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Copprighs Reserved XEVGL2)BEAG) 2008 TIME: 3 Hours _—Fall Marks : 75, Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Aticmpt-any Five questions. All Questions have equal marks. 1. Whatdo you understand by Network? Explain various network topologies. 2. What is communication channel? Explain differenttypes of communication channel. ADS Bea Te Papa + I ‘Dilfferentiate between Intemetand Intranet. Discuss the growth of memet, i ‘What are pop and Web based email? Writethe advantages of pop based email and disadvantages of web based email. ‘How can you search a website by itseontents? Explain with example, Writenameofany four freeemail service providers with URL address, ‘Whal dé you understand by Book @ A(ASB)=A.B () AB+AB=a. ‘What do you understand by operator piecedence? Give the listof precedence of various operators in , Distinguish between aunary and Binary operator ~ ‘Withexamples. EOF Bana Paha 8, Explain various data types used in C with appropriate examples. 9. “What do youmeant by simplex and duplex? Describe the ‘half Duplex tunsmissionhow: 10, Write shortnotes on any twoof the following. @ ) © (dy: Logic gate ‘Demorgan theorem Header files in C Pointer. Copyright Reserved XEV(H2)BCAKA)N, 2008 TIME :3 Hours Full Marks : 75 Candidate are required to give their answers in their own wards ax far as practicable, Answer any Five questions. —-Q.1_. is compulsary a All Questions have equal marks, QI. _Answerthe following questions 8) Whatisa data structure? Explain its three components. >) Define abstract datatype’? Discuss the properties of ADE (Abstract data type}? @ Qa. ALCOR ber at Pope re ©} What are the different datatypes available in c language? Explain with examples, ) —Explainalgorithm and itstypes? Distinguish beweena structure and a class. ©) > Define trees. Discuss it's usage in different application, And describe binary tree, Explain stack mechanism? What do you mean by stack overflow and stack underflow? Distingntish between static ‘and dynamic implementation ofstack. Explain the different types of queues? Hwy is implementation of queue done? What ate the limitations of simple queue’ Explain the insertion and deletion operations of queue, Discuss the linked list with it's operation? Explain the operation ‘Ofinsért and delete anode from the doubly linked: LOE Boa pep o> — TE Q5. Define a binary tree? Discussit’s properties, what are the differences between trees and'a greph? Q6..—Explainshetypesofalgosthms forsrce traversal, Listand describe the Various operations on binary tree using linked representation. OT. Givethe inorder, pre-order post-onder and brea fist raversal ‘forthe following tree. A we a QB. Qe. Qua, L008 Bon — at Pofer— Ie “Explain the various types of searching techniques. ‘Write an algorithm with analysis steps for linear search. and binary search. Explain the characteristies ofthe performance ofa soning algorithm, Describe quicksortalgorithm ‘Write program in c-langage to implement stack with 2 Dimensional aray, Performa the push () and pop 0 operations Coppright Reserved XEV(S-2} (2) 2008 TIME :3 Hours Full Marks : 100 Candidate are required to give their answers in thelr own words as far as practicable. Figures i Right hand Margin indieate Marks. Explain the following with reference to the context: 8x 3-24 (a). Read not to contradict and confuse: ner to believe and ‘ake for granted : nor to find talk and discourse ; but to weigh anid consider. or ‘There you are”, he would say’ . Stepping heavily off the chair tum over Avog Bea Pubes Ongheke ‘on to.the charwoman’s coms and surveying the mess he had made with evisiemt pride. "Why some people would have had a man in to doa litte thing like that,” (6) She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love. Which is always a trmendous task dear friends ‘mammoth task, or Thavea bet on you Jf Twin it, you shall have any situation that is inmy gilt any, that i that you shall BEWbIE TS prove yourself familiar with and competent to fill Nosignature no.aiddress,io date. (©) 1donotknow when thot Rebet wil come,t might be in a week erin a hundred years , but] know , as surely as = ‘see this straw beneath my fect,hat sooner or tater justice 200 . Ben- i. Paper - Biptle will bedons, * = Gentleman , 1 will give you the same toast as before but in different form -Fillyour glassesto