Study research paper before you submit the final draft to your teacher.
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Objectives of the Study C. Revision and Submission of the Final Research Paper
D. Hypothesis of the Study*
As budding researchers, it is important to remember that your first draft is not yet
E. Significance of the Study
F. Scope and Limitation the final draft of the paper. Therefore, it is imperative to revise the draft research
G. Definition of Terms* paper before you submit it as your final paper. When you revise the research
H. Conceptual and Theoretical draft, consider the questions, comments, and suggestions that were raised during
III. Review of Related Literature the presentation of your paper.
IV. Research Design and Methodology*
A. Research Design Submit the final research paper in book bind form. Your teacher will provide the
B. Subject of the Study* deadline of submission of the bound copies of your research paper. Make sure
C. Population/Respondents that the revisions have been incorporated in the final research paper and that the
D. Data Gathering Procedures
final paper must be ready before the deadline.


Activity 2 – Making the table of contents

Make the table of contents of your research paper. And list of tables and figures.
Use the following link as you reference.
Book http://iskwiki.upd.edu.ph/images/c/c7/Aguillon,Joyce_Mendoza%26Roman
The Research Design and Methodology pp. 79 - 150 Application and Practice of
Research for Senior High School: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion. (2017)
A C T I V I T Y (I E S)
Table of Contents
Activity 1 – Writing the Acknowledgement Page of your Research Paper I. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….1
C. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….2
Identify and acknowledge all the people and organizations that helped you during D. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….3
the entire research process. 3. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….4
4. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….5
________________________________________________________________ II. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….6
________________________________________________________________ C. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………………………….9
________________________________________________________________ D. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………………………12
________________________________________________________________ 3. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………………………16
________________________________________________________________ 4. XXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………………………25


Activity 4 – Making Appendices

List of Tables
Page Check the appendices of the research papers and see what those parts contain.
Table 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 4 Use the url to access the documents.
Table 2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 9
List of Figures
Page http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/OWTU/TC-OWTU-
Figure 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 4
Figure 2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ……………………………………………………… 9

Activity 3 – Making abstract

Write the abstract of your research paper. Use the following link for your


Activity 5 – Making a Presentation for Defense

Make your presentation for your defense; you can use PowerPoint, and online
software application for you to make it.


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