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DATE: ________________________________________
VENUE: _______________________________________

1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest score) how useful has this inclusivity training session been
for you? Please circle your answer  

  1             2              3            4            5             6            7            8                9           10 

2. What did you like the most about this inclusivity training? (in general) 

3. What did you like least about this inclusivity training? (in general) 

4. What did you learn about inclusivity? 

5. What would you like to have learned more about inclusivity?  

6. What did you like about the facilitation? (e.g. form of training, activities, way of conducting facilitation, etc.) 

7. What could be improved on the facilitation? (e.g. form of training, activities, way of conducting facilitation, etc.) 

8. Did the learning environment during the inclusivity training feel like a safe, respectful space where you could be seen, heard
and valued as your authentic self? Please circle your answer. If applicable, please give some tips on how the training
environment can become safer. 

1             2              3            4            5             6            7            8                9           10 

9. How will you apply some learnings of the inclusivity training in your own life, family and at work? Please elaborate.

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