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Complete las siguientes conversaciones:
17. Hey Matt, who is that man next to you in the picture?
- Wow!, how old is he?

a. He is my grandfather, Julio.
b. She is my sister.
c. He is my little brother, Chris.

18. Excuse me ma'am, is there a telephone in this building?

- Thank you, ma'am.

a. yes, in the building next door.

b. Yes, blocks from here.
c. Yes, it is next to the cafeteria.

19. Betty, how did you find your house after your trip?

- Oh, I'm glad all is fine.

a. I cleaned it yesterday.
b. Everything was okay.
c. I traveled last week.

20. We watched a nice TV program last night with my parents.

- Historical monuments of the country.

a. Really? What was it about?

b.Really, I don't watch TV.
c. Wow, I was out last night.
21. m
I don' know yet. I have to talk to her.

a. Will you and Sara go to the par-W next week?

b. Do you and Sara go to the party?
c. Did you and Sara go to the party?

Lea el siguiente texto y escoja las palabras correctas para los espacios.


c. started
22. a. starts b. starting
c. much
23. a. most b. more
c. were
24. a. was b. is
c. was
25. a. are b. were
c. so
26. a. too b. and
c. one
27. a. only b. each
c. also
28. a. and b. but
c. will
29. a. can b. could
c. some
30. a. the b. a
c. this
31. a. they b. their
Lea el articulo y responda las preguntas 32 a 39


Thomas Alba Edison lit up the world ith his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world
might be a dark
place. However, the electric ignt was not his only invention. He also invented the phonograph, the
picture camera, and over 1200 otherthings.
He was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847 His family moved to Michigan, when he was
seven years old.
Surprsingiy, ne atlended schoal for only two months. His mother taught him a few things, but
Thomas was
osuy Sel-educated.
when he was twelve, he got his first job. He becamea newsboy on a train, where he set up a
laboratory so that
he could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, he was fired when accidentally
set fire to the
floor of the baggage car.
Thomas then worked forfive years as a telegraph operator. He got his first patent in 1868 for a
vote recorder run
by electricity, but it wasn't a success. In 1870, he sold another invention, a stock-ticker, for
$40.000. He was
then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey.
Thomas was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness
as a blessing in
many ways. He called himselfa "two-shift man" because he worked 16 out of every 24 hours. He
died at the age
pf84 on October 18, 1931.

Ejemplo: A. the electric light

0 Thomas Alba Edison lit up the world with B. the telephone
C. tne pnonograpn
HiS invention of

32. Thomas Alba Edison made many things in his life in

this sequence.
a. He became e telegraph operator, a newsboy and got his first patent.
b. He became a newsboy, a telegraph operator and got his first patent.
c. He became a newsboy, got his first patent and then became a telegraph
33. Thomas Alba Edison lived in michigan as he moved there with his family
a. When he was still a child.
b. When he made his first invention.
c. When he was fifteen.

34. As Thomas Alba Edison attended just a few months to school, He was mostly
self - educated with the guide of who helped him.
a. His mother.
b. His Books.
c. His friends at school.

35. The fire Thomas Alba Edison accidentally made when

he was a newsboy, caused him
a. A promotion on the train.
b. To be fired from work.
c. His first patent.

36. Thomas Alba Edison worked very hard and had only a day to
rest and sleep.
a. Two hours.
b. Eight hours.
c. Sixteen hours.

37. Being deaf was in many ways to Thomas Alba Edison, `’

a. A tragedy he never forgot.

b. His principal obstacle.
c. A gift from God.
38. At the age 84, Thomas Aba Edison
a. S04d his newly invention "the stock-ticker"
b. Failed to make his first invention.
c. Died after making many inventions.

39. One of these sentences about Thomas Alba Edison, is not true.
a. Peopleused to callTnomasAlba Edison 'hvo-shiftman"
b. Thomas used to work 16 hours daily.
c. His first shop was opened in Newark, New Jersey.

Preguntas de la 40-45, responda de acuerdo al siguiente texto.

Dr. Jonathan Casey has very busy life S'le. He is a teacher, a tour guide and an author, all
at the same time. Jonathan is from England, but lives the US and works at the Dolphin
Center in Florida. He spends all his time with the dolphins, his favorite animals.

At the Center, Jonathan works from 9 0'clock in the morning until 7 0'clock in the
Evening. He teaches visitors all about where they kive, what they eat and what they can

On weekends, Jonathan takes pea* on boat trips where they can swim and play wth the
dolphins in the ocean. He loves to in the water with the doiphins. Jonathan also writes
books about dolphins There are lots of different types of dolphins. There are gray, black
and brown ones that live in seas end oceans. There ere also pink dolphins that live in
rives in South America and Asia. Jonathan likes the way he lives. "Dolphins are my life I
'ike to be with them and to help other people learn about these beautiful animals," he

40. A good title for the text could be

a. A life with dolphins.

b.Different types of dolphins.
c. A Dolphins Center in Florida.
d.Dr. Jonathan Casey is a prisoner

41. Dr. Jonathan Casey is.

a. American b. English
c. Colombian d. European
42. He works hours a day.

a. 5 b. 13
c. 10 d. 12, 5

43. According to the text, how many types of dolphins are there?

a. five. b. Four.
c. Three. d. Six.

44. Jonathan's joy at the Dolphin Center is

a. His time with the dolphins and help people to learn more about them.
b. Study dolphins and their behavior.
c. Have a part time job.
d. Different b,'pes of insects.

45. Dolphins are to Dr. Jonathan.

a. His work and maintenance

b. His life C. Considerably important.
c. He is a american
d. He is a american

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