Pob Assignment

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Tanoya Harrison

List 3 types of trade unions.

1) Labour Union
2) Craft union
3) General union

List and discuss 2 trade unions in Jamaica.

1) Bustamante industrial trade union

2) Jamaica civil service Association

BITU- ​The Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU) is a trade union center in Jamaica
established by Sir Alexander Bustamante and Mr. Givans. It is affiliated with the global
union federation - International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering,
Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association.

JTA-​ ​The ​Jamaica Teachers​' ​Association​ is a democratic organization responsible for

the enhancement and protection of the economic welfare, professional development,
and personal well being of its members and the promotion of the educational interests
of the country of ​Jamaica​.

• Consultation
• Suggestion box
• Meetings
• Bulletins
• Reports
• Memorandum
• Intercom
• Telephone
• Electronic mail
• Records
• Interviews/ Face to face communication

Using the list above, group them using the following headings
• Written
• Oral
• Visual
• Electronic


Suggestion box
Interviews/ Face to face communication





Electronic mail

List two advantages and disadvantages of each channel

● Immediate Feedback
● Saves time


● Relying only on ​oral​ communication may not be sufficient as business

communication is formal and very organized.
● Oral​ communication is less authentic than written communication as they are
informal and not as organized as written communication.

Written advantages-
● It is suitable for long-distance ​communication​ and repetitive standing orders.
● It creates a permanent record of evidence.

● Disadvantages-

● ​Written communication​ is less personal than oral ​communication​, making it

less ideal for emotional messages.
● Possibility of Miscommunication.

Visual advantages-
● ​Visual​ aids can deliver information more directly.
● Visual communication​ is more flexible than verbal ​communication​.

● A potential downside of ​visual communication​ involves the use of poorly
designed ​visual​ aids that are difficult to understand or see. If irrelevant
information is presented, images can also be distracting and impede the
understanding of concepts they should be trying to clarify.

Electronic advantages-
● Speedy transmission:​ It requires only a few seconds to communicate through
electronic media because it supports quick transmission.
● Wide coverage:​ World has become a global village and communication around
the globe requires a second only.

● The volume of data:​ The volume of telecommunication information is increasing
at such a fast rate that business people are unable to absorb it within the relevant
time limit.
● The cost of development:​ Electronic communication requires huge investment
for infrastructural development. Frequent change in technology also demands
further investment.

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