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Vendors: Line Items (Direct) - SAP Documentation

Vendors: Line Items (Direct)

InfoCube: 0FIAP_R30

Provides vendor line item data based on data transfer process for direct access.

Data Modeling

Object Type Name Technical Name

InfoObject Account type 0ACCT_TYPE

InfoObject Accounting document number 0AC_DOC_NO

InfoObject Document type 0AC_DOC_TYP

InfoObject Allocation Number 0ALLOC_NMBR

InfoObject Change Run ID 0CHNGID

InfoObject Chart of accounts 0CHRT_ACCTS

InfoObject Clearing date 0CLEAR_DATE

InfoObject Company code 0COMP_CODE

InfoObject Country Key 0COUNTRY

InfoObject Account number of supplier/vendor 0CREDITOR

InfoObject Foreign currency amount with signs (+/-) 0DEB_CRE_DC

InfoObject Amount in Local Currency with +/- Signs 0DEB_CRE_LC

InfoObject Document currency 0DOC_CURRCY

InfoObject Document Date 0DOC_DATE

InfoObject Fiscal year / period 0FISCPER

InfoObject Fiscal year variant 0FISCVARNT

InfoObject Item Status 0FI_DOCSTAT

InfoObject G/L Account 0GL_ACCOUNT

InfoObject Number of line item within accounting document 0ITEM_NUM

InfoObject Local currency 0LOC_CURRCY

InfoObject Due date for net payment 0NETDUEDATE

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Vendors: Line Items (Direct) - SAP Documentation

Object Type Name Technical Name

InfoObject Item Text 0POSTXT

InfoObject Posting date in the document 0PSTNG_DATE

InfoObject Payment method 0PYMT_METH

InfoObject Record type 0RECORDTP

InfoObject Reference document number 0REF_DOC_NO

InfoObject Request ID 0REQUID

InfoObject Special G/L indicator 0SP_GL_IND

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