the brim, Gentleman here is my toasts To the prosperity of the oe be Discuss the aim of George Orwell behind writing oe ANIMALFARM. WF = or ‘Who among the major characters of Animal Farm appeals to —_ ae 3, Giveuicritical appreciation either of "The giftof the Magi” or of A work of Art” W 4, Sump theideas'contained either “indian Civilization and Culture " or in ‘Forgetting’ W _ toy ~ Bent paper Saybiek 5.Write an Essay on any ons of the following topics: 15. (@) — Emancipatis ofwomen, (©) Criminalisation of Politics’ Politicalisation of crime, (© ” Honesty isthe Absence of chance . : (d) Politics is the last refuge of the scoundral, (c) Avarice begets evils ( Ajoumeyto the Moon, ~ (a) ‘Handsome is the handsome does. 6 Correctthe following sentencos: 5x2=10 (2) Thave read this book ten yearp ago, (b) He came here witk-awiety to help us. (6) She had reached the station after the trin lof. (4) God knows what-has befallen me that T cannot ‘walk properly: (©) What do you want tp see in my eyeg? or ‘tum over Og Beni paper - Daybale Framesentences with the following words :~ fo} (a) “ascent” and ‘assent’ - _ @) ert and“binh (e) ‘currant’ and ‘current.’ (d) ‘drawa! and “drown’, (s) ‘elemental’ and “elementary & Use the folkowing phrases in sentences of your own : Copyright reserved XBW IS2IM-2 Full Mark: 100 Candidate ate required to give their answers in thelr own words as far as practicable. “Answer any eight questious select at least two from each group.The questions are of equal value.” Lo @ ee 2. fab @) Group-A ‘State and prove Taylor's theorem. Ify=x?sinx find y,. State and prove Euler's theorem on homogeneous: functions of wa variable, if = tan 4 prove that 4 : rove thai £4 Evaluate lim 244" —e. = Find theradiis of curvatire forthe garvesion: curve y= f(x). - (Tum Over) AOS Asie Papat Cleft (2) (@) Obtain a reduction formula far f nto () Evaluate [” sinx de a6 the limit of a sum, (a) Find the area of the loop of the curve yi zxe 1)’, fo) Find the perimeter of the loop of the curve Say? = (x= 2a)(x Sa)? Define Beta and Gamma function.and Prove that Teen) Pie} i BO area Solve any two of the following : @), yds aix dy = xy de oe: u MY tan ¥ OO eae ae we) (eye Solve any two of the following : au xt ay £0) xdy-yde- (ery de =0 bel) pete Bareer (Continued) ole0g. vik Gea Popa (3) ot 9. (a) Solve y= px + p— p? and obtain the singuiaz solution, (®) Prove that the orthogonal trajectories of the rectangular hyperbola xy =a? isx?~y’ =c?. Group -B 10: fa) Establish the formula: RE a (D)- Prove that Bx (656 + bx (Ex a) +Ex(axb]=0 11. fa) 7VG(¢ and D6 be two differentiable fafietion of ‘the scalar f then show that : : i a a at dt (i) Prove that the neccessary ‘and sufficient condition far the vector function a) to have eee 12. faf Prove that curt (24.0) = cur Gs-eurl @ ) Prove thatdiv jourt =o. (Tura Over) Ds hor, a ir Spies fot a. systen: of coplaner equilibrium. fb} Forces P,Q, R act along the ; and xeosa-+tjsina =p. Find ‘ _ of the renuiltant ahd equation of action. = 14. fa} State and prove the principle off al work for a coplaner farce system, i |b) Find the work done by the “ee + jn Remall dispincement, a 15. wiite short note on any: two of the’ Principle of angular momentuie Potential energy. * Inertial frames of reference,” acceleration is sen,in second from 0, Find moved in 9. second and the’ Given that the accelerations. Lee Beni" Paper —Himots' 2 eer wR Adee awn a few era’ eer ah erie aire! aa * wer So) A sete gw wr ae! ai ya he Foal eerh am, apie Pree! 20 “al at 9 defeat die as a ees & aii inf. cara ah yea war a ane ue efien 2iRe1 erat ‘aeh ore ane) arene” ger om men ce ARTE go freifefter a aren ree afore: m) wa Bo a omeq oof 10x2-20 4 Pe gx arte =A, aq & eee ala ga TA, Get welt ely eT Be 8) qn from om) foe SH wer axel Revenfeat a toog Beare Pape—Finolt Fra emit a pie dad at & TH ae Read ofaarf 2) . Sie Rite wnt at wer anh, fre aaah arom & SR am ge fora gaa ana Pitt? sera @) ote site felt oA ot ews ugar A ae BRAY FT SAR Ta wy xem t1 were FH crafel & feet al gen 2 am Oe © ste a8 ert Pam 8 daa dapat #1 Ret wed tees we wicd €2- 3 ODF Bea-1E paper drincd® sree eal ik wimgiare # cient A oN Fest ar viet tox oe wren A, Oe aR HM ae Gav qaqa feery axe #1 Prefer At fos yor we Gore ferey 20 ®) specter @) alice 3) am fa frend ay = aft 4 wera att a) wer Rear at hich =) a AT Te,

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