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OF NSTP  Spiritual- associated with religion and

relationship with the Supreme Being Translating
Levelling Off: Understanding the Essence of Community the aforementioned aspects of human existence,
Immersion in NSTP
NSTP has contextualized the said concepts by
Community Immersion is one important determining the various dimensions of
requirement of the National Service Training development along the CWTS component of
Program (NSTP) prescribed to students, male and program, as per guidelines of the NSTP law, to wit:
female alike, in private and public higher education  Education
institutions and technical-vocational schools (RA  Health
9163, Sec. 7). In essence, it is the practicum-based  Safety and disaster management
element of NSTP where lessons learned and  Sports and recreation
acquired in NSTP 1, whether on a semester basis or  Environmental services
as part of One summer Program, are applied in the  Entrepreneurship and livelihood; and morals of
enhancement of the trainees’ capabilities, civic citizenry and other social/general welfare concerns
consciousness and defense preparedness in the
service of the nation. This practicum requirement What is a Community?
essential to NSTP 2 is not only applicable to Civic
“Community” is a collective of people with similar
Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy
interests and goals whether living in the same
Training Service (LTS) components but the Reserve
geographic locality or not. The meaning of a
Officers Training Course (ROTC), as well.
community may actually vary depending on the
As a concept, community immersion is a strategy in objectives of a program to be conducted there at.
community organizing that is sought to imbibe Community may be categorized as geographical or
among the NSTP trainees a better understanding functional.
and realization of the different community
 Geographical- group of people living in the same
concerns through community exposure on the
geographical location like in a certain village, town,
actual life situations specifically in the deprived,
neighborhood, district, area or territory.
depressed, and underprivileged (DDU)
communities. These experiences will allow them to  Functional- group of people who hold common
integrate with other people who may facilitate values, share common functions or express
them undergo certain changes that will make them common interest.
civic-conscious and socially responsible citizens.
Elements of a Community
The trainees, in their own little way, contribute in
the uplift of the quality of life of the people in the Trainees should be aware of elements of a
service areas and, at the same time, develop their community in order to understand the dynamics
ethics of service imbued with the good citizenship thereof.
values of makadiyos (godly), Makabayan  Demographics- include population distribution
(patriotic), makatao (humanitarian), and and density
makakalikasan (nature lover) thereby preparing  History- events of the past that contributed to the
them as reservist in responding to the call of the development of the community
times.  Culture- ways of living of people
The myriad of problems in the community can be  Economy- income level, occupation of people
addressed by immersion projects and activities  Structures- physical, political and social structures
specifically designed to improve the different
The demographics tell about the movement of the
aspects of human development such as:
population in the service areas. History allows to
 Economic- suggests the financial management identify certain patterns and people’s way of
 Social- focuses on people’s interactions and adapting to these changes that can be useful in
plotting activities. Understanding the economy,
culture, and community structures increases the - Trainees must recognize people’s resiliency and
chances of success of activities since anyone can does not rob them on their right to have
provide culture-based and more realistic solutions community participation and determination of
to community concerns. appropriate courses of action.

- Trainees should be aware of the gain-negotiated

sanction- the acceptance derived from community
What is Community Immersion?
relations coupled with the right to conduct
Community Immersion is a strategy that goes
immersion activities.
beyond acquainting us with community concerns
but make possible our participation in their - Trainees must reflect on how their social analysis
(re)solution. of the current situation is concretized in community
people’s lives. The analysis should have as much
Philippines: The National Disaster Risk Reduction
meaning for the trainees as for the community. The
and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011 to 2018
following are the forms of integration in
 Publication Date: 2011 community immersion:
 Source: Philippines 7 - Home visits
A plan which serves as the national guide on how - Living with selected families preferably with key
sustainable development can be achieved through informants
inclusive growth while building the adaptive
capabilities of communities; increasing the - Informal discussions with individuals or groups
resilience of vulnerable sectors; and optimizing
- Sharing in household and community activities
disaster mitigation opportunities with the end in
view of promoting people’s welfare and security - Attendance in social gatherings
towards gender-responsive and right-based
- Assistance in production work
sustainable development.
Whom Do You Immerse Within the Community?
Community Immersion in NSTP is devised a
strategy in molding and ‘conscientizing’ students When one goes to a community, he/she associates
just so that they may be social aware and with the people who intends to work with as
responsible to their communities. This manner partners, allies. Community-based service projects
transformation is bent on training the youth to must be premised on the principle of people
becoming civic conscious and defense prepared empowerment and not the “dole-out” mentality.
individuals. The parents, youth, the differently-abled
constituents, professionals, members of people’s
In view of the fact that the immersion is a major
organizations, other informal and formal groups,
concern in development work, trainees may find it
and others who can be potential collaborator of the
significant to be guided by the following precepts:
project or activities. We do not just work for and
- Trainees should immerse in actual community life serve the people but rather we encourage their
to get to know the social, political and economic participation. Community Immersion is
situation of the people. empowering the people towards development of
the locality.
- Trainees may also undergo certain changes like
increase in knowledge about the social realities,
development of good values, empathy towards
other people, improvement of social skills, among

- Trainees should identify the community people’s

interests and aspirations.
Conditions in a Community Immersion

It is so desired that one fundamental pre-requisite

qualification among those who intend or are tasked
to undergo community immersion is a full
understanding of the concepts and theories behind
the dynamics of groups and community. As for
NSTP, students enrolled in NSTP-CWTS/LTS 2 are
mandated to undergo community immersion for a
period covering a minimum of 54 hours to a
maximum of 90 hours as cited from CHED-
prescribed Program of Instruction (POI), 2007

Dos and Don’ts in Community Immersion

It is a basic rule that trainees must be well-versed

with the area skilled to communicate with
community people and disciplined to keep
themselves from responding indifferently towards
diverse types of personalities. Prudence, therefore,
orders that community “immersionists” must be
well informed of the prescriptive and proscriptive
norms in the conduct community immersion.
Hereunder is a guide prepared by Dr. Florinda C.
Labuguen and Ms. Emily Rose M. Bautista in
manuscript from entitled ‘Essential Protocols When
Supplemental Reading: Community
Visiting Community.
Development from the Ground: The Framework
for Empowering Communities

In Philippine practice, community development is

defined as a social development tool which aims to
transform passive and dependent communities into
active and critical groups capable of undertaking
development at their own pace and on their own

This is the framework for community capacity-

building that plays a vital role in the entire process
of recovery and transformation of people and

The UNDP defines capacity building as the

“process by which individuals, organizations,
institutions, and societies develop abilities to
perform functions, solve problems, set and achieve

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