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Peter Andrew D Berino 26/08/2021


Metacognitive Reading Report 1 (MRR1)

1. What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the reading?

1. First of all, I'm not interested in this kind of concept. I always think
that Self, Self-Concept, or Identity are almost the same thing, and
they are very similar to each other. But what is in the article showed
differences about them. After reading the article, I realized that the
self is more mental representation than physical. It's like an image
that we have created for ourselves, while identity is what we are in
other people's perspectives. Yet, both of them still have similarities,
but sometimes it's better to focus on the differences.

2. I've also learned about Self-Concept. It is much similar to Self than

Identity. It is like how you present your behavior to others. For
example, you're saying that "I'm a funny friend" or "I'm a bad
friend." Self Esteem is also a part of self-concept. It evaluates one's
opinion of themselves, if it is good self-esteem or bad.

3. Metacognitive Experience is also a thing that I've learned in this

article. It refers to people's Experience of thinking about their
actions and feelings. It is also related to people's thinking about
task-making. Metacognitive experiences are influenced by our
cognitive skills such as reading, thinking, speaking, and others.
Metacognitive skills are like people's self-awareness in their thinking
ability and other cognitive skills.
2. What three (3) things about the reading are unclear to you?

1. After reading the article, I’ve learned some important things but also
left some other things too. One of the things that still unclear to me
is Dynamic Construction. I still don’t know the concept about this
topic and looking forward to learn it in the future.

2. The inclusion and Exclusion procedure is also a topic that I don't fully
understand. I know that it is used to identify people's judgment on
others, but I don't know how it will work or how it is going to be a
help to the person who has been affected by this issue.

3. I’ve also not learned about the purpose of Dual-processing model

and how it works.

3. What three (3) questions that you want to ask about the reading?

1. I want to ask about the things and readings that are still unclear to me,
like what dynamic construction is, what is the purpose of this kind of
concept is. How significant it is in the self-concept topics.

2. I've also wanted to ask about the inclusion and exclusion procedure and
what it is going to do in people's judgment.

3. Finally, I want to ask about the Dual-processing model and what it is

used for.

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