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STS: World

Chapter Outline:
• S & t in different periods
• Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)
• Medieval Period ( 500- 1500 )
• Renaissance Period ( 14th – 17th Period)
• Industrial Revolution ( 18th Century )
• In 19th Century
• In 20th Century
“To know that we
know what we
know, and to know
that we do not know
what we do not
know, that is true
knowledge” Nicolaus Copernicus
Looking back…
➢Would give us a better idea on
how S & T was developed, the
significant changes that has
happened through time
➢We will be able to determine S & T
Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

• Fire is used by Homo
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA • Stone-headed spears
are used in Europe
• The wooden bow &
arrow are used in Spain
& Saharan Africa.

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Ancient Period
(3,000 B.C. -500 • EUROPE
A.D) • People in Southern
Africa were sewing
needles from bone.
• The Minoans build
palaces in Crete
• Iron working is
introduced in Greece
• Etruscan craftsmen
make false teeth from

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Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

• North Americans make stone
• The Folsom paper living on Eastern
side of the Rocky Mountains develop
sophisticated tools
• Pottery is made is South America
Ancient Period
(3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)


• Earliest known clay pots
are made in Japan
• People in Iran make wine
• Bronze is 1st made in
• The plow is invented in
both China &
• Boats in China are
equipped with anchors
• A lunar calendar is
developed in China
Ancient Period
(3,000 B.C. -500
• Clay pipes are used
A.D) as drain in Pakistan
• Chinese doctors
begin using
• Chinese
astronomers record
the sighting of a

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• Chinese astronomers record a solar eclipse
Ancient Period • Chinese begin writing on bamboo or paper made
(3,000 B.C. -500 A.D) • The Hindu calendar of 360 days is introduced in India
• The Chinese use natural gas for lighting.
• Africa & the Middle East
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA • Homo erectus use stone tools
• Homo erectus begins chipping
flakes off stones to sharpen for
Ancient Period tools
(3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)
• Homo erectus us antlers to create
tools for cutting and drilling
• Africa & the Middle East
• In Africa, bone harpoons are used for
• People in Palestine build houses from sun-
dried bricks
Ancient Period • Clay tokens re used for record keeping in
(3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

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Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

• Africa & the Middle East

• The world’s 1st known city is built
by the people of Catal Huyuk in
Anatolia ( Modern Trurkey)
• Ancient Egyptians devise a 365-
day calendar
• The wheel is invented in
• Egyptians begin using hieroglypics

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Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -
500 A.D)

• Africa & the Middle East

• The Sumerians introduce a 360
day calendar
• Egyptians dam the Garawi river
• Egyptians begin building
• Mesopotamians make glass.
• Babylonian astronomers study
Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

• Africa & the Middle East

• The earliest known maps are produced in
• Babylonian Mathematicians discover the
“Pythagorean theorem”
• Babylonian astronomers compile lists of
planets and stars.
• Egyptians are using about 700 drugs and
Ancient Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

• Africa & the Middle East

• Egyptians are using about 700 drugs
and medications
• The symptoms of leprosy are
described in Egyptian text
• The Egyptians dig a canal to join the
Nile River to the Red Sea
• Phoenicians develop an alphabet
• Farmers in Mesopotamia use an
irrigation system to water crops.
Medieval Period (3,000 B.C. -500 A.D)

• known as “Dark Ages” because

few written records that
remained in the era.
• One of the creative periods & the start
of Industrial revolution
• Emperor Charlemagne of Western
Europe established scholastic tradition
w/ advancement in Philosophy of
Science & refinement of Scientific
Method. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed
under CC BY-SA
Medieval Period (3,000
B.C. -500 A.D)

• windmills, spectacles,
mechanical clocks,
• water mills, building techniques
like Gothic style, & three-field
crop rotations
• Greatest invention-printing press
by Gutenberg in the 15th century
Renaissance Period(14th – 17th Century)

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• period of rebirth as age of preparation for

the 17th century
• printing of books & other documents for
the rapid increase of knowledge &
information for the preservation of culture. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

• Biggest discovery in the whole of human

history is the printing with movable type.

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Renaissance Period(14th – 17th Century)

• Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

presented the heliocentric
• Galileo Galilee (1564-1642)
improved the telescope,
discovered new celestial bodies ,
& found support for heliocentric
solar system.
• He conducted experiments on
pendulum & falling objects
that paved the way for Isaac
Newton’s discoveries about
gravity. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Industrial Revolution
(18th Century)

• machine works
• time of scientific and
George Stephenson
• 3 important
technologies formed
the foundation of IR:
• 1.Iron production,
• 2. steam engine &
• 3. textiles.

Steam Engine

Robert Fulton
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Alexander Graham Bell James Watt

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In the 19th Century (1801 - 1900

• Rise of modern industry, from

agriculture to industrial
manufacturing and technology –
intensive services.
• Invention of useable electricity,
steel, & petroleum products led to
a 2nd Industrial Revolution
• Age of machine tools
• Tools were made for tools;
machines were made for other This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

parts of another machine.

In the 19th Century-Science & Physics Progress
• John Dalton – published his atomic theory. He also
studied color blindness.
• Dmitri Mendeleev – formulated the periodic table.
• Herman von Helmontz – formulated the conservation of
Energy , invented ophthalmoscope.
❑James Clerk Maxwell showed that light is an
electromagnetic wave.
❑Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896
❑Marie & Pierre Curie discovered radium in 1898
❑Joseph Thomson discovered the electron in 1897
In the 19th Century-Science & Physics Progress
• John Dalton – published his atomic theory. He also
studied color blindness.
• Dmitri Mendeleev – formulated the periodic table.
• Herman von Helmontz – formulated the conservation of
Energy , invented ophthalmoscope.
❑James Clerk Maxwell showed that light is an
electromagnetic wave.
❑Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896
❑Marie & Pierre Curie discovered radium in 1898
❑Joseph Thomson discovered the electron in 1897
In the 19th Century- people mastered electricity
▪Hans Christian Oersted – discovered the electric
current in a wire caused a nearby compass needle to
▪Michael Faraday showed that a magnet can produce
electricity and in 1831 he invented the dynamo.
▪Samuel F. b. Morse invented the electric telegraph
▪Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler made the 1st cars in
1885 & 1886
In the 20th Century
• Technology was rapidly developed through the use
of scientific method & funding for research
• Enhanced communication & transportation system
for humans
• Enriched radio & telephony , reached wider
• S & T , more complex & problematic
In the 20th Century
• In 1971, Intel developed a microprocessor that made
computer smaller, easier to use, & cheaper
• Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak introduced Apple in 1976
• World Wide Web (1989) has made global
communication, gathering information through
searching & conducting business matters
• Henry Ford devised a system of mass production for
the Model T in 1908 ( cars)
• Invention of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in computers
that can “think” similarly to humans

Art Presentation
• Time duration: 30 minutes
• Materials: 2 pcs of ¼ illustration board, coloring or art materials, ruler,
pentel pen
• Instruction:
• Divide the class into groups
• Assign a topic on each group
• Topics: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, 19th
Century & 20th century
• Let them choose five greatest inventions on their assigned topic.
• Let them draw the five greatest inventions that they have chosen
using their materials.
• Afterwards, let them present and explain their work in the class.

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