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• 24 -year old healthy male with one day hx of

abdominal pain. Pain was generalized at first,
now worse in the right lower abdomen
Activity 3: radiates to his right groin. He has vomited
twice today.
Case study
• Denies any diarrhea, fevers, dysuria or other
concept complaints.
map • No appetite today.
• ROS otherwise negative
• Past Medical History: negative
• Past Surgical History: negative
• Meds: none
• Social hx: no alcohol, tobacco or drug use
• Family hx: non-contributory
• Physical Exam
• T: 37.8, HR: 95, BP 118/76, R: 18, O2 sat:
100% room air
• Uncomfortable appearing, slightly pale
• Abdomen: soft, non-distended, tender to
palpation in
• RLQ with mild guarding; hypoactive bowel
• Genital exam: Normal
1. What is your differential diagnosis?
a. Rationalize your diagnosis by providing
pertinent facts about the disease
b. Include other signs and symptoms not
Questions manifested by your client.
c. Provide necessary diagnostic procedure
and laboratory exam, treatment including
medications, and nursing care plan
2. Develop the concept map for your client by following
guidelines below:
2.1There was no right or wrong way to do the map.
2.2 The map should be what you felt was useful
2.3 Identify relevant concepts in the material. From this
2.4 identification a hierarchical structure is developed
selecting appropriate linkages from valid
2.5 The client is the center of the map
2. 6 Include somewhere on the map:
a. Risk factors (Violet)
b. Pathophysiology (PINK)
c. Medical diagnosis (RED)
d. Assessment data (signs, symptoms, test
pertinent history) (GREEN)
e. Nursing diagnoses (Yellow)
f. Goals and outcome criteria (BLUE)
g. Nursing interventions (ORANGE)
h. Evaluation (BLACK)
2.8 Show the connections between the parts of the
nursing process by using lines or arrows.
Note: Color coding just an example. You can use your
own color

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