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Date 2021‐09‐23

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So as to appreciate the ambition of China to realize world political system, the Sino leadership has long claimed sole
ownership of the South China ocean to realize management of golden waterways. To the current end, Peoples Republic of
China revealed its own map of the region that shows nearly entire portion of South China ocean to be a part of the Chinese
sovereign territory. The notable “Nine Dash Line” may be a symbolic manifestation of Chinese political system over the
Although China marked the ill‐famed line as early as Dec of 1947, it ne’er gained the merited world attention and critique
thus far, a time once China has begun to emerge as a powerful challenger within the world organization. The globe
remained oblivious towards the demarcation for over five decades however finally, in 2010, mountain climber Clinton,
Secretary of State to the Obama Administration, self‐addressed the problem during a meeting at the association forum.
Since then, the problem has surfaced each currently and so with each facet declarative the honesty of its own claim. In fact,
China is thus fascinated by the strategic significance of the South China ocean that it’s began militarizing variety of islands
inside the ocean. The social control of the Spratly Islands may be a vital example during this regard. This social control by
China began in 2014 and continues until date.
Significance of South China Sea wrt Military/ Defense:
The maritime space of South China ocean is that the center of huge social control similarly as military alliance maneuvering
campaigns on a part of its major stakeholders. The explanation behind such high level defense defrayment on this region
by the nations of the globe, particularly China, is that the intention of China to revert the encroachment of USA into its own
territorial grounds. United States claims the South China ocean, particularly its strategically goldmine Spratly Islands lie
inside the maritime neck of the woods of body of water. Moreover, the maritime lanes of South China ocean function a
major artery for the military of the state.
This is as a result of the Seventh Fleet of the united states includes a constant routine to transit between the Pacific and
Indian Oceans at regular intervals. These regular visits need maritime security for the troops to hold on swimmingly.
Together with this, the region conjointly acts as a powerful military base for China just in case of a complete War with the
enemies. Just in case there’s an instantaneous military confrontation between the us and China, the importance of South
China ocean is plain. This truth has been more illustrated with the assistance of a recent article by Gregory Poling {in
that|during which|within which} the author explains the varied suggests that through which this region will act as a military
base for the Chinese government against yank onslaught similarly as offer sturdy strategic ground for counter strike. He
“The islands have goodish military price for Peking, contrary to some standard knowledge that has written off the worth of
those facilities during a conflict.”
He argues that during a time of peace, these islands offer the us with abundant required powerful leverage. On the
opposite hand, if, sadly, war ensues, these strategic points to rescue assist Chinese government in ways in which over
simply being soldier. These islands have a vast role to play in providing military strength, situational awareness, and logistic
data to the Chinese government. The situation of those islands is good for Peking to put in anti‐ship and anti‐air missiles
so as to form certain that the service fleet of the enemy, either United States or the other regional force, will be stopped
from coming into the region.
Moreover, the placement of the South China ocean and its cluster of strategically placed islands have the power to stay the
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enemy cornered, for the dimensions of a number of the facilities makes posture assault a really troublesome task. A
number of these islands like Mischief and Subi Reefs are thus huge that in conjunction with terribly high level long‐range
standard exactitude strike needs, US Navy would wish an unreal quantity of strength to undertake a ordered assault and
complete neutralization of the military bases within the islands. Last however not the smallest amount, the famous Spratly
outposts of China within the South China ocean is the most frontier of China’s rising missile submarine bastion. Therefore,
in perspective of the defense dynamic, the importance of South China ocean additionally will increase manifold.
Economic Significance of South China Sea:
The economic advantages and importance coupled with the South China ocean has been evident since day one. As
mentioned earlier, this region contains a number of the foremost vital shipping lanes of the globe that are indispensable
for the sleek flow of worldwide trade. The most lane of shipping spreading between the Pacific and Indian Ocean ports is
disbursed through the Strait of Malacca and also the South China ocean. Throughout this mercantilism, oil and natural
resources area unit shipped towards north whereas food and made product move towards the south. These maritime lanes
are the jugular veins of international flow of capital and product and so, the economic significance of the South China
ocean is self evident. However, the discussion relating to the quantity of this region isn’t restricted to its strategic location
rather there area unit alternative avenues of business enterprise significance in addition. South China ocean may be a
supply of wild and undiscovered natural resources embedded in its sea bottom.
There is a large kind of resources that the legitimate sovereign state will have every right to explore and exploit. One
amongst those limitless resources is that the abundance of marine life. South China ocean is jam‐packed with workplace of
all types and sorts. Major varieties of ocean fauna embrace numerous species of tuna, mackerel, croaker, anchovy, shrimp
in addition as shellfish. This assortment of ocean food is that the main supply of sea animal macromolecule to the region
of geographic region.

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